Dear KMAG: 20240624 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:

Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:

“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Week:



  • the act of killing a prophet
  • the killer of a prophet


Some excellent epic music that I’m sure Wheatie would love!

Two tracks:

  • When The Shadow Reveals You
  • Rain of Light



Remember what Steve posted about nucleosynthesis (where atoms come from)?

Let’s check out a simpler video review!


Just sayin’!

And remember…….

Until victory, have faith!

And trust the big plan, too!

And as always….



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Then there’s his advocacy of population reduction, abortion, eugenics, and euthanasia.

Gates is a murderous ghoul.


BREAKING: Donald Trump has reportedly chosen his pick for Vice President but has not told them yet and says they will be in attendance at the debate on Thursday.

I saw this reported somewhere. I think Trump might have said it in his most recent interview.


Them??? They???

We’re never going to win if our side can’t even do grammar correctly.


I suspect the plural pronouns might have been used to keep from giving away the gender of the VP pick. Plus it’s pronouns, so anything goes, LOL.


Why not use he/she?





Valerie Curren

what sex is AI? 😉

Valerie Curren



Both. All. None.



Valerie Curren

Yes 🙂




“They” has always been shorthand for “maybe male/maybe female.” We are just really sensitive to its usage now.


Where was your nice sweet understanding in my junior HS English class?



Maybe it’s just a Southern thing.

Last edited 3 months ago by Aubergine
Happy go lucky



They / them and the like are a generics for any guy(s) / gal(s).

It is really that simple.

Valerie Curren

“you guys” is generic (in my world) for groups of males, females, &/or mixed 😉 😉 When in OK the prevailing localism was “y’all” which this Northerner couldn’t ever bring herself to do. I guess I don’t do assimilation LOL


It is that simple.

Reject all LGXYZ and tranny foolishness.

Valerie Curren

 👍  👍 

I guess that would be 2 big thumbs way up 😉 😉


I hope it’s not like a beauty contest. All of the hopefuls waiting for the crown, hope they have all been told in advance


Interesting. If they will be told in advance, I wonder how much time they will have before he makes the announcement. Because if they put out word that they aren’t in the running, it narrows down the field for everyone to speculate about. 


dunno…I’m not a fan of delivering the decision in a public venue since they made kind of dealio about the invitees to the debate..meaning they’re all sitting in the audience with everyone speculating and then cameras pan over to the losers..rubs me wrong


That is like the Oscars or something. I agree that it’s best for them to know ahead of time if they’re not the pick.

Valerie Curren

K3  😂 


Or Bergam (sp?). Nor Lil Marco.

Valerie Curren

nor Canuck Cruz  🙃 


I refer to Ted Cruz as: Cubanadian due to his father being a Cuban citizen at the time when Ted was born in Canada.

Last edited 3 months ago by rayzorback
Valerie Curren


OK I’m trying to see if Gab’s AI image generator Gabby will give us something to work with. Here’s the first prompt “Ted Cruz as: Cubanadian; United States Senator Ted Cruz as both a Cuban and a Canadian” which got an error message LOL…

Here’s my second prompt

“United States Senator Ted Cruz as both a Cuban and a Canadian, his heritage is complicated, use ethnic clothing from both Cuba & Canada & surround him with items associated with both countries. Have a small amount of American symbolism for balance.”

Gabby gave this One result:

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Same prompt from the anime generator got an error

Same prompt from the animation style one

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well that face looks more like Cruz but apparently Gab’s AI image generators are afraid to show Cuban stuff…

Here’s what came from “reload & include Cuban too”

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Trying the same reload request at Gabby got an error

back to reload Animation & they left off Cuban still

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ditto…some continuing censorship it seems…

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Well apparently I’ve used all my image chances for the day LOL

Last edited 3 months ago by Valerie Curren

“hope they have all been told in advance”


Can’t, because the ones who weren’t picked would never keep the secret.

They would need to tell the people who need to know.

Most of them, maybe all of them, are Deep State plants. There is nothing they keep secret from their handlers and financial backers.


I’m hoping that it will be someone that causes large numbers of Dims and RINOs (BIRM) to have catastrophic heart failure. Someone like (but not necessarily) Sarah Palin.


Sarah will be offered Energy Secretary or Interior Secretary, with orders to shrink the department by 67% minimum.

She will be unable to resist.  😆 

Valerie Curren

Dream job!

She got funds for All Alaskans from oil drilling in the state!!!

Happy go lucky

Yep. I think it’s a feint.


I’m not sure about the significance of this, if any.

German Democratic Republic [East Germany] born on October 7, 1949.

Hamas terror attack on Israel was on October 7, 2023.

I wouldn’t put it past those Islamic thugs to have picked the date to coincide.


Vlad Putin Birthday….. October 7



Barb Meier

Confirmed… 10-7-1952


This seems important, IMO. Patrick Byrne appears to be pushing for Michael Flynn to be VP.

Trump camp scrutinizes Arizona delegates in move to prevent disruptions at convention

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign moved this week to quash a potential disturbance at next month’s GOP convention in Milwaukee by seeking to replace six delegates to the convention who they thought were potentially going to initiate “unnecessary distractions” on the floor.

John Findlay, the Trump campaign’s convention delegate selection director, placed phone calls to six of the campaign’s “alternate delegates” in Arizona and requested that they challenge the status of six delegates to the convention out of concern for their loyalty to Trump, according to correspondence obtained by NBC News.

Days later, however, the Trump campaign abandoned efforts to replace the delegates, saying it “cleared the air” with the delegates who sparked the concerns after days of deliberation. 

On Thursday night, the Trump campaign’s political director, James Blair, posted on X an explanation of the campaign’s decision to pull back on its request for challenges.

“As true MAGA patriots, [the alternate delegates] challenged several AZ delegates to the Republican National Convention to prevent unnecessary distractions from being organized during President Trump’s formal nomination,” Blair’s statement reads. “Given AZ delegation chair [Shelby] Busch’s public clearing of the air and commitment to following the campaign’s lead, we feel it is appropriate for the six to withdraw their challenges.”

As of Friday morning, each of the six alternate delegates had withdrawn their challenge. 

“This was not started by anyone in the Arizona delegation or of the alternates,” said one of the alternate delegates who filed a challenge and requested anonymity. “It was presented to us from someone on the Trump team, and we were helping the campaign.”

The move speaks to the Trump campaign’s desire to keep tight control over the July convention and limit distractions beyond the scheduled programming. Trump won 92% of the total delegates to the convention after rolling through his competition in this year’s primaries and caucuses.

The episode also comes amid some online chatter on the right about pushing Michael Flynn — the retired lieutenant general and conspiracy theorist who briefly served as Trump’s national security adviser, pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI before trying to reverse that plea, and won a pardon from Trump in late 2020 — to be Trump’s running mate in 2024. Since his pardon, Flynn has traveled the country hosting conferences promoting Christian nationalism in recent years.

On Tuesday night, shortly after the Trump campaign sought these initial delegate challenges, Patrick Byrne, a close ally of Flynn, posted on X about the prospect of Flynn serving as Trump’s vice president. Byrne, the former CEO, met with Trump and Flynn in the Oval Office in December 2020 as part of a push to overturn the 2020 election results.

“They tell Trump to name as VP a milquetoast who will not overshadow him,” Byrne wrote. “In two weeks Trump is going to be either in jail or under house arrest. His VP needs to be a General: @GenFlynn.” 

Link to that X post:

The alternate delegate who requested anonymity told NBC News that Findlay, the Trump delegate selection director, “reiterated” to her a rumor that some of the delegates wanted to put Flynn into nomination for the ticket.

“That’s how it was presented to us,” the alternate delegate said. “It seems kind of far-fetched, but who knows these days. It was presented that they were concerned about eight states coming together to change the rules on the floor of the convention.”

Two other alternate delegates told NBC News that they were not directly told by the Trump campaign that Flynn was the concern. One said that conversations with other GOP activists made it “very clear” that the campaign was taking the step due to that suspicion that there was a desire to nominate Flynn for the vice presidential slot. 

“[The Trump campaign] felt there was a credible threat to the convention and a disruption to the convention,” the second alternate delegate said. 

Busch, the Arizona convention delegation chair, did not respond to NBC News’ request for comment when reached by phone about this week’s challenge of her role at the convention.

In a statement sent internally among Arizona’s convention delegates that was obtained by NBC News, Busch wrote: “As a result of what has happened over the last few days, I have been in touch with the Trump Campaign and assured them neither me nor anyone I influence will participate in any disruption to the convention, including challenging the rules, platform, programming, or otherwise. We had no intention to do so and absolutely will not.”

I don’t know what is really going on. Try as I might, I don’t trust Michael Flynn. I also don’t trust Patrick Byrne. Both have done good things, but apparently they think they know better than Trump what he needs to do. Or a worse-case scenario is that they don’t believe in Trump’s policies and are seeking to undermine them by inserting the epitome of the type of person trusted by patriots: a military vet who has already served in a Trump administration.


“They tell Trump to name as VP a milquetoast who will not overshadow him,” Byrne wrote. “In two weeks Trump is going to be either in jail or under house arrest. His VP needs to be a General: @GenFlynn.”


Who has a personality big enough to overshadow DJT?

Right, nobody 😂

Shaquile O’Neal might overshadow him. If they were outside, and DJT was standing on the side of Shack that was opposite to the sun.



Valerie Curren

Snack Shack Shaq


“In two weeks Trump is going to be either in jail or under house arrest. His VP needs to be a General: @GenFlynn.”


Then why not Gen. Pink-Hair Milley? He’s a General too.

So clearly, being a ‘General’ is not the determining factor.

When has Flynn ever demonstrated that he is capable of taking command of a situation?

As far as we know, he spent four years hunkered down in total radio silence, while DJT twisted in the wind.

That doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence, unless he was doing what DJT wanted him to do.

Valerie Curren

Plus “Intelligence” Community   :wpds_shock: 


Yup – good post, Val.

I would think PDT knows all to well to not trust the military hierarchy and IC.

Valerie Curren

They pretty much undercut the entirety of his first term  😡 


My thought is Obama set Trump up with Flynn by saying “do not choose Flynn.”
Trump seems to have the impulse to go against the grain and therefore chose Flynn to be in his cabinet. Just an idea! Was Flynn a plant? Funny how easily Pence was able to take him down. Something is not right.
Of course I support whomever Trump chooses he is the one taking the arrows all I do is cast one vote for him.

Last edited 3 months ago by singingsoul1
Valerie Curren

very interesting…


A while back when I checked out Flynn’s America First website, there was a message from him that sounded exactly like a campaign speech. I think his ambition is to be president and that he would ride Trump’s coattails and then throw Trump under the bus to get there. A lot of people want to be president, but Flynn is in a different category. IMO he raises red flags.


