Cover image: Lake Cumberland, Kentucky

Okay, so, the family was on a camping trip in the old pop-up camper, and we had entirely too much rain for a couple days. Mom had a nasty cold. We were all in the station wagon waiting for mom and dad to take down the camper, and mom let her side down first and WHOOSH. The rain that collected on the roof of the camper for a few days drenched her. My brothers were like, Hey, Mom, do that again. It happened in Lake Cumberland State Park.
Badlands News Brief – September 25, 2024
Majority of Americans Admit to ‘Self-Silencing’ on Hot-Button Issues, Survey Finds
It’s a matter of keeping the peace in most cases.
It’s the ‘Caddyshack’ Election
Sundance responds to a reader:
Dear Bob Parker…
Senate Homeland Security and Govt Affairs Committee Releases Interim Report on Butler Assassination Attempt of President Trump
Mistakes were made…yeah, there’s an understatement for you.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams Indicted by DOJ
Indicted, huh. Let’s see what the indictment says before we, the people get all excited.
*** General Flynn on Eye of the Storm
Not stupid, just lazy
MMA fighter reveals why he’s entitled to beat up on women in the Octagon
Spiciest one-minute take on entire COVID sham: it was all about hysterical female energy…
COVID…Prohibition…[insert female led movement here]
The Vast Pharmaceutical Conspiracy to Silence Dissent Online
I went out to lunch with a friend on Wednesday and we got to talking about this. She and I are so on the same page, it’s not even funny.
Google Paid $2.7 Billion to Bring Back an AI Genius Who Quit in Frustration
Money talks.
Pope expels a bishop and 9 other people from a Peru movement over ‘sadistic’ abuses
Hey, there’s a stunner. The Vatican did something right for once.
Another post on this UN thing. VERY important.

Play the E natural first.

It’s really more stylish than the Delorian.

Or osteosarcoma. Yes, it happens to runners.

Anymore, it’s a pain in the backside.

Shut up, little girl.

She called her husband Fang while doing stand-up. Great lady.

It’s the little things….
Couldn’t happen in a nicer city…says the St. Louisan where we regularly question Chicago’s spotlight.
I 💕 capybaras.
That has to be a guy thing.

Just because it’s my current earworm….
And now for the business portion.
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
Ecclesiastes 1:2-11
2Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity. 3What does man gain by all the toil at which he toils under the sun? 4A generation goes, and a generation comes, but the earth remains for ever. 5The sun rises and the sun goes down, and hastens to the place where it rises. 6The wind blows to the south, and goes round to the north; round and round goes the wind, and on its circuits the wind returns. 7All streams run to the sea, but the sea is not full; to the place where the streams flow, there they flow again. 8All things are full of weariness; a man cannot utter it; the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing. 9What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; and there is nothing new under the sun. 10Is there a thing of which it is said, “See, this is new”? It has been already, in the ages before us. 11There is no remembrance of former things, nor will there be any remembrance of later things yet to happen among those who come after.

Come live out here during tornado season.
And for those looking for wholesome content on YouTube, I’ve been following this lobster fisherman in Maine. We know farming, but do we know commercial fishing?

Martha’s Cider-Bourbon Cocktail
- ¾ cup apple cider
- ⅓ cup bourbon
- 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
- 2 (2 ½-inch-long) thin slices fresh ginger
- 2 thin slices from a small apple, such as lady, for garnish
- Make cocktail:Fill a cocktail shaker with ice. Add cider, bourbon, lemon juice, and ginger; shake until well chilled.
- Strain and serve:Strain and divide cocktail between two glasses. Garnish with apple slices.
Have a good one y’all.
Thank you, dear De Pat, for bringing us a thoughtful Thursday post, along with one of my favorite readings from The Bible.
You are quite welcome.
The video of the lobster fisherman…😍.
Pass the popcorn.
Wonder who controls, selects attendees.
Either way, Trump will do well.
Kakala will bring her Hispanic accent.
Univision needs to allow each person asking a question, one follow-up question.
Common for Kakala. You didn’t answer the question. Please do so.
if it were a fair contest, the Trump supporters would sit in on harris’s townhall and her supporters sit in on his. that way each side could ask pertinent questions of the other.
otherwise, you end up with softball pitches mostly.
Stop trying to screw up the opera.
Beautiful STRIKE-BACK!!!
Benny Johnson:
Hardly enough Mayor. Join forces with Trump! We are a forgiving and somewhat tolerating bunch. Turn NYC Red!
Not until he repents publicly and admits that his worldview sucks.
Karli Bonne’:
Look under Big Fani’s skirt.
“Look under Big Fani’s skirt.”
That takes a brave man… 😂
….or a foolish one.
US Marshall’s only need to roll Fanni over. 😂
AND spank her!
Hey, Fox News and US Marshals — here’s an idea —
regarding the whereabouts of Mr. Wade.
Oh crud, oh crud, oh crud. I might get priced out of the Triad because of the Fiancee’s stupid foot-dragging.
The furniture capital of the world was, quite literally, High Point, North Carolina.
She seems to operate on Government Bureaucratic Time.
I’m pretty sure you have two feet. We have repeatedly told you to put one of them down. [you choose which one] You have refused.
So no sympathy for YOUR foot dragging.
Get it on, dammit!!!
Trump’s economic proposals have been inspired! Lower tax rate for made in America? Awesome.
The acknowledgment is also significant because it shows that JB haas not been fulfilling his duties as [fake] POTUS.
He has called her President Harris in March 2021 and I don’t remember her complaining then.
This fits well with his donning of a Trump hat more than once. It also fits in with my theory that the powers that be are running an op. It is premised on a concession of ‘to big to steal’ election result as a cover for heaping blame for the loss on the Marxist core of the base leadership. This prevents total destruction of the donkey party and allows rebuilding as the ‘traditional version’.
