Dear KMAG: 20231120 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:

Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:

“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Word of The Week:

sissy porn


  • a kind of pornography allegedly capable of creating MTF (male to female) trannies from beta males
  • allegedly why the Wachowski brothers behind the Matrix trilogy became tranny sisters

The Full Story

Please skip parts of this section, or the entirety, if you don’t have the stomach for graphic descriptions of sex and pornography, or even allusions to the same. I will attempt to warn people about the most important part to skip.

Background: I have never seen a good explanation of why the Wachowski brothers, who created the Matrix trilogy, became tranny sisters – first one and then the other. Sure – we can say “demonic possession” – but how did that happen in practice?

PORNOGRAPHY – to me, that seems like a very probable answer.

IMO pornography is a gateway of demonic possession. Ted Bundy, before he died, admitted that violent pornography was how he got warped into ultimately becoming a serial killer.

Here is the tweet that started me toward discovering another dangerous type of pornography.

Just as an aside, this Dr. Jebra Faushay is a parody account that never gets banned for showing wacky LGBTQ+ stuff, because the author plays it very “straight”, no pun intended.

As I was looking through the replies to that tweet, this reply – and a reply to that one – jumped out at me.

OK – this is where you need to be careful.

Tweeders LaTerf KPSS” responds to this with a very graphic description, contained in an image.

If you DON’T CLICK on the hidden image in the tweet, then below the tweet, I will present you with a PG-rated version of what it says.

PG-Rated Version:

sissy hypno

Sissy hypno is a sub-genre of porn where images of attractive women are utilized to turn on the target audience (mainly beta submissive males) and then quickly after this a frame or two is shown of an erect, ejaculating penis with words on screen encouraging female sexual acts. These phrases serve to temporarily alter the viewer’s sexual tastes and to make them think that they are actually female in a male body. This practice is known as rewiring. However, it is fully reversible once the viewer ceases self-gratification and watching this form of pornography.

Sissy hypno is very powerful in that for some, it can actually alter their perception of women. Therefore, instead of becoming sexually aroused by the sight of attractive women having sex, and wanting to have sex with them, the subject will identify with the women and feel they are them.

You can dig deeper into this, although I advise against it. There is a lot of “intersection” between the BDSM world, where some men desire to be “feminized” by dominatrix women, and the FTM trans women thing.

If you read more in the above X thread, you will find more information about where the Wachowskis have admitted the pornographic roots of their transition.

In any case, it’s now clear to me why the left is fighting to get sexually explicit “grooming books” into school libraries. PORN helps to create TRANS. It can do it for adults – it can do it for kids.

This is one more danger of pornography, that young men need to be warned about. Even CHILDREN need to be warned about the “porn in schools” which is being used to undermine them.

Sometimes one just wishes that we could TURN BACK THE CLOCK.


OK – we’re hopping into the WAYBACK MACHINE for today’s music!

First – we go back in time to a combination of the 70s and the 60s.

Now – time to get more OBSCURE, going back in time from Animal House, and forward in time from Otis Day and The Knights – to the psychedelic era.

Joe Walsh and The James Gang

(Yeah, that one cannot be embedded.)

Next – follow Joe Walsh forward in time to NOW.

(Apologies to Steve – this song always reminds me of the Californication of Colorado and the rest of the West.)

Next, we go BACK to another “mixed up time” – the Taylor Swift “1989 World Tour” – in 2015.

But now it’s time to venture into Time itself…..

This time, with movie scenes….

And then beyond time!

And now THE STUFF!

And yes…..

Let’s start with the basics.

Timing is everything!

Try these fascinating images.

An Artist Recreated What Famous Historical Figures Would Look Like Today

One of the best summaries of Spike Protein World EVER.

His conclusion – remove the damn vaccines. Well, the governments of the world may not be listening, but the people of the world ARE listening.

Yeah, this next item sure sounds like more WEF anti-carbon anti-porn, but still…..