Bingo !


“I think his ambition is to be president and that he would ride Trump’s coattails and then throw Trump under the bus to get there.”


Then he’s insane. Anyone who thinks they’re going to get Trump’s supporters by throwing DJT under the bus is insane.


I doubt anybody can throw DJT anywhere, let alone under the bus.

Why would he do that?

Wouldn’t a more successful strategy be to ride DJT’s coattails and then have DJT throw him into the presidency via endorsement?


I don’t trust Mike Flynn either, and if he is the VP pick, Trump loses. Period. Take that to the bank.


Trump’s life would be in danger.


Is in danger. Remains in danger.

Cabal is determined to S T O P Trump. At any cost. Including blatantly obvious harm.




Yes, I think so, too.


Sorry but that makes no sense.


If Trump chooses someone as widely viewed as a conspiracy nut as Flynn is by normies, he will lose.


Navarro? I cannot understand Carson.


Do not trust Byrne Flynn do not know. Flynn having been a spook he always will be a spoon rather than MEGA but still has best interest of US. Agree he might have different goal or interest than Trump. He was to easy duped by FBI that is disturbing. As intell person he should have been more aware.


He’d be more useful as a fork instead of a spoon.



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Other than stoves and hairdressing? LOLOL!


GD, Wolf. We still have little barking birds in the backyard. And Taller Half is not dead yet.

Bless you and yours.

Last edited 3 months ago by WSB

Gotta newsflash for ya, CNN; I eat as much meat as my 210 lb. DH. I weigh 135.

I also like my big ole gas guzzling 8-cyl. pickup.


Red Blooded American through and through.


You bet!


I am with you!

OK, we saw a weather girl (hair in a fan) locally tonight saying the weather had to be worse than it really was and that all would be fine later.

Woah, I am with YOU, Aubergine!


This 8 year old article might have been linked from here; I’m not sure.

But I read it and had tears in my eyes. We had a righteous cause in WW2 but …

Apparently this situation exists all over the world and most of it is from us. Long after the war profits stop flowing, this horror carries the torch so to speak. How much hate is directed towards us because of damage caused after we left?

My heart is burdened …


pgroup, one of my most hard and fast rules in life is assigning blame where it belongs.

When I’m mad or upset about something, I want to be sure I direct that energy towards the true cause.

In this case, the German government of the 1930s is to blame, period. And I will guarantee you that there were more than enough American lives lost to defeat that government to equal any amount of “damage caused after we left.”

Valerie Curren

assigning blame where it belongs.” Excellent. I think Sundance, back when I read CTH & wasn’t banned there, said similarly about Trump. That being one of the main ways he could appropriately address issues, by getting to the Truthful Heart of the Matter, no matter how inconvenient or uncomfortable it might be!

Valerie Curren

Much better than “blame”–TY!


That is why I do not blame Israel Bombing Gaza .




Well, we part company when it comes to timer controlled bombs. That is a terrorist weapon, no different than the bombs used by Sinn Fein in the Northern Ireland religious war. Intended to break civilian spirits when the war was already obviously won. Civilians had zero ability to cause a surrender.

Plus, the design was crude and barely adequate for its objective.

It was a war crime and we’re damn lucky we won so we could write history.


There is a saying ” eye for an eye tooth for a tooth soon there will be no one left to have eyes to see or teeth to eat with”.

I knew a man his family was fleeing with thousands of children , old men and women from Silesia and East Prussia. They came to Dresden his mother, grandparents and siblings were killed in the bombing of Dresden. Strangers picked him up and raised him. I was moved by the love and kindness strangers showed to strangers.
I believe hundred of thousand people died that day mostly people fleeing Russians. War is ugly brings out the ugliest in people. I do understand what was in the heart of men and government who fought the Nazis. Yes the war was just about over and I was just months old. My mother told me they saw the firer of Dresden from the distance and yes it finally broke the soul of Germany. The soul of the country was weeping.
People pay the price of Government. Who will pay the price for the butchering of Ukraine?

Last edited 3 months ago by singingsoul1

And who was paying for Ukraine shelling its own citizens starting in 2014?

Just because they were Russian heritage.


ThanQ for your very sensitive and moving description.

Dresden was unnecessary IMO. I feel the same way about delayed detonation bombs, especially in 1945 Germany.

We must get the war mongers out of govt.

Valerie Curren


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And similarly, JAPAN is to blame for Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Yes, they are.

The Japanese mindset of that era would not allow them to surrender. There would have been a catastrophic death toll if we had to actually invade Japan to end the war. The bombs were necessary. Note that they didn’t even surrender after the first one. It took two.


I imagine most will have the same reaction upon reading this. I give him A for effort. At least this brings more attention to the issue.


: I will be sending a letter demanding that Biden submit to a drug test before and after this debate for performance-enhancing drugs.


How appliance, urine and other contraption testing?

Valerie Curren

He could ask for Both candidates to be tested for “fairness” & increased pressure for FJB to comply. Perhaps Trump might insist that he will only agree to such testing if LGB does.


I left this on the other thread too, didn’t realize that it was already monday


Molly, whatever I did to you to deserve this punishment, I AM SORRY!!!!


My poor PG..I should’ve warned you..avert your eyes at every scroll !!!! It’s the best that can be offered. 😬 


I am having the same issue!


They look evil.


They look evil and mentally ill.
I can’t wrap my head around these people…so they dress like women but want to be with another man that’s also in drag…so they’re like lesbians with male hardware ?


I’ve never heard it said quite like that, but that seems right! It’s so twisted.


Intentionally a perfect fit for Briben Administration.

Along with the Briben Family.

Common to All, Mental Illness.

ht Aubergine.


Sad, but true. It’s either that or they have a demon.

Valerie Curren

AND logic again for the win   :wpds_evil: 




“Lesbians with male hardware….”

So, the scene is a dark, cheap bar on the shady side of town. An older man walks in with the walk of someone freshly out of a saddle, wearing dusty clothes and carrying a Stetson hat. He sidles down to a large empty spot at the bar and orders “whiskey”. He slowly sips it, staring into the back of the bar like it could talk, ignoring the other patrons and the sports playing in the far corner.

After some time, a young woman enters the bar. Her hair is short, she is wearing glasses, and she flits as if she were avian on her mother’s side. She stations herself in the largish space next to the old-timer and orders herself a Long Island Iced Tea.

When she is halfway through her drink, she turns to the man and asks, “what sort of work do you do that gets you all dusty like that?”

It seems to take the man a while to realize that a human is talking to him, and not one of the bourbon bottles on the back of the bar — but he pulls himself together and sits up straight and slowly turns toward her. “I am a cowboy,” says he. “I ride with the herd for months at a time; when a cow gets sick, I tend ’em; when the pasture runs out, I move ’em to better pasture; when one goes missing, I track it down. Doesn’t matter if it’s morning, noon, or night — it’s my job to take care of my cattle.”

After a painfully prolonged silence, the cowboy remembers something about being social and reciprocates: “What sort of things do you do?”

The young woman replies, “Me? I’m a lesbian! I love women! I think about them all the time — how soft they feel, and how sweet they smell. I’ve got a boring office job and try to look busy sometimes, but I’m almost always thinking about pussy……which I don’t think I’m going to find around here, so I’m off to the club.” With that, she slurped down the last of her drink, said “Seeya, Tex!”, and walked out of the bar.

The man had another whiskey after she left, and had another five minutes later. Five minutes after that, he waved the bartender over and asked for one more. The bartender asked if he was feeling ok.

“I’m just a bit confused, that’s all”, said the cowpoke. “I’ve spent three decades out on the range herding cattle and thought I was a cowboy — but I just found out that I might be a lesbian.”

Valerie Curren


Read that little gem to Hubby when he called me from the road  😂 

Last edited 3 months ago by Valerie Curren

You sure know how to spin a yarn, Coothie 🤣🤣🤣


Apparently they’re just a couple of fags, trapped in a man’s body.

Last edited 3 months ago by scott467

Simpler than that; they’re demon-infested.

Valerie Curren

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Don’t believe anything you hear! Only Trump knows!


Slammed the door on that one!


Robert Baker

I guess I don’t understand exactly why the Trump campaign is treating this VP selection like a Miss America pageant. Whoever is coordinating this approach is treating the selection like a public relations stunt. It is fundamentally unserious and makes the entire process to elect a President a popularity contest. As if the only necessary thing is to convince Americans that their ‘man’ should be prom queen. That explains why politics is such a joke. It would be a lot more entertaining if Western civilization wasn’t on the line.

Valerie Curren

for some reason this came to mind–TY for speaking out about what’s important!

Here are the “updated” lyrics from this version


Captain Planet
Arab Spring
LA Riots Rodney King
Deep fakes
Iceland volcano
Oklahoma City bomb
Kurt Cobain
Tiger Woods
Monsanto GMOs

Harry Potter
Michael Jackson dies
Nuclear accident Fukushima Japan
Crimean peninsula
Cambridge analytica
Kim Jong Un
Robert Downey Jr Iron Man

We didn’t start the fire
It was always burning since the world’s been turning
We didn’t start the fire
No we didn’t light it but we’re trying to fight it

More war in Afghanistan
Cubs go all the way again
Explosion Lebanon
Bobbit, John
Bombing Boston marathon
Balloon Boy
War on terror

Trump gets impeached twice
Polar bears got no ice
Fyre fest
Black Parade
Michael Phelps
Boris Johnson
Kanye West
Taylor Swift
Stranger Things
Tiger King
Ever given suez

We didn’t start the fire
It was always burning since the world’s been turning
We didn’t start the fire
No we didn’t light it but we’re trying to fight it

Sandy Hook
Sandra Bland and Tamir Rice
Lebron James
Shinzo Abe blown away
Meghan Markle
George Floyd
Burj Khalifa
Fermi paradox
Venus and Serena

Michael Jordan 23
YouTube killed MTV
Golden State Killer caught
Michael Jordan 45
Woodstock ‘99
Keaton Batman
Bush v Gore
I can’t take it anymore

We didn’t start the fire
It was always burning since the world’s been turning
We didn’t start the fire
No we didn’t light it but we’re trying to fight it

Elon Musk
Texas failed electric grid
Jeff Bezos
Climate change
White rhino goes extinct
Great pacific garbage patch
Tom DeLonge and aliens
Mars rover
Self-driving electric cars
Prince and the Queen die
World Trade
Second plane
What else do I have to say?

