Dear KMAG: 20200314 Open Thread

Welcome! The doors are open, come on inside!

This Saturday QTree Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KMAG/KAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

Come on in and get comfy:


Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil.
Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

The Storm is upon us…please pray for our President.


Wheatie’s Rules:

      1. No food fights.
      2. No running with scissors.
      3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition from Two Steps From Hell, titled ‘High C’s’:



Visual Descriptions for our dear Zoe, and for anyone else who may find them helpful:
Header Image: Is the base of a huge Tree, with double doors set into an archway and a light beside them, lighting the stone pathway leading up to the doors. On the other side of the trunk is another arched doorway that is open. There are different sized windows at intervals up the tree trunk; two are arched, one is square and another is round. Around the side is a gable containing another window.
There are patches of green moss and ivy growing on the bark of the Tree. Lush green grass is on either side of the stone pathway and there are ferns in the foreground. Filtered sunlight is streaming down behind the Tree, casting a soft light on the surrounding forest.
Second Image: Is an interior view, of rooms with round doorways and soft lighting. There is an overstuffed leather chair with pillows and tables with chairs in each room. On one side there is soft light coming in through a small round window and a larger arched one. In the far room there is another small round window with light shining in through it. There are exposed beams on the walls and the sloped ceiling.
Third Image: President Trump is waving from the stairway landing, at the entrance to Air Force One. He has a solemn, determined look on his face.


It’s Caturday!

Come, human slave, you must feed me now:

Fred always was a chick magnet:

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I like the cat’s side-eye to the chick pecking at his ear.


I love the chick one wheatie.
Grumpy cv cat knew….comment image


LOL that cats!


Whadia know… it’s Caturday!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is from here – an old friend on Twitter – “research assistant” of George Webb – who along with MyManJimmyJack was booted by (at)JackBoot a while back.



TYPICAL PELOSI MOVE – ram-rod bills through at midnight with no time to read – “You have to pass it to know what’s in it.” – Pelosi on Øbastardcare.


I sure hope Mnuchin’s peeps are all over it — wouldn’t put it past Pelosi to do a pinky-swear and late changeout.

Rodney Short

God always wins…
Night and God bless Y’all…
Wheatie your treehouse looks like a place of comfort where I dont even need a blanket to be comfy.


[…] Posted By: wheatietoo 0 View 0 Comment KAG, MEGA, MIGA 3ViewsShareTweetMail […]


Every time I post with this link ( the post disappears. If that is your call, Wolf, ok – your blog, your rules! But, just in case it is a wordpress thing, thought I would mention it.


Sorry so many. I thought I made a mistake and accidentally deleted v. posted. then I thought maybe it was being filtered for another reason. lastly, I began to wonder if it was a WP problem like I have seen others post about. No need to allow them all through as that would be clutter. do what you think is best.


trying this one more time…Every time I posted with this web site post disappears instantly.
world wide web *world o meters dot info forward slash coronavirus forward slash #countries


Happened to me a couple days ago. drop everything after the slash. I think its the # sign that sends it to the bin.

Sadie Slays

Remember that horrible trend last summer of people tampering with food at grocery stores? It started happening around the El Paso/Dayton shootings. Now I’m wondering how that particular psy-op fits into the current one. At the time, I figured it was an ANTIFA initiation thing. That might still be the case. But now I wonder if it was supposed to be a test run for germ warfare in 2020. Maybe that’s why the President finally brought down the ban hammer on everything? Got some intel that ANTIFA or ISIS or some other bad actors were going to use pandemic panic to commit terrorism, perhaps? We’re coming up on the one year anniversary of the New Zealand false flag…


I could be wrong but I’m going to throw out the theory that as long as we have Corona virus in the news to panic about that it will be a surprisingly quiet season for FF’s.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Any false flag will be part of this one!!! That’s where my money goes. All actions will be part and parcel of the corona plot.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’re right – they may have gotten psych data from that slew of actions. Start a trend and measure.

Cuppa Covfefe

Renate Kunast (I call her nasty-cow)(looks like one) of the Greens is demanding that Germany FUND ANTIFA, as the poor sods are having trouble getting consistend (dare I say, “sustainable”) funding…
Hmmm. With Satan Soros having shorted everything in sight, and probably a lot unseen, he ought to have plenty of money for them right now…. unless he’s HELL-bent on buying everything at pennies on the dollar right now… Guess he doesn’t know he won’t be able to spend it in HELL…
And the “Young ARD” (basically the yuppie SJW snowflake arm of our TV/radio/etc. Channel One) have said that “it’s good that the old will be dying off from Corona”…
Hmmm. The old that bore them, raised them, nurtured them, saved them, helped them through school, cared over them, and spent many a restless day and night worrying and praying over them… and we have to pay that ungrateful miscreant group’s way via our MANDATORY TV tax…
I’m reminded of my Cello Professor back at USC who, with her sister, barely escaped the Nazis in WWII, thanks to the Dutch Underground. She said, “the problem with your generation is, you haven’t suffered enough! Still true, almost 50 years later, sad to say…
The desire for instant gratification combined with the feeling of entitlement, amplified by the narcissistic concept that all problems are someone else’s fault has led in large part to “the helpless generation”. I think (and hope and pray) that the latest generation (generation “Z”?) is made of sterner stuff.
Otherwise, we’re all stuffed, so to speak…


Looks like the House finally passed the bill. Now we get to see what’s in it.


Linda and others, why does this bill feel a bit like 2008 to me with TARP? Yes, I know the virus is real, and to be taken seriously, but …



Those are awesome, Kea!!! I loved Siena – a charming village with such rich traditions. The voices bounce off the buildings – lovely.

