This Sanctuary Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.
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Let’s not give the Internet Censors a reason to shut down this intellectual haven that Wolf has created for us.
The Storm is upon us.
Please remember to Pray for our President.
On this day and every day –
God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up
Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.
“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
My Ways are Higher . . .
Last week we took a look at what God meant when He said that His thoughts were higher than our thoughts. Well, it naturally follows that thoughts manifest themselves in action . . . what’s done as a result of those thoughts . . . God calls those actions His ways.
God works in ways that are often mysterious to us – His methods often leave people totally bewildered. Why would God tell Joshua and the children of Israel to march around the city of Jericho for a week (Joshua 6:1:4)? What good could possibly come from Paul and Silas being arrested and beaten without cause (Acts 16:22-24)? Why would God allow Joni Eareckson, a talented girl of seventeen, to break her neck in a diving accident and spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair? Why did God allow a fraudulent election to stand (so far) and permit legions of godless traitors to install themselves in positions of power?
God’s ways are far beyond what our limited human minds can understand. The Bible and the testimonies of Christians through the ages are full of stories of how God turned situation after situation, problem after problem, life after life, completely upside down – often in the most unexpected, astonishing, and puzzling ways.
So, what does God mean when He says, ‘my ways are higher than your ways’ in Isaiah 55:9?”
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways. . . . As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8–9 says) God’s infinite thoughts are far greater than our limited ability to understand them. The psalmist exclaimed, “How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them!” (Psalm 139:17). God’s thoughts and His ways don’t always make sense to us, but we can rest in the knowledge that He is always good, and, therefore, everything He does is always good (Psalm 13:6; 100:5).
We’re filled with questions for God: “Why?” “When?” “How?” We often wrestle with faith because of those questions. How can we fully trust a God we don’t understand? How can we have faith when God’s ways seem even cruel at times? When we try to understand God’s ways, we can become frustrated. His ways are higher than our ways, and His actions often don’t make sense to our earth-bound minds. We question God’s ways when young people die, when tragedies strike righteous people, when the wicked prosper (see Psalm 73). So we beat on heaven’s door with our demand for answers, and no answer comes but this one: “My ways are higher than your ways.”
Our key to finding peace with ways that we don’t understand is in Psalm 131: “My heart is not proud, Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content” (verses 1–2). A child doesn’t understand everything his mother does. She may correct him, take him to the doctor for vaccinations, and tell him “no” when he wants something very much.
And this is how we must be with God. We must rest on Him in complete humility and trust in His superior wisdom and provision, even though His ways are beyond our understanding.
If we try to understand God’s ways from earth looking up, we won’t find many answers. Instead, God left us a clue in the word higher. His ways aren’t merely different from ours, they’re higher. Better. Superior. They exist on a grander scale. He parted the Red Sea because it fit His plan for Israel (Exodus 14:21; Psalm 66:6). He made the sun stand still so Joshua’s army could defeat their enemies (Joshua 10:12–13). He sent an angel to let Peter out of jail (Acts 12:6–10), but He allowed James to be executed (Acts 12:2). God has allowed some of His faithful servants to suffer terrible fates, even though He could’ve delivered them if He chose (Hebrews 11:32–40). When we try to make sense of these events with our limited minds, we won’t get anywhere. Instead, God invites us to come up higher and learn to see life from His perspective.
From earth looking up, we see only confusion. But from heaven looking down, we see a plan unfolding. In Isaiah 46:9–11, the Lord lays out His sovereign plan to use the Persian king Cyrus: “I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’ From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose. What I have said, that I will bring about; what I have planned, that I will do.” We may not know why God needs a “bird from the east” or why He would want to use a man like Cyrus. The man “from a far-off land” may not himself understand why he is moving across the world. But those who trust the Lord can rest in the confidence that God is at work. The Bible gives little room for the idea of coincidence (Proverbs 16:33; Psalm 37:23). In God’s “higher ways,” everything happens for a reason and is part of God’s good plan for those who love Him (Romans 8:28).
God’s ways are higher than our ways because His ways are always part of a bigger plan. We see only our small piece of the puzzle; God sees the finished work. When our desire is to live in step with His plan, we can have confidence that, even when bad things happen, God is still in control. He often takes what Satan meant for evil and turns it into good for the salvation of many (see Genesis 50:20). God’s priorities are the magnification of His glory and the expansion of His kingdom (Psalm 97:6; Luke 8:1). When God’s glory and God’s kingdom are our priorities, too, we learn to rejoice that His ways are higher than our ways (1 Corinthians 10:31).
And our Creator gives us another week to fix this mess!
And all Washington will give us to fix the bus is a hammer and a sickle!
Time to PRAY FOR A TOOLBOX. And what did I find in my pocket?
A TOOLSTONE. Throw it into the box, and TOOLS WILL FILL IT.
Was this a Visa toolstone, or a MasterCard toolstone?
It accepts all of them! 😉
While the Master Card and Visa Tool Stones mentioned below are likely the most universally adaptable Toolstones available to the public to accomplish most jobs were as the list of tool stones on amazon, while amazing, seem limited in comparison I’d still wonder if your tool stone is more akin to this little creature:
Get bunch of patriots starting to talk gadgetry like that, it might scrare the stuffin out of the alphabet agencies.
The beauty of my toolstone, which is literally just a stone, is that it can attract toolstones like yours into the box! 😍
In other words, the stone toolstone not only attracts tools – it attracts toolstones!
This is starting to remind me of some descriptions of gluons I have heard.