We didn’t start the fire
It was always burning since the world’s been turning
We didn’t start the fire
But when we are gone
It will still burn on, and on, and on
And on, and on, and on, and on, and on

We didn’t start the fire
It was always burning since the world’s been turning

Last edited 3 months ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

clues seeping into pop culture fringes!

pat frederick

I, myself, think it’s a two pronged decision. 1) it shoots down all the seers pretending they KNOW who his selection is. It shows he, and he alone, has made a decision, so those claiming it’s gonna be or gotta be are all full of shit. and 2) it generates interest in the debate. President Trump likes a big room. He can announce it at a rally or he can announce it at a venue that might generate many stations to run with parts of the debate–multiple air time without cash expenditure. you build suspense and have the viewing audience wait for the reveal. that’s good showmanship.

Valerie Curren

James O’Keefe seems to have mastered the build-up process too 🙂

Glad to see you stop by, people were concerned yesterday. Hope all’s well 


I was going to respond to Robert’s astute article that I despise the theatrics of ALL politicians and there are times Pres Trump plays that game. It’s part and parcel of that ‘industry’.

in this instance, I wonder if his ploy isn’t designed to take the air out of the debate itself … where Joe is debating one opponent but DJT is debating both his political opponent and his media opponent CNN

To the extent he forces either opponent to expend energy on the VP theatrics, the question is who gains an edge.

My hope is, regardless of theatrics, his chosen VP will not be a back-stabber like patheric pence was.


Is any one of the likely candidates presently engaged in any sort of work or project which would be detrimentally affected if the pick was known now ?


TY Mods  😀 


Thick fingers reply went into moderation


Whoever is coordinating this approach is treating the selection like a public relations stunt.

I haven’t thought of it in that way, but thanks to the media, almost everything surrounding Trump has to do with public relations. People on both political sides are speculating, and that just means more publicity for Trump. He is a master at getting attention and using publicity to gain attention to his message and to gain supporters.

I’m not sure what people would recommend he do differently. In every interview he is asked about it, and he wants to announce it at the most opportune time.


I think it is a trap for Trump. The moderators are in the driver seat and can throw most embarrassing garbage at Trump. When Trump not answers the way they like the will pound the same questions over and over like Jan 6 and about his payments to Stormy. Maybe even try to trap him to go against his suppression of first amendment right by the NY Judge .
I think the worse of the moderators because they are the worse human beings.

Last edited 3 months ago by singingsoul1

Your comment is so sharp nobody felt its slice. Excellent.


I do not know a thing about pageants so cannot compare the VP as such.
Presidential selection has always been a popularity contest as long as I remember.
Maybe it began with JFK? Clinton? Then Obama?
Trump is in a category of it’s own. The media has made it into a circus so has the criminal DOJ and the Court system. The speculation about VP comes from media and impatient d Trump supporter and those who were supporting other candidates trying to get their guy /girl as VP. Maybe the new Internet has turned the election event into a pageant?

Deplorable Patriot

And Trump is playing the media like a fiddle when it comes to this. He’s really good at it.

Presidential runs always did seem like popularity contests to me. Well, at least since Bill Clinton. The question of which deep state persona would be the face of the government is never quite answered until all the ballots, real or imagined, are counted.

Robert Baker

You are correct. Elections are by definition popularity contests like the high school prom. That cannot be changed but Trump needs to be talking about the extinction of the human race if we leave this country in the hands of the Deep State. Forget the jokes and the backhanded slurs. Every question needs to bring the focus of the American people back to the primary goal, saving human civilization. The campaign needs to start talking to adults not fans.

Deplorable Patriot

Umm…I think we’re still very much in the red-pill/wake up phase of all of this. Yes, there is a critical mass awake, but enough who aren’t just yet that overtures to saving civilization is going to fall on deaf ears. It might just be my friends and family circle(s), but there’s a lot of blindness out there still.

Robert Baker

All true but does it make any sense to wait for people to wake up? It is the adults who will turn back the tide. Regardless of how many will hear it is the obligation of those who see what’s coming to put it out there. In the parable of the Sower, it is clear that some will do nothing, some will hear and believe for a time, and some will understand the gravity of the message and join the chorus. As I see it Trump has an obligation to the human tribe to broadcast the reality of what we face.



It would be helpful if Trump AND others started sounding the alarm.

Perhaps he will as we get closer to the election. It’s an imperative he do so.


adults not fans.

Your stiletto strikes again.  🙂 


Clicks. Air Time on Pravda, blogs, X, FB….Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump…


Passengers suffer nosebleeds, ear pain after Boeing 737 MAX 8 cabin pressure system malfunctions

A Boeing 737 MAX 8 jet was forced to turn around and passengers began to suffer from nosebleeds and ear pain following a malfunction with the plane’s cabin pressurization system, according to reports.

Passengers on Korean Air Flight KE189, bound for the Taiwanese city of Taichung, reported that the plane’s systems began experience a problem soon after the flight took off Saturday afternoon. 

Less than one hour into the trip, the plane turned back to Incheon International Airport in Seoul, South Korea, Yonhap News Agency reported.

A a result of the malfnction, the Boeing 737 Max 8 was forced to rapidly descend from an altitude of over 30,000 feet to about 9,000 feet, Dimsum Daily Hong Kong reported.

The dramatic drop caused extreme discomfort and even health issues for some of the 125 passengers on board.


The 737 MAX 8 is maxed out.

How long are airlines going to put up with that crap plane? To call it a lemon is to cut it slack it doesn’t deserve IMO.


The issue is that it was flawed in concept, but completely botched in execution. If the execution had been perfect, the flaws in the concept could have been overlooked…..but it now just looks cursed.


Speaking of cursed….

How’d you like to be cooling your heels on the International Space Station, waiting for guys who are safely on the ground to tell you that it is safe to get back into the rocket that barely got you up there?


What if they refuse to go?  😂 


That’s a nice way of putting it.  😉 


To go further with the “flawed in concept” dealio….

The venerable 737 is a beast of a plane, still a workhorse despite being first flown in 1968. It was the best-selling airplane of all time until surpassed by the Airbus A320 in October 2019. As of May, 2024, 11,762 units of the Boeing 737 had been delivered, compared to 11,471 of the competing A320 family — making it the most delivered jetliner. As of June, 2021, there were 9,315 737’s in service.

All was going swimmingly with the 737 until the 4th generation (“737 MAX”) was released May 6, 2017. These incorporated new high-efficiency engines that were substantially larger in diameter than the original.

The original 737 was intentionally designed to sit low to the ground, for ease in using stairways instead of sealed jetways, as these were still popular in 1968. In addition, luggage could be directly loaded from the ground. This allowed the landing gear to be short and functional, and to fold up into the fuselage while in flight (which is why you can see the wheels under the plane when it flies overhead).

The new engines required new mounting in front of the wing, rather than under the wing as before. Rather than treat this as a new airplane, the decision was made to NOT CHANGE PILOT TRAINING for this variant, and kludge the control systems so that they’d “feel the same”. This was the “original sin” of the aircraft.

If the company had pulled off a perfect execution afterwards, this might not have been a problem. Instead, the dratted planes kept crashing.



Boeing needs to abandon 737 Max. Get them out of service. Work with airlines and AC leasing companies to replace 737 Max in-service and being built.

Huge expense for Boeing AND a black eye for sure. But, NECESSARY.

Airlines AND flying public must have confidence in the AC they fly on.


The short version of your explanation is that they fixed something [737] that wasn’t broken.

Which is what I said originally: the 737 MAX 8 is maxed out. IOW, it is fatally flawed and the liability for selling a bad product needs to be admitted. And money refunded.

And if Boeing dies, somebody will buy the pieces. The Renton WA plant sits on prime waterfront property. No idea what it’s worth.


The major upgrade was the efficiency of the engines, which had been a problem.

Trying to make the more efficient plane into a counterfeit older plane was the flaw. If they hadn’t tried to pretend it was still a 737 and instituted new training procedures, things might have worked out very differently.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s why the pilots are there. To put the plane in a controlled dive down to 10K feet, and get to the closest airport. There have been several news stories in the last few years that talk about this.


Past several weeks there have been several reports of AC diving.

Yes, the pilot is there. Too damn frequent these days. <<< Problem.


BREAKING: Cathie Wood, one of the most influential people in the business world just publicly announced that she’ll be voting for Trump and that he had the best economy in history

“Trump or Biden?”

“I am a voter when it comes to economics. And on that basis, Trump.”


She’s also extremely pro Bitcoin, her company ArkInvest has one of the 9 new Bitcoin ETFs, so she and her clients will do very well if Bitcoin does well.

And DJT has been very pro Bitcoin since several weeks ago, while the FJB administration has done everything they could to kill crypto.

So this was an easy decision to make.

Saying it publicly will hopefully give others the green light to openly say the same 👍

Valerie Curren

This guy goes into the history of cobalt mining in Idaho including DOD connections & explains how the battle for water rights is going to continue even though the farmers got a break currently. He gives a lot of helpful context…

[video src="" /]

comment imageRogue Nation Eternal Militia


Idaho Cobalt Mining vs. Farmers’ Water Rights

This shorter video was in reply to the above

[video src="" /]

comment imageRogue Nation Eternal Militia


Idaho Water Rights Victory
(For Now)

  :wpds_arrow:  Both videos can be viewed at the Gab links if they don’t play here.


That is typically the way it works.

Valerie Curren

devious plausibility

Valerie Curren

Really pushing for WWIII it seems  😡 

comment imageGD


Australia – Land NEWS
JUST IN: Russia says “a deliberate terrorist missile attack was carried out on the city of Sevastopol by five American ATACMS missiles equipped with cluster warheads.
undefinedundefined undefinedundefined undefinedundefined undefinedundefined undefinedundefined
Four US-made ATACMS missiles were intercepted;
The detonation of the fragmentation warhead of a fifth US-made missile in mid-air resulted in numerous casualties among civilians in Sevastopol.
All flight assignments for US ATACMS operational-tactical missiles are entered by US specialists based on the US’s own satellite intelligence data.
Therefore, responsibility for the deliberate missile strike on civilians in Sevastopol lies primarily with the United States, which supplied these weapons to Ukraine, and with the Zelensky regime, from whose territory this strike was carried out.
Such actions will not go unanswered.”

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Such actions will not go unanswered. <<< Good.

Perhaps, “Command and Control” for ATACMs will be targeted. Overt or…

Not to mention logistics nodes obliterated.

This shit needs to stop…to avoid WWIII.

Valerie Curren

“Command and Control” for ATACMs” can they potentially do that from our shores or do they need to be more “local” to take such actions?


Guess it depends of the level of Command and Control pursued.