Deplorable Patriot

Love it! And, yeah, the Italians will figure out a way to make it fun, that’s for sure. They know how to live the sweet life and enjoy themselves.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep! The comments are great on this, too, e.g.
“I think this going to turn into a national competition. The Sicilians have one of the best of seen. Can’t imagine Neapolitans sitting still for this.”
There are numerous flash mobs on YouTube where the Italians (not part of the “planned” flash mob) catch what’s going on, and join in. There’s also a bunch of Tweets like this on the various media here. It’s great to see this, as it shows the soul and resilience of the people there. MIGA!
Re: singing folks, the Welsh are also like this, singing at every opportunity (in an almost incomprehensible language 🙂 ). My Mum (from London, whose father was Welsh) would tell me of how they used to gather ’round the piano and sing. This was in the days before ‘telly, and radio was not so widespread… add to that the music halls and everyone singing there… seems to have disappeared for the most part, but the Italians and Welsh, at least, are still at it. Good on them!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent advice!


This is a good question. A very good question.


^^^ THIS. ^^^
Did a great job of saying what I was thinking.
I’m highly suspicious. False self-identification could well be at play. Throw in a couple celebrities, a couple big name politicians . . . you know, just make an interesting story with a narrative.


I was playing around with this idea as well…

Cuppa Covfefe

My son was saying that there’s a disaster movie (from years ago) where the character played by Tom Hanks contracts a virus and dies… the plot sounds eerily similar to what is going on now. (I stupidly didn’t ask the name of the movie, gonna check).
Maybe the “looking glass” (or whatever it’s called) has been around longer than we think???
Future proves past? (And I pray that Tom Hanks and his wife recover OK, no matter what their views, etc.).

Cuppa Covfefe

Actually it was a TV series, called “The Last Man On Earth”… but he wasn’t the last man, rather he was the first one to die…


That was my thought as well. Some of the comments are telling.


That’s pretty much what I was thinking. Although “other courtiers in the Court of Globalism” works well, too. To-may-to; to-mah-to.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No no no no no no no – THE OTHER WAY AROUND. ChiCom contact with THEM!!!
The ChiCom kabuki release in China is a distraction – a sleight of hand – a misdirection. They create a larger perception of an epidemic that COVERS for the ACTUAL PLOT – directed contaminations UNDER THE COVER of the epidemic, and these are going to hit the ELITE HARD.
First class on planes, fancy hotels, expensive restaurants. They target people who come into contact with the actual target. That is straight up ChiCom cyber strategy, applied to SOCIAL HACKING.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s why they have a weapon designed to take out SENIOR PEOPLE.

Short form for those who don’t instantly bristle… the spring of 1940, the Russians rounded up all the officers in the Polish armed forces, all the judges, all the professors, anyone who might remotely be a “leader”, marched ’em into the Katyn forest, and slaughtered them. The idea was that the remaining populace of Poland would naturally adapt to being led by Russians.
On April 10, 2010, the 70th anniversary of the massacre, Russians persuaded the Poles to fly a bunch of their leaders to Smolensk, near the forest, for a ceremony where the Russians would apologize. Instead, the Russians crashed the plane.
Americans have their cowboy movies, and the English have James Bond — sometimes we applaud a certain bloodthirstiness in the pursuit of what is Right and Good and True…..but both Katyn and the Smolensk crash were Nie Kulturny.


You really can trust the Russians.
You can trust them to LIE.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Khmer Rouge, killing everybody with any education – same thing. Big “short-cut” on reeducation!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. That is what the ChiComs are forcing into reality.
We are dealing with people who are WORSE THAN NAZIS. I hope every Jew out there finally gets that. Socialists, in the end, only care about socialism. Everybody is expendable. EVERYBODY. It helps keep the true believers believing.
Would the NAZIS have used biological weapons against Americans? YES, if they could have GOTTEN AWAY WITH IT. The only reason they didn’t use nerve gas is that they knew we had it too, and could use it more effectively against them. WE would have won the nerve gas battle. Also, it was politically risky for Hitler, and would have accelerated coup efforts against the Nazi regime by the military, who had bad memories of gas warfare from WWI.
The ChiComs will do whatever they can get away with. They are sneaky even beyond Nazi levels.
People don’t want to believe this, and many will not. But in the back of their mind they know the truth. Communism will not die without using every means it has to stay alive. Just like Nazism. It’s ALL socialism.


Senior people?
The ones that actually VOTE?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

HA! That’s not what I meant, but yeah, that is a “beautiful” intended byproduct of both their strategy and their matching weapon. Killing TRUMP VOTERS and killing CONSERVATIVES (and converting the dead bodies into Democrat voters in the process) is a secondary benefit of the ChiCom war strategy. The fact is, killing seniors (as in senior citizens) will tend to kill SENIOR GOVERNMENT PEOPLE “of a certain age”, and that hits conservatives harder.
SENIOR in position will be hit hardest.
This is an ugly weapon. But the ChiComs are on the ropes. Expect more ugly.


Shut down the schools…….
send the kids home…….
Mom and Dad have to work…….
WHO takes care of the kids?
Boom!…. Insta-infection of “Older” people?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We’ll see. I think that this will work out. Trust The Plan. Our military knows what they are doing. The Japanese tested this and it worked like crazy. The Chinese did, too.
Very important to note that most Chinese are not aware of the plot, and simply react to it. It all has to look real. But the Party then allows success to happen after enough kabuki passes to create a successful deception. Not all of the CCP are in on it. This was launched by the HIGHEST parts of the CCP and PLA. Not everybody was in on their plan.
Jack Posobiec and Wolf Moon both understand this. Jack spent time in Communist China. I worked for Obamatized Shallow State. The TOP has a hidden agenda much different from the public agenda that the bottom believes. You can detect that there is something wrong, but it’s wicked hard to figure out what it is.
Why was management AGAINST TRUMP?
Oh, I had no idea. We were PROGGED OUT with CHICOMS and CHICOM SYMPS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think GAIL figured it out when she theorized that Neutron Nancy was preventing testing. It was ALREADY HERE and moving around, but we weren’t testing for it. I think that what we saw from China and Iran was AFTER THE FACT KABUKI COVER to mislead us on when the virus actually got here – which was likely MANY TIMES.
The point of the delay was to give China time, and to make sure that Trump could not put out the epidemic, so they gave it a HEAD START through IRAN.
This explains how a lot of people actually got it “too fast” – it was already here, there, and everywhere, and China was covering up.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I got my case in MID-JANUARY. Iran connection. 5 days to symptomatic. My wife and neighbors trailed by 5-7 days each – highly contagious. Both my wife and the neighbor’s wife caught it during ASYMPTOMATIC PHASE. I quarantined so I did not give it to the nursing home that the cabal knows I visit, and the only reason I quarantined super-hard is that I was suspicious as hell that I had some kind of corona and saw that graph showing deadliness to seniors very early, and I always get the big picture out of graphs. That nursing home was saved by the 5 day induction period – 7 or 8, and they would have gotten it.
I did not get SARS symptoms until maybe the middle of the infection, when I noticed panting in bed while sleeping, which is a weird sensation. I’m not that bad now, but I’m not normal, and I catch myself panting every once in a while.
Grandmaintexas and her hubs got their cases in December to January. She thought it was weirdly like the description of COVID, too, but I think the same psychological trick worked on her as on me – we believe their misleading bullshit and don’t question it. Chinese LIES cascade.
I still have shortness of breath problems, and spit up ODD SPUTUM that has “super-surfactant” and weird optical properties (it glistens, diffracts a bit, and is kind of soapy). Never had anything quite like it.
They’re experimenting with SARS. Was it an accidental release that they tried to contain? Did somebody make sure it got out? Who knows. But CHINA should not be doing this research. They’re a DANGER to us all.


