Dear MAGA: 20190317 Open Topic

This very special WWG1WGA SUNDAY
open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody
to post whatever they feel they would like
to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.

Say what you want, comment on what other people said,
comment on people’s comments.
Keep it civil.  Treehouse rules, but expect lots of QAnon.

See the January 1st daily thread for the rules of the road,
which are few but important.

Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:

20180629 First Family walking to Marine One

Overcoming Offendedness

The following article is part of a larger series by Rick Joyner intended to help people prepare for the battles right on our horizon. I highly recommend prayerfully going over the entire set of articles as time permits.

“A brother offended is harder to win than a strong city.”
(Proverbs 18:19a)

The Great Commission was to make disciples of all nations, not just individuals. The Lord said that when He returned He would divide the nations into “sheep” or “goats.” The sheep are good and the goats are bad. We have come to a time when nations are determining ultimate issues that will result in them being a sheep or goat nation.

In this series, I will continue to unpack the dramatic dream I had about the American Republic that deals with ultimate issues of our purpose from heaven’s perspective. Regardless of what country you are from, there will be a level of civil conflict coming in your nation too. Many will be similar to what is unfolding here.

Therefore, even though this is American-centric, in many ways it addresses the same basic issues all nations will be facing, as these are all connected to what The Lord said would come at the end of this age.

As covered previously, the first two Great Awakenings in America each preceded wars, the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. As we study the primary messages that came from those two Great Awakenings, we can see a direct link from the Awakenings to the wars.
So did these great spiritual awakenings cause the wars? In some basic ways they did. The light from these Awakenings exposed the darkness, and this required that it be confronted until it was driven from the land.
Could the darkness have been driven from the land by spiritual warfare so that the physical conflicts would not have been necessary? Perhaps. That certainly would have been desirable.
However, what I saw in my dream included physical conflict. I saw the nature of this, which I will share later in this study. Even so, it is my conviction that to the degree that evil strongholds in our land are destroyed spiritually, the degree of the physical conflict will lessen.
As we enter the Third Great Awakening in America, we can expect the same kind of light to expose the great darkness in our time. When powers of darkness are exposed, they rage. When they are cast out of their high positions they come to the earth with great wrath, as we see in Revelation 12.
God’s provision is to send us great champions of the truth to face specific evil strongholds in our time. They are being sent to completely destroy these strongholds, not just defeat them and push them back. What is happening in the Spirit will be reflected in the natural with rage and conflict.
It is always a tragedy when our differences degenerate into violence. It has been a great hope of Western Civilization to rise above war, to eradicate it completely from the earth. That is a noble hope, however, as we see up to the end of the Book of Revelation, there will be increasing war right to the end of the age.
As we see in Revelation 7, for a brief time the winds of war (winds of the earth) are held back so that The Lord’s bondservants can be sealed, but this is a short time and the winds are released again.
To be prepared for the times we must understand that violence has already begun, and it will get worse for a time. Again, this may be reduced by spiritual victories, but there is now a level of violence that we will not be able to avoid and we must be prepared for—spiritually and physically.
A major reason we can expect increasing violence is because of a contingent that not only does not want open debate, but cannot tolerate it. This is the fruit of an education system that no longer educates, but rather indoctrinates.
A generation has been conditioned so that if you disagree with them they will be offended, and being offended has been elevated to the level of being considered almost worse than a physical assault.
That many are so easily offended is a major cause that will make the physical violence unavoidable. As we are told in Proverbs 18:19, “A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city.”
One of the most important things we can do to prepare for the coming conflict is to refuse to be offended. This is basic Christianity and is called “forgiveness.” Jesus forgave the ones who had Him crucified and even those who nailed Him to the cross. Learning to be quick to forgive is basic discipleship and basic to following Christ.
To stay on the right side in what is unfolding, we must not engage in the rage and bitterness that is fueled by unforgiveness. We must learn not to react to personal offense, but take the actions that we do because they are the right thing to do.
To make it through what is coming upon the world will require all Christians to follow Christ more closely and be more like Him than we ever have. We must guard our hearts, especially from the evil stronghold of unforgiveness and offense.
The Lord will help us get ready by allowing opportunities to learn to forgive quickly and totally. Don’t waste these trials. Embrace them as the opportunities they are, especially when you are persecuted for doing what is right.
The Lord promised a special blessing for this. See these as an opportunity to get closer to The Lord by bearing your cross to identify with Him, and getting closer to Him will be the greatest blessing of all.

 “One of the most important things
we can do to prepare for the coming conflict
is to refuse to be offended. “

Rick Joyner

We are in a battle for the ages.
Our lives, our families, our communities, our nation need us to win this.
Living in offense is like keeping your eyes on the rear view mirror.
Fixating on the rear view mirror is a distraction we cannot afford to entertain.
Let’s clear our vision so we can maximize our battle readiness!



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T3! Your Post is simply–One for the Ages!! I am Blessed to read this at this Very MOMENT! Your beautiful Words tell us All!! Forgive and UNITE! Humanity is God’s gift to us!! He gave us Life and this Planet and said “Do unto others…”
You are so Amazingly CLEAR! This Great Awakening! This IS our Last ( really mean LAST) chance to Awaken and be what Our Dear Lord intended and DIED for…
Marica has no words.. and not even emojis… But I got prayers.
Love ya T3!! Love all ya’ll at this Q tree! I feel humbled that I get to be here with you All!



Rodney Short

Forgiveness is a tough one.


It sure is.
No PAIN, no gain! ;~)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. Tough! But it is definitely important.
One can see how this is working right now as people are fleeing Mind Control Socialism. By welcoming those who flee, rather than throwing stones at them, we are strengthened GREATLY.


Envy, Greed, Jealousy, Lying, Theft, Sloth, Unforgiveness – it’s amazing how all these sins the scriptures warn about are embodied in Leftist Socialism.


You know, Rodney, I think it depends on what we think forgiveness means, and on whether we try to do it on our own or ask God’s help.
I can’t really explain it, because it is unique to each of us. But when we are successful, it frees us to enjoy the future rather than reliving our past.

Plain Jane

Right on target Alison. Plus, and I shouldn’t shout, but, FORGIVING IS HEALTHY FOR OUR BODIES AS WELL.


Our Whistleblower just tweeted this:


I like this Marica–or I’ll add, before they are hanged and meet their Maker.


Agree Zoe!! Hanging is in their future!!!

Plain Jane

We do not have to FEEL forgiving, it is not an emotion. It is an act of the will. We tell God to please forgive that person because HE wants us to do so, even if we don’t like the concept.
We ask God to help us forgive that person because HE wants to lift the burden of unforgiveness from us, heal our hurt, and that also frees up the person for God to work healing on our enemy. We ask, ask, ask God to the heavy lifting for us, if we cannot.
Remember, forgiveness doesn’t mean that we have to allow that person back into our lives, nor does it mean that we need to strive to eliminate their just civil punishment for crimes.


Your comment holds a lot of meaning, Jane. Great explanation.

Plain Jane

Thank you. I had a lot of practice in trying to help women who were forced into abortions learn how to forgive. Plus the men whose wives or girfriends had abortions in spite of the fathers’ desires to keep the baby. And then my team and I had to teach the all to forgive themselves.


That is likely one of the most difficult groups of people to work with in that capacity. I’ve always appreciated your contributions here, Jane, and my admiration for you has grown leaps knowing what gifts you have given to so many. Truly doing God’s work. 💖💖

Plain Jane

Thank you Alison, but it was all God’s doing. Whenever my team an I got too cocky, thinking it was OUR ministry, or too organized, we fell on our butts. We would get discombubled and call back on the Holy Spirit to keep us humble and work His healing on the souls He sent us. He has His ways.:-)

Plain Jane

One other thing…if you are stymied about this forgiveness thing, and cannot verbalize it, close your eyes, picture Our Lord on the cross, and picture yourself placing your enemies in HIS hands. That is an act of your will, giving all your anger and hurt to Him, and asking Him to take care of your enemy how He sees fit to heal their soul.
p.s. Can you imagine the difficulty those who have been abused have with forgiveness. Yet they do forgive.
There is a story about how monkeys are captured….putting their hand into a hollowed out coconut shell to get a goodie. Well, the hole in the coconut is just large enough for the monkey to slip his hand in. When he grabs the goodie tight in a fisted hand, he cannot remove his hand unless he lets go of the goodie.
Think of the goodie as the grudge and unforgiveness. If we hold on to it, WE are caught.
I couldn’t listen to the preacher above tonight, because I need to play it louder than Ican in the daytime. Will listen tomorrow.
Thank you T3. Good stuff. 🙂


Jane, I love the “monkey tight fist” application …. brilliant! That’s one to remember….


Excellent thoughts, PJ – just excellent!

Sylvia Avery

Jane, thank you for this lovely thoughtful post. I struggle with forgiveness. Sometimes I do better than others. Sometimes I’m unwilling to let go of something because I want to hold onto the anger and bitterness. Nasty, isn’t it? But every time I have forgiven someone my life has improved, my load lightened.
Your post helps me to understand better. God bless you.

Plain Jane

Sylvia, we’ve all been in the same boat one time or another. My big hang up about forgiving always was thinking I had to have the emotion to forgive, plus I have a memory like a cast iron trap.
Imagine my surprise when I learned I didn’t have to develop good “ feelings” about the person who wronged me. Nor did I need to forget what they did. (Self protection from allowing it to happen again.)
All I had to do is ask God todo it for me and pray for the person or persons. Yes, you are so right, your load is lightened immensely. Days turn sunnier. 🙂
Every time the demons sneak in those feelings of unforgineness, retribution, and anxiety about the person, just say a little prayer for them, and again ask God for help. Over time, God takes care of things.
I’m fascinated by the simplicity of the process, but then God isn’t complicated.

Sylvia Avery

Jane, you have so much wisdom in this post. I think you make such an important point that many of us, or at least I feel like forgiveness is an emotional reaction–a warm and fuzzy thing.
But it is not. It is a deliberate choice. I am SO resistant to taking the step but without exception every time I have forgiven it has been the best thing for me.
It is similar to God’s commandment that we love one another. For years I wasted time thinking that love meant FEELING the emotion of love. Nope. Love is a verb. It is about taking care of and looking after and helping and all of the other things that make up loving someone. You can love your neighbor without actually feeling affection for them.
I just love your post. It is common sense, simple, easy to understand, and true. Thank you for giving me a really great push along my growth as a Christian.
I always look forward to reading your posts. I’m so glad you are here. <3

Plain Jane

Sylvia, you are to gracious. Non of this is me, I just try to remember to ask God what to say on certain topics. Yes, I have studied forgiveness some, and have beem taught by a couple of awesome priests, and a fabulous mentor who is a practicing psychiatrist while I was being trained to do post abortion healing. But, I’m not that smart. I just follow my heart.
You are really correct about love. St Francis in some book I read, spoke about kissing a Leper. Sometimes love is like that, but I still struggle with loving some, but I will pray for them.


Well said, Jane. Also, it is not up to me to forgive someone for a sin commited against someone else. And forgiveness does not negate consequences, civil or otherwise. We tend to get in to a muddle about those things.

Plain Jane

Yes we do. Plus, I didn’t learn the HOW to forgive, or my ears weren’t open to hearing th HOW, until I was a young adult. The great nuns I had in grade school would say “pray about it,” but as an adult, I needed something more concrete because I seemed to enjoy my grudges. Life turns hard then.


It sure can be!
Even tougher…
….praying for your enemies and those who persecute you unjustly with a sincere heart
Just being honest….I really struggle with this one! If I’m being really honest, I struggle with a lot more than that.
QUOTE (T3 above):
“The Lord will help us get ready by allowing opportunities to learn to forgive quickly and totally. DONT WASTE THESE TRIALS! Embrace them as the opportunities they are, especially when you are persecuted for doing what is right.
The Lord promised a special blessing for this. See these as an opportunity to get closer to The Lord”
Perhaps my getting banned by Sundance simply for coming here to reconnect with this group of posters I greatly missed OT is just such an opportunity for me, T3. No…scratch that. Not “perhaps”. Most assuredly.
In fact, It’s not lost on me that T3 posts this just after several sub-threads I have recently started which stirred up quite a bit of rancor here in the QTree…..not to say that I am the target of your post specifically, T3, but regardless I cannot deny the truth, especially where the Almighty’s word is concerned.
“Blessed are the meek….”
“Blessed are the peacemakers….”
I have been neither with regards to my banning from OT….something I now see that Wolf was very gently and indirectly speaking to me in yesterday’s Open Thread.
In honor of the truths behind the wisdom of your post, as well as to the demands of my integrity towards my faith, I release any ill-will or resentment I have harbored and expressed here in this forum on that matter.
Moreover, I would be remiss if I did not humbly and sincerely ask for everyone’s forgiveness for the negativity I have helped to fuel and foster here, and I do so now. I have been a hypocrite to my own faith and belief, as well as disobedient to the commands and desires of the one, true King, to whom I owe everything good I count as mine.
I am deeply grateful for this post, T3. Any opportunity to set foot back upon the narrow and high path toward the Truth and the Life is well worth any sense of shame, public or private, that I experience. I am chastised, yet gratefully so.
As The Wolf said….who knows what lies ahead and why things happened the way they did? Only the Lord, and from him we have this promise to remind ourselves of why we should pay heed to his wishes and commands…
And Paul’s words bear remembering as well…which speaks directly to T3’s post….comment image
As MLK Jr said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
No more will be said by me concerning the events surrounding my arrival here. You all bear witness to how I have been feeling and the judgment(s) I’ve held. Hereafter let my silence on this matter specifically, and the topic in general, serve as a testament to the truth of your post here, T3, and my commitment to it.
With respect and gratitude to T3’s post, as well as each of you here… the re-establishment of our Republic as our Fathers intended it to be, and above all in service to the Lord’s glory and honor,
I am imperfectly, but 100% committed to being…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN! <3


FG&C – I am really glad this post by T3 struck a chord with you. We are all hypocrites, and it takes honesty & vulnerability to admit our weaknesses. I think there is a huge difference between our enemies (who deeply offend me) and those who can’t really harm us unless we ‘agree to be offended’.
I see your willingness to overcome your grudge against SD as ‘refusing to be offended’. How freeing that will be for you – giving you more energy to battle a greater offense. I’m not saying you have to like or respect SD; but you will be successful if your feelings become neutral and no longer weigh on you.
T3 and Wolfie have been so instrumental in helping me grow in understanding. Wolfmoon has incredible patience and insight; and he uses it to smooth the way for us. I watched him use it when Steve was feeling out of place here, and I watched him use it again today to carry ALL of us through an emotional conversation. Believe me, you aren’t the only one Wolfie leads through these threads!
How blessed we are to be sharing this journey together.
Over & out till morning 💖✝️🇺🇸


FGC, love what you wrote. It is so very honest and heart-felt. Blessings.

Plain Jane

Beautiful FG&C.


Rodney, “Forgiveness is a tough one” until I came to understand that at the core, it simply frees me to move on with grace and understanding and who/what I am forgiving may be the object but I receive the benefit… …probably could be stated in much better words but we know that forgiveness is at the heart of God’s gracious love. It’s the practical outworking of God’s plan to redeem and restore mankind.
Here a great article worthy of reading and reflection:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – this is extremely helpful.
“God’s provision is to send us great champions of the truth to face specific evil strongholds in our time. They are being sent to completely destroy these strongholds, not just defeat them and push them back. What is happening in the Spirit will be reflected in the natural with rage and conflict.”
Very much agreed.


Reminds me of a great truth of combat…. be it physical, mental, or spiritual….or a combination thereof…
He who fights with rage is disadvantaged to him who fights without it, demonstrating a lack of mental discipline to the other’s self-control.
There is a big difference between conviction of purpose vs. rage.
The calm, cool warrior will out-think the one given over to rage, to he former’s great advantage.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I just saw a video posted by Thomas Wictor, of what appeared to be an undercover fed plucking a long dagger straight from the hands of an Antifa rioter. Once you spot the guy in the crowd, you can really see his determination, his cool, and his skill.