Back on DNA in the jabs….

Otherwise known as “clown world stage 4″….

Yes, science has quite a few problems lately….

Oh, wait! Not another hate crime hoax! Not more Pallywood!

Last month, Muslim group CAIR and various influencers made a story go viral about a Muslim man in Ohio who said he was seriously injured by a car driven by a person who screamed “Kill all Palestinians” and “Long live Israel.” Northridge Police investigated & determined it was a hate crime hoax. They say they found surveillance footage showing he actually was injured in a fight with his brother. Hesham Ayyad (the alleged hoaxer) & Khalil Ayyad have been charged with domestic violence and assault. Hesham is additionally charged with falsification, making false alarms & obstructing official business. Muslim Americans have long been involved in numerous high-profile hate crime allegations that turned out to be hoaxes, especially since Trump was elected. #HateHoax

Hooray! I got retweeted by Jennifer Bilek!

Big numbers! WOOHOO!!!

Until victory, have faith!

And trust the big plan, too!

And as always….



Aw, heck, let’s have some more music!

And we’ll give Travis the final word!

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Good place to leave this. Caroline Glick provides an update on Israel’s Hamas problem and how the Biden Administration is binding the hands of Israel so the whole thing can happen again.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That unfortunately is typical…it’s not “Biden”

We let them kick ass then we start holding them back before they can finish the job.


USG at its worst. OK, perhaps not its worst. Typical, DoS manipulating other countries.


He is already destroying the Deep Sate in Argentina.
All these Ministries have to go:

Barb Meier

👏 👏 👏 👏


Very good.
Now, President Milei needs to IMMEDIATELY REMOVE the diktat from the former President about denying government assistance payments to families who refuse to have their children “vaccinated” against COVID-19.


In any case, it’s now clear to me why the left is fighting to get sexually explicit “grooming books” into school libraries. PORN helps to create TRANS. It can do it for adults – it can do it for kids.

Interesting and disturbing info presented here. I agree that it’s best not to delve deeply into it, but it’s helpful to have a surface knowledge. We have to know what we’re up against.


And I bet most of us wouldn’t even think to make that connection.


It’s gobsmacking that these perversions have become “mainstream” in a few short years. They may have been percolating but the explosion has only been since the PERVOTUS was installed. 3 years is all it took to normalize freakish things..


It’s almost another social construct being solidified in real time. Extremists of all stripes are presenting themselves as virtuous and moral. It doesn’t matterwhat they say..kill all Jews or i will parade naked where I want or climb the WH fence or walk right into the country with millions of others………………….all of it is pleasantly talked about by media and politicians..normalizing it all


never substitute incompetence for MALICE. (Credit to Aubergine)

Barb Meier

Media makes bad things seem more common than they really are.


All they had to do was take the shame out of doing those things.

Remember when God came into the Garden for his daily walk & talk with Adam. They hid themselves.


Because they knew they were naked [thanks, serpent] and they were ashamed. And God said, who told you that you were naked?

Here we are today on the flip side. Who told us not to be ashamed of doing these things?

Same villain as before – the serpent.


Ah yes..very simple truth


I suspect that it’s much like taking acid. If you already have a well-established personality with stable pleasant characteristics, you can have a happy little fantasy.

If you have uncertainties, worries, sensitivities, and a tendency towards nightmares…..well, then, strap in for a very unpleasant wild ride.


Also, you can’t be indwelled with a demon if you are indwelled by Jesus Christ.


Minor detail.



Lol. Yeah, minor. As in the most important thing I ever knew!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, if you’ve known it since before 18 maybe it’s a different meaning of the same word.


Lol! It’s actually a much more recent development!


LOL, at least traditional porn was heterosexual and the fetish porn was reserved for deviants but they slowly introduced the weird stuff as fun and innocent. Be a furry they said, what’s wrong with BSDM they said, what’s wrong with consenting teens and adults they said, drag queens are our friends they said…and on and on until they have mustached hideous men as fairies at Disneyland !


