Today’s Health Friday post is one In Memoriam Mira Persona (In Memory of a Wonderful Person), Susan P. Sampson, known as Deplorable Patriot (or DePat) on this board. Susie (as she like to be called) passed away unexpectedly on Monday 20 January 2025. The woman leaning on the window, from a painting by Murillo, is very much like the real Susie in appearance.
Susie was a professionally-trained soprano, who was a professional cantor for the Catholic Church and also a vocal soloist; she had a splendid, agile, lyric-coloratura vocal range; while, at the same time, able to sing in the also range (an uncommon thing for a soprano to do.) Susie was also a professional writer and book editor. Yours Truly had the profound privilege of working with her to get the manuscript of my late husband’s Memoirs ready for publication. She had a deeply creative approach to all of her endeavors, mixed judiciously in with a “no-nonsense” perspective. The following are taken from yesterday’s heartfelt announcement post on the board by our host, Wolf Moon, with profound thanks to FG&C, who provided the information to him.

Please also see: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/covid-19-vaccine-shedding-experiences, “What We’ve Learned from Over a Thousand Vaccine Shedding Reports”, by A Midwestern Doctor, 7 January 2024; and, https://www.theqtree.com/2024/03/25/the-elephant-in-the-room-shedding-of-both-the-covid-19-virus-itself-and-the-covid-19-vaccines/.
Yours Truly would like to recommend the following be taken on a daily basis:
250 mg Quercetin; 25 mg Zinc; 2,500 mg Vitamin C (may be also taken in lower amounts, supplemented with taking orange juice once or twice daily); 25 mcg Vitamin D (1,000 IU); 300 – 600 mg NAC (can go up to 1,000 mg, although one would do this in increments); 250 mg Turmeric; 1 cup green tea (regular or decaf.) Note: Some of these amounts may already be included in a daily multi-vitamin; some others may be from foods.
On a weekly basis, or as needed: Either Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine. Ivermectin may be secured through prescription ( https://covid19criticalcare.com/, which used to be FLCCC Alliance, now is Independent Medical Alliance: or, https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/, AFLDS). Below are some sources from where to purchase Ivermectin:
Liquid: Agri-mectin (search online); Pills / Tablets: https://ivermectin.com/; https://reynoldmeds.com/; https://pharmacyonair.com/; https://www.indiamart.com/; https://www.twc.health/products/emergency-preparedness-kit (The Wellness Company, by Dr. Peter McCullough, MD.)
Ivermectin dosage chart:

It is of imperative importance that people have, and maintain, the highest degree of general health, and of natural immune system health, that is possible.
May the life of Susan P. Sampson on this Earth be celebrated as one that touched literally millions of people via her blog posts at The Q Tree, her books, her X (formerly Twitter) account, and more. May her passing not be in vain. She is still with us in spirit. I am humbled to have known her. May she rest in Eternal Peace, singing for the Almighty God in His Kingdom. May her family — birth family and online family — find Comfort.

Thanks to our good Barb Meier for finding this photo of Susie, circa 2011.

The above is an image of roses that Susie posted in 2021. May she be surrounded by roses in the Heavenly Kingdom for all Eternity.
Peace, Good Energy, Respect: PAVACA
Thank you, CV.
What does the “P.” stand for?
I would guess Patricia.
The name she used as a book author was Patricia Holden, and ‘Pat’ would be a perfect double meaning for DePat, ‘Pat’ standing for both ‘Patriot’ and ‘Patricia’.
Good guess! IMHO.
That would be one of those stereotypical Catholic things. When The Fiancee first moved to California, one of her roommates was one of five daughters — all named “Mary”. There were, IIRC, Mary Elizabeth, Mary Suzanne, Mary Teresa….
I just thought CV might know, being that she was using the middle initial.
One of my techs had the same problem. Most of the boys in the parish were named Joe thanks to the Priest’s recommendation of what to name the baby.
Yes . Male babies usually have a Joseph among their names and the female babies, usually have a Marie, Mary, Maria or Miriam(this latter more rare) in their names . In the Catholic Faith, the Mother of Our Lord, and his foster father are very important.
I think DePat would have explained the “why” it is the case very well.
I have lurked here from time to time. In the last few years. The situation in Canada is quite bad. We essentially have no accountable government …
My time been taken up with helping two Ontario Canadian doctors who have lost their license due to speaking out against the JAB.
