This [(Q+(2*7)=31]TH of JULY FRIDAY open thread is OPEN – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both MAGA and KAG!).

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.
Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.
Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.
Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the OLD January 1st , 2019 open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.


Our movement
Is about replacing
A failed
Political establishment
With a new government controlled
By you, the American People.
Candidate Donald J. Trump
Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Twitter Alternative Twetch
OK – this is weird, but it finally makes sense. This is very geeky, but I think all of you will get it at a high level. It’s the mechanics where it gets tricky.
Remember when Andrew Torba of Gab was talking about social media “on the blockchain” that would be invulnerable to censorship? Torba was really enamored of the idea, even though he never did it – probably for scale reasons.
Back then, I have to admit that I didn’t really understand the concept, but now I do.
The way I stumbled into this is subtle. It’s a story. Here’s the story.
There is a guy I follow on Twitter named “@desantis”. He’s a very interesting mind, like a lot of people I know, but he is in a corner by himself, of the people I happen to know.
Desantis is part of the “crypto geek community”. They’re a strange bunch. In some ways, they’re in love with money, which – for various reasons – I am suspicious of, but which I totally get the DOWNSIDE of.

But crypto geeks don’t love money like misers – they love it like an idea, so they’re actually very unique and pleasant and I like their tribe, even though I’m not really even an honorary member.
Within that tribe, Desantis is a great medicine man, or perhaps the great priest in Jerusalem. The crypto geeks all bow before Desantis, it sometimes seems, yet he’s a bit of a hermit.
Desantis “gets” things at a very high level – that is his game and drive. He does not want to tarry on the details, which can be very hard. Steve, Scott, and Cthulhu here are all people who understand that details are important, and how reality actually happens. Somebody has to sort that shit out. My father was like that, incidentally. I am a detail person, too, but I love it when I get “general”.
Desantis – who calls himself a “generalist” – is almost allergic to details, except when he prepares small examples on what are essentially proofs on the backs of napkins. Of the generalities he gets, many are what “specificists” consider trivial, worthless, or mere byproduct of their work. But some of the things Desantis notices are really quite profound, and some are beautiful. Many are almost hard to put into WORDS. That is just TOO COOL.
Desantis is almost addicted to a kind of glass bead game where you can’t talk about the game too specifically or you spoil it.
Of course, many consider such types of thinkers to be near-crackpots, and they can be very frustrating to understand. However, once I found Desantis on Twitter, I loved the beauty of some of the things he saw, and thus I endeavored to be more like him. He became one of my muses.
NOTE that Desantis was followed by Jack Dorsey. Sometimes they conversed in “Desantis-level-cool-speak”. Yes. I would not be surprised if some Desantis ideas were used, stolen, riffed on, or patented. At the very least, warning of the threat he posed was given to the Cabal.
Anyway, I stopped seeing Desantis ANYWHERE. I assumed that he blocked me for my conservative views about Trump, but when I went looking for his posts – BOOM – it turned out that I was not blocked – he was simply not there. He was GONE.
I dug further. It seemed that Desantis was UNFOLLOWED by Jack because of “Twetch” starting. AH! Maybe THAT is where Desantis went!
What is Twetch?
Twetch is a weird marriage of blockchain, crypto, and Twitter, that is “on the blockchain” to some extent, so that it can’t be shut down, in the same way that bitcoin cannot be shut down.
Now I’m not going to get into that whole world, but here is the deal. In order to follow Desantis again, I made an account on Twetch, and I could use a friend or two to help me explore it, by posting and (and I hate this part – Black Elk – forgive me) making enough digital money to follow and “tip” the people like Desantis that I went there to follow.
SO – if any of you feel experimental, then please – start here and click away. We can experiment with making followers for free, because I have no money on Twetch.
Muchas gracias!
My homepage:

Note both 2 and from. Lucky me!

That is what I was talking about, and why I took this journey.

OTC HCQ = National Security Requirement
This was posted here. It is a critical read.

Imagine this intelligence coming into a LOYAL CIA, not in sympathy (if not league) with the ChiNazi coronavirus “globalism-forcing” strategy.
I then re-posted it to Twitter (with permission):

Interestingly, this was shortly after I posted the following on a different thread:

Text version:
July 29, 2020 at 11:56
OTC HCQ is a big deal. I would welcome it, despite the fact that RIGHT NOW, for COVID-19 I think it is best taken under a doctor’s prescription and supervision.So WHY do I want it OTC?
So that supply lines are SOLID and we have enough to treat the whole nation overnight.
Why do we need that much HCQ?
COVID-20 and COVID-21.
If CCP-DNC releases a NEW coronavirus, we need a general cure to disarm it IMMEDIATELY, without tanking the economy, and HCQ is beyond likely – meaning almost certain – to fulfill that mission.
America needs a PRE-CURE for coronaviruses. HCQ is that drug.
Liked by 1 person
I repeat for the benefit of all:
This is pretty much a NO BRAINER.
Allow me to explain the logic.
If you are following the vaccine development efforts – many of them – very expensive – using YOUR tax dollars – then even if you LIKE vaccines, you understand perfectly well that vaccine development is SLOW and PAINFUL.
MANY of these vaccines are using VERY SMART “re-usable” “platforms” – meaning that they can be used for lots of different vaccines, without a lot of “foundational” development. This is, in fact, why many of the vaccines started up SO QUICKLY – the developers simply swapped in something NEW – like new DNA, mRNA, or a recombinant protein, instead of “SARS” or “Ebola” or even “flu”.
SO – understand – even with all this massive effort and expense, using “fast” vaccine technology, we are STILL looking at about a year to develop a RISKY vaccine – risky because these vaccines will all be risky for many patients, especially those who HAD the disease, or those who WILL GET IT anyway. Those patients were NOT trialed. The vaccines will NOT be safe for them.
One year? One year, MINIMUM? One year, minimum, if YET ANOTHER disease “gets out” in that weird country where all diseases seem to mysteriously come from, namely CHINA?
Turns out that many of these diseases just happen to be coronaviruses, which just happen to be of huge interest to science right now, with lots of chimeric proteins being made – meaning ARTIFICIAL virus pieces (OH, but they would never put those pieces published in the journals together! NO, NEVER!)
Y’all starting to understand? What I am saying is NOT misinformation. It is simple, horrifying TRUTH.
Scientists in America, China, and everywhere else experiment with Frankenstein versions of these viruses – very specifically, the “arms and legs and body and internal organs” of these viruses. These Frankenstein monster viruses are actually quite simple, because the “organs” inside them are merely the blueprints for the arms, legs, and body. AND – remember this – those very same “blueprints” are USED to generate the arms, legs and body, that are used in these tests.
If you suddenly say “well that’s the whole damn thing”, then yes. Read on.
In other words, vaccine researchers have a “plausible reason” to create both the Frankenstein arms and legs of chimeric viruses, and because they have THAT plausible reason – AND DO USE IT – they also have a plausible reason to create the genetic instructions for the Frankenstein arms and legs and body – AND THEY USE THAT, TOO.
SO – let’s add things up. The scientists have reason to, and in fact do, create ALL THE PIECES needed to construct chimeric (meaning Frankenstein) viruses. The only thing which prevents them from doing it is……….. well, they may have SAID they would not do it.
Y’all starting to get how dangerous this is? And NOW – let me nuke anybody who argues with it.
Even if, for any reason, you said BUT BUT BUT, then I can simply say “China not only CAN get all the different, non-cross-immunity-granting, “novel” coronaviruses that it wants, by taking them from bats…….. THEY ALREADY DID IT.
So – get this – China is sitting on dozens, hundreds, maybe thousands of “novel coronaviruses”, many or most of which don’t grant complete or even significant immunity to the others. And that’s just talking about the ones China let us know about. They could have some bat coronas that are SCARY dangerous that they never told us about.
So – that is the situation.
National security involves RISK MANAGEMENT.
We have a drug, that seems to work, very generally, against coronaviruses. That drug has a strong safety record. It’s called hydroxychloroquine, or HCQ.
If it even POSSIBLY works on another bat coronavirus, avian coronavirus, or synthetic coronavirus, and does so in a timeframe faster than a vaccine can be developed, then HCQ availability becomes a dead simple and unarguable national security objective.
There is only one nation that would NOT want us to prepare for that possibility. That nation is CHINA. The only people who are NOT China who would want us to not prepare for that possibility are ON CHINA’S SIDE.
What this does is makes HCQ a kind of WHEAT/CHAFF SORTER.

Yes. Enemies of the people. Or their “controlled opposition”.
It’s VERY simple to use this wheat/chaff sorter. VERY EASY.
I was going to discuss this, but then realized I didn’t have time to put this HUGE subject together.
But then I realized I actually had a PLACEHOLDER.
SO let’s entertain the Stalinist Holderites with the thought of WHAT’S COMING.
Get Wiser Than Solomon On Anna Chapman
John Solomon has a GREAT new book out – FALLOUT – which tracks SPYGATE back to URANIUM ONE.
To get a taste of what was found by John Solomon and Seamus Bruner, there is a GREAT interview of Solomon and Bruner by the Epoch Times.
Here is the video – absolutely worth a watch!
The first 18:10 of the video cover the fact that “Spygate” actually goes back to the BEGINNINGS of the Obama administration, and center around URANIUM ONE. The mind-boggling “negligence” of the Obama administration is on full display.
Negligence. YEAH, RIGHT.


I repeat.

Now – there are a LOT of things I can say about this interview – with which I am in 90+% agreement. In particular, I could “go big” on how the authors are either intentionally or subconsciously holding back from the full accusation of REVERSO – that Obama and Hillary weren’t just being LIARS, accusing Trump of “collusion” with Russia. I could say that Obama and Hillary were actually IN LEAGUE with Russia, giving Russia both uranium AND Crimea for a VERY nice price. I could fit the CLINTONS directly into the long chain of events leading from the uranium-spying Rosenbergs and the polonium spy George Koval, to THIS VERY MOMENT, as part of Stalin’s plan to slowly denuclearize the United States.


I am going to go smaller.
Staring at 18:10 until 24:32, a very important sub-story comes up, and HOW one interprets it is very important.
The story goes into ANNA CHAPMAN…..

WHOOPS! My bad!
I’m quite the fan of Maria Butina, Putin’s and Hillary’s useful cowgirl gun lover, who was given the “James Wolfe” kid glove treatment by Jussie K. Lie and Robert M. K. Mueller, and then kicked out of America with a velvet boot, as fast as they could hide her from scrutiny. But that’s not Anna Chapman.
THIS is Anna Chapman!

More details, including her relationships to both Skripal and Snowden.
I urge you to listen to the video from 18:10-24:32.
One of the KEY points is that the Anna Chapman spy ring was [allegedly] rolled up because a spy (not Chapman) was getting close to Hillary Clinton, trying to get a job in the State Department, after getting in close with a “friend of Hillary”.
Note that this is EXACTLY what should have happened with TRUMP, if Carter Page was actually a problem. But it DID NOT happen.
Funny, that.
Solomon goes on to explain that this was all explained to him. He was told by Daniel Hoffman, the CIA station chief in Moscow at the time of Anna Chapman and Uranium One, that Russia was just playing games of tainting both sides and ginning up mutual suspicions and turmoil.
That all sounds so nice and good. But yet they all understood this wonderful truth in Hillary’s case, but not in Trump’s case.
Funny, that.
And yet we see that Curtains Comey publicly goes along with this line of thinking, but PRIVATELY keeps the illegal, unjustified, and PHONY special counsel alive, pretending not to KNOW that it should have been CLOSED.
Funny, that.
In my opinion, what Hoffman told Solomon is the GASLIGHTING OF REVERSO.
Whether Hoffman was hiding Russian assistance to Hillary for investigative reasons (meaning, he was following the reverso), or to HELP her (as part of the reverso), is not clear.
The point being – my point – Anna Chapman was USED intentionally to “clean up” Hillary.
In my opinion, these DEMOCRATS and their MEDIA, in COLLUSION with the Russian “taint both sides” PUBLIC strategy, are able to help Russia PRIVATELY and DIFFERENTIALLY support the treasonous Democrats by what appears to be a neutral strategy ON THEIR END.
It’s VERY smart.
In the case of HILLARY, rolling up the spy ring was used to GIVE HILLARY COVER as a patriot – which of course is NOT TRUE. She goes on to give Russia all the American uranium it wants.
In the case of Trump, investigating a phony spy ring was used not to COVER Trump, but to cast suspicion on him. The strategy was made “safe for Russia” by using Western assets. If it fell through, as it did, Russia gets off clean, and Democrats take the hit at a lower level – CORRUPTION, NOT TREASON.
See how that works? Like I say – SMART.
Listen to the video AFTER 24:10. The interviewer, Jan Jekielek, gently tries to get the authors to lean forward on what I might call DISINFORMATION DIFFERENTIAL as a Russian “active measure” to support the treasonous Democrats, but NO BITEY.
Now I don’t know why Solomon can’t or won’t say this. Maybe America is not ready. Maybe he would be “getting out in front of his skis” with that accusation.
Funny – I was once taught to LEAN FORWARD HARD on skis, to keep control at high speed on the really steep stuff.

Hillary and Russia. There’s more to the story. Let’s FIND IT.

