Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:
AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.
This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
And yes, it’s Monday…again.
But we WILL get through it!
We will always remember Wheatie,
Pray for Trump,
Yet have fun,
and HOLD ON when things get crazy!
We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:
Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:
“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”
“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”
If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:
- Our backup site, The Q Tree 579486807,
- Our old alternative site, The U Tree, where civility is not a requirement
- Our Gab Group, which is located at
- Our various sister sites, listed in the Blogroll in the sidebar
Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.
Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.
We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.
Joe Biden didn’t win.
And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.
Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Week:
- growing on wood
- living in or on wood
Used in a sentence
Several of the xylogenous species appear to be of the same nature.
Another enjoyable hymn.
Moar Updatez
Things are going well. Health is on the upswing and things are getting done.
I’m still playing with the Gab AI images – I will use the output to add some variety to the next three months while I’m away for long periods of time.
The image AI “Gabby” is back up. Here’s an example of what it can do. This was in “Steampunk” mode.
Not sure how it decided to add a moon. I just asked for a steampunk wolf with a tophat.
I like these older watches from the previous incarnation of Gabby. More about Gabby next time.
Medical things are going well. I’m definitely regaining control of my health, and am feeling good. I’m now almost well enough for the extensive travel, physical labor, and other things that will keep me busy during the next 4-6 months.
And if we get some TRUMP sanity back into the White House, a trip to the inauguration is not out of the question!
Just sayin’!
So thank you for your assistance in this matter. Your prayers and well-wishes are working.
And remember…….
Great news from the Wolf front. You jus’ keep doin’ like dat, and we’ll jus’ keep doin’ like dis….
I guess the second floor door is for vampires and witches …
It’s for Doordash drone deliveries.
Extra tip required, I’m sure.
Drones don’t get tips. Nor minimum wage.
Don’t kid yourself, it’s added to/included in the price.
Those drones don’t make themselves, and those drones aren’t free.
Thank you!!!
New Schlichter —
He has a point. If Carlson mentions how nice the Moscow subways are, it’s really asking “what the hell is wrong with DC that it can’t have subways this nice?” He doesn’t want America to be Moscow, he wants America to be America — the way it ought to be, and the way it once was.
Schlichter starts out with this:
And CONTINUES trashing Putin.
“…..He’s a Russian nationalist and a massive thief….”
Given our ruling class in DC are PROVEN to be MASSIVE THIEVES & MURDEROUS SCUMBAGS, wouldn’t it be nice if they were ALSO US NATIONALISTS?
Getting rich in Congress
Wealth of Congress: Richer Than Ever, but Mostly at the Very TopCollectively, their gains have outpaced the market, net worth is five times U.S. median
Revealed: how US senators invest in firms they are supposed to regulate
“…Vladimir Putin set up Tucker Carlson by murdering Alexis Navalny just days after Tucker‘s controversial visit to Moscow and interview. …”
That was shown to be BullSchiff in QTree 2/16/2024. The guy died of a heart attack. He had been in Germany when the Clot Shots were being given so the CLOT SHOT was most likely the cause of death not Putin.
Navalny was arrested in 2021 upon his return to Russia from Germany where he had been treated for a suspected assassination attempt by poison. link
From French Embassy in the UK
Smells like a money laundering scheme but it is hard to follow. The source is:
RUSBANKROTWe know everything about bankruptcy
The owner of this media is Liquidation and Bankruptcy Bar Association
February 16, 2024 14:05
A bit from BioClandestine
Yup – for those not on the QTree.
“Mind blowing how dumb the good guy pundits can be…oh wait. Could they possibly be controlled opposition?
Hmmm. Could it be? Wait a minute, what they said isn’t how it went. Why yes, I believe they are controlled op.”
Multiple stages of patriot wake up ^^^.
I become more convinced that Shlichter is truly evil with each new propaganda piece.
He is a Californicate LAWYER and obviously A CONTROLLED OPPOSITION RINO.
He writes drivel in order to deflect any sheeple who might be starting to awaken.
^^^ This.
Yes – he is. You have to be to act in that way.
Issa is a bit of a different case. He was wealthy before he was elected to Congress.
Issa is a Talk Big Do Nothing piece of RINO Shite.
True, however, he was wealthy before he was elected.
Along with Trey Gowdy and Jason Chaffetz.
“We’ll get to the bottom of this”… And then do NOTHING!