I had a dry cough in January ~23 and multiple in fam (sans details) had similar odd thing. I thought it was a strange cold to have a dry cough, a fever, and a day where I was exhausted. I told my wife I was speculating that we already had CV b/c it could well have been spreading in January. However, I said I don’t want to be wrong and caught unprepared.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

See – you wrote it off, too. But you noticed the disease – it’s very noticeable.
And you’re all the right ages for this thing to not hit as hard as it hit the four of us in my local outbreak.
Oddly, it bypassed a couple of other oldsters (high fatality 80s) who should have been exposed if we had an airborne vector. Thus, I’m starting to think I was exposed by handling a MEMO / LETTER at that event, and then eating without washing my hands.
We have no idea how fast this stuff mutates – if we are even protected from another version running at the same time. So we have to act as if it provides NO protection from the next version. And I have to say, I’m not sure how many more of these I can take. They’re not easy on the lungs.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You know, some of this is a THREAT by China. What they’re doing is FLEXING MUSCLE. Oh, those ChiComs. They know that with the Fake News covering for them, unless we have super proofs that are almost impossible to get, we can’t catch them doing this, because they can contaminate secondary targets so carefully, and they have KGB-CIA and Deep State help. So they can attack, and we can’t call them out for it. And then they pull their cynical “blame the victim” shit.
So they know their kabuki in China is so effective, and the Fake News can call everything else a conspiracy theory, and they will SKATE.
Unless we BUST THEM somehow. Did we? Is Gates bailing because he knows that China is gonna be toxic, and he’s deep in it?
HA! Nobody over here is going to want to be connected to this op if we managed to get a really good proof.


Biowarfare is banned by treaty. Not that that matters to China, clearly.
Notably, it is of limited usefulness and effectiveness in conventional war. You have to have a vaccine and it has to be distributed widely to your own people. Even then effectiveness rates aren’t perfect and you can impair your own forces even if they have immunity.
In information/propaganda war, and hybrid warfare, the calculus changes dramatically.
China has been able to acquire/develop/purloin radically asymmetric capabilities in this regard – that asymmetry works to their advantage.
For chemical warfare treaties, they work because in the event of conflict, the enemy knows that we have FAR SUPERIOR capabilities (chemical + conventional) and that when pushed we will respond. It’s the chemical equivalent of nuclear MAD.
But for bio, this only works when one side values its own. China does not do so, so they are willing to push the MAD button knowing that they can calculate and supposedly absorb the losses. There is not an equivalent counter b/c the threat of a bio counterstrike is unthinkable and does not provide an advantage. The advantage in bio goes to the one that deploys first.
That leaves a counter which is using the military and civilian capabilities to manage and mitigate the threat. As we have seen, at this time NO COUNTRY is structured to counter a biowarfare campaign.
That is about to change.
Meanwhile, our capabilities and response are being measured on a massive scale, while enduring an information warfare campaign enabled in large part by massive corruption and bribery – political domain warfare also exercised in the economic domain, the economic sector of entertainment and media. Not the only economic sector targeted, but a critical sector that they needed outsized influence and control.
Entertainment, Transportation, Hospitality and Tourism industries also are key targets for hybrid warfare, because they affect the national morale on a large scale.
Our response thanks to Trump has been nothing less that MASSIVE and STELLAR.
It will HAVE to be better next time.
Media complains that they don’t have details about what our preparations are.
For an epidemic that makes sense.
For biowarfare information control is key for NATSEC.
Just maybe the reason for secrecy is that it isn’t what people think it is.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You got it. AMEN to everything you just said.
We have been at WAR with China since 1949 – maybe sooner – and we didn’t realize it.
Psychological / biological / political / information warfare.
Go back and look at the numbers on acceptable losses, and the Wuhan kabuki release is WELL within tolerable ranges for the ChiCom party.
The organ ghouls are now the virus ghouls. It’s EASIER for them to kill us – they just have to get away with it.
And that stupid shithead Gates HELPED.


Good grief, Wolfie, we are lucky we didn’t lose you and Mrs. Wolf altogether! I remember at the time you told us what a bitch that cold was that knocked you out.
Is it too late to get tested now, assuming the virus stays with you, plus the fact that you are STILL coughing up unusual junk, and your lungs aren’t normal? Isn’t it important to the White Hats to have this proof of earlier contamination, and if so, who do you tell? Local health officials or go all the way to the top?
There are most likely numerous stories like yours across the country where are going “and my lungs STILL” aren’t normal, and they have no idea this might be a permanent thing. Surely the medical community and researchers need your information (unless it spotlights YOU in an unsafe way).
This is WWIII. When will we acknowledge it?


