His Fraudulency
Joe Biteme, properly styled His Fraudulency, continues to infest the White House, we haven’t heard much from the person who should have been declared the victor, and hopium is still being dispensed even as our military appears to have joined the political establishment in knuckling under to the fraud.
One can hope that all is not as it seems.
I’d love to feast on that crow.
Justice Must Be Done.
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.
The Audit
On that note, reading comments on the Friday thread, there seems to be mixed opinions on whether the audit was good news, bad news, and if good news, exactly what could be done with it.
I suspect a lot of discussion will be going on today, as we digest what we’ve seen and read.
But at least it finally is out.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Spot Prices.
Kitco Ask. Last week:
Gold $1754.80
Silver $22.46
Platinum $944
Palladium $2100
Rhodium $13,900
This week, markets closed as of 3PM MT.
Gold $1751.20
Silver $22.49
Platinum $986.00
Palladium $2047.00
Rhodium $15,750.00
All prices are down from a few weeks ago, however this week some are up a bit and some are down a bit. Perhaps we’re bottoming out? Or just reversing for a bit before continuing the trend? Who knows? I was in a local coin shop and people were buying silver, taking advantage of the relatively low prices.
I fought a futile battle to write something coherent.
About halfway through, I realized it needed rework, and probably should be split into two posts. So perhaps next week…
I didn’t even have time to write an anti-ChiComChimpanzee rant.
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
China is Lower than Whale Shit
Remember Hong Kong!!!
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
China is in the White House
Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.
Joe Biden is Asshoe
China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.
But of course the much more important thing to realize:
Joe Biden Didn’t Win
乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!
It’s certainly been that kind of a week.
CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins] https://t.me/s/codemonkeyz
Sounds good to me.
We have been given a NUKE for the FAKE COVID CRISIS.
We drop the bomb and start working DECERTIFICATION.
Here’s the nuke – on time and under budget!
^^^ A MUST READ, The Zyrtec Rebellion. ^^^
Best comment: “Orange Woman Bad!”
Financial Disclosures Reveal Jen Psaki was Employed by an Israeli Spying Firm
Ha ha ha! What goes around comes around, as we used to say.
Or, the Ginger Succubus. Ahhahahahaha!!
LMAO! OMG, that’s the perfect name for it.
Her pronouns, succubus / incubus
Succubus… I thought that was Kamel-Hoe…..
She is the 🐔 C..ck 🐓 Sucking Hoe. After all that is how she advanced politically.
A short and sweet opener is a blessing sometimes. CHEERS!!!
BTW, I’m still looking for a good vermouth locally. The PICKIN’S are SLIM.
I suspect you’ll have to sample some imports.
Yes. Everything I’ve found so far has not tempted the wallet – just my “flea market curiosity”.
They are very slim. Usually only one or two kinds, on the bottom of the shelf. Cheap.
Yes, the prices are excellent. I’ve found two French, two Italian, and one California. I think I need to find some better venues. Or maybe I was spoiled by that video on the Spanish vermouth offerings! 😍
All about Vermouth even a recipe. The Spanish make Vermouth like the Italians.
[groan; eyeroll]
I’m glad you’re postponing the physics lessons this week, Steve. I don’t think my mind could process it tonight. But I’ll look forward to the next installment.
Thinking back on what came out at the Arizona audit, I think there were quite a few booms, even if delivered in a low key way:
And I’m sure there were a few more, but those stand out in my mind.
I personally think the tanks should roll and these criminals should be thrown into prison, but I’m willing to sit tight and see if a “less forceful solution” can get things fixed.
Oh, believe me my draft is awful.
Much work needed!
Thanks for the bullet points. I’ve not been able to see anything, really!
Dominion needs to be shut down. These people are horrifying.
And that, worldwide. I think a lot of elections over here are tainted as well; we have one tomorrow, and it appears that mail-in ballots are being encouraged by the commie/NAZIs (basically everyone but the AfD)… fancy that…
And Global GIGO on top of that…
But the US election is by far the most important of all. Praying that justice is served, and everything is put to rights.
The machines not being certified is Tore’s big thing. She’s been preaching that for over two years.
Within the chart on page 3 of the CyberN’s report, there are enough fraudulent votes just within the “certified results” to overcome the “victory” margin.
More Ballots Returned by Voter Than Received 9,041
Official Results Do Not Match Who Voted 3,432
In-Person Voters Who Had Moved out of Maricopa County 2,382
An MD staggers into his accustomed neighborhood bar, from which he can walk home. He’s got weird hours where he might have just worked an eighteen or thirty hour shift, or gets to go home after a four hour “fire drill”. Everyone in the place can tell he’s tired, and he sits on a stool off to one side.