The article also covers the fact many were wealthy to begin with. Look at the Angelo Codevilla article on America’s Ruling Class.
That does not mean they do not use their positions to enrich themselves. I can remember an article (the one I was actually looking for) that showed Jeff Sessions was the only one to NOT enrich himself from his office.
Always a swamp creature.
The same is true for Trey Hollingsworth. The $50M net worth listed is what he had when entered Congress in 2017.
“what the hell is wrong with DC that it can’t have subways this nice?”
That question can’t be asked, because the true answer — imposed multiculturalism & diversity & equality of outcome destroyed the greatest country on earth — is verboten.
Because the Capitol Police are too busy beating unarmed MAGA women to death instead of doing their F..CKING JOB.
DC Mayor Bowser during the Floyd Riots say she was giving BLM “room to destroy”
Funny how I can no longer find that story on the internet.🤔
However I did find this. Please read the entire article. It is very very good! I am only quoting part of it. (We have at least 2 books by this author. HE SUPER GOOD!)
This is a story we never ever see pushed, even on Twatter.
J1 – The Anniversary of the BLM Insurrection at the White HouseBefore there was J6, there was J1.
June 1, 2023 by Daniel Greenfield
Bringing the receipts once again. Thanks, Gail.
Evil exposed yet once again. Would a rational human being who valued life and their fellow citizens beat anybody to death? Not just a woman, anybody?
Which side believes life is sacred and begins in the womb? Which side uses murder and death as tools to achieve the ends of evil?
We are and have been at war even in what seem to be good times.
Which is why I started the Civilized War series in the midst of BIMD. It all interconnects.
A good point that has gotten little attention — who does that stuff?
Not us.
Love your research, insight and commentary.
You are a true asset to us All.
I am grateful to have found Wolfmoon years ago.
Thank You!
You are very welcome.
The Cabal hides history as much as they can and lies about the rest. We older folks are then left with our memories and trying to find smidgens that show we are not telling tall tales.
On 6/1/20, Thoroughly Mildewed Milley struck with his Wet Dishrag gambit.
See, this is the kind of thing that drives me nuts!
“Let’s be clear about Vladimir Putin. He’s a murderous scumbag ex-KGB colonel. He’s not a good guy. He’s not a hero. He’s a Russian nationalist and a massive thief.”
He’s the President of friggin’ RUSSIA. He SHOULD BE a Russian nationalist!
Our President should be an American nationalist. Good grief. I am so sick of this “We Are the World” nonsense.
Are We The World’s Armpit? Or some more southerly location?
We sure seem to get crapped on quite often.
Headed that way
Shlicter-Pop is a bad dude, and he runs a bunch of bad boys.
Curious. Not being a Town Hall guy and thus not signed up and unable to view comments, would anyone know if anyone called out Schlchter on his hit piece in the comments?
Glad to see the good health news, Wolf! 🙏 And I think Gabby did a great job on Steampunk Wolf.
And the reason Gabby put a moon in there — wolves howl at the moon.
Or so they say.
Ah! That makes sense!
Glad he is using his forum to make people aware, but there has never been a time she could be trusted. She was installed by the uniparty in SC as governor.
Just as Hochul was installed in NY after they took out Andy, because his usefulness was up.
Exactly what happened.
“Custom order” 😅
Okay, — It’s not so funny any more. It’s like beating a dead horse … IMO.
Yeah but is still funny.
Of course you could substitute Alex SoreAss or FauXi and it would still be funny.
I just have a weird value that you don’t reward good behavior [dropping out of the race] with gratuitous insults. It’s just me.
And yes, it is funny.
Look at it this way, the figured that Nikki, checking both the non-white and woman box was a better bet that Ron so they pulled his funding.
I VERY MUCH DOUBT Ron had much say in the matter. TPTB decided NOT to split the Never Trumper vote and told him to stand down.
His endorsing Trump was a strategic move with the hope they can get him in to the Senate or back into congress.
Rick Scott (also a former Gov.) is running this term.
Sen. Rick Scott Scores High In Analysis Of “Pro-Liberty” Votes In 2022
“I just have a weird value that you don’t reward good behavior [dropping out of the race] with gratuitous insults.”
But good behavior wasn’t the reason he dropped out.
He dropped out because he was told to by his backers. If they told him to keep running, he certainly would be, but his handlers switched horses to ride another nag, Nasty Nimarata.