Turning the nothingness of nothing into bootstrapping nothing takes extra levels of bootstrapping – not to mention the idea that nothing fails like failure itself – except maybe nothing itself!
Now THAT’S something!
Thank God for atheists – otherwise I’d have nobody to joke about creation with!
I was thinking more of the way gluons interacting with each other create virtual gluons, which create more virtual gluons…which is why it’s an exponential force not an inverse square one, and you can’t have a single free quark.
Nature tears its pockets at the beauty, and you have another perfectly good suit! 😉
I had a teacher who could not abide quarks, but that shows exactly what you’re saying. Quarks are too useful to throw out, and make one generalize the idea of particles to the point of things which can’t be particulate the way we thought they had to be. In the process, one has to generalize the idea of a force to include something radically different.
Science is wonderful, even with all the corruption of it which has made it navel-gaze on distracto.
They’ve managed to predict hitherto unknown hadrons on the basis of quark theory, though, which is a strong indication that there’s actually something to it.
Oh, I’m a 100% believer. Isolation is overrated. Calculus and patterns obeying it have never been isolated, either, and yet these patterns seems to rule a lot of physically observable “things”.
Quarks either exist, or they are an extant mathematical feature of something else that people agree exists. Waves, particles, virtual and physical whatever – at what point do we simply say “it is”?
Come up with a different theory that doesn’t use them, and I guarantee you will find them in some way if you try. THAT, to me, is a good definition of “exists”! 😀
Worthy of consideration!
I believe they are trying that, but now we have then-undreamed-of abilities to communicate with people all over the world, sight-unseen. They can try to go after social media and the internet, but their own reliance on it is too great. Shutting down the internet would stop world commerce in its tracks.
But social distancing serves other purposes, too: making us compliant and trusting of their judgment and strictures, hampering children’s social progress and ability to have normal childhood experiences, making life difficult for us (furthering their goal of chaos), keeping us in a state of fear and/or angst, eroding our assurance about our Constitutional rights, etc.
and “social distancing” actually weakens immune systems.
retro socialistic distancing…..
how vogue..
From GAB!!!
Only three months apart. She should have done some honest research in the first place. But it was about Trump Derangement Syndrome, not our health.
EXACTLY! That’s all it took. TDS to change the news.
Help! My compass needle is spinning and it won’t stop!
Seems like her compass needle was the one spinning. She could of asked us, but that likely wasn’t the point. The point was likely her reputation was being called into question.
Spinning compass needle?
That’s called a “motor.”
Eh, good enough.
His brother Mediacrates was a grand liar!
Don’t forget that all the nets have new editors.
Sounds like the marching orders for story placement changed.
Interesting phenomenon in Israel RE what appear to be vaccine side-effects being attributed to the disease.
That was in a comment on this article:
He had the first injection.
Israel’s requiring both, with a waiting period of a week (?) after the second.
Mel Gibson is one intense guy.
Had never thought to look at his productions all together.
Teach history again. (and Gab has all the best memes)
Provided that the history class includes a good healthy dose of “That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed” explanation.
Rather than “government is there to be used as a tool to screw your fellow man”–which seems to be the current assumption.
first time I ever watched Gibson was in this movie…1982…directed by the great Peter Weir…
set in Indonesia during the overthrow of Sukarno….Mel plays the part of a foreign (Australian) correspondent on the eve of an attempted coup by the 30 September Movement in 1965…
Sigourney Weaver (romantic lead) plays the part of a British Embassy officer.
excellent excellent movie….in every way.
and one of Mel’s very best performances, imo.
I think Mel Gibson is a genius. I also think Hollywood almost destroyed him, because he wouldn’t comply with its savage perversion.
If Gibson had started out in America instead of Australia, they would have snuffed him out before he even began. But he was famous before he came here, because of Mad Max.
Mel Gibson is one of the people Randy Quaid claims was drugged to make him seem bi-polar so that a small group could profit from his actions. Randy Quaid lost EVERYTHING speaking up the way he did. Some say he’s crazy. Others…there was a whistleblower who backed him up.
Gibson was destroyed for profit.
Most all movies you watch are documentaries. Mel has been trying to tell us about pedowood for years.
Here is Ben Stein’s experience with the Moderna vaccine…..
Discussed on Gateway Pundit:
On Banned Video:
As MP4 File:
[video src="" /]
When I watched this before, I found it interesting that the headlines make it sound as if he wanted to warn people away from the vaccine. But he says he’s actually glad he got it and he just wants people to realize there are some difficult side effects. Looks as if he’s a true believer in it.
Yup. It’s like getting the disease – an investment in immunity you’re stuck with – might as well view the upside, but I’m more likely to caution others against the downside.
“But he says he’s actually glad he got it”
Then he said sort of glad, maybe a little glad… but right before he said he was glad he got it, he also said the Moderna vaxx had made him wildly irrational… 😂 🤣 😂
One of the scientists I followed (kinda pro-vax) on Twitter, said after the results of the first clinical trial of Moderna got out, something like they’d have to kill him to give him the Moderna shot.
Well, Ben certainly made it sound like if he was anyone lesser, then it would of killed him.
Wait—-isn’t another factor here that anyone posting a video having to do with the V——– must be very careful about words used, and avoiding mention of any outcome except a positive one–? Remember how posters are using abbreviations…substitute words–? What is the overall tone of Ben’s message? Communicating something between the lines-?
Did anyone else notice that with his broad smile, he seems to only be smiling on one side of his face?
Quite the salesman for Moderna… they must be thrilled to have him as a free-lance sponsor… 😂🤣😂
Epoch Times has an article saying 966 is the current number of vaccine deaths.
