Dear KMAG: 20230904 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic and the Children’s Sexual Rights Amendment in Ohio

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:

Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:

“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Word of The Week:


unit of measurement

Degrees Brix (symbol °Bx) is a measure of the dissolved solids in a liquid, and is commonly used to measure dissolved sugar content of an aqueous solution. One degree Brix is 1 gram of sucrose in 100 grams of solution and represents the strength of the solution as percentage by mass. If the solution contains dissolved solids other than pure sucrose, then the °Bx only approximates the dissolved solid content. For example, when one adds equal amounts of salt and sugar to equal amounts of water, the degrees of refraction (BRIX) of the salt solution rises faster than the sugar solution. The °Bx is traditionally used in the wine, sugar, carbonated beverage, fruit juice, fresh produce, maple syrup and honey industries. The °Bx is also used for measuring the concentration of a cutting fluid mixed in water for metalworking processes.

As opposed to


Scarf Wench

Have not read her book, I must admit. Nice scarf.

YouTube says “violins” while I’m looking for “Wheatie epic music”, so let’s go with that….

Hey – what about the cellos?

Yeah! You remember last week…..

But we simply have to finish with the cellos!

Yeah, I’m spending far too much time in the near vicinity of Marxists and their downstream effects, and it shows. But still, kinda fun.

Continuing to pray for Carl. Thank you to DePat for helping out with a perfect Sunday message about Sunday itself!

And now for some useful scoop from the front lines.

TL;DR – Ohio has a sneaky “children’s sexual rights amendment” on the ballot.

In the course of our political work, I’ve come into contact with an interesting assortment of people representing a wide variety of political interests. There is often some “adjacency” and “intersectionality” as the other side loves to say, and in particular we run into specific candidates, issues or causes which matter to our group.

You may or may not have been following the August “Issue 1” vote in Ohio, which was designed to make it harder to amend the Ohio constitution – meaning a 60% vote for passage of amendments instead of just 50%. The proposal had other features that weakened it, but the main factor leading to its defeat was the fact that the Ohio Dems had an abortion amendment coming in November, and that amendment was unlikely to get 60%+ support. The Demmunists got out the vote to defeat fundamental improvement of the Ohio constitution, using abortion. It worked like crazy.

The new abortion amendment is likely to pass in November, ironically as “Issue 1”, but worried Dem operatives have confided that the proposal has two weaknesses which give them a bad feeling. Some have even called these two problems “poison pills” in the amendment.

One is that the amendment leaves open the option for abortion due to “mental health of the mother” until birth, despite otherwise making abortion restrictable once the baby is viable (which is not well-defined). Pro-life forces can usually get voters out to the polls on this.

The other weakness is that the amendment implicitly removes parental rights regarding one’s own children, because the “reproductive rights” are granted to “individuals”, not adults. The term “individuals” is designed to include teens, and even logically includes younger children. So the right-to-life people are focused on the problem of abortion without the consent of the parents. This is also something that can bring pro-life voters to the polls.

But THESE are not the worst aspects of the bill.

The part of the amendment which grants this right to all individuals, which necessarily includes children of unspecified age, covers not just abortion, but anything of a reproductive nature. The amendment uses specific language to say that it is not limited to the examples listed, which include abortion and fertility, but which curiously do not include sex change or “gender affirming care” – and yet these things and more would clearly be covered as reproductive.

In other words, this amendment is a sneaky way to take away all parental rights regarding sex change of children – or indeed, anything else touching on reproduction.

I repeat – this amendment allows children to submit themselves to “gender change”, and takes away all parental rights to oppose it.

The amendment MAY even take away parental rights regarding sex education, or anything where the “individual” has “reproductive rights”.

Do you see what they’re doing here?

The amendment uses tricky lawfare wording to distract and deceive voters, implying that it is mainly about abortion, when it is dangerously relevant to transgender issues.

An overt sexual rights amendment for children could never pass, but an abortion amendment might.

It’s very interesting to note that Ballotpedia very deceptively HIDES the sneaky “not limited to” wording of the amendment in their description of it, except when they are forced to quote the amendment verbatim.

Et tu, Ballotpedia?

The Dems are getting ahead of the storm on the REAL sneakiness by making sure the controversy is all about Republicans changing the term “fetus” to “unborn child” on the text of the ballot issue, which generally clarifies the abortion part without changing the meaning in any significant way, in my opinion. Thankfully, the Republicans did NOT try to conceal the “not limited to” part, so we can still make that case without contradiction.

Very typical Dem behavior – distract to a smaller, winnable controversy. And, of course, the leftist media is helping. And very typical RINO idiot behavior, following the left’s laser pointer focus on minor stupidity instead of WINNING on the fact that this is exactly what the Democrats call it: Ohio Issue 1, Right to Make Reproductive Decisions Including Abortion Initiative. The trick is, this amendment should really be called Ohio Issue 1, Children’s Right to Make Reproductive Decisions Including But Not Limited To Abortion, Sex Education, Gender Reassignment, and Sex with Adults Initiative.

Are you seeing how bad this is, and how stupid the Republicans are?

