2020, March1st-10th: Coronavirus, COVID19, XIvirus, WuFlu ~ 6th Update Thread

Welcome to our sixth thread on the Coronavirus/COVID19. We’ve collected and shared information from hundreds of sources around the world since mid-late January and published a thread (roughly) weekly. We will continue to do so until the crisis subsides. Along the way, we’ve debunked conspiracy theories, analyzed complex medical peer-reviewed studies, examined economic data from every possible angle, and shared common sense household practices to help keep your family safe. We have learned a great deal. Instead of being fearful, we believe in being informed.

Since the international press turned their attention to the story of COVID19, we’ve been surprised by the dissemination of disinformation. Please don’t necessary assume bias by the media, as it could be we are merely 6-7 weeks ahead of their learning curve…. or already debunked a particular conspiracy theory. COVID19/ Wuhan Virus/ SARS2 doesn’t care about politics and strikes without discrimination. That said, as in any crisis, there will be those who seek to use the crisis for political advantage.

Please note, our thread will never be complete. It can’t be. New information breaks daily, and we update constantly in the comment section found below. If you have information, please share it in the comments, and please, include the date and source. We appreciate all sources.

Our thread will be subdivided into the following subjects, for individual ease of use:

  • Primary update links. The dashboard from Johns Hopkins which counts “official” cases all over the world, the CDC, and WHO, and includes the links for our past threads.
  • Hard Data Medical Information- Explanation about testing, reliance on China for drugs, analysis of NE Journal of Medicine results and other published papers.
  • Vaccine and theraputics (new/old drugs to alleviate symptoms) news and updates 
  • Trump Administration response (the timeline and links to various agencies)
  • China Responses, attempt to cover actions, or secrecy in results discovered.
  • An aggregate of info/responses from other countries, listed by country.
  • Economic impact from around the world. A change in economic activity will indicate a “return to normal”.
  • Speculation/debunking on how the virus started
  • Media Bias, political response, and debunking section, like the article from AP News, overt bias from Politico, etc.  
  • Other medical info to boost immune system, herbal remedies, ways to keep your house clean and NOT spread the virus to others.
  • Hard links for OTHER valuable sources/blogs and a brief sentence or two about what they provide
  • Other news items


*****Primary Update Links*****





***** Addressing the issue of TESTING. Let’s get this out of the way, asap.

The media is driving much of the panic in the USA over this virus, but in our opinion the media is being unfairly criticized as is the Trump Administration. We’re all human. When we are uncertain, we assume the worst. To be FAIR to the media and the politicians, the problem is China’s secrecy. China is to blame for this global problem. Lack of accurate information from Communist China compounds the problem in the general public (which is why people are buying toilet paper and Campbell’s soup) and the slide in global Stock Markets. For instance, for months, we thought we had a death rate of over 4%. Now we know the death rate, for those who actually developed pneumonia which is far closer to 2%, only slightly greater than a regular flu, and the rate will probably go lower as more people in western democracies are tested. Remember, over 80% of people who test positive, never even go to a hospital. We’re talking about 2% pneumonia cases in the 20% of serious cases, which is 4/10ths of 1% or one person in every 250 who test positive…. and those are rates for China, not western democracies with excellent health care systems. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMe2002387

In another article in the Journal, Guan et al.5 report mortality of 1.4% among 1099 patients with laboratory-confirmed Covid-19. We’re narrowing in on real results.

If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.2


Therefore, when the President says he believes, or “has a hunch” the “death rate” will be far less than 1%, and Sec Azar agreed with him at the CDC presser of March 6th, and Sec Azar stated that assumption is in line with these results published in the NE Journal of Medicine, the President was correct. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMe2002387 And when Chris Hayes of MSNBC criticizes the President’s “hunch”, insists the President is stupid and should “go play golf for a month” and let the grown ups handle the problem……….. people like Chris Hayes are incorrect, spreading panic and disinformation, distrust of government, for political means and corporate profit.

Not everyone in the USA needs a test for COVID19, once a week. The idea that any government could flip a switch and make available testing for 350 million people on a daily request is patently absurd…………. AND Pundits screaming “I need a test NOW”, when they aren’t even sick, is intentionally designed to create more panic, more financial loss, for all countries. The media has become hyperbolic, the public is being unreasonable, and we all need to calm down and use a little common sense.

March 6, 2020: The Chinese government sent the sequence of the virus to the USA in the beginning of January. The CDC developed a test based on the sequence but had no live virus for samples. There was nothing wrong with the CDC test, this is a media myth. The CDC test was/is accurate and always has been. Any physician or public health official who needed to conduct a test was allowed to submit to CDC for results. Presidential Press Conference, March 6, 2020, at the CDC.

In the beginning of our virus issue …. shipping the samples to Atlanta for testing caused a delay of a day or two. Yet, it’s vital for a national government to be able to accrue results, look for hot spots of infection, so they can take quick and decisive action to close borders/business/issue advisories, shut down ports, etc. in various regions of the country. Does not matter if the administration would be Dem or Repub. The ability to make decisions at the highest levels, as quickly as possible, cannot be hindered.

Months later, as we have more people in the USA with the virus, we needed to make testing easier and closer to physicians in the field. Yet, if “Dr. Drew” developed ONE test in Hollywood, and “Dr. OZ” developed a different test in NYC, we would have no reliable data, right? This involves enlisting the help of states’ labs and their testing facilities. We had to make sure all states issued the same test the same way, right? States’ labs needed to submit to FDA for approval so we have the same protocols across all states to ensure precise results. This regulation existed under the FDA protocols established for the Ebola Outbreak under the Obama Administration. President Trump’s Admin cleared/removed red tape for necessary approval of “everything” submitted to FDA and streamlined the process (once a lab was checked and approved, they were fine to proceed). This is not a partisan criticism of the Obama Admin by the Trump Admin, it was merely a fact, and the process was altered to suit the threat we now face. Of course, the media headlines went something like, “Trump blames Obama for COVID19 problems.” Not helpful and inserts politics into a medical problem we all face.

While trying to get the states health departments up to speed, some did well on first pass (with FDA) but a few did not. All states are now complying with the exact same protocols. This is a good thing for all Americans. We don’t need different results from California to Maine. Additionally, the Trump Admin enlisted the private sector, companies like Quest Diagnostics and Abbott Labs, to process as many tests as we may need……. this means tests can be done as fast as humanly possible, within a doctor’s office, very soon. In the interim, testing is still available from CDC or states.

Please know, this particular virus has been difficult to detect in ALL countries, and we list below a litany of sources detailing the problem of diagnosing COVID19. False positives created more “community spread”, meaning, someone who was tested and thought to be free of COVID19 then traveled or spread the disease to many people in their own circle of contacts. In some cases, drastic measures were necessary, CT Scans were required to detect the virus, which hides deep in lung tissue … or the problem of a more complicated test of lung sputum, which then indicated 11% more incidents of presence of COVID19.

As the physicians from CDC explain presser of March 6th linked above, a drive through, cotton swab, pregnancy type test….. and sampling the general public, as was done in South Korea, is not really helpful when it comes to identifying particular circles of contacts which spread the disease. First, there were problems with those tests in South Korea, and second, the gov’t needs to allocate efforts to tracking those who were specifically contacted to make them aware of potential virus and STOP the contact spread. It’s a better use of resources.

Social media accelerates the problem of panic in the USA as it does in other free societies. Example: Young female New Yorker reads a story about a citizen who tested positive in NYC. She coughs at work that day and goes to visit her doctor seeking a test for COVID19 for reassurance she does not have the virus. Doctor asks her questions, but refuses her test (she’s only been to Long Island for Christmas in the past 3 months). Doctor tells her to go home, rest, take meds for her cold. Woman goes home and takes a day off work, spending the day on the couch, surfing social media. She is now convinced she was refused a $1400 COVID19 test available via her private insurer, because there are not enough tests, the President is awful, all Asian people are infected, and she thinks she will die…… which she explains to all her friends on social media….. creating further panic, flooding doctor’s offices and state and local health departments.

Any objective person can see where this would create a problem of overloading our health care system, create bigger problem by limiting supplies for healthcare workers, they need to treat the truly sick, AND possibly MORE illness/death created by spending valuable time on those who were never sick……… but just nervous. Below, we detail a story of Veterinarians pleading with people to stop buying masks because they don’t have enough to operate on our pets.

Additionally, there is a financial component on testing. Below, we provide links to sources claiming cost of up to $1400 per test. Private labs who operate “for profit” offered their version of “tests” locally to hospitals, to get around a delay of a few days at CDC, and leaked to media the “ease of their operation” which of course, came at a price….. Media complied, and yes, over-hyped the concern about the virus, leading to states demanding MORE control over testing, which would be more convenient, yet the Governors also demanded the Federal Government to pay for an ever increasing number of differing tests, using different protocols, which created bad data to get a real picture of the virus spread in the USA. We needed one accurate test, to which everyone adhered.

*****Hard Data Medical ~ America’s Vulnerability to China for Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies

Yes, the USA is dependent on China for many pharmaceuticals as well as the ingredients to create these pharmaceuticals. Part of the 4-pronged approach of the Trump Admin is to address the immediate need for these supplies………… as well as look at long term national security implications of shipping all our health theraputics (manufacture of common medicines) overseas for the past 30yrs. Below, we list several articles on this topic, as well as the Peter Navarro interview. Navarro and now others, are in charge of addressing this problem.

  • February 12th, 2020: Valuable information is found in Pandemic Episode 15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aS7c_vqU4M4
  • Rosemary Gibson, Senior Advisor to the Hastings Center, took three years to investigate the state of Americas pharmaceuticals, culminating in the book “China RX”
  • Did you know the last aspirin factory in the USA closed down in 2004?
  • Did you know that the USA can no longer MAKE Vitamin C?
  • Did you know the USA no longer makes penicillin?  
  • Did you know tainted Heparin from China cause many deaths of American citizens….. it was Made in China. And did you know that our politicians have known about the problem/national security/health security for decades?
  • Also within this program is an interview with Mike Bowen, Senior VP and owner of Prestige Ameritech, the last manufacturer of N-95 Medical Grade Masks in the USA. It’s an interview which will make most Americans scream in frustration, and cry because of the ineptness of our bureaucrats and trade policies……. The facility used to supply about 79% of the market in the USA until purchased by Kimberly Clark….. shut down and shipped overseas, losing thousands of jobs and endangering Americans. It’s a must watch.
  • February 20, 2020: According to new research from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDC), those with confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus (aka, COVID-19) have live virus in stool specimens. That means, in addition to spreading via close contact with the respiratory secretions of patients (aka, droplets produced by coughing or sneezing), COVID-19 can also be transmitted via a fecal-oral route. https://www.health.com/condition/infectious-diseases/coronavirus-fecal-transmission
  • February 26, 2020: Senator Josh Hawley introduces legislation to bring our supply chain of medical supplies back to the USA. https://www.theepochtimes.com/josh-hawley-introducing-new-legislation-to-reduce-us-reliance-on-chinese-medical-supplies_3251050.html
  • March 2, 2020: Breitbart. Dr Marc Siegel. The coronavirus outbreak illustrates the need for America’s economy to decouple from China, assessed Siegel. “We’re relying on China for 90 percent of our ingredients for pharmaceuticals,” Siegel remarked. “That hopefully will change as a result of this because we’re going to end up with tremendous shortages of basic drugs, including antibiotics and blood pressure medication if this continues much longer in Wuhan.” Siegel concluded, “This is a wake-up call that we must make more of our pharmaceuticals here in the United States.” https://www.breitbart.com/radio/2020/03/01/dr-marc-siegel-on-coronavirus-ive-never-seen-an-emerging-contagion-handled-better/

The Trump Admin has a 4-prong approach to their task force dealing with Wuhan Flu. ONE portion of the problem relates to immediate procurement of drugs and supplies which are no longer made in the USA. Peter Navarro was tasked with this problem in Mid-January, slightly ahead of the official designation of the task force on January 31, 2020. Since then, Steve Mnuchin Sec of Treas, and others have been added to the Task Force as well as various aides.

February 23, 2020: Peter Navarro interview with Maria Bartiromo. He discusses China, Taiwan and India banned the export of face masks to reserve them for desperate residents. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/02/trump-trade-adviser-navarro-china-put-export-restrictions-on-n95-face-masks-then-nationalized-a-us-factory-that-produces-them-there-video/

Maria my job at the White House during this crisis is to review the supply chains we need to treat corona. There’s over 30 different elements just for that alone. And what I’ve learned so far and not surprisingly is that we’ve offshored far too much of our supply chain not just for corona but also for the essential medicines we need… In terms of the immediate issue face masks, the N95 face masks. China put export restrictions on those masks and then nationalized an American factory that produces them there. So we’re dealing with that in Trump time.


*****FDA list of Prescription Drug shortages, updated in February 2020. Many injectables. There’s also a link where they’ve extended expiration dates on several drugs. Still looking for OTC list, haven’t found yet. https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drug-safety-and-availability/drug-shortages Another source: https://www.drugs.com/drug-shortages/


The following sources detail many different published papers from all over the world. We’re looking for real and reliable information.

February 5, 2020: SARS-CoV-2 Cell Entry Depends on ACE2 and TMPRSS2 and Is Blocked by a Clinically Proven Protease Inhibitor https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(20)30229-4

• SARS-CoV-2 uses the SARS-CoV receptor ACE2 for host cell entry
• The spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 is primed by TMPRSS2
• Antibodies against SARS-CoV spike may offer some protection against SARS-CoV-2

The recent emergence of the novel, pathogenic SARS-coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in China and its rapid national and international spread pose a global health emergency. Cell entry of coronaviruses depends on binding of the viral spike (S) proteins to cellular receptors and on S protein priming by host cell proteases. Unravelling which cellular factors are used by SARS-CoV-2 for entry might provide insights into viral transmission and reveal therapeutic targets.
Here, we demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 uses the SARS-CoV receptor ACE2 for entry and the serine protease TMPRSS2 for S protein priming. A TMPRSS2 inhibitor approved for clinical use blocked entry and might constitute a treatment option.
Finally, we show that the sera from convalescent SARS patients cross-neutralized SARS-2-S-driven entry. Our results reveal important commonalities between SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV infection and identify a potential target for antiviral intervention.

  • February 29, 2020: New England Journal of Medicine. Wohan flu. We extracted data regarding 1099 patients with laboratory-confirmed Covid-19 from 552 hospitals in 30 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities in China through January 29, 2020. The primary composite end point was admission to an intensive care unit (ICU), the use of mechanical ventilation, or death. The median age of the patients was 47 years; 41.9% of the patients were female. The primary composite end point occurred in 67 patients (6.1%), including 5.0% who were admitted to the ICU, 2.3% who underwent invasive mechanical ventilation, and 1.4% who died. Only 1.9% of the patients had a history of direct contact with wildlife. Among nonresidents of Wuhan, 72.3% had contact with residents of Wuhan, including 31.3% who had visited the city. The most common symptoms were fever (43.8% on admission and 88.7% during hospitalization) and cough (67.8%). Diarrhea was uncommon (3.8%). The median incubation period was 4 days (interquartile range, 2 to 7). https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2002032?query=RP
  • February 29, 2020: Hong Kong. A dog tested positive for Coronavirus. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/dog-in-hong-kong-tests-positive-for-coronavirus
  • March 1, 2020: “Undiagnosed and asymptomatic persons infected with coronavirus are not captured in data for quantifying mortality rates, explained Siegel, “Mild cases that are being undiagnosed make [coronavirus] seem more deadly.” In other words, only extremely sick people presented themselves at a hospital for medical care making the fatality rate appear higher. https://wqth.wordpress.com/2020/03/01/2020-march1st-7th-coronavirus-covid19-xivirus-wuflu-6th-update-thread/comment-page-1/#comment-414981
Comparing Coronavirus to Ebola/SARS/MERS, etc. 10 minute video

March 3, 2020: Full Presser with Chair of WHO, found on Periscope here: https://www.pscp.tv/WHO/1zqKVloPyawJB

March 5, 2020: Although Coronavirus/WuFlu is a respiratory illness effecting the ACE2 receptors deep in lung tissue, please take risks to cardiovascular health. Details found here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41569-020-0360-5#author-information

March 6, 2020: REGULAR FLU SEASON IN THE USA ~ From NBC. At least 34 million Americans have been sickened with the flu so far this season and an estimated 20,000 people have died from it, with the illness taking a higher-than-expected toll on children, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Friday. As of Feb. 29, there also were 136 flu-related deaths in children reported this season. That total is higher than every season since reporting began in 2004-2005 with the exception of the 2009 pandemic, the CDC said.

March 6, 2020: From Japan, a study of results in treating the patients from the Diamond Princess Cruise Ship: ““The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases (JAID) have published a report on their website detailing the symptomatic improvement and recovery seen following administration of inhaler-type medication used in the treatment of asthma to patients suffering from pneumonia as a result of the novel coronavirus.” Original source in Japanese found here: http://www.kansensho.or.jp/uploads/files/topics/2019ncov/covid19_casereport_200302_02.pdf Translation of report found at Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/COVID19/comments/fcohpi/japanese_clinical_group_publishes_case_studies/

March 6, 2020: Small study of 103 cases within China showing the virus can and has mutated. “In the study, a group of researchers in China analyzed the genomes of coronaviruses taken from 103 patients with COVID-19, the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, in Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the outbreak. The team found differences in the genomes, which they said could be categorized into two “strains” of the coronavirus: the “L” type and the “S” type, the researchers wrote in the study, which was published Tuesday (March 3) in the journal National Science Review. Repeated here https://www.livescience.com/coronavirus-mutations.html

1. China does not have enough tests kits to document all suspected cases. The test can easily show a negative for people with the disease. Politically, China has good reason to lie. Also since it is a deep lung infection a cheek or throat swap can give a false negative. Coughed up sputum gives 11% more positives.

2. The virus attaches to ACE2 expressers deep in the lungs.
Men have 4 times as many ACE2 expressers as women and are 3 times as likely to get it.
Asians have 5 times as many as Africans/Europeans.One study seemed to indicate a physical – ethnic – vulnerability – more ACE2 receptors. – https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.01.26.919985v1.full

In early stats, (Jan2 – 41 people) less than half had underlying diseases BUT it does affect those with chronic inflammatory diseases including diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease (probably asthma too.)

3. Those without symptoms or with very mild symptoms can spread it. It can be spread via coughs, contact surfaces and with feces. Diarrhea is one of the possible symptoms. (Not good for San Fran-feces.)

Surface Survival of the Virus

4. We do not know how many without symptoms may have come over on early flights. Running a temperature many not appear immediately after contact with the virus.
”mean incubation period to be 6.4 (5.6 – 7.7, 95% CI) days, ranging from 2.1 to 11.1 days”

Revised: 6.4 –> 5.2 days. (~5 to 7 days) https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.02.02.20020016v1

”….time in hospital prior to death 10+ days I think for most of them….
…I have seen several references that said about 25% of confirmed cases get serious complications and something like 15% end up in ICU.”
 – Larry L.

76% of the confirmed 2019-nCov cases from 1 hospital in Wuhan required oxygen therapy.

5. According to MedCram US CDC/hospitals are using a SWAB (throat?) and 11 out of 178 tested positive. The problem is a throat or cheek swab while simpler to obtain, give false negatives while sputum samples are more reliable.

6. The first victim here in the USA required a long hospital stay of at least 2 weeks. He was still coughing after two weeks and therefore probably still infectious.

7. People the most at risk are 50 years and over with pre-existing chronic inflammatory diseases. (Patriot Nurse)

Mortality by age comparison between MERS, SARS and 2019-nCoV

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) summed it up this way:

…the Wuhan coronavirus has three features:

♦️ it is an RNA virus that mutates easily,
♦️ it is more contagious than SARS,
♦️ and it can spread from an asymptomatic person.

This means that even someone who has recovered from the virus can transmit it, making it more difficult to curb its spread.

As a result, Hsieh said it is possible that the virus could stay dormant in the body after recovery and come back to haunt the host in winter or when their immune system is weakened…. *



”There is a minimum effective infectious dose. Greater doses increases the likelihood of infection. This also affects the incubation period. The lower the exposure, the longer the time needed for the infection to get going internally; and with that, the longer it will be before that person becomes infections and/or shows symptoms. Recall that most symptoms are due to activation of the immune system, and not from the infection itself.” — cdquarles 

For the painter/farmer masks: (N95 or N100)
3m has p100 filters with no sorbents, such as #2091, and then I saw ‘improved’ version #2291 I think. The 2091 are bright fuscia. I think I’ve seen people ambulating near Stanford hospital sporting these as facial fashion. Much easier to breath, and very comfortable with the 7502 ‘faceplate’. I had no sense of ‘rebreathing’ or claustro.

How to properly wear a mask- short video in link: https://twitter.com/i/status/1221247891714514945


How to Put on and Remove a Face Mask 

Larry Ledwick  has a HOW TO
for homemade mask:




Explaining the vaccine process: USA Vaccine Product Approval Process:

A robust research effort is currently under way to develop a vaccine against Covid-19.10 We anticipate that the first candidates will enter phase 1 trials by early spring. Therapy currently consists of supportive care while a variety of investigational approaches are being explored.11 Among these are the antiviral medication lopinavir–ritonavir, interferon-1β, the RNA polymerase inhibitor remdesivir, chloroquine, and a variety of traditional Chinese medicine products.11 Once available, intravenous hyperimmune globulin from recovered persons and monoclonal antibodies may be attractive candidates to study in early intervention. Critical to moving the field forward, even in the context of an outbreak, is ensuring that investigational products are evaluated in scientifically and ethically sound studies.12

February 28, 2020 New England Journal of Medicine https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMe2002387

Remdisovir, an AIDS drug is being discussed and we have some reports of success. Peter Navarro of the Trump Administration indicated approximately 100K doses would be available by the end of February as manufacturer of the drug, Gilead Sciences gears up production.

Other experts woefully admit it will be difficult to create a vaccine for Coronavirus, and even if they could, if everything went perfectly, it would be at least November before a vaccine would be available. Here are a few sources discussing the issue:

  • February 28, 2020: Coronavirus outbreak: Vaccines/drugs in the pipeline for Covid-19: https://www.clinicaltrialsarena.com/analysis/coronavirus-mers-cov-drugs/
  • February 28, 2020: The first Covid-19 vaccine in China is expected to be ready for clinical trials by the end of April, according to Xu Nanping, China’s vice-minister of science and technology. Health officials from WHO have noted that Gilead’s remdesivir has demonstrated efficacy in treating the coronavirus infection. The US commenced clinical trials in humans at the University of Nebraska Medical Center to test the safety and efficacy of the drug. The first patient to be administered the drug is an evacuee from the Diamond Princess cruise ship. https://www.clinicaltrialsarena.com/analysis/coronavirus-mers-cov-drugs/
  • February 28th, 2020: The National Medical Products Administration of China has approved the use of Favilavir, an anti-viral drug, as a treatment for coronavirus. The drug has reportedly shown efficacy in treating the disease with minimal side effects in a clinical trial involving 70 patients. The clinical trial is being conducted in Shenzhen, Guangdong province. https://www.clinicaltrialsarena.com/analysis/coronavirus-mers-cov-drugs/
  • Very encouraging, February 28, 2020: Over 16 companies are working on vaccines., over 30 companies are working on treatment sofor symptoms. Dozens of universities and countries are working on treatments and vaccines. Here is the entire list and description of each. https://www.clinicaltrialsarena.com/analysis/coronavirus-mers-cov-drugs/
  • February 28, 2020: Ryan Saavedra, Daily Wire Israeli scientists are reportedly only a few weeks away from having developed the first vaccine to combat the coronavirus, which originated in China, and could have the vaccine available 90 days after that. “Congratulations to MIGAL [The Galilee Research Institute] on this exciting breakthrough,” Science and Technology Minister Ofir Akunis said, according to The Jerusalem Post. “I am confident there will be further rapid progress, enabling us to provide a needed response to the grave global COVID-19 threat,” Akunis said, referring to the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. A team of scientists at MIGAL had been working for years on a vaccine against an infectious bronchitis virus (IBV).
  • February 28th, 2020: Interview with Dr. Anthony Fauci, testing on vaccine will take place over next two months.

Always check Lancet Magazine, British publication, one of the most highly regarded institutions on subject of Coronavirus, discrediting rumor that this virus is anything but natural. AND rumors to such will make the problem more difficult to resolve….. (which sounds like a political statement).




  • February 28, 2020: Larry Kudlow gives a presser in the White House Briefing Room on Ecnomic Impact of Coronavirus.
  • February 29, 2020: President gives a Saturday Presser in the White House on Coronavirus. More travel restrictions: NO travel to Iran. NO people allowed into the U.S. who was in Iran for the past 14 days. Italy and South Korea: Level 4 Advisory against travel to these places. Working with other countries to set up and get running, medical screening facilities for foreign nationals who want to travel TO the U.S. Make sure that state / local medical facilities have the resources they will need. More supplies: “Average American does not need to go out and buy a mask.” Protect our healthcare providers. 43 MILLION masks on hand; 3M to provide millions more per month. Other medical supplies are in the process of being acquired. Provide “seamless” planning between medical facilities. (See USA Today video link below)
  • Sec. Alex Azar takes over from VP Pence. “Risk is Low and remains Low — but it can change rapidly.” Reminded that he said the virus would spread. Most people would have only milk symptoms. Stay at home and treat it like a very bad cold. Lower amount of travel to and from the most impacted areas. (See USA Today video link below)
  • Dr. Fauci takes over from Sec. Azar. Situation is evolving. “Community spread” — state and local health + CDC need to cooperate to trace and contact. U.S. as a whole is still at low risk BUT situation is evolving. Addressing the new challenge of Community Spread: POTUS gets credit for shutting off travel to/from Communist China. Contain from within and without. (See USA Today video link below)
  • New person (unknown) takes over from Dr. Fauci. New cases being evaluated aggressively. Early case recognition / contact tracing / isolation and quarantine. Re-emphasized that the risk to the U.S. public in general is low. (See USA Today video link below)
  • February 29, 2020: VP Pence gives and interview after being placed in charge of the Coronavirus task force.
  • February 29, 2020: CDC reports first death from COVID19 in Washington State. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-in-us.html
  • February 29, 2020: Governor Inslee declares State of Emergency in Washington State, following first death of Coronavirus. Coronavirus cases of unknown origin found in California, Washington and Oregon “A second case of COVID-19 with an unknown origin was identified in Santa Clara county, California on Friday, and two other potential cases of unknown origin were identified in Oregon and Washington state. This indicates to health experts that the novel coronavirus — which causes the disease COVID-19 — is likely spreading through more than one community in the US.
  • February 29, 2020: First case of COVID19 found in Oregon. Ground Report ~ “We have the first case of covid here in Oregon this morning. It’s up north in Clackamas, a school teacher at Forest Hills elementary .they shut the school down yesterday and are in the process of notifying the parents. I live an hour and half from there down in southern oregon.i did stock up on vitamin C and and extra TP, I buy food for a month every month ,I don’t like shopping every week.getting meat tomorrow from a local ranch, extra bread all going into chest freezer. Bought 50 pd each of beans and rice ,won’t go hungry on those.been calming my kids down all week telling them to stop watching the news and helping them get extra food in.”
  • February 29, 2020: Proclamation on the Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Certain Additional Persons Who Pose a Risk of Transmitting Coronavirus https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/proclamation-suspension-entry-immigrants-nonimmigrants-certain-additional-persons-pose-risk-transmitting-coronavirus/?utm_source=link
  • March 1, 2020: Washington State ~ Ground Report. A worker in a South King County post office processing center is sick. They don’t handle mail there, they handle packages. I think they are closing that facility to disinfect it. Additional Ground report ~ Per the local news (Seattle) at 11:30pm there are 13 confirmed covid 19 cases in Washington (includes the two dead) and 5 schools will be closed tomorrow. We have 7 first responders and a fire station closed. ‘A US Mail distribution center had a virus employee. They closed it to bring in “deep cleaning specialists, ” with the plan being to open it again when done.
  • March 1, 2020: NYState reports first case of Coronavirus. Female in late 30’s who recently traveled to Iran. https://nypost.com/2020/03/01/first-case-of-coronavirus-confirmed-in-manhattan/
  • March 2, 2020: Texas, San Antonio. Ground Report ~ “I heard today that the ones brought in to San Antonio from the cruise ship and some from China have been in self quarantine for 14 days with no positives and have been released.” Can anyone confirm with source?
  • March 2, 2020: NYSE rises to highest single point gain ever, up 1,293 points on the day.
  • March 3, 2020: FED announces a 1/2 point rate cut to help the economy. Caused by Coronavirus issue. G7 finance ministers met last night.

March 3, 2020: Dr Fauci and other health experts testify to the Senate on the issue of Coronavirus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1pbYEVQG7g

March 4, 2020: Task Force Presser led by Pence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r20K2YshFlo

March 5, 2020: Pence and other members of the Task Force travel to 3M, maker of the N-95 Mask: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbttQeqPXbQ

March 5, 2020: The US Army holds a presser on the Coronavirus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AOqA4Gphw0

March 6, 2020: Press conference at the CDC in Atlanta. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxoPQMauQTs

Friday, March 6, 2020: Vice President Pence holds a task force presser.


*******Not an American response although Americans are involved. More like a Davos response from the UK countries working with American Pharma.


March 6, 2020: In a highly alarming video, Dr. Richard Hatchett, CEO of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations was interviewed in the UK, and this video has been viewed over a million times in 36 hours. He refers to fighting the virus as a “war” in China, compares it to WW2. Reporter wonders if it’s impossible in the UK because “we” are too capitalist/globalist……. His statements of “virus fatality is over 1%”, or later on “between 1% to 3%”, goes against BOTH studies done in China, (the one for 1099 people and the 475 people, signifying a fatality rate of 4/10ths of 1% in China as opposed to American seasonal Flu of 1/10th of 1%), and the published results in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Hatchett later admits COVID fatality COULD be less than 1%, and admits Wuhan normally has a death rate of 1500 from seasonal flu, and in this case we had 2400. He is pushing confirmation bias, and is “extremely concerned about the spread” in the USA “because they (uses the word “they” even though he is an American) don’t have a unified healthcare system because of “embedded inequities and injustices in the USA” – worried about “those who don’t have health insurance” and “those who depend on the government to provide meals for their schoolchildren.” NOTE: The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations is located in Oslo, Norway, and accepts DONATIONS. They study and develop vaccines for profit. Implies we need 7 billion vaccines and the virus will be with us for years. The reporter NOTES he has a vested interest…… and Dr. Hatchett insists he has been working dispassionately, “we’re only trying to secure funds for the vaccine for (this disease)”, and states he has oversight from the World Bank for grants, and/or will happily return any funds left over……….. while at the same time insisting it is “scarier” than SARS or MERS.

Think of it, CEPI was founded in 2017, and they already have loans from the World Bank.

Background on the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness (2017): ” The idea for CEPI was first outlined in a July 2015 paper in The New England Journal of Medicine, titled “Establishing a Global Vaccine-Development Fund”, that was co-authored by Jeremy Farrar, a Director of the UK-based Wellcome Trust.[3] The concept was further developed at the 2016 World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos as a response to the problems encountered in developing and distributing a vaccine for the Western African Ebola virus epidemic.[1] Co-founder and funder, Bill Gates ……” Here is their WIKIpedia link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coalition_for_Epidemic_Preparedness_Innovations

In January 2020, CEPI funded three teams working on a vaccine for SARS-CoV-2, being: ModernaInovio Pharmaceuticals, and the University of Queensland (UQ).[18][19] By February 2020, Inovio announced that it had produced a pre-clinical DNA-based vaccination to fight COVID-19 at its lab in San Diego.[20] Inovio collaborated with a Chinese firm to speed its acceptance by regulatory authorities in China for human trialing.[21] The strategy of the UQ team is to develop a molecular clamp vaccine that genetically modifies viral proteins to make them mimic the coronavirus and stimulate an immune reaction.[19][18]

In January 2020, CEPI announced a fourth SARS-CoV-2 project in a collaboration with their existing partner CureVac, to develop and manufacture a vaccine.[22] CEPI’s CEO, Dr Richard J. Hachett said in an interview with the FT that CEPI expected to have human trials within 16 weeks, but cautioned “All these timelines are aggressive and aspirational. As circumstances unfold there may be opportunities to reduce the timing but it is critically important that any new vaccine is safe and effective”.[8]

In February 2020, Bloomberg News, citing virologists, identified CEPI as a “key player in the race to develop a vaccine”;[2] a status other media outlets have attributed.[23][8] In reviewing vaccine development on the virus Vox said: “CEPI is a large part of why there are already dozens of Covid-19 vaccine candidates making their way through animal and human trials, as well as platforms to develop more”.[24]

(This is the interview linked above) In March 2020, Hachett gave an interview to Channel 4 News saying that “war is an appropriate analogy”, for the steps needed to counter the virus, and that “this is the most frightening disease that I have ever encountered in my career”, due to the virus’ unique combination of lethality and infectiousness.[25] Hatchett told The Daily Telegraph that coronaviruses are the most serious threat to public health since the Spanish flu, and that a vaccine will take up to 18 months to deliver at a cost of STG 1.5 billion.[26] Hatchett told Reuters that its funds for fighting the virus would be fully allocated by the end of March in its four existing projects, and that CEPI was launching a new funding call for USD 2 billion to support fighting the virus.[27][28][29]



*****CHINA’s RESPONSE*****


Map of the provinces of China will help us get oriented. The province of Hubei and it’s capital of Wuhan are located the center of the country.
  • December 8th-9th, 2019: Taxi Cab drivers and physicians reported the problem in Wuhan as early as December 8th-9th. Dr. Li Wenliang died after contracting the virus while treating patients in Wuhan. In December, Li sent a message to fellow medical professionals warning of a virus he thought looked like SARS.Many have taken to posting under the hashtag “Can you manage, do you understand?” – a reference to the letter Dr. Li was told to sign when he was accused of disturbing “social order”.have taken to posting under the hashtag “Can you manage, do you understand?” – a reference to the letter Dr. Li was told to sign when he was accused of disturbing “social order”. He was told by police to “stop making false comments” and was investigated for “spreading rumors”. News of Dr. Li’s death became the top trending topic on Chinese social media, garnering an estimated 1.5 billion views. His death has also brought demands for action, with “Wuhan government owes Dr. Li Wenliang an apology” and “We want freedom of speech” among the hashtags trending, the BBC reported. Both hashtags were quickly censored. When the BBC said it searched Weibo early on Friday, hundreds of thousands of comments had been wiped. Only a handful remain. “This is not the death of a whistleblower. This is the death of a hero,” read one comment. https://www.worldtribune.com/coronavirus-the-latest-crisis-to-threaten-xi-jinpings-china-century/






  • February 28th, Azerbaijan has reported its first case of Covid-19. The patient was from Russia who arrived from Iran.






  • February 27, 2020: The Ministry of Civil Aviation, India, announced multiple preventive measures against the Wuhan coronavirus initially at 11 airports including Chennai, Vishakapatnam, Bengaluru, Bhubaneswar, Hyderabad, Cochin, Delhi, Mumbai, Amritsar, Kochi, and Kolkata. Thermal screening was extended to 20 airports with the infection spreading to other countries quickly. Arriving passengers that traveled to Chinese cities such as Wuhan in the preceding 14 days and having symptoms of the viral infection are being asked to provide a self-declaration, while international passengers from China and Hong Kong are being screened at the pre-immigration areas of the airports. Thermal cameras have been installed and airport signage being displayed at all the airports. Kerala is the state with the highest number of coronavirus suspects in India. https://www.airport-technology.com/features/coronavirus-measures-world-airports/


March 8, 2020 update on Iranian Officials infected.




  • February 27, 2020: Restrictions on Euro travel to area of Italian outbreak. Prague airport in the Czech Republic has designated separate gates for all passengers arriving from Italy. Airport employees have been directed to closely monitor passengers arriving from Italy and report any signs of respiratory disease to airport security. Frequent disinfection of arrival gates, buses and other areas handling passengers from Italy are also planned. Bratislava airport in Slovakia has implemented strict screening measures for passengers arriving from Italy, who are required to fill out a questionnaire to enable officials to identify any suspected cases. Similar screening measures have been implemented at Marco Polo Airport in Venice, and airports in Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia, Moldova, and Albania for passengers arriving from China and Italy. Bulgaria has cancelled all flights to Milan, Italy and implemented screening measures at the Sofia airport.Budget airlines such as EasyJet and Ryanair are operating their flights as usual, despite the spike in cases in Italy. The airlines are not providing an option for cancellations although several passengers have criticised the operators for their policies. https://www.airport-technology.com/features/coronavirus-measures-world-airports/
  • March 7, 2020: Dr. Faris Durmo MD., BSc.@Dr_FarrisD
  • 10 % Lombardy doctors are infected
  • AT least 1060 self-isolating at home
  • AT least 2394 hospitalized
  • AT least 462 intensive care
  • Of 197 at least 49 are ages (62-95 yo)
  • 4636 total cases 197deaths
  • Death ratio of 4.25 % from 2.5%
  • Approxim 9% admitted to ICU.

It’s actually 9% of the 20% who end up diagnosed, or about 2% of overall who have the virus. Fatality rate of 4/10ths of 1% agree with these numbers. Regular flu is 1/10th of 1%.

  • March 7, 2020: The Independent, reveals the scale of the impact on hospitals in Italy where 5,883 patients have been infected with the virus and 233 people have died as of 6pm on Saturday. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/coronavirus-italy-doctors-intensive-care-deaths-a9384356.html?utm_source=reddit.com
March 7, 2020. Italy’s borders closed 16 million in quarantine.





North Korea:



San Marino:

March 1, 2020: Officially known as the Republic of San Marino, it’s a tiny country located within Italy, and east of Florence. San Marino has an unusually high number of cases of Coronavirus. 8X’s the amount of a NYC. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019%E2%80%9320_coronavirus_outbreak

Saudi Arabia: Mecca is empty as Saudi Arabia bans pilgrimage amid Coronavirus.


  • February 27: All passengers arriving in Malaysia are being screened for symptoms of coronavirus. Airline operators are also issuing Health Alert Card (HAC) to passengers to indicate their health status. Malaysia Airlines has cancelled many of its flights to Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong. Temperature screening has been introduced for all flights arriving at Changi and Seletar Airports in Singapore. Healthcare teams are screening passengers who look unwell at the aerobridges for inbound flights from China. Singapore Airlines and SilkAir have announced a reduction in services across their network due to weak demand, following the coronavirus outbreak. https://www.airport-technology.com/features/coronavirus-measures-world-airports/

South Korea:

  • March 2, 2020: Ground Report ~ “In Daegu, 1900 Shincheonji Church members have been tested for coronavirus. 1300 had symptoms & 600 did not.Among those 1300 with symptoms, 87.5% were confirmed with the virus. BUT out of the 600 WITHOUT symptoms, 70% were confirmed with the virus. Over 80 percent infected, and moving towards 100 percent, false negatives plus time. Really illustrates the absence of immunity of a brand new virus, whereas there is natural immunity in the population to the common flus. Imagine what is happening in China at those group quarantine bed facilities and at thousands of group elderly care facilities. ( And we are suppose to believe their numbers)”




United Kingdom:





  • January 22, 2020: US CDC reported the first case of 2019-nCoV in the US, causing the benchmark S&P 500 index to slide 0.3% on the stock market, according to the Financial Times.
  • January 23, 2020: From Bloomberg. Wuhan, epicenter of Coronavirus outbreak, had a GDP of $213B in 2018, bigger than New Zealand. Lockdown casts economic cloud over China’s version of Chicago. It was moving into areas from chip-making to biomedicine & attracted Investment from 230 Fortune 500 firms. Honda Motor Co. is planing to evacuate staff & family from Wuhan. France’s PSA Group- Peugeot Cars & other brands, will also evacuate staffs. H&M has closed a total of 13 stores in the region. McDonald’s & Starbucks have closed locations without providing details. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-01-24/wuhan-virus-lockdown-casts-economic-cloud-over-china-s-chicago
  • January 27, 2020: Japan Times. Wuhan ranks #13 out of 2000 cities most important to China’s Supply Chain. Over 44 American companies have facilities in Wuhan including PepsiCo and Siemans. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/01/27/business/wuhan-virus-impact-business-travel-china/#.Xl0WDZ2SmM8
  • February 7, 2020: Airlines status update: Tara Donaldson reported for Sourcing Journal that FedEx announced “adjusted” service in “many provinces in China,” and said Friday that customers “might experience delay.” UPS cancelled 22 flights to China. American Airlines cancelled all flights to China through March 27, and Delta did the same through April 30. British Airways, Lufthansa, United Airlines and Virgin Atlantic, among others, have all made similar moves, and Cathay Pacific, which has its main hub at Hong Kong International Airport, said it will more than halve its flight capacity to mainland China through the end of March, Donaldson reported. https://geostrategy-direct-subscribers.com/informed-consensus-on-wuhan-virus-indicts-chinese-communist-party/

February 7th, warning (of course, we already knew):

“This is going to be a significant disturbance in the supply chain,” said Sean Maharaj, managing director of global management consultancy AArete. “We compare this to the impact of SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), but the export capability and global merchandise manufacturing was significantly different in terms of not only the volume coming out of China, but the complexity of the supply chains.”

Taking transportation alone, any goods coming out of China will face export challenges. “This is going to be a major issue in terms of shipments. Longshoremen, cargo ships are going to be short of volume, there’s going to be way too much capacity…and excess capacity is pushing down already fragile rates,” Maharaj said, adding that this comes on top of tariffs that have already weighed on costs. Air freight quotes have already gone up.