THIS is why we are here.
THIS is what God commands of US.
THIS is why I chose my handle.


You Simply ROCK!


Wolfie!! i always found your posts OT to be a refuge (no pun intended–sorry Steve) It was like I would scroll and then you– AND FLEP– would make me stop. We are here. We are together. FOR A REASON. God’s Got this.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. This post is really putting things into perspective. I think Rick Joyner is onto something here. I think he’s reading history properly – not just historically correct, but spiritually correct.
This is WHY the other side is tearing down the Confederate (post-war) statues. UNFORGIVENESS. Those statues were how America “buried the hatchet”. The other side wants to UNDO that – to CREATE CONFLICT.
I have an article in rough draft which dealt with these ideas from another, more scientific perspective. I forgot all about it, but it basically relates forgiveness, rule of law, civil rights, and other things. I really need to finish it.


Tearing down the past is also about forgetting it. The D’s cannot abide their own monuments when they become politically inconvenient. Like the Marxists tearing down statues of Lenin when it was politically expedient to do so.


Tearing down statues, defacing memorials, changing history textbooks is a way of DENYING the truth, denying responsibility, denying lessons learned, escaping having to forgive, having to admit error, denying the fact of sin and ESPECIALLY denying that GOD is GOD and it is rejecting GOD, refusing to worship HIM, refusing to repent, recant, reject sin and be redeemed!
They love their self and their sin and refuse GOD.
Romans 1:18-32 summarizes the steps on the Road to Perdition – the first step is to refuse to worship GOD and see the lessons in order of nature. That’s where Western culture is today!
The rest of Romans describes the steps on the Road to Redemption.


(I was banned OT for posting this and links to science and stats opposing the alphabet agenda)


The Episcopal Church (and maybe the Church of England too) have removed Romans 1:16-32 from their lectionary to avoid hurt feelings and hard, thorough repentance)
See Churchmouse’s site on Forbidden Scriptures:
Our Churchmouse is as thorough a researcher as Gail Combs and SD! What an amazing woman!


ga/fl, thank you for what you say and for CM’s link on forbidden scriptures. However, I believe cm is a he. I was corrected on this mistake. There are clues in CM’s writings that it is a he. I was silly enough to believe all church-mice were female.


Gosh – I am sorry. We have talked food, cooking, and restaurants and Scripture… I just assumed… and I’ve gotten into trouble assuming many times.

Sylvia Avery

Whoops! I didn’t know that either. I have no idea why I thought CM was a woman, but I did. I hope I didn’t use the wrong pronoun in there somewhere after all this time. If so, FORGIVE ME Churchmouse.


“Tearing down statues, defacing memorials, changing history textbooks” – This certainly includes the Muslims. It’s their MO to try to destroy, obliterate and subsume and subject all other civilizations and history to their sick violent evil ideology.


GA?fl, I felt bad enough for both of us, so you don’t need to worry about it. Lol, I talked about cooking with him, too. I was so embarrassed. Maybe it’s britishisms
partly, or just my ignorance of church mice, but of course there Would have to be male ones. Lol.


T3 – this is one of the most profound and relevant posts I’ve seen in my days in the Wolf Den. My Faith in Our Lord and Savior has never been stronger, and the wisdom of refusing to be offended – in the context of Joyner’s article – is spot on.
I do believe – again in the cintext of this article – physical conflict is likely, and I believe it will commence when the false flags and ensuing ‘taking’ of our 2nd Amendment by imposing gun control reach their peak. In recent weeks, I see the willingness of blue states – including sadly my own Colorado – to oppress our electoral vote protection in favor of popular vote to be another likely trigger for physical action.
I hope and pray that we have enough of a team working with our President and in our Judiciary branch to prevent another Civil War. I hold out little hope for Congress in that endeavor.


Wise words, Alison. You have so many good comments on this page, didn’t know where to thank you, dear one.


great post and one brilliant statement is we must refuse to get offended. i spoke of this very thing to my coworker friday in the context of how everyone today has been trained to be over sensitive, nl common sense application to life, and are told to be offended at everything. if people just simply got ahold of themselves and their all important “feelings” we would see a world of change. but instead of following your perfect statement where we ourselves are the ones that control our reactions, the others expect you to not ,ake hem have to control anything. no accountability for self thought and processing and realizing we all are different in so many ways.
the following link i will just leave here. you can see the content theme in the link text:


Many good thoughts, and I don’t mean to pick at anyone, but I find no where in Scripture where we dance with the Lord. I love Him and I worship Him, and more astonished how He loved me first. Just my two cents, said in love and with a smile.

Jan Phillips

Amen, T3!!!

Plain Jane

Night, night all. Sweet dreams of MAGA.
God bless PT and his people, all you QTreepers. Please God, give all your people a right, humble and clean heart, and that includes our perceived enemies. Amen.


Yes, forgiveness is an act of the will. If we do as God commands He will heal any lingering hurt, too.
I once told a wise person that I had forgiven someone who had greatly wronged me. He asked me if I still felt hurt. I told him yes.
He assured me I had not forgiven the individual. I went away perplexed. But after self-reflection, I realized I had more forgiving to do.
I knew I had completely forgiven when the memories no longer brought any emotion. I could remember the past, but as if it had happened to someone else or as if it had been a dream.
That took some doing, but God is willing to go the distance with us. One thing that has always helped me when in the midst of having to forgive, is that Jesus hung on that cross in order to forgive my sins. The power of the Cross is invincible. We need Christ, and him crucified, as Paul states in I Corinthians.


GMW, you stated that so well that when the memories are just memories and they no longer stir negative emotions….


An excruciating lesson, because the victim in us wants to feel that familiar self-righteousness forever. It holds a certain degree of comfort; however, to be free of it through forgiveness is infinitely better.


GMT, then we realize it was the familiar and that familiar was not really much comfort at all!



Sylvia Avery

Yes, yes, yes. So true in every way.


Grandma, that is too true for words.


Sometimes I hit the mark. 😃


Thank you, T*3…for another inspirational post!
In reading Rick Joyner’s excerpt that you featured, I couldn’t help but flash back on the young Covington High School student, Nick Sandmann.
Nick Sandmann stood up to a grown man that was doing his best to ‘offend’ him.
Nick stood there…smiling…taking the abusive, offensive behavior being directed at him, and refused to be offended.
I remember thinking at the time:
‘How many grown men would’ve had the strength to stand there, unmoved, with someone banging a drum in their face?!’
It was impressive behavior from someone so young.
I hope that We will be able to get through these turbulent times without it turning into a physical war.
It is already a ‘cold war’…a war of words.
I hope it can stay in that category.
The Leftist Cabal has even already shed ‘first blood’…in sending their goons out on the streets to assault Trump Supporters.
I think there was more to that attack on Steve Scalise and the Republicans at that ballpark, than just a ‘crazed Bernie supporter’ going berserk.
They’ve been trying to push us into violent retaliation.
And so far…they have been unsuccessful in achieving that goal.
All we can do is hang on tight to our loved ones and each other…and let young Nick Sandmann be our example, in facing down these provocateurs.
I have Faith that we will get through this.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN! Great examples! I am convinced that we’ve been winning because we embraced the principles of the old civil rights movement. And that includes particularly the SPIRITUAL parts. There is great wisdom there.


Wolf, is there a button here to ask for prayers? It seems like a lot of prayerful people make up the Q Tree. Just asking. 🙏


T^3 has posted prayer threads from time to time but they haven’t been added to the link bar. Honestly, the link bar has had problems in the past. But maybe Wolf can revisit that on the Authors thread.


Nick Sandmann showed far more maturity and patience than I will ever have.


Wheatie, you are so right, and that was an assasination attempt on Scalise. I’m sure it was planned.


Further thoughts on “Offendedness”, or being offended….which I fail to remember all too often for myself
It is a choice, and one most are unaware of.
“You make me mad.”
Truth is, no one can ”make” anyone feel anything they don’t chose to feel.
For example, If I call someone a low down, dirty, #&@$&#$@&….one has an immediate choice to make. Truth is they can CHOOSE to laugh, or ignore it altogether, or to get mad, or some other/combination, etc. REGARDLESS OF THE RESPONSE, THE CHOICE IS THEIR’S.
We’ve all experienced this….someone tries to make us mad, but we simply don’t play along. We make a different choice.
Same thing is true for feeling offended. As above, I cannot offend anyone who refuses to be offended by something I say, think, or do.
Now….follow along….
We all know that the political left as made an industry out of being offended over whatever they CHOOSE to proclaim offense at. And their goal is obvious……mental and emotional manipulation.
It is, in effect, saying “If you didn’t (do, think, or say) what you did, I would not be this way.” The implication being that it is the other person who must change what they say, think, or do that has supposedly (or really has) triggered the speaker.
I say this because, with regards to T3’s post above, just as we can choose to not take offense over something in service to God…
.,,,we can also gently and reasonably make someone else aware that we are NOT responsible for their emotional choices to something we believe, think, say, or do.
“I’m sorry you choose to feel that way, but I am not responsible for your emotional choices.”
This is speaking truth, and is easily explained as I do above.
Just as we can chose to remain centered and unoffended by something, so too can we also remember that we are not responsible for the emotional choices of someone else,
“That’s so offensive!”….often said in anger… an invitation to engage in anger and join the other person on the emotional level they’ve chosen for themselves….often without being conscious of this truth.
As Christ’s servants, to the extent we can remember these truths…..especially in challenging situations….has a direct effect towards our staying within his grace and protection, regardless of the situation in which we find ourselves.
PS – It’s taken some time for me to write this out, so if someone has already posted about this prior to now please accept my apologies.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very interesting to note how the thinking of this nation had to be changed – to REMOVE spiritual influence – to advance socialist “blame-think”.


i will say i posted a similar thought earlier up – but you expounded on it nicely thank you…
and to echo wolfs reply – they have lulled us to sleep over the years and molded our thinking into their desire. when it is too hard to hin, with reason, intellect, and basic common sense anymore people just stop doing it straight up. it is a lost art on so many. they accept what they are told without question. their eyes are not alert, they senses muted.

Sylvia Avery

TTT, thank you for such a profound post that speaks to me and apparently many others about a really important issue.
With love and gratitude to you and Wolf and all the other Q Treepers. I believe there is a reason we all ended up here. It was meant to be.


If not US, then who?


Incredible post Think*3. I had plans today to get a few things done around the house. On hold. I’ve decided to spend the day getting to know Forgiveness better.


Hi T3 – thanks for that. It was always going to be you reminding us of this calling…
Some here honestly proclaiming that this is hard, that which is being asked. It seemingly gets harder, because the call goes beyond forgiveness …
“But I tell you, love your enemies…”
This would seem to preclude calling for public hangings and more …
We WANT/desire justice – and I can think up numerous arguments to justify the death penalty. But how does the death penalty square with the teachings of Jesus – especially the call to love your enemy?
This is a genuine question, to which I do not profess to have the answer. I raised this before, several months ago – and was pretty much rebuffed. Well, I ask it again, seeing as you have prepared the ground.
Do we only choose the teachings that we are comfortable with? This is the time to face this question, because justice appears to being readied.

Gail Combs

From my point of view, deaths are necessary. Not as vengence but to prevent many more killings and much more destruction.
Only the death penalty will take out the ‘enemy’ permanently. It is either destroy the enemy ‘peacefully’ via Rule of Law or allow the enemy to fester underground to re-emerge STRONGER and go to full blown WAR with MILLIONS killed.
I suggest you read Democide: Death by Government

Thus, the new world total: … = 262,000,000. [Two hundred and sixty-two MILLION]
Just to give perspective on this incredible murder by government, if all these bodies were laid head to toe, with the average height being 5′, then they would circle the earth ten times. Also, this democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century. Finally, given popular estimates of the dead in a major nuclear war, this total democide is as though such a war did occur, but with its dead spread over a century….

I suggest you also read: About the List of Islamic Terror Attacks
Muslims in Europe: 75% think only one interpretation of Qur’an possible; 65% think Islamic supersedes secular law; 45% think Jews cannot be trusted
THEY KILL! leaving us with no choice at this point. Non-violence = DEATH and the complete wiping out of ALL religions except perhaps islam.

….The famous quotation of Mahatma Gandhi on Hindu cowards and Muslim bullies deserves to be read in full:
“There is no doubt in my mind that in the majority of quarrels the Hindus come out second best. But my own experience confirms the opinion that the Mussalman as a rule is a bully, and the Hindu as a rule is a coward. I have noticed this in railway trains, on public roads, and in the quarrels which I had the privilege of settling. Need the Hindu blame the Mussalman for his cowardice? Where there are cowards, there will always be bullies. They say that in Saharan pur the Mussalmans looted houses, broke open safes and, in one case, a Hindu woman’s modesty was outraged. Whose fault was this? Mussalmans can offer no defence for the execrable conduct, it is true. But I, as a Hindu, am more ashamed of Hindu cowardice than I am angry at the Mussalman bullying. Why did not the owners of the houses looted die in the attempt to defend their possessions? Where were the relatives of the outraged sister at the time of the outrage? Have they no account to render of themselves? My non-violence does not admit of running away from danger and leaving dear ones unprotected. Between violence and cowardly flight, I can only prefer violence to cowardice.”


How can we not be offended or Angered at:
Lies and Deception in Media, Government etc.?
Radical, Harmful Leftists (Antifa and the like)?
Greed, Lies and other SINS against us?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Removal of the death penalty was accomplished by narrowing our discernment of who we love. It was achieved by FOCUSING our consideration of love on ONE HARD CASE (the killer) and AWAY from the killer’s future victims, or other victims who will die when there appears to be no justice and criminals are freed from restraint.
Note that this is the thinking behind THE WALL.
Then socialists say “BUT MUH LIFE IMPRISONMENT”.
Then a socialist leader says “This one is reformed – let him out!”
Then a criminal says “See – they won’t kill me – give me your money or I will kill YOU.”
Rinse and repeat.
The tough problems like the death penalty are still tough. The satanic socialists have DECEIVED US by making us focus on only two people – the criminal and ourselves.
Christ did not say “let the killer go”. He did not even say “let the killer live”. Christ said “love your enemy”, WITHOUT REVOKING (important) that we still love our friends. It is a far more general principle, but by being general, it allows discernment, and that DISCERNMENT created the Constitution of this nation.
There is also the danger of deceiving ourselves by too much WRONG discernment (basically “too much Caesar”), but we can discern our way back from that abyss because we have the Holy Spirit (Spirit of Truth). We have faith in The Word and the Holy Spirit, and others have analogous faith in law, honesty and reason. We have FAITH in the idea that there cannot be too much truth or too much reason.
Forgiveness – punishment – the purification which comes from paying *properly* for our crimes, and accepting forgiveness when it is properly offered – these are foundational principles. Nobody said it has to be easy.

Gail Combs

Thankyou Wolfie,
We have so many cases where people have been killed or worse and the courts either let them go free or give them a slap on the wrist so that they and their bretheran are encourged to break the law again and agian.
How many of the Angel Moms and Dads have children who were killed because the illegals were NOT given a just punishment?
If we are to have a civilization, we MUST have laws. Hopefully the laws will be Just, but allowing a vindictive, cruel murder to eventually go free or to feed and house him for decades does our society no good.
If there was a suitable island where they could live without any contact or need for us to support them, then I would say drop them off at that island and let them live WITHOUT the rule of law if that is what they wish.
Heck I rather spend the $$$ and have the US military BUILD such an island to house these murders if we could guarantee they would never get loose. But as we saw with Obama, if they live then they can be set free again.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think that island is going to be called NEW ZEALAND and it will be the hell-hole of their nightmares. After destroying California and New York, the top libtards will escape there, and turn their final resting place into a hell-hole.
So be it!
Always give your enemy a place to which they can retreat. NZ should be that place, IMO. It’s small and almost on the opposite side of the planet from America.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

See? THIS is loving our enemy! Let them escape to an earthly paradise! 😉

Gail Combs

Then BOMB all the airports and all the seaports , ship building facilities…. 😋
NO export, No import, treat it as a Leper Colony. — I LIKE IT!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Personally I would favor a somewhat smaller place.
There are plenty of islands out there that are habitable (provided we send supplies) but presently uninhabited.
There are also islands that aren’t at all pleasant (e.g., South Georgia Island, Kerguelen), but I’m gathering you don’t want to go that route. Although Kerguelen has the advantage of being about as far away from CONUS as you can get (only tiny dots on the map like Amsterdam Island and St. Paul Island beat it).