Could be anywhere in the chain, used to launch ATACMs. Not being coy.

It all starts with intelligence. Wherever it is collected, analyzed… Could be anywhere on the globe.

What is the desired effect of a strike. Decisions are made, what and where to strike. WHO is making that decision(s). Strike package needs to be developed. Weapon system, weapon(s), number of weapons to be used, launch location, target, distance, time of day, evasion after launch….

At some point US soil likely involved. Certainly US sources in Europe, Britain, other continents AND of course Ukraine.

Valerie Curren

TY KBK that really helps me better understand the process…& the Presumed guilt…

Last edited 3 months ago by Valerie Curren

You should appreciate that the playbook for hacking command-and-control has already been made into a TV series.

This show was made over ten years ago.


Truthfully, we have no idea who attacked Sevastopol. Most likely, it is the way the Russians say it is, which is grim. But it could easily be Ukrainian nazis outside the chain of command.

Or any group anywhere [that possesses the skills] and wants to have a let’s-you-and-him-fight scenario play out.

The script is over 10 years old!!!! We could be right on the edge of the high dive, over an empty pool, in pitch black darkness, AND NOT KNOW IT. We are living in interesting times.

Valerie Curren

Predictive programming?   :wpds_shock: 

Valerie Curren

TY 🙂

Valerie Curren

Just saw this one too

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Lavrov is very upset. The neocons should be concerned since he is one of the most skilled diplomats in the world. I’ve seen lots of pics of this guy over the years and I’ve never seen him this pissed off.

Just my opinion.  😮 

Valerie Curren

More Russian woes…

comment imageRT

·️Three days of mourning declared in Russia’s Dagestan following terrorist attack
What we know so far:

  • More than 15 police officers and several civilians were killed — Dagestan head Sergey Melikov
  • The wounded were transported to the Makhachkala hospital
  • Authorities report five terrorists were neutralized, two in Derbent and three in Makhachkala
  • Investigations are ongoing, and the terrorists’ accomplices will be identified and found
  • The families of the dead and injured will receive financial assistance from the authorities
  • The President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev expressed his condolences to Vladimir Putin

#Russia #Dagestan – Boost

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That’s how it goes
Everybody knows…

Terrorist attacks in Dagestan clearly demonstrate the opponent’s view of terrorism as one of the tools of pressure on Russia for the purpose of its internal swaying and destruction.

Almost all military conflicts, in one way or another related to the involvement of the West, directly or indirectly accompanied by the activation of terrorism.

In addition, the connection of the United States with terrorist organizations banned in Russia is not a secret.

What is the similarity of some elements of the terrorist attack in Dagestan with Crocus?


In total, 20 people were killed in the terrorist attacks in Dagestan, including 17 law enforcement officers.

Also published the final figures of victims as a result of the terrorist attack in Sevastopol.
Four people were killed (including two children), 153 were injured. Today we have mourning in Sevastopol.

Valerie Curren

TY RAC, God help the bereaved to heal & go on  🙏 

Valerie Curren

If they do that, it will be challenged.

Valerie Curren

I would hope so! It’s just sick that anywhere in America, where the 2nd amendment is still law of the land (if not the heart of many leftards & dupes) that Anyone would even try  😡 


I believe AND too lazy to verify, ATF has defined a firearm.

Valerie Curren

that sounds like “regulations” that, imo, shouldn’t carry the same weight as Actual Law. If they want to call BB guns & paint ball markers firearms, why not air soft guns & cap guns & slingshots. Just straight up outlaw kids playing cowboys & indians. Oh & lock up kids that chew a poptart into the shape of a gun & kids that make their hands appear like a gun & say “pow” when “shooting”. & put their parents away for life to boot!

Valerie Curren

comment imageVirginia Dare


“Germany Seething As Government Fines Truthtellers, Hides Muslim Violence”–undefinedundefined Even Elon Musk has expressed shock that Marie-Thérèse Kaiser has been convicted for citing government statistics

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Valerie Curren

Can’t wait!

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Valerie Curren

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You got a dog!

Valerie Curren

Pretty much always!


Always playing catch up here.

Off to looking for a dog.

Valerie Curren




Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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Sadly, I think if you scratch anyone who’s life is defined by sexual desire, you will find some sort of perversion.

Normal people do not define themselves by whom they screw. It should be a maxim, in my opinion.

Last edited 3 months ago by Aubergine

The problem is certain queers that our side admires/adores.

Like Grenell and Presler, for two examples.

I pray for them, not to go straight though that would be nice.

I pray that their ‘objects of affection’ continue to be adults.

BTW, somebody who knows how should edit this page so it speaks truth or at least doesn’t tell bald lies:


I don’t think Presler or Grenell define themselves by their sexuality. It’s incidental to who they are; that’s the difference, in my opinion.


Well, that’s what they want you to think. To the extent that they can put that front forward, good. However, if that is true then why does the public know about their ‘sexuality’ as you put it?

Seems to me that if it was incidental, then it would make sense to keep it to oneself. Like Miss Lindsey does.


By staying covert, Miss Lindsey can still be blackmailed with it. Grenell is “out” as far as needs be to avoid this.


Thinking “can” or likely has been. Latter.


I disagree. Grenell was a terrific asset to Pres. Trump in his first administration and Presler is doing phenominal work in building voter registration. That is why I admire them.


They are still operating for the normalization of their God forbidden sexual agenda, however subtly.

Valerie Curren


Also it is not the unforgiveable sin. There is a NT passage that lists all sorts of heinous sins, including homosexuality, & then goes on to say, roughly, “and such were some of you but you have been washed by the Blood of the Lamb”, iirc. They can be set free! But Ex-Gay ministries are verboten, doncha know…


I never see either of them openly advocating for that lifestyle, getting in our faces with it, or fighting for “rights.” I might have missed it, but I just see them doing their jobs.

Just going about life and doing one’s job is what people were duped into believing would happen when the public was told “it’s just about loving whomever you want.” If it had stopped there, it would be a live-and-let-live scenario. But of course “the community” keeps pushing because of their agenda.


Grenell and Presler are the last two I’d cast aspersions at. They do far more good than many other citizens.

I look at my own life and sins that seemed ‘not sin’ to me at the time – ones just as heavily ‘normalized’ by those pushing agendas.

We all come to repent and ask forgiveness in our own time.


I’ll say again – I cast no aspersions at anyone other than the burdens that are part-and-parcel of that lifestyle.

It is a hedonistic lifestyle and it can never be okay. That was my point – that lifestyle is more important to its practitioners than anything else.

When push comes to shove, homosexuals will choose their lifestyle first. We don’t do that – we choose Christ first [or we try to].


Disagree with what?

I didn’t say anything negative about either of them.

I implied that because they were queer, they should not be completely trusted to not behave improperly [beyond being queer]. I pray they will continue to be what they appear to be.

Can’t see with what you might disagree.

Valerie Curren

How can Any of these deviants get security clearances, like Bathhouse Barry did?  😡 


A POTUS gets all-access security clearance with inauguration. Further, security clearances are nominally a POTUS function (though the bureaucracy will drag their feet about them).

The American People were supposed to be smart enough to never elect a POTUS like the Obamanation.

Valerie Curren

I still consider him (aka BHO, real identity & legal name “unknown”) a Usurper since he was Never Constitutionally eligible as a non Natural Born Citizen. You would hope the electorate could have seen his Anti-American hatred clearly enough to never have allowed his islamo-fascist A– anywhere near the Big Chair!

Once such an unconstitutional foot gets in the door then apparently it’s Way Easier for all Hell to break loose 🙁


Probably was being considered for the communications job that the other freak just got tapped for
I’d love to know who’s doing the hiring for these jobs that drag trans are getting

Last edited 3 months ago by mollypitcher5

“t appears that Michael Knappen, the chief of the LGBTQ Dems of Maryland group who allegedly texted and tried to meet up with a 14-year-old for s*xual activities visited the White House at least 3 times in the past few months.”


Probably getting naked and sharing pics and fantasies with Sniffer in Chief.

When their entire identity is about weird deviant sex, none of the three — not the ‘sex’, the ‘weird’ or the ‘deviant’ — is going to be staying within any legal or moral boundaries.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

Could you elaborate please, I’m kinda dense here  🙄 


“They reveal a shocking Biden plan to mobilize government power against Trump supporters ahead of the election.” (your post)

“They cannot lie Biden back into office. The IC needs something else, something more severe. Something more dramatic. Mike Morell is now saying a terrorist attack is about to happen on USA soil.” ( from CTH link )

There could be a high probability of blame casting from a rigged terror event.

Last edited 3 months ago by RAC

I keep saying this. Too many recent articles lately by libs pointing to Trump supporters and Conservatives in general as “domestic terrorist”. Keep repeating it until…

Valerie Curren

predictive programming again 🙁

Valerie Curren

Demons!   :wpds_evil: 

Valerie Curren

TY, you & Sobriquet appear to be reading the lying writing on the wall!

Valerie Curren

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If they get their Reichstag event hopefully Most of us realize that they lit the fire & that the fake news will frame the images to not show the government gas cans nor the hollywood mega fans whipping the flames into a frenzy. Oh & the FIB types dressed as MAGA arsonists  😡 


Where is that pic from?

Valerie Curren

I went searching for a propaganda pic, I think it was from a Bing image search. Basically it shows how framing the image can mislead, significantly, about what is Actually happening. The center being the fuller truth in that image’s case.

Valerie Curren

I really dislike that crossed out phrase in the meme below, it always struck me as cold, unscriptural “comfort” during times of overwhelming circumstances. Jesus said “In this world you will have tribulation, but take heart for I have overcome the world!”

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Valerie Curren

“Come to me all you who are weary & burdened & I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you & learn of Me for I am meek & humble of heart & you will find rest for your souls.” (scriptural approximation) If we get yoked together with the Lord He is bearing the brunt of Every Load.

Deplorable Patriot

Actually, that phrase gives me the mental boost I need when times are trying. I can do this…whatever it happens to be. It’s up to me to change to get whatever it is accomplished.

Valerie Curren

Interesting, so it’s one of those different strokes for different folks situations. I like to have direct scripture as a motivator, like “I can do all things through Christ Who gives me strength.” Or God will make a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert.

Valerie Curren

Truth telling!

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I don’t get it.

Valerie Curren

FJB/LGB is a puppet w/ aka BHO’s hand up his metaphorical booty! CNN is in on the deception, per usual.  😡 


I missed the jugear. I’m embarrassed because it looks so obvious now.

