It is with extreme sadness that I announce news, brought to us by DePat’s loving and faithful friend, For God & Country (FG&C).
Rather than simply approving FG&C’s comment, I decided to make it a full post. I will add my own comments afterward.
Dear Qtree,
I profoundly regret and sorrowfully bring you the sad news of our dear friend Susie “Depat” Sampson’s unexpected and sudden passing.
Susie was a fierce, albeit petite, Gen X MAGA warrior and patriot who dearly loved our American Republic. Highly intelligent, insightful, articulate, loyal, kind, and sweet are just a few of the accurate adjectives which describe this truly amazing, deeply committed and Christ-focused Christian lady.
A dedicated animal lover and dog owner, she was an alto singer by profession, performing her craft in the theatre as well as in various parish churches in the St. Louis area. She was also a blogger, self-published author, and unapologetic conservative.
7-8 weeks ago Susie attended a choir rehearsal, during which she had stood right next to a fellow choir member who she learned afterwards had been Covid vax-boosted for the 4th time that day. Perhaps she mentioned at some point in these pages that in the time since that night she believed she had contracted “long Covid”, experiencing physical weakness, insomnia, a persistent cough, and low appetite. She believed she had inhaled “spike proteins” shedding from the woman she stood next to that night at rehearsal, stating that had she known the woman had been so recently vaxxed she would never have gotten so close to her.
Recently, she had stated she was feeling better, the cough all but gone, and in the past week felt she had gotten over the insomnia hump and was getting good rest. I was optimistic. However, on Monday AM….inauguration day….her brother discovered her in her bedroom, unresponsive, after becoming concerned he had not heard her moving about and she had not come downstairs. Paramedics were subsequently unable to resuscitate her, and it is currently believed she suffered a heart attack and passed away in her sleep. After many attempts to reach her (we texted daily), her brother called me this afternoon with the news. I knew you would want to know as well.
I am aware of how this news will hit the Qtree community, and how loved and appreciated she was here. She loved being a part of this group as much as she loved the MAGA movement and President Trump. In particular, she was a longtime fan and admirer of the impossibly great “Gail Combs”, of whom we often laughed over the thought she must be a “deep MAGA” AI. 😁
It was through this very forum that I got to know her, and in the years after leaving here grew close with her, and I visited her in St. Louis many times. On her behalf, with complete confidence she would approve of this message below, let me say a few words for her to each of you…
My dear friends and fellow Qtree patriots,
We did it! Going all the way back these now many years to the time when most (if not all) of us originally came together at Conservative Treehouse, and later here at Qtree after Wolf created this space for those of us daring to believe in Q-Anon and subsequently being exiled from CTH for doing so, we have stood the test of time and proved resolute and firm with one another in our belief in God, his providence, and our beloved Republic.
We, along with tens of millions of our fellow patriots, and God’s blessings, have successfully taken on the almost impossible power and reach of the corrupt and evil globalist deep state, and we have once again elected our lion, President Donald J Trump to a historic and almost unprecedented non-concurrent term. I am confident that Trump 2.0 will prove as day is to night in comparison to his first term!
It has been the honor of a lifetime to share in this struggle with all of you; to pass through the many trials, uncertainties, set-backs, and victories together. We never gave up, never gave in, and never wavered. We ran the good race! It has been an incredible journey which we have chronicled together on these pages over all these many years.
I know that each of you will continue the good and holy fight, and I will be watching and praying for you, your individual and collective success, and the reestablishment of our Republic as the founder’s envisioned and ordained by God.
Do not be afraid, and never fear. Our sovereign Lord and Almighty God is firmly in control, and all is unfolding according to his design!
This is not “good-bye”, this is only a “see you later!”, and while parting is sorrowful, the joy of our reunion in the presence of our mighty and loving King will so overwhelm the sadness as to render it entirely moot and inconsequential.
I love you all, carry each of you in my heart, and reluctantly take my leave from you with this…
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”
See you on the other side!