Gail Combs

I would perfer an island that is livable WITHOUT the USA having to drop supplies. That is why I suggested building an island on a sea mount.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Fresh water would be a problem with that.
A lot of otherwise inhabitable looking places just don’t get any fresh water.

Sylvia Avery

Wolfie, I am feeling so emotional today as I read through this thread.
First, what a wise and wonderful comment you just posted. There is so much there to think about and it answers some things that my own heart had wondered about at times.
Second, I have mentioned it before but today’s thread really brought it home to me in a big way. I don’t know the how and the why, really, of our purge from OT despite many anguished comments about it. But I absolutely believe it was meant to be and happened for some reason.
I truly believe that God used that purge for His own purposes and to make something good come from it. Somehow those of us who were drawn to this Tree and the fellowship here have found a place to feed our minds and our hearts with the nourishment needed to sustain us as we move ahead.
The information we share is important and given that on the larger scale the battle we are fighting really is Good vs. Evil sharing our spiritual growth and strength is just as important.
I couldn’t ask for a better band of brothers to stand with.


Sorry Wolf – I do not intend to be argumentative – I seek to understand, so I will push you a bit further ..
“Caesar” is corrupt, and tends to ever greater corruptness – these times are all the proof one should need. How can the outsourcing the killing of a citizen on “your” (by this I mean “our) behalf to such a Caesar be justified?
One way to reduce the corruption of Caesar is to have a citizenry of faith that follow the Lord’s injunctions. A pre requisite for this is surely for those present followers of the Lord to live by setting the example – that is surely what Christians are called to do? The early martyrs set the extraordinary example that the foundation of the Church was built upon.
The Church is now a hollowed out shell – rife with unbelief and even malevolance. Examples are required again – that is really all that individuals can do to light the way.
Jesus never killed anyone, nor advocated for it (as far as I am aware – admittedly my scriptural knowledge is in its infancy)
He did call upon his followers to love their enemy. I am sorry, I have great regard for your powers of reason, but your argument holds no water in the light of this call. To say that, because Jesus did NOT say, let the killer live, you are free to take that as tacit acceptance that a corrupt Caesar has your permission to kill him is not reason or logic – it appear to be interpreting the Bible in such a way as to get you to the end that you desire.
I do not say this as some judgement of you – I have always supported the death penalty, until very recently. I have come to accept the Bible as being the Truth – the Word of Gd – through personal revelation that I will be expounding on in the near future. So this is all new to me, and I am aware that leaves me open to being “over eager”. But I am trying to square this call of our Lord – because it is real, unambiguous as far as I can see, and VERY FEW are able to practise it. I doubt that I can. But I must strive to …
Christianity is in trouble precisely because it would appear that we are ALL hypocrites – to varying degrees. If we proclaim the Bible to be the True Word of Gd, and we ourselves do not follow it – THEN WHO CAN BE EXPECTED TO?
Being called to Christ appears to be the toughest task in this life . It is unbelievably hard to live it out – and can simultaneously be the most rewarding and meaningful thing that a human can do. As you say – Nobody said it would be easy. Supporting the death penalty appears to be the easy thing to do – it answers our primal needs. Answering the call to love your enemy is an entirely different prospect …


Jason, our Lord was referring to not commiting murder, which is the shedding of innocent blood. He never advocated lawlessness or dispensing with the death penalty. Scripture states the law is for law-breakers. The purpose of the law is to protect the innocent and punish the guilty. If you carefully study Romans and the letters of Peter, I think you may see this. I pray so. I have no wish to argue the point but had to speak out as this is error.


Hi Zoe. You may misunderstand me. I am not advocating for lawlessness. I am asking a specific question about the death penalty in light of the call to love your enemy. That is it.
Breaking laws should have consequences – I have never said otherwise. But loving your enemy and putting them to death are diametrically opposed. We have ALWAYS killed the enemy – and the world is no better off.
Just maybe the Lord Jesus was correct?
Who are you to say who should live and who should die? And delegating that to Hillary Clinton’s Justices would seem to be insane. Punish wrongdoers – then they can learn. Kill them, and all we teach humanity is that in order not to be killed, we need power. That is the lesson that history is teaching.
Jesus called for a different way. If you profess him to be your Lord, should you not listen?
My argument in this regard is only with Christians. You cannot pick and choose which instructions to follow, surely?
I am willing to concede that I am misunderstanding the call that You should love your enemy. Note that He goes on to say that you should do this PRECISELY because it is hard to do. This is why people resist, I contend. We do not want the hard bits, seemingly – hence this command is ignored – or rationalised away ….


Jason, this is a misunderstanding of Christ’s teachings. We do not wish anyone to go to hell. We should offer the gospel to all, even those who are going to be put to death due to taking the life of an innocent, for example. My last word on this.


T3 – thanks for engaging. I enjoy exchanges like this, especially where my knowledge is sparse (I alluded to that higher up this thread).
I was ready to launch another line of reasoning when I decided to do some actual homework!! It would appear that Romans 13:4, coupled with Acts 25:11 is fairly explicit in empowering the state to impose the death penalty in areas where it may be warranted. This satisfies me on the death penalty question.
As stated earlier up the thread, I have always been supportive of the death penalty for egregious acts of evil, and have only recently wondered whether it was consistent with the teaching of Jesus.
As to punishment, I have never had an issue with that, even lately. It was the apparent dichotomy between the finality of the death penalty vs the injunction “Love your enemy” that created the confusion.
This injunction seems to have been applied by a certain VSG recently, especially with regard to North Korea – even to the extent that PDJT has opened the door to “excuse” Kim for Otto Warmbier’s murder in order to achieve peace between two nuclear armed enemies. If his endeavour ends up being successful, it would be a spectacular demonstration of the veracity of the injunction in question. Every indication to date is that IT IS WORKING.
This would seem to tie in to the parable of the Prodigal Son.
So thank you again for setting up this great thread which has resulted in settling a question that I have been stuck on 🙂


Jason, blessings.

Plain Jane

Aaaaamen Mahatma.

Elizabeth Carter

Jason. I spent many years praying about this, studying Scripture, reading thousands of pages about evil, non-violence, rule of law, government and the Grace of God.
My conclusion is that I do not have the right or the duty to forgive evil.
I forgive people who attack me directly, speak truth to them and walk away. I leave them entirely in God’s hands to correct or punish. I leave it in God’s hands to protect me and he does.
Love your enemies means to treat them fairly and to do what is right. We are to never resort to their evil methods. Evil brings forth more evil and it never brings forth good.
Christians are to confront evil directly and speak truth to power. Jesus always called out evil people and spoke truth to them. Jesus did not back down in fear, cower or mince words with them. He called them liars, murderers and children of their father the devil at dinner with them. He did not try to get them to like him, approve of him or curry favor with them. He taught his disciples to do the same.
Evil people see Christians as weak. Evil loves to cause huge scenes and make us look powerless. That is what the old Indian guy was doing at Covington. When the boy did not respond, look intimidated or run away, he triumphed over evil. He never even said one word to the old Indian.
Most people are afraid of confrontation. Standing calmly in the face of evil and letting the Holy Spirit guide you through the attack is the way to handle the situation. I do not open my mouth until the Spirit moves me and I only say what I have been moved to say. I do not know what I will say but I leave it in God’s hands and I am not afraid. I have never been disappointed.
Matthew 10:19 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
19 But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak.
Luke 12:11-12 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
11 And when they bring you unto the synagogues, and unto magistrates, and powers, take ye no thought how or what thing ye shall answer, or what ye shall say: 12 for the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say.

Plain Jane

Elizabeth, wonderfully said. Amen.

Sylvia Avery

Thank you, Elizabeth. I always value your posts. Thanks for writing this for us.

Elizabeth Carter

Thanks Sylvia,
This is off topic. I read that you are having a problem with dry eyes. I used to wear soft contact lenses. I was using B & L Saline Solution. I was reading the bottle one day and found that it had Thimerosal in it. That is mercury. That was what was causing my dry eye problem. I went to the Pharmacy and bought small salt tablets, Distilled water and a small squirt bottle to mix it in and carry with me. I mixed my own Saline Solution and my dry eye problem cleared up within a week or so. The redness went out of the whites of my eyes also. I no longer use contacts but mixing my own Saline for years was much cleaner, cheaper and cleared up my dry eye problem. I cleaned my contacts with it. If my eyes were bothering me, I just squirted a little saline solution in my eyes and that worked great.
I don’t know if this will help you but you have been on my mind and I keep feeling the need to tell you.
I am praying for you.
God Bless You

Sylvia Avery

Thank you Elizabeth. I used to wear soft contacts as well but can’t any longer. That is a really good idea. Saline solution seems like a kind of a wonder fix to me. It seems to ease a lot of strange little problems and it was so soothing to my eyes. I should have thought of that!
Still struggling with eye strain and headaches but I’m being a lot more disciplined about taking lots of breaks from the screen and that is helpful.
The drops I am using help, too, but they are kind of pricey. A simple saline would be worth trying!
Thanks for thinking of me and for your suggestion and most of all for your prayers.
<3 <3 <3

Elizabeth Carter

Sylvia, I really hope it helps. When I was going through that I found that when my eyes got dry and tired, I felt tired all over.
Sometimes the simple things work best.
You may need more humidity in your home. That can stop the headaches too. My Granddaughter was having bad headaches and I suggested putting a vaporizer in her bedroom and using water only to make the air more humid. Her migraine headaches stopped as long as she remembers to use the vaporizer.
I will pray that you find what works for you.

Gail Combs

As well as saline solution (I use it to rinse my eyes during allergy season) they also have over the counter ‘artificial tears’
For migraine I find potasium (KCl) helps and when I get the ‘flashing lights’ Dr Atkins Shakes get rid of the problem in 10 -15 minutes. I also drink the HerbOx no salt chicken or beef broth (KCl) For some reason my friend and I dump Potasium like crazy especially in the summer. I have had to take her to the hospital to have an IV of potasium TWICE!
During the winter I use a simple pyrex dish with water in it on my radiator. It gets rid of my cough and sinus problems overnight.
Hope your eye problem clears up quickly. Do try adding water to your home atmosphere in the winter. It really helps. Especially if this problem is more noticable in the winter.


Elizabeth, godly wisdom from you as always. Also your medicinal advice. What is it in the Atkins shake?


Brian Cates THREAD about the NZ killer:

Reader version –
Wictor also posted at Quod Verum: A new form of Atrocity –
Also see the Atlantic article, which is helpful for the uneducated to understand social media memes and online behaviors.


I’m not so sure the shooter went to Pakistan. The foliage in the photograph looks more like Australia than what I’ve seen in Pakistan. I could be wrong, but I’ll wait until the autists get through analyzing the heck out of that photograph to believe he went to Pakistan.


Unfortunately foliage is no longer a reliable indicator.
Whilst living on our farm in South Africa, we spent vast resources combating alien vegetation – all of which was imported into South Africa for various “good” reasons. The problem is that aliens generally out compete the local flora.
So gum trees and Aus acacias are now ubiquitous in the South African landscape. I suspect this is the case in many other countries.
In Aus I have the pleasure of seeing South African proteas and other plants from the Western Cape floral kingdom flourishing in local gardens …


Absolutely true. The autists will try to prove this. Most of the manifesto was pure lies and mendacity! See the Wictor Quod Verum post – and maybe copy it in case the Ministry of Truth tries to shut down QV.


T3, love your post but how do we forgive stupidity? The bumper sticker COEXIST is a stupidity trigger for me. I would have no problem forgiving myself for rear ending them (snicker)!


PRAY for them – that GOD would reveal the truth to them. If you have a chance to speak to them, PRAY for inspiration and words that cut through their deceptions and let the light of GOD shine into their hearts and spirits.
Questions are very powerful.
Scripture is even more powerful. The Word of GOD is a far sharper sword than the sword of man – Isaiah 31:8-9

Gail Combs

I am afraid that has not worked in the last 1400 years I doubt it would work now.
YOU as a Christian are a dhimmi and there is ZERO chance they would even listen to you!
This has since been removed from the internet (So what else is new) It is in both Arabic and an English translation I am not sure the Arabic will show.

“The Tuqyah [practice of deception, lying or concealment for expediency]
is allowed until the Day of Resurrection.” Allah said,

[وَيُحَذِّرُكُمُ اللَّهُ نَفْسَهُ]
The Prohibition of Supporting the Disbelievers
Allah prohibited His believing servants from becoming supporters of the disbelievers, or to take them as comrades with whom they develop friendships,
rather than the believers. Allah warned against such behavior when He said,
[وَمَن يَفْعَلْ ذَلِكَ فَلَيْسَ مِنَ اللَّهِ فِي شَىْءٍ]
(And whoever does that, will never be helped by Allah in any way) meaning, whoever commits this act that Allah has prohibited, then Allah will discard him. Similarly, Allah said,
[يأَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ لاَ تَتَّخِذُواْ عَدُوِّى وَعَدُوَّكُمْ أَوْلِيَآءَ تُلْقُونَ إِلَيْهِمْ بِالْمَوَدَّةِ]
(O you who believe! Take not My enemies and your enemies as friends, showing affection towards them), until,
[وَمَن يَفْعَلْهُ مِنكُمْ فَقَدْ ضَلَّ سَوَآءَ السَّبِيلِ]
Allah said next,
[إِلاَ أَن تَتَّقُواْ مِنْهُمْ تُقَـةً]
(unless you indeed fear a danger from them) meaning, except those believers who in some areas or times fear for their safety from the disbelievers. In this case, such believers are allowed to show friendship to the disbelievers outwardly, but never inwardly. For instance, Al-Bukhari recorded that Abu Ad-Darda’ said, “We smile in the face of some people although our hearts curse them.” Al-Bukhari said that Al-Hasan said, “The Tuqyah is allowed until the Day of Resurrection.” Allah said,
[وَيُحَذِّرُكُمُ اللَّهُ نَفْسَهُ]
(And Allah warns you against Himself.) meaning, He warns you against His anger and the severe torment He prepared for those who give their support to His enemies, and those who have enmity with His friends,
[وَإِلَى اللَّهِ الْمَصِيرُ]
Allah encourages the believers to show enmity to the idolators and to dissociate from them, affirming that they do not deserve to enjoy a covenant of peace, because of their Shirk in Allah and disbelief in Allah’s Messenger.
If these disbelievers have a chance to defeat Muslims, they will cause great mischief, leave nothing unharmed, disregard the ties of kinship and the sanctity of their vows. `Ali bin Abi Talhah, `Ikrimah and Al-`Awfi narrated that Ibn `Abbas said, “Ill means kinship, while, Dhimmah means covenant.” Ad-Dahhak and As-Suddi said similarly.
[اشْتَرَوْاْ بِـَايَـتِ اللَّهِ ثَمَنًا قَلِيلاً فَصَدُّواْ عَن سَبِيلِهِ إِنَّهُمْ سَآءَ مَا كَانُواْ يَعْمَلُونَ – لاَ يَرْقُبُونَ فِى مُؤْمِنٍ إِلاًّ وَلاَ ذِمَّةً وَأُوْلَـئِكَ هُمُ الْمُعْتَدُونَ – فَإِن تَابُواْ وَأَقَامُواْ الصَّلَوةَ وَءاتَوُاْ الزَّكَوةَ فَإِخْوَانُكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ وَنُفَصِّلُ الاٌّيَـتِ لِقَوْمٍ يَعْلَمُونَ ]
Allah says, if the idolators with whom you conducted peace treaties for an appointed term break
(their oaths) meaning, terms of their treaties, and covenants
[وَطَعَنُواْ فِى دِينِكُمْ]
(and attack your religion…) with disapproval and criticism, it is because of this that one who curses the Messenger, peace be upon him, or attacks the religion of Islam by way of criticism and disapproval, they are to be fought. This is why Allah said afterwards,
[فَقَـتِلُواْ أَئِمَّةَ الْكُفْرِ إِنَّهُمْ لاَ أَيْمَـنَ لَهُمْ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَنتَهُونَ]
Therefore, strike the swords upon the parts that contain the devil, for by Allah, it is better to me to kill one of these people than to kill seventy other men. ….

