Fall from the Tree
- 1 1/2 ounces Laird’s applejack (or bourbon or scotch)
- 1 ounce fresh apple juice
- 1/2 ounce cinnamon syrup*
- 1/4 ounce lemon juice, freshly squeezed
- 1 dash The Bitter Truth aromatic bitters
- Garnish: apple slice
- Add the applejack, apple juice, cinnamon syrup, lemon juice and bitters into a shaker with ice and shake until well-chilled.
- Strain into a chilled coupe glass.
- Garnish with an apple slice.
*Cinnamon syrup: Add 1/2 ounce cinnamon bark, 2 cups turbinado sugar and 2 cups water into a saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Cover the saucepan and let simmer for 2 minutes. Remove from the heat and let sit, covered, for at least 24 hours. Strain into a container. The syrup will keep, refrigerated in an airtight container, for up to 2 weeks.
Badlands News Brief – September 7, 2023
Donald Young, Larry Sinclair, Obama
From Anonymous Conservative:
Some interesting 4Chan comments, thrown together:
Resetting the master code does nothing. Their backdoor supersedes whatever you do. There is no way to stop them from opening your safe for the feds if the feds want in, and they have demonstrated they will open it for the feds with no fight.
i can tell you this young grasshopper, the more sussy their company name sounds the more likely they work with glowies. ergo: liberty safe, american first lock, patriot front, etc.
I’ve worked in electronic locking hardware for 20 years. Every single electronic lock of any kind has a backdoor, and all of the ones for homes and apartments have backup codes for police, fire, military, etc. It’s billed as “emergency access” and also each lock has an audit trail, where every interaction with the lock is recorded.
New Covid booster shots to be approved in just TWO DAYS, sources suggest – but only 17% of Americans got the last one
Yeah, that’s probably all of the Americans who are still fooled by all this baloney.
Trump’s Movement Transcends Politics
When Men were Men: Today in History, Europeans Pulverize Jihadists
The COVID-19 Iron Curtain
Conservatives must be honest with themselves
Since what we all thought was the “conservative movement” turned out to be a con job to lead traditional Americans to a buffalo jump, or something similar, what needs to be remembered is the values and culture that made America, not the controlled opposition propaganda of the National Review.
Some interesting sidenotes to Larry Sinclair’s tale of sex and drugs with Obama
The real reason the government panned ivermectin
A Quick Note to Republicans About Mitch McConnell
Food, Energy, and Money: How They Plan on Moving EVERYONE Into “Smart Cities” Before 2030
In the older cities, I’m dying to see how this works. Just a reminder of what happens eventually when people are crammed in a confined space.
I pass the site quite often.
Tweety Tweets:

Got that from a flaming liberal choir member. Little does she know it’s true.

That’s what I am afraid of.

Heh. One of the great movies of that era.
And now for the business portion of the post borrowed from Tuesday:
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. In that spirit, though, threats of violence real or hypothetical are out of bounds.
Fellow tree dweller the late Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

ROMANS 8:28-30
28We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose. 29For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the first-born among many brethren. 30And those whom he predestined he also called; and those whom he called he also justified; and those whom he justified he also glorified.
Have a good weekend!
We made it.
Well, it looks like about 7 of us made it.
It looks like we must have lost everyone else back at the last hyperspace jump… 😲😂
Too close to Trantor…
Thank you, DePat, for this Fabulous Friday thread!
With Cameltoes waiting in the wings and possibly HildaBeast as possible new VP —- DON’T DO IT!
ALSO We WANT Joe Biden as the DemonRat candidate.
I hear you. There are several schools of thought. I believe Trump himself has chastised Congress for not impeaching. I don’t know if he was saying that to call attention to their general lack of effectiveness, but he usually means what he says. 🤷
But sometimes he does not. In this case I think it is ‘Brier Patch’ talk again.
I bet DJT lives in the briar patch. He just comes out when a foolish idiot comes walking down the road.
“ALSO We WANT Joe Biden as the DemonRat candidate.”
Then he should just come out and say that.
It’s not like the opposition doesn’t know.
So go on camera EVERY day, saying we don’t want to impeach the imbecile, because it would be better to run against Brandon than against Camel-Uh and Hitlery.
It puts the ball in Cabal’s court.
If they keep Brandon, he’s going to get destroyed, because no matter how much they cheat, nobody is going to believe he won.
And if they jettison Brandon for anyone, they expose themselves to “How did you know Brandon was mentally incompetent, and when did you know it, and why did you wait so long?” type questions, along with all the obvious chicanery that will need to go on to shoehorn Newscum or anyone else into position.
It will look like a clown show, because it will be a clown show.
So go ahead, publicly state that we want to run against Brandon, and lock the Dims into being stuck with him.
Making them think – you are soooo mean to those poor widdle donkeys.
Not to worry! We can have our cake and eat it too! Senate won’t convict. Stain him.
And you stain the demonrats in the process.
I agree with you.
The Left makes it so hard to stand for what’s right that people let things go and allow them to implement their agenda, step by step. People need to realize that it’s a slippery slope.
It’s the Left’s job to make it hard.
If that’s our excuse for letting them win, then they deserve to win, don’t they?
They never deserve to win! 🤨
No… people need to realize there is no Left or Right … there is only the uniparty
There was a coup on January 21, 2021
Yet people are detailing every instance of what is considered ‘unlawful’ when there is no LAW …
Their agenda has been implemented… as of January 21, 2021 …
^^^ This.
It has been a Uniparty for certain since 1913 and I contend for 75-100 years prior to that for planning and implementation purposes.
What one currently important subject does the Constitution not mention in framing the government and the American way?
Answer: Political Parties
How would campaigns for office and judgments of performance of candidates elected representatives be viewed and judged if there were no political parties?
There is not enough money in the world to buy the votes needed to promote enough candidates who could then collude to do what the current crop of thieves, liars and murderers are doing if political parties were outlawed via Constitutional amendment.
Each would have to stand on their own merits of representation of the citizens they represent. Debates, town hall meetings, publications, etc. would have real value.
Communication of positions and performance can be tracked almost instantaneously by the vast majority of American citizens.
Political parties are an abomination that preceded their eventual collusion into the Uniparty devil that is destroying our nation today.
That suggestion creates an ongoing conflict with the First Amendment.
Political parties are more of a club than anything else. A group of like minded people get together, and create a self-perpetuating echo chamber of sorts.
Where the uniparty comes in is trying to stay in control of government by any means necessary. That’s an abomination.
The problem is that a ‘party’ is centralized, it has a head, a ‘leader’, and a ‘top-down’ pyramid business structure, which means in order to control the entire organization, you only need to control the leader.
Two such parties creates the illusion of opposition, giving the People the illusion of choice, when in reality the leaders of both parties are controlled by the same unelected oligarchs.
This same problem manifests in every centralized group that is organized after the pattern of a business pyramid structure with the People at the bottom, employees above them, middle managers above them, cabinet/officer level people above them, and a single individual at the top.
Think of all the famous ‘foundations’ which may have been originally established on noble grounds with noble purposes, but which are always and invariably corrupted over time to serve the interests of Cabal.