She’s far more psychotic than he is. Rhonda is a goof, but he doesn’t usually come across as inhuman, and that was probably a big part of the problem. Not enough ice water in his veins.
I don’t detect any sense of humanity in Nimarata, at all.
Watch how she deals with sincere critics at Town Halls and other meet-and-greets.
Watch her eyes and how her expression changes.
It’s pure evil.
I agree.
aw geez not this again
“Okay, — It’s not so funny any more. It’s like beating a dead horse … IMO.”
That horse is far from dead.
They always come back. Not because of grit or determination, but because they’re for sale. And because what else are they qualified to do?
Exactly, where is Ronda going to pop up after his term as governor is done?
Will he run for senator next like Rick?
Who by the way is settling in as a comfortable Rhino.
That is probably the idea. Remember ‘they’ CONTROL the COUNTING OF VOTES…
Does Florida term-limit its governor?
Governor term limits Florida:
“It twitched! See, it twitched!!!” *wham*, *wham*, *wham*, *wham*, *wham*
Still funny. Good with beating Rob, occasionally. Keep Rob in his place.
Never Forget! “Never Back Down”!
Pretty sure his wife keeps him in place. Building up his ego, or is that her ego through him?
He was supposed to be her ticket to the First Lady crown.
But he crashed and burned, so as others have mentioned, it will be no surprise if she divorces him soon.
If DJT really wants to make a statement, he should get a pair of his favorite sports shoes and have them gold-plated. Then just wait until the Yellow Stream Media notices.
Ground report, nothing helpful to share…
I was at a regular meeting of a group of people of diverse ages. Two of the men had recently had COVID. Both had had fever for a couple of days, early on. The older one, in his 60s, had had a cough and still had a lingering tickle in his chest. He had felt weak for several weeks but was getting better. The younger one, in his 40s, had not developed a cough. Thinking he might have some natural immunity, I asked if he had had COVID before, and he had, over a year ago. He also volunteered the info that he had had “all the shots.” I was so sorry to hear that. He and his wife are lovely people who contribute a lot to the group and in their lives. The older man has also had a very productive career. I’m hoping he is not vaxed since he didn’t volunteer that information. I didn’t state my vax status either. It’s a touchy subject in mixed company, on par with politics.
I hear you. I ask, but I rarely tell. With some friends, though, when I see opportunity to educate, I do.
Yes, it requires being able to work up to that level of communication, which is not always easy.
Or if there is discussion about their bout of Covid they say “Good thing I got that last booster or it would have been so much worse”.
That’s my signal they are brainwashed and I just smile and nod and change the subject.
I agree. The “awkward silence” of a non-response is best. That is their invitation to ask our thoughts on it. If they do not it means their minds are closed to consideration of anything else.
That is what I do. Then silently pray for their health to be restored and their minds to be opened to truth.
People I know volunteer their status on a regular basis. I never give mine, or my opinion of the medical establishment. That’s not appreciated, either, especially among the people who religiously rely on it.
I have a number of relatives who work in the medical field who are still following along. Not to mention the ones who are still taking their regiment of useless meds daily. And my sibling who still can’t figure out the connection with his heart problems that started right after his first vaccine 🤔 but still kept on with a few more. No history of heart disease in our families at all on either side.
A cousin’s wife buried her dad last week. Turbo cancer. And the jabs never came up.
Interesting back story and connection made. 1:47 long.
Might that squash some of the rumors about Epstein still being alive?
It might, but not with “true believers.” There is always a spin, however unlikely, to support their point of view.
Doesn’t squash the “Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself” rumor…
NXIM was in Albany NY
New York, Isn’t that where the Clinton’s live? /s
Very interesting, still connected to the mob looks like. So how hard would it be to see the who and why he was put in the cell with?
Oh wait I forgot, we can’t do that. Move along nothing to see here. Says the DOJ.
Do this small favor for us, and……..
Sleaze bags for a long long time… Story posted yesterday on CFP.
Politico Mag — Jim Biden and Americore accused of $100 million in Medicare fraud.
4 members of Biden family heavily involved.
It’s a long story! Going back to 2017. Dropping Joe Biden’s name and promises of Mid East investors to attract local investment into a failing hospital, but not to worry, the Biden’s did okay. It’s getting a look with some members of the House. Has potential but no charges mentioned.