Why does “President Biden” look like the late Bob Barker in the photo above?
Because the Price was Right!
“Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!”
You set him up 🙂
I had to oblige! Didn’t want to keep her waiting…😆
Common sense for a change!
Dodge and FIB are SICK.
Criminal organizations.
Which is why I keep pointing back to RICO.
That’s why anyone associated with them is so adamantly against PDJT.
Enjoy an AND LOGIC meme!!!
Popular YouTube Influencer Astonished at Number of Fellow YouTubers Dropping Dead
There are two videos at the link.
Seems Aussie17 can’t see the elephant in the room.
Or if he has, I missed him stating the obvious in his yammering above.
Clicked on the link AND Aussie17. Briefly looked at what he says and headlines. Article doesn’t mention Jabs that I saw. There are headlines talking about mRNA harm…
Either Aussie17 is intimidated or slower than Slow Guy.
He may need to Google Ed Dowd and Kirschner for some clues.
Elephant in the room may need to be upgraded to blue whale in the room.
A water mammal out of its normal environment yet unseen by all.
It seemed to me that he was getting the message across without directly menntioning the vax. I thought he was probably trying to keep from being banned or deplatformed, or something.
Quite possibly.
AT this point, Truth matters more than that platform. IMO.
To hell with butthurt feelings AND PC Bullshit. <<< That IS part of how we got here.
There are other venues available.
“Some outlets have attributed this rise in heart conditions to factors like climate change, sleep patterns, and misdiagnosis.”
It’s climate change.
It’s always climate change.
The entire fraud of climate change has to be some kind of humiliation ritual, intended to see just how stupid people can really be.
Here’s a thought way out of left field… I wonder if the covidiocy vaccines and boosters have anything to do with it?
might hit land as a Cat 4, 150+ mph winds…predicted to be at least a Cat 3..
thing is huge, spread out..
massive storm surge
torrential rain & flooding & tornadoes just about everywhere including inland.
serious rainmaker.
be safe.
8:51 am…massive expansion around the eye…emerging into SWFL vicinity…meanwhile notice how much of the massive storm bands reach ahead (north) of the rotation, already into Big Bend and the SE states north of Florida…before it even makes impact with land.
Watching from a distance, I must say the long arm of storms preceding the hurricane that now extend out as far as New England even before the Hurricane makes landing is something I’ve never seen before. Most unusual and yes, understands they are two systems, but I’ve never seen such a pairing before. Interesting. Keep dry and watch as others have warned for falling trees as the ground is now saturated and the winds have yet to come and will be much more easy to push over.
Now if I was a full fledged conspiracy theorists this one two storm front extending across the entire east coast might seem like weather manipulation.
Consider it a temporary precaution/protection in case of nuclear attack at least until Congress is out of session.
Seems like October is fully open. Good time for Biden to start WWIII as no one will see congress running for the hills.
The Chosen (Turncoat) Senators have their satellite phones.
Not that they’ll work once WWIII kicks off.
Speaking of falling trees, that’s what put Gov Abbott in a wheelchair.
really? I never knew that!
He was doing his daily routine jogging tour and a rather large branch fell right on top of him.
Thank you.
IMO, looks like Hurricane Helene’s track is starting to veer more to the east — that big storm coming down from Canada is already pushing on it.
yes, you’re welcome… I’m seeing that, too….cutting in real close to Tampa as it churns its way up the coast.
such a massive storm.
so many ppl impacted.
She didn’t se the Butler shooting live. She had been watching but had paused it for a few minutes and then got a call that he was okay, so she was able to rewind and watch it. At that point he was still being held down and she didn’t know his condition.
Gen. Petraeus and John Bolton are not aging well.
Mini ground report
We were back at the University of Michigan Hospitals the other day for a Pediatric Cardiology visit for my special needs son. Daughter, who is a staff for son, & granddaughter also came along & did very well. Son had EKG & Echocardiogram, etc.
We saw very few masks & the hospital entrance questions about health were very basic. The hospital is now way lower key about masks & covid, or so it seems. They didn’t ask about covid directly even only just symptoms & exposure to “flu or flu-like illnesses”.
There were several young children in the waiting area & none of their parents seemed concerned about them playing near any other kids.
The staff who checked us in for the bulk of the visit did ask about whether my son was “up on all vaccines”. I said we didn’t do that stuff & got no push-back whatsoever.
Another staff was asking medication & health related questions. I mentioned how the Holter Monitor that had been ordered up for my son had not arrived at our home yet. I mentioned seeing a twitter video from a hospital nurse who was discussing the extreme health problems she’d been seeing in the hospital setting & how they “didn’t have enough monitors” for everyone who needed them. I wondered aloud if this health crisis was a factor in why we hadn’t received that Holter Monitor yet. I touched on the dangers of the covid shots & the staff person nodded along w/ several things I said but didn’t comment. We were able to get the Holter Monitor from the hospital itself so at least now my son can be wearing it for up to 2 weeks to hopefully get a number of recordings of his concerning chest pain (that might be more muscular or digestive than cardiac per the doc…we’ll see).
Anyway, based on this visit, where it seemed more than 90% of the people we saw were not wearing masks, it seems that this hospital has relaxed back to closer to pre-covid flu season entrance precautions. It had been pretty warm lately, often up into the low to mid 80s for the last couple of weeks so it is also possible that it doesn’t yet feel like flu season so more people are being lower key about masks, etc. I would consider it a good sign.
We didn’t see a lot of political signage on the drive but what I did observe heavily favored Trump over Harris. There were even a couple of business locations that had modest Trump signs & I saw no businesses with Harris support overtly.
Valerie Curren
Thank you for the update. Good for you on getting the Holter Monitor from the hospital.
