This [Q+4]TH of AUGUST FRIDAY open thread is OPEN – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both MAGA and KAG!).
“Awkward Styles”

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.
Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.
Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.
Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the OLD January 1st , 2019 open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.

My old ask to PRAY FOR THE PRESIDENT was getting stale.
It’s time to PRAY for those around Trump – all those people who we don’t trust as much as Trump, but who President Trump DEPENDS ON, every day, to GET THE JOB DONE.
I’m not going to pick out anybody by name – that is for YOU to decide.
But I want you to PRAY FOR OTHERS to lift up this President, so that he, too, can SEE THE POWER OF PRAYER even more clearly through them!
Doesn’t matter who it is – even NAMELESS people who may see his pen and signature. Even anonymous patriots who protect him and us every day. Even his wife, his Vice President, and thousands of others – pray for them all to LIFT UP PRESIDENT TRUMP in all possible ways!
And ONE final prayer request. Pray for the Trump brothers, specifically.
Until they meet again, fare thee well, boys.

Our movement
Is about replacing
A failed
Political establishment
With a new government controlled
By you, the American People.
Candidate Donald J. Trump
Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Mask Article Coming
I have a great article coming, so I will keep this short. For now I want to encourage you to think about WAYS OF SUBVERTING the masks that DUMB US DOWN FOR CHINA.
We all know those brave souls who stand up to mask mandates openly, but not all of us are able to weather those storms. Some have tried and have felt beaten and demoralized. Some are leery to even try.
Too many people who ABSOLUTELY SHOULD NOT be wearing masks are being FORCED TO DO SO by “Karen World”.
I want to instill QUIET COLONIST REBELLION against hypoxia-inducing, cognition-decreasing, DANGEROUS masks.
Think about ways to rebel against the MASK NAZIS, and be ready for my article!

ChiCom Risks
Yes – let’s follow the story from useful idiot MASK NAZIS back to CHINAZIS.
Even Twitter is now waking up to the fact that China is doing everything possible to destroy America, and you will see this in my upcoming article on useless, dangerous, China-imposed MASKS, very shortly.
If Twitter has decided to END its hypocrisy in going after ONLY Trump, by labeling CHINA TWEETS as what they are, then at least their censorship is a little more even-handed, but I also think (at)jackboot is getting wise to the fact that CCP is using DNC like a rented mule. CCP doesn’t care if they destroy DNC during their get-away.
And that’s just the beginning…..

I am still SHOCKED by the indictment of Harvard’s *DEPARTMENT HEAD* Charles Lieber. Talk about going straight for the top. Top administrator at a top chemistry university.
Say what you will about Wray – this was a HUGE bust. Never in my wildest dreams.
Yes – what I saw in science was alarming. I was RIGHT THERE in the middle of a bunch of the world’s sketchiest ChiComs – AND YET I never heard ANYTHING about their “Thousand Talents” (OF SILVER) bribery program. That’s how well they kept this under wraps. And SMART, too – they must have known I would have raised a flag if I knew about Thousand Talents.
Sure, maybe I had nothing they wanted, but I never heard scuttlebutt of this program from ANYBODY.
Of course, maybe they only show researchers the “Thousand Talents” contract after the “perky little tits” have been shoved at potential recipients one time too many. I did “almost run into” some of that action.
Notice the name? The cunning joke of betrayal as a subtext? That is CLASSIC CHICOM. They love to CROW over their victims, with the victims not realizing what is going on. Or maybe the sell-outs DO realize that they’re selling out, because they have little choice, or it gets worse.
There is NO AMOUNT OF KARMA that the ChiComs don’t deserve here.
There is some talk that BANNON is a victim of CCP shenanigans. My thoughts…..
Bottom line – anybody who gets anywhere NEAR ChiComs or WHO THEY TOUCH is at risk. They will MESS WITH YOU in any way they can. They will SNAKE you with influence, spying, exfiltration, sabotage, or life and reputation damage through whatever means are possible.
It’s a real shame that one has to be CAREFUL A.F. with even the nicest, most honest, communist-hating Chinese Americans, but even ABC (American-born Chinese) are deeply and heavily infiltrated and influenced by the ChiComs, and if you have a Chinese spouse or “significant other”, prepare for dangerous and “interesting” times!
Reality doesn’t care about “it sure would be nice if everything and everybody was on the up and up”.
That ain’t the way it is.

Dealing With AQQusing Libs
Right now, when “Q” has been brought to the foreground by Fake News attacking POTUS, there may be a temptation to hang back. DON’T. There has never been a time like now to just dump Epstein and company all over the left. We own everything but “cannibals”, and who knows what is coming? And while you’re at it, jump up and down on “The Hoax” for all you’re worth! The HOAX that Q got right, and THEY got wrong.
Just attack on ALL FRONTS. Especially when you see a patriot under fire.
Here are some selections from a RANT THREAD on Twitter…..
One of the things I find devastating to the left is to make sure they understand they are reacting to a PSY-OP. I’m careful not to call QAnon “just” a psy-op – that diminishes a TRUTH PROJECT, and such things are grand endeavors. Q is way more than just a psy-op or a troll against the Fake News. But TWISTING the Q phenomenon off their shill position that it’s a “conspiracy” or a “conspiracy theory” is exactly where I love to go, in proving that THEY are not reporting it correctly.
They know it’s a psy-op aimed at them, and they can’t report it.
Anyway, time to get this wrapped up. I want that mask article to shake things up.

Stupid deodorant ad.
“Raise your hands if you’re SURE MASKS WORK!”
I raise my hand! I’M SURE MASKS WORK, 100 percent, to reveal the stupid among us!
The GREATEST anti mask meme EVER, don’t be like THESE guys, be smart, take OFF the mask.
OR how about,
Only bad guys like THESE wear masks.
It looks like a hostage situation.
I’m sure that virtue signaling photo will go down in history as one of the more inane examples of the Democrat party in 2020. It’s like having an entire wedding party’s formal photographs with masks. Is that how you want to be viewed 20 years from now?
Is anyone REALLY going to get China Virus not wearing a mask under hot lights, separated from other people for a few minutes? Instead of being “virtuous”…it comes across has having no common sense or independent thinking ability.
Phony, phony….
It sure does. My first thought.
Actually I wish someone would meme in ” All right, this is the Police, come out with your hands up!”
Shades of “Puttin’ On The Ritz” from Young Frankenstein… but they probably can’t dance (except around the truth)…..
“ooooper doooper.”…The Monster.
Hands up, Don’t shoot!