“This will go all the way through to warehousing and everything we do to get production on shelves,” he said. With companies like FedEx and UPS already making moves to halt service, delays may be the least of the supply chain’s concerns. “Once providers like that go into crisis mode, we’re looking at more than delays,” Maharaj said. “We’re talking about cancellations and non-shipments. I don’t think we know where the bottom is on this.”

February 13, 2020. Satellite image of a half-dozen oil tankers idling off the coast of Shandong as oil delivers have slowed to a crawl in China. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-02-13/oil-tankers-idling-off-shandong-show-depth-of-demand-destruction
  • February 21, 2020: Auto Sales in China, down 92% in February, according to Gordan Chang/FOX Biz. https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/half-china-locked-car-sales-plunge-92
  • February 22, 2020: From Bloomberg. Coronavirus isn’t just about a short term supply chain problem. It exposes the weakness of globalism. Globalization Comes Under Fire Amid Xivirus Stress Test – “Do we..still depend at the level of 90/95% of the supply chain of China for the auto,drug,aero.. industry, or do we draw the consequences of that situation to ..be more independent & sovereign? https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-02-22/globalization-comes-under-fire-amid-coronavirus-stress-test
  • Adidas and Reebok in Germany reporting sales down 90% in China. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaH79AEXMf8
  • Coal usage in China is down 50%. China gets 70% of electricity production from coal…. per Professor Christopher Balding, Fulbright Univ in Saigon, Vietnam – one of the world’s leading authorities on REAL measurement of China’s economy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYG8nglcx_o
  • Real Estate sales almost completely shut down. Gov’t revenue is highly dependent on real estate tax on sales. In a city of 20 million, we might see 5-10 sales a day. Professor Christopher Balding, Fulbright Univ in Saigon, Vietnam – one of the world’s leading authorities on REAL measurement of China’s economy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYG8nglcx_o
  • Local Transportation cars/trains running at 15-20% of normal, China economy flat-lining. Professor Christopher Balding, Fulbright Univ in Saigon, Vietnam – one of the world’s leading authorities on REAL measurement of China’s economy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYG8nglcx_o
  • Food Inflation up 10%, pork inflation up 100%. One of the biggest fears in China is famine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYG8nglcx_o
  • February 23, 2020: 85% of Chinese businesses on the brink and running out of cash. https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/it-will-be-really-really-bad-china-faces-financial-armageddon-85-businesses-set-run-out
  • February 24, 2020: Chinese consumption of crude oil falls to 12% of what it was one year ago. https://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/3051784/shipping-lines-face-troubled-waters-oil-tankers-container
  • February 24, 2020: Amazon taking drastic action to get materials out of China and hold steady on Supply Chain (per Fox Biz, )
  • Feb 24, 2020: market opens down 997 points, begins slow slog back on fears of Coronavirus spreading outside China.
  • Toy Manufacturers concerned about Christmas items (last of our concerns right now)
  • February 24, 2020: Containers already in route to USA, carrying medical supplies, latex gloves, masks, surgical kits, etc., ordered returned to China. (FOX Biz)
  • February 24, 2020: Yield on the 10yr US Treasury bond almost hits all time low at 1.37% as foreign investors flood into safety of US Treasuries
  • February 24, 2020: Oil prices down, on report of oil use DOWN in China, we knew it weeks ago.
  • February 25, 2020: another 900+ points, down. Over-reaction and media pushing fear.
  • How many factory workers can survive 6 weeks without a paycheck?
  • Layoffs have begun in China to save the businesses
  • Chinese students in the USA report they cannot return home because mom/dad can’t afford to bring them home (not working), even if they could get a flight.
  • Hotel occupancy in Hong Kong is in single digits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1Hud-ijzEo
  • 20% of Hong Kong restaurants expected to fail. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1Hud-ijzEo
  • January Chinese auto sales are down 20%+
  • Lumens (the measurement of light) at night from satellites over China is down 30-35% year over year https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1Hud-ijzEo
  • Railroad traffic, measured by satellite is almost at a standstill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BvyBTMBR5c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1Hud-ijzEo
  • Reefer Units (a container which carries refrigerated goods) is plugged in when it arrives at port to maintain temperature. As of today, there are no more “plug-ins” available in the entire country. Shipping is at a standstill. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BvyBTMBR5c
  • Oil shipments have shut down. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BvyBTMBR5c
  • Approximately 80% of China’s export economy is shut down.
  • Farmers are having problems getting trucks to take their food supplies into towns for deliver…… system shutdown.
  • Under pressure from leadership, the Apple factory reopened…. but only 10% of the workforce showed up for duty. Other province governors have barred companies from reopening.
  • China agreed to “half” their tariffs on US goods, looking for economic relief from the USA
  • Japan’s economy contracted 1.6% as they face Coronavirus (and a dumb idea about imposing a higher local sales tax more responsible for Japan lag in economy than COVID-19)
  • South Korea shut down their Hyundai plant due to lack of parts manufactured in China.
  • Statistics and information coming out of China are highly questionable.
  • Feb 24th, 2020: northern Italy shuts down. Milan described as a “ghost town”. Venice Carnival is cancelled. Schools, museums, theaters, religious events, all closed until March 1st, and re-assess. 55% of Italy’s GDP comes from this region.
March 9, 2020. OPEC thought they had a deal to cut production but Russia backed away, leading to a freefall in oil prices Monday morning. Goldman Sachs says we might go to $28 a barrel during Coronavirus as demand subsides.




We heard all kinds of rumors about the origins for COVID-19. First it was bat-soup, then Pandolins, but almost immediately we had a “conspiracy theory” about a bio-weapon accident/escape from a Level 4 lab in Wuhan, coincidentally close to the wet market. Did Coronavirus COVID-19 originate in Chinese bio-weapon lab? To this date no one knows the origin of the COVID19. Some scientists believe killer this strain may have begun in research facility within 10 minutes of the Wuhan wet fish market. Senator Tom Cotton raised the possibility, was criticized, and proven plausible by a study released on Feb 21st. Chinese Ambassador did not directly answer question in mid-February. Immediately the CCP media called out to discredit Senator Tom Cotton. Odd…… Here are articles discussing the possibility:

Chinese scientists believe the deadly coronavirus may have started life in a research facility just 300 yards from the Wuhan fish market. A new bombshell paper from the Beijing-sponsored South China University of Technology says that the Wuhan Center for Disease Control (WHCDC) could have spawned the contagion in Hubei province. ‘The possible origins of 2019-nCoV coronavirus,’ penned by scholars Botao Xiao and Lei Xiao claims the WHCDC kept disease-ridden animals in laboratories, including 605 bats.  It also mentions that bats – which are linked to coronavirus – once attacked a researcher and ‘blood of bat was on his skin.’





  • January 31, 2020: Dan Diamond of Politico writes article about the scale up and unprecedented response of the Trump Admin to combat and contain Coronavirus. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/01/31/trump-weighs-more-evacuations-of-americans-from-china-over-virus-109910
  • February 2, 2020: Immediately after ordering travel bans for those entering the USA after traveling in China, the criticism and charges of “racism” came from the media. “Sun Feb 2, the Trump Admin ordered U.S. travelers to China’s Hubei province to be held in a mandatory quarantine for two weeks, the anti-Trump article by @AliceOllstein at Politico quoted “healths experts” who said this will make it worse because people will hide their symptoms.”
  • February 4, 2020: Politico writer Dan Diamond (among many other MSM pundits) criticizes the Trump Admin for restricting travel from China….. because it’s racist. ” “The Trump admin’s quarantine and travel ban in response to the Wuhan coronavirus could UNDERCUT international efforts to fight the outbreak by antagonizing Chinese leaders, as well as stigmatizing people of Asian descent, according to public health experts and lawmakers.” The same Politico writer would later criticize the President Trump for not acting quickly enough on March 7th.  https://www.politico.com/news/2020/02/04/coronavirus-quaratine-travel-110750
  • February 4, 2020: “WHO chief @DrTedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said Tuesday (Feb 4, 2020) that widespread travel bans and restrictions weren’t needed to stop the outbreak and could ‘have the effect of increasing fear and stigma, with little public health benefit.'” – https://www.politico.com/news/2020/02/04/coronavirus-quaratine-travel-110750

February 25, 2020: On this day, Dr Nancy Messonnier, Rod Rosenstein’s sister, issued a statement from the CDC, and triggered perhaps the greatest and fastest selloff, market cap loss, in Stock Market history. Her boss’ boss’ boss, The Director of the CDC, would testify to Congress three days later, and said Dr. Nancy Messonnier “misspoke”. Here is the entire language of her dire statement:

It’s only a matter of time before the deadly new coronavirus spreads throughout the United States — and Americans should brace for the outbreak to upend their daily lives, federal health officials warned Tuesday.

“It’s not so much of a question of if this will happen in this country anymore but a question of when this will happen — and how many people in this country will have severe illness,” said Dr. Nancy Messonnier of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “We are asking the American public to prepare for the expectation that this might be bad.”

So far, only 57 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in the US — the vast majority people who have been evacuated from an infected cruise ship in Japan and are being held in quarantine. But the virus has now infected more than 80,000 people worldwide — killing 2,708 — since emerging in China last year, and Messonnier warned that it won’t stay contained in the US.

“As more and more countries experience community spread, successful containment at our borders becomes harder and harder,” said Messonnier, the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. She urged families, schools, businesses and communities to ready themselves.

“I had a conversation with my family over breakfast this morning, and I told my children that, while I didn’t think they were at risk right now, we as a family need to be preparing for significant disruption of our lives,” Messonnier said.

In a severe outbreak, mass gatherings would be canceled, schools would be closed and companies would have to let their employees work from home, she said.

“The disruption of daily life might be severe,” Messonnier said. “We want to make sure the American public is prepared.” She said she contacted her children’s school district to ask about its plans for online learning, or “tele-schooling,” should the buildings need to shutter, as they did during the 2009 H1N1 outbreak. She urged other parents to do the same. “These are things that people need to start thinking about now,” Messonnier said. “You should think about what you would do for child care if schools or day cares closed.”

Health care professionals are also gearing up for the crisis to grow. Researchers are scrambling to create a cure and officials announced Tuesday that the first clinical trial in the US for a possible treatment is underway at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Patients who are hospitalized with the disease and show at least moderate symptoms will be eligible to join the study, which will eventually include 400 patients at 50 locations around the world.

“The goal here is to help the people that need it the most,” said Dr. Andre Kalil, who will oversee the study.

  • February 26, 2020: AP Fact Checks Bloomberg and Biden and lies told on the campaign trail about Coronavirus, blaming President Trump. https://apnews.com/d36d6c4de29f4d04beda3db00cb46104
  • “He’s proposed cuts but Congress ignored him and increased financing instead. The National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention aren’t suffering from budget cuts that never took effect.” https://apnews.com/d36d6c4de29f4d04beda3db00cb46104
  • MIKE BLOOMBERG: “There’s nobody here to figure out what the hell we should be doing. And he’s defunded — he’s defunded Centers for Disease Control, CDC, so we don’t have the organization we need. This is a very serious thing.” — debate Tuesday night. https://apnews.com/d36d6c4de29f4d04beda3db00cb46104
  • JOE BIDEN, comparing the Obama-Biden administration with now: “We increased the budget of the CDC. We increased the NIH budget. … He’s wiped all that out. … He cut the funding for the entire effort.” https://apnews.com/d36d6c4de29f4d04beda3db00cb46104
  • THE FACTS: They’re both wrong to say the agencies have seen their money cut. Bloomberg is repeating the false allegation in a new ad that states the U.S. is unprepared for the virus because of “reckless cuts” to the CDC. Trump’s budgets have proposed cuts to public health, only to be overruled by Congress, where there’s strong bipartisan support for agencies such as the CDC and NIH. Instead, financing has increased. https://apnews.com/d36d6c4de29f4d04beda3db00cb46104
  • The CDC Grant Program is declining …… but that decline was set in motion by a congressional budget measure that predates Trump. Here is the entire article https://apnews.com/d36d6c4de29f4d04beda3db00cb46104
  • February 27, 2020: CDC Director Redfield testifies to Congress. Says Dr Nancy Messonnier (Rod Rosenstein’s sister) “misspoke” when she said “it’s not a question of if, but when”. Dr. Nancy Messonnier gave a dire statement on Tuesday which helped to trigger the stock market loss of over 3 trillion dollars. AND as soon as her statement was issued, a quick check showed 53 MSM articles pushing her statement and widespread panic. https://nypost.com/2020/02/27/cdc-director-downplays-claim-that-coronavirus-spread-is-inevitable/

The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday downplayed a fellow CDC official’s warning that spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus in the U.S. is inevitable, saying she misspoke. CDC Director Robert Redfield told Capitol Hill lawmakers Thursday that Dr. Nancy Messonnier’s statement Tuesday belied the fact that risk remains low.

“I think what Dr. Messonnier was trying to say — I think it maybe could have been done much more articulately from what the American public heard — was she was trying to say it’s also a good time for us to prepare if we have to go to more mitigation,” Redfield told a House subcommittee.He added: “We’re still committed to get aggressive containment, and I want the American public to know at this point that the risk is low.”

Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, had warned: “We expect we will see community spread in this country. It’s not so much a question of if this will happen anymore but rather more a question of exactly when this will happen and how many people in this country will have severe illness. … Disruption to everyday life might be severe.”

President Donald Trump contradicted Messonnier in a press conference from the White Housing briefing room Wednesday, telling reporters: “I don’t think it’s inevitable. It probably will. It possibly will. It could be at a very small level or it could be at a larger level.”

The president reportedly fumed about Messonnier’s warning, blaming it for the economic repercussions that ultimately saw the stock market lose over 3,000 points this week……

  • February 28, 2020: Compilation of horrific media reporting a panic where there is none:

February 29, 2020: At a rally in South Carolina, the President talked about the disgraceful way the media has handled the threat of Coronavirus. He referred to the MEDIA hoax, which the media then immediately portrayed as “Trump is not taking Coronavirus seriously, he thinks it is a hoax” Not true, and this sentiment was re-iterated at his Presser over the weekend. Congressmen and Pundits jumped onto the pileup provoking this comment, “Everyone from Bill Kristol to Ted Lieu is spinning this as if Trump was saying that the corovirus itself is a hoax. Even Politico is jumping in. “At what point does this constitute a disinformation campaign, as opposed to media spin?” is a question we should all be asking.” ~~~~~ Here is the video clip. Decide for yourself:

Washington Post, completely irresponsible headlines during a medical crisis.
  • February 29, 2020: Did the market over-react? Trying to find a sense of humor in a 3600 point sell-off is difficult but here, we find it. Author posits the reason * A significant change in economic fundamentals * A significant increase in ‘risk’ to the fundamentals * The market’s financial plumbing is breaking down * A meteor or alien invasion to end global existence has been spotted but its arrival is unknown (or a virus pandemic) Nothing is wrong with the economy, so, we’re expecting the aliens to land on the White House lawn. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/stock-market-expert-says-what-many-are-thinking-as-dow-sheds-4100-points-in-a-week-this-market-is-not-normal-2020-02-28
  • February 29, 2020: Article reeks of political bias, creates division, and promotes fear within the public. Headlines such as “Trump’s Coronavirus Response Bedeviled by Missteps, Raising Risk” (Implying the Virus belongs to Trump or was caused by Trump, and that his actions threaten the public), which is from Bloomberg News, when Mike Bloomberg is running against President Trump (although the 2500 global Bloomberg journalists are prohibited from covering Mike Bloomberg for President). Within the article, the authors attempt to paint every part of the Trump Administration as inept. “Most crucially, President Donald Trump and the government’s health-care authorities have appeared in contradiction about whether the country should regard the outbreak as a threat. (When the Trump Admin declared a Public Health Emergency a month prior)The president has repeatedly said the risk is low, even assuring Americans that they’re unlikely to die from an infection. While that’s true, the CDC has said an American outbreak would likely cause widespread disruptions in everyday life, including closed schools and canceled business meetings. (Note the use of “would likely cause” – author is speculating, and assigning blame to the President for what MAY BE necessary steps to keep the population safe. How would this be a “misstep”, and wouldn’t the administration be negligent if they did not take precautions?) https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-02-29/trump-s-coronavirus-response-bedeviled-by-missteps-raising-risk

February 28, 2020: Dr. Drew, furious with the media for their panic-style reporting on the threat of COVID19.

  • February 29, 2020: President holds a presser with his task force members on Coronavirus. Media asks many questions. Good chance to debunk much of the false information in the media.

Questions now from the “Press”
First question — trying go bash POTUS over calling the virus as a “hoax”. He shut that down.
Next — “Dr. Fauci was being muzzled” — POTUS shut that down. DR. FAUCI GOES TO THE MIC AND SAYS THAT HE WAS NEVER SHUT DOWN OR MUZZLED.
Next — Close the southern border? POTUS — “considering it very strongly”
Next — how do Americans prepare? Dr. Fauci — ” go on with their normal lives”
Next — U.S. troops in South Korea? POTUS — in touch in the generals and their government
Next — ANOTHER one trying to bash POTUS over “hoax” — POTUS shut is own AGAIN — word was abused by the DemComs
Next — People going about their normal lives — what about you and VP Pence? POTUS — we’re going to be in good shape. We’re getting around.
Next — to Dr. Fauci: what about morbidity? Dr. Fauci — look at the totality of the cases: 75 % – 80% do well. 15 % – 25 % will need more care: these people are elderly and/or have chronic underlying conditions. HOWEVER — you’ll see a “one-off” once in a while. This happens with influenza once in a while. Questions: Any “variants” — a person gets the virus, recovers, and gets it again? Dr. Fauci — he believes this will not happen.
Next — Taliban deal? POTUS — Everybody wanted this to happen. The Taliban wanted it to happen. We’ll see how it all works out. They have big incentives to make it work out. Time for our people to start coming home.
Next — Similar measures in U.S. like there are going on in China? POTUS — Xi is working very hard in China. Starbucks open again, Apple back to production.
Next — The woman who died: no evidence to link to travel. // restricting travel WITHIN the U.S.? — we’ll communicate what is decided.
Next — closing the southern border since there are only 2 cases in Mexico? POTUS — we may have to consider closing all borders, are communicating with both neighbors.
Next — trying to use John Bolton comments to bash POTUS. POTUS shuts it down

  • February 29, 2020: Ill-informed media and public anxiousness has led to a “run” to buy surgical masks. According to the US Surgeon General, the mask is a waste of effort (unless you are the sick person) and panic buying is creating shortages for hospital staff who really needs masks.
  • February 29, 2020: Patient with corona virus describes what to expect from a hospital visit. He is high risk because of a previous organ transplant. So far, he had to drink a ot of Gatorade but not as bad as anticipated.

(((( Update on the man above. As of March 8, 2020 he is completely recovered and did an interview on FOX))))

  • March 1, 2020: Though Trump said the threat to US citizens from Covid-19, claiming more than 2,800 lives to date globally, is very low, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Nancy Messonnier, pointed out in a press conference on Tuesday that it is only a matter of when, not if, the coronavirus will start spreading more widely in the US. The CDC itself is facing criticism for slow testing protocols and not providing enough virus testing kits, resulting in very few tested cases in the US. However, the ongoing influenza and cold season make diagnosing the new coronavirus more difficult. https://www.pharmaceutical-technology.com/features/coronavirus-outbreak-responding-china-wuhan/
  • March 1, 2020: Dr Marc Siegel. “Asked about news media conduct regarding coronavirus, Siegel said, “They’re certainly not helping because they’re hyping, and the hyping leads to hysteria.” https://www.breitbart.com/radio/2020/03/01/dr-marc-siegel-on-coronavirus-ive-never-seen-an-emerging-contagion-handled-better/
  • March 1, 2020: Dr Marc Siegel. Siegel praised the Trump administration’s personnel selection for its coronavirus task force, headed by Vice President Mike Pence. “The task force are really top players,” said Siegel, noting the task force’s inclusion Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Health’s (NIH) infectious disease. Fauci is “one of the top infectious disease experts in the country,” he noted. Siegel noted the coronavirus task force’s inclusion of CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield, a virologist, and Dr. Nancy Messonnier (Rod Rosenstein’s sister), an expert in vaccines. “They’ve been doing exactly what they’re supposed to be doing,” said Siegel of the Trump administration’s measures towards protecting Americans from the coronavirus. “[They are] restricting travel, isolating patients who are sick and, trying to cut down on contact. It’s a very hard thing to do when people are pouring in from all over the world.” https://www.breitbart.com/radio/2020/03/01/dr-marc-siegel-on-coronavirus-ive-never-seen-an-emerging-contagion-handled-better/

March 6, 2020: Extortion from China is our real threat. Holding pharmaceuticals. How could we have been so stupid? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqDrZYNafAg

  • March 7, 2020: Dan Diamond from Politico, the same writer from the same outlet who criticized Trump Admin for their early and unprecedented response to Wuhan Flu now claims the Trump Admin is late to respond. There have been many media reports which promote disinformation and reek of bias, but the Politico article from March 7, 2020 is an award winner in this category and blames the President for making the problem worse. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/07/trump-coronavirus-management-style-123465 Comparing and contrasting the articles from one reporter, Dan Diamond, at a single outlet like POlitico, has been noted example of media bias and disinformation promulgated by the media to harm the Trump Admin, rather than doing the job of reporting facts to the general public, see here the compare/contrast: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1236535783605121026.html

March 9, 2020: Dan Purser and his wife were passengers aboard the Diamond Princess which was quarantined in Japan. In this video he talks about the process for he and his wife and gives first hand information on what to expect from the Coronavirus from someone who had it. Very informative:





Better Homes and Gardens: Here’s Everything You Need to Clean After the Flu (and How to Disinfect Your Home) Better Homes and Garden – 11/06/19 – Great article with video! https://www.bhg.com/homekeeping/house-cleaning/tips/flu-season-cleaning-home/

The One Disinfecting Step You’re Probably Doing Wrong “To correctly disinfect a countertop, for example, the surface needs to be visibly wet for four minutes. That will probably take more wipes than you’re used to using while you clean. Sanitizing, on the other hand, only requires the surface to be visibly wet for ten seconds. In both cases, you should let the surface air dry.” https://www.bhg.com/news/disinfecting-mistakes/

For the chemists among us. Here is a site that explains how to make aspirin. https://www.thoughtco.com/how-to-make-aspirin-acetylsalicylic-acid-606315

Home made Hand Sanitizer Recipe

1 TBSP rubbing alcohol
1/2 tsp vegetable glycerin (optional)
1/4 cup aloe vera gel
10 drops cinnamon essential oil
10 drops tea tree essential oil
Distilled water (colloidal silver/ionic silver adds antibacterial power if available)
other essential oils (just for scent)
To make, mix aloe vera gel, optional glycerin, and rubbing alcohol in a small bowl.
Add cinnamon essential oil and tea tree oil along with a drop or two of any other oils you want to add for scent. Lemongrass, orange, lavender, and peppermint are good choices.
Mix well and add distilled water (or colloidal/ionic silver) to thin to desired consistency.
Transfer into spray, squeeze or pump bottles. NOTES – Rule of thumb – the more alcohol – the higher potency.

Do Hand Sanitizers work?: https://whatkillsit.com/virus/do-hand-sanitizers-work-and-can-they-kill-human-coronavirus/

High dose Vit C for anti viral activity. Nutritional Treatment of Coronavirus

Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, Jan 30, 2020 recomends, VERY HIGH levels of Vitamin C.Please read the whole article. At the bottom are references and recommended reading.

In summary:

What dosage?
Vitamin C fights all types of viruses. Although the dose should truly be high, even a low supplemental amount of vitamin C saves lives. This is very important for those with low incomes and few treatment options. For example, in one well-controlled, randomized study, just 200 mg/day vitamin C given to the elderly resulted in improvement in respiratory symptoms in the most severely ill, hospitalized patients. And there were 80% fewer deaths in the vitamin C group. [7]
…The sicker a person was, the more ascorbic acid they would tolerate orally without it causing diarrhea. In a person with an otherwise normal GI tract when they were well, would tolerate 5 to 15 grams of ascorbic acid orally in divided doses without diarrhea…..
But to best build up our immune systems, we need to employ large, orthomolecular doses of several vital nutrients. The physicians on the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service review board specifically recommend at least 3,000 milligrams (or more) of vitamin C daily, in divided doses. Vitamin C empowers the immune system and can directly denature many viruses. It can be taken as ascorbic acid (which is sour like vinegar), either in capsules or as crystals dissolved in water or juice. It can also be taken as sodium ascorbate, which is non-acidic. To be most effective, it should be taken to bowel tolerance. This means taking high doses several (or many) times each day. See the references below for more information….

Magnesium: 400 mg daily (in citrate, malate, chelate, or chloride form)…..

Vitamin D3: 2,000 International Units daily. (Start with 5,000 IU/day for two weeks, then reduce to 2,000)…..

Zinc is a powerful antioxidant and is essential for many biochemical pathways. It has been shown to be effective in helping the body fight infections. [20,21] A recommended dose is 20-40 mg/day for adults….

Selenium:100 mcg (micrograms) daily…..

B-complex vitamins and vitamin A: A multivitamin tablet with each meal will supply these conveniently and economically…..
Nutritional supplements are not just a good idea. For fighting viruses, they are absolutely essential

What Does Taking Massive Amounts of Vitamin C Do to Your Body?


Debunking of side effects:

From a fellow Q-Treeper (sorry I did not keep the Id) I have added the studies verifying the claims.

A VERY over-simplified version of how viruses work, immune boosting, and what you can do NOW. This is esp helpful for at risk age groups, but good for everyone.

Those spikes you see on virus pics allow it to puncture your cell wall and use the inside of your cell for food. Immune boosters help strengthen your cell wall, among other things.

ELDERBERRY SYRUP – (Sambucus n.) Strengthens your cell walls, and is shown to bind to flu viruses, preventing them from invading cells and replicating.

ASTRAGALUS – Helps increase the bodies production of interferon, and, reduces water retention.

ECHINACEA p. – Provides inulin, which improves white cells ability to fight in part by increasing properdin, increases and activates white cells, signals the body to release interferon.

VITAMIN C – Helps the red blood cells transport oxygen thru the body.
Your lymphatic system runs along (mostly) the same paths that your blood vessels use. However, your lymph system doesn’t have a “pump” the way your blood vessels have your heart to move things along. Your lymphatic system helps with your blood system to drain out the debris from your dead cell walls, dead virus cell, and white cells, etc. Keeping your lymphatic system clear of debris is why you are told to drink lots of fluids when you get sick. That junk needs to be urinated out, to keep the lanes clear for more white cells to attack the virus. There are also simple excercises that “pump” your lymphatics. These are all online. If you catch a virus, there are more things to add that may help.

So, if you get sick:
INCREASE YOUR IMMUNE BOOSTERS!!! like, every couple hours or so.
Drink LOT of fluids

Add STEROIDS to help reduce inflammation if necessary. This can be prescribed or LICORICE HERB (not the candy, sorry!) can be used.

NETTLES – Anti-histamine, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic. Is helpful with drying up runny noses, too!

…Phenolic compounds could be defined as biologically active and herbal and have positive effects on health. The scientific researches are increased about the positive effect of phenolic compounds into coronary heart disease and high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, inflammative, viral and parasitic disease, psychotic disorders


DANDELION – A strong diuretic, has Vitamin C and potassium. (Most diuretics take out potassium along with the urine.)

For fever, Tylenol or Motrin. Some people don’t do fever control, as the higher temperatures help kill the virus, but I have seen seizures happen from this, so I think fever control is a good thing. Also, if your body is fight aches and fever, those are cells which can be helping fight the virus instead.
Again, very over-simplified, but some steps you can be taking NOW, and some herbs you can look into to see what may work for you and yours.

There are a lot of sites like this:
15 Foods That Boost the Immune System




From the Doctor’s MOM ~ ~ ~ I saw my son today and he shared his insight about the virus with me.
1) wash your hands do not touch your face.
2) get a flu shot if you did not get one.
3) eat a good diet and get proper rest not to get run down
4)do not touch doorknobs keep environment clean
5)when you feel sick have a fever go to the doctor
6)no need to wear a face mask unless you are sick.
My son is a research scientist works in the medical center in Ann Arbor has great experiences with viruses and has a PhD .
This was his advice to me but he said each person needs to do what they think but much bad advice out there.
Unless we find out more this was the advice.
He said our medical teams are better our high gene is better and diet
is better than China.
He was upset how the media is scaring people.






A New Kind of Warfare, a Bio-War, or Sudden Contagion:

The idea of a “Bio-Corridor” upon entry into the USA is being openly discussed within the halls of Congress. This is an entirely new way of thinking and we need time to wrap our heads around the idea. Our goods go through a Customs screening but systems need to be updated and adapted for medical risk. Recently, we’ve seen illegal immigrants bringing measles, smallpox, polio, tuberculosis into our country, diseases which were eradicated in the USA. A virus like COVID-19 is similar in in RO factor to Measles, but far more hazardous in risk to our citizens and economy. This makes LEGAL border adherence and a strict immigration policy mandatory…… just like those who came through Ellis Island long ago.

Health security has become national security and a globalist economy which only pursues short term profits has left us woefully unprepared. We can’t manufacture penicillin anymore nor Vitamin C. Our last aspirin factory left the USA in 2004. We have ONE factory which makes surgical masks and sterile disposable operating room kits. And did you know a Chinese manufacturer recalled 9 million surgical kits exported to the USA………. because they were contaminated.

With President Trump, we rebuilt a depleted military to fight conventional wars. We also turned our attention to the new war for the 21st century, the cyber war. Our enemies, specifically China, don’t need to devote billions to R&D and testing when they can merely steal our weapons systems for pennies on the dollar. Yet, how do we prepare for this war, the bio-war? Our supply chain and food supply must change. The USA is an MEGA exporter of Agri-products, BECAUSE our procedures and safety protocols are the best. We need country of origin labels on our food. Our ability to manufacture medicines must change. And China’s balance sheet and CCP subsidies must be dealt with, severely.

Here’s how the problem was created: Since China joined the WTO, they have successfully targeted entire industries to become the manufacturer to the world. In the USA, the “west”, and even India, companies operate on a profit/loss statement. They have to make money, otherwise, they go out of business. To gain dominance, China offers subsidies to their industries in the form of free energy, free water, capitol to build a factory, free land, or the most common way…. rolling of their bank loans. Remember, a rolling bank loan carries no loss. With this amount of subsidy, no private company in the USA/Belgium/ or India or Canada could possibly compete….. which is why Wall Street sent our factories to China.

Most economists believe China is carrying about 40-45 trillion in debt, about 3.5x’s their annual GDP, an amount equal to the USA having an 88 trillion dollar debt load. Everything ticks along nicely in China as long as the debt never comes due……….. With COVID-19, the debt is coming due. President Trump must balance the contagion threat to our citizens while trying to make sure China ‘s economy does not collapse.


February 29, 2020: Bigger Problem of Overloading our Healthcare System. Excellent article from Adam Wren, heavily sourced. Big picture strategy. https://medium.com/@amwren/forget-about-the-death-rate-this-is-why-you-should-be-worried-about-the-coronavirus-890fbf9c4de6

The potential for the healthcare system to be overwhelmed is very real.
If our hospitals are overwhelmed how many will die from unrelated conditions because they can’t get access to healthcare?
How many will die because of shortages of medication?
The limited availability of beds in Wuhan raised their mortality rate from 0.16% to 4.9%
This is why the Chinese government built a hospital in a week. Are our governments capable of doing the same?
The virus is not the main danger, our unprepared medical system and fragile supply chains are.
How many people are going to be prevented from going to work because of quarantine?
The FDA this morning reported the first Drug Shortage in the US caused by the coronavirus.


Problem with Different Political Systems and Sanitation/Hygiene in Other Countries

As I watched my neighbor put her dog’s poop in a single-use plastic baggy, I thought about split pants in China. When my wife and I got off the plane, 18 years ago, to adopt our first daughter, we were taken aback by the split pants. Split pants are (or at least were, back then) pants the children wear that are open in the crotch area. That allows them to urinate or defecate unobstructed, onto the street or wherever they may be. The theory is that eventually they will learn to “aim it at the toilet” or something to that effect.

Either way, I distinctly remember my brand new Nike slip-ons (probably made not far from where I was standing) sloshing into a mix of urine and who knows what else, and continuing to do so for the next three weeks. As I started feeling the cough coming on, I remember one of the women in our group saying, at one of the airports (as she too, stepped into urine) “The people in this country probably have built up antibodies inside them our bodies have never even thought about.”

I replayed that line in my head for the next three weeks, as I descended into night sweats, fevers and a cough like I’ve never experienced.

. . . Then, my wife and I had to rush our newly adopted, 8-month-old daughter to the public hospital…and suddenly it all started making sense. As we stepped in more urine, took our number from the print-out machine, walked past the line of children whining and crying from the scalp IVs in their heads, then rushed to clean up blood and mucus (left by the last patient) on the plastic table they were now laying our baby on, then waited on the ONE overworked doctor (attending to no less than three hundred people) try to round up a basic anti-biotic to administer to my daughter (right there on site – no refills) it dawned on me what I was seeing and what I had been seeing this whole time. . .

I was witnessing the kind of maximum, almost brutal efficiency a society must develop when the state is the master and the individual is merely a subject. Why would a Communist country not have an effective FDA? Because who are you going to complain to if you get tainted food? The government? They don’t answer to you. The press? They are owned by the government. And again, they don’t answer to you.

. . . “Yes, communism is bad, Regie. We get it,” I hear you saying, through your screen. But it is much deeper than surface ideology for me, personally. As our group was sloshing through the stuff on our shoes, we all speculated as to what new viruses we might be bringing back to the States with us. Well, even during SARS, none of us brought any viruses back. But my family did bring back one of the rarest genetic disorders on planet earth. . .

What we know, without a doubt, is that she would not have survived had she not gotten out of China; out of that system. . . . As this virus is doing whatever it’s doing, we are also having a heated debate over our own politics as a nation. We are literally discussing the merits of “democratic socialism” in the context of a Presidential election, in the United States, in 2020. I don’t think this is an accident.

. . .The thing about free-market solutions when it comes to healthcare, is that if they don’t work, you can always trash them and go to a public option. But once you nationalize healthcare, there is no going back. And that terrifies me. I’ve seen the natural conclusion of what happens when only one buyer is purchasing gauze and morphine; when one source pays the doctors and nurses.

. . . I’ve seen what happens when the choices are taken away. And what happens ends up being a place where new viruses can spread too easily, to too many people, and aren’t contained quickly enough.

And that ultimately affects us all.

FEBRUARY 27, 2020

Great article from Smithsonian on the Spanish Flu of 1918: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/journal-plague-year-180965222/

February 21, 2020: From Bloomberg. “Maybe Global Supply Chains Weren’t Such A Good Idea”. The irony is rich, coming from Bloomberg News. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-02-21/coronavirus-forces-a-rethinking-of-supply-chains

February 22, 2020: From Bloomberg. Coronavirus isn’t just about a short term supply chain problem. It exposes the weakness of globalism. Globalization Comes Under Fire Amid Xivirus Stress Test – “Do we..still depend at the level of 90/95% of the supply chain of China for the auto,drug,aero.. industry, or do we draw the consequences of that situation to ..be more independent & sovereign? https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-02-22/globalization-comes-under-fire-amid-coronavirus-stress-test

February 29, 2020: Comment ~~~~ Let’s make no mistake, the XIvirus started in China by at least mid-November of 2019. China’s CCP jailed physicians who tried to warn of the danger of the virus. The CCP has consistently covered up statistics, refused to allow entry to Wuhan for international medical teams, AND censored all their citizens from discussing the virus on-line.

Thousands of people are dead, hundreds of millions are under some kind of quarantine, and trillions of dollars LOST, because CHINA lied and hid the truth from the world. To blame the President of the USA for OVER-reacting in late January when he assembled the task force, declared the health emergency, cancelled flights, imposed mandatory quarantine of 14 days on Chinese citizens from entry to the USA, and imposed self-quarantine of 14 days on those who traveled to China, was a hyper-partisan attack by Democrats seeking political gain in the midst of a medical crisis.

Those same Democrats now attack the President for not doing enough, which is absurd, and the media is intentionally pushing panic to wreck the economic gains of the Trump Admin. It’s the very definition of a malicious press which does not serve the best interests of the public.

I’m left wondering WHY the media is not blaming XI and the CCP for the global problem of Coronavirus. If we need to point a finger……. point the finger at XI. It’s China who created this problem. The corrupt CCP used to only be a problem for the Chinese people. Today, the inept CCP has created a problem for the entire world.

At what point do we discuss Xi’s resignation?

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WOW, Daughn, just WOW.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – BIG thanks for the new post!
I have destickied the information-gathering post, and will likely sticky this one up top later. I’ll also take care of updating the sidebar with this one as latest, momentarily.
I would like a coronavirus strategy discussion with all authors on Gab Chat. Very important.

Gail Combs

Wolfie I just did a large data dump on the other thread at the end.
Sorry I was a bit late but I am getting slower at goat roping and my goats have learned to duck!
(And no I am not kidding.)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Make sure any crucial info gets into this thread. I just verified that the point about our healthcare system being overwhelmed by the hospitalization rate (as opposed to the death rate) is in Daughn’s presentation.
Repeating again, for those who skipped down to the comments – from bakocarl:
The Problem:
The danger doesn’t come from the virus, it comes from our under-prepared, fragile healthcare systems.
Western governments are responding by saying that they are prepared and ready to deal with the crisis, that it’s similar to the flu.
A recent paper suggested 80% of all cases are mild but 20% of those infected required hospitalization and 14% of those hospitalized require intensive respiratory treatment.
Can you guess the number of people that have contracted the flu this year that needed hospitalisation in the US? 0.9%

This is the key.


Socialized medicine is then the shill for socialism.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s very easy to see how they try to use this to get us back on a course toward socialism. Notice that I’m advancing this argument about this “Obamacare shill virus” BEFORE the left has a chance to actually LAUNCH the attacks.
I’m not “politicizing” – I’m pre-politicizing. I am utterly convinced that this virus was deliberately released by China for political asymmetric warfare motives. The WAR FOR/AGAINST SOCIALISM is being fought in AMERICA right now. China knows this. They are taking early hits on this at home, because the bigger goal is getting socialism to “stick” in America. It’s a SMART WAR STRATEGY. If China cannot make socialism stick in America, they cannot gain world dominance.
We have to learn / model / war game an effective strategy to beat this virus using a variety of scenarios. Some will rely heavily on existing hospitals. Some will rely heavily on SEGREGATED COVID TREATMENT CENTERS. Some will rely heavily on HOME TREATMENT. Some will rely heavily on trained medical personnel. Some will rely heavily on IMMUNE SURVIVORS trained as healthcare deliverers.
I believe this needs military planning, or else it will fall to CHINA’S MILITARY PLANNING in launching this strike.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

On a MASSIVELY asymmetric scale, using limited biowarfare. INTEGRATED WARFARE.
It’s very smart.


If China cannot make socialism stick in America, they cannot gain world dominance.
True! Thank goodness for trump. Without him I think the USA would have been lost.
Also love that photo of him.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! LOVE that photo!!! <3 😀


This makes so much sense.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

As soon as I saw the flu-covid comparison numbers, I realized THAT was the Achilles heel that the ChiComs were targeting. They are trying to create MORE dissatisfaction in AMERICA than in CHINA.
It’s evil, but it’s SMART.
The ChiComs are all used to crapola commie social services due to overuse, overdependence, “split pants” toddler families shitting in the street, and all that crap. People there don’t EXPECT quality medical care so when the PLA hits both sides with something that doesn’t actually allow quality medical care, their side isn’t fazed. In contrast, we CANNOT get our usual level of medical care with this thing – that dreamy sterile fresh-from-the-plastic-bag medical care when we get a broken bone or a pregnancy or an operation, where everybody goes to the big empty hospital and gets soap opera, healthcare corporation commercial, smiling multiple nurses treatment.
Nope. Can’t have that if these numbers are correct, and it spreads enough – WHICH IS NOT A GIVEN.
It is literally designed to overwhelm American healthcare. And the commies here working with them know it.
Very cunning.
My guess is that the Demmunist media FAKE NEWS will coordinate with the commies to pump propaganda of selected kinds at the right time – just like they CREATED empty shelves for the recent videos. Just like in the CA3 scandal they created phony “evidence”.
Oh, we’re gonna be ahead of these Marxist CLOWNS now. How do we prevent it from overwhelming the system? Fast closure of the borders was a GREAT start.
Now – what do we do if the commie cities try to become viral suicide bombers for the rest of America?
LOCK ‘EM UP! 😉comment image


Wow. All of this! From a military point of view it is just brilliant. Its 9/11 on steroids and think of the new laws that came out of that. This has such potential for that and then bringing the CCP into it. Oh my!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, that is a GREAT point. It’s SO CABAL in terms of the intended effects.
Health Care Patriot Act! Comrade Schumer and Comrade Pelosi will have it ready momentarily, and Comrade Cortex will shill for it as her new science project!!!
HA! Here it comes. DEMMUNISTS.


Exactly. I bet they are all ready to go!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Find the evidence they were ready, and they HANG.

