Cover image: Theodore Robinson, American, A French Hamlet , (1892) Brooklyn Museum.
This about says it when it comes to this year’s presidential contest.
Who says zoom meetings have to boring and uncolorful?
And a reminder to take the pledge:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

And now for the nitty gritty of the Q Tree 5 minute, stand up, Tuesday morning meeting version of the Daily Thread.
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out with anyone who happens to still be hanging out there.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And please, if you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it.
LUKE 11:37-41
37While he was speaking, a Pharisee asked him to dine with him; so he went in and sat at table. 38The Pharisee was astonished to see that he did not first wash before dinner. 39And the Lord said to him, “Now you Pharisees cleanse the outside of the cup and of the dish, but inside you are full of extortion and wickedness. 40You fools! Did not he who made the outside make the inside also? 41But give for alms those things which are within; and behold, everything is clean for you.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

Lovely, lively stringed instruments DP.
Also, this account might be worth a follow if you do the twister:
^^^ That was a great crowd at the rally.
Rather sure President Trump appreciated it.
Just trying to keep things fresh to the extent I can.
Sebastian Rushworth M.D.
Herd immunity without antibodies?
there are a few reasons why herd immunity might be achieved with only a minority of the population having antibodies, both epidemiological (to do with how the infection spreads in a population), and immunological (to do with how the immune system works).
I took the CV-19 tests – for the disease and for antibodies – both were negative. I was sick in December and thought it might have been the CV-19. Might have been another coronavirus.
The CV-19 tests have limits and failures.
If I remember my high school Spanish, the correct spelling is vaya; as in vaya con Dios.
Agree! It’s Vaya con Dios!!!
There’s Latin and Italian which are via.
Les Paul and Mary Ford
I GOT TO HAVE ME SOME OF THOSE ANTIBODIES!!!!!! 😮 Who’s with me????😉😁 LET’S RIDE!!!🤠🤠😎
you know with certain people, they are so genuine–you can tell by their stance, their demeanor, whether or not they like the company they’re with…
there’s no doubt…POTUS LOVES AMERICANS!!!!!
and we love him right back!!!!
Exactly what was the graceful transition between “pull my finger and I’ll fart 24 karat gold dust out my butt” and “who says zoom meetings have to boring and uncolorful?”
And does it involve Skittles?
You wanna do this?
Things are becoming clear.
More thoughts from a different thread:
She did not pull enough photos Wolfie!
Trevor Majors@Trevor_Majors
Oct 12
Replying to
He’s pulling right now. No deadly threat at all. Mace is response to this, not the other way around. (Carlos hear the victim say “put it back” (the gun))
You are correct. They have been attacking journalists and people with phones…. shouting NO PICTURES. They don’t want their antics in the press. They film themselves so they can splice together the narrative to put out. Andy Ngo, Ian, and other journalists who are getting the info and videos out to publice are iding/disguised in the crowds. Andy was attacked when he was in the open. So any journalists allowed in the crowds have to be Pro-BLM/Antifa Trump hating friendly Leftists.
journalists….. are Hiding/disguised
Check this out – they got Denver Post to release all of that ANTIFA journo-babe’s pictures – she was hiding the ones that will send Doloff to PRISON!!!
Here is a film composite of the whole sequence.
In the Kenosha/Kyle Rittenhouse event…there was also an agitator-guy who was getting in people’s faces and saying the same thing that the BGM guy was saying.
“Mace me, motherf-ker!”…”Shoot me, motherf-ker!”
And using the word “n-gah” a lot.
It’s like a script.
Is this a script that the ones playing the ‘agitator role’ are taught to say?
It didn’t turn out too well for the agitator guy in Kenosha.
He was the first one that Kyle Rittenhouse ended up shooting.
But then, someone had shot at Kyle first…which is why he fired his weapon.
I keep wondering…Was Dolloff supposed to be the ‘sacrificial lamb’ in this one?
They were hoping to get footage of Trump supporters being violent.
They went into their bird-dogging and agitating to try to make it happen.
Dolloff is kind of a trigger-happy type, warrior-wannabe.
I’m sure he wasn’t told that he was to be the designated shooting victim…but he was there, with a gun, to engage.
Dolloff ID’d a guy with a gun.
Why did he do that?
I’m thinking that he was told to do that.
But Dolloff screwed up the script.
The planners hadn’t planned on the Trump supporters *not* taking the bait…and not shooting back.
This is why I call them CANNON FODDER.
If I recall the guy screaming “shoot me!” had just been released after trying to commit suicide so he may very well have been talked into ‘Dying for the Cause’ and becoming a martyr.
We already know a lot of the psych workers are in on the False Flags.
WHOA – you mean that Head ANTIFA guy Kelly? If you have a link, that would be awesome!
Oh, wow – I think you have this right. This is how ginning works. FOOL BOTH SIDES. Yup. The wicked URINALISTS and the ANTIFA HEAD GUY are the real DEMONS here. The head ANTIFA dude knows that an “egg might get broken”, and whether it’s the Doloff egg or the Keltner egg, they just want an omelet, but if it turns into scrambled eggs, NO PROBLEM.