I will begin by thanking For God & Country for this desperately needed but sad news, as well as for his wonderful message from DePat, which I will admit made me cry.
As I know for certain that DePat’s final wish for me would be to remove FG&C from moderation, I will do that immediately after publishing this. If we cannot all lay down our swords in DePat’s honor, then we have no business being here.
I will add more information about DePat’s last comments and posts in the comments.
Thank you ALL for being good friends of Susie, and for your concern as she battled recent health issues, and then as she vanished from the site.
To say DePat will be greatly missed is an almost appalling understatement. She was, if not the heart and soul of this site, at least a huge portion of it. Her influence on me was as profound as any teacher I ever had – and I had some great ones.
There will be a time that I will fully discuss my scientific opinion about what happened to Susie. I may say some things now, but I will definitely say more later. There are things that MUST be said.
Finally, let me add this. Susie was one of the greatest defenders of the Catholic Church that I have ever known. While I do not consider myself to be Catholic, she made me a great ally of “The Church” – as she called it. She remains, in my opinion, one of the greatest servants of The Lord that I have ever had the honor of knowing.
In God I trust – that Susie is now exactly where God wants her, and where she wants to be.
¡Vaya con Dios, amiga!

Yeah. It’s just hitting me now.
This is profoundly shocking and sad news. It will take a while to process it, and words fail me. Prayers for all the family, her friends, and everyone here. May she rest in eternal peace. 🙏🕊️
Amen. And thank you.
My initial response to tragedy is always more or less “responder mode” – but after doing my duty, I’m allowing myself to be stunned, and to grieve.
Wheatie now dp. And there have been several others.
Plain Jane, Weeper, and Patrick Henry Censored, that I can recall immediately.
Can’t think of anyone else, either.
Then, again, I just walked down the hall and couldn’t remember where I had been going. This is quite a shock.
This time, I managed to stagger down the hall and shut down and check locks on the main part of the house, and reset the furnace to its overnight mode.
Which took about 110% of my current available mental capacity.
Certainly shocking news.
Sadly, very sadly I expected it when she went “silent.” DP had not done that for an extended time, that I recall.
Incredibly grateful FG&C wrote such a heartwarming, motivating post.
Quite the damper on an otherwise beautiful day.
Hope sleep coming and remaining longer these days?
I got to sleep late last night and got up late this morning, so it seems that my manic phase is taking a break. We’ll see how long that lasts.
The loss of our dear De Pat is like a foggy drizzle while the sun shines outside.
There are more….ive forgotten. Even people from OT .
She didn’t post here a lot, but Bren (half of Kalbren) died in a horrible home accident a little over a year ago. She wasn’t much older than DePat.
OMG – I didn’t know about that. She was a wonderful person. I’m so sorry to learn of this. Praying for both her and her other half. Is he OK? 🙏
I haven’t been in touch for some time. His health was very precarious but the last I heard he had actually found a treatment plan that was effective. So physically he was doing better, but what a loss to bear.
Elizabeth Carter. I don’t know what happened to her, it seemed that her health was declining, and I think she moved in with family. After the move, she posted less and less, until she wasn’t able to post anymore, as far as I can tell.
I am at a loss for words.
Always felt a special connection to this dear and wonderful woman because of a strong family history in St. Louis.
Her “Author Days” were extra special to me.
Crying and covered with sadness for a woman I never met…but can honestly say I loved.
She was a wonderful person. I want to say she was a saint, but I know that she would correct me on that! 😂
G dammit. Sob… mf…hell. and stuff. My peer. Literally my gen x peer and long covid peer too. The vaxx again. I am very sorry for DP who went out of her way to shrug off covid. To be the rock for her family after her mom died, only to have this happen.
God graced her w going in her sleep at least. I hope she was received w open arms.
Will we be allowed to know if she receives a proper Catholic funeral? Especially since she was do devoted?
I’m sure there will be an obituary. Here is her mom’s.
It will probably be on the same site. I was looking at the archdiocese, but they only have clergy.