Simple truths, explained simply!
Our Conservative Party wants to form the next government of Canada. However, in running for a national volunteer position for the party, I and several other unsuccessful candidates, found that there was no accountability and transparency by the party. The winner of the vote was announced, with no transparency on the number of candidates who ran; no revealing of the number of votes each candidate got, nothing, zilch.
Anyhow, I have put in a claim for dispute resolution, saying it is impossible to accept the legitimacy of the win, without the important details being revealed. …I have little hope the claim will bear fruit.
In the mean time, I was sent this prayer with the following introduction. I think it’s a beautiful prayer and very relevant.
Note from IMARC. This article was reproduced from the October 1999 “News & Notes” Vol. 3. No.3
newsletter of the North Texas Conference, of the Congregational Methodist Church. IMARC thought
that you may enjoy reading it. In the future it will be placed in the quotes section of IMARC.
When minister Joe Wright was asked to open the new session of the Kansas Senate, everyone was
expecting the usual politically-correct generalities, but what they heard instead was a stirring prayer,
passionately calling our country to repentance and righteousness. The response was immediate. A number
of legislators walked out during the prayer in protest. In six short weeks, the Central Christian Church had
logged more than 5,000 phone calls with only 47 of those calls responding negatively. The church is now
receiving international requests for copies of the prayer from India, Africa and Korea. Commentator
PAUL HARVEY aired the prayer on The Rest of the Story on the radio and received a larger response to
this program than any other he has ever aired!!
Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask Your forgiveness and to seek Your
direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, “Woe on those who call evil good,”
but that’s exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed
our values. We confess that:
We have ridiculed the absolute truth of Your Word and called it pluralism.
We have worshiped other gods and called it multi-culturalism.
We have endorsed perversion and called it an alternative lifestyle.
We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery.
We have neglected the needy and called it self-preservation.
We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare.
We have killed our unborn children and called it a choice.
We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable.
We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self-esteem.
We have abused power and called it political savvy.
We have coveted our neighbours’ possessions and celled it ambition.
We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of
We have ridiculed the time-honoured values of our forefathers and called it
Search us, O God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free.
Guide and bless these men and women who have been sent to direct us to the center of
Your will. I ask it in the name of Your Son, the living Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Amen 🙏🏼 🌹
Woah…epic thread, Wolfie.
You’ve given us A LOT to digest here!
I’m still trying to process it.
Thanks! I really bit off more than I could chew, and had to drop the huge explainer on Sundance stuff which slides into the third placeholder. Next week! 😉
Um… marica totally gotta get coffee for this Wolfie!!! Wow!!!! Mind Blown (And i skimmed it!!!)😱💖💖💖
Hey, good to see you! Coffee sounds GREAT, but must Z out first a bit, methinks… 😎
Fer sure!!! Mr. M almost wrecked my new car tonight!! Ky has monsoons!!! I’ll be back.. Tomorrow!!!💖💖 Muchas Smuchas!!! 😳👍😍😍
is he okay tho????
Yes….Hydroplaned and almost took out a mailbox…and a possible ouch on da couch!! 🤣
glad he’s mostly ok
“mostly”…Key word there Pat!!
does he require prayers? bandaids? or your healing touch?
LOL!! My 12 yr old hubby is independent! 😂😂
you’re ahead of me…most of it went right over my head…perhaps more coffee will bring clarity.
I’m not the only one then. 😜
my hubby saw my face while i was reading it and asked if I was reading Greek…LOL…I told him close….
Edelweiss – Bless my homeland forever!
Classic moment of cinema!
No Chinazis in America!!!
.. Here! Here! … ❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️‼️‼️ …
.. 🤨👍‼️❤️ ..
Edelweiss (Original Version)
Edelweiss, Edelweiss
Every morning you greet me
Small and white, clean and bright
You look happy to meet me
Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow
Bloom and grow forever
Edelweiss, Edelweiss
Bless my homeland forever
Edelweiss, Edelweiss
Every morning you greet me
Small and white, clean and bright
You look happy to meet me
Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow
Bloom and grow forever
Edelweiss, Edelweiss
Bless my homeland forever
Sunflower (American Version (mine))
Sunflower, one flower
Every morning you cheer me
Big and bold, new and old
Shine upon me and hear me
Rays of sun may you make us one
Make us one, forever
Sunflower, one flower
Bless our homeland forever
Sunflower, one flower
Every morning you cheer me
Big and bold, new and old
Shine upon me and hear me
Rays of sun may you make us one
Make us one, forever
Sunflower, one flower
Bless our homeland forever
Inspirations: Kansas (center), native stuff, Jewish and Christian stuff, E Pluribus Unum.
The sunflower is a strongly native flower of the Americas, primarily North America.
Fractals, Fibonacci Numbers, Golden Ratio, Divine Proportion…