Uh, it’s BDSM. [don’t ask me how I know]

Not BSMD, which stands for Bull Shit Medical Doctor.


Well whip me with a leather thong  😁 


And who would have guessed that you knew about such things.

Such a sweet looking girl yet …


YOU brought it up so…hmmm. 😅 

Surprisingly or maybe not..San Diego has some popular BDSM groups. Not to my liking but guess it appeals to a lot of successful types.To quite a few it’s role play for an evening out at member’s swanky homes..’s a small big world full of  🙃  stuff.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That, at least, is all consenting adults.

Unlike what’s being pushed now.


Just as long as they don’t run for office.

Incidentally, her description of “hyperventilating and crying” — isn’t that supposed to cost extra?


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Wolf, I still want the AUDIO. All the video released is definitely 4Ki hi def…It no doubt has 4K AUDIO as well. THAT will be the DEATH KNELL to the J6 farce setup.

I know some of the audio will be difficult to decipher with all the crowd. But, others like the fist bump, the original window breaks, the badge/vape, and more WILL be fully laid bare with the AUDIO. The conversations between LE and the obvious plants are there. Not to mention the cordial conversations with all the other random “insurrectionists” and LE.

My bet is THAT is what they were “editing” before release. I have watched about 25 of the released videos. I have yet so see any blurred faces.

Oh last thing, on the vape/badge video, Notice please the boots, most fed plants, like in Charlottesville, wear tan timberland style boots. The give away that this person was a plant to me was the sunglasses covering his eyes INSIDE. It just screams potted PLANT to me.


BINGO. Remember, we only need a FEW to prove beyond reasonable doubt (IE plausible deniability ) that this was 100% a set up. Especially if of the few, we find cause, as to say instigation, breaking of windows, incitement, etc.

No wonder the sham committee, MSM, Liz Cheney, and Adam Kinzinger are shitting BRICKS. Entrapment is a CRIME, so is FALSE imprisonment, and misuse of public office and resources.

I bet my gopher suit that when, not IF the audio comes out, there will be a LOT of states witnesses that will turn on the Cabal and quite a few recants of statements.

Remember, “these people will NOT be able to show their faces in public?” There you go.

They really thought this would NEVER see the light of day with McCarthy. Gaetz got them. He will likely have statues named after him when this is finished.


Gaetz might be a governor or even a president over time.


“That’s a terrifying thought.”

— any random leftist


I believe he WILL be in Trumps new admin in 2025.

Jack Smith is a THUG

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Seems like speaker and or Nunes could give this guy a platform, to reveal All.

With Speaker, seems to me, NDAs can Must be trashed.


Nunes didn’t vote to impeach Mayrokos and while I’m not sure what went into that decision it is rather disconcerting. Perhaps we might have to take the Gail route and shame him into giving Tarik J. that platform while Nunes is still is still feeling the wrath of patriots.


Nunes left Congress in January of 2022 – ?


Yes. Gaetz, was my intended name. Brain… of sorts.  🙃 


Ahhh… I was thinking of Issa.

Here are the 8 Republicans who voted against the measure to impeach Mayorkas.

  • Rep. Tom McClintock, R-Calif.
  • Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C.
  • Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif.
  • Rep. John Duarte, R-Calif.
  • Rep. Ken Buck, R-Colo.
  • Rep. Cliff Bentz, R-Ore.
  • Rep. Mike Turner, R-Ohio
  • Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C.

Line ’em up against the wall,

Leave ’em there until they apologize.

Last edited 11 months ago by pgroup2

Line ’em up against the wall. Liberally apply amontillado. Break out bricks and mortar…..


My bad, I intended Gaetz. (Not Nunes)


As can “seals” put on by a FALSE committee. LAY IT BARE.