The racial stuff is KEY. It’s a KEY part of the ginning. It’s PART OF THE SCRIPT. They want people responding EMOTIONALLY – not LOGICALLY.
Note that Keltner responded LOGICALLY, but Doloff responded EMOTIONALLY to being slapped away from his ASSIGNED SCRIPT MOVE of touching the other guy’s gun.
Yup. DOLOFF will be the fall guy, and his LAWYERS are not on his side, because they’re sticking to the SCRIPT of phony self-defense, which is part of the WAR ON CONCEALED CARRY, which is a deep part of the RADIUM ROD LAWFARE going on here.
If Doloff was smart and had a lawyer like OUR SIDE, with ME on the team, he would PIN IT ON HIS DEVIOUS HANDLERS AND ANTIFA. Oh, they can’t have that. But Doloff probably has the goods to send Kelly, 9News, and Helen H. Richardson (HHR) all to PRISON.
Denver Post published the whole sequence b/c they’re ALL ABOUT THE MONEY and HHR is a liability now. They’re SKINFLINTS. They’re COST CUTTERS. They know HHR is gonna cost them BIG, so they’re going to CUT HER LOOSE and Doloff’s lawyers are going to work WITH THEM behind his back to keep this isolated on Doloff.
Looks like Leo 2.0 got his wish! He’s been begging POTUS to let him campaign for him.😀
I could not stand L1.0, I abhorred him, he was so hateful, I always FF’d when he was on.
L2.0 is……JUST….WOW!!!🔥🚀🔥
Leo is such a happy guy now since he was red-pilled.
We can thank Larry Elder and Pastor Darrell Scott for that.
They gradually got him to see the truth about how the Demoncrat Party was the party of slavery…and has been lying to black people ever since.
Leo is on fire now to get out and spread the word.
Hey HalfWit, LET MY PEOPLE GO!!!
My people too! At least most of my family got to spend an extended weekend in the North Woods hunting the elusive white tail deer, stepping back in time w/ primitive conditions, & mostly forgetting about the fascist tyrant in the governor’s mansion!
Twitter seems to be playing games w/ this tweet. I saw in notifications that Wolfmoon retweeted it so I clicked on it to expand & the page would be blank. I went to Wolfie’s twitter “page” (don’t know the terms) & found the tweet still visible…it’s been seen more than 200 times but hidden to me at my timeline???
Yeah, this is actually interesting, so I investigated.
What’s happening is that they are putting most of your RETWEETS not in your “Tweets” timeline, but in your bigger “Tweets and Replies” timeline. Many of your retweets are MISSING from your timeline, because they put them in the “other” timeline which has more content.
That’s it. Look in the “other” timeline, and you will find it.
Thanks for checking, but I was referring to when I looked at my Notifications & then clicked on the one that said either you liked it or re-tweeted it. I clicked on that notice & it opened the page format to expand the tweet you took some action on but there was no tweet there, just blank but formatted page.
Later after finding My tweet on your timeline I went back to notifications, found where you’d liked or re-tweeted that tweet & clicked it & this time it appeared in the expanded area (I don’t know what to call that place but it lets you see a re/tweet in greater context)…
It seems that twitter was/is heavily suppressing our communications related to Denver for my numbers hardly moved at all & lately if I’m in that much of a tweeting (mostly retweeting) zone there is usually a lot more activity, not just a couple notifications in an hour…
Yup – they are suppressing metrics and notifications for sure!!!
Nothing is gonna stop what’s coming regardless!
I’m left wondering why the background is different in the photos.
More accurate, pic “after” was not taken from the same spot as “before“. The sign was on the BACK of the trailer whereas the “after” pic was most likely taken from the front (door) side….opposite side of the trailer.
Front yard and back yard.
Second photo taken from the backside of trailer perhaps?
Thank you.
Found on Wolfie’s twitter “page”, Bigfoot & farts, a 2fer around here!
In case anyone needs a visual…
Social Justice vs. Biblical Justice
Episode #2733
In today’s episode, Todd, with the help of Voddie Baucham, seeks to explain the differences between social justice and Biblical justice so we can understand what true justice really is.
Toledo, OH. what a joke. Not only does it have Trump people protesting Biden, but it show’s Biden giving his Build Back Better globalist stump speech in a parking lot behind some building to union people in cars. Worse one of the cars has either driven away in the middle of speech leaving a vacant slot or else he couldn’t even fill the front row. POTUS has this as retweet also, but found it elsewhere. BTW it doesn’t look like this parking lot could of held more than 20 to 30 cars at best.
Sotomayor? Related to the SC Justice?
Dr. Jim Garlow
Well Versed
Are some Evangelicals “for sale?” Yes.
Listen to Hayden Ludwig’s “Renting an Evangelical”
Soros’s “Rented Evangelicals”
Just wow…reminds me of some of Wheaties (cooler) finds…
I think that’s the closest call I’ve ever seen.