They should be printing up yard signs in big bold letters:


This bill for an amendment, if it passes, will destroy public education in Ohio. [Admittedly, some conservatives are actually rubbing their hands in glee at this possibility!] Teacher’s unions will be utterly free to “trans your kids” and even more, under the color of an “individual’s reproductive rights”. Whether the bill destroys education completely depends on whether private schooling can lock out transgender ideologues from their teaching staff. Nobody can trust left-wing teachers once this passes.

So watch out for this CHILDREN’S SEXUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT – which is definitely a DEMS CAN TRANS YOUR KIDS AMENDMENT – and see if the national conservative media catches on to its insidious nature RE spreading the trans agenda to red states using abortion. If they don’t, Ohio will join Michigan and California as a “fleeing resident” state starting next year.

Note how the “pro-choice” side and the old feminists (including TERFs) were THROWN UNDER THE BUS by the Pritzker transgender males to get their much bigger agenda into law. “You want to protect abortion, ladies? Here, try this amendment!” The Pritzkeroids don’t care if people catch on and abortion is defeated, because their number one fundraising issue is still preserved if they lose. A simple 12-week bill (Robert Kennedy Jr. gets this) would PASS and WIN in Ohio, satisfying everybody on their bottom lines, but NO, we can’t have THAT!

Does the amendment do anything to protect pedophiles and sexual consent by minors? With the lunatic leftists on the Ohio Supreme Court, I am certain that it does. These goofballs actually decided that bail increases based on danger of the accused individual to the public were illegal, until an amendment to allow higher bails for dangerous criminals was passed over Demmunist objections.


The left always goes too far. The trick is catching them early.

And here I thought this was an exciting election already!

Interesting times – no?



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New Schlichter —

“Turnabout Is Fair Play And Also Both Fun And Essential”


He is 100% right about this.


Unfortunately, if it was going to happen, it would have happened immediately.

It’s not as if the Republi-Crimi-Cons don’t understand all of this, instinctively.


They know how to fight.

They’re paid not to.

They’re paid to take a dive, every time.


I had never heard the Bach Toccata and Fugue played on a violin before. Nicely done.

The Ohio situation makes my head hurt. It all becomes so complicated that it takes a long time to explain in order to get people to see what the problems are.

Are you seeing how bad this is, and how stupid the Republicans are?


They should be printing up yard signs in big bold letters:



That’s depressing.


So this needs to spread over social media.


Ohio Issue 1, Children’s Right to Make Reproductive Decisions Including But Not Limited To Abortion, Sex Education, Gender Reassignment, and Sex with Adults Initiative.”

This one line should be on billboards and all over social media. Because that IS the elevator speech, in one line.



Canadian Guest

That is is actually what is pushed by the WHO and UN in their Comprehensive sexuality Education(CSE) now in schools.


Yes, and it is awful.

Cuppa Covfefe

Great point!

The WEFfenSS and UN are pushing their perverted agenda world wide… we all have to push back faster and harder…

There’s something similar being tried here in Germany, with children having “self-determination” with regard to “gender”, “gender-reassignment”, and pretty much anything where parental authority and responsibility is involved.

All of that being grounded in the UNs “declaration on the rights of the child” or something of that nature (or un-nature)….

(the idiot Green ministerin, Lisa Paus, is currently blocking important legislation in order to push this crap through…)

The German federal government has approved plans to liberalize the country’s gender laws, which will enable citizens to legally change their gender through self-certification without any need to obtain a professional assessment.

The Self-Determination Bill was approved by the federal cabinet on Wednesday and will allow those wishing to legally change their first name or their gender to do so by filing with the registry office without any further formalities.

Currently, individuals who wish to formally change their gender must obtain professional assessments from two experts and seek permission from the court. However, this will all be scrapped under the new plans, which still require parliamentary ratification.

Minors from the age of 14 will also be able to change their forename and legal gender provided they have approval from their guardian. However, should this be contested, minors will reserve the right to challenge their guardians’ decision in the family court.

Parents of those under the age of 14 will also be able to apply to the registry office to have their children’s gender legally changed.

“With the Self-Determination Act, we are realizing the right of every person to have their gender identity respected and treated with respect,” said Federal Family Minister Lisa Paus of the German Green party.

More like Feral Family Minister. The kind of “families” that she’s pushing have utterly NOTHING to do with normal families.

And, if that weren’t enough, “encounter groups” are back, but at the preschool level; clothing-optional is next, probably…

Daycare centers in Germany are under fire for promoting the use of “sexual exploration rooms” where young children are encouraged to touch themselves and engage in sexual games with other children.

In the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia, at least two nurseries are entertaining the idea of safe spaces where young children can retreat to masturbate, or as one daycare center in Kerpen puts it, “discover and satisfy themselves physically.”

Worth noting is the fact that most of the founding members of the Green Party were/are supportive of Paedophilia, and that there are a disproportionately large number of Greens in Germany’s ruling coalition; the party with the least votes has the most power…

Something is very, VERY wrong about that… almost as if decisions are being made external to Germany (i.e. the voters have no voice)… 😡 😡 😡 😡


These people are SICK.


