Dear MAGA: 20190609 Open Topic


This very special
Shavuot & Pentecost SUNDAY
open thread

is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody
to post whatever they feel they would like
to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.

Say what you want, comment on what other people said,
comment on people’s comments.
Keep it civil.  Treehouse rules, but expect lots of QAnon.

See the January 1st daily thread for the rules of the road,
which are few but important.

Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:



  Shavu'ot (in Hebrew)     Shavuot – Feast of Weeks

You shall count for yourselves — from the day after the Shabbat, from the day when you bring the Omer of the waving — seven Shabbats, they shall be complete. Until the day after the seventh sabbath you shall count, fifty days… You shall convoke on this very day — there shall be a holy convocation for yourselves — you shall do no laborious work; it is an eternal decree in your dwelling places for your generations. – Leviticus 21:15-16, 21

Origin of Shavuot

“Though various Christian denominations commemorate Pentecost, many forget that it was a Jewish holiday before the Church was established. The name Pentecost comes from the Greek word for 50, but the Jewish name is Shavuot (meaning weeks or sevens).” 
Shavuot was a way for our people to offer their best to the Lord. In Exodus, God commands His people: “The first of the firstfruits of your land you shall bring into the house of the Lord your God” (Exodus 23:19a34:26). Further instructions regarding this offering of firstfruits (grain) are outlined in Scripture in Deuteronomy 26:1–4:

And it shall be, when you come into the land which the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, and you possess it and dwell in it, that you shall take some of the first of all the produce of the ground, which you shall bring from your land that the Lord your God is giving you, and put it in a basket and go to the place where the Lord your God chooses to make His name abide. And you shall go to the one who is priest in those days, and say to him, ‘I declare today to the Lord your God that I have come to the country which the Lord swore to our fathers to give us.’ Then the priest shall take the basket out of your hand and set it down before the altar of the Lord your God.[1]

Following the presentation of the firstfruits or “wave loaves,” Jews would recite a prayer of supplication, describing the bondage of their ancestors in Egypt, their deliverance and their dependence on God, who brought them to “a land flowing with milk and honey” (Deuteronomy 26:9).  Read more …

Other Traditions

Shavuot is celebrated by both Traditional and Messianic Jews. Roman Catholics and liturgical Protestant churches both celebrate Pentecost 50 days after Easter Sunday. Following an older traditional calendar, Orthodox Christians celebrate Pentecost with an all night Vigil rich with symbolism. The church in Greece makes it a 3 day party you will want to be aware of if you are traveling to Greece on that weekend.

Think’s Thoughts

Trinity Icon

Considering the deep historical and spiritual meaning for this day, please ponder and think about celebrating our shared values for honoring the scriptures as given to Moses, the prophets, and teachers in the Judeo-Christian traditions.

This was one of three feasts given to the people where they would take their harvest (produce from the land), travel to the temple in Jerusalem, and present it before the Lord.
Just to make sure this picture is complete, remember that their harvest was used in two ways, to feed the family (landowners) that came to present it, and some was distributed to the priests, the fatherless, widows, and temporary residents–those without land to provide for themselves. In this way everyone in the nation was able to use this time to enjoy God’s goodness.
Imagine, if you will, the value of these feasts. Creating a special event creates unity among the members of the family. Making it a vacation from regular work gives them time to rest and restore between seasons. Traveling to Jerusalem strengthens bonds with the rest of the people in their nation. Offering their first fruits focuses their minds and hearts on the appreciation they naturally feel for the gift of abundance, land ownership and freedom from the bondages of the past. Sharing with others who did not have land probably increased their gratitude for the land they now enjoyed.
Starting from the observance of Passover, they would begin the countdown to this extraordinary celebration. After the destruction of the temple, the focus for the Jewish people shifted from the focus of offering the produce of their land to the giving of the Torah. This is a a beautiful tradition where the night is spent reading and giving thanks for the scriptures, especially the book of Ruth. (This tradition is not found in the writings of Moses.)

Pentecost | Greendale People's Church - Worcester
Gift to the Believers in All Nations

It is in this context that the disciples were instructed by Jesus,–after the resurrection, and 10 days before Shavuot–to wait in Jerusalem for the promise of the Father, where they would be baptized with the Holy Spirit. As Jews, they knew of the upcoming Shavuot Feast. Devout people from all over were gathering in preparation for it.
I can imagine on this day in that upper room the sounds of travelers greeting and the smells of food being prepared kept their minds on the significance of the time they were in.
In some way, you might see these men and women as the first fruits of the harvest given to Jesus by the Father. Thus, as they pray, Jesus presents them to the Father, who responds by sending fire from Heaven to baptize them.
The sounds from the streets of Jerusalem are replaced with the roaring sound of a rushing wind, the Holy Spirit, and then the loud voices of the believers as they begin to glorify the Lord. They are so loud that people on the streets stop and say, “What is this?” which prompted an explanation that led 3,000 more to believe and join this new community. What an amazing day!
Think *3

Extra servings of MIQUEDEM (whom I just found in my research for this post)… quieter song of Psalm 116 in Hebrew with subtitles… more rock style international concert in Jerusalem.

With strings in modern worship style in English from a rooftop in Jerusalem. I really like the visuals and the vocals in this one.

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Now all has been heard;
here is the conclusion of the matter:
Fear God and keep his commandments,
for this is the duty of all mankind.
For God will bring every deed into judgment,
including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.
Men will seek wealth, power and fame
And so they will lie, cheat and steal
To get those things the world will give
But passing by what God reveals.
Our wealth is not in what we own,
Or whether we’re suave or refined,
But comes from God and His Spirit
Within our heart, soul and mind.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
Don’t count on what you understand.
In all your ways submit to him,
And He will guide you in His plans.
Guard your minds and your thoughts,
Think of what’s true, noble and right.
Don’t worry about anything,
God has you clearly in His sight.
Rejoice in the Lord, rejoice always,
Praise Him and thank Him and pray.
Let your gentleness be known to all,
For the Lord may appear any day.
All is known to Me, says the Lord;
All that men think, do or say.
And there will be an accounting;
There will come the Judgment Day.
But fear is not why we should act;
We must all be guided by love.
Our love of God and for His ways
Will win His blessings from above.


Amen, Carl.
Thank you for this.
Very nicely said.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And speaking of poets……comment image


First time i’ve Read this quote by Emerson, but it certainly resonates! I can’t help but think of all the Liberals, the college students, Congress members, the MSM, etc. who so easily slide right into the Victim role if contradicted. Think of no-brain AOC who thinks she’s the smartest one in a Committee hearing and cannot stand to have experts with years of experience correct her talking points.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I have no idea if it’s a real quote, but I suspect it is.
Yes – AOC – schooled in communist vicitimological thinking.


Carl, may I reblog this to my WP blog, it is so beautiful? I would like to keep it with T3 post that I reblogged.


Absolutely. Anytime.

Jan Phillips

Amen, Bakocarl!


Thanks T3, there is much to be learned from the Jewish Holidays, when they are understood and followed from the heart and not by rote as many acts in the church seem to devolve to.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen!!! 😀


Our family has experienced many blessings these last four years as we follow the feast cycle. Around each feast we have experienced a “God or Yah” moment or blessing that fits perfectly into the theme or reason for the feast!


Persistence in His Name is real resistance.
This is what we must keep up.
I want to slap the left when they pull the victim card every single time a conservative defeats their loony argument.
Learning to laugh, instead.p

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love the way POTUS is “tossing out the ball”!!! 😀comment image


It’s really cool how that lined up like that.
I love that picture.


And it saved bandwidth by using something that was already in the image file.
Which is good.
I’m going to try to do that more often too.


Appears President Trump is waving to Wolf’s Q Tree…a hello of sorts to each of us:-)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! it does look like that, too!


There are no coincidences…


We are all out of Coincidences—Wolfm00n


Thr baby hummingbird is gone from the nest. It was big but Im hoping it flew off on its own.
Our ducks are coming twice a day now, just a drake and his mate. Being a good host I got a hard side kiddie pool, made in the USA even. They havent tried it yet but I put their food near it. We think Itd be fun to have a nest, but the ducks probably nest in the creek. It doesnt seem to hard to make a spot.
If this keeps up with the birds, we may need a dog at Christmas.comment imagecomment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love it!!!


YOU seem like a beautiful person. 🙂
so love the way you decorated duckie’s nest there in the wooden planter…the branches of the plants, LOL.
don’t know if you’re a gal or a guy but you’re a good ‘un. <3
nothing sweeter than baby ducks !


Oh thats just a pic i found, but its kikely that i will do just that. Ive already got supplies. Ty!


I believe there is a ‘Mr. Gil’, smiley – hope that helps – God Bless You!


Good Night Good Friends–Sleep Tight–
If Its Already Sunday–May your day be blessed
At The End Of The Day · Daniel O’Donnell
At the end of the day just kneel and say
“Thank you, Lord, for my work and play.”
I’ve tried to be good, for I know that I should
That’s a prayer for the end of the day.
So when the new dawn begins to break
Just lift up your eyes, let your heart awake
Be ready to meet what the day may send
And be ready to greet every man as a friend
Nobody knows what a power you have found
So do what you can for the others around
Carry them high when they seem to be low
As on your way you go.
At the end of the day just kneel and say
“Thank you, Lord, for my work and play.”
I’ve tried to be good, for I know that I should
That’s my prayer at the end of the day.


A couple months back I asked a few of you about finding sacagawea dollars and JFK coins. I wanrmted a specigic year but all I found were people selling rolls f or double face value.
I found a numismatist who didn’t have the exact year, but had plenty he sold to me a t face value, along eith JFK and Eisenhower coins. Those JFK half dollars are still made but people refuse to use them.
No matter, I have to out them in vinegar to shine them up for when the tooth fairy starts visiting.
“I got a gold coin for my tooth mommy!”


I’ve kept a few of each and even a couple of $2 bills.


I got some for tooth fairy and a few for Christmas stockings. Boys love small pocket treasures it seems. Theres always something getting washed.


Don’t think I will give mine away–don’t know why..


what a cool idea, gold coins from the tooth fairy!


When my daughter was first learning about ‘money’, she developed a love for coins.
First time I gave her a paper dollar, she said…”I don’t want this, I want real money. This is not real money, mommy.”
Out of the mouths of babes.


You may be able to just ask your bank. They won’t give you rolled uncirculated coins from prior years, but they’re generally quite happy to issue you a roll at face value. They get them from vending machines and merchants won’t request them to fill change drawers, so they stack up at banks.
Incidentally, the US Mint once had a special program to encourage the use of Presidential dollar coins. Private parties could order them in bulk, put them on a credit card, and the Mint would pay the freight to have them delivered to your door! As an accountant, I instantly saw the potential for abuse. I did a test run for $300 on my Discover Card, and received it in a weighty little box (that I didn’t even have to sign for!) without any additional charges. When I confirmed that Discover had actually given me my 1% cashback bonus ($3) for the deal, I was ready to go back and order $500/day indefinitely. Alas, they had figured it out themselves and the program was no more.
OTOH, I would give out Andrew Jackson dollar coins for years, explaining that the recipient could not spend it until they read up on the Bank War and Jackson’s veto speech over the reauthorization of the Second National Bank of the United States.
For those who are unfamiliar with that speech, it concludes:
“It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their selfish purposes. Distinctions in society will always exist under every just government. Equality of talents, of education, or of wealth can not be produced by human institutions. In the full enjoyment of the gifts of Heaven and the fruits of superior industry, economy, and virtue, every man is equally entitled to protection by law; but when the laws undertake to add to these natural and just advantages artificial distinctions, to grant titles, gratuities, and exclusive privileges, to make the rich richer and the potent more powerful, the humble members of society–the farmers, mechanics, and laborers–who have neither the time nor the means of securing like favors to themselves, have a right to complain of the injustice of their Government. There are no necessary evils in government. Its evils exist only in its abuses. If it would confine itself to equal protection, and, as Heaven does its rains, shower its favors alike on the high and the low, the rich and the poor, it would be an unqualified blessing. In the act before me there seems to be a wide and unnecessary departure from these just principles.
Nor is our Government to be maintained or our Union preserved by invasions of the rights and powers of the several States. In thus attempting to make our General Government strong we make it weak. Its true strength consists in leaving individuals and States as much as possible to themselves–in making itself felt, not in its power, but in its beneficence; not in its control, but in its protection; not in binding the States more closely to the center, but leaving each to move unobstructed in its proper orbit.
Experience should teach us wisdom. Most of the difficulties our Government now encounters and most of the dangers which impend over our Union have sprung from an abandonment of the legitimate objects of Government by our national legislation, and the adoption of such principles as are embodied in this act. Many of our rich men have not been content with equal protection and equal benefits, but have besought us to make them richer by act of Congress. By attempting to gratify their desires we have in the results of our legislation arrayed section against section, interest against interest, and man against man, in a fearful commotion which threatens to shake the foundations of our Union. It is time to pause in our career to review our principles, and if possible revive that devoted patriotism and spirit of compromise which distinguished the sages of the Revolution and the fathers of our Union. If we can not at once, in justice to interests vested under improvident legislation, make our Government what it ought to be, we can at least take a stand against all new grants of monopolies and exclusive privileges, against any prostitution of our Government to the advancement of the few at the expense of the many, and in favor of compromise and gradual reform in our code of laws and system of political economy.
I have now done my duty to my country. If sustained by my fellow-citizens, I shall be grateful and happy; if not, I shall find in the motives which impel me ample grounds for contentment and peace. In the difficulties which surround us and the dangers which threaten our institutions there is cause for neither dismay nor alarm. For relief and deliverance let us firmly rely on that kind Providence which I am sure watches with peculiar care over the destinies of our Republic, and on the intelligence and wisdom of our countrymen. Through His abundant goodness and their patriotic devotion our liberty and Union will be preserved.”