So many people I know are getting it, too.
I’m really not anxious for summer when the real effects kick in.
Congress needs to stop laundering money.
Here is Trump’s banned CPAC speech. You can even download it.
URL: https(colon)//downloads.banned(dot)video/videos/1fa7e2cc-06a8-418c-85a8-46864e5bb9b0.mp4
[video src="" /]
FROM GAB (but of course!)
Biden, his party, and their allies will not escape the retribution Q predicted
. . . Through all of this, the Democrats will speedily press forward with their war of extermination against the citizenry by forcing the inoculation of all with a vaccine that, for being safe, is toting up rather large numbers of dead and maimed. Speed, after all, is their only hope because they know that Trump knows, and has incontrovertible evidence of, every heinous crime they have committed and reveled in, and will use it at a time of his choosing.
But how do they know Trump knows it all? Well, Q’s job was as much to inform the enemy of their coming annihilation as it was to teach patriots the truth and prepare them to resist and defeat the savagely anti-human foe depicted in that truth. The Democrats and their fellow usurpers, felons, pedophiles, traitors, and mass murderers are fully aware of the butchers’ bill they will have to pay, and have graven in their minds that they are the ones Q repeatedly identified as people “who would never again be able to safely walk the streets.”
The Democrats are not angry and feverishly obsessed with Q because he is a source of misinformation, a dangerous cult leader, or some other phenomenon contrived in their weak and fearful minds. They are angry, obsessed, and terrified with Q because they know he is the genuine and truthful harbinger of the criminal, treasonous, and anti-human revelations that will seal their well-merited and hopefully painful doom.
I hope this is correct. But Q has not posted since Dec. 8. It seems the Left would be better served to keep quiet about it and hope it would go away. I don’t know of any people or groups who are touting Q and threatening people with Q’s words, so why not leave it alone? Why go to such extremes to discredit something that is not even active anymore?
To me it looks like a desperate attempt to tie certain groups to a “dangerous conspiracy” to discredit them and, by extension, PDJT. But that seems like a big stretch.
“Why go to such extremes to discredit something that is not even active anymore?”
One potential reason is because they know something we don’t, something which only the supposed ‘white hats’ and the black hats know — which is all the stuff we don’t know, while they play their game, using us as human shields from each other.
One thing the black hats may know is that Q isn’t gone at all, just waiting for the right moment to return.
And if they had reason to think Q was returning soon, that would be one plausible explanation for ramping up attacks against Q, which won’t make any sense to us, until Q is already back.
A little dose of hopium, from you? 😀 I like it, and it’s a plausible explanation. I have leaned toward Q not really being gone because I can’t imagine Q’s work being done. And since Q drops also spoke to *them*, and some of them have to have more insider knowledge than we do, it makes sense that they would realize that Q’s work isn’t done and dread his return to finish the job.
I don’t think we need to defend Q or do much to deny their false accusations, but just let them stew in their dread and anxiety. At least I hope that’s what’s happening.
I’m sure Q team is still there, and it scares the Bidenazis terribly.
Well, I think Q fired up journalism on the right even if no one wants to admit it. Nunes would of likely got buried if not for people quietly following Q drops IMO.
—-in the midst of all this confusing and contradictory information swirling around us now we are developing the “fine art of holding everything ‘lightly’ ” —–as we listen inside and wait for the Holy Spirit to reveal truth…. which Way….. and which way to go.
AKA ‘developing the Gift of Discernment.’ Major task for all of us
BardsFM has been absolutely magnificent in that regard—he’s got one ear cocked all the time for ‘where is God leading?’– him (and hence us)—-and has been enormously helpful in teaching / guiding / encouraging / challenging / growing us ) posts 5x a day. He prays, fluently and with all of us gathered around and involved.
[3 million downloads (!!!) of BARDSFM last week…… ]
(For me, incredible food for this spiritual journey we are on—soooo good to be in tight, with God and each other! And able to get this regularly!)
Most definitely ‘God is on the move’ ! Look around now at how many broadcasters/podcasters now regularly reference God. Steve Bannon is regularly having the good Rabbi in to pray for us and our country.
GOOD. Because without God—i so fear—the US of A, the country and way of life we dearly love— is going down.
Excellent thinking.
I will state without proof that by operating on the presumption that the two big camps are “Patriots” vs. “World Government”, and that most of the black hats are of the latter type, with military skewing to Patriots, and civilians skewing to World Government, you won’t go wrong figuring things out.
Q was clearly a patriot op, and it ain’t goin’ away, but it will likely lay low during Biden, and that is, IMO, part of why the black hats want to get rid of it now.
I tend to believe that the black hats are going to try to switch the plot that Lin Wood’s whistleblower revealed (the operation to kill SCOTUS judges, which he burned in 2016, quite thankfully) from “sovereign citizens” as perpetrators to “QAnon”, and then try to use THAT against the Patriots.
This explains why the “buffalo jump” planners were targeting the Oathkeepers – the latter were likely going to be among the chumps for the “sovereign citizens” of the SCOTUS plot, and THAT is why somebody (I think it was the whistleblower) said the SCOTUS assassinations were supposed to happen under Hillary and then the commies would use that to grab the guns.
So I still think the big goal is to disarm Americans.
“QAnons” are clearly being framed, like Trump was framed. Framing the QAnon people is extremely evil.
The thing is they don’t need to disarm Americans if they get the cashless society. An army marches on their stomach and if they shut you out and turn off your money your not going to be able to oppose them. -static thinking of course, (millions can always go totally rouge and live off their stuff) but a very real threat right now.