THIS is the TRUE face of Islam and how they regard DHIMMIS
WARNING: Christian girl in her father’s arms after beheading:
Remember Ilhan Omar called President Trump NOT HUMAN and that is exactly how they see us. You can not reason or deal with a people who do not believe you are human and think LYING to advance their religion is blessed by their diety.
This child was Syrian and so was my mom’s father BTW…


Yes – Syrian and other Christians in muslim nations have been fleeing to the USA for generations. Islam is an evil ideology and system. Always has been – always will be.


Still – those ARE GOD’s instructions. Written in Scripture. I have planned, and pray I will, if our nation doesn’t repent and judgement and destruction come – that when faced with those who would want to take my life, my last words will be ‘Jesus is Lord.’

Gail Combs

Sorry, I will FIGHT first…. Maybe that is my Barbarian blood showing. 😉
Just ask my six foot six older brother about my FIGHT instinct. (He ended up crying for Mom to “GET HER OFF ME!” I was 10 to his 18.)


At least you are focusing all that hostile fighting instinct to the fight for truth. I mean, you aren’t robbing banks or roller derby, WMMA or ISIS! 😎 🌹 ❤️ to cool you!!!

Gail Combs

I figure there are four types of people:
If the Protectors do not PROTECT the Producers the whole civilization COLLAPSES.
Dr Werner’s Utube illustrates that problem when dealing with Islam (Predators & Parasites)

Gail Combs

The ACCURATE ‘Co-exist’ bumper stickers. image


Great comments regarding the scourge of ISLAM.
We MUST DEFEAT THEM…. ot they will surely defeat us.
I will not overlook the SINS of others just to be “spiritual”.
David KILLED Goliath….. and God HELPED him.


The “Coexist” movement is built upon a lie.
Actually, multiple lies.
The lie is never stated openly – it is implicit, and it is assumed to be true without being questioned.
The first lie is that that all religious beliefs are basically equal. Ironically, almost no religious systems actually teach this. It is a principle born of universalism which has been popular in the West in recent years. Universalism is itself a supremacist belief system that considers any “dogmatic” truth claims wrong or unenlightened. A person who holds this belief system has a smug knowingness about themselves as they look down their noses condescendingly to anyone who doesn’t hold their view. Combined with Neo-marxist critical theory, all truth claims (“dogmatic” or otherwise) are deemed immoral, imperialistic, supremacist (irony much?), oppressive, and (in the Neo-Alinsky varieties) must be actively resisted in “truth to power” mob fashion. Even saying “boys are boys and girls are girls” or “two plus two equals four” are truth claims that the self-righteous be-knighted outrage mob must do everything to destroy.
The second lie is the implicit belief that Western Civilization and the United States’ greatest moral and ethical dilemma in need of resolution is to address the rampant scourge of “intolerance”. The idea that people can hold fundamentally different opinions and beliefs about religion and the nature of reality and still live together, and have been successfully doing so for generations in the West, is a lesson entirely lost on people who have come to accept uncritically a conception of “tolerance” originally defined by Herbert Marcuse and subject to leftist semantic drift since. The basic notion is that any disagreement with what someone says is not merely a difference of opinion, but now to be deemed as “intolerance” itself, contradictory to the traditional meaning. Further, the notion of “tolerance” has become embedded with the fascist outrage culture, with the belief that the “right to not be offended” trumps all other human rights. Literally any single thing they wish to deem “offensive” and “intolerant” is something that must be rooted out. The outrage mob doesn’t need a reason, and doesn’t need to tolerate other opinions, all that is needed is to exorcise the heterodoxy of WRONG-THINK from the tribal mob of outrage addiction.
But the second lie feels good. It allows people to virtue signal their own moral superiority, wagging their fingers angrily as they lecture all the people of the world – particularly Christians, of whatever tradition, though their hate is non-discriminatory – about how wrong they are and that they need to be more tolerant. Just like their fathers in the hippie generation that desperately needed a haircut, shower, and job, and had become acclimated to their own stench and couldn’t sense how nasty they had become, the moral outrage warriors have no concept of their own stink of hypocrisy and belching intolerance, and how badly they need a moral bath of their own to begin cultivating virtue.


I want a bumper sticker that says:
COEXIST in your own lane!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

HA! I love it!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I have no problem with the coexist bumper sticker as long as everybody is free to own the basic entry-level military weapons of their choice (core 2A principle). 😎
In particular the Star of David and the Cross. That is how coexistence is actually implemented. 😉
In other words, to me, the COEXIST bumper sticker is an NRA sticker! 😀


Good thought, that changes my perception….. COEXIST can only happen because of our 2A yet they are driving around essentially advertising they are gun free zones!

Sylvia Avery

I like this very, very much. Thanks! I’m going to give that a try.
I have never prayed so much in my life as I have in the last three years. But I’m definitely adding this to my repertoire.


Today is the anniversary of my mother’s passing. I honor her memory here. In the year that has transpired, I have had so many ailments that I scraped the bottom both physically and mentally. Thanks to some kindness shown by friends and you people, I bounced off the bottom and I am in a much better place.
New hearing aids have allowed me to connect better with the world. My vision decline has been stopped. My balance has returned. I can concentrate better. I have a beautiful new MAGA girlfriend who sees the good in me instead of the things I can no longer do. My son, who struggles with his own disabilities, refused to let me fall. At my worst moment, he did not give up on me.
So here I am today…appreciative and humble…seeing life in full view as to what it really means…I know all of you have struggles that you quietly handle. God bless you all and thank you Mom for giving me a second chance to be a better person. I won’t mess that up.


NYGuy, I’m so sorry you lost your Mom. It is hard to lose the person who raised us. My grandma was that person, and I will miss her always.
I am happy you found a nice woman to share time with! That is so important. And you are awesome! She is very lucky she met you.
So happy to read your positive story about overcoming obstacles. Life can be so good! Hard and terrible things happen, but wonderful things do, too.
Thank you for posting here, you are an inspiration!


NYGuy54 – your Mom knew you had it in you – that you would overcome whatever came your way – I’m pretty sure she instilled that trait in you early on. Never give up … never give in … fight on …
I’m so happy to hear that you’re doing well … as we all are …


My condolences on the loss of your mother. We have choices on how to handle such a profound event, and you have written an inspiring account of your journey so far. Thank you!


Just in time for spring. Your very own great awakening. Congratulations!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

<3 God bless you and protect you always, Ed! <3
And may this site and its people always be a part of that!

Luke from NJ


Sylvia Avery

Oh Ed. Sending you hugs. And I’m glad you are doing well.
I still miss my parents. I think of them every day. I look forward to seeing them again when it is my turn to pass.

Jan Phillips

NYGuy, thank you for letting us honor your mother’s memory with you. Beautiful post! Your mother would be so proud of you!! You are an overcomer!!


The Bible instructs us to do 5 things (handy to count on one hand) to our enemies.
– Love
– Do good to
– Pray for
– Bless and do not curse
– Forgive
I’m not sure what order those appear in the Bible. That may be important – so I need to look it up.
It helps to see it as a ways/means of accomplishing the impossible with GOD’s help!

Deplorable Patriot

Will be hanging out with the shanty Irish celebrating engineers today. Communication is optional, of course, so I will be MIA most of the day.

Gail Combs

Random thought.
In 2018 we lost tons of politicians —> NOT running again.
In the last 2 years we Lost TONS of CEOs —> Left companies by the Droves
Could this be why we are seeing the really kooky on the Left ending up in Congress?
Could this be why we are seeing rented mules and crazies running for President? under the [D]
Is this why they had to haul out EX-CIA to run for OFFICE??? (WHY toss away useful assets.)
Are they RUNNING OUT of reasonable people to run?
People who are completely BOUGHT/blackmailed and thus trust worthy?
People who can put two sentences together and do not have a checkered past diggable by the autists @ 4Chan & 8Chan?
We are not talking MIllions of people, we aren’t even talking thousands. Look at how the SAME NAMES keep appearing. The Cabal at the top is small and the 2nd tier is not all that deep either…. And they are getting taken out one by one, leaving only wash-up underlings, crazies and some CIA types.


Honestly, looking at it purely from the perspective of political baseball, running BHO in 2008 was a huge mistake. They should’ve kept BHO on the bench – but they were probably worried he’d get too much history and too many people would dig into his past. They liked BHO because he would push the envelope – but that was also his weakness. HRC was much better at disguising her intentions and playing nice politically. Not as good as Bill of course, but a far sight better than BHO. Today there is virtually no one that thinks HRC is a viable candidate (health problems) and BHO’s political capital is spent. I’m sure they were hoping to bring others up from the minors, but they were so focused on winning the cycle that they didn’t do a good enough job warming up the bullpen. The Sec’s of State under BHO were HRC and Kerry – two people who have the stigma of a failed Presidential campaign and therefore have serious baggage running in 2020. The VP pathway doesn’t look much better – that Biden is the Dem’s best hope in 2020 is facepalm-worthy. The only other VP is Gore, who also isn’t considered a contender in 2020 for the same reasons as HRC and Kerry. So there are very few alternatives. Former mayors include Newsom and Bloomberg – the former just landing as Guv in CA and the latter announcing he wouldn’t run. I don’t know that Rahm has the name recognition, and if he does it’s working against him. Former gov’s? No names come to mind – Brown is known in CA but has no national following, Newsom is too new. Most of the other D Gov’s are in some level of disgrace. Cuomo might have a shot at the Dem nomination if he chose to pursue it. The Senators pathway is a fully loaded clown car of Democrat embarrassment. So that leaves the state level legislators to pick from. Woot – we found our guy! Beto O’Rourke! LOL.

Gail Combs

Good, dissection.
Cuomo Signed the AFTER BIRTH Abortion Bill Into Law.
Gavin Newsom wants to increase funding and accessibility for abortion and is strongly backed by Planned Parenthood. Newsom now plans to sue the Trump administration over its defunding of Planned Parenthood as Planned Parenthood wass being brought up on charges..
Unfortunately the Grand Jury in Texas let Planned Parenthood and went after the whistle-blower instead
It is the FILM MAKER who is up on 15 felony charges for exposing Planned Parenthood.
Republicans need to play this VERY CAREFULLY because it is a POLITICAL GRENADE! Make sure it goes off in their face not ours. KEEP the discusion to LATE TERM ABORTIONS PERIOD, don’t try to make a grab for the whole cheese or it will give the LEFT the win.


I have found that not challenging the “women’s right to choose”, but instead just planting the seed of “Well, what month of pregnancy do you drawn the line at? Are you ok with an abortion during labor?” seems to work. I’ve said don’t need an answer right now, but ask yourself and think on it. Even if they get mad at you for this seed, they are going to tell everyone who will listen to them that you said “this”. Then, their friends can think about where their line is, too.


Jay Sekulow is not letting go. Good for him:

Gail Combs

GOOD! I am glad he is keeping that front and center. I can think of nothing else that might wake up the moderate Democrats and Independents to the danger our country is facing from these radicals.
People who see nothing wrong with killing children… (Democrats AND muslims) are EVIL and you do not have to be a Christian to understand that.


I have started doing at least one post on my site a week about abortion/infanticide (there’s little difference these days).

Luke from NJ

100% agree. Our civilization will come off its solid foundation without addressing and condemning this evil. The right to life is a prerequisite for every other God given right.


Furthermore, it’s incomprehensible when the people who have no regard for human life campaign for the lives of animals.


T3 this is a beautiful post, thank you! I definitely have to do more regarding forgiveness in a couple areas.


AOC latest:


More here:

Sylvia Avery

There goes the Whambulance….




Yeah we can’t believe Google on this b/c 1) it’s China, and they’d lie to Google and make them their dupes if it suited them – but I’m sure Google is eyes wide open on this and just lets their Chinese partners do whatever they want with their tech as if Google were China’s outsourced American innovation hub, and 2) Google likes to work through shell companies and through arrangements on everything which provides them legal cover and plausible deniability. It’s a shell game and if you want the truth just follow the money.


Exactly, Michael.
I couldn’t agree more.


As we all know, this is the big story the media ignore:






Average of 5-6 documented deadly Islamic jihad terrorist attacks per day since 9/11/01comment image
2019 –
US State Department list of terror organizations:
Graph – attacks by ideologycomment image


Michele saw clearly early on…comment image


Love her – still have my Michele Bachmann for President mug!


Leftists – and the UN – ignore Islamic countries and other nations engaging in human and drug trafficking and modern day slavery:

These people and the UN are propagandists covering up much evil.



AMAZING – guts/balls/courage, sincerity, commitment and brains all wrapped up in one man.
@realDonaldTrump followers: 59,084,117 – 10:33 am


Plus – 50+ years experience and success in the top business circles of the world!


I’ve got the Leftist Krassenstein brothers blocked on POTUS’ twitter feed. Hilarious how many tweets are now “unavailable” – Practically every other tweet is theirs.
They’re doing what they’re paid to do.


Good! There’s some ‘bishop’ who’s about as bad.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gotta say – whoever is naming these NPCs is having a great laugh.
“Krass”enstein brothers! LMAO!!!

Gail Combs

“Krass”enstein brothers! ===> Krass ‘N Stench Brothers!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love it!


What happened to/with Judge Jeanine??
For those, like myself, who missed it, here’s what happened:

From the article:
‘… Fox did not announce the suspension publicly. The network declined to confirm or deny that Pirro has been suspended. There is no word on whether Pirro’s show will return next week.
At the same time, there is no indication that she has been fired from Fox. The source said she has not been fired.
‘Pirro is one of the network’s highest-rated weekend hosts …’


I wouldn’t take Brian Stelter or CNN’s word for what happened, Churchmouse.
I watched Judge Jeanine’s ‘Opening Statement’ that got her suspended…and it was *not* “Islamophobic” as they are characterizing it.
Everything that Judge Jeanine said was the Truth!
There is a female muzzie producer at Fox who took issue with the Truth being spoken…so she caused a big flap about it, and the cowards at Fox caved in to her demands.


Stelter was all I could find at the time.
I was more interested in when this was announced and the circumstances.


I just had an interesting experience on Twitter. I was followed by someone I probably shouldn’t follow back but I was curious. I then got invited to join the illuminati. The fricking illuminati! Check out this message:
Joining the Illuminati brings you
into the lime light of the world you live in today.
You being in this official page signifies that it
was ordered and arranged by the great creator
that from now on you are about to be that real
and independent human you have always
wished you were ,Send your request to be part
in our Goals and benefit Wealth,Great influence,Power and Knowledge
…too creepy 😨


Of course I replied,
‘Nah, I’ll keep my relationship with Jesus and wait for His eternal rewards. Thanks anyway’
He replied, ‘you’re welcome, hope you find peace ‘. To which I responded, ‘And, of course you too are invited to join His kingdom and receive salvation by accepting Jesus and trust that he paid for our redemption. I hope you find peace as well’
I’ve known they were real, its what’s made me search sites sites such as this one and info from Q and others to learn how to combat these forces but I’ve never had contact with one before. It’s confirmation I suppose, like facing spiritual forces have confirmed to me long ago and without doubt that there is another realm.

Gail Combs

OR it may be a troll farm, possible hoping to con you out of money.