I have a small credit union without a local branch. Banks will no do biz with me uless ive got an acct.


Ask a friend with an account. Have lunch together, go into his branch, and change $50 (you generally have to make arrangements about a week in advance — these aren’t in the branches because the branches don’t want ’em.


Another really fun one that I had heard of involves a peculiarity to US silver coinage. Unlike silver coin of other nations, US coins officially have value as “currency”. Unofficially, a US silver quarter has a “melt value” of about $2.68 — even if it’s so dinged-up and bent that it no longer has any value as a nice coin. A silver half is about $5.43. Without rounding and transaction costs and such, silver coins are worth roughly ten times their cash value as metal.
After doing some research, this guy decided he wanted a $100,000 Corvette. He arranged a meeting in a room with three parties, and his lawyer to help keep things on the up-and-up. The parties were him, a coin dealer and an auto dealer. We’re going to go through the basic version assuming that nobody gets their premium or profit, then let you extrapolate the details.
The guy, in full view of the auto dealer, goes over to the coin dealer and says, “I want to buy $10,000 in silver quarters and halves. Here is my wire transfer for $100,000.” He then takes the sack the coin dealer gives him (unopened) and walks over to the auto dealer. “Are you willing to sell me that Corvette for this $10,000?” The auto dealer writes out a bill of sale for $10,000, and the guy hands him the bag. The auto dealer walks over to the coin dealer and says, “I’m not in the coin biz — would you give me $100,000 for the contents of this bag?”, and gets $100,000.
In reality, everyone is going to want a cut of this deal — the coin dealer is going to want to sell the coins for $102,000 and redeem them for $98,000; the auto dealer is going to want to sell the car for $105,000 for having to be involved in some freaky voodoo ceremony involving silver coins. There are money-laundering laws about transferring over $10,000 in cash — which even covers $10,000 in face-value of silver coins. The lawyer involved isn’t going to work for free. Not everyone is going to get all they want…..but there is room to do a deal.
Now, let’s look at the advantages of the plan. I live in an area with a 9.25% sales tax. The sales tax on $100,000 is $9,250. The sales tax on $10,000 is $925. There’s about $8,000 in savings to play with before the ink is dry. In addition, most states levy a personal property tax on vehicles, paid with their annual registration. This property tax is typically 1% of value per year, declining as the “value” declines to zero over 10 years. If the Corvette had been purchased for $100,000, that property tax would start at $1,000. If the Corvette were purchased at $10,000, that property tax would start at $100. There’s probably an additional $4,000 additional savings available there.
Factor in a “thumb-in-the-eye” to a Federal Reserve that allowed our currency to become so debased, and bragging rights at the bar…..looks like a pretty sweet deal.
N.B. — Do NOT try anything even remotely similar to this without being COMPLETELY sure that it can be run under CURRENT LAW — which changes all the time.


This is dangerously close to involving math… 😮😮😮🤔👍👍👍👍


Hah, now that my eyes are done glazing over I can read your post

Deplorable Patriot

Come ride the mass transit system in STL. We’ve got Sacajewea dollars coming out of our ears.
The only way to get Americans to use coins for dollars is to quit printing the one. I doubt it will happen, but a lot of people don’t like carrying the weight.


It used to be that military PX’s and post offices would only give change using dollar coins.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No matter, I have to out them in vinegar to shine them up for when the tooth fairy starts visiting.

As a side note, and in case anyone doesn’t know, absolutely do NOT do this to any coin you think might have collector value. Nothing will hurt its value more than trying to “clean” or “polish” it up.


Triple punvh. Makem stay down.


Late night tweets!
I love it when he does this.
He tweeted these out just before that one:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Naw a picture of the Trumps with Potus looking pleased. The caption was another couple of shitposts before bed .


Then he swatted Twitter for its biased censorship against conservatives:


“Giant Mistake.”…me thinks that might be a warning.


In the Spirit of Shavuot as T3 posted, such a beautiful post Think3, Thank you.


the Hebrew words sung: Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai
mean: Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord


How interesting, since I was fixen to post this. Song by Lamb a group I first listened to the year I was saved (1974). The title is Baruch hashem. Thought I would see what was happening over here.


Moderator please remove the Dennis song, and put this one in. Blame this on Lyme Brain.


I know you are moderating me. ‘Cause I am new. But please excuse the Lyme brain stuff. Trips me up all the time.


The Spirit moves us and kindred believers think alike! As far as I know, it is a fairly common worship song from the “Messianic” genre.

Jan Phillips

Amen, Kalbren.


Another good piece and brings up some really interesting issues with today’s democrat
Posted on June 8, 2019 by mariomurilloministries




Had WP refusing to post my comments earlier on yesterday’s thread. Same thing OT. Rebooted computer and deleted all cookies associated with the demon seed.
Seems to work now.


WP is finicky as hell. I know, preaching choir. Got a new cell phone, can’t figure out my password to log in to WP on it. Is there a “forgot password” function?


On this page near the bottom: “Lost password?”


Thanks. I’ll look for it.


and another one about all praising together


One of the things about Silicon Valley that a lot of people miss is the remarkable consideration for ducks. My cousin used to live in an apartment complex which had an artificial stream populated with ducks running between apartment buildings with decks from the apartments overlooking it (those would be “decks over ducks”). They had posted “duck crossing” signs on some of their driveways.
These are also posted in various places around the area on actual city streets.
There have been ducks at the door of our local grocery store lately. Oftimes it is a mallard pair. Sometimes, it’s a mallard female with white male. Rarely, it’s either a lone mallard male or lone mallard female. Someone will put out some water for them to drink and I suspect they hang out there because people feed them. Mostly, people just walk by.
But then, sometimes, things go very, very wrong…..IIRC, it was a Sunnyvale household — one year, there were a pair of ducks in their backyard swimming pool. The next year, the original ducks returned, with their kids, and their kids’ spouses. Five years in, ducks started arriving….and they kept coming, and coming, and coming…..until their entire backyard was covered in ducks.
I’m pretty sure there used to be a video on YouTube, but the video’s source probably mentioned that they were pro-life for ducks and got banned.


Thats funny. Ive seen the ducks icer the years take a paddle in all the nbeighboring pools. Our creek is really full from all the rain so they dudnt have to stop here. I dont mind putting duck food out. If they start bringing friends then its an issue.


You think that’s bad . My sister has an ocean front property on kangaroo island. When she first brought it the front verandah had a little wall around it with a stupid little gate. She found this really annoying so left it open. First big storm and she hears noises out the front.peeks out through the window and the whole front veranda is packed with fairy penguins all chattering away, happy out of the wind . She thought it was so cute and excitedly rang and told us.
Next morning she found out why the veranda was gated. It was covered in gooey, sticky penguin poo that stunk of fish. It was oily and couldn’t be hosed out. Had to get a shovel,scrape it up, then scrub on her hands and knees. Stunk of fish for ages. Everyone said “did you forget to shut the gate?”
Never left it open again.


She rents her place out on Airbnb

CM in TN

Love the tile. They have a nice place!


One of the hardest lessons in life is learning NOT to assume that something which seems stupid or appears out of place is actually stupid or out of place. Sometimes there is a good reason which we cannot even imagine until the reason is upon us.
“Oh! That’s why they put an annoying gate here!”
And the other hard lesson is learning to be thoughtful when you understand a peculiar situation and you warn others.
“BY the way, keep your gate closed unless you want your veranda to smell of sardines for the next decade”


AKA “Chesterton’s Gate” — if you can’t explain why a gate belongs there, you aren’t qualified to call for its removal.


I looked that up out of curiosity and found this great, short article:


Seeing as how I live so far from her it’s probably safe for me to send her this link. I think the memory still rankles. Pet dogs have killed most of the local fairy penguins . They nest in the rocks below her place. She found out under every house is barricaded by chicken wire to stop them nesting there


She thought it was a quaint local architectural feature. Was visiting one time and she opened the garage door remotely to drive in and a penguin ran into her garage. She left out of the car and tried to coax it out without scaring it, which would make it poo and or vomit. Speaking in a gentle voice saying stuff like piss off you filthy little bastard. If you shit in here I swear I’ll kill you with a shovel. Etc




Now that i know about pizza gate, i cant buy my kiddo any clothing with pizza prints. This is disturbing.


I can’t help but wonder if Biden is sending a message there to his buddy Barack.
As in…a ‘threatening’ type message.


As in “If you don’t endorse me and help me win, I’ll tell everything I know about your sorry azz???”


O. M. G.
They seem to think that successfully pushing back the first wave of questions with aid of a corrupt media made them invulnerable.
Did you see ? He was going by @DrPizza .


They were so spooked about the whole ‘PizzaGate’ thing…that they came up with the term “Fake News” to try and discredit the people who were writing about it.
Remember that?
The DNC enemedia are the ones who started using that term in fall of 2016.
They launched it in one of those repeat-repeat-repeat moves…where they all started using the term ‘fake news’ on the same day.
Our VSG took that term, ‘fake news’, away from them and started beating them over the head with it.


Hah, that was brilliant. I remember they were all smug about using the term about pizzagate then suddenly “hey, no you can’t use that term on us! ” 😭😭😭

Cuppa Covfefe

My feeling is that when the extent of PizzaGate comes out, and the players are known, WORLDWIDE, that not just small and medium organizations, and foundations, but legislative bodies, governments, churches, and royal families will be rocked to the core.
This evil CANNOT go on. And it is what is fueling the Klintoon and other cabals (followers of Moloch, etc.).
I hadn’t been over to Vigilant Citizen for a while (too much going on over here!), but wow, the pizzagate elite and creeps, as well as the Eurovision madness basically have the Elites outing themselves big time.
No wonder the former allies (and some enemies) (same thing, I know) of the Klintoons are getting offed at a prodigious rate. Here’s hoping and praying that justice is done swiftly and harshly so that this never happens again.
Something is Terribly Wrong With the “Pepper.Pics” Instagram Account
There are a number of articles on this, as the frequency and “depth” of their misuse of children (and adults) is stunning. As has been said here and elsewhere, do not look away. We owe it to our childrens’ (and our) future to understand and eliminate this scourge. I can’t emphasize this enough. I’m so angry right now about this, and the “Eurocrats” that I’d like to dump Hollyweird into AlGoreTheClimateWhore’s rapidly rising sea. Or perhaps a volcano, or the “BBQ” at Epstein’s island…
And “Madonna” sinks further into the slime. And to think that millions of people watch and listen to her.
Discernment. Seems to have disappeared in our society. And most churches, too.
Eurovision 2019 Finale and the Occult Meaning of Madonna’s Controversial Performance
From the article which is a must-read about the “entertainment industry” and the elite, especially because it exposes the hidden messages and ever-more-obvious agenda of the elite.

Eurovision is an annual international song competition with participants representing primarily European countries. The show has been broadcasting every year since 1956 and is one of the most watched non-sporting events in the world, with an average audience of 300 million viewers.
Needless to say, Eurovision has been incredibly influential throughout the decades and has helped launch the careers of countless artists. That being said, is there a chance that the show’s reach could be used by the elite to push its messages and symbolism? You betcha. And this year’s edition was particularly obvious. Taking place in Israel, the show even culminated with an elaborate yet horrifying performance by the Grand Priestess of the music industry herself: Madonna.

The finale featured dozens of performances by dozens of artists from dozens of countries around the world. Despite this great variety of cultural backgrounds, there was a clear common thread: Submission to the occult elite. Indeed, Eurovision is clear proof that the global music industry has to be subjected to the elite’s debasing and hegemonic culture.