Medicare fraud is a big deal, or should be.😡
It is literally stealing from everyone esp the elderly.
I wonder if Fauxpotus will remember…
I wish Peter Ducey, instead of asking fauxpotus if he can comment on the report of his bad memory, PD should ask if fauxpotus feels his memory is good enough to stand trial.
Nikki Haley waffles on everything. Her word means absolutely nothing.
Nikki Haley, brought to you by Eggo:
Accurate, but is it AI?
Absolutely has to be. The fingers and the eyes are totally AI! But it’s good!
It is. AI gets a win.
Yeah, I did it with Gab, lol.
Look at its right hand. If there’s a thumb on the other side of the cookie, that makes six fingers 🤣
Using AI to do good. Love it.
Nobody deserves a sixth middle finger like Mikki!
Is there some rule or agreement with those who write the programs for AI. That if there is a representation of a known person it must include an error like an extra finger, so as to prove it’s not real, AI could be/will be used for nefarious purposes.
I don’t know, but that’s an interesting thought.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott wrote an op-ed for the NYPost.
Greg Abbott: Texas has the constitutional right to defend itself from invasion
Took him long enough.
Paxton had to “win” first, which I agree, took long enough. Abbot would have stayed on the uniparty fence had he not won.
After I clicked ‘post comment’ I realized that it wasn’t fair. But I figured what the hell – he’s a fence-sitter who usually deserves to be abused.
So no edit.
I always think “what took so long?” when these measures are taken now. But I’m glad he, and others, are doing something.
Take every win, when we get it.
Pushing forward.
It did
Great news about your health, Wolf! I’ll continue to pray for you.
Thank you!!! It’s been working!
You were actually an important influence on me, regarding something that worked. Basically, as part of all this stuff, I came to a decision point on some drugs, and thought “What Would Linda Do?” Between you and my wife (who was also counseling “no”), I picked “no” – and that turned out to be the correct answer, which solved the problem. It was somewhat counterintuitive – it looked like I needed “more drugs”, but the actual answer was “less drugs”.
So thank you! You may have never realized you were going to help solve my problem, but you did. 💖
Whoa! I’m thrilled if anything I said or did helped you. And it sounds like you have a pretty smart wife. After living through the last 4 years, I think less drugs, or even no drugs, is the best answer in many cases.
Right now I have an oncologist who keeps trying to get me to take aromatase inhibitors for the next 5 years. Those drugs often cause osteoporosis and heart problems as well as a return of menopause symptoms. I keep telling her no, and she keeps scheduling more appointments so I can think about it longer. It’s gotten pretty funny. I got a good laugh at what she wrote in my health records after one of those conversations – that I don’t trust the FDA. I don’t think she can quite get it in her head why that might be. 😆
You should assure her that there are quite a few people out there who can’t quite get it in their heads why she would trust the FDA.
And, then, there are those so disgusted by politicized science that they don’t trust science at all…..
I am not surprised. I started my scientific FRAUD file years ago.
So that’s why there’s no room in the garage for cars.
Actually it is filled with horse drawn vehicles.
That’s a great idea. Gently slap her back and see what happens.
I ditched the drugs, even the over the counter cold meds, over a decade ago. It is very possible to make a lot of progress in an all natural manner with diet, exercise, sun, and ditching certain compression undergarments as much as possible. Keep the lymph moving, and try to eat local produce when feasible.
“…ditching certain compression undergarments…”
Amazing how a lot of pain goes away when you start wearing loose clothes. I found wearing a long sleeved LOOSE shirt in the summer, even here in NC was cool as long as it was light colored.
“Wokism is a cancer!”
Obviously she’s a horrible person and they should demand all her salary back.
What’s that you say? She worked for free?
[crickets chirping]
I hate these people. I try not to, but anyone who would damage a 90-year-old for not understanding their stupid modern wokey bullshit is an unmitigated asshole.
Have no problem hating assholes, like the ones firing this gal.
Where in the Bible does it say we have to love EVIL? And these people ARE EVIL. I am sure they got a thrill out of harassing this poor woman.
Nowhere. Christ does say to love your enemies. My understanding is that praying for the souls of the idiots is what Christ wants. Not loving anything they do. We are to resist evil in all its forms.
I have to agree, I guess. It just drains my energy sometimes.
I’ll believe it. Those big, national 501c3s are all into the woke crap.