When the bartender asks him what he’ll have, he just says, “something big, cold, wet, and alcoholic.” Moments later, the bartender serves him a glass just smaller than a goldfish bowl with a light-green slushy iced drink piled high in it, served with two straws and a wooden tool handle sticking out the top.
The MD blinks it at a bit, and mutters “I know I just said big and alcoholic….” before finishing with a rousing, “but what the hell is that?!?”
And the bartender replied, “it’s a hickory daiquiri, doc.”
Shortly after the doc leaves, a bear walks into the bar.
He asks for scotch, neat.
The bartender tells him, “No, we don’t serve slobbering, snarling animals here.”
The bear growls at him, nose to nose. Then he demands his scotch.
The bartender tells him, “We don’t serve slobbering, snarling animals here.”
The bear goes over to a woman seated at the other end of the bar, kills her and eats her. Then he demands his scotch to wash her down with.
The bartender tells him, “For the last time, we don’t serve slobbering, snarling, drug-addicted animals here!!!”
The bear looks at him indignantly, “what do you mean ‘drug addicted’?”
“That was a bar bitch you ate.”
That took me a few seconds…😂
I still don’t get it.
Someone consuming barbiturates has a drug problem.
Thanks, Coothie!
I needed help with the Volkswagen pic the other day (I’ve never owned one, so “engine in the back” wasn’t something knew).
Thanks, Emstar!
Yeah, the V-dubya Beatles introduced the concept of engine-in-the-back.
It gave them a distinctive sound, on the quiet back streets.
My first vehicle was a ’66 V-dub.
I loved that car.
It was easy to push-start when the battery was dead.
My dad had a ’66 red Bug that he drove into the city every day.
I will never forget it. We almost never got to drive in it since there were four kids in the family. The old Ford station wagon was our lot. 😁
We had a Ford station wagon too!
That’s what I learned to drive in.
Parallel parking that thing in the driving test was a stressful moment.
I guess that’s why I loved my little VW so much…it was such fun to drive.
We did, erm, three! 1963 Ford Country Sedan, Firetruck red with a white roof and the electric window in the tailgate…. THOSE were the days 😀
We had a green country squire station wagon. 😄
Ditto, w/ “wood” paneled sides 🙂
Like the one in Woody Allen’s “Sleeper”? (where he wakes up Wayyyyyy in the future, finds a V-Dub with the key in the ignition, and it starts right up 🙂 (wonder if VW paid for that product placement :cool:)…
We had a 1960 Renault Dauphine which also had the engine in the back. All of 32HP IIRC. But we still went across the country and back (faster on the downhill slopes 😆 )… Firing order 1-3-4-2. And Verrrrrry French in the way it was designed and made…
Later, after I was married…we had a Renault Caravelle convertible, with engine in the back.
I don’t remember what year model it was.
But it looked like this:

It had a removable hard top.
This isn’t our Renault Dauphine, same color, though, kind of a grey-blue, but we did drive over the Continental Divide in it (took a little mental pushing on our part 🙂 ). Viewed from the side, it makes me think of a smiling Dachshund 🙂

So cute!
Probably good gas mileage too.
Our Renault got great mileage.
Back then, the US automakers were still dicking around, spewing out big gas-guzzlers.
Little import cars were the only alternative.
Dauphine means “Princess”, and she was… sometimes ornery, too… but such a typically French car…
(Don’t get me started on the Citroen CSA, though… still have nightmares about floating through corners like a tub of jello… and their idea of technik… more style than substance)…
Holy smokes, that meant you skipped the interstate tunnel (which is still at 11,000 feet or so), and took US 6 over the original route.
That may or may not be the highest paved road in the US that isn’t a dead end (like the ones that go up to the top of Pikes Peak and Mt. Elbert, which perforce get up over 14000 ft but then you have to turn around and go back down the way you came up). I’m not sure.
Yep. It was in 1961, and it was a real effort to make it, with the thin air and the low-powered engine, that my Dad tweaked considerably… Fortunately we didn’t have to push (except mentally).
One time the condenser gave out, and the motor didn’t have enough power to go up a tiny grade at the railroad tracks. The engine was pretty easy to work on, though, so it was a relatively quick fix.