I came over here to post this, b/c I forgot to say it in my prior post in my rush to get the CV Task Force on the TV.
This is WWIV.
Alison: I count the cold war as WWIII. It really was b/c if it had NOT been for “the bomb” we would have been in WWIII very soon. So the Ruskies had to pivot to a different type of warfare. That was FOUR and a HALF decades of Soviets developed AND DEPLOYING hybrid warfare.
We won the cold war but China was ramping up for WWIV. That’s where we are today.


You are right, Michael. God help us all and protect our President.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m trusting The Plan. This is like WWII. I know enough from that one, to know how much smoke and how many mirrors are deployed by both sides. How many cards are face down, and how many “extra” cards are face up.
Don’t worry – I’m taking appropriate medical steps. Again, the problem is that an epidemic provides an incredible amount of cover. Things are almost unprovable. Any “got-ahead-of-the-ChiComs” that our military has, will likely remain secret until people need to know.
False positives, false negatives, prior exposure, later exposure, different strains, hybridization, evolution, mutation – it’s all a mess, and the ChiComs know it.
One of the problems is that I don’t believe we really understand this hybrid virus completely. We have bought time to learn about it, but we don’t know its true immunity characteristics – not as well as the ChiComs, who presumably tested this on prisoners. I’m guessing that the Iranians may have tested on prisoners, too, and had a nice bunch of bodies for the cameras when they needed them.
See how that REVERSES perceptions? From nasty guys to victims. BLOOD HOAXING. It’s very ChiCom – very Islamist, too.
My guess is that we are re-analyzing old infections as we speak. They don’t need me. In fact, I think that certain people knew what was happening a LONG TIME AGO. There were likely multiple options for moving forward, and we are now in one of them.
This virus had plenty of cover between influenza, normal corona, and Fake News. The truth is likely known to the military. It may be known to parts of CDC. Not sure all of CDC can be trusted.
Q makes a lot of sense now, doesn’t it?


Thanks. So much to digest, and so very hard to trust any entity right now. Thank goodness we have this tree to help us through the swamp.


You know what Wolf? I was super sick in January, and others here around me were, too. DH got it, and coughed for weeks. It has lingered in others more than in me, but that was LITERALLY the first and only time in my life I have had a chest cold. I always have sinus/ear problems, majorly. But this time, it went into my chest. I had shortness of breath and chest tightness for a couple of weeks, and it took about that long to get over feeling exhausted. I am generally very healthy, but that was horrible. I even went to the doctor and got codeine cough syrup, so I could stop coughing to sleep.
I have an older friend here who is still struggling with the pneumonia the virus caused in her case. I have her doing some herbal things to help expectorate the “stuff,” and we are watching really closely for any sign of worsening symptoms.
This just pisses me off.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Makes all kinds of sense. You really pissed some people off. We shut down several top commies who had to go into their hidey holes thanks to your work. Even when it was kept on the down low, I suspect the ChiComs were wise.
Yup. They LIED about the timeline. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.
If this theory is correct, there will be old evidence of the plot, which NSA can dig up and put together. My thinking is they used vectors from both China and Iran, thin-spiking directly to where they needed hits during January. That was presumably an escalation in response to Soleimani’s killing.
In fact, I think there may have been a hidden low-level “plausibly deniable” bio-war going on now for a while, and we caught on to it late in 2019. Chinese viruses – Chinese, Iranian and other nationals as vectors.
Which of course would put Soleimani at the top of the list to remove.
That would explain why China had to generate cover with an internal release after Soleimani. They knew we knew. They knew this stuff would get discovered. Very much like what they did with FISA, to cover up BACK IN TIME.
And then Fake News helps the ChiComs cover it up. Hilarious.
Oh, and that explains why our traitors went to such lengths to protect Soleimani, like the NYT attempt to warn him. They knew that he was going to help “liberate them” from Trump with this plan. That puts many in the Fake News in serious trouble, BTW. Enough to take HUGE risks. They weren’t just protecting some huggable Iranian Papa Beard-Man named Soleimani. They were protecting biological warfare against the United States. Gotta be some tribunal material there. Sure sounds like Treason. Even if we are not in a “state of declared war” at that moment, by my legal theory, biological first-strike on the United States “sets the clock of war at the moment of the attack”, whether we know it or not. I would love to argue that in front of SCOTUS, because I think I could win that argument.
War is declared by the first strike upon us – any assistance to it is automatic treason.
Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.


Wow. Well, we are the front lines in the shadow war, I guess. Just more incentive for me to stay healthy. The bastards can kiss my ass.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t really see much point in renewing travel to either China or Iran any time soon. Once all their assets here are cleaned up, and their American sympathizers have hidden every last copy of Winnie The Pooh, I suspect that staying healthy will be far easier.
America – now a parabolic reflector of interesting times.
All we have to do is wake people up. I expect THAT will be exponential.
Right now, I love that saying “There are no accidents.” Far truer than we realized.
This war has been raging above us all along. Remember when our people kept pushing China about “transparency”? I kept wondering how “opaque” the ChiComs were being. Oh, it was WAY bigger than we thought.
And then the ChiComs fired back with that “blaming the American military” business. HA! Yeah. I don’t even think the Bernie bros will fall for that one.
All making sense now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ask Gail. She can explain it better than me. BOOM!!!


Watching the replay from the Coronavirus Task Force Press Conference . . .