^^^ Speaker AND OR Gaetz (Not Nunes).


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They didn’t have 81 million dumped in at 3 AM.


Simple, because they WANTED to. After Brazil, I feel the Cabal is SCARED of another high-profile theft and its repercussions. THAT is why they are trying to simply broom Trump from the ballot, they KNOW they cannot cheat and get away with it this time. I smell FEAR, and they should be AFRAID. Trump is the HAMMER, they are the NAIL. We will not only put Trump back, we WILL DEMAND he crush them ALL. And he will “begrudgingly comply”. BWAHAHAHAHAHA.


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A week to “allegedly” count. That’s just their cover story and they’re sticking to it.


NOT for much longer…wait for it. ALL things, if you hadn’t noticed, are building to the aria.


You KNOW who I want. It only ends when they get Barry.


You can BET on that.


Also, there is NO PLACE he can hide. We WILL find him.


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Interesting. Ahora= Now in Spanish. NOW, not NEXT.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And not “Hello” either (which was my first thought, I should have known better.)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, that’s it.




That would be Hola

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Not all that different….especially when I am aware that R and L aren’t very different sounds in fact (many foreigners whose first language doesn’t include both have trouble with them in English). (Though the trill in Spanish makes them more distinct than they are in English.)


Another MAGA.


New Schlichter —

A decent one, but not one of his shining best.


Tom Homan:

“I promised President Trump when he announced that if he goes back, I go back. And I’m going to run the biggest deportation operation this country’s ever seen because these millions of people being released in this country, nine out of 10 will get an order of removal based on immigration court data.

A judge orders them to be removed. We’re going to find them and we’re gonna remove them,” he added. “If there’s no consequence, we can’t fix the border. We’re going to have a consequence in the Trump administration.”

-Tom Homan


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And remember folks, they WILL find them. Obama phones, food stamps, WIC, HUD, schools, AFDC, SSDI, Etc. LOTS of ways. It only takes a simple algorithm to cross reference against NO green card of SS#. EASY if they want to.


Many will self deport. They will want to get out with any cash and assets they’ve accumulated .As you state, the vast majority will be found, processed and shipped back.


Their ‘assets’ belong to the US Treasury, since they were not legitimately acquired. DJT needs to freeze wire transfers [western union] out of US as soon as he takes office.


Yep No doubt Trump will give the ONE chance to leave voluntarily, then they can get in line like normal. IF we have to come for them, NO line, EVER.




Trump arriving in Texas:

“Now I feel safe”

Welcome to Texas!


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oh that’s goood!


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I hope fewer than 14% are continuing to get jabbed.


They LIE about EVERYTHING. One of the FIRST things Trump should do once returning. Reinstate the anti-propaganda laws. HALF the “news” outlets will disappear overnight,


BINGO! When the “cure” is worse than the disease comes to mind.


What a racket ! Govt in bed with pharma…pharma in bed with doctors..they ALL reap the rewards of ads. People start going to docs believing for sure that they have the latest advertised malady..the docs get bonus $$ for jabs of all kinds

haha last night I saw a commercial with like a wheel type diagram and a happy minority gal telling all about the many jabs that everyone should definitely schedule ……THEN there was an ad for Amazon health care.
Easy as fill out an online questionnaire for diagnosis..they consult their “medical professionals” and voila’ ! prescriptions can be sent asap


With as many utter-nutters as there are in the world that operation is going to be a goldmine !!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Nope, I find it all too believable.

I know too many people still in that bubble.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


I haven’t been to my doctor since she said “I love everything about them”

She has left that practice and I need to see which doctor “inherited” me.


^^^Fake Headlines. ^^^

  • Reports are 5% or less getting latest Covid poison injection.

  :wpds_arrow:  Sadly, nearly all of DW family in CA have latest jabs or planning to get this week.

  • No coincidence, every one of those over 50, have significant health problems.
  • Their family blood line normally lives to 80s and 90s.