It even had two interesting and helpful bits – first, a little lever you could push on to squirt some gas into the carb (!), second, a hole in the back bumper which allowed the mysterious t-shaped end of the tire iron to go through into the crankshaft pulley so you could MANUALLY start the engine (which we did when we started the engine the first time after rebuilding it). Gave quite a kickback… I thought it was funny, my Dad, who was doing the cranking, not so much 🙂 That might have been the last car on the market that did that… good old French Tech 😎
When we got the station wagon in 1963, it was much easier, as it had the 352 engine, but we went over Rabbit Ears pass instead. Still a bit of a challenge, but it was summer, and we were all still young 🙂
Not sure but the tunnels might not have existed then.
That’s what I’m thinking, because a lot of stuff (e.g. interstates) was still being built back then. There were often signs saying to turn off all radio equipment because blasting was going on (shades of Andy Griffith and “The Loaded Goat”)… I wish I had the AAA Trip-Tik for that trip… I have a couple from later (late 60s, early 70s) but nothing earlier…sigh…
OTOH, the tunnels existed, but they were plugged with rock 😆 We all take it for granite anymore….
Sunbeam Alpine had a handcrank bolt for the pulley (and the tool to use it) up until 1967. Since I was the Alpine guru for the 70s and 80s in California, I accumulated lots of unique parts. Still have one of those crank pulley bolts and a brand new unused OEM pulley / balancer. In the late 70s I was selling those pulleys for $100; wonder what I can get for it now.
Our first car was a red Karmann Ghia mid sixties .
living on a hill helps with that too.
Thanks, Emstar.
Yeah…I can see how you wouldn’t know that.
The V-dubya Beatle introduced us to the concept of engine-in-the-back.
It gave them a distinctive little sound, on the quiet back roads.
My first car was a ’66 V-dub…and I loved that car.
It was easy to push-start when the battery was dead.
I gotta stop using the sidebar Notifications to reply.
That first comment didn’t show up for so long, I though it had gotten eaten.
Yeah, the notifier is getting less notifying! 😉
I have NEVER had a comment I put in the notifier show up on the main page until I reloaded the page. Not even if someone replied to it–the whole chain is invisible to me until I reload.
But in the past, it usually would do so even if I reloaded the page immediately.
It took 3 reloads for that one to show up.
I push-started my ’94 Honda Accord 3 stories underground in the Getty Museum’s parking garage….
A horse walks into the bar, says he wants a pitcher of Coors. Bartender shrugs, pours him a pitcher, the horse drinks one quarter of it, looks around, relaxes a bit.
People see him, nod, he nods back — low key, but friendly folk. He drinks another quarter.
He signals the bartender and says, “nice place, relaxing, but I should probably settle my tab and mosey on a bit” — then drinks his third quarter.
The bartender, figuring that a horse can’t know that much about money, preps a bill for $30. As he gives it to the horse, he casually says, “we don’t get very many horses coming through here….”
The horse flips $30 up on the bar, knocks back the last quarter, and says, “at $30 a pitcher of pisswater, I shouldn’t wonder….” and leaves.
A duck goes into a bar and asks for a beer. The bartender says “get lost, we don’t serve ducks”
The next day the duck goes back an asks for a drink and is again given the flick and the bartender adds if you come back I’ll nail your stupid flat feet to the bar.
The following day the duck go’s into the bar and asks if they’ve got any nails. The bartender says ffs why would we have nails, this is a bar!
The duck says in that case I’ll have a beer
This is the best headline I’ve seen so far:
Maricopa County Audit Report: Over 57k Votes In Question – UncoverDC
The Maricopa County Forensic Audit Report shows over 57K Votes In question for an election with a margin of 10,000 votes.

Arizona’s Maricopa County forensic audit report presentation began at 4:00 EST Friday in the State Senate showing over 57,000 votes are in question. The Maricopa audit is just one county in Arizona but it is the fourth largest county in terms of population in the U.S. The full report with Senate President Fann’s letter to AG Brnovich can be found here.

The independent audit team presented their findings with Senate President Karen Fann presiding. The Senate Republicans chose an audit team led by Cyber Ninjas CEO, Doug Logan and Ben Cotton of CyFIR.
Data analyst and inventor, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai also presented his analysis of several facets of the audit, including findings on duplicate ballots and ballot envelope images.
Senate liaisons Randy Pullen and Ken Bennett both presented. Bennett reviewed pertinent election laws and statutes toward the end of the presentation that could force compliance by the county to adjust the number of votes.
Senator Peterson, also present for the hearing, spoke at the end. He mentioned the constant obstruction to the audit, ostensibly spending, he said, “hundreds of thousands of dollars” to fight the process of an independent audit that was by and large supported by the citizens of Arizona. Peterson identified many critical issues that need to be addressed, some of which are criminal offenses:
The Finding Summary Table below provides a quick overview, showing over 57,000 illegal votes, almost 6x the margin of 10,457 votes tallied on Nov. 3 for Biden.