Just as a thought: Panic issues or panic-anxiety issues can have chest pain as a symptom.
Sending Good Energy that all works out well.
TY PAVACA. My son does historically have issues with anxiety (part of the autism depression, anxiety, OCD cocktail of emotional/behavioral challenges) but I don’t believe that is necessarily a factor in These chest pains. If the pain lingers for a long time (minutes) then it might ramp up his anxiety but it isn’t usually preceded by anxiety. It is often preceded by some degree of physical activity, but not always. I appreciate your insights. Blessings!
Valerie Curren
Thank you. Sending Good Energy that the Holter Monitor readings are all fine.
TY CV 🙂 We’re hoping that the Holter Monitor will pick up multiple pain episodes for the doctor to analyze so lay the situation to rest hopefully.
Rape Is Resistance and Beepers Are Genocide
by Daniel Greenfield
“The issue was never Israel’s tactics, but Israel’s right to existence. In the eyes of the liberals, there is no legitimate way for Israel to take out an Islamic terrorist, and there is no illegitimate way for terrorists to kill Israelis.”
more , at the link…
Not to stir the pot, but this comment might be good to copy to Gail’s post yesterday 🙂
no thanks.
A straw in the wind ?…
“The father of a friend serves in the Strategic Nacil Today urgently summoned to the meeting. I got back late and didn’t explain anything. He only said to collect things and run to the store for two weeks of iodin. We’re going somewhere far out of town now. I don’t know what’s going on, but I think it’s started”
NACIL, which stands for the National Aviation Company of India Limited, is a significant entity in the aviation industry. Its formation in 2007 was a result of the merger between Air India and Indian Airlines. As a state-owned aviation company, NACIL provides air transport services for passengers and cargo both domestically and internationally…….
……The first word in the NACIL acronym is “National.” It signifies that NACIL is a state-owned company that represents India’s interests in the aviation industry. Being a state-owned company, NACIL has the responsibility of providing reliable and affordable air transport services to customers across the country.
There’s something a bit off with this, I just put it through a different translator and instead of NACIL it came up with RVSN which is very considerably different.
To be clear that first translation was done with the the one provided in the search bar presumably by Firefox.
The second translation was done with Yandex translator.
Reason I checked it twice the number of letters didn’t add up here’s the original, an acronym is an acronym.
Отец знакомого служит в РВСН Сегодня срочно вызвали на совещание. Вернулся поздно и ничего не объяснил. Сказал лишь собирать вещи и бежать в магазин за таблетками с йодом на две недели. Сейчас едем куда-то далеко за город. Не знаю что происходит, но мне кажется началось…
Hopefully Steve weighs in with his insights on the Russian language…
Well India did seem a bit strange that’s why the second look at it.
Good job (& well above my pay grade) 👍
Assuming it is genuine and not some rumor originating from social media it may be a relatively good sign.
In that if the guy did work there and was was going around to buy it privately, it may mean that it has not yet been issued officially, which one would expect it to in a be workplace like that if the situation was tense.
iodine & getting the heck out of Dodge seem pretty ominous
Full translation is in the post above that one. The one in quotes.
Yes TY…RAC was concerned about the possible mistranslation of some Russian (Cyrillic?) letters & I thought Steve might shed light on that 🙂
Makes sense.
NATO Prepares Mass Evacuation and Rescue Plans as Senior General Warns of World War 3 with Russia Jim Hᴏft Sep. 25, 2024 7:40 pm 1821 Comments
Dumb Asses. NATO AND USG are Dumb Asses..
If these assholes think WWIII may become a reality in the short term, One Thing To Do.
1 Stop It From Happening.
2 BOKTAGB – Bend Over Kiss Their Asses Goodbye.
It’s to damn late to build facilities for
MassMASSIVE evacuations.It’s to damn late to develop Evacuation Plans for MASSIVE numbers.
^^^ These ARE highly complex logistical evolutions.
^^^ Evacuating MASSIVE numbers of folks AND sustaining them, DETRACTS from Operational Forces AND their Sustainment.
Imbeciles, is far to charitable description for these fuck sticks.
Greenbrier in WV. betcha they restocked it and updated it.
Known as Project X, Project Casper, and eventually as Project Greek Island, and designed with relative luxury, this congressional fallout shelter remained a state secret until 1992.
In the mid-1950s, the United States government covertly arranged to build a fallout shelter to house the entire U.S. Congress underneath the Greenbrier Resort in White Sulphur Springs, WV. Using the building of a new hotel addition—paid for by the Eisenhower administration—as a cover, the government set out to build a Congress deep beneath the ground. As part of this Faustian deal, the five-star hotel agreed that in case of nuclear war—or even just a realistic threat—the entire hotel would be commandeered by the government, hot tubs and all.
A post-nuclear seat of congressional government, this was truly intended to house only the congressmen and their aids. It was not designed to accommodate their spouses or children, who would presumably have to find shelter somewhere else.
To help ensure its secrecy the bunker was operated by a dummy company known as Forsythe Associates and workers on the bunker all dressed as hotel audiovisual employees. Any calls going in and out of the bunker were routed through the hotel switchboard so it looked as if they originated from and were going to the Resort.
The shelter was fully equipped and among the standard bunk beds, televisions, and furniture that populate the “Graceland of Atomic Tourism,” there are a few very curious items. Among these are a special room meant for holding and calming members of Congress who can’t handle the stress, and an incinerator meant for “pathological waste,” or the Congresspeople’s irradiated bodies. A huge 100-foot radio tower installed approximately four miles away was connected to the bunker so that the congressmen could broadcast emergency messages.
Completed in 1958, the shelter is no longer operative since its location was revealed in a 1992 Washington Post article.