I would highlight the SEX WITH ADULTS in all caps.




Hope DeWine is Very publicly talking truth about Ohio issue One.


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Nice lady adds a great Mitch zinger at the end. Other than that, it’s Oprah is full of it…


Oh, that was awesome!


Have you noticed?
The Left loved open borders until it came to their neighborhoods.


That’s only true because Leftism is synonymous with hypocrisy.


And a few other nasty words I could think of.



Love seeing these Democrat run cities crying about all the illegals pouring in.

For years, as border towns were overrun, they called everyone bigots who didn’t like it. They bragged about being sanctuary cities every day.

Hilarious listening to them cry and whine now.

Send millions to every Democrat run city who bragged about wanting this. All of them.

I don’t feel bad for them one bit. I think it’s freaking hysterical. Keep sending them.

Cuppa Covfefe

DINDU…. sounds like a title for the next Disney movie 🙂
(and another failure/flop for them)…

Cuppa Covfefe

Or maybe Cheech and Chong, “The Big Dindu”…

Brave and Free

Of course this to is also by design. It brings the destruction of major cities that much quicker for the globalist.

Brave and Free

Also need to add. See how they get their opponents to play into their hands? The R’s ship the illegals out with all their fanfare, yet it’s just a cover for the Rhinos who are part of the problem. Hi Abbott and Ron!


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Yes, and some people need to be reminded.


Yeah, I guess. Like getting used to a painful boil on your ass, maybe.

Cuppa Covfefe

Time to call back Bert LANCE… 😆




In other news that’s hard to care about, Chris Rock waded his way out of the mud at Burning Man and was driven away in the back of a pickup by a fan.

It would have been a much more entertaining story if Will Smith would have slapped him back into the mud when he waded ashore.


I’m fascinated by Burning Man mud in a trainwreck sort of way. (If you’re not, scroll on. 🚂)

‘Mudpocalypse’ Hits Burning Man, 73,000 Trapped In ‘Toxic’ Lake Bed In Nevada Desert
Various comments from tweets and from the article:

As of Sunday evening, 73,000 attendees are still trapped in the toxic desert full of alkaline mud after a rainstorm transformed the dried-out lake bed into a swamp. Event organizers said, “The Gate remains closed. Please stay off of Gate Road — rain and mud make it impassable at the moment. We will update you when conditions improve. Stay safe!”

It’s a muddy hellhole. 

Lot of stuck vehicles trapped by mud about a mile out attempting to exit from Burning Man. I just walked by about 30 various RVs and cars that can’t move.”

Burning Man festival gets hit with torrential rainfall. they have blocked the entrance and the exits everyone’s supposed to shelter in place. they can’t make it in with fuel for all the generators. There’s 6 inches of mud everywhere and they’re expecting more rain tonight.”

Since early Saturday, all entry and exit points of the Burning Man festival remained closed due to the thick, alkaline mud. As of 0900 ET Sunday, event organizers said, “The gate and airport in and out of Black Rock City remain closed. Ingress and egress are halted until further notice. No driving is permitted except emergency vehicles.” 

Organizers continued to advise the 73,000 attendees to “conserve food and water, and shelter in a warm space.” 

The Independent confirmed local officials had reported at least one death but have not released details on the suspected cause of death. A major concern is that the toxic alkali dust that makes up the lake bed is now three inches of mud, and if attendees aren’t wearing socks and closed shoes, it can cause chemical burns called “Playa Foot.” 

All fun & games until that alkaline rich mud sucks the moisture right out of the skin. Those porta johns are filthy and can’t be emptied. On a sunny day it takes 11hrs to commute into this remote barren lake. Burning Man 2023″

And who attends this drug-infested event? The rich tech bros. 

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… rich white tech bros. 

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Surely, these ‘informed’ folks who are now stuck in a swamped toxic lake bed understood it was an El Nino year… 

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Probably not. They were fixated on the corporate media headlines hyping a non-existent climate crisis (well, that’s according to these 1,600 scientists). 

There are probably a lot of Karens there as well as the tech bros. It’s an enclave for rich leftists and pagans.
Why can’t they send in suppies by drones?
Drones can’t clean the toilets, though. Conditions are bound to be unsanitary. I doubt that people have enough water to use for cleaning as well as drinking.


“Lot of stuck vehicles trapped by mud about a mile out attempting to exit from Burning Man. I just walked by about 30 various RVs and cars that can’t move.”


You gotta be smarter than the mud 👍

If you’re in a 2 wheel drive car, have a passenger put something solid under the drive wheels. Then ease onto the gas, have the passenger push if necessary, until the drive wheels catch on whatever you’re using for traction, and drives over it.

Once the car starts rolling, don’t stop, let the passenger hop in while you’re slowly rolling.


The inside of their cars must be filthy.


The voice of experience, right?


Sure, but not in a long time, and not often.

In addition to figuring out how to get the car unstuck, it is hoped that one also learns from the experience to not get stuck in the first place 😁

Cuppa Covfefe

“have a passenger put something solid under the drive wheels”…

Say, maybe a climate protestor? 😆
(OK, they’re probably wishy-washy snowflakes, but they’ll do… make ’em work, for once)….