…there was a clear and obvious overrepresentation of gender-ambiguous people during Eurovision and I am convinced that lots of them were there BECAUSE they were trans or drag queens and not because of talent. As stated in countless articles in the past, there is an agenda to expose the masses (and especially young people) to gender confusion. And Eurovision did its part…

Then, Madonna came out. And it was horrific.
Madonna’s performance at Eurovision was controversial for several reasons. First, many were unhappy that Madonna went to Israel to perform considering the whole Palestinian issue. Second, her singing was horrible. It was torture. She was easily the worst performer of the night.
While these issues were widely discussed in mass media, the most obvious one was ignored: Her performance was a pseudo-satanic, New World Order, occult ritual. And, as usual, Madonna fully embodied her given role of Grand Priestess of the industry.
Before going into the performance, it is also important to note that Madonna is an adept of Kabbalah – Jewish mysticism that is at the root of most schools of Western occultism such as Freemasonry. Furthermore, the fact that this performance took place in Israel is also relevant to the symbolism that was put on display

As Madonna performs her new song Future with Quavo, the world is literally on fire.
The lyrics of that song are about the elite telling the masses that the future is not for them.
Not everyone is coming to the future
Not everyone is learning from the past
Not everyone can come into the future
Not everyone that’s here is gonna last

Despite all of the symbolism we just saw, 99% of news media focused on the fact that there was a Palestinian flag next to an Israeli flag and that people were offended. They completely missed the bigger picture: Everybody is on their way to die.

comment image
Once at the top of the stairs, people turn around and jump to their death in what looks like a suicide. Another nice message for the millions of young people watching.
The “Future” song (after which Madonna and Quavo jump to their “deaths”, is a prime exposition of the New Age Elite’s vision of the world, where those who are not “sensitized to receive the message” will be left behind to mourn their inacceptance of the New Age.
Sounds like an “Anti-Rapture”. And considering how the Devil mocks and twists everything created by GOD, it’s no surprise. In the “Madonna” segment there were tons of inverted crosses, upside-down churches, one-eye symbols, “Madonna’s” Madame-X persona (Alter, MK-Alter), and other Demonic Detritus.
And the crowd loved it (or the applause track did).
It’s important that we see and understand what the “entertainment” industry is up to (or, rather, down to), as they are incredibly strong influencers, and have been under control of the Marxist elite since at least the 1940s. Although it’s a tad repulsive, this is the stuff the next generation is looking at, being influenced without even realizing it. We need to inform them, pray for them, and pray with them, for discernment, salvation, and the strength and wisdom to resist the likes of “Madonna” and her ilk.
Finally, an article about our “good friend” (not) YouTube, and an explanation of what the “One Eye” madness is all about. It’s most definitely NOT about winking…

Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s an interesting thought from that last article at VC, about the one-eye symbol, with relation to just how few people control the huge worldwide media:

The omnipresence of the One-Eye sign in mass media also serves another purpose: It proves that all outlets of mass media are own by a very small, elite group. Indeed, in order to have the same exact sign appear consistently and repeatedly across all media platforms and across the world, there needs to be a centralized source of power that forcibly makes this happen.
Think about the amount of money, power, and influence that is required to have all of these celebrities make this gesture and all media outlets to put it on display prominently. In other words, this symbol represents the global elite and all of its agenda: The debasing of the human psyche, the promotion of satanism, the normalization mind control, the normalization of transhumanism, the blurring of genders and so forth. In short, it is all about leading the masses as far away from Truth, health, and harmony as possible. The ultimate goal: Total control.

Plain Jane

Just posted this at Patrick Henry’s site and thought I’d share it with you all.
My sister sent it to me. She’s a fan of Milo also.
Bwahaha. In your face lefties. Are they gonna cal him an Uncle Tom?
“Milo Yiannopoulos named grand marshal of Boston’s ‘Straight Pride’ parade”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I really miss Milo.

Plain Jane

Me also. The left had to silence him because he is DANGEROUS.

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, that’s great.


They’ll call him an Uncle Mary!

Plain Jane



Reblogged this on Bren's voice and commented:
I wanted to thank thinkthinkthink for this wonderful post and share it to others. I could not have said it any better. There are many blessings to be found in following the feast cycle as YHVH or God has put in place for all time. The 7 feast cycle quite an experience. Our family has had many blessings given at the feast time in a manner that is a perfect picture of what the feast means As we as a family celebrate God’s feasts and walk away from pagan practices in our faith walk, He has taught us many things about our relationship with Him and each other. YHVH calls them moedim, holy gatherings or convocations. Coming together for the feasts is what the author of Hebrews meant when he told the believers (Hebrews 10:25-31) not to forsake the gathering together as they were dispersed during the persecutions after 70 A.D. as all men were required to return to Jerusalem for 3 of the feasts. The believers were Jewish heritage people and Gentiles who believed in Yeshua HaMasiach, or Jesus Christ, as The Prophet, The Messiah (the Anointed One) as prophesied in the Old Testament Scriptures. Traditions of man are a vain thing Matthew 15:8‘These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. 9They worship Me in vain; they teach as doctrine the precepts of men.’” 10Jesus called the crowd to Him and said, “Listen and understand.…and Isaiah 29:13
Therefore the Lord said: “These people draw near to Me with their mouths and honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. Their worship of Me is but rules taught by men. And here: Mark 7:7
They worship Me in vain; they teach as doctrine the precepts of men.’ Colossians 2:22
These will all perish with use, because they are based on human commands and teachings.
It is an eye opening experience to read the letters in red Scriptures without the bias of denominational doctrine. Use the cross reference links in the columns of your Bible, go into the OT and see the reasoning of the feasts. We don’t bring the animal sacrafices any longer, Yeshua and our relationship with Him is pictured in all the feasts. The book of Revelation rounds out the feast teachings and shows the fall feasts all fulfilled. Yeshua’s earthly life fulfilled the Spring feasts.
We are all God’s children and yes, understanding, love, and acceptance is what Shavuot and all the feasts are about.
Again, all credit belongs to thinkthinkthink as originally published here:


good post….and here’s another article explaining the feasts and Yeshua’s fulfillment of the Spring feasts…but the fulfillment of the Fall feasts is yet to occur
keep looking up. 🙂
GOD Bless Israel and The USA. <3


there is much information available on the feasts and how they still pertain to Christian believers out there, look up Messianic teachers or teachings or Biblical Feasts.


[…] It is an eye opening experience to read the letters in red Scriptures without the bias of denominational doctrine. Use the cross reference links in the columns of your Bible, go into the OT and see the reasoning of the feasts. We don’t bring the animal sacrafices any longer, Yeshua and our relationship with Him is pictured in all the feasts. The book of Revelation rounds out the feast teachings and shows the fall feasts all fulfilled. Yeshua’s earthly life fulfilled the Spring feasts. We are all God’s children and yes, understanding, love, and acceptance is what Shavuot and all the feasts are about. Again, all credit belongs to thinkthinkthink as originally published here: […]


The word ‘unhinged’ seems inadequate to describe this:

Note: Turn the volume down before you play this.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, I remember that one.


I think they must do something to the air in coffee shops like that. 🤔


Rarely do coffee shops. Pretty sure after fifteen or thirty seconds I’d order my standard “large black coffee please” AND ask the idiot to STFU.


Judge Jeanine made a pretty good Opening Statement last night:


Apropos of , in which Boris Johnson states that Britain’s 39B pound “separation payment” will be contingent upon a separation on terms favorable to Britain, and not a down-payment for being insulted-to-death, I am reminded of another Johnson who uttered important truths while being drowned out by establishment noise….

I figure the EU’s response will likely echo the response of the people of Rock Ridge.


Thank you, T^3. History helps.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gad, this woman is a DOPE!


she’s like…comment image


Several health conditions and risk factors can lead to mouth breathing.
Examples include the following:
chronic colds
deviated nasal septum
enlarged tonsils and adenoids
sinus polyps
birth abnormalities, such as choanal atresia, cleft palate, or Pierre Robin syndrome
Do you really mean to be maligning these people with that pejorative term?


LOL…it’s just a term…take it easy.
of course I’m not “maligning” those ppl.
why start trouble ?


Surely you jest……? Seriously? ROFLMAO

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My mouth is agape and I’m breathing through it!!!


Kind of funny, TBH, since I just recently ordered a cute little head-thingy that keeps one’s mouth closed when sleeping – sometimes you just gotta love PCH – great deals can be found. Got 2 for one, gave one to my SIL yesterday, who also has this problem. Low-tech but works great! I have the sinus polyp thing going on and he has sleep apnea but not enough for a CPAP.


Surely you aren’t serious! It’s called humor…


AOCs accounting on Twitter:
She really just doesn’t get it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The commies and the Muslims are trying to link European and American resistance to communism and Islamism under “Neo-Nazism”.
This is actually a smart move, politically. This dumb bitch didn’t think it up, either.


Islamists are the real neo-nazis.


As I read on a meme…Ocasio-Cortez-Cortez has a credit rating of 430…and they put her on a finance committee…think about that! LOL
Have no idea of any of that is true, but found it, in addition to be hilarious, rather sobering.
Do we know if the Congress members in various important Committees…owe taxes, owe child support, have legal issues, drug/alcohol issues, have used the secret slush funds for harassment, etc. Doesn’t anyone think these points might be important when we entrust the legislative business of our nation to these few people?


Germs in water used to bottle soda – or – germs on surface of cans, bottles, glasses, etc.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

In her case, likely chemical. It burned her mouth immediately.


The second photo up there — are those blintzes?
The fiancee, who grew up in NY, buys frozen ones and plates them similarly, but they’ve never looked appealing enough for me to try one. If that’s the way they’re supposed to look, I’m thinking they’d be tasty.


Ohhh, punkin!
You are welcome at our house on Sunday mornings for fresh crepes, fruit, and real whipped cream! They’re not hard to make. It’s all in the wrist.
Yum, yum, yum!


How did the crawfish boil turn out?


Good. Wasn’t my party. Stiff crowd. Toasts and tributes were heartfelt. Crawfish was terrific!


Crepes I get — though I normally do savory ones. There’s a place in Santa Barbara, Pacific Crepes, that has very tasty breakfast crepes that are a great start to the day — .
I was thinking these might be blintzes because they superficially resemble the Fiancee’s productions. They seem really small to be crepes.


“Ohhh, punkin!
You are welcome at our house on Sunday mornings for fresh crepes, fruit, and real whipped cream! They’re not hard to make. It’s all in the wrist.
Yum, yum, yum!”
I love them. My father used to make them. One can do much with crepes.
This morning I made yogurt waffles topped wit blueberries but crepes are wonderful.


Blintzes have to be made fresh — along with the filling and fruit topping. Frozen is never the same.
Have had them in NYC, too. Delicious (understatement), and, yes, they look just like the ones in the photo.
I read recently that Cthulhu was HG Wells’s most terrifying character. Are you an HG Wells fan perchance?

Gail Combs

It is Lovecraft not H.G. Wells linky
Jesus Saves
Moses Invests
Cthulu Squanders
(Sorry could not resist. I saw that on a Tee-shirt at a S.F. Convention in Boston MA)


Thank you for the name correction! Apologies (not my genre)!
Thanks for the explanation and the link. 🙂

Harry Lime

Not all Law Enforcement Officers are intelligent enforcers of the law…this guy is an absolute moron and should be embarrassed by his behavior…his badge should be removed from his uniform and he should be demoted to some type of meaningless desk duty at the very least…good grief!
He arrives in the second half of this video…


they are ALL moronic there.
every single one of them in that video….
…tripping and stumbling over their utter stupidity, fumbling with the bouncing rubber ball of fake tolerance.
almost comical.
like a complete farce.


That Kaitlyn gal is fearless


From the epoch times. This is catastrophic for China. Will it drive them to war?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Tariffs protect freedom. Chinazi slave-masters can go to hell!


They may choose war before total economic and social collapse. Ie loss of power for the cup. However they are not ready. Vsg Potus has forced this now rather than kicking it down the road to when the us was more undermined by the traitorous termites in govt and wall st.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. The situation would only get worse. Best to deal with it now.


Before their people are hangry (hungry/angry)


the writing on the wall…comment image
The Censorship Crusade Continues
June 8, 2019
the assault on free speech…and the ongoing censorship of conservativism
on college campuses…and especially apparent in the media …mainstream news….
and social media
“Instead of supporting free speech, the standard for YouTube and other social media sites is to censor conservatives while allowing liberals the independence to make any kind of comment they like.”
like, for example, YouTube’s recent censorship of Stephen Crowler just this past week b/c of complaints from Leftist Vox journalist, Carlos Maza…for so-called “homophobic attacks”…referring to Crowler’s lampooning Maza as a “lipsy queer”.
and “In the upcoming election, the issue of censorship needs to be at the forefront. It’s a threat to the future of The United States, and demands our attention. ”
“if this trend is not reversed, the consequences for ‘the land of the free’ will be very frightening, to say the least.”
more, at the link.
I agree.
we know what censorship feels like …don’t we.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

When they stop calling us NAZIS, WHITE SUPREMACISTS, FASCISTS, and whatever else they call us, we can talk about “decorum”, but in the end, there will be no bargaining with the communists on free speech. They can go to China if they want that “protection”.


Think mirror – and it will not matter one iota, wolf!


Julian Assange…gravely ill ..this video by Josh Bernstein…is from a few days ago..
“enhanced interrogation”

Deplorable Patriot

I saw a post on One Peter Five yesterday re Pentecost and the connection to the Old Testament.
Very interesting.
This is one of the feasts when a centuries old sequence is supposed to be sung. Veni Creator Spiritus, or Come Holy Spirit. A lot of clergy are resisting that restoration for some reason.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fascinating!!! I am extremely curious about the reason.
Which clergy? Conservative or liberal? Or something else?
Holy Spirit / Spirit of Truth is a point that should not be bargained away, IMO, and thus I’m very wary of this resistance as having some potential tactical significance to “The Infiltration”.

Deplorable Patriot

What we like to call 1970s priests. They aren’t strictly any one persuasion, but have an aversion to chant and Latin. Small doses are okay, but not seven verses of it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ah – that’s very helpful. CULTURAL.


Too much learning for them . Once apron a time all clergy, priests spoke latin

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. So did the nuns. And then they got hip in the ways of the world, which the Church is not supposed to do, and suddenly Latin is a “dead” language just because it is no longer a mother tongue in the strictest sense. Not even in Italy, where if you know Italian, or Spanish or Portuguese you can pretty much figure it out.


I think this difference of persuasion was a result of the changes purported by Vatican II – Traditionalists VS New – preservation of the church tradition is important to traditionalists – Latin Masses were forbidden – many fought this – some persevered in court – however Veni Sancti Spiritus – is Contemplative Prayer –
“Veni, Sancte Spiritus” Contemplation


I love Acts. There are so many intriguing nitty-gritty details.
One which always makes me laugh is right after the Holy Spirit descends and the Apostles start speaking in foreign languages. Many listeners are amazed and a few listeners said the apostles were drunk.
Then Peter explains to the crowd that the Apostles are not drunk, as it was only 9 in the morning.
This detail makes me think two things:
Peter was an upright man who had never been to a Bills’ tailgate party.