So tax breaks go to certain political pontificating organizations?
With IRS working against wrong think organizations.
It was set up that way from the get go as soon as the Federal Reserve Act and income tax was initiated in 1913. The wealth set up ‘charitable foundations’ to shield their wealth.
Remember Maurice Strong, Chair of the First Earth Summit in 1972 that started CAGW? The guy who said “…current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class…are not sustainable. A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmentally damaging consumption patterns….” in his opening remarks at Earth Summit II in 1992.
In brief Maurice Strong worked in Saudi Arabia for a Rockefeller company, Caltex, in 1953. He left Caltex in 1954 to worked at high levels in banking and oil. By 1971, he served as a trustee for the Rockefeller Foundation, and in 1972 was Secretary-General of the U.N. Conference on the Human Environment. He was Co-founder of the WWF and Senior Advisor to the World Bank and the UN.
Strong’s early work with YMCA international “…may have been the genesis of Strong’s realization that NGOs (non-government organizations) provide an excellent way to use NGOs to couple the money from philanthropists and business with the objectives of government.”
I ran into this years ago when I went to the office of my Congressman. I was asked ‘What group do you represent’
People hear things about San Francisco and think they’re exaggerated.
This is an actual news story —
Cities don’t have values, people do.
Or don’t, as the case may be.
Just to be clear on that initial image — the states colored red are not “morally pure” enough to do business with Babylon By The Bay, San Francisco. They are insufficiently supportive of LGBTQ++ rights, unqualified voters, grooming of children, abortion, or whatever other cause du jour the city’s government examined.
NOT being OK with Frisco Freaks, is a positive for normal folks.
LOL @ “Frisco Freaks”!!! 😂
Bonus value – “Frisco” is a term that is despised by SF residents.
Local, Pravda News, bought and paid for. As Channel 7, brainwashes the masses.
Channel 7. Building A Better Bay Area.
Smells like Briben’s WEF Build Back Better.
San Fran SICKO and their Board of STUPIDvisors. Pffft
Sodom By The Bay…..
(Herb Caen used to call SF Baghdad by the Bay)…
That is insulting to Baghdad.
They’ve created their own Gordian Knot and tied it around the cities throat.
They could of course cut said knot by allowing companies out side of SF to submit a simple statement that says in effect “We accept SF’s right to establish their own norms.” then everything can fall back into agreement and life would be well. <—Yeah.. likely not happening.
Other companies should not even be asked for such a statement in America.
Frisco made its bed of slop. Wallow in it.
Frisco. Another case of, NO go along, to get along. F’m.
Go WOKE, go BROKE!!!
Definitely not the same city in which Tony Bennet left his heart!
“In response to Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin, Russian TV presenter and head of the Rossiya Segodnya media group Dmitry Kiselev sent a request to the White House for him to interview Joe Biden.”
(with a copy of the letter)
I can just imagine what Slow Joe might do, trying to give a history lesson for context.
We shall be regaled with The Ballad of Corn-Pop, Part Deux… 😂
Cue the banjo intro before the verse….
And hide the woman and children so he doesn’t get distracted.
AND Little boys…
OH MY GOSH! I really really want to see that interview!
Maybe we should start a write-in campaign demanding Slow Joe do the interview.
Interview from Briben’s basement.
I am afraid the President might precipitate a war when he called the Russians lying dog-faced pony soldiers. We can’t risk it.
Putin is well aware that Joe is not the real leader of the USA. I think he would just laugh and call Joe mentally ill.
Very funny. 😆
Paradigms and Demographics: Rasmussen Poll Unmasks the Radical Elite
Kill or be killed.
That’s where this ultimately always goes in history.
Not because any of the regular citizens want that outcome at all.
But because the monster-class will accept nothing less.
They. Will. Not. Stop.
They will crush the People’s throats with their boot — for the simple joy of doing it — until or unless that boot is broken off.
But the people who are comfortable will never do anything to stop it, because the comfortable people always believe their wealth is a buffer zone from the insanity.
Right up until the moment the SS kicks in their door.
Over and over again, throughout history.
I used to think that people don’t learn from history because they don’t know history, and if enough people knew history, they would obviously do something, before a country descended into total madness. But I don’t think lack of knowledge is the main component anymore.
I think the main reason history repeats is not because enough people are not aware of history, but because humans always believe that no matter how bad things get, “it won’t happen to me, I’m safe, I’m at least somewhat insulated, so I’m not going to rock the boat“.