Gail, and they have the ip address….


Could be Gail, I believe anything and nothing at this point 😄

Cuppa Covfefe

Tell them about your inheritance from a rich relative in Nigeria, which you need their help to claim. With a $200,000,000 deposit, they can gain too. Just have them give bank details and transfer authorization 🙂
For a true illuminata, that amount wouldn’t even be a rounding error…


Ha! That’s great! 😆


More details….
The police in New York say that surveillance video shows murdered mob boss Frank Cali shaking hands with his killer moments before being shot dead outside his home.


That’s a serious trained psychopath killer. A professional assassin. Think of the movie Shooter. Or The Bourne Identity.


I’m not debating the NZ shooting… frankly, I don’t know what details to believe, but this guy does ask the questions that crossed my mind when viewing the shooter’s self filming.


NZ shooting is/was a false flag event. PERIOD
The article expands each of these points, there are basically FOUR telltale signs:
– There is an immediate comprehensive narrative…
– The official narrative has obvious domestic and geopolitical advantages for the governing body.
– The narrative behind the attack serves to leverage emotions like fear, as well as patriotism, in order to manufacture consent around a previously controversial issue.
– Military training drills and police drills occur on the day of and very near the attack itself, causing confusion to obscure eye witness testimony

from another source
Because the false flag attack is designed to instill fear, panic, and a guided response from the general public, it is important to deconstruct the narrative of that attack as it is presented. However, we cannot simply be consumed by attempting to expose and deconstruct every false flag attack that comes our way. We cannot ignore the greater issues, the winnable battles, and the demands we must be making simply to expose each and every false flag. We cannot ignore the forest fire to extinguish the occasional burning bush. The false flag, after all, is only the symptom of the disease.
For that reason, it is important to enable the general public to recognize the false flag itself, not simply the questionable elements of a particular false flag which will soon be overtaken by a new one. We must train both ourselves and the public to recognize the signs of the false flag when it happens and thus render the attack neutral.
The following is a list of some of the most common elements of the false flag attack which should immediately be looked at in the event of some other incident that pulls at the heartstrings and emotions of the general public.
Snip… “4. Cui Bono? The most important question to ask immediately after any high profile incident is “cui bono?” or “Who benefits?” If one is able to see a clear benefit to any government, corporation, or bank, then the observer becomes capable of seeing through the false flag attack immediately. Many of these questions can be answered by taking a closer look at the behavior of these organizations prior to the attack and shortly thereafter.[3].


I’m not a glutton for graphic violence but now I kinda wish I’d seen the shooter’s video for myself.


There are links on reddit and 8chan.


I watched the full uncut version, Driller…the full 16:54 minute version.
And I watched it several times, trying to make out what was written on his guns.
It *was* very similar to a first-person-shooter video game.
The shooter also acted like he had had training, in the way that he moved and performed his ‘search & kill’ operation.
So I think this guy had gotten training somewhere…more than just playing video games.

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe 7-11? (OK, not really – but there’s definitely a FF going on, somehow).


I read similar accounts Wheati. Makes this Q drop intriguing,
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 83b445 No.5741764 📁
Mar 17 2019 18:53:59 (EST)

What does a dog do when he/she has a bone?
Did he have a therapist?
Who paid for his travel to the Middle East?


The Anons have done some digs on the guy’s past…and it is all very suspicious.


I’m going with FF until I see something that convinces me otherwise 🤨


Well this is just adorable ❤


Ahhh, my beautiful beloved Aussies!! Had brother and sister for many years, such joy💓❤️💞


Aussies are just fantastic dogs but SUPER high energy! I had a red merle whom I named Jax. He was quite simply wonderful but he was very hyper and I knew he was NOT happy with me. I worked full-time and he spent far too much time either in the house or on a run. It just wasn’t fair to him. So I advertised him for sale for $200 (with no papers), figuring that should be high enough to weed out those with nefarious purposes in mind.
Within 1 hour of placing the ad, I got a call from an older couple with a small farm in southern VA whose Aussie had died of cancer. They came and picked him up but I only released him to them after arranging for me to visit within the week to assure myself it was the right place for him. Only then would I cash their check. A week later, I went to visit and, my goodness, he was a completely different dog. Calm, relaxed, loving as ever. They had a small herd of donkeys, horses, and goats – Jax had a ball herding them, and loved walking the fence lines with his new family as well as playing with their grandkids.
Pic of Jax and my daughter’s cat, Go-Tee:


Aww, if you have to give up a pet it’s gotta help so much knowing what a wonderful life you let him experience by giving him to those people.
Drillerdog is red heeler, amstaff and great pyrenees mix and has tons of energy. I’m so lucky he can go drilling with me, which he loves! Then we have plenty of play time after work. He would be an absolute terror otherwise. He likes herding too, especially drillerwife lol. He tries with the cats but they’ll have none of that.


I originally went for the red girl puppy, but the black/white boy grabbed me by the wrist, TWICE!! So I got both. Best decision I EVER made. All that supposed destructive energy never materialized, they had each other. If and when I decide to get another one, it will be two! LOL!!😃


This pretty much sums it up…comment image


James Wood – comment section is interesting

Sylvia Avery

You know, for once it seems like we were able to be all Alyski like and jump on a horrible thing like what happened to the Covington Catholic kids and use it to our advantage. #ReformOurMedia Pretty good.
I hope Sandmann wins BIGLY, I hope it hurts (or better still Gawkers) WaPo, CNN, HBO and Bill Maher and whoever else, AND somehow leads to us reforming our media. Wouldn’t that be awesome?


Comments are interesting, including these:
There’s something for Wolf here, too:



I’m not on twitter, even though I bring a lot of tweets here. Just have never trusted them.
Once in a while I check to see whom/what is “trending” …
Well, “NoName” is 3rd across the world… not for above of course, but as victim – “President Trump criticizes the late Sen. John McCain over Obamacare repeal.”
If you believe Jack’s stats, I have some swamp and a few bridges to sell you.
It is my sincere belief that Twitter will become a regulated utility, much as the telephone was…


Ditto! Don’t like or trust FB or T!


Never trust Twitter trends. Why do you think it is that #MAGA never trends, when so many people use it in every post? Or QAnon or Q? You rarely see the hash tags they say are trending. Twitter just makes it up. They decide what should be trending.


exactly Linda…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I kinda hope that Twitter goes through with removing numbers for likes and retweets. DEATH of their platform at that point.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Actually, that gives me a THEORY of why Twitter is removing numbers for likes and retweets.
They’ve been FUDGING THE NUMBERS. They’ve been LYING. Easiest way out? Get rid of the numbers before people figure it out.


Say it ain’t so, Joe.
My world is SHATTERED. What is to become of me?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! It’s good not being them, ain’t it? 😉

Cuppa Covfefe

Then someone will have to put the twit back in Twitter… 🙂
Betox? AOC? Barnyard? Botox Betty? SJW Snowflakes???


I don’t FB, been avoiding T like the plague, as well. Like you, I’ve maneuvered through and cloned tweets the whole time. But one of AOC’s tweets put me over the edge a few weeks ago and finally inspired me to sign up in order to join the fight. This is a war and our side needs all the soldiers we can get!! I’m still a noob, but now the maneuvering is much easier, and most importantly, I am now poised and ever so ready for battle!!!🇺🇸⚔️🛡


Well Hoyer has his priorities, doesn’t he?
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) is calling for a cost-of-living adjustment to lawmaker salaries, which have remained stagnant for a decade — but it’s likely to be a tough sell.
In remarks before the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress this week, Hoyer said that “it is time to address the issue of member and staff pay and benefits.”
Read More:


The last thing he deserves is a raise. Talk about beyond hard sell. Its a no sale!

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Pay for performance, just like all the rest of us have to deal with.
They are less efficient than ever before, so they actually should be looking at a PAY CUT!!!


“….According to Copenhagen Pride and Vice’s agency Virtue. They believe that gender isn’t necessarily binary, a matter of man or woman, masculine or feminine, so they have set out to create a genderless digital voice called Q. They also believe that having a digital male or female voice is “stereotyping.” That’s a new one.
While “gender equality”, “gender neutral,” and “genderless” continues to be pushed by this New World Order to create a completely genderless society, emasculate men, advance AI, and simultaneously create an army of so-called feminists for added cognitive dissonance – according to the Williams Institute, it is estimated that only 0.6% of U.S. adults identify as transgender. Gays and lesbians have a male/female preference, so it’s likely they prefer a male/female voice. Yet, according to this group – “the world needs this right now!”


Read this touching story of someone who’s been there, tried that, suffered the consequences and rejected it.


Ignoring science and reality, just as with climate change, abortion, rationing health care, etc. They are the enemies of not only America, but of humanity.


That was a response to Nebraska Filly’s post above.


Amen. Absolutely right on!


Copenhagen Pride and Vice’s agency Virtue, 🙄well by the names alone I’m pretty sure we should just sit back and let them decide these things for us, sounds like they have it figured out (don’t really need a sarc tag do i?)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Look at how they’re trying to attack Q through the side door! Hilarious!
Pure cabal psychology.

Sylvia Avery

Yes, I thought that was interesting. Out of all the letters in the alphabet and they pick Q??????? What are the odds.

Cuppa Covfefe

They probably use bi-amplification on their stereotyping…
(obscure pun, sorry)…. or maybe they’re quadraphobic…


The C_A controlled msm has the megaphone – amplifies, exaggerates – Cabal is pushing all this nonsense. The goal is destruction of family unit. We have to fight the msm… no.1 is to turn them off (pull the plug) so that they have no ratings.
No. 2 is spread the CORRECT information… Americans don’t want this crap. The gay community doesn’t even want it.


comment image


from Qresearch board
“DARPA Is Building a $10 Million, Open Source, Secure Voting System”
This new development was reported on the boards last week. It may help explain why the DHS Report was not released yet as a catalyst for new federal voting reforms.
Having the solution before you present the problem keeps you in charge throughout.
As usual, President Trump’s approach is clever.


i make this statement with all due respect:
the powers we fight against are not related to our voting system and our voting system will never gwt rid of the corruption.
however, the approach of the truth drip, the approach of a impending threat of martial law or mil tribunals, tthe approach of creating a secret secure vote system to spring on people last second that would almlst certai ly rely on a national id databases with biometric aspects to it – none of these things are actually anything people here would say they wanted in the past and would have even fought hard against. for example – how many here will go give your fi gerprints and iris scans willingingly if you are told you will get a “fair” election? then ask youself if you would have done that in the past. i would say most would not have.
if you might do it now then again we have been led down a slipppery slope of rights errosion. and it will only continue.
the enemy here is not stupid and they will not give up until they have no warm bodies left to throw at the fight.
military tribunals or martial law or new secret voting procedures will ensure a path to great hardship that i hope people are ready for.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love this President!


click Holland’s tweet for THREAD for decode…
Beer at the Parade is a Baker… presents DeCode “worth a read” …
Will be wonderful, if correct !


“As TFTP reported in December, for the first time since 9/11 the federal government is taking steps to prosecute the use of explosives to destroy the world trade centers.
The Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry successfully submitted a petition to the federal government demanding that the U.S. Attorney present to a Special Grand Jury extensive evidence of yet-to-be-prosecuted federal crimes relating to the destruction of three World Trade Center Towers on 9/11 (WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7).
After waiting months for the reply, the U.S. Attorney responded in a letter, noting that they will comply with the law.
“We have received and reviewed The Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, Inc.’s submissions of April 10 and July 30, 2018. We will comply with the provisions of 18 U.S.C. § 3332 as they relate to your submissions,” U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman stated.
According to the petition, dozens of exhibits were presented as evidence that explosives were, in fact, used to destroy all three world trade centers.”

Gail Combs

U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman was appointed by AG Sessions AND is Rudy Guliani’s Law Partner. .. NICE!!!

University academic at center of Cambridge Analytica data mining scandal sues Mark Zuckerberg for defamation claiming Facebook used him as a ‘scapegoat’
Aleksandr Kogan was behind an app that harvested data from Facebook users
He says Facebook defamed him when it claimed he had lied about the data’s use
Kogan’s lawyer said: ‘Alex did not lie. Alex was their scapegoat’
Facebook called the lawsuit ‘frivolous’ from someone who ‘violated our policies’
Cambridge Analytica misused personal information from as many as 87 million accounts from a quiz app that former psychology professor Kogan, 32, created

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! Facebook’s blame-casting will come rocketing back. An small swirl of the Trump Boomerang Effect!


“The more I read, the more likeness I see to Sir John Glubb’s essay, The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival. (It’s only 24 pages and you should definitely read it – it’s brilliant.) Sir Glubb wrote this outstanding work when he was 79 years old, after a lifetime of being a soldier, traveling the world, and analyzing history. It’s well worth a read as he goes into detail about the fall of empires past.
The final stage of the end of an empire is the Age of Decadence. Some signs of this age are political dissensions (Antifa, anyone?), an influx of foreigners (Europe, anyone?), the welfare state (America, anyone?), despair (350 million people diagnosed), depravity (see below), and the rise of frivolity as people try to fill lives that have less and less meaning.”


Burn Notice has a THREAD – click on tweet

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is excellent. He’s showing how the cabal of bad actors is basically afraid of UNCONTROLLED THOUGHT. That is why THIS false flag was pushed to SHUT DOWN THE CHANS.
Uncontrolled thought on uncontrolled platform serves as a CHECK-DIGIT on “controllable media”. The only way they can FAKE us and CONTROL us through….
is by failure of us to VERIFY.
This is why the comment sections evolved away from the bilge of the Fake News.
We need new and better uncontrolled platforms. Dissenter is one of them. NEW forms like Gab, the chans, Dissenter, and THIS SITE (WordPress popular news collectives) are KEY. Q is KEY.
Breaking down
is KEY.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is getting WEIRD.


Yea, kinda like they have 5-eyes or somethin’ … just sayin’ … 😉

Gail Combs

Actually it is NOT.
The easiest way for the Elite to control people is through RELIGION!
The Shamam/The Priest Class have been with us for thousands of years. Sometines the priest class IS the rulers and sometimes they are the puppet masters and sometimes they back up the Rulers. But they are ALWAYS there.
The Elite tried to rule WITHOUT the Priest Class (Soviet Union) but it FLOPPED so now they have decided that Islam is a decent match to ‘Socialism’ and therefore can be used.
I was looking for something else and came just upon this article. It should sent cold chills down your spine!!!“>China to make Islam compatible with socialism – Times of India The latest move by Beijing is to rewrite how the Islamic religion is practised.

BEIJING: Communist China has launched a five-year programme to “Sinicise Islam” to make it compatible with socialism.

“To learn who rules over you, simply learn who you are not allowed to criticize.” — Voltaire

We will target you in your homes.
We will target you in your businesses.
We will target you in your synagogues and your churches.
You are the enemies of Islam.
For the sake of Allah we are coming for you.

Over the twenty years of combat in the Vietnam War (1955–1975) — 47,424 US soldiers were killed or on average 2,371 US soldiers a year.
Islam is killing ten times as many people in a year and our DemonRat politicians are telling us that GoreBull Warming is a much greater threat??? Are they Nucking Futs?
Time Line
Year — Attacks — Deaths
2002 — 667 — 2,849
2003 — 870 — 3,273 ( May US invasion of Iraq)
2004 — 1,115 — 7,166 (US re-election Bush)
2005 — 1,845 — 7,625
2006 — 2,779 — 15,245
2007 — 3,096 — 20,478
2008 — 2,212 — 10,798 (US election Obama)
2009 — 2,131 — 9,176
2010 — 2,023 — 9,233 ( Tunisian Revolution/Arab Spring starts December)
2011 — 1,986 — 9,086 (Gaddafi assassinated October on orders of Clinton)
2012 — 2,480 — 11,546 (Benghazi attack)
2013 — 2,822 — 16,775
2014 — 3,001 — 32,863
2015 — 2,865 — 27,625


if people do not see it by now they will never see it. now the muslim love fest will commence to overtake us all.
i hope the ardent supporters are asked first to allow their wives and daughters to be the first ones raped and killed and their sons slaughtered in he name of whatever the hell mohammed calls his god. i will seriously be surprised if we can overcome this push eventually.
the writing has been on the wall for centuries.
be prepared because it is coming. this will not stop. no fisa news or meuller investigation flip will hold a candle to the actual plans they have in store for humanity. while the shiny witch hunt has distracted you in the background the final plqns have been being laid for the global takedown.