………………..More at link.
Things could get interesting. And I’m OK with that.
Over 57 votes?
My first thought on reading that is why the f*ck not just say 58 votes?
I thought about editing. Maybe I will.
“K” – it’s added! 😉
I responded to this in the notifier.
I’ve yet to see that response show up here (or any subsequent comment in that chain). About to refresh the page.
Did the headline read 57K or just 57 as quoted?
I could imagine that mistake being made deliberately by the YSM to plant the thought in many that it was a nothing burger.
Ah, never mind…I see you changed it, your mistake, not their “mistake” (if you catch my drift there).
Exactly. I have no clue if they FUed on purpose, but I’ll fix it anyway.
Oh, so it DID read like that originally?
I’d put the K in square brackets (to make it clear you are fixing their flub). 57[K]
Or even, 57 [sic!]
I think it was a synopsis by wheatie! Not in the original – all 57K or 57k or 57,000.
Thanks, boss!
Yeah, I screwed up and left out the K when I transcribed it.
Fix our mistakes…hang them with theirs.
It should be ’57K’ votes.
I screwed up when I transcribed it.
😬 😕
Don’t worry, it’s not like stealing even ONE vote!!! 😄
57 states per aka BHO 😉
I think it’s important that there be PROSECUTIONS.
VERY important. We have to start enforcing election laws in ways that PINCH the black (whoops – Black) people who are used as “color-protected” pawns for voter fraud.
There will have to be SCREAMING. That will bring out KAPO GARLAND.
That’s OK. DOJ and FIB will need to go into the BLENDER.
Yes, prosecutions, not resignations and terminations!
And no wrist slap sentences.
After all, the voter fraud caused the insurrection! Dodge and FIB need to get on it!
On Bannon’s War Room, Boris Epshteyn said the original Cyber Ninja report had strong language that the election should never have been certified. Also, the statement that Biden had more votes was not in the original report. Epshteyn indicated that lawyers got involved and toned down the language and that someone leaked that statement about more votes on purpose. The mystery to me, though, is why the Senate president echoed it today with no disclaimer or explanation.
I knew all those damn DOJ lawyers were pulling backhanded shit.
I do not understand why Republicans so easy intimidated. No wonder democrats are now in the WH control senate and congress. When truth is on our side what can go wrong and what is the fear about ?
I have and inkling, you know how the government is spying on us goes into email text message Face book? I think some of the people were threatened and blackmailed. That is what democrat communists do.
Now they can slip child porn on a persons computer and one will have a hard time denying or proving it is not so. Or they find some little discrepancy and blow it up. They can ruin lives. Oh how I dislike these unethical people.
Truth will win so one can not be afraid.
Maybe out of fear of Lawfare and being personally persecuted in lawsuits?
I dunno…but that’s my guess.
I am bracing myself for the Dems trying to stall Decertification by demanding that the results of these State Audits be adjudicated in a court of law.
I think you are on to something.
Alternatively, they could try making the point that perhaps the rest of the state was fraudlent in Trump’s favor…and so the other counties must also be audited.
Who did this will be very interesting, and we have to find it out. There were probably multiple methods for accomplishing it.
As someone quoted yesterday, “81 million votes, but not 81 million voters.”
I think it was a democrat – republican effort. A payback by some republicans concerning McCain.
Our lying media today deserves the same!
Today’s sniveling media nozzles are not ‘journalists’.
They are leftist political activists with no shame whatsoever about covering up for leftists politicians.
It’s been going on for so long…the Dems are arrogant because they know that whatever they do will be covered with a positive spin — or covered up altogether!
😠 😡
By not reporting all the facts, and sometimes none of the facts, the media in this country is responsible for the deaths of many.
The MSM lying was all over the overnight radio news reports:
“Arizona audit proves Biden won” (77WABC)
“Biden won Arizona, audit shows” (710WOR)
“Audit fails to prove Trump won” (WHAS)
“Arizona audit results show Trump lost” (WJAS)
Note to Wolf……if someone wanders in saying they’re a friend of mine, they might be.
Oops — she’s already been approved and I’ve just been too obtuse to notice.
Who is it, Coothie?
That way we can give her a proper Welcome.
Yeah, right…..
Once upon a time, I knew her by a name similar to her chosen name now — just like I once knew you by a similar name. Likely from the same place.
You mean AoSHQ.