Dr. Shoemaker is one of them. (Pi ture attached, during a zoom call on medical censorship in Utah.
Dr. Mary O’Connor is the medical doctor who lost her license for speaking out against the JAB.
As with the States, we have courageous physicians, who took their Hippocratic oath very seriously.
I will have a Mass offered for the repose of Susie’s soul. I happened to check out the QTree just when Wolf posted the news.
May her soul rest in peace.
God bless her family and all you QYreepers.
Beautiful CV
Thank you, you are very kind.
I keep lots of tabs open so I went back looking for DePat’s most recent efforts. I think these are the last 3:
Her posting days were Tuesdays and Thursdays, so she also posted on the 14th and the 16th.
Wolf shared links to her last comments on yesterday’s Memorial Post too…
I would have liked to have met her, heard her voice, heard her sing, and let her show me the Saint Louis Botanical Garden — of which she was extremely proud.
I went looking for the St Louis Cathedral and their Utube it has previous Masses (that were recorded live)
From Christmas Midnight Mass 2023
I wonder if it could be her…start around 57:58 – the psalm (although she also sings the first song)
We could look back here around that day and see if she mentioned it.
And or offer again our other image of her. And maybe you or Scott can explain her ride. I’m unfamiliar. Looks nice.
By the title of the image, that’s probably a Lamborghini — fancy Italian sports car, up there with Ferrari.
Look at 49:42, it’s a good close up and that’s her.
Thank you for finding such a good spot and directing attention to various points. I am becoming convinced.
It certainly look like her and much else fits. 👍
Both CV’s pic and the Lambo pic seem to have a widow’s peak in the hairline, which is not so evident in the singer. Mind you, PAVACA or FG&C would have better info to confirm.
We had a girl working at our store that every single day would style her hair in an entirely different fashion for such a time, months at least, that I could no longer keep track. So just saying, widows peak or no widows peak might not be a good discriminator.
I’m certainly willing to be convinced. I’m just saying that the one Christmas 2023 video wasn’t completely convincing in itself.
That also caught my attention (didn’t know it was called a widow’s peak). I found another cantor (this is from April 2022 – Easter Vigil)
And from Christmas 2021
That is a different hair style and would hide the widow’s peak.
when i was young (in middle school) i tried using my mom’s shaver to shave off my widow’s peak. big mistake
I have a slight one and cover it with a side part as does the singer in that video.
i’ve been wearing bangs ever since…LOL
even during the perm years
Live and learn lol
Have to be careful… don’t want it to be a widower’s peak 😆
Our daughter took some scissors & did a modified Cyndi Lauper to herself…& one of her dolls…when in grade school. It might have been to get gum out of her hair without asking any of us for help though 😉
Thank you for bringing these, K1tt7-fzn!
This may be our good DePat.
Here is a piece that I would have loved to have heard DePat sing (especially as it also has a cello solo part that goes with it [also the 12 cellists from the Berlin Phil.] Could be because Villa-Lobos was a cellist himself 🙂 ):
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 5 • Villa-Lobos • Anna Prohaska
(there’s also a great recording by Anna Moffo and Stokowski at xyzzy://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exPViJJuYiU (replace xyzzy with https)
And the Fauré Requiem, sad, but beautiful:
VOCES8: Requiem, Op. 48 by Gabriel Fauré
Pie Jesu at 16:54 is brilliant….
And IIRC DePat was a fan of John Rutter, so this would probably be a piece she would know:
Requiem – John Rutter – COMPLETE Rivertree Singers & Friends conducted by Warren Cook
Pie Jesu at 12:42
And finally,
Go Lovely Rose / Halsey Stevens
When I was at USC in Concert Choir, Halsey Stevens was USC’s composer in residence, and was at many of our choir rehearsals of his pieces, of which this was but one. He set this to an old poem in 1942, and dedicated it to his wife.
I think it is also appropriate (I hope) to our DePat, also a lover of Roses, and a Rose in her own right…
From the YouTube notes:
Halsey Stevens (1908-1989) taught at the University of Southern California for most of his career, and wrote an excellent biography of Béla Bartók. He composed this setting of Edmund Waller’s 17th-century poem in 1942. The poem’s themes of beauty, impermanence, loneliness, and connection seem to resonate even more today in the face of such difficult, uncertain times.
