A Caution
Just remember…we might replace the RINO candidates. (Or we might not. The record is mixed even though there is more MAGA than there used to be.) But that will make no difference in the long run if the party officials, basically the Rhonna McDaniels (or however that’s spelled–I suspect it’s RINO), don’t get replaced.
State party chairs, vice chairs, secretaries and so on, and the same at county levels, have huge influence on who ultimately gets nominated, and if these party wheelhorses are RINOs, they will work tirelessly to put their own pukey people on the ballot. In fact I’d not be surprised if some of our “MAGA” candidates are in fact, RINO plants, encouraged to run by the RINO party leadership when they realized that Lyn Cheney (and her ilk) were hopelessly compromised as effective candidates. The best way for them to deal with the opposition, of course, is to run it themselves.
Running good candidates is only HALF of the battle!
SPECIAL SECTION: Message For Our “Friends” In The Middle Kingdom
I normally save this for near the end, but…basically…up your shit-kicking barbarian asses. Yes, barbarian! It took a bunch of sailors in Western Asia to invent a real alphabet instead of badly drawn cartoons to write with. So much for your “civilization.”
Yeah, the WORLD noticed you had to borrow the Latin alphabet to make Pinyin. Like with every other idea you had to steal from us “Foreign Devils” since you rammed your heads up your asses five centuries ago, you sure managed to bastardize it badly in the process.
Have you stopped eating bats yet? Are you shit-kickers still sleeping with farm animals?
Or maybe even just had the slightest inkling of treating lives as something you don’t just casually dispose of?
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
And here’s my response to barbarian “asshoes” like you:
OK, with that rant out of my system…
Biden Gives Us Too Much Credit
…we can move on to the next one.
Apparently Biden (or his puppeteer) has decided we’re to blame for all of the fail in the United States today.
Sorry to disappoint you Joe (or whoever), but you managed to do that all on your own; not only that, you wouldn’t let us NOT give you the chance because you insisted on cheating your way into power.
Yep, you-all are incompetent, and so proud of it you expect our applause for your sincerity. Fuck that!!
It wouldn’t be so bad, but you insist that everyone else have to share in your misery. Nope, can’t have anyone get out from under it. Somehow your grand vision only works if every single other person on earth is forced to go along. So much as ONE PERSON not going along is enough to make it all fail, apparently.
In engineering school we’re taught that a design that has seven to eight billion single points of failure…sucks.
Actually, we weren’t taught that. Because it would never have occurred to the professors to use such a ridiculous example.
Justice Must Be Done.
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Spot Prices
All prices are Kitco Ask, 3PM MT Friday (at that time the markets close for the weekend).
Last Week:
Gold $1,866.70
Silver $23.92
Platinum $1,100.00
Palladium $1,889.00
Rhodium $13,250.00
So here it is, Friday, 3PM MT after markets closed and we see:
Gold $1,921,60
Silver $24.38
Platinum $1,073.00
Palladium $1,863.00
Rhodium $13,000.00
Gold is going somewhere–we’re not at record levels (~$2070), but at the rate things are going it won’t be long, unless of course it reverses course (let’s face it: “they” will do their darndest to make that happen). Silver is too, though not as much. The others…not very much at all. This looks like the prime “pusher” is people worried about the economy. They will tend to pick gold over silver…and the other metals won’t share in that.
My gut feel is that it will end up dropping again, hard. If I am wrong and the dollar is going to collapse to the point where you can pay off your house with a silver dime because silver is at a million toilet-paper bucks an ounce…well, so be it.
If inflation gets THAT bad, expect your credit card companies to amend their agreements so as to index your balance to inflation. And certainly any other new loan. But old car and house loans cannot be amended!
How Far Are the Stars?
Thanks to Hollywood, it’s easy to imagine that since we’ve gone to the Moon (and yes, we have gone to the Moon), the planets are just one step away–one we inexplicably didn’t just take right after Apollo–and the stars one more step after that.
The moon’s orbit’s semi-major axis (which is one half of the length of the elliptical orbit, measured across the longest part; this serves as a good average distance) is 384,399 kilometers. But you should subtract the earth’s radius from that, as well as the moon’s, as it’s center-to-center. Let’s call it, very roughly, 375,000 kilometers.
Compare that to the distance between the earth and the sun, one “astronomical unit” of 149,597,870.7 kilometers. It’s 398.9 times as far…call it four hundred times. And these are the sorts of distances we’d have to travel to get to Mars. Sure it gets closer to us than 150 million kilometers, but we would not be traveling that shortest distance; we’d be using a “Hohmann Transfer” or something very similar to that (because it would take a lot less delta-V to do that; i.e, a lot less fuel), and that would easily be over 300 million kilometers.
Traveling 400-800 times as far is not a “small step.”
Compare Columbus traveling 3000 miles or so (one way) to the sorts of things people did before him, where they hugged the coastline but often traveled thousands of miles. Comparatively speaking, that’s a much smaller jump than going to Mars, having gone to the Moon, would be.
This is in large part why we’ve been doing everything with robot probes. It takes them as long as it would take astronauts, but they don’t have to bring along food and life support for months or years of travel…so that makes it possible to do it with smaller rockets…smaller meaning rockets smaller than a mountain.
Neptune, the outermost planet, is at about 30 AUs distance; that’s a 15-fold jump over a trip to Mars. Significant, especially when you consider the time it would take, but not that big a jump from getting to Mars. If we can start sending people to Mars, it won’t be that much harder to go other places (assuming there’s something there at the other end that’s not instantly lethal…and let’s face it Jupiter’s moons are mostly close enough to Jupiter’s radiation belts that astronauts would be broiled alive without a lot of heavy shielding…and that word “heavy” is a deal breaker). But, nonetheless, the planets are at similar distances to each other…compared to the jump it will be to go from moon travel to planetary travel.
What about the stars?
Proxima Centuari is the nearest star. And it is 268,000 AUs away. In other words it’s basically ten thousand times as far as Neptune.
We could have Southwest Spaceways running daily (except when their computers go tango uniform) trips to Neptune for tourists…and we’d be nowhere near ready for star travel. For a number of reasons, the main one of which would be having to go a thousand times as fast just to get there in a lifetime. But that’s just a consequence of the YUGE jump in distance.
That day we first set out for the stars, will represent a “giant leap for mankind” bigger than everything before it, put together.
Calculus Made Easy (No Joke)
This is a conceptual introduction to calculus; the meat of it starts about three minutes in–assuming, of course, that it posts at all! There’s no actual math drudgery involved for the conceptual part (though he does start flinging it at you around 12 minutes or so), though you do need to understand graphs. You should come out of it with an understanding of what integration and differentiation are, even if you don’t actually know how to do them.
If it buggers up here’s the link: h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuOxDh3egN0 (remove the space).
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
China is Lower than Whale Shit
Remember Hong Kong!!!
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
China is in the White House
Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.
Joe Biden is Asshoe
China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.
But of course the much more important thing to realize:
Joe Biden Didn’t Win
乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!
South Dakota – Grass roots came so close to getting MAGAs elected that RINO establishment (Thune) was pizzled and they’re voting behind closed doors tomorrow to change rules to prevent them from doing it next time. 🤬
Bernie Marcus (Home Depot) endorsed Harmeet. He’s the money man, all the others will follow his lead, so Harmeet is gonna de-throne Ronna. 🤸♀️🤸♀️ Sure wish she’d keep Lindell on as an advisor for Branding, Marketing, etc. He’s a Master, has really good ideas. I like Harmeet, so we’ll see. Some Dude thinks she’s too focused on the money.
GO GOLD!!! 🤸♀️🤸♀️🤸♀️
Oopsie, Anyone wanna change the header from 12-10 to 12-14?
Seems they almost always have an answer for things, but marvelous, if it happens!
YOU TUBE VIDEO!!! 🤸♀️🤸♀️🤸♀️
Gonna try me some of this action!
Dayum! It worked!