Gail Combs

I am not going to bring the whole comment over here (too long and too complicated) Bit what David says is very important.
David A who frequents E.M. Smith’s and Jo Nova’s did a numbers analysis on the Chinese data.
The Math equation is:
Death Rate = (number of deaths / number of cases) = probability of dying if infected by the virus (%).
HOWEVER as David and others have pointed out, that only works AFTER the disease has run it’s course. The other guy took the number of known cases 10 days previous and looked at the current deaths to try and get a better estimate of the real death rate.
David does it the other way round. At this point we (supposedly) have a good idea of the % that need hospitalization (18%) and the fatality rate of those who go into the hospital (20%)
from: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
The numbers check out. Running the calculations that 18% of the new cases go serious and 20% of the serious die, you have a real mortality rate of 5.8 percent.
David goes into a lot more stuff and then goes on to say:

….The US only has about 900,000 hospital beds! The U.S. has an overall hospital occupancy of 63 percent. During the flu season ( other illnesses peak along with the flu) I am guessing that this occupancy rate increases by about 22 percent of total beds to 85 percent occupancy, leaving about 135,000 beds available. ( Best case) With an R-naught of 2.6 and a serious to critical hospitalization need of 839,770 beds, the U.S. would be 705,000 beds short each week! This would tremendously overburden our medical facilities. ( Did you see the videos out of Wuhan of medical staff breaking down, streets lined up to get into hospitals, etc…) How many more people, with other serious diseases, would die if this scenario occurred?…

THAT is why we want to prepare to self-quarantine ESPECIALLY those over 60 years with chronic inflammatory diseases.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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I love this thread – and your last section – OTHER NEWS ITEMS – A New Kind of Warfare, a Bio-War, or Sudden Contagion – is stellar.
Also greatly appreciate the list of reliable sources of information just above the New Kind of Warfare section.
Here are a few I really liked:
WebMD has a good basic primer covering the different types of flu: https://www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/default.htm
Is the Coronavirus Worse Than the Flu? Here’s How the 2 Illnesses Compare
BakoCarl posted an article from this source – however, Harvard Medical requires a subscription to read some articles – https://www.health.harvard.edu
How to boost your immune system
How to prevent infections


Our leading regional hospital just now sent this information:


Daughn, Superb article. In-depth information. Timelines. References. Thank you!
One sanity check, please.
1. China does not have enough tests kits to document all suspected cases. The test can easily show a negative for people with the disease. Politically, China has good reason to lie. Also since it is a deep lung infection a cheek or throat swap can give a false positive.”
Should the last two words be, false negative?
If I am out to lunch on this, apologies.


s/b “false negative”.

Gail Combs

That could be a real mess. The techies at ChiefIO were discussing air recirculation/bathroom vent fans and such and how they can move a virus through out an entire build if the filters are not good and the vent fans are all connected to a common pipe.

Sadie Slays

It truly defies all odds that New York, international hub and home to one of the US’s largest Chinese communities, only has one case of the WuFlu. It’s incredible how selective this virus is, taking out the Chinese, Iranians, and even the false Pope himself, but barely touching one of the busiest cities in the world! Amazing!


LOL the power of bio-engineering!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There will be more.comment image
I now suspect that this scam is being set up as a double-hoax, where we are supposed to fall for early signs of phoniness and minimization to react too late on stealthy reality and hidden nastiness.
Trump did the perfect thing for such a hoax by rapidly moving to the travel ban.
China’s lack of transparency is an essential and intense part of this. So is our call back for greater transparency – very smart. The ChiComs and Demmunists want US to react badly and wrongly based on disinformation from China and Iran.
So what I am saying is that you are right, there is incredible disinformation coming out, but there must be real death and hospitalization so that the goals of the socialists are attained, and their fake news is fed what it needs.
They are trying to build up EARLY SOCIALIST CREDIBILITY for when the later negatives hit here. This is all social engineering theater.
I think Bannon has this right, personally. Trump is steering properly. CHURCHILL MOMENT.comment image

Gail Combs

Sadie Slays,


Been reading these posts for a few weeks. I know we are starting to get more reports of people being identified as having this now but unless this takes off like a wild fire through a crowded theater it is no worse than the annual flu at best.
According to the CDC as of Feb 22, 2020 the regular Flu season has an estimated death toll so far of 18,000-46,000. The range appears to be due to their surveillance does not capture all case of the flu. Reassuring, huh.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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I heard from a nurse last night that we have about 50 people a county over who are self-quarantined. 😒
She was blase a few weeks ago, but has since done some stocking up. Said new protocols are being implemented at our local hospital.

Sadie Slays

San Marino—a country smaller than Disney World—has EIGHT TIMES more confirmed Coronavirus cases than NYC. What a strange “pandemic”!


I have a sneaky suspicion that any Dem controlled cities are going to have very very low rates that very suddenly skyrocket out of control.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Holy mackerel – I didn’t see this response and I said the same thing.


LOL What can I say? We know their play book now!
How much of Schumer’s $8B do you think is for Dem district “bailouts”? If Trump doesn’t “release” it, they’ll scream to high heaven. Of course, you know not a dollar will help anyone who needs it.


I found it very strange from the beginning it was communist, socialist or dictatorship countries and the three very left western states. It seemed planned and implemented to me or at least a red flag.


Shows you also don’t become one of those three!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. This thing is definitely a propaganda weapon. Remember Q said California was important? We’re seeing it RIGHT HERE.
Integrated communist asymmetric warfare. They HAVE to fall back to asymmetric means, because Trump is generally too far ahead of them.


Yes and they have set the table in these areas well with the huge homeless areas with stuff all over the sidewalk and then antifa running wild up north. They were getting ready for something

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – that’s right. The homeless stuff always bothered me. They were setting KINDLING for the FIRE.




I can give a real life example to the north. Canada has always had Quebec wanting to get extra tax money or separate because they have French lineage. In the 60’s and 70’s they had the FLQ, an organization to push French ideals. Th rest of Canada thought they were crazy out of the box small group and went about their business. But they grew and were a force within the country. Then they killed somebody and bombed buildings and mailboxes. Martial law was implemented. Some went to jail, some fled to Cuba or were part of the PLO and went elsewhere. In the end, lots of their demands were given in to. It changed the complexion of the country, anglophones left Quebec. Now they had a real stronghold and kept pushing for more and they get it under the threat of separation. They control the voting by population (if you win Quebec and Ontario you win the elections basically)(or they are the third party to swing the vote their way)and have their people that don’t compromise in positions of power. The current P.M. is a result of him being their man and singing to their tune. This reminds me so much of California ,Oregon and Wash. Its like a country within a country with their own rules ( homeless can camp on your property, steal from stores if its under $1000 and not for resale and antifa rarely goes to jail) and they get more powerful and then a crisis happens and they are ready for it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fascinating – a GREAT analogy!!! And I agree – I will not stand for my rights to be taken away by California socialists.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent point. It could be that NYC is suppressing information like China so that they can (1) increase spread, (2) time the release of information for infowar purposes, and (3) coordinate with California in some way.


Like say they need more $ for research but already have the ‘cure’ in the bag?
Was talk to a friend who thinks this was released to cut down a population. Other friend thinks that whatever they were working on was much worst and someone released it to warn people.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m not throwing either of those theories out, let me just put it that way!!!


The other thing in the back of my mind is that federal funding in the hands of corrupt Dems can BUY UP a lot of stock of critical medical supplies without anyone second-guessing their intents.
I could totally see that going into warehouses ala Puerto RICO, needles to the homeless, improperly dispersed away from need, given away to people who don’t need it, or otherwise just plain wasted.


Michaelh…kind of like all those agencies buying vast stores of ammunition under the Obama rule? Has there ever been an accounting of it…or anyone know where it is?

Gail Combs

Afghanistan & Iran maybe?


I’m a retired RN and the amount of info you’ve accumulated for this article is amazing. Thank you for pulling all this info together. Thank you so much for doing this for us.


I heard today that the ones brought in to San Antonio from the cruise ship and some from China have been in self quarantine for 14 days with no positives and have been released.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent news.


The first death in the USA I’m hearing it was a female then a male? First it was 50 ish then 93 ish?
Who was it?
Now media claims a second person has passed away.


Apparently the first death turned out to be a man in his late 50’s high risk patient. POTUS gave a press conference and reading it directly off the paper with lots of other data and said it was a woman late 50’s high risk patient because that is what he was briefed and that was what was on the paper. The team standing there with him also apparently were certain it was a woman as none challenged it nor even gave the slightest expression to say otherwise.
IMO someone tried to sabotage the president however given that he read the briefing he was given verbatim the problem can be attributed to whom ever supplied the data.
It’s at the 8:05 mark here.


There seems to be questions about this as well since bb just posted it was a 70 year old man?
Make up your minds media!
I’m not seeing a clear gender or age at all


There were 2 people, both in King county, one woman and one man, both had compromised immune systems.

Sylvia Avery

Wash. State Dept of Health had it as a woman on their website. Now all of a sudden it’s a man. We have had our second death. Reported on local news as a 70 year old man. We have ten cases now…….tonight.


2 people, see above reply to kea.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Slight facial expressions of the officials could indicate surprise at the gender, but clearly POTUS was reading from the materials. Something is up, either way.

Valerie Curren

Another OUTSTANDING Post, Daughn!!! You are a National Treasure…Thank you so much for this comprehensive treatment of this important topic. Here’s how I passed this along at twitter. Blessings!!!


Daughn is the news now!
She makes the BEST blueberry muffins!

Valerie Curren

Yesss & Yum!


Good article from bb.
Doc says trump is doing really well and he talks about the fake media and bringing back our production from China

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here is some CRITICAL INFO from FLEP. This is REALITY. But it’s a SLICE of the reality.
Two Tweets:
This Coronavirus patient kills the Democrats, MSM, Leftists, Never Trumpers etc. narrative.
My comments to FLEP:
Thanks for those videos of the covid patient.
Several thoughts:
(1) He appears to be in the “asymptomatic group”
(2) He appears to be in the “low mortality age group”
(3) Notice how long it has been between when he was segregated and NOW, when he is “almost virus free”. This tells me that it cannot be effectively fought on a large scale in hospitals at his level of care if a significant fraction of Americans are exposed and treated in hospitals.
(4) I agree completely, that if we include all the patients LIKE HIM, this disease is not as big of a deal as has been advertised. But it is a killer in the TRUMP BASE AGE GROUP of retirees. More so than the flu. Flu is not a death sentence, usually, for a 90-year-old. COVID-19 *IS*.


It occurs to me this is part of the strategy as well. The older population remembers what life was like before and what can be again. They vote republican. Getting rid of groups of older Americans can definitely change voter roles and elections.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

As soon as I saw the death curves for this virus, I knew it was intentional, utilitarian if not Stalinist, anti-American, anti-Trump, anti-human, and 100% biosocial engineering.

Gail Combs

This virus attack people who remember life:
BEFORE PETA ( and laws regulating farming)
BEFORE LBJ muzzled the church
BEFORE IRS changed the definition of employee/contractor so you now have to fill out endless forms to hire a housekeeper babysitter, lawn service…
^^^ MAJOR CHANGE This meant independents were now forced to go to work for people like Kelly Temps and were no longer independent.
** The lawsuit problem is complicated. It means small businesses have to carry insurance and it forced many out of business. It means I can’t let someone hike, or climb, or cave on my property. I can’t let a neighbors kid ride my horse…. This forces people to use ‘Government Recreation Areas’
The goal is to herd everyone into Wage Slavery. That way the Corporations and the Government gets to suck out every last drop of the major chunk of the wealth you produce that they confiscate. Wealth you would keep if you were an independent. It takes away from people all ways of avoiding the heavy burden of taxes. If the corporations takes the taxes before you ever see the $$$, you have no way of knowing just how much you actually pay in taxes (60-80%) Also you can not protest by withholding that money.


Well, damn….that’s me. Bought two more containers of bacterial wipes today…not going down without a fight!😷💪🏻


Atta, girl!! Me too!! I honestly think older population will be more prepared and ward it off more because we don’t expect the government to solve all our problems, we are used to being proactive.

Sylvia Avery

Per the local news (Seattle) at 11:30pm there are 13 confirmed covid 19 cases in Washington (includes the two dead) and 5 schools will be closed tomorrow. We have 7 first responders and a fire station closed. ‘A US Mail distribution center had a virus employee. They closed it to bring in “deep cleaning specialists, ” with the plan being to open it again when done.


The guy didn’t touch mail but he did handle bulk packages that are sent all over? 🙄🙄

Sylvia Avery

Yes, that’s my understanding.


Something to keep in mind for the upcoming November election is that volunteers for running places of voting are for the most part done by senior citizens. At least that has been the case whenever I’ve voted all my life in rural townships.
If COVID-19 is still a threat come November, will large numbers of volunteers across America stay home rather than expose themselves to becoming infected by COVID-19? Even if they were provided with Tyvek bunny suits, and other full protection measures, would they still show up?
I’m thinking that the Democrats/cabal will try to use the virus crisis to either push for a long term postponement of the November election, or for an absentee ballot/online voting system put together ‘last minute’ that can give them a new path to commit more voter fraud.
All of that pretty much also hinges on there being a declared health emergency where public gatherings have been put on hold when colder weather resumes in September/October that make for better conditions for a virus to spread.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think this is where recovered people and vaccine trial subjects may be in high demand. And they all have to be trained in their new public-facing tasks. But you are right that this thing will suppress the elderly in general and in all ways. Vaccine availability timing is key to all this.


“Vaccine availability timing is key to all this.”
Absolutely. Timing can be everything.
One thing to keep an eye on is who on the Supreme Court might come down with COVID-19, and who remains healthy. Possibly some major emergency Court decisions on the November election coming up.
I am working on the assumption that COVID-19 was designed to be a bio-weapon. Don’t know if its release was accidental, or deliberate.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow. You’re right. This damn stuff is a bazooka pointed straight at SCOTUS.


From the Johns Hopkins Map and the number of recoveries and deaths in the Asian countries and Italy.
1. The number of deaths and recoveries in various Asian countries indicates differences in quality of health care. (No news out of North Korea)
2. The number of cases and rapid spread in Asia may indicate Asians are more vulnerable to respiratory viruses than Westerners. At least one study showed Asians have more ACE2 receptors in their lungs – where the COVID-19 enters the body. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.01.26.919985v1.full
3. Re: Iran – Remember, Middle Easterners are called Asians in the UK. So Iranians are perhaps as vulnerable as Japanese, Korean and Chinese Asians.
4. There are a surprising number of cases and deaths in Italy. However, in January, they had a 7000 passenger cruise ship with one confirmed coronavirus patient and 1000 patients were quarantined in Italy. It would be helpful to know the ethnicity and age of those people and where the patient picked up the disease. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7947003/6-000-trapped-cruise-ship-Italy-two-people-board-tested-coronavirus.html
5. There have been 4 cruise ships with infected passengers.
6. We are not seeing the rapid spread and number of deaths in Western countries – yet – due to multiple factors:
– Time – incubation
– Distance from China Ground Zero
– Most of the patients in Western countries are Asians, connected to Asians or traveled in Asia.
– Time will tell whether COVID-19 is racist and preys upon Asians more than Western Caucasians or Africans.


The home country and ethnicity of the Cruise ship passengers is not being revealed.


Another thing – as Coothie pointed out here: The Common Cold™ is also a coronavirus.


^ YES it’s another “cold virus”. Important for people to know and remember.
The average Joe on the street is not a virologist, has never heard of “coronavirus” before this and has never seen a taxonomy of common viruses.


The Media and DNC are ‘puffing’ and ‘hyping’ this outbreak to a fare thee well.


Advisor to Iran’s Supreme leader dies from coronavirus, as other top officials infected
An advisor to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has died from the new coronavirus, as other top officials in the country are confirmed to be infected, according to multiple reports on Monday.
The Iranian Health Ministry recorded 523 new cases in the past 24 hours, bringing the country’s known total to 1,501. Its first case was reported less than two weeks ago.


The Coronavirus article at Wikipedia is very helpful for overall understanding of the disease.
Seven strains of human coronaviruses are known:
Human coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E)
Human coronavirus OC43 (HCoV-OC43)
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV)
Human coronavirus NL63 (HCoV-NL63, New Haven coronavirus)
Human coronavirus HKU1
Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (MERS-CoV), previously known as novel coronavirus 2012 and HCoV-EMC
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), previously known as 2019-nCoV or “novel coronavirus 2019”
The (Common Cold) coronaviruses HCoV-229E, -NL63, -OC43, and -HKU1 continually circulate in the human population and cause respiratory infections in adults and children world-wide.
Outbreaks of coronavirus types of relatively high mortality are as follows:
Outbreak Virus type Deaths
2003 severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak SARS-CoV 774[31]
2012 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus outbreak MERS-CoV Over 400[32]
2015 Middle East respiratory syndrome outbreak in South Korea MERS-CoV 36[33]
2018 Middle East respiratory syndrome outbreak MERS-CoV 41[34]
2019–20 coronavirus outbreak SARS-CoV-2* At least 3000 [35]
NOTE Evidently, COVID-19, formerly nCoV19 is now being called SARS-CoV-2. It was changed on Wikipedia WHILE I was typing up this comment. I will check the CDC, NIH, etc. sites to confirm.


As of 6:46 am – the CDC is still calling the new virus – COVID-19
However, most of the agency employees are still commuting to work!


If nCoV19 turns out to be a SARS variant it raises red flags 🚩🚩🚩


NO sign of a name change – at CDC NIH, HHS or WHO.


GOOD. Eyes 👀 Open!


No fair changing the name after all the brochures and websites are done.


LOL exactly, unless the intent is to cause confusion and duplicate work! Which, actually, for a leftist makes TOTAL sense.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think the intent is to protect China and the cabal from charges of making a bioweapon. The retrograde name change hides it under a prior likely-engineered virus with a more successful ALIBI – namely SARS.


CDC, NIH AND NIAID have still not changed their name/descriptor of COVID-19
However if it is a SARS coronavirus, that needs to be revealed.


Democrats can’t take this problem seriously. To them it’s just another opportunity for some Trump bashing!
House Republicans Walk Out of Coronavirus Briefing After Dem DeLauro Gets Political With the Crisis

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, I’m going to get political back. Winnie the Hitler cooked up this weapon and aimed it at our SCOTUS, to relieve his Democrats. He took all religious people out of the CCP for a REASON.


This is creepy – even if it’s not contagious to humans. We need to de-globalize our food, medicine and health equipment supplies as well as products like steel, aluminum and other components important to military and national security.

Sue Mcdonald

Thank you GA for bringing this up. As I was reading about the filth soaked streets people were walking around in ,raw food just thrown down on a dirty counter and everyone spitting and hawking all over the place ,I was sickened at the thought that our meds and so many products we use are produced in such filth. Thank you Lord for President Trump! He knows all this and is working in Trump time to get manufacturing back home where products are safe.



Another Papal event is cancelled due to illness.

Concerned Virginian

So Pope Francis is still cancelling appearances and scheduled events and is STILL COUGHING.
While at the SAME time, His Holiness is STILL meeting with people like the head of the Ukraine Greek Catholic Church.
Let’s assume that he is NOT sick with the Wuhan/SARS2 Coronavirus. Let’s assume that it really is a nasty cold.
Even with that, why on earth would he still be interacting with visitors, etc.? What about exposing them to whatever he is sick with?


I’m thinking he doesn’t want to be exposed to the Coronavirus.
That’s probably why he slapped the Asian woman’s hand.


Does anyone know what is happening with this San Antonio case?
Previous positive patient received two negative tests a week apart and CDC released patient from Quarantine per protocol.
Patient now released is on the local economy and she is tested again (by who?) and the test comes back with a weak positive so she is now back in quarantine and San Antonio officials are now up in arms. These are the same officials that had no problem with 18 violations of quarantine as some quarantined patients where taken around to local hospitals for routine care. Not a word about that.
My thought on this is that CDC has strict protocols on reporting. Now local health care officials have access to the kit but are not able to verify results, only CDC can do that (my understanding) .
Now that the woman has been released is it that she stopped and tested again so that a false report could be administered out side of CDC’s purview?


News source for this. Note the city of Socialist San Antonio is forcing there way into the process of making and or circumventing CDC’s responsibility to make official reports.
Something similar happening in San Deigo. While I don’t think San Deigo is a liberal bastion I’m sure there’s elements in charge there that are.


Short ground report from Seattle, and Snohomish County, N of Seattle.
The 2 people that died were both in King County (where Seattle is), the man had a history of having medical issues and the other one an woman with compromised immune system. A high school student from a school in Snohomish County (just N of King County, and the naval base is located there in Everett) had been reported as having Corona was found to not have it after all. Just regular flu. The student had NOT gone to school while infectious, the school had closed and done a disinfection process before it was found that the student did not have WuFlu.
My daughter went to the Everett Costco last night, and said the lines and number of people were consistent with a weekend crowd at the beginning/ end of month pay cycles. People were buying normal amounts of product, unlike the other day when we stopped by to pick up kitty litter from one in King County on our way home from the hospital.
(It was like a Christmas crowd, with people having more stuff in their carts.)
I hadn’t really thought about it, but there’s a LOT less homeless people in Seattle itself compared to about 2 years ago and less than a year ago. 2 years ago there were little tents lined along the freeway along I-5, especially the N end of the city. Most of the hospitals are located on the E side of I 5 . Seattle runs N – S between Puget Sound and Lake Washington for the most part, and there are a lot of smaller elevated freeway sections because of Seattle being so hilly. Those areas have always tended to attract vagrants. The population has fluctuated through the years. It really struck me though, coming home yesterday, that areas that normally might have people or trash were clean. Of course this is on the E side of the freeway, and I think there’s more of a problem on the W side of the freeway.


“an older woman”

Gail Combs

Just took a look at Wuhan virus as a BIOWEAPON
Or how to win against a superior force by using your bag of dirty tricks .
michaelh posted a long discussion
Russian hybrid warfare: what are effects-based network operations and how to counteract them
by: Vitalii Usenko and Dmytro Usenko
Wuhan virus is actually ideal as a bioweapon.
#1. Infectious from asymptomatic carriers.
#2. High Ro (infection rate) The spread in S.Korea shows this
#3. KILLS ‘Useless eaters’ selectively.
#4. Inoculation with Normal flu vaccine prep makes it MORE DEADLY.
#5. Inoculation with killed flu vaccine worked well on mice.
#6. Will probably mutate rapidly into a much less deadly form.
…..(This I see as an advantage over a bacteria bioweapon.)

Comorbid condition – % Death
High blood pressure …6.0%
Diabetes ……………….7.3%
Heart Disease ….…..10.5%
Chronic Respiratory ….6.3%
Cancer………….…….. 5.6%
AGE ………………..% Death
under 40……………….0.2%
40-49 …………………….0.4%
50-59 …………………….1.3%
60-69 …………………….3.6%
70-79 …………………….8.0%
80 & up ………………. 14.8%

Youth 1000 Talent Plan of China recruited US professors and facilities for development
#1. HIDE outbreak
#2. Silenced Dr Liu Zhiming & other doctors
#3. Release was probably in mid November and possibly before given ‘Patient Zero’ was diagnosed Dec 1st.
#4. Blamed Wet Market when ‘Patient Zero’ was bed-ridden
#5. Chinese New Year fell on January 25th festival lasts to February 8th
….(Feb 2 -Trump moved fast and banned foreigners who have been in China within the last 14 days.)
#6. Commies in the CDC countered by allowing Americans from Wuhan and China into the USA if their temperature was normal thereby flooding the USA with asymptomatic carriers.
#7. Commies in the CDC completed this treason by REFUSING TO TEST unless there were symptoms PLUS travel and distributing faulty tests to local labs.
This is the spread in China in just ten days:comment image
Another example is South Korea:
Case study…
In Daegu, 1900 Shincheonji Church members have been tested for coronavirus.
1300 had symptoms & 600 did not.
Among those 1300 with symptoms, 87.5% were confirmed with the virus.
BUT out of the 600 WITHOUT symptoms, 70% were confirmed with
the virus.

Over 80 percent infected, and moving towards 100 percent, given false negatives plus incubation time.
1. AG Sessions went after universities and profs who were taking Chinese $$$ without reporting.
2. Trump went after intellectual property theft.
3. Trump cut regulations.
4. Trump E.O. to expedited vaccine development
5. Right to try law
6. Pence lead task force
Both president Trump and Israel were well aware of Chinese bioweapon research and moved counters in place. One of the counters is The Q Army suggesting preparations for quarantine WELL in advance.
1. CDC rogue puts out ‘fear talk,’ Media stokes fear, stock market crashes on cue.
2. Left coast starts announcing unconnected cases.
3. Gov Noisome is to move homeless to temporary camps (Sounds like China’s virus death camps.)
4. Gov Jay Inslee declared a state of emergency in Washington state. IIRC he was talking about instituting TRIAGE and not bothering to test.
==> TRIAGE is what the Commies WANT. Triage means we can’t treat everyone so we pick who lives and who dies.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nasty. And I’m blaming BIO-HITLER.comment image
Note that he kicked ALL religious people OUT of the CCP before this happened. ALL of them. WHY?
Because ALL religious people would object to this plan. ALL of them.


It also just occurred to me that the virus, of course, is killing older VOTERs. A “nice” side effect of overwhelming the American system.
Spit. Spit. Spit.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. We have start thinking NOW how we protect those people – (and here is my finger-wag at liberals) – INCLUDING RBG – while we have the CHANCE TO PROTECT THEM.
Game this stuff out. MAXIMUM SURVIVAL of our elderly is the way to FIGHT this thing and WIN.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

One of the COLD FACTS which the “elite” need to see is that this virus is not a respecter of money. The older and oldest people just die of it NO MATTER how much care is thrown at them.
So unless Bill Gates already has the vaccine in hand (interesting idea – how would we know?), then he needs to not get it, or he won’t be around when it’s over.


That gets me wondering about things with the elites. Damn it to hell, my thinker is tired. 😄


Triage is a priority in determining the best use of resources to treat total number of patients based on using known resources.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, but we need different priorities from normal triage. It needs to be adaptive to the age-selective bioweapon designed to hit conservative America, which is different from most diseases.
People who have the virus but are likely to remain asymptomatic or low-symptomatic merely need isolation for containment – NOT medical resources.
ISOLATION itself needs to be viewed as a triage treatment. So people in the higher age brackets need pro-active, preventive ISOLATION as a form of early treatment.
This saves resources for the people who CAN be saved if they experience more symptoms. Meaning progressively younger people who experience random sensitivity to the virus and get strong clinical symptoms.
The sweet spot for hospital treatment is probably in the 50-60 range, where people who with a normal virus would just have a really bad cold, are now much more likely to DIE. Above that, ISOLATION until the time of a vaccine is a more effective strategy, IMO.
Yeah, I’m going to GET POLITICAL on this sucker.
Which of you ******* Democrats out there is going to help me protect GINSBURG? Well, to do it, the commies in the commie cities need to cut their drama-producing shit and work with TRUMP to do the right thing.
*drops mic*

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sorry, just got back online and saw you already had one!


I agree and we share a similar view of different sides of the same realities. I am thinking more of the responsibility of the first responder whether they be paramedic or hospital triage and their ability to serve the larger good. They already respond differently to a broken bone than to a contagious disease. My point in mentioning it was to draw attention to the fact that “triage” is simply to establish a priority of treatment based on seriousness of symptoms. In the process, many peripheral issues are ever present and may be felt to varying degrees which have nothing to do with the responsibility of the one doing the triage, or ordering the initial treatment. Things such as Hospital Foundations, funding, State and Federal Gov’t funding, Hospital Administration and Policies, Liability and staffing personalities including political leanings to name only a few. The calling to such positions needs to be higher than one’s political worldview, even if they are right. And Who says so? And what is it based upon, for it should not depend upon the city, state of Federal political party of the day.
No doubt recent influx of migrants has overwhelmed many of the support facilities used to cope with emergencies because much of the people, funds and facilities are increasingly being consumed in socialist programs with dismal results …….. especially in sanctuary areas where recovery is such a huge industry and yet mental health is almost ignored.
Recently a 40 yr old, conservative, working family guy fell from his bike and went to the local hospital. He waited in emerg for 7.5 hr before seeing a doctor and obtaining an X Ray. Protocols are to process ‘sickest’, first, so broken bones have lesser priority. He has a fractured scapula but having been a professional bull rider, he was no stranger to pain from broken body parts. While sitting quietly he watched many recent arrivals play the system. Most of those are very vocal and prone to play the victim.
It’s important to remain professional and cannot be influenced by political sway, but clearly age will play a role in treatment and the ability to recover.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, there is no escaping triage as a concept. It’s a reality – logical thinking. In fact, we need to embrace it, but I think we need to CHANGE IT.
What I’m planning to do now is make the case for a different kind of triage – 4D. We can save people in the FUTURE by acting NOW to save those who can’t be saved later. We have to make sure they NEVER GET THE VIRUS until they’ve had the vaccine. So right now, THEY move to the front of TRIAGE. People like me, who will probably survive an encounter with the virus, despite being in the “upticking lethality” age group, due to good general health, go to the “don’t worry about them” group.
How do we protect Ruth Bader Ginsburg and all those like her? How do we protect SCOTUS? This virus is an attack on our very Constitution, because it attacks the WISDOM of our country.
The “other side” – fully satanic – encourages us to breathe a sigh of relief that the YOUNG are not so targeted by this thing. But the reality is that the old and the weak ARE targeted. THEY need our triage NOW.
We need to devote thought to how we will protect the EMBODIMENT of our Constitution. That means our ELDERS.
If we don’t throw them under the bus, then I am certain that our solutions will AUTOMATICALLY, or even “automagically”, as we say in IT, protect US, too.
Trump bought us TIME with the early closure. We need to USE THAT TIME WISELY.

Linda K Harrison

I believe the easiest way to save the older people is to convince them to stay home sooner rather than later. Advise them it would be in their best interest to not become sick. Groceries can be delivered to their home (most stores do this now). Doctor visits could be set up so they went straight through, similar to a well baby check. Most of the people in that age group well remember the fall out shelters of the 50’s and into the 60’s. It we had those now we would have medicines – they were kept well stocked. Anything going out of date was given to the poor and then replenished.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. Older people and their communities need a TIMETABLE for PREPARATION and then ISOLATION. I don’t know if we can predict the timetable yet, but at some point, we will. It will likely vary geographically.
Minimizing visits by possible carriers will be important. Welfare checks by phone or internet will be important to minimize contact.
Phoenix did this herself for the flu, and it worked. The same thinking has to go BIG.
WELL people like us have to understand that we can carry the virus and not know it. Visiting old people during a few critical months will not be a good thing. We have to PREPARE THEM for this period. Get them supplies now. And their communities need to get supplies now, too.
Production on full!
And you are right – that generation understands preparation!

Gail Combs

I am well aware of what triage is. You are in the UK with 28 intensive care beds (true) You have 100 people who need one of those beds. Who will be treated the 30 year old or the 70 year old retiree?


I hear you!!! In the UK now I understand that part of their treatment includes reviewing your fb page and determining if you are a patriot (by someone’s definition) and have bad mouthed their existing programs. But absolutely true, 70 yr. old retirees go to the end of the line. (especially for potentially lethal contagious diseases)

Concerned Virginian

So —
91 cases of the Wuhan/SARS2 Coronavirus in the United States, with 2 deaths – 1.8% fatality rate if my calculations are correct.
Ground report, local CVS:
Masks / hand sanitizer / liquid hand soap / vitamin C / Sambucol elderberry syrup — decimated.
Paper products — decimated.
I finished stocking up on certain items on my prep list. I wore an N-95 mask AND a pair of disposable gloves while in the store. I used disinfectant wipes on the credit card I used in the store and on my hands after removing the gloves and mask after I got back into my car.
It may well be that at some point, and likely soon, that BERNIE SANDERS will start to use this entire situation to push for his “Medicare For All” (Med4A) in an attempt to politicize the possible overwhelming / overstretching of U.S. hospitals and other healthcare facilities and supply chains.
If SANDERS starts to do this, I believe a response that MUST be reposted back to him ASAP is a video of the “instant hospital camps” set up in COMMUNIST CHINA that are turning out to be death camps for the unfortunate souls forced into them — with the statement that THIS is what Sanders’ Med4A will turn the United States into.


I live in western SC and today I saw nothing that was out of stock. Must admit I didn’t look for masks but the soaps, hand sanitizers, paper products, etc were in plentiful supply. DH bought a jar of 1000 mg Vit. C (500 count) yesterday at Sam’s.
I’m doing some stocking up on things…bought powdered milk today, for example, and have dried beans, etc on my list to get the next few days.
I have yet to see one person wearing a mask here.
We are going to a symphony concert on Saturday with lots of those “unnecessary eaters” I did a double-take when I read that term!) and it will be interesting to see how the 700 people in the audience will react to a large gathering.
I am playing bridge twice this week and will just take a container of the wipes to have at the table for all of us to use after each hand is played.


I check several stores for masks EVERY TIME I GO OUT. I have scored a lot that way. Often just one pkg at a time, but it builds up.


Interesting link on how corona virus is being treated at a hospital in Wuhan. Video is fascinating. I cannot attest to its validity so I will leave that to you folks. Essentially mega doses of vitamin C stops corona virus.


The guy’s name is Andrew W Saul or “TheMegaVitaminMan.” He is holding a live Q and A on Wednesday via his Facebook page. Judge for yourself. Again I am no expert on this.


Thanks for this info. I have personally experienced the benefits of Vit C with family members. Just prompted me to buy another bottle. Two is one, and one is none (in prepper parlance).


Crap!! Charles Payne reporting 5 total dead in WA from the virus. I suspect there will be more, lots of infirm elderly in that home.

Update – 6 😥


Hit the Walmart again today:
Customer shopping for law office said – There is no hand sanitizer in all of Tallahassee.
Antibacterial hand soap pumps almost gone.
The Isopropyl Alcohol and Hydrogen Peroxide are also sold out
And so are the antibacterial wipes!
Even the Bleach/Chlorox is very low.
Restocking on these items expected March 5th -10th.

Sylvia Avery

6 dead, 13 infected. Evidence the WuFlu has been here, circulating, for weeks……

Sylvia Avery

FTA Above:
“Researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and the University of Washington on Sunday said they had evidence the virus may have been circulating in the state for up to six weeks undetected — a finding that, if true, could mean hundreds of undiagnosed cases in the area.
In Kirkland, city officials announced that now 27 of their firefighters and two of their police officers are in quarantine as they had been responding to the Kirkland LifeCare Center over the past week……”


Watching the infections rise in a number of countries, it looks like WuFlu is really starting to break out, but very little or none in India, Africa, South America, Malaysia and large U.S. cities. I think the detection is way behind, and we’re in for a near-term rapid rise in cases and a general public realization that things are much worse than they realized.

Sylvia Avery

I think so, too, carl.


A live briefing from Vice President Pence and Ambassador Dr. Deborah Birx, Coronavirus response coordinator for the White House, will begin at 5 p.m. ET.


43 Domestic cases
4 fatalities announced (sadly today)
Despite this the risk to Americans remains low
Meeting today w/ gov’s from 50 states +territories
Met w/ Leaders of top Pharma companies
Working on development of therapeutics
Amazing that vaccine could go to trial in next 6 weeks
But therapeutics could be available much sooner than the vaccine 18 month timeline
Implementing of new travel advisories from Italy and S. Korea
Screening at all flights from Italy and S. Korea
Pleased to announce a new member of the team, my (Pence) right arm – Dr. Deborah Birx
On first day she has been contributing significantly
HIV/AIDS expert, vast experience in interagency coordination
Dr. Birx:
Just in from S. Africa, had PC+Phone in record time, very efficient
Travel restrictions have bought us tremendous time
Trying to get up to speed as fast as possible
Sec Azar:
Delighted Amb Birx is coming onboard with this effort
We all go way back, established productive working relationships
Challenging us on all the right science and policy matters we are working with.
17 Cases are travel related
26 believed person to person
All the help fed/state/local – risk for individual is low
Risk to those exposed though can be high
Degree of risk has potential to change quickly
especially sustained risk of disease around the world
All need to prepare for the potential need
(Thanks Azar! Better phrasing!)
Introduce Administrator Birma – a new member of task force
Nation’s largest insurer, 130M Americans
Regulatory responsibility for health care facilities
Long standing infectious disease policies in placed used for other outbreaks like influenza
Proactively update regulations, working with CDC, and already in place
Pence intro Fauci
Dr. Fauci:
Extraodrinay meeting w/ CEOs, several we are already collaborating with, enthusiasm about working with us, very gratifying
Please Pres+Pence visiting NIH tomorrow
Amb Dr. Birx – NOBODY goes back as far as I do with Dr. Birx
She was a star then and now she’s a SUPERSTAR! Trials on HIV back in the 80s, PEPFA for Pres Bush in charge of the program.
Dr. Bob Redfield, CDC:
Recognize CDC continues to work and provide support for the backbone of our health system, fed/state/local/tribal
We continue to identify new community cases that we always anticipated
Use our public health assets to limit the spread of this virus
Echo what was said – new community cases shows we have a public health community in action.
Entire agency is looking forward to Pres +Pence visit on Friday to Atlanta CDC

Sylvia Avery

michael, daughn asked wolfie to put up a North Carolina rally thread but there isn’t one yet. Evidently daughn has her hands full. Any chance you could put one up?


I tried but Daughn beat me to it! 😉
She works 24/7 you know.

Sylvia Avery

When the heck does she have time to bake muffins??????


I’m sure she does it in her downtime.


I had trouble tracking w/ the questions.
Last question.
One reporter asked a question about travel plans with Spring Break coming up . . .
And if Pence would feel comfortable taking his family to Disney World for a week vacation in the coming month.
Pence side-stepped the TRAPS – Like a Boss! Did not mention “spring break” (did not spook families, K-12, or college students), and did not mention “Disney World” (big trap to scare a major industry icon or other theme parks).
Got great answers to the Press Corps that domestic travel has not been restricted, we want ppl to go about living their normal lives, and take the appropriate precautions, the same precautions that the CDC continues to advise as they have in the past. Monitor the international travel advisories and judge accordingly. The situation is being monitored by the experts and new information will be publicized as it becomes available.


Pence and the Task Force will be providing daily updates, sounds like these will be 5PM ET.
Sadly the White House “1600 Daily” was a bit late with the last minute announcement – I’m sure that’ll be tightened up be tomorrow…

“Our country is doing very well. Our professionals are doing, really, an incredible job,” the President said. “We’re also working with other countries to help them because they really have a fear of the unknown.”
The President also met this afternoon with pharmaceutical companies that are actively working to develop the COVID-19 vaccine, discussing how the federal government can help accelerate their vaccine development.
Vice President Mike Pence, who President Trump tapped to lead the Administration’s Coronavirus response, met with a number of America’s governors today to give an update on the White House Coronavirus Task Force. “We’ll continue to coordinate closely with state & local leaders as we respond,” he wrote after the meeting.
A live briefing from Vice President Pence and Ambassador Dr. Deborah Birx, Coronavirus response coordinator for the White House, will begin at 5 p.m. ET.
Watch live at 5 p.m. ET: Vice President and Amb. Birx give Coronavirus briefing
President Trump’s quick, decisive response has saved lives


Recording of the briefing:


My mind works in mysterious ways. Notice it’s the bad guys getting hit with this. And ,yes, I’m including Frankie the fake.
If I was a super ruthless cabal who viewed us as useful tools, at best, or troublesome crud that needed culling I’d be back burning. Let the minions take the fall. They are disposable. Destroy the route back to the hive

Gail Combs

Both Iran and China had major civil unrest as does France. Italy and Greece are swinging hard right….


Yes, Gail, isn’t that interesting!!


Win win. Control the irritating masses.
From that picture I posted it looks like global brain damage collapse. Ie not localised or stroke
What are they spraying with? Small neurotoxin mixture. Then you get the ones defying curfew

Sylvia Avery

If I ever start a cabal, I pick you first for the team.
Devious. I like it.


I like to think of it as practical


If it’s the white hats picking off the black I’ve got no problem.
If it’s the top order cleaning house I hope they are in the net.
As in heaven net is wide but the mesh is fine


Thank you very much, Daughn, for the splendid summary to date of the coronavirus phenomenon.
The only thing I can add from your last post is that when I went to our local C of E (Church of England) Communion service yesterday, March 1, there was no intinction (dipping one’s host into the wine) unless people wanted to do that. (A few have been doing that for several years now, since the last flu scare.)
The priest issued no directive at all. The only thing different I saw him do was to clean his hands before the consecration prayer with anti-bacterial gel on the side table, which held the unconsecrated hosts, the wine and the water.
Along with most in the congregation, I drank from the gold (plated?) chalice.
That is all.


I’ve heard it said that no one has ever caught a disease from the communion cup.


So have I.
I’ve never worried drinking out of a precious metal chalice, even those that are plated. Precious metals kill the germs.
I cannot vouch for ceramic ones, though. (Never took wine out of one of those.)

Gail Combs

Scientists seek a deeper understanding of how silver kills bacteria

Silver has been used for centuries as an antimicrobial to kill harmful bacteria. Ancient civilizations applied the metal to open wounds. Ship captains tossed silver coins into storage barrels to keep drinking water fresh.
In hospitals today, silver is used in bandages to treat burn victims, destroy pathogenic microbes on catheters, and combat dangerous “superbugs” that have grown resistant to traditional antibiotic drugs.
But the molecular mechanisms of how silver kills bacteria, and how resistance to silver develops in these microorganisms, are not fully understood. Now a new study, led by Faculty of Science biological scientists at the University of Calgary, helps enhance understanding of silver’s antibacterial properties….


Indeed, Gail.
At home, it’s silverware cutlery for every meal.
I highly recommend it.
We have two sets that we use regularly. One is for every day (a long service gift I received from a former employer) and the other is the marital cutlery (for weekends).
I also have my mother’s and maternal grandmother’s silver cutlery for holidays.

Concerned Virginian

Thank you so much for the terrific round-up of virus information and news!