It’s a damn shame is what it is. Karma was 1 for 2 here.
Maybe the biker was lucky, but what in the H3ll were the car and motorcycle doing? It looked like a chase or a race, and they both ran the same red light.
I ran across a disaster movie compilation on YouTube with the title of “2020 – The End of Days”. It was posted in January, 2018, and has about 22-1/2 million views.
Given the posters unusual choice of the title, and the year it was posted, it got me to wondering what might be behind that.
One thing about disaster movies is that they can instill a sense of fear and uncertainty about the future, which in turn may set the stage for future panic en mass.
So, it got me to wondering if this is part of an effort to prepare the ground for some future event. China’s heavy influence in Hollywood comes to mind.
(8:02 in length)
A new movie titled “Greenland” was slated to be released on September, 25, but was pushed back to sometime in the fourth quarter (starts October 1st). It was released in some foreign markets in September.
Here’s the trailer for that one:
I just rechecked the “Greenland” release date. A new development:
“If you’re anything like me, you’ve been jonesing for your annual Gerard Butler action fix, and to the rescue comes STXfilms, which has announced it will release Greenland on premium VOD on Dec. 18.”
A communist “climate pusher”. A critical part of FAKE ENTERTAINMENT.
Typical of Hollywood; entertainment, plus an agenda.
I used to be a big fan of fake entertainment. Sometimes I miss it. But then I feel the weird chemicals in my blood after watching a trailer, and I know it’s bad stuff, and I’ll stay away strongly for another year or so.
What’s really weird is that when I first saw “2020 – The End of days” at YouTube about two weeks ago. I went back a short time later and did a search on the title, and came up with upwards of two dozen hits with the identical wording in the title. There were a lot of them.
I did the same search last night, and now there are only a scattered few. It may be that I typed something slightly different that changed the search results. But on the other hand, I’m wondering if YouTube, or someone else, did some purging within the last couple of weeks.
Branch Covidians!
Branch Covidians!!
Karen maskers!!
Some more info on the Denver shooter…
It’s stuff like this that has me thinking that maybe Saddam was onto something when he was feeding people into paper shredders……
Kill your husband’s lover, kill your lover’s wife, kill the guy who stiffed you on a drug deal…..normal justice with the usual waiting list on death row — you’re not supposed to do that, but it’s sort-of understandable that you did. A prearranged political assassination of someone of no great national prominence in order to create an atmosphere of fear in your political opponents…..needs some extra pizzazz to emphasize that YOU DON’T DO THAT. In the old days, you’d round up the perp’s family and kill them, raze their house, and break up the family tombstones to use as building materials, and chisel the family’s name off of monuments. Annihilation — as if they had never been. Lotta wisdom with those old farts….
And the Romans would crucify people…and they were NOT generally taken down off the crosses and given a decent burial, but rather left for the scavengers. That was part of the punishment.
If you can’t beat ’em join ’em? I’ll pass on that for the high road & the narrow gate!
Holy Moly!
(for Zoe)
Tweets from the Shooter.
“Just broke up a almost fight outside my work. This guy in his 50s blocked in this teenager and his girl friend in a parking spot. All this cuz he flipped him off on the road grow up dude your.”
“You would think so but the Castle Rock Police would take you to jail for assault. This is not the South. If ppl swing they go to jail. If cops are called of a domestic disturbance everyone goes to jail. They don’t play.
But if he had a gun and you shot a man say you felt like he was going for his gun you might get off. Double standard.“
Have I mentioned lately that I utterly loathe and abhor the current 1040 tax form? I reviewed mine for 2019 and I’m going to file it tomorrow, but it makes my head hurt.
But it almost made most families almost have a postcard sized return!
I have no idea whatsoever about the trigger for me thinking about Teotihuacan — a place I’ve never been. I saw an exhibition of recent discoveries at the DeYoung Museum in San Francisco a couple of years back, and it left an impression. Essentially, the process of becoming a king involved a “dark ride” under one or more of the pyramids of Teotihuacan, reaching a ceremonial center underground beneath the pyramid — and in each one, pyrite was embedded in the ceiling, to provide “starlight” when illuminated by torches. In some, there were places of ritual; in one, there was an entire miniature landscape, with streams and rivers of mercury to glisten in the dim light. Some areas had ceremonial statues and altars…..others might have had animals and their handlers.
One might imagine a “prince” of a ruling family going through the ritual, walking the tunnel to the edge of the pyramid, administered the sacred psychedelics by the priesthood, then bathing in the sacred pool and crawling through the trickling tunnel with magical starlight above until arriving at the chambers below the heart of the pyramid. Presented with a miniature landscape; inhaling the breath of a jaguar; making a sacrifice; watching costumed priests perform a rite….and, finally, crawling back through the tunnel to the sacred pool. When they emerged, how could they not feel destined to rule?
And, of course, one wonders how much of this was echoed at Epstein’s island…..
