Dear Maga: 20211003 Open Topic

This Sanctuary Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.

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God Himself will direct your paths

Trust in the Lord (b’takh el yehovah); literally, trust in Jehovah. Entire reliance upon Jehovah, implied in the words, “with all thine heart,” is here appropriately placed at the head of a series of admonitions which especially have God and man’s relations with him in view, inasmuch as such confidence or trust, with its corresponding idea of the renunciation of reliance on self, is, as Zockler truly remarks, a “fundamental principle of all religion.” It is the first lesson to be learnt by all, and no less necessary for the Jew than for the Christian. Without this reliance on or confidence in God, it is impossible to carry out any of the precepts of religion. Batakh is, properly, “to cling to,” and so passes to the meaning of “to confide in,” “to set one’s hope and confidence upon.” The preposition el with Jehovah indicates the direction which the confidence is to take (cf. Psalms 37:3, Psalms 37:5).

Proverbs 3:5

Lean (tishshaen); Vulgate, innitaris; followed by el, like b’takh, with which it is very similar in meaning. Shaan, not used in kal, in hiph. signifies “to lean upon, rest upon,” just as man rests upon a spear for support. Its metaphorical use, to repose confidence in, is derived from the practice of kings who were accustomed to appear in public leaning on their friends and ministers; cf. 2 Kings 5:18; 2 Kings 7:2, 2 Kings 7:17 (Gesenius). The admonition does not mean that we are not to use our own understanding (binab), i.e. form plans with discretion, and employ legitimate means in the pursuit of our ends; but that, when we use it, we are to depend upon God and his directing and overruling providence (Wardlaw); cf. Jeremiah 9:23, Jeremiah 9:24. “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,” etc. The teacher points out not only where we are to rely, but also where we are not to rely.

Proverbs 3:6

In all thy ways. This expression covers the whole area of life’s action—all its acts and undertakings, its spiritual and secular sides, no less than its public and private, It guards against our acknowledging God in great crises and solemn acts of worship only (Plumptre). Acknowledge (daehu); Vulgate, cogita; LXX; γνέριζε. The Hebrew verb yada signifies “to know, recognize.” To acknowledge God is, therefore, to recognize, in all our dealings and undertakings, God’s overruling providence, which “shapes our ends, rough hew them as we will.” It is not a mere theoretical acknowledgment, but one that engages the whole energies of the soul (Delitzsch), and sees in God power, wisdom, providence, goodness, and justice. This meaning is conveyed by the Vulgate cogitare, which is “to consider” in all parts, “to reflect upon.” David’s advice to his son Solomon is, “Know thou (ola) the God of thy father.” We may well acknowledge Jehovah; for he “knoweth the way of the righteous” (Psalms 1:6). Acknowledging God also implies that we first ascertain whether what we are about to take in hand is in accordance with his precepts, and then look for his direction and illumination (Wardlaw).

And he shall direct thy paths (v’hu y’yashsher or’khotheyka); i.e. he himself shall make them straight, or level, removing all obstacles out of the way; or they shall, under God’s direction, prosper and come to a successful issue; they shall be virtuous, inasmuch as deviation into vice will be guarded against, and happy, because they are prosperous. The pronoun v’hu is emphatic, “he himself;” Vulgate, et ipse. Yashar, piel. is “to make a way straight,” as in Proverbs 9:15; Proverbs 15:21; Proverbs 11:5. Cf. the LXX. ὀρθοτομεῖν, “to cut straight” (see on Proverbs 11:5). God here binds himself by a covenant (Lapide). This power is properly attributed to God, for “it is not in man to direct his steps” (Jeremiah 10:23).


In reading Proverbs 3:5-6, I’m reminded of what is written in Hebrews 11:6: “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.”

I believe that Christians are certainly fallible (the understatement of the year), and though we come short of trusting God with all our heart, though we periodically fail and trust our own abilities and reasoning, though we don’t acknowledge God in everything we think, say or do, I believe God will know we’re working toward those goals and He will direct or make smooth our paths in ways that He knows are for our own good.

And why is that? It’s because “We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

On this day and every day –

God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.

“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

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Amen, Carl!

Sylvia Avery

Thank you for providing us a lesson every week. It is good fuel for the soul to get us through these troubling times.


Thank You, bakocarl.

I hope you’re feeling much better..

been praying for your speedy recovery.

sending you some smiles !
comment image


God Bless you bakocarl


Amen, Carl!

And thank you for another uplifting Sanctuary Sunday thread…and for another wonderful poem.
 🙏  😌 
I pray you continue to heal up and get better soon.

*hugs*  💖 {{{{{BakoCarl}}}}} 💖 

Concerned Virginian

Thank you for this. May courage, wisdom, and all that is right be granted to you and yours and to your medical team.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you, Carl! Great to see you! 🙏

I believe that Christians are certainly fallible (the understatement of the year), and though we come short of trusting God with all our heart, though we periodically fail and trust our own abilities and reasoning, though we don’t acknowledge God in everything we think, say or do, I believe God will know we’re working toward those goals and He will direct or make smooth our paths in ways that He knows are for our own good.

And why is that? It’s because “We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

I like this connection! Very insightful!


Prayers, good friends, and ethical doctors will help make one’s days bring forth good fruit.

I am blessed with all three. There are others, I’m sure, but those are primary to me during my cancer journey. I am getting better every day.

May our Father bestow love upon all of you.

Last edited 3 years ago by pgroup2

That’s great to hear, pgroup. I continue to pray for your full healing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you, same to you, and AMEN!!!