Valerie Curren

Please don’t be embarrassed. I think it takes Way more courage to admit you don’t get something than to pretend that you do. In this room of brainiacs I have to pick & choose what stuff that I still don’t get, or sadly forgot again, to ask about or I’d be bugging people way more…

The sad thing is that my brain is fritzy enough now that even if someone explains something to me (like binary counting, or logarithms that Steve & Cthulhu have expounded on before) I might “get it” in That moment, but retaining that Getting It…not so much…sigh… It’s all good & we’re a team!

Honestly that jugear makes me think of a vampire for some reason 😉

Last edited 3 months ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

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Thomas Massie is a fan, ALONG WITH 360 Million Americans.

Valerie Curren

At least!!!


Americans number approximately 325 million to 335 million.

The rest are H1B visa freeloaders and/or criminal aliens.


He’s running like a man whose life depends on winning. There is nothing like the motivation of facing the possibility of losing one’s freedom and wealth to government overreach in the form of possible imprisonment and asset forfeiture to wake a man up.

The author, David Gornoski, doesn’t know the first thing about Trump.


I’m shocked, I tell you.

Valerie Curren



I did a word search for ‘Tesla’ and there were zero hits.

Until or unless they break down ‘owner satisfaction’ by manufacturer, this kind of data is meaningless.

Tesla could have 95% owner satisfaction, but if the owners of all other EVs are dissatisfied (and why wouldn’t they be, they can’t even find a charger away from home, and if they do, chances are it’s not working), then you end up with headlines like “huge percentage of EV owners want to go back to normal cars”.

If you’re selling chocolate eggs, and 11 out of the dozen are actually turds, and the one that isn’t a turd is a Tesla, you can truthfully report that “92% of chocolate egg buyers say the eggs taste like turds”.

But none of that matters, even truth doesn’t matter, because ideology trumps truth.

A segment of the population hates EVs. Period.

Headlines like the one above feed and justify that hate.

That’s all it is.

It’s narrative hate-feeding.

Gotta feed the hate.

Last edited 3 months ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

That’s one way to look at it certainly. I think that w/out government subsidies the EV stuff Mostly dies out on its own. I have an enviro-crazed aunt who has driven a hybrid for decades because of her ideology. She has fully bought into the climate propaganda & was mentioning the coming sea level rising & how global warming is real just last month. She limited herself to 2 kids, in part because she bought into the overpopulation “sin” mindset. She’s always lived on the edge of “poverty” but manages to find money to purchase what matters to her, like the hybrids, or a green roof for her passive solar home (built in the 70’s because of their commitment to the environment).

If many of these things were economically viable w/out government putting their finger on the scale, like Rush used to say, then Maybe more people would choose them. Because they are not economically viable & many times not “sustainable” like the windmills & solar farms, they are chosen mostly by true “believers” & those w/ money to burn. Those of us living hand to mouth don’t have such luxuries…

Valerie Curren

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MAGA of some sort belongs behind patriots side.

r-Cons are not patriotic. Elephant is a trojan horse. Aligns with D-Rats.

Valerie Curren

Yep, it’s probably for “normies” who can’t really grasp all the nuances…

Valerie Curren


China has been buying up strategically placed farmland next to military installations across the US, raising national security fears over potential espionage or even sabotage.

The Post has identified 19 bases across the US from Florida to Hawaii which are in close proximity to land bought up by Chinese entities and could be exploited by spies working for the communist nation.

They include some of the military’s most strategically important bases: Fort Liberty (formerly Fort Bragg) in Fayetteville, North Carolina; Fort Cavazos (formerly Fort Hood) in Killeen, Texas; Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton in San Diego, California, and MacDill air force base in Tampa, Florida.
comment imageMap shows Chinese-owned farmland next to 19 US military bases in ‘alarming’ threat to national security: experts“These locations can be used to set up intelligence collection sites and the owners can be influential in local politics as we have seen in the past,” said former United States Air Forc…


First I’ve read of this.

Another shot across the bow. Have plans B, C…in many aspects of daily life.


CDK Service Hacked. Car Dealers & Parts Shut Down
What happens when an industry is TOO dependent on one technology or company? What happens when a critical bit of software gets you hacked? Why would it be a Very Bad Idea to put “remote kill switches” in all new cars?


Just found this. One of many links that popped on a simple search.

Software company plans to pay tens of millions in ransom to hackers who crippled car dealerships across North America


  :wpds_arrow:  Likely MANY parallels in our daily lives. Medical world. Financial…

Valerie Curren

too many eggs in one basket in the hands of the untrustworthy to boot  😠 

Valerie Curren

unsettling if accurate…

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At least from my perspective, that organization has been off the radar, although I had heard of Alice Bailey (see below). It’s good for us to be aware of who’s running the show.

From the Lucis Trust website, which is massively creepy (emphasis mine):

The Esoteric Meaning of Lucifer 

There are comments on the World Wide Web claiming that the Lucis Trust was once called the Lucifer Trust. Such was never the case. However, for a brief period of two or three years in the early 1920’s, when Alice and Foster Bailey were beginning to publish the books published under her name, they named their fledgling publishing company “Lucifer Publishing Company”. By 1925 the name was changed to Lucis Publishing Company and has remained so ever since.Both “Lucifer” and “Lucis” come from the same word root, lucis being the Latin generative case meaning of light. The Baileys’ reasons for choosing the original name are not known to us, but we can only surmise that they, like the great teacher H.P. Blavatsky, for whom they had enormous respect, sought to elicit a deeper understanding of the sacrifice made by Lucifer. Alice and Foster Bailey were serious students and teachers of Theosophy, a spiritual tradition which views Lucifer as one of the solar Angels, those advanced Beings Who Theosophy says descended (thus “the fall”) from Venus to our planet eons ago to bring the principle of mind to what was then animal-man. In the theosophical perspective, the descent of these solar Angels was not a fall into sin or disgrace but rather an act of great sacrifice, as is suggested in the name “Lucifer” which means light-bearer.

Their logo:
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Also from the website:
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Valerie Curren

Thx for the dig into dark shadows…shudder…


Yes, I cleared all history on my browser after that.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

This guy does consecutive google image searches for each year 2024-2030 to show the visual programming already being laid down. Interesting watch 1 1/2 minutes.

[video src="" /]

Edit: Just for fun I tried his tactic using the Bing image search & it was fairly innocuous there until 2029 which had Many asteroid threatening or destroying earth images. When hitting 2030 there were a lot of utopian futuristic type of images, like he found, though plenty of them were likely tied to the Agenda 2030 crapola.

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Edit2: I tried the similar approach using the Brave search engine. On 2028, found this:

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& for 2029 this popped up, which Might explain the asteroid emphasis:

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In 2030

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There were fewer references to Agenda 2030, but it was there too. Those sustainable development goals are still lurking about…like what I found the other day looking for the round “rainbow” symbol on the “doctor’s” coat in that bird flu shot to kill off covid shot survivors meme.

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Last edited 3 months ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren


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Valerie Curren

revolving door of psychopathic overlords

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Valerie Curren

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Top Hats Obsessively Posture

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Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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This is particularly amusing for someone who knows that GEICO originally stood for “Government Employee Insurance COmpany”.

Valerie Curren

AND a lizard “person” is promoting DJT to boot 😉 😉

Valerie Curren

love of money, the root of all kinds of evil!

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Valerie Curren

what is All of the Above (& more)!


I am about to posit something that may be completely nuts. I acknowledge in advance that this may sound crazy.

I was reading yesterday that Snopes has finally debunked the “fine people” Charlottesville hoax, admitting what Trump actually said and meant.

Everyone thinks this is great and a big deal. But I wondered, why did they do that?

It has made me think that, while not admitting it out loud, even liberals want something that isn’t liberalism. They are like children whose parents left them home alone for the weekend, they brought all their crazy friends over, the party spiraled completely out of control, and nobody will leave. The kids are freaked out because the house is trashed, and they don’t know what to do.

They know that their parents are going to be completely pissed when they get home. But they also know that the adults will restore order to their lives. Then they can go back to being comfortable, well fed, and happy, all the while bitching about their “square” parents and all their rules.

Anyway, I just have to wonder if many liberals are feeling like those kids, considering how trashed everything in America is right now. Because they have to buy groceries and gas, pay rent, and live, too.


Sort of Risky Business!



I love that movie, btw.


Coming to their senses are they? 😆 Rather long lapse as now they are totally smeared in unabashed illiberalism gone amok and no matter how they scrub and clean they ain’t getting that stain out. It’s been written in stone and will require another flood to wipe it all away. So at best this is likely a sympathy ploy to buy time to establish tyranny.


Could be.


Or it could be they can see the unemployment line from their windows and hear the boss down the hall bemoaning “Woe is me, woe is us!” and a light went on in little lefty’s brain just as you describe saying …. “how about some truth?”.


Sorta like asking forgiveness, withOUT sincerely saying they screwed up AND ARE actually sorry.


Let bygones be bygones.




There’s the Roseadannadanna line, “Never mind” or they can try “No harm; No foul”.

coincidentally, I had one of my “If you’re not vaxxed & masked, I can’t be with you” former friends knock on my door a couple days ago. Haven’t talked to her since I hung up on her 4 years ago. She’d like to get together & catch up … guess she hasn’t yet heard about the bird flu on its way to strike fear in her all over again.

Not interested in a repeat with her.

Valerie Curren

Sorry you went through that with her 🙁

Friends of 7+ decades of my parents, their “New Year’s Eve Gang”, refused to allow my parents to attend the annual New Year’s Eve celebration because both of my parents refused the clot shot (Thank God). This didn’t ruin their friendships, but certainly put a damper on them. They did get to meet face-to-face with them a couple years later. They recently had a lengthy phone call w/ one of the rejecting couples, as they’d heard about my mom’s broken arm. There still is much love between all of them but that was such a brutal (& needless, as we all know) blow at the time 🙁


Key word – needless.

Valerie Curren

Absolutely. The whole thing is Sickening…globally  😡 


“…younger pre-teen kids who are even more juvenile…”

Well, that pretty much includes everybody I know under the age of 25!

Valerie Curren

Obama “care” infantilizing our kids to age 26 contributed to this 🙁


Sure did.

Valerie Curren

& to think many of our ancestors married & started families in their mid teens, taking full responsibility for their lives. How far humanity has fallen in so many ways!


I did age 20 had three kids by the time I was 25 🙂
The good thing was I was well prepared and am still astounded
we did it with the help of God..
No family around but good books helped how to raise a family.
When the foundation is missing it is hard for people to navigate that young. I had the foundation and taught my kids early on. Each have a different lifestyle and vision of their life and they are taking care of themselves and their family.
Young people are coddled to long and given to much and have to little responsibilities.