And think of all the ‘foundations’ which have been established from the outset for illicit purposes.
Think of ‘corporations’. Anything larger than a family owned business is subject to the same kind of control or takeover, e.g., BlackRock and Vanguard are on the boards of directors of practically every major company on the stock exchanges, dictating policy and personnel.
Think of major churches, and major charities.
All centrally organized in the same way, the same pyramid structure, with a human leader at the top, who dominates and controls the entire organization beneath him or her.
What TB appears to be describing is more of a decentralized structure, without a head or leader, without a singular point of vulnerability which can be targeted and exploited and compromised.
In order for Cabal to control the entire Congress, they would have to subvert every individual, all 535 members individually, instead of just a dozen or two in key leadership positions, who in turn influence and control everyone below them.
Cabal would certainly adjust their efforts accordingly, but it would be a much more difficult task, much more difficult to hide, much more expensive (not that money matters to them, but money leaves tracks), and they would have to start from scratch with each new individual who is elected.
Because each man or woman would be his own man or woman, not a cog in a party machine controlled by others through access to party funds for re-election and party favors for committee assignments, etc.
“…Think of all the famous ‘foundations’ which may have been originally established on noble grounds with noble purposes, but which are always and invariably corrupted over time to serve the interests of Cabal….”
PURE BULL SCHIFF! The foundations were established to evade taxes and to whitewash villains!
John D Rockefeller is a case in point.
You’re right!
I was thinking of the Henry Ford Foundation, which I had a vague recollection was originally established to support conservative causes, but over the decades became just another Leftist advocacy group.
But you’re right, I concede your point!!! 👍😁
There is law, but the unlawful are not applying it correctly, or at all. We have to take the country back. In the meantime, we have to have ways of referring to people, and the terms “Democrat” and “Republican” are accurate in the sense of who the people represent themselves to be, in spite of their actions to the contrary.
The intentional ignorance displayed by rCONS and rCON talking heads make my head hurt.
Full of F-bombs, but well worth the listen for a couple of minutes, IMO. She makes great points, and the best part is that she says even the most liberal parents are PO’d.
I’ve known women with that accent and attitude before. If I was a politician, I’d get our of her way.
Sort of like this? 🙂 (we need to send all the politicos to Belleview) (Piglosi’s already well on her way, with a “bottleinfrontofme” 🙃
IIRC, Thelma Ritter’s first film role…
I believe she features prominently & delightfully in Rear Window too 🙂
I agree. Off to the loony bin with the whole lot of them.
Except they don’t answer to the People, the People are irrelevant, because:
A) voting is an illusion, a fraud, an exercise in pantomime that determines nothing
B) donations from the People are irrelevant, because the majority of their funding comes from mega-donors, so that is who they have to please, not the People
Either one makes voters, the People, irrelevant.
We have BOTH.
Right on every single point.
I liked her Trump T-shirt.
Subtle hint maybe, not that New Yorkers are into subtle.
A gas chamber in every vial!
If you want to PROTEST:
Mailing AddressDepartment of Emergency Medicine
Emory University Hospital
1364 Clifton Road, NE
Atlanta, GA 30322
Location Telephone Numbers
Department of Emergency Medicine Clinical Operations ManagerAmber Cassel
Manager, Clinic Operations
Phone: 404-712-0016
Great, thanks!
Thats cool.
It’s official. The Fiancee is in psycho-nutcase mode.
She got a couple of trackable luggage tag widgets and I got ’em working with her phone, just to keep out of her way while she freaked-out about other things.
I put her on a plane on Sunday, and can then start tearing the house apart.
Well, that sounds stressful. 😖
Could be worse. Could be stabbed.
“and can then start tearing the house apart”
Is this part of your moving across the country process? Hope you are all back to “normal” after your Xanax muted pin cushion procedure(s) & that you’ve gotten good news in the results!
Partly, but more regular “deferred maintenance”.
How long do you get to work in “peace”? Hope it goes well!
She’s back on the 28th.
I’m sure it will be productive, but I can’t possibly get everything done that I want to do.
Wow you are getting a Serious Break there! My hubby would probably half way turn the house upside down if I were gone that long. On one extended trip North w/ 3 of our 4 kids he ended up refinishing the wood floors in the living room, dining room, & main hallway–a Huge production. You work ethic men are such a Blessing!!! Enjoy & please pace yourself & prioritize so you get the crucial stuff done (& put away) before the cyclone returns 😉
Trackable luggage tag widgets. That is different. Usefulness?
The Fiancee is in psycho-nutcase mode.
You’ve EARNED a StayCation.
I’ve never understood why women waste energy on a freak out.
It’s not just women.
It’s anyone entering an OODA loop without driving it forward.
Eastman, showing why he’s the smartest person in every room he goes into.
What a great witness.
Brian Cates: “He wasn’t born in Hawaii. He was always constitutionally ineligible to be President. You were tricked.”
Oh no I wasn’t!
Brian Cates: “He was never a straight man married to a woman. You were tricked.”
Nope, not tricked!
“He was never a racial uniter & healer. He was the exact opposite. You were tricked”
Not even a little bit! 😂
Me, too. Not a bit!
As far as I can tell, Tweeter is down.
Sometimes it says my access is not permitted (because Jabba the Yaccarino-Hitler banned me), and sometimes it says I have reached my ‘limit’.
Last I read, we get something like 300 views per day.
I’m nowhere close to that amount, I’m never close to that amount.
Perhaps you’ve been deemed, Legal, But Awful.
TWX version of Free SpeechTWX version of beingcensoredshunted to a dark hole never to be seen again.Yea. I have no idea what I’m talking about. Only thing I know about
TWX is stuff posted here, either opens or not.Speaking of the Øbamas….
I read yesterday on Tweeter (I think) that Big Mike is staying with a married couple — two dudes.
hussein and…inquiring minds wonder who the second is.
Pete, er, Peter, uhhh…
No, I mean Big Mike is staying with two other dudes who are married to each other.
Big Mike is staying with them, while Hussein is doing whatever Hussein does.
It’s always a horror show 😂
Two men and a gaybe…
And, playing softly in the background to a new Ukelele rap accompaniment,
“Say, hey, good lookin’, whaaaat ya got cookin’?
how’s about cookin’ somethin’ up with me”…
“Ukelele” a slight reference to the Obamanation’s “birth certificate” signer? LOL
Call me dense but I don’t understand the red-lettered comments.
Yeah, I just chose that image for the ukelele reference…I think those comments are mocking the people who think the “bc” is fake but I don’t know 🙂
Yep, they’re taking the mickey out of skeptics, i.e. truthers… as the DEMONRATS are wont to do…
Gosh, I’m old…. I remember when Hawaii became a state… and that was in 1959… Alaska was earlier that year…
Now what we need is another “Operation Wetback” (and we could well use one over here, too… maybe “Operation GO BACK”)…
Big Mike always looks like big city trash, after a beating, with an ugly stick.
No wonder hussein looks for strange stuff.
IMO, whoever did the hair extensions did a bad job.