Yeah, I used to be just ‘wheatie’ there and was proud to be a moronette in the Moron Horde.
I signed up for a WP account once, when the HQ was down and we had to flee to the alternate site here.
Just plain ‘wheatie’ was already taken…so I though to meself, “But I want ‘wheatie’ too!”
So I typed in ‘wheatietoo’ and voila! — it was up for grabs.
I left the HQ when all that SMOD and ‘burn it all down’ stuff was getting to be the daily mantra.
It was just a little too much for me.
They left out number FIVE.
“Eat lead, commie.”
You bring the boxcars, KAPO, we bring the lead. That’s not “domestic violent extremism”.
That’s the RIGHT TO LIFE. Just like ISRAEL, you sniveling excuse for a Jew.
Don’t bring the boxcars. Don’t even think about it. My mother saw them. I will never forget what she told me. I can’t forget it. I can’t scrub it out of my mind.
You bring the boxcars, I leave peace behind. FOREVER.
Not all heavy metals in my inventory are priced in troy ounces.
Just saying.
I remember when Inouye said this.
I wondered what he was talking about…and still wonder.
Anyone know what he was referring to here?
I would guess he meant the DS. It fits the bill. The military lied to DJT continuously after he supported them to the hilt.
The sitting POTUS has no actual power – the DS have captured everything.
Too gloomy? JMO ….
The cabal’s DS. It’s being destroyed if it hasn’t been already. We just aren’t seeing it yet.
The CIA.
… 🤡’s ….
DC – NOT a State, Not a Territory.
It’s a “District”. WTH is a “District???
FIRST, the City-State of Vatican City (the power / authority).
NEXT, the City-State of the City of London (the money).
LAST, the City-State of DC (the muscle / military might).
All three are sovereigns, with their own laws – separate and apart from the laws of any of the three nations they’re ostensibly located “in”.
They are “free” from the laws of the respective nations in which they’re situated, because the have their OWN laws.
The DC “police” are very much like the OZ “police”, beholden NOT to their country, but instead to a wholly different power-structure.
Both are mercenary in nature.
It isn’t a big stretch to believe that in addition to having their own “police” forces, they have military analogues to them as well.
Ell-dee-Are, when she posted to the anons one night after having a bottle of wine, alluded to the bribery: “Well, they could always be paid a little better.” (almost an exact quote).
She also said (again, almost exact): “You will die of thirst, after watching your children die first.”
[BTW, KEW was able to B her TFO, by saying “We can hear you BREATHE”, and “Never post here again.” It was an experience unlike any other I’ve had …]
Call it the “Deep State”, call it the “cabal”, call it the “illuminati” if one wishes; the POINT is that they are all working in coordination, as a single global (criminal) entity – the “puppeteers”.
I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that the TOP families – whether counting them as 13, or as 3 (it had been 4, before P45DJT & Co.) – have a stranglehold / controlling-interest in Big Pharma (Big Sorcery), through which they’re drugging their mortal enemy, WE THE PEOPLE (all over the world, not just the uSA).
The TOP single “family” has yet to be definitively identified – but the second and third tiers *have* been identified, substantially enough (respectively, the Red Shields [WW central banks], and the “public” faces like the Rockefellers, the Morgans, the Carnegies … and including individuals like Sore-A** & crew, et al.).
I hope people finally realize that when one strikes, one must hit the RED Bull’s-eye, not the GREEN, and not just hitting the dartboard – but the very CENTER.
We’re as close as anyone (at ANY time) has come to achieving this, so we must keep our eyes on the prize.
THIS is my take-away from all the Anons’ research, based on Klues from Khee-you.
FWIW, YMMV, caveat emptor, and all that jazz.
I disagree that DC is in that group. The fed constitution says otherwise IMO.
I maintain that it IS “in that group”.
I strongly suspect that the “fed constitution” DOESN’T APPLY to the District of Columbia – hence my prior post.
So – we BOTH disagree with each other!
Ain’t no thang – it’ll all come out in the wash.
I’m glad you’ve been recovering – too many here have had serious health issues, but it’s encouraging that most (like you!) have mostly overcome them.
Cheers! – and be well.
An eyeopener post. 🙂
Oh, that last one is TOO TRUE!
Crazy. Maybe trusting a STALINIST (Obama) was a bad idea.
A lot of us knew what Ocare was really about:
Control over every aspect of our lives.
So it was a nightmare to see it put in place.
And as we see now…Ocare was the precursor to this ghoulish ‘rona-vax’ scheme.
I never did he reminded me of Hitler when he spoke.