Yup. They are going to do everything to subjugate the masses now.
“They are going to do everything to subjugate the masses now.”
Seems like they already did that.
What they appear to be doing now is letting the masses know about it 👍 😂 🤣 😂
“The thing is they don’t need to disarm Americans if they get the cashless society. An army marches on their stomach and if they shut you out and turn off your money your not going to be able to oppose them.”
The more I learn about it, the more obvious it seems that Bitcoin was purposely designed to thwart any such effort.
Bitcoin is ‘cashless‘, but it is not controlled by any government or central banking authority.
I had no idea that Bitcoin was apparently designed by people like us, for people like us.
If more patriots were aware of this, it would be adopted even faster.
And Lefties would shun it, in the same way they shun or oppose everything the right believes in or adopts.
Which would put patriots on a glide path to economic independence and freedom, and put Lefties into a death spiral of government subservience — which will either be the utopia they always dreamed it would be, or force them to own their hypocrisy and wear it like a Wojak mask 😁
Not sure how bitcoin works in a grocery store. Free states will have to defy the cabal and make it legal tender.
There are bitcoin ATMs in cities that allow you to enter your wallet code and pull out cash. With a huge transaction fee, but still.
Absolutely no question on this one. That’s been a goal for decades, at least.
It’s the “big rock” they have to do now.
What interests me is this “QAnon” thing that doesn’t exist, and has never existed. They’ve even got you using it.
If somebody asks me if I believe in “QAnon” I can very honestly say NO.
“QAnon” is an invention of the press. It’s re-branding. And we should all resist it.
True. Yup. They don’t want to address “Q” and “the anons”, so they wrap it up to smear.
And lightening strikes. I actually agree with something you wrote.
I think the concept of “precipice” had to be met, and the passing of that awful spending bill in the middle of the night last night may well be it.
We’ll see.
This is all about banning guns. ALL about banning guns.
Which they can’t do without repealing the 2nd Amendment, so that must be next.
IMO they will used controlled SCOFFLAW SCOTUS.
Constitutional law hasn’t stopped them before. Why would it start now?
Every gun law already on the books violates the 2nd Amendment already.
No one with the authority to make it stick has said “boo!”
20 States Send Letter to Senate Leaders Promising Swift Consequences if HR1 Passes
By Elizabeth Stauffer
Published March 6, 2021 at 2:06pm
Noting the gross overreach by the federal government in the bill, the attorneys general of 20 states penned a letter to Congressional leadership which can be viewed here.
This group of top law enforcement officers wrote that “it is difficult to imagine a legislative proposal more threatening to election integrity and voter confidence.” They make the case that H.R. 1 strips the state legislatures of their constitutionally granted authority to determine how elections will be held in their states.
. . . MORE . . .
If the bill “strips the state legislatures of their constitutionally granted authority to determine how elections will be held in their states,” then members of Congress who support/sponsor it are not fulfilling their oaths to protect the Constitution of the U.S., and they should have to resign their positions. We should not have people in Congress who subvert the Constitution at every turn when they have taken an oath to do the opposite.
They won’t resign. They will call those who follow the Constitution “extremists”.
I know. I’m just calling attention to a different (and more correct) way to look at what Congress is doing. For FAR too long, we have let subversives get in for the express purpose of tearing down the Constitution and the country. We don’t have to allow them to barrage us with unconstitutional measures that we’re always anxious about and having to fight. If the GOP would grow a spine, they could have another way to fight these things.
If we forced Congresspukes to resign every time they did something unconstitutional, Congess would be empty of people sometime around midday on January 5th of odd numbered years.
In other words, why do you expect this to be different from any other time?
I don’t. I want people to start realizing, “Hey, these people took an oath, and they are doing the opposite of that oath, and we shouldn’t have people in Congress who tear down the Constitution.” Instead of always fighting the measure that is being proposed, we need to get to the root of the problem, which is unqualified people in Congress who are working against the U.S.
As for Congress being empty of people, what’s the downside? 😂
Oh, there’s no downside at all.
Recognize that Social Security is unconstitutional. What are the chances of *that* being rectified?
Zero. But I’m talking about a mindset of looking at what Congress is doing, and what individual Congresspeople are proposing, in the light of whether it’s Constitutional or not. It should be a weapon that conservatives use. We’ve gotten WAY away from the basics, and it’s one reason why the Left is running circles around us. No one wants to lift a finger about Congress subverting the very foundation of this country, when they have sworn to do the opposite — which is a condition of their being privileged to serve in the first place. Back to basics.
This is a good point.
“Constitution virtue signal”. EVERY TIME.
What I say by that is that we use the Constitution as a yardstick very quickly and then praise or bash based on it – EVERY TIME.
Yes. That’s what I’m talking about. Repubs won’t do it. They complain about whatever extreme, destructive measure is proposed, always on defense, with no regard for the Constitution whatsoever, when it should be the yardstick, as you say. I think patriots should be raising the roof on this stuff so Congress has to hear us.
Until they call us on not doing so for Social Security.
Then we’ll scurry for cover, and pretend it’s constitutional.
I don’t think issues of the past, like SS or Medicare, should enter into it. We can fight now and shouldn’t let them try to limit what we can do and say.
“But I’m talking about a mindset of looking at what Congress is doing, and what individual Congresspeople are proposing, in the light of whether it’s Constitutional or not.”
Until or unless DJT drops the big one, wiping out the systemic corruption, the (not)Supreme Court decides what is Constitutional.