Gail Combs

Well, Andrew, you are correct if the IDOT Christians don’t get up off their rumps and QUIT trying to LOVE their Islamic would be MURDERERS! I am sorry guys but all ‘LOVE’ does is get YOU dead and that is what the LEFT COUNTS ON. The fact YOU WILL NOT FIGHT BACK.
Inbreeding and IQ study:
IQ by country:
Note the third world countries, Muslim and South America are within the 80 to 90 average IQ range. YIKES!
I.Q. and real-life functioning:
“[…]80-89 — Below average
Above the threshold for normal independent functioning. Can perform explicit routinized hands-on tasks without supervision as long as there are no moments of choice and it is always clear what has to be done. Assembler, food service.
This is also the I.Q. range most associated with violence. Most violent crime is committed by males from this range. This does not imply that all males in this range are violent, nor that all violent males are in this range. But when the modal I.Q. of a group is in this range, one may expect trouble with with many male members of that group. When the modal I.Q. of a society or population is raised upward of this range, violence decreases as fewer males fall in this range […]”

Muslims suffer insanity, low IQ, recessive disorders from 1400 years inbreeding
“Biological fallout from 50 generations of first cousin marriages
from a Lockheed employee in Saudi Arabia.
“…During the pilot transition program with the KV-107 and C-130 with Lockheed, we found that most Saudi pilot trainees had very limited night vision, even on the brightest of moonlit nights.
Their training retention rate was minimal including maintenance personnel. Some had dim memories and had to be constantly reminded of things that were told to them the day before. An American, British or any other western instructor is burned out pretty quick. It actually took Muslim C-130 pilots years before they could fly in the dark safely and then would be reluctant to leave the lights of a city.
Ask any Marine, Air Force or Army guy who’s been trying to train Iraqis, and especially Afghans. Islam is not only a religion; it’s a way of life all the way around. Yet another set of revealing facts about Muslim beliefs and traditions and ways of life. 1400 years of inbreeding.[…]”

…How many people in this country are aware of the fact that immigration from Islamic countries has doubled since 9/11? According to data Conservative Review collated from the DHS Yearbook of Immigration Statistics, the U.S. has issued 1,628,854 green cards to immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries from 2001-2013. ….
The overall numbers track closely with Pew’s estimates of 100,000 new Muslim immigrants per year, almost twice the level of the previous decade. It is also 10% of our annual immigrant population…

The map shows many are from “…volatile countries such as Iraq [116,076], Iran [166,531], Bangladesh [150,251], and Pakistan [200,493]….Somalia [77,569], the source of much of our recent troubles with homegrown terror, particularly in the Minneapolis area. “ — 710,920 almost 3/4 of a million people. How many are ticking Jihadist bombs?
I want them OUT! Send them all back to their home countries instead of allowing them to have NO-GO Zones here in the USA.


Ridding the US of no-go zones and ghettos of subversives is work for the 2nd term.

Gail Combs

I certainly hope so! I do not mind illegals from SA here who truly want to work and better themselves but the muslims scare the crap out of me!
I can not find the article (Times of India)
However the writer showed
1-5% Muslim — they keep their heads down
10% Muslim they start agitating for favorable treatment compared to others
25% they start DEMANDING RIGHTS (sharia)
51% they rapidly take over the country.
Here is a more recent article:
“1. There are nearly 52 Muslim countries. Show one Muslim country which provides Haj subsidy.
2. Show one Muslim country where non-muslims are extended the special rights that Muslims are accorded in India?
3. Show one country where the 85% majority craves for the indulgence of the 15% minority.
4. Show one Muslim country, which has/had a Non-Muslim as its President or Prime Minister.
5. Show one Mullah or Maulvi who has declared a ‘fatwa’ against terrorists or Antinational politicians & Self-proclaimed ReligiousLeaders
6. Hindu-majority Maharashtra, Bihar, Kerala, Pondicherry, etc. have in the past elected Muslims as CM’s. Can you ever imagine a Hindu becoming the CM of Muslim – majority J&K?
7. In 1947, when India was partitioned, the Hindu population in Pakistan was about 24%. Today it is not even 1%.
In 1947, the Hindu population in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) was 30%. Today it is about 7%. Probably even less.

8. What happened to the missing Hindus? Do Hindus have human rights?
9. In contrast, in India, Muslim population has gone up from 10.4% in 1951 to more than 14% today whereas Hindu population has come down from 87.2% in 1951 to less than 85% in 1991….”

Deplorable Patriot

The problem with the “idiot Christians getting off their rumps” is that the majority don’t have the depth of belief to pull off what is actually successful: a pilgrimage to take back the Holy Sites in Jerusalem. That’s what the first Crusdade was, and that is why it was the only Holy War to be successful. It was a pilgrimage complete with a whole lot of prayer. That’s where it needs to start, but not enough Christians get that.
Currently, those same Holy Sites are under non-Christian control. Israel at this point has ultimate power despite the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre paying for the upkeep.

Gail Combs

Jews do not scare me the way Muslims do. They take good care of the Holy Sites and are quite willing to share them. Muslims would BOMB THEM OUT OF EXISTANCE as they have so many other ancient treasures.

Deplorable Patriot

They didn’t bomb them the last several times they had control.
Still, they are not in Christian hands at the moment.

Cuppa Covfefe

Years ago I had occasion to observe a clinic (center of expertise) in Göttingen, for Mitochondrial and other genetic diseases. Really sad. There were some horrifically messed-up children (and some adults) there.
And all but a very few were speaking Arabic, and likely Moslem (lots of hijabs, some “full-body Burkas”).
My son attended a speech-therapy kindergarten for a couple of years (because they had misdiagnosed his hearing loss), and one of the kids on the mini-bus with him was likely handicapped due to inbreeding. Probably had a very low IQ; also had motor difficulties, so he went to a special kindi near to the one my son went to. After a year or so, he wasn’t on the bus anymore. Word was that the parents did not want him out of the house anymore… but if we tried to home-school, we’d end up in jail…

Plain Jane

That Silk video was such a clear scruptual teaching of forgiveness and how God turns lemons into lemonaid and more. Thank you, I enjoyed it.


I am SO sick and tired of the suppression and censorship by Google on YT!!!! In order to view the video “By The Numbers – The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Demographics” narrated by Raheel Raza, one must now sign in to verify one is old enough to view it!!!! (4,483,013 views) What outright BS!!!!


Lisa’s recap is very succinct … excellent for Redpilling… please circulate it


This twitterer was featured on NameRedacted’s feed:
LOVE the name of this feed, the sassy statement, irreverence/disrespect for communists/socialists and fighting spirit!


….which led to this:

Y’all – there are some great twitter warriors and conservatives groups out there….
Like this one:

Of course, there’s TPUSA – headed by Charlie Kirk:


Karma is a vitch !!!!
Now, do Zero…


Still don’t believe shooting was a FF…?


Stay safe George…
be sure to read comments to tweet – click on tweet


The one consistent discovery that CTH has been hammering home over a year-and-a-half, is that Chris Steele did not write the dossier. The information within the dossier was a collection of old research by Glenn Simpson and Mary Jacoby at Fusion-GPS; in combination with new research, claims and details provided by Nellie Ohr. ~ Sd
(He wrote an entire article today/yesterday defending his “discovery”)
No… From Lisa’s succinct recap above:
Someone plants fake story on CNN user site, Steele cites fake story in fake dossier
IT IS THIS CITE IN THE DOSSIER BY STEELE that FBI uses within the manufactured dossier to justify FISA…. rest of the dossier was superfluous – JUNK ! Doesn”t matter who fabricated it…
FUSION GPS is a C_A front – Nellie Ohr is a C_A Agent.
The dossier is a creation of the C_A.
Defending a moot point is a waste of time and energy… unless it’s that necessary “to be right”……




Ha ha ha! Totally agree about Shepard Smith.

Sylvia Avery

And sadly Arthel Neville and Leland Vittert are as bad as PDJT says. I gave them up a couple years ago because they are so irritatingly predictably anti Trump.
And yeah, don’t get me started on Shep…..


Just saw this on OAN.
I had seen it before, but seems more important than ever, now


Thank you very much.
That is one great video.
Have bookmarked, will share on mine.


Breath of Spring!



Thanks for the photos GA/FL
She’s gorgeous and he looks happy… he ALWAYS looks happy.
(Can’t believe a reporter shouted out a question to him on his way to church!)


Accosted by Acosta?


good one! Lil Jimmie sure lives up to his name…
probably was him…


He and his family have sacrificed so much…and with glorious smiles (for the most part…sometimes he looks grimly serious!).


She’s always gorgeous — but she looked so happy on that outing.
And, just to remind folks, I think Melania is Q.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll agree on Qte! 😉


Well deserved slap down.


AOC deserves to be called out for just about everything she says. I believe she is a socialist but that someone is telling her what to focus on and when, and that they probably sometimes tell her what to say but that she comes up with many of the idiotic comments on her own. At first she was the shiny new thing, but the more people get to know her, the more they see how little she knows and how destructive she is. I can picture her handlers in a media room, surrounded by TV monitors and computers, gnashing their teeth and pulling out their hair at her latest dumb, alienating comment.

Deplorable Patriot

I still like the idea that AOC is a plant sent into the enemy camp to destroy it.
Call me a romantic.


No one could pretend to be that stupid… it’s a gift, you have to born with it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That doesn’t mean she’s not doing exactly what the good guys want her to be doing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Watching her transition from stupid to evil is reminding me of certain dictators that started out the same way.


Kentucky’s only abortion clinic resumed seeing patients Saturday after a federal judge in Louisville blocked the state from enforcing a new abortion law.
The General Assembly passed the bill late Thursday, and it was signed soon after by Gov. Matt Bevin.
But U.S. District Judge David Hale issued the temporary restraining order at 7:40 p.m. Friday, barring the state from enforcing Senate Bill 9 — the “fetal heartbeat” bill — which bans abortion once a heartbeat is detected, usually around the sixth week of pregnancy.
Bevin signed the bill just after midnight Friday, and because it carried an “emergency” declaration, it took effect immediately.
That forced EMW Women’s Surgical Center in Louisville to turn patients away Friday who had been scheduled for abortions, said Amber Duke, a spokeswoman for the ACLU of Kentucky, which represents the clinic.
The clinic also had begun canceling patient appointments for Saturday, when staff learned the judge had blocked enforcement of SB 9, she said.
On Friday, the ACLU filed a lawsuit challenging the new law, arguing it is unconstitutional in that it would effectively ban all abortions in Kentucky because most women don’t realize they are pregnant until at least six weeks into a pregnancy.
“Taking another page straight out of the anti-abortion playbook, Kentucky became the latest state to pass a law that will ban abortion before most women know they’re pregnant,” said Brigitte Amiri, deputy director with the ACLU Reproductive Freedom Project. “These bans are blatantly unconstitutional, and we will ask the court to strike it down.”
Hale’s order later that same day, citing the the “strong likelihood of success” of the ACLU’s claim that the law is unconstitutional, ordered that enactment of the law be delayed for 14 days until he is able to hold a hearing on the matter.
“The Supreme Court has stated in no uncertain terms that regardless of whether exceptions are made for particular circumstances, a state may not prohibit any woman from making the ultimate decision to terminate her pregnancy before viability.” Hale’s order said, citing a 1992 U.S. Supreme Court ruling affirming its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion.
A fetus is considered viable at about 24 weeks.
Hale’s order said that “Senate Bill 9 would effectively ban the vast majority of abortions in the Commonwealth of Kentucky,” and that if the law is enforced before a hearing, patients “would be immediately and irreparably harmed absent a temporary restraining order from this court.”
Hale’s order noted the law has an emergency clause that allowed it to take effect immediately but ”little explanation accompanies this declaration.”


cant even get anything past these people. they are tenacious! thank goodness for those judges working late friday to be on top of this oppressive law! what a country!

Deplorable Patriot

The pro-death crowd is determined, that is for sure. What they don’t realize is that their determination is feeding into the evil plans for them.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

George “Karma” Papadopoulos is a true gift that keeps on giving! LMAO!!!


comment image


Look at the Avatar that POTUS just retweeted!

Gail Combs

“To learn who rules over you, simply learn who you are not allowed to criticize.” — Voltaire

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

To which I say “We will see you burn in hell first.”

Sylvia Avery

A Q avatar? Well done, Mr. President! Slowly, but surely, there are more little hints!


And on the 17th!
As Q just posted this afternoon in #3097 – “How much more obvious can we make it?”


Right Katie!😜🤣


The many stains of John McCain.

And that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Soviet brainwash useful “hero”.


There also was that “little” fire/accident he created back in the military…

Deplorable Patriot

This story is now getting better exposure thanks to the denial. There are stories on several outlets. Just to get chatter and buzz started on it is a good thing for red pilling and awakening purposes.
Google responds after Trump, Joint Chiefs chairman accuse tech giant of aiding Chinese military
Google said Saturday that it works in areas that include recruiting, cybersecurity and health care in response to claims made by President Trump and top military officials that its work in China benefits the Chinese military….
In a statement, a Google spokesperson said “We are not working with the Chinese military. We are working with the U.S. government, including the Department of Defense, in many areas including cybersecurity, recruiting and healthcare.” The statement was posted on Twitter by Wall Street Journal reporter Vivian Salama….
The company has faced criticism over work on a censored search engine — dubbed “Project Dragonfly” — that would allow it to return to China after leaving in 2010 over human rights concerns, according to the paper. Google said it had “no plans to launch in China and there is no work being undertaken on such a project.”
CEO Sundar Pichai previously said the company intends to expand in China.


YEP – and the mainstream withheld and hid a bunch of Øbama’s drug use and other ugly stuff as well.


Isnt that a starter pack for success with the dimms?




Surely aoc and tlaib will stand toegther with her. Leftist womens solidarity movement right?


At least some recognize that they crossed the point of no return with these three…
I’m sure Nasty Nan doesn’t like them stealing her limelight.


‘Season of the Loot’ (h/t Howie aka DooDahDaze from CTH)
“Federal agencies billed taxpayers millions for lobster tail, alcohol, standing desks, golf carts, and more frivolous expenditures before budgets ran out at the end of the fiscal year.
A new analysis released by found 66 agencies spent $97 billion last September, the final month of fiscal year 2018. The end of the year taxpayer-funded spending spree included contracts with Coors, millions on iPhones, furniture, and CrossFit equipment.
“In the final month of the fiscal year, federal agencies scramble to spend what’s left in their annual budget,” said. “Agencies worry spending less than their budget allows might prompt Congress to appropriate less money in the next fiscal year. To avoid this, federal agencies choose to embark on an annual shopping spree rather than admit they can operate on less.”
Resulting government expenditures included $4.6 million on lobster tail and crab; $673,471 on golf carts; $1.7 million on pianos, tubas, and trombones; $9.8 million on workout and recreation equipment; and $7.7 million iPhones and iPads.”
Marie Antoinette comes to mind….and Guillotines.

Harry Lime

That noise that government makes…comment image

Harry Lime

…I should say that noise that bloated government makes…


Sound effects….