Here is the church where her mother’s funeral mass was held —
We’ll have to come back and revisit this at a later date. The last person they laid to rest was 9 Jan.
Yup. That’s what I was thinking!
Wow. No words.
Many thanks to FG&C for letting us know. I’ve had a bad feeling about this and am just stunned by the news.
Yes, I had a bad feeling, too.
Very sad news, My heart goes out to her family. I felt that this was probably going to be the outcome. She will be missed dearly.
Surely tough on the entire family. In particular, The Engineer, Susie’s Father.
Their household has evolved a lot in the short years I knew of Susie and what she shared.
Me, too.
I didn’t. She was too young, too healthy and active, too knowledgeable about Covid and generally well informed for something like this to happen.
I still can’t believe it. She was just here, commenting, a few days ago.
I figured between family showing up and her recent illness, she was probably exhausted.
Well she was…quite literally in the fullest sense of the term “exhausted”–completely expended.
Pardon me while I go scream.
Take your time. We will be here when you’re done.
I lost a fair number of old friends (back to high school) in a short span last fall. My car withstood the sudden poundings on the steering wheel and the reverb of my bloodcurdling screams of anguish.
And I just now found out…another back to elementary school, though not one I got along with. Not an unexpected event in this case. We exchanged a few texts the last couple of weeks.
Oh Steve. Sorry to hear you have had so many losses to bear all at one time. The grief just accumulates.
Grief helps us grow.
Painful but needed in order to fully appreciate life.
That is one aspect for sure. How are you doing, my friend?
So, sad. I’m sorry.
Sorry for your painfully compounding grief 🙁
I see fully how being the caretaker she was that it took all of her. No fair.
Yes, and now her brother is going to have to learn to do his own laundry. That part might be fair, don’t know for sure. I’m sure it’s hard for the whole family.
Yeah, that one blew my mind.
She always spoke of him as the “couch commando” which didn’t strike me as a very affectionate name though once I got the impression it was in in-joke between them.
And here I thought it was just disgust over him being an engineer.
Yea. Over time I took Couch Commander as, the couch turf AND likely controlled the remote.
No idea if that is accurate. Just my take.
That was my take as well.
I agree on that. Those pressures were rightly not hers. They will have to sink or swim now.
Her family — father & brother — will have a hard time since they lost not only D-Pat’s Mom but now her in such a short time.
Couch commando needs to step up, be there for The Engineer, her Father.
I would think the Couch commando is now in shock and guilt, given D-Pat was feeling so poorly for several weeks and he still expected to be waited on.
Or maybe he will never make the connection.
I cannot even imagine how they are coping.
“Yes, and now her brother is going to have to learn to do his own laundry.”
It’s not that hard. First time I did mine was as a freshman in college. Put everything in together, hot water and detergent, and let ‘er rip.
All my whites came out pink, thanks to a red shirt.
Only happened once 👍
After that, washed whites (and light grays, like sweat pants) together in hot water, and colors in warm or cold water. No more problems.
Yeah. I actually ended up learning in high school, because my mother went back to school, and her major was biochemistry.
Not something you take if you want an easy diploma.
It stood me in good stead in college and of course ever since.
Gotcha. We’re all in shock at the moment. It’s just really starting to hit me.
Just fucking…damnit.
That damn vax will reach out and kill you. You don’t even have to ask for it.
Yes. A woman in generally decent health suffering w long covid but doing ok shouldnt have died so easily. Direct exposure. We all have to question our exposure too.
She may have had an underlying condition or two.
Not necessarily of which she was aware.
I’m seeing a three-pronged problem, and that is one of them.
I believe DP was very, very overtaxed. By a lot of things.
She shouldn’t have even been doing two dailies here, much less three or four.
I think I’ll use her next Tuesday thread to talk about the medical things, after people have had some time to process all of this.
Ok, good.
It was a labor of love she very much enjoyed.
With respect, I counsel gentle caution over using words like “should’ve” or “shouldn’t” in a moment like this.