I don’t credit anyone’s assessment of how someone else looks. People read all kinds of things into random photos and expressions. Plus, she almost always looks unhappy because of resting b___ face. 😅
LOL..very true !
RBF – one of my favs.
Maybe he booked a table there and didn’t show… that results in a €120.00 fine…
Made it back home safely just before midnight 🙂 My son Josiah & I enjoyed listening to the Detroit Lions beat the Kansas City Chiefs for the entire ride down state. Go Lions!
Last time I was out of town the Plane Lady crashed into our consciousness…I wonder what I missed this trip…
God Bless You All. Hope everyone’s doing well. 😇
Twas a good game. Lions looking good.
It’s about time that the Lions didn’t fall flat on their faces in a national game!
I wish we could have watched it but it was also exciting to listen to on the radio. We managed to just have to switch between 3 FM stations over the nearly 250 mile drive to hear the whole thing. The Midland/Bay City station had coverage for more than half our trip. Dan Miller, local Fox personality, is a class act, & does a great job calling the games!
Sounds like a wonderful ride back, lucky mama.
I prefer to listen to sports on the radio, makes it more exciting, plus I can’t sit still very long in front of the TeeVee.
I’ve heard from my hunters about the excitement of listening to games on the radio when they are Up North hunting. I guess the sound of the game caller can really fuel the imagination & leave you in suspense as the plays are in development. I really enjoy Watching a game but can also do other things (like online) while it’s going on, especially since there is so much in between plays time to fill. I can see why it’s easier to be engaged in other (more productive) activities with the radio on so you don’t have to keep fixing your attention on the TV.
I hope at some point I can see the highlight plays of the game 🙂
My son is on the autism spectrum so has a hard time managing his emotions so there were Plenty of times I had to talk him off the proverbial cliff as certain plays went South. This happens when watching games on TV too. Thankfully we came away with a win so his emotions were ending on a high point but it can be exhausting to deal with the constant management of his issues 🙂
Sending you 💕
TY! 😍
I’d always watch the Oakland Raiders games on TV (HI STEVE 🙂 ) but turn the sound off and listen to Bill King announce the game on radio. He was a genius, and could paint pictures of what was going on that didn’t miss a single detail….
He also announced the Oakland A’s games, again with a breadth and depth of baseball and general knowledge that was unmatched. He FINALLY made it to the broadcasting hall of fame, YEARS after he should have been inducted. And, together with Hank Greenwald, he was a stellar basketball announcer. Finally, he also did hockey games, IIRC Oakland Seals; not sure if he did the Sharks.
Maybe it was his handlebar mustache/VanDyke goatee that scared off the voters, or perhaps he was a bit too much of a ranconteur and fount of culture and other knowledge that left them in the dust…
Nevertheless, with good vid and spectacular audio (announcing), games in the 60s, 70s, and 80s (until I moved away) were more than memorable…
AM radio… a lost treasure. Even the commercials were often works of art… (e.g. Lonnie Schell announcing the new phone number of the Oakland Airport, as a stutterer [couldn’t do that now, in snowflake times]… 444-4444 …. took him a while to say it 😆 )…
Priceless memories!!! We had the treasure of Ernie Harwell for Detroit Tigers games for decades. Mitch Albom wrote a play about Ernie that we were privileged to see with my parents maybe a decade ago. It was such a beautiful echo of a bygone era. Harwell’s game calling was kind of like the soundtrack of our Summer life! My grandpa used to carry a transistor radio with an ear”bud” to listen to the AM radio calls while At the ballgame so he got the best of both worlds!
I can still hear Ernie saying “It’s Looooonnnnng Gooonnnne!” back in the Tiger Stadium days, where we had one of the smallest distances to the fence in the major leagues so lots of homeruns! It was a crime when they tore that stadium down 🙁
William Earnest Harwell (January 25, 1918 – May 4, 2010) was an American sportscaster, known for his long career calling play-by-play of Major League Baseball games. For 55 seasons, 42 of them with the Detroit Tigers, Harwell called the action on radio and/or television. In January 2009, the American Sportscasters Association ranked Harwell 16th on its list of Top 50 Sportscasters of All Time.[1]
Brooklyn Dodgers general manager and part-owner Branch Rickey was impressed enough with Harwell that he believed he would be an appropriate substitute for longtime Dodgers announcer Red Barber, who was recuperating from a bleeding ulcer. He traded catcher Cliff Dapper to the Crackers in exchange for breaking Harwell’s broadcasting contract, the only known instance in baseball history where a player was traded for a broadcaster.
Verse of the Day for Friday, September 8, 2023
“Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.”
2 Timothy 2:3 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Readers here will most likely be aware of some or all of this, but in case one may have missed a detail it’s worth reading, all the way through.
Just wish they had a Windows7 client… not a fan of the perpetually updating and infinitely buggy Windows 1 0 and its crappy follow-on. (And, before anyone suggests, not a *x fan either)…
Maybe Thunderbird?
Nah, I want to use Outlook with IMAP, but Proton only supports Windows 1 0 and above…. not just planned obsolescence, obligatory obsolescence…
OTOH, I have to wonder if rather than the US TLAs and/or Gargle (but I repeat myself) snuffling in the DBs of gmail, et. al. (as Proton describes), there might be an EU snuffler of its own… even though Switzerland is “independent” and “not part of the EU”, they do follow some rules, and the bank privacy provisions disappeared about the same time the EU put its ugly face on the world scene in 1992… “only a financial union” my hiney…
Seems most vendors think everyone uses smartphones to do their business, etc. As some wag said about smart homes, smart phones for dumb people…
Thunderbird does IMAP. What’s the attraction of Outlook?
I have numerous copies and installations of it and the rest of the complete Office suite. And I like the product.
The problem isn’t the mail client…
Ah…..I had been going by “Just wish they had a Windows7 client…”
Of course, if you wanted to get completely crazy, you could run Outlook under WINE under Linux and tell it to simulate a Win 1 0 environment…..
We are fortunate to live at a time when there are a zillion ways to skin cats.
As I said, not a *x fan… nor of cobbled emulations…
“Maybe Thunderbird?”
Boone’s Farm 👍😁
from comments OT
Ron Johnson needs to STOP talking.
Get his rCON buddies in the House to defend CDC, FDA, NIH…anyone stonewalling investigations.
Defend??? Isn’t that a job for the criminal party? 🤔
Rant incoming, apologies in advance!
I read stuff like this article linked up above all the time:
Embedded in them is usually some link to buy “prepper food,” and also “buy gold.”
But let me ask you, seriously; if it all comes apart, and you want some of my precious chicken eggs or vegetables, do you think I’m going to accept gold in exchange? Because if so, you all need to think again!
I won’t give one damn for a piece of metal I can’t eat, spend at a gas station or store of any kind (if any are still around), or use to buy seeds. If this dystopian future comes to pass, gold won’t help you. Believe me or not.
What WILL help you are SKILLS. Can you fix my fence, patch my roof, repair my car? Can you grow veggies to trade, make cheese, knit a sock?