First comes love … then:max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/GettyImages-967655408-0e01c5d492694f369bdf23d00e908563.jpg)
Focus on … soft target …
🤬🤚‼️‼️‼️‼️💥☄️⚡️🔥💥☄️⚡️✨🔥 … 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸‼️‼️ .. 🤨👍🇺🇸
14 January 1969. Famous American comedian, Red Skelton, explains the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, word-by-word, from a memorized lecture given to him by his 7th grade school teacher, Mr. Lasswell. (Red includes the words “Under God” at the end of the video.) #TRUMP2020 #KINGTRUMP #TRUMP4EVER #FAGGOTOBAMA #BARRYTHEFAIRY #BATHROOMBARRY #OBAMASPYGATE #LOCKHERUP #BENGHAZI #LOVETRUMP #TRUMPLOVE #MAGA #MAGA2020 #KAG
“I pledge allegiance
to the flag,
of the United States of America,
and to the republic
for which it stands,
one nation,
under God,
with liberty and justice
for all.”
Red Skelton:
“I: Me, an individual, a committee of one.
PLEDGE: Dedicate all of my worldly goods to give without self pity.
ALLEGIANCE: My love and my devotion.
TO THE FLAG: Our standard, Old Glory, a symbol of freedom. Wherever she waves, there’s respect because your loyalty has given her a dignity that shouts freedom is everybody’s job.
UNITED: That means that we have all come together.
STATES: Individual communities that have united into 48 great States. Forty-eight individual communities with pride and dignity and purpose; all divided with imaginary boundaries yet united to a common purpose, and that’s love for Country.
AND TO THE REPUBLIC: Republic; a state in which sovereign power is invested in representatives chosen by the people to govern. And government is the people, and it’s from the people to the leaders, not from the leaders to the people.
FOR WHICH IT STANDS, ONE NATION: One nation, meaning “so blessed by God.”
INDIVISIBLE: Incapable of being divided.
WITH LIBERTY: Which is freedom, the right of power to live one’s own life without threats, fear, or some sort of retaliation.
AND JUSTICE: The principle or quality of dealing fairly with others.
FOR ALL: For all, which means, boys and girls, it’s as much your country as it is mine.
And now, boys and girls, let me hear you recite the Pledge of Allegiance:
“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
Since I was a small boy, two states have been added to our country, and two words have been added to the Pledge of Allegiance:
“Under God!”
Wouldn’t it be a pity if someone said, ‘That is a prayer!’, and that would be eliminated from schools too? “
“Hands up, don’t shoot”
YES to the question. Great post Wolfe, let me know if you need any “help” on the mask stuff, I’d be glad to help. BTW, were you able to verify what I hypothesized on CO2 and hypercapnia? Did you try the O2 meter, just curious.
I think I have a cheap and powerful proof that’s good enough to go on the road – you’ll see!!!
Sounds great. Good luck!
Two hurricanes are scheduled to make landfall in Trump-supporting areas during the RNC convention. The entire Gulf Coast from southern Florida to southern Texas are in the cones. How many people will be prevented from following the conventions due to power outages and evacuations?

At what point does it stop being a coincidence?
When WE have the tech.
But don’t we have the tech already?
This smells to me like HAARP still under the control of Obama-era embeds and DeepState Resistance.
And perhaps these groups are working with Beijing. H3ll, maybe they even “share research and information” with the ChiComs.
Somebody always has better tech than us.
Get the youtube app on your smartphone and the power outages won’t prevent watching DJT (or the news). If the battery runs low, plug it into your car USB port. If your car don’t have one, most hardware stores sell adapters for cigarette lighters.
You’re assuming the cell towers aren’t going to get thrashed.
Which they do! Voice of experience here. I read that over 300 cell towers were damaged in the recent derecho in Iowa.
The cell tower thing is why I was opposed to pulling out the phone line, but someone in my household wouldn’t listen.
Exactly! For us, it’s a very small insurance policy…went thru no cell towers 3 times.
Not liking that 2nd picture one bit! Fetching supplies tomorrow before they get even scarcer.
Strongly recommend anyone even near any of cones stock up IMMEDIATELY. Supply chains might be worse than normal since such a wide area of the country will be affected.
Most of that coast is Trump Supporting areas, so yeah, I’m pretty confident this is a coincidence.
Awesome Carl … perfect picture of the pud …. bwahahahahaha .. yuk 😖🤚🤢 …
…. a tad bit icky but considering the topic .. spot on … bwahahahahaha .. 😫🤚‼️‼️
… 🧐🤚‼️❓❓❓ … well duh 🙄🤚‼️‼️ … sorry about that … one moment/technical difficulty (heh heh 😬😑😬😑🤚) …
Should be … 🤞😑🤚🇺🇸 ….
… 🧐🤫 ..
I thought this one was noteworthy —
Wolf back from land of limited cell/internet…
M-I-L emails the family tonight:
Only response so far.
While I had a chance there I talked with F-I-L and explained to him, briefly, that I was spending a lot more time online b/c every one of my friends are in COVID lockdowns and were spending too much time on social media, and they needed another voice to challenge their crazy thinking. I said I had talked about this at length with my B-I-L and we both agreed this was a good course of action and something I needed to be doing right now. B-I-L has his is own problems going on with this mess and he is preparing for the things he needs to do as well.
B-I-L is well respected in the family, a total Flynn supporter. I told him about my dream w/ Gen Flynn and the Q drops that followed that day culminating #TakeTheOath; he had strong confidence in the signal being received.
This could be interesting.
Meanwhile my mother continues to bombard my inbox every day with more and more links to Qanon links and videos. As I said, you know a movement has gone beyond mainstream and is no longer cool when your momma is doing it LOL.
My dad is a big prophecy buff and is definitely a Q follower. I have not, however, spoken with him for some time. We had a falling out in Nov 2015 that has never been put to right. He feels like the victim, that I wronged him and that I should apologize – unfortunately he has to learn boundaries with our family. My poor mother has barely seen our kids in that time.
It’s going to be a HOT AUGUST.
And only 11 days to go.
Check out my strafing of Liz Cheney’s attack on QAnon (below). There’s MORE WHERE IT CAME FROM.
Oh, please pray on the relationship to set it right. I will for you also Michaelh
Thank you PJ!!! Always lots to pray for in my household. Spiritual warfare.
Plandemic II: Indoctornation (FULL MOVIE)
Love your thread smacking the Fake News around, Wolf! I’ve just retweeted every single one of your tweets.
Thanks! And you may must love the RETURN FIRE I dropped on Liz Cheney. I just let her have it.
If anyone is crazy enough to allow websites to run unrestricted javascript on their browsers, I would appreciate a decode of — I’d like to lob something over the transom relating to . I was going to suggest that Ric visit various sites like Insty, Powerline, OT, here, Sarah Hoyt’s Victory Girls, Ace, and others to assess the level of right-wing homophobia, maybe two per day. He could confirm the visit via Twitter (another thing I block) and report on how oppressed he felt at each site the next day.