And clearly they decided that whatever empowers the tyrannical police state is Constitutional.
On our second Independence Day, Amykavasuch will be burned in effigy.
They are Constitution assassins, murderers of the Republic.
The question is whether DJT knew they were assassins or not. And it’s nearly impossible to conclude that he didn’t know.
Nobody said that nominating SC judges may be the most important thing a President does, more often than he did.
So either he did absolutely zero vetting on what — by his own account — were the most important decisions he would make as President, or he chose them with full knowledge of their corruption.
And since zero vetting is not the kind of due diligence DJT would ever be a part of, the next question is why did he choose three disgustingly corrupt nominees for the (not)Supreme Court?
There is a theory that they were controlled after they got in. Quietly – recently. Different arrows in Mafia Nan’s quiver.
If only our military was sworn to protect and defend the Constitution, instead of the people who are murdering it.
Then they are cowards, and fuck them.
If you can’t take the heat, you need to stay out of that kitchen.
This is straight-up why I will not be a “public face” in politics. Not because of me, but because of my family. I don’t have the resources to protect them, so I will not risk being blackmailed with them.
When they took the job, they took the risk.
“And since zero vetting is not the kind of due diligence DJT would ever be a part of, the next question is why did he choose three disgustingly corrupt nominees for the (not)Supreme Court?”
Because PDJT can only make a nomination.
Then the nominee must get through the Senate confirmation process.
Which is essentially another “rigged election”.
SCOTUS has always “decided” what is Constitutional, officially. But we-the-people can’t allow what is going on now, to continue, without a peep. We have people getting into Congress for the express purpose of changing the Constitution and country, and we should be howling about it and out Congresspeople should be talking about unconstitutionality. We don’t need SCOTUS for that. We can all read. We’ve ceded power for far too long.
I’m not saying this is a cure for anything or that it would garner the results we want right now; I’m saying it’s one front in the fight that we are completely ignoring. “Constitutionality” should be before the people constantly.
Personnel is policy.
I think he made appts on recommendations from people he trusted – at least somewhat. Then double-checked with others.
Interviewed, then trusted his gut.
And sometimes…
…he got hosed.
D.C. is an order of magnitude more depraved than the Big Apple. As inbred as the later Ptolemys.
He also chose some for fun. Why not? a little treat every so often.
So he picked up that Manegout (sp?) woman, that despicable ‘Mooch. No biz like showbiz…
It is why we have “nullification“. The states do have that card and are starting to play it. Interested in where this goes…
Quicker than you know if the other countries no longer think we are a safe haven for their cash. At that point the printing press can do no more miracles and New Zealand will likely tip over. 😎
Only if they overload it with soldiers.
NZ elected and RE-elected that communist
Jacinda Ardern.
Got waaayy too much capital out of the Christchurch shooting. Played it cute with the filthy Sultan-wannabe, never met an islamist she couldn’t adore.
Locked down an island nation like Alcatraz. Because she COULD.
Frankly, ANY defined-benefit plan ever should be illegal as a Ponzi scheme, and anyone who was ever involved with it should be asset-stripped to cover the losses.
My point being is we’ll never get back to constitutional government.
Because of Social Security.
True. But this is a separate issue from whta I’m advocating. I’m not saying, “Let’s clean up the government and make everything Constitutional.” I’m saying, “Let’s hold Congress’s feet to the fire, now, when they try to turn America into a socialist s___hole.” I’m saying we should use the tools that are right before us. No, they won’t affect a number of people, but I think they would affect some. Otherwise, we can just give up and give in to the communists in Congress and the WH.
“Recognize that Social Security is unconstitutional. What are the chances of *that* being rectified?”
You mean before the Baby Boomer generation is gone?
Because whatever generation is on it will dig in its heels to protect it. And the elderly vote, far more than the young, or at least, that’s the common belief.
In the future, we should put “government city” somewhere in Utah, Nevada, or Greenland and nuke it during a joint session whenever congressional approval is less than 25%.
San Francisco with annexes in Portland, Seattle…
A simple look says the SC will say moot because harm hasn’t happened yet, which leads to the States breaking up with out another way of redress.
States should take inventory of their NG resources now and figure out how they are going to safe guard them from the Military taking them out of their control like Obama did with the Apache Helicopters.
Some parts of that HR 7120 bill that Scalise was warning us about seems to do just that with local police by demilitarizing thru defunding if they are not following all the new crazy guide lines.
Additionally states need to look at what civilian/private conglomerates (WEF types) need to be co-opted and how, to support a break away should it become necessary because they have clearly already chosen a side.
That’s to say those WEF conglomerates will be used against states regardless that they can’t find redress and thus don’t support the illegal actions of the State. So how do you keep their brand of service while allowing them to do no harm?
If these mega bills pass and become law a break away or separation of power goes on the table and for it to be on the table states need to prepare now because the Fed is not going to stand still and will be anticipating our every move.
We can’t wake up too late on this too. We can’t be like “oh, I know how to stop Face Book and Twitter” after the election was stolen. Nice that they are happening now, but they should of happened well before the election. Every one knew what they were doing.
Are we there yet? After this, maybe.
Apparently HR 1 has NOT passed the senate. At least I can find no such story, though I can find stories about the house passing it.
So what bill is this talking about?
Oh I have no doubt it’s not good.
I’m trying to ascertain if it has passed the senate. The tweet pointed to showed a movie of a guy trying to kill himself mountain climbing, and a couple of replies simply said “the bill passed the senate” without saying which one. So was it this one?
People here seem to be assuming so.
I’ve found no evidence the Senate has even taken it up yet.