I think that God communicates with us through the natural world that He created.
There’s a veggie over here called Romanesco, alternatively referred-to as a tyoe of Broccoli or Cauliflower, which is basically a fractal as a vegetable… Looking closely at it, one can see ever smaller iterations of the same design, combining to make the whole “flower”… It’s a beautiful plant, which combines the worst features of Broccoli and Cauliflower (JUST KIDDING!!!)…
Clcik on the pic twice to get the full-sized image… fascinating!
Yes…and they are delicious, too.
But then, I’m one of those weirdos who likes both broccoli and cauliflower.
The Broccoflower is a cool-looking plant, isn’t it.
Oddly enough, though closely related — and looking more alien — cauliflower is older than broccoli.
OTOH, the rumor that “Cubby” Broccoli (producer of the James Bond Films) is a nephew of the original developer of Broccoli appears to be false….unless he had uncles in the 6th century AD.
Both broccoli and cauliflower are members of the brassicae branch of the mustard/cabbage family — all of which are cruciferous vegetables — their flowers have four petals with a cross between.
cthulhu, and always remember: Do not feed brassicas to your Guinea Pig, as they produce gas, and Guinea Pigs cannot fart.
Be kind to animals.
Bet it’s great with American Hidden Valley Ranch dip!
Plant-killer! 😉
Ha 😜
Amen! Mathematics – divine language!
The fractal dimension of cauliflower has been assessed as about 2.8.
PS – and WWG1WGA 😉
Lovely .. 🙂😉🤚❤️ ..
Love them 🌻 ..
Ah! That’s a keeper emoji!!!
.. 😬👍❤️ … use it till the cows 🐄 come home … 😜
1. An accordion
2. Person to play (1)
3. Cows 🐄
(Cue to the 2 minute mark, cows are slow 😑)
… I would hope that makes for sweet cream and butter, yum. 🙂🤚 …
I water the wild ones along my fence line. They keep the bees in pollen long after everything else has gone.
Great message. Edelweiss – Bless my homeland forever!
Wonderful movie. So many fun songs and timeless messages throughout.
Great day to watch it again!
So the msm lied about the gdp. Has flep seen this yet?
9.2 instead of 32.9 well that’s a BIG difference. I thought the number sounded off.
It’s to hurt Trump and pull down the economy
Not sure – be sure to put it on his thread later!
Hi Q Peeps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just so you know!!! We together!!! Much love ALL!!!!💖💖💖💖
Hugs back, Marica!!! <3
Hugs back, Marica!
Love you too!
We Fight!!!
Yes! In every way that we can.
Yep Sista!!! Never gonna give up!!! Every front!!! Too much on the line!! …Glad you in my foxhole Wheatie!!!.serious!!!
Thank you for all that you do, sweet Marica!
I am honored to fight with you.
And yeah, we cannot give up.
Because *everything* is on the line.
Love back, Marica.
Mornin Dear ZOE!!
Wolf, I think you are spot on that OTC HCQ is important for national security. Peter Navarro mentioned in an interview that they have millions of doses stockpiled. And I wonder if this new deal with Kodak might have something to do with producing more of it. I really hope this happens.
We have to either prepare for 4GW viruses, or prepare so well that we kill the paradigm. YES!!!
That’s IT!!!!!!!!!!! “prepare so well that we kill the paradigm.” YES!!! Nail on the head!!!!
One of the article regarding Kodak stepping up, included comments about raw ingredients for the meds.
Back in April, India agreed to provide millions of doses HCQ to the US. Can’t find the article now. It is out there.
One article I did locate… emphasis added.
India is supplying about 85 million hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) tablets and roughly 500 million paracetamol tablets to 108 countries, a top Indian government official told Hindustan Times on Thursday.
“As we speak, a total of 4,000-plus consignments to 60 countries are being cleared for dispatch,” the unidentified government official said. The medical supplies will eventually reach 108 countries. This is apart from 1,000 tons of paracetamol granules India has sent to other countries to make tablets, according to the report.
All I can say is, it should be obvious to any rational person that Satan has his hands on HRC’s shoulders. I bet she’s his favorite witch (next to Ruthie).
… 😣🤚‼️ .. R E D U N D A N T …. miserable harridan, turd 💩 ..
Trying a “Twetch” image here….
Didn’t work ’cause it’s not funny. It’s just the news with a crayon.
[still love the commenter]
Now that’s funny!
And yes, I’m headed for bed before I say something else mean.
“…woke animals become immune when they protest.”
Yep. That’s the message they are sending.
Loud and clear.
Extremely short course on crypto — once up on a time, crypto was based on ciphers (AKA codes) that worked the same on the way in as on the way out. If you had the magic password, you could not only decrypt encrypted messages, but also issue encrypted messages that nobody could tell weren’t from the trusted party.
Note also the distinction between ciphers (methods) and passwords (keys).
Today’s ciphers tend to have two matched keys. If you encrypt with A, you can decrypt with B (but not with A); if you encrypt with B, you can decrypt with A (but not with B). This allows you to do a lot of neat things with “protocols”, which are little scripted exercises to create secure links on insecure frameworks.
An example is “public key” encryption. We can generate “keypairs” (an A and B) for a given cipher, then freely publish A as the public key. If you, then, encrypt something with your private key and my public key, only I can read it and only you could have sent it. This has widespread use with banking and data security.
It’s generally a good idea to have one key pair for people to use to send you a message, and use another to sign your messages; that way if someone forces you (under court order, say) to provide your keys to decrypt a message sent to you, they still cannot sign things pretending to be you.
Incidentally, for signing a message, generally what you do is encrypt a hash of the message with your private signature key. And for those wondering what a “hash” is, it’s a number resulting from shoving the entire message through an algorithm that scrambles it and reduces it to a much smaller sequence of bits, known as the “digest.” There’s no way to go from the digest back to the original message (which is much larger, presumably), but there are enough different possible digests it’s unlikely someone can create another message with the same digest.
To verify a message signed by Bob, once you’ve decoded it with your private key, hash it. Then decrypt his signed hash with his public key. If his hash matches what you got, he encrypted the hash, and the hash is of the message, so he has signed the message.
The better hashing algorithms, like SHA-256, will slurp in a hundred Meg of data and hash it — and if it differs by one bit anywhere, glorp out a wildly different hash. If the source data were different by one bit and the hash were different by one bit, it would still be useful — but not as useful as some spectacular difference. “Points for style”, as they say…..
The way to attack around a hasher is to write some other document the person would never sign, then make random changes to it, eg, spaces at the end of lines, etc. and hope a hash matches the hash of the document he DID sign.
The longer the hash, the less likely that is to happen. With a thirty two bit hash, you could probably manage it. 256 is doable in a document with say about a thousand lines of text, but it would simply take too long.
The problem with a hash that differs by one bit when the source does, is that tells you you’re getting close. And since the hash is shorter than the original, there are probably lots of small changes that will lead to the exact same hash. You don’t want that. It’s not less points for style, it’s a fail.
I was kinda shocked by MD5 failing. Just a few years earlier, I used MD5 failing as a kind of “Yeah, this is CRAZY TALK, but just bear with me” example of something on a scale of “future security risks”.
Happened WAY faster than I was expecting.
It still has some uses, like making sure a file hasn’t changed, or is the same on two different systems so you know an update occurred (compare the MD5s), but now that it has been cryptographically broken, I wouldn’t use it for situations where enemy action could be a factor.
wow…it’s like you and cthulhu are speaking english, but not…totally over my head…but happy you both are here and know what you’re saying!
I don’t always find the “on/power” button on my tower … 😑 … sometime I’m pushing a stupid symbol and not the dadgum button .. 🤫😑
I open my laptop and forget to turn it on…
Ahhhhhhhhh COUSIN‼️🤗😃🤚❤️❤️❤️
and then I STARE at it…LOL…like I’m waiting for it to boot up…sometimes I even wonder why it’s taking so long…
… 😛👍 … me too … uhhhh … 🤭🤫❤️
<3 <3 <3
😜🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻 … bwahahahahaha
.. ❤️ ..
Yeah, I have similar problems, but mostly with things on the screen that are buttons but don’t LOOK like buttons. That’s been the GUI design fad for a few years now and as someone who does that for a living, I could cheerfully stomp on the nuts of whoever came up with that bright idea for about six hours straight.
For example, I was searching a PDF and the words “Case Sensitive” appeared next to where I typed the text I wanted to search for. Well, I didn’t want the search to be case sensitive so I looked all over the place for an option to turn it off, thinking those words were an indicator. Instead, they were a button that had not been pushed in to MAKE it case sensitive. When I finally clicked on the words, a rectangular area around them turned gray and I realized it was one of those fucking stealth buttons.
What’s the use of obscuring controls, assholes??
Ohhhh that’s very evil … well you can hope their spouses are bossy type people so at least in some area of their lives they are miserable .. bwahahahahaha .. ha ha .. 🤨👍😉🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸‼️
Actually I went online to get the title for a vehicle since I can’t find the one we should … well, it was as I anticipated, a total exercise in futility … ☹️ Now I have to go online at the Secretary of State to make an appointment and I’ve heard their booked up to November .. grrrrr 😖 .. nuts. I’d tell you more about creating a user name and password but discretion is the better part of valor. I did have a scotch on the rocks afterwards … 🥃 … it was that or take a baseball bat to the computer 💻 … my husband would notice that so … cheers 🍻😃👍❤️ ..
Over my head. Guessing cthulhu is part A. Steve part B. Perfectly able to encrypt there messages and decrypt same.
Yea, I probably goofed that a in a big way. Getting more covfefe 🙂
If I might forward an opinion, we should favor admittance of more spies like Maria Butina while shipping more like out ASAP.
We won’t necessarily be more secure, but it’d be a lot more fun.
Spy admittance test —
What is the purpose of the spying? Stir up 2nd A.
Is the spy cute and funny? Yes.
Is the spy loaded with a deadly illness? No.
Will the spy shed money into the local economy? Yes.
— Admit spy. Reassess in six months.
Bonus points for being willing to go on a date with the test administrator.
Can you imagine the uproar if we only accepted refugee applications if they were female under the age of 26 or children under the age of six? If you’re a 22-year-old male suffering persecution in an awful environment, get a six month training permit and go back and kill the a**holes persecuting you. If you’re successful, maybe your wife and children might want to join you. If not, they’ll be Americans.
The CIA had an opening for an assassin.
After all of the background checks, interviews and testing were done, there were three finalists: two men and a woman. For the final test, the CIA agents took one of the men to a large metal door and handed him a gun.
“We must know that you will follow your instructions, no matter what the circumstances.Inside of this room, you will find your wife sitting in a chair. Kill Her!!!”
The man said, “You can’t be serious; I could never shoot my wife.”
The agent replied, “OK, then you’re not the right man for this job.”
The second man was given the same instructions. He took the gun and went into the room. All was quiet for about five minutes. Then the man came out with tears in his eyes. “I tried, but I can’t kill my wife.”
The agent said, “You don’t have what it takes. Take your wife and go home.”
Finally, it was the woman’s turn. She was given the same instructions, to kill her husband. Taking the gun, she went into the room. Shots were heard, one after another. There was screaming, crashing, and banging on the walls.
After a few minutes, all was quiet. The door opened slowly and there stood the woman. She wiped the sweat off her brow, and said, “This gun is loaded with blanks!
I had to beat him to death with the chair!”
Bwahahahahaha … wow … I bet customer service does not mess with that woman … 😳🤚❤️
No go Joe tries to put on a show…
247 watching. Commonly a lower number watching.
And, somehow, YSM continues to push polls that show Biden winning.
Huh? Wut?
BTW, the least ChiCom Joe could do is ask his ChiCom masters, have Chinee minions tune in for the appearance someone listens to Joe.
dement(ia)ed 😉
Walk away in the “real” world…
More good signs 😉
The eyes have it!
Perfect … that should be a campaign ad … powerful …
Bwahahahahaha … idjits don’t have the sense God gave them … well then burn 🔥 .. 🤨
… poor fella, the look on his face … 😳🤭😞😔😣😫🤬🤚❤️🇺🇸❤️ …
Someone’s probably shared similar…but if not here’s Q news…
No, that’s a New One, Valerie.
Fun, since I don’t “follow” Q, but apparently follow a number of people who do! 😉
If Jackboot sees that tweet…it will probably get deleted, since it is about Q.
And this is a major Q drop.
Someone that knows what they’re doing (not me) better screen shot & re-tweet the image to keep the info going…
Jul 31, 2020 1:03:40 AM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 076410 No. 10134839
Only those who could[can] be controlled [via blackmail or like-beliefs] were installed in critical leadership positions across all political and non-political Control and Command Positions [CCP].
CCP [necessary] to ensure protective blanket [insurance].
Traitors everywhere.
[D] leadership in joint ops w/ China [CCP] in effort to regain power?
It was never about the virus.
Sequence of events.
Flynn 1st strike designed to 1. cripple 2. prevent exposure of illegal acts [Hussein WH CoC] through NAT SEC [intel] discovery 3. Install ‘controlled’ replacement [rogue1_McMaster].
McMaster removal of ‘loyalist’ intel community_NAT SEC
Install ‘controlled’ [rogue2_Coats_DNI] prevent DECLAS [House-Senate blockade].
Pre_Install [rogue3-6] > referral(s) to POTUS re: McMaster_Coats_Wray_Bolton_+++
Install ‘controlled’ [rogue7_Bolton]
Bolton removal of ‘loyalists’ intel community_NAT SEC
Intel community [NAT SEC_WH] essential to control [infiltration] to prevent DECLAS_public exposure of true events [illegal surv [R] candidates 1&2, House members 1-x , Senate members 1-x , Journalists 1-x , Amb 1-x] + CLAS 1-99 events.
Mueller installed [Comey termination_loss of power][POTUS inside of a box][prevent counter-attack].
Impeachment installed [Mueller termination _loss of power][POTUS inside of box][prevent counter-attack].
C19 insurance plan _above fail
C19 installed [Impeachment termination _loss of power][POTUS inside of box][prevent counter-attack].
C19 _stage 1: Inform POTUS [intel + CDC + WHO + S_advisor(s)] _nothing to fear _do not close travel _do nothing [the political ‘set up’]
C19 _stage 2: Inform POTUS of Dooms Day ‘inaccurate’ scenarios [models] predicting death count 1mm+ [the political ‘force’] _lock down [wipe economic and unemployment gains]
C19 _stage 3: Activate ‘controlled’ [D] GOVS to ‘spike’ death count + project statewide fear by presenting ‘alarming’ on-ground conditions [hospital [care-supplies] projections].
C19 _stage 4: Push testing, testing, testing to spike ‘infected’ rate incline due to daily testing inc [the political ‘set up’] _controlled MSDNC failure to report death count [rates] proportional to ‘infected’ rate _deliberate miscounting of infected numbers [%] _change non_positive to positive _label death of non_C19 as C19 _etc.
C19 _stage 5: Eliminate / censor any opposing views [anti-narrative]
[Ready when needed] Activate 4-year BLM narrative 4x power [use as division + [2020] C19 infect rates to justify close-limit until Nov 3].
C19 calculated [D] political gain:
1. Eliminate record economic gains
2. Eliminate record unemployment gains
3. Shelter Biden from public appearances _limit public exposure of mental condition
4. Shelter Biden from Ukraine exposure _narrative change _media focus C19
5. Shelter Biden from P_debates [requested demands due to C19]
6. Delay [D] convention _strategic take-over of nominee post conf
7. Eliminate_delay POTUS rallies _term energy
8. Eliminate ability for people to gather _ divide
9. Eliminate ability to find peace – strength in time of need [strict Church closures]
10. Promote mail-in-voting as only ‘safe’ method _bypass NSA election security [installed midterms +1].
11. Push state-bailout stimulus [CA][NY] + wish list items
12. Increase national debt [place China into controlling debt position _regain leverage]
13. Test conditional limits of public acceptance [obey]
14. Test conditional limits of public non_acceptance
15. Test conditional limits of State authority [Gov-mayor]
16. Test conditional limits of Media [social] censorship
Who benefits the most?
China [CCP]?
Russia is the enemy.
China is our friend.
[MSDNC [social media] programming]
All assets deployed.
Everything seen yesterday, today, and tomorrow = calculated political moves/events designed and launched by [D] party in coordination with other domestic and foreign entities in an attempt to regain power over you.
Prevent accountability.
Your voice and your vote matters.
Patriots stand united.
Welcome to the Revolution.
11h ago
8kun qresearch
Thanks so much!!!
New Q drop:
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 076410 No.10134839 📁
Jul 31 2020 00:03:40 (EST) NEW
Only those who could[can] be controlled [via blackmail or like-beliefs] were installed in critical leadership positions across all political and non-political Control and Command Positions [CCP].
CCP [necessary] to ensure protective blanket [insurance].
Traitors everywhere.
[D] leadership in joint ops w/ China [CCP] in effort to regain power?
It was never about the virus.
Sequence of events.
Flynn 1st strike designed to 1. cripple 2. prevent exposure of illegal acts [Hussein WH CoC] through NAT SEC [intel] discovery 3. Install ‘controlled’ replacement [rogue1_McMaster].
McMaster removal of ‘loyalist’ intel community_NAT SEC
Install ‘controlled’ [rogue2_Coats_DNI] prevent DECLAS [House-Senate blockade].
Pre_Install [rogue3-6] > referral(s) to POTUS re: McMaster_Coats_Wray_Bolton_+++
Install ‘controlled’ [rogue7_Bolton]
Bolton removal of ‘loyalists’ intel community_NAT SEC
Intel community [NAT SEC_WH] essential to control [infiltration] to prevent DECLAS_public exposure of true events [illegal surv [R] candidates 1&2, House members 1-x , Senate members 1-x , Journalists 1-x , Amb 1-x] + CLAS 1-99 events.
Mueller installed [Comey termination_loss of power][POTUS inside of a box][prevent counter-attack].
Impeachment installed [Mueller termination _loss of power][POTUS inside of box][prevent counter-attack].
C19 insurance plan _above fail
C19 installed [Impeachment termination _loss of power][POTUS inside of box][prevent counter-attack].
C19 _stage 1: Inform POTUS [intel + CDC + WHO + S_advisor(s)] _nothing to fear _do not close travel _do nothing [the political ‘set up’]
C19 _stage 2: Inform POTUS of Dooms Day ‘inaccurate’ scenarios [models] predicting death count 1mm+ [the political ‘force’] _lock down [wipe economic and unemployment gains]
C19 _stage 3: Activate ‘controlled’ [D] GOVS to ‘spike’ death count + project statewide fear by presenting ‘alarming’ on-ground conditions [hospital [care-supplies] projections].
C19 _stage 4: Push testing, testing, testing to spike ‘infected’ rate incline due to daily testing inc [the political ‘set up’] _controlled MSDNC failure to report death count [rates] proportional to ‘infected’ rate _deliberate miscounting of infected numbers [%] _change non_positive to positive _label death of non_C19 as C19 _etc.
C19 _stage 5: Eliminate / censor any opposing views [anti-narrative]
[Ready when needed] Activate 4-year BLM narrative 4x power [use as division + [2020] C19 infect rates to justify close-limit until Nov 3].
C19 calculated [D] political gain:
1. Eliminate record economic gains
2. Eliminate record unemployment gains
3. Shelter Biden from public appearances _limit public exposure of mental condition
4. Shelter Biden from Ukraine exposure _narrative change _media focus C19
5. Shelter Biden from P_debates [requested demands due to C19]
6. Delay [D] convention _strategic take-over of nominee post conf
7. Eliminate_delay POTUS rallies _term energy
8. Eliminate ability for people to gather _ divide
9. Eliminate ability to find peace – strength in time of need [strict Church closures]
10. Promote mail-in-voting as only ‘safe’ method _bypass NSA election security [installed midterms +1].
11. Push state-bailout stimulus [CA][NY] + wish list items
12. Increase national debt [place China into controlling debt position _regain leverage]
13. Test conditional limits of public acceptance [obey]
14. Test conditional limits of public non_acceptance
15. Test conditional limits of State authority [Gov-mayor]
16. Test conditional limits of Media [social] censorship
Who benefits the most?
China [CCP]?
Russia is the enemy.
China is our friend.
[MSDNC [social media] programming]
All assets deployed.
Everything seen yesterday, today, and tomorrow = calculated political moves/events designed and launched by [D] party in coordination with other domestic and foreign entities in an attempt to regain power over you.
Prevent accountability.
Your voice and your vote matters.
Patriots stand united.
Welcome to the Revolution.
Woah…it looks to me like Q is confirming that the ChiComVirus was part of the ‘insurance policy’.
In other words, unleashed on purpose.
A bio weapon.
I am hoping that once the complete picture of the ChiCom’s perfidy is exposed…
That we can declare all that ‘debt’ that we owe them is nullified…as restitution.
‘Perfidy’ is listed as a War Crime in the Geneva Convention.
I’m increasingly confident that we’re going to do far better than that.
Oh yeah…there are Chinee assets all over the country that can be seized, in addition to nullifying the debt.
I agree. The Chinese are going to be completely undercut.
4GW. The attacks on HCQ outed them. Only CHINA or CHINA ALLIES would want to make us naked before ChiCom bioterror.
In their desperation, they went too far.
When you go out of your way to censor something…and tell people “Don’t look there”…then it makes people zoom in on it all the more!
The famous “Streisand Effect”…
They never learn… probably too proud, like the Ø …
And that makes me look hard at ANYONE that is talking against or resisting the HQC being easily, cheaply and widely accessed…..looking at YOU, Fauci!
Toss in YSM, 46 of 50 governors that ban or limit HCQ use…
Found at 8kun:
Looks like I’m not the only one who noticed that the cursive Capital Q looks like a 2.
9. Eliminate ability to find peace – strength in time of need [strict Church closures]
Totally makes sense.
Everyone on LIFELOG is like berserkers right now.
Yes…and they did that while allowing hundreds of their demon spawn to run wild in the streets.
Anyone can see the contrast there; the hypocrisy and dishonesty is on display.
In what way, Michael? Complaining or proposing action?
Lots of whining and arguing, no peace on Social Media.
Lots of back and forth about whether we should be meeting for church or not.
Lots of people who made it their business to pick fights about everything.
Liberal “Christian” trolls arguing with everybody that we didn’t need to meet in churches.
A huge dysfunctional demoralizing mess.
With occasional cat videos.
“Lots of people …pick fights”….don’t you just hate it! They are miserable and want everyone else to be, too. What was that childhood song…”go eat worms!” …and leave us alone.
LOL I wouldn’t bother but I have a solemn duty as a #DigitalSoldier to fight against the INFORMATION WARFARE on all social media forums in defense of the United States Constitution 😉
The Anons are calling for:
“YardArm for TRAITORS!”
He’s not just going to have a Liddle explaining to do, he’s going to have a lot…
“Touching” doesn’t even come close… and the (non)Standard Hotel should be getting attention…
Found this at Qresearch, Michael.
It’s a different depiction of the Archangel Michael, than the one that is more widely used:
Found it in a search, too.
Let’s see if this one is bigger:
And the Devil is heard crying…”I can’t breathe!”
…well, one day when Archangel Michael returns to finish him off.
There’s MANY different St. Michael the Archangel depictions over the centuries.
Yes, there sure are.
My search turned up lots of them…I enjoyed looking at them.
This turned up in a search, too.
I like it.
There’s statues, too.
Oh that’s a nice one!
Tucker: America Is Witnessing a Brazen Power Grab
30 Jul 2020 – 11:11:12 PM
Trying a Fox News video embed from the Q drop: the latest video at
I figure that Q didn’t want to post a GoogTube video because those get deleted.
At least that Fox video will probably not disappear.
And, heheh…the Anons made a Pepe Tucker Face:
It’s actually too bad, but we have to care about deletion now.
Goog no longer cares about many things that matter. Very horrifying. ChiNazis.
I think there is a reason why Eric Schmidt resigned from Goog.
And I hope we find out what that reason was!
Goog and the other Big Tech Tyrants could be brought to their knees by Lawfare…if their govt protection is removed.
I think they know this and this is why they are so desperate to keep PDJT from being reelected.
Yeahbut how many ppl saw that deletion in real time. LOTS.
As I’m sure everyone has seen by now, Fauxi & Birx, Inc. are now saying everyone needs to add GOGGLES or full FACE SHIELDS to their mask costume.
This is good, because of Fonzi… heyyyyyyy 👍
It was the end of ‘Happy Days’ as we knew it, the end of the ride, and it became the symbol for every TV show that came after it, when the writers ran out of ideas and had nothing left but to “jump the shark” 😁
Fauxi and Birx just jumped the shark.
They just gave everyone in America LICENSE to roll their eyes and laugh at them, and at anyone who attempts to insist we wear beer goggle now 😂🤣😂
The idiocy of ‘goggles’ invalidates itself and anyone who promotes them, and the same people promoting ‘goggles’ are promoting the masks, which means the masks are discredited also.
It’s the pin that pops the giant stupidity bubble.
If I can find a box of goggles for cheap, I’m going to hand a pair to every mask-Nazi I see, and say “Hey, you forgot your goggles, you goof.
Next week they’ll tell you to strap a dildo to your head, so everybody can call you Fauci’s d*ckheads 😂😂😂
Last few Bay Area Maker Faire events, Google handed out safety glasses. I’ve got a bunch — thanks, Google!
They have that crazy weird color mismatch. But they keep ejected cases out of my eyes at the range, so I’m good.
You used to be able to find children’s googles/snorkels at the Dollar Store….I bought a set one year as a gag when one of our ladies fell into a pond trying to retrieve a golf ball.
I thought they’d eventually have us all in a head to toe condom…
That’s funny. Offer the douchebags some goggles.
Have not had the pleasure of humiliating a Karen or Ken mask Nazi. Plenty of stress and folks simply, stepping aside or change directions.
“Plenty of stress and folks simply, stepping aside or change directions.”
In normal times, you’d have to look like Mike Tyson with his angry face to have that kind of power 😂🤣😂
It’s like you’re some kind of Super Hero 👍 😁
I especially like that power to make people actually change directions…
Just imagine how much fun you could have with that, at busy intersections… the chaos… 😂🤣😂
Yeah, it makes me wonder if they’re TRYING to jump the shark.
Actually, I think Q is right – it’s a TEST. A psych test.
13. Test conditional limits of public acceptance [obey]
14. Test conditional limits of public non_acceptance
15. Test conditional limits of State authority [Gov-mayor]
16. Test conditional limits of Media [social] censorship
Guess I need to check the Q posts.
BTW, their psych-test failed at ‘mask’ 😁
I think “googles / facemask” will fail, but then they will push them as “alternatives to masks” to make them sound more plausible, and see if that sticks.
Ah, what a ruse.
The problem is that Herman Cain was easily murdered with COVID-19. We keep forgetting the ChiSpies trying to bring it into the White House. I think he was killed. So easy. Far too easy.
He was getting better!
And then…he was dead.
That gets the full side eye from me:
Here is a thought.
Cain was likely STRUCK TWICE – because he was an “investment hit” – those are the events they spend money on, because they’re multiply useful, and highly influential.
SO – I’m thinking Cain was hit first to get him into the hospital, but when that didn’t work, and he was getting better, they used an insider to finish the job.
To get him in FIRST, they had to make SURE he got it. The easiest way to do that is a HAND TRANSFER. Same as Skripal. So if there is still security footage of wherever he was staying in OKC, they need to watch for somebody doing a transfer of COVID19 to, e.g., the handle of his room door, shortly BEFORE he grabs the handle.
Note that, again, this is part of why China and the Chinacrats are deflecting to aerosol transmission – to hide China’s M.O. for directed infection, outed by the Taiwanese.
Beyond that, there would have to be nannycam footage of his hospital room, or an autopsy, but I’m betting the method will be undetectable to an autopsy, so better to observe, say, an unscheduled visit to his room by a worker in the hospital. The latter is not fantasy – I’ve actually experienced it. Someday I may be able to explain this in more detail.
They use this trope in cop shows and spy movies and whatnot – about people being messed with in some way in the hospital by creeps, but it’s VERY real. There were TWO PEOPLE in my case, possibly 3. Fortunately, they were not interested in harming me, but they were very interested in other things.
I”ve also had similar experiences of different kinds. Medicine is a dangerous place – people are vulnerable.
I have little doubt that Seth Rich was “dealt with” in the hospital in some way. What that is, everybody is trying to hide, likely for different reasons of individual guilt, because that is how such things are covered up. Everybody will think it was “their fault”, and will keep their part of the truth secret.
And remember…in Tulsa, the Mutantifa scumbags were tossing/spraying liquid on the Trump Supporters and saying:
“There’s Covid in that! You better go home and wash it off!”
“The problem is that Herman Cain was easily murdered with COVID-19.”
That has also been my thought. Is the stage being set by the deep state to off Justice Clarence Thomas with Covid-19/20? Reports indicate that Blacks are more susceptible to the Covid-19 virus. Key Supreme Court decisions will likely be coming up that will affect the outcome of the Nov.3rd election.
Any Executive Order made by a President, no matter who has made them, can be struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court.
An excellent detailed overview on Executive Orders:
Good point. We need to get AHEAD of the criminals.
Makes me think of Joan Rivers, and Antonin Scalia…
The list of Arkancides grows ever longer…
I think a lot of misdirects and obfuscation are going on right now to keep the other side (more) confused. But their symbols, their narcissism, and in the end, their evil will be their undoing…
Q: “Only those who could[can] be controlled [via blackmail or like-beliefs] were installed in critical leadership positions across all political and non-political Control and Command Positions [CCP].
CCP [necessary] to ensure protective blanket [insurance].
Traitors everywhere.”
That means there will be EXECUTIONS of these traitors everywhere, too. 👍
Being a democrat will be synonymous with Treason.
It will make every Lefty’s butt pucker, whenever they hear the word ‘democrat’ spoken out loud.
And remember…it takes 2 witnesses to get a conviction of Treason.
The witnesses have to swear and attest that they saw the accused engaging in the traitorous action that they are being tried for.
This could be Why things are taking so long.
Witnesses that were not involved in the traitorous action would carry more weight than the ones who share guilt and are only testifying to save their own butts.
Other than the ‘two witnesses’ thing…I don’t know why it is taking so long.
I think the delay is a call by POTUS. Biteme still hasn’t announced a VP pick…they’re still some jockeying going on…and POTUS wants to get this right. this has to hit the dems hard and fast and close to the election so that they are REELING and all eyes will be on EVERY VOTE so there’s no cheating…and the dems are trying to force things so they can prepare defenses and “reasonable” explanations to placate their base…if it happens too soon, there’s too much time for them to commit more biological warfare to shut down everything.
I just think this is the most important –it all comes down to this–act of his presidency so far. as with everything else, I trust him to make the right decision…but dang it I’m on pins and needles here…
We all need to pray. Often. And probably fast, too. They are pulling out all of the stops. And,as I often say, Ephesians 6:10-18 says what they’re up to, and what we must do (put on the Armour of GOD).
The DEMONicRAT party must not just be defeated; it must be vanquished, and eliminated for good! Let the party name only live on in infamy, just like Benedict Arnold, and other traitors…
and as a lesson learned for ALL AMERICANS about what can happen…
Greatest of ALL Chess Matches IS being played out for securing America.
I agree…
I think you can add
Test the conditional limits of public acceptance of untested vaccines
HUGE and YES. This is how we enter the “humans as livestock” paradigm.
Yeah, 13 & 14 jumped out at me as the REAL reasons for the exercise. They want to test the waters on control, and find out if snitching is socially acceptable.
I think the first “sheeple test” was those idiotic scanners at the airports. Just how much subjugation can the sheeple take before calling BS.
I opted out the last time going to the US, and they made me wait 30 minutes, even though they didn’t have anything else to do… (this was on Øbozo’s watch, so I imagine he made things extra miserable for those of us who don’t like to be electronically strip-searched…)….
I’m not sure those scanners are safe, either… or air-gapped from other networks…
It’s pretty quick the last few times I flew within US. Just tell guy/gal at screening that you have a medical reason to opt out of scan of body. Someone comes out, puts your carry on into a scanner, walks you through the gate, takes carry on to table with video of the scan for them to review. Then they do a full body pat down and send you on your way.
Wolfie, They gave up in my town.
Store personnel have to wear the crap but the stores are no longer trying to enforce. It is in the mid nineties and the humidity thru the roof so most people are NOT interested in the mask insanity.
Most places here in my town are the same. No more enforcement. I haven’t worn a mask one time. I can’t, for many very real reasons, but I haven’t had to leave anywhere except the bank. I walked through the drive-thru line, because I had walked from home. I hope they felt stupid.
Have you selected a username on Twetch yet?
All it asked was for my email, which I gave, but nothing changed on the page. Maybe I will get an email? I can’t see anywhere to go to do anything.
You may have to drop shields at first to get that account setup stuff to work.
Hmmm. I’ve turned off everything. I usually use Firefox, but I went and tried on Chrome. Same thing. Everything just spins.
I did get an email (junk box, of course). It says to create an account on Money Button.
Oh, that’s not rough – yeah – I submitted to it, to test it out. It’s just part of the process, but you need to turn off the ad blocker / shields or it will spin forever.
It just creates a small “automatic” anonymous account linked to your Twetch account, where the digital money is stored.
Best to turn off shields on Brave when you do it. No questions, no nothing – it just takes your proposed account and generates the Money Button account along with your Twetch account.
This bit from Q-drop 4620:
Pre_Install [rogue3-6] > referral(s) to POTUS re: McMaster_Coats_Wray_Bolton_+++
It answers the Question about whether Wray is a white hat or not, doesn’t it.
Yes, I noticed that Q is being more focused and specific ….if I were named like these, I’d be pretty nervous.
Notice you do not hear one thing about or from McMaster or Coats.
Once I got over my utter disgust of Obama’s “performance”, fake Negro accent and all, I was struck at how nervous and desperate he actually looked and acted. Or, was I just wanting to see it?
Anyone have thoughts about his “message”. He had to know it would cause a lot of pushback and he was trying to fan the flames of what I see as a dying racial bonfire, so it was a either deliberate, calculation or a desperate stand. The media has always covered for even the most outrageous things he’s said so maybe he still counting on it. Happy to see Tucker jump immediately on it.
Yes, Q is being specific, but what is NOT being said is interesting. Rogue 3-6 are not named. Are they still in place?
It also looks like they played along with Mueller being installed, although I’ve thought that for quite a while.
I think McMaster through Bolton ARE 3, 4, 5 and 6. I think 1 and 2 are the unknowns. Sessions? Mattis? Tillerson?
Obama message is all about voting and seeding narratives of voter suppression, etc. This is predictable b/c there is SO MUCH EMPHASIS on voting, redistricting, etc., by Obama and Holder in their AOTL (All On The Line) organizational messaging.
Heheh…from the Anons:

…L I K E … very much (yes I’m a yukky woman) … hang ‘em high ..
Just as long as there are trials first! Defend the Constitution! No “Reign of Terror” here!!!
Oh I agree … 🙂👍 …
Can I attend? Frequently? Season tickets? Quite serious!
Fauci’s daughter works for Twitter?
So Fauci’s daughter works for Twitter. developing.
what a pit of vipers–incestuous, it’s a big club and we’re not in it, pit of vipers!!
Difficult to look at, but something everyone should see.
Murder is murder, execute these beastly evil minions …
China making threats to the UK:
Indo-Pacific News
#HongKong: #China says it will not recognise #UK overseas passports
Warning comes in response to UK’s special visa offer to Hong Kong citizens
This raises the prospect that 3 million HK citizens eligible for the passport will be banned from leaving HK
Very ChiCom. They will threaten their own citizens to get the UK to relent on Huawei. I can see this coming a mile away.
Shawnasaurus Rex
In Portland, looks like someone was caught in the act!
The Mutantifa dude is caught in the act of spray-painting the sidewalk in front of a govt building.
Then he claims to ‘have the right’ to do it.
Then he starts screaming…”I am a woman! Don’t touch me!”
Bro! Lighten up! 😉
WOW! They didn’t shoot the dog??? Usually they shoot the dog.
Your rights CANNOT include a “right” to damage someone else’s property, Fuckwit.
That’s a great point!
“Don’t tell me how to abort my COVID-19!!!”
“Keep your laws off my body” cuts both ways. If you maintain that it’s wrong to interfere with what someone does with that individual’s own body (never mind the issue of whether that’s what’s truly at issue in an abortion; they maintain it is, so that they can use this argument), you can’t complain when they take recreational drugs (which at least many of them are consistent about) or decide to try some OTHER drug as prophylaxis against an infection (which they’re not consistent about), or any other unorthodox attempt to treat a medical condition (which, again, they’re not consistent about).
I saw this over at Qresearch:

And I was wondering if it was real or photo-shopped…so I did a search, and this photo from the Washington Times is the same:
It’s also in these pictures:
So I dunno…I wonder what they put that little critter in their “COVID-19” signs?
It looks sort of like an Armadillo.
But like the Anon said…it could also be a reference to ‘Set’ — the ancient Egyptian god of storms, disorder & violence.
….*I wonder why
Trying again on that one image that didn’t post:
Their symbols will be their downfall – Q – Associating with the occult – not good
Great catch. That is weird as hell, and seems to me like some kind of plausibly deniable power sign.
I searched around a bit…and that critter is supposed to be an Aardvark.
The company providing the mobile van is called ‘Aardvark Mobile Tours’.
They handle tour vans for entertainment, sports and cosmetic companies.
But here’s the thing…
I could not find another example, in all their vans, where they *inserted* their own logo into the logo of the customer like this.
Not. one.
So I dunno.
It’s still suspect.
Aardvark??? Someone is a REALLY ROTTEN ARTIST then… or they are gaslighting people.

That is satan sticking his tongue out at you!!! Blatantly out in plain sight!!!
Actually it looks to me like a GOAT! A Nubian goat or a cross to be precise.