I can well understand how the Log Cabin Republicans might be a bit titchy about internet abuse and bots…..but IIRC, their cure is worse than the disease — insisting that people allow unrestricted javascript on their machines in order to send them emails is like saying “you have to give me your house key before you can talk.”
Great Thread, boss!
That ChiCom nozzle says…”China never buckles under pressure.”
That’s just bullshit propaganda!
They are spazzing around right now because of the pressure our VSG President has been applying on them.
The ChiComs are desperate to hide this, though…because to admit it would make them look weak to their people.
I disagree with Praying Medic’s idea about the US, China and Russia working together to destroy the NWO people.
Russia might be onboard with it…but only as far as it would benefit them.
And they would easily turn around and ‘share’ info with the NWO people if it benefited them.
But the ChiComs?
No way!
We cannot trust the perfidious ChiComs with anything!
In the immortal words of that Hong Kong patriot…”Don’t trust China! China is asshoe!”
The ChiComs are intent on world domination.
Everything they do is done to forward that goal.
They believe that they are ‘superior’ to the rest of the world…and that they have a divine right as celestials, to achieve their goal of dominating the world.
As Christians, we are hindered in dealing with such evil.
It’s hard for most Christians to comprehend the depths that the ChiComs will go to.
But the CCP will do anything…anything…to achieve their goals.
They will lie, cheat, steal, bully and brutalize…even torture and kill…to further their their single-minded goals.
They are even rewriting the Bible!
They will probably even distribute it over here in the US when they have completed it.
And there are plenty of commies here now, who might embrace it.
So thank you, Wolfie, for continuing to fight against the ChiComs.
They are the biggest threat we face right now.
It is heartening to see people starting to realize this.
AMEN! Thank you for the encouragement!
This is why I keep monitoring the hashtags about the flooding over there…searching for any News about the EG Dam situation.
Even if the Dam manages to hold, the flooding is already a major disaster.
Since there are so many Bitcoin Miners located in the flooded areas…it’s affecting bitcoin prices and driving them down.
The hashtag #ThreeGorgesDam is a good one to look at.
The flooding from upstream of the Dam, is reaching it tonight.
It is expected to peak on Saturday.
Ack…that should be 3G Dam.
But if the 3G dam is a disaster, wait until the 5G dam gives everyone cancer. 😀
Flep’s up.
Going after little kids now
These people are evil.
Here’s that video from the GWP article:
Benny says in a reply tweet:
“If you cannot condem this – you are truly lost.”
Begs the question of why parents would take. 7 year old into a situation like that?
Liz Cheney attacked QAnon, and it just pissed me off real good.
Excellent, boss!
Eesh, and I used to like Liz Cheney.
Has she even ever read anything that Q has written?
Which part is the “dangerous lunacy”?
The patriotism?
The trust in God?
The fact that there are patriots in our military who are working to protect us and our President?
Maybe she knows some of those elitist pedophiles?
Or some of the DC swampers who are being paid off by the ChiComs.
I like her, too, but attacking QAnon is utter neocon folly. This is SO typical.
She doesn’t understand the Q thing – she sees the world from the Beltway media. She accepts the MEDIA position about what QAnon is.
She needed one hell of a bitchslap to WAKE UP.
Q is not the enemy. She is, when she can’t figure out how she’s being manipulated.
Here is what put a Burr in her bonnet!
Hah! Great response, boss.
Now, Laura Ingraham has never said anything bad about Q.
She has even said some things that make me think she is a closet Q-peep.
Laura despises the Bushes…and had no love for McNoName.
She is one of the few on Fox who has talked about the Deep State.
Laura was also the first one on Fox to defend HCQ…and repeatedly brought on those doctors who have been staunch supporters of it, from the beginning.
Laura’s pretty sharp. OK – very sharp! 😀
Just remember……
Laura is/was one of the “Elves” back in the day….
along with George Conway and Ann Coulter.
Just a reminder.
Liz Cheney is NWO/globalist legacy. That’s really how I see her. Her trust fund is probably full of Military Industrial Complex stock.
THIS! Best short description ever. She has tried to move away from ACTING that legacy, but she can’t help but virtue signal towards it every once in a while.
I used to like her, too, Wheatie. A lot.
Wheatie, I liked her, too, at one time. But we have to remember the family she comes from. She knows what she is doing. It’s a shame.
And, Liz dear…show us your research and proof….or did you simply forget to add, “in my personal opinion” to your statement?
Things could always be worse…..
Dinesh D’Souza
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: My new film “Trump Card” will be available on demand October 9. Also on DVD.
This way every American can see it. Here’s the official trailer. Enjoy and please share!
Okay, it’s been a while since we’ve bashed on #GATESOFHELL …
Remember all the children crippled in India from his Polio vaccine?
Remember in Judy Mikovits’ book she covers the REAL cause of the earliest large outbreaks of Myalgic Encephalitis were associated with early Polio vaccines (and the doctors and nurses afflicted were paid hush money to cover it up)?
What if #FakeScience was behind the #FakeHistory about Polio and it’s causes?
Quick sum up: teething babies for about 150 years were being given “teething powder” with toxic ingredients and then pesticides were developed that added to the mix.
Very good thread.
My heart breaks for every family that has a child injured by vaccines.
One of my dad’s uncles had polio, and it effected him his whole life, It was blamed for one leg being longer than the other for which the doctors at a children’s hospital in Boston really did torture him trying to stretch it to make it longer. Since there’s at least three of us with the same leg length differential, it’s probably genetic, but that doesn’t stop sadists.
Thank you for posting this. I have always wondered why I had polio. My best friend died of Bulbar polio when I was 10.
I did not know how seriously I was damaged until I was 29. I went to a chiropractor for the first time. He examined me and said, “You had polio.” I was surprised that he could tell. He said I have a whole different muscle system than most people do. I asked him if that is why it took me 3 months to learn to ride a bike and 6 months to learn to roller skate when I worked at it for hours every day. He said that it took so long because I had to find muscles that could do what I needed to do and then develop them. I never had therapy. I asked my Mom if she knew I was crippled and she said yes. I asked why she didn’t tell me and she said I didn’t need to know. I accept that.
I had polio at 2 1/2. I was never supposed to be able to walk again. I eventually recovered from most of the damage by working very hard to learn to do what other children did easily. By 4th grade I won the County long jump contest.
I had a lot of pain and problems that other children did not have. I still have some problems but I have been able to pray for guidance and healing and have worked my way through them. I have torn tendons several times and in different places. Apparently, this is not normal.