Tucker – Dr. Siegel thinks it’s rampant in Washington state and has eluded detection. Nebraska has a 6 hr test, needed everywhere. Elderly, males, chronic or underlying conditions, higher fevers have it the worst.
Jason Rantz – thinks it’s high in Seattle because it’s a travel hub, and particularly in the homeless cuz they’re not being tested and going everywhere


Professor Jonathan Shewhuk of UC Berkeley: Urgent Email to all students – R0 of 3.0 – 8.0, 20%+ critical illness rate, will overwhelm hospitals, up to 24 days asymptomatic spread.
UC Berkeley Coronavirus Email (CS189)

Professor Jonathan Shewhuk of UC Berkeley: Urgent Email to all students – R0 of 3.0 – 8.0, 20%+ critical illness rate, will overwhelm hospitals, up to 24 days asymptomatic spread.
by in China_Flu

Instructor Jonathan Shewchuk posted a new Note. Your instructor selected to notify everyone in real time of this post, bypassing user email preferences.
We still do not know whether the novel coronavirus will be merely a tempest in a teacup or a serious disruption to our lives, but we should prepare for the worst and hope for the best. We do know for sure that there are now multiple cases of COVID-19 in the San Fransisco Bay Area, including some that got it from “community transmission”; that is, they did not travel from another country nor has the disease been traced to somebody who did. We have reasons to suspect that it has been circulating for longer than most people realize, and some of us may already have it.
SARS-CoV-2 is highly contagious, much moreso than a regular flu. In many patients, the virus seems to have a relatively quiet period of 2-4 weeks before pneumonia symptoms develop. (It’s a bit complicated and uncertain; see the information attached below for some speculation.) One Bay Area COVID-19 patient checked into NorthBay VacaValley Hospital in Vacaville on Feb. 15, implying that community transmission was probably already occurring in the Bay Area at the beginning of February. There is also evidence that it was already spreading in the Seattle area in mid-January. Which means that there is a possibility that some of you already have it and don’t know it. There’s also a small possibility that I might have it; I’ve had a mild cough for the last week and a half.
Given our uncertainty of the danger, I think it’s better to risk overreacting than to risk underreacting. COVID-19 has a Case Fatality Rate estimated at 2-3.5%. An estimated 20% of cases require hospitalization (allegedly 50% in Italy), with a mean hospital stay of 10 days, usually with pneumonia symptoms. And although the virus is deadliest among the old and sick, some young, healthy people have died. Your odds of survival are very high, but if you have a severe case, it might be the worst experience of your life. Many patients need to be intubated and kept on ventilators. Moreover, if there are too many cases at once, then like in Wuhan, there won’t be enough ventilators.
I do not think that the campus response has been adequate. I expect the virus to spread particularly quickly on campus because of our large population and our many large meetings, and it is distinctly possible that it is already spreading. I don’t think campus authorities are acting in a manner commensurate with the long latency of the disease, or the fact that by the time the first severe case happens on campus, there will already be thousands of others on campus who also carry the virus.
I have both a hopeful message and a warning: small changes in behavior, if adopted by everybody on campus, could make the difference between a semester of minor inconveniences and a semester of cancelled classes and people you know suffering.
For these reasons, I cannot in good conscience recommend attending classes in person when videos are available. I have sent a request to the Course Capture Department asking them to minimize the delay between lectures and posting the videos. If you do wish to continue attending class, I would recommend spacing yourself out from other students.
Unfortunately, it is getting hard to find face masks and rubber gloves, but if you can get some, I recommend wearing them whenever you leave your home. (If you don’t mind looking silly, add goggles, as it is reputed the virus can infect the eye.) Some authorities have been telling the public not to buy masks. I would strongly advise you to ignore that message (the product of a bureaucracy that sees us as nothing more than interchangeable resources). Also, remember that masks are not only to protect you, but also to protect other people if you have the virus. (Most people who have it will not initially realize they have it.)
Even more important is to avoid public meetings insofar as it is reasaonbly possible (stay home), to wash your hands frequently (alcohol alone doesn’t suffice because it doesn’t cut through oil; use a soap/surfactant and optionally add alcohol), and to avoid touching your face, mouth, eyes, nose, ears, etc. at all times. (One of the nice things about masks and gloves is that they remind you this.)
Thank you, Jonathan Shewhuk

Sylvia Avery

Thanks carl. I’m sitting here an hour from Seattle wondering if all my plans to sort of hibernate in my house are worth following if the WuFlu is already thoroughly out in the community. Reading Shewhuk’s email was kind of reassuring in a common sense kind of way. Appreciated reading it.

Gail Combs

If you have been careful since we started talking about this, chances are there is no problem. From what I have read the Seattle problem is in a rest home.
And one with a bad reputation.

Sylvia Avery

I’d like to know more about the HS kid who got it…….He’s located one county north of where the nursing home is.

Gail Combs

This guy is sharp!
Who is Jonathan Shewhuk?
Looks like he has a good handle on the mathematics of the situation. (And also on nutrition.)

Jonathan Richard Shewchuk is a Professor in Computer Science at the University of California, Berkeley. He obtained his B.S. in Physics and Computing Science from Simon Fraser University in 1990, and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University, the latter in 1997.
I DO RESEARCH in scientific computing, computational geometry (especially mesh generation, numerical robustness, and surface reconstruction), numerical methods, and physically-based animation…
FOR OVER 30 YEARS, researchers and government agencies have put forth nutritional edicts that are unsupported, and often contradicted, by their own data: “saturated fat (or all fat) is bad for you”; “polyunsaturated vegetable oils are good for you”; “grains are healthy”; “whole grains are healthier”; “fiber is important for good health”; “carbohydrates are essential”; “high LDL cholesterol (or total cholesterol) causes heart disease”; “fat is fattening”; “obesity can be combatted by eating less and exercising more.” The public and press are unaware how much scientific evidence nutritional authorities have had to ignore to perpetuate these notions, which survive on account of ambition, politics, and fear of scientific ostracism, rather than good science.
Meanwhile, a new picture is emerging in which the “diseases of civilization&rdquo—heart disease, diabetes, overweight, tooth decay, and perhaps even Alzheimer’s disease and many cancers—are symptoms of a metabolic dysfunction caused by both the wrong foods and deficiencies of the right ones. The most likely culprits appear to be metabolism-disrupting lectins in grains (especially wheat, other gluten grains, and soy); fructose (often in the form of high fructose corn syrup, from grain); omega-6 fats and lectins in vegetable seed oils (also from grain); iron; and deficiencies of Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2 MK-4, copper, omega-3 fats, magnesium, and niacin. It is not yet clear whether carbohydrates in large amounts are inherently harmful, though they are clearly harmful to many people who have broken their metabolisms with grain products. (If there is a safe carbohydrate source, it is probably root vegetables.)
Consumption of grains, vegetable seed oils, fructose, and carbohydrates has risen sharply, and intake of Vitamin K2 MK-4 has dropped, in response to official demonization of dietary saturated fat, causing increases of type 2 diabetes and obesity. The American Medical Association, the American Heart Association, the American Diabetes Association, and many other authorities have blood on their hands, and they will continue to lead us lambs into the slaughterhouse of grain poisoning until the culture of nutritional research is reformed.
While I’ve been aware of these facts for some time, I now have a rigorous account to direct people to. Gary Taubes, in Good Calories, Bad Calories—his new exposé of what the scientific data really reveal…….


Coronavirus Could Be The End Of China As A Global Manufacturing Hub
Kenneth RapozaSenior Contributor
The new coronavirus Covid-19 will end up being the final curtain on China’s nearly 30 year role as the world’s leading manufacturer.
“Using China as a hub…that model died this week, I think,” says Vladimir Signorelli, head of Bretton Woods Research, a macro investment research firm.
China’s economy is getting hit much harder by the coronavirus outbreak than markets currently recognize. Wall Street appeared to be the last to realize this last week. The S&P 500 fell over 8%, the worst performing market of all the big coronavirus infected nations. Even Italy, which has over a thousand cases now, did better last week than the U.S.
China On Hold
On January 23, Beijing ordered the extension of the Lunar New Year holiday, postponing a return to work. The coronavirus was spreading fast in the epicenter province of Hubei and the last thing China wanted was for that to be repeated elsewhere. Travel restrictions and quarantines of nearly 60 million people drove business activity to a standstill.
The most frightening aspect of this crisis is not the short-term economic damage it is causing, but the potential long-lasting disruption to supply chains, Shehzad H. Qazi, the managing director of China Beige Book, wrote in Barron’s on Friday.
Chinese auto manufacturers and chemical plants have reported more closures than other sectors, Qazi wrote. IT workers have not returned to most firms as of last week. Shipping and logistics companies have reported higher closure rates than the national average. “The ripple effects of this severe disruption will be felt through the global auto parts, electronics, and pharmaceutical supply chains for months to come,” he wrote.
That China is losing its prowess as the only game in town for whatever widget one wants to make was already under way. It was moving at a panda bear’s pace, though, and mostly because companies were doing what they always do – search the world with the lowest costs of production. Maybe that meant labor costs. Maybe it meant regulations of some kind or another. They were already doing that as China moves up the ladder in terms of wages and environmental regulations.
Under President Trump, that slow moving panda moved a little faster. Companies didn’t like the uncertainty of tariffs. They sourced elsewhere. Their China partners moved to Vietnam, Bangladesh and throughout southeast Asia.
Enter the mysterious coronavirus, believed to have come from a species of bat in Wuhan, and anyone who wanted to wait out Trump is now forced to reconsider their decade long dependence on China.
Retail pharmacies in parts of Europe reported that couldn’t get surgical masks because they’re all made in China. Can’t Albania make these things for you? Seems their labor costs are even lower than China’s, and they are closer.
The coronavirus is China’s swan song. There is no way it can be the low-cost, world manufacturer anymore. Those days are coming to an end. If Trump wins re-election, it will only speed up this process as companies will fear what happens if the phase two trade deal fails.
Picking a new country, or countries, is not easy. No country has the logistic set up like China has. Few big countries have the tax rates that China has. Brazil surely doesn’t. India does. But it has terrible logistics.
Then came the newly signed U.S. Mexico Canada Agreement, signed by Trump into law last year. Mexico is the biggest beneficiary.
It’s Mexico’s Turn?
Yes. It is Mexico’s turn.
Mexico and the U.S. get a long. They are neighbors. Their president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador wants to oversee a blue collar boom in his country. Trump would like to see that too, especially if it means less Central Americans coming into the U.S. and depressing wages for American blue collar workers.
According to 160 executives who participated in Foley & Lardner LLP’s 2020 International Trade and Trends in Mexico survey, released on February 25, respondents from the manufacturing, automotive and technology sectors said they intended to move business to Mexico from other countries – and they plan on doing so within the next one to five years.
“Our survey shows that a large majority of executives are moving or have moved portions of their operations from another country to Mexico,” says Christopher Swift, Foley partner and litigator in the firm’s Government Enforcement Defense & Investigations Practice.
Swift says the move is due to the trade war and the passing of the USMCA.
The phase one China trade deal is a positive, but the coronavirus – while likely temporary — shows how an over-reliance on China is bad for business.
There will be fallout, likely in the form of foreign direct investment being redirected south of the Rio Grande.
“Our estimates of possible FDI to be redirected to Mexico from the U.S., China and Europe range from $12 billion to $19 billion a year,” says Sebastian Miralles, managing partner at Tempest Capital in Mexico City.
“After a ramp-up period, the multiplier effect of manufacturing FDI on GDP could lead Mexico to grow at a rate of 4.7% per year,” he says.
Mexico is the best positioned to take advantage of the long term geopolitical rift between the U.S. and China. It is the only low cost border country with a free trade deal with the United States, so there you have it.
Thanks to over 25 years of Nafta, Mexico has become a top exporter and producer of trucks, cars, electronics, televisions, and computers. Shipping a container from Mexico to New York takes five days. It takes 40 days from Shanghai.
They manufacture complex items like airplane engines and micro semiconductors. Mexico is the rank the 8th country in terms of engineering degrees.
Multinational companies are all there. General Electric is there. Boeing is there. Kia is there.
The trade war is yet to be decided, but the damage that has already been done will not be undone. Room for a new key commercial ally is open.
Safety remains a top issue for foreign businesses in Mexico who have to worry about kidnappings, drug cartels, and personal protection rackets. If Mexico was half as safe as China, it would be a boon for the economy. If it was as safe, Mexico would be the best country in Latin America.
“The repercussions of the trade war are already being felt in Mexico,” says Miralles.
Mexico replaced China as the U.S. leading trading partner. China overtook Mexico only for a short while.
According to Foley’s 19 page survey report, more than half of the companies that responded have manufacturing outside of the U.S. and 80% who do make in Mexico also have manufacturing elsewhere. Forty-one percent of those operating in Mexico are also in China.
When respondents were asked about whether global trade tensions were causing them to move operations from another country to Mexico, two-thirds said they already had or were planning to do so within a few years. A quarter of those surveyed had already moved operations from another country to Mexico on account of the trade war.
For those considering moving operations, 80% said they will do so within the next two years. They are “doubling down on Mexico”, according to Foley’s report.
Of the companies that recently moved their supply chain, or are planning to do so, some 64% of them said they are moving it to Mexico.


Terms of NAFTA claimed equal access to trade markets but for many transportation products that was not possible. Specific new products built in the US or Canada and destined for Mexican end user required components that were not readily available, very costly and not required by industry Engineering standards in the US or Canada regardless of Country of manufacture. Then if the product was actually built and shipped to Mexico, the purchaser paid a tax of additional 30%.
Typically, quality and delivery schedules of Mexican made goods were not in keeping with US and Canadian made standards. It made clear that it was not always the best value to purchase the cheapest products. Several US companies attempted to have heavy industrial trailers built in Mexico and found it not feasible.

Gail Combs

Now maybe President Trump can convince Amlo to clean out the drug cartel so his country can grab a bigger share of the corporations moving out of China.


On Laura, Azar just announced expanded access (deregulated) to N95 respirator masks. Will now be available for healthcare workers. Aparrently used primarily by construction workers and miners, not available for everyone.
China didn’t tell us about virus until beginning of January. Azar immediately got NSC involved, briefed POTUS, got scientists involved, surveilled people coming in from Wuhan, enacted unprecedented travel controls. POTUS bought us EXTRA TIME.
Azar led pandemic team under Bush. He updated Trump’s plan in 2017. POTUS announced addition of Deb Burkes to team today, she’s supposed to be a TOP scientist. They have the BEST PUBLIC HEALTH TEAM ever assembled. DoD base quarantines unprecedented.
Drug supply concern brought up by POTUS. Only 20 drugs sole sourced from China, with one generic drug readily replaceable with a shortage identified so far.
Media, Mini, and Sleepy for FoS!!
America is still at low risk. Wash hands, be prepared.

ARE FoS – 🚽💩💩💩


Slow guy finally got it 😉 Can’t stop laughing now. Thank you.


Took me a long while….


r/China_Flu u/bearekrawr 22 hours ago
It is your social responsibility to prepare with food and supplies. At the very very least, it means you can stay home, in self containment,if you get sick and not contribute to more spread.

It is your social responsibility to prepare with food and supplies. At the very very least, it means you can stay home, in self containment,if you get sick and not contribute to more spread.
by u/bearekrawr in China_Flu

Whether you think the virus most likely won’t be fatal to you or not, you NEED to prepare so you can do your part and just stay out of the way as this spreads. Its just not all about you or what you THINK. It is your responsibility, as a decent human being, to make sure you do not contribute to the situation getting worse. Stop thinking about it as how the situation will affect you, and think of you you affect the situation. One more thing: if you have kids, forget about your own thoughts and speculation, and just prepare for the worst. You must set aside your ego and make sure you have done everything you can, with any chance of necessity, to make sure your child is safe. If there’s ANY chance of pandemic, why in the world would you ever take the smallest risk that your kids may go without? This is simple people. Prepare and take care of your family. Drop your ego. Forget what your friends think. Just do it.
damocles_paw 13 hours ago
That’s interesting insight. I’m in Germany, and on the German reddit board, stocking up on food (“Hamstern” in German) is now seen as right-wing extremist and people are writing and upvoting hate-posts against people who are stocking up. I was wondering where this attitude comes from.
ParticleFusion 17 hours ago
Independence and freedom, you cant have one without the other.
Omnitraxus 16 hours ago
Agreed – and many people have realized that they want neither, which is why we have a self-described socialist as a top contender for the White House. Don’t get me wrong – I’m no fan of Trump – but the amount of people who expect the state to care for them like a parent to perpetual children is truly terrifying.

Gail Combs

I want to make sure people see this:
Hand-washing 20-30 seconds with soap and very warm water. As warm as you can stand. Heat kills flu virus.
Patriot Nurse suggested singing happy birthday twice or you can count One hundred and one. One hundred and two. One hundred and three…
E.M. Smith said a flush can aerosolize a virus for 20 minutes when we learned the virus was in feces. Now we know it also hangs around in pee.
Looks like he was off….

…A toilet flush can release up to 80,000 polluted droplets and leave them suspended a metre in the air for hours if the lid is left up, a new study has found….

‘Social Distance’ is MORE THAN SIX FEET. the CDC is WRONG.
New study:

….It was previously thought that the flu spreads mainly through large particles, or droplets, in the air that travel short distances, from 3 to 6 feet. But the new study showed most flu viruses are found in very small particles in the air, Bischoff said. Smaller particles can travel farther than larger ones, he said. Because the study did not look at distances beyond 6 feet, the researchers cannot say whether the flu virus can travel farther…


Firsthand anecdotal account from a doctor’s office/visit in Germany –
I just witnessed the situation becoming rapidly worse in Starnberg, Germany

I just witnessed the situation becoming rapidly worse in Starnberg, Germany
by u/GS_Hyperios in China_Flu


r/China_Flu byu/mandioc4 14 hours ago
Both patients with confirmed COVID-19 in Brazil have different genetic material viruses. One is closer to the virus circulating in Germany, and the other to the one from UK, but both patients came from Italy. This seems to suggest that the virus is already in internal circulation in Europe.


From Empire Report (New York State) this morning . . .
N.B.: Likely Narrative Engineering at work . . . Be Aware . . .


Emailed to me by a friend – (Seems to have some good specific info but differs from some concerning air transmission of virus.)
Retired Employee Association of Orange County
Coronavirus Precautionary Measures
As stated in our earlier e-mail last week about the Coronavirus, we want to share information with our REAOC members from a medical expert in the field of pathology.
The author of this coronavirus precautionary measures is James Robb, MD UC San Diego.
Dr. Robb is a recognized expert in biospecimen science with over 50 years of experience in molecular pathology, virology, and genetics. He is board certified in anatomic pathology, clinical pathology, cytopathology, and dermatopathology. Dr. Robb is a consulting pathologist to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the Office of Biorepositories and Biospecimen Research (OBBR). Dr. Robb was the governor of the College of American Pathologists (CAP) Informatics committee, an organization comprising of over 18,000 board-certified pathologists.
Subject: What I am doing for the upcoming COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic
Dear Colleagues, as some of you may recall, when I was a professor of pathology at the University of California San Diego, I was one of the first molecular virologists in the world to work on coronaviruses (the 1970s). I was the first to demonstrate the number of genes the virus contained. Since then, I have kept up with the coronavirus field and its multiple clinical transfers into the human population (e.g., SARS, MERS), from different animal sources.
The current projections for its expansion in the US are only probable, due to continued insufficient worldwide data, but it is most likely to be widespread in the US by mid to late March and April.
Here is what I have done and the precautions that I take and will take. These are the same precautions I currently use during our influenza seasons, except for the mask and gloves.
1) NO HANDSHAKING! Use a fist bump, slight bow, elbow bump, etc.
2) Use ONLY your knuckle to touch light switches. elevator buttons, etc.. Lift the gasoline dispenser with a paper towel or use a disposable glove.
3) Open doors with your closed fist or hip – do not grasp the handle with your hand, unless there is no other way to open the door. Especially important on bathroom and post office/commercial doors.
4) Use disinfectant wipes at the stores when they are available, including wiping the handle and child seat in grocery carts.
5) Wash your hands with soap for 10-20 seconds and/or use a greater than 60% alcohol-based hand sanitizer whenever you return home from ANY activity that involves locations where other people have been.
6) Keep a bottle of sanitizer available at each of your home’s entrances. AND in your car for use after getting gas or touching other contaminated objects when you can’t immediately wash your hands.
7) If possible, cough or sneeze into a disposable tissue and discard. Use your elbow only if you have to. The clothing on your elbow will contain infectious virus that can be passed on for up to a week or more!
What I have stocked in preparation for the pandemic spread to the US:
1) Latex or nitrile latex disposable gloves for use when going shopping, using the gasoline pump, and all other outside activity when you come in contact with contaminated areas.
Note: This virus is spread in large droplets by coughing and sneezing. This means that the air will not infect you! BUT all the surfaces where these droplets land are infectious for about a week on average – everything that is associated with infected people will be contaminated and potentially infectious. The virus is on surfaces and you will not be infected unless your unprotected face is directly coughed or sneezed upon. This virus only has cell receptors for lung cells (it only infects your lungs) The only way for the virus to infect you is through your nose or mouth via your hands or an infected cough or sneeze onto or into your nose or mouth.
2) Stock up now with disposable surgical masks and use them to prevent you from touching your nose and/or mouth (We touch our nose/mouth 90X/day without knowing it!). This is the only way this virus can infect you – it is lung-specific. The mask will not prevent the virus in a direct sneeze from getting into your nose or mouth – it is only to keep you from touching your nose or mouth.
3) Stock up now with hand sanitizers and latex/nitrile gloves (get the appropriate sizes for your family). The hand sanitizers must be alcohol-based and greater than 60% alcohol to be effective.
4) Stock up now with zinc lozenges. These lozenges have been proven to be effective in blocking coronavirus (and most other viruses) from multiplying in your throat and nasopharynx. Use as directed several times each day when you begin to feel ANY “cold-like” symptoms beginning. It is best to lie down and let the lozenge dissolve in the back of your throat and nasopharynx. Cold-Eeze lozenges is one brand available, but there are other brands available.
I, as many others do, hope that this pandemic will be reasonably contained, BUT I personally do not think it will be. Humans have never seen this snake-associated virus before and have no internal defense against it. Tremendous worldwide efforts are being made to understand the molecular and clinical virology of this virus. Unbelievable molecular knowledge about the genomics, structure, and virulence of this virus has already been achieved. BUT, there will be NO drugs or vaccines available this year to protect us or limit the infection within us. Only symptomatic support is available.
I hope these personal thoughts will be helpful during this potentially catastrophic pandemic. You are welcome to share this email. Good luck to all of us! Jim
James Robb, MD FCAP

Gail Combs

More recent studies show the viruses CAN spread efficiently via Aerosols
Transmission of Influenza Virus via Aerosols and Fomites in the Guinea Pig Model

…..Person-to-person transmission is central to seasonal and pandemic spread; nevertheless, the modes of spread are a matter of ongoing debate. Resolution of this discussion is paramount to the development of effective control measures in health care and community settings. Using the guinea pig model, we demonstrated that transmission of influenza A/Panama/2007/1999 (H3N2) virus through the air is efficient, compared with spread through contaminated environmental surfaces (fomites)….
Infectious aerosols consist of large respiratory droplets and droplet nuclei. Large respiratory droplets are >5–10 µm in diameter and are involved in short-range transmission. Droplet nuclei are <5 µm and are responsible for transmission over greater distances (long-range or airborne transmission)…

In short breathing in droplets were more efficient at spreading disease in guinea pigs compared to fomites. On the other hand pigs do not have hands…
Stand Back: Flu Virus Travels 6 Feet
“…the new study showed most flu viruses are found in very small particles in the air, Bischoff said. Smaller particles can travel farther than larger ones, he said. Because the study did not look at distances beyond 6 feet, the researchers cannot say whether the flu virus can travel farther….”
Transmission of SARS and MERS coronaviruses and influenza virus in healthcare settings: the possible role of dry surface contamination.
“…SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and influenza virus can survive on surfaces for extended periods, sometimes up to months….”
Survival of influenza viruses on environmental surfaces.
“…Both influenza A and B viruses survived for 24-48 hr on hard, nonporous surfaces such as stainless steel and plastic but survived for less than 8-12 hr on cloth, paper, and tissues. Measurable quantities of influenza A virus were transferred from stainless steel surfaces to hands for 24 hr and from tissues to hands for up to 15 min. Virus survived on hands for up to 5 min after transfer from the environmental surfaces….”
Temperature and humidity may effect virus survival on surfaces
New Wuhan virus similar in genome to Sars, says HK infectious disease expert
Why do RNA viruses recombine?

Gail Combs

I figure you can e-mail your friend some of those studies.
People are more likely to pay attention to scientific studies than to just a random person’s advice. (That is why the DemonRats took over the universities and bully scientists.)

Concerned Virginian

750WSB, Atlanta, overnight and this AM:
The state of GEOGIA now has 2 confirmed cases of the Wuhan/SARS2 Coronavirus: husband and wife. Wife came back to Georgia after traveling IN ITALY. She tested positive; then did the husband.
Both are in self-quarantine at home.
Gov. Kemp made a statement to the effect that general risk is still low but he’s been meeting with state / local agencies for the last month to have potential statewide response measures ready to go. He said the federal government has already pledged to do all possible to assist.


The general risk of getting the seasonal flu is low also. With 5,000,000 having the flu and a 350,000,000 population, the current risk is 1.4% . . . low. It’s always going to be low . . . justifying inaction on many fronts . . . until we have a full-blown, wide-spread national pandemic . . . and then the risk won’t be low . . . but then it’ll be too late.

Gail Combs

South Korea’s experience shows ONE person has so far infected 80% of her Church’s population.
David A

As an example of the [problem of] lack of immunity, consider one location of a church group in South Korea. The only reason it did not go to 100 percent infected is likely time and false negatives. Case study…
In Daegu, 1900 Shincheonji Church members have been tested for coronavirus.
1300 had symptoms & 600 did not.
Among those 1300 with symptoms, 87.5% were confirmed with the virus .
BUT out of the 600 WITHOUT symptoms, 70% were confirmed with
the virus.
Over 80 percent infected, and moving towards 100 percent, false negatives plus time. Really illustrates the absence of immunity of a brand new virus, whereas there is natural immunity in the population to the common flus.

Jo Nova and Dave A, argue with an idiot and try to get it through his skull that it is NOT the lethality of this virus, it is the 18% severely ill PLUS LACK OF HOSPITAL BEDS that is the problem!
Good discussion.
Her newest
China — only 20% of the economy working — the cost of inviting a virus to dinner


According to worldometers, Iran is reporting 835 new WuFlu cases from yesterday. Where is Iran getting the test kits from to make these tests and all the negatives, too? And why is it that we have people begging to be tested but need to exhibit full blown pneumonia before “meeting the CDC criteria? (I can think of at least one reason for our test policy.)


Maybe we should be wary of Iran’s numbers – until we learn whether they have real test kits – to discriminate between flu and COVID-19
Also – we should be wary of ‘Pallywood’ from Islamists anyway – lies are their primary MO after violence and genocide.


“wary of Iran’s numbers” . . . yup.


Am thinking Iran only counts once symptoms are seen. Saw video with Healthcare workers NOT wearing masks while handling virus patients. We need to pray for the people, their leaders are clearly letting them down.


Hope you are feeling better Butterfly 😉


Thanks K-BO. I am😁

Gail Combs

” Where is Iran getting the test kits from to make these test”
Probably from China. China was going to send them medical help too.


From the White House today:
Surgeon General: Be Cautious, But Not Afraid of Coronavirus
“Since being named to the coronavirus task force, I’ve quickly made a few observations. It is clear we must continue to help Americans understand how to protect themselves, but also that we mustn’t recreate the wheel. To address the disease outbreak, we can rely on tried-and-true planning and preparation that was begun long ago,” Surgeon General Jerome Adams writes for CNN.
“We’ve been through this before and no place in the world is better prepared to handle this challenge. Let’s turn fear into actions that will help us all stay safe.”
Link – https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/03/opinions/coronavirus-prepare-not-panic-opinion-adams/index.html


Sound advice . . . in general. But then the 6 dead in WA aren’t afraid, either . . . any more.


COVID-19 (also called SARS-CoV-2, 2019-nCoV or nCoV2019, novel coronavirus 2019)
is a form of SARS – Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.


As a SARS disease, it will affect be worse for people who smoke heavily, who have serious chronic health conditions and the elderly more than others.

Gail Combs

✅ Kill Smokers
✅ Kill Chronic Health Conditions
✅ Kill Retirees
A Fabian Socialists DREAM
Straight from Fabian co-founder George Bernard Shaw
“The moment we face it frankly we are driven to the conclusion that the community has a right to put a price on the right to live in it … If people are fit to live, let them live under decent human conditions. If they are not fit to live, kill them in a decent human way….”
http://canadianliberty.com/images/shaw2.jpgcomment image


SARS goes back earlier than we thought:

Linda K Harrison

Gail, I wonder if you should address using “reusable bags from home”. New York just changed the law where you must have your own cloth bag for groceries (MD is the same way).
Since they would be difficult to clean, people may just want to pay the 5 cent per bag.

Gail Combs

If you have to use reuseable bags get WHITE bags and WASH AND SANITIZE between uses. There was major problems with Salmonella in CA.
People used them for raw chicken one shopping trip and then salad fixings the next.
Also dedicate bags. A couple for MEAT only is a good idea.

Linda K Harrison

I am sorry, I guess I am not very clear getting my thoughts down. I thought you may want to address the reusable bags for those still doing their stock up shopping. Some may not think about taking their bags to the store and not being able to clean them when they get home.
My husband had worked in a grocery store so I am all too familiar with cross contamination. I worked in bio-tech for a while, same thing.

Concerned Virginian

FIRST Wuhan/SARS2 Coronavirus case confirmed in WAKE COUNTY, North Carolina (RALEIGH).
The person had come back to Raleigh FROM VISITING THE NURSING HOME IN WASHINGTON STATE where so many of the residents have the virus and where so far, SEVEN have died of it.
The infected person is in “self-isolation” at their home.
I guaran-d@mn-tee you that this person is “released” BEFORE 24 – 27 days of “self-isolation”, that person will STILL BE contagious even it NOT symptomatic.
If this gets any closer to where I am, I will be going into lockdown.

Concerned Virginian

Update on the first case in RALEIGH, North Carolina:
The man who tested positive today for the Wuhan/SARS2 Coronavirus ALSO traveled through the Raleigh-Durham airport (RDU).
Local officials are now scrambling to find all the passengers who were on the same flight as the infected man, and trying to trace any contacts he may have had at the airport.
The man was traveling back to RDU on FEBRUARY 22, after he visited at the WASHINGTON STATE nursing home that is the epicenter of a virus outbreak, with at least 9 deaths.
Now think about this:
Man travels to the Washington State nursing home in February. Don’t know the exact dates. He then travels back to RDU on February 22. At that time, he did NOT exhibit any symptoms, so he went about his business FOR THE NEXT 12 DAYS — then suddenly begins to show symptoms, gets tested, and is declared a confirmed case.
So, for TWELVE DAYS, the man is MOST LIKELY contagious although ASYMPTOMATIC — a now classic situation with this virus.
How many people did this man come into contact with over a TWELVE-DAY period?

Gail Combs

💩 OH SHIT!!!💩
I have a gig this weekend 12 miles south of Raleigh N.C.


Unverified report that the cause of death of a person that died about a week ago in the Seattle area has just been determined as WuFlu.
That means that all the time that person was asymptomatic and wandering around, and then symptomatic and still wandering around, and then hospital bound and treated until death, the WuFlu was spreading to all the people that interacted with that person in public and while being treated.
Seattle could really be a hotbed!


“So far this flu season, about 0.05% of people who caught the flu have died from the virus in the U.S., according to CDC data.”
World Health Organization (WHO)@WHO
Replying to @WHO and @DrTedros
“Globally, about 3.4% of reported #COVID19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected”
So, for WuFlu, we’re looking at a WuFlu death rate that is 3.4/.05 = 68 times greater than the seasonal flu death rate.
Certainly, that is not trivial.


How does the death rate of COVID-19 (aka SARS-CoV-2) compare with the first SARS in 2003?


2002 SARS
Death toll: 774
Infections: 8,098
Mortality = 9.6%


Thanks, Carl. It’s a powerful virus.
I remember the fear that we all had about SARS. One of our hometown’s wealthy citizens had traveled to China and his family would not let him around them and their children until a proper quarantine had expired.
There do not seem to have been other SARS outbreaks in the years since then.
Interesting that these diseases seem to originate in Asia and the Middle East.
If I was in CA, WA, or anywhere on the leftist West Coast, it might make me more alarmed than in a red state with a fierce Governor like DeSantis who has already put FL in a state of emergency with only two cases here.
However, there has been one leftist crazy threatening to get and spread the disease at Trump rallies. And PDJT has not scheduled any more rallies as of this morning.
Have you seen any poetic or song analogies to this? Get Back by the Beatles comes to mind!


epic thread, daughnworks247! You out did yourself on this one!

Concerned Virginian

It is worth pointing out that, per the New York Times this afternoon, there are now 122 confirmed ases of the Wuhan/SARS2 Coronavirus, with NINE deaths, in the U.S.
That would calculate out to a death rate of ALMOST 9 PER CENT of the 122 cases in this country..
It is useless for the CDC to prate on about how many thousands of Americans die from influenza per year in the U.S. — comparing influenza to the Wuhan virus is apples to oranges. There are NO vaccines, and ONLY the usual treatments that would be used for someone with a lung infection, for the Wuhan virus at this time.


Amen to that.
The deaths were elderly in nursing home in WA state who had other serious health problems.
The worst coronavirus cases requiring hospitalization have been those with other chronic serious illnesses.
See the briefings here:
3/2/20 – VP, Dr. Birx –

3/3/20 – CDC-NIH Briefing with PDJT – starts @ 55:00 –

Concerned Virginian

Yes, I understand that elderly people can have serious co-morbidity issues, therefore their immune systems are compromised. So if something like influenza, Wuhan/SARS2, etc., shows up and strikes them, they may not make it. Been there, seen that.
What I was trying to point out is that it seems to me that the CDC keeps trying to conflate seasonal influenza with this new virus. I believe that is disingenuous.


Well – now they can more easily test to discriminate. The symptoms of both diseases in elders and people with other serious health issues are very similar.


Daughn, Glad to see your post. Hope you are back to the top of your game!


I honestly think the nursing home data skews all results. What happens when you remove those cases and deaths from calculation? That result would be more representative of travel and community spread in my mind.


I dunno know, but would guess the nursing home is an ideal incubator for viruses. Very sad what happened with those folks. And continues with moar cases from same nursing home.


Coronavirus Updates: 9 Dead in Seattle Area. In N.Y., Hospital Staff May Have Been Exposed.
The coronavirus killed at least two people in Washington State before the crisis there became evident, suggesting that the virus had spread days earlier than health officials had previously known.
But, hey . . . no worry, mate . . . low risk, y’know.


The deaths were elderly in nursing home in WA state who had other serious health problems.
The worst coronavirus cases requiring hospitalization have been those with other chronic serious illnesses.
3/2/20 – VP, Dr. Birx –

3/3/20 – CDC-NIH Briefing with PDJT – starts @ 55:00 –

Gail Combs

AND that nursing home in WA state also spread the disease via air flight to Raleigh NC where the carrier has been wandering around the area for a couple weeks.
As David A and Jo Nova remind us this is a NEW disease and no one has immunity. The problem is not the lethality under ideal circumstances, it is the lethality AS A whole when you over burden the hospital system and people die not just of the Wuhan virus but of many other disease too.
USA population = 360,000,000
Using the infection rate of S.K church of 80% = 288,000,000 contract the disease.
Using worldometers data of 18% are seriously ill = 51,840,000
for Wuhan 21.4% Serious = 61,632,000 people
for Wuhan 4.5% Critical = 12,960,000 people
So you can estimate some where around 50 MILLION people seriously ill and 5 to 10 MILLION critically ill. This would be spread over time.
DAVID A says “…The US only has about 900,000 hospital beds! The U.S. has an overall hospital occupancy of 63 percent. During the flu season ( other illnesses peak along with the flu) I am guessing that this occupancy rate increases by about 22 percent of total beds to 85 percent occupancy, leaving about 135,000 beds available…”
David comes at it from a different direction, looking at the infection rate Ro. This spreads the cases out over time.
World Health Organization (who lies) has Ro= 2.5,
On January 31, 2020, a new study coming out of China reports that the Wuhan coronavirus has an Ro of 4.1.
Doctor Eric Feigl-Ding, who taught for 15 years at Harvard, has Ro = 3.8 (95% confidence interval, 3.6-4.0)
So David’s Ro of 2.6 is conservative (that is one person spreads it to 2.6 people) I have seen Ro as high as 7.

let’s consider the R- naught of the flu, 1.3, vs the Coronavirus. It is very generous to go with an R- naught of 2.6 for the Caronavirus. Here is one of several studies which show a higher R-naught then the CDC. In this case 3.1. Researchers from Lancaster University
Several credible medical institution’s have placed the Coronavirus R-naught up to 6.9 to 7.0.
( Link to follow)
So, going with just the 2.6 R-naught, the U.S. then have 60 million infected and 3,480,000 dead. We also have 18 percent of 60 million needing hospital beds for a week. That is 10,800,000 hospital beds. Divided by a typical flu season that is 839,770 beds needed each week. ( In reality it would be better in the early phase, and much worse at the peak)
The US only has about 900,000 hospital beds! The U.S. has an overall hospital occupancy of 63 percent. During the flu season ( other illnesses peak along with the flu) I am guessing that this occupancy rate increases by about 22 percent of total beds to 85 percent occupancy, leaving about 135,000 beds available. ( Best case) With an R-naught of 2.6 and a serious to critical hospitalization need of 839,770 beds, the U.S. would be 705,000 beds short each week! This would tremendously overburden our medical facilities. ( Did you see the videos out of Wuhan of medical staff breaking down, streets lined up to get into hospitals, etc…) How many more people, with other serious diseases, would die if this scenario occurred?…

Sylvia Avery

This aspect, the overburdening of the system, has been bugging me for days.
King County (Seattle) has bought a bunch of modular units that are outfitted like low level motel rooms. They have hauled them out and set them up on vacant land owned by the County.
The idea seems to be, per the local news, that they will use them to quarantine people who aren’t ill or aren’t seriously ill. They don’t want to use hospital beds to house people whose needs aren’t severe or serious.


Well – with SARS-1 – there were no restrictions on air travel were there? It just did not take off and take a large toll in the predominantly caucasian USA, did it?
2002-4 SARS
Death toll: 774
Infections: 8,098
Mortality = 9.6%

Gail Combs

Well – with SARS-1 – there were no restrictions on air travel were there?
Actually they did screening. With SARS temperature screening worked very well. With the Wuhan virus temperature screening is worse than useless because you THINK you screened and all is well.

Gail Combs

Daughn I can go look but I think they traced the outbreak in S.Korea back to one woman. That is why South Korea is planning to test all 200,000 of the one religious sect that’s at the center of the outbreak.

David A
27 February 2020 at 7:22 am
……Take S.Korea as an example; Today is basically day 7 from their initial number of about 30 cases. Now they are 1595 infected 13 dead and 18 critical. The average time from infection to death is a close to 14 days once symptoms appear. Also AFAIK South Korea is testing many asymptomatic individuals that just may have been in close contact to someone inflected. We should be as well. ( This may be pushing the average time from infection to death beyond 14 days.) The obvious point is that the vast majority of those 1,595 infected, have not had time yet to see their cases go to hospitalization, then IC, then critical, then fatal.
Two weeks from today on March 11 let’s look at the S.Korea fatal quantity, compared to 1,595 infected. I expect it to be far higher then one percent. Also, one would expect all mortality percentages to increase if a nations hospitals become overwhelmed. And then additional dead from all other serious conditions due to stressed medical care….

Gail Combs

This gives an idea of how fast the disease spreads and CDC has made sure the virus has been seeded all over the USA undetected for WEEKS.comment image


Wonder if CDC has a like chart for US.


I take ^^^ back. I know CDC has a chart like Gail posted above. Hope they share it.


Dear White Hats:
Please provide a HORIZONTAL STACKED BAR CHART, similar to above.
Break down the horizontal bars using useful breakdowns:
* State
* State and/or Large City Metro
* Country of Origin (Not Nationality)
* Type of spread – Inbound … community spread
* “t” in days from t=0 to t=days later infection
* Patient State – Strong recovery, weak recovery, moderate, serious condition, death
* Patients by age
Think like a SIEM Dashboard – and one of the ones your NSA boys use, not the COTS-ware they sell the masses.
Thanks in advance.


All common sense and numbers in both SARS-1 and SARS-2 and even MERS (so far) seem to indicate that Asians and Middle Easterners are genetically more vulnerable to these diseases than Europeans/Caucasians.
Italians must be somewhat vulnerable as well.

Gail Combs

Italy and Spain has a lot of middle eastern blood because of the invasion of the muslims before they were pushed out via the crusades.

Sylvia Avery

Out here in Washington I keep reading/hearing that the virus has probably been circulating for weeks……..


Vit C treatment has been posted on these threads repeatedly.
here is an article that discusses Vit C treatment by hospitals and its efficacy


Vitamin C Is an Essential Factor on the Anti-viral Immune Responses through the Production of Interferon-α/β at the Initial Stage of Influenza A Virus (H3N2) Infection
L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is one of the well-known anti-viral agents, especially to influenza virus. Since the in vivo anti-viral effect is still controversial, we investigated whether vitamin C could regulate influenza virus infection in vivo by using Gulo (-/-) mice, which cannot synthesize vitamin C like humans. First, we found that vitamin C-insufficient Gulo (-/-) mice expired within 1 week after intranasal inoculation of influenza virus (H3N2/Hongkong). Viral titers in the lung of vitamin C-insufficient Gulo (-/-) mice were definitely increased but production of anti-viral cytokine, interferon (IFN)-α/β, was decreased. On the contrary, the infiltration of inflammatory cells into the lung and production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and interleukin (IL)-α/β, were increased in the lung. Taken together, vitamin C shows in vivo anti-viral immune responses at the early time of infection, especially against influenza virus, through increased production of IFN-α/β.