“On a sunny day it takes 11hrs to commute into this remote barren lake. Burning Man 2023”


Well see, right there’s your problem.

You don’t go somewhere like that to begin with.

Do something else… 😂


I’m already signed up to do Maker Faire, which has been sort of a PG-rated mini-Burning-Man (with substantial overlap in people).


“I’m already signed up to do Maker Faire,”


I’m already suspicious of the ‘e’ at the end of ‘Fair’ 😂


“…which has been sort of a PG-rated mini-Burning-Man (with substantial overlap in people).”


Not for long, I reckon…

Cuppa Covfefe

Are you suggesting Maker Fair-eee ? 😀


Burning Man 2023 is just not an appetizing anything. Color me skeptical.


The terrain doesn’t seem attractive at all. I know they’re going for the artistic displays, social events, and the burning man, but it isn’t appealing in any way, to me.


The idea is that it is a blank slate, upon which anything can be written.


Okay. I guess that, given the reports I’ve seen and the mindset of the crowd that I know to be in attendance, it seems more destructive than creative. I’ve never heard of anything that was created at Burning Man. (I mean, they’re burning a man, not creating one.😅) Maybe the fruits of it are just not being reported on.


It’s all about building things.

Take, for instance, this thing — . It was originally built for Burning Man, found its way to Maker Faire the following year, has been around a bit, and is now permanently installed in San Francisco. An expanded version of this one — — was supposed to be featured this year.

Even the Burning Man is supposed to be constructed over the week of the event, then burned to show that the party is over.

In between, you have vehicles and whimsy ( ), music, games, light shows, dramatic presentations, sculpture ( ), DIY demonstrations, and everything else.

Although it has become associated with sexual debauchery and exotic intoxications, there are some very serious people involved, building weird and wonderful things — just to show them off.


Here’s a couple of surveys from years Before The Plague —

Remember that this entire area is BLANK — there is nothing there at all when there is no Burning Man. Then all this stuff is hauled in and built on-site, enjoyed for a week, dismantled, and hauled away.

That is, when it hasn’t sunk into a swamp.


I can see why you would be interested in “building weird and wonderful things.” For me, it wouldn’t be worth enduring the rest of it. 😊


I always got the impression that the idea is to go somewhere beyond the reach of law, society, morality, etc.

To experience libertinism, debauchery, chaos, a place to experience ‘anything goes’, as long as ‘anything’ is within the boundaries of what is ‘politically-correct’ at that moment, as determined by the primary influencers within the movement.

Which basically always descends into depravity and manifests as living out dark fantasies, because the ‘experience’ must continually evolve to greater and greater extremes, in order to achieve the same experiential ‘high’.

You can’t do any of that unless the number of ‘freaks’ far exceeds the local population and the ability for law enforcement to effectively stop you.

Being out in the middle of nowhere, with substantial numbers of like-minded people, meets both criteria.


If that were all there was, they could have stayed in San Francisco.

Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of drugs and debauchery at Burning Man, but it’s more like an “open house” of creative activities.


When was the last Burning Man you attended? Because I think it has degenerated into something you would not recognize, in large part.


I haven’t done a Burning Man (although I know others who have). I sunburn badly.

I’ve done all but three Maker Faires.


I think if you showed up at Burning Man in the last several years, you would run out of there like YOU were on fire.

Cuppa Covfefe

Sounds like libtards and sheeple…


They’ve gotta be that far from civilization to get away with what goes on there, or normal people would run them out of town on a rail. Trust me.

Cuppa Covfefe

Moloch and “Cremation of Care”…



Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder if that alkali contains any Lithium or useful “earths”, as it were…


YW! I have the same “glad it’s not me” response.


Lol, yeah. Hell no!

Cuppa Covfefe

“Gladenfreude”? 🙂

(not exactly Fahrvergnügen, but…)…


Happy for their misery.

It is ALL stoopid on steroids, in my way of thinking.


Oh, I’m fascinated all right.

It is very interesting watching God smite the perverts and degenerates attending this demonic horror.

Most people reading here have NO idea what goes on at this thing, and at other, smaller festivals like it.

My free-wheeling hippie-love-child-wanna-be youngest son attended a few festivals years ago, and he won’t go near one now. They have degenerated into Sodom and Gomorrah. It’s BAD.

I actually know a couple of people who might be there. Degenerates are everywhere, even in small-town America. Bored sickos with lots of money.

Enjoy your smiting, perverts.


Truth ^^^



I wish it wasn’t, but it is.

Robert Baker

Should we expect a covid outbreak?


If it would help the narrative, then any cold- or flu-like symptoms could be attributed to COVID. However, most of them are probably multi-vaxed, so there is that. I was thinking more along the lines of cholera or something intestinal. I’m not wishing that on them; it would be a nightmare in the conditions they’re experiencing. But sanitation appears to be an issue, and the longer it goes on, the worse it will be.

Robert Baker

The fact that they are likely vaxed would increase the probability of a covid outbreak.


lol…you’re right !

I’d expect some kind of skin or feet ailments but ??