Let me try one…
Well, Lookie there 🙂
Welcome to the Grand illusion
Come on in and see what’s happening
Pay the price, get your tickets for the show
The stage is set, the band starts playing
Suddenly your heart is pounding
Wishing secretly you were a star
But don’t be fooled by the radio
The TV or the magazines
They show you photographs of how your life should be
But they’re just someone else’s fantasy
So if you think your life is complete confusion
Because you never win the game
Just remember that it’s a grand illusion
And deep inside we’re all the same
We’re all the same
I think some people are trying to look like that today, not realizing that life isn’t a picture show.
The Millennial generation is desperately seeking RELEVANCE.
My youngest son, on the cusp of Gen Z and Millennial, talked to me about this a few days ago. He sees it.
The Greatest Generation had WWII. The Boomers had counterculture and the Vietnam War protests. Gen X (me) had the “slacker cool” phenomenon.
Millennials are irrelevant in their own minds. They can’t find a zeitgeist. According to my son, they are ruined (his word). The authors of The Fourth Turning define Millennials as a Third Turning generation, which is one of “unraveling.” And it feels that way, doesn’t it? Like the culture is falling apart?
The only part of the Fourth Turning theory I disagree with is the span of the Millennial generation. They say it lasts until people born after 2004. But I don’t see it that way. The group I consider to be true Millennials stops at about 1995. They are all now in their very late twenties to thirties. All of my son’s mid-twenties aged friends do NOT act like the Millennials. They are different. They blend in with the Gen Z cohort much more readily.
My spawn is a millenial but he sure doesn’t act like one.
A little, maybe. Well, not that much. 🤔
Good raising.
Thanks Wolfie, 01-14 is even better!! 😂
Still needed fixing when I saw it, what did wolfie do?
The Header on page is fixed 01.14, but it’s still jacked in the URL 12-10
Got it!
Yep, it magically corrected when I refreshed! You fast!!
WordPress keeps moving the places I have to fix things, but I know they’re somewhere!
I knew about the URL, but didn’t know if I could fix it.
OBTW last week’s url is wrong too…I misdated the column for the 6th, but I caught the goof before anyone else did and fixed the title.
Got it!
FYI… My notification bell works again 🙂
🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️
It hasn’t worked for over a month…. Now it does 🙂
So Mr. Steve fixed the header and Wolfie fixed the 2nd part of the URL.
My work is done, Ni Ni everyone. 🥱😴
Double nickels to you as well!
I just edited the URL for final cleanup. You got the header!
The Q Tree — A Collaborative Blog…..
Distributed computing at its best
LOL, I was looking at the 1st part of the URL and saw 1/14 when I typed this and assumed Wolf fixed it.
Yeah, that’s the publication time, which (at least) I did actually get right…not like last New Year’s!
Well, CRAP. Thanks for the ping on my goof.
What goof? 😜
I’m 2-0 on fixes tonight. 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️
Midnight Snack? 😋
You know, I actually DIDN’T have bacon last weekend.
I had bought salmon patties from someplace, and forgot about them. The garage is cool, but not cool enough to keep them from defrosting. So I ended up binging on salmon patties last weekend.
Not bad, but not bacon.
Ah, but with bacon…..
It’s perfectly fine for Harmeet to be focused on the money, because money is necessary if we want to win. If it wasn’t, Zuckerbucks would be irrelevant.
Will she SPEND the money on the RIGHT THINGS, that is the question.
Yep – don’t get why people automatically go there when money backs a potential winner. Money became money for a reason. Money backs winners that benefits them. Money sided with Ronna until money got tired of losing.
it’s what they do with it that matters.
Spot on.
Harmeet wants it too much. Zero trust.
Each one of them wants it. Reasons may vary.
I’ll trust Harmeet’s reasons over Ronna’s!!!
And Lindell’s over Harmeet’s‼‼
Except that Mike MyPillow is not going to be the next RNC chair.
Stop raining on my Parade!! ☂😛☂
If you don’t “want” it (about anything in life)….
You WON’T get it.
And a lot of times you won’t get it, even if you do want it.
True, but if you don’t WANT it…. you won’t try to get it.
But you know what the philosopher Jagger says 😁
If you try sometimes
You just might find
You get what you need
I remember when that happened. The train was proceeding through a remote and mountainous area of India, and the robbers had planned to clean out the whole train. They had already gone through the car where the girl and the Gurkha were and taken everyone’s wallets, but they came back for the girl.
The reason that he only killed and injured eleven of the approximately 40 robbers is that word got out that there was a riled-up Gurkha in one of the cars and the other robbers began jumping off the moving train.
The traditional knife of the Gurkha is called the kukri. Even Paul Hogan might have some respect for one.
You mean this?
That looks like a nicer, smaller example. There are large, two-handed versions.
Blades of 12″ to 14″ seem common.
He would, it’s a lot bigger than that dinky switchblade the mugger tried to use.
Technically, they can be either knives or short swords.
“Short Swords”… Only if it has a wrist brace?
Another fun detail was that the Gurkha handed over his wallet along with everyone else when the robbers first came through his car. As noted by his disdain for a monetary reward, this didn’t bother him very much. But when they came back and started manhandling the girl out of her chair, she said something like, “will no gentleman preserve my honor?” — and it was On like Donkey Kong.
He received minor injuries during the fracas, as can be seen in the photo. He also received military awards. But, as they say in credit card commercials, “becoming a famous defender of virtue and honor — priceless.”
Here’s a source — https://www.wearethemighty.com/mighty-history/nepalese-warrior-train-robbery/
And she is reported to have said, “You are a soldier, please save a sister.”
From there, it was only going to go one way.
“she said something like, “will no gentleman preserve my honor?”
So it was a Victorian scene?
Some of the robbers that jumped had firearms, as well as some of the casualties.
During the Falklands war the Brits took Gurkha’s with them. In one skirmish the Argentine troops heard they were up against Gurkha’s and rapidly departed.
Good work!
Interesting new twist on Twitter….
“My daughter didn’t take the shot and she’s alive” tweet with photo.
Smart and pretty girl!
Love it!
What a beautiful girl. I wish I could hitch her up with my youngest.
Wish I was her age so I could impress her with my wit and wisdom.
Of course, I barely had a fraction then of what I have now, and what I have now ain’t all that great.
But I get by.
We all get better with age, IMHO.
Lol! I self-identify as a rare French cheese.
Camembert d’Aubergine…?
Lol! At least Camembert doesn’t stink!
1999 Dom Perignon here.
VA superintendent: School administrators tipped that 6-year-old was armed before teacher was shot
The teacher had no warning and was shot in the chest with life-threatening injuries. She is now in stable condition.
Not good. Lots of ways they could have handled this.
Well, yeah. They could have snatched the little shit up by the hair and put him somewhere until they figured out what was going on.
Kids in school should not be treated like fragile porcelain dolls.
Assuming he knows who his father is.
Since there’s so few details, I have a sneaking suspicion that this is a kid of color, probably from drug/crime ridden household. Change my mind.
I wouldn’t try, cause I think you’re right!
Yup. IMO they raided Trump as part of a cover-up strategy.
I’m calling Photoshop! 😉
You mean they’re not real???
It’s creepy…
Agreed. “Adultification of infants” seems weird, TBH.
The same can be said for infantilization of adults. But that is a daily occurrence and not as “cute”.
Yup. Cringe back then, and remains so.
He deleted it because someone reminded mister dragonpoo that the grammar is such that one must be in office in order to disqualify from future office holding. IOW, one cannot add or subtract words when determining the meaning of a statute.
So that’s about Trump, not JB. Trump was not in office when the records were discovered, so that discovery could not disqualify him from holding office in the future (if Trump had actually done anything wrong).
JB, on the other hand, can now be removed from office and disqualified from future office-holding.
Also POTUS Trump can declassify just by taking the documents while in office.
ALL secret clearances and I would think ALL secret classifications stem DIRECTLY from the PRESIDENT. He has just DELEGATED HIS AUTHORITY to others.
Didn’t BiteMe just hire Elias?
If yea, Elias certainly doesn’t want that TW out there. Tossing his client, BiteMe under the bus.