Currently, the shelter houses the offices of a data storage company, but for three decades it was fully stocked with food, furniture, and even current magazines. The shelter even had two mock chambers of Congress, complete with flags, microphones, and pictures of the founding fathers, all equipped to carry on U.S. government operations in case of nuclear war.
There are now guided tours throughout the week.
Amazing what can done with taxpayers’ money in a time of relative peace and lack of pork CRs.
Putin has long had the proper lat/long coordinates to quickly eliminate any number of NATO and USG dumb asses.
Nato General Alexander Sollfrank is a fecking Gerry.(third time lucky eh)
All these treaties and agreements are the enablers of war.
“Estonia is ready to launch a preemptive strike on Russia to protect NATO if Moscow shows signs of preparing to attack the alliance, said Chief of the General Staff of the Republic’s Defence Forces, Major General Vahur Karus.”
Estonia a country slightly smaller than Ireland is willing to attack Russia, ONLY because it’s in the bully club.
A reminder to those who might consider harm to President Donald J Trump.
We are not locked into this nation with you. You are locked into this nation with us!
We are the backbone of industry, the people who keep it all functioning, the builders, diggers and blue-collar workforce that keeps everything functioning.
We are the people you will never fully control. We speak in languages you do not understand, and we absorb targeted ridicule as fuel.
We are the movers of goods, the truckers, the farmers, the nameless people behind the skilled trades that keep what you call ‘American society’ moving.
We are the people who grow the food, pick the food, transport the food, stock the food, cook the food and facilitate the life you live.
We are a visible, yet disregarded, insurgent force within your sphere of life that is never considered, yet we control the outcomes of every moment you value.
We pick up the trash, answer the phones, run cables to your devices, mow your lawns, solve your problems, control the flow of essential services and keep our heads below the radar.
We are the majority.
The only thing we need to do to fuck you up, is nothing.
If we don’t work, your everything fails.
We are a self-reliant, freedom loving, normally peaceful and God-fearing assembly.
We drive you to your destination; we are comfortably out of mind until needed, and yet we are irreplaceable for the things you require.
We are armed with hammers, pens, rulers, perhaps mice, pickup trucks, laptops, post-it notes, stickers and alternate forms of messaging that circumvent the control mechanisms deployed to create our silence.
We are inside every facility, every institution, every meeting, every moment of your existence – and we notice everything.
We have eyes of mice and ears of elephants. We are there when they you do not expect, and we melt away before you notice our appearance.
We are smart, strategic, highly intelligent and carry a brutally obvious and pragmatic common sense that finds optimal solutions to everything.
We identify our tribe immediately and without conversation.
We see what you hide, we hear what you whisper, we decipher your codes, and we understand the complexity you create in your effort to conceal.
We control the physical world that operates around every element of society, and we value real and tangible assets.
We do not sit around pontificating eloquently about philosophic nuances; we get shit done.
We are the people who facilitate your ability to take us for granted, and we do so without issue, resentment or desire for recognition.
We are optimistic, affable, kind, generous, friendly, loyal, warm and quietly spiritual in purpose.
We are polite, considerate and slow to anger.
We prefer to be left alone. However, pushed entirely far enough, decisions are reached. Right now, we are tenuously staring; deliberately, with deepened gaze.
In every town, village and hamlet we are encountering the same conversation. On every porch, in every shop, at every event, the topic is the same.
The two biggest mistakes you can make right now is not understanding why we have begun to bow our heads.
First, our heads are not bowed because we are subservient, cowering or accepting the current effort to control us….
….We are praying!
Your second mistake would be to ignore that we are not praying for us…
….We are praying for those who trespass against us!
You may not like what follows, “Amen!” Because we are resolute and of common purpose.
We are, quite simply, MAGA!
last night at walmart i met an older gentleman of the same mind as me…lol.
He wore a I’m voting for the felon cap and a t-shirt that said I’d rather vote for a felon than a Jack (dem donkey). I had on my I’m voting for the outlaw and the hillbilly t shirt.
we chatted a bit–he was disgusted that his 2 children who were raised conservative are such liberals (the dauhter was a teacher, the son married a teacher) and I said unions, right?
anyway he told me where he got his shirt– he said. I checked it out briefly when we got home. it seems you can become a member (price?? dunno) but the site had loads of different shirts and sayings as well as other items. If you’re a member the shirt price was $9.99 a shirt, if not a member $24.99.
Big excitement!
TUNE IN: Former First Lady Melania Trump joins ‘FOX & Friends’ for an exclusive interview tomorrow at 6a ET on Fox News Channel
Melania Trump opens up after assassination attempts on her husband: Surviving both were ‘really miracles’
Former first lady Melania Trump spoke out in an exclusive interview airing on ‘Fox & Friends’
Published September 25, 2024
Former first lady Melania Trump recalled how she found out about the two assassination attempts on her husband’s life in an exclusive sit-down on “Fox & Friends,” her first television interview in more than two years.
Gold $2,675. Gonna burst across $2,700…?
Driven by? Irrational exuberance? Crap economy, dollar…? Folks smelling WWIII in the wind? BIG money, metals movers…?
Silver over $32/ounce.
My guess? Fear.
Verse of the Day for Thursday, September 26, 2024
“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.”
Revelation 3:20 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered. !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Be with me – take not – Your presence from me;
Let Your Spirit dwell – in me – let Him be;
My strength and solace – in turmoil of heart;
From me, Oh Lord – let Him never depart!
Without You, Lord – there is no breath of life;
Without You, Lord – the sorrow – it is rife;
Happiness eludes me – from my soul – it is gone;
Your peace in me – is vacant – totally withdrawn!
Hide not Your face from me – show me Your love;
Touch my heart with Your grace – sent from above;
Abandon me not – in my hour of need;
In Your great love, Lord – I am blessed indeed!