Cuppa Covfefe

Tom Lehrer saw this coming, years ago 🙂


Hold on.. let me check the almanacs.

Poor Richard’s Almanac, Old Moore’s Almanac, Farmers… oh! Conspiracists Almanac… 2023…2022…2021…ahh! 2020… they’ll do it again and again and again…

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Variant BS24/7… 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

“Non-hispanic White”, with a separate category for Hispanic…

How about “WHITE”…

My wife checks “other” and puts down Caucasian. Leaves the libs in the dust every time (except those rare few who have heard of the Caucasus)…


«The dried-out lake bed» — hmm, as it once was a lake there, there could be one again, should the weather patterns change appropriately. Which they might be doing. Now that Man has to dry out before he will be able to catch fire and Burn….



Mexican parents burn textbooks infected with ‘virus of communism’ in fiery protest against gender ideology

Christian groups in Mexico have taken to the streets in protest of their department of education with one group burning books they believed was laced with “Marxist-communist” indoctrination last week, according to a report. 

Parents in Mexico from Christian organizations have taken to the streets in the thousands to oppose new textbooks from the Ministry of Public Education they deem to contain sexual and gender ideology content, according to Mexico News Daily. At least 12,000 people attended. 

Aguascalientes is one of the 32 states which comprise the Federal Entities of Mexico.

Parents also burned the books in question in Chiapas, a southern Mexican state bordering Guatemala.

And the powers-that-be push back:

Mexican President López Obrador responded to the protest, claiming parents are “misinformed and manipulated” by a politicized agenda because they believe that the “virus of communism” is baked into the new, free textbooks.

“They have the right to demonstrate. We are free,” he said. The president acknowledged that the textbooks could be improved but maintained the outrage was due to “politicking.”

In response to accusations the books were laced with gender ideology indoctrination, the president denied the claims, stating, “They have been prepared by teachers and experts.” 

Deplorable Patriot

It only took 106 years.


“They have been prepared by teachers and experts.”




In that case, we’re gonna need a bigger fire…


Pharmacists Continuing To Refuse Ivermectin Prescriptions, Raising Ethical Concerns

The continued refusal of pharmacists nationwide to fill prescriptions for controversial COVID medications has raised questions over medical autonomy and who ultimately has control over patient care, according to a prominent doctor.

This needs to come to an end. In telling my patients what medicines they can and cannot have access to, we effectively have a large group of pharmacists practicing medicine without a license,” said Dr. Bowden. “They have no accountability for this yet they are allowed to dictate patient care.”

“I see it every single day. Enough is enough,” Dr. Bowden added.

This needs to come to an end. In telling my patients what medicines they can and cannot have access to, we effectively have a large group of pharmacists practicing medicine without a license,” said Dr. Bowden. “They have no accountability for this yet they are allowed to dictate patient care.”

“I see it every single day. Enough is enough,” Dr. Bowden added.

I’m in favor of making a huge scene to let everyone within earshot know that a pharmacist was refusing to fill a doctor’s prescription, contacting whatever board has jurisdiction over pharmacists, contact the local news media for a report that XYZ Pharmacy is practicing medicine without a license, etc. That’s how to stop this.


Wolf Moon
The other side of this coin:
A federal district court in Minnesota ruled in 2022 (RULING UPHELD IN 2023) that pharmacists CAN REFUSE to fill a prescription for Ivermectin:


Link redirects to main page.


Thank you. Hate it when a link does the “redirect” thing back to a main page that sends one down blind alleys.
Here’s another link:
August 15, 2023
Yours Truly: This case has been dragging along since 2021, apparently.


Another link, in case the above one doesn’t work:
August 17, 2023
Yours Truly: What this court ruling does, IMO, is to kick open the door for a pharmacist to refuse to fill ANY prescription written by a medical doctor, podiatrist, PA, Nurse Practitioner, etc., that the pharmacist doesn’t want to fill (or was TOLD NOT to fill) — EVEN AFTER the pharmacist contacts the prescription writer and confirms the validity of the Rx.

Cuppa Covfefe

One question would be is that binding only on that Federal District, or are there other districts that would/could use that as a precedent?

Or if there were a conflicting decision in another district, would that eventually end up at SCOTUS to decide…..


IMO, unless or until such a thing would wind up before the Supreme Court, it smells like other jurisdictions using that word, “precedent.”

Barb Meier

So pharmacists can also refuse to fill a prescription for abortions, right?

pat frederick

OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH…now THAT’S an interesting question!!!!!!!!


Don’t be silly. Abortion is a civil right, donchano.


Another lovely treehouse… Wheatie would be proud!

Thank you Wolfie … for fighting for the children…


Good run down on Maui catches most of it except the sirens.


So this vid has been seen before. Missing school buses. May be a legit reason, but still no answers that I’ve seen that clear it up. More on this thread but I think they will pop up the lead post again if I try to post them.


Okay, lead post didn’t pop up… so this is that….


So it appears the implication is that the ‘authorities’ rounded up about 1,000 children for child trafficking purposes.