This prepper stuff will keep you alive for a little while, but long run, your children and grandchildren need to know how to DO THINGS, not hoard gold. So learn, teach, and do, right now.
Rant over.
Gold is not ‘prepper’ material. It’s for what comes afterwards when the ‘new’ govt forms.
Ok. I’m just not a “theoretical” person, I guess. I don’t buy it.
Also in a weird bassackward way it seems to me that it would basically create the next 2 tiered system of carpetbaggers. The rich ones with gold and the others that managed to survive on their wits.
Realistically the gold holders would be able to buy influence, buy up distressed property and buy people’s support……….just like it is now.
Buying gold now isn’t a bad thing but in a post apocalyptical situation it seems that the same cabal that put us in the hole would have basements full of it so how would the ones with a bit of gold compete anyway ?
I agree, totally. Great analysis.
Americans still somewhat trusted that their gov’t wasn’t actually an enemy hell bent on destroying them back then.
If the gov’t tried to outlaw gold today, people would laugh at them.
There is no ‘good will’ toward gov’t.
There is no ‘we’re all in this together’ toward gov’t.
What there is, is “the gov’t is a robber and a murderer, and they are trying to murder all of us”.
ZERO goodwill for the government at ALL levels.
With OR without a government. Reality.
What you’re talking about is a barter system that would pop up in case of a true crash, but at the same time, precious metals have, over time, been proven to be the best currency commoditity.
Gold is to store your savings IF YOU HAVE money put by in large quantities. It is the place to move your wealth when you move it OUT of stocks and bonds.
Thanks, I’ll just take some everclear 😆
Gotta keep the cars running, the house warm, and meself warm too 🙂
I come from a looonnnng line of mountain bootleggers. I don’t have a still, but I do know how to build one.
Yep, I remembered that… I come from a long line of ridgerunners, too, where mountaineers are always free 🙂
And where lots of revenueers are taking dirt naps.
Filtering that *cough* pure mountain water 😀
Like Putting Food By: The Indispensable Resource by Deborah Evans
Livestock care
Pole building…
Survival guide books – 101 books for preppers
Hand tools are one my strange buys whenever I run across them. Older ones are made to last. I even pick up old nails and screws that are in jars or cans that families donate or sell at yard sales…the new ones are junk
We do pony rides at a flea market and Hubby is always bringing home MADE IN THE USA tools.
Yep, new fasteners are usually CCS… Cheap RED Chinese $hit…
I had a heavy-duty lag bolt where the head sheared off as I was tightening it… good thing it wasn’t in a safety-relevant application… now I just use SPAX or locally-sourced hardware when I can get it…
Another overlooked thing that’s always helpful are sewing items, thread, needles, good scissors, etc
I have an entire room….
Oh yes. And fabric.
Believe me, I have been. And hand meat and coffee grinders, cherry pitters, can openers, apple peelers, etc.
Hand meat?
Anything like handburgers? 🙂
(Happens when grating cheese in a hurry…)….
Lol! Non-electric grinders of meat products. Preferably not hands!
I remember using one of those clamped to the kitchen counter 🙂
I used mine just a few months ago. Ground up a bunch of pork for the freezer.
Nice. The one I used was at my grandparents’ cottage. I have No Idea if it’s still there…somewhere 🙂
What do you do with ground pork?
Mix it with ground elk for meatloaf and burgers, make breakfast sausage, put it in chili, etc. All kinds of stuff. I usually use it with lean meat that needs more fat.
OK TY. I think my mom mixed ground pork & ground beef for her pasties, which I’ve never actually made myself, but sell pretty well with the extended family.
Do you get the elk yourself by hunting or do they actually sell it where you live? I’ve seen bison in the store but never elk 🙂 Our hunters have never tried for elk here, there’s a lottery & it can take years to get a license & they also aren’t where our guys usually hunt. We do get venison, but not nearly as frequently as my husband’s hunting buddy does, but then he’s got a Huge family to feed so God is definitely taking care of them via the dad’s hunting prowess!
Lol. I could buy it or hunt it, but friends always give me some, so I don’t need to.
That’s awesome! Our very successful hunting & fishing friend gave us some of his bounty when we visited his gentleman’s farm some months back too…Love it!!!
Good one today:
Are You Suffering from Learned Helplessness?
Thank you so much for this link. It speaks to many things. IMO, the entire COVID-19 situation has “done a real number” on an untold amount of people in terms of increases in stress / anxiety for those who were either pre-disposed to, or already afflicted with, these issues; or, has kicked off stress / anxiety issues for others who were doing fine before January 2020. This is in addition to the untold amount of people who have been negatively effected either by a COVID-19 infection itself; or, by the negative effects of the COVID-19 “vaccines” they took.
All the stress small business people went thru as they fought to keep their businesses.
All the stress for parents…
All the stress from trying to find a place to work that did not require the Clot Shot.
All because the People won’t rise up and destroy the Monster.
Scott you need a LEADER. That is what all the wars are for (aside from making money and turning people into slaves.)
Patriotic youngsters/future Alpha Males get DELIBERATELY KILLED OFF before they can do much breeding. It is really diabolical.
Thanks to bone spurs on his heels, Trump managed to evade that trap.
Government by perpetual emergency…
They do it over here, too…
SOEs let them relax or eliminate (sometimes permanently) any and all safeguards from legislative abuses and overreach…
Just saw this headline:
I bet one factor in her decision — and maybe the main factor — is Trump. She probably wants to be there to try to stop him. If she retired she would lose the control she still has even though she’s not the Speaker anymore.
“We have it all.” She’s obviously suffering from cognitive dissonance if she thinks she can stop DJT, either in DC or SF.
She can’t retire, she wields too much power, so the people who own her won’t let her retire. She’s their tool.
And she also needs to protect herself. If she is still in Congress, she is in a position to do all kinds of things to cover her tracks, launch FF investigations, block investigations of herself, etc.
If she is on the outside, she will have to rely on (and trust in) all of her dear friends in Congress to do a better job of keeping her out prison than she would… 😂
And she doesn’t want to retire anyway, not after attaining such power.
They’ll have to pry the power out of her cold dead fingers, just like all the others.
Well, IMO, this could “signal” certain things, like —
The DNC has plans formulated and ready to start to regain the House;
IF that happens, Pelosi would then, in that case, run for the Speakership;
Pelosi would then be 3rd in line to a DemCommunist President in 2025 (like, say, Newscum.)
Looks as if Jim Jordan has touched a nerve. She mad. 😂😅🤣
I doubt Fanni has the intelligence and language capacity to repeat that statement that was written in her name.
Well she certainly does not have an ethical bone in her entire body.
She’s gonna wish she hadn’t crossed the Jordan, so to speak…..
She’s soon to be baptized by the Jordan …
Is it mean to hope she drowns in it?
There I go again. I’m going to hell.
I’ll see you there then.
I hope we meet in heaven. But I am so pissed off lately, I’m struggling to be kind.
I am right there with you!
That’ll get you a Bluegrass cello (held like a guitar) 🙂 and the Dead South… and a catchy tune, as well (similar to the Cantina tune and one that Charlie Brown uses)…
I so admire the ability to really whistle! And on key!