Watch at the 54:20 mark
I want to highlight this exchange:
~ ~ ~
(Question from Reporter)
Fake News Journalist: My first question is, you said that you don’t take responsibility, but you did disband the White House pandemic office, and the officials that were working in that office left this administration abruptly. So what responsibility do you take to that? And the officials that worked in that office said that you – that the White House lost valuable time because that office was disbanded. What do you make of that?
VSGPOTUSDJT: Well, I just think it’s a nasty question because what we’ve done is – and Tony has said numerous times that we’ve saved thousands of lives because of the quick closing. And when you say “me,” I didn’t do it. We have a group of people I could. . .
Fake News Journalist: It’s your administration.
VSGPOTUSDJT: I could ask perhaps – my administration – but I could perhaps ask Tony [POTUS glances to Dr. Tony Fauci, presumably off-camera Tony shakes his head no] about that because I don’t know anything about it. I mean, you say – you say we did that. I don’t know anything about it.
Fake News Journalist: You don’t know about the. . .
VSGPOTUSDJT: We’re spending – I don’t know. It’s the. . .
Fake News Journalist: – about the reorganization that happened at the National Security Council?
VSGPOTUSDJT: It’s the – it’s the administration. Perhaps they do that. You know, people let people go. You used to be with a different newspaper than you are now. You know, things like that happen.
Fake News Journalist: But this was a – this was an org. . .
VSGPOTUSDJT: Okay. Please go ahead.
Fake News Journalist: This was an organization at the National Security Council.
VSGPOTUSDJT: We’re doing a great job. Let me tell you, these professionals behind me and the – these great, incredible doctors and business people – the best in the world. And I can say that. Whether it’s retailers or labs, or anything you want to say, these are the best of the world. We’re doing a great job.
We have 40 people right now. Forty. Compare that with other countries that have many, many times that amount. And one of the reasons we have 40 and others have – and, again, that number is going up, just so you understand. And a number of cases, which are very small, relatively speaking – it’s going up. But we’ve done a great job because we acted quickly. We acted early. And there’s nothing we could have done that was better than closing our borders to highly infected areas.
~ ~ ~
The National Security Council is the NSC where Vindman was setting the stage for a PHONY WHISTLEBLOWER COMPLAINT!!!
The NSC finally got a deep house cleaning that was long overdue!!!
I’m calling TOTAL BULLSHIT on the notion that there was ANY pandemic response team within the NSC! Even if there were people partially assigned to a unit on paper, they were most decided NOT remotely close to the competent team of top-notch research specialists that were assembled for the Coronavirus Task Force!
This entire episode is just the LATEST ROUND of Impeachment Theater!
And I don’t mean just this single reporter’s questions.
Remember what Trump said, October 13 2016:
October 13, 2016: Trump’s Most Important Speech
“The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election.”
I don’t believe that this virus caught Trump by surprise.
I’m confident that all the “hidden in plain sight” granular details have been known to Trump for at least two years.
That the planning for this targeted event has been going on at least two if not three years in advance.
The release of a not-quite-ready-for-prime-time bioweapon targeted to coincide with the U.S. 2020 flu season and U.S. Primary election season . . .
The delays and stalling tactics by Nancy Pelosi in the last days of 2019 to push impeachment into 2020 . . .
The Senate conducting the trial, and Trump very smartly moving his chess-pieces while his enemies were focused on impeachment and setting the stage on January 28th for the NEXT PLAY . . .
Their plan is to get rid of Trump, by any means necessary.
Including trying to crush support for Trump and embarrass him in the media for his “bad response”.
Including whipping up a FALSE NARRATIVE that the NSC staff cuts somehow magically eliminated a supposedly “essential” so-called “pandemic response team” – that NO ONE, literally NO ONE in the in Coronavirus Task Force had had any prior awareness of.
Would China [+BG,GS,Canada,C_A,P3r$1a,+others] do whatever it took to return to the globalist [China’s colonialist] trade status quo?
Does anyone think there is anything China wouldn’t do? Given their low value for human life in their country? And their lower value of human life outside their country?
These people are SICK.
~ ~ ~
53:15 mark
VSGPOTUSDJT: Okay. OAN, please. OAN.
OAN: Mr. President, the Chinese officials are expressing some tones of discontent with how – where the source of this virus has come from, and they’re spinning some odd narratives. What are your response to the Chinese officials who are doing that? And have they signaled any kind of resistance to upcoming trade talks in response to how we’re handling this virus?
VSGPOTUSDJT: No, we have our deal with China. They’re going to be buying $250 billion worth of goods and $50 billion from our farmers. And that’s a great deal for our country; it’s about time somebody did that. And, frankly, phase two, we’ll start negotiating.
I did read one article, but I don’t think that article was representative – certainly not of my conversations with President Xi – and they know where it came from. We all know where it came from.
~ ~ ~

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! Great stuff. YES – the Soviet Democrat Fake News is trying to create some bullshit narrative, but there was a TWEET TODAY from that VERY pandemic team, saying they’re still on the job, working – they were NOT disbanded. So it’s DOUBLE BULLSHIT. NO STORY.
I believe that tweet may have been copied to here. Does anybody remember it? It was a tweet and a retweet around it. The team guy saying “we’re still here”, retweeted by somebody calling bullshit on a “journalist”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

But now, let me add as a separate point – I’m certain this implicates that whole bunch, media minions included, in conspiring with China to take out POTUS politically with this damn epidemic.


Watched the replay this evening with my wife . . .
During the press questions . . .
Wife: Why are they [press] all wearing purple?
Me: (WHOA!) Globalist signalling!
Wife: Well sucks to be them. All of them wearing purple makes them look silly.


And, of course, there’s the echo of “Imperial Purple” — or Tyrian purple.


So the situation before Trump was like the Roman Empire? A thousand years of general success, along with nepotism, corruption, and continual war? Not to mention the total depravity of the “leadership classes”? Is this the hill he wants to raise his flag on?


Hey, it’s his stupid not mine! 😁


Nailed it! A new empire to last a thousand years . . .comment image


Thousand years, thousand years……
Didn’t someone once say something about a thousand-year something-or-other? Maybe Reich….?


The Romans did such a thorough and long-lived number on Europe that stuff resonates today even though history-deprived millenials don’t get it. Imperial purple. German Kaiser, Russian Tsar (Czar) — all corruptions of “Caesar”. Senates……


The Dems are playing politics.
The Dems aren’t serious about it.
Maybe b/c they’re in on it.

Faux News not happy that Trish Regan is getting too close to the truth.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, the hit on Trish Regan is that WICKED Paul Ryan in action. These people are EVIL.


Trish Regan and Kennedy show will not be aired for the next several days in order to allow time for a “Corona” “special” show?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is unexpectedly good. Since I now believe that the ChiComs are targeting people with the virus underneath their “faux natural” epidemic, she has to be near the top of their hit list.
People who are likely on ChiCom hit lists are going to need to think quickly. But NEVER shut up.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My response. Let’s see if any of the FILTH FISH rise off of the sewer floor to the BAIT.