They can pretend that all the children died in the fire, and the former Police Chief of the unsolved disaster of the Las Vegas shooting gallery, who is now the police chief at the unsolved disaster of Lahaina, made himself the coroner too, so he can sign off on ash-piles and pretend they’re the remains of missing children.

And all the people go “Hmm…”


i don’t understand where the parents and families of these alleged 1000 kids…in any other catastrophe like a mass shooting or anything, doesn’t it seem like throngs of distraught people would be visible ?

Everything else about this I’m pretty much full on thinking the winds were given arson assist by the Globo reset ghouls but the hundreds of missing kids…??

Cuppa Covfefe

Weatherchannel is LEFT…

Just sayin’ ….

Cuppa Covfefe

Gotta love those “fact checkers”….

But who funds and checks the “fact checkers”…..


He makes a great point about the military, they’re only 15 minutes away.

They must still be on that lunch break, since 2020.

What a disgrace.



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.


It confirms what I’ve seen elsewhere: well-to-do, non-religious Democrats


From the article: “It is being declared a national emergency.”


Who keeps declaring it a ‘national emergency’? 😂

A) it’s not national, it’s extremely local, and whether it’s an ’emergency’ or not is certainly debatable

B) the people at the local ‘emergency‘ learning experience don’t have any authority to declare a ‘national emergency’


There must be some rich powerful sicko sexual predator political donors in Ohio!


Demonic Camel nose in the tent.

Brave and Free

Poor Ronny, shouldn’t have listened to the globalist and his wife.


Yes, This is brutal. Watch the clip in Brave and Free’s link.

Republican Strategist John Thomas, the FOUNDER of the DeSantis Super PAC just went on News Nation and dropped a bomb! Thomas told News Nation that DeSantis lacks all of the qualities that make a good candidate – charm, charisma, discipline, being likeable – and he is now backing Trump.

John Thomas: I, along with a lot of grassroots supporters and major donors, said, okay, let’s draft DeSantis, encourage him to run for president, because we think he’s got the stuff.

Except there was one problem, Adrian. It’s that when Governor DeSantis did end up launching, he had a failure to launch, and he’s never recovered. And while he may be a great governor, he’s not ready for the national stage, and we don’t think that he’s ready to beat Joe Biden.

And on the flip side, Adrian, we think that Donald Trump, in spite of all of his legal challenges, has honestly run nearly a flawless effort with strategic ad spends against his opponent, DeSantis, good messaging choices that really I hadn’t seen in 2016 or 2020. So for all of those reasons, we all reversed course to get behind Donald Trump, not just because we think he’s going to be the nominee, but honestly, we think he’s the best person to beat Joe Biden in the general.

…Looking back, it seems quite clear, right, that DeSantis might not be ready for prime time. Was it was a risk? Certainly. And it was a miscalculation on our behalf, thinking that sometimes, and we’ve seen this in other cases what makes somebody good for one office? The skills don’t directly translate to another. For instance, when you’re running for governor or Congress, oftentimes the main skills you need are ability to raise money and roll television ads. When you run for president, yes, of course, that’s important. But retail politicking, charisma, charm, discipline, being able to conduct yourself in a likable manner on television interviews, those are all equal, if not more important, than your ability to roll the TV ads. And DeSantis just hasn’t had it. And then the last thing I would say, Adrian, is like, there are some basic failure launch mechanics, for instance, choosing to launch on Twitter spaces. Of course, I don’t fault the governor. Nobody could have known that system was broken, but the governor blew it in the sense of he didn’t even have a simulcast video stream for new television stations to cover it.

That is just brutal.


Republican Strategist John Thomas, the FOUNDER of the DeSantis Super PAC…

^^^ Disingenuous dirt bag would, will, stab Trump in the back, if he is unhappy in the future.


Don’t be silly. No Republican would do that.



John Thomas: “I, along with a lot of grassroots supporters and major donors, said, okay, let’s draft DeSantis, encourage him to run for president, because we think he’s got the stuff.”


We already HAVE a candidate who has proven has “the stuff”, his name is DJT.

If you haven’t heard of him, or didn’t think he could win, then you’ve already disqualified yourself 😂


Larry’s Latest:

3 September 2023 by Larry Johnson 


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The U.S. Intelligence Community is not a monolith. It is more like a feudal society. The big three Feudal lords for intelligence analysis are the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). All three produce “raw intelligence” — the CIA’s case officers produce reports from foreigners who have agreed to work in secret for the United States, the NSA scoops up all forms of electronic intelligence (e.g., phone calls, emails) and the DIA produces reports from U.S. Defense Attaches assigned to U.S. embassies around the world. Each jealously guards its own product and the employees of these three agencies can be considered the vassals. (Gots to have a vassal if you’re a feudal lord.)

con’t reading: (comments are also interesting)

Cuppa Covfefe

Empty vassals make the most noise 🙂

(ducks and runs from serf-ing safari albums, etc.)…

The Epoch Times
“People Rarely Transmit COVID-19 Before Experiencing Symptoms: Lancet Study”

The paper referred to in the above link:
(Also at:
“Viral emissions into the air and environment after SARS-CoV-2 human challenge: a phrase 1, open label, first-in-human study”
Jie Zhou, PhD, et al.