When enough people think that way — and they always do — nobody does anything to stop the runaway train of tyranny.
Until it crashes.
And so the cycle repeats, even though plenty of people are aware of history and the consequences of doing nothing.
They just don’t (won’t?) believe it applies to them personally.
Until it does.
Those same lunatics are the same people who accepted climate change, animals are better than people, trees are more important than people, electricity generation comes from a switch on the wall, that your child should fight the war they create, that your money is their money, that your assets are their assets, that God is dead or never existed, that something can come from nothing, he who dies with the most toys wins, and on an on.
Give me the common man and woman every day of the week. The common man is not defined by wealth, education or social status. They may or may not have one, two or all three and still be the common man or woman. We know who they are. They come here as an example.
Very few ever repent and turn from the diseased lives Rasmussen notes. So build walls around them like around lepers and give them over to their desires. Don’t waste time trying to convert them. Focus on helping and educating the common man and woman who will listen and learn. The ranks of the sane and principled will grow as the lunatic fringe dies.
If you have not read this article please do.
America’s Ruling Class, And the perils of revolution.
by ANGELO CODEVILLA (May he rest in Peace)
July 16, 2010
The bigger question is what percentage of the population is actually the “elite”, the highly indoctrinated, uh, “educated” people who vote for turnips.
Based on my proximity to quite a pocket here, I would venture to say not as many as the great “unwashed.” In fact, I’m far more worried about suburban housewives.
By suburban housewives I assume you mean “The Star Struck” 😮
The ones who are chatting at parties and say things like, “I think he’s too bookish for her,” speaking about a daughter’s boyfriend.
That was actually overheard at a suburban party.
OMG! I would have quietly slid towards the exit.
Snob. Pinky finger wench. Bitch. Withholding the rest…
“…I’m far more worried about suburban housewives….”
I agree. They are insulated from what is happening to the country.
They’re easily influenced by the AWFULs.
They just need a close encounter with M16 or the muslime terrorists coming across the border… Or the death via fentanyl of a child they know.
Although some are so brainwashed that even that would not work.
Supported for the most part by the evil abusive white patriarchy. Not quite evil enough to refuse that patriarchy money.
Hypocrites, the lot of ’em.
The female ones ARE in fact the AWFULs.
Divorced 3 times.
Two children, one with Claude Weate, one with Jeff Wald.
Political Party: Democrat
From Wiki:
Claude Weate
(m. 1961; div. 1966)
“At age 20, Reddy married Kenneth Claude Weate, an older musician and family friend whom she says she wed to defy her parents, who wished her to follow them into show business. The couple separated not long after the birth of their daughter, Traci.”
Jeff Wald
(m. 1968; div. 1981)
“In 1968, she married Jeff Wald, a native of the Bronx. She converted to Judaism before marrying Wald, with whom she had a son, Jordan, born in 1972.
In a 1975 People interview, Reddy admitted that her relationship with then-husband and manager Wald was volatile, with the couple having “huge, healthy fights”, but that she owed her success (she was then the world’s biggest-selling female vocalist for two consecutive years) to Wald: “He runs it all. Naturally, when the moment of performance comes I have to deliver – but everything else is him. It’s not my career; it’s our career.”
Milton Ruth
(m. 1984; div. 1995)
“In June 1983, she married Milton Ruth, a drummer in her band; the couple divorced in 1995.”
“Reddy died at the Motion Picture & Television Country House and Hospital in Los Angeles on 29 September 2020, at the age of 78. She suffered from Addison’s disease and dementia in her later years. No cause of death was given.”
Scott is no longer associated with RR.
The article incorrectly treats the two interchangeably.
I was wondering about that. He was on the board after he sold the company but there was a spat and he left.
Sarah Hoyt’s opinion of the Administration’s request that Netanyahu be nicer to Gaza [ ]:
Sarah captures how I feel about:
Briben, Hoe, Mayorkas, Garland, Wray, HLS, FIB, DOJ, DOD, IRS, FDA, CDC, NIH…
All Of Them Fucksticks. 😛
Her meme collection and some of her books on the side.
Am going to assume she’s an author that I’d like to read.
I couldn’t resist bringing this one here.
there once was a fungus stuck to a bench….
Navalny “died suddenly” —
CLOT SHOT. He was in Germany in 2021.