Fill me with your Spirit – right to the brim;
Let not hopelessness enter – faith be dim
Renew me – redo me – all over again;
Today – tomorrow – forever – Amen!
Infuse me – use me – for Your Glory, Lord;
Let me not forget – the truth in Your Word;
Raise me up, Lord – both steadfast and strong;
Be with me, Lord – where You only belong!
Strengthen me – Lord – oh, please hear my cry;
I don’t need to know the what, where or why;
I trust in Your judgment – Your mercy, Lord;
I trust in the truth revealed in Your Word!
I trust in Your Love poured out on the Tree;
I trust in Your Promise to always be;
Faithful and true for eyes that can see;
There for us all – who trust in Thee!
Be with me – Lord – refresh me – renew me;
This pain and discomfort – really threw me;
Jesus, come quickly – come quickly, I pray;
Let this doubt not take hold – unravel – fray!
Oh, precious, incorruptible Blood of the Lamb;
Encompass me – protect me – the sinner I am;
Enthrall me – befall me – change me within;
Blot my sin – from Thy sight – let it begin!
Wherein and where out – let the demon flee;
Far away – to the dry place – let it be;
Confined in the spaces – to do no harm;
To cause no distress – disruption – alarm!
Wash me – and cleanse me – pure white as snow;
Be near me – cheer me – wherever I go;
Lift my distress – give me some rest – I pray;
Be with me, Jesus – and love me Your Way!
D01: 07/14/2013
Thank You Duchess 🙂
Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms
Pray Everyday
Thank You for allowing me to post
What in my heart I value the most
What God wants to share with you today
A message for all to take on your way
This blog has a purpose prescribed by He
An opt subscription that simply must be
We cannot decide what we represent
It’s determined by He and Heaven sent
So thank you all for letting me butt in
For diverting your attention toward Him
For allowing Him to bog bless this blog
For excusing me for being agog
God Bless All Y’all Real Good !!! 💙🧚🏻♀️💙
Thank You Duchess for all your postings! 😁
Oops. Gotta find out when early voting starts in Texas.
Emerald Robinson
The CIA/DoD has now had 4 YEARS to move assets into place as “Trump supporters” to misdirect people away from the truth about election fraud. Why bring this up today? Because I asked
if his dad was Director of Intel Ops at DOD SOLIC. That’s a top spook spot.
From arksirc @ Sylvia’s
Emerald Robinson
Emerald Robinson is the very definition of a Grifter. She can get half her posts right but another 25% are pure clickbait sensationalism on topics that she knows nothing about. Even when Newsmax was a small fledgling news operation, they kicked her to the curb for that reason.
Speaking of Twitter, your good friend (sarcasm) Emerald Robinson is going after Scott Pressler – saying his dad is some DOD Intel spy and Scott is a plant inside the GOP. That woman is cray cray and one who is spouting that voting is useless against the cheating. I know you called her out a loooong time ago.
that one had me scratching my head!!
yeah, if Scott P is some sneaky double agent he sure has done good work for getting people to be invested to vote
The Demoncrats wouldn’t pick a long-haired gay dude to infiltrate the GOP, given that they think we are all knuckle-dragging bigots who hate gays.
Don’t we? Asking for a closet resident.
I don’t hate them, no. I hate the sin, not the sinner.
All I know about Emerald is that I can’t remember reading one positive thing that she has written. It’s all negativity all the time, in my experience. That would fit the narrative of her working for the other side. This bears watching.
Old saying I heard throughout my childhood:
“If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything.”
The rule for social gatherings was absolute, along with its corollary:
“Kids should be seen … and not heard.”
Not sure how I survived such brutal abuse. 😂
Seems to be the season of smearing seemingly solid conservatives.
Prolly more I missed AND likely more inbound.
h/t Marica

Just when you thought it couldn’t get more farcical …
Bucking for SECDEF.
(Based on link headline.)
h/t Filly
Attorney General Andrew Bailey
@AGAndrewBailey A DC court has SHUT DOWN Missouri courts by blocking our lawsuit against Media Matters (FILED IN MISSOURI) from moving forward. DC courts have no say over Missouri courts. This is an attack on our ability to protect your rights in our own state. This will not stand.
We’ve had three straight stellar AGs. And not an Ashcroft, Carnahan or Danforth among them.
LIVE WITH JULIE- 09/26/2024
Isaiah 54:17
Luke 10:19
2 Timothy 1:7
Hosea 4:6
James 4:2
2 Corinthians 2:14
2 Corinthians 5:7
Psalms 110:1
Colossians 2:15
Hebrews 2:14
James 4:7
Genesis 3:15
1 Peter 5:8
Matthew 11:28
Isaiah 66:1
Luke 20:43
Ephesians 1:22
Psalms 115:16
Galatians 3:13
Galatians 4:4-7
Galatians 5:1
Genesis 1:26-28
Philippians 4:13
Isaiah 60:1-2
Hebrews 10:23
John 17:13-17
Romans 12:2
Hebrews 2:14
Deuteronomy 30:19
Job 22:28
Have a firm focused foundation on the Father.
Start commanding fear to come out of your mind!
FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real.
Faith is believing in God’s power to help you, but fear is believing in the ability of the enemy to destroy you.
God is bringing an end to this corruption!
Get into the Word of God and see what He says about what’s going on in the world today.
God is the One that gives you your freedoms. Not your enemies. Do not be moved by what you see.
God has made your enemies your footstool. They are under your feet.
Footstool: symbolizes something that is subdued (bring under control, especially by willpower).
You have power, authority and dominion over the enemy. But you must first be subject to God, which means being obedient to His Word and His Will.
The Earth does not belong to EVIL men and women. Take back what belongs to you.
God has given you the ability to do these things that He is telling you to do.