That is a great song! Thanks Cuppa!
Yep, I’m a cellist, with perfect pitch, but I can’t whistle to save my life… and my family give me no rest on that count, as I like to whistle sometimes… my Dad could whistle really well (makes me think of how Bing Crosby whistled), but that talent escaped me… entirely…
Really catchy tune, that YouTube suggested a while back, maybe merging my bluegrass views with my classical/cello views… once in a while their algorithms produce something useful 🙂
Thanks for sharing!
She even looks dumb to me. She’s got that mulish-stupid set to her face.
Sounds like she was describing herself….
Surprised she didn’t call him RAYYYYCIIIISSSSSSS….. Then again, it was Politico, always batting left…
If the average Demcommi Joe & Karen can’t see that we’re living in a literal totalitarian system that’s testing it’s one party lawfare legs I suppose eventually they will. Eventually when the party henchmen want their property or their children, manufactured evidence will be used against them too. They won’t be DemCommi enough to save themselves.
Where to file this?
“These people are stupid.”
“You have to show the people to get them to understand.”
“Karma is a b___.”
NOW IF ONLY SHE IS THE FIRST IN A long line of DemonRats…
“Sorry but supply chain issues have caused us to be all out of tears and sympathy. Call back next week.”
You wanted someone to supply chains? 😀
Looks like they put her head in a vise and cranked away.
does it seem odd to anyone that allegedly she has a broken leg at the time this selfie was taken ? I’d be laid out on the driveway or on the ambulance gurney not in a sitting/standing……..or comforting the kids or maybe would’ve already wiped some blood off. None of her neighbors that came to her aide ran and got a first aid kit with some gauze or something ?
not saying it didn’t happen it just sees weird to me
Looks like she is nicely made up and then someone squirted a bit of red fluid on her.
She’s a liberal. If she has a bruise, it’s a “broken leg.”
The karma, it BURNS.
Boo freakin’ hoo, ya Commie twat.
So, what have we learned from this experience, Roseanne Roseannadanadan?
Anything at all?
is someone trying to get Musk on a hit list…
“Musk ordered shutdown of Starlink in Crimea – CNN””Ukrainian sea drones reportedly lost signal as they approached Crimea to attack the Russian fleet”
“Musk ‘committed evil’ – top Zelensky aide””Mikhail Podoliak has lashed out at the billionaire after reports that he prevented Kiev from using Starlink satellites to attack Crimea”
Musk is a PRIVATE AMERICAN CITIZEN. He is NOT a Ukranian or a NAZI so he has NO DOG IN THIS FIGHT. I am glad he stayed NEUTRAL as the rest of the USA should.
Hear hear!!! 😎
Hear hear, here too 🙂
IIRC, Musk early on provided StarLink free of charge to Ukraine.
Musk should have done nothing.
Musk did the right thing.
Musk should stop all aid (StarLink) to Ukraine theater of operations.
Kristi Noem gets to be showcased. I don’t completely trust her, but at least she’s not running against Trump.
Some comments I saw about her:
Carbon BS anything = proponent of the Big Lie
Beholden to mega-donors.
Friends with Lurch Thune = Enemy of the American People.
Personally, I respect her decision to refuse to challenge Thune [based on friendship]. Too many would toss the friendship for perceived political gain.
As far as carbon capture pipeline goes, it’s very unlikely to be built. So it’s a no-cost advantage to support it now, knowing it will not survive a DJT second term.
“Too many would toss the friendship for perceived political gain.”
Not enough put love of country above friendship with crooks.
If her bestie, the henchman of Cocaine Mitch, is more important than what’s best for the country, that’s all I need to know.
Sometimes I check a word after I post, just to be sure the meaning is what I intended. I should check before, but my comments are usually a stream-of-consciousness thing, so I use whatever words come to me, trying to get the thought out before I lose it. Seems like a more natural or organic process that way.
It’s usually after I post, and then read it, that I sometimes wonder if I chose the best word, or even the right word.
“Henchman” is the word I wondered about this time. It’s not a word I have occasion to use very often. To me it just meant ‘bad guy’ who does dirty work for a crime boss.
So I looked it up.
This time, I think I hit the bull’s-eye on every meaning 😂
Just saw this OT:
South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem Will Possibly Endorse President Donald Trump Today During Event in Rapid City
September 8, 2023
SD: “In the world of USA politics, the layers of stuff we need to pull apart and review is complex and always uncertain. However, this one is something I predicted ever since we started to see the collapse of Ron DeSantis and the desperation of the Sea Island group to try and retain control.
According to multiple media sources, originally starting with CNN – which is by itself sketchy, South Dakota Governor Krisi Noem is likely to endorse President Trump for 2024. This power move was anticipated by me about two weeks ago. Noem has appeared to be positioning herself for VP consideration over the past couple of months.
The problem, and this is where you really need to apply your suspicious cat instincts, is that Noem has always been a member of the Koch Brothers political outlook. She has been funded by them, supported strongly by them and the influential network around the Koch group, Americans for Prosperity. Noem has an immigration position that fits with the agenda of Big Ag, and that multinational enterprise is yet another layer of serious sketch.
The Koch/AfP network is the Paul Ryan coalition of establishment republicans, and Noem has always been in that stable. The Koch group has pledged to spend $70 million to destroy MAGA and Donald Trump {LINK} and the AfP has been working with Fox News to con the viewing audience as they support DeSantis. {LINK}
So, what the heck is going on here?
I don’t have the direct and data-driven answers,… YET….. but I will tell you with certainty, my gut instinct is that moving Kristi Noem into a position where she would be considered a VP pick for Trump in 2024, looks like an insurance policy against Trump winning 2024.
My suspicions against Noem are driven by two main points. First, Noem was being positioned by the Sea Island control group as the VP on the DeSantis ticket. That was clear from prior messaging, organizational alignment and information coming from the control system behind DeSantis.
Second, despite numerous interviews, no one has ever called out Kristi Noem for her relationship with the Kochs as it contrasts against her positive discussion of Donald Trump. Sometimes the absence of something tells you more about the construct of what you cannot quite put your finger on.
Governor Noem is a frequent guest on Fox News, yet no one ever asks her the main questions that would reveal the agenda. Big Ag is her tribe; Koch and Americans for Prosperity are her finance network; how does this line up with the spoken support for Donald Trump? Something is amiss, and my Spidey senses are on full alert.”
[continued at the title link above]
Mike Pence 2.0.
Oversight Chairman Comer: We Have The Votes To Launch Biden Impeachment Inquiry This Month
Google has graduated from a search engine to a mind control platform.
Good people don’t let other good people use Google.
Yandex is much better.
I keep telling Hubby to use Yandex, he keeps using Google and then complains… 🙄
Searched Yandex. First answer, there is currently no cure. Fourth answer, however:
“A final surgical option for adductor spasmodic dysphonia is a bilateral TA and lateral cricoarytenoid myectomy staged a minimum of 6 months apart.”
Okay, this is interesting.