Last edited 3 months ago by singingsoul1
Valerie Curren



My daughter thought it was such good idea that her daughter is on her health insurance until age 26. Now she found out since her daughter is in University that she is partly financially responsible until her daughter is 26 🙂
I say be careful what you wish for 🙂

Valerie Curren

No doubt. We carried our married daughter to 26 at significant cost to us because we wanted her to have both ours & her husband’s insurance when she was pregnant & having her first child. We hoped that having 2 insurances would keep their out of pocket costs down significantly. They had recently bought a home & were going to lose most of her income once the baby came.

One of my Hubby’s trucking jobs Might have allowed us to continue to carry our disabled son, but we were going to have to fight for it. If we could still carry him at this job we likely would bear that weight just so he’s not relying on just Medicaid as an SSI recipient. Given his medical complexities I wish we could still provide such an insurance safety net for him but it’s not an option at the “new” job…


In my personal circle of used-to-be-close relatives/friends, I have seen them turn away from Biden, but the Trump alternative is still anathema because they are blind to what his 4 years actually accomplished. At best, to fit your analogy (and I think you nailed it), they still cling to the fantasy that there are Adult Dems who will save them.


I thought Adult Dems were a myth. lol.

Valerie Curren



Oxymoron fer sure 😝


Your next to last paragraph states a level of thinking that they can’t do. Yes they know the parents will be pissed. But having a positive view of restoring order – not a chance.


Children crave order. Truly they do. They don’t do so consciously, but they desperately need it.


i want to agree but these fact checkers on told what to amend so…why fix that yet ick out the public with another deviant appointee? They ruin any gain IF it was a a ploy to normalize the insanity.


Snopes had devolved into using an unsustainable business model.

Valerie Curren

pandering to leftards who are no where near the majority in this country!


Good thoughts 🙂




Big Bang?

Valerie Curren

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My husband’s ancestor JJ (James John) Hagerman was a promoter of a silver standard in the late 1800’s.

One of many entries from a quick search on Brave…

snippet on sliver mining from wikipoo

Mollie Gibson mine[edit]
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Silver wire (~3-5 mm each) from the Mollie Gibson Mine

A miner at heart, Hagerman was not about to be left out of the silver boom hitting the region. H.B. Gillespie, a mine owner in the region who had been involved in several major silver strikes, owned the Mollie Gibson mine, near Aspen. A major silver vein had been discovered in the mine, but Gillespie was convinced that the vein also ran under a number of other, nearby mines. Seeking capital to purchase these properties before news of the strike got out, Gillespie contacted Hagerman, who agreed to invest heavily in the new company. In 1890, the Mollie Gibson Mining & Milling Company was organized with Gillespie as manager and Hagerman as president. The company quickly purchased the Lone Pine, Silver King and Sargent mines and invested heavily in the Emma and other smaller mines. The company announced its silver strike on December 9, 1890. The combined Mollie Gibson mine became the richest silver mine in the world until that time.

Still suffering from the effects of tuberculosis, Hagerman moved to New Mexico in 1892. But he retained his Colorado holdings, and took an active hand in managing his interests there.

The Panic of 1893 and repeal of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act caused the value of silver to collapse. But the price of gold remained unaffected, and the gold mining industry was still strong. A major gold strike near Cripple Creek, Colorado, led Hagerman to become involved in gold mining.

I’m pretty sure I read historical newspaper accounts of JJH lobbying congress re: silver but I can’t put my hands on them now…His granddaughter married the son of Oliver H Shoup, a Governor of Colorado (as young singles they were both in first class on the Lusitania) so they are in my husband’s lineage…


Not to be ghoulish but how can they be in the lineage if they were on the Lusitania? Wasn’t that the ship that was sunk by German U-boats?

Valerie Curren

I believe they were on a previous trip on the Lusitania from Cherbourg to NYC, I think the records are in the Ellis Island website as they arrived in NYC on their return to the US from overseas travels. There were survivors when the Lusitania sank, just like there were survivors from Titanic. My mom read a biography of one woman who survived the sinking of Both ships–yikes!

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

a form of truth, after an artistic license fashion, probably to justify Fauxi’s “portrait” 😉


It was the way she said ‘Mister’ that cracked me up … it was the very definition of SNEER 😂

Valerie Curren

She was awesome!!!


Yes, she emphasized “mister” to show that she refused to call him “doctor.”

Deplorable Patriot

A PhD in some hard science one time told me that MDs should be addressed as Mister since an MD is a professional degree. She is/was Lutheran. I took that into account. Not sure whatever happened to her.

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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He could be, but if anyone pursued it, I suspect it would take years, and by that time JB would be thoroughly incapacitated and unable to stand trial.

Valerie Curren

JB would be thoroughly incapacitated and unable to stand trial” I thought that one crim “cop” basically already said that for the Resident  🙄 

Valerie Curren

California scheming

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Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

This might refer to that Midwestern Doctor’s Substack, but the link isn’t provided…

comment imageMorpheus MAGA


We Now Have Proof That The COVID “Vaccines” Damage Cognition

Countless people have observed their loved ones becoming “more compliant” and “broken” after the shots.

This was deemed a “conspiracy theory,” but now we have the data to back it up.

A new study from South Korea analyzed the electronic health records of 2.2 million and later 4.3 million individuals in Seoul. What researchers found was alarming.

By comparing the rates of various new medical conditions in vaccinated versus unvaccinated groups over three months, the study revealed that the vaccinated experienced:

• A 68% rise in depression
• A 44% surge in anxiety and related disorders
• A 93.4% increase in sleep disorders
• A staggering 138% jump in mild cognitive impairment
• A 23% rise in Alzheimer’s disease

Dr. Pierre Kory writes:

“In my practice of treating vaccine injuries, one of the three most common symptoms I see is brain fog. So many of my patients had been in the prime of their lives, can now barely function, have significant cognitive impairment and need a lot of help from our nurses to carry out their treatment plans. I never imagined I would see any of this in people far younger than me and instead I see it every day. I bear witness to an immense amount of suffering on a daily basis that is hard to put into words.”

Read More:

We Now Have Proof the COVID Vaccines Damage Cognition | By A Midwestern Doctor

[video src="" /]

1 minute Tucker video


Valerie Curren
Thank you. It is more spreading the truth about the COVID-19 “vaccines” that was originally presented by Yours Truly from A Midwestern Doctor on the board here a couple of days ago.
Here’s the Substack blog of A Midwestern Doctor, referenced above:
“We Now Have Proof The COVID Vaccines Damage Cognition”
by A Midwestern Doctor
20 June 2024
Yours Truly: Please refer to the section in this blog post, “Why Are The Vaccines Causing Cognitive Impairment?
The issue is AMYLOID AGGREGATES (masses or clumps of misfolded proteins), in other words, PRION or PRION-:LIKE actions, which can cause many types of neurological conditions:
Alzheimer’s Disease
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
Central Nervous System issues
and so on

The entire situation with this in terms of the COVID-19 “vaccines” is threefold:

One: the LAB ENHANCEMENTS to the mRNA of the original Wuhan Hu1 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus (which created the modRNA used in these “vaccines”);

Two: the damned LIPID NANOPARTICLES in the COVID-19 “vaccines” (in particular, ALC-0159 and ALC-0315 in the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”, INCLUDING in the “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine” by this company);

Three: the fact the the COVID-19 “vaccines” CROSS THE BRAIN-BLOOD BARRIER, via the lipid nanoparticles and the PRRARSV “backdoor key” in these “vaccines” (which ALSO help these “vaccines” to gain entry into every cell of the “vaccinated” person’s body.)

Please refer to Yours Truly’s presentation on this board of 22 June 2024 of the above article by A Midwestern Doctor:


Last edited 3 months ago by PAVACA
Valerie Curren

TY PAVACA, I was really hoping you’d see that info because you’ve been digging in so hard for so long on these issues that your insights are perhaps the most fully informed here now! Blessings!!!


I don’t know if you’ve seen this…..
I posted it a few days ago (very late)
and got little response.


Thanks for bringing this.

Smacks of good news. Disease X = bird flu = NBFD.

One issue with interviewer.

  • He states the medical community “fell” for Covid, Jabs…
  • WRONG. Medical community did what they were told to do.
  • As did Pravda did what they were told to do. Supported Covid Lies.
  • Unfortunately ~70% Americans bought into Covidiocy, Jabs…


  • My guess. Americans will NOT “fall” for Bird Flu Jabs…

Just finished listening in. EXCELLENT discussion.

McCullough did clearly state medical world bought off to lie, supporting Covidiocy narrative.


Thank you. This good video is a summary of what Dr. McCullough has in his Substack article of 10 April 2024. Yours Truly presented the following on the board here a few weeks ago:
“Could Avian H5N1 Influenza be Disease X for the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex?”

30 May 2024

Also, something that goes back to August 2023:
Yours Truly: This concerns the use of saRNA (self-amplifying RNA) in “vaccines” against “Disease X.” The Gates Foundation is one of the funders for CEPI.

Yours Truly mentioned the potential dangers of a self-amplifying RNA “vaccine” in persons — especially in COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons.

The more the truth gets out, the better.
The more information about the dangers of these untested / unsafe / un-effective “vaccines” are, the better.


I just wanted you to see it if you have not already.
With YOU being one of the prolific Covid researchers here at the Q Tree. 🙂


The truth about COVID-19 and the COVID-19 “vaccines” is no longer coming out in drips, it’s now a flood.
Difficult to keep up with all of it.
The more the flood of truth is spread, the better.

Valerie Curren


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“…if we did not have a doubt or recognize ignorance, we would not get any new ideas. There would be nothing worth checking, because we would know what is true. So, what we call scientific knowledge today is a body of statements of varying degrees of certainty. Some of them are most unsure; some of them are nearly sure; but none is absolutely certain. Scientists are used to this.” – Richard Feynman, The Meaning of It All: Thoughts of a Citizen-Scientist (1998)

Valerie Curren

Now that’s what “the science” actually should mean!


There is a cool new website mentioned in this article about illegal immigrant crime. It lets you find crimes by your state:

“Joe Biden pretended for three-and-a-half years that he was powerless to stop the flood of illegal aliens he helped cross the southern border—including hardened criminals, human traffickers, and known terrorists. Now, facing annihilation at the polls this November, he’s suddenly playing at “tough-on-immigration”—and hoping voters don’t see through the lie.

Here’s the truth: Biden’s executive order is too meaningless and too late to stop the crisis his open border policies caused. And it’s even worse than the left-wing media reports.

For months, Restoration News has tracked the unbelievable flood of illegal aliens committing thousands of crimes nationwide, many of them violent and many more targeting women and children.”