Gail Combs

Vitamin C is CHEAP and it can not be patented so the pharmaceutical industry and their whores in the media are NOT only NOT INTERESTED they want to HIDE the information so they can sell HIGH PRICED DRUGS.


Actually – many physicians and hospitals are coming around to ‘Functional Medicine’ philosophy wherein Vitamins are part of the therapy. As I recall, our daughter got her own usual antioxidant supplements unless they were contraindicated, plus Vit C and D3, when she has that near death episode of sepsis and was in the hospital for a month.
However, she had a heart rhythm response to the infection and it did not seem to be an infected respiratory system situation. The cause or center for the infection was never determined.


Dang, Italy’s death count is way up and Iran is FUBAR!


This is sad. They think this will protect them from the people. No it won’t – they know their leaders DID NOTHING.


You’ve done a phenomenal job on these coronavirus threads, Daughn.
Thank you for all the work you’ve done on these!
Hope you get to feeling better real soon!

Gail Combs

Which is why sensible prepping AND precautions make sense. Best to keep the heck away from hospitals!

Sylvia Avery

Yes, ma’am! If I get it I plan on treating myself. I’m capable of it. Hospital is to be avoided.

Sylvia Avery

daughn, thanks for this thread. Outstanding. 😘😘😘


Coronavirus Updates: U.S. Will Drop Limits on Testing, Pence Says.
All federal limits on testing will be lifted, Pence says.
Vice President Mike Pence said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was lifting all restrictions on testing for coronavirus, and would be releasing new guidelines to fast-track testing for people who fear they have the virus, even if they are displaying mild symptoms.
“Today we will issue new guidance from the C.D.C. that will make it clear that any American can be tested, no restrictions, subject to doctor’s orders,” Mr. Pence told reporters at the White House.
The federal government has promised to significantly ramp up testing, after drawing criticism for strictly limiting testing in the first weeks of the outbreak. But health care supply companies and public health officials have cast doubt on the government’s assurances, as complaints continue that the need for testing remains far greater than the capacity.
“The estimates we’re getting from industry right now — by the end of this week, close to a million tests will be able to be performed,” the head of the Food and Drug Administration, Dr. Stephen Hahn, said at a White House briefing on Monday.
But some companies developing tests say their products are still weeks away from approval.
And even if a million test kits were available, public health laboratories say they would not be able to process nearly that many within a week. A spokesman for the Department of Health and Human Services said on Monday that public health labs currently can test 15,000 people daily, though that figure is expected to grow.
The F.D.A. said that Dr. Hahn was taking into account the anticipated increased production of test kits by an outside manufacturer, Integrated DNA Technologies, which is now selling kits to the federal government and other buyers.
The C.D.C. botched the first attempt to mass produce a diagnostic kit, a discovery made only after hundreds of kits had been shipped to state laboratories. A promised replacement took several weeks, and still did not permit state and local laboratories to make final diagnoses.
“Right now, I’d say we’d need more capacity,” Dr. Hahn said at the White House briefing.
TESTING DELAYS Public and private labs say they’re not even close to reaching the federal government’s promises that close to a million tests for the virus could be performed soon.

Gail Combs

Color me NOT surprised….


Fixed the broken Obama protocol that kept only the “approved” test kits… as if in the U.S. we aren’t capable of creating test kits without someone to hold our hands

Sadie Slays



Idiots! Try Skype.

Gail Combs

So THAT is how the DNC is going to get around the Bernie Bots trying to take revenge…


I seriously doubt Bernie Bots will be deterred by this.
Likely they’ll see themselves as carriers and opportunistic.
Remember the DNC establishment is in their words the party of “old white men”?

Gail Combs

The Elite live in a bubble. They have zero idea of how the other half lives and thinks, whether Deplorable or the monster they created, the Marxist Bernie Bots.


Just saw this link over at Neon Revolt.
Apparently at least 60% of the deaths in Wuhan are occurring in peoples’ homes, and those deaths are not being counted.
Lots of other interesting info:


low key/lower expense prepping:
1) With the virus active in Italy we stocked up on a little more of our large olive oils from Costco
2) We really don’t use that many consumables from China but we did buy some extra garbage bags, dental floss, disposable toothbrushes and C-Pap machine nose pieces. Bought extra bar soap, shampoo and dish soap. Have plenty of baking soda, vinegar and salt as we make our own toothpaste, household cleaners and can make our own dishwasher detergent. Extra bottle of clorox.
3) we ordered some 91% alcohol in spray bottles (and some large bottles for refills) to help keep ourselves and door handles and car, etc. sanitized. (yes, harsh but economical)

4) dried eggs are very expensive. Husband & son eats 12-14 eggs every morning for breakfast (and that is with additional veggies scrambled in!). Going to start drying in our dehydrator some myself today as well as put some in the deep freeze (yes, I put the whole egg in the deep freezer and then fry frozen – good!).
5) dehydrated meat – expensive! Going to can a bunch extra this weekend. Buying today. Can only keep so much in the deep freezer – esp. as we have a 1/2 size deep freezer (it was free so we are happy with even a 1/2! ha) Buying ahead, yes, but not really buying “extra”. Won’t cost more than usual except for some lids/rings.
6) making sure all of our ferment jars are full. Bought 1 big bag of carrots at Costco to eat as normal and 1 extra to fill ferment jars. Preserving the veggies for long term use + ferments to eat daily. costco sells a Large fermented cabbage so inexpensively that we can’t make it as cheap homemade so we haven’t been fermenting ourselves as much lately
7) starting our garden this weekend and starting winter squash early … experiment to provide early harvest. Also, planting greens/salad plants for first time. Usually so inexpensive to buy a large box of fresh greens doesn’t pay to grow them in time or $.
8) one thing we are buying dehydrated is some powdered Kale. Help take the place of fresh greens. beans and rice on hand. Azure standard still has both in bulk.
sharing in case helpful to someone else. Nothing we are buying (except for alcohol sprays) is out of our usual and can be eaten as regular meals to help even the budget back out if this passes and no disruption of services/supply chains occurs. No money wasted because we aren’t buying ingredients that we don’t usually eat or freeze dried meals that aren’t something we would want to eat anyway except the dehydrated eggs. (Have done this before and not our favorite but still ok.)


The spray 91% alcohol you bought is already sold out!


Walgreens carries it. you want 91% or higher from my understanding. bought it in spray bottles for convenience.


Walgreens only listed 70% wipes.
CVS has the 91% – but it’s out of stock online


Obviously the news is out that alcohol kills coronavirus better than Lysol.


About the naming and variety of names of the 2019 Coronavirus – first called nCoV-2019, lately called COVID-19 and now SARS-CoV-2 by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV)
“Naming the 2019 Coronavirus”
“UPDATE: The virus causing the current outbreak of coronavirus disease has been named “severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2” (SARS-CoV-2). The manuscript describing the name also reports the work of the ICTV Coronaviridae Study Group that determined the virus belongs to the existing species, Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus.
The International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) is concerned with the designation and naming of virus taxa (i.e. species, genus, family, etc.) rather than the designation of virus common names or disease names. For an outbreak of a new viral disease, there are three names to be decided: the disease, the virus and the species. The World Health Organization (WHO) is responsible for the first, expert virologists for the second, the ICTV for the third.
As experts on coronaviruses, the ICTV Coronaviridae Study Group is currently studying the classification (taxonomy) of the new virus. And given that they are experts on this family of viruses, they are also contributing their expertise to the naming of the virus.
The disease name (which may be different from the virus name) has been designated as COVID-19 by the WHO. WHO guidelines for naming of new human diseases can be found at0 “WHO issues best practices for naming new human infectious diseases” and “WHO Best Practices for the Naming of New Human Infectious Diseases”
LINK – https://talk.ictvonline.org


•Posted byu/feverzsj
8 hours ago
The virus has evolved into two major types. The younger one is more aggressive and spread more quickly.

The virus has evolved into two major types. The younger one is more aggressive and spread more quickly.
by u/feverzsj in China_Flu

On the origin and continuing evolution of SARS-CoV-2
National Science Review, nwaa036, https://doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwaa036
Published: 03 March 2020
The SARS-CoV-2 epidemic started in late December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and has since impacted a large portion of China and raised major global concern. Herein, we investigated the extent of molecular divergence between SARS-CoV-2 and other related coronaviruses. Although we found only 4% variability in genomic nucleotides between SARS-CoV-2 and a bat SARS-related coronavirus (SARSr-CoV; RaTG13), the difference at neutral sites was 17%, suggesting the divergence between the two viruses is much larger than previously estimated. Our results suggest that the development of new variations in functional sites in the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of the spike seen in SARS-CoV-2 and viruses from pangolin SARSr-CoVs are likely caused by mutations and natural selection besides recombination. Population genetic analyses of 103 SARS-CoV-2 genomes indicated that these viruses evolved into two major types (designated L and S), that are well defined by two different SNPs that show nearly complete linkage across the viral strains sequenced to date. Although the L type (∼70%) is more prevalent than the S type (∼30%), the S type was found to be the ancestral version. Whereas the L type was more prevalent in the early stages of the outbreak in Wuhan, the frequency of the L type decreased after early January 2020. Human intervention may have placed more severe selective pressure on the L type, which might be more aggressive and spread more quickly. On the other hand, the S type, which is evolutionarily older and less aggressive, might have increased in relative frequency due to relatively weaker selective pressure. These findings strongly support an urgent need for further immediate, comprehensive studies that combine genomic data, epidemiological data, and chart records of the clinical symptoms of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
In other words . . .
edited 8 hours ago
Coronavirus coming at us in two main flavors. L & S
“L” is deadlier, hit Wuhan, but Quarantine may have reduced the spread.
“S” type is older virus, less deadly, but spreading faster since it looks and feels more like “Just the flu” – not as often correctly diagnosed, or detected.
“L” is likely a mutation from “S” or one of “S’s” ancestors.
Viruses mutate like crazy. Like 1% of it’s genome in a couple of days. A new mutated version can be deadlier OR milder.
In essence almost every single person infected is infected with a slightly DIFFERENT virus. That’s why it’s near impossible to create a vaccine for the common cold!
More people will survive the S type and develop SOME immunity. I have to wonder if the S type hasn’t already made a run across America. Or one of it’s ancestors. Otherwise our ER’s would already be overwhelmed with pneumonia patients.
The “million dollar question” is if you had “S” can you be reinfected with “L” or do you develop SUFFICIENT immunity.
In 1918 there were definitely re-infections with different mutations of the same influenza virus with subsequent infections ALMOST ALWAYS far worse, deadlier.

Concerned Virginian

The Lancet, the British medical journal, reported in October 2011 that the 1918-1920 Spanish Flu Pandemic came in THREE WAVES: the first, which had established itself by the fall of 1918, had a far greater infection rate and consequent death rate, in the elderly and the frail of any chronological age.
The second wave, which hit around the time of the 1918 Armistice, was FAR DEADLIER and attacked BOTH YOUNG AND OLD.
The third wave, of the winter of 1919, was smaller and had a death rate similar to the first wave.
(Lancet Infect Dis 2011 Oct;11(10):793-9)


Italian government ‘to close schools’
The Italian government is to close all schools and universities around the country until mid March because of the coronavirus outbreak, Ansa news agency reports.
Earlier officials reported a jump in cases and deaths from the virus.


Global Times
Gene sequencing by Beijing Ditan Hospital found coronavirus in the cerebrospinal fluid of a 56-year-old confirmed #COVID19 patient with encephalitis, which provides evidence that COVID19 can invade patients’ nervous systems, just like SARS and MERS.


Growth of cases after the first 50comment image?auto=webp&s=d371ce86265c9a32ee4352d6294c61a10edc7ebe

Growth of cases after the first 50
by u/Energy_Catalyzer in China_Flu


This drives me nuts! Only a very short drive, by the way.
As the new coronavirus COVID-19 spreads in the U.S., people who are well want to stay that way. But since no vaccines are currently available, the strongest weapons Americans have are basic preventive measures like hand-washing and sanitizing surfaces, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The simplicity of those recommendations is likely unsettling to people anxious to do more to protect themselves, so it’s no surprise that face masks are in short supply—despite the CDC specifically not recommending them for healthy people trying to protect against COVID-19. “It seems kind of intuitively obvious that if you put something—whether it’s a scarf or a mask—in front of your nose and mouth, that will filter out some of these viruses that are floating around out there,” says Dr. William Schaffner, professor of medicine in the division of infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University. The only problem: that’s not effective against respiratory illnesses like the flu and COVID-19. If it were, “the CDC would have recommended it years ago,” he says. “It doesn’t, because it makes science-based recommendations.”
The science, according to the CDC, says that surgical masks won’t stop the wearer from inhaling small airborne particles, which can cause infection. Nor do these masks form a snug seal around the face. The CDC recommends surgical masks only for people who already show symptoms of coronavirus and must go outside, since wearing a mask can help prevent spreading the virus by protecting others nearby when you cough or sneeze. The agency also recommends these masks for caregivers of people infected with the virus.
The CDC also does not recommend N95 respirators—the tight-fitting masks designed to filter out 95% of particles from the air that you breathe—for use, except for health care workers. Doctors and health experts keep spreading the word. “Seriously people- STOP BUYING MASKS!” tweeted Dr. Jerome Adams, the U.S. Surgeon General, on Feb. 29. “They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!” In an interview with Fox & Friends, Adams said that wearing a mask can even increase your risk of getting the virus. “Folks who don’t know how to wear them properly tend to touch their faces a lot and actually can increase the spread of coronavirus.”
Masks worn by healthy people, dust masks, surgical masks and P95/P100 masks have varying degrees of effectiveness in reducing the spread of the WuFlu depending on the type of mask and whether or not it is worn properly.
But, there are not enough masks for the general population, by far. First responders and care givers, our first line of defense in caring for WuFlu patients, should have priority. Next priority is those that have contracted the WuFlu virus.
In order to reduce the public desire for masks, the CDC is putting out the word they are virtually ineffective for healthy people, even though there is limited effectiveness.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I’m open for some education on this topic if someone would like to lay it on me.


No argument here.
CDC stand on N95/100 masks IS the ONLY “right” answer at this point. IMO, CDC is disingenuous to say they are not needed. But it IS the correct answer in this scenario.
Why? Summary above defends CDC position. There are NOT enough masks available to the public.
IF CDC recommended folks buy N95 masks, use them in certain settings or even as much as possible, instant hysteria. Zero benefit to pushing N95 masks.
So, we do as best we can. Those with minimal initiative and smart enough to know N95 masks may be required, bought N/P95/100 masks, a month ago. Didn’t matter, disposable or cartridge respirators.
Hell, I ended up with both N95 and N100 disposable, and P100 cartridge. A handful. But enough. Content, IF they are required, my household will be fine. At that point, IF we are on lock down, ONLY one person goes to store on absolute essential basis.
Bonus of sorts, even in quarantine, many folks will still be able to wander about the forest, hills, desert…and enjoy fresh air 😉 🙂 😉

Gail Combs

In an earlier thread and at the top is Larry Ledwick’s instructions on making a mask.
Around that comment were discussions on what doubling and tripling material does for you.
I found the Walmart flour sacks were reasonable at least for starting material. Also they can be tossed in the washing machine with bleach.
Essentially you DO NOT WANT TO TOUCH YOUR FACE and that is what a mask really helps with.
One lady said the big problem with masks is they get wet from your breath and actually become promoters of infection.


IF I get to the point of feeling I need a mask, it would be in the realm of significant local outbreak AND I felt I had to go out. Perhaps get to medical appointment, ER or some urgent outing. Something that falls in the must do category. As opposed to simple wants or convenience.
Certainly don’t believe masks will be a daily necessity, but they have a valid utility. IMO.

Concerned Virginian

So —
WOR710, New York, 1PM Eastern news report
It appears that there re now SIX confirmed cases of the Wuhan/SARS2 Coronavirus in New York City — up from ONE case (the 50-year-old attorney) as of yesterday.
The other 5 new cases are the wife and children of the attorney PLUS THEIR NEIGHBORS.
These 5 new cases are in “self-quarantine” at their homes.
The attorney, Case #1, is in CRITICAL CONDITION in the hospital.

Gail Combs

Possibil method that Iran got the Wuhan Virus…
I think it was Chinese Scientists ===> High level Iranian politicians. It may have been nuclear or it may have been bio-weapons.
Iranian Students ===> Wuhan University ===> High level Iranian parents on New Years break.
From Wiki:

Wuhan University… is a national research university located in Wuhan, Hubei. It is one of the most prestigious and selective universities in China, and was recognized by the Chinese Ministry of Education as a Class A Double First Class University. It was one of the four elite universities in the early Republican period and is also one of the oldest universities in China. Wuhan University is located at Luojia Hill, with palatial buildings blending Chinese and Western styles. It is regarded by many as one of the most beautiful campuses in China.
…… The university is well known for research in fields such as the social sciences, remote sensing, survey engineering, and hydraulic engineering. It is administered by the Ministry of Education of China and was selected by both Project 985 and Project 211 as a major recipient of state funding….
Xiaolin Wu, computer engineer, invented programming line algorithm, co-developed neural network facial recognition system (with Xi Zhang), twice featured in MIT’s “Technology Review”, member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers[32][33][34]

WUHAN UNIVERSITY: Master’s in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
The Master’s in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine y is a 3 year program taught in English to international students. Students can start the program in September each year.
WUHAN UNIVERSITY: Master’s in Nuclear Power Engineering


Autopsies offer key clues for early stage COVID-19 patients
By Leng Shumei and Zhao Yusha Source:Global Times Published: 2020/2/29 0:33:48
Autopsies show severe damage to COVID-19 patients’ lungs and immune system, according to a doctor in Wuhan reached by the Global Times, who called for measures to prevent fibrosis of the lungs at an early stage of the disease.
“The influence of COVID-19 on the human body is like a combination of SARS and AIDS as it damages both the lungs and immune systems,” Peng Zhiyong, director of the intensive care unit of the Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University in Wuhan, told the Global Times on Friday.
Peng said he had just talked to Liu Liang, a forensic specialist from the Tongji Medical College at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Liu’s team has reportedly conducted nine autopsies on deceased COVID-19 patients as of February 24.
“The autopsy results Liu shared inspired me a lot. Based on the results, I think the most important thing now is to take measures at an early stage of the disease to protect patients’ lungs from irreversible fibrosis,” Peng noted.
If irreversible damage is done, other measures, like those to prevent patients from oxygen deficit, will not be of much use, he said.
Liu’s team published a paper on an autopsy they conducted in the Journal of Forensic Medicine on Tuesday.
The paper said there was apparent damage to the patient’s lungs. An excess production of mucus spilled out of the alveoli, indicating COVID-19 causes an inflammation response that damages deep airways and pulmonary alveoli.
The patient, an 85-year-old man, exhibited similar pathological changes to those caused by SARS and MERS. Fibrosis in his lungs was not as serious as was seen in SARS patients, but an exudative reaction was more apparent, possibly due to the short course of his disease.
News about the paper went viral on Chinese social media platforms on Friday.
Some news reports said that Liu’s team’s autopsies showed that sputum bolt is one the main reasons that caused COVID-19 patients’ deaths. Some medical staff have used sputum aspirators for patients based on the results, which led to a decline by half in the number of deaths in Wuhan on Wednesday.
The National Health Commission (NHC) said Wuhan reported 42 deaths on Tuesday and 19 on Wednesday.
However, Peng doubted the reports, saying that he believes the decline was due to the improving situation and shrinking patients pool.
“Even if the autopsy results are helpful, the effectiveness would not come out so quickly. It takes at least one week to observe,” Peng said.
He warned that the number of deaths may rebound as he knows many critical patients in Wuhan have held out for one month but are still in danger and could die anytime.
There were 6,775 critical patients in Wuhan as of Thursday and the number of deaths Wuhan authority reported on Thursday was 28, according to NHC.
The patient mentioned in the paper was hospitalized in January for a cerebral infraction, the death of tissue in the brain resulting from inadequate blood supply. He was confirmed to be infected with novel coronavirus 13 days later and died after a further 15 days. The autopsy was conducted within 12 hours of his death.
No apparent pathological changes were found in his digestive system, spleen or brain, the report said.
Liu’s team conducted the first on February 16, about a month after the outbreak.
Liu previously told media that he and his team had proposed to the Wuhan government to conduct autopsies soon after the outbreak.
The government and local hospitals agreed on the necessity of autopsies but could not provide proper locations. They also worried about risks of viral transmission during such autopsies.
Yang Zhanqiu, deputy director of the pathogen biology department at Wuhan University, explained that preparation and risk evaluation of the autopsy of COVID-19 patients is crucial, as it may cause containment of the hospital or medical members.
Also, Chinese traditional thoughts of preserving the body of the deceased may hinder the autopsy process, which requires family consent, Yang told the Global Times.


“Recovered” WuFlu patients can be in an extremely fragile and vulnerable condition and require medical care and monitoring during an extended recovery process.
Reduction and Functional Exhaustion of T Cells in Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.02.18.20024364
This article is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed. It reports new medical research that has yet to be evaluated and so should not be used to guide clinical practice.
BACKGROUND The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has posed great threat to human health, which has been declared a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) by the WHO. T cells play a critical role in antiviral immunity but their numbers and functional state in COVID-19 patients remain largely unclear.
METHODS We retrospectively reviewed the counts of total T cells, CD4+, CD8+ T cell subsets, and serum cytokine concentration from inpatient data of 522 patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19, admitted into two hospitals in Wuhan from December 2019 to January 2020, and 40 healthy controls, who came to the hospitals for routine physical examination. In addition, the expression of T cell exhaustion markers PD-1 and Tim-3 were measured by flow cytometry in the peripheral blood of 14 COVID-19 cases.
RESULTS The number of total T cells, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were dramatically reduced in COVID-19 patients, especially among elderly patients (≥60 years of age) and in patients requiring Intensive Care Unit (ICU) care. Counts of total T cells, CD8+T cells or CD4+T cells lower than 800/μL, 300/μL, or 400/μL, respectively, are negatively correlated with patient survival. Statistical analysis demonstrated that T cell numbers are negatively correlated to serum IL-6, IL-10 and TNF-α concentration, with patients in decline period showing reduced IL-6, IL-10 and TNF-α concentrations and restored T cell counts. Finally, T cells from COVID-19 patients have significantly higher levels of the exhausted marker PD-1 as compared to health controls. Moreover, increasing PD-1 and Tim-3 expression on T cells could be seen as patients progressed from prodromal to overtly symptomatic stages, further indicative of T cell exhaustion.
CONCLUSIONS T cell counts are reduced significantly in COVID-19 patients, and the surviving T cells appear functionally exhausted. Non-ICU patients, with total T cells, CD8+T cells CD4+T cells counts lower than 800/μL, 300/μL, and 400/μL, respectively, may still require aggressive intervention even in the immediate absence of more severe symptoms due to a high risk for further deterioration in condition.

Gail Combs

This is where I got the data on ONE PERSON in South Korea aka the super spreader:

E.M.Smith says:
20 February 2020 at 4:28 am
Watching a video claiming exponential growth of cases outside China. USA at something like 29 suddenly. Japan doing horribly bad quarantine fail processes, etc.
15 cases in South Korea from a superspreader

The narrator is a pathologist. the video is dated Feb 19, 2020
Go to 10 minute mark and at about 10:15 he mentions the woman who is a super spreader and infected 14 others in her church and one hospital staff. South Korea jumped on the situation and started testing every one in the church and last I checked it was about a 80% infection rate.

This is from 2/25/2020 about a week later.

…The leader of the Shincheonji Church said it had agreed to give authorities the names of all members in South Korea, estimated by media at about 215,000 people.
The government would test all members as soon as possible to “to contain the spread of the virus and relieve public anxiety,” the prime minister’s office said in a release….
Health officials said the first priority was to test about 1,300 of more than 9,200 members of the Daegu church who are showing symptoms. Those tests should be done by Wednesday.
Church members in Daegu had been put under mandatory quarantine, KCDC Director Jeong Eun-kyeong said….
On Tuesday, 21 of the 33 cases from the province were confirmed to have come from a home for the disabled people in Chilgok County, also near Daegu, traced to a worker there whose mother is a member of the Shincheonji Church in Daegu, Governor Lee Cheol-woo said.

The South Koreans certainly think that church is the center of the problem.
I consider the church (SC) and the Diamond Princess(DP) as being different cases because:
With DP there was an attempt at quarantine
With SC there was normal interaction
With DP not all were tested and the testing was slow. Also the Japanese released passangers after 14 days and now have a problem.
SC testing was aggressive and the goal was 100% testing. They also have mandatory quarantine.
The South Korean case is, in my opinion, a much better example of an ‘in the wild’ virus spread.
That said cultural norms, social distances, cleanliness habits… are ALL going to play a major roll on what the Ro for a particular area will be.
Preppers and Qanon followerers will probably have an Ro less than one. The San FranFeces needle sharers are going to have an Ro that is much higher.
AGAIN: The name of the game is to get Ro, the rate of spread, as low as possible to give President Trump the time he needs to deal with the problem.

Concerned Virginian

I believe it is interesting that the 21 or the 33 confirmed cases or the virus are in a facility for the disabled. It is unclear from the article if the disabled were ALSO elderly. One can assume not.
Assuming that the facility housed disabled persons in a range of ages: it may then be reasonable to posit that disabled persons, who may well also be immuno-compromised; and/or have co-morbidities, can be a ‘target hosts” population for the virus along with elderly persons.

Gail Combs

Quite possibly they are not capable of much exercise and also may be lacking in vitamin D as well as C
facilities housing the elderly and infirm are NOTORIOUS for feeding a lot of cheap carbs, little meat and veggies and hardly any fresh fruit.

Concerned Virginian

And per the Chiefio blog, a new virus thread:
INDIA is now starting to hoard the generic drugs they make there for their own people. Mr. Smith is correct, a HUGE amount of OTC items and generic Rx drugs used in the United States are manufactured in India.
I agree with him that NOW is the time to stock up in this country for these items that American use. That would include getting accelerated new prescriptions and/or refills of Rx drugs, especially generics, if at all possible.


And on a national manufacturing level, just as we have a strategic oil reserve, we need to speedily develop a strategic manufacturing capability for drugs and medical supplies, with source material reserves, that will get us through this and the next worldwide crisis, be it pandemic or war.

Gail Combs

AMEN to that bakocarl.
Al Gore and his ‘Interdependence’ crap is for the birds!


Carson City, NV Evening run to get a few items.
Walmart – Folks have been seriously shopping and or supply chain can’t keep up or is breaking across numerous areas.
– Numerous gaps and many shelves lightly stocked in following areas.
– – Vitamins, pain killers, cleaning stuff, paper goods…
– – To my surprise frozen and chilled area has really been hit. We all know in a Walmart, these items span a number of long rows.
– – Can goods, boxed food, bottles / jars also hit pretty hard.
^^^ What really hit me was the breadth of the gaps and light loading on shelves.
Asian store. One item of note. Normally two pallets of rice. Four bags left. While wife was shopping, someone called in to lay dibs on two sacks of rice. 😉
The frozen and chilled area surprised me. I would think no link to China. Just folks buying abnormal levels of food. If I am correct, the system will recover.
Looks like folks are taking note of Corona cases increasing and some Corona getting closer to home.


Apologize all of the bold. Goofed on closing out bold. ;-(


Dispatches from the Frontcomment image
You are the News Now.
Handle w/ care patriot.
Ground level update from the Diamond Princess
[For obvious reasons I’ve scrubbed a lot of the personal and medical details.]
Backstory: Husband and wife on-board Diamond Princess were allowed to leave the ship in Japan where they were taken to separate hospitals for treatment for the Coronavirus.
Update from the husband . . .
God is good, prayers were answered.
Her tests are all negative.
She needs to build strength in her legs, walking in her room.
She will move to a hotel near my hospital about March 9th. [PTL!]
My test results were one negative and one positive.
Test cycle starts over tomorrow
Monday, March 2, husband and wife update:
Her doctor is satisfied with the results of the therapy. More important to me is answered prayer from so many family and friends.
So now she is feeling much stronger and eating more.
She has tested negative one time and is waiting for the results of the 2nd test.
I have had two swabs and waiting for the results.
There is a waiting time of 5 days after testing negative.
The target date to return is approximately March 9.
Prior dispatch:


Why Taiwan Has Just 42 Coronavirus Cases while Neighbors Report Hundreds or Thousands
https://www.voanews.com/science-health/coronavirus-outbreak/why-taiwan-has-just-42-coronavirus-cases-while-neighbors-reportcomment image

TAIPEI, TAIWAN – Taiwan sits near Japan, China and South Korea, three countries with some of the world’s worst outbreaks of the deadly coronavirus, but the island itself has just 42 isolated cases.
Chalk it up to extra early, effective preparedness, analysts and policymakers say – so effective that people’s approval of the government unexpectedly soared last month.
Taiwanese health officials saw the virus taking shape in the central Chinese Wuhan in December and began checking passengers who flew in from there. They also cut off flights from much of China, the outbreak origin, before a lot of peers around Asia did.
. . . Taiwan moved fast because of its experience 17 years ago with SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome. That disease originated in China and jumped into other parts of Asia. It killed 73 people in Taiwan.
. . . Action against the coronavirus to date has boosted President Tsai Ing-wen’s approval rating to 68.5% in February up from 56.7% in January and on par with what she polled right after taking office in 2016, a Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation poll showed February 24. Local television network TVBS gave the government an 82% approval rating for its handling of the outbreak.
“The meaning is the Tsai government is doing pretty well,” You said.


Also wondering about the Philippines at only three Corona cases. They were early February as I recall. One died. Two recovered.
International flights with China cancelled about same time as US and other countries. Extended to Korea.
They also do the temperature monitoring on all international arrivals. They have been doing this for years. Passengers on International flights bound for Philippines must check in at counter where they are queried about health status. Counter agents medically trained, surely no. But another check that can lead to boarding being cancelled for a wannabe sick passenger.
Medical in Philippines ranges from state of the art in Manila and a few other cities, to, not good in the boon docks.
Surely Philippines has some Corona walking around, as does US and many countries. BUT, if Corona were a big deal, they’d have caught it and we’d know.
Amazing Philippines has only three cases thus far.
Hope it stays this way. Better half scheduled to fly Frisco (not good) direct to Manila March 21st. Business seating, so spacing better than cattle car class. Then seven hour van ride to boondocks. Unless something changes for the worst, should be OK.


If the numbers are really low I’m thinking that cases are under-diagnosed, possibly under-reported.
While I love the Philippines they do not have as robust of a national infrastructure as the United States has for managing and monitoring. Of course, this can be said for the overwhelming majority of nations…


100%.. Mainly surprised moar Corona has not been diagnosed up in Manila. So much of Manila is akin to a petri dish experiment.

Sadie Slays

A Chinese man who attended a Chinese military university is in charge of Pennsylvania’s public health labs (i.e. the labs the Commonwealth is using to test for coronavirus). I strongly recommend people dig into who is running the public health labs/coronavirus testing in their own states. No doubt you’ll find similar shady connections.
My dig started with a headline about how Pennsylvania is going to test for coronavirus at its Exton lab. This prompted me to look into who runs the Exton lab. It’s run by a Dongxiang Xia, MD. It wasn’t easy to find information about this man, but a medical conference he attended in 2017 had a short biography about him.
“Dr. Xia received his Medical Degree at Nanjing Medical University and his PhD in microbiology at the Fourth Military Medical University in China.”
Yes folks, the man in charge of Pennsylvania’s state labs is a Chinese man who got his degree from a Chinese military university. Apparently the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania couldn’t find a qualified American to run this critical position!
Prediction: Expect a sudden outbreak of WuFlu in Pennsylvania in the near future.comment imagecomment imagecomment image


And @#$@%??!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Remember how the Chinese medical people we encountered during the George Zimmerman trial after the Trayvon Martin farce? Remember Drs. Rao and Bao?


Informative article on the testing planned for Gilead Sciences Remdesivir antiviral drug –
Gilead Sciences Initiates Two Phase 3 Studies of Investigational Antiviral Remdesivir for the Treatment of COVID-19
With the early success of this drug on one individual, I’d like to see it used on a number of critical WuFlu patients under PTrump’s “Right to Try” program. The result would be anecdotal, but extremely informative.


*YAWN* *STRETCH* . . . ok folks, just gettin’ up here . . . oh lookie there, time to panic . . . where’s my covfefe. . .
From Empire Report (NY State)


17 Reasons Why I’m Confident Gilead’s Remdesivir Will Work Against COVID-19
. . .there’s no conclusive proof Remdesivir will work against COVID-19 in humans. But the odds are getting better by the day as more information surfaces:
1. Gilead is a virus specialist. For decades they have thrived on their HIV (a Lentivirus) therapy. Remdesivir has been used to treat humans against Ebola (a Filovirus). Remdesivir specifically attacks a part of the virus that’s common to all coronaviruses including COVID-19.
2. Bioinformatically, the target of Remdesivir is very similar to that in the SARS coronavirus, 99% similar and 96% identical.
3. Remdesivir has already proven effective in lab tests against a range of coronaviruses.
4. Remdesivir worked against various coronaviruses in mice.
5. Remdesivir has been shown to prevent and cure monkeys (rhesus macaques) afflicted with the MERS coronavirus.
6. Remdesivir worked against even the most divergent coronavirus called Porcine deltacoronavirus.
7. Remdesivir has been proven to work against every coronavirus tested against whether in lab or animals.
8. A U.S. patient and a French COVID-19 patient both recovered after being administered Remdesivir on a compassionate use basis. The French article wasn’t easy to find but it said the following (translated with Google translate): “The 48-year-old patient infected with the new coronavirus and released from the Bordeaux University Hospital on Thursday, after 22 days of hospitalization, was treated with remdesivir, a “promising” antiviral, said his medical team on Friday.”
9. It’s a promising sign that this patient was treated after 22 days and still recovered. Typically, if you are in the group that gets really sick by that time you’re in intensive care. One question with vaccines/therapies like this is how effective they are once you already are sick. Giving a vaccine in a preventive manner is the lowest bar for a treatment to beat. Being administered on a compassionate use basis to patients that are 22 days in and appearing to be effective is a much higher bar. Admittedly, we can’t derive conclusions from two patients that seem to have improved (if you know of any documented compassionate use cases please PM me) but it’s something. Especially in combination with the commentary from the medical team: “…It is “today in the state of knowledge the most convincing promising candidate for an evaluation,” he added, adding that the choice of this drug had been made “collegially at national level, in consultation with WHO ”(World Health Organization)…”
10. CDC officials told the medical team treating the infected man in Washington about Remdesivir after his condition worsened. Meaning both WHO and CDC are currently recommending this as a last resort compassionate use option.
11. Gilead stated it’s building up manufacturing capacity. Over the last couple of weeks, it already has coordinated with contract manufacturers to start producing Remdesivir. The company also stopped production of one of its approved products to churn out more of the stuff. This exudes confidence and perhaps also indicates the company expects COVID-19 to spread widely.
12. A Chinese company called BrightGene has started to manufacture Remdesivir as well. BrightGene’s share price went up ~70% to a ~$4 billion market cap.
13. Two studies of Remdesivir already are underway in China. Two-thirds of enrolling participants are given the real drug, which is quite unusual.
14. In the U.S. a trial for COVID-19 on humans has started as well.
15. National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow: “Gilead will probably come up with a vaccine faster than most people realize.” Kudlow is no expert on vaccines but he is likely to be well informed in a crisis situation, although his political agenda needs to be considered.
16. Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases: “We expect we will see community spread in this country,” “It’s not so much a question of if this will happen anymore, but rather more a question of exactly when this will happen and how many people in this country will have severe illness.” This is not unexpected to me as I’ve been researching COVID-19 since January 22 but it’s definitely unwelcome. Economically Gilead (by my estimate) is most sensitive to spread as opposed to the average price per dose of Remdesivir.
17. Gilead has been granted 3 patents on Remdesivir in China as of today. Another good sign after some earlier patent shenanigans where a Chinese research center applied for a patent.


8. A U.S. patient and a French COVID-19 patient both recovered after being administered Remdesivir on a compassionate use basis.
“…administered Remdesivir on a compassionate use basis.”
^^^ Sounds like “Right To Try”. IF docs don’t have a better answer for Corona patients, seems like an option for the patient to consider.
Would also like to read moar about mega dosage vitamin C administered to some Corona patients.



PRESIDENT TRUMP refutes Jim Sciutto and other leftist media liars:

Text – “I NEVER said people that are feeling sick should go to work. This is just more Fake News and disinformation put out by the Democrats, in particular MSDNC. Comcast covers the CoronaVirus situation horribly, only looking to do harm to the incredible & successful effort being made!”


Love that our POTUS always fights back!!
I posted this tweet to highlight Fauci’s opinion in the NIH article about death rate being 1%. I think that’s good news. If there are thousands of cases out there going unreported as we suspect, then the death rate is actually much lower.
The other positive often overlooked stat is the ‘recovered’. Among known cases, it consistently hovers close to 60%. It is probably much higher in unknown cases as well.

Gail Combs

There are also thousands of deaths that are ALSO going unreported by the CDC.
This is an example of the problem:
When Iran was reporting 2 deaths of the virus this doctor reported TWENTY Deaths but they had not been CONFIRMED by lab test.
February 19th: ”Dr. Alavi works at the Kamkar hospital in Qom and reports 20 patients have died from clinically diagnosed cases of #COVID19 at his hospital. Only in Tehran can samples be tested, so it might be a while to get full numbers.”
via Hector Torres *http://itwitter.co/hectorology/status/1230385232907390982


Leading Harvard doctor says coronavirus is NOT as deadly as feared because only a small number of contained cruise ship passengers have died and only 0.001% of China’s average 25,000 deaths a day are from the virus
Dr Jeremy Samuel Faust said people should not be anxious about the outbreak and stop hoarding food and masks
He claimed that the coronavirus death rate is less than 1 percent – far lower than the World Health Organization’s alarming figures of 3.4 percent
The doctor slammed the ‘frightening numbers’ which overstate the risk
Faust said that looking at the doomed Diamond Princess cruise ship gives a better indication of how fatal the disease is than global statistics
Around 705 passengers out of the 3,711 on board the boat caught coronavirus
Only six people from the boat have died, giving a death rate of 0.85 percent, and all deaths are in people over 70
He casts doubt on China’s death toll, saying many happened in areas where the death rate is already higher than the norm and respiratory issues are rife
He also pointed out that 25,000 people die in China every day, while just 25 coronavirus deaths were reported per day at the height of the outbreak
Instead of stockpiling food, Faust said the public should be helping the elderly and infirm who are most at risk


“all deaths are in people over 70” . . . well, I’m over 70 and so is DW. Therefore, ummmm . . . yeah, what do we conclude from this?


I should’ve added “Be nice, now!”


Those who are over 70, who also have other serious health conditions and/or are smokers.
This disease attacks the lungs – it is a SARS – Severe acute respiratory syndrome virus.


Wishful thinking here…
IF at all possible, blockade NV 160 just outside of Pahrump, both ends, and a few other roads. Wala, Pahrump remains Corona free. Assuming it is today. AND, Pahrumpians have the run of the town 😉
Saw the first Vegas Corona today. Dude in his 50s.

Gail Combs

E.M.Smith says:
“Mutation and evolution of SARS-COV-2 / Covid-19 into S and L forms:”


Has anybody read a rationale as to why people are dying from WuFlu at such high numbers in Italy?

Gail Combs

Actually I want to look at the numbers out of South Korea and Italy a few weeks to a month from now.
We KNOW that China lies. A guy looked at the numbers said they were ‘too perfect’ There was no deviation from the mathematical curve as you would expect when looking at real world data.
And again it is not the death rate it is the 18% (now 16%) severe illness rate over whelming the medical system.
Also if you look at CLOSED CASES: 57,495
Recovered/discharged: 54,139 (94%)
Deaths: 3,356 (6%)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This seems to be a very important post that Akismet and WordPress are trying to hide.

Gail Combs

The percents
USA = 5.6%
Italy = 3.8%
Iran = 3.0%
Japan = 1.6%
Diamond Princess = 0.9%
S.Korea = 0.7%
Just looking at the numbers, I would say the death rate as shown IS DEPENDENT ON WHO YOU TEST and HOW GOOD THE TEST IS.
South Korea has the most through screening for the disease.
The Diamond Princess I think screened 100%
The USA does not do ANY screening for people NOT SHOWING SYMPTOMS.

Gail Combs

Actually if you use the South Korea & Diamond Princess numbers of 0.7% +0.9% or say 8 deaths in a 1,000 you can back out the number infected in the USA estimating we have the same level of care.
1,000 X 12 USA deaths = 12000/8 ~ 1,500 infected in the USA.
You can then recheck that with 16% severe or critical aka need hospitalization.
0.16 X 1,500 ~ 240
The USA is listed as 226 infected.
So 1,500 is a reasonable estimate of the number infected.
Numbers from: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gail – I’m releasing 5 or 6 of your posts from “spam” – including this one – please report at least one of them, or they are going to ratchet this up. https://akismet.com/contact

Gail Combs

Thanks for the release.

Gail Combs

After Sadie’s bomb shell, I decided to check NC
(We should ALL split up the states esp. the Democrat run states and take a look.)
What I found makes me nervous…

As North Carolina continues to prepare for the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, the NC State Laboratory of Public Health (NCSLPH) within the NC Department of Health and Human Services is now able to perform testing for the virus. This new capability allows North Carolina to more quickly take public health steps to respond to any positive test result….