I doubt very much you could have stopped her, short of removing her author privileges. Do not take any of this upon yourself, Wolf. She was of fierce, redheaded, irish descent, and was going to do as she would.
So glad to see you here, 4G&C.
OK. That is indeed why I almost always restrained from giving her ANY advice – and that being the case over many years. And she knew it, and was comfortable with it.
TY for this AND all that your shared about Susie. Hope you are doing well…God Bless!
Very much looking forward to your medical thoughts.
I have honestly not wanted to think about the shedding aspect. It’s just too horrible on top of everything else we know about Covid. It all seems so hopeless. But this is a wake up call. If there is any way to fight this we need to do it.
That is true something in her heart not diagnosed. Ill tell you, i got sick 2nd week of december. Very very bad. Havent been this sick since covid. So sick i ended up on albuterol and prednisone bc it became asthma. I still have a bit of the wheezing. She had similar rounds of being sick and i wonder if that vaxx exposurestarted the latest illness or just made ir worse.
I’ve been reading more about spike proteins, vaxx exposures. I think Wolf believes this is a serious issue. I’m beginning to think so too.
Yes, I think it is a lot worse than we thought.
Humanity was already running a gauntlet when disease was evolving itself. Now that humanity is evolving the diseases, it’s even worse. I still favor the idea of humanity destroying all BSL4 labs.
Fauci’s pardon back to 2014. THAT is Obama protecting his own ass. To me, that proves Obama and his clique wrote all the pardons.
Hunter’s pardon goes back that far too–the biolabs in ukraine
Yup. Osatan led his corrupt assistant around like a cat with a laser pointer, using money. He could always count on Joe to do the ground game, as long as there was family cash in the deal.
Always. Mr me first.
Or an extradition team from Russia. Good with either. 😁
Take away the asshole, FauXi’s fed provided security.
Let the chips fall where they may.
POTUS Trump should have that option. Do it for EVERYONE on Ivan Raiklin’s Target List. (Many were pardoned.)
Obama got no pardon.
He’s a sneaky one. I think he’s figuring that Trump will end prosecution of former Presidents, so he’s untouchable. BUT he wants to hide his crimes, so that’s why all the pardons.
Incredibly serious issue.
PAVACA, Gail, Wolf, others have brought extensive information on spike dangers, vaxx exposure. Which I fully believe ALL of it.
Doubling down on ensuring I take vitamins, supplements, eat reasonable and exercise.
Fortunately, DW and I are not Jabbed. Son had J&J jab jab back in late 21 or 22. Home exposure is minimal.
I haven’t wanted to think about it, ladypenquin. It’s just too awful to contemplate. But I guess the time has come to face facts.
We just need to keep in touch with our Heavenly Father. My prayer is just as much for those I would leave behind as it is for me. I figure that I’ve
livedalready screwed up my life so there isn’t a lot I need except to be useful to those around me.I am blessed even though I certainly don’t deserve it.
Not one of us deserves our blessings. We are given them by grace, thank God.
I suspect, though can’t prove of course, that our DP was pretty run-down to begin with. Her family was her life, and it seems like it was a lot. The clot-shot is opportunistic. This is a wake-up call to take very good care of ourselves. We must be vigilant and diligent about our immune system and general health.
Damn Fauci to hell.
This news is very sad and shocking . Too young, too committed to a healthy lifestyle, too loyal, too quick…too many things. She will be mourned by us all. I’m having a hard time processing it.
Just don’t put your hands on your grief. It will process itself, strange as that sounds.
Bless you, molly, and all the rest of us that remain. May we honor her memory by exceeding our expectations.
Wise, gentle words PG2.
DP had such marvelous music, mindset and muscle!
I do not post much anymore after my family was devastated by Covid, yet I read here every day for respite.
May we all continue in DP’s spirit.
^^^ This.
DePat would want us to fight, fight, fight!