Go, lovely Rose,
Tell her that wastes her time and me,
That now she knows,
When I resemble her to thee,
How sweet and fair she seems to be.
Tell her that’s young,
And shuns to have her graces spied,
That hadst thou sprung
In deserts, where no men abide,
Thou must have uncommended died.
Small is the worth
Of beauty from the light retired;
Bid her come forth,
Suffer herself to be desired,
And not blush so to be admired.
Then die! that she
The common fate of all things rare
May read in thee;
How small a part of time they share
That are so wondrous sweet and fair!
Of all the performances I’ve found on the web, this is the closest to what Halsey wanted in both tempo and interpretation…
Beautiful voice, beautiful person… that looks like her pictures…
She talked about having to sing Silent night and at 39:02 that song is started, and then a woman is leading the song. As the lights come up she is on the right of the “stage”. At 42:59 she starts singing oh come all ye faithful. The woman looks petite, but the important thing is the quality of her voice. She has an excellent range as she hits the lower notes and higher notes with ease. She was proud of the scope of her range and that singer has it.
Amazing. Thank God.
Hope he’s tough, wise, smart, perfectly well informed, willing and able to clean house
Now he just needs to grow a beard and learn to scowl. 😉 😆
johnny maga:
Any recent word on the DC Gulag?
The last I read from earlier today is there are still some sort of lost in the gulag, somewhere. Being moved around. It sounds nefarious like they are trying to keep them from being released.
They wouldn’t be so dastardly, right?
I sure hope the
vultureslawyers are lining up to help with the lawsuits against the DC gulag leadership and personnel.I’m afraid there are some prisoners with tales so harrowing the bad guys can’t allow them to be told. They are desperate to hide their crimes against humanity. These people MUST be found and rescued. Send in the Seals if necessary.
Agreed. Military liberation would send a message loud and clear.
At this point The Cabal has to be shown POTUS Trump is NOT playing.
US military (or veterans) could be deputized by the US Marshals Service.
People forget about that.
And I keep coming back to the fact that people who helped steal the 2020 election need to pay.
Those J6 protesters – including ME – were RIGHT.
The incarcerated protesters were PUNISHED for daring to stand up to government-backed CHEATING. And they were RIGHT.
There must be some HELL to pay.
We (you, me and FG&C) definitely did put our money where our mouths were didn’t we?
Alas ended up leading with our chins.
Did you detect any fedsurrection forces trying to slide in with your friends and neighbors in the weeks after J6? I definitely detected some kind of crap going on.
Good! No – excellent!
In my case, they knew I was coming, and even sent somebody outside the Capitol grounds to try to get a denial of the steal – which obviously failed. But that whole interaction proved to me which of my fellow patriots were actually feds (they’re good guys, but they need a better class of boss, IMO). I suspect that half of their “checking up” was to make sure I wasn’t talking too much IRL about what I knew, as well as looking for anything “actionable” for some headlines. Sorry, not sorry, to disappoint on that score! 😂
you’ve got someone working on YOUR memoirs–cuz that’s a book i’d like to read…lol
I’ve seen some interesting times – and I am only here by the grace of God!
I have friends who regularly get involved with one patriot group or another, and very occasionally I go with them. (And then some jackass mouths off about how you can’t be a patriot unless you thump your bible the same way he does and I just sit there with smoke pouring out of my ears–because I know most of the people there agree with him and I don’t want my car destroyed.) One guy seemed to want to put something together and even though he wasn’t talking anything illegal I decided not to trust him. I doubt he was a fed.
Sounds like you’re in a good bunch!
Uh, no. Someone who would impugn my patriotism over religious differences is NOT good.
LOL! I’m just sayin’ – things could be a lot worse!
Yes. That is the crux of the matter. The protest was the CORRECT course of action for Americans whose Constitutional right to vote had been usurped. That is our recourse. It’s why the “right to free assembly” is written into the Bill of Rights. Before the Revolution, the British were arresting people for meeting together, either to plan, or to protest.
Just came across on Insty —
Good! Justice! Hallelujah!!!
No because she’s at large.
It’s a time-honored management technique. Go to the top and ask if they’re going to give you exactly what you want. If not, fire that person and promote his/her deputy, then ask…..repeat until you hear “yes, sir.”
As Steve notes, however, there are better options than simply firing them. Steve’s jail option is a major improvement, but I have to confess that I totally prefer the Vader “Force Choke”.