Valerie Curren

Praise the Lord. Thank you for a good report! May God continue to Bless & Heal You, body, mind, & spirit–in Jesus’ Love



Sylvia Avery

Big hug for you, pgroup. It makes me so happy to hear this.
Every time I see you post, my heart smiles.


pgroup ..
comment image



I am getting better every day.

I’m so glad to hear this, Pgroup!
 💖 {{{{{Pgroup}}}}} 💖 

Keep fighting it!

Concerned Virginian

This is good news! Keep on keeping on!

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS

Family friendly protest.

The Juggernaut (@TheJuggernaut88) Tweeted:
Canada 🇨🇦

Protesters stage picnics outside restaurants that started requiring vaccine passports.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a great tactic!

Sylvia Avery

I love this! I’m so encouraged to see the Canadians fighting back in their way. God bless them.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Anyone hear anything about a group organizing “musters”?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nothing here.


Check the FIB website !

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Is that like “Grey Poupon” or “French’s”?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Did the 4th Branch actually set up the ChiNazis to take the fall for COVID?

Sundance is going there.

If he’s right, it explains a lot of things.


Pompeo?? Ratcliff??

Say it isn’t so! ☹️

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m not convinced that anybody on Trump’s team was fully privy to the real story. We have to remember that conspiracies are typically controlled by a very few who are “in the know”, and everybody else serves plausible deflecting truths that hide the real goal.

Very hard to say how much either of those guys knew.


I’m with W on this one. Not saying they weren’t, but, at this point, it’s a bit too hard to believe. Plus, the referenced post by SD from OT reads like a history lesson written by the supposed smartest guy in class.

I will need to see a lot more on Pompeo & Ratcliff before I gulp the cool aide.

Another thought: what better way to tarnish their reputations on our side than with a post like this??

Valerie Curren

Pompeo has always seemed to have the right positions on issues but then…CIA???? Stench lingers…


But Pompeo was only with the CIA because PDJT put him there.
It’s not like he was career CIA or anything.

And Pompeo was only there for a year.

I always figured that he was doing recon for PDJT.

Valerie Curren

OK points to ponder 🙂


This is my take. Kansas was there for a reason.

Trust Kansas.


Mine too, RedLeg.

IMO, it was ESSENTIAL that a patriot take charge of the corrupt institution, to gather the intel required for our V-Day.

Pompeo published the list of “Shy-Knee” friendly Guvna’s – this is hardly the act of a traitor.

Every once in a while, we get pure signal, unadulterated by noise. I think this is the case here, in re Kansas.


For now I am keeping an open mind. I am getting a neutral impression.


While willing to re-look, I absolutely am not buying anyone in Trump’s inner circle knew the real Covid story.

AND. Fudamentally, the US IC, is but a PAWN in all that is happening. US IC too arrogant to admit it, or do the right thing and push back. (Power corrupts.) Just as likely, the IC will continue to play their part in destroying America. At the behest of the WEF.

Chinee have their motivations – world dominance – chinee style. Playing along with the WEF Global Reset. WEF’s has their vision of Global reset. WEF views Chinee as pawns also.

  • Ultimately I DOUBT the WEF vision of Global reset is compatible with Chinee vision.
  • IF it gets there, the ultimate showdown, between WEF and Chinee will make past historic human massacres pale.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Deplorable Patriot

I doubt anyone on the Trump team was involved. All the research was done ahead of them being in those positions, and the permanent swamp people regularly went around them.


If anything it was, as Sundance implies, an Obama operation.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. I do like that he’s seeing OBAMA as the (on the ground) head of the snake.

Brave and Free

IMO, Zero is definitely the head of the snake in the US. He over took the Beast, she’s more about the power and control than Zero. He’s just a Narcissist that wants the accolades for his place in history.
(a useful tool for the DS)
Both are deadly to the US.


Interesting and possible.


I’ve just been reading that, came here to drop the link but you beat me to it.
SD makes some sound logical points.
If the article stirred up a hornet nest we will soon see.

Concerned Virginian

Well, a couple things:
First, if what SD says is in any way close to the truth, then RALPH BARIC, PhD, of the Baric Lab at the Gillings Institute for Global Public Health at UNC, Chapel Hill, MUST BE ARRESTED AND INTERROGATED. HE used Dr. SHI as a co-researcher at his lab. It was HIS lab that did the Gain of Function research (funded by Fauci’s NIAID, and also, apparently, by the U.S. DoD) on the SARS-2 virus variant that was taken by Dr. SHI back to the Wuhan Lab and became COVID-19. Baric knows “where the bodies are buried.”
Second, it what SD says is in any way close to the truth, his website will be attacked / shut down.

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS

4th Branch is but an intermediate layer. The buck does not stop there. Tying Pompeo and Radcliff to this is purely guilt by association. We’ve more reasons to suspect Sundance being part of the disinformation crew than we have their involvements.


I think Sundance is being used by someone very high up. I have for a while. Something went really sideways with him back when he had “something big” and tried to get it up the chain to Trump. That whole episode was very strange. SD came into contact with big players, and got shut down.

And really think about what SD is saying now re: Pompeo; he was in the CIA for one year, and they managed to corrupt him into going along with this plot? That’s a bridge too far for me.

There is an active war going on right now between factions in our own government. Someone highly placed in one faction is feeding SD information, in my opinion.

I read what SD writes sometimes, but always with side-eye. Too much weirdness there. Trust but verify.


Minor observation. SD likes to invoke Team One and Team Two. WH Vs Pentagon? Or was it IC? WaPo and NYT opposing sides. I don’t pay much attention to this crap.

Typically SD delivers beat downs to the IC, more frequently and with increased severity. Yea, IC are scum bags, deserving of some physical bitch slaps. Just an observation.