The fiancee’s buddies convinced her to climb to the top of the Pyramid of the Sun when she was in college. There were no safety ropes, and she had to back down the entire way.
HERE is some very interesting data from the Sanford FL rally!
This has been the consistent pattern from the beginning of the 2020 campaign – President Trump has been winning a big Democrat crossover vote, many never voted people and a large % of Independent voters!!!
DEXIT (Democrats supporting TRUMP 2020 or leaving the Democrat party) is really happening!!!
So are:
BLEXIT – BLEXIT leaving the Democrat Party
LEXIT – LATINOS leaving the Democrat party.
WEXIT – WOMEN leaving the Democrat party.
EVEXIT – EVANGELICALS leaving the Democrat party.
JEXIT – JEWS leaving the Democrat party.
CATHEXIT – CATHOLICS leaving the Democrat party.
GENEXIT – GEN X leaving the Democrat party.
MILLEXIT – MILLENNIALS leaving the Democrat party.
Although we may perceive it as being repulsed by the Dems — because we are — there are a large number of each of these that want to Make America Great Again. They don’t evaluate the Dims, they’re gravitating towards the MAGA.
Not all, but a bunch.
MORE interesting numbers…..
This tells us Kayleigh’s original 10:10 time may have been intentional.
Then she changed it to 11:03 – Election Day!
Now she’s got a new time that we will see today as she is interviewed at 8:10 am.
Also tells us Senator Grassley is a Kayleigh McEnany fan!!!
K-Mac brings the awesome to wherever she is. In the photo where everyone is marching over to the church from the White House, she’s about four rows back and on very high heels and seems tiny and non-threatening….but she wears the armor of God exceedingly well…..she just didn’t put it on for the stroll.
Snicker sneer!
Not the first time Acost-her has been caught with out his mask.
So Crazy to watch Senator Blumenthal of Connecticut lecture all on morals & ethics when for 25 years he said he was a Great War Hero in Vietnam, and he was never even there. He lied & cheated right up until the day he got caught. Thank you to those in military who turned him in!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 12, 2020
READ: Left-wing Radicals Post Online Guide to ‘Disrupting‘ the Country if Election is Close via @BreitbartNews. They know it is over for them. Law & Order will prevail, strong version!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 13, 2020
Echoes the Blessed Mother and more than one mystic, not to mention the monk in Italy who said Donald Trump would lead the US back to God 40 years ago.
I never heard that monk story. 👍🏻 Do you recall his name?
In Italy…one of St. Angela’s hope towns, IIRC, so that would be Brescia…I’ll have to look it up.
Make that Loreto, sorry. Not St. Angela then.
Oh wow, thanks! I’ll read now and pass on to hubby.
On my way to Johnstown, PA, for the Trump rally tomorrow.
Proud to announce that I’ll be partnering with @RSBNetwork as a guest host.
— #ThePersistence (@ScottPresler) October 12, 2020
California Senator Melissa Melendez (R) has a really great thread
Short and Sweet.
CCP HIRED Chinese (or other) Foreign Nationals can ballot harvest and then turn in all the falsified (pre-manufactured) ballots they wish.
There is ZERO protection against fraud!
Succeeded by Harold…who was in turn killed by William the Conqueror that same year.
wolf…more close ups of the ejected “shell”…some claiming it’s a dud the shooter had to eject before firing the shot that killed the victim…
other photo on that thread–lots of people discussing the shooting…
Looks to me like the Photographer is hoping for a Pullet Surprise too.
i expanded one tweet and was surprised by the number of side tweet threads examining this. one thread suggested the shooting was a hoax–since the “expelled” casing looked intact–he thought it was a set up like the old guy falling with the blood bag set up…someone else went off on a guy in a white t shirt and his stance during the episode and what he thought that could mean…literally all sorts of theories and photos in those threads…
Major difference.
In the case of the Rochester Hoax, the old guy had a long history of being an activist. In this case they guy was a hat maker for COWBOYS.
The collusion was between the reporter Zack, the photographer, the ‘security guard’ and the professional agent provocateur. They were seen together several times and the agent provocateur tried to set-up other Photo-Ops.
The Fake News has most definitely moved to FIFTH COLUMN!
I want to know WHO the old guy standing between the agitator and the cowboy hat maker was. Based on body language, etc. he seems a little too cool. Was he IN ON IT?
pgroujp had made the following mention about this in a previous thread ” Wrist watch is NOT the same time as Mickey Mouse clock. Watch time is 20 minutes to 4:00. Setting knob is for righthanded people, at 3:00. ”
However that would not rule out they were going for the image and not the real time. It seems something more in tune with something Satanic jerks would do while keeping full cover.
Does anyone know the real time of the shooting? That would rule the above in or out if we knew that.
Folks, all this BS from the left that the cartridge is un-fired is actually quite hilarious.
That close up pic shows the case just above and left of the red dot sight on the handgun.
Now follow to the front of the gun and you will see that the barrel of the gun is clearly in view.