In fact, following your link, it goes before a senate committee on the 10th.
Did you even read what I wrote?
Yes, of course – but the link provided did not have descriptions – so I searched for one –
Got it – Senate on the 10th
Passage of this bill will likely cause some serious stuff to go down, including a lot of states trying the nullification doctrine.
It’ll probably be the biggest *political* crisis we’ve seen in a while.
Thanks, Duchess.
Thank you, Steve.
I was wondering the same thing.
My brother saw multiple stories that it passed 51-50 on Free Republic.
It’s going to conference.
That’s not HB1, that’s the Covid aid package.
Totally different. HB1 is the voting corruption act.
You’re talking about the voting one.
The other one, actually, has a lot of people ticked off.
Well this whole branch of the comments is for HR1.
You were replying to michaelh posting about 20 states sending letters to the senate about HR1.
This isn’t about HR1, whatever it is. I can’t figure out what bill they were talking about.
But HR1 is scheduled to go before a senate committee on the 10th, so it’s not that.
If they pass this stupid law, this is what I have said will happen. Red states will not comply. And if the Not-So-Supreme Court declares it Constitutional, red states will still not comply.
Very happy to see Montana’s AG signed this letter.
NEW: Extremism experts and ex-GOP officials are warning that QAnon-type conspiracy theories are becoming more intertwined with White evangelical Christianity in a way that echoes the Islamic fundamentalist movement that gave rise to al-Qaeda & Isis
“Religious terrorism tends to be more lethal, because people believe they’re serving a higher purpose by committing acts of violence, as opposed to secular groups or ethno-nationalists,” said @TheSoufanCenter research fellow @ColinPClarke.
“You can’t negotiate with these people, and you especially can’t negotiate with QAnon,” @ColinPClarke said, “because how do you assuage grievances that don’t exist?”
Ex-GOP Rep. and former Air Force intelligence officer @RepRiggleman said connections between QAnon and white evangelical Christianity have “metastasized” into something else that is both “messianic” and “apocalyptic”.
“This has grown well beyond just something that we can categorize as QAnon,” @RepRiggleman said. “It’s almost become a conspiracy industry that is evangelical.”
Ex-Tea Party congressman & radio host @WalshFreedom said there is now a “huge general overlap” between the GOP base and conspiracy theorists “because the base is evangelical, the base is now conspiratorial, and they are one and the same.”
What this was used on is equally horrifying!
This is to conflate QAnon with GAB and Torba! Oh, these TURDS!!!
They’re also scared of Josh Mandel, IMO. Gotta link Trump’s base, Patriots, and Radical Apocalyptic Christianity to take that Portman seat to the left!
Screw you, Demon Dems! 😃
Oh, this is really good stuff. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
These are the “Atlantis” BS artists behind not just the Iran deal, but the “creation/destruction” paradigm of abusing phony-yet-real constructed terrorism like ISIS to advance global takeover.
This Soufan guy is an ex-Fibbie, and he fits perfectly into research that is showing WHERE this stuff is coming from.
Colin Clarke reeks of MI6 and is deeply tied with McMaster.
Oh, what a ROTTEN PACK!!!
yucki, Goebbels would be SO proud!!!
HA! We’ve identified an OCD “anti-Q extremist”!!!
Dope Finkelstein: “I think @RepTomEmmer is correct –the GOP will take back the House.”
Because they’ll forget to turn the Dominion and Smartmatic switch to ‘on’?
Dope Finkelstein: “I’ve said this for some time.”
Because you think the dims will forget to turn the Dominion and Smartmatic switch to ‘on’?
Dope Finkelstein: “Election integrity messaging & pro-Trump candidates could do well in certain districts.”
Do you spell ‘election integrity’ with a ‘D’ for Dominion, or with an ‘S’ for Smartmatic?
““Religious terrorism tends to be more lethal, because people believe they’re serving a higher purpose by committing acts of violence, as opposed to secular groups or ethno-nationalists,” ”
Hmmm…. they never made that connection over the last twenty years, while islam has been butchering people just as fast as they could find them.
But now Christians are the problem?
We need GWB to declare Christianity as a ‘religion of piece’.
It worked for the muzzies… at least as far the islamic and Marxist infiltrated United States government was concerned.
edit: I almost forgot, I’d like to thank our military for doing such a great job of protecting the tyrannical government from We the People. Great job!
OMG, that’s hilarious!
Yeah, PC thinking isn’t exactly honest.
As far as the left is concerned those socks are already in the hamper.
Nazis were not religious and neither communists. They were secular how do people with a deranged world view explain that one?
Maybe people of fail can not easy intimidated? They have no fearI think killing is violence against God since God created humanity.
The Nazis had no trouble invoking God, and Hitler, in Mein Kampf, did so.
That might be the case but most were atheists. There was more ritual in the culture and tradition.
I am not sure how that manifested itself to adoration of Hitler. The church was supportive of Hitler at the time.
Goering Replaced Jesus with Hitler in a lot of Catholic ceremonies and prayers.
what the the number of books have been written about that.
I have never read any of the books.
I just know the things that were told to me about the Nazi time.
singing, well…depends upon how one defines “church”.
I believe Bonhoeffer would agree w me.
In Nazi Germany Bonhoeffer was the exception not the norm. He paid the price but gave us wonderful writings to realize what truly is important.
True what do we call church. Not the building not the hierarchy it is we the faithful.
Correction: People with faith can not easy intimidated.
To me killing is violence against God.
MURDER violates one of the Big 10.
KILLING is part of life, till Kingdom Come.