Besides, tarnishing Pompeo and Ratcliff ARE by extension, tarnishing Trump.

  • A deep State, uniparty FAVORITE tactic – Trash Trump.

Wonder IF, SD is playing his part?


Well, that’s my wonder. Is someone from “Team One” feeding SD negative stuff about “Team Two?”


Trash Trumps team before the next election. One is already tarnished with his so called affair so is the possible VP for Trump.



Although 100% I do NOT believe Trump will ever run for office again.


Would be a wise choice. He has much influence as is.


“Minor observation. SD likes to invoke Team One and Team Two. WH Vs Pentagon?”


If I remember correctly, what SD means by those two designations is Team One is the State Department and associated Deep State, permanent.

Team Two is the WH / JB Administration.

According to SD, it was Team One (permanent DS / Dept. of State) who orchestrated the blame for Afstanistan against Team Two (JB).

Not because they aren’t all ultimately on the same side, just that the permanent team wasn’t going to take the blame for the temporary team.

edit: orchestrate the blame for Afstanistan against Team Two (JB).

[I forgot to include “for Afstanistan” in the original post]

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

Yes, it was State. Thanks for the correction and clarification.

Barb Meier

I concur.

Deplorable Patriot

I agree something isn’t right.


Hasn’t been for a while.




Very interesting !

Brave and Free

I actually wonder if he’s becoming controlled opposition???
There’s been a different flavor to his insight…….. Still pushing buttons, but are they for a planned outcome?

Last edited 3 years ago by Brave and Free
Brave and Free

Guess we’re all on the same thought train…..
I posted that before reading everyone else’s post.

Valerie Curren

Here’s an archived version for posterity 🙂

This saved Way Faster than that Tom McDonald, iirc, rap song America…hmmm…

Valerie Curren

found in CTH comments


Standard blah, Blah, BLAH…politico yammering at photo ops.

Much like 5 O’clock news. we could write the script before they speak.

Valerie Curren



Remember that diplomats are professional liars. It is their job to say nothing clearly.

Valerie Curren

I heard that it was to tell someone to “go to Hell” in such a way that they thought they’d enjoy the trip!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. And NOW he’s saying we need to reconsider our diplomatic relationship with Australia!!!

Valerie Curren

No doubt…& All Five EyeS(py) “allies”!


100%, reconsider relationship with Australia. NO reason to be BFF with tyrannical asshoes.

Which IS precisely what Australia has devolved into, tyrannical asshoes.

Italy headed that way fast. Canada…


Is Pampeo not in an organization with Pence and Kelly Ann Conway? I do not remember the organization.
Who else is on that board?

Valerie Curren

Good Q’s, no clue for me (in so many arenas) 😉


IIRC. Yes, a PAC Pence started.


Wonder who else is on it?
Kelly Ann worked with Pence before he was VP. I also know it was Pence who suggested Pompao.
Where do they all fit in? Pence got Flynn fired from Trump team why?
If we can put the dots together we will find out all those who worked against POTUS but pretended working for him. By working against POTUS they worked against us the people.

Valerie Curren

another interesting item in the CTH comments that seems to coincide w/ some of what Gail Combs has described before, iirc
 October 3, 2021 8:49 am

I believe now that Ralph Baric, virologist with UNC Chapel Hill and his colleague Shi Zhengli were field testing their SARS-Cov-2 concoction on the local population in 2018. I live near Greensboro, NC about 40 miles from Chapel Hill. I contracted what I thought to be a bad simultaneous head and chest cold in September 2018 which lasted for about 5 months. After tests and antibiotic treatment with no improvement my doctor figured it was just some virus so I needed to ride it out. I lived on rescue inhalers in order to breathe for most of that time and did start to feel better towards the end of the fifth month. The reason I suspect this now is that I have since met 5 other people in this area that had the exact same issue at that time. Not a pandemic by any measure but I quit believing in coincidences long ago.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Holy Research Triangle! Gail needs to see this.

Valerie Curren

Yes!!!! & give us her Very Insightful feedback!

Deplorable Patriot

One thing I do want to point out about the Research Triangle, which is something I figured out and can’t explain why I was researching this stuff without doxxing myself even if the [CB] who were involved are now dead, is that it is THE ONE AND ONLY top down business development regional effort to ever work.

I’m serious about this. Entrepreneurship is a big thing in the US, and for decades TPTB in big cities around the country have been trying to direct the booms via Chambers of Commerce and satellite efforts. You can’t. Where the business neighborhood clusters happen and work are organic in nature, and frequently begin with aging hippies at the helm, too. And any time the commercial interests start buying and renting properties, the cohesion of the neighborhood falls apart. I can give multiple examples here in STL. More than one…my old stomping grounds back in the day.

The Research Triangle defies that. Why? Deep down, I know the answer, and it isn’t pretty.


“The Research Triangle defies that. Why? Deep down, I know the answer, and it isn’t pretty.”




Spigots of government money?

Deplorable Patriot

I would imagine. Rural state with big research universities. And the name has a certain mystique.

Something is off about the development of the whole thing.


Sure he gets this, or some of it, but he’s ignoring the upper layers. Does he do that on purpose? Too much private research from WEF higherlings. Gates Soros et al. WEF so ready to step in to the breach and all of this fitting their plans for world dominance. Elements of the CCP certainly complicit. It doesn’t stop with the so called 4th Branch. They are but a tool.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



The fourth branch is the tool for the enemies of this country. I think they are working with the New World order who ever they are and all other around the world.
They have only a loyalty to common ideology.
They are working outside the President and maybe Congress. They might control part of the members of congress.
They are the evil we need to fight. They have now infiltrated the military, health system, research and scientists and Judicial . Where will it stop.
The other day I had such clear picture in my minds eye concerning the evil it was overwhelming. I should have written it down normally do.
The only way I know how not to be ensnared in it is to embrace let it go and Lords Prayer. When one fights it it fights back even stronger.