Here’s the website:



Barb Meier

Thanks for the illegalaliencrimes link, Aubergine! Just a reminder that the Religion of Peace site is still counting global islamic terror attacks.


Thanks for that.

Barb Meier

You’re welcome 🤗


Yours Truly: at 9:26 in the video clip:
Dr. Anthony Fauci says:
“If you’re vaccinated, you don’t have a risk [of COVID-19.] It’s as simple as black and white.”



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Valerie Curren

It was such a joy to see my husband hold our youngest granddaughter, now almost 3 months old, for the first time, at her big sister’s 2nd birthday party this weekend. What a blessing, the gift of new life–raising them up in Christian homes & surrounded by family, faith, & fun  😍  Their dad’s name, Nathaniel, literally means “gift of God”, our firstborn!



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Who am I that God cares for me
Who is it I am supposed to be
What is it I am called to do
What makes me worthy of You

Have you ever pondered God
Have you ever wondered laud
Have you ever contemplated
Have you ever elevated – God

Did you know that you are blessed
With gifts and talents and zest
Have you ever considered why
You are the apple of God’s eye

We have jobs, titles, and responsibilities
Accountabilities acceptabilities permeabilities
No matter how confusing it all may be
God has a purpose and plan for thee

When guided by the Holy Spirit
We are moved if we can hear it
The voice of God from within
Where to go when to begin

We believe and receive
We are able to achieve
Because God wills it for us
We obey He gives the plus

We are here on an eternal quest
On our pathway we are but a guest
This life is our test to be worthy
For where we will end this journey

Have you ever been asked 
To do something over tasked
Impossible for you but not for Him
God did not chose you on a whim

God knows the beginning and the end
It is your free will that may not bend
To His will we must be fully aware
Only way to know is through prayer

Whatever He asks of you to do
You must be willing and able on cue
You must obey His daily command
It is not a wish it is a demand

So if you are daily thinking 
About God’s plan to be linking
Listen to what the Spirit asks of you
Then you will know just what to do

If failure plagues you – anxiety too
If life in general is making you blue
If you are lost without a compass
Get off your bum kick up a rumpus

The trick to making the distress stop
Is to get up and move till you plop
Override the mental with exercise
Be not fearful and just be otherwise

God has a remedy for whatever ails you 
Tap into His Spirit sit not and just stew
For greater is He who lives within
Than he whose goal is mire you in sin

Know that God wants only what is best
For you to successfully complete the test
Develop those gifts and talents for your story
Give Him the effort He deserves for His Glory

D01: 06/05/2022





My heart is heavy – my heart is heavy
Am I a barrier to contain like a levee
Did You not command me of the divine
Did You not appoint and show me a sign

You know I never intended to intrude
To interrupt the flow with my interlude
Perhaps you unintentionally thot it rude
To publish my introspection to be viewed

Only You know my heart and my intent
For what I have written I never meant
To insult or to preach another gospel
To come off condescending or awful

I merely wanted to interject my thoughts
For you to examine and connect the dots
I hoped to inquire inspire introspect
What I had found in my study and checked

To share it with you was my heart’s desire
Even if I was preaching to the choir
So please pardon my presumption
Please forgive me my assumption

I hope and pray in some heavenly way
I have touched your heart on this day
For sharing is caring I truly believe
Through revelation our friendships we weave 

Thank you for listening with patience so pure
I’m grateful you’ve allowed me a voice adjure
If you have received a blessing from me
Then what I am doing was meant to be!

D01: 01/31/2023

Valerie Curren

Lovely Duchess, TY for sharing  😇 




Psalm 91.The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday


Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




WELL — Anthony Fauci and NIAID were ALSO funding GAIN-OF-FUNCTION experiments to make the MONKEYPOX VIRUS more lethal — at least as far back as 2015:
21 June 2024
Yours Truly: Here is the link to the 11 June Congressional document on this:

Here is the 2022 article in Science that refers to Mr. Moss’s statements:
15 September 2022


Second link does not work.

Valerie Curren

hope it shows here

here’s the rest of the verbiage from the tweet

Mary Talley Bowden MD


The largest medical association in the country, TMA, believes the government should have the authority to force Texans to undergo a medical intervention.
At their annual meeting, 500 delegates struck down resolutions supporting free speech, bodily autonomy and informed consent and voted against a resolution that would add the term “evidenced-based care” to their gender policy. They have hidden the language of these resolutions on their website (I will be reporting soon.) #txlege

& hopefully the image will show fully here too

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Last edited 3 months ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Our friend who stayed w/ us for a half a year used to work for Baylor & his (ex?) wife still does. They were heavily pressured on the shots & our friend actually got TWO J & J’s because of that (potentially contributing to his significant mental decline, the reason he stayed with us so long). I believe that Peter Hotez is doing his medicine doctor schtick through Baylor. I also think that Baylor fired Dr. McCullough for thinking & speaking for himself & trusting his own judgement instead of kissing the ring of pHarma shills  😡 

I thought Baylor had some type of Christian heritage, apparently now nearly dead & mostly buried!


NOT trying to pick a fight with anyone, or alienate anyone. Simple facts.

Just cuz some institution or person wraps themselves around being Christian, does Not assure they are in sync with Christian values or anything of the like

EVERY day, if folks are paying attention AND honest, It Is Obvious. Hypocrites at best.

Valerie Curren

Absolutely agree with you there!


Perfect example – Vanderbilt. Methodist founded. Started taking the Rockefeller money way back. Now it is a leftist nest.

Last edited 3 months ago by TradeBait2

Wolf Moon
So, what, if anything, is Gov. Abbott going to do about this?


I really hope so, but today I read that he had narrowed his choices to Vance, Rubio, and Burgum:

I really, really hope they are wrong, because all three of these choices are bad for various reasons. Of the three, I like Vance, but he is too inexperienced and too much of an unknown. Burgum might as well be a potted plant he is so boring. Rubio is a joke.


A glimmer of hope/success in Indiana politics. State coventioneers rejected the rino choice and elected medical freedom fighter for Lt. Gov candidate.


How did Traitor Pence vote, if he did at all? Askin’ for all of us …


With a net worth of $11 million and pension of $400,000, Fauci continues to receive taxpayer-funded security and SUV.

‘The only other person probably getting his level of security would be the president, vice president, maybe cabinet members, and a few members in leadership in the House and Senate,’ said Rand Paul.


Thank you. IMO, this is part of the DeepState “protocol” to protect Anthony Fauci since the proverbial “Sh!t is hitting the fan” regarding his activities, his funding of the Gain-of-Function experiments, his pathological lying to the American people about the “safety and efficacy” of the dangerous and deadly COVID-19 “vaccines” — and possibly more.

Valerie Curren

beagles & aids genocide (especially for those parentless kids) also come to mind for that demon dwarf   :wpds_evil:   :wpds_mad:   :wpds_evil: 

Last edited 3 months ago by Valerie Curren

This is an excellent interview with Dr Atlas. Little long but well worth listening too while doing other things? 🙂


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An amusing “what if”:

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Maybe he could offer to open up her skull and actually install one in the empty space.



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US Supreme Court Still Has 6 Blockbuster Rulings To Issue

Federal Agency Power

The Supreme Court will rule on a 40-year doctrine known as the Chevron doctrine. The precedent dictates that courts should defer to executive branch agencies’ expertise when it comes to interpreting laws when Congress’s intent in passing the law is unclear.

Under the 1984 doctrine, U.S. courts gave great leeway to agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regarding the powers delegated to them by Congress to administer the law.

Two small fishing companies have challenged that precedent, claiming that paying for a monitor on a herring boat required by the National Marine Fisheries Service amounted to onerous regulation. As the case illustrates, the ruling will affect not only the EPA and the SEC but also myriad other federal agencies.

In oral arguments earlier this year, the justices appeared divided over a bid to further limit the regulatory powers of federal agencies in a dispute involving the government-run program to monitor for overfishing of herring off New England’s coast.

The lower court rulings allowed the National Marine Fisheries Service to require commercial fishermen to help fund the program. Two fishing companies—New Jersey-based Loper Bright Enterprises and Rhode Island-based Relentless Inc.—have argued that Congress did not authorize the agency, part of the Commerce Department, to establish the program.

Trump Immunity Case

Another case that will likely be ruled on this week involves former President Trump, who had argued that he should be declared immune for his activity after the 2020 election to deal with what he described as election fraud. Special counsel Jack Smith last year charged the former president with conspiracy to subvert the 2020 election, and the former president has appealed the case to the high court.

During arguments, the justices appeared skeptical of the Trump attorneys’ arguments that he should be fully immune from prosecution. But some of the justices seemed inclined to carve out some immunity for presidents. Several justices offered warnings that all future former presidents could be prosecuted by their successors if immunity is not upheld.

The appeal has delayed the criminal case against former President Trump in Washington related to the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol breach. He has pleaded not guilty to the charges.


More from the link:

Social Media Contacts

In another major case, the court will have to decide whether federal government officials should be broadly prohibited from communicating with social media companies, responding to lawsuits by two state attorneys general alleging that the federal government violated people’s First Amendment rights by asking social media companies to take down content that it claimed was false or misleading.

The attorneys general had some success in the lower courts. The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals issued a decision that blocked officials in the FBI, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Surgeon General’s office, the White House, and other agencies from contacting social media firms.

The Biden administration appealed the Fifth Circuit’s decision, sending it to the Supreme Court. The circuit’s decision is currently on hold while the high court weighs the matter.

A number of Supreme Court justices during arguments in March appeared skeptical that government officials should be barred from contacting those companies.


Although the Supreme Court already ruled on a challenge to the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of an abortion-related drug, the high court is set to release an order on whether emergency rooms in Idaho can perform abortions on pregnant women during what is described as an emergency.

Under the 2022 Idaho Defense of Life Act law, abortion is banned under all circumstances unless it is “necessary to prevent the death of the pregnant woman.”

The Biden administration had challenged the mandate, saying it conflicts with a federal law, the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, which mandates that emergency room doctors stabilize patients.


More from the link:

Other Social Media Issues

Laws in Texas and Florida that regulate bans on social media will also be decided during this Supreme Court’s term. Those laws bar social media companies from taking down or demoting user content that expresses certain views, coming in the wake of allegations that social media companies were targeting conservatives for censorship or deplatforming.

The justices expressed some reservations on Feb. 26 about the Republican-backed laws in the two states but suggested that those mandates won’t be blocked entirely.

The justices expressed concern that the laws could undermine the editorial discretion of the platforms in violation of free speech protections. But they also indicated that they might permit the laws to regulate certain nonexpressive internet services such as the provision of email or direct messaging.