Jail seems to be constitutional albeit not as satisfactory as curb stomping them with ice cleats on.
Jail, with J-6ers as guards…
She needs to be placed in the EXACT SAME CONDITIONS!
Jan. 6 Prisoner Beaten til He Lost an Eye, Later He Was Tied to Chair for 12 Hours, Now He Has Blood Clots and Precancerous Growths, Government Won’t Allow Him Medical Treatment – They Want Him Dead – EXCLUSIVE AUDIO
Of course they wanted him DEAD, that way he could not be a witness and sue the crap out of the individuals responsible!
Demoncrat SLAVERS. They still act like SLAVE-TRADERS.
Remember they WERE SLAVERS! It was a Brit Judge that gave the colonies SLAVERY instead of indentured servants.
Slavery and the City’ tour sheds light on London’s dark past reuters.com
Remember the line from 2016/7 about how the Democrats haven’t been this mad since we took their slaves away from them?
Fact Check Rating: TRUE
As long as she’s on a Bondi black list for criminal investigations, I’m happy.
Hope she gets brought up on charges!
Hello, Q Treepers ~
From the wilds of Oregon, I’ve been a daily lurker, reading and appreciating opening essays and comments, since mid-summer 2018. I am now moved to come out of hiding because much-loved Deplorable Patriot has passed into Glory, leaving many in grief. Although I have never interacted with her (or you-all), I feel a measure of grief, too.
Today, a memorial Mass was celebrated at my small, beautiful parish for a beloved elder who had served in the diocesan chancery for many years. Our bishop presided, along with many priests of our far-flung diocese. I participated as a member of the Saturday Vigil Mass choir (a.k.a., Saturday Night Live) ~ fulfilling an assignment given to us songbirds that the deceased had written out in her instructions (including specific hymns).
I shared with the songbird next to me my sadness upon learning of DePat’s unexpected death. She said, “Just add her to this celebration!” So, I did.
God bless and keep you, friends, and thank you ~
Sister Bear
You seem as in the same vein as our DePat. Thank you for this and glad you made her yours too.
In the same vein in many respects ~ except that I consider myself a reliable alto, not a splendid soprano (PV’s description of DP). <3
What a beautiful thing to do. I am sure DePat would be pleased. ❤️❤️❤️
By the way, one of the specified hymns was “Be Not Afraid” ~ the same one posted yesterday by K1tt7-fzn:
Oh, I found a post on one of her other blogs https://thatcatholicwoman.blogspot.com/2023/02/catholic-church-music-good-and-bad-and.html and this is what she wrote regarding Be Not Afraid:
“Be Not Afraid” Where to begin? Well, see, John Michael Talbot might have performed it, but that’s a St. Louis Jesuits song from their 1975/76 album, “A Dwelling Place.” Father Bob Dufford, S.J., wrote it. Trust me, we had the album, along with every other STL Jesuit album, and, unfortunately, I knew most of it by heart back in the day. There’s two main problems with “Be Not Afraid.” One, the text takes on the voice of God, which we really aren’t supposed to do, and two, the sucker is so low, a lot of people have a hard time singing it. That doesn’t get into the sixteenth notes, which really should not be used in congregational singing, in my opinion. They always seem to turn into eighths. That being said, it is one of the standard six songs frequently used at Funeral and Memorial Masses. Many of those are on the “bad” music list.
Great find!
LOL. I love her assessment, one aspect especially. Most members of our SNL choir are silverhairs who really appreciate a “sucker so low”! Happily, we have a fairly sophisticated keyboard that enables the pianist to lower the key incrementally so that the elders can easily sing a particular hymn. In general, our elder Saturday Vigil Mass parishioners like lower notes! Also, our parishioners don’t generally make the fine distinctions between sixteenth and eighths. 😀 Prolly proving DePat’s point. <3
Happy to see you posting! Thanks for joining the conversation!
One more thing before I go to sleep. For whatever reason, the theme song of this classic movie has been with me for the past week or so. It’s not an actual Gregorian chant (because it was composed for this 1949 musical), but the beauty is similar to Gregorian chant, except that Gregorian chant didn’t include harmony ~ correct me if I’m wrong. Start at about 1:28:57:
I would like to think that DePat, when passing into Glory, was overwhelmed with heart-tears of gratitude when entering into a glorious choir beyond any Earthly experience.