Deplorable Patriot

It appears that the one year Q delta may be in play with the rash of suicides and close to the Clintons deaths reported in the last few days, and over a weekend no less. An anon was kind enough to compile a list. News story links are on the post at We Are the News.
Quite the coincidence if unrelated.
Post 67063719 hours ago •
Dante Austin- Philadelphia Deputy Sheriff-Found dead in office Friday
Herb Sandler- Podesta Emails- “Puzzagate handkerchief with map on it”
Linda Collins Smith- Arkansas former state senator- gunshot at home
Jonathan Nichols-Oklahoma state senator- gunshot wound to head
Joe Calabrese-Nypd homicide detective-gunshot wound to head found at beach 5 min from home
Steven Silks-Nypd deputy Chief of Queens North- gunshot wound to head in unmarked police car
Brian Brady- Former mayor of Sparta,NJ former police officer, suspected suicide body still missing
Todd Tongen- Miami news anchor, alleged suicide in home
Tony Rodham-younger brother of Hillary Clinton- Known piece of [$#!+]
Lola Gulomova- US commerce depth official
Walter Lubcke-German Politician-shot dead in house- PRO Mass migration
Chris Reed-Texas police Chief – missing overboard on boat
Shahriar Zolfaghari- husband of Georgia Assistant Attorney General Camila Wright-Phillips dead in car at stoplight
Glen Cofield-Prominent Memphis business man- co founder Paragon Bank, director carnival Memphis etc- attempted robbery

Deplorable Patriot

Add another one to the list:

U.S. Commerce Department official Lola Gulomova, who previously worked for NASA and the World Bank, was killed on Friday in an apparent murder-suicide in Washington, D.C., local officials say. The suspect was identified as her husband.


Oops, I guess you did list it. Strange how they’re piling up

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Tony Rodham, brother of Hillary, object of help by Bill Clinton, associate of Terry McAuliffe – THAT is a big one!
“Unknown causes” for now.


Per China calling Silicon Valley chiefs to China for “talks” – Not going to wring my hands as I expect POTUS is well aware of the Panda’s moves and strategies/tactics, and will have the appropriate response to whatever shenanigans the Tech giants might try by getting into bed with China. Ristvan says: June 8, 2019 at 6:15 pm
“Silicon Valley Big Techs are now trapped between Chinese trade intransigence and their PDJT/allies political speech censoring. Won’t end well for big Cali tech.
PDJT has many options. They, having already indelibly shown their censorious behavior, have none. NOT a good chess board position for them. Will play out toward 2020 election. China just handed PDJT a massive set of winning election cards to play. Panda not smart. Dragon dumber.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Lesson that our glorious FREE TRADE CUCKS never learned from their “intellectual plantation overseers of the controlled opposition” (drop BILL KRISTOLMETH squarely into that bunch):


How do I bold and italicize comments?


FG&C-this should help-bookmark it:
h/t SteveInCO


The regular way.
To italicize, for instance, you put an i before the text and an /i after the text. You have to enclose them in “magic” characters to make them do their thing — which, IIRC, are angle-brackets on this site.
As usual, you will annoy the management if you screw-up and fail to clean-up after yourself.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Do the following with angle brackets, meaning less than and more than signs, not square brackets:


Deplorable Patriot

So, just straight up, old fashioned HTML?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Most of it actually WORKS. Not all, but most. Especially the simple stuff. Embedding stuff is less certain.


reading thru headlines this morning and one caught my eye…something about Romney may not endorse POTUS’s 2020 reelection bid. I know it’s Sunday and all, but who gives a rat’s ass who he endorses? Does he think he’s like the mafia godfather of the Repub party? He’s trying to assume No Name’s position? well, you gotta TAKE the throne buddy, not just be a gigantic asshole. I wouldn’t take his recommendation for hemorrhoid cream…


And here’s his quote on the subject…..”I don’t think endorsements are worth a thimble of spit.” What a classless jerk.


Romney may be a (Mormon) bishop – but he’s not a proven prognosticator nor a (Judeo-Christian) prophet.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Rotney would be a better moniker for him and his evil ways…


I wouldn’t take his recommendation for hemorrhoid cream…
^^^ perfectly likened an asshole (pun intended), to an asshole.
Pat, Perfect summation of how I feel about Mittens. Thank you:-)


am I missing something here tho?
I get that McCain thought he was all that–gave himself the name Maverick and all, and for some reason others in Congress thought he was all that too…but the heck has Willard ever done to earn a reputation of someone we should give a damn about?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly! The only way that Romoney’s “leadership” of the RINO/NeverTrump opposition makes any sense is if he’s basically the “designated globalist point-man” – not an ACTUAL leader based on ability.
Now we have to admit that Willard WAS the 2012 GOP candidate, but I think our side also now understands that this was basically “globalist approval” of him and VP candidate Ryno – both being “acceptable” to the globalist elite. It was a SHAM – just like McCain’s candidacy.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Now we have to admit that Willard WAS the 2012 GOP candidate, but I think our side also now understands that this was basically “globalist approval” of him and VP candidate Ryno – both being “acceptable” to the globalist elite. It was a SHAM – just like McCain’s candidacy.

Yes, OUR SIDE now understands this.
But the fact that he’s not a leader of the Republican party as a whole doesn’t mean he isn’t a leader of the anti-Trump faction of the Republican party. (I know that that’s freighted with double negatives but in this case they’re needed.)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Preach it! Negs and all!


pretty funny…the left just doesn’t get it!
On Friday, Mad Maxine Waters, the California Democrat obsessed with impeachment and conspiracy theories involving Russia, reached out to her Twitter followers, asking them to give President Trump a new nickname. But like almost every idea liberals come up with, this one had unexpected consequences. She got plenty of responses, but they weren’t what she was hoping for.


wow, just had a disturbing thought…the walls are closing in on Hillary–to delay the possible indictment (of course, the grieving should be respected for a little while) and to get rid of a possible loose end with loose lips, did she kill 2 birds with 1 stone?

Deplorable Patriot

I think the jury is out. Her brother was sick. Did someone hasten the inevitable? Possible. I just don’t know.

Deplorable Patriot


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Trump understands GWB’s big mistake.
(Of course, I’m presuming for the moment that it really was a mistake.)

Deplorable Patriot

Spookycomment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These sorts of listed comparisons between Abraham Lincoln and JFK were extremely popular after the JFK assassination, when I was a kid. Some of them had a penny on one side and a 50-cent piece on the other.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Or a cent with a small engraved outline of JFK on it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, yes!

Deplorable Patriot

Gaging from your response, you’ve got a few years on me. My parents had not even met yet when Dallas happened.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I had THE BEST SEATS to PERCEIVE the communist takeover of our schools.


IT’S ALIVE ! ! !
FTA: Ginsburg, in prepared remarks to a conference for judges in New York, noted that while women have made progress toward equal representation among the court’s clerks, there are areas where improvements are still needed.
“Justice Kavanaugh made history by bringing on board an all-female law clerk crew. Thanks to his selections, the Court has this Term, for the first time ever, more women than men serving as law clerks,” she said, according to remarks released by the court.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am seeing more and more “out-of-the-simple-political-box” stuff in SCOTUS, and it’s wonderful. This, to me, shows the genius of appointing “the best” – Gorsuch and Kavanaugh – per Trump’s standards, which were not precisely his own thinking, politically. He wanted to make the court work better, and it’s working!
I also see bloc voting in SCOTUS disappearing. Again, the work of Trump’s genius! The more judges he appoints, the better SCOTUS is going to work, IMO.


My favorite is the cat! 🙂


Ground report.
40 people here yesterday for the retirement party of a Fortune 50 exec. Husband of best girlfriend and our husbands are friends. Mixed crowd, mostly snobby urban, highly educated, young and old. It was a crawfish boil and BBQ extravaganza.
Here’s the cool part.
Girlfriend has 5 sons, and 3/5 are military. Her boys have been like my own kids for the past 25yrs.
One is a Major, assigned back to Colorado for Space Force.
He would never tell me anything confidential, of course, but I don’t want to publicize too much. We talked geopolitics all night, in spurts. Also found out my own son is a lot smarter/far more aware of the world than mom thought he was. Gee whiz, parents are always surprised when “that moment” occurs.
Our conversation moved effortlessly from Bolivia/Colombia/Venezuela ……… Chinese fishing rights off of Argentina (50yrs deal for building a hydro-electric dam)……….. to big discussions about African resources/Chinese aggression…….. atolls in the Pacific……… our cyber team……….. China/Russia conundrum……….. hating on Huawei and Chinese buying their way in to a country…………. eastern Europe and the “stans – countries”, new alliance of Egypt/Saudi UAE/Jordan………. and a fascinating discussion of space.
Bottom line: Our boys are all grown up and the USA is in exceptionally capable hands.




Isn’t it great when we get to interact with the next generation and realise that they are all grown up?
I had the pleasure of knowing my father as an adult – many great conversations that I fondly remember. I am just starting to see glimmers of that in my own children and hope that I get the same pleasure on the other end of my timeline ….
By the way Daughn – I never thanked you for the Rare Earth thread, so “thank you”. I’ll explain later on this coming week.




Thinking about phoenixRising this morning………………………….
This is for you, pR (put in quotes to minimize space here at wolfie’s)


That was fun! I didn’t know shuffle dancing was a thing. Glad I watched 🙂


She’s a dancer. And I never met too many women that didn’t like Elvis.
(I’m 70 for time frame) My very straight laced appearing mother; flew with her lady friends to see him in Hawaii.
Their husbands were not invited.


Elvis was a little before my time, but I really liked that song. Funny about your mother and lady friends traveling to see him sans husbands. I think I’ll do some Elvis watching today on youtube.


So you come by your personality and party side honest!
(a Southern expression, meaning he inherited or learned from his parents)
Phoenix Rising has been thinking about you, too, as we have seen by her kind and caring posts about you on the open threads.
Good to know you are up, on your 2nd cup of coffee and you ready for visitors. Just read your comment:
“FUN Fact: There are 2311 comments (mine are not included in this number) archived from 3 days of this post. Party On!”
You have certainly had plenty of visitors keeping you company & enjoying your company in your own personal treehouse!
I suspect that you may have had even more visitors keeping an eye on you than actually commenting.
Some have been concerned you have had too many visitors and aren’t sure if they should reach out to you out of concern for you so if they don’t say “Hi!” or hang out I think it is actually their way of being kind, thoughtful and showing friendship and love.


my mother was born on the same day as Elvis and we had ALL his albums and went to see all his films at the drive in. to this day, his songs make my hips move on their own…lol


My mother said his voice ‘moved her.’


My mom has a picture of her and Elvis when he was shooting Viva Las Vegas. One of mom’s favorite brags, she kissed Elvis. Probably be another metoo case these days 🙄


“Probably be another metoo case these days 🙄”
We may be related




Hahahaha! Is there anyone to whom you are NOT related, Patrick?


Love that, Patrick! My 78 year old female cousin drove a few hours to see George Straith in concert last year.
Hmmmm…..who would the rest of you go out of your way to see in person (entertainer/sports)?


Correction…88 year old cousin….78 is still YOUNG! LOL


PHC…G R E A T video!
My tired old eyes feel’n so refreshed:-) Such a beautiful Sunday morning.
Thank you for posting.
Rest well. Your keeping on doing what you are doing…is an inspiration:-)


Yw, Kalbo
pR is a gem who puts a sparkle in many an eye.
God Bless her




I live within 20 minutes of Graceland.
Need to do a article on Elvis, his music moved the world.


The latest possible date DJT becomes aware of the illegal DS plot to get rid of him is 2 days after election, when Adml Rogers makes his famous visit.
After this date, he picks his AG and DAG …
A couple of days after his DAG is confirmed, the Comey firing memo is penned, Comey is fired, The Holt interview occurs, Mueller and the DAG meet POTUS for FOUR hours, Mueller SC appointed next day by the DAG ….
Then, several months later, we hear about “the calm before the storm”, Q starts posting, and a long time later POTUS all but confirms knowledge of Q with his “Scott Free” tweet ….
So now we know that a VSG was pre-warned of treason, that he has set in place a clandestine op (Q) to counter the plotters with a psyop. So POTUS is not doing nothing …
So we speculate about a sting. In order to sting successfully, the “stung” have to see the “stinger” as one of them. RR played that role very successfully, and now appears to be have been wearing a white hat that was covered in soot, to look like a black hat. Bill Barr’s send-off of RR on his retirement leaves little doubt in what regard RR is held by Barr ….
So that brings attention to Bob Mueller – another character gleefully accepted by the Cabal as the Overlord of the op to topple the dastardly Orange Man …
This man is obviously bad, right? You gotta nail him down as one of the cabal, no doubt about it …
But many felt sure that RR fit this bill also, only to have Barr laud him unnecessarily, displaying genuine affection …
But who is Bill Barr’s “bestie” (close family friend)? Surely not the dastardly Bob? Could Bill’s judgement be so far off the mark? Could Bob Mueller not know that his “mate”, who is also now his boss, not have a fearsome reputation of following the law scrupulously? Knowing Bill Barr as he must, and accounting for the fact that Bill is now his boss, is Bob Mueller going to go out, and at the last possible minute, when he could not have any doubt regarding Bill’s commitment to the law, and knowledge of crucial elements of the DS’s treason at his fingertips – is this the time for Bob to confirm publicly that he stands with the cabal?
As a judge so famously uttered, “C’mon man!!!”
With the benefit of hindsight, knowing all the characters in the drama (mostly), are we seriously expected to believe that Bill Barr’s appointment was happenstance? That he just happened to be best mates with the “bad” guy who is the public leader of the cabal’s attack team to take down a sitting president with laughable fake evidence that does not withstand 5 sec’s of scrutiny?
This “sting” was better planned and executed than I could imagine. It is easier for an Aussie to be “objective” about it than an American – this was being done to YOUR president, and your emotions were highly engaged. This makes it harder to view a man like Mueller, who has been attacked by all patriots for the SC’s actions, as potentially a man working to “save himself”. This shows how good the sting was – the Dims are only now starting to wonder about it all, since they got “bupkis”.
The Barr-Mueller relationship is key to unlocking this little riddle. ALL of this was planned out well before this VSG took the Oath of Office. Nothing about the players is accidental – we are all out of coincidences. In hindsight, it is far to pat …
This sting was epic!!!