And, last but not least, a JD Rucker piece that ties into the presentation and discussion yesterday on the Karl Denninger article in which he accuses POTUS45 of being a “liar” regarding the COVID-19 “vaccines”:
“We Appear to Be Entering Stage Five of the Covid “Vaccine” Con Job”
Yours Truly: Part 6 of the Rucker piece discusses the “blame Trump” section.


“And, last but not least, a JD Rucker piece that ties into the presentation and discussion yesterday on the Karl Denninger article in which he accuses POTUS45 of being a “liar” regarding the COVID-19 “vaccines”:”


Karl and his merry band of Trump haters appear to be supporting no one for President besides Karl, so it begins to resemble a suicide cult…


From the jdrucker article: “In all of these situations, people may have felt they didn’t have much of a choice but they willfully accepted the needle(s) in their arms so they could do certain things in their lives.

They made a choice.”


That’s called COERCION and it’s also a violation of the Nuremberg Code.

The ten points of the code were given in the section of the judges’ verdict entitled “Permissible Medical Experiments”:

“The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or COERCION; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.”


Haven’t seen this before. Assumes it’s been out there for some time and imagines the pressure for Prince Andrew to do this must of been great.

Very Comical, but equally sad that these are the kind of people rule the world.

Meanwhile if we could just get Biden to do a sit down with the nice interviewer… 😁

h/t Dinah.


ALL of the “reproductive rights,” “trans rights,” etc., boils down to one thing, and only one:

The perverts want SEXUAL ACCESS TO CHILDREN. Full stop.

And we’d better fight like hell to put a stop to it all, now.


Perfectly said, Aubergine!!!


Thanks, GA/FL!

Cuppa Covfefe

This is where it all started back in 1959 (!!!!)

And here is this years’ version. Note that none of the children shown are white…..

Inversion (of the family and societal order) and Satanic perversion (of the family, and society)… that’s what the UN does…


Again, pure evil.


“And we’d better fight like hell to put a stop to it all, now.”


Unfortunately they have unlimited resources, and they control media, government, education, entertainment, medicine, banks, and big business.

And they are buying up farmland to control food supply.

They are ruthless, merciless and evil to their very core.

They are genocidal psychopaths.

They want us all dead, and are actively trying to murder all of us.

They’re not going to stop of their own volition, and we can’t vote our way out of it.

Hopefully this helps to give necessary context to what ‘fight like hell’ entails.


I fight every day. With a garden. With preparations for hunting. With learning about natural medicines I can grow or forage myself. That’s fighting like hell, too 🙂


Pedophiles are everywhere in government. They are Legion.

Sick, evil, demons.



Pretty clear why they tossed the Frenchies.

Cuppa Covfefe

Looks like my energy bills are going to go up again (along with everything else) 😡 😡 😡 😡

Since “I know nothink” Scholz refuses to allow the reactors to be reactivated, we have to purchase ENORMOUS amounts of electricity from the French, at inordinate prices, which will probably go up, yet again…


…AND they probably ship their finest criminals to


Looks like Putin just trumped Zelenski’s appointment of the new ethnic Turkish Defense Minister guy. This should be two tweets, (there are more in the thread I won’t bother with). If not will attempt to edit or will post first tweet separately.


h/t dinah


When will the BiteMe regime stop rolling the dice?

Putin is putting his own global reset in place and we’re so stupid we shake our fist at the departing train instead of getting on board.

Cuppa Covfefe

Somehow I see Walt Disney whenever I see a pic or vid of Airheadman…


First and hopefully second in a 12 part thread. Lots of vids. Haven’t watched all of them but so far so good. Wish someone posted a thread reader thing…


Now those nasty conspiracy theorists folk are going to say…”Told ya so”. 😁
New Zealand PM on People Harmed by the Jabs: “They Ultimately Made Their Own Choices” Vid 1:06

Last edited 1 year ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Deplorable Patriot

I’m not going to say “Told ya so.”

More like, if we had said anything, would you have believed us?

My parents learned the hard way.

Deplorable Patriot

They wouldn’t listen.

Cuppa Covfefe

Makes me think of the last lines of “Starry, Starry Night” by Don McLean…

They would not listen,

they’re not listening still

Perhaps they never will…

I have a whole bunch of extended family members who have gotten the jab; and I’m convinced that (ultimately) the jab got my sister…


Betcha they listen to ya going forward.


HELP!!! Got a spam email yesterday that won’t let me delete or put in the trash or junk mail.

The email is from mdoleaidmdoleaid at gmail dot com 

Says it cannot be moved to mailbox outlook when I tried to move it to the trash box –

It said: “The specified object was not found in the store., The process failed to get the correct properties.”

It has a click box with a ‘load remote content’ download of some kind.

What should I do?

My computer is a new macbook laptop with M2 OS. The old 2011 MBP died – I liked it much better than this one!


sympathies GA/FL..I have no idea , our tech pros will have advice I hope…soon


I suppose they all work a bit different. But have you marked it as spam then clicked the delete spam option.


I did mark it as ‘junk’ and got the same message.