True and to that end she’s likely looking down at us gesturing wildly to the horizon, “Not me, not me, don’t you see what’s happening, last night all manner of stories have been loosened! Report! Report! Report! Fight! Fight! Fight!”
And it’s true… all manner of stories have broken loose last night…From Zelensky demanding US troops on his front line, to Putin saying he wants Fauci extradited to our country to stand trial and so much more… however even the best of armies have always paused in battle upon the news of one their great warriors falling in the fight to pay homage. We’ll not do different as the fight swirls around us and will be back in the fight before we know it.
we will be back to the fight, but as you said, not before we honor what we’ve lost.
in that regard, i want to say what i never said to DePat while i was able to. It’s an honor to be on this battlefield, such as it is, with each of you. It’s not just the information i find here, but the spirit, the camaraderie, the ability to connect and realize we’re not alone in this.
thank you all.
Thank you!
As I reflect on this, and as I recall what Trump said at the inauguration parade/rally, I realize that when he said “all of you did this” (or something to that effect), he was absolutely right. DePat was one of the strongest fighters for MAGA. She was not a “big influencer” in terms of easily measured clicks and impressions, or monetization dollars, but she made a big difference, keeping this site alive from the very beginning, and influencing many people to see what she saw first and clearest. And on top of all that, she was a loyal and key figure in multiple churches in her diocese. Praise God for sending DePat our way. She was a true hero of MAGA, and a great spirit warrior for the Prince of Peace.
i think her opens reflected so much about her that i never appreciated before. not only information, but art, music and humor as well– i couldn’t wait to see her memes. she will be missed so much!
I remember at his first victory speech (“complicated business”–that one) where he said “we” and then stopped and drew a big rectangle in the air to make it clear he was including his audience.
Glad to be here with you and everyone, it our foxhole.
So true Pat F.
The QTree has kept me sane and has probably kept me alive.
Truth, well spoken, thank you dear friend!
Me too. The fact that she was taken on Inauguration Day – there is a side of me that sees it as ultimate white hat and a God thing, “her work was done” – but there’s a different side I’m seeing, too.
I get the impression it was before the actual inauguration.
Which means she didn’t outlast the fucking Brandon administration that, arguably, killed her.
Yes. Great point. Although, if the view is better from where she was at noon, then both she and I “got up very early” that morning to go and see the inauguration.
I was at a great watch party. I pray that she was at an even greater one!
I believe she was, Wolfie. Her faith was strong and true.
Of course she was.
God takes warriors when he wants them, and gives them a seat for the “big game” in His sky box.
Her last comments were sadly an unknown witness to her body struggling to cope with ???…heartbreaking
If I had my druthers, she’d be recovering in a hospital…..but we well know The Will that is to be done.
Another totally F’d up thing that the last years of a evil regime (worldwide actually) is that our trust in the medical profession is shot..gone. She might’ve sought medical attention if they hadn’t destroyed the integrity of healthcare .
And what do you think they would have done?
Hurt her faster.
Actually, I think they would have just shrugged and sent her home, today’s “take two aspirin and call us in the morning.”
It would depend on her medical plan.
Yeah, some would have said THREE aspirins.
Some would have insisted on Tylenol.
The other end of the spectrum.
1) Deluxe plan: 3 aspirins
2) Average Plan: 2 aspirins
3) We must cut costs even if people get to die: take a bunch of tylenol.
Note that NONE of them actually pay for the therapy (or “therapy”).
It also depends on the patient or loved one with the patient demanding the provider take you seriously especially for those of us that have had the advantage of the wealth of medical info shared here.
If I felt that my symptoms were pneumonia or bronchitis or appendicitis or whatever..I want the test. I will not take ANY vaccine but an antibiotic okay, start there.
If the person “seeing” me seems like a dumbass flunky I want a bonafide experienced MD
Unfortunately with Obummercare, you get what they give you in terms of MDs for the most part… IF you even get to see a doctor.