Marching Order: Guide the world back to Almighty God. You need to be the salt & light.
God’s Glory is His presence, power and goodness. His Glory should be seen on you.
It is God’s power and His Words that will stand forever.
God’s Word is the key to your victory.
God is Jehovah Sabaoth- Lord of Hosts and El Shaddai- The God with Whom Nothing is Impossible.
Prophecy mentioned:
[Word heard – September 24, 2024]
My children rise up at this hour. Take back what belongs to you. Take back the authority upon this earth. Your enemies are trying everything to cheat you out of something that doesn’t belong to them. You must know the power that belongs to you. You need to understand the power of My Words and how to use them. Get the revelation your enemies have made your footstool. They are under your feet. They should not be lording over and controlling you in any way. Know who you are in Christ Jesus and I have given you the ability to do all things that I’m asking you to do. My church must rise up and be the light the world needs in the dark hour to guide the world back to Me, to restore what has been taken from the people with its hope, peace, joy, health, wealth and their freedoms in every way. I paid the price for you to have it all. Not just some things – ALL THINGS. So receive what I’ve already done and that is defeating your enemies entirely. I didn’t leave anything out. So shout the BATTLE HAS BEEN WON FOR YOU says the Lord.
A GREAT DEFEAT is coming that I’ve told you about. So don’t lose hope or get discouraged now. Don’t lose your focus off My Words when that is the key to your freedom and your victory.
I have warned you about your enemies that they will try and attack you but I never said they would be successful. You’ll see unprecedented things. You will see the world appear to be chaotic. It will look worse but nothing will stay that way. You will see these things because this is the time to take down your enemies.
FEAR is coming like never before. CONFUSION is coming like never before. DESTRUCTION is coming like never before. But it shall not harm you and only spectators you shall be to all of it.
Five Embarrassing Moments From Kamala Harris’ MSNBC Interview
It gives me PTSD to listen to her so I’ll trust the Federalist got it right! Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me
You are just SO-O-O normal.
I read yesterday that playing Tetris can relieve PTSD.
It’s much better to hear Estee Palti because it’s very effective ridicule. 😅
I need some help from the techies. We are gradually cleaning out the basement, and found a number of old physical zip drives, and 3.5 inch discs. None have been opened. Is there any use for them anywhere other than in the trash?
Online auction.
I understand that they are good money on eBay. Neither have been manufactured for years.
Thanks. I have a number of unopened decks of playing cards as well. Most of them are going to thrift, but the ones from WWII with the stamps still intact may go on Ebay…or to the WWII Museum in New Orleans.
WWII Museum in New Orleans sounds interesting.
It’s definitely worth the price of admission. My mother was enthralled.
Thanks. Perfect days drive, on our way to FL in a few months.
When I was there in 2015, the exhibits only included Europe, and they were either raising funds for the Asian expansion, or working on it. I don’t remember. But, schedule time. It’s not just a one hour kind of place.
Thanks again. Will plan on several hours.
Very interested in both Europe and Asia campaigns.
NFL partnering with the dark side – Feds / FEMA.
NOTHING good will come of this.
Emphasis added.
FEMA Has Chosen 4 NFL Stadiums As Disaster Shelters for Pandemics and Extreme Weather Events
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has chosen four NFL stadiums for emergency shelters during extreme weather and emergencies.
Under a new partnership between the NFL and FEMA, several NFL stadiums will be turned into hospitals and shelters during extreme emergencies.
According to CBS, the stadiums will be used during extreme weather emergencies such as tornadoes, hurricanes, and flooding.
The stadiums will also be used during large-scale emergencies such as pandemics.
FEMA and the NFL chose four stadiums: MetLife Stadium in New Jersey, Acrisure Stadium in Pittsburgh, Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, and Lumen Field in Seattle.
New Jersey and Tampa make some sense but what kind of manufactured crisis are they planning to need them in Pa and Wa?
Nothing but cover story bullshit.
Aren’t those all outdoor stadiums? I mean, the current Busch is an extreme weather shelter for tornadoes, but only the bathrooms and the stairwells. (And I was in one of the stairwells the one and only time it’s been used for extreme weather, Good Friday 2011.) If those facilities aren’t built for that….
Bad weather is an alibi. Easy to see past Fed / FEMA lies. Tin foil hat intact.
My point exactly. As far as I know Busch Stadium in downtown STL is the ONLY major league facility built as a severe weather shelter. And after the Good Friday tornado in 2011, anytime we are at risk for them, MLB cancels at the drop of a hat.
Using those facilities is useless.
The one in Seattle is literally at the end of I-90, at its intersection with I-5. Not sure if that means anything but it looks awfully convenient, regarding transportation. Also very close to Boeing Field which is where AF1 lands and departs.
Hurricane Katrina, 2005 in the New Orleans Superdone was such a raging success, as I remember it. The last place I would want to be is in an NFL stadium with an unknown number of illegal aliens.
I haven’t read it all, but here’s an article about 5 days in the Superdome.
My middle son was in Canada on a Boy Scout style camping trip (Calvinist Cadet Corps) no older than junior high, when they had to shelter in some type of stadium due to serious storm issues. Son was traumatized by many men in their underwear (everyone was very wet &/or muddy) & overflowing toilets. I’m not sure if it was 100s or 1000s of people that were there at least overnight.
Had to be a nightmare in the Superdome.
As a GS, I was sent to Jacksonville to help push support equipment / material / supplies for Katrina recovery. Marines in LA. Slidell is one area I recall. Also pushed stuff via Navy from Pensacola to New Orleans. Terrible what impacted folks experienced.
If I learned nothing else from Katrina days, I Never, Ever, want to rely of the Feds for anything.
Nails it…
Awesome She nailed it for sure
Kakala nails it.