Once started, its very difficult to stop. I’ll have to get back to this.. Thank You.
Hard to believe that Hollywood once made movies like this!
The switch seems to have been in the mid 1970s, about the time of that CIA report and the Kissinger Report. I noticed it because I was in Germany when the switch was made and the TV programming went down the tubes.
That is an excellent read.
Americans were really noticing the communist take-over of media during the 50’s – which the media of course pooh-poohed and mocked. They called it the “red scare” – more like “red awareness”.
This ties in with Jussie Smollett’s family – how his red diaper grandparents came in – how his parents were in media – it all makes sense.
Hollywood has always been filled with communist BS, and people have ALWAYS been sick of it.
AND the CIA was busy “Programming Americans”
My Transcript from:
Operation Gladio & Colonel Towner PART 1 –February 13, 2023
I think there were articles at Vigilant Citizen, iirc, that discussed some of this including the tie in of Ed Sullivan. I think Sadie &/or Cuppa added insights too…
Ayn Rand got to testify in front of HUAC about it.
She had started out in the movie industry, interestingly enough, and that basically ended her career. The sorts of crap she wrote about in The Fountainhead with leftists infiltrating the media…she knew it from personal experience.
I appreciate comments below the “Come to the Stable” video about the Communist takeover of Hollywood. Note that among DJT’s first appointments are his ambassadors to Hollywood: Jon Voight, Mel Gibson, and Sylvester Stallone!
glad you’ve made the move to join in. this is a wonderful family here…welcome!
Thanks, Pat! Moved to tears by this wonderful post!
you’re welcome. i’ve written and delivered a few eulogies in my time and the thing that has always touched my heart, is when looking out I see people nodding their heads, even smiling thru tears sometimes, knowing we are sharing our grief and our love.
you are not alone.
What a wonderful lurker you’ve been. 😍
How very sweet! Thanks for that.
Thank you so much! Welcome to the board!
🩷🩷 Bless you, Marie ✝️
😍 😇 😍
The first word that comes to mind is “freaks.”
I think they will be in danger in a men’s prison, but they should not be in a women’s prison. So either they get their own facility, or they go to the men’s prison. If a separate facility just for them would cost taxpayers money, then they’re out of luck.
They can have their own wing, shower, time out in the yard and still be in a men’s prison.
To prevent violence, they should segregate the BLMs, Buzzhead White supremacists, Muslims, Trans/Gays and Christians.
I’ve heard that there are some newly vacated cells in the DC Gulag. I believe that the transgender MtFs could be consolidated in this location. Only fitting because it is the rats in DC are the ones who created this problem in the first place!
I’d rather the DC Gulag be razed. It is too tempting to continue to exist.
Use it to DETAIN the people behind the Purple Revolution & Jan 6th Fedsurrection.
After they have served their terms or have been eliminated THEN raze it.
prison is not a spa visit. the old standard applies: if you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime.
Sho nuff.
Not trying to be cruel, but they will just become what they have fantasied they are. Be careful what you wish for. You want to be a criminal, you do time. You want to be the opposite sex, you become just that. That is the risk.
In reality I am sure lawyers will be filing injunctions and such as we speak, which will lead to separation. In truth, they are mentally ill and probably should be housed separately.
I wonder how many will suddenly realize that there’re men again?
Maybe a couple of them are mentally ill, but I believe most are just opportunistic.
“free” range rapists 😡
I have ZERO Five Gucks to give them. Many have raped the women in the women’s prisons and gotten women pregnant. Turn about is FAIR PLAY!
Here are examples of WHY
Man Who Raped INFANT Transferred to Prison With Unit for Mothers and Babies After Claiming to Be Transgender
Trans Activist Accused of Rape After She Was Moved to Women’s Prison
Female Prison Inmates Supported Trump for One Vitally Important Reason, And It’s Not Early Release
Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and Merrick Garland are evil pieces of shit for supporting this madness.
It’s a perfect example of how truth matters, and the ramifications of not believing and promoting truth. It applies to many aspects of life. Some things are not possible and are not happening because they can’t happen. Our enemies want us to concentrate on the impossible for any number of reasons: to distract us, to make us look stupid, to actually make us stupid, to control the narrative in order to control us, etc.