Yet no matter what, we’re our own best advocates and with what we’ve learned we may have a fighting chance of one of them considering being their best. I don’t know, I’m all for the alternative meds we use but if more is needed I’m not going easily without being the pain in the ass
Frequently yes.
Like my father.
I am so sorry you lost your father, WSB. I think of Obamacare and Covid as the worst of all genocides so far.
If her heart was failing possibly some intervention? Since we don’t know the situation I have no clue.
I have a strong suspicion of the whole scenario, and will post about it later.
Reality in my world. I trust medical information here, QTree far greater than quacks.
Will I use a quacks advice? If and only if I believe it fits.
I have not written off quacks. Only figure quacks are tools to use, as I see fit. NOT haw the quack sees it.
My. My. My.
Same here…tools to use is perfect
You have to know some of the details of the unattended death and it doesnt matter on the time for us, just that shes gone.
God gave her a last marvelous view at ground level before DP’s aerial ascent!
And what a ride it was!!!
Thank you for letting us know, WM.
I can’t believe it. I’m still in shock. When DP had stopped commenting (even on her x account), I was hoping that she was just too busy but didn’t want to consider her being gone.
Keeping her and her family in my prayers. May she rest in peace.
And now I’m thinking of DP being part of the choir of angels.
Thank you for spreading the news. I’m so in shock that it didn’t initially occur to me.
Sylvia’s is my usual hangout but I was worried about DP so kept checking here if there were any news, it took me a bit just to post the news other there (better said trying to write something while crying)
You did good.
Kea covered Marica and Pat’s with your post. You all done good.
Sorrow spread is divided; happiness spread is multiplied. We need to remember and appreciate our sister sites and maintain our links.
Thank you so much for letting us know K1tt. I seldom make the time to come here with all the stuff I’ve been juggling, but it always feels like home to me. I just can’t believe it. She was so young and feisty I thought she’d be here forever.
Thank you for coming by. I love the crowd over there, but I’m constrained from visiting often by browser security (and personal paranoia).
It’s great to see you. I think of all of you often. I have to switch browsers and try to remember log ins and passwords to come here, sort of like crossing the border into a foreign country, lol, so I get it. Still, I’d make more of an effort but I have been battling a whole basket full of health concerns so I have less time and energy to spend. Horrible though that it takes a tragedy to get me over here.
Don’t worry – just happy to see you every once in a while. A lot like real life and family, come to think of it! 💖
Oh Sylvia please take care of yourself. I hope you were able to see Linda’s post, linked on the right border, about health for there’s A Lot of great info there. God Bless YOU!
…young and feisty…
She’s in that “great cloud of witnesses” that scripture speaks of…cheering us on!
I couldn’t quite go to sleep tonight. And then I spoke out “I’m sad” and immediately thought there was nothing I should be sad about. I got up and came to check for DePat. Now, I am so sad that we’ve lost Susie Sampson. I am grateful to know her name and to have the message from FG&C, DePat, and Wolf. She gave us so much of her time, knowledge, wit, and heart. We have been blessed for the time with her even though only online. The bioweapon thief is not done yet. 😥 😥 😢
I am grateful to know her name…
Same here. Important for me, to know folks name, if they pass. Personalize it. Same reason I requested, Denali’s name a few years back. (IIRC. Fiancé of Marica’s son. She also passed in her sleep.)
if i’m not mistaken, he has found love again and is now married.
pat frederick
That is correct.
Good to know. He deserves happiness, after losing Denali.
Well said, and Amen…
I’ve been trying to figure out what to say, but coming up short… I’m gutted, as the Brits say, because it’s like losing a family member or relative, despite the fact that we’ve never met.
DePat was, as she described herself, a Jill of all trades. A tireless supporter of MAGA and the Q-Tree, it looks like she poured herself into everything she did, be it music, writing, expressing and defending the Faith (GOD Bless her), and taking care of her family.
Speaking of faith, she didn’t have a Mary/Martha conflict; she was both. Professing and living her faith, as well as serving her family (who no doubt now realize all that she did for them) is a real testimony of Walking the Walk, not just Talking the Talk.