I do not go to doctors for this. I did in the beginning but they would usually suggest that I would be permanently crippled and should go to a wheel chair. After 6 months or so the damaged tendon heals and the pain goes away. I usually take aspirin for the pain. It helps some. I don’t want to become dependent on anything stronger. Biofreeze helps a lot. It is mostly menthol and stimulates circulation.
I will be 79 in September and I am still walking. I have an injury currently from a fall but I am finally healing. I pray a lot and do my best to use the injured area until it finally heals. “Use it or lose it” seems to work best. I pray and when I am in a lot of pain, I whine too much. I live alone. My dog is used to my whining and Jesus is very patient with me. I know for a fact that my healing comes from God and I have not been to a doctor since 1993. I know that God made me and He knows exactly how to heal me. I pay close attention to His guidance and thank Him for prayers answered and blessings received.
Way to go Elizabeth — through everything you soldier on (well a little whining to your dog, but that’s ok) — what a testament to your faith and strength of character! God Bless You!
What an inspiration Elizabeth. Thank you for explaining how you have made it far past the limitations the doctors tried to give you. Your mother seemed to have been following wisdom to let you find your way without a “label” too. Truly our patience fails often, but we keep our eyes on the One with a perfect heart towards us.
Interestingly – I received an article about a new polio-like disease in children today.
Rare children’s disease expected to spike this fall
Two small boys lying on the floor reading a book.
Aug. 21, 2020— A rare mystery disease that primarily affects children and that peaks every two years is expected to peak again this August through November.
Acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) is a polio-like disease that has peaked in late summer to early fall every other year since 2014. The cause of AFM isn’t known, although it’s believed to be linked to enteroviruses. Enteroviruses are common in the U.S. during summer and fall.
AFM is a medical emergency. Even in areas with high COVID-19 outbreaks, parents should get immediate help for a child with these signs and symptoms:
Limb weakness and paralysis. This is the most common symptom of AFM.
Recent or current respiratory illness.
Pain or numbness in the limbs.
Difficulty walking.
Back or neck pain.
Difficulty talking or swallowing.
Neck or facial weakness.
Why the need for immediate medical care?
AFM can progress rapidly and lead to permanent paralysis or respiratory failure.
If a doctor suspects AFM, your child should be hospitalized right away. Any delay in hospitalization could make the disease more difficult to manage. In 2018, more than half of patients with AFM were admitted to an intensive care unit. One in four hospitalized patients needed mechanical ventilation to help them breathe.
Since 2014, more than 500 cases of AFM have been confirmed in the U.S. Most of these cases have occurred in children around 5 years old.
Although AFM sounds frightening, keep in mind that it’s a very rare disease. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), a child’s chances of developing AFM are less than 1 in a million.
Much about AFM remains unknown, including how to prevent and treat it. According to the AAP, the best ways to protect your children from getting sick include:
Frequent handwashing.
Staying current on routine childhood and adult immunizations.
Keeping household surfaces clean and disinfected.
Wearing insect repellent when mosquitoes are around.
To learn more about AFM, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s AFM parent webpage.
For some reason I think we could learn more about these cases if we knew their timing in relation to recent “wellness” check-ups. Remember the medical coder turned whistleblower that documented miscarriages in the week immediately after a prenatal wellness office visit where the FLU vaxx was administered? Lots of babies have died before they were even born.
I’d love more information on THAT one.
The Wolf Moon FDA would investigate that crap – PRONTO.
I believe I found that story via Physicians for Informed Consent.
Still looking, but while you wait check out this #FAKE #SCIENCE that is leading to the harm of babies.
Physicians for Informed Consent Reports on ResearchGate: Landmark FDA Paper on Aluminum Safety in Vaccines Has Crucial Math Error
Very interesting! They’ll need a NEW EXCUSE.
Good illustration for parents.
interesting source for Qanon smear re:FBI
Post 10363670 • View on 8kun from
I need some eyes here
The so called FBI intelligence bullitins about QAnon are uploaded by 2 different sources
The first one is related to the Yahoo article and is uploaded by Kelli R. Grant (Yahoo) here
The second one we found here:
I found some interdasting sauce of
Its a Soros funded website via the Atlantic Philanthropies and Open Society Foundations
The Reiss Center
Through both its fellows and its publication,, the Reiss Center is closely integrated into the anti-Russia campaign of the national security apparatus and the Democratic Party.
There is a direct connection to the anti-Russia campaign and impeachment efforts by the Democratic Party and intelligence agencies through Andrew Weissman, who is a distinguished senior fellow at the Reiss Center.
The executive director of the Reiss Center, Rachel Goldbrenner, has connections to Eric Ciaramella, identified in some publications as the CIA whistleblower who released the transcript of Trump’s calls with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. She reportedly visited Ciaramella at the White House along with her former boss Samantha Power twice in 2016.
The co-editor of is Ryan Goodman. He is another ex-Obama official at Reiss
So we have 2 QAnon FBI intelligence bullitins
There is no publication on the official FBI site
What does it tell us ?
The connection of Weissmann to these people is HUGE. Now we understand Weissmann’s connection to Congress, too.
This thing was a REAL international conspiracy, centered on these “Atlantic” scum. Oh, it’s all making sense now.
Weissmann is an agent of SOROS.
Remember SOROA BUYS judges and Prosecutors and places them in positions of power via rigged elections.
God Bless all these Trump supporters for doing this!
I hope it gave our President a little boost, seeing all these people who love him:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr
A plan to release millions of genetically modified #mosquitoes in 2021 has won final approval from authorities in the #Florida Keys, despite the objection of many local residents and a coalition of environmental advocacy groups. #GMO
I’ve seen this movie.
The mutant mosquitoes keep growing and growing, each time they feed…then they start carrying off humans and farm animals.
And my county is schedule for 2021, WTF?!?! 🤬🤬
Someone please correct me. As I understand it, these new zombie females mate w/the males and then hatch eggs that die. OK, so no new zombie babies from them. Well, all the existing God created females, that after one mating, keep producing eggs for life are still flying around and hatching new God created females that keep mating and hatching, and mating and hatching, and….and….and….. If all the new zombies die, who are the males going to mate with? Do we release zombie females in perpetuity? How much $$$$ has this cost and will this cost in forever zombies and WHY???? And NIMBY!!
They do not expect to kill off the species. Try to think of it as reverse herd immunity – they cripple the exponentially expanding numbers of hatched offspring, bring the next generation down to manageable numbers.
IMO, they’d be better off relocating a bunch of bats to the area overcrowded with skeeters.
Yes – find out why the bats aren’t up to the job.
Construct bat houses.
There’s a lack of places for them to “nest” because we don’t want bats living in our attics!