A Powerful Evening Prayer for Peace and Serenity
Dear Lord,
As the day gradually transitions into the comforting embrace of night, I humbly come before you, seeking the precious gifts of peace and serenity. Please, dear God, enfold me in your tranquil presence, and help me find respite from the storms that may be raging within my heart and mind. Grant me the serenity to gracefully accept the things I cannot change and the courage to change what I can. May your divine light shine upon me as I seek rest and tranquility, knowing that your unwavering love and guidance are my constant companions.
A Powerful Evening Prayer for Strength and Guidance
Dear God,
In these twilight hours, I turn to you, my unwavering source of strength and guidance. As I reflect upon the day’s challenges and triumphs, I seek your divine intervention. Grant me the courage to face the uncertainties of tomorrow and the wisdom to make sound decisions along the way. I earnestly request that your radiant light illuminate my path through the darkness, and may your steadfast strength be my refuge in moments of doubt and weakness. Lord, help me navigate life’s complexities with unwavering faith in your unwavering presence.
A Powerful Evening Prayer for Gratitude and Thankfulness
Heavenly Father,
As I pause to contemplate the events of this day, my heart brims with profound gratitude for the countless blessings you have graciously bestowed upon me. I thank you, dear Lord, for the boundless love of my family and friends, for the opportunities that have enriched my journey, and for the valuable lessons I’ve gleaned from life’s experiences. As I lay down to rest, may my heart overflow with thankfulness, recognizing that your grace continually sustains me and that even in the challenges, your love remains unwavering.
I’m back from being punctured. Now I just have to outwait the Xanax.
Your vacation starts tomorrow?
Yep. Drive the Fiancee to the airport, come back and crank up the tunez!
More of her trip is within the 10-day weather forecast window. Looks like she’s going to experience a lot of rain. Of course, having lived in California for so long, it should be somewhat novel for her.
Xanax (ALPRAZolam), BTW, has something like a 14-hour half-life. I only need it to last about an hour or so, but it’s already difficult to get prescribed and filled at a pharmacy because of its “potential for abuse” — and anything that acts quicker is even more difficult. I currently have four left of my last script for five.
J6 Mirror, Save Act Setup Complete, Optics Are Important, Swamp Fighting Back – Ep. 3460
September 26, 2024 x22report
The EV push has ruined the auto industry, thousands of blue collar jobs are lost. [KH] lies about the economy under Trump and she lies about the economy now. China is panicking, they are now showing signs of a recession, stimulus has begun, in the end everything is connected. The [DS] has fallen right into the patriots trap, it’s not a sprint it’s a marathon. Trump trapped the [DS] Save Act, in the end they will accept it, optics are important. IG Horowitz is getting ready to release the J6 report, why wait until after the election, think mirror. The swamp will continue to fight back, they have tried twice to assassinate Trump, now they are going all out, but the patriots know the playbook and they have it all.
Ep 3460a – China Showing Signs Of 2008 Recession, Stimulating Economy, Just A Matter Of Time
Ep 3460b – J6 Mirror, Save Act Setup Complete, Optics Are Important, Swamp Fighting Back
This endangers Vance and his family.
Why didn’t they just start allowing the previously banned words on cans?
⬆️ EDIT: Fixed the link.
^^^ Why? Woke BS. Trump & Vance would be too popular.
Is it a Morton’s Fork or The Horns of a Dilemma? Or both?
Waiting patiently in the wings is … the Eighth Amendment.
‘Uninhabitable for weeks or months’: Why Helene’s hurricane category matters
Photos and some personal accounts at the link.
I lived in Florida when Andrew hit. Thankfully, I was on the other side of the state, but a relative lived in Miami. They came to us for the storm. When it was over, we went to clean up the aftermath.
I have been within a mile or less of five major tornadoes, but I have NEVER seen anything like the damage caused by Andrew. It was simply unreal. Nothing was unaffected. There were no trees standing for miles.
It was the largest insurance disaster in history for many years (maybe it still is). Before that, it had been a hailstorm in Denver.
Thank you.
IMO, ** HAARP ** involvement? To get “mail-in ballots” authorized for the November election all the way from Florida, through Georgia, into the Carolinas, and extending up into Tennessee and West Virginia?
Well, I’m not a proponent of the weather-maipulation theories. It’s hurricane season, and we are vulnerable to these kinds of storms every year. Also, I wouldn’t expect this to affect ballots or voting with over a month to go before election day. If the storm is bad enough, even the mail service will be affected.`
Another thought: If it were possible to “HAARP” the weather, then those who are using “climate change” to control us could have been causing extreme weather events to “prove” their theory. Instead, real weather events are disproving it.
And yet, they keep haarping on it.
A service delay is a method to drag the count out as long as they feel like it.
It’s time to expose Toyota.
@Toyota has been one of the most trusted brands in America but they’ve gone totally woke.
Here’s some of what we found:
• Toyota sponsored a drag queen program at a summer camp for kids identifying as LGBTQ+.
• Toyota opposes laws that ban sex changes for kids and funds groups who work to make sex changes legal for children and they worked with the @HRC to oppose these laws.
• Toyota openly supports “the equality act” which would allow men into girl’s bathrooms, sports and locker-rooms.
• Toyota funded the @HRC’s Time To Thrive Summit where they worked with the largest teachers union to push gender ideology into elementary schools.
• Donated to the HRC, the Trevor Project, Dallas Resource Center and Los Angeles LGBT Center and the Workplace Equality Summit — All supporters of child transitions. The Trevor Project features chat rooms where adults have been caught talking to kids about sexual kinks, how to transition, masturbation and more. They also have a quick exit feature to wipe the browser and hide the website from parents.
• Funded many “all ages” pride events.
• Woke DEI trainings.
• LGBT Chamber of Commerce member.