Swords-into-plowshares – not quite yet.
Death is part of life yeas. Yes we do kill all the time .
Let’s please give him full credit for his cultivated (DS?) persona… “Ex-Tea Party congressman & radio host“. That’s Joe Walsh; rabid & I mean RABID never Trumper. This guy was one of the original purveyors of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Thank you . I did not know who Joe Walsh was never heard of him.
These people are anti Evangelicals? I am not an Evangelical but have nothing against Evangelicals. Some people seem to be bigots against anyone who is a thread to their power their position? I like to tell the ex Tea Party congressman the same what he says about Evangelicals people used to say about Tea Party. There is a tendency to diminish people one sees as a thread. To smear an entire group of people with one brush is unfair.
Here’s another talking about those dangerous QAnon people . . . I sure hope none of them show up around here . . .
Lee Smith reviewing Devin Nunes book:
Nunes discusses the effects of the online media “filter” and other aspects of what he calls the “Disinformation Funnel”
“The purpose of the Funnel,” he writes, “is to filter, refine, direct, and amplify propaganda ultimately disseminated through laptops, tablets, and smart phones. From there it goes directly into your brain.”
Nunes really gets it.
God bless, protect and give great wisdom to this man!
That is why I avoid leftists posts on Internet and scroll past. One almost have to cleanse oneself reading some of the stuff.
I try not to soil my cache, offend my sweet screen.
You have a gift with words 🙂
Parade of Trump supporters and counter-protesters clash in NYC; weapons seized, police officer hospitalized
There were multiple arrests in Times Square
PAUL SACCA March 06, 2021
Supporters of former President Donald Trump held a parade in New York City on Friday, but were met by counter-protesters. The event featured the unfurling of a 50-foot “Trump 2024” flag, and a march from Trump Tower to Times Square, but tensions flared after a counter-protest was staged.
A large crowd of Trump supporters marched down Fifth Avenue and carried Gadsden and thin blue line flags as well as large banners, including one showing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi depicted as being evil while ripping up a copy of Trump’s 2020 State of the Union speech.
As the Trump supporters made their way to Times Square, NYPD officers attempted to keep counter-protesters at bay. However, there were several tense exchanges and multiple arrests.
Video journalist Ford Fischer from News 2 Share shared footage from the event, including the moment where a counter-protester confronted a group with “Asians for Trump” signs. The counter-protester gets in the face of one Trump supporter and screams, “Fight me, Fight me then!”
. . . MORE . . .
OMG, that Ford “Controlled Opposition” Fischer shows up at all these events. He was at Charlottesville, and sonofnewo really got a number on him by analyzing his video.
New 4 am talking point? The MSM titans actually think people are paying attention to them.
Extremism “experts?” Really?
They’re going to conflate all of it into one kit and kaboodle and try to discredit Q, anons, conspiracy followers and Christianity – the color of skin doesn’t matter – all in one fell swoop.
Good luck with that.
We are considered extremists being Christians but those burning down cities killing people are just and idea.
Any rational person is going to say “wait a minute.”
This country was established by Christians and they forget.
What ex GOP officials are missing is their little knowledge about Christianity. Speaking for myself I do not make an idol out of an entity a questionable entity that is a myth. I have Christ and QAnon does not fit the bill.
On the other hand the ex GOP want their control back and what better way of hanging Q Anon on Christians. This is very dubious.
Health Experts Are Telling Healthy People Not to Wear Face Masks for Coronavirus. So Why Are So Many Doing It?
Because turd governors are pushing out mask mandates?
The mandate here reads “Entry without a mask unlawful” not “Entry without a mask unlawful unless you’re healthy.”
Yeah that article has NOT aged well.
NYT columnist: Pepe Le Pew ‘added to rape culture’—time to buy old cartoons before they’re banned
We really peaked as a culture around 1974, when Pepe cartoons made mashers ridiculous, and Gene Wilder could pull Cleavon Little out to say, “Hey, where are the white women at?”
To think we’ve had so much rot in the years from then to now….
I’m really starting to see how the dumbing down of America has affected things. A significant percentage of people can’t take or even GET a joke, and are basically sheep. It’s WILD. But it is DIAGNOSTIC for what happened.
I have said for a LONG time that one of the chief identifiers of a leftists is the absolute LACK of any sense of humor. They don’t get it. Not sarcasm, irony, none of it.
I watched it happen to my son after he went to college. They just drained the humor right out of him.
I used to quote the Joker at him; “why so serious?” It pissed him off no end.
WOW. Yeah, I hear you. YUP. The draining of humor by Marxism.
Can’t access the relational brain if it’s been pre-empted by amygdala – guard shack due to terror/shock/horror. They’ve been hacked.
The cure is in the relational/mystical side of the brain. Shutting it down disconnects us from others and from God. No feelings, no connection.
Appreciation is a big onramp to that it.
Sunsets, sunrises, baby smiles, all that inspires awe.
Yes. My connection to God through daily practicing gratitude is what keeps me whole. Leftists never seem to be grateful for anything. Nothing is ever enough for them.
They have been hacked!
gudthots…and one can add Gratitude to that missing Appreciation. I have never in my long life seen such a total lack of appreciation and gratitude for all we have as Americans.
it’s quite appalling.
Yes, Appreciation, Gratitude, Awe. All incredibly protective of our hearts!
I’m not sure about other countries, but much of Korea is stuck in that age and they love it. Unfortunately though men have been feminized to an extreme degree but it always was a matriarchal society. Lets just say they are weird but are living mostly in our fifties sixties era.