OK our DemonRat governor appointed Dr. Mandy K. Cohen in January 2017.

….she was the Chief Operating Officer and Chief of Staff at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)…has been responsible for implementing policies for Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program and the Federal Health Insurance Marketplace… [OBAMACARE WITCH]
…an adjunct professor in health policy & management at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill…[Same place Professor Zhengli Shi, of the Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Biosafety, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China, was playing with viruses (1.)]
….A graduate of Cornell University, she received her medical degree from Yale School of Medicine and a Master’s in Public Health from the Harvard School of Public Health. She trained in internal medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital….

The other person of interest is the person in charge of technology

Samuel C. Gibbs joined DHHS in 2017 as the Deputy Secretary for Technology and Operations…
…Gibbs has three decades of executive management experience with technology and healthcare companies in Silicon Valley….
He has been a featured speaker at national healthcare conferences and has appeared on many national news outlets, including CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX Business, Bloomberg and The Wall Street Journal.
Previously, Gibbs was the Executive Director for HealthPocket/AgileHealthInsurance.com, an internet company that compares and ranks health insurance plans from Medicaid to Medicare. He was also the President of Government Systems and Senior Vice President of Customer Operations for eHealth Inc., where he led the development of state-based health insurance exchanges under the Affordable Care Act.…..

Jessie Tenenbaum is another ‘beauty’
“The Department of Health and Human Services Information Technology Division (ITD) provides leadership in the use of technology to plan, develop and operate the automated systems for DHHS and to implement technical solutions that maximize resources.”
Chief Data Officer: Jessie Tenenbaum
PAPER: A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence
(One of the scientists is from Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. BTW)


From today’s 1600 Daily:
Coronavirus update: Vice President Pence in Minnesota and Washington state today
The Trump Administration’s whole-of-government response to the Coronavirus continues today as Vice President Mike Pence visited a Minnesota company leading in healthcare innovation before he holds a briefing with Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington.
🎬 WATCH LIVE at 8:05 p.m. ET: Vice President holds briefing with Gov. Inslee
“I’ll be traveling with many members of the task force to Minnesota,” the Vice President announced yesterday. “We’ll be visiting 3M, which is poised to literally begin manufacturing millions more masks for our healthcare workers.”
In Washington state, Vice President Pence and members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force are meeting with teams on the ground to make sure they are fully supported in their response to the outbreak.
“Our hearts go out to those that have been infected with the disease in the Seattle area,” Vice President Pence said. “Also we understand the anxiety this has created in the full community, and we’re going to be going out just to make sure—and sitting down with the Governor and with his team—that they have everything they need and all the support they need to see to the health of their people.”
Thanks to early and decisive action from President Trump—as well as the professionalism of federal, state, and local health officials across the United States—the risk to the average American of contracting the Coronavirus remains low.
READ: Full text from yesterday’s daily White House Coronavirus briefing


GA/FL posted on the daily thread the live feed from Fox 10. The one from the White House is the audio only.
Fox 10 Phoenix has it.


Searching for info on Italy and reasons for spread and high death count. They greet people by kissing instead of shaking hands. So many cases are overwhelming their hospitals.
Found this map with more stats. Italy currently has 351 criticals.

Well, thanks to the updates on this map, just found out we have 2 new confirmed cases in my county!! Another article I found says they live on my side of town!!! 😱 They returned from Egypt on 2/20 went about their business, I guess until they had symptoms. Lady is on faculty at Rice University which didn’t find out until 2/29, she was on campus 2/24-25. They have some of the people from the University self quarantined, but what about all the other people in the community they interfaced with??? Here we go…..
A man and a woman from Harris County were confirmed to have coronavirus Thursday. They are currently hospitalized and are in stable condition. The woman is a staff member of Rice University.
A Fort Bend County man is considered a be a “presumptive positive” case and officials are waiting on confirmation from the CDC. He is also hospitalized and is in stable condition.
All three patients are believed to have contracted the virus on a trip to Egypt together and returned to the Houston area in late February. Officials are working to determine who else was on the trip with them.
HOUSTON – Harris County officials say a man and a woman are confirmed to have coronavirus Thursday and are currently hospitalized. The female patient is a staff member of Rice University, officials said.
These cases are the second and third cases confirmed in the greater Houston area.
A “presumptive positive” case was announced in Fort Bend County Wednesday. All three patients returned from a trip to Egypt in late February where officials say they contracted the virus. “They didn’t show symptoms immediately and so they went about their business as usual for a few days, officials said.”


r/China_Flu u/jblackmiser
7 hours ago
According to Korean Society of infectious diseases droplet is the main modality of COVID-19 transmission and wearing a mask is important to prevent it.
So reading (with google translate) Korean sites again and again I notice they recommend people to wear masks whenever they come in close contact with other people. This explanation seems particularly clear:
– Droplet (Droplet) : a relatively large particle (>5 micron) produced when you have a cough / sneeze , or talk. Because the particles are larger than air waves, the splash can only fly about 1 meter (3 feet ) long . It contains a virus . Therefore, close contact increases the chance of spreading the virus through the droplets . Wearing a mask is important to reduce the likelihood of this propagation path .
– airborne (Airborne) : propagation of the virus in the air in small particles (< 5 micron). Due to the smaller size of the particles than the droplets, they can spread according to the flow of air . The typical airborne virus infection are measles and chickenpox . Airborne propagation is much more contagious than splash propagation, and community infections spread very quickly . Considering the results and aspects to date, the possibility of airborne transmission of the new 2019 coronavirus is low and is not a major route of infection .



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

in spam – FYI


I think the above Korean study underestimates the sneeze distance at 3 feet.
The droplets of a sneeze contain about 15,000 germs, which travel up to six feet into the air at 100mph. Those germs can live on surrounding surfaces (if not cleaned properly) for anywhere from 24-48 hours. Gazuntite!
Cough and Sneeze Distance: 3-12 feet
Cold and flu virus spread via airborne droplets and contact with contaminated surfaces – then remain active on surfaces up to 48hrs.


And, of course the sydology.com article screwed up Gesundheit.


^^^ Cough and Sneeze Distance: 3-12 feet.
Yep. Absolutely see masks being required if this thing drags on.

Gail Combs

If the virus is droplet carried (sneeze.cough) and not airborne (just your breath) then masks are going to keep your exposure down.


Below posted by EM on Chiefio.
Masks are NOT USELESS. Otherwise medical staff would not use them.
Masks are ESSENTIAL.
They are of more value when scarce if used by medical staff, so the CDC wants to take them all and discourage competition. AND
They must be used carefully and correctly. The CDC thinks you are too stupid to not touch the front, then your face, bend the metal band to fit your nose; and sanitize your hands before and after (and are likely right for 80% of the population). I worked on ward in hospital and know how to use one (and that they are required because they work).
Now it you are in the 20%, value your life a lot, and got it from Home Depot off the shelf (where they would not be boxed up and sent to the CDC): A mask means that IF I must go out mid-pandemic I can likely go out and not get infected, without diminishing supply to medical staff. (Some guy sanding wood, not so much…)
This matters a lot more to me than leaving a few masks on the shelf at the hardware store.

Gail Combs

HOW SES Obama embed Nancy Messonnier has INTENTIONALLY jeopardized your health.
When the virus showed up in SK, South Korea they DEMANDED the secretive church give them the names of ALL the members and then aggressively sought them out and tested. SIX HUNDRED had no symptoms but could be carriers.
Now compare that to the situation in the USA.

”Inundated With Flu Patients, U.S. Hospitals Brace for Coronavirus
Resources are already stretched during flu season.
With so much medical equipment and drugs made in China, public health experts are anxiously watching the global supply chain.
With an intense flu season in full swing, hundreds of thousands of coughing and feverish patients have already overwhelmed emergency rooms around the United States. Now, hospitals are bracing for the potential spread of coronavirus that could bring another surge of patients…”

February 17, 2019 

The current flu season has been milder than last year’s, with the vaccine protecting about half the people who were inoculated and a less severe strain of the virus causing most of the illnesses that do occur.
However, there have been more deaths than usual from that milder strain, and there is evidence a more severe strain of the influenza virus is causing a growing percentage of illnesses….
There have been 11,600 to 19,100 deaths so far.
“The number of deaths we’re seeing is a little bit surprising,” CDC epidemiologist Brendan Flannery told the Wall Street Journal. “It’s a reminder that flu can be severe.”

FROM CDC note they do lab test on less than FIVE PERCENT.

…..CDC estimates that so far this season there have been at least 32 million flu illnesses, 310,000 hospitalizations and 18,000 deaths from flu…..
……A total of 15,319 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations were reported by FluSurv-NET sites between October 1, 2019 and February 22, 2020; 10,439 (68.1%) were associated with influenza A virus, 4,797 (31.3%) with influenza B virus, 47 (0.3%) with influenza A virus and influenza B virus co-infection, and36 (0.2%) with influenza virus for which the type was not determined….

Up until the appointment of VP pence to the task force CDC ONLY tested people with major symptoms AND direct contact to China or an infected person. This means asymptomatic people were never tested. Also the asymptomatic period can be as long as 27 days meaning a 14 day quarantine coupled with NO TEST is worse than useless since it give a sense of safety that is NOT warranted.
Washington State is the perfect example of the outcome of the CDCs REFUSAL TO QUARANTINE OR TEST
CDC had run just 426 tests from Jan 21 to Feb 24
— BUT 746 people in Washington state, under supervision for coronavirus were released as ‘cleared’ Using defective test kits? Using a 1/2 kit? No test?
The tests are CRAP:
“Even patients who definitely have the disease only come back positive 30 per cent to 50 per cent of the time,” Prof Wang said.
February 19, 2020 – Last week, the CDC said it will begin testing individuals with influenza-like-illness (ILI) for COVID-19 at public health labs in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Seattle, and New York City.
Note Washington State was NOT included.
2/29/2020 First death ATTRIBUTED TO the Wuhan virus.
Breaking: Washington [state] officials say they are not going to be testing all cases. They will need to triage the most high-risk and most sever #Coronavirus patient. The public is going to need to accept this and realize they will need to prepare and accept various NPI measures.
From the UK Groniad

….Jeannette Jameson, 61, a criminal defense lawyer, told the Guardian that she had been sick for about a month when her doctor suggested she go to an emergency room to be tested for the virus….
….Jameson said she never saw a doctor, and after testing negative for flu and being given a chest X-ray, she was discharged with papers that said she had “some non-specific respiratory virus”, along with prescriptions for ibuprofen and acetaminophen.
When she asked why she wasn’t given a test for coronavirus, she said that a nurse practitioner told her she could only get tested if she was admitted to the hospital with severe symptoms….
Jameson asked about the coronavirus test, she said the registered nurse practitioner told her: “You should be glad you don’t have influenza because that’s worse than coronavirus.”
The death rate for coronavirus is much higher than for the flu.
A frustrated Jameson later said she told the nurse: “This is like a third-world country.” The nurse responded: “Now you’re just being dramatic.”….

So yes, Washington State is continuing the CDCs policy of NOT TESTING anyone unless they are critical.

Gail Combs

Dr Eric Ding is RIGHT!!! We have ZERO idea whether there is a major problem or not BECAUSE RESIST! inside the CDC Rather see Americans DEAD than see us vote for President Trump!
”We don’t know if there is an outbreak without lab testing and screening. The entirety of US had had minimal testing compared to China or even South Korea. Delayed testing makes an epidemic potentially worse.” – DrEricDing
Who is Dr Eric Ding?
He says: “Public health scientist / Epidemiologist / Harvard ‘07 (Epidemiology & Nutrition), JohnsHopkins ‘04 / 15yrs HSPH&HMS / Pharma whistleblower”
Epidemiology is the study and analysis of the distribution (who, when, and where), patterns and determinants of health and disease conditions in defined populations. So the spread of the virus is his field of study. (He should have Nancy Messonnier’s job.)

This is a CLASSIC!

Gail Combs

More from Dr Ding. (Worth following) The response I post below is concerning.

https://twitter.com/Hoopdata/status/1235824416933605376comment image

Gail Combs

This is worth reading the entire thread:

Gail Combs

What is interesting is WHO Brett Giroir is:
The guy is saying 0.1 to 1.0% death rate. That may be based on the data from the Diamond Princess (0.9%) and the South Korea (0.6%) where asymptomatic people were IDed and the death rate was under 1%. However Dr Ding is correct in that there are a lot of still unresolved cases.
From Wiki
“…Giroir served as the deputy director, and then a director, of DARPA’s Defense Science Office from 2004 to 2008, vice chancellor for the Texas A&M University System from 2008 to 2013, and as the chief executive officer of the Texas A&M Health Science Center from 2013 to 2015. He is widely known for leading novel biomedical initiatives within Texas culminating in the 2012 announcement of a public private partnership with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service Biomedical Research and Development Authority to accelerate development and manufacturing of vaccines and therapeutics for pandemic influenza and emerging infectious diseases. This partnership had a $3 billion contract value over 25 years, with an estimated $41 billion in economic impact to Texas….”
Today — https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ — has a 3.4% death rate.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gail – I’m releasing 5 or 6 of your posts from “spam” – including this one – please report at least one of them, or they are going to ratchet this up. https://akismet.com/contact


From Empire Report (NY State)



IKR! As if they needed Purrell. It’s not even effective. These people are embarrassing.they aren’t even TRYING. The daily briefings and QA should, at a minimum, have clarified this!

Gail Combs

Good grief, you can always use dilute Clorox if you have to.
From what I have seen of the ‘poor’ they generally have plenty of money (welfare) for cigarettes and soft drinks and beer and junk food. (ZERO sense of thrift.)
@ $2.97/10 oz for Purrell that is the cost of a couple of soft drinks.
@ $6.18 Chlorox is less than a case of coke.


Waste not, want not… even with almost no money self discipline and priorities can work wonders!

Gail Combs

As a poor college student I literally kept track of every single item I bought and how much it cost.
No soft drinks, candy, deserts… I had specific thing that were high priority ‘luxuries’ like caving but I was still very very careful. That is why I camped without a tent for a couple years. (Trash bags work in a pinch.)

Concerned Virginian

The governor of MARYLAND declared a state of emergency as there are now THREE confirmed cases of the Wuhan/SARS2 Coronavirus in MONTGOMERY COUNTY.
The three confirmed cases had all returned to Montgomery County after TRAVELING OVERSEAS.
They are in self-quarantine in their own homes.
Politico also reports that a group of attendees at the AIPAC CONFERENCE in Washington, DC, earlier this week, HAD CONTACT with AN INFECTED VIRUS PATIENT before they traveled down to the conference from NEW YORK CITY. AIPAC sent an urgent email to all conference attendees on March 4.
(This infected patient might have been one of the 11 cases in New York City linked to “Patient #1”, the attorney who is still hospitalized from the virus.)
AND, per https://abc11.com/ Raleigh:
The first confirmed virus patient in RALEIGH ate at the SO-CA restaurant in Cameron Village on February 29, before he tested positive on TUESDAY, MARCH 3. The man, who had come back to Raleigh on February 22 from VISITING THE NURSING HOME IN WASHINGTON STATE that is the epicenter of infections and deaths from the virus, EXHIBITED NO SYMPTOMS until March 3.
The owner of the restaurant had the entire facility professionally cleaned and sanitized on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4.
This means that the virus WAS LIKELY ACTIVE in the restaurant from February 29 through March 4.
NOW, the Wake County Health Department is searching for anybody who was within 6 feet of the infected man at the restaurant on February 29.

Gail Combs

That restaurant is just down the street from the North Carolina Nurses Association. So how many nurses in Raleigh are now infected?

Gail Combs

MONTGOMERY COUNTY is right next to District of Columbia. (60% white)
“…As one of the most affluent counties in the United States,[8] Montgomery County also has the highest percentage (29.2%) of residents over 25 years of age who hold post-graduate degrees.[9] The county has been ranked as one of the wealthiest in the United States.[10][11] Like other inner-suburban Washington, D.C. counties, Montgomery County contains many major U.S. government offices, scientific research and learning centers, and business campuses, which provide a significant amount of revenue for the county….”
Well that is going to set the cat among the pigeons!


LI’s First Coronavirus Patient Is Uniondale Man, School Confirms
The Uniondale School District confirmed the 42-year-old patient was from the hamlet. He’s currently being treated at NYU Winthrop Hospital.


Some more hopeful news –
21 hours ago
Indeed, the clinically proven serine protease inhibitor camostat mesylate, which is active against TMPRSS2 (Kawase et al., 2012), partially blocked SARS-2-S-driven entry into Caco-2 (Figure S3 B) and Vero-TMPRSS2 cells (Figure 4A). Full inhibition was attained when camostat mesylate and E-64d, an inhibitor of CatB/L, were added (Figure 4A; Figure S3B), indicating that SARS-2-S can use both CatB/L as well as TMPRSS2 for priming in these cell lines. In contrast, camostat mesylate did not interfere with SARS-2-S-driven entry into the TMPRSS2− cell lines 293T (Figure S3B) and Vero (Figure 4A), which was efficiently blocked by E-64d and therefore is CatB/L dependent.
I‘d be lying if I said I‘d understand more than a few of the words in that paragraph. It sounds promising though. Anyone care to ELI5 that in non-virologist’s words?
21 hours ago
Hard to make that short, but they were comparing to SARS, which is better understood, to see if it followed the same mechanism. They found that by blocking TMPRSS2 activation of the virus, they’re able to effectively block viral spread. The section you quoted is a test to see if doing that is also sufficient to block it getting into the cells, and for that you need to block both TMPRSS2 and CatB/L, but you don’t need to block the latter for the spread. That’s good news, because we have a drug that blocks TMPRSS2.
Shorter version – 2 drugs needed to stop infection, but only 1 to prevent spread, and it’s one we already have.

SARS-CoV-2 Cell Entry Depends on ACE2 and TMPRSS2 and Is Blocked by a Clinically Proven Protease Inhibitor
by u/grrrfld in COVID19



Japanese clinical group publishes case studies showing successes in treatment of COVID-19 pneumonia in elderly patients using aerosolized glucocorticoids
Academic Report
3 days ago
Disclaimer: I’m sharing this as I think it’s important and relevant information, but please do not misconstrue it in any way as medical advice. These are encouraging but tiny results, and I’m posting this purely in the interest of information and discussion, not to imply any efficacy in any way. You can find the source case studies in Japanese here.
Translation of NHK story:
“The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases (JAID) have published a report on their website detailing the symptomatic improvement and recovery seen following administration of inhaler-type medication used in the treatment of asthma to patients suffering from pneumonia as a result of the novel coronavirus.
The report is being published to the JAID website by a group which includes Kanagawa prefectural Ashigarakami hospital, one of the facilities that has carried out treatment on passengers of the cruiseliner Diamond Princess, which saw a mass outbreak of the novel coronavirus.
According to the report three patients suffering pneumonia and confirmed by PCR testing to be infected with the novel coronavirus were administered, upon their consent, an immunosuppressive inhaled steroid Ciclesonide typically used in the treatment of asthma.
Of the three all were over the ages of 65, and though not in critical condition all were receiving supplemental oxygen. However, after Ciclesonide treatment was administered on February 20th, noticeable improvements were seen within two days and a 73-year-old female patient has since been discharged in good health.
The clinical group has stated choosing the treatment protocol based on information received from the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, with the hope that by aerosol delivery it will prove effective in suppressing the severe inflammation in the lung tissue where the virus prevalently grows.
The group says that their findings can’t yet be fully evaluated with the small number of patients, and plans to partner with other healthcare facilities going forward to investigate the results further.”

Japanese clinical group publishes case studies showing successes in treatment of COVID-19 pneumonia in elderly patients using aerosolized glucocorticoids
by u/sushifugu in COVID19


No deaths reported in Coronavirus patients under 9 years old. Death rate is 0.2% in patients under 39 years old. Largest study to date (sample size 70k+)
Academic Report
No coronavirus deaths in children under 9 years old. Death rate currently 0.2% for patients under 39 years.
Largest study to date, with a sample size of over 70,000 patients.
-81% of infections mild. 13.8% severe. 4.7% critical
-Highest fatality rate is for people over 80, at 14.8%
-Among existing conditions, heart disease is highest risk, followed by diabetes, then chronic respiratory disease, then high blood pressure
-Fatality increase with age. There are no deaths of children under 9. Death rate under 39 years is 0.2%. 40-49 years is 0.4%. 50-59 years is 1.3%. 60-69 years is 3.8%. 70-79 years is 8%.
-Men are more likely to die (2.8%) than women (1.7%)
Article is currently published in Chinese Journal of Epidemiology

No deaths reported in Coronavirus patients under 9 years old. Death rate is 0.2% in patients under 39 years old. Largest study to date (sample size 70k+)
by u/pooheygirl in COVID19

Gail Combs

That is what I was thinking. Looks like the same study.


China Responds to Virus Investigation Demand by Demolishing ‘Ground Zero,’ Report Says
By Jared Harris
Published March 5, 2020 at 4:21pm

After a growing demand for an investigation into the origins of the novel coronavirus, China has reportedly demolished what they claim is ground zero for the deadly disease.
Months after being shuttered following an outbreak of a new strain of coronavirus, the Wuhan wet market was torn down Tuesday, journalist Jennifer Zeng reported.

China’s communist government claims the location was ground zero for the deadly outbreak now coursing around the world.
Meat from exotic animals is suspected to have been contaminated by the virus, which made the jump to humans in the unsanitary conditions of the market.
After infecting market patrons, the speed and ease of modern transit guaranteed the disease would soon begin popping up all over the planet.
Not everyone is buying China’s official story, however.
Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton has hinted at a “super laboratory” in Wuhan — a reference to the high-security biolab in the city — as a possible point of origin for the contagious disease.
Meat from exotic animals is suspected to have been contaminated by the virus, which made the jump to humans in the unsanitary conditions of the market.
After infecting market patrons, the speed and ease of modern transit guaranteed the disease would soon begin popping up all over the planet.
Not everyone is buying China’s official story, however.
Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton has hinted at a “super laboratory” in Wuhan — a reference to the high-security biolab in the city — as a possible point of origin for the contagious disease.
Unfortunately, any investigation into where the deadly illness allegedly began will be massively hindered by the fact that the building is no longer standing.
For China, which has been the center of criticism over censorship and underreported virus numbers, the destruction of the Wuhan wet market is not an assuring sign.
As the virus looks more and more like it could become a seasonal illness, humanity may never be able to confirm exactly where it came from.


Dr. Ben Carson Brilliantly Turns Tables on Dems Attacking Mike Pence’s Coronavirus Response
By Johnathan Jones
Published March 6, 2020 at 9:09am

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson defended the coronavirus task force’s handling of the virus from partisan political attacks this week at a news conference.
Carson, who recently joined the task force, defended its efforts to contain the spread of the potentially deadly infectious disease.
“I want to thank the vice president and the president for a very aggressive and careful leadership,” he said Wednesday.
Carson, who was a renowned neurosurgeon before beginning his career in politics and public service, added: “I was involved throughout my neurosurgical career in a lot of very, very complex cases and dealt with a lot of renowned physicians.
“But I must say that the people on this task force are extremely impressive, have been considering all of the various different possibilities, outlining scenarios for all the possibilities that can occur.”

[Carson’s remarks at 1:02:45]
Carson added he believes the risks associated with contracting the disease are low, “largely because of the aggressive actions that have been taken and are continuing to be taken every day.”
The HUD secretary also praised pharmaceutical companies for working together “voluntarily” in order to help to find a way to manage potential outbreaks.
“Wouldn’t that be a great lesson for the politicians?” he joked.
Carson’s comments came in response to partisan criticism of President Donald Trump’s handling of his administration’s preparedness of a possible outbreak of the virus.
Since the outbreak of the coronavirus in China was reported, Trump has not only acted decisively to help to contain its spread away from the U.S., but also quickly formed a task force in order to deal with the issue.
The president immediately imposed travel restrictions to China in January, just as the virus was starting to grab international headlines. The move was criticized by Democratic lawmakers and members of the establishment media for allegedly helping to sow seeds of racism.
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden also claimed the travel restrictions were race-related, The Hill reported.
“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia — hysterical xenophobia — and fearmongering,” the former vice president said.
Of course, when you’re a far-left Democrat, everything is racist.
In similar fashion, CNN argued that the travel ban could lead to “stigmatizing countries and ethnicities.”
Trump also came under attack for appointing Vice President Mike Pence to head the task force, which itself was criticized for not being adequately racially diverse.
CNN published an article by Michael D’Antonio criticizing Pence as “anti-science.”
“President Donald Trump is again playing the denial game and, unhelpfully, has tapped Vice President Mike Pence — a man who has repeatedly demonstrated his anti-science predilection — to lead the government response,” the article read.
The CNN hit piece also mocked the vice president for praying and blamed him for an outbreak of HIV/AIDS during his time as governor in Indiana.
Members of the establishment media have also falsely claimed that Trump described the coronavirus as a “hoax.”
While people are concerned about the spread of a potentially deadly virus, Democrats have played politics with the federal government’s readiness every step of the way.
That is why it is so crucial to have a figure such as Carson join the government’s official response. He might be a former presidential candidate and a surrogate for Trump, but his area of expertise is in medicine.
The doctor is probably more qualified to speak about the virus than anyone in CNN’s newsroom.
Carson spoke at length to Fox Business host Charles Payne on Tuesday about the task force’s response to the coronavirus and expounded on the criticism from Democrats and the establishment media.
“I suspect if Jesus Christ was on the committee, they would have a complaint about that,” he said.
Carson also promised the task force is staying ahead of the curve to respond to any changes with the disease.

As of Friday, 98,424 cases of coronavirus have been reported worldwide, and 3,386 people have died from the virus.
Twelve Americans are among those dead after being infected with coronavirus, NBC News reported.


“I suspect if Jesus Christ was on the committee, they would have a complaint about that,” he said.
Controversial Religious Extremist and Purported Middle Eastern Faith-Healer Included in Coronavirus Task Force
Concerns rise as Task Force Becomes Anti-Science, Staffed by Superstitous Mystics, Snake-Oil Salesmen, and Quackery
New member is no “austere religious scholar”, reports Washington Post


SXSW cancels, showing the world what a great sacrifice must be made for the severity of the Coronavirus outbreak, no doubt . . .
SXSW Canceled Amid Global Coronavirus Outbreak
The city of Austin canceled the annual event, the first major American film festival called off due to the worldwide outbreak.
Chris Lindahl
7 hours ago
https://www.indiewire.com/2020/03/south-by-southwest-canceled-coronavirus-1202215679/comment image

This year’s South by Southwest has been canceled, Austin city officials announced Friday. The decision by the city came as an increasing number of participants, including Netflix and Amazon Studios, pulled out of the annual gathering amid growing concerns over the worldwide coronavirus outbreak.
SXSW, with its parallel film, music, interactive, and education festivals/conferences, was set to begin next week, runningMarch 13-22. It marks the first time in the event’s 34-year history that it’s been called off.

Most cases of the nearly 100,000 global cases of coronavirus so far have been in mainland China, but numbers have increased in Europe and the US in recent weeks. That led to a flurry of event cancellations in Europe beginning last week, including France’s CanneSeries and the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival in Greece.
SXSW’s cancellation, however, marks the first major American film event to be called off in the face of the outbreak. Two music festivals in Miami were canceled Friday: Miami’s Ultra Music Festival and Calle Ocho, which were set for the end of the month.
As it stood, SXSW was beginning to get hollowed out as participants started dropping out this week. The festival’s television offerings, for example, had thinned considerably. With Amazon’s departure, premieres of series including Greg Daniels’ sci-fi show “Upload” and Matt Reeves and Nathaniel Halpern’s “Tales From the Loop” were nixed. Apple pulled out, canceling plans for premieres of the anticipated show “Central Park” from “Bob’s Burgers” creator Loren Bouchard and “Home,” a docuseries focused on innovative homes.
On the film side, no Apple meant the premiere of Spike Jonze’s documentary “Beastie Boys Story” was canceled, while screenings of the Apple/A24 release “Boys State” were in question.
And Netflix pulling out meant screenings of “Uncorked” and documentaries “A Secret Love,” “L.A. Originals,” “Mucho Mucho Amor,” and “Have a Good Trip: Adventures in Psychedelics,” would no longer move forward as planned.
Some disruption to SXSW’s planned events coincided with corporate policies limiting travel.
Twitter, for example, pulled out of the festival as the company halted all non-critical business travel and events and encouraged employees to work from home. That meant that CEO Jack Dorsey’s keynote was also canceled.
This scenario illustrates how corporate reaction to the outbreak — based on an overabundance of caution amid the unknown — could play into the cancellation fates of other upcoming events.
Companies pulling out of SXSW and the event’s subsequent cancellation came amid earlier assurances from public health officials in Austin that the festival posed no threat to public safety.
Dr. Mark Escott, Austin’s chief public health doctor, said at a press conference Friday there’s a “lack of conclusive scientific evidence” that canceling mass gatherings will impact the spread of transmission over time, but some evidence suggests that such events could make the spread happen sooner. No cases have been confirmed in Austin’s Travis County so far.
SXSW, with its plethora of concerts, screenings, and panel discussions, requires people to be crammed together in close quarters. That means that so-called “social distancing” is impractical, Escott said. The CDC recommends people stay six feet away from anyone who is sick and says the best way to protect against the virus is basic hygiene practices like frequent hand-washing, or using alcohol-based hand sanitizers if soap and water are unavailable.
SXSW’s cancellation came as a result of the local government’s disaster declaration, which ordered the festival be called off. That order does not prohibit other mass gatherings, but officials said they would look at each one on a case-by-case basis. The chief administrator of Travis County, County Judge Sarah Eckhardt, stressed the SXSW decision was one based on data.
“Panic will weaken us,” she said. “This is not a panic-based decision. This is a decision based on expert medical opinion that we should cancel festivals or mass gatherings countywide.”
One reason why organizers may be reluctant to cancel events comes down to insurance. Adam Siegel, entertainment manager at insurance company American Agents & Brokers Inc., told Variety that some disease-related coverage kicks in only if the government makes the call to cancel an event — rather than organizers doing it themselves.
A 2019 study commissioned by SXSW found last year’s festival infused $355.9 million into the city’s economy, some of which included money spent on year-round operations. It’s the most profitable event for the city’s hospitality industry, and the local government collected nearly $1.9 million in hotel taxes for SXSW-related bookings. Consumers and party organizers spent an estimated $16.7 million
Other upcoming events to watch are CinemaCon at the end of the month and April’s Tribeca Film Festival. Organizers for those two events say they’re moving forward as planned. Other upcoming festivals likely to show some impact include April’s SFFILM in the Bay Area, and the Seattle International Film Festival, which takes place in a city that has seen 10 coronavirus-related outbreaks in the past week.
A Change.org petition urging SXSW organizers to cancel the event amid the outbreak attracted over 55,000 signatures as of Friday afternoon.



“China’s claims of how it’s handling coronavirus recovery should be taken with more than a few grains of salt.”
So should “The Week”. If you sit back and look at the preponderance of articles by The Week it shouldn’t take long to discover that they write for or from the Never Trump Establishment’s perspective.
My first tip off was my mother signed me up for a subscription so it now comes in the mail box. Actually that wasn’t the first tip off. The first was the magazine showed up in the mail box and I glanced the articles and saw them to be slyly anti Trump. I had no idea where the magazine was coming from. Several magazines latter, speaking with my mother, she asked me how I liked the magazine at which time I learned she had made me a gift subscription of it. My mother has a sever case of TDS that would cause her to become enraged just by hearing his name however that, I think might be getting better now that I can see that she is trying to reason with me. I did point out to her the magazines slant in coverage. Hopefully we’ll have better dialogue in the future. Unfortunately she still does not use a computer or else I’m sure I’d have more luck on setting her straight.
Anyway concerning their slant on Cornovirus and the story. As with most stories that seek to persuade they can have elements of truth. Indeed they can be chock full of truth and for that they need not be dismissed out of hand, but the real art of persuasion comes down to what kind of impression are they trying to leave the reader with. Where critical thinking comes into play is in deciding how to separate the truth from the distortions. In a story like this I’d say you’d take note of it and wait to see if China starts to export again absent more information.
The Never Trumpers have identified the economy as a strong point for the President and as such they are currently trying to slash the tires on our economy in order to take the President down. IMO they’ve gone so far as to introduce a very real and seemingly dangerous virus on the world in order to do it. China may or may not have been fully complicate in this plan but they are certainly not guiltless. The Never Trumpers only needed an agent operating in the Wuhan Bio Weapons Lab to get the virus released ( I still like the story about the Weapons guy selling dead infected lab meat to the Wuhan wet market as it makes sense though we lack more proof, it does provide great cover should they need it). Maybe a few more people to silence the initial human alarms as it started to first spread.
Anyway and quick survey of stories by The Week will show they are all designed to depress the market and work against our President and thus the productive class. Of course that doesn’t mean there’s not good information to be learned there as the threats the virus poses both to health and economy are quite real, but as they said of China, pour great amounts of salt on them, which I’m sure we do anyway.
I would like to go on and identify more tire slashers and tell you how they are doing as much damage to themselves as to us and explain why they are going to fail but its eight o’clock in the morning here and I’m expected to be awake now.


Given what we have seen and read of Corona in China, I have two going in beliefs.
– I don’t believe any of the positive data.
– The negative data is simply understated.
China information should be culled to determined useful information.
ChiComs are in this for ChiComs…don’t give a rats f@ck about anyone else. Power and domination.


Community guidance expert from the central guidance group: patients discharged from Wuhan should be observed for 28 days in isolation
2020-03-06 23:20:30 Beijing News
Patients discharged from Wuhan must have 14 days of centralized isolation observation and 14 days of home medical isolation observation, and they must go through a total of 28 days of isolation observation period.
According to the official Weibo news of the “News 1 + 1” column of CCTV, on March 6, Bai Yansong talked with Wu Hao, the head of the community prevention and control expert group of the central steering group.
Wu Hao said: Patients discharged from Wuhan must have 14 days of centralized isolation observation and 14 days of home medical isolation observation, and they must go through a total of 28 days of isolation observation period. The first 14 days are the observations of centralized medical isolation points. Generally, it is the acquisition or transformation of medical isolation points such as hotels or training schools for observation. In principle, each isolation point is matched by a doctor and a nurse for every 50 people, and there are other life support personnel. At the same time, there is a division-level leader cadre at the isolation point.

Wuhan, discharged patients now need to be quarantined for 28 days, since lots of them tested positive again in 14 days, and one strong young man died.
by u/feverzsj in China_Flu


“This is the most frightening disease I’ve ever encountered in my career. And that includes Ebola, it includes MERS, it includes SARS. ” – Pandemic Expert Richard Hatchett
“This is the most frightening disease I’ve ever encountered in my career. And that includes Ebola, it includes MERS, it includes SARS.
And it’s frightening because of it’s infectiousness, and a lethality that is manyfold higher than flu, as well as it’s ability to cause serious disease and death.
We have not since 1918, the Spanish Flu, seen a virus that combines those two qualities in the same way. We have seen very lethal viruses, certainly Ebola, or Nipah, or any of the other diseases. Those viruses have a high mortality rate, Ebola is as high as 80%. But those viruses don’t have the infectiousness that this virus has.
This virus has a potential to cause a global pandemic to the scale of the Spanish Flu. ”
– Richard Hatchett, Public health executive with extensive governmental expertise and leadership experience in medical countermeasure development and public health emergency preparedness more generally. Served in the White Houses of Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama and designed and led medical countermeasure development programs at BARDA and NIH, including planning for and responding to H5N1 avian influenza (“bird flu”), the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic, and the Ebola, MERS, and Zika epidemics.”

"This is the most frightening disease I’ve ever encountered in my career. And that includes Ebola, it includes MERS, it includes SARS. " – Pandemic Expert Richard Hatchett
by u/bboyneko in China_Flu


New CDC guidance says older adults should ‘stay at home as much as possible’ due to coronavirus
By Elizabeth Cohen, Senior Medical Correspondent
(CNN)Amid a coronavirus outbreak in the United States, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is encouraging older people and people with severe chronic medical conditions to “stay at home as much as possible.”
This advice is on a CDC website that was posted Thursday, according to a CDC spokeswoman.
Early data suggests older people are twice as likely to have serious illness from the novel coronavirus, according to the CDC.
A Trump administration official tells CNN that the US Department of Health and Human Services “is in the process of doing targeted outreach to the elderly community and those that have serious underlying health conditions.”
The CDC guidance comes as two top infectious disease experts with ties to the federal government have advised people over 60 and those with underlying health problems to strongly consider avoiding activities that involve large crowds.
Dr. William Schaffner, a Vanderbilt University professor and longtime adviser to the CDC, said these two groups should consider avoiding activities such as traveling by airplane, going to movie theaters, attending family events, shopping at crowded malls, and going to religious services.
People in these two groups “should strongly consider not doing these activities at this juncture,” Schaffner said.
“This ought to be top of mind for people over 60, and those with underlying health problems, such as heart or lung disease, diabetes, or compromised immune systems,” Schaffner added. “The single most important thing you can do to avoid the virus is reduce your face to face contact with people.”
Michael Osterholm, the former state epidemiologist for Minnesota, agreed that people over age 60 should take such steps.
“I think clearly the time has come to take these steps,” said Osterholm, who has served on committees advising the federal government on public health issues and is director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota.
Both experts, who are over age 60, said they have taken some of these steps themselves.
“When my wife and I need to go shopping, we’re going late at night when there are no crowds, and we get in and out efficiently,” Schaffner said.
He added that his wife goes to a bridge club with dozens of other people — but not anymore.
“She enjoys bridge and it’s an important part of her life and it keeps her mentally active, but she’s going to give it up for a while,” he said.
Osterholm said he has canceled some air travel plans.
“It’s always been easy to be abstract when you’re a public health person when something’s happening in Africa or Asia or the Arabian peninsula,” he said. “But now it’s happening here, and we have to internalize this.”
Schaffner and Osterholm said data from China shows that elderly people and those with underlying health issues are most at risk of becoming seriously ill and of dying from the novel coronavirus. Younger and healthier people often get only mild to moderate symptoms, or sometimes no symptoms at all.
The basics of ‘social distancing’
Schaffner and Osterholm said their advice has some flexibility for important events.
“This is not an instruction. This is not an order,” Schaffner said. “I’m not asking everyone to stay at home and lock the door for a month. I’m saying, be thoughtful every time you contemplate getting together with a crowd or group.”
For example, if a grandparent wants to attend a grandchild’s wedding, they could sit off to the side, and bump elbows with relatives instead of hugging and kissing.
But someone might want to avoid, for example, a regular weekend religious service.
“Don’t go. Be reverent at home,” Schaffner said.


Interesting they did not have this advice when death rates for the flu in 2019 topped 19,000. Perhaps they should tailor this message to areas where spread is a concern least I start thinking their real objective is to get older people to self ostracize in order to suppress commerce and communication with loved ones.
Now that the health community has 8 billion dollars to spread this kind of fear around you can see easily how it might effect voter turn out. Go back to the story by Professor Epstein (they killed his wife) to figure out how small effects done by Google moved massive numbers. Same thing here.
What sucks is we have to deal with these people. Glad the President kept his hands in his pocket when visiting the CDC.


Admittedly slow guy. AND I distrust the CDC, as I do distrust most anything Feds.
We have highly mobile society, that is facilitating the spread of Corona across countries, states, counties, cities, communities, neighborhoods. Not subscribing to Eeyore, but, so long as folks are mobile, seems as though Corona is coming to moar neighborhoods than I care to guesstimate.
Guessing a few significant differences between 2019 and Corona include.
1) Corona moar contagious.
2) Corona higher impact of older folks.
3) New Corona is a SARS – Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome disease.
^^^ Collectively this really makes it a priority for this old fart to NOT catch Corona.
Given the circumstances, minimize contact with other folks strikes me as common sense.


Given the circumstances, for older folks, those over 60, minimize contact with other folks strikes me as common sense.


Most will do that anyway. Blanket warnings like this will have an effect. Still need to be tailored to localities before they start scaring people. 17 deaths vs 19000 is a real statistic.


“for this old fart” . . . ditto, and . . . OFR!!!


Still need my t-shirt 😉


SARS-CoV-2 Cell Entry Depends on ACE2 and TMPRSS2 and Is Blocked by a Clinically Proven Protease Inhibitor
• SARS-CoV-2 uses the SARS-CoV receptor ACE2 for host cell entry
• The spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 is primed by TMPRSS2
• Antibodies against SARS-CoV spike may offer some protection against SARS-CoV-2
The recent emergence of the novel, pathogenic SARS-coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in China and its rapid national and international spread pose a global health emergency. Cell entry of coronaviruses depends on binding of the viral spike (S) proteins to cellular receptors and on S protein priming by host cell proteases. Unravelling which cellular factors are used by SARS-CoV-2 for entry might provide insights into viral transmission and reveal therapeutic targets.
Here, we demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 uses the SARS-CoV receptor ACE2 for entry and the serine protease TMPRSS2 for S protein priming. A TMPRSS2 inhibitor approved for clinical use blocked entry and might constitute a treatment option.
Finally, we show that the sera from convalescent SARS patients cross-neutralized SARS-2-S-driven entry. Our results reveal important commonalities between SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV infection and identify a potential target for antiviral intervention.