Like others have said, how great it will be to have a Q-Tree reunion in that great gettin up mornin…
Thanks and GOD Bless, too, FG&C for bringing this news, however sad it is. DePat has a much better view now, and no doubt heard “well done, good and faithful servant”…
May GOD comfort her family and friends as well, and give them strength and knowledge after what appears to have been a difficult few years…
And may GOD Bless everyone here, and on the other trees….
When DePat hadn’t posted for a while, and we were worried, somehow the thought of Wheatie came to mind, although I didn’t want to take it to mind. The hymn “I’ll Fly Away” was on my mind then, as now. DePat, may you be beside GOD, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus, Our LORD and Savior, and all your tears wiped away! GOD Bless…
Faure’s Pavane, from the 12 Cellists of the Berlin Philharmonic:
And from a bluegrass (OK, ridgerunner) background:
Medley I’ll Fly Away – I Saw The Light – Will The Circle Be Unbroken
Maybe a toast, also, more of a wake than being sad (in the Irish tradition). Weren’t Fridays the day?
Fighting tears of sadness and anger; another wonderful person gone before their time…..
Thank you, Cuppa. I am reminded of Alan Jackson’s Sissy’s Song.
She was certainly an accomplished woman and will be sorely missed. She brought her best to the game and gave us a good part of it. For this I’m sure we are all thankful. I wasn’t long OT so didn’t know her from there. Is there anyone OT that should be told?
Good point. Can someone inform the sister sites?
Kea got it to Marica’s from K1tt7-fzn.
Sylvia knows.
That leaves Pat and Daughn (if she can be contacted).
Kea also covered Pat.
I sent Butterfly a link here on X.
Thank you. She is also missed.
YW, Gail.
Did the same, but she might not see them. I only seeing her doing reposts on X thus no good reason to check notifications. Fingers crossed. 🙂
Bfly replied to us, Para…
Thank you for relaying that. Knows she’d of wanted to know and a perfect picture painted to remember Our Susie Sunshine by.
Thank you again. Had been waiting. 😁
And I could be wrong and won’t mind being, but I think that puts us at 100%.
Hopefully Cthulu sees this. He’d want to know as would others.
All of us thanking you Barb! & a shout out to Blyfly… Always missed! 🤗
There may well be others, but we got the word out rapidly.
We have bacon waiting, BFly…
Many of us were banned OT.
If someone can post there, I would hope they would.
Incidentally, I’m currently banned at Ace’s — but I would hope that someone leaves word there if something were to happen to me. Same with CTH.
I just sent an email to Puddy at CTH.
Good. ❤️❤️❤️
Were you “cthulhu” at both those places, too?
I’ve been cthulhu pretty consistently since about 1982.
For future reference, I can post at CTH. I don’t remember; was DP’s handle the same there? I can post about it if I need to.
It was something else before Deplorable Patriot. I’m straining to remember what it was. But since “basket of deplorables” happened during CTH days, she changed her nic before this site started.
I cannot see the comments on this post, to try to find her. Can you see the comments?
Comments seem to disappear in 2019 and earlier!
Maybe related to CTH changing there site somewhere 2020, 21…?
Not everything carried forward? Yea. SWAG.
No I cannot. I remember something about when I got my “reinstatement email” that even Sundance couldn’t see old comments, from before they changed something major about the site. They couldn’t seen mine; if they could have, they wouldn’t have reinstated me!
Bwah ha ha!!! sneaky peachy 😉
You have no idea 😉
Love whatever you choose to share! 😉
Lol. I just emailed Sundance a sincere compliment on something he wrote that was actually ground-breaking thought. The thing about Demoncrats chasing votes not voters. I believe in giving credit where it is due, even with somebody who pisses me off.
I said I couldn’t comment on the site because I was banned, and they reinstated me. I thought it might be useful someday, so I’ve been generally nice enough over there to remain.
You can only enhance Any Discussion you choose to join, IRL AND Online!!!