With horns:
They are of North African/middle east origin. Nubia was defined as the area along the Nile from Egypt to Sudan.The English n the nineteenth century, crossed the North African and goats from India with native British goats creating the Anglo-Nubian.
Marina Abramovic and Goats…
And it gets really weird…
Pagan priest wins OK to wear goat horns in driver’s licence photo
Compliance ambassadors? Give me a freakin break!
What a crock!
And what an Orwellian name for them…”Compliance Ambassador”.
Is this the PC term for paid snitch?
Probably comes from Satan Soros, who was a “compliance ambassador” for his fellow Jews in Nazi Germany… and proud of it, even to this day…
Have to wonder why he wasn’t convicted of war crimes in the Nürnburg trials…
we call them Karens–they don’t seem to like that…lol
Democrats are normalizing ChiCom / Nazi snitches. My mother warned me about this stuff like crazy.
Snitches get stitches.
Sort of like snitches in North Korea…we used to laugh at.
Sort of like ChiCom Chinee Social points for compliance, NOT compliance…
…that Chicoms coerce Chinee to O B E Y.
Verse of the Day for Friday, July 31, 2020
“O sing unto the LORD a new song: sing unto the LORD, all the earth.”
Psalms 96:1 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Friday Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Morning Duchess…hope all is quiet in your neck of the woods…
have a Blessed Day!
Hey, Patty! Tis beautifully sunny, calm, and quiet – God’s Creation is glorious – taking mental pictures for cold, snowy days.
Have a Happy, Blessed Day, too! Hugs!!!
Did You Know:
In 2005, Jeffrey Epstein was under an 11-month FBI investigation
40 underage girls alleged Epstein assaulted them
After Epstein gave information to the FBI, federal charges were dropped
Who was head of the FBI then?
Robert Mueller
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) July 31, 2020
apologies for sharing something from OT but it had me rolling on the floor laughing…
the first comment discussed how news media were saying Bill Clinton had a “lengthy” affair with G. Maxwell and that was to get ahead of the documents coming out showing his trips to Epstein Island were not pedo related–but just skeazy old Bill being, well skeazy old Bill.
one of the replies said this:
Robert Smith says:
July 31, 2020 at 2:00 am
It take a village to satisfy Bill Clinton so…
Pretty much all of Haiti, by all appearances…
Yup. They are DESPERATELY trying to keep Beelzebubba from being tarnished with the underage stuff, b/c once that hits him, it can hit Cankles, and people will BELIEVE the evidence.
oh yeah…you could tell me he slept with farm animals and Hillary sacrificed them when he was done and I’d believe it.
I hate to say it, but that’s probably mild in comparison to reality.
Allahu Dogbar K-9 of Peace
Next week be like
he is such an ass!
That device should be stuffed up his …. (ladies choice)
Ladies choice…that’s, uh, no.
… 😮😑🤭😛👍🤫🤚❤️❤️❤️ …
What’s more stunning than standing for the anthem is the mixing of the teams on the blue lines. I’ve been watching hockey since the early 70s when the majority of players would rather sing “O Canada” and I’ve never seen that.
People seeing this and being stunned is on the level of the All Star game being at Chicago Stadium after 9-11, and the Blackhawks fans did their usual stand and applaud through the anthem (they’d been doing it for as long as I can remember) with the sparklers and the whole bit, and the announcers called it an amazing patriotic display.
What I’m stunned about is the general American ignorance of the NHL.
Maybe it’s because so many people didn’t have frozen ponds to learn to play Hockey as kids?
I dunno.
It was easy to find a place to play football, baseball or basketball.
So kids grew up playing those.
I have a feeling that the NHL is going to be getting a tsunami of new fans, though.
They’re good guys for the most part.
They will be targeted. The Woke Patrol Media will go after officials first for “misogynist” comments, etc. The TOP has to say F U to the wokester media police. THAT will save hockey.
DO. NOT. INSTALL. WOKESTERS. IN ANY POSITION. Lawyers, PR people, moral investigators – ANYTHING. Keep the media-approved wokesters OUT.
How to fight it – fight back immediately.
“He called her a bitch? I don’t care that he called that bitch a bitch. She’s a bitch.”
“What Killer Kaminsky says on Killer Kaminsky’s time is his, not mine. Do you believe in freedom of speech, or do you NOT believe in freedom of speech? NEXT.”
“I don’t care what he said about women to Slutilla Jones. You should hear what he says Slutilla Jones said!”
There must be STRONG, IMMEDIATE pushback. Once a bunch of feminists, rad-gays, commies, hipsters and trans-nutsos are installed in any position, they spread the PROG-NAZI WOKE-THINK.
Rate people on THEMSELVES, not WHAT MEDIA-FAVORED GROUP they represent by implication to the phony media. If people are “politics-bringers” of any kind, even very stealthy ones, your organization or company does NOT want them. Nor should a company or organization kowtow to such people in any way.
You can be sure the Hockey folks won’t be pushovers.
In the immortal words of Rodney Dangerfield, “I went to a fight, and a hockey game broke out”…
Time to freeze out the buttercups and SJWs, and lock them in the penalty box… for good…
There’s truth to this.
The venue where the Blues play is literally across the street from the old city jail. One night some perp escaped and somehow got into the rink building while there was a game going on, and the Blues fans “detained” the man until police could re-apprehend him.
Plus, across the league, there’s always a veteran or service member of the game during commercial breaks. They ALWAYS get standing ovations. ALWAYS. We had a 90+ year old WWII Vet one night at… (don’t remember who bought the naming rights that year for the venue), and it went on for five minutes.
The NHL is NOT the NBA or the NFL by any means. Baseball…that’s something else entirely.
As I understand it, when it’s a game between a US and Canadian team, both anthems are played.
So I heard this story one time: One time in Canada, the audio cut out during the US anthem. The *CANADIAN* audience sang it, covering for the failed audio.
Yes. The guest team’s is played first. And part of O Canada is sung in French when Montreal is in town. Season ticket holders can sing it from memory.
And some of us whose family passed through Canada on their way to the US are happy to sing it honestly.
I presume “it” is O Canada.
Yes. Back before the last expansion, when the Blues were in the [Chuck] Norris division, Toronto was in town a lot.
I’ll probably never get “into” hockey. It seems to me to have a lot of disadvantages of other sports and no advantages (and the fact that they haven’t been corrupted by SJW nonsense–but who knows, maybe in a year–isn’t enough to get me to care about an activity).
National Review, back when it was good (a long time ago) once put forth an iron law of institutions: any institution that wasn’t explicitly conservative would turn liberal. That includes foundations, entertainment, etc., and they probably didn’t realize it would include businesses and sports, but now we’ve seen it happen.
There’s something about hockey that tends to be ignored. It’s religious in nature. Overwhelmingly, from top to bottom, even if they don’t practice, the VAST majority are of one persuasion. At one time, there were only five people in the entire system who weren’t.
That’s so cute!😄
I’m seeing many articles claiming (by the left) that Herman Cain died because he refused to wear a mask. However, the story behind wearing a mask is mine protects YOU and yours protects ME. so following THAT logic, someone not wearing a mask infected Cain. ergo Cain was murdered. now we need to find out who did it.
Didn’t know this.
Yes! Thank you, Dan Crenshaw!
I had never seen the “Reclaiming my time” thing used with *witnesses* before.
#thedodo #animals #dog
Tiniest Puppy Loves To Race Around On His Wheels | The Dodo Little But Fierce
Tears in my eyes…..such a sweet story.
Yes, Georgia – very touching story! Pass the tissues, please!!!
#TomPetty #TomPettyAndTheHeartbreakers #HereComesMyGirl
Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers – Here Comes My Girl (Official Video)
this was my first boyfriend’s favorite song (said it reminded him of me)…big deal, right?
only he LOOKED just like Tom Petty AND his birthday is today (day after my Dad’s)…scary!
Now that is just weird, Patty!!! I had no idea – did not mean to spook you – heard the musician’s name – but, never heard this song – then, again – I have lived a somewhat sheltered life – lol
Music is like a historical chronicle of where we have been – from Classical to Rock to whatever they call it today – your history is fascinating, too!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
we got to meet Tom at a concert…someone among his roadies mistook my boyfriend for him…and struck up a conversation…Tom was cool…side by the side they looked somewhat alike, but not twins or anything…
Guess that is why the credibility of ‘eye witnesses’ is questioned – but, that was fun for sure – an experience you will not forget!
no I won’t!
Thanks for sharing, Patty!!! I was never goofy over celebrities or any of the famous people – except Jesus – however – I am in awe of PT – he has such a compassionate nature – a love of people who are lowly in the eyes of the world – he fascinates me.
I thank God every day he is Our President!!! As a nation – we are so blessed – we always were – but, other nations stole our wealth – God is going to return it – exciting times in which we live!!!
i would love to meet POTUS one day–thrill of a lifetime!
Me, too – but, I have no idea what I would say to him – do you?
I’d start off with a big THANK YOU for all he’s done for our country. tell him how much I admire his courage and intelligence and then request that he extend that gratitude to his family as well…
but it would probably come out sounding like gibberish…LOL
Frozen in place – I guess – but, that sounds good to me – you could write it on a piece of paper – entitled – ‘Tongue-tied and in Awe’ – and hand it to him to read – LOL
I’m sure he’d smile and understand
Yes!!! He is such an accomplished people person!
and puts people at ease…especially nervous babbling ones I think
Tony Joe White & Eric Clapton – Did Somebody Make A Fool Out Of You
Chinese Americans stealing US technology…
Former Ohio woman Li Chen, 46, pleaded guilty today via video conference in U.S. District Court today to conspiring to steal scientific trade secrets and conspiring to commit wire fraud concerning the research, identification and treatment of a range of pediatric medical conditions.
“Once again we see the People’s Republic of China (PRC) facilitating the theft of our nation’s ingenuity and hard work as part of their quest to rob, replicate and replace any product they don’t have the ability to develop themselves,” said John C. Demers, Assistant Attorney General for National Security. “Far from being an isolated incident, we see the PRC implicated in around 60 percent of all trade secret theft cases. This continued economic belligerence runs contrary to the values and norms that facilitate the success of our industries and countering it remains among our highest priorities.”
“Nationwide Children’s Hospital’s Research Institute took reasonable measures to protect its cutting-edge intellectual property and trade secrets regarding exosomes, and I commend the cooperation of Nationwide Children’s throughout this investigation,” U.S. Attorney David M. DeVillers said. “Chen betrayed her employer of 10 years by stealing trade secrets from this American institution and transferring them to China after receiving payments from the Chinese government.”
I think China must have had a huge INDUSTRY of these secret agreements to manipulate assets in the US and keep them productive. It’s a great way to cover the normal spymaster / asset relationship in a multiplicity of business euphemisms.
wonder what the level of secrets has to be for these people to be charged with treason against the country??
My question is:
Is this a CHINESE ANCHOR BABY who was born as part of the California ‘birth tourism’ scheme? Clinton was president from 1993 to 2001 so it is possible.
did I spell that right?
Credits to the Anons at Qresearch.
This cat meme just cracks me up every time!
The history of the meme is interesting!
The picture on the left comes from Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Go to around 3:45 minutes in this video, where she says at around 3:57 “Don’t you judge me!”
There is even a meme generator for it!
Haaaa…it’s a classic now, isn’t it.
It always cracks me up, too!
I was reading an article on American Thinker this morning about Harris not being eligible to be VP or President for that matter. Seems her mom never became naturalized but her dad (born in Jamaica did). the author claims this disqualifies her per the Constitution…???
Is that really true?
Kamala Harris’ mother was Shyamala Gopalan, born in British India (present-day Chennai in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu). Ms. Gopalan never became a naturalized U.S. citizen. Donald Harris, Senator Harris’ father, is a naturalized U.S. citizen born in Jamaica. There are no provisions in the U.S. Constitution that qualifies a child born of a foreign national as a natural-born citizen and Senator Harris is not eligible to hold the office of the vice president.
It’s possible the Trump campaign will not allow this nomination to go forward without a court challenge. There will be a full court press by the media to claim Senator Harris is eligible to the office of the vice president. The media and the Democrats will call President Trump every name in the book to get him to back off his call for legal action.
The media did a bang-up job keeping Barack Obama, a child born of a foreign national, out of the courts and into the White House. The Democrat Party believes they can do it again.
This came up last year, too, when she was running for President.
The Dems probably think it would be a winning issue for them…since they beat back all the people who brought up HusseinO’s eligibility.
i don’t remember… was anything decided?
if this has to be taken to court, then POTUS can do it because he has standing i guess…but as a private citizen running for office…
No, nothing was decided…that I know of.
The Speaker of the House has to ‘certify’ the eligibility of a presidential candidate.
I would imagine that the same is true for the VP as well.
Guess who was the Speaker who certified Obarky?
But no one in Congress challenged it, either.
So it would be up to the R’s in Congress to challenge her eligibility.
The fundamental issue is that no one has ever defined “Natural Born Citizen.” When I’ve pointed this out, I’ve been directed to read the writings of some French legal scholar (whose name slips my mind at the moment), but even he focused solely on whether the father was a citizen at the time of birth.
I’ve also been pointed to a few court rulings. Our courts have occasionally described some person’s situation and ruled that he was therefore a natural born citizen, but they have never specified that all of that person’s parameters are necessary to be considered a NBC.
It could be as simple as “didn’t need to be naturalized” or, as some have tried to assert, as complicated as both parents needing to have been born in the USA. (No, you can’t say both parents have to have been NBCs, because that leads to an infinite regress and no one qualifies.)
it will be interesting if they can finally decide the issue…
thanks for weighing in and with words I can understand to boot!
Not a technical subject this time!
Natural born citizen status is inherited – it’s not bestowed by the Constitution or Acts of Congress
Who Makes the Ruling that Someone is not Qualified for the Office of President of the United States?
More here:
A look at what the Mutantifa scumbags have done to the Federal Building in Portland:
can they sue the pukes they arrested for damages and costs to clean up?
I dunno…be nice if they can.
I hope they arrest as many as they can catch, and then put *them* to work scrubbing and cleaning up the mess they made!
that would be a video I would watch on a loop!!!
And you can bet there would be whining and moaning.
it would be MUSIC to my ears!!
You had to know that was coming after following this conversation – LOL – you funny guy, Wolf!!!
Bassakwards, too – LOL
I want to see them cleaning it up using their TONGUES! Afterall those tongues are quite abrasive.
oh boy…can you please run for some office??? I would like to see you elected!!!
Is that a highway across the top, like Hoover Dam used to be?
Here’s a thought.
IDK, this might just be a coincidence…although, there aren’t supposed to be any of those.
VSGPDJT retweets….
Tucker’s opening monologue from last night:
This thing is GREAT – required watch, IMHO. The guy calls on all Americans to support stability against these destructive purveyors of destructive change.
James Woods
Well, they didn’t wear goggles…
Somebody in the Cardinals system tested positive so the game today is cancelled.
They’re playing like crap anyway.
LOL and were contact traced to over 1000 more Covid cases.
James Woods
Elephants cherishing the blessing of new born life. Our species aborts its own by the millions, and we call them “dumb animals.”
Anytime I need reminding that animals are great parents, I look for the wild sea otter videos at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Twice wild females have chosen to whelp in the tide pool, and the one time the staff was all excited because they had never seen it.
The Library
#epstein What he’s referring to is Jeffrey Epstein’s New Mexico ranch near Albuquerque, New Mexico- and near the biggest human trafficking pipeline into the US- from Juarez, Mexico.
Governor Bill Richardson, who was also President Bill Clinton’s ambassador to the UN, was an extremely frequent visitor to the Epstein New Mexico ‘zorro’ ranch, and Epstein’s other properties including his Pedophile Island.
Eric Tilton (parler: @cognitiveCarbon)
@HaroldwWren @HaroldWren Richardson => Zorro Ranch.
Harold Wren
The Library👆Its interesting Bill Clinton tapped Richardson to be his UN Ambassador.
Its also worth noting the United Nations is DEEPLY involved in & complicit in Human Trafficking, especially child trafficking for sex. 👇
Ex-U.N. official Peter Dalglish arrested in Nepal on charges of pedophilia
Initial investigation claims the 60-year-old had offered children foreign trips and better education before sexually abusing them.
Harold Wren
, edited
The Library
The rabbit hole runs deep. Who was Secretary of State from 2009 until 2013?
Hillary Clinton. When was this pedophile serving in a top post at State Dept? During Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State. 👇
Harold Wren
Richardson is one of the players that has been very silent in the last months.
“Selected because they could easily be blackmailed and controlled.”
Wasn’t Richardson a Governor of New Mexico before he was an ambassador?
Yes he was. Also, I believe, flirted with the idea of running for President…if you can imagine that one.
I thought so.
Yes indeed…
The pieces of the puzzle are starting to PAINT a very sick picture.
Andy Ngô@MrAndyNgo