^^^ I had it wrong. BiteMe hired Bob Bauer. Elias deleted TW nails BiteMe.
That was originally intended for Trump, to keep him from running again.
Bauer is Elias’ Boss, SWAMP CHIEF.
18 U.S. Code § 2071 – Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally
How does the phrase”…𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗳𝘂𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘂𝗻𝗹𝗮𝘄𝗳𝘂𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗮𝗹𝘀,….” apply to the DOJ and FBI and Hunter’s Laptop???
Great Question!
Bannon quoted another code yesterday that was 10yrs/count.
Fascinating info about the size of the universe and distances to celestial bodies. I look forward to watching the calculus video.
And remember that is the nearest star. The galaxy is 25,000 times as wide as that distance.
And that’s just this galaxy; the nearest large galaxy is 500,000 times as far as the nearest star. That’s (proportionately) speaking “only” twenty times farther than the other side of this galaxy.
The jump from interplanetary travel to interstellar travel is, proportionately, far greater than any of the other steps.
But of course unless we find a way to go faster than light (basically impossible based on what we know today), getting across our own galaxy cannot take less than 100,000 years, so it will always be a pipe dream.
I bring this whole topic up because I am exasperated with the way that Hollywood seems to think stars aren’t all that far away, or they just get the relative scale wrong. Take Stargate SG-1…those symbols couldn’t possibly give you an accurate enough location with only six of them, that’s 1600x1600x1600 if there are 40 different kinds of symbols; that’s enough to specify a particular cube of space about 50 light years across…which would include hundreds if not thousands of stars. OK which one is the one with the stargate? (And they described it as being a set of coordinates at least once.)
Warp Speed Scottie!
100,000 years to go from Point A to Point B is incomprehensible! Hollywood cheats on details all the time, especially ones like that where not many people would be aware. Stars are depicted in popular culture as pretty or romantic or something to make a wish on.
Mozart: “Ah! vous dirai je maman” (tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”)
(Luck ran out on posting YouTube.)
Gonna run a test. Here it is again, shortly after another one worked for me…..
Let’s try the one that just worked for me…..
It’s video-dependent from YouTube.
But is it dependent on the video’s encoding?
Don’t think so. It’s time-dependent on the same videos, but at the level of hours.
Verrrrrrry Interestinggggg….
Things are looking better by the hour, too.
Glad you’re on it 🙂
I can forgive Hollywood, or any SF, for postulating a faster-than-light drive of some sort, based on what we don’t we don’t know yet.
But having the USS Enterprise take a year to get between two planets in the same system just because the warp drive is out (impulse drive can go much faster than that) yet Warp 2 gets you to a nearby star in days (not at only 8x the speed of light it doesn’t! Try half a year!) And in other places in-system travel under warp speed takes days…well, someone just doesn’t know the basic facts.
“But of course unless we find a way to go faster than light (basically impossible based on what we know today), getting across our own galaxy cannot take less than 100,000 years, so it will always be a pipe dream.”
Two words.
Okay, one word, but a compound.
Or as Beavis would say, Wormholio.
It works. I saw it on Farscape 👍 😁
In fact, a wormhole–if it’s even possible–would probably destroy anything that went through it. Spaghettification (and no, I didn’t make the word up).
And the sand-castle virtues are all swept away in
The tidal destruction
The moral melee.
The elastic retreat rings the close of play as the last wave uncovers
The newfangled way.
[emph added]
Funny that. ST-TNG alluded to that by having a character describe the mechanism of a transporter in order to explain his phobia about using the transporter. Barclay was the character IIRC.
People of the Earth can you hear me?
Came a voice from the sky on that magical night
And in the colors of a thousand sunsets
They traveled to the world on a silvery light
The people of the Earth stood waiting
Watching as the ships came one by one
Setting fire to the sky as they landed
Carrying to the world Children Of The Sun
Children of the sun
All at once came a sound from the inside
Then a beam made of light hit the ground
Everyone felt the sound of their heartbeat
Every Man – Every Woman – Every Child
They passed the limits of imagination
Through the door – to a world – of another time
And on a journey of a thousand lifetimes
With the Children Of The Sun – They started to climb
Children of the sun, children of the sun
No more gravity, nothing holding them down
Floating endlessly, as their ship leaves the ground
Through the walls of time – at the speed of light
Fly the crystal ships on their celestial flight
On their celestial flight
Children of the sun, children of the sun
Children of the sun…
Steve, assuming the Milky Way is a suburb, where is the first city galaxy and how many light years distant? For the purposes of answering this question assume the city is 5 times larger than the suburb.
Yikes, you’re basically asking for the nearest galaxy at five times the mass of the Milky Way (if I read you right). M-31 (“Andromeda Galaxy”) is usually quoted at 2x, and that’s two million light years away; it’s the one I was thinking of in my comment. That’s a very close neighbor cosmologically speaking. And both we and they are “full size” galaxies.
That’s a hard search to run. But, I can bound it, because Messier-87 is famous for being big and it’s relatively close. Messier 87 is big, some claim even 200x the size of the Milky Way galaxy, and it’s roughly 55 million light years away. (Both numbers, mass and distance, are hard to measure.) So whatever the “city” is, it is either M-87 and the answer is 55 million light years, or it’s something else closer than that.
If you mean physical size (i.e., diameter, volume) there’s a wikipedia page full of lists of galaxies: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_galaxies but unfortunately that page doesn’t give distances. And even then it’s a tough question to answer; galaxies don’t have hard edges. It would be like trying to put a hard boundary on a fog bank. (“Here, you’re inside it…one millimeter that way, you’re outside of it.”) Stars in a galaxy just get less and less frequent as you get further away from the center. At what point are you outside of it? And there are probably lone stars everywhere, at least within galaxy clusters (many are flung out of their parent galaxies when two galaxies “collide” (pass through each other, in fact), so the frequency of stars never drops quite to zero.
And of course new things are being discovered constantly; it’s estimated that there are 100 billion galaxies observable; with that many we’ll never have good data on all of them.
Thanks Steve. I was thinking in terms of volume not mass but all that information is great. The bottom line is it will be a long bus ride so I better get some Power bars for the trip.
Just don’t get the vax, you’ll need the extra time.
I like experiments but not that kind. Don’t even take the flu offer. I will accept a tetanus shot very ten years if I haven’t read that it has been updated.
It wasn’t that long ago that I traveled to the tropics and cheerfully took seven vaccines before going, and three boosters (for two of the seven) after I got back.
I’d be wary now, because who knows what else they want to slip into the Hepatitis B vaccine (just to name one of them).
Yes tetanus was one of them, but there were plenty of others including for a couple of diseases I had never heard of before.
And of course anti-malarials, but those were pills that continued after returning.
I have never been to the tropics so I have never faced that decision. The truth is I no longer trust the pharmaceutical firms. In the 20th century I had a different opinion but as Ronald Reagan said, “I never left Pfiser, Pfiser left me.
Yeah, like I said TODAY I’d be leery, not of those vaxxes (which so far as I know met stringent standards that the covid jab did not) but of the question of whether they, and only they, would be what I’d actually be given.
You can not even get a stand alone tetanus any more!
It is now Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap) vaccine.
And some weirdness from Fripp Manor —
Just how many closets of costumes/clothes does she have, anyway?
I’ll see your Toya and raise you a Lisa G! (a.k.a. Kubernetes Girl)
OK, let’s see if I can get Goldfrapp going here….
Incidentally, the reason you don’t see very many of those acrylic basses is not because they’re particularly difficult to make — it’s because they are heavy like you would not believe.
It’s gonna give me a seizure, the editor won’t leave the camera focused on anything for more than 3 seconds.
Instead of a natural live performance experience, it’s like an assault!
With Goldfrapp, it’s entirely intentional.
Try this and see if it’s any better —
My speakers won’t play Wang Chung 😂
Heavy… like a Les Paul?
I never played an acrylic Bass…..
I did however just pick up an SG Bass to go along with my BC Rich.