Health workers are often the worst to selfishly spread diseases an/or to comply with quarantines! Remember the nurse who refused to quarantine during the Ebola outbreak?
Already we have seen cases where hospital health worker in NY state went to a party despite being told to self-quarantine – and now a doctor with COVID-19 has traveled from Colorado and gone back to work – exposing his patients in Australia.
LINK – Gail Combs posted March 7, 2020 at 08:03 – https://wqth.wordpress.com/2020/03/05/20200305-coronavirus-ground-reports/comment-page-2/#comment-420018
Bill In Oz says:
7 March 2020 at 4:37 am
“EM I think that there is Corona Virus issue in Denver.
Here is Oz we have just found out that doctor returned to Melbourne Australia on the 29th of Feb from Denver in USA. Despite having a runny nose during the flights he went back to his practice last Monday & treated over 70 people before being diagnosed with COVID 19 on Friday….
So more Corona Virus chaos unleashed !
But it seems he got it in Denver or close by. So was he on holiday skying in the area or at a medical conference in the area ?
But I have not seen any references to Corona virus in Denver !”


Actually – this morning the Johns Hopkins global map and list of US counties cites confirmed COVID-19 cases in Colorado.
Each of the global maps has a different total for US cases. As the White House task force has said – most COVID-19 cases will be mild and not require hospitalization – and will not be reported to the CDC – which also will affect the statistics – making the disease look far worse and more deadly.


“. . . making the disease look far worse and more deadly.”
That’s the problem with the tests that are (NOT) available.
A lot of people are flipping out that there aren’t more tests available for peoples. That’s true, but really the outcome of tests is not extremely helpful right now for individual cases. What we really need the tests for is improved statistical reporting and tracking.
CDC playing games with these early on . . . IMO they knew they would have too many negative tests! They wanted the narrative that the spread was out of control, and negative test statistics would NOT have helped their case!
The MAJORITY of CV instances will NOT be tested and will not be tracked for statistical purposes.
The result of this is that the tested positive sample will be VERY LOW.
But fatalities and serious cases will be tested and get a statistically higher percentage.
Simple math (which is a capability that has been demonstrated to elude Democrats) shows that a very low test sample will result in a highly skewed mortality rate.
This is not something to be concerned about.
But the FAKE NEWS propaganda will have a hey-day with how “serious” the Corona virus crisis is and how Trump and Pence aren’t doing enough or taking it seriously.
We’ve already started to see the Democrats lining up with their tin cups banging them on the table demanding more money – like Cuomo in New York.
They must be desperate for slush fund money, almost as if their usual sources are getting choked off.


One more point on Cuomo.
If he were SERIOUS about needing money, he wouldn’t be blabbing about it on the news.
He would use his communication with the Coronavirus Task Force to outline the specific needs, in an ITEMIZED fashion. If he wanted to discuss it with the media, he would do so in a calm and proper fashion, stating that he had made a request of the Task Force for additional funding.
At this time there is no mechanism I am aware of for providing additional funding to the states (IMO they don’t need any Federal funds and can pound sand) however I am hopeful that Pence will address this in the next briefing or at least nip it in the bud.
No state is so starved for money that they need Federal assistance. They have their own funding sources and can borrow money. Particularly for a public health emergency, with very well described needs, even getting money on debt should not be a problem even for states like Connecticut and Illinois. We need to set more expectations that emergency funds come from states and not from Federal sources.


1 in 5 people will need a hospital, including supplemental oxygen for perhaps weeks. About a third of those will require mechanical breathing assistance.
This is surely enough to get my full attention.
Why is this fact not plastered all over by the media?


Where did you get this information?


OK – I found it – the BBC – https://www.bbc.com/news/health-51714498
“Most cases will be mild, although the evidence suggests one in five may need hospital treatment, with one in 20 needing critical care. That would certainly put the NHS under strain, even if the proportion of cases is half the worst-case projections.”
The Guardian goes with an even more drastic line:
“So let’s look at some statistics: it is likely that more than 30% of the whole UK population will get Covid-19 – it may be as high as 60% in some estimates. Most will have no or mild illness but maybe one in seven will need hospital admission. Of patients in hospital up to one in five may need ICU care – that would be an unprecedented number of people admitted to ICU. As many as one in 50 of patients known to have Covid-19 may die from it.” – https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/mar/03/icu-doctor-nhs-coronavirus-pandemic-hospitals
HOWEVER – the Guardian links to China’s CDC to support this statement.
We will have to see if it is true that Asians, particularly males are more susceptible to COVID-19 than western citizens.
The US CDC say only elderly with co-morbid serious conditions will likely need hospitalization.


Another day, and more reasons to panic, YAWN . . .
Empire Report (NY State)



Is this the new Bagdad Bob? He is talking about the Wuhan flu…while appearing to be ill!


oops! I must have done something wrong as that is a different emblem…thanks to whoever fixed it to let me in despite mistake. Or maybe its a mistake I have made before so already in the “system”. Sorry guys. Again.


I posted this on the open thread but should have posted it here:
Wow – wonder how this will spread to other areas to prevent the spreading of wuhan flu? Yikes! Wonder what triggered this action in this location when other locations have not done same?

Concerned Virginian

The wibw link above has been removed.
Here’s a link that works:
The residential block in question is in ROCKLIN, PLACER COUNTY, California.
A man who died of the Wuhan/SARS2 coronavirus lived on the block.
The enforced quarantine is part of a California law on disease containment / public threat protocols.


Thank you
I might have posted it incorrectly as the link below worked for me just now when I went directly from gateway. I usually click through as I like to read the stories for myself. Still very startling to see how quickly one can be quarantined by force in our own country!
Mistake 527 this month and its only the 7th… 🙁



Another gift from the “don’t worry, it’s not so bad” WuFlu
COVID-19 and the cardiovascular system
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infects host cells through ACE2 receptors, leading to coronavirus disease (COVID-19)-related pneumonia, while also causing acute myocardial injury and chronic damage to the cardiovascular system. Therefore, particular attention should be given to cardiovascular protection during treatment for COVID-19.


Wow, holy moley. We get a two-fer DOUBLE DOSE of panic today! Two for the price of one!
And a big, red graphic of NY State to boot!
Empire Report (NY State)


Anybody watch ABC’s 2020 special last night entitled OUTBREAK???
Scary stuff man. They neglected to mention the lab. Took some digs at POTUS.

test.. 2 posts in spam


I do like this link because it gives more info at a glance and update detail
on the right.
It is a pain when scrolling, it will update and throw you back to the top.
Don’t bother with the map, the pins aren’t updated.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Spam bin, for whatever reason! If more, then may need to complain.


Weird, thought it was site, put an asterisk in front, still wouldn’t post.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They blocked all 5 attempts by pgroup to post one site, no matter how he masked it. They’re testing censorship big time.


Well we got our hammer procedures nailed down to keep em in line.😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Friggin’ Nazimet.


I went to spam. 😣
I really like this map because it gives you the numbers at a glance and
update info on the right.
It is a pain if you scroll down past 1st page to read because it will
update and throw you back to top. Just scroll again and read fast.
Don’t bother with the world map, pins not being updated with all the data.

Thanks MQ!! 💞


Gail got a big shout out on the Chiefio blog!
7 March 2020 Covid-19 California Quarantine & Exponential Math

Well, California quarantined a neighborhood where a Covid-19 case died. (h/t Gail). The video below also mentions it. This isn’t quite the same as other quarantines in that we don’t know if it was just temporary while they collected the guy and disinfected the area, or is it longer due to that whole neighborhood now being suspect and maybe tested?
This is exactly WHY you ALL ought to be prepared to be locked in your house. Perhaps for a day, or perhaps for 2 weeks, or perhaps for 2 months if things are spreading and sequential cases found.

. . . MORE . . .



I wanted to post a shout out to Daughn and all the Qtreepers who have posted here before she posts the next update.
The amount of information and reporting here is nothing less than massive and impressive!
It’s amazing the wonders we can work when everyone pitches in.
Give yourselves all a pat on the back, we have the best and most up to date information anywhere outside Mike Pence’s Task Force 🙂
And in the meantime stay safe out there!


You too! 👍👍


Coronavirus starts wreaking havoc on plans across US
by Daniel Chaitin
March 07, 2020 08:20 PM
Updated Mar 07, 2020, 09:44 PM

With conferences getting canceled and mass public transportation getting disrupted, the COVID-19 virus is not only a threat to people around the country, but is also putting their plans into disarray.
As of early Saturday evening, there were 437 coronavirus cases across more than half of the 50 states, and 19 people have died.
New York declared a state of emergency on Saturday, speeding up the process of purchasing medical supplies and hiring help to contain the illness, joining other states such as Washington, Maryland, California, and Utah. Eighty-nine cases were reported in the Empire State by Saturday evening. Washington state, where 16 patients died, has more than 100 known cases.
At least one person from New Jersey who attended last month’s Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Maryland, tested positive for the coronavirus, the American Conservative Union announced Saturday afternoon. President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, who was tasked with leading the administration’s response to the virus, were in attendance, but organizers and the White House said there is no indication that either one was in close proximity to the infected attendee.
A day earlier, it was revealed that two people who attended last week’s American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s policy conference in Washington, D.C., tested positive for the virus. Pence and several other high-profile officials and 2020 candidates for president attended AIPAC, along with nearly 20,000 others.
Trump signed legislation on Friday that made $8.3 billion in emergency funding available to combat the coronavirus’s spread, as the number of cases worldwide eclipsed the 100,000 mark after the outbreak began in Wuhan, China. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports symptoms, including fever, cough, and shortness of breath, may appear two to 14 days after exposure.
Precautions are being taken in a variety of ways, including the cancellation of heavily attended events. This includes the annual technology, film, and music conference South by Southwest, which brings millions of dollars and thousands of people into the city of Austin, Texas. It was scheduled from March 13 to 22, but the organizers said Austin canceled the dates, and SXSW would “faithfully follow the City’s directions.”
At least nine technology events have been called off because of the coronavirus, which Recode reports has an economic cost surpassing $1 billion.comment image
The American Enterprise Institute’s World Forum, which is an annual meeting of business leaders, government officials, and conservative intellectuals in Sea Island, Georgia, has also been canceled.
The Ultra electronic music festival in Miami was canceled, and Coachella, a large music festival set to begin in April in the California desert, is facing a growing petition with thousands of signatures to shut down. Still, Riverside County Public Health said it was “confident” about its plans, and large events such as Coachella are still cleared to take place.
Big healthcare policy events set to take place in Washington, D.C., next month were shut down, including a conference by America’s Health Insurance Plans, the top insurance industry lobbying group.
D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser announced late Saturday a resident was diagnosed with coronavus, becoming the first case in the city. The first known diagnosed case in Virginia was also announced Saturday. A U.S. Marine assigned to Fort Belvoir in Fairfax County, Virginia, tested positive with the coronavirus after he “recently returned from overseas, where he was on official business,” Pentagon chief spokesman Jonathan Rath Hoffman said in a tweet. The Marine is being treated at Fort Belvoir Community Hospital.
Businesses are starting to encourage employees not to come into work, including major tech companies such as Apple, Alphabet Inc., and Microsoft Corp. Even Congress is devising a plan to have staff telework “in light of the unique and unusual circumstances presented by the coronavirus.”
Political fundraisers are also getting shut down. And the AFL-CIO, the largest federation of unions in the United States, announced Saturday it would cancel its upcoming forum in Florida that would have featured Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders, the top two remaining candidates vying for the Democratic presidential nomination. The state had reported two deaths from the virus last week.
In the entertainment world, the studios behind the upcoming James Bond movie, No Time to Die, pushed back the global release date six months to November because of the coronavirus.comment image
Professional sports leagues are working on contingency plans. Los Angeles Lakers superstar LeBron James denounced the possibility of the NBA playing games without fans amid the spread of the coronavirus. “We play games without the fans?” James said Friday night after a game. “I ain’t playing. I ain’t got the fans in the crowd. That’s who I play for. I play for my teammates. I play for the fans. That’s what it’s all about. If I show up to an arena and there are no fans in there, I ain’t playing. They can do what they want to do.”
Amtrak suspended its nonstop Acela service between Washington, D.C., and New York City through late May, citing lower demand, while airlines are waiving cancellation fees and scrapping domestic flights. Twenty-one people aboard a cruise ship, moored off the coast of California for days, tested positive for the coronavirus. Pence met with executives of the cruise line industry on Saturday in Florida to discuss about developing a plan for passengers who have come in contact with the virus.
In-person classes at Stanford University are canceled starting next week, becoming the second major university to do so. The University of Washington was the first, moving classes online.
On Friday, San Francisco announced the city’s annual St. Patrick’s Day parade next weekend is canceled.
Trump struck an untroubled tone when asked if he was worried about the coronavirus getting close to the White House. “I’m not concerned at all,” he told reporters Saturday evening, adding that he will still hold “tremendous” campaign rallies as he seeks reelection this year.


Disney World is still open – though they are doing extra cleaning and disinfecting, and have made sanitizer dispensers available.


About 30 Still Trapped After Chinese Coronavirus Quarantine Hotel Collapses
BY REUTERS March 7, 2020 Updated: March 7, 2020
https://www.theepochtimes.com/about-30-still-trapped-after-chinese-coronavirus-quarantine-hotel-collapses_3263672.htmlcomment image

SHANGHAI—About 30 people remained trapped early on March 7, after a five-story hotel being used for coronavirus quarantine collapsed in the southeast Chinese port city of Quanzhou, state media said.
About four hours after the collapse, the Quanzhou municipality said 38 of the 70 or so people who had been in the Quanzhou Xinjia Hotel had been rescued.
A video stream posted by the communist government-backed Beijing News site showed rescue workers in orange overalls clambering over rubble and twisted steelwork carrying people toward ambulances.
The hotel collapsed at about 7:30 p.m. local time on Saturday evening.
“I was at a gas station and heard a loud noise. I looked up and the whole building collapsed. Dust was everywhere, and glass fragments were flying around,” a witness said in a video posted on the Miaopai streaming app.
“I was so terrified that my hands and legs were shivering.”
A woman named only by her surname, Chen, told the Beijing News that relatives including her sister had been under quarantine at the hotel as prescribed by local regulations after returning from Hubei province, where the coronavirus emerged.
She said they had been scheduled to leave soon after completing their 14 days of isolation.
“I can’t contact them, they’re not answering their phones, she said.
“I’m under quarantine too [at another hotel] and I’m very worried, I don’t know what to do. They were healthy, they took their temperatures every day, and the tests showed that everything was normal.”
The municipality said 36 emergency rescue vehicles such as cranes and excavators, 67 firefighting vehicles, 15 ambulances, and more than 700 firefighters, medical, and other rescue workers were at the scene as the operation stretched into the night.
Quanzhou is a port city on the Taiwan Strait in the province of Fujian with a population of more than 8 million.
Chinese state media People’s Daily said the hotel had opened in June 2018 with 80 rooms.
Beijing News’s video stream was viewed by more than 2 million Weibo users on Saturday evening, and the hotel’s collapse was the top trending topic on the Weibo site, China’s close equivalent to Twitter.
Some users demanded an investigation into how the hotel could have collapsed.
Anger has been building up against the authorities in China over their early handling of the coronavirus outbreak.
Xinhua News Agency, another state run media, said the committee responsible for working safety under the State Council, China’s cabinet, had sent an emergency working team to the site.
By Samuel Shen, Ryan Woo and Brenda Goh


Dispatches from the Frontcomment image
You are the News Now.
Handle w/ care patriot.
Ground level update from the Diamond Princess
[For obvious reasons I’ve scrubbed a lot of the personal and medical details.]
Backstory: Husband and wife on-board Diamond Princess were allowed to leave the ship in Japan where they were taken to separate hospitals for treatment for the Coronavirus.
Update from the husband . . .
“I just got my 2nd negative [test for the virus].
Next they tell me that I move out today to the hotel.
Wife will join me on Monday at the hotel.
Next steps will require receiving copies of our doctor’s reports and working with both the CDC and embassy.
I have already spoken to both. When we are removed from Do Not Fly status we can arrange flight home.”


From Medications to Masks…. the US doesn’t make them any more…because of globalists.



Italy is a traditionalist country ruled by wild-eyed globalists. I can’t help but think the outbreak is deeply connected with their own mismanagement of the country. They wrenched control away from the nationalists, what a bang up job they’ve done. I have a suspicion that the same players will come out for their part in Spygate as well. Long term I can’t see the Italians putting up with this from them – they have a history of being unforgiving towards despotism.


Goodness! Are they trying to prepare us, or scare the hell out of us?
New Coronavirus models predicts a minimum of 15 million dead, $2.4 trillion economic collapse Researchers are estimating a planetary effect.
The current numbers are dramatic.
The coronavirus is in 91 nations. It has killed 3,300 people and infected close to 100,000. Researchers in Australia think that it could cost the global economy $2.4 trillion and a death toll of 15 million. The Aussies modeled their analysis on the 1968-69 Hong Kong flu pandemic that killed about one million people.
In a worst-case scenario, modeled after the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918-20, worldwide economic losses could top $9 trillion and 68 million people could die. Those kind of consequences could send the world economy into a tailspin and worse.


Yea, D-Rats lap this stuff up. As does MCM, globalists… Me, not so much. President Trump and his team will do their best to minimize problems, sickness, death… Will everything be perfect? No. But, we’ll get through this by listening to President Trump and using our good judgement…logic. Not emotional hype.


Today’s Empire Report – slightly less spicy but still heavy on the panic . . .
Empire Report (NY State)


Not ruling out geographical lock downs/quarantines like they are doing in Italy right now.
25% of Italian population on lock down. All weddings, movies, museum, ski resorts, etc. closed
and we might do same here…???


So, they are saying might quarantine and yet it is “hysteria” to report on it and/or prepare?


Yeah. Something’s rotten in the state of Denmark.


Grand Princess cruise ship passengers heading to GA – Dobbins AFB – will be close to CDC and Atlanta specialists.
“ATLANTA, GA. (WCTV) – Governor Brian Kemp has announced that 34 residents of Georgia along with other Americans will be transported from California to Dobbins Air Reserve Base in Marietta, Georgia.
The people being transferred are those who are on the Grand Princess cruise ship docked off the coast of California. Once in Georgia, all passengers will be tested for coronavirus and quarantined.
Governor Kemp says, “I am confident that Dobbins is equipped to provide high-quality care for Americans in need while keeping Georgia families safe, and our state stands ready to assist our federal partners if requested. In the days and weeks ahead, I encourage Georgians to pray for the patients affected by COVID-19 and their healthcare providers. We must continue to support one another, trust the advice of the medical community, and remain vigilant.”
The passengers are expected to arrive on Monday, March 9th and Tuesday, March 10th.”


Those being brought to GA are Georgians!

Likely, the other cruise passengers and workers will be taken to home states for quarantine in similar facilities.

Concerned Virginian

Well —
As of today, there are reported first cases of the Wuhan/SARS2 coronavirus in: Kentucky / Indiana / Tennessee / Virginia.
The Indiana infected person was recently at a large conference IN BOSTON before starting to show symptoms.
Gov. Andy Beshear is considering a lockdown of all of HARRISON COUNTY, Kentucky, where the state’s first virus case was confirmed. The schools in that county are going to be closed for at least a week.
My opinion:
I still believe that it is not applicable to compare the Wuhan/SARS2 coronavirus with the seasonal flu. While it is true that millions of Americans get infected with the flu during the winter months, with thousands of deaths resulting — there are vaccines for seasonal flu. There are prescription drugs to treat seasonal flu Tamiflu for example). There are NO vaccines for the Wuhan virus and NO prescription drugs that are developed to treat it — these interventions have a minimum 12 – 18 month timeframe for development and approval.
Also, based on the neighborhood lockdown that was enforced in Rocklin (Placer County, California), AND that Kentucky Gov. Beshear is apparently considering a lockdown of Harrison County, I believe it is possible that this mindset could well accelerate, especially when the virus begins to make more inroads into the U.S. in general.
Given this, it may well be time, now, to “rush to completion” any and all gathering of supplies for the household (for a minimum of 30 days); plans to keep children home if the schools are closed for an extended period of time; plans to keep tabs on elderly relatives; etc.


Gail Combs

Yes, you have to watch his math. He should know better since this is his field. However he is Anti-Trump.




Daughn. Appreciate the monumental effort capturing and collating data / information. Narrative superb.
Random thoughts.
My instincts are we, the US, is situated quite well. President Trump engaged and ensuring Fed focus is where it needs to be. VP Pence stepped up mightily. Leadership at CDC delivering. 100% believe President Trump and VP Pence ensuring CDC focus is exactly where it needs to be.
Little addressed, cruise ships. The ship’s are an excellent incubator to infect the thousands of passengers. Diamond Princess validated that.
Me thinks, crew IS a huge problem. Thousands of folks living in tight quarters. Working long hours. I suspect crew commonly cross deck from cruise ship to cruise ship. Corona among the crew has got to be through the roof.
– Guessing the only way to stop Corona on cruise ships is to STOP the cruises for X months.
– Sanitize the ships. Maybe UV lights to sanitize the ships, as highlighted a number of times by Gail.
– AND, what to do with thousands of crew, nearly all third country nationals. Where do they go? Test them. Quarantine if necessary. Fly to their home country? Some needed to sanitize the ships and minimal maintenance while ships are in port, hopefully at anchor.
Looking forward to spring, temps rising, Corona spread arrested and stopped.


Gail Combs

Florida will have hordes of college students descending for spring break…
“… Daytona’s famous for some of the craziest Spring Break parties on this side of the planet…”https://www.dbspringbreak.com/
NOT good for the hotels and restaurants:
Transmission of SARS and MERS coronaviruses and influenza virus in healthcare settings: the possible role of dry surface contamination.
“SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and influenza virus can survive on surfaces for extended periods, sometimes up to months….”
The one bright spot 🌞
This is from the CDC on hantavirus
“…Ultraviolet (UV) light is a very effective way to kill viruses under certain circumstances. Sunlight produces high intensities of UV and finely dispersed aerosols of the kind that infect humans are readily penetrated by the light. Virus inactivation has never been measured under those circumstances, but it must be very rapid.
However, the UV light must penetrate to the virus particle. One reason why the interior of structures may be dangerous is that the reflected white light from outside will not contain sufficient UV. Similarly, solids or liquids provide a challenge to UV penetration….”

“…Researchers say a certain spectrum of ultraviolet light — called far-UVC — easily kills airborne flu viruses while posing no risk to people….”
“….Scientists found 222 nanometer far-UVC light was just as effective as broad spectrum UV light at killing and deactivating the aerosolized influenza virus….
Researchers at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center suggest far-UVC lamps should be installed in hospitals, doctors offices, schools, airports and other public places….”


Gail Combs

‘Get ready’: Italian doctors warn Europe of coronavirus impact on hospitals
‘It will be tough’, British doctor admits after Italian experts warn one in 10 of those infected need intensive care
Shaun LinternHealth Correspondent @ShaunLintern
1 day ago
Italian doctors have warned medics across Europe to “get ready” for coronavirus in a letter revealing up to 10 per cent of all those infected with coronavirus need intensive care, with hospitals becoming overwhelmed.
The letter, seen by The Independent, reveals the scale of the impact on hospitals in Italy where 5,883 patients have been infected with the virus and 233 people have died as of 6pm on Saturday.
In the note, sent to the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, critical care experts Professor Maurizio Cecconi, Professor Antonio Pesenti and Professor Giacomo Grasselli, from the University of Milan, revealed how difficult it had been to treat coronavirus patients.
They said: “We are seeing a high percentage of positive cases being admitted to our intensive care units (ICUs), in the range of 10 per cent of all positive patients.
“We wish to convey a strong message: Get ready!”
They said Italian hospitals had seen “a very high” number of intensive care patients who were admitted “almost entirely” for severe lung failure caused by the virus and needing ventilators to help them breathe.
They said hospitals across the UK and Europe needed to prepare for a surge in admissions and cautioned against working “in silos”. They said it was vital hospitals had equipment to protect staff and that staff were trained in wearing the kit.
They added: “Increase your total ICU capacity. Identify early hospitals that can manage the initial surge in a safe way. Get ready to prepare ICU areas where to cohort Covid-19 patients – in every hospital if necessary.”
There have been concerns the NHS will struggle to cope in the event of a sustained coronavirus outbreak where large numbers of patients require intensive care. The UK’s chief medical officer Professor Chris Whitty has said critical care units may struggle.
Latest figures show NHS intensive care units were running at around 80 per cent capacity at the start of March. Overall the NHS has one of the lowest ratios of hospital beds per head of population in Europe.
UK hospitals are already discussing how they will need to ration care to those most likely to survive in the event there are not enough beds, ventilators or staff to care for the numbers infected if the worst case scenario predictions prove accurate.
A senior consultant at a major London hospital told The Independent the letter was a concern.
He said: “It will be tough. It’s going to be hard. My worry is staffing. If a lot of doctors and nurses become sick that will be the crunch. If a third of staff are self-isolating that is the time when we stop being able to cope.”
He added that while the NHS was as prepared as it could be for the virus patients could suffer.
“What I am more worried about is if the intensive care unit is full and we don’t have enough nurses, the anaesthetists will be called on to look after patients outside of the ICU in theatre and recovery areas. If that happens we won’t have the capacity for patients who need urgent surgery for appendicitis, blood clots etc and that’s when patients will start getting worse care as a result. These are the people who will die unnecessarily.
“The big challenge will be keeping the anaesthetic service going. Anaesthetic staff are most at risk because we deal with patients airways.”
In a separate note, Italian intensive care doctor Giuseppe Nattino, from the Lecco province in northern Italy, has shared a clinical summary of the patients his unit has been treating, which doctors described as “frightening” in terms of what it could mean for the UK.
The technical note spells out how patients with coronavirus experience a severe infection in all of their lungs, requiring major ventilation support. It also reveals the effect of the virus, which affects blood pressure, the heart, kidneys and liver with patients needing sustained treatment.
Dr Nattino said: “A week ago we opened a six-bed ICU for Covid-19 critically ill patients. In two days our unit filled up and we extended it to 10 beds on 3 March which filled up during the same afternoon. Now we’re planning to merge the cardio and general ICUS to use the general ICU beds for 10 more Covid-19 patients.”
In an alarming development, Dr Nattino said younger patients were being affected, saying the ages of patients ranged from 46 to 83 with only a small number having important underlying conditions.
He added: “The last days are showing a younger population involved as if the elderly and weaker part of the population crashed early and now younger patients, having exhausted their physiological reserves, come to overcrowded, overwhelmed hospitals with little resources left.”
One UK doctor said this latter point needed careful consideration by NHS hospitals, adding: “We need to be careful to have some ICU capacity for younger patients. This is where important difficult decisions need to be made.”
Another intensive care doctor from the north of England said Dr Nattino’s note showed coronavirus patients suffered a lack of oxygen in their blood, meaning they need a ventilator, with large parts of the lung affected by the virus.
The doctor added: “The inflammation in their lungs carries on for a long time. Patients need strong drugs in high doses to maintain their blood pressure. Kidney failure requiring a kidney machine is common and the patients later in their stay are starting to have blood tests showing liver damage.”
A spokesperson for the NHS said: “Every country is responding to this new virus, and as the chief medical officer has said, routine non urgent services could well come under pressure, so it’s right that the lessons and recommendations from Italy are now being put into practice in England.
“As the whole world continues to understand more about this virus, its impact on people and the likely demand on health services, it’s important to remember that the NHS in England has world-leading, expertise and every hospital across the country and the healthcare professionals who run them are now actively planning to respond flexibly to manage new demand.”


This (and lower survival rates overall) is why us seasoned folks may be seeming to treat the upcoming situation a bit more seriously than the “it’s just the flu” crowd.


Oh, yeah . . . sorry . . . a Biden moment, here –
UK hospitals are already discussing how they will need to ration care to those most likely to survive in the event there are not enough beds, ventilators or staff to care for the numbers infected if the worst case scenario predictions prove accurate.

Gail Combs

The UK is already known for their killing off elderly patients. They even have a name for it. The Liverpool Care Pathway. (It sounds better than withhold all water and food so they die.)


NYTs with constantly updated map. Now known to be in 34 states. I don’t think it will be contained. It will spread. Hope it will be a slow spread that medical facilities can handle.


Ted Cruz to self-quarantine after contact with coronavirus patient
https://www.axios.com/ted-cruz-coronavirus-self-quarantine-0c85ef4e-8022-43c9-9196-ab2d43db3aba.htmlcomment image

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) confirmed in a statement posted to Twitter Sunday evening that he recently interacted with someone who tested positive for the novel coronavirus, so he’s decided to self-quarantine at home.
Details: Cruz said he had a “brief conversation and a handshake” with the person at CPAC 2020, at which President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spoke. The attendee is in quarantine and under medical care in New Jersey.
* Cruz stressed that he’s not experiencing any symptoms.”I feel fine and healthy,” he said.
* “Given that the interaction was 10 days ago, that the average incubation period is 5-6 days, that the interaction was for less than a minute, and that I have no current symptoms, the medical authorities have advised me that the odds of transmission from the other individual to me were extremely low,” he continued.
* “Nevertheless, out of an abundance of caution, and because of how frequently I interact with my constituents as a part of my job and to give everyone peace of mind, I have decided to remain at my home in Texas this week, until a full 14 days have passed since the CPAC interaction.”
The big picture: There are now more than 400 coronavirus cases in over 25 U.S. states. The newest reports are in Kansas, Washington, D.C., Virginia, New York, Florida, Georgia, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Maryland, New Jersey and Tennessee. Colorado public health officials are monitoring at least eight presumptive cases. Washington state confirmed 136 cases on Sunday.
* The U.S. death toll stands at 21 — 18 in Washington state, two in Florida and one in California, per data from Johns Hopkins and state health departments.
* Globally, the virus has killed more than 3,800 people and infected nearly 110,000 others.
Go deeper:
* Your best defense against coronavirus
* U.S. warned to prepare for worst on coronavirus
* Why we panic about coronavirus, but not the flu
Editor’s note: This article has been updated with new details throughout.

Sadie Slays

Anyone know what’s on the legislative agenda over the next two weeks?
Maybe there’s a security threat? I’m thinking back to how Mitch McConnell had to “work from home” because of “injuries” last summer when all of that ANTIFA El Paso/Dayton madness started up.


Dunno what is on the schedule. But I am positive, Mitch will ONLY schedule votes on Judges when he has 51 sure votes 😉


Study shows flu shot increased risk of coronavirus and and human metapneumovirus – bold mine.
“Study of flu vaccine and its effect on incidence of viral respiratory illness.”
Vaccine. 2020 Jan 10;38(2):350-354. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2019.10.005. Epub 2019 Oct 10.
Receiving influenza vaccination may increase the risk of other respiratory viruses, a phenomenon known as virus interference. Test-negative study designs are often utilized to calculate influenza vaccine effectiveness. The virus interference phenomenon goes against the basic assumption of the test-negative vaccine effectiveness study that vaccination does not change the risk of infection with other respiratory illness, thus potentially biasing vaccine effectiveness results in the positive direction. This study aimed to investigate virus interference by comparing respiratory virus status among Department of Defense personnel based on their influenza vaccination status. Furthermore, individual respiratory viruses and their association with influenza vaccination were examined.
We compared vaccination status of 2880 people with non-influenza respiratory viruses to 3240 people with pan-negative results. Comparing vaccinated to non-vaccinated patients, the adjusted odds ratio for non-flu viruses was 0.97 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.86, 1.09; p = 0.60). Additionally, the vaccination status of 3349 cases of influenza were compared to three different control groups: all controls (N = 6120), non-influenza positive controls (N = 2880), and pan-negative controls (N = 3240). The adjusted ORs for the comparisons among the three control groups did not vary much (range: 0.46-0.51).
Influenza vaccination and respiratory virus interference among Department of Defense personnel during the 2017-2018 influenza season.
Receipt of influenza vaccination was not associated with virus interference among our population. Examining virus interference by specific respiratory viruses showed mixed results. Vaccine derived virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus and human metapneumovirus; however, significant protection with vaccination was associated not only with most influenza viruses, but also parainfluenza, RSV, and non-influenza virus coinfections.”



UK still allowing flights from Italy. At this point everyone should stop them, us too.
SA gets it.


Bringing this over from the Daily Thread from Dora:


churchmouse added this:
Rome is the capital of the Lazio region of Italy. Lazio’s governor has coronavirus:


Pulling this update from churchmouse over from the Daily Thread:
Coronavirus update UK:
A) Personal notes —
1/ As I wrote last week, I did go to the local superette to buy Grey Poupon. Just out of interest, I checked the household goods and soap aisle. Hardly any TP left (three packs only). No soap gel or handwash at all. I have never seen empty shelves in our shops, at least, for these types of products.
2/ Went to church today. Last week, no coronavirus guidelines. This time, we had Church of England guidelines on the Peace (you can just say ‘Peace be with you’ and/or find some other way to express yourself, like an elbow-to-elbow nudge) and Communion (the Cup is OK as our chalices are either gold or sterling silver, but no intinction [dipping host into the Cup]; asking for a blessing instead is OK, too.) I sipped from the Cup as usual.
B) Nationwide notes —
1/ The Queen will continue to go about her engagements in the usual way for now. Keep calm and carry on. Good woman:
2/ We have 209 cases in the UK, most of which are in England. This LONG article from the Daily Mail should answer every question one has about future contingency plans nationally (including sports fixtures). Things could peak at Easter, with contingency plans kicking in. It also has photos of people at a Costco with TONS of loo roll in their trolleys. The article says that people were actually fighting over it. Seriously, one does not need to buy 24 rolls of TP in one go! Photos of empty shelves, too:
3/ A Daily Mail columnist (Glenda Jackson’s son, incidentally) says that the coronavirus panic could be the making of Boris Johnson as a great Prime Minister. He’s handling it v. well, indeed, so far. He also is getting the two top medical experts on telly and radio regularly:
4/ A doctor, writing for the Daily Mail, offers common sense advice to those people, especially the over-50s. For now, keep calm and carry on. Wash hands regularly. Soap is perfectly fine:


trumpismine on daily thread:

We have a perfectly coordinated and fine tuned plan at the White House for our attack on CoronaVirus. We moved VERY early to close borders to certain areas, which was a Godsend. V.P. is doing a great job. The Fake News Media is doing everything possible to make us look bad. Sad!


Concerned Virginian
March 8, 2020 at 10:45
March 7
A Marine stationed at FORT BELVOIR, Virginia, is the first confirmed case of the Wuhan/SARS2 coronavirus AND the first case in Virginia.
The Marine had returned to Ft. Belvoir from a trip overseas on “official business”.
Test results on 7 more persons in Virginia are pending.
11 hours ago
The first confirmed case of the Wuhan/SARS2 coronavirus in WASHINGTON, DC.
The infected person, a man in his 50’s, is considered to be a case from “community spread”, as he had no contacts with any other confirmed case, and no history of international travel.


Gail Combs
March 8, 2020 at 11:11
Felice give us the MOTIVE for turning loose the Wuhan virus.
“The economy has been a key variable for incumbents’ re-election success. Since 1916, elected incumbents are 11-3 when seeking second terms. Of the three losers (Hoover, Carter and Bush I), each saw annual real GDP contract within a year of their election. That is unlikely for Mr. Trump now, and just as importantly: Americans feel it is unlikely.”
The globalist Elite want to hit the economy HARD using the Wuhan virus and then blame the mis-management on president Trump
Who out there beside us would understand the person responsible for all the F..K-Ups is OBAMA APPOINTED SES Nancy Messonnier, the Director of the Center for the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Disease. She began her career as a BureauRat in 1995 as an Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer under BILL CLINTON. She and the other top level mangers in CDC are Senior Executive Service (SES) ” the keystone of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978″
It [SES] is the heart of the swamp.
Or how to win against a superior force by using your bag of dirty tricks .
michaelh posted a long discussion


I tacked on . . .
Thanks for the shout out! 🙂
Gail – this is from a guy in Army, he sent me some unclass info this afternoon I haven’t had time to watch or vet yet, but it’s from “Smarter Every Day” which I have enjoyed in the past – had a very good presentation on the 2017 eclipse that we used for study . . .
Watch “The Future of War, and How It Affects YOU (Multi-Domain Operations) – Smarter Every Day 211” on YouTube

Watch “The Gun Detector – Smarter Every Day 225” on YouTube

Here is the whole series on multi-domain warfare.
Watch “Social Media Manipulation” on YouTube


Ugh. Baptist Press. Hold my nose.
Coronavirus outbreak results in quarantine of Alabama pastor, members in Israel
by Diana Chandler, posted Friday, March 06, 2020 (2 days ago)

BETHLEHEM, Israel (BP) — A Southern Baptist pastor on lockdown in a Bethlehem area hotel while awaiting results of testing for the coronavirus (COVID-19) said he and his 12 congregants are confident God will use the experience for His glory.
Pastor Chris Bell and 12 members of 3Circle Church based in Fairhope, Ala., were tested with nose swabs for COVID-19 Friday (March 6) and expect results within a day, he told Baptist Press. They have been quarantined since Thursday at the Angel Hotel in Beit Jala after a hotel resident tested positive for the virus.
“It is impossible for me to believe that God does not have a plan for this,” Bell told BP, “because how in the world could we end up in the hotel where the epicenter of this thing takes place?
“And we are convinced — we don’t like it, we don’t want it — but we’re convinced God’s going to use this. We’re convinced that He knows exactly where we are, and He has not forgotten us. And we believe that deeply.”
When Bell, church leaders and their wives traveled to Israel for a tour of the Holy Land, they were assured Israel was one of the safest places to travel while avoiding the coronavirus outbreak, he said. What were only three cases in Israel when the group left the U.S., he said, have since grown to at least 21, Israel’s health ministry announced Friday.
Despite faith, Bell and his members are still suffering.
“But of course we’re human,” he said, “and we’re worried and concerned and tired and exhausted and all of those things. Our emotions are running the gamut for sure.”
Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee President Ronnie Floyd contacted White House and U.S. State Department officials Friday to ensure they are aware of Bell’s situation, Floyd told BP.
Bell pastors the multisite 3Circle Church in Alabama, with campuses in Fairhope, Mobile and Daphne. The travelers have no indication of what the Israeli government’s procedure will be when tests results are received, but are eager to return home.
“One thing we want real bad,” he said, “is to be brought back to the U.S. And then they can quarantine us there if they need to.”
Bell asked the Southern Baptist family for prayer and help.
“If anyone knows of anyone they can call to see if they can get help as far as getting us home, that’d be great,” Bell said. “Other than that … pray that God would certainly help us, but even more importantly that God would use us. That while He’s got a spotlight on us a little while, that we’d be faithful to live out our faith and trust in Him.”
A U.S. Embassy official told NBC News the embassy is “aware of reports and … providing assistance.”
Globally, coronavirus had killed nearly 3,400 and infected more than 100,000, the World Health Organization said Friday. The virus is blamed for 14 deaths and more than 230 infections in the U.S.
SBC entities have issued statements and guidelines for their gospel workers, employees and staff. The International Mission Board has formed a coronavirus task force to specifically address the implications for its personnel and partners, including church volunteer mission teams. Floyd has invited representatives from the SBC’s national entities to participate in a Monday (March 9) conference call to discuss best practices and prevention strategies, and to pray for churches, communities and the U.S.
Symptoms of the respiratory illness include a cough, fever and shortness of breath. Those experiencing symptoms are advised to call their physicians for instructions and to self-quarantine for 14 days, according to health officials.


Blech. More from the Baptist Press. Even worse it’s the SBC Executive Committee.
OK folks, just warning you. Here we go, pull up your waders.
SBC Executive Committee staff issues statement on coronavirus
by SBC Executive Committee staff, posted Friday, March 06, 2020 (2 days ago)

The Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee staff continues to monitor news regarding the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) and assess any potential impact on the SBC Annual Meeting in Orlando this June.
As the Annual Meeting organizer, we are committed to creating a safe and responsible gathering, and the health and safety of messengers and attendees are our highest priority.
Entities across the SBC have issued statements and guidelines for their gospel workers, employees and staff. The International Mission Board has formed a coronavirus task force to specifically address the implications for its personnel and partners, including church volunteer mission teams. SBC EC president and CEO Ronnie Floyd has called for representatives from our national entities to gather on a conference call on Monday (March 9) to discuss best practices and prevention strategies as well as to join in prayer for our churches, communities and country.
With less than 100 days until the SBC Annual Meeting, we are pressing forward with our plans to meet in Orlando. However, should conditions escalate to unprecedented levels, there is a provision in the SBC Constitution that allows for us to cancel or change the place of meeting. This provision would only be considered in an extreme circumstance.
Prayer, precaution, planning and preparation are the order of the day.

FYI “SBC Annual Meeting in Orlando this June” – Location chosen due to proximity to Pulse Nightclub incident . . .