Antifa protesters dumped a bloody severed pig’s head on an American flag outside the Justice Center in downtown Portland. They put a cop’s hat on it and set all of it on fire. #PortlandRiots #antifa
James Woods has pinned this tweet about Andy Ngo:
James Woods
In an age where most American “journalism“ is the scientific equivalent of alchemy, this man is risking his life to shine a light on domestic terrorism. He’s hated by Democrats and their paramilitary wing, #Antifa. He is literally a combat journalist.
And I would add that Andy was badly beaten by Antifa thugs… and they are of course still on the lookout for him to do the same again.
I had not seen this Ad yet…it’s a good one!
Press briefing
Rising serpent 🇺🇸@rising_serpent
Now you know why Dems were so desperate to remove Trump from office & put Flynn behind bars.
The magnitude of elites involved in child sex trafficking will shake the foundation of your belief in humanity.
It’s painful, but it needs to unravel. Before light comes infinite darkness
The Leftist twitterati are having a meltdown over what Steve Scalise said this morning:
Steve Guest
Rep. Steve Scalise calls out the Democrats’ on the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda and lies about the coronavirus: “why aren’t we having a hearing about that?”
LOL if you think the natives were restless on Scalise, wait till they get a load of Jim Jordan publicly disemboweling Fauci, Covid, and the protests/riots in one fell swoop.
Remind me… who was Dir of FIB in 2014 ?
Techno Fog@Techno_Fog
This is big:
The FBI was in contact with Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell’s minor victim back in 2014.
Yet they did nothing.
Techno Fog@Techno_Fog
Replying to @Techno_Fog
Heartbreaking –
The minor victim was asking the FBI for the evidence (photos and videos) they seized from Epstein.
So she could prosecute her civil case.
Techno Fog@Techno_Fog
Remember that famous Prince Andrew photo with Ghislaine Maxwell and the victim?
The FBI had their own copy for years – even before the victim’s 2011 FBI interview.
The FBI knew. They always knew.
Techno Fog@Techno_Fog
The DOJ let free Epstein’s co-conspirator’s in the FL case.
This included Maxwell and Sarah Kellen.
Here the victim describes the abuse during flights from Epstein, Maxwell, and Kellen.
I can’t believe the judge actually unsealed these documents because Epstein et al. have been protected for so long. Aside from the information contained in them, their unsealing alone is highly significant and shows that things are changing. Dark to light, as Q says.
Thanks for you excellent points TheseTruths… judge must be a white hat, an angel for sure 😉
“The German state of North Rhine Westphalia has uncovered an enormous pedophile ring of at least 30,000 pedophiles…”
12 Mar, 2018
Hundreds of underage girls raped, sold for sex & murdered by child-grooming ring in UK
“A 40-year-old pedophile ring has been exposed following a probe into child abuse in the sleepy British town of Telford. More than 1,000 kids have been abused since the 1980s, and some are ready to share their horrific stories.
An investigation by the Sunday Mirror has blown the lid off four decades of child sex abuse, during which children as young as 11 were raped, beaten, or sold for sex at the hands of perverts living in the Shropshire community. Three children were murdered and two others died in tragedies linked to the Telford abuse rings.
Despite the horrors of high-profile sex rings in Rochdale and Rotherham gaining national attention, authorities in Telford repeatedly failed to address the pedophile rings rife within the their own community. In one case, a mother took a list of people she believed to be abusing her daughter to the authorities, only for her complaints to fall on deaf ears…” — Russian Times (The URL is censored)
Aug 14, 2019
Ontario man jailed 35 years for role in biggest child porn ring
“…Faulkner, 28, was hiding a side to himself that was so despicable, vile and evil it was unspeakable.
He was the big wheel in a “sophisticated” global child pornography ring.
Now, a Tennessee judge has sentenced him to 35 years in prison for engaging in a child exploitation enterprise. The former North Bay man is already serving life behind bars for raping a four-year-old girl.
Also sentenced were Patrick D. Falte, 29, of Franklin, Tenn., for engaging in a child exploitation enterprise, three counts of advertising child pornography, and three counts of distributing child pornography. Faulkner and Falte were business partners….
The twisted twosome ran an operation called The GiftBox Exchange. As part of they ran a site Child’s Play – the world’s biggest child sex abuse website….
“The Giftbox Exchange proved a haven for sophisticated predators to produce and spread deplorable depictions of child sexual abuse,” said Brian A. Benczkowski, of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division….
U.S. Attorney Don Cochran added: “With all that we have, we will continue to hunt down the evil and abominable like-minded individuals who delight in abusing children and will bring them to justice.””
Tons more on arrests over the last few years.
The Military Arm of the Democrats LOVE CHILD ABUSE…
The New Democratic / Socialist Movement
28 Jul 2018 – 1:36:07 PM
Check this out. Comey’s FBI tried to TIE Epstein to Trump with the Prince Andrew witness, Virginia Guthrie, OVER AND OVER she was asked If Trump was with Epstein at his island, New York, or New Mexico. Over and over she said no, not that she could recall. She only said Trump was a friend of Epstein’s because Epstein SAID he was.
Now, WHY is this IMPORTANT, and the Gateway Pundit MISSED IT. These released Ghislaine Maxwell documents, and this particular deposition were from NOV 14 2016!!
Not ONLY does that mean that the Cabal were ACTIVELY trying to not only smear Trump with Russia, they were Trying to smear the PRESAIDENT ELECT as a pedophile tied to Epstein!. Even MORE, it means that Comey and the FBI KNEW as early as NOV of 2016, about Epstein accusers, AND his island and New York flat, AND New Mexico ranch. They were AWARE of the allegations AGAINST Clinton, Derschowitz, Prince Andrew and OTHERS as EARLY as Nov 2016.
ALL they SEEMED interested in was to try and pin it on the PRESIDENT ELECT. This is HUGE. I want to know WHO questioned Guthrie. Was it Strzok? Was it Pristap? WHO. IF it was one of the Cabal, my suspicion, this rabbit hole goes MUCH deeper and darker than just the Russia smear. Now I have to wonder, was Comey fishing for BLACKMAIL to use on Trump? Was THIS why they had Trump Tower bugged ALL ALONG? Was THIS to be the REAL blackmail on that infamous Jan 6th meeting?
NOW the dossier makes even MORE sense when you put in context the golden showers narrative. Were they FURTHER trying to get “evidence” on the President elect to make that dossier seem true? Recall there was a supposed “client” a 13 girl yo ready to say she had had sex with Trump ON Epstein Island, that occurred @ October 2016, but she would NOT testify or swear a warrant. NOW does the bevy of women narrative that came out, including Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal make MORE sense.
This ALL would NEVER had been found out had Barr NOT fired the SDNY US attorney. I bet my gopher suit this was MEANT to tie in to the Russia and dossier narratives. They would claim Epstein was ALSO a Russian asset, and he had INFO of Trump with young girls. BET ON IT> That is WHY this NEVER, until now, saw the light of day.
Think, a young woman comes in with allegations and PROOF of pedophilia against Clinton, Prince Andrew and OTHER high profile dems, business men, and the left connected, and ALL they seemed interested in was the PRESIDENT ELECT.
Good insights. And I don’t think anyone on the planet could mistake someone for Donald Trump. No one looks just like him, and he has been in the public eye for a long time. Virginia would have known if she had seen him.
wow…makes sense!
Oh, I will bet the selection of stuff stashed in Comey’s office was a GOLD MINE of leads – although I think he still cleaned it up before he was fired. In fact, I’m sure Comey was tipped off, maybe even by Rosey via Lawfare, because his excuse about having those memos just sounds hokey.
I don’t think so, his memo excuse WAS hokey,, because the memos were not taken at the time of the meeting, they were created LATER.
I don’t. I think it was all part of THE PLAN for him to sit on it – UNADULTERATED and pristine – for “discovery” when he was relieved of that duty and moved on to the next one.
Remains possible. We’ll see.
I haven’t seen proof of anything criminal yet. Just accusations, albeit very strong accusations. I’m waiting to see what it is that they have other than some girls talking about 20 years ago.
But you are correct about blackmail. Of course that’s what they were trying to get but they could have saved themselves a lot of work if they simply talked to the NYC media. They followed DJT closely for decades and if there was scandal they would have known.
But I believe that the entire thing was to create something that looked real. Kinda like an action movie, like Q has said.
Why is Epstein so important to protect?
Same with Weinstein…
BINGO, there was NOTHING, so they tried to fabricate it, and it blew up in their faces…bigly!
So, riddle me this…
Three days before his ‘officially’ announced death, a DIM (female, don’t recall name) announces the death of John Lewis. (coincidentally with the announcement that a judge had announced the public release of Epstein case documents).
Then, there was an announcement that the release of the docs was being blocked, and the news that the announcement of Congressman Lewis’ death was INCORRECT.
Next the news that Epstein docs were in fact being released and finally the ‘official’ announcement that the Congressman had passed.
Some believe (they are of course conspiracy theorists, have to be 😉 ) the DIMs bungled their attempt to cover up the damaging release of Epstein docs with the death of Congressman John Lewis.
Pausing to adjust my expense chapeau… you may return to your regularly scheduled programming
Good catch, but also big kudos for wearing a mask, googles AND an expensive chapeau 👒 all at the same time (of course while typing with your heavy duty pink rubber gloves on!). Wonder Woman…our inspiration!
The things a girl will do ………. 😉
And us boys sure do like most of them … 🙂
pgroup, you bees a ‘mess’ 😉
I’ll believe that.
And that they’re saving some other players for bigger news bombs.
That could be……. RUTHless?
Hordog Bill, Jimmah, any number of others.
Of course, good catch. Looks like SOME patriot just EXPOSED another leak, and then HELD the release. The dems just got caught AGAIN!
Amazon driver ‘delivers’ package…then takes picture of it…then steals it!
Steve Scalise
Dems are using the Coronavirus Committee to play politics & attack
They’re holding a hearing on the “need for a national plan”—yet have experts who wrote thousands of pages of plans testifying. Thinking face
Did Dems not read them? Or are they choosing to ignore them?
Oh, they WERE, after the Fauci rectal exam by Jordan, I suspect these hearings will suddenly disappear….probably from a covid outbreak in the committee…get it!
An interesting thread on Anna Chapman’s spy ring and links to Clinton, as well as how it relates to Carter Page:
I saw Pastor MacArthur on Tucker the other night and now he’s been interviewed by Eric. He is a smart man and enjoyable to listen to.
Dora, you are so right. Mac is the real deal, and he’s one of the best Bible teachers we have.
Things China Doesn’t Want You To Know
Jul 26
While the CCP is busy brainwashing the citizens of Beijing with war propaganda, the rest of China is flooding.
All clips in this video are from July 25th and 26th, 2020.
Things China Doesn’t Want You To Know
It rained so hard in Shanghai on Tuesday that 8 out of 16 districts experienced flooding and the roof on a shopping mall failed.
Floods like these have been sweeping across China for over 2 months, yet Chinese state media reports only 158 people are dead or missing.
That water is moving fast. Think about all the diseases that will spread because of the moisture and decay. Yuck.
Isn’t Wuhan and their filthy bat lab in the path of the floods if the dam gives way? Imagine all that gunk in the water with all the regular pollution from flooding…nightmare…
more “unintended” releases of viruses??
That’s what has me most worried.
or is this a “planned” removal of the lab by us? wash it out to sea where we can safely disinfect the area? (I should write fiction, huh?)
Yes it is. Convenient.
Yes, Wuhan is directly affected. However, it appears this is such a massive break it will be pushed out to sea quickly…not one of those slow-rising floods that we see elsewhere. Just take a look at the short videos and observe how fierce the waters are…and that’s before dam breaks. One place said it may go 250’ above flood stage! Think about that…..almost incomprehensible! One good thing…looks as though all those bat caves will be thoroughly cleaned out.
Although Wuhan has been in the news regarding the China Virus…it’s actually a very modern city with many large foreign manufacturing facilities. My friend in Japan, recently retired from Honda R&D, said Honda has a plant there and he knew of several colleagues working in Wuhan. I think several European companies, as well as a large university.
It would be interesting to see if any companies are pulling employees (or even tech/equipment) out of Wuhan, etc., although with the flooding it’s probably already very difficult to do so…
Hard getting an answer from this man.
Note how Fauci keeps looking to his left to someone to extricate him from the corner he’s backed into.
Xi may rule, but I know that he *HATES* being called Winnie The Pooh! 😉
How about a sockmunching, mixed egg, dog farting, green tea bitch?
BakoCarl: Love Pooh. Thank you for posting. Uplifting.
So the fbi tried to pull trump into the Jeffery mess
Funny this was on page 1919
Bush and zero did nothing
Love it but he should be wearing his signature yellow tie!
Find a friend who does photoshop. 🙂
Fauci is a friggin’ Canklebot!
Q: Can Fauci be tied to Epstein and/or pedophilia?
Cross your fingers.
Prescient. Clinton AND the two Bushes. Hiding in the bushes.
And all three are going to be uprooted… as well as the Klintoons, Øbozo, and Carter…
Deep State clowns, all of them…
Home Free – Diamond Dreams
ANNND Jim Jordan with ONE simple question gets TWO birds exposed. ” Do protests spread the virus?” Fauci stumbled, bumbled, and FUMBLED the question he was OBVIOUSLY not prepared for. Jordan would NOT let up, ” How can people have the right to protest, over 500000 on June 6th (hint, ALSO the day the SPIKE in cases began), but they CAN’T go to church.” BOOM
But Jordan would NOT let up. ” Should the Govt LIMIT the protests? Fauci BABBLED some BS where he could not decide…and Jordan NAILED HIM. ” You comment on everything from church gatherings to baseball ( an OBVIOUS dig at Fauci’s recent trip to the Nationals game) Why can’t you comment on the protests? WHICH civil right should the Govt chose to limit, the right to assembly OR the freedom of religion.?” SONIC BOOM!
Dr Fauci IS DONE. TY Jim Jordan. THIS fool, Fauci. is responsible for MOST of the MESS and LIES we are living. He is a political and medical HACK, bought and paid for by the Cabal and big Phama and Gates.
Jordan in ONE simple line of questioning EXPOSED the FRAUD and his creation. They CAN’T have it BOTH ways, either it is SAFE to protest, and if it is SAFE to gather in large crowds, for days on end, with limited to no protections at protests with little to NO impact, as is OBVIOUS by Fauci’s NON answer, then it is safe for EVERYONE to gather with limited to NO protections. SEISMIO BOOM.
Covid AND Fauci AND the protests all taken down in ONE FELL SWOOP. See, NOW the MUST choose, the riots or the virus. They cannot have BOTH and go back and forth as needed. Now the protests MUST end, or COVID ends. If they chose Covid, the PROTESTS end. BOOM. Jim Jordan MUST be the SOTH in 2021, he EARNED it.
see for yourself! the latest video at
Yup. Trump can DIVE ON THIS FUMBLE!!!
Oh I am sure he will not dive on it, he will scoop it up and return it for SIX!
What did Keith Jackson say…FUMMMMMBBLLLLLEEEEEEEE!
Yeah, at lunch, my superviser, co-worker, and I all agreed that between yesterday and the hearing today that Fauxi is done…exposed as a hack!
Not to mention a HACK tied to the Wuhan Lab BIO-WARFARE PROGRAM.
Jim Jordon has been a STAR this week!! we’ve seen him on 3 committees and he hasn’t faltered or missed a beat. Hats off….hope he kicks back and has a terrific, restful weekend ‘cause he deserves it!
Jordan has been ON IT since 2016. He DESERVES to be the new Speaker of the House in 2021. The dems would TREMBLE in fear.
Apparently Techno Fog has discovered that when Maxwell documents are transferred to Notepad the redaction marks disappear making the underlying text visible.
Story at GWP.
Good grief, I hope somebody downloaded them all!!!
Tried to test but either I’m working from the wrong source document or it only applies to certain parts of the 2000 page down load.
I have the entire pdf which is 370 MB. A bit too large for an email attachment. I opened it in Adobe Acrobat 7 and had it saved to Acrobat 5 and the size dropped to less than 200 MB.
The whole redact-see-through thing depends on how the doc/page ended up as a pdf. If it was scanned and OCRed, then the redact is usually nothing more than highlighting in black. It does not penetrate to the sheet/layer that contains the actual text. Think of it like a page inside a clear sleeve with a black marking on the sleeve over some of the text. Move the paper from inside the sleeve and voila! visibility.
Sounds like they forgot to flatten the layers before they produced the pdf.
Wow… or perhaps there are white hats involved in the scanning/redactions/post-production stuff.
Hope the anons got a few mirrors of it. 370MB will easily fit on a CD…
In other words the redaction consisted of nothing other than going into the software and applying black highlight to black text.
That works great if all you’re going to do is print hard copy. Or even if you print, then scan the printed document as a jpeg. But the text is still in the original soft copy and quite easy to recover.
Copy the text to something like Notepad, which does no formatting whatsoever, and the highlighting disappears!
You could probably copy it to Microshaft Turd and turn off the highlighting, too.
okay scratching my head with that one…
Rolling on floor peeing in my pants laughing out loud
thank you!
I hope that knowledge isn’t from personal experience. 🙂
not yet anyway 😉
Rolling on the floor, peeing in my pants laughing out loud.
never heard that one before you!
Almost as much fun as the old trick of “Fax-Bombing”, where someone would send a fax of an all-black page, set the copies to 10 or 20 (with as many pages), send it at late evening or night, and enjoy the show the next day when the toner was out…
Ahh, those were the days. Just like degaussing someone’s floppies or laying a magnet a little too close… or even magnetized paper clips to clip the 5-1/4 floppy to a report…
I had an operator who set a phone with the old-style bell ringers (this was decades ago) on top of a 1200′ OS update tape. Of course, this was in the computer room, where he was called probably 20-30 times an hour… All that ringing…