Now I gotta ask hubby, when he gets back from a lunch hangout w/ a buddy, what the compositions of his basses are…inquiring minds 🙂
I know he’s got a couple Schechters & an Ernie(‘s) Ball(s) 😉
Most are wood.
Yes we checked earlier today & found of his 5 basses all are wood: 3 Schechters, an Ernie Ball, & an Ibanez 🙂
I have an ancient SG bass with wooden saddles at the bridge. There’s so little punch, it sounds like you’re playing in another room.
Mine is cherry red with 2 Humbuckers.
Sounds pretty good through a Peavey TNT and a Zoom Pedal 🙂
Let’s see if we can talk about spike protein on YouTube now…..
Holy schist! YouTube is working again, it would appear!
Kids in the Candy Store!! 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️
(Maybe it was that Russian stuff🤣)
How about a Hallelujah!!!
I just edited the post and got the two non-working YouTube videos to take!
It was a curse that expired on Friday the 13th.
Sure seems that way!
Thank Heaven
What in the HELL is wrong with the wrong media? It’s suddenly RIGHT.
I can’t believe that CSPAN is actually reporting this! What’s next? NPR?
As if he didn’t know.
Wait until he gets the briefing from the FBI on the FBI.
As if he doesn’t know.
LOL not holding my breath here 🙂
Travis Tritt went there on Lisa Marie!
In his honor…..
Kudos to Travis Tritt. He’s single handedly shaming the celeb class for their intentional ignorance.
“In order to continue advancing their illogical arguments modern liberals have to pretend not to know things”…David Mamet
I believe we have crested the peak, and are on the downslope.
D5 incoming. Get ready.
As I said yesterday, Lisa Marie Presley is the ONE recent “sudden unexplainable death” I think is most likely NOT to be the Jab.
So it would be ironic if she were the tipping point.
Well, she could be dead because of the jab. Or she could not. It doesn’t matter, though, because it’s the fact that they don’t tell us why ANY of them are dying that is the catalyst.
If they said outright, Lisa Marie did NOT get the Covid shot, that would be one thing. Or if they said, we are investigating whether the shot caused her death.
But since all of these deaths are reported as “unknown” causes, people will speculate. And many more are coming to the conclusion that the clot-shot is killing lots of people.
To clarify, in case someone missed a fine distinction:
I said most likely not to be…which does not mean the same as “most likely isn’t,: just that it’s less certain than the football player or the tennis player or for that matter any of the athletes. She was older, in the range where heart attacks begin to happen, and apparently she did a lot of drugs.
Covid jab could have been the last straw (which wouldn’t surprise me), or it could have had nothing to do with it. But it’s less obviously The Jab than in those other cases, where I can’t see how it could have been anything else except in maybe ONE case (pick one at random) by happenstance.
Right. I get it.
I believe that Bhakdi and Burkhardt (the immunologist and the pathologist) were able to tell when it was due to the jab. McCullough also talks about the scarring mechanism.
I’m betting that there could easily be a pathological diagnostic method to confirm jab deaths.
And nobody will touch it.
“…I’m betting that there could easily be a pathological diagnostic method to confirm jab deaths.
And nobody will touch it.”
You mean like this:

Yep. EXCEPT when there is no clotting. They will invoke Mamet and not look any deeper. Heart scarring is key, IMO.
Cowards! 😡
If this stuff Can be known, then it Must be explored!!!
I’d bet you are correct.
“But since all of these deaths are reported as “unknown” causes, people will speculate.”
The cause isn’t ‘unknown‘, it’s Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, silly! 😁
Lol. I have to believe a few people are just dying of “natural causes.”
“Well, she could be dead because of the jab. Or she could not. It doesn’t matter, though, because it’s the fact that they don’t tell us why ANY of them are dying that is the catalyst.”
It could be that Lisa Marie struck a deeper chord.
The star power of Elvis Presley is still amazingly strong, and his fan base is devoted, and it crosses generational lines.
A lot of the lesser celebrities have name recognition but no deep connection with the public, the way Elvis did (and still does).
A lot of people will miss the announcement about Robbie Knievel for example, but nobody in the Elvis fan base is going to miss that Elvis’ daughter just ‘died suddenly’.
Something is happening!!!
^^^ A M E N ! ^^^
A refreshing listen.
I have a friend who calls us the “Slave Class.”
I have been calling us ‘Free ranging Slaves’ for years. Over fifty percent of our labor labor/wealth is CONFISCATED.
Time for a NEW PARTY!
“Time for a NEW PARTY!”
Or no party at all.
Like taking off and nuking the entire site from orbit.
It’s the only way to be sure.
Do not forget the Tuskegee experiments. You can BET the Blacks haven’t forgotten.
Raise a toast to Elon Musk!
(NOTE : trendingpoliticsnews. com is currently being posted frequently by George Papadopolous on his twitter. It has the same “click-baitey” smell to me as the other one (conservativebrief.com), which is allegedly paying “influencers” to post their stuff. There are probably others. CAVEAT EMPTOR !) :
Schiffty Schiff vs. QAnon on Twitter!!!
JUST IN: Another ‘Twitter Files’ Drop: More Adam Schiff Ban Requests – Twitter “Deamplified” Alleged Conservative Accounts They Say Were Linked to Q-Anon
January 13, 2023, 11:40 am by Cristina Laila
That’s us, guys and gals!!!
Couldn’t happen to a more deserving Schiff-head.
Hey, what about the Standard Hotel?
I think we might be ready to come back to that one!
See, now, I knew there had to be at least four people interested in my physics posts…if only they weren’t downgraded to the point where only three of them could see them.
A very insightful argument by Joe Rogan that you may or may not agree with – and that’s OK. Must listen!
It’s case by case for me. No blanket forgiveness for those who’ve doubled down on their support for the vaccines.
If they are medical personnel who are RESPONSIBLE for injecting people or used their medical credentials to entice people to get injected….𝗳𝘂𝗰𝗸 𝘆𝗼𝘂!
If they are Celebs or news urinalists who were PAID… 𝗳𝘂𝗰𝗸 𝘆𝗼𝘂!
Both sets I want to see brought up on criminal charges and AT MINIMUM get major fines ( as in ALL their wealth) confiscated and placed in a fund to PAY the vaccine injured.
For the IODIOTIC SHEEPLE? Yeah I will forgive them for being easily led sheep, but those PAID PIED PIPERS? … 𝗳𝘂𝗰𝗸 𝘆𝗼𝘂!
>>> Covidiot Injection “PUSHERS”, need to be stopped in their tracks. <<<
If you were a medical person who pushed the shots, no forgiveness from me.
And I disagree with him that he had access to conversations and information that others didn’t have. Who the fuck am I? Yet somehow, I accessed the information.
Trying this Youtube:
Working now.
97% of scientists agree is BOGUS!!!!
An oopsie in the Doran/Zimmerman 97% consensus claim
Anthony Watts goes into the actual survey and shows HOW they cheated.
First question:
Here anthony reports on a better survey. Note the younger scientists (aka BRAIN WASHED think ‘Climate Change will cause significant harm.
Of course if you understand that we are at the end of the Holocene warm period or at least at the bottom temperatures of a double precession cycle, then you are looking at “the Icehouse or the Madhouse’ — Neuman and Hearty (1996) (Paper has been removed so here is WUWT link to discussion.)
LI by way of Hoyt on Insty —
Why do we always see weak-sauce BS like this from Congress?
How about, “any agency that puts forth such stupid proposals deserves not to exist” — followed by a complete defund, elimination of the agency, and lifetime ban for hiring alumni? It’s not like we have any shortage of Federal busybodies. If we’d done this for all the toilets that don’t flush, dishwashers that don’t clean dishes, incandescent light bulb bans, and showerheads that take forever to rinse, we’d all be living better lives and bureaucrats might be more cautious in their pronouncements.
It’s not like you can find toilets and light bulbs in Article I, Section 8.
That’s because they’re in the missing [real] Thirteenth Amendment.
An ode to data visualization —
^^^ entertaining.