That first one the gal’s outfit is in the colors of the German flag (black, red, yellow (gold) )… really fits… and now they want to let in even more… 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡
The Election Should Not Be Certified’: The *Real* Arizona Election Audit Report Was Just Released – And It is a Bombshell
The official Arizona Senate’s election audit findings were just released – and they are causing a stir. The official documents were obtained and released by Constitutional attorney Matthew S. DePerno. They are posted in their entirety below.
This is good:

98 percent of Americans outside of Arizona probably do not know this, but that’s the county Tucson is in.
Which I understand is Arizona’s version of Boulder (a/k/a Berkeley By The Mountains).
I suspect a lot of the fraud in this last election happened WITHOUT the knowledge of the local county officials, in exactly the same way a computer virus might be running on your computer without you knowing it. Thus it makes sense they’d do the most fraud in normally conservative counties; no one would expect it to be there. (That’s not my idea but someone else’s.)
They should find conservative counties and audit them.
ALL 50 States (and Territories et al.).
ALL 3,000+ Counties / equivalents.
And if necessary, ALL the Precincts in all the Counties in all the States.
The TOTAL job – no matter how seemingly “likely” or not to have been compromised.
That would be ideal, but I doubt we have the resources as a country to do that AND grow food to put on the table. (Of course “they” are taking care of that.)
So we might have to settle for random audits, if/when those turn something up, dig deeper.
Going forward, part of any election system fix should be an automatic random recount by hand and full audit, not just when some candidate raises an issue (in which case he has to pay for the recount, at least here he does) or the election is close. That latter, current rule just tells the fraudsters they need to fake the win by over half a percent.
I agree – the limiting factor is practicality.
ALL States and select / random Counties should suffice.
Here is where math helps out a lot – the random audits, with the caveat that there be MULTIPLE random audits (say, three?) which are independent of one another.
I want at least THREE “statistically significant” results, which are themselves subject to an independent re-audit of ALL THREE of them.
Statistics can be manipulated like NO OTHER field of math. So many different “measures”, which when presented alone can – and often DO – misrepresent the whole truth.
Our country’s math / logic education has been catastrophically compromised – people in general haven’t a clue about the POWER of mathematics.
By its nature, it’s abstract (a generalization), and so right from the start it’s inaccessible to many.
Math is its own language. All should be at least somewhat “bilingual” in this regard. Music helps, too (Einstein’s violin), because it expands ones thinking palate. Most successful CEO’s, I’ve read, have music in their background.
And yet, it’s the IDEAL language as well – numbers don’t lie, but PEOPLE do, when selectively reporting them (lies of omission).
“Lies of omission”
Those lies are the most deceptive.
Once upon a time, that was how media bias worked.
They wouldn’t utter a lie on TV, but they’d deem many stories not “news worthy” and just ignore them.
That was the era when Dan Rather could be caught with fake evidence and lose his job.
Now when that happens, it’s no big deal.
Dan Rather was an embarrassment and still is. I ignore most so called news no worth my time.
Speaking of Einstein’s violin (cf. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/classical/features/relative-beauty-violin-2196313.html ) 😀
The article (disable scripts to read it) covers the subject of musicians and physics (and science). Many of the best labbies at HP that I knew were also concert musicians (or in a few cases, rock musicians). (Won’t say more to avoid doxxing…)…..
Tucson is gabby giffords area. Obummer went there and had a huge speech. Its an interesting place but even when i went 20 years ago, there were open communist supporting stores and visibly looney people.
But there were just normal folks scattered around too. And we found a gun show not too far away.
Yeah, you could leave Boulder, go to Longmont (same county, just take the “diagonal highway” about 10-15 miles [from memory, don’t hold me to that]), and see people who had guns visible in their windows.
Sort of like the bitcoin miner progs that hide underneath the taskbar while munching every CPU cycle your PC has to spare… insidious hideous idiots…
😕 🙄
They made her Chancellor?
I wonder how much she paid for that.

…. B O O M …
que to :35 seconds … 😎👍
… 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸 …. ‼️✝️‼️
She is nuts just look at her.
Satanic Black Magick Illuminised Witches. And she outranks BeezleBubba.
“Unlimited Access”, by Gary Aldrich (special agent at the WH during the Billary years) is a book about the “Clinton Whitehouse” that shows the enormity of their depravity (lots of stuff creeped him out, even though he didn’t realize what it all meant, e.g. the talismans and other occult objects on the “Clinton Christmas Tree”). There’s also a lot of information about the Satanic Klintoon Couple at http://www.cuttingedge.org ….
Wierd and disturbing to see that child near her.