Torba nails leftist who challenges him on banks!
City National Bank of Florida
Thank you for this article, bakocarl. It is good to be reminded that God’s ways are part of a bigger plan that we aren’t privy to, and that we are comparable to children who don’t know or understand everything their parents do, or why. Realizing our position before God requires humility and trust.
Many of us would withhold good from those who do evil, but that is not, by default, God’s way.
Psalm 145:9
The Lord is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works.
Matthew 5:45
That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
Gone But Not Forgotten: Remembering Those Lost In This Past Year
March 6th, 2021
It’s been a tough year. We’ve lost many of the greats! It’s important to reflect on alll the good times we got to have with our loved ones, though. So let’s sit back and pour out a non-alcoholic beverage of your choice for the homies, as we take a journey back over the past year and remember those who have been canceled.
For best results, play Michael W. Smith’s “Friends” below — or the sad song of your choice — as you peruse these beautiful lives that were lost this year.
. . . MORE . . .
MURDER AT THE CAPITAL: Ashli Babbitt’s Family Releases First Official Statement, Will Take ‘Appropriate Legal Action’ Against Capitol Police
By Pamela Geller – on March 6, 2021
I’m very sad to say this, but if that gal really died, then IMHO she was an AF MK job.
OMG – what Q said about MK on vets.
Was this gal hospitalized during her stint?
And BTW, this super-anti-Q just-retired Congressman who is on the anti-Q warpath, now that Kinzinger is set to be primaried?
Kinzinger was in that photo with McStain and ISIS Baghdadi.
There was a video of her posted here the next day where she is interviewed as she walks up to the Capitol Building. She was saying all the right things and seemed to have her head on straight, but just having the video done is it self suspect.
Please post it if you see it again.
MK used properly on a receptive subject won’t make them appear abnormal in general, but in relation to the programming, the subject will have an almost irrational commitment to the instructions, which will be connected to something the subject WANTS TO DO (like leading the charge, defending the fort, etc.) but on-the-ground logic might NORMALLY interfere with. This is thus useful for scripting events, and also explains why those events look hokey in the absence of supporting external events, as here. The violent MAGA crowd failed to materialize beyond entry. “Burn this shit down” didn’t work.
Looking at this whole scripted event (which I now believe was planned MONTHS earlier), I still find it a mystery, and it boils down to whether she really died, IMO.
So I’m still working on this one.
BTW, check your Gab PMs. Want to see if you saw my reply. Still looks one-way.
I’ll go back and take a look when I find some time. Fairly sure it was posted as a youtube vid or twitter vid on the 7th maybe the 8th while you were still traveling, not later. Should be easy to find.
Excellent – that’s enough for me – you don’t need to bother – thanks!!!
Here it is:
Thanks! Very interesting. Looks like she’s in one of the early groups leaving the Ellipse area after Trump spoke.
Thanks for putting it into context. Much appreciated.
It looks to me like she’s phone-camming herself. The crowd is thin compared to when I walked – definitely early. If she was one of the early birds getting to the Capitol (there were multiple “groups” who moved through the crowd toward the Capitol BEFORE the last speaker ended), then she would have gotten in close more easily. Depending on how she approached, likely trying to move around the SOUTH end to get to the EAST end – which would be “logistically aware” – then it’s highly likely based on TIMING that they were “letting people in”, because the agitators had attacked EARLIER.
Thank you very much for the explanation.
I have posted it under Wolf’s reply to you.
Good, I knew I wasn’t dreaming. 👍
No, you weren’t. 🙂
She was a beautiful woman. Wonder what made her go through the window? Was she with the Antifa group? Or did she have a gig as actor and she was offered as scarifies for the cause except she did not know that?
Looking back in Seattle the two guys who were stalked and one shot was ex military also. Seems all who are sought out intentionally to be shot are ex military. The one who had the hat shop was ex military and shot. Is there a pattern?
I haven’t seen Pat lately…..
I miss Pat terribly….
I worry about her….
(Images from )
She’s fine, from what I hear. Go visit her at Marica’s place!
Shhhhh….I’m trying to lure her here…..
Pat would probably brought everything she could bring over here to spread humor and love….
While I am just slacking…..
Pat might have better taste than this….
Then, again…..
A quick note for the scientifically minded….
LOL. Now THAT is some “bone dry” humor!
They call economics the “dismal science” but actually, Thermodynamics should get that title.
Especially since a large part of the reason that economics is a dismal subject is because it (like everything else) is subject to the laws of thermodynamics.
My undergrad degree is econ. Specifically, business econ.
I took a couple of courses in it myself. Intro macro and micro.
My macro prof was so conservative he actually used Milton Friedmann’s “Free To Choose” as instructional material.
(Hope nobody minded….)
I’ll just repeat my comment to be SURE you see it.
They call economics the “dismal science” but actually, Thermodynamics should get that title.
Especially since a large part of the reason that economics is a dismal subject is because it (like everything else) is subject to the laws of thermodynamics.
Gladiator Theme Song.
Because Americans who love their country are said to be dangerous extremists!
Dangerous to WHO, exactly?
Dangerous WHY? Because YOU will construct another LIE like the Capitol?
Why did you know about the Buffalo Jump ahead of time? Why?
We KNOW, you liars. WE KNOW.
A LIE as bad as any villain can construct. A malignant lie, as bad as the creation of ISIS by the same people who then pretended they could do nothing about it.
Murderous lying scum! Just like the demons behind 9/11 and the lying Iran deal.
If you frame us, there WILL BE JUSTICE.
Fair warning, enemies of TRUTH.