What that means is the gun is re-cycling; that is the gas from the fired cartridge forces the slide back to load a new round into the chamber. If he cycled the slide by hand to eject a ‘jammed’ round, as some are claiming, his left hand would still be on the slide or not far from the slide. His motor skill are not that quick to cycle the slide by his left hand and return to the two handed grip. I would go so far to say that with the location of the ejected shell along with the barrel of the gun showing; indicating the slide fully to the rear, his reflexes/motor skills are near impossible to accomplish.
That is definitely a spent shell…he ain’t that good…he’s a murderer pure and simple!
thanks for explaining…I know little about this stuff, but i figured you guys would explain!
BREAKING: In a late-night ruling, the 5th Circuit Court UPHOLDS Gov. Abbott order that limits counties to 1 mail-in ballot drop-off location.
3-judge panel, all Trump nominees, says Abbott in fact expanded access to voting by allowing drop-offs before election day.
— Chuck Lindell (@chucklindell) October 13, 2020
Good.. seems that a lot of the dimms attempts are failing. Sure hope its enough to overcome the fraud.
I’m praying POTUS makes it to 270 early enough that there’s no need to allow the voter fraud to continue…
Yes. Im sure that certain stat metro areas are going to hold out, but the vote needs to overwhelm them early and yuge.
Im taking my ballot and mr gils to the registrar this week. Not only 3 people to vote on but a bunch of commie propositions that if they pass will make it likely we have to leave. Like making racial discrimination legal, raising all commercial property taxes by removing protections, making zero bail permanent, giving felons right to vote, giving local govt authority to do rent control, and giving 17 year olds the right to vote. See the pattern here? There are 2 or 3 to vote for like a carve out for app drivers and making lower crimes back into felonies at least.
I’m hoping the margin of victory, say 15-20 points – is enough to make any mail in and absentee totals at HUGE numbers look like the cheating it most likely is.
A very high profile national gotcha.
And I’m hoping the word gets out loud and clear that severe punishments are in store for anyone involved in voter fraud. I’d even go for radio/TV announcements …there will be jail sentences and fines. And…that tampering with mail is a federal crime!
It might possibly make people think twice…at least they were warned.
SCOTUS confirmation hearings day 2 thread is live:
thanks DePat…
back okay now???
Better. Still doing the stretch thing. Thanks.
hubby has a family history of stenosis and has had a bad back for years. it can be debilitating!
take care of yourself!!!
Kayleigh McEnany is on Maria B’s show right now…
Her little white clock on the shelf behind her looks to be showing 3:15…?
Hopefully it’s a doc dump at 3:15,
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a63e6c No.10949641 📁 4807
Oct 6 2020 15:08:10 (EST)📁
Time for a change?
“Let’s see what happens.”
Wow…that would be hoot, wouldn’t it!
I hope you’re right, Para!
*fingers crossed*
My average for guessing these things is not great, but yes fingers crossed!
AOC: It’s A ‘Fact’ That ‘Many’ GOP Lawmakers Would Attack Jesus If He Came To Congress. Nearly All GOP Lawmakers Are Christians.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) claimed without evidence on Monday that “many” Republican members of Congress would attack Jesus if he came to Congress despite the fact that over 99 percent of Republican members of Congress identify as Christian.
DH and I were laughing about this early this morning. Any time AOC says “It’s a fact”…you know it’s only in her tiny, diseased brain.
True enough. The same with Kamala Harris who also likes to throw around her own facts.
Any idea about where the “Peaceful Protest” thread from last night went? I was looking at page2, went to get page1 and got a 404…
Eddies in the time/space continuum???
Crap. I did a boo boo with it. Hang on.
Thanks, DP. That was a great history and description of the era. (I was worried the PC police had swooped in and started to do damage :eek:)….
And thanks for all the work you do; seems you have more threads than an artistic weaving (or, in geek terms, than a massively parallel supercomputer CPU 🙂 )… Or even a RyZen Threadripper …
I have three live today. Will have three tomorrow and two for sure on Thursday. So long as I can copy and paste, I can sort of keep up. In the meantime, I started another crochet hat.
The body of the thread is no more,e ssenitally, but the comments are there.
I knew something was off when the scheduling feature showed that the post was already published. I’m blaming choosing the wrong option on a lack of caffeine.
Solve your caffeine supply issue with a vein drip. 🙂
I might have to.
Aww, man…all that work you did on the history of Sanford.
Sorry to hear that, DePat, that’s a shame.
I’m not loving the ‘new’ format for creating threads, at all.
The scheduling feature keeps messing with me.
I think I have it figured out…then, nope…it drops the thread earlier than it says it’s scheduled for.
No worries…keeps us on our toes….we can live with it!
I think what I did was choose “edit” rather than “copy” when I set it up.
The history of Sanford is all available at wiki.
Indo-Pacific News
#China’s expanding DNA surveillance raises concern
The growing #Chinese genetic profile database has left many worried, reigniting a debate on privacy.
The govt’s genomic dataset of around 140 million profiles, makes it the world’s largest DNA database.