Deplorable Patriot

Destruction being left in the wake…notice that the only major league sports entity not effected, touched, or otherwise bankrupted through this is is the NFL. Effing Billionaire Boyz Club that so many cling to as if the overlords cared what the fans think. Yeah, let it hit at playoff time for hockey and – not that I care about this – basketball. Put Baseball on the field in April without adequate roster trimming. SOCCER?
I figured the NFL was cabal a long time ago. Now I know they are.


“I’m certain this implicates that whole bunch”
Silent running is a tactic used when….
Rig for Red

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m done with “wanning an arress”.
I’m firing up popcorn for executions.


You only play the Trump card when everyone is all in.
“They were crazy,
ordering us through the strait.
It was going to go wrong …
He knew it.
The old man, he knew it.
From the moment that radio signal
came through, he realized the risk.
That’s the reason
he ordered us ashore.
He knew there was very little hope.
He tried to fool us.
“An easy trick,” he said.
“Dive and drift with the current.”
What a clever trick.
But it has to work.
~ Das Boot
Craaaaazy China. So desperate to win that they get everyone on board with one last epic trick to play. Win or BUST.
They think it’s a clever trick.
But it has to work.
There is no step [5].

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Becoming a sport is the final death of everything great! 😉


I have to chuckle that he went after the Jaguar’s ignition wiring…..which was by Lucas Electric (spawn of the devil).


That has to be one of the most bizarre things I have ever read. Ten minutes of my life that I shall never recover, simply gone and leaving a vague unpleasant taste on my tongue.


Also wanted to mention this . . .
Dear White Hats,
Thank you for sending a flood of MOAR CO-PROP today!
Very much appreciated.
DOW +2000pts!!!
Keep up the GREAT work team!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This was my favorite. Amazing stuff.comment image


An interesting video by Black Conservative Patriot (BCP), a PDJT supporter regarding the FISA ‘renewal’. BCP says the time to act is right now, to support PDJT


Meant to also add that I encourage all Qtreepers to listen to the video, and then do as BCP suggests: contact the White House to urge President Trump to veto the FISA Bill.
I am disappointed in Nunes and Jim Jordan…why are they supporting this when the reforms do no prevent abuse? From what I gather it is merely putting lipstick on a pig…


On the other hand, X22 Report, gives a plausible reason why the FISA with its current “reforms” should be passed – see at the 8:45 mark below


Yep,,,FISA WORKS BOTH WAYS….thought that might be a factor in all this FISA reform,,,,at least I hope it does


Just..Popping in…to say HI! Great Post Wheatie!!!


How will quarantines, etc., affect census going on right now? We want to count everyone in Red areas so we get as many GOP representatives as possible. Hoping TN participates and CA under participates. But how will virus affect situation?

Brave and Free

I received my census in the mail a few days ago, did it online in less than five minutes.

Sadie Slays

I support President Trump, but I share the same concerns. I will take my chances with the WuFlu or any other pandemic China throws at us before submitting my health information to Google.comment image

Sadie Slays

And this, too.

Sadie Slays

I trust President Trump, and I believe he wouldn’t have taken these drastic measures unless he had a damn good reason. But if it were any other President pulling this stuff, I’d be preparing for an inevitable trip to the local FEMA camp. It hasn’t escaped my mind how much we’ve given up over the past week.


I agree. I’m concerned about Google running the website.
But go watch the replay where he talks about it . . .
He said Google has seventeen hundred engineers working on the website 🤣🤣🤣
I have a sneaking suspicious (esp. with EU action pending against them) that POTUS has them by the ⚽🎱🏀⚾🏐🏈🥎🏉 well you know.


Being Q+ you have to figure POTUS has the seventeen hundred engineers working for free 😎


I was trying to do the math in my head about how much the overhead was costing Google. An annual overhead of $100k/engr is a fair estimate 😳


At this point it’s fair to think this service is being offered for free (patriotism), at least on the front end though it might be that payments are coming out of the 8 billion and or payment will come on the back end via favors or something more tangible.
Doesn’t matter, my comment was tongue in cheek being that Q has an army working for him for free. Could Q+ be so different. 🙂


I don’t know for sure but I’m assuming Google is footing the bill 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I hear you. I don’t need Google to do any science I can do myself. HA! Fuggedaboudit!
Seriously, I do not trust them. I’ll stick with my doc.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very important!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Talk about fighting BACK. To declare the Ides of March as a day of prayer is spiritual offense at historic levels.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Was it Bolsonaro who got it?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The first one was Wajngarten for sure!
Now it’s messy, but I think you’re right. Hard to say. Check this out.

NOW – hear me out – what if the conspiracy of China, the DNC, and the fake news is to pull some kind of 25th Amendment crap in both the US and Brazil – to whom China needs control for FOOD?
I’m starting to see how this works. What is a valid response to a PLOT like that?

Sadie Slays

Shortly after the President’s address on 3/11, someone on /qresearch/ claimed that the next 4 am talking points were to push President Trump being sick. Not sure what the play is here—25th amendment, isolate the President by keeping him quarantined, demoralize the nation, screw with US-Brazil relations, etc. I’ve even seen it suggested they’re pushing hard for a test so that they can steal it and use it in a Satanic ritual (and I wouldn’t put it past them, either).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is definitely some plot to use this epidemic to attack the international MNGA (Make Nation Great Again) movement. Italy, Brazil, America, Japan, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, India – it just seems deliberate in who is being hit.
I think the Chinese kabuki being fronted by the fake news is simply COVER for a clandestine INTENTIONAL virus distribution program – possibly using CIA as well as ChiCom assets.