Cuppa Covfefe

or not Tuba…
That is the question 🙂
(OK, that was a bass remark 🙂 )…
(Someone dialled the wrong number on the Sousa-phone)…


UK: Stepdad Called “Racist Bigot” For Opposing Daughter’s Homework Assignment to Write Letter to Her Family About Converting to Islam


Here We Go… New Zealand Officials Request Personal Info on Any Online User at Kiwifarms Website Who Discussed Shooter’s Manifesto


The Kiwifarms administrator responded to the e-mail from the New Zealand police department, and promptly told them that he would not be complying with their request and that he would not be handing over the IP addresses, personal identifying information, or other privacy data of users, and that the police department was duly overstepping their bounds in order to censor the entire internet, writing…
“Is this a joke? I’m not turning over information about my users. The person responsible for posting the video and manifesto PDF is myself.
”I feel real bad for you guys, you’ve got a quiet nation and now this attack is going to be the first thing people think of for the next 10 years when they hear the name New Zealand, but you can’t do this. Tell your superiors they’re going to make the entire country and its government look like clowns by trying to censor the Internet. You’re a small, irrelevant island nation barely more recognizable than any other nameless pacific sovereignty. You do not have the clout to eradicate a video from the Internet and you do not have the legal reach to imprison everyone whose posted it. If anyone turns over to you the information they’re asking for they’re not only cowards, but they’re fucking idiots.
“If you’re wondering, no. Kiwi Farms has nothing to do with New Zealand. Our name is a pointed jab at some of the mushmouthed autistic people we make fun of. Absolutely nothing about our community is NZ oriented.
“And I don’t give a single solitary fuck what section 50 of your faggot law say about sharing your email. Fuck you and fuck your shithole country.”
Detective John Michael meekly responded by saying…
“Appreciate your quick response.
“Will definitely consider what you have said.”





Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good thing that podunk island of idiots isn’t dealing with President Wolf Moon, who would let President Hijab decide which of her two big islands becomes America’s new Pacific nuclear test site with a COIN TOSS.

Cuppa Covfefe

Sounds like they’re due for another quake…
Then again, that would just make the normies suffer; the elite princely rabble would just keep going on with their demonic deeds…


This is outrageous……(and I’m full unaware of my earlier posts)…..


*fully aware of


yea, when you compare this to the questions Amy Coney Barret is expected to get if she is nominated to the SCOTUS concerning her Catholic faith….well, its transparently pathetic


MOAR Trump Twitter Warfare!!!


Calling out voter fraud.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It means they have proof. He’s going to CULL all those who dare question it. POPCORN.
Billy-Bob Kristolmeth will not be able to resist!!!




Yes. Exactly what occurred to me as I read, reread his words. All of a sudden bringing up voter fraud in the context of that tweet infers knowledge and evidence.
The Big Reveal may be more illuminating than we anticipated. 🙂


New Information Ties the Phony Anti-Trump-Russia Dossier to DNC Billionaire and Far Left Donor George Soros


*fully aware


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: fe07c6 No.5740605
Mar 17 2019 18:01:13 (EST)
What day is today?
How much more obvious can we make it?


the 17Th… Q Day…



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: fe07c6 No.5740802
Mar 17 2019 18:09:22 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 2298c5 No.5740687
Mar 17 2019 18:04:18 (EST)
Look what POTUS retweeted and what’s in the upper left corner. Hmmmm
Retweet ‘many’ for plausible deniability?
March (17) – message to?


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: fe07c6 No.5740846
Mar 17 2019 18:10:55 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 20be36 No.5740813
Mar 17 2019 18:09:50 (EST)

Molly Pitcher

Can you translate for us Q dummies?

Deplorable Patriot

That one is a cheerleading thing.

Molly Pitcher

thank you


WRWY = We Are With You


I just discovered today that on Qmap you can hover mouse over and it gives the words! I’m likely just late to realize it but it is so handy. I recently saw an interactive list of every set of initials that was “clickable” and I tried every way I knew to copy but did not succeed.


Deplorable Patriot

Waiting for the Never Trumpers to jump on this claim.
I’m not going cook or serve crow, but I will take sinful pleasure in watching a few people I know eat it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You know what this means – they now have proof of 2016 election theft. Bet somebody squealed BIG.


Hi Tria!! Welcome to the most welcoming place on the internet!!! Hugs!!

Gail Combs

Well I figured out WHY the DemonRats are tossing the Jews under the bus!
“There were about 4 million adherents of Judaism in the U.S. as of 2001, approximately 1.4% of the US population.” (Jews do NOT breed like rabbits but Muslims do.)
It looks like MUSLIMS now out number Jews by about Two to One!
less than 0.01% until 1900
0.13% in 1951
0.49% in 1971
1.3% in 1981
1.57% in 1991
1.74% in 2001
2.20% in 2009 (seven million)
The 2017 Gallop Poll LIES when they under estimate by 1/2 and say that ONLY 3.45 million Muslims are in the USA or, about 1.1% of U.S. population.
NO WONDER THE MUslims are getting UPPITY! we are fast approaching the critical 5% when they DEMAND SUPERIOR STATUS!

Molly Pitcher

That’s grim. I know we think with our patriotic spirit and Christian values that we’ll somehow someway not become what the UK is or Sweden or Finland but can we?
They’ve aligned with the socialist dems. Smart move. Became their pet protected class. Now they’re getting elected.
One thing that we must hammer home is the hijab crap. That seems to be their very clever wedge. Ignore the bearded men but let’s concentrate on these powerful women’s voices and look at their lovely hijab and what it represents..blahblah
I saw a pic of a billboard in Texas..yes Texas extolling the hijab’s virtues. It seems annoying and trite but it’s a method. Condition people to view it as noble. If that’s their 1st foray into mainstream..we need to fight it


remember back when we were all slapping the yellow ribbo n magnets on our cars and supporting the troops fighting the radical muslims that “did 9/11”? and how wome ns groups came out denoucing the oppression of women in islam. and they wanted to free the women and thw headdress things were so oppressive?
we are truly f’d with this whole thing.
the terrorists did win! and our “government” facilitated every bit of it under orders from their global masters! brilliant.

Molly Pitcher

they’re very patient too. That said, I really do think that when satansista lost to DJT it forced them to accelerate plans. Maybe too fast.
The NZ episode also, it’s like a fist in the face to all their citizens. Will they just lay back and take it? The censorship went from 0 to 60 in minutes.

Molly Pitcher

One other thought that popped into my head is the fact that many men become muslim converts while in prison. Could that play any part in PTrump’s prison reform? He’s a deep thinker so it wouldn’t surprise me

Deplorable Patriot

The prison converts have crossed my mind.
The other thing to remember is that adherents of that system reproduce at a quick clip. The west does not.

Molly Pitcher

It helps when they take several wives

Deplorable Patriot

Even with just one wife they have a lot of kids.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The appropriate, although admittedly hazardous, answer to such demands would be to invite them to engage in sexual relations with a pig.

Deplorable Patriot

If any of them move onto our end of the block, several of us would be more than happy to grill ribs, pork steaks, and more on a daily basis. With all luck the wind will be blowing the right way.
And then…I’ve always wanted to put in a Blessed Mother lily garden.


I do feel the need to jump into this convo, just as a reminder to everyone, that there truly ARE moderate Muslims. As I have probably mentioned before, I was responsible in Warrenton, VA for handling the housing, meals, entertainment, transportation, etc., etc. for 8 Egyptian Naval officers about 10 days after 9/11. They were all Muslim and ranged from fairly devout to going through the motions. My daughter and her friends took about 5 of them to party in DC and, man, do they know how to party! One of them wanted her to get them some Ecstasy but I put my foot down on that one. A few of them had been to school in the US and had relatives living here.
To a man, they were kind, respectful, and considerate and strongly supported the US. One of the more serious Mohammeds (I think there were 3 of them) did ask for a room to pray in where there had been no dogs when he came to my house for their Ramadan meal (prepared by them in my kitchen). I directed him to my grandson’s room. And, of course, I made sure the Inn at Vint Hill (where I arranged for them to take all their mid-day meals) were VERY clear there was to be no pork. And then there was Magdi – oh, my goodness! He would no doubt be considered to be an apostate by a really devout Muslim! He was the one who wanted the pills; he was also engaged (via family dictate) and was supposed to buy her a wedding gown while he was in the US. Uh, needless to say, that didn’t happen… fact, he wanted to not even go back but I convinced him that would NOT be wise.
We had an absolutely wonderful time with these guys – they loved my grandson and my daughter, and partied with my friends. I had them over for an old fashioned American bbq and Thanksgiving dinner, and we shared the Ramadan meal. One of them – he became Troublemaker Aymon after he taught my 4 year old grandson what grand fun it was to throw a nerf ball into the ceiling fan – was from a small village and had never had brown sugar before or candied sweet potatoes. That is the ONE dish I am always required to bring for holiday dinners because it is soooooo sinfully good. He simply fell in love and insisted I make another entire batch just for him……and he didn’t share a bit of it with the other guys either!
Two of them spent Christmas eve with us and shared the fun when we opened our presents. We took them all to the airport on Christmas day, with their “pregnant” suitcases.
Each and every time these fine men came to my house, they brought me some kind of gift – a water-color papyrus, small Egyptian figurines, flowers, always something.
Well, that turned out to be a LOT more than I had planned to post……I think you get my drift, tho. Not all Muslims are bad…..just sayin’. I remain friends on FB with Aziz still and we hope to be able to get together one day soon. His son goes to school in the US.

Cuppa Covfefe

One word: Taqiyyah. Another word: Hijrah.
They can, and will be nice, until they gain the upper hand by increasing their population.
I know this to be a fact, living in Germany and watching the no-go zones develop all over Europe. I used to travel to Göteborg and Malmö all the time on business. I would NEVER set foot there again. The Moslems have taken over; they have their own “Sharia Police”, and they extract jizrah (tax) from all non-Moslem businesses.
Look up “Antanzen” which is a “sport” of Moslems as they gang rape girls and women here. They form a ring around the victim, which become three concentric rings as the crowds (and number of participants) grows. The inner circle comprises the active rapists; the middle circle, the watchers or “trainees”; and the outer circle the “protection” from those who would defend the woman/women and the police, etc. One could say the outer two circles are “moderates”; not participating, but watching, aiding, and abetting the crimes of the more aggressive Moslems.
Also, with regard to Moslem influx in a neighborhood. The first “plant” is the “prayer room” aka “social center”. Not yet a full-fledged Mosque, it serves as the basis for the “faithful” in their venture to start a new community. Next, the Moslems seek property nearby, and once they start moving in, they agitate, make noise at all hours (e.g. fireworks), cavalierly ignore German laws, and basically work at driving the native Germans (and non-Moslem immigrants) away from their neighborhoods. Families that have been in the same area hundreds of years. As this number and density of Moslems grows, so does their efforts to control the community, and even what appears in the shelves of stores, not to mention segregating the sexes in swimming pools and athletic and other facilities. As an example of this, a number of Subway sandwich shops in the UK no longer offer ham or pork (salami, pulled pork, or ribs).
Pity the poor longtime citizens of the UK who can no longer get their usual sub, or even a sausage roll because it’s pork.
Over here, most of the little pizza/schnell-imbiss (fast food hole-in-the-wall) restaurants (often with hundreds of items on their menus) no longer have ANY pork or alcohol. Instead, it’s Turkish beef salami (yuck), with chicken/turkey fake ham, so that the delicate sensibilities of the Moslems are not “injured”. Where we once (in my small town) had five or six “Italianer” (Italian Pizza Parlors), we now have only one.
Creeping Sharia is not just a myth or a rumor; it is a fact. And it is a BLIGHT on the face of the earth.
There are NO moderate Moslems; there are only dormant or apostate ones. And they will be punished by the stronger ones. I see it here all the time. The change between 9/11/2001 and 9/12/2001 was breathtaking. From “humble” immigrants to proud soon-to-be-overlords, from one day to the next. And since Merde-kel opened the gates to the refauxgees, the plague has increased exponentially. And I have been watching this grow here for over 35 years.
Do NOT let them con you. For to them Mohammedanism is not just a religion; it is EVERYTHING.


Cuppa, a stark warning from you which ought to be heeded by all. A very few have received the gospel and been converted, but creeping chrislam and naive Christians a big problem.


Cuppa, that’s a scary dose of reality and should be a big warning to us here in the US. People in opposition due to experiences like you just mentioned are not allowed to publicize the true impact of Muslim relocation on their communities in Europe. If they do they are intentionally targeted and shut down (think what has happened to Tommy Robinson). I fear Europe has reached the breaking point and the yellow vests are testimony to the people finally rising up.


Yes, I am FULLY aware of the very real dangers of Islamists.


I am getting a little tired of people here assuming I am stupid because I don’t have a bunch of initials behind my name and some fancy degrees. I am not! I have probably at least a thousand links – maybe more – on the subject.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, there are moderate muslims, and there are many that are so in name only and claim that. They’d walk away without much prompting. But those aren’t the sorts that would make a big deal of the people around being Christian or Jewish.


Gail, that makes total sense. The real numbers of Muslims in America are kept hidden because of the secretive refugee resettlement program as are the real number of illegals which will be exposed in the upcoming census under the non-citizen question that they are trying to remove. Their only hope for maintaining power and control is by harvesting those voter blocks.
There are a couple of people you should check out who expose the how, the why, and the criminality of refugee importation. They are Ann Corcoran (Refugee Resettlement Watch and Frauds, Crooks and Criminals) and Leo Hohmann. Here are the links to their blog sites and you can also find and follow them on twitter. There is a HUGE amount of info on their sites. Everyone here at the QTH should bookmark the links.


hmmm – as Daughn would say, that’s a nice chewy tidbit


I made this myself, well I added text to an image, but I had to install a new font… anyway!!!!comment image


As it happens there already is a text font named,,, wait for it….. keep on truckin…… Who Knew!!!
Be safe peeps…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love it!!! 😀


Cannot believe I gave away all my Fabulous Furry Freak Brother, Fritz the Cat and other “underground” comix.
I coulda been rich.


Corey Lynn has a very encouraging THREAD …


Am eagerly awaiting the Venn diagrams.


Love Corey!



so i was just tooling around the web, curious of course about the location of certain island countries, geography that kind of stuff. maybe how far they are from certain other islands, etc. again no reason really. so i looked at nearby large land masses, o e some of us know about but do not know a lot about… wanted to see some maps. foumd some maps… and i guess i can take these maps as good info because check out who produced the maps:
“The following maps were produced by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, unless otherwise indicated.”




some intesting stuff in there.
checking out some stuff about that ross ice shelf.

Gail Combs

Researchers Find Major West Antarctic Glacier Melting from Geothermal Sources
It has the usual CAGW spin (needed to obtain grant funding) and also this:
“…Using radar techniques to map how water flows under ice sheets, UTIG researchers were able to estimate ice melting rates and thus identify significant sources of geothermal heat under Thwaites Glacier. They found these sources are distributed over a wider area and are much hotter than previously assumed.
The geothermal heat contributed significantly to melting of the underside of the glacier, and it might be a key factor in allowing the ice sheet to slide, affecting the ice sheet’s stability…”

I would really hate being a government scientist or a university scientist today and having to compromise my ethics in order to get the funding I need. On the other hand being an industry scientist is just as bad. I got fired three times and finally blackballed. Whistleblower? Don’t make me laugh. The government isn’t interested. (BTDT) The elite have us pinned. Do as they wish or starve – Bummer (Now you know why I am so cynical.)
Huge Underwater Volcanoes Discovered Near Antarctica
The Arctic has active volcanoes under the sea too
Arctic Volcanoes Found Active at Unprecedented Depths


My brother in law works for a Geothermal Energy Co. and supervises 3 plants that produce electricity by drilling wells about 1500 feet. The steam is 650 degrees that drive the turbines. Very interesting and what is odd it is 20 miles north of Antelope Wells, NM border and that was the area that Trump tweeted the illegal crossings in the last couple of days. We toured the back roads and witnessed a lot of border patrol agents patrolling the area.
Of note one of the workers at the plant told me his father crossed illegally 40 years ago and he was one of seventeen children. They hated the illegals crossing now.
Sorry the geothermal triggered my memories of this past summer.


good stuff cont.
lots are locked.
“Restricted Maps
Some maps are marked as “Restricted” (with a icon). These maps are restricted due to one of the following reasons:
Identified with formal copyright
Contains licensed satellite imagery
Contains sensitive information
Explicit request from authoring organization
Restricted maps will not show thumbnails or be available for public download. If you would like to request a restricted map, please send an email to and include the Map ID(s). These maps will be distributed on a map-by-map basis, depending on your affiliation, U.S. federal funding, or purpose”


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 83b445 No.5741764
Mar 17 2019 18:53:59 (EST)
What does a dog do when he/she has a bone?
Did he have a therapist?
Who paid for his travel to the Middle East?


comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Here’s the pic that goes with 3100.comment image


thanks, I tried to post it separately twice but my posts didn’t post

Deplorable Patriot

All I do is right click and put the image in a new tab and then copy and paste the URL.


yep…..usually works, perhaps I had too many posts in a row or sumtin…….