>>”When one fights it it fights back even stronger.”<<

When we fight back on OUR TERMS, their “even stronger” becomes effete, right quick.

We play OUR game – not theirs!

They “control” more that “part” of our leadership, whether in Congress or elsewhere.

Please remember, when temporarily succumbing to worry (it’s ok!), that THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID!!!

I find that it helps … a lot!

Happy Sunday, Singing!


Yes play on our terms. Happy Sunday to you 🙂


Covid release is WAY ABOVE “IC Pay Grade”, as the saying goes.

UNC and US involvement with Covid development was documented here QTree, IIRC, April / May 2020. Hell, again, IIRC, our Gail believes she may have had it or something like it while at UNC while there for a child’s treatment. I forget the details.

Research was at some point transferred from UNC to Wuhan.

  • Plenty of leaked Chinee intrigue as stuff transited Canada.
  • Always thought this part was a bit theatrical. Lookee here, squirrel. Too “sloppy”.
  • Whatever the Chinee were smuggling could have easily been placed in a Diplomatic Pouch of sorts.
  • USG (IC, NIH, etc.) involvement surely was non stop.

SD linkage to Pompeo and Ratcliff is WEAK AT BEST. NOT buying it.

From CTH
“One of the central players, who likely knows the details behind who exactly executed the release, is former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who has been blaming the Chinese almost exclusively. [Methinks he doth protest too much.]” 

“Former DNI John Ratcliffe is also a staunch figure pointing at Wuhan, China. Keep in mind DNI Ratcliffe was the recipient of the 4th Branch Intelligence Community products that pointed to Wuhan, China.

^^^ Is THIS the best linkage SD has to trash Pompeo & Ratcliff? Critical thinkers know better than to accept such a bland statement, as fact.

Yes, the IC thrives on lies and obfuscation. We know it applies to information released to the public, “Congressional over sight”, lies or omission to the President, AND surely applies Internally to the IC. This includes the head of The CIA and DNI.

Glaringly easy to see, Pompeo and Ratcliff MOST LIKELY NEVER KNEW IC involvement in Covid research, including Gain Of Function funding by US. Nor did IC direct Covid release in Wuhan.

Jusr saw PARA invoked WEF. Which is where I was going.


Somewhere within WEF, The Great Reset was further refined. Covid release was directed. China executed the plan. A stolen election plan supported and executed via IC, USG, fake news played along, Big Tech had there role.

WEF, via WHO, CDC, whatever they have in Europe, ensured Governments Globally almost in lock step support Covid Skeer Tactics – lockdowns…




More from Juggernauht.

He’s got a heck of lot of protests. This one captures some rather brutal stuff happening in Italy.


I looked through that whole thread. Theres repeats, but some i hadnt seen, and still, only captures a sliver.

Valerie Curren

This is truly horrifying, God help us!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen. May God direct us according to his will!

Valerie Curren

Amen & Amen!

Concerned Virginian

This is the stuff that Fauci, Walensky, Biden’s handlers, all have “wet dreams” about happening HERE in the U.S.

Valerie Curren

No doubt.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



vile & depraved


Every single one of those is a vicious unprovoked FELONY assault and battery with a deadly weapon.

Every one of those vicious animals should go to prison for life.

It makes my blood boil.



the world has lost its mind(s).

we are devolving into brutes.

something has got to give.

Concerned Virginian

The MD looks and sounds like she’s putting this video out before she gets caught for saying anything against the “vaccines” and saying the truth of the damage the “vaccines” do.


^^^ Police Brutality on a Global scale. IN MAJOR DEMOCRACIES?

All because the serfs don’t like Covid lock downs? Serfs pushing back against injections?

DIRECTION is coming from above these governments employing blatant over the top brutality.

WEF invoked up thread. Somewhere there ARE MAJOR POWER(S), ABOVE governments directing THIS LUNACY.

America’s Deep State, unleashedon a GLOBAL SCALE.

If it isn’t obvious yet, THIS IS COMING TO AMERICA.


Bank on it!

We The People, have a wild card. (2A and THEY, know it)

Barb Meier


How much of the violence is a movie and how much is real?

Is anyone keeping track of how many flyover police assassinations have happened and what percent of the perps ended up dead too?

Prayers for our police.


It has been obvious that the left in the US wants to eliminate the current police and replace it with what we see in other countries.


Yep, UNTIL the police are UNLEASHED on the left.




The Right To Bear Memes (@grandoldmemes) Tweeted:


comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO!!! OMG, that’s GREAT!!!


Gosh there are so many bc its ridiculous. I bet at foosball games Sunday we may hear lets go brandon.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Zebulon Pike (@Zebulon_Pike_) Tweeted:

Sylvia Avery

I should be going to sleep, gil, instead you have me giggling like crazy.


Tis a healthy thing before you sleep!

Sylvia Avery

Always a healthy thing gil! If I couldn’t laugh, I’d go nuts. 😁😁😁


That’s fantastic!