This approach will work about as well as flea control utilizing a similar approach as well as preventing eggs hatching…… That is to say, not very well, unless it’s in a limited area, such as a house or a postage sized yard.
IDK, since the bats moved into my neighborhood, there is a noticeable difference in mosquitoes. With all the rain we’ve had I expected a lot more this year. I have no idea how many bats are around and where they are nesting, but I do see a difference, and not just in my own yard.
I agree about the bats which is why I posted the link to the bat houses, but my first comment I meant to go in reply to the sterile female mosquitos. (Sorry about the mix up and lag, went grocery shopping.)
Madison Cawthorn
US House candidate, NC-11
This NEW Generation of Republicans is FULL of Fighters. Remarkable.
Here is that embeded tweet from Alek Skarlatos, so that his video will play here:
Alek Skarlatos
US House candidate, OR-4
5 years ago I fought to stop a terrorist attack on a train in Europe. Today our Country is under attack from within. The Political Elites won’t fight — I will
Help send me to Congress.
America is worth fighting for.
I remember that terrorist attack on a train…iirc, it was in France.
Alek got stabbed a couple of times by the jihadi scumbag, but it didn’t slow him down.
Alek & his buddy were given medals from the French government.
Found this in the replies:
Randy Flag of France
Replying to
Sir, I just wanted to tell you France will always be thankful for your bravery and your heroic action during the Thalys train islamic attack. You have my deepest respect, and your inspiring story is part of the reason why I decided to join the Army.
Wish you a successful career!
The tweet is still available.
Web Archive of second URL
(Remove 3 splats [*] per URL)
“Whenever a taboo is broken, something good happens, something vitalizing.”</b. – Henry Miller
“….Club brings the cutting edge of experimental cuisine to the refined palates of L.A.’s cultural elite. Our master chefs hail from around the world for the opportunity to practice their craft free of compromise and unbounded by convention….”
Yes…Q didn’t “talk” about cannibals, he just dropped some links about them.
I think he asked a Question about ‘spirit cooking’ one time, and it sort of implied that there was more to that pastime than we knew.
But the enemedia and the Q-haters are gaslighting us, bigtime…trying to make us seem ‘crazy’ for believing that these things exist.
This is the actual drop:
Yikes…this is on the Events page of that Cannibal Club site:
****WARNING**** It’s horrible.
Text from beneath the video:
Diamanda Galas, famed avant-garde performance artist, composer, keyboardist, and vocalist has been described as “capable of the most unnerving vocal terror.” Musicologist Susan McClary writes that Galas “heralds a new moment in the history of musical representation.” Focusing on themes of suffering, injustice and despair, her works are characterized by visceral shrieks and wails reminiscent of glossolalia, or “tongues.” She has collaborated with Led Zeppelin bassist John Paul Jones, and her work has appeared in such mainstream films as Natural Born Killers and Francis Ford Coppola’s Dracula.
This month Galas is performing at Cannibal Club on Friday and Saturday nights.
And don’t forget Reza Aslan, muzzie apologist and Leftist mouthpiece, who drinks urine and ate HUMAN BRAINS on television with some tribe of cannibals… for CNN!
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Apparently urine isn’t all that lethal, unfortunately.
Here are some links to cannibalism that might change some minds. It’s real.
I don’t care what bullshit the people protecting this come up with. I know what I believe. They cover themselves with the “placenta pill” lies.
No, really, I love it here and want to live here forever…..
When I visited in 1970 San Francisco was very pretty and a lovely place to visit. It is a real shame it has been DELIBERATELY DESTROYED.
It seems the Commies are only capable of one thing DESTRUCTION and now President Trump is SHOWCASING that trait.
Hopefully sanity can be restored to New York and California and the areas restored.
These maps are all interactive. Click on a state and you get the listing of cases and info about the case with live URLs
Ped0 MAP of Cases:
Top Ped0 by State
#1 (531) – Texas
#2 (400) – New York
#3 (349) – Florida
#4 (276) – California
#5 (271) – Missouri
#6 (233) – Pennsylvania
#7 (209) – Illinois
#8 (192) – Ohio
#9 (148) – North Carolina
#10 (145) – Virginia
Trafficking Map:
Top Human Trafficking by State
#1 (567) – Texas
#2 (402) – New York
#3 (343) – Florida
#4 (277) – California
#5 (261) – Missouri
#6 (224) – Pennsylvania
#7 (209) – Illinois
#8 (189) – Ohio
#9 (147) – Virginia
#10 (145) – North Carolina
[I do not know if those are separate cases or if there is a lot of overlap.]
Map of Sealed Indictments (and unsealed)
Top Total Cases by State
#1 (175509) – Texas
#2 (83998) – California
#3 (56631) – Arizona
#4 (28878) – New Mexico
#5 (20789) – New York
#6 (17522) – Pennsylvania
#7 (16636) – Florida
#8 (14759) – Ohio
#9 (12372) – Virginia
#10 (11346) – North Carolina
Map of Drug busts by state
Top Drugs States
#1 (9896) – Texas
#2 (7263) – California
#3 (4804) – Arizona
#4 (2592) – Florida
#5 (2460) – North Carolina
#6 (2116) – New York
#7 (1721) – Ohio
#8 (1618) – Missouri
#9 (1551) – Virginia
#10 (1392) – Illinois
Seems like that Number of pedo cases in California would be higher than that.
It could be because of law enforcement being directed to stand down or “hands off” on some of the perpetrators.
From a comment at Zero Hedge
Hunger Games producer exposes Hollywood and child sex trafficking. UNBELIEVABLE!
TEXAS???? Come on, Man!!
Consider the length of the border between Texas and Mexico and the number of interstates that connect to it.
I really think the interstate system was put in the way it was not simply for convenience, but partially for trafficking.
I know. We really NEED THAT WALL!!!
Gail, I found the below on facebook this morning from the North Carolina Stop Human Trafficking Website.
They are saying QANON is hurting their efforts to save children by spreading conspiracy theories.
Our newsletter addressed all the misinformation and conspiracy theories circulating around human trafficking.
QAnon is harming survivors of human trafficking and awareness and meaningful education around the issue. Read the newsletter to see how misinformation and lies are causing harm.
Read the newsletter here 👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻
Listing of Politicians indicted for various crimes involving children. (Same list Roscoe tweeted)
Here is Roscoe’s listing
I couldn’t find the transcript anywhere for Trump’s question and answer on Qanon, so I transcribed the relevant section, boldface emphasis mine:
Broomhilda the masked Goblin Queen: During the pandemic, the Qanon movement appears to be gaining a lot of followers. Can you talk about what you think about that and what you have to say to people who are following this movement right now?