DW zero Covid jabs, no RSV, No flu jabs (three years and going forward), No significant health issues. <<< No coincidence.

Unfortunately, Thanksgiving in CA with them. Will pop extra Vitamins C AND I, this week.

  • Without speaking a word, they Know, my opinion. MAGA hat always on my melon.

I’m sorry to hear about your wife’s family getting the latest COVID-19 “vaccine.”
Please do take a look at the post that Yours Truly put up today on this board.
It includes a short discussion about the possibility of “vaccine shedding” with a link to the series on that topic by Dr. Pierre Kory.
There’s also some suggestions by Yours Truly regarding coping with being around “vaccinated” people.
Summary of that:
IMO, taking 30 mg of Zinc a day this week and next week can help keep the lungs clear.
IMO, taking extra vitamin C and Ivermectin is good. Please just make sure that the Ivermectin dose is weight-appropriate for you.
IMO, taking a little extra vitamin D may also be a good idea. Note the word “little.” Too much vitamin D can “backfire” on the person taking an excessive amount.


Would you mind clarifying your last sentence, please?


Thank you.

Excessive amounts of vitamin D supplement can make the person dizzy, among other effects. This is particularly important if the person is already taking vitamin D under doctor’s supervision for conditions like osteoporosis. This does not include vitamin D from being in the sun. Please refer to the following:

Last edited 11 months ago by PAVACA

ThanQ. I’m taking 10K per day but never heard about any limits before. I’m guessing that the occurrences are rare; otherwise we’d be hearing about it often.


Not to disagree with Pavaca in any way, but you’d have to take a boatload of vitamin D to overload. My doctor actually once prescribed 50,000 i.u. for me, once per week. My D level was at 30, which is too low.

I think you can safely take 10,000 i.u. per day for a couple of days to “bulk up.”


IIRC. You’ve posted 5,000 summer and 10,000 winter is your daily, AND works well for you.


Yes. And I get blood tested yearly.


^^^ This.


Wolf Moon
Thank you. Excessive amounts of vitamin D supplement daily, IMO, are perhaps in the 10,000IU and above range. It all depends on the tolerance of the individual’s body.


Good to know.




Yes, your post is open, and I’ll get there soon. Will be on the look out for Kory link.

Should have thought of zinc. Already shifted some extra to my, seven day vitamin gizmo. D, I’m at 5,000 daily. I’ll likely up D slightly for a day or two.

Always appreciate information and suggestions.

Forecast has sunny with mid 60s. It’ll be easy to avoid being indoors more than I must. 🙂

Last edited 11 months ago by kalbokalbs

Have some nattokinase and some star anise tea, too. To help avoid the effects of their shedding.



I gotta get the nattokinase from Covid War Chest. Pick up star of anise tea.




Sorry your CA relatives believe the hype. Its hard in this environment here. People still wearing masks. Itll never end.


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No assimilation, for some reason.


Especially for the women.


My Dyson DC41 vacuum decided to “Fail To Proceed”. I looked “thermal shutdown Dyson” on YouSchmoob, and it said it was more likely that there was too much crud wrapped around the beater bar. Just got done cleaning the beater bar, which looked pretty dire. Hopefully, when I try it tomorrow it’ll work.


You should buy a Kirby.


I love my Dyson. It is one of the originals, and it still works.


Clean the dust and Hepa filters thoroughly. It can overheat the motor. Most likely there is a bimetal thermal switch on the vac that may reset as it cools.


I always reset as I cool.  😂 


As Homer says to Bart — “… far…..”


LMAO got it.


Didn’t get a chance to test it today. Fiancee did a “work from home” because she’s got provisional jury duty and had to call in. She’s going in tomorrow regardless, so I can make noise.


It isn’t often that I get junk mail that makes me laugh, but I just did.

We’ve got this local real estate broker that regularly sends cards claiming to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. Today, one came with a picture captioned, “Al Moridi in Lisbon, Portugal September 2023.”