Deplorable Patriot

When a dog has a bone, supposedly they bury it. BUT, after a lifetime of having dogs, they gnaw on the bone more often. They also protect it like it was a child.


comment image


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 264e92 No.5742252
Mar 17 2019 19:15:28 (EST)


Nice to see Burn getting some Q luv

Deplorable Patriot

I saw that thread via VOAT earlier. Good stuff.

Harry Lime

This spawn of Satan is on a global speaking tour…while John Manafort is in prison?


So the thread tells us that NZ shut down access to 8chan and Cue because 49 people died. Who gave the dog the bone? There are no coincidences.


Hey Q team, if you happen to monitor this site, how about ya mention the word “Tree” or “Wolf” in a future post 😉
Spread the love!


Your answer is below.




Here they go….


Last I checked, that’s not one of the qualifications for office of president under the U.S. Constitution.


that is also one of the things in the HR1 bill along with all the illegal voter 16 age voter no crosscheck rosters no provissional all good to go immediately and new rules on judges even who can be nominated and their views on things etc.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: c0a53e No.5743297
Mar 17 2019 20:08:31 (EST)
‘We must fight.”


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: c0a53e No.5743362
Mar 17 2019 20:10:46 (EST)
“We have to fight back.”


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 893044 No.5743399
Mar 17 2019 20:12:54 (EST)

“Keep fighting…”


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 893044 No.5743516
Mar 17 2019 20:17:05 (EST)


comment image


Pic from above postcomment image


A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.”
“For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” ~ Marcus Tullius Cicerocomment image


perfect summation.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 893044 No.5743604
Mar 17 2019 20:19:56 (EST)


OH MY!!!!!!comment image


Is this not a personal to US Q Tree proof?Q?@?!?!?


As Q would say “do you believe in coincidences”


Ask and ye shall receive??!!!!

Molly Pitcher

Whoa..does that mean what I think it might? The side of the tree still thriving is here?


Oh, Molly. That was exactly my first thought!!!

Molly Pitcher

lol ya know I’m a fairly even keeled person but that…I’m stoked about that and I’m going to choose to believe that’s what it means!


That’s deep…..I like it


…and if they do monitor this site, they have to know we came from the other treehouse – and why

Molly Pitcher

yes !



Molly Pitcher

Plus..that tree resembles the ones Wheatie finds for us..the flowers, the ethereal feel…not the usually strong oak for a tree of liberty…

Gail Combs

It is a very lovely painting.


Um……except Q posted at 20:19 and you posted at 20:32……unless there is a time difference for some reason?


Check these out,comment image
Wait, what’s wolf doing on that side? 😆comment image


And another one,comment image


I do believe, we’ve been Q’d!
Way to go realsauce!


Oh My Applesauce!!!!!!!
Q reads US!!!!!!!!!!!
Marica doesn’t have enough exclamation points for this! There aren’t enough in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wait! What? Are you guys kidding? Aubergine!! IF TRUE, You are Fake News( 🤣) Marica stockpiled for years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😘




For many years I have told people with whom I converse or engage, that I am not easily offended. They can be frank. As with anger, it takes too much energy to be offended. And it smacks of the self absorption we are advised to eschew. Easily offended has seemed to me to be a form of reverse pride that I hope to avoid.


i agree 100%
political correctness explosion helped to foster this so effectively.


Thank you.

Elizabeth Carter

Roberta, Easily Offended is a power play to make other people consider your feelings while caring nothing at all about those other peoples feelings. It is a weapon. They make you walk on eggs not to offend them while they offend everyone they come in contact with.

Gail Combs

That is very very accurate assessment.
I spend a good fifteen minutes apologizing to a customer at a daycare who went BALLISTIC because I called her girls ‘pretty little black girls’ I lost the account despite groveling for that 15 minutes… NEVER AGAIN!
(The’ black girls’ is what I call my three black Shetland mares so it is completely automatic.)


Nice description of a tactic of emotional abusers!

Sylvia Avery

On an unrelated and trivial note, a week ago it was cold and we had several inches of snow on the ground and I was reheating chili for our dinner. I just came in from walking the dog and it is 65 degrees and I can smell someone with steak on the BBQ. I’m not hungry but it smells so good I’m about to go knocking on doors and invite myself in.
Okay, back to Q. What the heck is up with that tree?????????????????????


March 17, 2019 at 20:32
Hey Q team, if you happen to monitor this site, how about ya mention the word “Tree” or “Wolf” in a future post
Spread the love!

Sylvia Avery

OHHHHH………………! I like that a lot!!!!


Not sure it’s accurate–however–I Likey too!!!😍😎🍀


…..but that is not an evergreen….


Volgarian–Some are talking that it is the Tree of Liberty…But it doesnt look like that either.. I think it looks like an Evergreen–Burning on one side and burnt on the other–At least my big white pines look like that–


What I see looks like an oak or maple in vivid fall foliage….the other side maybe winter?🤷
I’m not very good at this….but I like the idea of it being a flaming evergreen 🤔


You totally could be right—Maybe its Showing a Fall, then Winter Tree..Next would be …SPRING!!🤷‍♀️ There will be MOAR bakers on this!

Sylvia Avery

My vision is so blurry I can’t tell. I thought it was aflame on one side, but maybe it not. Maybe it is just fall leaves on a deciduous tree.


It’s kind of ominous appearing when you look closely. So stark and bare….


I’m with you, Sylvia. It’s a contrast between good/evil, life/death.
Scripture: “He makes his ministers a flame of fire.” Psalm 104:4 and Hebrews 1:7 – It appears in both OT and NT.

Gail Combs

It is NOT an evergreen!
Maple Tree Fall×768.jpg
Maple Tree Winter
On my drive to and from work there were four beautiful Sugar Maples surounding a beautiful White New England Church. I used to look at them every day especially in the fall when they went bright yellow red and orange. (Still have the pictures I took with the 35 mm)


I’m thinking pin oak (a fast growing type red oak), has those small lil “volunteer” limbs low on the trunk..
I know about these because I harvested some logs for woodworking 20 yrs or so ago, had them milled up, and those annoying lil branches made the lumber not worth the effort, longest usable board feet was about 4 ft


though pin oaks usually aren’t quite that colorful in the fall

Gail Combs

Oak was my other choice based on the shape of the bare limbs and the shape of the tree. The pin oak is more vivid a red than most oaks but I do not think it gets the flaming colors of the Sugar Maple that make New England fall foliage famous.comment image
This tree is like the tree in the farmers field near me that I love to look at in wintercomment image


The winter “side” would be prettier with snow like in your pic

Gail Combs

Yes it would but the ‘statement’ would not be as effective.
I do love to see the trees snow covered or with a coating of ice glistenning in the sun.

Elizabeth Carter

Dark to Light may be the meaning.


In my opinion, it’s a sugar maple. But I’m biased, I live in the Heart of Ohio Maple country and my initials are SAP. ;~)


There is no way that tree post by Q was anything other than a response to the request earlier today by Realsauce.


We are divided.
I am very happy to be amongst the living in a beautiful and vibrant Q Tree.
We have found our tree as a symbol forever and ever.


interesting take Plat! hmm🤔


So maybe at last?comment image




Good vs. Evil is my take.


Oh, man, it has just occurred to me that this may mean Q has actually read something I wrote.
I am speechless.
And I gotta dig some more.

Cuppa Covfefe

What you need is a telescoping shovel. Just extend it over the fence to the barbeque, scoop, liift, and retract your desired steak(s) 🙂
Nothing like being a “steakholder” 🙂

Sylvia Avery

Ha, ha! I have a vision!


Cuppa, you are priceless. Sylvia, happens here where I live all the time. I become so envious as I am unable to grill. Have wished so often I had the nerve to take meat over and ask if they would cook it for me. Lol. That retracting shovel a great idea.

Gail Combs

All you have to do is take TWO steaks over, one for them and MAKE FRIENDS.
We have new neighbors moving in who are building and we are already doing favors for each other. I really love living in the country in the south.


Gail, great idea, but being blind and not even getting around all that well, cannot see where they lilve or who they are. The aroma just drives me nearly crazy on spring and summer evenings. I even bought a little charcoal folding grill that has never been used. Lol.

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe Glade needs a new scent or two – BBQ ribs, steak, and maybe southern country breakfast: Jimmy Dean Hot sage and/or maple sausage, bacon, bacon, bacon :), flapjacks, and, of course, covfefe 🙂
Speaking of little charcoal folding grills, there’s a fellow named George Goble (not the one who felt like a pair of brown shoes in a room full of black Tuxedos) who is a networks and refrigeration expert at Purdue (he created a dual-CPU Vax before DEC did it, and also, in his spare time, became a refrigeration expert and inventor, with a few replacements for R134a that are safer and better – as opposed to his BBQ methods).
Well, as engineers do, one day he and his buddies were trying to see how fast they could get a Barbecue lit. Having access to tools and methods beyond the reach of us mere mortals, they managed, via liquid Oxygen (DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME) to get a fire fully (and then some) lit in less than three seconds.
The grill, from K-Mart, didn’t fare too well 🙂
Dave Barry, the humorist wrote a column about it.
A description and interview with George Goble:
And a YouTube (with description) of it getting lit:

There used to be one with sound, but it appears to have been taken down.


Cuppa, too bad about the sound one being removed. Lol. And oh, bacon, bacon, bacon. steak, bacon.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 893044 No.5744036
Mar 17 2019 20:33:41 (EST)


pic from post abovecomment image

Sylvia Avery

Okay. I am seeing Q’s everywhere. But I swear, doesn’t that nimbus around the sun look like it has a tail coming out of it making a Q?

Molly Pitcher

lol I hear ya on that. Some days if I’ve been on tear online when I dream my thoughts are scrolling like on a printed page. Freaky. I pray that the white hats and PTrump can get this country (and others) back on track so regular people can let up on searching, sharing, teaching 24/7.
No rest until that happens!


Image name 1775.png
the BEGINNING of the American Revolution


A NEW morning in America……

Elizabeth Carter

The Shot Heard Round the World 4-19-1775 Patriots Day


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6e1213 No.5745514
Mar 17 2019 21:42:20 (EST)
Hello, Jack.PNG

Who has the ‘real’ control?
Can you remove the top comments?


heh…the “hello Jack” freaked me out for a second….my name is Jack 😉


Its awesome to see some positive supportive MAGA comments near the top of his twitter feed comments


…and the piccomment image


Wow, it’ll be real interesting to see if @Jack can replace the top comments, all positive complete with some big @qanon76 responses.


Oh wow! I just watched this happen in REAL TIME.
I saw this Q-post here, went to Twitter to check out Trump’s feed. The above tweet by Q had been superseded by a shitpost. I clicked out of it, and immediately back in, and the above tweet was BACK ON TOP!!!
Q is on a roll!
Qewl!!!! I am just a little excited right now.


Aubergine!! POTUS is pulling us all in!!! I am feeling the SAME thing!!! We are living in real live Cyber War that POTUS is enjoying in the best of ways!!! After the REX Article yesterday!! Marica has ZERO worries!! GOD WINS!! We WIN! DJT is our MOSES, David, …Prophet– God Sent!!
Hugs!! 😘😘😘


Hugs back! So exciting!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I saw your post above. It could very well be. I told everybody earlier about a confirmation that “patriots were in control” – it was a similar sort of “oh boy” realization.

Molly Pitcher

some other comments~~


Q does post things with/for multiple interpretations…
Will be interesting if a future post is in response to anon’s theories and inquiries about the image.


Here we go,
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 208a6b No.5745998 📁
Mar 17 2019 22:01:01 (EST)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 208a6b No.5745956 📁
Mar 17 2019 21:59:56 (EST)
Thanks for playing, @Jack.
Showing your hand was the intended target.
The ‘SRIKE’ will be FAST.
Shall We Play A Game?
On the move.


‘Showing your hand was the intended target”, I have a feeling that Q’s targets are in the reply to the top responses to Potus’ MAGA tweet

Deplorable Patriot

Jack is knee jerking without thinking.
Although, given how rough he’s been looking lately one has to wonder what chemicals are running loose in his brain.

Gail Combs

^^^The Painting “Angels and Demons”^^^
Ceiling painting of angels battling demons in the Vatican Museum
by Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574) & Federico Zucarr (1541-1609)
(Sorry I forgot to label)
(Really good photos)

Molly Pitcher

Thank you…bookmarked that


Off to bed all, I may not be a Baker, but I am a Brewer, early brew day tmmrw…….
Gnite Qtree and QTeam! 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good Night!!!


Love ya realsauce!!! Sweet dreams!!! Happy you are on our team!!😘


Might as well just say goodnight to Q as well.
And, as the lights are turned out in our humble abode, I have to wonder what happenings we will find in the morning.


They stole your family’s plan [sort of] for the border


Daughn, I’ll take your plan, thank you very much!!!!


t3 Awsome. thanks!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

New daily coming in a few minutes!!!


They found her !!!
She is alive !!!comment image


TTT Thanks for the article and especially for sharing your dream. The photo was breathtaking! Tonight was the first time I had to really focus on it as yesterday …. well it was yesterday but it became today before I was finished with all I wanted to do…
“it is my conviction that to the degree that evil strongholds in our land are destroyed spiritually, the degree of the physical conflict will lessen” is a very profound statement and aligns exactly with my thoughts which really took form back when the first Gulf War was raging and it wasn’t so visible here except in spiritual circles where it was whispered about.
Rick says, “One of the most important things we can do to prepare for the coming conflict is to refuse to be offended. This is basic Christianity and is called “forgiveness.” Your title, Overcoming Offendedness mirrors that but I never really thought of it that way before, so thank you for that.
On a personal level, forgiveness has always been a process I thought of as letting the other person/group/whatever off my “hook” and with God’s help I could do that. I can’t articulate how being offended though seemed different… …maybe “hurt/sad” as opposed to mad/angry or so in a state of disbelief that what was said/done actually happened. Growing up I never entertained the idea that someday people would actually plan to murder me and by the grace of God they failed each time!
It was issues that became a routine with my adult daughter where I found my “feelings getting hurt” and I didn’t like the feeling that led me to approach my “hurt feelings” in a different way. I have no idea where I found this but I am sure it was not an original idea. When I experienced “hurt feelings”, I learned to ask myself what the incident was bringing up in me that I needed to work on and once I drilled down and focused on “my issue” that surfaced from my conversation with me, it was no longer about what she said/did that hurt my feelings but more of accepting responsibility for how I felt that led to a growth process where I was uncovering a bunch of stuff I could correct in myself by looking at it from a different viewpoint. Do children help parents grow up? YES! It also became a way of living my life where I focus less on how wrong anything/anybody is and more on what it brings up inside me.
Forgiveness as I understand it, is a really personal process between us and God and allows everyone to move on their path and does not define winner/loser but focuses on being the best we can be which draws us into circles of people who have that intent. And to draw on your thoughts that to the degree that evil strongholds are destroyed spiritually, the degree of physical conflict will lessen, I can see that the larger those circles of people with the intent to do good and be our best selves become, the evil strongholds grow weaker.
I look forward to your next article…..thanks for inspiring me to think deeper❤❤❤