Text of three more tweets in this thread:
In 2013, Chinese government authorities started collecting biometric samples from people residing in what is commonly known as the Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR) under the pretext of offering a free annual physical checkup for residents.
Reports indicate that almost 80 per cent (3 million residents) of the population was covered in this exercise. A similar programme was rolled out in Xinjiang in 2016, where data from nearly all the region’s 23 million residents was collected.
In Xinjiang and Tibet, the DNA collection was not the only element. The multimodal approach also included high-definition photos, voice samples, fingerprints and iris scans of people ultimately linked to their personal information in police databases.
………………End text.
This is creepy stuff.
I think that this is what would be in store for us too, if the Demoncrats get power again.
The ChiComs would ask them to do it…and they would do it.
Matt Schlapp
Nevada is in play. We can win. Partly bc Gov Sisolak is making it impossible for Casinos, restaurants and bars to operate profitably. He’s adopting the Newsom policies of huge fines and constant mask wearing at bars. So many lost jobs and these former employees are with Trump.
8:56 AM · Oct 13, 2020
Southern Baptist Seminary Implements Program to Pay Reparations to Black Students
Have a close friend who has a long family history in the Southern Baptist Church. Her grandfather was a preacher in a large on in Arkansas, and she has been very active her entire life, devoting much of her time.
But, she has walked away this past year for obvious reasons that don’t need to be listed. It was a difficult decision, even painful, because of the family tradition but she concluded it really doesn’t matter what “brand” her faith is and she can find another church home. She felt she was betraying her personal relationship with God by continuing to stay in a religious group she could no longer support.
We do not have many conversations about it, only shared casual family history and I see how active she’s been since I’ve known her. But, she says it’s as though a huge weight has been lifted from her and she is at peace about her decision. I admire her for it.
Verse of the Day for Tuesday, October 13, 2020
“Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.”
Psalms 51:2 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Tuesday Butterfly Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Be My Voice
Hello Duchess!
Hope you’re having a Blessed day!
Hey, Pat!!! Been jam-packed already!!! Colors beginning to show – leaves falling – geese increasing – sure is busy here!!!
Hope you have a Blessed Day, too – Hugs!!!
Confused about those PA numbers – I am
HUGS back to you!
Tanks, Pat!!!
The Q4 2020 results of Google’s search preference menu auction have been released and, as we predicted, DuckDuckGo has been eliminated in most countries.
Text of three more tweets in this thread:
This EU antitrust remedy is rigged by Google, with its mobile market share still 97%. By contrast, our proposal could move its marketshare more than 20%.
Google designed the auction to box out alternative search engines that put people and their privacy ahead of profits. These are the alternatives people want to use the most and pose the biggest threat to Google’s data-hungry surveillance business model.
The auction model is fundamentally flawed and must be replaced. It incentivizes participants to only focus on profits, and bid expected profits. The long-term result is that the participating Google alternatives are forced to give most of their preference menu profits to Google!
Fighting Racism Instead of Disease
The intrusion of critical race theory into medicine and public health threatens the well-being of all Americans—especially nonwhites.
Connor Harris
October 12, 2020
A new wrinkle in the vaccine side of the COVID-19 fight:
“To buy more time to develop a COVID-19 vaccine, U.K. researchers are testing out a tuberculosis vaccine from 1921 to see if it shields patients against the coronavirus.”
I recall reading of a vaccine that was used during the Spanish Flu that actually made the effects of the flu worse. I couldn’t find it (maybe someone would have better success), but I did find this Reuters ‘fact-checking’ article that purports to debunk that assertion.
I did find one article on the technical side that refutes the Reuters fact-checking assertion:
“In November, the Newark Evening News reported that 39,000 doses of Leary-Park influenza vaccine had been prepared and that most doses were used. (Timothy Leary was a professor at Tufts University School of Medicine.) Though it was too soon to tell if the vaccine was effective, “…the average person need have no fear of the results of the vaccine. Neurotic and rheumatic individuals, however, appear to be sensitive to the vaccine, while children take it with less disturbance than adults” (Newark Evening News, 1918).”
Regarding the Reuters ‘fact-checking’ claims of the assertion that a vaccine worsened the severity of the 1918/1919 Spanish Flu, it may have been the result of a vaccine unrelated to influenza, such as for smallpox.
Dr. Lopez FTW:
October 13, 2020
Why Some People Take Q-Anon’s Pedophilia Allegations Seriously
By Robert Oscar Lopez
Sure read like bafflegab. Like someone who wants to say something but is afraid of ‘public opinion’ (aka the Left)
Also the person has never bothered to ACTUALLY READ Qanon he has just read ABOUT Qanon.
He completely missed the point that mostly all Q does is ASK QUESTIONS. The writer even misses the FBI IDing various words and symbols as ped0 identifiers and those connections to Pizzagate.
He missed the point that Qanon talks about an ON LINE information WAR. There is ZERO attempt at PHYSICAL gatherings or anything else PHYSICAL unlike ANTIFA and Burn Loot & Murder.