…. Can you hear the people sing?🎶 …
😁 😉

So, Mom finally talked about one of her cousins who was sure she had COVID before it was named who got the shots (I can’t believe how many don’t research), and had a horrible reaction. Just unbelievable, all of it. I keep my mouth shut about my status. Most people just assume I’ve done it since I don’t say anything and walk into places without a mask just like they assume I follow MSM because they do.
Very wise.
Sounds like the best way to go.
If any of them get nosy and press you about it…you can just tell them that you’ve had covid and survived it — so you’ve got natural immunity!
Or just tell them you’ve been vaccinated without specifying what for.
More facetiously: tell them you identify as vaccinated.
I don’t remember I think yesterday maybe I was asked about the shot, I SHOT back no I had the Chinese flu so I’m I M M U N E …. Their response, oh good‼️ … Why yes, yes it is
.. this is not the droid you’re looking for, move along …
Or…you could tell them you’re in the Unvaccinated Control Group:

Yup 😎👍 … 😉❤️ ..
I feel bad for all of the ground reports where store shelves are bare. Here, at least in the places I frequent, the bare spots are what’s on sale, sparkling water, spring and artesian water, and, from time to time, rice. One local chain uses local producers for their own label’s canned tomatoes, and those shelves are full right now. Yes, I stocked up. I do see signs “We’re sorry we’re out of this item” sort of thing.
It really does depend on what’s on sale right now. Even booze aisles are maintained well. My main complaint is that onions this year have sucked. You buy a few that look great, take them home, cut one open, and one layer in there is rotten. This has been going on all summer.
Bb has an article that Costco is rationing bottled h20, tp, paper towels.
My mother still volunteers for food banks and gets extra. Gave me 8 1lb packs of name brand turkey burgers yesterday. She gets so much food that she feeds 45 families in her neighborhood.
Water 2 cases. TP and paper towels one each.
Yep. I still haven’t gone back. Wally world and smart n final.
ALDI and LIDL here have been busy
yuppiefyingremodeling their stores to be “more open” and “customer friendly” yadda yadda yadda… What they’re really doing is making the racks bigger, yet with less storage capacity, so what looks like more is actually less (except for prices, which go the other way ’round 🙁 )…A very thinly-veiled way of hiding shortages, raising prices, forcing veganism, and catering to our new Fachkräfte (imported “specialists”, who are especially trained with knives and machetes, as it were). There was a whole rack full of Kefir and other Arab dairy products where there used to be milk, cream, and other Western items. I wouldn’t be surprised it the order came from on high (i.e. Merde-Kuh) to support our “guests”…..
Folks from the DDR (former East Germany) probably feel right at home with the (faux) shortages, although they probably don’t want to see them again… The wall fell in the wrong direction, I’m afraid…
Ahhhh. I went to beth bath and beyond. Yoy know the store is huge. Definitely not well stocked and frequently each shelf that used to be full had 1 item spread out to look full.
Good Morning all,

Good morning Miss PR!
Good Morning Gil, hope you and yours are doing well…
Beautiful photo – captured right in the middle of a stiff breeze, it seems!
So the color is saturating.
Thanks, PR – I saved it!
So happy you liked it Emeraldstar
Same for you.
Oh not bad here. Homeschool growing pains, getting a rhythm. He’s smart but very poor time management. Just about a month in so hoping he sees the benefits of getting done faster equals more lego time!
Sounds good…
Ahhhhh we’re in King Midas’ Forrest …. Nice .. 😉🤚
Blessings to your weekend.
Good morning.
Just Beautiful 🙂
If I find snippets that make sense from the audit report, I’ll plop them here.
There is a good discussion on America Project:
The America Project
Thank you 🙂
Interesting theory on the dead blonde of the month.

I am still working on a rough transcript of the 1 hour 45 minute Dave Clement interview of Col. John Mills. Col Mills was in Cyber during OBAMA AND TRUMP admins. so he has some interesting information.
I will probably put it up on the U-Tree so I do not clog up the Q-Tree.
Looking forward to it.
I am working this weekend so it will be a couple more days. 20 more minutes to go. 🙄 But it is quite an interesting talk.
22-year-old kid in Florida…. did she perhaps “work” earlier (i.e. younger) for Epstein???
Maybe, but anytime one of these stories surfaces, i.e., Jon-Benet Ramsey, out of the blue and it really looks like a local murder case, you have to wonder why the national people are running with it. Madeline McCann, Lacey Peterson, and on and on.
Heck, Heather O’Rourke’s death didn’t get this much attention when it happened. And not only was she more or less a celebrity, it’s known she was killed during some kind of sex game.