Theres so many…

FalconFactory (@factory_falcon) Tweeted:
@JackPosobiec #letsgobrandon

Last edited 3 years ago by gil00

Makaveli Memez (@Makaveli_Memez) Tweeted:
#LetsGoBrandon #FJBiden

Valerie Curren

I literally had to send ALL of your Let’s Go Brandon images to my son Brandon, & our other hunters enjoying their last day of the weekend in Michigan’s Northwoods–thanks!!!


comment image


Lol mom. Cute.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

“Mini” ground report. OK it was smaller in my imagination than in reality 😉

Visited the local public library yesterday & used their public computers, something I haven’t done since the scamdemic (computer use). They have removed about half the computers & placed plastic shields between stations that don’t stick out past the desk surface, so don’t really impede people’s breathing. There was signage that I didn’t observe until after removing my reading glasses but it stated everyone unvaxed must wear a mask (there were no signs on the entry doors). No one challenged my son or I about our status on masking. There are still “social distancing” stickers on the floor & large plastic shielding at the main circulation desk.

I had been thinking of commenting on my relief in seeing unmasked faces amongst some staff, but now it’s just confusing “virtue signaling”. Are unmasked staff actually “fully vaxed”, free people, or brain-washed covidiots? or do those questions apply to those wearing the masks among staff, let alone the public? It seems don’t ask don’t tell applies.

It appears the library has returned to full “normal” business hours now that the school year has begun, but they still offer curbside pickup up until 15 minutes prior to closing. They had had diminished hours for like a year & a half w/ some months of complete closure & some months of Only curbside pickup…They also continue to offer Ancestry Library Edition remotely where it used to require being physically in the library to use!

There was mixed masking in staff at 2 other businesses visited yesterday, but no signage on the doors. Both businesses had other patrons, none of whom were masked.

Being in Michigan, I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop in all the Covidiocy. Am also dreading this year’s “flu” season being another ramped up covid crackdown excuse against free people & further imposition of medical tyranny. Not looking forward to my son’s hospital clinic appointment near the end of the year. Covid tyranny about gives me anxiety/rage tamped down while out in the public…grrr!!!!

At a local lab last week I refused to wear a “required” mask & claimed a medical exemption. Initially I waited in the entryway “airlock” to avoid hassles. Later I was asked to sit in the pre-lab area while paperwork & phone calls were managed by staff so son’s (apparently) expired lab orders (we have standing orders that are good for 18 months due to his post-transplant status) could be updated via fax. Had no issues until a seemingly senior staff or office manager type demanded I put on a mask or leave, so I waited in the car until son was finished. She also made son pull his mask up over his nose, he’d pulled it down to breathe easier, when she noticed. She referenced “policy” as justification for her demands–obviously not logic nor reason.

Oh & since husband is out of town to enjoy the opening weekend of bow-hunting I decided to “binge-watch” the TV series “Contagion” on Netflix, since it’s leaving later this month. I haven’t wanted to see Any “entertainment” that remotely smacks of all the covidiocy but this felt like the time for some “oppo research”.

I’m about half-way through the 13 episodes & can’t tell if it’s predictive programming or a cautionary tale, or just paranoid post-apocalyptic “entertainment”. The virus that is the main concern of this contagion looks loosely similar to the corona-virus, in that it has that spike look also. They said it had never been seen before so had no vaccine nor known treatments. It appears to be 100% fatal, though there are a couple hints of people that have been exposed that might have immunity. It is not airborne & passed in bodily fluids. Once the human host has died the virus also dies, so handling dead bodies doesn’t seem to endanger people.

It takes place in Atlanta so the possibility of a CDC leak of a contagion is at least out there. Federal authorities institute a “cordon sanitaire” in a section of the city to contain all known cases & allow no one to go in or out. There is the term “social distancing” (staying 4-6 feet apart) & “contract tracing” to follow the early spread of the illness (but the breakdown of this capability is what is stated as justification for the quarantine). Wearing masks & gloves become the order of the day. Multiple times & characters it is stated that various anti-freedom measures are taken to ensure “safety”…

As things in the quarantine zone break down there is lawlessness, starvation, & measures taken to keep all people in the zone. As “unapproved” info leaks out the “authorities” exert draconian measures & cut phone & internet to the zone. There is a dedicated 24 hour TV channel giving government guidance (propaganda?) to inform the populace.

This show is based on a TV series called “Cordon” which may be from another country. Oh it is concluded in 2016 (as in that’s the date Netflix lists for the last episode).

There is major authoritarianism from health leaders & implied feds & outright claims that “big brother” is what allows them to help, when they are doing the contact tracing. Also main characters are discovering that leaders, at least health authorities, are lying about the origin & timing of the “virus”. The “patient zero” was a Syrian escapee who was smuggled into America in the cargo hold of a plane & perhaps a “vial” of contagion was planted on him, or that’s just a lie the authorities told. Bio-terrorism is claimed to be what is going on though various middle eastern entities deny connections to what’s happening.

A major difference in this virus is that it appears hemorrhagic in nature, so people die with blood seeping from nose & eyes & mouth & maybe ears. Though the virus is briefly stated to be an H#N# it looks to me more like an ebola type thing. People usually die within 48 hours of getting sick…Bloody faces w/ yellowing eyes & even some yellowish drainage on their faces, which made me think of my son’s liver rejection bout (orange eyes) though I think the CDC doctor talks more about kidneys than liver (Remdesivir hint?). It’s impossible to watch any of this type of show/movie having the knowledge base that comes from regular Q-Tree reading & not be highly suspicious–we still can’t watch virtually anything that portrays the FBI as the “good” guys!

I wonder who wrote the original series & what their funding & research sources were. It will be interesting to see if the storyline resolves w/ exposing government corruption, which is how I hope it will go. It’s interesting to watch & mostly not pissing me off but making me wonder who/what is behind this then extremely conveniently timed storyline…


A major difference in this virus is that it appears hemorrhagic in nature, so people die with blood seeping from nose & eyes & mouth & maybe ears. Though the virus is briefly stated to be an H#N# it looks to me more like an ebola type thing. People usually die within 48 hours of getting sick…Bloody faces w/ yellowing eyes & even some yellowish drainage on their faces…”

The symptoms in the show have many things in common with the Spanish Flu of 1918-1919. Some people died within 24 hours of the first symptoms showing up. Nasty, nasty stuff.