They have captured a segment of the Left by making them think they were “misgendered” at birth. They try to capture the Right with various lies, schemes, deceptions, and theories. Some of them seem harmless enough, but when they make people more gullible, they weaken them. We have to be strong for the never-ending battles.
I know this does not mean the same thing to you as it does to me…and that my reading is the variant one.
You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.
That’s deep universe stuff right there! Take it an infinite number of ways!!!
That is a universal truth.
Danger from what? Considering that sodomy is the #1 indoor sport at most prisons, why wouldn’t ‘she’ be in demand?
If ‘she’ gets hooked up with the right pimp, ‘she’ could be rich in no time flat.
[no, this is not a sarcastic comment]
I think they could be in danger of being beaten up and even killed. To be graphic, I don’t think sodomy necessitates attraction to the same sex in a prison setting. And I think some of the men would be so disgusted by the trannies that they would act out.
Some of the other inmates might conflate “tranny” with “child predator” in which case WATCH OUT.
At least one of them IS a child predator!
Female Inmate Forced to Bunk with Masturbating Transgender Prisoner Who Raped His Daughter,
I was thinking about people who might follow the logic: Tranny *therefore* predator. Which is bad logic
I certainly won’t argue that you won’t see “Tranny and prediator”
Well, only one correction; the target isn’t on your back, bud.
Put on men’s clothing, stop pretending to be female, and do your time.
Lots of great responses under that and another inspirational video.
And this…Ukraine’s coming defeat is going to come boomeranging back to sleepy 10% Joe and all his evil minions.
Completely agree and probably well underway. #47 will go down in history as the GOAT of our times.
My best guess is that 80+% of the voters there will be GOP forever in an area that sometimes leaned Dem. Hillbillies have long memories as you know.
Many of the younger ones will be enlisting as an additional benefit. Lots of vets in those mountains who will raise their young’uns to fight for their country and people.
Another example of the Golden Age that is dawning after the disasters we have endured.
Hillbillies have long memories indeed. A whole lot of us still haven’t forgiven Reconstruction. In a hundred years, people in NC will be cursing Joe Biden for the four months between Sept. 2024 and January 2025 when their people were sleeping on the ground. People will spit when they say his name, and FEMA will be spoken in the same tones as “carpetbagger.”
Another very good thing, is the Biden Fema’s declaration that all that land is “Flood Plain So YOU CAN NOT REBUILD” will get shit canned AND Trump will see to it that building permits are granted in TRUMP TIME!
No wonder the Hoe is unhappy with her hubby.
They cover Maui and NC. This is a tidbit from their dig.
October 6, 2024
How Kamala Harris’s Husband Tremendously Profits From Lithium Mines of North Carolina
These people are scum.
They give SCUM a bad name.
As Q said, they will not be able to walk down the streets.
If true, that certainly explains WHY the local LEOs were not interested in retrieving bodies from the river!
Another website, run by Dr. Adrian Wong ‘debunks’ some of the stories. Huawei is one of his featured partners & the bottom of his website says:
Copyright © 2015-2023 by Pax Fidelis Sdn. Bhd. Proudly made in Malaysia!… That is where Konneck’s Eugene Yu ended up.
A lot more info at that side (It is sometimes iffy) the other site looks good.
A lot more stories here:
I was just looking for the story where a local shot at FEMA employee. Now I think I know why.
I think JDV claims hillbilly lineage! 😉
Makes NC state govt look anemic. Time to replace the governor. 😡
MORE THAN TIME to replay the Sorry Ass Commie governor.
i believe he’s headed there today
Trump Announces Visit to Struggling North Carolina…thegatewaypundit
Published day before yesterday
Perfect! Thank You PAVACA.
PAVACA, thank you for the photo credit. H/T to Para who gave me Susie’s LinkedIn URL where she had posted the photo in her profile. I also appreciate the link to her blog from Para. It is good to have so much background information available.
Thank you, and thanks to para59r.
Actually it was K1tt7-fzn that got the ball rolling. I was going to keep close hold on what I’d found but she posted something from DP’s twitter that showed I need not. & of course none it would of been possible without FG&C giving us her name and Wolf’s wonderful tribute.
Thank you, and thanks to K1tt7-fzn. Special thanks to FG&C.
You are very kind.
This is funny:
Illegal alien pleads with POTUS and ICE not to deport his friend, as well as mother-in-law who are also illegal aliens.