Yep. It’s even getting ink and electrons over here!
Sometimes it’s like lifting up a garden flagstone and all the creepy crawlers scramble to get out of the light… The DS are working to distract, distract, distract…..
I’ve seen this on multiple accounts this morning.
Texas Announces ‘Full Forensic Audit’ of 2020 Election Has Already Begun
That is the ticket. 👍🏻 Just untie them like a rowboat, and allow them to float on down the river.
If this is the case….
AND… they all ‘suicide’ in 3…. 2…. 1….
They themselves will know who they are, would be interesting to have recorded their frantic communications after that bit of info dropped.
Well…. I have a few employed this afternoon.
Verse of the Day for Saturday, September 25, 2021
“As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.”
Psalms 103:12 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Ooopsey – more coffee
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
Maybe it’s me, but I’m pretty sure election officials wouldn’t delete over 1 million computer files unless they were hiding criminal activity.
Tick tock, Maricopa felons.
Latest from Dr Cole. Increase in cancers post vax.
I have trusted everything this guy has said forever. Since that first long video of him presenting at a conference many months ago.
Thanks for that endorsement, Gm2009.
I prefer the input of us PATRIOTS, w.r.t. credibility, over any and (almost) all others.
With any given story, on ANY site … I look FIRST to the comments of regular Americans!
More truth, that way.
“We” are included, of course!
Thus making it look like people will be expiring from diseases rather than the result of the shots.
Oh, and with cancer, yeah, there’s more wealth transfer for the treatments that may or may not work.
Dolores Cahill of Ireland might well be right after all.
Ty. Thats helps me understand why the initial calls that Ca are increasing knowing how long it usually takes to develop. With everything turned off theres nothing to stop those cells.
Joe Rogan had a rant recently and someone put video to it. Really good. Yes, some F bombs.
Adversity does build strength, that’s for sure.
… LOL .😜
.. 😬 ..
Rally thread is up.
Thank you.
You’re welcome.
Thank you 🙂
Interesting thread. In the first 3 points he explains his theory of why IVM, HCQ works so well against SC2.
New Declaration of Independence reveal by Wendy Rogers signed by 41 State legislators after the Audit Report yesterday:
Wendy Rogers Reads ‘New Declaration Of Independence’ Letter Demanding Nationwide Audits Amid Massive Calls To Decertify 2020 Election – National File
She is a very special person. She does not give up and neither should I. 🙂
I would love to meet her someday. She would make a fine President.
Not necessarily new information, but well said.
“Immunity As A Service” – The Snake-Oil Salesmen & The COVID-Zero Con – The Burning Platform
This short sweet summary by Liz Harrington of the Arizona results the Fake Stream media tries to spin:
Long read but lots of good info. Goes into prions disease and why me maybe screwed already.





Playing with the meme maker again?
I posted a vid on problems at DFW w tsa and flights. Theres a thread. Any idea whats going on?
Yes. TSA are goons and idiots.
Also, they do gov’t bidding, and Pelosi & Co. need distractions.
From Caddyshack…The Smails kid picks his nose…… 😂
Scott “McCarthy was Right about Ds and Liberals” (@ScottC20012) Tweeted:
2+ week dwell times at Port of LA, now imagine this in the context of Just In Time delivery where your production cycle needs it 2-3 days max…you’re now over a month behind
Scott “McCarthy was Right about Ds and Liberals” (@ScottC20012) Tweeted:
Component and transpo shortages
Chip shortages
Inflation on raw materials
5yr high prices on commodities
OK. 2-3 week dwell time in LA port. Seems obscenely long.
What was dwell time 24 months ago? 36 months?
AND, let’s compare to other ports served by rail. Oakland, Seattle, Norfolk, NY/NJ…
AND, ARE container ships avoiding certain ports, as FedEx avoids going through their Portland, OR hub?
You know what i had to pay? I ordered checks, had to pay shipping AND a carrier “surcharge “. Thats fedex.
I was told by a fedex mgr, well seasoned rig driver, that their female ceo knows absolutely nothing about the business, is changing everything into a pr/woke model and the whole company is suffering. This was almost a year ago.
Companies are no longer hiring (or recruiting) for qualifications; they’re hiring to fill quotas, be they at entry level or in the boardroom…
It’s crazy over here, and the Greens want 50% of all high managers to be women (and I guess the other 50% to be trans, etc.). No wonder the big companies are falling. The last TRUE engineer at the head of HP, for example, was Lew Platt, and that was in the 1990s…