DJT: Well I don’t know much about the movement other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate, but I don’t know much about the movement. I have heard that it is gaining in popularity and from what I hear these are people, when they watch the streets of Portland, when they watch what happened in NYC in the last six or seven months, but this was starting even four years ago when I came here… almost four years, can you believe it?
These are people who don’t like seeing what’s going on in places like Portland, in places like Chicago, in NY and other cities, and states, and I’ve heard these are people who love our country and they just don’t like seeing it. So I don’t know really anything about it other than they do, supposedly, like me… and they also would like to see problems in these areas, like especially the areas that we’re talking about, go away.
Because there’s no reason the democrats can’t run a city. And if they can’t, we will send in all of the federal, whether it’s troops or law enforcement, whatever they’d like, we’ll send them in, we’ll straighten out their problem in 24 hours or less, okay?
Broomhilda the masked Goblin Queen: The crux of the theory is this belief that you are secretly saving the world from this Satanic cult of pedophiles and cannibals. Does that sound like something you are behind, or…?
DJT: Well I haven’t heard that, but is that supposed to be a bad thing or a good thing?
Broomhilda the masked Goblin Queen: Uh!
DJT: If I can help save the world from problems I’m willing to do it, I’m willing to put myself out there. And we are, actually. We’re saving the world from a radical Left philosophy that will destroy this country, and when this country is gone, the rest of the world would follow. The rest of the world would follow.
That’s the importance of this country, and when you look at some of the things these people are saying, with defund the police, and no borders, open borders, everybody just pour right in to our country, no testing, no nothing. You know, you talk about testing, no testing.
Mexico as you know has a very high rate of infection. The wall is going to be now next week, 300 miles long, our numbers are extraordinary on the border. And this is through luck perhaps rather than talent, although talent is getting it built when one party refuses to allow it. You don’t hear them talk about the wall anymore.
But I will say this, we need strength in our country, not weakness. Too much weakness.
A couple observations:
1) he says he doesn’t know very much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate, but I don’t know much about the movement
Claims to not know much, but he knows we like him… which there is no way he would know, unless he knew all about Q 🤣 😂🤣
2) DJT says I have heard that it is gaining in popularity and from what I hear these are people, when they watch the streets of Portland, when they watch what happened in NYC in the last six or seven months, but this was starting even four years ago when I came here… almost four years, can you believe it?
Is he talking about the amount of time he has been president, or is that a reference to knowing that Qanon started in October of 2017? Q will have been going on for three years not four, but it seems like he’s mixing both ideas in one reply, so he can acknowledge it without allowing himself to be pinned down, as he usually does with these types of questions.
For a group he doesn’t know much about, he sure has heard a lot of details about them, and who they like, and what they watch, and how much they love our country, and what they don’t like seeing, and… and… and… but he doesn’t know much about us… 🤣 😂🤣
I forgot the link.
Masked Broomhilda, Queen of the Goblins, begins her question at about 1:05:30
Here is a screenshot of her – the maskie girl on the left. Who is she?
“Here is a screenshot of her – the maskie girl on the left. Who is she?”
Don’t know, and she didn’t identify herself or the propaganda pimps she hooks for.
So when in doubt, I fall back on my first impression.
And what came to me was ‘Queen of the Goblin People’ 👍
She could just be a regular old gargoyle though, sometimes I get them mixed up with Goblins. 😁
The little maskie girl on the left…no Viking horns or long braids.
Oh, BROOMhilda, not Brunhilda. Loony Tunes, not Wagner.
Got it.
Thanks for the transcript Scott!
Scott!!! This story is absotutalutely fabulous!!! You are a GEM!!!
Oh, Happy Day!!!
ThankQ Scott
Nice to have all the info in writing in one place. Then it can all be saved off line.
I think they really are panicking.
For history buffs – like me. 🙂
Rare discoveries shed light on secret Catholic life in Tudor house
CNA Staff, Aug 20, 2020 / 04:30 am (CNA).- A restoration project at a country house in Norfolk has uncovered items that shed new light on the steadfast faith of a Catholic family in the wake of the English Reformation.
The discoveries include a fragment of a 15th-century illuminated manuscript found by a builder in the eaves of Oxburgh Hall, a moated manor house in the village of Oxborough, the National Trust conservation charity announced Aug. 17.
Wow!….That is an amazing discovery…thanks for posting Dora…..
Happy Brennan Day everybody!
Yes, please!
Fingers crossed. 😏🤞
here’s my hope…he goes in with his lawyers…they start the questioning when the power goes out. when it comes back on, Brennan is gone! everyone thinks he bailed but in reality he is spirited away to GITMO to begin “surfing” lessons…
Aww…can’t we hang him?
after he surfs for a while? sure…make sure he gets his last meal (cooked in BACON)
More and more comes out about him…including the orchestration of Obama’s political career LONG before we thought. And, of course, sealing and destroying any “history” (evidence) of Obama’s past was among the first acts of The Plan. Not only was his CIA role a pay back but also a necessity for him to continue to work with and manipulate all the groups we are now dealing with.
It cannot be emphasized strongly enough, IMO, Brennen and Weismann are the Kingpins of so much that has happened to our country. Soros supplied the money and used his influence and many of the others, including Obama and most of his willing co-conspirators, were useful tools there solely to play their parts and get very rich for doing so.
Brennen is definitely one that needs a public hanging…which, of course, will never happen. Is there anyone that would mourn him? Anyone?
I want their heads on pikes lining the National Mall as a warning.
LOL! Never mess with CAVERS!!!
Oh, I’d have to go to DC with a very good camera for that one!
To get into the Democrat National Convention, you must have an ID card with a picture…Yet the Democrats refuse to do this when it come to your very important VOTE! Gee, I wonder WHY???
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 21, 2020
Bannon pleads not guilty
He told the Rockefellers and other globalist modernists to go pound sand.
Gotta love it.
Too bad he is not Pope now instead of the marxist.
wolverines spotted in the Cascades!
Hah…these are good.
China and Iran want Biden to win:
And in Twitter news:
Jordan Sather?!
I can’t imagine what he did to get thrown in Twitmo.
He must have posted some big Truth that the twatter overlords didn’t want seen.
They’ve always had ClO2 on him – they can can him at any time on that pretext using old tweets.
I’m wondering why he chose the same picture I did for yesterday’s open thread to trash us. I realize he’s either paid off or protecting his own brand.
q is not infallible. gees. statements, predictions, whatever are based on available information…and sometimes misdirection is necessary.
i mean really…should Q say Obama will be arrested before the election? think Obama would hang around or would he flee to some bolthole in New Zealand?
Yeah, it’s kind of eerie that he would use that same picture.
Shipp is an ex-CIA whistleblower and he ‘questions’ Q’s need for secrecy?