I tried searching for “cure for spasmodic dysphoria” on duckduckgo.
NOTHING came up as a cure, only ‘treatment’, as I scrolled down through the search results.
The first (and only, so far) search result I clicked on was the 8th one down from the top:
Treatment for SD – Dysphonia International – Spasmodic dysphonia“To date, no known cure for spasmodic dysphonia exists. However, several forms of treatment are available to alleviate or control the symptoms of the vocal spasms on a temporary or long-lasting basis.”
The link has some basic info, and then 7 buttons to ‘learn more’ with different treatment listed above ‘learn more’.
The first button is for more info on “Voice Therapy”.
The second button is for more info on “Botulinum Toxin Injections”.
The third button is for more info on “SLAD-R Surgery”, with a big old smiling face photo of Scott Adams 😂
“Dilbert” creator Scott Adams chose to have SLAD-R surgery. He made a strong recovery from the procedure and recently, he was asked to record the audio narrative for his new book but he wasn’t sure that his voice quality was up to par. He was anxious about it, but agreed to read aloud for four hours per day for four days. “When the audio director said it was a wrap, I didn’t expect the emotional impact it would have on me”. The end result is a 9-hour audio file.
So I got rucky, finding the surgery option on my first try.
It’s kind of amazing that nothing came up as a “CURE” in the search results, but the info is out there, with just a few minutes of digging.
Shouldn’t have to dig at all, though.
Just checked Brave and first two returns mention a surgical option, second one is slightly better.
Elon is feeling the heat through the soles of his shoes.
Smart boy gets his feet off the coals.
Didn’t the USG just tell Space X (Elon) to halt their falcon heavy rocket launches over safety concerns, because the last one blew up?
Wonder how that plays into the decision.
^^The FAA ^^
WHOSE gov’t ‘authorities’ made the request?
The criminal unelected U.S. rogue regime doesn’t need Starlink, they have equipment a million times better.
If the criminal Nazi regime of Ukraine asked, I’d tell them to call the WH Help Line for all their criminal and war crime needs.
war crime needs = 😂
Then patch them through to the other hotline (courtesy of the Klint00ns 🙂 👹 👺 👿
I would have posted in support of Elon, but unfortunately his attack dog, Yaccarino-Hitler, banned me.
Some pundits in Ukraine are calling for the nationalization of Starlink assets in Ukraine. That would be funnier than hell — I don’t think they quite get the concept of “satellite internet”.
I was a little bit too young to pay attention to the Vietnam war but did the US declare war or was it like whatever it is we’re doing in Ukraine ?
I don’t understand how Biden can keep giving them billions ?
I think the House has control of the purse strings and that the RINOs are voting with the Dems to approve aid. From a search:
Considering all the trafficking, etc. going through Ukraine, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Zeleksky had dirt on all but a very few congress critters, as well as most of the rest of DC… Dirty Criminals…
thank you, sorry I didn’t look it up myself.
The whole thing makes me so mad 😡
YW! Yes, 😡
More fallout from illegals in black communities:
And the DEMONRATS are going to get another whammy, as at least the Mexicans coming over the border are generally conservative, pro-family, pro-church, and interested in working for a better life… as opposed to the welfare grifters on the DEMONRAT plantations in the big leftist cities…
Hard to reconcile pro-church and pro-illegal invader.
Not that many churches would mind, they seem to be engaged in all sorts of lawlessness themselves these days.
Yep. Hard to be perfect, isn’t it…
I love the taste of liberal tears in the morning. Tastes like…victory.
A General Strike, at least, would be a good start…
THIS is what I’ve been talking about for two years!
Strike, and let the elitists unclog their own toilets, fix their own cars, and every other hard and dirty job. They can “rule” over the ruins.
They wouldn’t last three weeks.
Probably screaming bloody murder by the end of the first day.
I doubt that many of them could even cook a meal.
I’m sure of it!
Why do you think they opened the border?
To replace us.
LOL, they may shocked to find out that our replacements aren’t interested in working. With all the $$ and perks the govt is giving them, why work?
Also doubtful that there are tons of licensed electricians, plumbers, mechanics, contractors, etc in the illegal horde
I’m sure that there are a ton of jackleg electricians who could wire a light switch to turn on a fixture amongst the illegals……but I wouldn’t write the homeowner a fire insurance policy…..
Good luck with that.
Plumbers, electricians, and truck drivers in most (if not all) states are required to be licensed to ply their trades. And that takes YEARS to accomplish. Illegal immigrants aren’t replacing those people in the short term, and the Demoncrats couldn’t stand the pain for three weeks, much less three years.
They would just import illegal aliens to do all the menial labor.
They have all the money, so they can easily outlast us (see France, Brazil, etc.), and buy their way out of any personal inconvenience.
But it would be a useful exercise just the same 👍
See my answer to pgroup.
“Plumbers, electricians, and truck drivers in most (if not all) states are required to be licensed to ply their trades.”
That’s a two-way street. They control the licensing. So if you don’t show up to do your job, during a ‘national emergency’, they revoke your license.
Now you won’t have that high paying job when the strike is over.
They don’t need trucking, when they can afford to send C-130 military transport planes to Europe twice a day to buy fresh French bread and whatever else they want. The plane lands in D.C. and a military helicopter delivers it to wherever it needs to go.
They can set up a military defensive perimeter around D.C. and live like kings and queers for as long as it takes. Won’t bother them a bit.
When TPTB can afford any price, when money means nothing to them, how many licensed plumbers or electricians are going to refuse $1,000 an hour?:
But suppose there was perfect unity among the People, such that there were no scabs of any kind.
Is there anyone in the military who can fix a toilet, or replace a fuse box?
Who does the military work for?
They’ve got this covered a hundred ways to Sunday.
“And that takes YEARS to accomplish. Illegal immigrants aren’t replacing those people in the short term, and the Demoncrats couldn’t stand the pain for three weeks, much less three years.”
They don’t care if you or I don’t have a plumber or an electrician 😂
They only care about themselves.
There are plenty of capable plumbers from all over the world they can bring in, and since they control the licensing, they can issue licenses to whomever they choose, or they can just ignore licensing requirements… because THEY make the laws, and they IGNORE the laws when it suits them.
TPTB won’t feel any pain.
Believe me, they wouldn’t stand for it, not for one second 😂
Well, Eeyore, I guess we might all just as well commit suicide.
You and I are talking about two DIFFERENT groups. I know the elites would send out for whatever. But the average leftist is a broke-ass millenial living in his parents basement, or some suburban soy boy and his soccer-mom wife. Those people can’t survive without us. If ALL of the left joined with all of the right against the elite, we win. Because there are only a mere handful of elites, and a gazillion average people.
“Well, Eeyore, I guess we might all just as well commit suicide.”
“You and I are talking about two DIFFERENT groups. I know the elites would send out for whatever. But the average leftist is a broke-ass millenial living in his parents basement, or some suburban soy boy and his soccer-mom wife. Those people can’t survive without us.”
The tyrannical gov’t literally doesn’t care about them or whether they survive, just like it didn’t care about any of the French People, or any of the People in Brazil.