Best part of the article are these Memes from the comments.
Dr. Lopez is walking a fine line right now, and frankly I’d rather he NOT go totally in on Q right now. Too many people, sadly, will dismiss him instantly. Play your chess pieces where they are strongest – moves and countermoves.
He has a lot of direct knowledge of the world of LGBT and abuse. So there are already people who try to discredit him as fringe. Ostensibly “conservative” Southwestern Seminary fired him last year over his politically incorrect LGBT views. They lied about it, and then Dr. Lopez released the recordings that showed, yes, they did.
“Moses went out unto his brethren, and looked on their burdens.” Exodus ii. 11
Moses saw the oppression of his people and felt certain that he was the one to deliver them, and in the righteous indignation of his own spirit he started to right their wrongs. After the first strike for God and for the right, God allowed Moses to be driven into blank discouragement, He sent him into the desert to feed sheep for forty years. At the end of that time, God appeared and told Moses to go and bring forth His people, and Moses said – “Who am I, that I should go?” In the beginning Moses realized that he was the man to deliver the people, but he had to be trained and disciplined by God first. He was right in the individual aspect, but he was not the man for the work until he had learned communion with God.
We may have the vision of God and a very clear understanding of what God wants, and we start to do the thing, then comes something equivalent to the forty years in the wilderness, as if God had ignored the whole thing, and when we are thoroughly discouraged God comes back and revives the call, and we get the quaver in and say – “Oh, who am I?” We have to learn the first great stride of God – “I AM THAT I AM hath sent thee.” We have to learn that our individual effort of God is an impertinence; our individuality is to be rendered incandescent by a personal relationship to God (see Matthew iii. 17). We fix on the individual aspect of things; we have the vision – “This is what God wants me to do;” but we have not got into God’s stride. If you are going through a time of discouragement, there is a big personal enlargement ahead.
Oswald Chambers
October 13th Devotional
Here’s a great article by Charles Hugh Smith (Of Two Minds) that will have you nodding your head in dismay! We all have been here…🥴…and no fix in sight!
“How We Institutionalized Incompetence”
Navy veteran Joe Collins targets Democrat Maxine Waters’ home in campaign ad.
Collins is a 13-year Navy veteran who fought in the Iraq War.
“Just a country boy who’s learning that the pitfalls of the city are extremely real . . .” Pure Willie. Some seriously good pickin’ on this song.
Willie Nelson on Austin City Limits “Bloody Mary Morning” (1974
This is my favorite Willie Nelson song — I love how the music (which is great in and of itself!) just kinda plays in the background while he sings the song! It makes you want to get up and dance!🤪🤪
He looks so ‘young’, too, DD!!!
Yes — must have been a long time ago!😉
Had to look twice, DD!!!
Anyone remember the June Taylor Dancers (on the Jackie Gleason Show)???
Uh – in reruns – maybe – Do you, Cuppa?
Yep. They did the “optical illusion” dance formations, much like synchronized swimmers do. Jackie Gleason had them at the beginning (usually) of each show. That was back in the days when each show had their own band and cast of performers, along with the guests (remember the Red Skelton show, with “David Rose, and his Orchestra”? playing Holiday for Strings [composed by Rose] as the opening theme? [must have good rights lawyers associated with that tune, as it’s impossible to find on YouTube…]
Oh, sorry, Cuppa – would like to see that – I like watching old programs and musical productions from the past – fun to watch!
The Jackie Gleason show is probably out there on YouTube, as well as the June Taylor dancers, but I cannot find “Holiday For Strings” anywhere… I have the piano version (OK, OK, but it’s still strings) that manages with its block chord style to keep all ten fingers busy most of the time…. fun piece…
Awww…Bummer, Cuppa – Thanks for trying – sounds heavenly!!!
You bring back some good memories, Cuppa.
Yes…would love to see repeats, since I was too young to appreciate it. I wonder if he was the person responsible for overhead shots, etc. I’ve read he was a creative genius that was hidden by his comedy character. The June Taylor dancers were very much like synchronized swimming. (Wonder if that’s still in the Olympics?) Or, also like the Rockettes..
I wouldn’t be surprised if he was, as he was a creative genius. The number and type of characters he created, and his work outside of the show as an actor, for instance. The character “The Poor Soul” had some of the most touching moments in TV that I’ve ever seen.
There’s a great book about “The Honeymooners” called “Love, Alice”, written by Audrey Meadows, who played Alice, in that show. Not sure if it’s still available, but it’d be worth looking up in the library, at any rate…
I think he was also a composer: the theme song for “The Jackie Gleason Show” was written by him, IIRC…
That pic from Vinegar Hill, Wexford reminds me of something I’ve seen a lot in Great Britain (particularly England) but few other places: a country lane with the trees/bushes completely encircling the road. Quite a challenge at night in the rain 😮 (with a left-hand drive car on a right-hand drive road 😀 )….
Interesting, Cuppa – Thanks for sharing!!!