He ought to be a Q-friendly, if you ask me…because Q has confirmed some of the things that Shipp has said.
Shipp has probably seen a decrease in clicks to his site since Q came along.
So his disdain for Q may be because he sees Q as competition.
Mmm…there’s some things about Shipp that have begun to set off my radar. I always was annoyed at the book sale videos that said the same thing over and over. Now he’s really behaving like desperate controlled opposition. Whether he’s trying to save his brand, or there’s something else in the background is another question.
Maybe he’s worried about what the Q team might know about him.
Oh, I think that’s a given. What they know is another question.
Maybe he’ll figure out the Q team is trying to fix the stuff he has always warned us about!
… shut up Kevin …
So after weeks of distancing himself from and bashing Q supporters whom he once was aligned with, now he wants to unite? Yeah, Naw, asshoe.
Yeah, Q is a psy-op, it has a viewpoint, and it TROLLS EVIL.
What’s Shipp’s problem with it?
Here’s my opinion, for what little it’s worth.
There are a lot of very evil people who moved in and took over the entities Eisenhower warned us about – both the military industrial complex and the scientific technological elite, as well as the intelligence information complex, which grew out of BOTH those entities.
This is now a three-headed hydra which serves as the action arm of that corrupt, long-running force we call the “Deep State”. Much of it is perpetuated through CONTRACTORS.
The Shadow Gate documentary exposes this stuff, and how they operate to control us. Much of it would actually be illegal, if these forces hadn’t pinned down as much of functioning government as they have.
To a large extent, the Q project turns that stuff back on itself. It is saying “TWO CAN PLAY THAT GAME”.
The same MURDEROUS and CORRUPT entities that have sabotaged and opposed Trump from before he was elected, largely because they KNEW he was not cool with their WICKED paydays, are now being attacked by THEIR OWN TOOLS.
Those groups, who took over even our freaking NEWS to control us, are now being whipped with their own tools of psychological warfare to free us from their death grip, because the Chertoff-Hayden world is absolutely incompatible with FREEDOM.
Q is psychological WAR against the criminal and corrupt media and deep state. It is direct resistance to what Schumer called the six ways from Sunday that the IC would get back at you.
Get a GRIP, SHIPP. Somebody is actually doing something about all the crap you complained about, using tools you recognize. GO WITH IT.
So where do the dopey neocons come in now? The entire “Axis of Domestic Evil” – left and right – wants Trump off its back, and splitting Trump’s base is their last hope. They will USE the dumb neocons to TRY to do it.
SCREW LIZ CHENEY – SCREW ADAM KINZINGER. Reflex neocons are idiots.
DUMB hard-right follower neocons want to go back to their foolish past where endless war was the payoff.
SMART Trotskyist head neocons want to go back to their sneaky past where they controlled the right and fed off the cash flow.
Frankly, the neocons’ best bet is to simply shut up and let Trump deal with the hydra, unless they want to openly go on the hydra’s side, which is looking more and more likely, and if it happens, it will be made clear that THEY are trying to screw Trump. In that case, beware of JUSTICE for past crimes.
Boss, I would like to respectfully offer a supposition in opposition of this:
“There are a lot of very evil people who moved in and took over the entities Eisenhower warned us about – both the military industrial complex and the scientific technological elite, as well as the intelligence information complex, which grew out of BOTH those entities.”
My contention is that there were ALWAYS evil components, some of them being outright evil from inception, of the nebulous entities you name, and before he was president, Eisenhower worked for them, but may not have been fully cognizant of what they were up to. After all, he was NATO Supreme Commander. I have an idea after thinking about it for quite a bit, the Ike converted to an extent while he was president, and gave that warning speech as a parting shot to a group he either opposed outright or came to oppose due to proximity to it, and the knowledge of it that would naturally come with being president.
I also think now that the story we’ve always been told that the cheating in 1960 gave us JFK is most likely the opposite of what happened. Nixon was the Cabal’s choice. JFK is one of the three “mistakes” since 1912. His popularity was most likely underestimated.
The more we find out about all of this, the more I’m willing to believe not much about the last 120 years or so has a truthful narrative currently accepted by the public, or at least the mainstream media.
Verse of the Day for Friday, August 21, 2020
“For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.”
1 Corinthians 6:20 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Friday Bluebird Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
An uncomfortable truth:
Major Patriot
Remember when Fox News used to be “conservative”.
I realize now they were just taking advantage of our Patriotism to support George Bush and the NWO never ending wars.
12:34 PM · Aug 20, 2020
Congressional Record, February 9, 1917 — J.P. Morgan interests buy 25 of America’s leading newspapers and insert their own editors
(He got his start as a manager for the Rockefellers)
Chuck Berry Performs “You Can’t Catch Me” in 1956’s “Rock, Rock, Rock!”
The Almighty has brought this man to the presidency for such a time as this.
Father God, we come to You in the name of Jesus Christ, we lift up to You President Donald John Trump, we cover him and his family with the precious blood of Jesus Christ and decree and declare Zachariah 2;5 over them and that the fire of Your presence be upon him.
No witchcraft, no voodoo, no hex, no vex, no power, no principality and no demon in hell will suceed.
He will not be impeached, assassinated or harmed in any way and that no weapon formed against him or his family shall prosper.
Father, we call upon the captain of the heavenly angelic legions of warring angels to be dispatched to destroy every plot and plan of the evil one.
Father, we thank You that You hear and answer us in the name above all names, Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
We praise and worship You, Father, in Jesus precious name. Amen.
Prayer of Saint Ioannikios the Great (+ 846)
My hope is the Father, my refuge the Son, my protection the Holy Spirit. O Holy Trinity, glory to Thee.
A Handy Website
There are now 79 global studies collected together on the use of certain medicines in treating the covid-19 / Wuhan virus. The short analyses include links to the original studies.
It looks as if we can count ZeroHedge as a possible media ally, because they published and linked to Sundance’s article on why Brennan/Strzok/DOJ needed Julian Assange arrested. I’m keeping tabs on which sites/media pick up on Sundance’s work and was so pleased to see this on ZeroHedge, with Sundance and the Treehouse fully credited. So far, Dobbs and ZeroHedge in the plus column. Is anyone aware of any other outlets?
“…we can count ZeroHedge as a possible media ally,….”
Remember they got booted off Twatter permanently for OUTING the origins of the China Virus.
Regarding the Three Gorges Dam watch:
Floodwaters flowing down to the Dam are reaching it now.
Levels at the Dam are expected to peak Saturday and through the weekend.
British news and other news sites are starting to report on it now.