Jan. 6 Obstruction Clause

The Supreme Court will rule on an obstruction statute that may affect the Department of Justice’s prosecution of people who entered the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. One person who was charged, Joseph Fischer, filed a lawsuit that challenged the statute, which makes it a crime if an individual “corruptly obstructs, influences, or impedes” an official proceeding.

In April, a number of the justices were skeptical of how the statute was being applied in Mr. Fischer’s case.

Attorney General Merrick Garland this month suggested in a congressional hearing that he would be prepared to drop cases for Jan. 6 defendants who were charged under that statute.


Former Federal Prosecutor Lays Out Democrats’ Plan If Judge Cannon Removes Jack Smith

Former federal prosecutor Randall Eliason recently said that he believes Biden’s DOJ should have a multi-step approach should Judge Cannon rule in Trump’s favor in the matter…

In a recent post on X, Eliason listed four steps that the DOJ should immediately pursue in that scenario.

In the post, Eliason wrote:

“1) Don’t appeal;

“2) Have US Atty in FL refile the same charges in a new case – it would be very easy and fast;

“3) case gets reassigned – hopefully to a new judge;

“4) Smith’s prosecution team are designated as Special AUSA’s in FL to continue prosecuting the case.”


They are worse than Nazis.Who raised such evil people?


Triple Haiku for our good duchess01

Ah, duchess01
Tireless encourager
Speaking Truth and Faith

Poems start the day
Images with Scripture verse
Evening Prayers, also

Solace — Peace — Trust — Hope
Yet, in between the lines, sense
Trial by Fire

Last edited 3 months ago by PAVACA
Valerie Curren

How thoughtful–TY  😍  Duchess’ ministry is a precious treasure for many sisterly trees!

Happy go lucky

Y’all I just got home, I’ve been dying to tell this, it honestly happened in one of my mtgs at work and thankfully it’s a zoom meeting so I can turn off my camera and mic and no one sees my facial expressions lol:

person 1- “we had Covid this weekend, our son (3yo) had a 103 fever, and my husband and I were very very sick, but we didn’t have fevers, but it was the worst we’ve ever felt”

person 2- “are you feeling better today?”

person 1- “ yes, we feel better this morning, our poor son still is sick but his fever is down”

person 2 – “oh that’s so good to hear”

person 1- “I thought this just isn’t normal to feel so bad, so that’s why I decided to test this morning (when they were feeling better) and it was positive for Covid…so now we can tell everyone that WE KNOW THE VACCINES WORK BECAUSE WE DIDN’T GET FEVERS”

person 2- “absolutely they work (this person got a bad first ever outbreak of shingles right after their first fax by the way) it’s time for me to top up and I won’t ever be delaying the booster”


Un…. real….

The stupid is so bad it hurts…


Yea. Zero ability to think logically.



As the saying goes. Can NOT fix stoopid.


Stoopid can be fixed, and the vaxxes can fix it.

Condolences to the survivors….


Boosters secure the “fix” is in.

Valerie Curren

gleefully conducting themselves & their families on the Auschwitz Express   :wpds_mad: 


Seems as though Trump’s selection for VP is listed below.

Of course, Trump may invite others to watch the faux debate. Oh my, look what I just noticed….

From the announcement, “*List in formulation.” Very coy of Lara Trump & Trump.

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I’d like to see Ben in the CDC or the NIH…both agencies need a major changes and we need someone to fight off the World Health Organization and the United Nations..Carson has the attitude and aptitude to deal with the weaponization of the medical industry.


Assuredly so.

Balance in Senate and House will be a factor.


So the VP choice might not be on that list.
Lindsey Graham is out.
IMO it had better not be Rubio.
I don’t know anything about Burgum. Is he a RINO?
I’m wondering if those people are true to MAGA, through and through.


Post a day, or two or three. Video with Burgum trashing Trump. Disqualifying.


Thank you.

Valerie Curren

42 or 47 states &/or territories at the bottom…who’s missing besides AR, ID, PR, & TX???

Last edited 3 months ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Oh & keep your enemies closer is clearly in play!


First cut….AND NOT proofed.

AL, CO, HI, ID, NE, ND, MP (Marianas), PR, TT (Trust Territories), VT, VI (Virgin Islands), and WY.

Last edited 3 months ago by kalbokalbs
Valerie Curren

TY KBK. Isn’t there like an American Samoa too?


I’d bet American Samoa is part of the Marianas.

If not, then Trust Territories.

Valerie Curren

TY, a Navy man would surely know! 🙂


Gratitude Prayers
Prayer of Daily Thanks

Heavenly Father, as the sun sets, I want to pause and say thank You. For the little things like a warm cup of tea to the big things like my family’s laughter, I’m grateful. Each moment of this day has been a gift, and I thank You for the blessings, both seen and unseen. Let my sleep be a thank you, my dreams be praise, and my night whispers echo with gratitude. Amen.

A Prayer for the Gifts of Life

Dear Lord, under the evening sky, I come before You filled with appreciation. For the breath in my lungs, the food on my table, and the love in my home, I am truly thankful. Help me to always notice the countless gifts You provide and to never take them for granted. I rest in Your care, grateful for today and hopeful for tomorrow. Amen.

Thanksgiving for Enduring Love

Gracious God, as I lay down tonight, I reflect on Your unending love and care. Thank you for guiding me through this day, for the smiles shared, and for the kindness I received. Your love is a constant in a world that often changes, and for this steadfast love, I give You thanks. As I close my eyes, I feel the peace of a grateful heart. Amen.

Evening Gratitude for Strength and Guidance

Lord of all comfort, I am thankful tonight, not just for the good but also for the strength You gave me in challenging moments. Thank you for the wisdom in decisions and the courage in facing my fears. Your guidance is a lantern to my feet. As the stars appear, I thank You for lighting my path today and every day. Amen.

Sunset Thanks for Life’s Journey

Almighty Creator, every sunset reminds me of Your glory and the journey You’ve laid out for me. I am grateful for the paths I’ve walked today, the lessons learned, and the growth experienced. Thank You for being my compass and my companion. As the night unfolds, I count my blessings, and atop the list is Your unwavering presence in my life. Amen.


Thank you for the Evening Prayers! They are so helpful in calming and quieting the body, mind, and spirit.
I hope you saw the Triple Haiku about you in the thread above.
Sending Good Energy to you.
Have a restful night!


Great news by me. Assange to be freed. Plead guilty with time served the sentence.

Guessing he’ll live in Australia. Article did not say.

Julian Assange expected to be freed after 5 years in UK prison under US plea deal


Good news IMO. He will no longer be in danger of extradition, conviction, and more prison time.

There has been speculation that he has information about Seth Rich, the Clintons, and more. I wonder if what he knows will ever be revealed.


Somehow I’d bet he gets the information out.

Whether he owns it or it is anonymous, doesn’t matter. Truth revealed is what matters.


Tracy Beanz reporting (emphasis mine). Her article is interspersed with screenshots to illustrate what she is saying.
Missouri V Biden: They Want the Deleted Emails

Missouri v. Biden: The plaintiffs filed a motion asking the judge to allow them to file third-party subpoenas prior to a rule 26(f) conference. That conference is where the parties meet to set out a clear plan for discovery. The hope? That they can retrieve emails sent between parties about important issues that the government wanted censored. These issues are crucial to the case, and as the Oversight Committee was able to uncover, certain key players purposefully used private emails to avoid FOIA. Please find the details below. 

They don’t trust any of the defendants, and why should they? The motion discusses in detail how Fauci and Morens illegally evaded FOIA.

This material was material that should have been provided in the preliminary discovery that has already occurred. They continue to point out the perjury Fauci committed in the deposition.

Side note: Of course, they had asked consent to send these subpoenas, and the defendants wouldn’t allow it,

One time when I will thank a House Oversight Committee.

If I know this judge the way I think I do, this will be granted. And wait until you see what these subpoenas are.

They aren’t holding back. They will be sending a subpoena to retrieve DELETED emails

And, a subpoena for GOOGLE. Yes, Gmail is on the list.

Additionally, their expectation of privacy is waived regarding their personal emails because they used them to knowingly evade detection and conduct official business.

They remind the judge that they were ALREADY entitled to this information, that Fauci (and goodness knows how much this happens) hid from everyone. How many government officials do YOU think evade FOIA in this way? How many are STUPID ENOUGH to write about it on GOV EMAIL?

Here is what they are looking for [see screenshots]…

Some of the exhibits seem to be filed under seal, but yes, they are THIS stupid…

“I’d better delete everything. They’ll never get it that way…(Unless a 3rd party subpoena is granted to the company that publicly explains their retention policy for deleted emails..)”

Yes, they are screwed. Pardon my French.


Hard-hitting truth from the Babylon Bee:
“Trump Preps For Debate Against Biden By Going to Nursing Home And Arguing With Dementia Patients.”

That’s just a warmup. Tommorow PDT is going to go to Evergreen Nurseries where he’s going to go one-on-one with several varieties of potted plants.


Very cute!


Thank goodness it was Babylon Bee doing the stand up. If Trump said that stuff the Media would put him on blast, though he does come right up to the edge, but keeps it about Biden and all’s fair in love and war. 😁

Valerie Curren

Evergreen” owned by Hitlery? 😉 😉


First sighting of Julian Assange since he was released from prison.

I’m glad he looks better than I expected: strong, not frail. He doesn’t use the rails to climb the stairs.


I’m behind and hadn’t heard that he was to be released. I’m so glad and he does look better than I thought he might. Good news


The news just came out today.


Supreme Court Signals Term Ending in July as Trump Ruling Looms

The US Supreme Court signaled it will take the unusual step of extending its term into July as it finishes work on about a dozen cases, including Donald Trump’s bid for immunity from prosecution for attempting to overturn his 2020 election loss.

The court, which had already scheduled Wednesday as an opinion day this week, updated its website to show it will issue rulings on Thursday and Friday as well. Because Chief Justice John Roberts traditionally announces the last day of the term from the bench, the announcement indicates the Friday opinions won’t be the last ones.

In addition to the Trump case, the court will be ruling on cases involving abortion, regulatory power and social media in the coming days.

Valerie Curren

This phraseology reveals their bias “attempting to overturn his 2020 election loss”


According to this article, there are only three candidates remaining for Trump’s VP:
Doug Burgum
Marco Rubio
J.D. Vance

Who knows whether that is correct.


Does anyone know what has just happened with Assange?

So sorry to barge in…as usual.


Took a plea deal for a felony, sentenced to time served, released in UK, caught flight for Australia.

Valerie Curren

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