• Preferential treatment for “diverse” suppliers.
• Hosted LGBTQ+ events at corporate.
• Created custom cars with a trans flag.
• ERG groups divided by race + sexual orientation.
• A total commitment to DEI policies.
• 100/100 CEI score from the HRC for 16 straight years which means that they pay for not only employee transitions but for children of employee’s to transition in states where it’s legal.
To put it mildly, Toyota seems to have forgotten who their core customers are. They depend on American families and Japanese families to buy their cars. It’s time to remind them who their customers are.
I don’t think the values at corporate reflect the values many Toyota/Lexus owners have (with the exception of maybe Prius owners who probably like the woke stuff). Do Toyota/Lexus owners want the money they spend with Toyota to be used later by corporate to push an ideology that’s diametrically opposed to their own values?
If you think Toyota’s values don’t align with yours and you’re a customer or potential customer who wants to speak out, their contact info is
Remember to ALWAYS BE KIND. Many in customer service agree with you. These are all publicly listed contacts:
Toyota customer care: +1-800-331-4331
Specific Emails:
Ed Hellwig
Marissa Borjon
Victor Vanov
Contact them with one click:…
Our goal with reporting is never destruction, it’s restoration of sanity. We do this by informing consumers about the policies companies are adopting so they can make choices about what they’re willing to support as a consumer. That’s not cancel culture, it’s capitalism.
When we use our voices and wallets to vote our values, we can change the world and we can restore great companies to a culture of sanity, meritocracy and political neutrality OR we can inspire competitors to step up to fight for our business.
The customer is king and most of us just want companies we shop at to stop virtue signaling about divisive social, cultural and political issues. Companies need to stop dividing us by injecting wokeness!
If you agree then share this video and tag other accounts so they share it too.
If you support our movement to expose and remove woke policies in corporate America then you can help fund our growing team by subscribing to my @X page for $5 a month or choose any amount once at
You can become a whistleblower against a woke company at by emailing or by going to
P.S. What’s sad is there’s sooooo much more we couldn’t fit in this video. Maybe we’ll do a part 2 and/or drop key nuggets of information over the next few weeks…
Very disappointing. I know people who have been loyal to Toyota for decades.
Tundra a bedrock solid truck for many years. Assembled in Texas.
Unfortunately, 2022 and 2023 models have huge recall over engine issues.
Couple quick searches, did not reveal country that assembles the engine. Root problem may be where the engine block was made.
102,000 Toyota Tundras and Lexus LXs Recalled for Potential Engine Failure
The recall affects Tundra pickups and LX SUVs built for the 2022 and 2023 model year and is caused by debris that was left in the engine during manufacturing.
I’m glad we stuck with a non-Japanese maker.
Something built in Marysville, OH; Smyrna, TN; San Antonio, TX; Lafayette, IN; or some such (plants for Honda, Nissan, Toyota, and Subaru, respectively), perhaps?
My 1994 Accord Wagon was built in Marysville.
So called Japanese cars are more built-in-America than some Ford models, for example, which have large plants in Mexico.
My current Ram and I think Grand Cherokee assembled in Mexico Can’t recall engine and transmission origin. Thinking US, but?
No, actually. NONE of those. EVER.
My feet won’t hit the pedals.
Several of those models, the pedals can be adjusted closer to the driver. Sorta like a telescoping steering wheel column.
Yeah…but…I don’t have a cousin who is the general manager at a dealer with any of those brands. Trust me. We get VIP treatment…at least until he retires.
Yup, my Ridgeline was built in Alabama. My previous Hondas were built in Marysville. It is an American vehicle.
I wonder what people are going to say when PDT’s Ambassador lands those manufacturing companies from foreign countries that then move operations here to employ American workers?
Have had several Honda’s. Ridgeline and Pilot assembled in Alabama. Pretty sure the engines and transmissions imported from Japan. Lotsa parts prolly Chinee and Mexico.
Great vehicles largely made in America. Certainly assembled in America.
Grateful for the American jobs. Assembly line, logistics and supporting infrastructure.
Any sauce for this?
THREAT: More information is surfacing about the reported threat to Trump Force One. Sources indicate that the Sinaloa Cartel smuggled multiple shoulder-fired missiles into the U.S. for Iranian-backed militants. With details emerging about the missile type, the cartel involved, and the sponsor, it seems likely that U.S. authorities have disrupted the plot. However, the intelligence community likely remains concerned about potential undiscovered plots that could be in the works.
The 9K32 Strela-2 is a shoulder-fired, surface-to-air missile system that has been used in several attacks on civilian aircraft. Notable incidents include the downing of two Vickers Viscount airliners in Rhodesia (1978 and 1979), both shot down near Kariba Dam, resulting in heavy casualties. In 1983, UNITA used the Strela-2 to bring down a TAAG Boeing 737 in Angola, and in 1998, Congolese rebels downed a Boeing 727 with an SA-7. These are just a few examples of its deadly impact on civilian aviation.
h/t @annvandersteel
To reiterate I think the earlier reports that we were hearing about the Trump campaign being told to start using multiple charter jets seems to be related to this potential threat. Then this morning Trump flew out on Trump Force One making me think the threat had lapsed. Then a BUNCH of people are sharing details about the plot – details that I doubt we know about if the plot was still a threat. So I think we dodged a missile here. Here is more:
I was very hesitant to post this, but if it stops these dipshidiots from trying this crazy sh*t, then so be it.
The Deep State may be planning on targeting President Trump using an SA-8, which is a truck-mounted Russian tactical surface- to-air missile system to down Trump Force One, initially blaming Hezbollah Unit 910 (already here in the U.S,) and Iran, however, after a ‘thorough investigation’, they will then blame Russia.
If anyone has anything further on this, the more that’s known, the less likely they are to execute.