They WANT Americans dead, as many as possible. They tried to MURDER US ALL with covid + poison vaxx!
They admit they want to murder us all, they say it out loud to anyone who will listen, Agenda 2030, Event 201, WEF, Gates, etc.
The tyrannical gov’t can afford to wait out the strike. They can afford it much longer than the People can afford it.
Eventually, the People will run out of food, and run out of money.
The tyrannical gov’t will never run out of either one.
They win.
Not only is it reality, it’s HISTORY, including recent.
“If ALL of the left joined with all of the right against the elite, we win. Because there are only a mere handful of elites, and a gazillion average people.”
Agreed, in principle.
But as a practical matter, we’re not going to get ALL of the Left, or even all of the right or wishy-washy middle to join.
But for sake of argument, suppose all 330 million Americans united against the District of Criminals.
Then what?
They’re not just going to give up. They will order the military to protect them. D.C. becomes a fortress. No one gets in, but anyone inside can come and go as they please by air.
They will go to war against the American People.
They will commit insane acts of terrorism against the American People.
There is nothing they will NOT do in order to save themselves.
I’m not saying any of this to frustrate you, just thinking how the enemy thinks.
They can’t be given amnesty for their crimes against humanity.
They won’t give up, to be tried and convicted.
Since giving up is not an option for them, and cannot ever be an option for them (just as giving up was not an option for Hitler), how is the stalemate resolved?
If “A” is where we are now, and “B” is where we want to be (with Cabal removed from power), how to we get from ‘A’ to ‘B’?
What ACTION takes place to make that a reality?
What made Hitler commit suicide?
He knew the Russians were banging on the door, and when they got in, it was going to be far worse for him than committing suicide, so he committed suicide.
Would Hitler have committed suicide if the Russians were not at the gate? Of course not. No matter how many Germans died in the process, Hitler wasn’t giving up until suicide was his only option left.
No tyrant is any different.
Certainly not our tyrants.
So long as there are no one is threatening to invade their bunker and root them out, they’re not going to commit suicide, and they’re certainly not going to give up.
I don’t understand the disconnect, this amorphous thought that so many share, that if we just unite or if we just do this or that, some crack in the universe appears, and Deus Ex Machina happens, and the bad guys all surrender like the end of a Scooby cartoon.
It never ends that way, not in real life.
Criminals who have nothing to lose, criminals who face certain death or life imprisonment for their crimes, don’t give up without a fight, and they have the entire United States military on their side.
Strikes are lovely, I’m all for them. It will be a great unity-building exercise. It will produce leaders and organizers. It will open the eyes of many about what doesn’t work, so we can move forward toward things that do work.
I’m pretty sure that an ‘awakening’ is required in this regard like all the others, because I don’t think many people have an understanding, at all, about what is necessary in order to DISLODGE entrenched criminals with unlimited power and money.
I don’t understand why people don’t understand, in the same way that I don’t understand why everyone doesn’t understand about Covid, or vaxx, or the Left, or the Uniparty, etc.
I understand it. A lot of people don’t.
I don’t know why.
And I don’t understand why people, including many on our side, don’t understand that the bad guys are not going to give up or surrender (or commit suicide) unless the Russians are literally coming into the bunker and overwhelming their Praetorian guards.
Because unless we can call Elizabeth Montgomery or Barbara Eden into service, there is no other way to make it happen.
And I don’t understand the point of LYING to ourselves about it.
I don’t understand what that accomplishes.
I never have.
We still aren’t disagreeing.
If the RIGHT fights back, WITHOUT the participation of the LEFT, those on the left will be ATTACKING US FOR the elites! If it’s Left + Right against the elite, at least we don’t have half of America against us.
So I am all for the national strike.
I just don’t want our hopes to be crushed when it doesn’t have the hoped-for result, because it won’t.
Would Hitler have given up and surrendered, if the German People had gone on a national strike?
Would Pol-Pot?
Would Stalin?
Would Mao?
Or would they have just murdered their way through any such opposition, because they could?
The current crop of tyrannical monsters are exponentially worse than any who came before them.
Nobody in history ever tried to murder the entire human race before.
These people did it without batting an eye.
Until or unless people come to terms with that reality, they will not be able to understand what kind of monsters these really are, or what lengths they are willing to go to in order to win.
Judge denies Meadows bid to move Georgia case to federal court
Would that be Steve “Casey” Jones, the Railroad Engineer?
Famed cardiologist Dr. Anish Koka has expressed his regret at “regurgitating the party line” on mRNA vaccines being “safe and effective” for young people, vowing he would never behave the same way in a similar situation.Koka, a cardiologist with degrees from Penn State and Temple University trained at Jefferson Health, said he “certainly saw an increase” in heart conditions at his Philadelphia clinic after mRNA vaccines were rolled out en masse, “…like many of us in the cardiology community did.”
“It’s undeniable,” he stressed.Koka was especially regretful about his personal role in propagandizing for the vaccines: “Me running around saying it’s ‘safe and effective,’ and giving it to 17-year-olds, given that most of the patients that were in the vaccine studies weren’t 17-years-old — I wasn’t technically correct.”
“I wasn’t correct at all in saying it was safe and effective because there weren’t enough people in that group to say that,” he lamented, emphasizing that he “would not give it to low-risk people again. That was a mistake on my part.
”Koka is particularly concerned by a Thai study that found an alarming number of cardiac injuries among minor teens given the Pfizer vaccine, particularly as the Moderna vaccine “has been shown to have myocarditis rates 3-4x Pfizer.”
“This study tells you if you roll this vaccine out to millions and millions and of 13 to 18-year-olds, you’re going to have a significant number of clinical myocarditis cases,” he warned.“This is a very cardioactive vaccine.”
H/T – Transfigurations – https://transfigurations.blogspot.com
9/7/23 – 1980 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues, 1381 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection
Too late now, Dr. Koka.
Didn’t you read the FDA-issued Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers for the Moderna COVID-19 “vaccines?” In the “Description” section, you’ll read that the Moderna COVID-19 “vaccines” contain AT LEAST TWICE the amount of spike protein + modRNA PER DOSE compared to the amounts in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccines.” This INCLUDES the Moderna “Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccine.”
(This is NOT to say that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccines” — any of them — are “safer” than the Moderna products. THEY ARE NOT.)
Good for him for acknowledging his error. However, I wonder about this:
Even if he didn’t know at the time that most of the patients weren’t 17, it was the height of irresponsibility to say something was safe and effective when he knew no such thing. People in the medical community stating the party line when they have no idea about its accuracy is what has broken trust for so many.
I wonder if his admitting that will make it easier for parents to sue him. And they should. These are people’s lives he was playing with. Sounds like he’s trying to get out of the way of the tsunamai coming at the medical industry.
“Koka was especially regretful about his personal role in propagandizing for the vaccines: “Me running around saying it’s ‘safe and effective,’ and giving it to 17-year-olds, given that most of the patients that were in the vaccine studies weren’t 17-years-old — I wasn’t technically correct.””