I’ve always liked your insight, Jason. I forget who views us from another country’s perspective, and it is a good thing for “outside” opinions. Total agreement about that 4hr meeting, RR, Mueller and POTUS. Not about getting the FBI job…
Examining the Barr-Mueller relationship would appear to be key. One caveat: I don’t recall clips of Mueller from 2+ years ago, but from what I observed in his 9 minute speech, he isn’t a well man. Whether he has had a stroke or early mental status changes (dementia) he did not come across as someone completely in charge of his faculties – maybe medications, stress induced issues, but not a man who could be in charge of anything.
Now that leaves the fact that Weissmann ran the special counsel investigation. Plausible. AG Barr also would know that the dastardly conflict of interests regarding all the lawyers who did the investigation(s) should actually make the Report “null and void.” It may come to that as the deliberate discrepancies are outed.
Barr cannot let these people get away with what they’ve done – not just the attempt to destroy DJT and his Presidency, but their ongoing efforts continue to undermine the Constitution. I would assume that Barr is acutely aware of this.
What was the “Scott Free” tweet?


Scott free tweet

Scott Free productions, producer of “White Squall”
Contains the phrase “Were We Go One, We Go All”


Hi LadyP. Oh, I have no doubt that Weissmann and his crony’s will be put through the wringer – all dubious / nefarious legal work uncovered in the Mueller Report will be sheeted back to the author in question. They thought they were in the clear, being headed up by “one of their own” would have emboldened them, making the likelihood of them crossing legal lines almost certain, knowing their past behaviour.
POTUS tweeted in response to news about Michael Cohen cutting a deal on his sentence that he could not expect to get off “Scott Free”, whereas the correct language would be “scot free”.
It turns out that Scott Free was the production company of Tony and Ridley Scott. Ridley Scott directed “White Squall” the movie with the line “Calm before the storm” plus the oft used line “where we go one we go all” (check the trailer online) …
I could have added that Q said in one of his drops that RR and RM wore the same colour hats. I am now pretty sure that RR’s hat colour is white, so Mueller’s is also white, according to Q …
Also, Devin Nunes revealed on Judge Jeanine’s show that the Dims’s have taken Mueller’s bait as impeachment hearing commence next week. This makes the sting a total success, since the Dims would thus be incapable of acting like American’s in the lead-up to 2020. Paradoxically, the worst outcome for America would have been if the Dims suddenly started pretending to be patriots and offering real solution in Congress, in order to garner support for 2020, only to revert to type afterwards.
Pelosi understands that POTUS wants impeachment proceedings – that plays into his hands politically. Mueller’s speech pushed them over the edge – the Dims are now being controlled by their cray-cray base. Middle America is not stupid – they will run into POTUS’s arms in 2020. POTUS just has to figure out a way to get rid of most of the RINO’s ….


Gotta re-read this string and other stuff. Not a believer in coincidences.
Seriously difficult to believe Mueller is a white hat. Even separating, Mueller from his henchmen. The latter doing the horrible things they did to Americans. Mueller was ostensibly the boss, allowed it to happen.
So, WWG1WGA, in my mind has been, to me, folks that support President Trump, rule of law… Is there a double en tender (did I get that right?), of sorts. WWG1WGA, also includes President Trump, VP Pence, Flynn, Sessions, Barr, RR, Mueller as the original WWG1WGA?
My head is hurting a bit at the moment. Time for my morning walk.
Off to pondering some more.


The necessary ingredient for such a sting is that Mueller had to LOOK really bad. He succeeded wildly. His relationship with Barr, however, is somewhat strange, if he is bad.
As I said OT many times, taking down the cabal requires nous. How come we can see the cabal being sneaky, but not credit our side with “the smarts”?
Hindsight begs much head scratching …


Good point. Why do we think the Left has the smarts and we don’t. Stockholm Syndrome? Battered Conservative Syndrome? We keep letting them psyops us.


Understand how you feel, Kalbo. Jason did a good job of pulling it all back together. Where I know we think similarly is on the meeting between RR, Mueller and POTUS. It would have been 15 min for everyone to say how nice everyone is, thanks, but no thanks, to giving Mueller the FBI job. POTUS doesn’t have 4 hrs to waste on niceties or foregone conclusions… so, that leaves what did they concoct???
The reference to “Scott Free” is a juicy tidbit, that’s for sure.
I’ve warmed to Rosenstein considerably, especially with Barr’s sendoff. Mueller looked ill in the press conference. My other hangup about Mueller is his track record, independent of this Russian investigation nonsense. Mueller (and Comey) have left a trail of innocent men being framed and dying in prison because of their malfeasance.
Possibly, Barr knows that his old friend is flawed. We’ll see.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here is my problem with “too big a sting” (meaning Mueller is part of it).
Both Trump and his attorney have repeatedly stated that the meeting was about Mueller going in as FBI Director. They have repeated this thing – what would be a stupid and obvious lie – easily disprovable by the other side – over and over, even AFTER the Mueller report. Every time they do this, it makes Trump more of a liar – which I do not buy. I do NOT believe that POTUS would be so stupid as to deepen the lie on this. It’s weak-sauce counterintelligence to lie about something so obvious. Not a part of a self-respecting sting, IMO.
I believe that MUELLER was an OBJECT of any sting. Trump may have known or suspected the plot to insert Mueller as D. THAT is my view of the sting.
The left works by predictable manipulations, often where they offer something “too good to be true” to pin down the other side. A basic scam. Offering up compromised Comey as a “gimme” to Trump, to switch in an uncompromised Mueller, seems like EXACTLY what they would do. And Rod’s “Plan B” if Trump didn’t take the Mueller insertion, would have been EXACTLY what we saw – the surprise special counsel.
And then they cover it up by seeding disinformation RE “Super-Trump”. This was what Sundance realized – that Superhero Trump is disinformation – but Sundance conflated Q’s cagey realism with the Wictoroid “They’re All White Hats” – which by the way Sundance also believed POSSIBLE at one point – as did I. We were being deceived, IMO.
Mueller’s phone on the whole time? Mueller’s phone left behind? McCabe knows it?
So McCabe is part of the sting, too? Sorry – this is not making sense!!!
Exception to the rule on FBI Director, approved by Congress, has precedence. It can be argued, and it takes a while to do it. It would have worked, too – the House would have gone along. Dems, RINOS and NeverTrump, plus the McCained Senate – NO PROBLEM. Mueller could have gotten in if they could just convince Trump. And the extra beauty of obtaining a “special dispensation” on Mueller is that POTUS is STUCK WITH HIM.
I can easily fill up that time with Rod Rosenstein and Mueller trying to convince Trump to go for a congressionally-approved Mueller appointment. Note that firing Comey to appoint Mueller makes sense strategically from the left’s PLOT point of view. This then explains why Rod “goes along” with the Comey firing – so that “neutral Mueller” who can do WAY MORE DAMAGE gets in. Mueller will not have his hands tied DEFENDING the Hillary exoneration and SNAKING Trump from within. IN FACT, Mueller is the perfect SHIV per the “Brutus” recommendation by Alex Castellanos.
It’s a pretty brilliant plot, too. Fire Comey, install MUELLER, and then Trump is stuck with him. Any attempt to fire Mueller would then look scatterbrained and IMPEACHABLE. Imagine Schumer armed with TWO FBI DIRECTORS FIRED. They could have made impeachment work.
Nope. Trump would be STUCK. And his excuse for “no Mueller” – “bad dealings in the past” – was perfect. Now THAT is real counterintelligence.
IMO, Trump dodged the Mueller bullet TWICE.
Getting Mueller correctly on this brings down about 1000 times more PLOT, both here in America and throughout the world, including Five Eyes, Europe, Russia, and China. Mueller is a FIREWALL to globalist downfall. Get Mueller right, and Hillary falls. The WHOLE lawfare gang takes a tumble. There is MOTIVE to protect Mueller, so they have likely spent MILLIONS to make us think certain defensive things, by careful positioning of information in Twitter and elsewhere. We have been heavily influenced on Mueller.
BLOW MUELLER OUT OF THE “White Hat Framework”, and the plot is HUGE and OBVIOUS. This is why they have worked SO HARD to seed our side with “Mueller is a white hat”.
I’m with Sundance on this. Trump was under fire the whole time, and the BULLETS were a lot closer than “Superman Trump” theories would have us believe. This comports with what is known about the Barr switch, too.


What you say makes sense too. I don’t like Mueller (and don’t buy him as a White Hat, but I had warmed to RR), and believe that his presence was nothing but intentional to hurt the President. I do think he is in declining health.
Agree it would seem very strange that POTUS would keep up the “lie” if Mueller didn’t want FBI Director. So there he and RR were in there trying to convince POTUS.
Likely some puzzle pieces we don’t know yet. Using “turned” bad guys doesn’t work for me either because they’d find a way to double cross the double cross.
Very confusing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A “balanced opposition” principle is working for me. Both sides were trying to fight it out within the letter of the law. Only one side is obeying the spirit of the law, determined to pursue TRUTH. The other was pursuing POLITICS. The latter was the LAWFARE GANG.
Everything Rod Rosenstein did was LEGAL. Everything he did made sense based on the FAKE WORLD he was being presented. I keep a looser and more charitable set of theories on Rosenstein, than I do on Mueller. But overall, I see a massively politicized DOJ and FBI, which started a HOAX prosecution based on POLITICS and LIES, which fed into their prejudices.
I believe the hoaxing has been BIGGER and MORE BLOODY, and that is what they are determined to protect.


When you say, “More Bigger and More Bloody” – can only mean one thing – people have been murdered. Wouldn’t be surprised.
No one has mentioned Wray – but he isn’t someone I have any confidence in or believe has the country’s best interests at heart. Yet, POTUS named him. This is where one does have to acknowledge that POTUS had to make certain “concessions” to get through the Witch Hunt.


Obviously, we can argue this till the cows come home.
You seem to like Wray – why did Rod recommend him and POTUS accept him in the light of RR springing the SC on POTUS – this does not jive, or hang together …
If Rod was trying to nail POTUS legally, POTUS would know. So why would RR “screw up” by recommending a dud bad guy in Wray? If Wray was a black hat, they would have had POTUS surrounded. RR, Mueller and Wray, ALL acting against POTUS would have been the perfect setup for the cabal – why did RR not go for the “legal” kill? I mean, POTUS already knew his hat colour as a result of Mueller, no doubt about it. There would be no point in “pretending” by recommending Wray, who turns out to be OK…
I take POTUS at his word in the Lester Holt interview. POTUS working to save the country from a treasonous plot, involving Russians and traitors, cuts him a lot of latitude in a counter-intel op.
Rudy Giuliani told Hannity that there were things he could only reveal after all was finished – which means that things are NOT what they seem. Q’s existence proves this.
It behoves us all to accept that there is a big team operating behind the scenes protecting America, and that this team was in place before inauguration – Trump would not have entered DC without everything in place, especially since he directly called out the swamp in his inauguration speech. That was unprecedented. Q is unprecedented.
There is a lot of unprecedented stuff going on …
Hopefully we find out what ACTUALLY happened, so we can check our pet theories against reality…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I believe that Rosenstein recommended Wray based on Wray’s actions in the Ashcroft incident after 9/11. Those actions were to state that he (Wray) would fully support the DAG (Comey) and FBI director Mueller against an NSA program desired by Bush without having knowledge of it.
From another source:
“Since the White House had ignored the department’s legal advice, Comey, Mueller and several other officials made plans to resign. It was only when President George W. Bush agreed to listen to Comey and Mueller and restructure the program did resignation plans go away.”
Wray was one of those officials who offered to resign with Comey and Mueller. Wray admitted at the time he did not understand why they were threatening to resign (he was not read in on the program), but he offered to resign with them anyway.
Wray later showed that this was a wise choice by Rosenstein. When asked about his own control of FBI resources, Wray countered to the effect of him NOT controlling them – they were controlled and tasked by “his boss” (superior, something like that) Rod Rosenstein. I was a bit shocked by it, realizing that it explained certain things, but then realized that it had to be true. FBI serves DOJ and not vice versa.
What Wray said fits with what I observed prior to Barr being sworn in.
I’ll say this – the view of Wray over at SD’s place is way worse than my moderately charitable one! 😀


Wow. I now remember POTUS’ tweet regarding Michael Cohen, but only as a matter of word-of-mouth, not the “Scott Free” messaging. Another one of POTUS’ “breadcrumbs” – which I’m sure he’s been dropping for a long, long, time.
You’re right, I believe the Dems think they have the “green” light to go ahead with all kinds of persecutions in their hearings. My concern is not so much for POTUS, but for the little people surrounding the President, who can’t afford lawyers. What do those people do. Pelosi and her gang are looking to bankrupt them in order to get them to perjure themselves and give up something, anything about POTUS.
It would have to be perjury because POTUS hasn’t done anything wrong…
“The Sting” was one of my favorite movies, and like you, believe POTUS’ has known most of this beforehand, and has been working with a strategy and tactics to expose and resolve the worst of the Leftists’ bad deeds of the past several decades.