Later on that day, we needed the tape, which of course had more errors than the old NY Mets… Fortunately HP was only a few miles away…
Probably “redacted” by the same idiots that “Created” obozo’s Birth Certificate(s).
Ding Ding! We have a winner !
Someone should try and see if that works with other documents unrelated.
Oh, and ONE more thing to add toi my post above, NOTICE Clyburn try to come in at the end with some BS about fundraisers to try and redirect the cluster f*ck that was Fauci’s non answer. I wanted to SCREAM at the TV, You inglorious arrogant ass hat, protestors are nothing BUT a crowd, there fore you ARER condemning them or you are ENABLING them, if you are enabling them then Covid is a FRAUD,
Fauci SCREWED up, Bravo Jim Jordan. Fauci’s 15 minutes, AND his usefulness are NOW DONE. He will NEVER be asked to another dem hearing, especially ANY with Jim Jordan there LOL.
I think the dems will shortly find that all these BS “hearings” are doing MORE DAMAGE to their narrative than we could hope for! I suspect that JUST like the shampeachmenbt hearings, they will QUIETLY abruptly END.
COVID IS DONE. It is POETIC justice that Dr Doom, its chief architect is the one who killed it!
I didn’t watch it, but read that Clyburn tried to take the heat off Fascist by talking about how he met John Lewis at a protest and the good ole days, yada, yada, yada…
and that means WHAT in terms of covid and protesters? just another deflection…
Yep, deflection, and NOT a good one. Fauci SCREWED the cabal today. They HAVE to choose now, Covid or BLM and Antifa. IF they try to keep BOTH, Covid FALLS APART.
If they choose Covid, the riots are IMMEDIATELY ended via Trump and the feds, using their OWN excuse “the need for public safety” The Dems and Cabal LOST today, thye just don’t see it yet, though I SUSPECT that Clyburn KNO
WS, hence the LAME deflection to “redirect”
Fauci was SHAKEN, and it was OBVIOUS. Look for suppression of THAT video.
Fauci THOUGHT he was smarter than he actually IS. Jordan unzipped his fly on NATIONAL TV….LIVE, and it was UGLY.
The “emperor has NO clothes!
so the attention whore got stiffed?
YES! his own hubris did him in. WATCH the video. He was totally unprepared for those questions. He got HUNG (pun intended) on his OWN petard!
It was GLORIOUS!!!!!
They HAVE to keep Covid….. to protect the “Mail in Ballots” ruse.
But it is DYING, if they lose the riots backup plan, they literally have NOTHING else!
I have to repeat, the Head of Task Force on Chinese virus should have reined in Fauci and Scarf Lady long before they became media idols, and long before sheeple got programmed to wear masks… Pence did a terrible job with his assignment. No TRUE Data for ANY of their papal bulls… although part of the bull was involved.
otoh, Ric Grenell would have sussed the pair out in a NY minute…
Perhaps, perhaps the Q saying applies to Fauci and Birx and their various cabal infiltrated agencies “You cannot TELL the people, you must SHOW them”
Too bad we’re stuck with him.
Maybe lack of oxygen due to masks is affecting Fauxci’s already weak brain Hard to keep his lies straight..
Perhaps, but Fauci doesn’t WEAR the mask unless the CAMERAS are on. More likely, he THOUGHT he was smarter than the average bear, and Jim Jordan showed him what Merlin showed Arthur in ‘Excalibur” “Remember, there’s ALWAYS something cleverer than yourself!”
I think Fauci thought he REALLY was as smart and important as the MSM make him to be, he was weighed, he was measured, and he was found WANTING.
Remember the chapter about the Ants in the book (The Once and Future King), where Arthur sees the sign “Everything not compulsory is forbidden”; later seeing an even more disturbing sign, “Everything not forbidden is compulsory”…
THAT is the liberals’ vision for our future… a regimented, soulless, mindless, compliant society like the Ants as presented by E.B. White…
Oops. Wrong White…. T.H. White…
(two Whites don’t make a wrong???)….
Unfortunately you left out the part about how the dems don’t care that we know they are lying. They are only after the sound bites that tell their side of the story and those will be told to the low information types who will assume those to be true. So still lots of work yet to be done in red pilling America as the complicit media will continue to plaster lies everywhere they can.
One suggestion to get the word out if you use twitter, is when you have a good Trump story or slanderous democrat story, or anything you think all American’s should hear is to retweet it using hash tags that will reach the audience you wish. Example #BLM, #DNC, #HCQ #Vote, #Walkaway etc… Understand that when you start typing a hashtag you will get a list of Auto suggestions and you can use those (example typing #T will give #Train, #True, #Trump etc… to choose from) Also some of the Auto suggestions can tell you that, that hash tag is being used by others very recently.
This was televised LIVE by ALL the cable networks, because they THOUGHT it would HELP their cause and HURT Trump, the genie is out of the bottle!
I also do not use twitter or facebook.
What are the odds that DJT had previously arranged with JJ to take out Fauxi in this precise way?
The signal is given to JJ, who proceeds to do what comes naturally to him, and presto! Another balloon popped.
Bingo, as I said, sometimes you cannot TELL the people “Covid is a LIE, and the protests too” You must SHOW them, just as Jordan did today!
We’re called women, and when monogamous in MARRIAGE and chaste before, the chances of getting HPV drop dramatically.
The Federalist
CNN redefined women as “individuals with a cervix” in a tweet reporting on updated recommendations for cervical cancer screenings.
Of course your husband has to be monogamous too…
Of course.
And if he isn’t, he becomes an ex-husband damn fast. .
St. James Pizzeria Gets Shout-Out From President Trump
“Great Pizza!!!,” Trump tweeted. The pizzeria faced controversy after hanging a flag in support of the president.
I think the St. James was for an inland… something connected with Epstein?
The Misery Compact
Agree to the Democrats’ terms . . . or else.
The wisecrack in MAGA world is that coronavirus hysteria and the catastrophic consequences of related lockdowns have an expiration date: November 4, 2020.
That, of course, is the day after the presidential election, which our political experts currently predict will be won by Joe Biden. Panic over the flu-like virus will disappear; power-grabbing governors will ease house arrest orders; children will go back to school; face coverings will be torched; and the news media’s coronavirus dashboards will be archived for history.
More of that is true if Trump is elected rather than Biden. If it’s Biden, much of the scare will continue as it fosters reaching quicker the overall arching goal of one world governance that is gotten by a social credit system, massive surveillance state, cashless society, vaccines requiring updates that in some instances can alter the body, all on the back of 5G along with their other evil tools.
Also expect that if it is Biden that is elected that the fear mongering will increase in order to suppress the inevitable hot civil war that will ensue so as to establish the tools necessary for total submission.
Esteemed French Dr. Didier Raoult Testifies Person Behind Death Threats He Received Is Top Doctor Linked to Gilead Pharmaceuticals
it’s all about the Benjamins
picked up a copy of the Dollar Saver at the post office when i was there this morning…front page ad:
Pray for America Rally
they’re holding it a local church in the next town over…the first Wednesday of every month from now till the election.
imagine…not a riot, not a protest…a pray for America rally…
all churches and christians are welcome!
Hmmmm haven’t we heard this before. Everyone knows but no one does anything. That out of everyone actor Brad Garrett speaks out.
Ellen and her producers. People who are very anti Trump.
Brad Garrett Says Mistreatment by Ellen DeGeneres Is ‘Common Knowledge’
Another asset management firm busted for letting it’s clients use shell companies to hide their money laundering.
Quote Tweet
FCCED – Financial Crimes News
· 1h
Singapore has revoked the licence of Apical Asset Management firm over anti-money laundering breaches. Apical allowed customers to use complex ownership structures, multiple investment layers and entities which poses high money laundering risks.
2:44 PM · Jul 31, 2020
If you don’t know Glenn Sunshine, I’m not surprised. He is mostly an unknown University professor but a treasure of a thinker.
Via LIFELOG . . .
Glenn Sunshine
4h ·
Does anyone know of any other cases where a drug has been banned for use in treating a disease so quickly and so thoroughly, while there is anecdotal evidence from people in the medical profession and some studies that support its use?
My Reply:
Glenn I’m not aware of any PUBLIC instances. If you reach out to MD’s there are a number of medications that the FDA has blocked from approval, and yet there is still a fight to get them approved. There are more politics than science and medicine in those fights.
The elephant in the room is that the FDA in its current incarnation is a bureaucrat holder from the 1930s “New Deal” era administration of FDR and reflects the mindset of that era, a government watchdog where medication is BLOCKED from use UNTIL approved. That was always a heavy-handed approach, but for some reason in the generations since we’ve just simply accepted the bureaucratic approval worldview as, meh, normal… people throw their hands up “well we have to have something to stop quackery” as if we only had one tool in the toolbox for protecting people. Amazing how people have so totally conditioned into the fatalism that we really have no control over our own government or medicine.
Appliances and electronics are equally as dangerous as pharmaceuticals, but the industry approach to risk management is totally different. In the U.S. manufactures send their products to a PRIVATE company, “Underwriter’s Laboratories”, where their products are independently certified. Compare with Canada’s government based approach.
There is not political will for reform in either party or Capital Hill, and even the most anti-government Tea Party folks are so habituated to the notion that we need an “FDA” that they will defend keeping the FDA even if they allow for defunding it. But IMO we need an independent drug certification process by private labs plural that maintains the independence and integrity that we take for granted from Underwriter’s Labs. For that matter, I would love to see UL expand into pharmaceutical testing and safety. Medicines that are not passed through as “listed” would be allowed for use, requiring informed consent and limitation of liability – legal obstacles that can be managed. But that requires fundamental and structural changes to how we do things now.
Now, Mick Mulvaney as OMB had already submitted a proposal for a top to bottom total reorg of the U.S. Government. In that proposal a key component was fixing a lot of the mess that exists between the USDA and the FDA, and basically putting all the food from FDA back under the agriculture in USDA. (Not to mention major SNAP reforms, getting it out of USDA, another discussion.) That reorg could proceed – some can be done stepwise – but the complete generational transformation will require a Congress that wants to get things done rather than hold hearings and impeachment proceedings. Who knows, maybe the Congress in 2021 will be more amenable to legislating than acting as if it were the Executive Branch performing investigations?
I mean, it’s really strange how the branches seek power to their left. The Legislature seeks the power of the Executive to investigate and execute law. The Executive seeks the power of the Judiciary on how laws and decisions are made. The Judiciary seeks the power of the Legislative to write the laws. And on it goes, the checks and balances don’t work because we the people aren’t seeing to it that they are employed.
None of that is HCQ specific though, and I’m going to stop for the moment before getting into this. But sufficient to say that Remdesivir is much more expensive than HCQ and profitable. We keep wanting to give people the benefit of the doubt that they are doing the best thing for us – and that is appropriate. Where we keep making the mistake is that we mentally shut down other possible explanations: human sins such as greed, desire for power, etc. When we turn a blind eye to the darker impulses of fallen humans, we limit the possibilities that can logically exist in our view of the world. This intellectual tunnel vision exhibits itself as a dismissiveness toward anything that seems nefarious. I think it is intellectually dishonest and unbecoming of a Christian to dismiss the very real possibility of wicked and evil actor intent (myself, coming from a cybersecurity background) simply because we cannot stretch our worldview to allow for human sinfulness and corruption. We saw this same thing as even well-meaning conservatives continue to defend actions of the Obama administration because they cannot conceive of the possibility of widespread government collusion, and instead dismiss the possibility of a rogue FBI trying to remove a duly elected President as “crazy-talk” or “crackpot theories”. That is a dangerous intellectual short-circuit that even from the basis of logic and epistemology we really should be leery of.
Excellent info… thanks Michael
Also, lots of interesting comments to Techno’s tweets here, w/ more info –
Remember to remove the splat
Zoe, my apologies… these tweets are an analysis of docs … with images that I can’t turn into text.
Suffice it to say that Techno and many other anons and others of course are combing through these documents which are a treasure … many people are being exposed.
okay – found Thread Reader link
Kind of you, PR, and totally understand. Thank you for the note. Glad of it.
Techno directs to docs revealed by Cernovich *
Link to Tracy Beanz’ reveals *
more from Tracy:
Pelosi & Schumer have no interest in making a deal that is good for our Country and our People. All they want is a trillion dollars, and much more, for their Radical Left Governed States, most of which are doing very badly. It is called a BAILOUT for many years of bad Dem Mgmt!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 31, 2020
Pelosi & Schumer blocked desperately needed unemployment payments, which is so terrible, especially since they fully understand that it was not the workers fault that they are unemployed, it’s the fault of China!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 31, 2020
Our justice system seems broken
he’s found guilty of 30 (!!!!!!!!!) counts and the reason it’s overturned is because he couldn’t get a fair trial because people were mad at him?
they didn’t argue against the evidence…just that people were too mad to be fair…bullshit.
To think he almost bleed out when they got him and they fixed him up to stand trail.
Yes it is BS.
put him in gen pop and let the inmates sort it out
Wait….how does a jury hear an appeal??
That is simply re-litigating the case. 😡
wasn’t there evidence of jury bias in Roger Stone’s case? but THIS gets an appeal?
Yup. Justice is broken.
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
The Democrats are holding back the $1,200 to $3,400 (family of four) checks that were ready to be sent out!
Algerian strategy
the people must suffer until and unless they vote democrap
Not happening. Not voting Dem on this one.
Some person wearing a “PRESS” helmet has trespassed the barrier protecting the Portland federal courthouse. He’s trying to get others to come in. “They can’t arrest us all.” #PortlandRiots
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 29, 2020
who would have guessed that leftists would masquerade as the Press to riot and get in to places? they are SCUM
Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
Meadows says admin “made no less than 4 different offers to Democrats on Capitol Hill” on extra unemployment aid but “those 4 offers have been rejected. But more importantly, not even been countered with a proposal”
Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
Senate left town for the weekend yesterday. House is out now until an undetermined date, perhaps later in August. House won’t be back until there is a new coronavirus bill to work on
Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
Pelosi/Schumer/Meadows/Mnuchin to meet in the Speaker’s Office at 9 am et Saturday, per two sources familiar, on next coronavirus bill
Hmmm. Maybe some recess appointments might get their attention…
Maybe fire Fey Wray, appoint Grenell as temp… and watch the fur fly…
THAT would do it Cuppa 😉…
So of the names:
– Alan Dershowitz
– Glenn Dubin
– Stephen Kaufmann
– Prince Andrew
– Jean Luc Brunel
– Bill Richardson
– Marvin Minsky
Marvin Minsky
Bill Richardson
Former Governor of New Mexico
Jean-Luc Brunel
Prince Andrew, Duke of York
Duke of York
Glenn Dubin
Principal of Dubin & Co. LP, a private investment company managing a portfolio of operating businesses and other investments.
Alan Dershowitz
American Lawyer
Not sure who Stephen Kaufmann is????
Only ones on the Q list
Alan Dershowitz
Glenn Dubin
Jean Luc Brunel
Wow I got a photo to post…not sure how that happened LOL
Perhaps this Stephen Kaufman
Stephen P. Kaufman – Faculty – Harvard Business School
Mr. Kaufman has been a Senior Lecturer of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School since 2001, teaching in both the MBA program and various Executive Education programs He writes, lectures, and consults about board and corporate governance, acquisition strategy and integration, creating disruptive growth through innovative business models and technologies, and operations and supply chain management. The Classes of 2008, 2011, and 2015 recognized Kaufman with its Faculty Award in Teaching, and the administration has twice named him a recipient of the school’s Charles M. Williams Award for Excellence in Teaching. In 2010 he spent six months as a Visiting Senior Lecturer at the Australian Graduate School of Business at the University of New South Wales in Sydney.
Executive Education programs = Access to up and coming corporate talent.
Thanks what I was thinking but its spelled with one less N.
Kaufmann vs Kaufman
The Babylon Bee
After Brief Absence, Ruth Bader Ginsburg Returns Home To Hospital
This is just too funny.
LOL talk about watered down wine.
No fly in the soup.
Feels like this in STL today. Nothing but rain.
Two days in a row. This is getting old.
We need the rain but not this is too much. LOL
Feels like fall.
This is starting to resemble some summers of my past.
Truthfully, we got text alerts in my municipality for flash flooding. Nothing like we’ve had when the remnants of hurricanes come up the Mississippi, but the ground must be saturated at this point.
Here in NC it is SOGGY!!!
So soggy I had a frog clinging to the screen singing his heart out — fifteen feet above the ground. I didn’t know frogs could fly….
Surely you’ve heard of Barking Texas Tree Frogs.
so jealous!
our little pond is down about 5 inches..we could use some rain..we get a shower here and there but not enough to do any good.
hubby and I were roaring!
That YT channel has some funny stuff.