At the bottom, it says, “Al Represents His Clients Worldwide” and “He Travels Internationally to Expose his Brand & SELL Your Home for the HIGHEST PRICE!”

All I could think of was, “the BALLS on this guy — he did a vacay in Portugal and plans to deduct it as a business expense!”


And, seriously, Lisbon?!?!?

People in Lisbon can’t afford Silicon Valley house prices. Maybe London, Geneva, Dubai……but he goes to LISBON!?!?


Roger Stone seems to think there was more to the attempted assassination of Pres. Reagan than we know. I saw one post where he questioned why the report on the incident had not been released by the government.

In these, he mentions a man on a balcony brandishing a gun. (I wonder if he could have been part of law enforcement.) Stone says the trajectory of the bullet that hit Reagan came from above. I have not heard any of this before.

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It drives me nuts that ‘we’ have so much knowledge about the plots, the murders, the international coups, the national political prisoner collection, etc yet we have no force to stamp it out.

Jack Smith is a THUG

they are too busy chasing down grandmas and people selling an old couch and Christian preachers…


The new post by Yours Truly on the disaster of COVID-19 and the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” is up.
Thank you.


A must-read for Thanksgiving, in my opinion, if you are going to be around the vaxxed.



Like son like father (MM= Soros+ Satan)



Are his kids in public school? That’s the government. Does he take the interstate to work? Government. Does he mail his bills to clients? Government. It goes on and on.

We have to understand we have allowed the government to grow to the proportions it has, in our daily lives, before we can begin to dismantle it and stop the drain on our individual resources.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Your first two examples (schools and roads) at least used to be state prerogatives (though the feds were allowed to build “post roads” they only did the National Road).

States still supply most of the funding for both but the feds have added more money and the states have become dependent on them.

The Post Office of course has always been Federal. And back in the day when that was the main means of long-distance communication, it made sense.

But you did say “government’ and not federal government. You sure ain’t wrong, I just thought I’d add more detail.


I stated “the interstate.” The interstate highway system is federal, I believe? And while states supply “some” money for their schools, the feds do supply an awful lot nowadays, as you say.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Interstate system is paid for by both. The percentages seem to have varied with time but the states have always kicked at least some fraction into the pot (and also, they are considered the owners regardless of who paid to build them)…but yes, since you specified interstates you are correct.

Schools are still primarily funded by state and local government. The feds kick in some money but the aggregate cost is in the hundreds of billions.

K-12 the Feds contribute 11%. One site I saw said 8%. I’m having a lot more trouble nailing down the percentage for colleges.


Wow. I think more states should pull out of federal funding for schools! That is not enough of a percentage to put up with their bullshit! Thanks for letting me know that.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No one wants to deal with an 11% budget cut.

That means firing 10 percent of the workforce, and it’s unionized.


it’s like the free dope a smart dealer gives out now and then…they’ll become a customer for life

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA



Tennessee is in the process of possibly doing just that. It is in the legislature now – they are working with Gov. Lee’s staff and on the budget. They want the strings cut permanently.

Funny how right to work, no state personal income or estate taxes, ample developable land, stable energy supply and free tuition to community colleges and tech schools can incentivize manufacturing, transportation, research, tourism, etc. to locate their businesses somewhere.

It’s magic. 🤣

Booming tax revenues even in recessions. It is as if the vast majority of politicians and business leaders here support MAGA and PDT or something.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That would be awesome.

The feds finally repealed the 65/55 speed limit rule when it looked like one state was about to say “fuck you and the go cart you want me to ride on”. That state’s congressional delegation would have been a permanent NO vote for any transportation bill after that point. (Why vote for spending that will not happen in your state?)

Likewise if TN is actually in the process of cutting out DOPE (Department of Public Education) money, their congressional delegation will have no reason to ever vote for a DOPE budget.