Article excerpt:

Spanish flu victims often hemorrhaged through mucous membranes, leading to the sick spitting and vomiting blood, suffering nose bleeds and often bleeding through the ears. A condition known as petechial hemorrhage – bleeding through the skin causing raised pustules filled with blood – was also not uncommon. Some victims were killed directly by the flu through bleeding through their lungs, literally drowning in their own blood. The virulence of the Spanish flu was such that it led to the death of about 20% of those infected, whereas most flu epidemics have a fatality rate of about 0.1%.


There are more sources on Spanish Flu bleeding besides this one.

Valerie Curren

Thanks. I thought the Spanish Flu mostly killed via pneumonia & that mask-wearing was associated w/ increasing death numbers. Something about a paper Fauxi wrote in grad school, iirc…


The Spanish Flu mutated and came in three waves, with the second wave being the most lethal. It could be that the first and third didn’t have much in the way of bleeding.


I’ve read in a few places that the Spanish Flu was CAUSED by forced “inoculations” of the American WWI soldiers.

True or not, this comports with the idea that the mutations of whatever affliction it was get STRONGER when a jab is introduced.

First wave, pretty bad (perhaps FROM the jabbed to the jabless).
Second wave (first mutation), lethal like almost no other (Marek).
Third wave (second mutation – no “boosters!), pretty bad once more, but FAR less lethal than the first mutation.

The EVIL goes back a long, long time.

The similarities between WWI (then) and WWIII (now) are strikingly consonant, right down to the domestic riots.

They keep using the same “playbook” that has worked before, yes?


“I’ve read in a few places that the Spanish Flu was CAUSED by forced “inoculations” of the American WWI soldiers.”

I’ve read that also. Being vaccinated is thought by some to have made the Spanish Flu more deadly. A lot of vaccinating was going on at that time for many different types of ailments.

It’s hard to find info online regarding the Spanish Flu / vaccine issue. One article that I came across in spring / summer 2020 I haven’t been able to relocate. Could be that I’m just not hitting on the right word combo in my searches.

Valerie Curren

Thanks, very interesting.


IIRC, the academic paper (co-authored by Faux-Xi) was from 2008 – WELL beyond the error of a grad-school-aged student.

He’s 80+ now; in 2008, he’d have been in his mid- / late-60’s.

The paper (meticulously investigated and referenced) concluded that the number-one cause-of-death was bacterial pneumonia, due to the re-inhalation of exhaled waste, ultimately due to people WEARING MASKS!

Again – more people died from wearing masks than from the “Spanish Flu” itself.

This ain’t Faux-Xi’s first genocidal rodeo (AIDS / HIV was the first, AFAIK).

He’s a merchant of death, and he HAS been such for the majority of his so-called “career”.

Valerie Curren

Fauxi is high priest of Satan in the human sacrifice club, metaphorically speaking…



Valerie Curren

Now about 2/3 through the Contagion series & “asymptomatic spreader” has made an appearance. Also CDC &/or research university (wife & husband) informed of viral release prior to Syrian “patient zero”. Accident or deliberate? Was release “controlled” to introduce engineered virus into larger human population to discover antibodies & effect cures, to increase lethality, or something else? Duplicity & butt-coverage by “authorities” continues unabated…


The Man In The Long Black Coat


the state of the world

every man’s conscience is vile and depraved


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Ty for your reply the other day in re “pixellism” (sp?)!.

It took me a while, but I finally remembered where I’d seen the painting I’d confused with “The Scream” – it was from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off!

It’s in the museum scene, wherein the somewhat troubled male friend of Ferris was staring at the painting, focusing ever more narrowly on the child’s face (and expression of horror), and he realized / identified for the first time the home predicament he was in.

Here’s the clip – cue to 1:25 …

Valerie Curren

pointillism significantly predates pixellism, I believe 🙂

Valerie Curren

Sidekick buddy’s got a Gordie Howe jersey!!!


thanks for sharing…and nice to see kids without masks, how weird is that?

yes…that particular child is a Pointillist child.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s in the Art Institute of Chicago. Really nice Impressionist collection there. I think I was in the place for, like, an hour. It REALLY was not enough time.


“A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte”


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what a total nightmare in Australia.

speaking of nightmares but closer to home…

the eco-terrorist tree spiker Tracy Manning…Stone-Manning…whatever…Tracy Man-Stoning..Tracy The Man-Stoner…has been tapped to “lead” The Bureau of Land Management (oxymoron ??)…

and yet, at the same time…

hundreds of beautiful mature TREES will be slaughtered needlessly to accomodate, of all things, an Obama Library in a park in Chicago.


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I’ve never heard of that woman.

Looks like she is another winner.



you can tell by the way they look…

that Medusa hair-do.

if you do a little search online about her, you will be disgusted by her atrocious background.


Obummers pick….


sure smells like it


Did Republicans put their stamp of approval on her?


Lest we forget, Uniparty is alive and working AGAINST America.

Betting some R-Cons voted to confirm.


The Bureau of Land Management has an official head, for the first time since the Obama administration.

The U.S. Senate split on party lines in the 50-45 vote to confirm Tracy Stone-Manning to lead the bureau.

Both of Colorado’s senators, Democrats Michael Bennet and John Hickenlooper, voted yes.


The five “no show” votes ARE QUITE TELLING.

R-Cons consistently support the BiteMe FACRCE.


Yep. Thats the cowards vote.


They are. cowards AND complicit.