NO, you were WRONG, you asshat. And people DIED because of YOU. I hope you have nightmares about those deaths for the rest of your life, you miserable, ignorant, POS.
If you were REALLY sorry, you would quit pretending to be a physician, today. Go be a ditch digger or something useful.
This guy has just lost every court case that will be brought against him. He admitted his negligence and will have no viable defense.
He certainly did and it doesn’t absolve him of his malpractice but I respect that he took a public verbal stand against the vax for children.
It’s a start.
All of those who don’t admitted are guilty of criminal negligence (at the very least) just the same.
They have a professional responsibility to know WTH they’re talking about when they advocate for any medical treatment.
They didn’t, and they couldn’t, for the same reasons nobody else could, because there was no long term testing data.
But there is plenty of historical evidence of vaccines causing terrible harm.
So no doctor can credibly deny knowledge of the potential danger, and no doctor can claim to have met his professional responsibility to advocate the covid vaccine treatment as ‘safe’ or ‘effective’, when no doctor could possibly have known if either one was true.
So it seems to be textbook malpractice at the very least.
Those who admit their egregious and felonious error might hope to get some kind of leniency at sentencing.
edit / correction: “All of those who don’t
admittedadmit (their mistake) are guilty of criminal negligence (at the very least) just the same.”A grave digger for all his former patients….
No kidding.
Apparently New Mexico just wandered off the reservation, Rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States no longer applicable:
New Mexico governor issues order to suspend open and concealed carry of guns in Albuquerque
Updated 7:54 PM EDT, September 8, 2023
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham on Friday issued an emergency public health order that suspends the open and permitted concealed carry of firearms in Albuquerque for 30 days in the midst of a spate of gun violence.
The Democratic governor said she is expecting legal challenges but felt compelled to act in response to gun deaths, including the fatal shooting of an 11-year-old boy outside a minor league baseball stadium this week.
The firearms suspension is tied to a threshold for violent crime rates that only the Albuquerque area currently meets. Police are exempt from the temporary ban on carrying firearms.
Lujan Grisham said the restrictions “are going to pose incredible challenges for me as a governor and as a state.”
“I welcome the debate and fight about how to make New Mexicans safer,” she said at a news conference, flanked by leading law enforcement officials, including the district attorney for the Albuquerque area.
Lujan Grisham referenced several recent shootings in Albuquerque. Among them was a road rage shooting Wednesday outside a minor league baseball stadium that killed 11-year-old Froyland Villegas and critically wounded a woman as their vehicle was peppered with bullets while crowds departed an evening game.
Last month 5-year-old Galilea Samaniego was fatally shot while asleep in a motor home. Four teens entered the mobile home community in two stolen vehicles just before 6 a.m. on Aug. 13 and opened fire on the trailer, according to police. The girl was struck in the head and later died at a hospital.
The governor also cited the August shooting death in Taos County of 13-year-old Amber Archuleta. A 14-year-old boy shot and killed the girl with his father’s gun while they were at his home.
SCOTUS gonna slap her down…
Maybe, but she did it on a Friday night to guarantee at least a couple days of tyranny.
The people of New Mexico should call out the NM State Police RIGHT NOW and ask them point blank, are you going to support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of New Mexico, or are you going to follow the lawless order of a rogue governor?
I was just listening to Tim Poole on Timcast, apparently Elon Musk tweeted or retweeted about it, so it’s blowing up on Tweeter.
Time for the cops to make a decision.
Tyranny or Freedom.
LE Do NOT enforce. <<< Problem solved.
I respect the idea but I have little to no confidence in that happening. Several years of watching cops only go after patriots, enforce and arrest noncompliant mask people…can’t see them not enforcing this
State police, would have to be in a Red state. But then, the guvner in a Red state would not try to canx OC and CC, as NM has done.
So, it really comes down to Sheriffs and City police to say, NOT enforcing. So ye, it’ll be by area.
TMI. I’ll be crossing NM in a few weeks. I-10 or I-40. No plans to stop in Albuquerque. Will not change my carry perspective.
Hope this gets struck down in the courts soon. IF it isn’t struck down, ALL blue states WILL follow suit, cancelling OC & CC.
Will be interesting to see how folks react.
NM was draconian during Covidiocy.
None of those deaths resulted from permitted legal owners . Her entire premise is ridiculous
All it does is make legal gun owners Sitting Ducks for the CARTEL killers.
Sounds like NM has a TEEN killer problem. If she wanted to make some point then issue a curfew for teens
“None of those deaths resulted from permitted legal owners . Her entire premise is ridiculous”
And even if every single death was from lawful gun owners, it wouldn’t change a single thing.
If a thousand lawful gun owners went out and killed 10,000 people, it would not, indeed could not, invalidate the rights of anyone.
(Via AP) – ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham on Friday issued an emergency public health order that suspends the open and permitted concealed carry of firearms in Albuquerque for 30 days in the midst of a spate of gun violence.
White House – […] “The actions of persons who commit, threaten to commit, or support terrorism continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States. For this reason, the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13224 of September 23, 2001, as amended, and the measures adopted to deal with that emergency, must continue in effect beyond September 23, 2023. Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency with respect to persons who commit, threaten to commit, or support terrorism declared in Executive Order 13224, as amended.”
This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted to the Congress.
( copied from an article at CTH 0
Evil DemoKaren!
“Political Power grows out of the barrel of a gun” – Mao Zedong
1911 Turkey Gun control — from 1915 to 1917 – 1.5 million Arminans killed
1935 China gun control — from 1948 to 1952 – 20 million killed
1938 Germany Gun control — from 1935 to 1945 – 20,946,000 murdered.
1956 Cambodia gun control — from 1975 to 1977 – 1 to 2 million educated people murdered.
1964 Guatamala Gun Control — from 1964 to 1981 – 100,000 Mayan Indians killed.
1970 Uganda gun control in — from 1971 to 1979 – 300,000 Christians killed, a total of 2 to 3 million
The Cabal wants the USA to be number 7 on that list.
ht Gail, or another QTreeper…
Absolute lunacy between reporter and Lujan. Capped off with Lujan, acknowledging criminals will NOT obey her executive Order. (Emphasis mine.)
A reporter confronted Grisham on this ridiculous order.
She is a psycho tyrant. She needs to be involuntarily committed. 😡
‘road rage’
‘four youths in stolen cars’
I’d like to hear the full story behind all these crimes to see if it may have something to do with the influx of uninvited illegal aliens and/or cartel members.
If it turns out that these crimes are committed by illegals, then it would seem to me that this is exactly what ‘they’ wanted. Create chaos, create an emergency, then evoke emergency powers.
She states she takes this action in hopes that it will force someone else to do something. This action punishes law abiding citizens.This action makes law abiding citizens less safe. This action is NOT the answer.
Just another case of the “Patriot Act”.
Nothing Patriotic at all about it; just meant to impede, control, and jail TRUE PATRIOTS by means of multiple false flags and other skulduggery…
Just like Satan and the DEMONRATS; they say or promise one thing, and do the EXACT OPPOSITE. OR, they accuse YOU of the crimes THEY are committing…..