Lies, Damn Lies, and Chronologistics

Seeking the Truth About Joe Biden's Two Marriages What follows is not exactly what I thought I would write, originally. I didn't know where, exactly, this would go. I'm not even sure now, that it went where it went. It's almost too unbelievable. We may be looking at so many lies, the truth may never … Continue reading Lies, Damn Lies, and Chronologistics

The Magnetism Challenge: Part III – Suramin: A Lesson in Discreditation of Dissident Scientists and Science

This is for the historical record. I hope that this analysis gets to the "dissident scientists" involved, but even if it never does, future historians will get a powerful look at what I call "Fake Science" - the establishment's phony, deceptive and controlled scientific complex - and how infiltration, control, and discreditation of dissident populist … Continue reading The Magnetism Challenge: Part III – Suramin: A Lesson in Discreditation of Dissident Scientists and Science