Well, I’m not sure everyone would agree, but thanks!
unquestioned loyalty is overrated…not that I’ve ever encountered it mind you 🙂
Did it look like this?
Following through her link-in account she used this very early on 2011? and was using it as late as 2023 but very infrequently.
If you want to post at CTH, simply make up a name and email address. After initial moderation, once approved you can subsequently post at will.
An additional tip. Neither your made up name nor your made up email should be “Sundanceisadweeb”
“Menagerieisawitch” is also not recommended.
Nor a MAD magazine movie parody 🙂
I’m on my about my 10th ID, as somehow I cannot seem to learn that any criticism of his holiness, however mild, is verboten.
Oh, and skip “SDisapictureperfectexampleofdunningkrueger” too.
I just bailed altogether. Could not handle the suck-up many did over stuff he pretended to know.
I did NOT get banned over Q.
I made fun of his writing style. HE banned me, not Menagerie. I actually asked about it and SHE was surprised to see my lifetime ban in the system.
That was a few weeks after directly calling into question one of his posts (one where he was trying to claim the government not only disbursed the entitlements, but then spent that much more on other crap, thinking we’d be confused). If I recall correctly I pointed out that the Big Government Balance sheet would have been too big a lie to hide that, and the federal debt number would diverge too quickly. He seemed stunned but he let me live, and as far as I know he never repeated the claim. But then again I stopped going there a month or two afterwards.
I actually contributed money to his hurricane relief work after I got banned. I don’t think he connected my real name to that guy who made fun of his writing style.
Wow Steve…you are WAY better off here to be sure.
I wasn’t banned over Q stuff either, for I never followed Q & probably didn’t chime in on the topic in my ignorance.
I was banned after sharing some prayer requests & messages on the prayer page for “Angel Staria/Angelle at the Gates of War” (haven’t seen or heard from him in a very long time either, including email). Those messages were up for part of a day & got some interactions & then all was pulled down. They even banned my son Josiah when he made some comments on the prayer pages too. That was pretty sad & callous for that prayer community had been a support system to both of us through many difficult challenges & being silenced was like being “erased from existence” so discouraging…
Angel is likely passed on to the next world. He messaged me many times about his state of health, which was both elderly and precarious. May he be with God now!
I was wondering about that too. The last I recall he was going to DC to do battle in the Spirit & also perhaps in the natural. I missed some emails from him for a while as I was busy with one of my kid’s weddings & when I got to replying the email would bounce 🙁
Do you know if his sister “JustStevie” iirc is still around?
Angel was a blessing to my family & even corresponded with my husband & my son Josiah of whom he said he felt like a second father as he had such a heart of prayer for him.
I have not heard a thing from him, in a very long time.
OK TY If he has left this plane he is surely with Our Lord…
bwah ha ha
Somedunce is a legend in his own mind!
I got the nickname “dweebytechno” many years ago at Facebook but did not use it elsewhere. hehe
You know, I will shoot an email to BigMamaTEA and let her know. She is still in touch with OT people.
I sent her an email and included the link to this post so she could read it all for herself.
Thats a good idea.
“Behold, I tell you a mystery. We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed.”
– 1 Corinthians 15:51
A beautiful heart lived beautifully and honorably before God and man.
Grace to her family. Peace to her soul.
T3! Great to see your still about and taking a time out from your solitude. Thank you for sending us bakocarl. You chose wisely!
I did have a long break.
Solitude does a soul good.
Been reading here almost daily starting in the run up to the election.
No better intel and commentary anywhere.
I was content to just sit on the porch and let everyone else do the talking but losing our DPat was too much to not rejoin the conversation.
Such a huge loss.
Good to see you, even under such sad circumstances.
I was sad about your loss too.
Not in the same way as losing our DPat, of course.
A good vehicle makes so many other things easier.
Well, we’d worked together for over a quarter-million miles and over 30 years… least I knew what to expect.
Please continue your input, needed now more than ever!