You enter a new weapon onto the battle field it gets used. It doesn’t have to be just the normal spread of the virus that is used to achieve the objective. They are obviously using vectors to target individuals to get them out of the way and will continue to target certain population groups to spread fear. The original makers and those with original knowledge of the weapons existence are not the only ones that can use a vector.
The possibility that a vaccine already exists rises when you take into account that this is a bio weapon.
Tossing this out too. Assuming that this would show up in a DNA test and be unique to any follow on legitimate vaccines, such tests should be taken of the movers and shakers and their underlings, agents, and loved ones so they can be examined for such at a later date.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. Very much agreed. I suspect that what you are talking about has already been going on. I will bet there were surprising results.


I would bet the mortgage the Pres has already been tested, and probably several times.


Besides being exposed to COVID-19 by a member of Bolsonaro’s staff, President Trump has also been potentially exposed to the virus by the Australian Home Affairs Minister, Peter Dutton, who met with Ivanka and AG William Barr, and tested positive for COVID-19 shortly afterwards.. Ivanka and Jared Kushner bring access to the White House, which would be the main concern.
What happened reminds me of a classic military ‘Pincer movement’ of hitting your enemy from opposite flanks at the same time.


Vectors. It’s a two way street when people understand. Someone has started a very sloppy war.

Sylvia Avery

Hi Wheatie, love your hobbit tree house. SO cozy! And the cat with the chicks!!!!!! I hope your back is better………..Huggles, my friend! ❤❤❤

Sylvia Avery

Oh Wheatie, I’m so glad to hear that! Smuchas!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is big news – the HEAD of the Hudson Institute named by Trump as an ambassador to Japan.
Big deal. Hudson is the place where Pence gave his pivotal speech about China.
Today, President Donald J. Trump announced his intent to nominate the following individual to a key position in his Administration:
Kenneth R. Weinstein, of the District of Columbia, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Japan.
Kenneth R. Weinstein is President and CEO of Hudson Institute in Washington, D.C., where he has held various positions since 1999. Mr. Weinstein is Chairman of the Board of Governors of the U.S. Agency for Global Media, whose entities include the Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Radio Free Asia, and Middle East Broadcasting. Mr. Weinstein also serves on the Advisory Committee on Trade Policy and Negotiations, which provides counsel to the United States Trade Representative. Mr. Weinstein is a member of the International Advisory Board of the Aspen Institute Prague, a member of the Board of Directors of ELNET–France and serves on the Advisory Board of the Forum for Jewish Leadership. Earlier in his career, he was Deputy Director and Director of the Washington, D.C., office of the Shalem Center; Director of the Government Reform Project at the Heritage Foundation; and Director of Policy for the New Citizenship Project. Mr. Weinstein received his B.A. from the University of Chicago, an M.Phil. from Sciences Po (Paris), and a Ph.D. from Harvard University. Mr. Weinstein speaks fluent French and German.


Pro tip: when the Greeks engage you with 300 elite troops at a place called “Hot Gates”, you’ll likely regret it even if you win.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Deplorable Patriot

More of them are suspensions than cancellations, actually. The biggest thing is that it’s no fun to play in an empty stadium.


Dang. Now everyone’s not going to have anything to do.
Good time to Red Pill them and organize for Trump 2020 and beyond.
In a Walmart parking lot sounds good. Greeted by flyers and such.

Deplorable Patriot

Well…there are memes going around on Facebook…look for Coronials in December and January in the local maternity hospitals as a result of the people being stuck at home with nothing else to do. 😏😎😛
It’s not like it hasn’t happened before in blackouts and snow storms.


And starting in 2033 they can be known as the Quaranteens 😎


Wow, that really is a silver lining. Works totally against the Georgia Guide Stones too. Bet they didn’t see that one coming. Invest in all things babies!


I think I’ll add that to my responses on the Internets. How about “Get Ready for the Babies!” or “Invest in the Babies” when I’m on a financial web site. Might go over to one now and try it out. It only takes a few seeds for that stuff to grow.
We’ll likely see the first stories about it coming out of China, South Korea, Italy, and and Iran. But pretty much all of Europe now that they are getting hit hard.


Our tropical fish club just cancelled tonight’s meeting. It was going to be a travelogue from one of our members collecting fish in Costa Rica.


Cancelled school in my county until April.
I mean……….. here????


It’s cover for the National Guard seizing the schools’ toilet paper…..


Seriously, though, that is peculiar.
That’s for all public schools, right? What about private ones?


I’m not sure, yet.

Deplorable Patriot

The private schools here are all closed as patient zero is from that community. Villa DuChesne, all girls taught by the Madames of the Sacred Heart. Automatically effected all 18+ other private HSs in town, Catholic and not.


As of this morning, we have four cases of coronavirus in Montana. The school system ten miles up the road from me is closed until fall, I heard. The U of M is closing and going to online until fall.
This is nuts. But, reading Steve’s post this morning about exponential spread, it probably makes more sense than I originally thought.


On line education is not easy. Teachers demand all the exercises be done. Reading and writing skills will grow quickly. No student distractions. Parents can have direct involvement as they’ll see whats being exchanged. Slower students can be channeled into classes more suited to their needs. This is good for education. Alas it might only be temporary but boundaries should be explored and some kids and parents might want to stick with home schooling and then the fun starts as a new cottage industry is born.
If it works schools can still have a fifth of the kids come in on their day, preferably from their own communities, when deemed safe.
I’m sure these are old ideas but those ideas were likely stymied by teacher unions and bureaucracies. Good time to explore this now that is forced upon us.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Nice way of saying he can’t get his product to shelf.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. The ChiComs wanted it this way – fine.
Now they get it back in spades.
Yes, it’s going to be nasty. “The Great Awakening” includes knowing how we were steered into supporting communism that would eventually demand everything from us. Tim Cook is waking up.
The Big Ugly is here. Bigly.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Ignoring HHS Administrator Verma is sooooooo Communist.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. Must punish non-existent non-prog POCs, and especially WOCs.

Deplorable Patriot

One of my liberal friends posted something from The Atlantic. They’re calling the Trump Administration over and done. HA! Of course, these people live for participation trophies.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Useful idiots. These TDS cases are like the German-American friendship clubs prior to WWII. They were living in the past. Socialism changed EVERYTHING, and they didn’t realize the old friendships were just agar for propaganda by a “new type of German”.
These people aren’t living in the real world.
Today, realizing we are, have been, and will be at hybrid warfare with the ChiComs, I am finally in the real world.
Interesting times. And now, it’s time to bring China into the karmic world of its own creation.