Accuracy. To get a bearing for the different camera angles note the half open double doors first seen bottom R/H corner when video starts…
“Russian artillery destroying Ukrainian infantry near Bakhmut” 06:10
Verse of the Day for Saturday, January 14, 2023
“Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Romans 8:39 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Interesting …
We called them “health Nazis” back in the 70s. Figures they’re on the same team as real Nazis.
Original Juneteenth Museum Burns Down
Dallas Express is a good source
Suspicious cat is suspicious
“What the hell!”
“Calculus Made Easy”, Sylvanus P. Thompson, 1851 – 1916

I’ve had his book for 40 years or so. It’s great!
A quote from the book – “Considering how many fools can calculate, it is surprising that it should be thought a difficult or a tedious task for any other fool to learn to master the same tricks.”
Senator John Kennedy takes a woke Biden judicial nominee to the woodshed.
Good job. We do NOT want this bitch on the bench. She’s some kind of commie.
“You Are The Only Person in The Milky Way, That Believes You Are Impartial.
I am Done, Mr. Chairman.”
LOL! That was fun!
We would do well to have more like Senator John Kennedy
He always cracks me up! 😂
Me too 🙂
The Milky Way…and I just got through explaining how big that is. 😀
Yea. I thought of your daily, as I posted Kennedy’s words.
Brilliant ! ! !
She needed some DANCE music!
I would NOT like to be an accused White Male in her court. One look and she would judge you GUILTY without bothering to hear the evidence!
Complicated business sorting all this out will be.
My daughter knows some young people now on blood thinners for life. This is a BIG thing that we will all pay for in the end.
Big Pharma needs to be BANKRUPTED.
China wants to make sure the pieces of IP land in China, IMO. We need to deconstruct the bad guys smartly, so that a new, HONEST pharma, free of Chinese influence, can arise in the US. That’s the road back to what we had before.
What we have now must be utterly destroyed. Then we can Build Back Better.
Money MUST stop playing its role in medicine and science.
AMEN. I think it will be critical to get the money connection OUT of government science. HHS, FDA, CDC are trying to serve two masters.
Would be nice to get it out of POLITICS as well.
It would be nice but it will never happen.
So long as government has power over people, some people will try to bribe it.
This would be greatly reduced, but not eliminated, if government were restricted to its proper role.
You can pass all the laws you want; they’ll just find loopholes.
Before medicare and medicaid came into being, back when hospitals really were charities, many were run by lay religious for next to nothing. As the money came into being in medicine and science, the charity disappeared.
The best hospital in Missoula, Montana is St. Pat’s. Founded by nuns.
Bivalent Covid-19 Vaccines — A Cautionary Tale
VRBPAC scientist/doctor who opposed the dismantling of clinical testing for the jabs, wrote a piece for the New England Journal of Medicine, explaining how the bivalent boosters failed, and why we need to abandon vaccination of most people.
Best coverage? INFOWARS!!!
Also see:
December, 2022
“Effectiveness of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Bivalent Vaccine”
Shrestha, N., et al
Yours Truly: This is the paper about the employees of the Cleveland Clinic who got the “bivalent booster shot.” The “effectiveness rate” of the “bivalent booster” is 30%.
DeSantis jumps on implicit “whites need not apply” discrimination!!!
Just a thought:
Did Hunter flip to save His own Ass?
Is that how all of these documents were found?
Moar to come?
I suspect that some investigation came out of nowhere looking for these documents, and in the scramble to get clear, the Biden/Obama faction went after Trump first to get leverage.
Vampire was staked in the coffin before it could rise… 😮 😏 😁
Whoops… this one belongs below with the DeSantis thing…
Well another company that may regret their stance on this. I understand their position but to call attention to it and cancel will probably be worse than if they had just let the event happen.
I foresee a boycott coming.
Peak animal insanity. A pigeon was [ALLEGEDLY] killed on a movie set, accidentally, by a boom of some kind. Yeah, dumb pigeons get killed, occasionally. And in this case, only allegedly. But Europe is making a federal case out of it!
Crazy details. Victim of the shakedown refuses to concede.
Many years ago I knew someone who would go after them with a pellet gun. He had no use for them, calling them flying rats.
I would love to have teased him by putting his face on The Terminator and a little pellet gun in place of the full auto whatever-it-was, but this was well before photoshop was a thing.
Believe me, there is no shortage of pigeons in Europe. In fact, pigeons are a sign of civilization. They’re rats with wings.
Nice article on Chinese Climate Treachery.
While the USA was teraring down our coal plants, US citizen tax dollars were BUILDING COAL PLANTS IN CHINA AT A RATE OF ONE A WEEK!
Warroom- John Fredericks update on Dana Point RNC meeting. They found 75 free minutes during the 4 day meeting and scheduled a debate w/an impartial moderator. Lindell and Harmeet have agreed, but Ronna has refused to participate. Bad look Ronna, you’re going down.
Ronna is a sly one.
She is a ROMNEY afterall.
How many other families have they tried that on.
Fuckers. That poor, poor man.
Salt in wound…
Here is more info on this family & situation
Bad pun of the day!
Really bad pun.
Although, I’m starting to understand why the natural gas company here moved all of the gas meters to the outside of every house. And they didn’t care if they ruined elevations or brickwork.
A smart opinion, IMO.
So THIS is apparently the “Car-a-Lago” Corvette.
What year and model is it?
From Google:
1967 Corvette
President Biden, His Corvette, and the Latest Stash of Classified Documents. President Joe Biden with his 1967 Corvette Stingray in Wilmington, DE on July 16, 2020
Winds of Mars, or audio artifacts?
SD even featured this one.
Here’s some cultural Marxism!
Lotsa queers in Boston so phallic imagery isn’t necessarily accidental.
Must say, at first glance it looks like a giant one. Did Lorena Bobbitt help to create???
I didn’t know she had a chain saw.
You can’t shine shit.
Why is that giant person holding a giant turd?
More information. UGH.
Edited – tweet was deleted and replaced…..
It’s gone.
Thanks! A typical “delete and replace” – I found the replacement!
Ah ha!
As an art museum junkie…yeah, no. Not even. Just melt the sucker down and start over with a different artist.
This is the kind of selective mentality we’re up against with “wokesters”!
The sad thing is, he probably really though they were going to find some excuse to kill him.
If that was my mindset, I’d “resist” too.
So many Blacks have been sold a bill of goods.
That cop should go to prison for 20 years.
Freakin’ psychopath.
The suspect was not a danger to anyone when he’s on the ground with an officer on top of him. If happy ass with the Tazer had just put it down and helped his partner, the civilian wouldn’t be dead.
Let that cop have it done to him what he did to that guy. Just press it up against his body and hold the trigger down.
See how he likes that.
If he survives.
To paraphrase Heinlein, there are five grades of police: Gentlemen, Keepers of the Peace, Cops, Pigs, and Assholes — and many localities do not hire better than grade four.
That said, I am extremely reluctant to second-guess police actually out on the street, even when there is some video. It is a very difficult job, and the type of situational awareness that cameras do not document can be the difference between coming home at the end of a shift…..or not.
It was all in his excited voice, he was giddy over using his tazer, just wanted his partner to get his arm out of the way so he could indulge is taze fantasy, and eventually he got tired of waiting and just jammed it in there anyway.
Planets, Stars, and YT Songs, OH MY!!!
IT WORKED!!!! 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️
Miss Wheatie would probably like this one. 😍😍😍
Awesome!!! 😍
Anybody ever wonder why two of the guys in Earth Wind and Fire are nameless? Seems to me like they deserve to have names.
Spike Jones – When the Moon hits your eye . . .
Good one BC!! 😍
Well that spike jone sure got Hubby’s attention.
We both love Spike Jones. He was a real entertainer as well as a great musician.
This is a really powerful video!
Read his entire timeline yesterday, so many died suddenly’s. 😭😭😭 Ed Dowd, former Blackrock analyst, master (WuFlu) statistician (PhiTech – Home (phinancetechnologies.com), has a 500 page book on the DS’s. He’s keeping track of worldwide stats, you should check out the Resources tab at his site, if you dare.