Trump made a Twitter “error,” about Michael Cohen:
Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
“Michael Cohen asks judge for no Prison Time.” You mean he can do all of the TERRIBLE, unrelated to Trump, things having to do with fraud, big loans, Taxis, etc., and not serve a long prison term? He makes up stories to get a GREAT & ALREADY reduced deal for himself, and get…..
Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
….his wife and father-in-law (who has the money?) off Scott Free. He lied for this outcome and should, in my opinion, serve a full and complete sentence.
7:29 AM – 3 Dec 2018
People went nuts because he mispelled “scot-free.” BUT, notice it is capitalized?
“Scott Free Productions” was Ridley Scott’s company. They made the movie “White Squall.” Which is where the now-famous phrase “WWG1WGA” comes from.
Cool Q-proof.
Forgive me, Jason, if I am stepping on you. This is just my VERY FAVORITE Q-proof ever!


Yep, I totally did it. Posted at the same time Jason did.


No apologies needed 😉
I am just surprised that this knowledge is not all over the internet. This Q-proof, as you put is, is a lock. Yet almost no-one wants to know. Humans are different to what I always imagined.


Love it, Aubergine. Now that I have the full context, (I didn’t know almost anything about Q until I began to see the pushback against whatever this Q thingy was at CTH) agree that it’s about the best proof of Q ever – especially since I’ve believed POTUS has been dropping breadcrumbs (clues) all along in his tweets. This cinches it – what a nice gift this Sunday. 🙂
POTUS doesn’t accidentally capitalize words that would not ordinarily be capitalized. He has done some other tweets with this same technique, including the one about “Congress getting Zero done.”
Now have fun with that message! 🙂


I’m dense, but hubby noted immediately the spelling difference, I was more enthralled with the capitalization.
Do people realize that POTUS has been essentially running an intelligence operation for us Deplorables? For #MAGA to understand what’s going on behind the scenes.


Well I sure hope a lot of them are locked up before they figure it out. Once they do I’m sure they’re going to scream “CONSPIRACY!! Donald Trump’s conspiring to overthrow our governmental institutions and turn them into his own, Bourgeois” or some term that might more appropriately fit.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is a certain likelihood that the [4AM] talking points on Q will flip from “it’s not real” to “it’s real and it’s all a Trump conspiracy”. They have no shame. It could turn on a dime.


I’m just waiting for it, pretty positive they’ll try. Hopefully Barr’s got them locked down tight.


SerialBrain2: Bob Mueller and Democrats desperately trying to stop what’s coming.


SerialBrain2: Mueller-Rosenstein-Comey: The Infernal Trio.


LadyP…I wrote about another older Q-proof in the header of this thread:
It was one of the most amazing Q-proofs to happen last year.


Leftist Twitter fools took the bait (intentional misspelling) and became spellcheck/ grammar Nazis, drawing LOTS of attention to PDJTs Tweet:

Cuppa Covfefe

And, like Wile E. Coyote, they keep falling for it, over and over and over again. Their enormous egos and narcisscistic elitism won’t allow them to see their own failures and hubris…
Just like a cat and a laser pen. Every. Single. Time.


Yup !!!


Tough to see it but I really appreciate your angle. I can’t see Mueller as anything except filthy and I don’t know how he gets away from the piece of crap report which bears his name but I’ll be real interested to see what happens next.


Just remember what you thought of RR before, and how you reacted to Barr’s treatment of him during his very special retirement function.
The problem with a sting is that some “good guys” have to take one for the team and appear to be bad. It “helps” in this regard if their record is ambiguous. In order for the cabal to accept them, it is natural that you would dislike them …
If you trust Barr, then what does that say about Mueller?


Well, I still don’t trust RR didn’t do anything he had to play along once he figured his ass was in a sling. On the other hand, he placed his happy ass there willingly so a massive elaborate sting op isn’t completely out of the question in my mind, that’s for sure. Suddenly got a popcorn craving though, weird.


“…he had to play along once he figured his ass was in a sling.”
There it is.
Perhaps it’s the terminology. Think of it as rather than being a “white-hat”, he has been “forced” to weara white hat.
Same goes for Mueller.


About the only thing that makes sense to me.


I’ll “hug” my Teddy Bear Barr, and wait and see on Mueller – maybe he has sought redemption.
Barr and him go back a long ways – Barr would likely know the issues regarding Mueller – but wouldn’t necessarily be able to do anything about them. Reminds me of SCOTUS’ Justices – cordial and friendly but on opposite sides when writing opinions. Don’t know how they can do it…


“Some of the good guys have to take one for the team”….i’d Really like to think that about Jeff Sessions, too!


Jeff Sessions was the first one we had to defend, and the only one that I defended purely on his reputation and track record.
I am an Aussie, and knew enough about him on the other side of the world to like and respect him – says a lot about the man.
So I have little doubt that Jeff Sessions will be revealed as one of the unsung heroes of this saga. If not, I have totally misread EVERYTHING, and have a lot of crow to consume … 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sessions is definitely OK, IMO. I believe that the “Bad Sessions” garbage was political maneuvering by people who were largely his allies, to make his firing have better optics to all audiences, to help Trump.
Weird? Yes. Unnecessary? In my opinion, yes. An open strategic decision to fire Sessions because “Trump want’s a FULL A.G., not the stupid HALF AN A.G. that he was HOAXED into having” was a politically acceptable stance for Trump and MAGA to take without any shenanigans to defend it.
Trump played the recusal game very nicely, but I believe he could have played the non-recusal game, too. Trump is extremely adaptive. There was simply no defeating him.


We all have our views on “what happened” – and none of us can know, right?
The great thing with your forum is we get to “trade” theories and see how our analyses fair. Kind of the “entertainment” section in an otherwise deadly serious endeavour.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I get kinda ill reading the conversation over at SD’s place. SD’s analysis is very tightly reasoned, although lacking some insights we have, because he kicked those ideas out. But still, excellent reasoning. However, the comments are like somebody is firing a shotgun with steel loads inside a tank. Ricochets everywhere.
I feel sorry for the people trying to respond intelligently to Sundance. And peppered throughout are the wailing moans of Super-Eeyores, and the hilariously contrasting happy songs of “Don’t worry – Trust Trump!”
AYE-YI-YI! I’m really starting to see the BENEFITS of the Q psy-op on group psychology.


Yeah, I am ever grateful that you had the insight / foresight for this refuge from the Refuge.
The point is the interaction, the relationship building, jointly developing deeper understanding, together. In a way, it would be disappointing to be “right”, cause then you did not learn anything really new.
The community here is incredible, nothing like over there. I do not see this place as an echo chamber, although no one here seriously questions Q anymore. Probably cause we have all been satisfied on the evidentiary front…
What you have built here is of great VALUE, and you obviously realise that. Every visit OT just confirms this …
The analysis as to the finer points of a sting / non-sting are really trivial in the grand scheme. That is in the hands of POTUS. We come in to play on the world we want to live in, the battle of ideas – THAT is where the value lies for us, where individual people can meaningfully contribute. The country belongs to the people. Let your elected representatives deal with the swamp while we deal with the IMPORTANT stuff, long term. If we fail, the swamp ultimately wins. This was the failure post Reagan …
The people relaxed, and the demons were already inside the wall, lurking in EVERY heart.
OT is no place to prepare for such a fight – it is too riven ….


Verse of the Day

“He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.”
Matthew 12:30 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!

Cuppa Covfefe

Amen. Beautiful verse, and beautiful picture.
(Makes me thnk of West Virginia)…


Good thoughts, I pray, Cuppa! I do not choose the verses or the pictures – God has an angel who does that for us – glad it touched your heart – and I am sure God is pleased as well – God Bless You!

Cuppa Covfefe

And GOD Bless you, too, duchess01!
It is so good to see you, your comments, and refreshing Verses from the Well of the Holy Sprit. I’m really glad that you found this tree (and also that others have). Maybe some of it because of PHC’s travails and travels (may GOD Bless and keep him and his family), and others because of this tree branching out.
It sort of feels like a family reunion (of a family that gets along together 🙂 – with inlaws, not outlaws).
Heres a modern hymn from the Collingsworth Family:
I Know (collingworth family at the NQC)

(also shows the challenges presented by a stage in the middle :))


Agree, Cuppa – we are a family – that has somehow drifted apart – and yes – it is like a family reunion – however – that was PHC’s Gift – he brings people together – I hope and pray he knows how much we appreciate that, too!
Thanks for the ‘happy’ tune – I am a big fan of harmony – family harmony, too – 🙂


POTUS mentions something not yet known… in the agreement between the U.S. and Mexico:


FTR, Twitter is back to making sure the Lefties’ ugly comments are front-loaded in the replies to POTUS’ tweets.


They will get their just rewards, never fear …
Ordinary folk are getting royally sick of the leftist BS.


Oh yea!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The final tweet here is GLORIOUS!!!


A little more information about that Oklahoma state senator who was murdered. Seems a lot of these relate to pizzagate.



“Its claims were absurd, its evidence unconvincing — why did government officials ignore so many red flags?”
Simply and obviously, because those red flags did not promote the government officials’ agenda of “Orange man bad! Impeach!”


Devin Nunes revealed on Judge Jeanine that impeachment hearings commence next week. Mad Maxine will be centre stage on all the fake news media. Dems have all stolen shovels and cannot dig their political graves fast or deep enough. Cray-cray is going to go mainstream for a while – we ain’t seen how crazy they can be when they REALLY try!!

Deplorable Patriot

What I don’t get, other than the plantation angle, is why the Democrats haven’t primaried the likes of Mad Max when they have to know she can’t keep her mouth shut, and isn’t smart enough to know when she is being embarrassed by those she is supposed to be grilling.
The old Democrat Party wasn’t that dumb.
If impeachment proceedings really are on tap, then Nimrod Nancy really has lost control.
What a mess.


Circular firing squads are the rule, not the exception, in Commieland…
They all have insurance on everyone else – trust is not a “thing” with them …

Deplorable Patriot

Sitting here, wearing a red skirt as it is Pentecost and prepping for Church, something came up on VOAT that is too tantalizing in its possibilities not to share.
Remember the red_red Q drops?
Hussein AIDS Video
4 Dec 2017 – 10:38:51 PM
Hussein AIDS Video.
Hidden message?
Expand your thinking.
News unlocks meaning.
Red Cross Stringer & Obama
4 Dec 2017 – 10:50:10 PM
Re-review RED_RED stringer.
Focus on Hussein AIDS Video.
Cross reference.
Date of stringer vs video?
Learn to decider.
News unlocks message.
Find the keystone.
Well, news from over a year ago is that Bono’s “One Charity” is in deep water ethically.
This morning a goat at VOAT (helper anon sort?) put up this:
BONO’s ‘ONE’ Charity has come under fire for sexual abuse allegations and tax fraud. He has another charity that you may not be aware of, and it’s called (RED). The charity partners with huge MNC’s like Coca-Cola, Starbucks, Bank of America and Apple. Some profits from (RED) associated products are donated to fight AIDS in 8 African countries and $500 Million is claimed to have been raised. ( RED ) says that 100% of donations go directly to people in need. That sounds way too good to be true. The website is typically vague, just like all other NGO charity websites. I think we have something quite big here.
AIDS VIDEOYouTube Q mentions
Let’s just cut to the chase, shall we? >> Fortune 500 companies are participating in Human Trafficking (HT) and NGO’s like ONE and RED are the PR and fundraising wing that set up the infrastructure and captial. MNC’s launder the money and hide human trafficking profits in their financials, especially out of country. The inflated financial numbers distort profits and magnify share prices of all these companies. It’s not double dipping… IT’S QUADRUPAL DIPPING
It’s the absolute corporate monetization of misery, death, disease and depopulation. It’s PURE EVIL.
Here’s the video. It begins with Bono talking to Jimmy Kimmel on a red set.

I went to the Red charity site. It’s light on real information, but heavy on how people can help the “cause.” There might be something to this.
Full disclosure: I’ve always like U2, going back the MTV days. Word is that Larry Mullens, Jr., the band owner, is not wild about Bono’s leftist messaging. But think about it, their breakout song was “Sunday, Bloody Sunday.” Coincidence?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Charity is one of the “unassailable” cash pipelines of The Infiltration.

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, believe me, I know. I used to work in non-profit.
While I was at Mass, it did strike me as interesting that this with red_red would come up today, on Pentecost. As with anything having to do with the Holy Spirit, red (or scarlet) is the color of the day. If there are no coincidences….
Just interesting watching this all go by,


Ooooh, THAT Bono. Dangit, I’m reading the whole thing thinking Chaz Bono. Too bad, I like U2 music too 😧

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

TARIFFS turn out to be a POWERFUL tool of FREEDOM. We have been DECEIVED for decades about them, by the same forces that wanted to ENSLAVE US, and sold us FAKE NEWS, FAKE EDUCATION, and FAKE HISTORY.
Trump, in just a few exquisite moves, proves them all wrong.




Judge swats down rogue House.

No doubt, any desperate rogue House impeachment moves will also be swatted down like flies.


Mueller spent 35+ million investigating President Trump without cause – therefore – the House obviously has NO real cause or evidence for impeachment.
The Democrats are making absolute fools of themselves – Valley girl talking, bird-brain AOC is the symbol of the Democrat party.