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
Teacher: For everything that happens in life—there is a season, a right time for everything under heaven:
A time to be born, a time to die;
A time to plant, a time to collect the harvest;
A time to kill, a time to heal;
A time to tear down, a time to build up;
A time to cry, a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, a time to dance;
A time to scatter stones, a time to pile them up;
A time for a warm embrace, a time for keeping your distance;
A time to search, a time to give up as lost;
A time to keep, a time to throw out;
A time to tear apart, a time to bind together;
A time to be quiet, a time to speak up;
A time to love, a time to hate;
A time to go to war, a time to make peace.
– The Voice version
Salvation Army Today – 10.13.2020 – Hurricane Delta Response
There was also this in Q drop No. 3094, on 03/15/19:
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 1ed397 No.5706742 📁
Mar 15 2019 15:38:04 (EST)
The real ‘fun’ starts soon.
Concord, MA is where the Middlesex School is located.
I’m bringing this from yesterday’s daily. This is the beginning of a very interesting story….
Explains why Allen Parrot was at Cornell.
( No one in my seminar picked falconry as a topic for research all those years ago.)
VP Pence rides a Harley?
That’s pretty cool.
That was a surgical eviceration. Pence calmly took a scalpel and, in one clean stroke, cut out KamalaKaren’s guts.
Her facial expressions were ridiculous.
I can’t even believe this..
That would make procreation VERY difficult. But see, their symbolism will be their downfall, People HAVE to see how absolutely STUPID this is.
Berth control 😀
Reminds me of those 50s dances where the guys flipped the gals over their heads (see Back to the Future for an example), but lined up like these kids are, that would be dangerous…
Of course no one mentioned to them the dangers of transmission by surface (clothes, hands, arms, etc.)…
The libtards are flaming idiots…
“The libtards are flaming idiots…” Truth bomb there.
Re: flaming idiots. Dilbert and Wally are talking to each other about the PHB (Pointy-Haired-Boss) as a flaming idiot when he walks by. Curious as to what they were talking about he asks of their conversation. Dilbert replies, “Wally was talking about you, in glowing terms”…..
From Wictor….
If democrats were a band…
Reminds me of a few Archiocesan Music Festivals. All the high schools would struggle through cringe worthy pieces, and then Chaminade’s band would warm up, and demonstrate how an ensemble is to be in tune.
That reminds me DC, and then PT came along.
HOe HOe HOe,
Who wouldn’t know
HOe HOe HOe,
There’s Heels-Up and Joe
On the Debate Stage
Click Click Click
Bi-DONE and Kamala
Despite using evey trick…
Juan MoTime,
HOe HOe HOe,
Who wouldn’t know
HOe HOe HOe,
There’s Heels-Up and Joe
On the Debate Stage
Click Click Click
Bi-DONE and Kamala
Lost ‘spite of using evey trick…
Brian Cates has a new thread. He says he did 4 columns.
Dear Brian, when can we stop calling what Hillary did a “trick” and begin calling it a crime??
Asking for reality.
When Brian is no longer in danger of Arkancide if he does so.🤣
That last one is very, very interesting.
We’ve totally misunderstood Soros if he is correct.
Not that the understanding he’s putting forward makes Soros look better, it does not.
IF he is correct. Given past statements, I would take this perspective with more than a few grains of salt.
I do think, though, that the list of billionaires – particularly the hedge fund managers heavily invested in the Military Industrial Complex – is going to be of great interest soon.
And I do agree with Cates that POTUS knows a lot having rubbed elbows with the rest of the billionaire class for so long, and is using that knowledge to his advantage.
I think that’s only a part of Soros’ motivation, otherwise how can you explain the viewpoints of his sons?
AND his daughter, who is a MAJOR patroness of Planned unParenthood…
Five bad apples, and none of them fell far from the tree…
“like a silent assassin you can forget he’s out there”…
A friendly message for Bill Gates and the rest of the karens.
OUCH!!! That’s telling him good, Gail!!!
Take a hike, Bill.
^^^ “take a second “super effective” coronavirus vaccine”.
^^^ That would assume we were naive enough to take the first vaccine.
AND, as Gail so eloquently stated, Fuck Off.
OR, less eloquently in my ways, Fuck Off and Die Asshoe1
OUCH!!! Don’t hold back, Kal – tell us what you REALLY think – Mkay? /s
Haliburton Foods CEO Charles Schenkel quits after being charged with child prostitution / sex with teenagers.
— Amazing Polly is FREE and will act like it (@99freemind) October 13, 2020
Well well well
Hmmm. Any relation to the Haliburton that Cheney and the “shrubs” were tight with? Contractors, etc. ???
Happening now: @ChuckGrassley just told me @CIA head Gina Haspell May also be part of the plot to take down @POTUS @realDonaldTrump & the coverup of #russiahoax @MorningsMaria @FoxBusiness
— Maria Bartiromo (@MariaBartiromo) October 13, 2020
Grassley and Bartiromo are reliable.