Seriously, the orchestrators of this EVIL need to PAY, BIG TIME!!! 🤬 🤬 🤬
Never Forget. Never Forgive. Bastards gotta pay.
I want trials and convictions that make Nuremberg look like kiddieland play.
I am struck by this every time I see these stories. We aren’t affected by their deaths in an emotional sense, and we have to look at the data and trends, but many lives are affected by their deaths. And I’m sorry for those who are being taken out suddenly.
I also hope those who see these reports will look into what they need to do to mitigate vax effects, if possible. Thank goodness we are trending away from, “Yes, my loved one died, but we all did the right thing for society and we still recommend the vaxes.”
“We”. >>> Who be “We”? <<<
When the GOAL is to kill off as many people as possible or at least STOP reproduction, then WHY would they try to correct the ‘problem’
By “we” I mean the general public, people who do not know the deceased personally. By “not affected by their deaths in an emotional sense,” I mean not in the same way that people are affected by the death of a close loved one. The parents of a teenager who suddenly died will have their lives altered forever whereas I will not, even though I empathize with them.
“….will look into what they need to do to mitigate vax effects, if possible.,,,”
In the Covid video Wolfie put up Dr Bruce Patterson, MDsays they found their protocol seemed to work on the Vaxxed too.
The problem is getting people to ADMIT to a mistake so they can take a treatment. Of course it does ZIP for those who have heart problems.
Experiment. E X P E R I M E N T ? <<< Horseshit. PURE HORSESHIT.
Nah. NOPE. Folks gotta stop Sugar coating Covidiocy, Covidiot Injections…
Lock downs, social distancing, schools shut down, businesses shut down, masks…
Banning funerals, minimizing funeral attendance, shutting down parks, beaches…
One size fits all Faux medical care – Remdisivir, Paxlovid, Ventilators, Isolation…
Banning HCQ, IVM…to allow Emergency Use Authorization Injections…
Pushing, MANDATING Covidiot Injections. Lying about Covidiot Injections…
Covidiot passports to travel, attend entertainment, sports…
Censoring Truth >>> Pravda News, Big Tech…
^^^ Call it what it IS…INTENTIONAL M A S S MURDER.
Hear, Hear, Prosecutor K-BO!!!
Depopulation Quotes
There are a lot more. So do not try to tell me the US Government is NOT INTERESTED IN DEPOPULATION!
Ferguson is a real piece of work.
Yup. They knew the outcome. They could TASTE IT. They almost got it, too.
Yup. No experiment – they were TRYING to make the world conform to their twisted dreams.
I don’t like the ‘experiment’ take as it suggests we were in dire need to try anything due to the danger of the pandemic.
It also suggests that people were willing to be in the experiment, which may have been true if the pandemic weren’t planned and not existential, like we were lead to believe.
Great points!
Except in a head-to-head confrontation.
Sword has a distinct advantage at that point 😉
Is there any way to increase the amount of comments that trigger a page break?
If there is, I vote for setting it at ‘never’.
To your point, I prefer a single page format.
Let’s see how long you prefer it! 😉
I am a guest so I didn’t think I should vote but I appreciate the consideration. However when I read your comment Rod Serling became a voice in my head.
…..in…… THE TREE-Q ZONE.
I have not refreshed until the next day so I keep everything on one page.
^^^ T H I S ^^^
I will second, or rather third or fourth that.
I was rather surprised to see it go to the next page already.
Try reloading. It should be one page now.
I just turned OFF paging completely.
See what you think. There WILL be side effects.
Thank you.
This could be interesting. 🙃
I remember from the last time it came up that Zoe preferred it that way.
I suspect that the Javascript may behave better.
The beatings should continue until its attitude improves.
I recall that a couple of weeks ago for whatever reason the Saturday daily got to almost 500 comments (likely because a lot of the discussion was on the recent changes you had made) and didn’t page.
I’ve now reloaded and yep-one page.
Breaking — Fourth discovery of classified documents…
I don’t understand why the documents had to be given to the Justice Department. Why isn’t the DOJ the entity that is doing the searching? Why haven’t they raided JB’s home, offices, outbuildings, etc.? Exactly who is doing the searching, and do those people have top secret clearance? I don’t think so. This is a national security issue.
About 2/3 of the way down the page…
“……..The President’s personal attorneys conducting the searches do not have active security clearances, so if they identified a document with a classified marking, they stopped and did not review it, and suspended any further search in that box, file or other specific space where the document was found, as appropriate……..”
The Left would have just accepted that in Trump’s case, I’m sure. /sarc
No search of Hunter’s rooms yet?
Oh right, how silly, likely have been going out with the paintings he sells…
Behind the ‘paintings’ and the mounting board.
Nice way to smuggle. No wonder those painting sold for so much.
(I was just saying that to Hubby a couple hours ago.)
Check his mother’s underwear drawer.
Where were these, on the back of the toilet?
cute 🙂
That made me laugh out loud! Thanks!
That is really good Jim. Sad but true also seems apt.
Seen on Gab, fwiw
Dec 16, 2022
I’ve heard of the Rife machine and even used one once. I have no idea whether they are effective.
Thx. So using it had no effect?
WOW!!! They sure are playing mindgames!
Wierd… I used Google Advanced to look up an article in WUWT by William McClenney called.
Glacial Inception: the climatic ‘madhouse’
clicking on the link in the article:
Placing the URL in the Wayback Machine got me
a redirect to:
I put the scientific paper:
Neuman and Hearty (1996) Rapid sea-level changes at the close of the last interglacial (substage 5e) recorded in Bahamian island
in Yandex and I GOT THE PAPER
And if I put THAT url in to Duck-duck-go
I get Page not found
However a SECOND try of the original URL and using a DIFFERENT DAY gave me a redirect to the actual paper…
Let me know if you hit a wall on stuff – I have an academic institution account
My great-nephew just shared this fun train snowplow video on Facebook. Hope the link works.
<facebook URL/>watch?v=407042318042626
replace the part in less than, greater than with a standard FB url. gads, it won’t even show the text of the URL.
no link shows here either
Angle-bracket tags are always a risk.
To show stuff without it running or being interfered with, you can use the little
like this. Highlight text and then hit that button. The stuff in the code block won’t get interpreted.
Facebook embeds are turned off! Looks like the comment code is half-processing the links and then dumping them.
In any case…..
No CLOWN CODE (FB embeds) allowed to run on the site
Thank you, Wolf!!
Link? (Looking forward to it.)
weird, after a page refresh I could see the video & click on it & it played for like one second & then disappeared but left the white space that it had filled behind…
So I just got info back on Josiah’s labs from U of M…& RAYCISM is in the write up!
I never noticed this before since it’s been in place for a year now–bizarre, to me…
“Effective 01/05/2022, Michigan Medicine adopted an updated CKD-EPI equation for estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) that does not include race as a variable. All eGFR results will be expressed as a single eGFR and no longer distinguish between eGFR, Black and eGFR, Non-Black.
There is consensus that elimination of the race modifier used to calculate eGFR, Black is appropriate given that race is a social and not a biologic construct. The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) and American Society of Nephrology (ASN) Task Force on Reassessing the Inclusion of Race in Diagnosing Kidney Disease affirmed this position in a formal release on 9/23/2021 (Delgado C, et al. A Unifying Approach for GFR Estimation: Recommendations of the NKF-ASN Task Force on Reassessing the Inclusion of Race in Diagnosing Kidney Disease. Am J Kidney Dis. 2021 Sep 23:S0272-6386 (21)00828-3. PMID: 34563581).
However, there are CAVEATS to be considered in the clinical applicatio n [sic] of the common eGFR 2021 CKD-EPI, creatinine. For additional background on this change, see Inker LA, et al. New Creatinine- and Cystatin C-Based Equations to Estimate GFR without Race. N Engl J Med. 2021 Nov 4;385 (19):1737-1749. PMID: 34554658.