An enjoyable read. 👍😁
Kamala has the same blame/denial/lack of self awareness as Hillrotten Clinton did after her defeat.
Both were just repulsive – and had nothing to offer but pride, pretense, posturing.
No winning policies.
No personal appeal.
it’s NEVER their fault. a total lack of self awareness. too used to having gushing underlings.
I personally don’t care to read another thing about her. She can just fade away, far away.
i think she has delusions of grandeur. she will dust herself off, get back on her knees…uh…feet and try again.
dust herself off, get back on her knees
…uh…feetand try again.FIFY. 😍
trying to be less critical –you know my NY’s resolution.
sadly it’s not working.
If at first you don’t succeed…
(OK, off to me corner I go…)….
Probably true, her type have no self respect.
BOTH are Psychopaths.
Well … she’d have won if she had two black eyes. Right?
Oh, yeah, what was it with that black eye club? And then there’s Schiffty, with his nobbled noggin…..
January 24, 2025 12:39 am
You spend your whole life in politics and leadership roles in your country, only to be found to be a lifelong seditionist and traitor as you near death and your final exit from the planet.
Hello, Turtle.
this is not the first instance of ukraine officials stealing foreign aid. take them to the international court, and reclaim our property. sell the cars, the apartment buildings and the home and reclaim some of our stolen funds.
I think it’s been said (maybe even by Putin) that Ukraine’s been corrupt since the beginning, and was a money-laundering (and other trafficking) center in the USSR….
That’s a long list he’s part off.
Will he survive questioning?
probably not and his spoils will be shared among the top
Yes, just Zelensky cutting the lower rungs of the ladder.
Hmmm. Must have studied physics with the GangGreens…. cuts off the lower rungs, leaves it farther for him to fall…
Neurotics build sand castles in the sky.
Psychotics live in them.
Psychologists collecte the rent…
Looks like he’s been collecting quite a lot 😀 and 😡 😡 😡 😡
LOL…I never heard that before…is it yours?
may I confiscate it?
It is fairly old.
Yep… it’s not mine (as Gail notes), so feel free to use it (and claim it as yours 🙂 ) … (be sure to leave the extra “e” behind… darned keyboard 🙂 )….
(Old as the hills and twice as dusty…)…..
January 24, 2025 12:43 am
Trump has a new X account
This is the Official POTUS account.
His old private https://x.com/realDonaldTrump is still active:
The same with Dan Scavino who now also has an official account ttps://x.com/Scavino47
His old private account is: https://x.com/DanScavino
For X hold outs like me – add cancel between x and dot com:
So all that Rubio has to do is memorize that tweet?
And repeat it everywhere he goes.
He already has 1.9 million followers. I was following him too, so perhaps it was an existing account renamed after his inauguration.
oh no…not an investigation!!! lol
January 24, 2025 12:47 am
Actually this is a good thing – now. That is the H of R’s role. They then refer criminal findings to DOJ for investigation and potential prosecution.
We have become so accustomed to the weaponization methods that we forget that simply following Constitutional law and methods will produce actionable justice.
What has to be corrected is when law enforcement and justices break bad with politicization and criminal activities. Who has the hammer to stop it? That has to be addressed once and for all.
you’re right. i’ve forgotten we’ve cleaned the clowns out of the car.
If the “preemptive” pardon is properly explained, every single Demoncrat in the House will condemn it.
Please, will somebody TELL them that Trump, or any President, could theoretically order someone to do any criminal thing, and give them a “pre-pardon” to protect them if they get caught?
This practice is literally insane.
Susan Crabtree
On incoming Secret Service Director Sean Curran’s first day in the new role, 5-10 senior leadership officials, including former Director Ron Rowe, were warned that they would either be fired, moved, or pressed into retirement, according to three sources in the Secret Service community.
As of this morning, Rowe hadn’t packed up his office, as an official previously asked him to do, two sources tell RealClearPolitics. (It has been known since last week Thursday that Trump was planning to tap Curran — Donald Trump Jr. tweeted his enthusiastic support on Friday morning.)
Curran is getting inundated with information on which top officials on the 8th floor of headquarters to oust or replace. I’m hearing quite a few names of top officials on the removal wishlist, as well as names of those Curran or other members of his new leadership team already informed that their leadership services are no longer needed.