Sharyl Atkisson interviewing Carter Page this morning…..panel of 4 discussing his interview, as well as ISIS/terrorists, etc.


He seem nervous? He seems nervous to me.


Have to agree with David Axelrod on this – what in the world are the people who run Joe Biden’s twitter feed – thinking???


No idea LP, unless it’s a cry for help from Biden. They got him held hostage over things that are tidily winks compared to what he knows what they [BO] and [HRC] have committed


Question – is that pizza charm and smiley face real on the bracelet or a photo shot thing? I had no idea Obama gave that to Biden. Silly boys.


Pretty sure it’s real. I have seen it before on one of their twits before though, maybe here (from in the comments),

Symbolism will be their downfall

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very real.
Here is MY screen capture:comment image
Here is the tweet:

I think Biden is very worried. Axelcommie – likely higher up the CPUSA foodchain than even “electable Obama”, is messaging back his displeasure.
Axelrod is saying: “You will shut up and take your party discipline – up to and including liquidation – like a good little boy.”


When this pic came out before, some people said that’s a piece of pie or birthday cake rather than pizza. I can see arguments for both sides. It could look like pepperoni slices, but pepperoni is a darker color, and so are many kinds of cheese. Cake frosting is often white. It also has a scalloped pattern near the crust, the kind you see on cakes sometimes. And the crust itself is scalloped and looks more like a dessert than pizza.
Some have said that this photo has been used to make fun of us. But the tweet is bizarre to the max.


Yup, looks like cake to me …

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Abandon ship! Every communist for himself!”


Group “TRUMP TRAIN” has been permanently deleted from FB because “it still went against our community standards.”


Precisely why I don’t FB. Their censors are leftist aholes.


Facebook violates my standards every single day.


One of my Christian friends, who is an Army veteran and a Conservative–posted a video of his late father’s funeral (which was a military funeral, as his dad was WW2 and Korean war). Anyway that was what got my friend deplatformed. I am also sure FB was not keen on his Christian posts. It was just like an alien abduction, poof he was gone. He keeps trying to get back. They demanded a drivers license and a birth cert.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Are you on Twitter or Gab? Just looking for some extra bona fides. I’m going to let you out of Wolf’s Extreme Vetting without all the usual boxes ticked, because you have some others that most don’t. No DL or BC needed here. Just sniffin’ right to Da Woof’s Nose. 😉
Enjoy the site!
PS – watch out on Facebook. You are going to get hit with manipulations FOR SURE once you start posting here.


Nope, not on Twitter or Gab.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We have Gab addresses as emergency contacts in case this site is taken down, but if you know some of the people here on FB, you’re probably OK.


“Studies are done all the time to determine the benefits of owning different kinds of pets, such as a recent study that was just completed in Western North Carolina, Northern Virginia, and Northern Florida that ultimately revealed that women who own horses are more likely to live 15 years longer than women who don’t own horses (1)!”

Gail Combs

15 years times the number of horses owned??? Then I get to live an extra 300 years!!!

Jan Phillips

Beautiful post, T3!!! Thank you!!!


comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Glad I don’t live there any more!


Given that democrats did not force Gov. Blackface to resign, I never want to hear a liberal cry “racist” at a Republican ever again…
….and if I ever hear one do so, I am promptly going to point at Gov. Blackface while I tell them to STFU.


OMG! That says secretary of eduction!!!! (borrowing someones extra exclamation points, sorry I’ll return at a future date.) But that’s just crazy!
So let me see if I have this right. Northam has outsourced to a new group of enforcers to keep his job?


He fears no evil or grizzly

View post on


Lol!comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Now, there are two bears you don’t poke!


If you add a CR at the end, so it is completely on it’s own line, the pic itself will show up. Just an FYI.


SMH – never mind! Jumped too soon w/o refreshing!




NP – also, the last 3 digits have to be .jpg or .png – there may be others of which I am not aware, too. On Imagur, I always click on the photo, then click on the right on “Copy” on “Direct Link,” then paste that here, followed by a CR.


On my imgur if I hit the share dongle then it has “copy url” option.


Why The IG Report On FISA Abuse Will Unleash Barr’s Investigation Of Spygate
At the time of his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, it was unclear what AG Barr meant by saying the FBI had been “handicapped” by the OIG’s investigation. But his comments to Crawford last week brought some clarity to his testimony: The DOJ does not proceed with investigations while the OIG is investigating the same matter.
So, while the upcoming release of Horowitz’s report on the FISA targeting of Carter Page is significant in its own right, the closing of the final IG investigation into the Russia collusion investigation promises to open the flood gates for previously undisclosed information and indictments.
And President Trump’s decision to authorize Barr to declassify documents, and Barr’s selection of U.S. Attorney John Durham to lead the investigation, suggests it will only be a matter of time before the deluge.


Hillary Clinton: Republicans Know Mueller Proved Trump Obstructed JustIce
Saturday at Wellesley College, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Republicans know special counsel Robert Mueller’s report proved that President Donald Trump obstructed justice.
“People just want to quit hearing about it and get back to their normal lives. There is nothing normal about undermining the rule of law. There is nothing normal about attacking the press. There is nothing normal about trying to undermine another branch of government. There is nothing normal about trying to use the political system to go after your enemies”, she said.comment image


Whewww doggies, that thing makes me shudder 🥺🤢


Just for the record, obstructing people is not the same as obstructing justice…..and it is evident that the people involved were not, in fact, pursuing justice, despite being nominally associated with the Department of Justice.


Note that she just damned OZero – all the things she listed as not “normal” was actually done by them …
They can’t help projecting.


Whoa! DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU HAVE A WEAK STOMACH!!! Pedophilia and bestiality involved.
EXCERPT: “The phones allegedly containing the videos were seized when Nader flew into Dulles airport in January 2018, 18 years after federal agents at the same airport seized child porn from him leading to a 1991 conviction.
He faced similar charges in Washington in 1985, which were dismissed, and in a fourth case, he was convicted in the Czech Republic in 2002 of 10 cases of sexually abusing minors.
He eventually became an informal adviser to the United Arab Emirates crown prince and fell into Mueller’s sights after he attended a December 2016 meeting at Trump Tower with Jared Kushner, Steve Bannon, and Mohammed bin Zayed, the crown prince of Abu Dhabi. His name appears nearly 120 times in the Mueller report.
He also set up a meeting between Erik Prince, a Trump supporter and founder of defense contractor Blackwater, and the head of the Russia Direct Investment Fund “in the months after the election,” the Mueller report says.
Nader allegedly wired $2.5 million to Trump fundraiser Elliott Broidy, who pushed Republicans to take a hard-line against Qatar, the United Arab Emirates’ neighbor and enemy.”


Is it just me or does anyone else find it decidedly…….odd……that Erik Prince or Bannon would NOT have known about this guy’s previous convictions????

CM in TN

He should have been locked up years ago…Hopefully his fellow inmates get a hold of him this time so it never happens again. Sick puppy…


At risk of stepping on a few toes…..and I hope you will forgive me if so…..but this is a MUST READ piece of the kind you won’t find anywhere else….
God help me but I do so hate and loath democrat filth. They are just pure, undiluted 100% scum.

Molly Pitcher

some uprising in china~~


This article from Reuters actually does a fairly good job of encapsulating what’s happening there.
I left this on gab:
Considering that they are already renigging on the original promises of a separate legal system it would only be a matter of time before these new safe guards mentioned at the bottom of the article are eroded.
The people of Hong Kong should be lauded for paying to attention to their government. Wish more of us here in the USA would do that.
Well rounded article. Too bad Reuters doesn’t do that for domestic news.


On a lighter note, Portland hosted its annual Grand Floral Parade yesterday and these are pics of the award winner floats.


Let’s see if this shows up,


🙄 shoulda known bettercomment image


Driller–check this out!


Thread beginning…

Deplorable Patriot

Companion tweet from yesterday.


WHOA!!! Our Current State DOJ?

Deplorable Patriot

That’s what I’m not sure about. Did the current DOJ people warn him, or were they part of the CIA attempt to trap him. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
Big John’s claims would be hard to believe except that he was found not guilty of some serious stuff and he fought back. Guilty people will find a way to stay out of the limelight.


True!!! I will keep watching for more info!!


Oh shit! He’s doing it! And here’s his latest, whoa.


Oh SHIT is right!!!


driller–It’s not in a thread–There’s a WHOLE bunch of stuff he is sampling dropping on his twitter thread..He’s “on the run”… This could be big…


The latest!!


I don’t know much about him or if this is just some crazy shit to mitigate and cover whatever role he might have in a scam. I’d have a lot of catching up to do to figure out what’s happening here. Maybe something bombshell comes out, idk


Me too… Maybe some Anons will sort it out…

Rodney Short

WOW, now watch the body count go ding ding ding.

Cuppa Covfefe

He’s nowhere near as crazy as they make him out to be; indeed, he’s brilliant. And I’ll bet he knows where a lot of the deep state bodies are buried (look at where he lives), and who the dirties are…
I also like his intructions on removing the garbage Anti-Virus product which bears his name, but neither his code nor his expertise (Intel now owns McAfee AV):
(likely NSFW, but hilarious, especially if you like Mozart and like to see the elite get sent up):

Upon further reflection, it gets an * in front, but it IS funny, and typical of Klintoonian antics…

Deplorable Patriot

Talk about someone comfortable in his own skin.
If they’re after him, whoever “they” is, there are sure to be others. The thing is, he’s not afraid to go down swinging if they can actually find him and smoke him out. Naming names was a daring move.

Deplorable Patriot

I was just checking to see if anyone had seen this. Holy $#!+.


right DP?? lots of people on twitter with eyes on..but no one is expounding yet…

Deplorable Patriot

That alone is telling.

Deplorable Patriot

From a variety of seemingly unconnected pieces, the VOAT goats are speculating that Renegade (BHO) is in the crosshairs somehow. There was a mispelling in a Trump tweet last night, and Biden’s besties friendship bracelet, pointing to it.
In addition, the declas of the FISA info has supposedly been delayed again due to “additional information” or something like that. Is somebody trying to cut a deal?
Hard to be patient and get actual work done with the world’s greatest drama underway.


Hard to be patient is an understatement. I’ve been ready for everything to blow wide open for probably 2 years. Glad it hasn’t as this is way bigger than I ever imagined but part of me feels like I’ve been in limbo and I need to move on with my life. Drillerwife would likely concur 🙄😄


That’s one reason I’m looking forward to watching the master debaters compete against each other and show who the worst panderers are. I’m sure there will also be plenty of hilarious moments too. It’ll be fun laughing at them during and after the debates.


Well that will make the debates must see!

Deplorable Patriot

Hmm. Q did say we would be watch in the destruction in real time.
I wonder who is doing the forcing.

Deplorable Patriot

Adding to the intrigue, is this a message?

Molly Pitcher

Is that for real? It’s the most childish teenage girl antic. What the H is wrong with him?
A grown man..? Really?
I know I’m not well and cranky but we surely are in some alternate universe. We have to be

Deplorable Patriot

Note that the thing is made of rope, there are two strands (can you say handcuffs?), and that one of the “charms” is a slice of pizza.

Molly Pitcher

welp, if it is a message it’s the bravest thing Biden will ever do and might earn him a barbell to the neck while lifting weights…..or they might get creative and activate a lunatic with the right created history..that way they can kill 2 birds with 1 stone…poor wonderful Biden and bad bad guns

Cuppa Covfefe

Guess they forgot all about “dogs” and “chicken”…
Or maybe “Hands” didn’t have the appetite for that…


Gay. Me thinks.

Deplorable Patriot

NAWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! 😉

Greg Cox

I’ve seen posts here referencing drops from 1 year ago, but haven’t seen this one, here. So, here ya go.
Track ALL Suicides; Expect A LOT More
10 Jun 2018 – 11:16:25 PM
Track ALL suicides.
Example 1:
Think Spade.
Trace to Children Foundation(s) (NY).
Trace to Import/Export.
Trace from China/MX to Long Beach.
Trace sale/spin off of Co.
Trace to CF.
Trace to Port (Security Clearance Profile (L5)).
Who granted?
Expect A LOT more.

Deplorable Patriot

The Long Beach thing was done ahead of schedule. I’ll have to go back and look at posts on that. The Chinese got kicked out of the port.
And the suicide/death list from the last five days is insane.

Cuppa Covfefe

Something’s coming. BIG.
Makes me think of this score (mine used to look this good 🙂 )comment image
and this classic:

Deplorable Patriot

The singing voice on this was dubbed, you know. So was Natalie Wood’s.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. As it was in many musicals back then. e.g. Bali Ha’i from South Pacific. And some of the studio heads later regretted their decisions…
The studios were just as crooked back then as they are now. Look at all the people Marni Nixon “subbed” for.
Wonder how many people know what groups WSS was originally about… and the background of the change…

Deplorable Patriot

Tommy Rall was one who couldn’t sing to save his soul. Watch Kiss me Kate and Seven Brides, and notice that the singing voices are different.