In scenarios where a more accurate or confirmatory GFR may be required for clinical decision-making, consider additional options such as timed urine collection for creatinine clearance; cystatin C testing; or nephrology referral for formal GFR assessment or measurement.
As recommended by the NKF and ASN, this reported eGFR value was calculated using the 2021 CKD-EPI creatinine equation. Calculated eGFR may be inaccurate when kidney function is unstable. This equation has NOT been validated for children under the age of 18 years or for pregnant women. An eGFR between 15 and 59 mL/min/1.73m2 for greater than or equal to 3 months is classified as Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3 or 4.”
So I wonder if they don’t now do greater screening of “black” patients, since race is a social construct, for sickle cell & other issues…or Jews for Tay-Sachs or Epstein-Barr, iirc…whatever!
The Stupid! It Burns!
LOL!!! Glad you saw this one Gail 🙂
I read practically everything.
I try to do that too!
Virtue signal science is stupid science – soon to be BROKEN science.
I am listening to J.B. White and Patrick Gunnels going over an old release of the Twatter files where Congress critters are pressing Twatter to do something about the Russian Trolls.
“We are feeding Congressional Trolls” is what one Twatter employee wrote.
It occurs to me that the DemonRats in Congress BELIEVE THEIR OWN LIES! They think we are stupid and completely under their spell. They LITERALLY CAN’T BELIEVE ‘Release the memos” was actually ORGANIC as they are being told. In their mind it HAS TO BE RUSSIA…
No doubt!
Besides the “wokeness,” I wonder if there is any legitimate medical concern that they are not including race in their calculations. It could be a valid marker. They are liable if they purposely ignore something like that.
I kinda get what they are saying – but I also kinda think they are rejecting reality.
The bottom line is that significant recent African ancestry is a real human category which can have profound medical meaning. Dosages and “normal levels” frequently have to be adjusted for ancestry and genetics – particularly “MAA” (modern African ancestry).
If physicians overdose or underdose a “black person” because of this shit, it’s not good. If they treat or don’t treat a “black person” because a “normal” level is missed, it’s not good.
What they’re essentially saying is that human categorization is a damaging social construct, and that it’s better to simply not engage in such categorization and exceptionalization, than to accrue any minor benefits. I say that not only does this harm the most important minority – the INDIVIDUAL – this ignores truths and realities, and prevents us from learning to deal with them properly.
In places where MAA is uncommon, MAA is a useful exception state.
Likewise, in Africa, European and Asian ancestry are likely to be more useful exception states, relative to “normal”.
Agreed. It’s Insane!!!
“…I wonder if there is any legitimate medical concern that they are not including race in their calculations….”
I am certain there is. We already know that certain races have different genetic illnesses associated with them. NOT including race, completely Fucks up researchers looking for additional race related diseases.
Minuscule ground report.
Gas down $1.01 since November 8th. Today, $3.78. Still Obscenely high.
Ours was 3.09 now 3.45 overnight.
Damar Hamlin appears to have returned to the Buffalo Bills camp and met his teammates for the first time since his cardiac arrest earlier this month.
Linebacker Matt Milano shared a pictured on Instagram of Hamlin at the team’s base, in his own clothes, 12 days after being taken ill during his team’s game against Cincinnati Bengals.
I’m glad he is able to do that much. Since his team plays tomorrow, we will probably be hearing and seeing more about him.
The pic of Hamlin is from Milano’s Instagram account. Instagram has a different checkmark symbol than Twitter.
I suspect the news organization is being careful since they didn’t snap the picture and can’t verify it 100%. But they thought it was legit enough to include in their article. They are trusting Matt Milano.
Yes, I noticed the twitter and instagram error I made and had deleted all that. Seems like it didn’t update.
I didn’t refresh the page. That’s probably the reason.
It’s been one of those days when I know I should just read and not post. 🙂
No reason for that! I should have refreshed the page, but I’m in the habit of just looking for the new comments in yellow. 😊
What’s that?
I only refresh the next day. That way I can scan for the yellow marked comments.
That’s what I do most of the time.
I do that and sometimes search. For example searching for “23 19” gets me everything from 7-8PM. Sometimes scrolling down a page I don’t see a small block of yellow.
it is one thing to leave the hospital.
It is a whole different level to step on the playing field to play
Nice perspective on American Democrat Wokeism as a hybrid ideology.
It is called Third Way and it is a remarketing of FASCISM by the Director of LSE, Tony Giddens.
Do not forget LSE — the London School of Economics — was founded by the Fabians and Funded by Lord Rothschild.
The brain trade | The Economist
The ‘Third Way’ Scam | The Vineyard of the Saker
By 1997 the Clinton ascendancy – the Third–Way – had come to the attention of an ambitious young man who was trying to find an occupational niche for himself in the London miliue…
Why do I know that and this ‘Expert” does not?
you’re relentlessly curious & doggedly determined to dig & bring Truth to light!!!
Jonathan Turley: Biden’s Corvette Defense Was a Lemon But His “Inadvertence” Defense Could Prove Worse
More at the link.
Yes, he knew it was criminal to do what he did but he inadvertently forgot to hide the evidence of his criminality.
BiteMe KNOWS he is protected class.
This is fascinating and hard to stop watching!
It’s time to fight back against this crap. Elon Musk is leading the way!!!
Note in this case that a JUDGE banned them from social media…not the social media companies themselves.
My favorite dummy doc!
This is going to break Medicare.
Don’t worry – these voters will be sure to vote Democrat, and fix things properly!
Actually they are killing off enough people so it will NOT break medicare.
8.38 deaths/1,000 population (2022 est.)
From the UN deaths per 1,000
2010 — 8.138
2015 — 8.369
2019 — 8.782
2020 — 8.880
2021 — 8.977
2022 — 9.075
There is a graph here showing the sharp rise in deaths: (2021)
If you slide down to near the bottom they have deaths by age category it is SHOCKING!
Did they kill off a lot of the older folks during the Plandemic in 2020 to gin up the numbers?
Fits what we are seeing anecdotally with the individual stories. Too many of the surprising deaths are coming from the younger ranks.
Mother is vaxx’d and in a retirement home. Says everyone is fine. Might have something to do with the metabolism of older folks being slowed down?
Yes, very well could be. The video Wolfie put up earlier had Dr Bruce Patterson. He said that exercise was very much linked to problems with long haulers.
Also seems rather coinvent that the CDC will be investigating just the elderly.
Lookie here, we’re (CDC) concerned with geezers getting sick.
While younger folks and children, crash and burn, in plain sight.
Perhaps geezers, out smarted the covidiot scammers.
Older, fool me once etc.
I didn’t know about that Twitter account. Way to make a point.
There’s a nekkid female dummy in the back with no arms and legs. Shouldn’t she get a bed, or at least a wheelchair?
Having worked in the medical field I am pretty sure she is on the Do Not Resuscitate list. As FedEx would say, “She’s doomed.”
Minor tidbits here…
https://www.theblaze.com/news/lapd-department-bans-thin-blue-line-flag (it’s racists… dontcha know)
Happens on the heels of Newsom allowing illegals to join the police force.
Obviously while not tied to Hispanics per say, but it will have an obviously demoralizing effect for the men in blue and should lend well to opening up some policing positions in L.A.
Of course this next article says L.A. is having a critical man power shortage…
Heck of way to bring back retired L.A. cops by calling their old ways racist right off the bat.
This article says 632 vacancies.
“Happens on the heels of Newsom allowing illegals to join the police force.”
While the Left pretends that lawbreakers can enforce the law.
And pretends not to see any obvious problems with FOREIGNERS having police authority over CITIZENS.
“And pretends not to see any obvious problems with FOREIGNERS having police authority over CITIZENS.”
Very much the same as having an occupying army. I suppose we need to look to Europe for some guidance on how to adapt to that.
Logic — what a concept. Shame they have no experience with cause-and-effect.
And people expect me to forgive and forget THAT!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!
Wolf, I can’t even watch the video. There is no forgiveness in me for this.
Rogan was talking about regular people.
I don’t think he was talking about medical types.
Yes, he was talking about family neighbors and friends.