One constant refrain is that Chief Operating Officer Cynthia Sjoberg Radway needs. to be removed STAT. Radway was incredibly close to former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, who resigned under pressure from Congress after the assassination attempt in Butler. In fact, Radway became good friends with Cheatle during a previous stint working for the agency. When Cheatle became director, she brought her back to work more directly for her in the COO role and gave her a bonus to do so, according to multiple sources. The fear is that Radway, if allowed to stay, will continue to serve as a pipeline of information back to Cheatle. She also has crossed many agents Curran respects.
“She will be a major roadblock to positive progress,” if allowed to stay, one source in the Secret Service community told RCP.
‼️‼️‼️One of the biggest complaints I’m hearing – and this is a big development — is that several top officials targeted for ousting didn’t tell Curran or ANYONE ON THE GROUND involved in security planning for the Butler rally about the threats against Trump pre-J13. Those officials are: Cheatle, Rowe, and David Torres, the assistant director of Strategic Intelligence and Information, according to two sources with first-hand knowledge, according to a well-placed source in the Secret Service community.
This is incredibly important because previously, members of Congress, myself, other reporters believed the Trump campaign detail, headed by Curran, had been briefed about the threats Trump faced, while the Pittsburgh Field Office, which also was responsible for some of the failures in Butler, was kept in the dark. If the Trump detail and Pittsburgh Field Office had been informed, both may have upped their game and ensured better layers of scrutiny for the security plan and execution.
The traitors need to be charged, held without bond, convicted and receive the ultimate penalty for their crimes.
Firing is not enough punishment. They will be free to infect others.
Agreed. Until the laws of our country are enforced, nothing will ever change.
Ty Pat. Ive been wanting to know about Rowe. Hes unhinged and was in cya mode from day 1 as interim. He wont stay.
Thank you, Pavaca!!!
You are very kind.
try not to cry…
January 24, 2025 8:16 am
Growing concerns?
GOOD! Take the Commies too and ship them to Antarctica.
I’m concerned.
They might not happen, and that concerns me.
already happening…loaded up military plane took off to Guatemala this morning i think
Only one, why not two or three?
Barron Trump https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg
He knows. He’s always known. Now it’s his turn. Buckle up.

They all thought they’d be untouchable, and they were successful the first time around. Now there not so sure this time, hope they have many sleepless nights.
as it should be
T. Turtle
January 24, 2025 9:56 am
This is good news. Student protesters chanting “d**th to America” absolutely should NOT have the privilege of studying and living in the United States. You are not allowed to stop American students from going to class and listening to professors. We have Free Speech in our country for our citizens. If you are a guest in our country, you should appreciate that fact.
“Pro-Hamas Foreign Students Are About to Be Deported”
Within moments of returning to the Oval Office on Monday, President Donald Trump got to work signing a flurry of executive orders. Ond of them is focused on “protecting the United States from Foreign Terrorists and other national security and public safety threats.”
“It is the policy of the United States to protect its citizens from aliens who intend to commit terrorist attacks, threaten our national security, espouse hateful ideology, or otherwise exploit the immigration laws for malevolent purposes,” the order states.
That’s bad news for pro-terrorist visas holders causing trouble on college campuses by advocating for terrorist organizations like Hamas.
No, I am NOT tired of winning.
You’re welcome to keep trying to make me tired of winning, though.
A first term promise Trump failed to keep. I never got tired of it.
per Marica’s blog —
@DavidYeshua4 says that Reps. Jamie Raskin and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez have filed impeachment papers against POTUS47 for his pardoning the J6 prisoners.
Those two psychos need to be shunted to the side where they can gibber into the void. Fucking morons.
Jamie Raskin needs to be INVESTIGATED and then INDICTED. I am sure there are a LOT of skeletons (some of children) in his closet.
He’s a nasty piece of work.
We can hope they will investigate him.
Those who voted for them are morons also.
IF they actually voted for him.
Creating campaign material for 2026. Such an early start tells me that her re-election is looking a bit shaky.
Makes me smile, at least. 😂
After the Illegals ripped up her district, AND the illegals will not be there to vote for her…. Yeah, I imagine she is looking at epic fail!
I am very tired of stunts. There should be no room for them. W the ftc allowing complaints on abc, nbc, cbs to stay, pmsnbc and cnn needed viewers and cash, thr only thing would be no one willing to put caneras in their faces anymore for fear of less cash one way or another.
Theur sshtick is passe.