Back In My Day: Coal Country Heroes – Music Edition

What could be more boring to some of you than talking about dirty, black dust smudged coal miners exiting a filthy, death trap of a mine day after endless day? Why go there with one of your stories, TradeBait? I have better things to do like walking the dog, staining the deck, and washing the … Continue reading Back In My Day: Coal Country Heroes – Music Edition

Lazy Days and Nights – POL Garbageman Reporting from COHVID District 12

in which Wolf Moon introduces several new and not-so-new characters who he may or may not actually know, as political gossiptainment We begin with a reminder of my dear sister Fox Moon, who managed to get herself into a previous weird post which dealt with the an absolutely beautiful and eminently believable TROLL of the … Continue reading Lazy Days and Nights – POL Garbageman Reporting from COHVID District 12

Cultural Marxism And The Exultation Of The Seven Deadly Sins

I will confess that I've been toying with this post for quite a while. And then over the weekend, when Jennifer Lopez and Shakira put on their symbolic temple dance.... The post became inevitable. Over the years, while subjected to the vast intellectual and cultural wasteland known as cable television, every now and then a … Continue reading Cultural Marxism And The Exultation Of The Seven Deadly Sins