Oh thank goodness we have Thom Rainer to guide us in these difficult times!!! /s
PUBLIC NOTICE: If you need accurate information on the Coronavirus, seek out LEGITIMATE MEDICAL SOURCES, such as announcements from the Coronvirus Task Force lead by Vice President Michael Pence. DO NOT rely on third party, unreliably, or rumor driven sources like the Baptist Press for accurate medical advice!
FIRST-PERSON: Coronavirus and your church
by Thom S. Rainer, posted Friday, March 06, 2020 (2 days ago)

FRANKLIN, Tenn. (BP) — At the time of this article, we really have no idea if coronavirus will become a pandemic or if we have it under control. Though I tend to be optimistic about it, there are certainly perspectives on both sides of this issue.
You who are leaders in churches, though, need to begin thinking about how your church should respond right now rather than later. By the way, I am grateful to the community of Church Answers. Many in our community are having very helpful conversations about this issue even as I write this article.
Though my suggestions are not comprehensive, I do think they provide solid guidelines to follow at this very moment.
— Focus on prayer instead of panic. Remind your congregation that God is in control. Encourage them to pray for the cessation of the disease. Ask them to pray for the victims and their families. Encourage them to pray for the Gospel to go forth boldly in the midst of this trial.
— Develop a communication plan. For example, if someone in your church or community is stricken with coronavirus, be prepared to respond. Will you have services or not? If you do not have services, how long will this period be? How can people remain connected to your church?
— Be prepared to offer digital worship services and Bible studies. If your church does not offer the streaming of services on the church website, Facebook live, or some other means, now is the time to move in that direction. Make certain you can have digital services even if you can’t gather for a season.
— Aggressively encourage people to use digital giving. If you can’t gather and pass the offering plate or bucket, you need to be prepared to offer mechanisms for your members to give. You should be making this move regardless of coronavirus. It certainly helps giving when attendance is lower.
— Develop a plan to help church members and community members. If the situation does worsen, there will be people in your area in need of help and in need of basic supplies. How will your church respond?
— Consider current church practices that might be harmful for spreading coronavirus or other diseases. Though my bias against it is obvious, now is the time to consider bringing the traditional “meet and greet” to an end. In some of your churches, you might consider other changes. I was in a church a few years ago that shared a common cup. No way.
I remain more hopeful than panicked about coronavirus. Still, there is no reason for churches to be unprepared. Prepare for the worst and pray for the best.


Ok, Texas Baptists, now we have a little distance from the SBC Executive Committee . . .
The link may not come through but here’s the content never-the-less:
Coronavirus Advisory: A guide for Texas Baptist churches
The CDC has urged communities to prepare for significant disruption by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The virus poses an obvious health risk and has the potential to significantly impact the day-to-day operations of Texas Baptist churches, ministry partners, and staff.
In response, Texas Baptists is launching a COVID-19 webpage to share virus-related updates and ministry-specific resources across the Texas Baptist family.
As you seek to minister and care for your congregation and community, you may consider implementing the following ideas and suggestions in your context:
1. Follow CDC guidelines for cleaning facilities and personal hygiene
Our affiliated partner institution Baylor Scott & White Health urges Texas Baptist churches to follow the latest news and updates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Whatever you do to reduce the risks, we recommend sharing with your congregation the ways you are cleaning your facility after each event; especially your childcare areas, door handles, and common surfaces.
2. Stop greeting with hugs and handshakes and encourage the “welcome wave”
To reduce personal contact, ask your congregation to welcome one another with a wave or fist bump. Handshaking and other forms of personal contact should be avoided at this time.
3. Promote online giving
Recent statistics show that churches that promote online giving receive offerings more consistently than churches that just pass the plate. Set aside an area where people can receive instructions and demonstrations on how to sign-up. If you cancel services in the future, people will still tithe to the Lord through online options.
4. Live stream your service
Live stream options are available for your worship service through Facebook, YouTube and other streaming platforms. You can use a cellphone or tablet to stream, however, the quality of the video may not be great. Streaming your service provides an option for church members who choose to stay home rather than attend church. Take time during worship to promote this alternative in case future events or inclement weather require it.
5. Use plastic cups for both elements of the Lord’s Supper
To avoid cross-contamination of the bread tray, place an individual wafer in each plastic cup. People may take a cup with a wafer already in it in the same way they take a cup of juice. Another option is to pass both elements at the same time with the juice cup stacked on top of the wafer cup.
6. Consider how to meet needs in your community
Any crisis provides an opportunity to show the love of Jesus to your neighbors. You may purchase boxes of food for pennies on the dollar through your local food bank to distribute to people in need. Set up a system for checking on your neighbors. Think strategically about ways to communicate that you are here to help.
7. Encourage church members to share the Gospel
Many lost people are open to spiritual conversations during this time of uncertainty. God’s people must share the Good News of salvation through Christ in and out of season. Your neighbor may be eager to hear about your source of hope!
8. Pray strategically
Ask your church to join Texas Baptists in praying for an end to the spread of the virus, for the healing of all sickness, the safety of health care professionals and first responders, and for God to send revival through His people that we might boldly and lovingly share the faith.
While we are saddened by the spread of the coronavirus and the tragic loss of life, we know that “in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28, NIV).
Allow the Lord to shine through you during this time of uncertainty, that we might point all people to the assurance of salvation we have through Him.
For more information, visit txb.org/covid19, contact your Texas Baptists Area Representative, or call (888)244-9400 during regular business hours.


I think the fist bump should be nixed too. Isn’t the goal avoiding skin to skin contact? I see people bumping elblows, kicking feet. Virus stays on surfaces including clothing. People track junk into their homes on shoes. Just stop all the touching. Either take your shoes off outside or leave them at the door just inside your home.


Over 15 Million People Under Lockdown as Italy Tries to Contain Coronavirus
March 8, 2020

A quarter of the Italian population was locked down on Sunday as the government takes drastic steps to stop the spread of the deadly new coronavirus that is sweeping the globe.
This move puts the entire Lombardy region, as well as 14 other provinces, under travel restrictions, and is one of the toughest responses implemented outside of mainland China to get the Covid-19 epidemic under control.
The announcement came after Italy saw a dramatic spike of 1,247 confirmed novel coronavirus cases on Saturday, the Civil Protection Department said in a statement. Italy has seen the most deaths from the COVID-19 disease of any country outside China, where the outbreak that has now killed more than 3,500 people and infected over 100,000 worldwide began in December.
The measures are in place until April 3 bar people from entering or leaving vast areas of northern Italy without good reason, according to a decree signed by the prime minister and published online.comment image
The quarantine zones are home to more than 15 million people and include the regions around Venice and financial capital Milan.
While the lockdown only applies to northern Italy, other measures will be applied to the entire country. These include the suspension of schools, university classes, theaters and cinemas, as well as bars, nightclubs, and sports events. Religious ceremonies, including funerals, will also be suspended.
Italy has the world’s second-oldest population after Japan, according to the World Bank, and elderly people appear to be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill from the virus.
Retired doctors are being recruited to bolster the Italian healthcare system, while civil protection officials say the Lombardy region is having trouble finding beds in hospitals.
The death toll in Italy has risen by 133 to 366, the Civil Protection Agency said on Sunday, by far the largest daily rise since the contagion came to light last month
On Saturday, France’s general director of health, Jerome Salomon, confirmed 16 dead and 949 infected nationwide, and Germany now has 795 cases. The United Kingdom confirmed a second death from the novel coronavirus on Saturday, while 206 people have tested positive, British health officials said in a statement.


Judge Jeanine slams media’s coronavirus coverage: It’s ‘doomsday reporting’
Video on Fox News website.

Judge Jeanine Pirro slammed the media Saturday night for stoking the flames of the coronavirus panic.
“If you listen to the mainstream media, it’s time to buy the family burial plot, visit the cemetery where the dirt is definitely cleaner than your kitchen counter or your bathroom handles,” Pirro said on “Justice with Judge Jeanine.”
Pirro called out the media for their coverage, saying all they do is impact America negatively.
“So what’s the downside of their doomsday reporting? The downside is predictable. When people are scared, when people think it’s just a question of time before they start dropping like flies, they go into survival mode,” Pirro said. “They don’t spend money. The economy suffers. They don’t invest. The market suffers. They talk about taking their children out of school. Education suffers. They talk about canceling March Madness, Coachella and local businesses suffer.”
The host took issue in particular with the coverage of the stock market, asking where the media’s coverage was when it was when Wall Street numbers were soaring.
“You want to focus on the Dow now? Where were you when the Dow, the S&P 500 and Nasdaq all repeatedly reached record highs under President Trump? You weren’t interested then, were you?” Pirro said. “Where were you when the Dow closed at a record high more than 100 times since Donald Trump’s election? Where were you when animal spirits were driving this country to new economic heights?”
“For your information, our economy can sustain a 3,000-point drop because we are at record highs,” Pirro added.
Pirro downplayed the manufactured panic, saying, “As the weather warms, fewer and fewer people will get sick with the virus. Some of the meds need to be left for people who may need them.”
Finally, Pirro made the most basic suggestion to those afraid of contracting the virus — but likely the most helpful.
“And wash your damn hands, wash them and then wash them again,” Pirro said.


I love Dave . . .
How Coronavirus is Affecting the Economy: What You Need to Know
https://www.daveramsey.com/blog/how-an-epidemic-can-affect-the-economycomment image

If you’ve been following the news this year, you’ve seen and heard one word being repeated over and over again: coronavirus.
Just saying it out loud is enough to make you want to grab a mask, wash your hands, and become a hermit. But you know what’s even more dangerous than a virus? Fear. That will creep in, eat away at you, and cause more destruction than the threat of any illness ever could.
So stop reading headline after headline, take a breath, and don’t panic. We’ll walk you through (calmly) what something like this means for you and your money.
How a Global Epidemic Impacts the Economy
If you don’t remember every single detail of your high school economics class, you’re probably wondering how the heck a virus can mess with the stock market and global economy. Hang on and we’ll break it down for you:
Different countries across the globe depend on one another for things like goods and products—such as clothing, car parts and cell phones. Buying items and manufacturing parts from these countries boosts the global economy.
That said, quarantining people to prevent the virus from spreading can slow economic growth. This happens when things like travel bans, trade being cut off, and production plants shutting down get in the way of countries being able to produce products that the rest of the world relies on. This makes the use of goods and services come to a standstill too. All of that rolled together with the fear being fed to us by the media has the potential to cause Wall Street, the stock market—and people—to freak out.
In order to give the economy a jolt, the Federal Reserve even lowered interest rates by half a percentage point.1 Doing this, they hope, will encourage consumers to keep spending and keep the economy healthy. And if you’re in the market for refinancing your home from a 30-year mortgage to a 15-year—that’s very good news for you. You could lock in a crazy low interest rate now, which would save you thousands of dollars in the long run.
The truth is—yes, watching a virus like this spread makes us all super uneasy. And our hearts go out to all those who have been devastated by the coronavirus. But don’t let your concern turn into anxiety and panic. We’ll all get through this.
How to Stay Calm if You’re Investing
It’s natural for your heart to race when you see fearful headlines scroll across your television and newsfeed. You’re only human. Unsettling news about stocks dropping and a virus spreading can really do a number on your portfolio (and your morale). But here’s something the mainstream media isn’t telling you: Don’t freak out.
Did you get that? It’s important—so important that we’re going to say it again.
Don’t freak out.
Here’s what you need to do to keep your peace of mind through it all:
Remember your goal.
What was the idea behind your investing in the first place? You were probably thinking of the future and how investing now and leaving it alone for many, many years would eventually bring you a hefty return on your investment. And that logic still applies!
If you have investments right now, it’s natural to feel shaky. But don’t make any knee-jerk reactions based on what you see on the news. Remember that when investing, you’re in it for the long haul. So keep your sights there. Don’t get so tripped up by the bumps in the road that you lose focus of the truth: Investing is for the long term, not the short term.
Talk to your financial advisor.
If you still feel unsure, get on the phone and call up your investment pro. Sometimes, just talking things out with the person you’ve trusted with your investments can really help to calm your nerves.

What Does This Mean for Your Money?
If you’re investing, take a big breath, calm down, and remember that a rocky day, week or month won’t impact your investments 20 years from now.
Will the market take a hit? It sure could. But guess what? It will bounce back. It always does. And when it recovers, you stand to make a nice return. But if you pull out when things look bad, it’s a dumb move because you’re out of the game completely. You can’t time the market. Jumping off the roller coaster while it’s going is never a good idea (those are the only people who get hurt, actually). Don’t let your emotions take control of your money. Now is not the time to pull your investments, go into doomsday mode, or cash in your 401(k) for gold coins. Ride the wave here—ride it down and ride it back up again.
And if you aren’t in the place where you can invest yet, our advice to you is simple: Stay the course. Get your own household in order by making sure you have an emergency fund in place. It puts a buffer between you and life and gives you peace of mind despite the chaos going on around you.
If you’re not already working the 7 Baby Steps, it’s time to start paying off debt, sticking to a budget, and cutting back on expenses. Bottom line? Keep moving forward and stay on your path no matter the ups and downs the stock market takes.
Maybe you aren’t investing or haven’t set other financial goals, and now all this talk about the stock market is making you take stock of your own money situation. If you don’t even know where to start, it’s time to take our three-minute assessment and get a free customized plan for your money.
Don’t Let Fear Rule You
Above all, remember not to let fear of the unknown control you. You have the power to decide how you’ll react. Don’t drain your checking account buying an endless supply of water, paper towels, and face masks the U.S. surgeon general has said you don’t need.2 Despite what you see shared on your social feed and what the talking heads keep drilling into you, there is always hope. And guess what? You can rise above any panic-filled sound bite you hear on the news.
The Bible tells us, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble” (Matthew 6:34 NKJV).
That means there’s enough things to deal with today. Don’t spend your time worrying about all the “what ifs” and whether or not the sky’s going to fall tomorrow, next month or ever. Focus on the here and now.
People can speculate all they want to, but in reality, none of us can control what the stock market or the world economy does. But the good news is, you can control what happens in the spending and saving habits of your own house. Keep working the plan, leave your investments alone, and wait for this to pass. But while you’re at it, go ahead and wash your hands (properly, for 10 to 20 seconds please)—you can never go wrong with that!


Coronavirus Patient Zero in Italy Was Pakistani Migrant Who Refused to Self-Isolate
Continued to work at restaurant and deliver Chinese food.
Published 3 days ago on 5 March, 2020Paul Joseph Watson
https://summit.news/2020/03/05/coronavirus-patient-zero-in-italy-was-pakistani-migrant-who-refused-to-self-isolate/comment image

The man believed to be coronavirus patient zero in Italy is a Pakistani migrant refused to self-isolate after testing positive for the virus and continued to deliver food.
Health authorities asked the man to quarantine himself at his home in the Pavia area for two weeks, but he ignored the request and continued to work at a Chinese restaurant.
He then compounded the risk of spreading the virus by making home deliveries of Chinese food.
Authorities were alerted to the situation and the military intervened to return the man to his home.
“The Carabinieri have been busy reconstructing all the movements of the young man, in order to identify as many people as possible with whom he came into contact. In the meantime, the military has closed the Chinese restaurant,” reports Free West Media.
The migrant now faces up to 3 months in jail for failing to self-isolate under article 650 of the Italian penal code.
Italy has recorded a total of more than 3,000 cases of the coronavirus and 148 people have died. The country was the primary source of the virus spreading to numerous other European countries.


Oh thank goodness for Bill Gates – coming to humanity’s rescue!!! /s
Bill Gates’ foundation is funding at-home coronavirus test kit that gives results in less than two days for hard-hit Seattle area where at least 18 have died
* New test will let people swab noses and send samples to lab for analysis
* They would then get results back between one and two days
* Positive cases would then report to health officials about people they contacted
* Authorities would then be able to track virus and quarantine suspected cases
* At least 18 people in Washington State have died from coronavirus infection
* Federal government is being blamed for slow roll-out of coronavirus testing kits

Bill Gates and his charity are funding a new home-testing kit for coronavirus that is expected to be ready for distribution in the greater Seattle area in the coming weeks.
The test will allow people experiencing symptoms of coronavirus to swab their noses and then send the samples to a lab for an analysis.
The results would then be available within one to two days. Those who test positive would have those results shared with local health officials, according to The Seattle Times.
Whoever is infected would then be asked to share information online about where they traveled to and with whom they were in contact.
This would make it easier for health officials to notify others who may need to be either tested for coronavirus or quarantined as a precautionary measure.
The system would also allow the authorities to better track the spread of the virus and identify potential ‘hot spots.’
Scott Dowell, the head of the coronavirus response team at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, told the Times that the lab conducting the tests will initially be able to analyze 400 samples per day.
With time, the lab will be able to test thousands of kits a day, he said.
The foundation started by the co-founder of Microsoft, one of the world’s richest people, is dedicated to eradicating illness in developing countries.
Dowell told the Times that the foundation is working as quickly as possible in order to ramp up production of the kits, though the exact launch date has yet to be determined.
The experts working on the project are looking to boost the software so that it can handle what is expected to be considerable demand during and after its roll-out.
‘Although there’s a lot to be worked out, this has enormous potential to turn the tide of the epidemic,’ Dowell said.
Washington State has been the hardest hit by coronavirus, which has infected at least 80 residents.
At least 18 Washingtonians, most of them linked to a Seattle-area nursing home, have died, which is also a high for the country.
Gates’ foundation as well as state and local health agencies are trying to fill the void left by the federal government, which is coming under severe criticism for its failure to provide testing to citizens in a timely fashion.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s response to the coronavirus outbreak was blasted by critics as it was revealed the agency has only tested 1,583 people for the deadly, flu-like virus since the first cases were identified in the US in January.
The figure will increase as more tests are sent through the country to address demand, said Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Stephen Hahn, while speaking to reporters at the White House this weekend.
Meanwhile, the federal government has shipped enough kits to public health labs to test another 75,000 patients.
The CDC and public health labs had run 5,861 tests for the coronavirus as of Friday, Hahn of the FDA said, though officials could not say how many total patients have been tested.
Adding to confusion which has plagued the government’s campaign to contain the outbreak were comments from Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head of the infectious diseases unit at the National Institutes of Health.
Fauci admitted on Meet the Press on Sunday that early attempts to send out coronavirus test kits were plagued by delays, but said that testing capacity is ‘accelerating dramatically’.
His figures for how many tests have been sent out were far higher than the CDC’s earlier report.
‘I believe, 1.1 million tests have already been sent out. By Monday, there’ll be an additional 400,000. And by the end of next week, probably around four million.’
A spokesperson for the CDC did not immediately respond when DailyMail.com reached out for clarification.
Meanwhile, the agency’s delayed response to the outbreak drew fire from critics.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said that local officials are working hard to identify new cases but have been greatly hindered by the CDC.
He called it ‘outrageous and ludicrous’ that the agency has not authorized private labs to conduct automated tests.
‘CDC, wake up. Let the states test. Let private labs test. Let’s increase as quickly as possible our testing capacity so we identify the positive people, so we can isolate them,’ he said.
After facing similar criticism over the pace of testing in the U.S., the FDA made it easier for commercial labs to manufacture and perform their own tests.
More than 2.1 million of those tests are expected to be shipped by Monday to commercial labs, Hahn said.
That, however, would translate to roughly 850,000 people who can seek testing because under current CDC guidelines, two swabs are required per patient.
Gates has been quoted as saying that one of his biggest fears is that world governments are ill-prepared to deal with future pandemics.
Last month, he warned that the coronavirus is beginning to behave like a ‘once-in-a-century’ pathogen with the potential to kill more people than the 66,000 Americans who died in the 1957 influenza pandemic.
‘The data so far suggest that the virus has a case fatality risk around 1 per cent,’ Gates wrote in the New England Journal of Medicine.
‘This rate would make it many times more severe than typical seasonal influenza, putting it somewhere between the 1957 influenza pandemic (0.6 per cent) and the 1918 influenza pandemic (2 per cent).’
The Asian flu of 1957 killed 2 million people globally, according to the World Health Organization.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has already pledged $100million to fight the outbreak.
Gates also called for accelerated testing of vaccines. He noted that several promising candidates are already being prepared for clinical trials.
‘If some of these vaccines prove safe and effective in animal models, they could be ready for larger-scale trials as early as June,’ he wrote.
‘Drug discovery can also be accelerated by drawing on libraries of compounds that have already been tested for safety and by applying new screening techniques, including machine learning, to identify antivirals that could be ready for large-scale clinical trials within weeks.’
Meanwhile, the number of infections in the United States climbed above 500 and the national death toll reached at least 21 as testing for the virus increased.
Fauci said Sunday that widespread closure of a city or region, as Italy has done, is ‘possible.’
‘You don’t want to alarm people, but given the spread we see, you know anything is possible and that’s the reason why we’ve got to be prepared to take whatever action is appropriate to contain and mitigate the outbreak,’ Fauci said on Fox News Sunday.
Surgeon General Jerome Adams said communities will need to start thinking about canceling large gatherings, closing schools and letting more employees work from home, as many companies have done in the Seattle area amid an outbreak at a care home that has killed 18.
Oregon Governor Kate Brown declared a state of emergency Sunday after the number of confirmed cases there doubled from the previous day to 14.
California Governor Gavin Newsom and the mayor of Oakland sought Sunday to reassure the public that none of the passengers from a ship carrying people with the virus will be released into the public before undergoing a 14-day quarantine.
The Grand Princess carrying more than 3,500 people from 54 countries is expected to dock Monday in Oakland, in the east San Francisco Bay, and was idling off the coast Sunday as officials prepared a port site.
Those needing acute medical care will come off first.


How convenient?? Is he building labs too? Part of the problem is the capacity for existing labs to process the tests, which take 4-6 hrs each. Last I heard current capacity is around 500/day.


Tucker Carlson on the coronavirus pandemic: ‘It will reorder the global economy and change our politics’
Video at Fox News.

Tucker Carlson focused on the coronavirus Friday, saying we should hold China and our leaders accountable for the difficult position the virus will put the American people, adding that COVID-19 could impact our 2020 presidential election.
“There’s something about human nature that prevents us from preparing for this, for abrupt and radical change. You pretend the unexpected will never happen. But there’s something in nature itself that reminds us it inevitably will. It’s always a terrifying realization,” Carlson said on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” “The rise of the Chinese coronavirus is that kind of moment. The virus is quickly becoming a global pandemic. Ultimately, it could kill millions. At the very least, it will reorder the global economy and change our politics.”
“Could the disease help determine the outcome of our next presidential election eight months from now?” Carlson asked. “Of course it could.”
Carlson minced no words describing the impact of the coronavirus on Americans and bluntly saying, “We’re about to learn the limits of our health care system.”
“It is highly communicable and the elderly and people with preexisting respiratory disease face the greatest threat from it,” Carlson said. “That means, for most Americans, the biggest risks will come not from the virus itself, but from its ancillary effects. People will panic. Travel will be disrupted. Markets will tumble. And most critically, hospitals will be overwhelmed.”
The host said China has taken over our health care system, outlining the power the country holds over the pharmaceutical market.
“Imagine watching one of your children die from an infected cut,” Carlson said. “China has the power to make that happen.”
Carlson blasted Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and former President Obama for allowing China to take control and praised Trump for his America first initiatives.
Carlson called on America to abandon globalism.
“That’s the governing agenda in the age of the Chinese corona virus, abandoned globalism, rebuild the country, make the things we need,” Carlson said. “A strong America is an independent America.”


Some more random opinion . . . not sure what bird cage liner they’re finding this in . . .
Trump risks creating more coronavirus panic by trying to prevent it
by Washington Examiner
March 07, 2020 12:00 AM

. . . Trump is obviously attempting to prevent widespread panic, something that has rattled financial markets in recent weeks. But his efforts to downplay the spread of the coronavirus are more likely to accomplish the opposite and create more panic in the long term by setting false expectations.
When the public is told that the problem is under control and is being handled well, even as the number of cases continues to explode, people are more likely to conclude that the authorities are clueless and that things are spiraling out of control. . .


A little bit of history.


Alexander Higgins – Coronavirus Updates
New: “Mild” #coronavirus doesn’t mean common cold symptoms.
Mild: Severe flu-like symptoms and maybe pneumonia that feels like a knife in your back.
Severe: Ventilator
Critical: Respiratory or multiple organ failure.


One more time –comment image


Today’s officially sponsored reason to panic: Stock Market!!!11!1!!!
Empire Report (NY State)
FLASH: Northwell approved for tests after Cuomo press conference…
TRUMP IN PALM BEACH: ‘Perfectly coordinated’ coronavirus plan…
Rockland County caterers test positive, guests ‘may have been exposed’…
Warren County, CVS, respond to pharmacist infected…
Queens hotel won’t issue refund to nonprofit for coronavirus event cancellation…


FWIW on the stocks. . . still seems to play the “crash” game
Morgan Stanley: Markets Will Struggle Until The Fed Launches An Official QE Program


FDA approves Northwell Health Labs in Lake Success for COVID-19 tests
Northwell Health Labs said it plans to immediately start processing tests for COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, after receiving federal approval late Sunday.


Dispatches from the Frontcomment image
You are the News Now.
Handle w/ care patriot.
Ground level update from the Diamond Princess
[For obvious reasons I’ve scrubbed a lot of the personal and medical details.]
Backstory: Husband and wife on-board Diamond Princess were allowed to leave the ship in Japan where they were taken to separate hospitals for treatment for the Coronavirus.
Update from the husband . . .
“Tomorrow Monday March 9th she will arrive at my hotel.
We have booked flight home on AA that arrives March 12th.
Most of the documentation is complete. Her ‘do not fly’ has been lifted, still waiting for mine.
All of our luggage still has not arrived from the ship.
The Princess representative or the USA Embassy do not have any answers when I ask.
Can’t wait to be home to a new normal with all of the friends and family that cared and prayed for us.”


From City Journal:
The Virus and the Supply Chain
Coronavirus may or may not prove to be a health crisis in the U.S., but its impact on the production of pharmaceuticals could be serious.
Joel Zinberg
February 29, 2020

. . . COVID-19 is more likely to harm Americans indirectly because the U.S. is increasingly reliant on drugs either directly sourced from China or made from intermediate chemicals called Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs), or their chemical precursors, manufactured in China. U.S. imports of Chinese pharmaceuticals increased 76 percent between 2010 and 2018. Similarly, imports of Chinese medical equipment increased 78 percent over the same period. U.S. producers source 80 percent of their APIs overseas, primarily from China; China is also the chief supplier of APIs for producers in other countries. This dominance is neither accidental nor the result of free markets—it is the consequence of Chinese government policies. The U.S.–China Economic & Security Review Commission recently concluded that “Government subsidies, a robust chemical industry, IP theft, lax environmental protections, and regulations favoring domestic companies contributed to China’s emergence as the world’s largest producer of APIs.”
While 90 percent of the finished drugs Americans take are generics, most are manufactured overseas, primarily in India and China. Even India, the world’s largest generics producer, relies on China for 80 percent of the APIs it uses in drug production. Nearly all the antibiotics used in the U.S. come from China. Some older antibiotics, like penicillin, are no longer made here; China controls worldwide penicillin production. In addition, a large amount of the personal protective equipment (PPE)—surgical gowns, gloves, masks and respirator protective devices—used to stop the spread of coronavirus and other infectious diseases are manufactured in China.
COVID-19 has resulted in massive disruption of Chinese manufacturing. It’s only a matter of time until this translates into supply disruptions for China-dependent customers. The FDA has just reported the shortage of a certain drug due to coronavirus-related disruption at a manufacturing plant that produces the API used to make the drug. The FDA is also monitoring 20 other drugs where the API or finished drug product is solely sourced from China. Unfortunately, unlike drug makers, medical-device or PPE makers are not required by law to notify the FDA of impending shortages or even respond to FDA inquiries.
Coronavirus has created concerns about not only the quantity of Chinese medical products available but also about the virus’s effect on quality. China does not effectively regulate Chinese drug manufacturers. Multiple episodes have cast doubt on the safety and efficacy of their products: In 2018, a Chinese vaccine-maker sold more than 250,000 substandard doses of the childhood DPT vaccine; Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceuticals shipped the active ingredient for blood-pressure medicines, including Valsartan, that was contaminated with a cancer-causing chemical (NDMA) found in rocket fuel. In 2008, a contaminated Chinese API used to make the blood-thinner Heparin led to 81 deaths in the U.S. Now, due to limitations on travel to China because of the coronavirus, the FDA has suspended inspections of Chinese drug and device factories.
U.S. dependence on Chinese manufacturing in general, and medical products in particular, could, in emergency situations or periods of international strife, prove detrimental. It’s possible that Americans with diseases other than COVID-19 will face shortages and higher prices for the medicines they need to treat their illnesses due to manufacturing disruptions in China. The time has come for the U.S. to compile a list of brand-name and generic drugs (with their constituent APIs) exclusively produced in China but critical to the health and safety of Americans—and take action to ensure that these products get produced in the U.S. once again.


More from City Journal:
A Self-Inflicted Crisis
Overregulation has played a dangerous role in America’s coronavirus outbreak.
Roger D. Klein
March 4, 2020

Earlier this week, the Washington Post reported that the coronavirus may have spread undetected for weeks in Washington State, where the first two virus-related deaths in the U.S. occurred. According to the Post, genetic-sequencing studies of samples from two Seattle-area patients—one from a person who had traveled to China in mid-January, the other from a high school student in the same county, with no known exposure to the virus—suggested a close relationship between the infections. These data led investigators to hypothesize that the coronavirus had been circulating in the state for six weeks.
In King County, a long-term care facility experienced a COVID-19 outbreak that has already been confirmed as the cause of coronavirus-related illnesses in ten residents—six of whom have died—and may have infected more than 50 residents and staff. An additional nine coronavirus cases and two deaths—one of whom was an elderly woman with medical problems—have been reported in King County. Nearby Snohomish County has confirmed six cases and one death. Meantime, Silicon Valley’s Santa Clara Health Department has reported 11 cases, two of which are under investigation. But as of March 3, the Centers for Disease Control’s website listed only 11 known cases of person-to-person infection.
It’s troubling that community spread in Washington State and other parts of the U.S.—possibly affecting hundreds to thousands of individuals—wasn’t detected sooner. Overregulation of diagnostic testing has played a major role in this delay. For weeks, the CDC operated the nation’s sole diagnostic laboratory for coronavirus, while testing in the rest of the world proceeded apace. Test protocols using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were publicly available shortly after Chinese researchers published (or described) the sequence of the virus in mid-January. The World Health Organization (WHO) used a freely available German procedure to create a test kit, shipping 250,000 tests to 159 laboratories worldwide. Since early February, the WHO has facilitated specimen transfer to referral laboratories.
In China, labs have tested thousands of patients each day. By February 23, the Chinese government had approved ten test kits, and production capacity reached 1.65 million tests per week. Meantime, South Korea has more than 500 testing sites and has screened over 100,000 people, reportedly testing 10,000 individuals per day and pioneering “drive-through” testing facilities. This enhanced testing capability is a key reason why the country has reported over 5,100 cases—the second-largest, outside China—including larger numbers of patients with mild illness, as reflected in a case fatality rate less than 1 percent. As of March 3, the U.K. had tested nearly 14,000 cases.
By contrast, the U.S. had performed a paltry 472 tests by March 2. Further, CDC testing criteria have precluded recognizing community spread because of requirements stipulating recent travel to China or exposure to an infected person. Adherence to these guidelines delayed testing in the first probable case of community transmission, in Northern California, by four days.
CDC has expanded indications for testing to include travel to Japan, Italy, Iran, and South Korea, but testing guidelines remain biased toward the sickest individuals. For those without known exposures, CDC only recommends testing for severely affected patients. In theory, doctors could have tested any individuals in whom they suspected coronavirus, and Vice President Pence on March 3rd encouraged this; however, the unavailability of testing has been a major obstacle in practice. On February 4, following Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar’s declaration of a public-health emergency, the Food and Drug Administration issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to the CDC, allowing it to distribute test kits to designated public-health laboratories. The CDC began shipping the kits on February 5, but laboratories could not validate them because they contained a defective reagent.
Laboratory tests typically contain what is termed a “negative control”—material expected to yield a negative result when tested, and which protects against false-positive results stemming from contamination or other issues. Many labs obtained positive results with the negative controls, invalidating test runs and precluding use of the kits. Affected labs were required to send their specimens to the overburdened CDC.
The FDA has not allowed the experienced and highly skilled professionals at public-health, academic, and commercial laboratories to set up their own laboratory developed tests (LDTs), and no manufactured test kits have been authorized for sale in the U.S. In Europe, several companies, at least one U.S.-based, have regulatory approval to sell test kits in Europe.
The FDA’s regulation of laboratory tests has been a longstanding concern. This includes moves to regulate LDTs, despite the existence of stringent alternative-regulatory and oversight mechanisms. In general, the FDA has exercised “enforcement discretion” with respect to LDTs. With coronavirus testing, the FDA’s abandonment of enforcement discretion may have proved deadly.
Complaints about the lack of testing access compelled the FDA to resolve what has become a self-inflicted crisis. On February 29, the agency issued guidance expanding the number of laboratories eligible to provide testing and creating a pathway for them to use internally developed tests. The FDA, however, is forcing these labs—most of which have not been FDA-regulated—to expend scarce resources on the preparation and submission of EUAs. These submissions must be filed a mere 15 days after laboratories begin testing and must adhere to prescriptive validation requirements.
Stephan Hahn, the FDA commissioner, predicted that U.S. laboratories will be able to perform “close to 1 million” tests by the end of this week, and former commissioner Scott Gottlieb estimated that public-health laboratories “will be able to test 10,000 samples a day, with as much as an additional 10,000 a day from academic labs.” Even if true, these optimistic predictions are likely too late to reverse a crisis that might have been averted.


Another from City Journal – on the Rahm Emanuel school of crisis management . . .
Bernie Sanders Is Wrong About American Health Care
The U.S. system remains the best equipped to handle challenges like the coronavirus.
Steven Malanga
March 3, 2020

When he was President Barack Obama’s chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel famously advised never to let a crisis go to waste. Advocates of universal, government-controlled health care in the United States are pursuing that strategy as the nation confronts the prospect of a coronavirus epidemic. Last week, seizing on a story about the $1,400 bill that a Miami man received for a hospital visit to get tested for coronavirus, they charged that the American system of private insurance isn’t up to fighting the spread of the virus. Critics contend that episodes like the one involving the Miami man, who has a high-deductible policy that some call a “junk” plan, will discourage people from seeking testing and treatment, thereby enabling spread of the contagion. The solution, according to Bernie Sanders? A national health-care system—the only system, he and his supporters believe, capable of handling a crisis like the coronavirus.
The problem with this claim, as with much of what advocates contend about nationalized health systems, is that it ignores how such systems really operate. Because health care under these plans is inexpensive or even “free,” people overuse it, driving up costs and forcing governments to limit access. That’s why long wait times and denials of service are typically more characteristic of national health systems than the American one. Indeed, last week, Japanese citizens bitterly criticized their government because its national health service, which citizens must enroll in if they don’t have employer-provided insurance, had limited coronavirus testing to just 5,700 people. Some critics accused the government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of suppressing testing to minimize the seriousness of the virus’s spread. Others saw it as a cost-saving move.
Government-controlled health-care systems are especially vulnerable to epidemics because, to control costs, they must strip as much overcapacity as they can out of their operations. During the 2017–2018 flu season in Britain, for example, the National Health System was overwhelmed. Patients regularly spent 12 hours in hospital emergency wards awaiting treatment, corridors were jammed with beds, and doctors postponed all but the most urgent surgeries, the New York Times reported. British doctors complained of “battlefield medicine” and “third world conditions.” That spring, in order to save money, the NHS stopped paying for a broad range of remedies for common ailments, including those treating constipation, cold sores, conjunctivitis, infant colic, and backache. About a year later, the country reported widespread shortages of some 80 common medications, such as the anti-inflammatory Naproxen. One reason: the service had driven down the price of drugs so far that manufacturers found “the U.K. a less attractive market.” At the same time, the NHS is notable for restricting access to expensive drugs that treat much more serious conditions. Before relenting to criticism, for example, the NHS spent four years refusing to give cystic fibrosis patients—including an estimated 5,000 children—access to Orkambi, a drug developed by U.S. manufacturer Vertex International.
What critics deride as America’s “patchwork” health-care approach is in fact a system that attempts to offer choices, rather than a one-size-fits-all national service. The Miami man’s “junk” plan is one of those choices—a low-cost, high-deductible plan, in which the patient agrees to pay for many ordinary procedures in exchange for cheaper premiums. These plans were in place in states like California before Obamacare; they were aimed at consumers, such as young adults, who were looking for protection against catastrophic costs but balking at the price of more comprehensive insurance. Obamacare placed restrictions on these plans, looking instead to force people into insurance exchanges. Two years ago, President Trump signed an executive order expanding access to these insurance policies. While critics have charged that some of the plans, like AARP’s limited insurance for seniors, fail to inform customers adequately about the restrictions on coverage, some consumers have expressed satisfaction at the services offered and the savings they accrued.
The real issue in the Miami case was where the man went for service. The costs he incurred were not even from a coronavirus test, but from other fees associated with visiting a hospital emergency room for examination. Indeed, after an exam showed that he had the flu, the man was not tested for coronavirus, even though the Centers for Disease Control is providing the tests without charge because it has designated coronavirus a public-health emergency.
The CDC has been justly criticized for ramping up its testing regime too slowly. But, as experts predict an inevitable increase in cases in the U.S., the agency is now working to make the tests widely available. As testing expands, so should the network of facilities that provide the tests, extending well beyond expensive hospital emergency rooms. Some health-care providers have even suggested setting up the equivalent of “drive-through” facilities, where people can be tested quickly and inexpensively, as South Korea has done. Similarly, when an effective vaccine becomes available, Washington can subsidize production to get the population immunized quickly.
All these efforts, and others like them, to address the coronavirus can be accomplished without revamping American health care. In fact, it is a system like ours that makes such efforts possible. Contrary to Sanders’s claims, the American health-care system, flaws and all, is better equipped than any other to handle a challenge like the coronavirus.


HEALTH WATCH: Leading Democratic Candidates Most at Risk of Dying From Coronavirus, According to Science
Andrew Stiles – MARCH 6, 2020 4:30 PM
https://freebeacon.com/politics/sanders-biden-corona-virus/comment image

In the midst of a global pandemic, it’s important to believe in science. One thing science tells us about the coronavirus is that both Democrats vying to take on President Donald J. Trump in the general election are in the age group (elderly AF) most at risk of dying from the disease.
Former vice president Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) are both very old—too old even to be considered Baby Boomers—and either one would make history as the oldest president ever if elected. Biden will turn 78 in November, while Sanders will turn 79 in September. According to science, that’s not a good thing in terms of one’s vulnerability to coronavirus.
Dr. Adam Kucharski, a mathematician at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, in an interview with the New York Times pointed out “the risk of severe disease and fatality, particularly in older groups, in the over-70s, over-80s,” posed by coronavirus.
“Overall we’re seeing maybe 1 percent of symptomatic cases are fatal across all ages. There’s still some uncertainty on that, but what’s also important is that 1 percent isn’t evenly distributed,” said Kucharski. “In younger groups, we’re talking perhaps 0.1 percent, which means that when you get into the older groups, you’re potentially talking about 5 percent, 10 percent of cases being fatal.”
According to the China Center for Disease Control, the fatality rate for coronavirus patients over the age of 80 is nearly 15 percent. China CDC also reported a significantly higher fatality rate among male patients (2.8 percent) than female patients (1.7 percent). This scientific data could ultimately prove crucial in helping Hillary Clinton, 72, make the case that she is the least risky candidate at a contested Democratic convention in Milwaukee.
President Trump, a man of legendary physical and intellectual stamina, once described by a leading medical expert as “the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency,” remains a heavy favorite to win reelection in 2020 and beyond. Absent a last-minute intervention by Clinton, the 73-year-old Trump will be the youngest candidate in the race. It will be up to voters to decide whether America will continue to be great or slide backward under a virus-afflicted chief executive into the ash heap of history.

[…] March 1, 2020: “Undiagnosed and asymptomatic persons infected with coronavirus are not captured in data for quantifying mortality rates, explained Siegel, “Mild cases that are being undiagnosed make [coronavirus] seem more deadly.” In other words, only extremely sick people presented themselves at a hospital for medical care making the fatality rate appear higher. https://wqth.wordpress.com/2020/03/01/2020-march1st-7th-coronavirus-covid19-xivirus-wuflu-6th-update&#8230; […]


A certain well known Conservative someone has been angrily tweeting at CPAC leader all weekend demanding the infected attendee be named…on TWITTER! So now a British outlet has outed who they believe the man is and said angry person and another reporter are tweeting it. I just don’t think this DOXXING is cool. Patients deserve their privacy, it wasn’t the leader’s place to reveal. The patient did give a list of folks he talked w/ and those folks were notified. Even some of the Diamond Princess people in quarantine have reported they’re getting death threats. Other countries have had attacks and riots.
I don’t know if said person even went to CPAC. IMO, The anger seems over the top, using the excuse that the public needs to know. Sensing other deeper reasons for hostility???
If anyone that attended has symptoms, then State will surely allow test because there’s a confirmed case already and they want to track spread. If no symptoms, hopefully they’re ok, but if unsure, then self quarantine. Just like our responsible Congressmen are doing. Tests for All are being manufactured and distributed as fast as possilble, but until they’re available, triage is necessary.
I wish MAGA peeps would be responsible, work together, help and protect one another and try to get along! WWG1WGA

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed. The first person revealed was NOT the right person! That shows the dangers of doxxing right there.
I can only say that I, personally, would go public with my own positive diagnosis, as I believe it’s the only responsible thing to do. It is ESSENTIAL to prevent further spread, IMO. I don’t care about death threats – I’ve had people trying to actually KILL ME. Threats are weak sauce. So for me, alerting people would be more important.
As a member of “we are the news now” (don’t really want to call myself a journalist), I did and do feel the need to find out who it was at CPAC to validate motive, if any. I would probably not publish the name, unless I felt there was strong evidence of intentional infection, and that the only way to advance a criminal investigation was publication.
As it is, the likely person (already thoroughly outed now) seems to be a diehard MAGA, and has already been revealed, so I felt that STATING his innocence (in my opinion) was important. The name is not – everybody who was at CPAC surely has it by now.


[…] March 1-10th, Our Sixth Thread: https://wqth.wordpress.com/2020/03/01/2020-march1st-7th-coronavirus-covid19-xivirus-wuflu-6th-update… […]

[…] March 1-10th, Our Sixth Thread: https://wqth.wordpress.com/2020/03/01/2020-march1st-7th-coronavirus-covid19-xivirus-wuflu-6th-update… […]