Question. Since many daycare centers have remained open throughout the pandemic, it should be easy enough to gather some stats as to the % of workers who became ill working around kids. Right?
sounds reasonable…
As in why can’t teachers go back to work? 🤔
agreed…grocery store clerks come in contact with tons of people every day–and they haven’t been dropping like flies…and they’ve been doing it since March.
so teachers can’t see the same 20-40 kids every day?
They need protesters and protest organizers, therefore it’s all hands on deck until the teachers union says different…
I truly don’t know why folks are obeying these ‘demands’ ……………………………
(Yes, I was born a ‘cage rattler’ … but…. I’m not sure lemmings would go over this many cliffs…)
I’m with Ms Jesse!
Mollie Retweeted
Christine “Go Donate Blood” Rousselle@crousselle
My dad’s memorial Mass was supposed to be on Saturday, but we were told it is not safe to have 50 people indoors at the church that seats 600.
He died in May.
We’re not sure if we’ll be allowed to have it in September either.
Maine has 420 active cases statewide rn.
Quote Tweet
Jesse Kelly@JesseKellyDC
· 23h
Every single business owner in every state and town should open the their business at full capacity tomorrow.
Do it. And dare these people to stop you.
It’s time.
[followed by a photo of funeral for Congressman John Lewis in a church with people crowded together…]
if you can stand in line to pay respects to John Lewis, you can also stand in line to vote.
Mollie Retweeted
Wesley J. Smith@theWesleyJSmith
Jul 30
Why okay for people to be INSIDE A CHURCH, NOT socially distanced, with robust singing/preaching #JohnLewisfuneral but average folk barred from holding graveside outdoor services with more than a few people or be with a loved one at death in hospital? Why people don’t have trust
packed in a church for Lewis…but your loved ones won’t get the same opportunity to worship or grieve.
Dr Carol Swain sets the record straight. Please help correct fake news when you see it.
All people in the picturehad all tested negative before the event and thus took off their masks.
I E T ∞ Retweeted
Wyatt Frog face@WyleeCoyoteee
Replying to @MrBOTUS_520
If you’re watching Trump talk right now about the Hurricane about to strike Florida and the east coast, he just said and I quote “the storm is right behind me” KEKEKEKEK
Clinton says he has NEVER BEEN to Epstein’s island…thank goodness he cleared that up!
hil de beast has been there also… just not with Bill 😉
His lie there can be easily disproven. IIRC, when he cancels Secret Service protection due to “dalliance duty” on the Lolita Express, he has to fill out paperwork to that effect….I think the facts on that have already surfaced…
using sarcasm to bypass the twitnazis…LOL
Really sad to see the International Journal of Infectious Disease join the growing list of Trump possessed witch doctors promoting #Hydroxychloroquine as a promising #coronavirus treatment. Twitter, am I doing this right?
— Steve Deace (@SteveDeaceShow) July 31, 202
Hilarious!!! SO SAD!!!
it IS sad…and yet people will get creative to bypass the censors!
interesting point…IF the Boston Bomber can get a new trial because of mad jurists…will they be moving the Obamagate conspirators trials to fly over country???? (giggle…boy would THEY be wrong!)
Wyatt Frog face Retweeted
Jul 26
In 2016, Union, Glades, Putnam, & Taylor counties were all majority democrat in voter registration.
Today, in 2020, they have all flipped from Blue circleSoon with rightwards arrow aboveRed circle.
The numbers don’t lie: If you want to re-elect President @realDonaldTrump, let’s register new voters.
Dr. Robert Jeffress: The Radical Left’s War on Christianity | July 31, 2020
Sorry if this sounds a little bit off the cuff…it is. But I just wanted to say this before I hit the sack. Just got through watching the Dems ‘reclaiming their time’ and needed to get this off my chest.
Criminal. Seditious. Treasonous. I do not say that as an exaggeration. These people are at war with our Constitutional Republic.
Now, they not only want masks but goggles and face shields as well. Coincidentally, I am sure, that masks help rioters in cities where masks are normally against the law to wear otherwise. However, many were still recognized and arrested by federal law enforcement. Now, coincidentally, goggles and face shields will make it even more difficult for LEO to recognize criminals. While the goggles and face shields ostensibly protect against COVID…they, coincidentally I am sure, help protect against pepper spray and tear gas.
All just in time for a coming second round of riots. We better go ahead with that mail-in voting. 2nd wave and riots…unsafe to vote in person. Just look at the TIMING. Everything is about TIMING. Just a coincidence I am sure.
Hydroxychloroquine has been in use around the globe for over sixty years…but now it is all of a sudden dangerous to use as a treatment for COVID. Doctors who promote its use backed by science are ignored by media and censored by Big Tech. We could have shut COVID down months and thousands of deaths ago. All just a coincidence I am sure.
It could take weeks or even months to count mail-in ballots—perhaps indefinitely. Look at the mail-in disaster in NY…5 or 6 weeks already. Funny thing I heard today (not sure if true)..if there is no election or president elect cannot be decided…the CONGRESS chooses the temporary President. Remember when Pelosi said that they will have to remove Trump kicking and screaming because he will not leave the WH??? But hey…you know that is all just a coincidence I am sure.
There are $$$TRILLIONS at stake. The evidence is right before everybody’s eyes…we simply have to LOOK.
“… Funny thing I heard today (not sure if true)..if there is no election or president elect cannot be decided…the CONGRESS chooses the temporary President.” JW in Germany
Yes, it’s true…
And you are right, the evidence is right before us.
What is NOT before us, is POTUS’ plan…
We just got a ton of Epstein docs……………..
What’s next ?
The DIMs’ gambit is NOT the only game in town.
We must seek out people of like kind … those who support our Republic and Constitution and believe POTUS has to be reelected… we must guard our mental health during these months to come, before and after the election. (The Cabal won’t quit when POTUS is reelected!) We must seek our individual spiritual counsel, center ourselves and pray and dwell upon the positive. Love one another. WWG1WGA
Have a good night’s rest JW… God bless you and yours.
Concerning Congress choosing the president. I looked at this earlier in the year on Wikipedia using the Article II sec 1 pages as well as the 12th Amendment page. While there are circumstance for the House to take a vote to determine the President and the Senate to vote to determine the vice president these circumstance are more the result of nobody reaching the threshold of 270 electoral votes and not for another stated reason. So if the reason was not for that specifically such a case would be breaking new constitutional ground and would like by room for much argument. Meanwhile since I had read those things I am seeing upward to 30 to 40 changes in the edit history page. Too much for me to wade through.
Now I’ve noticed a new page on Wikipedia that is specific to the United States Presidential Election which has 40 edits since Feb of this year, 11 in just this month. On that page I found this to be of interest.
“If no candidate receives a majority of the electoral vote (at least 270), the President is determined by the rules outlined by the Twelfth Amendment. Specifically, the selection of President would then be decided by a contingent election in a ballot of the House of Representatives. For the purposes of electing the President, each state has only one vote. A ballot of the Senate is held to choose the Vice President. In this ballot, each senator has one vote. The House has chosen the victor of the presidential race only twice, in 1800 and 1824; the Senate has chosen the victor of the vice-presidential race only once, in 1836.”
Which essentially is saying the House elects the president but each state only gets one vote. Now while that seems to this simple mind to be in keeping of what the electoral collage attempts I still would not vouch for it given my total lack of expertise in this area. I also don’t find reference to the one state one vote thing either in Article II Sec 1 or the 12th Amendment and think such language if true would be part of the mounds of paper that went into establishing the 12 Amendment. Now if such is true and that’s the way it is, then one state, one vote comes down to 20 votes for Biden, and 30 for Trump.
As far as moving the date of the election I don’t see anything anywhere that says either way, but that could be oversight on my part. Adds that while it does say the date was chosen for purposes of when it was convenient because of farming practices that might suggest the date is set upon convenience and little else.
Anyway, whatever Democrats, MSM, or any of their hired experts say, I’m sure we’ll have experts too and might entertain waiting on what they say if required and not already engaged in civil war at that time.
Thank you Para for your thorough research…
The DIMs are counting on mail-in ballots, and counting on it taking days, weeks, perhaps months to get them tallied, and then counting on the situation they have had with some in state mail-in ballots where they can’t come up with a total! In other words, a total screw-up.
Thank you Pheonix. God bless you and yours, as well.
It really was lights out for me last night.
I agree it seems that we do indeed have a plan….everything is being countered…and counters are being countered. Sometimes a simple short rant goes a long way for my mental health…don’t keep it all bottled up.
Love my QTreepers….coolest people I have not had a chance to meet…but would love to some day!
rant away, anytime James… we definitely need that often these days. I love my little branch in this comfy tree! Would have lost my sanity without all the wonderful people here…
Evening everyone, Patriots all, I went outside the wire tonight and checked out OT as to what might be happening. I was fascinated by this SD comment:
“Once through this phase; and if everything goes according to a plan;”
OOooops! Where did I hear that before?
The article is a bit bombastic/self serving, while at the same time delivering important info to his readers, who are utterly unaware of what we all know. 🙂
Oh, and there is this, which I’m seeing for the first time OT; although, I don’t frequent there that much these days … 😉
Thanks, Redlegleader.
I have suspected all along that the reason Sd banned all talk of Q, was because he had been mining Q-drops for material…and he didn’t want people to see the source.
Interesting to note that OT has lost between 40,000 to 50,000 followers since the purging. They were on their way to 250,000 if my memory serves me.
I think there were and still are a lot of Q followers that frequent OT.
This is a follow up from our mask discussion yesterday.
And more on the LIFELOG front of the INFORMATION WAR.
Original source courtesy Cuppa Covfefe:
User comment on mask effectiveness (or lack thereof)
I do respect this data, but I use an oximeter to measure oxygen in my blood with or without the mask… In general for me, equal or improved (I assume allergens are filtered…) But I am pregnant!!! My sis (nurse) said oxygen scores below 92 = not OK! I leaned over to the floor with a mask… As I was going back to my place (in a wheelchair) I started to get worried got back; oximeter score 93…. Took the mask off! Recovered 1-2 minutes score 97!!!! I will wear a mask, but if it’s going to hurt baby; I will remove it!!! I want a balanced approach; this seems balanced!!!
Posted this comment for the benefit of the crowd and passers-by . . .
Exactly. I think it’s appropriate to wear a mask in certain circumstances. People forget that the mask wearing guidance was meant to be SUPPLEMENTAL to social distancing. If you maintain 6 feet of distance the mask is unnecessary. There are circumstances where distancing is impossible, for those conditions a mask makes sense.
That said, mask efficacy is very much in question. There is wide-spread equivocation on the term “effective”: Some people consider “effective” only if it 100% preventative, while others argue masks are “effective” even at only margin levels. To me it’s obvious that in most cases people are just talking past each other, because we lack precision in our online discourse.
(Though, in fairness, I still see quite a few arguments where it’s more about control of ideas and language than the subject at hand, sadly… The fallacy of Equivocation occurs often, and the key is to define terms and ask clarifying questions. Unfortunately people will complain “you’re just arguing semantics!” when, in matter of fact, the definition of terms is precisely the issue at hand, as if equivocation in speech should be the normal order of business.)
So I’ve been sharing detailed information from my own local doctor. (Actually, he used to be my doctor before the insurance change. Remember “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor”?) He said in one posts “Masks are effective” and I had people taking exception to him saying that.
In my former doctor’s defense, in his definition “effective” meant that masks were 30% effective, which they are at that level. This is where the distinction between “marginally effective” and “preventatively effective” come into play.
A rate of 30% sounds significant, but when we talk about viral load, we’re talking about ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE. If by breathing someone expelled 10 million viruses from their lungs, wearing a mask w/ 30% reduction means that some 7 million viruses were still spread, for argument let’s say 6 million. We’re still talking about expressing 6 million viruses – which is lower than 10 million, but not significant when you are handling numbers with large orders of magnitude: 1.0×10^7 versus 6.0×10^6 is NOT much different. There is PLENTY of viral distribution to result in propagation.
Consider in toxicology, the difference of water with 10 parts per million of poison versus 6 parts per million of poison with filtration. You wouldn’t want to pump that into the city’s water supply or you’d end up like Flint, Michigan.
N95 is a very LOW standard, but a 95% effectiveness (caveats aside) is an order of magnitude lower, which is something. In the IT industry we talk about “five nines” 99.999% while other industries have much higher tolerances than that.
So is a mask effective? Yes it blocks a marginal amount of viral shedding, and just the vector of viral shedding that occurs through respiration but not other processes, the same viral shedding where the virus concentration decays due to temperature, UV, and diffusion as it travels over distances. It will not, on its own, have significant preventative impacts on the spread of CV except in certain circumstances.
A mask is like trying to defend your house by installing a picket fence. It’ll help keep the dogs and neighborhood kids off your lawn, and it may even look attractive. It’s indisputably good to have one and will increase the value of the home. But it’s far from a comprehensive security strategy.
So when my former doctor says “masks are effective” I’m not going to sit here and quibble with him. I don’t expect him to get into the weeds on these numbers when he’s providing his opinions. I doubt it even crossed his mind to consider the exponential quantities in mind.
None of this, however, gives the national, state, or local government officials to usurp power that they have not been specifically granted by their constitutions or chartering documents. So-called “mask mandates” performed by executive order or decree almost never have legal standing, and are therefore deprivation of rights under color of law (18 U.S. Code § 242). The rights given to us by God – that that belong to God – are too often dismissed by voices that condescendingly scold people for being “selfish”, “irresponsible”, “irrational” or, absurdly, “lawless”.
All law is mutually intertwined with fundamental human rights and justice, which is why it has always been part of the Natural Law Tradition going all the way back to Cicero. Rights did not magically come into existence during the Enlightenment, neither are rights endowed by declarations or Constitutions, but by God, universal for all human persons, at all times, and in all places and cultures. Human rights are not suspended by “public health” emergencies, as Justice Alito in his recent dissent noted: “A public health emergency does not give governors and other public officials carte blanche to disregard the Constitution for as long as the medical problem persists.” Unlawful power grabs should be called out and corrected, which is why our government has a system of checks and balances. Ultimately the self-governed individual — an individual who governs himself, or in the case of parents, who governs the affairs of his household — is the proper unit of government with the rightful authority to execute mask wearing protocols. Generally citizens will agree to voluntary action when there is sufficient justification, which is in point of fact exactly what we see happening.
My original cybersecurity mentor from about 20 years back is retired and has been posting good material on CV. He’s been adamant about wearing masks about protecting others – and I don’t disagree with that. He had the following advice and this is the balanced approach I recommend, and wish others would follow and discuss:
“Let me tell you what I do. I don’t wear a mask in my home or car. I put the mask on right before I approach a drive-thru window or before entering a building. I don’t wear the mask outside, because the temperature alone will kill the virus.”
Exhalation is a necessary function of the lungs to expel waste and keep the lungs and airways clean. If ventilation is impeded by a mask, the waste products do not eliminate properly and instead build up. Meanwhile the moisture is the perfect storm for the proliferation of airborne mold spores and bacteria. This is not healthy or safe. It reminds me of situations where a house had a hidden water leak causing mold to develop in the duct work, sickening the family as it grew. Improper mask use triggers the same problems. They should only be worn in close contact situations where viral transmission is a risk, but should be avoided at other times.
In your case, pregnancy is IMO an overriding health concern. I would not be concerned with mask wearing but I would take care to physically distance.
Those are just my thoughts – sorry for writing an essay again 😉 There’s SO MUCH misinformation going around and unhealthy discussion it’s hard to cut through with reason in social media forums these days…
Second event with pics that are embarrassing but not necessarily true.
Where is everyone?
Brit yellow rag
Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army! Retweeted
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
I’m with you all the way, thank you!
Here it is in a nutshell.
Trader joes fights back. This high school kid is an idiot. Getting back lash from both sides
What a patriot
Surprisingly, this comes from CNN:
Qanon July 31, 2020 America is Witnessing a Brazen Power Grab
Dr. Robert Jeffress: Prayer vs. Protest | July 31, 2020