This shows the flooding upriver from the Dam, at Chongqing:
The first sentence is incorrect:
“Inflow at the #ThreeGorgesDam is getting down. Water level still rising. Yichang hydrometric station still above warning limits of 53m, and it’s raining.”
Should be:
OUTflow at the #ThreeGorgesDam is
getting[going] down. Water level still rising. Yichang hydrometric station still above warning limits of 53m, and it’s raining.You can check that in the numbers:
(In red) 166.84
62,000 m^3/sec – IN
48,200 m^3/sec – OUT
That means the water is increasing by 13,800 m^3/sec.
That’s be a hundred meter square (a square with each side the length a football field plus half of one endzone), buried 13.8 meters (roughly 45 feet) deep in water, added to the reservoir every second, 60 times a minute, 3600 times an hour, 24/7 until this subsides.
Crap, I slipped a decimal. “Only” 1.38 meters deep, only a tenth as bad as what I said before.
Still, pretty damned bad!!
From Zero Hedge article above:
They just arrested a guy who was throwing burning paper out the window as he drove along. Someone got the license number and it was a rental. They arrested him at the airport as he turned in his car. Look here:
‘Extremely dangerous’ fire north of Lake Tahoe triggers ‘firenado’
“….A massive fire cloud known as a pyrocumulonimbus formed over the fire, which started east of the town of Loyalton, and created the potential for what are known as firenados, or fire whirls. Firenados occur when ground-level winds come into contact with a fire and whip it into the air, creating a tornado-shaped spiral of flames.”
Article on catching the guy:
Missouri man faces 15 counts of arson over Northern California fires
His political affiliation is not named but his photo shows he is white.
OH and he is a Californicate native…
“A suspected arsonist traveled from Missouri to Northern California to set more than a dozen wildfires before attending his 50th high school reunion, a newspaper reported Saturday.
A former classmate told the San Jose Mercury News that Freddie Owen Graham appeared happy at the party on Sept. 21. Graham, a Milpitas, California-native who has lived in the Kansas City area for the past three decades, didn’t seem troubled or upset, Rich Santoro said.
“He was excited to come. I talked to him five or six times during the night. He was happy he was there. He told me, ‘I didn’t expect to have this much fun.'” Santoro said. “It turns out he had already set the fires.”….”
Sounds like the theme to Kathy Mattea’s song, “I’m Burnin’ These Old Memories With A Brand New Flame”…
My post from yesterday on Q. dovetails a bit with Wolf.
MAJOR Streisand effect
After the digging we did this morning, it occurs to me that all Broomhilda the masked Goblin Queen (H/T scott) did in ‘going there’ was to get us AWARE of not only ped0 but the eating! How many of us would have ignored, not seen, or shrugged off ‘The eating’ (Only 2 Q drops) It also ties into the Wiener laptop and why the harden NYPD officers were throwing up in the hallways.
Gail, I have seen a lot of stuff about eating, I just don’t remember if it was on the Q board or if it was on NeonRevolt’s Gab page. Could be some of both.
There were multiple photos of celebrities at big gatherings, where a female model must have been laying on a shelf under a table with her head through a hole, and a cake in the shape of a female body that joined the live woman’s head at the neck.
Party guests where cutting out pieces of cake from all the various parts of her ‘cake body’.
I think I remember another where a nude woman was laying on a table, covered with food, as if she was a tray.
There was also something about a very expensive restaurant, in Los Angeles maybe, that is known for serving specialty meals involving cooked human body parts.
There have been other references, but those are the ones that I specifically recall.
And as mentioned yesterday, Leftist Reza Aslan ate human brains with some cannibal tribe, recorded and broadcast for CNN.
Then Aubergine posted two links, one about aborted babies being served as meals (including whole, in a bowl of soup) in China and Tiawan, supposedly as a sexual stimulant, and another link to a story about dried fetal tissue in capsules being smuggled out of China or NK.
There are so many bizarre and sick behaviors and activities all around the edges of the Cabal, it’s almost certainly an entire ‘culture’ of their own, mostly hidden from the public, and based on what has made its way into the public, I’m sure we can’t even imagine the depth of sickness involved.
edit / correction: pretty sure I meant Taiwan. Tiawan must be her evil twin 😁
These girls should be arrested…after some street justice. Easily lots of charges here.
Benny (@bennyjohnson) Tweeted:
Moments ago outside of the DNC convention, Joe Biden supporters attacked a 7 year-old boy.
He was attacked simply because he wore a @realDonaldTrump hat.
His name is Riley.
Watch it happen.
Listen to him cry.
Will Joe condemn this violence against Children?
Via @TrumpStudents
One is a nurse of some kind.
Femmefataletx (@Femmefataletx) Tweeted:
@NYKingston @Kat_luvr @dbongino
Sounds like we have an abuser.
Need those videos public.
Jacob Cohen Rulez (@imprimis310) Tweeted:
@GKJoe @JoeBiden Maya Blosser, Ericka Scarberry
them cupcakes were mixed and baked in under under hour an hour.
Shockingly enough, Maya is a nurse’s aid, that likes to video her disdain for the seniors she is suppose to care for.
Sick sick girl
Where were his parents ?
I could not watch this . People are so immature to attack a child.
His mom was the one filming it. She wanted his hat back and since thise 2 had already attacked I think she wanted to film anything else. The 2 will hopefully get charged.
I am not a violent person but attack my kid or grand kid I will knock the person of his/her block.
Yep. They deserve it.
H/T Oregon Muse
Re: Cann1bals – we have a couple of indicators that this isn’t far-fetched activity on the dark left.
There is the ‘spirit cooking thing’
Then there is the Netflix Special Movie – Santa Clarita Diet – that I read was made into a series. This movie was aired on Netflix about the time $0r0$ bought in – and it has been going downhill into the pits of hell ever since. The cover ad for the movie was a young couple walking down the street, each holding onto a bloody cooler. The caption read: “She craves human flesh – he just wants to have a normal happy marriage – sometimes compromise is necessary.” (paraphrase)
Before turning on the computer that day, I had fixed lunch and was going to watch a movie. It was so gruesome, it ruined my appetite and lunch. I wrote Netflix right away, cancelled my subscription and demanded my money back for the month.
This was about the same time the spirit cooking scandal broke. And here was Netflix trying to normalize and trivialize cannibalism!!! It was a political tactic/action.
Besides ped0ph1lia and cann1balism, there is an even darker side of the left – $nuff films and hum4n hunts.
Epstein’s Ranch: 10,000 Acres = 15.625 Square Miles
Daily Mail: EXCLUSIVE: Inside Jeffrey Epstein’s New Mexico ranch: Jaw-dropping pictures show pedophile’s eight person party shower, life-sized installation of a crucified Jesus and ‘underground strip club where teens would entertain VIP guests’