The isolation is supposed to make people compliant and loyal to the new regime like a religion. I saw that someplace oh on Dr Fuellmich pot cast.
People have been isolated on farms in rural places in monasteries for centuries. Never give up faith in God then isolation is nothing in the contrary brings one closer.
The Bible something to write with is all one needs. At least all I need.
Wonder what do people do who have animals in Australia can they walk them?
Kids need fresh air and sun.
Those people are evil what they are doing almost pathological sadists.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Last edited 3 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Einstein =   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 


Long but good.
“They failed to see how the best things in life were freely given to them: Truth, beauty, liberty, and love. These are ideals that must not only be appreciated, but defended.”

Dear Remnant: The Best Things in Life are Free – The Burning Platform


excellent piece.

excellent site.


Amazingly insightful and excellent article. 100% yes to this article. It is where we are.

Deplorable Patriot

Very good read.


So true 🙂



where the hell are we ??

laugh or cry anymore.

can’t decide.

it’s enough to make a person feel schizophrenic.

Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2

Brandon there should quit his day job, and go into comedy maybe…


Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2

Nice respite from the lunacy.


you’re welcome !  😻 


Notice that the sideways baseball cap style was started by Costello in the 1930s. Now copied by street tough guys.


hey good catch ( a pun !)

I always throught Oscar Madison started it
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but yr right !

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bowery Boys! They took “bad cap” to the extreme!
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hey yeah !


Found this on the SpaceWeather site:


GOTCHA! AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHS MILITARY SPACE PLANE: Did you know there’s a space plane orbiting Earth? It’s the US Space Force’s Boeing X-37B mini-shuttle. Last night Philip Smith trained his 14-inch telescope on the elusive spacecraft as it soared over in Manorville, NY:
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“I let out a loud audible ‘GOTCHA’ followed by a huge smile,” says Smith. “I’ve been hunting this space plane for a long time.”

The X-37B is a semi-secret robotic spacecraft which resembles NASA’s old space shuttle. In fact, it started as a NASA project in 1999 before being transferred to the United States Department of Defense in 2004. The X-37B has been orbiting Earth off and on since April 2010, with some flights lasting as long as 780 days in orbit.

“I only wish the seeing had been better so I could get more details,” says Smith. Maybe next time. Thanks in part to the efforts of amateur satellite observers, we usually know where the X-37B is. Local flyby predictions may be found at Heaven’s Above.

Concerned Virginian

Thank you for bringing this.
Yours truly warned a few days ago about this Merck “magic pill” may have MUTAGENIC PROPERTIES. Merck wants an EUA for this pill. This pill costs $70 PER DOSE.
Merck is ALSO recruiting volunteers for the company’s upcoming “clinical trial” investigating taking its “magic pill” EVERY DAY as a prophylaxis against getting COVID.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. This needs long-term studies.

Now, to be honest, molnupiravir is in the same general class of drugs as acyclovir, which has a pretty good track record (and which stopped my shingles nicely).

Needs a LOT more testing, but I’m not going to throw this under the bus yet.

BUT – here is the thing – why not use ivermectin, too?

IMO the rules are BAD. People need FREEDOM to take the “old drug” OR the “new drug”.


“This pill costs $70 PER DOSE.”



What if you already have enough Ivermectin for a whole herd of horses?

Probably do without the new Merck Moneyball Pill, Ima guess?



read about that very risky & controversial drug, here…

scroll down the page at the link to see a couple of paragraphs devoted to Thalidomide and COVID-19.

no thanks.

Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2

reason I mention that, it’s referenced in the Merck’s New Drug piece posted above at the link by barkerjim.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Denninger has an excellent point. This new drug is a DIRECT and understood “typical” antiviral, but it is NOT long-tested, and so say that there are not safe alternatives is a LIE.

President Wolf Moon would push for approval of ALL OPTIONS – HCQ, ivermectin, molnupiravir, and any combination that doctors wished to prescribe.


After the former CEO of Merck *refused* to get involved with these emergency-rushed chemical jabs, he left the company. IIRC, it wasn’t his choice to do so – it was forced upon him by Merck’s BoD.

And so, playing “catch-up”, Merck has now joined the genocide-game (maybe), and has rushed another drug to market, so as not to miss out on the short-term financial gain of having SOMETHING that they can sell (“Never let a crisis go to waste!” is one of the mantras of EVIL (the blasphemy of mammon over God).

Perhaps the drug is mostly good; perhaps it isn’t. But in ALL cases, Merck is looking for massive profit, whether tethered somewhat toward people’s health, or tethered not at all.

Big Pharma was just outed in OZ with the de facto bribes of that (almost-) former politician-bish.

It it a “stretch” to believe that this same tactic has been used against politicians WORLD-WIDE?

I think not.

In fact, I think it quite likely.

The former CEO took the long-term approach, which I find laudable. He paid for it with his job.

What he didn’t realize, however, is that the Enemy’s plan focuses ONLY on the short-term: grab all the power NOW, or there won’t be any opportunity LATER to do so.

The Enemy is “all-in”, right now, no tomorrows.

Thanks for posting this!


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Valerie Curren

Like a Boss!


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is most excellent.


Deplorable Patriot

Gotta love the way he’s playing the cards. Masterful.


MUST SEE: Damning Video Explaining How, Why And Who Stole Election


Good morning. Off for my hike but here is a link to an interest ing presentation on the waning vax.


Thank you 🙂


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It’s Like Watergate But With Morons =   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Deplorable Patriot

Watergate with morons. Ha.


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

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Mind Wars-Good Versus Evil

Post author
By Dianne Marshall
Post date
October 2, 2021

You have the power to serve what is good and of God or what is against God. It’s your choice!