Barb Meier

GA/FL, have you tried highlighting the message entry in the list and pressing the Delete key instead of trying to move the message to a new folder? That works in Apple Mail and Microsoft Outlook with normal email messages. It might not work, depending on how the software is coded but I suspect that move code may be different than delete code, so it might work. If that doesn’t work, try restarting in Safe Mode.

The thread above does have a link on starting in Safe Mode. You start the Mac and hold down the Start button until you get a message asking if you want to start in Safe Mode.

Barb Meier

If the Delete key works, then select the Trash folder and use the Delete key to remove the message permanently. Good luck! Others more techie may have other suggestions.


Thank you – Barb. I’ll try to try that.


Barb, I’ve tried everything-! It refuses to be deleted or drug into the trash or even to the junk folder.

There is a load remote content button at the top right. I’m afraid clicking this will give someone remote control of my computer…or install a virus.

I may take the computer to the geeks at Best Buy or to a local Mac technician tomorrow.


First, if it is really from a gmail account, Google will occasionally render emailed malware invalid. That would explain “The specified object was not found in the store., The process failed to get the correct properties.” The cure would be to shut down, then restart and reconnect to your email. The message may disappear on its own.

Alternatively, you might try another email client (you can have several) like Thunderbird. You don’t have to use it as your daily driver, but it’s sometimes nice to have an alternative. See if Thunderbird can delete it.


Thanks, cthulhu! I tried shutting down, restarting, etc.

I tried Barb’s cure and my machine wants me to use time machine and have some sort of back-up disc. That’s beyond my skill level.

I don’t know how to add a new daily driver.


A new email client, not necessarily a daily driver.

Click Mac and it will download. Click the downloaded thing and it will install.


Thanks, Coothie.


I’m using Outlook – and the Mac OS is 13.5.1 Ventura – M2 Pro (which I’m certainly not pro)


This message is a different color – kind of tawny brown type. The rest of the emails are black and white.


Just did – and the suspicious spam email is still there. Should I take my new computer to my Mac tech guy (a conservative Christian) or to the Best Buy geeks to fix this?


Whoever is likely to be (a) more paranoid, and (b) more loyal to you.


Ha! OK – the Christian tech guy – !


Should I get them to set up an extra strong spam filter fire wall?


A surprising amount of malware gets spread through email.

That said, there are a variety of approaches that are useful in safeguarding your online security.

One approach is to have multiple emails. You can have a public one that is battened down so tightly that it can barely squeak, and another one used only by family where only basic security is used.

It’s really about trying to figure out what you want to do and designing a comprehensive strategy to get you there.


Good advice – wise counsel – was just thinking about a yahoo acct. or a separate email for blog comments. Most of my spam has come after commenting again at CTH. A lot of it has been ‘patriot’ news sites – like the Sun. But the spam has gotten more aggressive as time has gone on. The Sun won’t quit – even though I’ve ‘unsubscribed’


Should I change email from Outlook to something like Proton mail?


Does your email end with “”?

It is probably not necessary to change emails immediately, but may be useful in the long term.


Yes, it does end in

Should I change passwords or emails.


The Christian tech guy is a Mac specialist and set up the new computer for me – transferring my files, etc. from the old 2011 MBP laptop to the new one.


Wolf Moon
Still can’t Edit comments in real time — getting that red error message of “You’re commenting too quickly. Slow down.”

Barb Meier

Me too…

pat frederick

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pat frederick

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Julie Kelly 🇺🇸

The pledge by GOP to release all the Jan 6 videos has been broken.

I believed my involvement to make footage available was a temporary fix until staff could protect innocents from DOJ and thugs like Sedition Hunters. Now I see GOP has capitulated to DOJ and Capitol police.
I have lots of video. And it would benefit me in many ways to keep it on close hold. But I will release what I have because this is wrong.
Like NO


GOP is the enemy of The People.
As many have recently pointed out the witch hunt to cripple DJT is as much to get him as it’s to vilify us.
The title of them being Uniparty is way too tame, they’re much more than that.


That seems bold on her part if she releases all the video she has. It will be interesting to see if there is fallout. I hope some J6ers will benefit.


If it was for real, she would release the video first, and then explain her reasons.

Announcing it first is just giving the enemy a heads-up to:

A) take you out

B) pay you off

C) threaten family members

D) seize your evidence

Speaking of which, where is Tucker’s video interview of Hussein’s homo lover?


Bold? Can’t imagine Julie has been bold.

It has been months since she was given access to J6 video.

What, IF anything has Julie delivered? Nothing, IIRC.


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What do the cheerleaders say? 😂🤣😅

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LOL! I always wonder how long it takes people to make things like that. There’s probably a lot of technology that I’m not aware of.


This is definitely something that AI should make a lot easier to search the web for and locate.


In Beavis’ voice: “I am Cornholio!” 😂



In a tweet, former U.S. Solicitor General Neal Katyal detailed his journey getting out of the Nevada desert where the annual anti-capitalist festival welcomes thousands 

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Former U.S. Solicitor General Neal Katyal ⬇️

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Party on, Neal. 😂