No forgiveness for doctors.
Admittedly most of them are technicians, who go by the book and don’t do what a scientist should do which is to question it when something smells.
But in that case we need to distinguish between healers who are not scientists and healers that are…and that distinction should be clear (and come with a price differential).
Maybe. I’m not feeling real forgiving about now.
There is a SHARP DIVIDE between the stupid Sheeple and the ones who were $$ PAID.$$
Pharmacists (esp those who refused to fill HCQ or Ivermectin)
University researchers
As the education and responsibility goes up, the penalty should ALSO go up.
One thing that is abundantly clear to me is that most practicing doctors are not scientists in spite of their nominal degree; they’re very very highly trained technicians.
That’s not necessarily a bad thing; we need technicians. But I resent them putting on airs of being scientists when they clearly have the wrong mindset and just follow the book.
We are paying them BIG BUCKS for their ‘Expertise’ So yeah, I am going to hold them to a very high standard…. On the other hand I have a lot more respect for my vets then I ever had for any random doctor.
Vets have their own issues though.
They will almost ALL “see” exotic pets (like lizards) but very few know jack shit about them. They shouldn’t see ’em if they are ignorant.
Did Darwin tell you to say that?
Nope, but people who own and even make their livings off of reptiles have made that observation.
well, if you had some jackwagon get in your face, then wait for him to wake up, then gently tell him that maybe he owes you an apology.
That will likely cause a great deal of pain.
Can’t wait to do it to my niece, who told me I was anti science. Never mind that I have two more STEM degrees than she does.
My eldest son. We’ll see what happens.
Except those hospital workers would NOT be unscathed. As a 6 year old I bit the crap out of the nurses trying to give me penicillin (I am allergic to the stuff)
I attacked a pharmacist once. Went right up over the counter (one of those old-fashioned chest-high ones) because I had an excrutiating earache and he wouldn’t fill my prescription. My mother was mortified. I was all of about 12 years old.
I see you have been a revolutionary for a long time. I never would have guessed. I am shocked.
Lol! It’s in the blood. Scottish berserker.
Ummmm, one of them berserkers, Scottish you say.
Your sarcasm is showing. 😆
I try to hide it but sometimes it yells, FREEEDOOOM and breaks free. I sincerely apologize.
Then you should apologize for apologizing.
I apologize. 🙂
As I said before. A girl after my own heart.
Lol! Soul sisters.
I can’t watch that. It’s abuse and torture. Whoever did that should be locked up.
Agreed. It is abuse. I can’t even.
Yeah, if I was in that room, I could not have let it go on.
That’s why it needs to go viral. People have to confront that moment.
That’s what the commies in Brazil are doing right now.
We can’t let it happen here. I hope everybody knows what that means.
It is legal and justified to defend oneself against the threat of imminent bodily harm.
In some places it’s legal to defend another who is being threatened.
And I can tell you, if I was on the jury, I would NEVER convict someone who stopped something like that.
I could not let that happen in front of me. Someone would get hurt. Me or them.
Children have been put through hell with all of the Covidiocy lies. Skeering the shit out of children…boogeyman covid, masks, lockdowns, the fucking poison injections.
Never forget. Never forgive. Bastards gotta pay for what they’ve done.
Well it’s about time, but two years to late for my DIL though. She moved on from her health care job rather than take the jab.
Good on your DIL. Standing up for her health.
Meanwhile MOAR Biden Documents were discovered today at his home, making this the 4th discover.
Comma: “Commas are important, people!”
No comma: “Commas are important people!”
Sounds like we’ll have to wait for SCOTUS to weigh in.
FOAF, at present….
“EDITED TO ADD: THIS MAY BE A HOAX. Larry is checking for confirmation, and will let us know if he finds any. In the meanwhile, treat this report with caution.
The article starts with the above disclaimer. Cthulhu I don’t know what FOAF means but you may have already said the same thing.
Friend Of A Friend — i.e. rumor. Unverified.
Thankyou. There are too many of these for me to remember.
There are too many of those for almost anyone to remember . . . which brings up the question of why people use them when the result is poor communication?
One reason is it is shorthand for tweets and texts. The developed world has gone from communicating by talking to communicating by texting. It is hard to believe considering all the talking heads on news and sports programs but that is where we are. Sort of ironic that telephones have actually led to a relative decrease in communication by voice. Of course text is what we do here.
The “smart stupid” – it burns!
We have HUMAN mRNA in our cells, not some foreign shit cooked up by people who want us DEAD.
Yep. STUPID’s fallacy is assuming all mRNA is the same.
It’s not. It would be useless if it were all the same, like books whose pages are filled with solid blocks of ‘aaaaaaaaa’
And let’s not forget the fact that by definition a random RNA sequence will not be beneficial. That and DNA having good sequences is what evolution ultimately selects for.
New BIMD will post early in the morning. Continuation from last week. Going to try to post these around that same time each week.
Well worth a listen.
I really love rational rhetoric.
He needs to address every single incoming class in every single college/University in the USA too.
I believe that’s actually the debate hall at Oxford…not a general assembly of students.
At least the jab didn’t get her.
Report: Supreme Court Investigators Draw in on Source of Roe Leak
I can’t stop thinking “keystone cops.”
LOL! Agreed!
Grooming groomers are grooming. In schools.
She is just so fine! Plus her brain exceeds her good looks.
So this is the new trend…for a while we had to deal with someone’s vertical phone picture sized meme or picture or video being shown in triplicate to fill a normal “landscape mode” aspect ratio.
Now we’re seeing normal memes padded with black space to take up a vertical phone screen.
Biden is toast. They have decided he is out.
“The Deep State is coming for Joe Biden.
Robert Mueller’s “pitbull” Andrew Weissmann on Saturday turned on Joe Biden and suggested the president is engaged in a cover up in light of classified documents being discovered at Biden’s private office and Delaware residence.
“The WH keeps digging a hole deeper: they have failed to answer so many questions, which is very strange if this is all an innocent mistake.” Andrew Weissmann said on Saturday morning.
“Total number of government docs found and precisely where; and what levels of classification?” Weissman said.
“Why wasn’t this all revealed in Nov/Dec?” he added.”
He’s done, put a fork in him.
Weissmann? That’s huge.
He makes Elias look like a choir boy.
Cracking up here.
Could it be any more obvious, BiteMe has been tossed under, a line of buses.
“I like electric school buses.”
“Our country is west of your country.”
“We have to think about what we weren’t thinking about before so we can think about the problems facing our democracy.” 🤢🤮
“Robert Mueller’s “pitbull” Andrew Weissmann on Saturday turned on Joe Biden and suggested the president is engaged in a cover up…”
Or a set up 😂
You hate to see criminals turn on each other, it’s a sad day in Crimeland.
I think it is hilarious!
Paging, for Classified Documents…
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Senatorial Papers, at Delaware University.
My kind of poll!!!
Another Sphinx. It’s sphinxes all the way down!
From OT:
UPDATE – So, You Did Not Take the COVID-19 Shot, Why Not?
January 14, 2023 | Sundance | 3,070 Comments
SD: “I am bumping this post to the top of the page and updating because, well, I’ll explain.
First, thank you. Sincere and genuine thankfulness for your fellowship. Visitors to this site continue to prove that our nation is created by, and an assembly of, the most decent, honest, generous and kind-hearted people in the world. The responses to the question of ‘why didn’t you take the covid-19 shot?’ are nothing short of remarkable.
In the bigger picture if you want to fill up your faith cup and recognize the scale of commonsense assembly in our nation, take the time to read through the 2,000+ responses.
The feedback you are providing is exceptional and trust me when I say that far more people are reading these responses than you could fathom. Additionally, the responses have reasserted my belief in the scale of our national assembly. There are far more of us, ordinary, hardworking, commonsense, pragmatic and smart people, than the self-described intellectual elites would ever admit.
In addition to the responses below, there have been hundreds of emails answering the question, which suddenly made me realize that no one has really ever asked this question before in a format that provides ordinary people with the ability to respond.”
[more at the link above]