[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…

(Great video by Dr. Caroline Leaf)


“Switch On Your Brain”

Post author
By Dianne Marshall
Post date
October 3, 2021


“What would you do if you found a switch that could turn on your brain and enable you to be happier, healthier in your mind and body, more prosperous, and more intelligent?”

That is the question Dr. Caroline Leaf asks in her book,
The Key to Peak Happiness, Thinking and Health”

[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Still posting from this fraud, I see.


Sorry you feel that way – we learn from you – you could learn much from her!!! Some things never change – it is how the brain is wired – and to which side one adheres – Choose Life or Death – Ungodly Toxicity or God-Centered Power. I choose LIFE!!!

Frauds in the news everyday – and yet – we give them press and attention – not for me.


PS – The featured speaker is well-versed in Quantum Physics – sad you will miss her insight.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Marshall has repeated posted faked photos or photos taken out of context.

That makes her a complete liar.

I won’t give her any of my time, and you shouldn’t either–much less be touting her on this site.

You are endorsing a liar.


Do you have evidence of these ‘fake’ photos? Is there evidence you have not posted ‘fake’ photos in your posts?

If you are basing your bias on a few photos that may have been misinterpreted – that does not disqualify the tons of quality information provided on the Marshall Report – fake photos may have been posted on this blog, too – that does not mean this blog owner is a fraud.

Misinterpreting a photo representation does not qualify as fraud – nor would it stand up in court – since a new photo was not available – a prior photo could be used to make a point.

Endorsing Biden would be endorsing a liar.


I remember having the same quibble that Steve did when I followed a link to the site that seemed to indicate that PDJT had a secret “WH” office that he was operating out of. The implication was that he might have been in control of things after Joe got in office and that just hadn’t been made public yet. This was when everyone was in shock about the election and hoping something would be done right away.

The article used a photo(s) from his WH days and represented it as being after he left the WH. It took me about 3 seconds to find what the photo really was.

IMO, that is not an innocent mistake, nor is it an innocent misrepresentation. The author seems to play fast and loose with the facts to produce an attention-grabbing effect that is not the truth. There were other instances, too, that I can’t remember details about.

I searched for “Dr. Caroline Leaf debunked.” It is true that “debunkers” can make anyone look bad. There are sites that “debunk” alternative medicines that have been proven to work. But this site has some thoughtful analysis of her representations and work.

Science contradicts Dr Leaf

Scripture contradicts Dr Leaf

Dr Leafs own teaching contradicts Dr Leaf

Dr Leafs own qualifications contradicts Dr Leaf

The truth matters. The whole truth matters, including the real context and meaning of photos, writings, Scripture, and all. Dr. Leaf might have the best of intentions, but she is making a living misinterpreting Scripture and science. She is not a cognitive neuroscientist. Yet, Dianne Marshall is promoting her work.

No doubt there is some good in it. We all need to be aware of our thought processes and the effect they have on us. But Dr. Leaf’s attempts to tie them to Scripture and science are misleading. People on the QTree are smart and discerning. Christians would do well not to blindly trust every person who cites Scripture as the authority for their own theory. Scripture can be, and is, taken out of context and used just like anything else.

Satan is the father of lies, which includes deception. I’m not saying Dianne Marshall is of satan, nor am I saying that about Dr. Leaf. But false teachings can be used in ways that have devastating consequences, even when they appear beneficial.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The evidence was posted at the time.

I didn’t capture it at the time, but you surely must have noticed them.


IIRC – it was one picture in particular – a capture of PT sitting in front of numerous computer screens – and there are no pictures of his current office and/or surroundings – but, hey – that is just what I remember – and it warned people not to believe anything that was posted on that blog – very sad.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, there was some scene in the rose garden, as well, that was claimed to be a fake rose garden that was missing architectural features. They were in fact there, but reduced greatly in contrast.

That was within a couple of weeks of two other incidents I can’t recall the details of; I just remember that there was a significant number of people calling bullshit on her content back then.

Misinformation conduit.


I have no idea what this rose garden scenario is to which you are referring – but, my point is compared to what is offered in analysis, concept and thought is far more important than any picture – it is like those who read that smutty magazine and tell everyone – they like it for the articles – it is obvious what attracts them and it is not the articles.


she has a blog site

I’ve never heard of Dianne Marshall before yr post…her blog looks good.

how is she a “liar” ?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Some of the “hopium” she posts is beyond “hopanyl” – more like “strychnope”.

I tend to think she does more good than harm, but she will forward stuff on “feelz” and not facts.

Due to secrecy, power-grab, control, and cover-up, there are a lot of amazing truths that are put down as non-factual when they are in fact quite real, but FLAT EARTH is not one of them.



“Flat earth” is one of the most risible (and derisible) slides on the anon boards – it hasn’t EVER gotten any play, but the shills kept trying!

I’ve never gone to the site in question – has she really “endorsed” the FE disinfo?

Btw, on the boards, the shill attacks are still quite copious. If the Enemy were confident (i.e., NOT panicking), the boards wouldn’t be receiving this level of flak.

Hold the line!


LOL @ hopium and hopanyl, altho it is deadly serious. But still very funny.

I am so ready and at the same time so loathe to accuse others of taking the drugs, when I know my own habits too well.

I want to believe the best possible outcome, and simultaneously, maybe, overcorrect by being too skeptical.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s a balance. The one lifeline is the one to God, IMO. TRUTH. We have to crave it at every level of approximation.

Valerie Curren

This represents true & godly wisdom–Thank you!


We have to crave [truth] at every level of approximation.

This is paramount and can’t be emphasized enough. A deceived people can be led to the slaughter, physically and spiritually.