He was also a terrorist setting up the overthrow of the Russian government with the aid of MI6. Probably backed by the CIA and Soros too. I wonder if Nuland visited him while he was in Germany?
Tradebait2 brought this to the Q Tree
World Socialist Website: Navalny arrested in Russia as Biden nominates Victoria Nuland for top State Department position
Facts are stubborn things.
And they’re immortal but they do hibernate every so often.
Election Infrastructure Subsector Cyber Risk Summary is discussed on Why We Vote
starting @ 10:30
They have Chris Kriebs lying to congress starting @ 1:55
Election Infrastructure Subsector Cyber Risk Summary is discussed on Why We Vote
starting @ 10:30 they have Chris Kriebs lying to congress starting @ 1:55
@ 26 minutes is the lead in and at 28 minutes is the call to action. What we can do locally.
(I put my reading glasses on so I could actually read the small numbers.)
The happy news is Wolf’s personal health update news! A healthy Wolf is a menace to the evil doers. 🙏 continue.
It is great news!
Thanks! Yes – I am back where I was before things went off the rails. Still trying to get other things to happen, but I’m almost fully functional. Life it good!
It’s all great news!
I am very glad your health is improving!
Thank you! It’s great news. I’m back in the very functional zone, where I can take care of the OTHER medical issues that will require a lot of working the system.
Newest way to buy a house.
Man shows off tiny one-bedroom home he bought on AMAZON for just $27,000 – revealing it took five men just 27 minutes to put together
Now all he has to do is find property to put it on…..and pay the storage fees while that doesn’t happen !
It’s not always easy to find zoning that allows these.
The $%&#@ B that bought a small lot across from me thought she would drop one of those cargo container “houses” and have a little self contained near the beach getaway. Not so fast chica. There’s rules and regs like digging for a septic tank, electricity, water. It also is required to have foundation anchoring and a roof . So it sits like a fugly sore thumb. Makes me so mad that they don’t come and haul it off.
Cover it with “MAGA” and “Antifa Sux” signs, and it’ll be gone in a day or two 😀
Get a few friends. Visit a hardware store at least an hour drive away. Buy cans of fluorescent spray paint of various colors — pink, yellow, green, red, etc. Go with friends at 3:00 AM to offending object and crazy paint all sides visible from the street and/or from neighbors homes.
Do not leave cans! Fingerprints, you know.
Eyesore will likely be gone within three days.
You’re welcome.
Both of yous guys are ccccrazy. The owner is of the privileged class who would pretty much know it was ME. There’s only 2 other lots here and they only come now and then in the summer.
She doesn’t even live here locally, supposedly from Atlanta. Don’t want to cause a racial incident YKWIM
That happens when you are gone on vacation for a week.
ME??? I know nothing I wasn’t even here!
hahahah..see the thing is..she doesn’t come to check on it. Once in a blue moon she and some others come and weed eat so…….they’d never know when it happened.
I’m actually glad she hasn’t done anything. I don’t love the thought of get togethers of surly asshoes…she isn’t friendly at all. I’m hoping she decides to sell the lot.
Well … it ain’t my fault youse live out in da stix. 😂
yeah, bummer when there’s graffiti needing to be done. Nobody sees it except the one that put it there
More Kirsch proof from NZ.
Time permitting. Readers Digest version. Sentence or two, please.
Executive summary
New Zealand resident Chris Johnston submitted an OIA request (similar to a FOIA) to the New Zealand health officials.
I analyze the results in this article.
Short story: The data they returned shows that the COVID vaccines didn’t save anyone from dying from COVID. They did the opposite: they increased mortality. Even worse, when COVID deaths peaked in July 2022, the vaccinated were disproportionately affected.
In short, they lied. Their own data shows that if you followed their advice, it was more likely you’d die during a COVID outbreak.
Are you surprised?
Thanks. Heading back to link.
Ouch 😱
He is taunting them.
They demanded that he talks about this Navalny fellow.
Donald J. Trump
Trump gets it. Navalny would still be alive if TRUMP was in office!!! It’s complicated, but it’s true. But with incompetent, elite puppets like OBAMA running the country from “work at home”, it’s all going to hell.
New info came out over the weekend that Navalny died of a heart attack.
Verse of the Day for Monday, February 19, 2024
“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:”
Ephesians 2:8 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!