Deplorable Patriot

Here’s another one that indicates the one year delta may well be about someone we all loathe.
28 Aug 2018 – 12:56:22 PM
Who is accountable to Congress (civilian body)?
Define ‘State Secrets’.
Process of obtaining a FISA warrant?
What must be DEMONSTRATED to be GRANTED?
Who must SIGN OFF?
Can ‘select’ individuals in senior positions of power be SHADOW BANNED from ACTIVE FISA WARRANTS / SURV?
Sufficient evidence shown to demonstrate rogue elements of intelligence apparatus illegally violated FISA law (tenets) in coordinated effort w/ d+foreign allies to impact/mod the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election & safeguard against future uncover / criminal prosecution?
Who must sign off on FISA warrants?
Who directs the signers?
Given magnitude of spy campaign (U.S. Presidential Election Republican Party Nominee Candidate + President Elect + President of the United States) would HUSSEIN be required to DIRECT ORDER?
How would updates occur?
Who has access to the PDB?
On-site CLAS briefings / SIT ROOM / OO / PEOC / N_C?
How often does a President use PEOC?
Could FISA warrants be issued/active for numerous ‘in-the-news now/future’ U.S. targets?
‘Foreign’ tangent req to obtain warrant to spy on U.S. ORIG?
Define ‘Projection’.
What is Known?
Connections (them) to Russia/other F assets?
Who commands INSCOM?
Who commands No Such Agency?
Who has ULTIMATE command?


Interesting article. It provides more depth to knowing that were not in this fight alone while shining some light on leftist intransigence.
Don’t go down to many rabbit holes here, Ann has been at this for well over a decade now and we’d have to send search parties to get you back here.


This will be huuuuge! His official 2020 campaign kickoff event.


check with Amwick? LOL


From the Trump War Room (official campaign twitter feed)

Cuppa Covfefe

Probably because he couldn’t pass it himself…
Proof positive that Beto testing never finds all the bugs…


WALL building updates from twitter feed of Fisher Sand and Gravel division of Fisher Industries.
Kolfage and Fisher Industries with Foreman Mike – A WINNING TEAM!


That night-time photo of the wall is really sexy!!!


It really is GA!! Very Qwel!!!


Is it wrong to be drooling over a wall?!?!?


Yes. Go to your room and shut the door.


…. 😉


ALL H-E-L-L is about to break out this week.

This is WAR – Law-fare – Presidential Harassment – Democrat Lunacy!!!

Molly Pitcher

When are WE going to have enough of them taking our taxes to use for crap like this or taking care of millions of illegals????

CM in TN

Time to re-visit the Preamble to the U.S. Declaration of Independence…it lays it out quite clearly.


and Independence Day is right around the corner. Fun times in DC!


Moar on the Demo-crap Impeachment Project:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re Stalinists. This is NOT a surprise.


I’m surprised that Dershowitz is surprised. Doesn’t he know these people????

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I suspect that Dersh is simply one of the more intelligent useful idiots. I think he figured the Clintons were merely CORRUPT. I don’t think he realized that they were SPECIFICALLY CORRUPTED BY FOREIGN POWERS AND AGENDAS, and that they were VERY CUNNING in that regard.


The Demonrats have already squandered $40 million taxpayer monies on The Mueller Report for nothing. And now they want to waste more money and time chasing rainbows.


I don’t use the $ argument against the Mueller and Dem investigations because GOPe spent much more on Clinton investigations, still have delivered Zero justice. Plus, I would spend 10x more than Dems have spent or than we have already if it would result in truth, justice and jail time for the corrupt Clintons and all other uniparty/deep state law breakers.


Iowa totally rejects De Blasio!


Ya’ll see this?🤣🤣🤣

Deplorable Patriot

And for those following the Cardinal Pell saga in Australia, Rod Dreher follows the money. Worth a read and to remember that Francis installed all of his St. Gallen buddies on every counsel and group he has initiated. Please, go to the link to read the rest of it.
I hear great news out of Australia, where Cardinal George Pell’s appeal on his child abuse conviction was heard by a court tribunal today. Daily Telegraph journalist Miranda Devine writes that the government’s cast collapsed. Her column is behind a paywall, but here is an excerpt:
Cardinal George Pell and his supporters were relieved that his appeal of his child sexual assault conviction was live-streamed on Wednesday.
The intense seven-hour courtroom argument was the first time the public has heard first-hand the flimsiness of the evidence against him.
Three judges of the Victorian Appeals Court are reviewing the jury’s verdict in which Cardinal Pell was convicted of sexually assaulting two choir boys after Sunday Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Melbourne in December 1996. One of the boys has since died and told his mother he never was molested.
So that leaves the conviction to be based on the word of one man against Cardinal Pell’s, with no corroborating evidence, no forensic evidence, no witnesses, and against a mountain of contrary evidence which showed that the allegations were highly improbable, if not impossible.
The jury verdict has troubled legal experts and lay people around the world ever since. The evidence seen so far leads to the conclusion that an innocent man was jailed to atone for the sins of others in a church plagued by sexual abuse scandals.
From what I’m told, the state’s case was routed, though we won’t know the verdict for months. Meanwhile, Cardinal Pell remains jailed in Melbourne.
In 2014, Pell was given by Pope Francis responsibility for cleaning up the infamously corrupt Vatican Bank. When that news broke, I thought, “They’ll find some way to take him out. They won’t let him do it.” When the child abuse charges were brought against Pell in 2017, I thought, “So that’s how they did it.” But I didn’t go further, because how would I prove that Pell was set up? It was just a hunch.
When I was in Australia last month, I found myself in a conversation one evening with someone about all this. (I had a lot of Pell conversations, as you might imagine.) I shared with my interlocutor my suspicion that Pell was set up to take him off the Vatican Bank case. The man across the table said, “That’s interesting. You may not know it, but the ‘Ndrangheta is quite well established in Australia, especially in Victoria. That’s where the cardinal was charged.”
The ‘Ndrangheta is the Calabrian mafia, and yes, they are well established in Australia. They control organized crime on Australia’s East Coast, and are said to have infiltrated every part of the Australian establishment.

Deplorable Patriot

This mafia thing, it could all be a coincidence, and in any case, there are other factors in play in the persecution of George Pell, who was widely hated by Australian anti-clericalists. But it’s curious all the same. George Pell was the No. 1 enemy of the ‘Ndrangheta in the Vatican, and he showed early on in his tenure, when he uncovered all the hidden euros, that he meant business. Now George Pell sits in solitary confinement in a prison cell in Melbourne, convicted on pathetically shabby charges. The old guard in the Vatican won. The world is as it always was.
UPDATE: I have been told by someone very much in a position to know that the current head of the Vatican Bank is from Calabria. For what it’s worth…

Cuppa Covfefe
Deplorable Patriot

I’ll have to read these more thoroughly, but the whole typical woman thing…yeah, I’ve discovered that wearing earrings and lipstick, I can get just about anything I want.

Cuppa Covfefe

There’s a lot more to her writing than that… you might try looking at her website and see what she’s about…

Deplorable Patriot

I’m cooking dinner. Couldn’t dwell on the whole thing.


Yes, read all of champagne commies, the about, and saw her mentions of FLOTUS during her most recent travel. All quite enjoyable, she sounds like another Daughn except for the IRS episode. Has bookmarked and will return for more! Ty!


Pell has been vilified by the leftist press ever since we migrated to Aus on ’05. No doubt it went on for years before that. There is NO way he could receive a fair trial by jury – the public mind has been thoroughly poisoned.
Of note, former conservative PM’s Howard and Abbott have come out publicly in support of Pell immediately after his guilty verdict – brave thing to do in Aus re Pell, since the vast majority of press coverage was so negative …

Deplorable Patriot

Pell is one of the good guys. Any allegation against him was a shock to the forces inside the Church working for some restoration of non-criminal behavior.


Agreed – the ridiculous case against him confirms that. The only more ridiculous case that I know about is the Steele “dossier”


China haz global growth concernz…..

Cuppa Covfefe

What really frosts me is that the MCM is whining “oh, the USA is so mean, they’re only letting the Chinese grow six percent (or whatever) this year”… And that, down from a (horrors) measly TEN PERCENT. Pity… When was the last time WE grew 10 percent year over year???
Awwwww, poor widdle Red China. Since when did YOU ever worry about anyone else?
We’re having to throttle our industry (and ourselves) down to NOTHING because of the CO², NOx, and particulates LIES, even though RED CHINA is putting up three coal-fired power plants per week, and maybe one nuclear power plant each week.
Hmmmm. Wonder who is REALLY behind the climate madness?
RED China is called a “developing land”, yet their “developing” is ruining the rest of the world. And they use the subsidies, reliefs, and other “help” based on that to even further cripple anyone else.
My HINEY. The only way I can call them developing is the phrase “RED China is a Revolting Development”.
Macarthur was right. And we’ve been paying for Truman’s (and Roosevelt’s) profligacy and complicit acts ever since…


AMEN to everything you said, Cuppa Covfefe

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m changing our MSM first to MCM and now to CCM. CHINESE COMMUNIST MEDIA.


Quite fitting:-)


I found on reddit a new term for media – misleadia.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, I like that one!!!


Per one of my favs:
ristvan says:
June 9, 2019 at 4:07 pm
I don’t see Meadow’ comments in the same light as naysayers here.
What was a slow drip drip of Spygate information has become more than a mere trickle. PDJT was a master of reality TV, and is playing the public in that way, building toward his Big Ugly. Loser to the election.
Barr now has Spygate declass. He has Durham pursuing the related criminality. Meadows thinks indictments and jail time are coming.
Gowdy has seen game changing docs, likely Papadop informant wire transcripts.
Meadows points out the Muller report is falling apart in several ways: biased omissions, false inferences, outright falsehoods. And that he and Jim Jordan are ready to shred it with 8 hard questions IF Nadler is foolish enough to bring Mueller/Weissmann in for questioning.
What’s not to like in the very few months since Barr became AG?
BTW, Mark McQueen over at OT keeps a positive spirit.


George Conway erupted again on Twitter today, projecting his own mental problems onto President Trump:


I’ve never been one to promote Maritcide, since I am a husband, but in this case I could make an exception.


The man needs help – mental health therapy and maybe meds.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Definitely. Georgy Porgy was MKed, IMO. BRAINWASH. It looks classic to me – OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE LOOP. It looks like mental illness because it IS mental illness.
These people are NASTY. To them, wrecking a person’s mind is a “lesser sin” than killing them, and acceptable as an alternative to war or assassination. Lavrentiy Beria was quite explicit about his moral justification for communist psychological actions (and this was back in the ’30’s), as well as “more extreme” measures.
But the bottom line is that George needs to get meds and counseling. And I would recommend that anybody he goes to be of a strongly religious nature, because THAT will insure he not get somebody who denies him the tools that can break the problem.


Kellyanne needs a good divorce attorney.

Harry Lime

Or a shovel.


Oh, Sylvia. My Sylvia.
Wherefore art thou, Sylvia?

Cuppa Covfefe

Mr. Cresote…
Anybody got “one thin waffer”???


This is good news. Now let’s get old George.

CM in TN

Long past time to bring that executive order on human trafficing into play.


What You Are Witnessing Is A Coordinated Effort To Block The Truth,This Will Fail – Episode 1888b


Not playing Duchess…


I know, Marica – dunno why or what to do – should I repost the url?


Got it, Marica – Enjoy!




What? Wait..It’s up…Probably just cleared–Had a ton of posts and pics today…He has his son archive them pretty regularly…


Just me, Marica – my ‘outer froze! I cannot post!


boo! Weather related?


PHC is still up and running:
8m ago
6m ago
I can see it
5m ago
I lost it!
4m ago
Maybe you just refreshed, and only saw the cover page?
4m ago
Cannot get in – no comments listed for today’s date!


Logged out – and rebooted – computer froze – dang demons! Get thee behind me satan – in the name of Jesus – I pray – Amen


I letI PHC know… Told him you’d be back shortly.


Thanks, Nor’ – God Bless You!



60,934,141 followers @ 7:14 pm – moving close to 61 MILLION!!!


John Dean was the Rat who implicated all the other Nixon White House Crooks and he received a much lighter prison sentence as a result. And he’s still a Rat as far as I’m concerned.


So True…Trump is a great multi-tasker


Twitter takes another one down!!! Dammit


Twitter thread – Story of how one tender heart doing a kind deed can lead to another and totally change your life….!!!


ONE is the first story – DO NOT miss TWO and THREE which are separate threads. :8-) Sweet stories. I’m a now fan of this man 6th Form Poet guy.


Thanks for that – very good story. 🙂


Good story and enjoyed several others from his account


Things will become very interesting… Merry Paws said July 4…. hmmmmm I keep looking but her twitter account has remained closed..




PDJT retweets:


Retweets this one too….


Matthew 12:25 And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:
Mark 3: 24-25 if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. 25 And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
Luke 11:17 But he, knowing their thoughts, said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falleth.
Half the country hates the country.
We ARE a kingdom divided against itself. As a result, we CANNOT stand.
We’re in humongous gigantic deep trouble. And it goes WAY beyond mere ‘dem v repub.’


read on, this is leftist parody ….


And note –My comment at beginning “Interesting”…
Strange that a leftist site of any type would take the time to do this


They are mocking us …
All the ammunition they have “left”.
The facts do not support them, so this is all they have ..



Trump is erasing Obama bit by bit
Supreme Court rules against Obama-era provision on Medicare reimbursements


I tend to agree…


Hi T3. Just thought I’d let you know that I have initiated my blog. Not worth visiting yet – will be making weekly posts. Will make a general announcement when it starts to get interesting. I intend to post on the battle of ideas there, since it was suggested that it may be divisive here. I accept that, since this space is centred around Spygate stuff. I may choose to link any relevant posts to your Sunday posts here, since that would seem to be the natural fit. Let me know if that is a problem.
Great thread, as usual. Thanks.

Molly Pitcher

Interesting thread on the weather & his take on how it’s being manipulated