In a shocking decision, Gov Cuomo has banned all gatherings of over 200 people in New York state.This will not affect any Joe Biden rallies.


The President should start an hourly fire side chat on youtube. People will tune in to watch and numbers will grow. Once it’s declared a success Sleepy Joe will try it and totally expose himself.


That is a great idea. Really effective.


and….Happy Pi Day!comment image

Deplorable Patriot

This is the second time I’ve seen this supposition that what’s really happening is the take down.
I’d like to see more evidence of it before taking the plunge of belief.


I feel the same way…but then I feel like I’m tittering on the edge of world.

Deplorable Patriot

That would be nice.



De-Sinicizing the Virus: How CCP Propaganda Is Rewriting History
Secret documents instruct Chinese diplomats and agents to call COVID-19 “Italian virus,” claim it did not originate in Wuhan, and promote Xi Jinping as the heroic leader who defeated the virus.


This is suspected. As you watch their self reported numbers come down to acceptable limits you can fully expect them to come save the world. No thankyou.
On that note, am I to understand that Italy was a Belt and Road country?
Answers own question. Yes. Joined at the end of March last year.
Wonders what happens when you measure for virus around Belt and Road projects in other countries, most of whom can not diagnose.
Build the Wall!


Deplorable Patriot



Two things I’m not buying…load of toilet paper
Joe Biden’s dementia


Verse of the Day

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”
Proverbs 1:7 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Saturday Rose Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Good Morning Duchess! Have a Blessed day!


Hey, Pat! Hope and pray all is well with you – you have food and warmth – Angels watching over you – God sent them!
Have a Blessed and Fun Day, Dear Lady!
God loves you and so do I – Hugs!!!


HUGS back to you dear!!!


Tanks – oh, so warm and most appreciated – they are! * Smiling *




* Still smiling *


i adore you!


Awww…how sweet! I thank God for you, too!



so sorry…posted all of these on the news thread…reposting here…comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


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Ones a fossil Fool and ones a fossil Tool


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Corrupt Democrat Politician And CNN Contributor Asks For Privacy
This is not just another bizarre “Florida Man” news story. It’s the story of one of the darlings of the Democrat Party caught in a drug-fueled party with naked gay men in a hotel room.


Some good news.
Think Tank Complains “Coronavirus Is Killing Globalization as We Know It”
Says it’s been a “gift to nationalists.”
The founder of a globalist think tank has written an article for Foreign Policy in which he complains that the coronavirus outbreak is “killing globalization as we know it.”


So we have a confirmed case of corona virus here in Rochester. The guy flew in from Italy to John F Kennedy airport and took a bus to Rochester. Video shows he was wearing a mask and gloves. He then climbed in the trunk of the person’s car who picked him up where he rode all the way to his home and dropped off.
Authorities are tracing the bus route and trying to identify everyone who rode the bus with him and those on the bus after he departed. The route goes all the way through Albany and Syracuse over to Buffalo and ends in Toronto.
He is reportedly doing very well so far.


So he Knew he was infected and took extreme measures to not infect the person who picked him up from the bus but still rode in the bus and airplane exposing others. Ugh!


ahh..but he rode in the trunk. Strange idea.


and we have the second case. This one is very bad. A 60 plus year old woman who was in contact with kids at a local middle school on a daily basis has tested positive for COVID-19. Officials won’t say what she does but she has been quarantined. She went to church as well. Ironically, right down the street from where I grew up. About a 5 minute walk. So now it involves people in 2 different suburbs.
The attached article does not say this but the response was to shut down all school districts in the area.


A Reminder:


Another reminder – of the beauty of the nation and GOD’s creation – from sea to shining sea….
Mainecomment image
North Carolinacomment image
Tennesseecomment image?w=1920&h=1200
Coloradocomment image


thanks GA/FL!


Vitamins, Minerals and Your Immune System


This is a fairly long personal account of an Italian who initially thought the WuFlu was a bunch of media hype. He takes us through 6 stages of the WuFlu spreading and the imposition of Italian controls. Very informative read.

From an Italian to the rest of the world: you have no idea about what’s coming.
by u/goddessofthebitches in China_Flu

From an Italian to the rest of the world: you have no idea about what’s coming.


How do you know this is genuine vs. made up scare-mongering?
What proof do you have other than circumstantial evidence?
And why aren’t more people asking these types of question??


Yeah, I’m done with those Italian horror stories. And I’m tired of everyone saying that’s going to happen here cuz….math.




The new voice for the 2nd amendment via the NRA..Very Powerful. I present to you Jerry Wayne. He is exploding on the social networks.
Check it out:

Deplorable Patriot

Quick ground report. The Couch Commando is flying today. It’s spring break, and our mother is anxious for different people to stare at, but at any rate….
Dropped him at the airport on the Southwest terminal before dawn. Normally, at that time on a Saturday, the place is a madhouse. There were two other vehicles dropping off and one was a cab. The place, usually one of the most treacherous drop off zones, was dead as a door nail.
And then, FG&C will like this, the CC called the airline last night, and was assured, yes, he could carry through rubber gloves and sani-wipes through security. I didn’t say a word, but this brother of mine is a life saving and first aid instructor, so he knows what he’s doing.
Unfortunately, where he is going, EVERYTHING other than the beach, mini golf and bowling is closed starting Monday. Legoland, Busch Gardens, Disney – all of it. He’s not a happy camper.


It’s a perfect time to catch up on one’s reading and get a head start on taxes. Exactly one month to filing day.

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, that’s already done in this house.

Deplorable Patriot

Catturd ™
Hell just froze over.
NY Governor Cuomo on Mobile Coronavirus Testing: “I Want to Thank the Vice President and Especially the President who Facilitated This and Moved Quickly” (VIDEO) via

Deplorable Patriot

IIRC, H1N1 hit in the fall. I had it November if I’m not mistaken. Had to drop out of a concert series over it, too.