I hope many more states follow suit.


Yeah, magic, lol!


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First Day In Heaven



That’s beautiful.

Jack Smith is a THUG

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, but that’s exactly the problem.

(From “their” point of view.)

Jack Smith is a THUG

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Stupid. Not particularly funny.




Would not think Rob would draw that many to listen. Maybe they are paid fools.

Further, the boots are all wrong. 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

That’s hilarious, actually. Maybe it’s just me.

Jack Smith is a THUG

I thought so too…that’s why i posted it.
to each his own

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I agree.


The boots clash with his outfit. They should be brownish.

Deplorable Patriot

Essentially, stripper boots.

Jack Smith is a THUG

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Jack Smith is a THUG

please delete^^^ this is not true


Been there done that !!!


You’re damned right they do! I spend a lot of time debunking, as do you.

They make the lies so very seductive.


Assumes you mean the Trump part. Most of the aircraft ferrying troops back were commercial air, so I imagine if Trump had plane or few he may of donated them. Meanwhile an additional thing not true is no one sat in the street at Khobar Towers for even a day nevertheless 4 days.

Khobar Towers was a small new city built in the desert and eventually offered to the Bedouins so they’d have a place to live and might quit roaming all across the deserts. Only thing is the Bedouins rejected living there and were all given land rovers instead where even twelve year boys could be seen driving them across the desert packed with young friends, sometimes with one to steer and one to work the pedals while the rest hanged out the sides, no joke.

The buildings at Khobar Towers, that are not office, warehouse or garage are multi storied skyscrapers of moderate height (between 10 to 15 floors) and the space on each floor is open designed for an extended family that can easily fit 20 to 40 with it’s huge ceilings, huge rooms on each floor some laid out with raised, sunken and flat using varied and multiple staircases between them.

The four days mentioned would be applicable to a light unit, not equipment heavy (they’d stay longer) where in the unit can clean and pull maintenances on it’s individual and organizational gear to meet US Ag and custom standards while at the same time be refitted with new personal and in some cases organizational gear. Many came back with better stuff than they left the States with.

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Jack Smith is a THUG

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The House Select Committee on the House Select Committee on January Sixth.

Hmm. Needs a little more zing to it.

Jack Smith is a THUG

House Select KAB Committee?

Jack Smith is a THUG

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If people only understood that triggers are weakness. If you have an issue that evokes an uncontrolled emotional response, you are at the mercy of others who will use it to control you.


Low emotional IQ.






In my youth, that was called ‘pushing so-and-so’s button’.


We used to say “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And maybe half of people actually behaved that way.


MOST people did. There were no “gang” fights. One on one, and when one guy got a good shot in, the fight was STOPPED by STRANGERS. When I was little the neighbors kept an eye on EVERYONE, and the worst thing was to get it TWICE, once from a neighbor, and then from your dad. People had MUTUAL respect!


Mine, too.


Verse of the Day for Monday, November 20, 2023

“Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.” 

Ephesians 1:2 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.


Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter were married for 77 years.



God bless them.


Well, apparently, IMO, since the COVID-19 disaster didn’t “do the job”, the government is moving on to the next “possible fix” — either EBOLA or MARBURG viruses:

ONE: Greg Ebel is a professor at Colorado State University. He is the lead investigator regarding the bat experiments.
TWO: The NIH awarded $6,748,541 to Prof. Ebel in 2021 for the creation of CSU’s Bat Resource Center for the Study of Zoonotic Diseases.
The award ID number is: !C06OD032019-01
Project Start Date: 20 September 2021
Project End Date: 31 May 2026
THREE: The head of the NIH in 2021 was Dr. Francis Collins.
FOUR: EcoHealth Alliance (Peter Daszak) has been associated with Colorado State University since at least 2018:
FIVE: There are 31 listings on for Ebola virus “vaccine” or “therapeutic” trials in the United States. Most of these have been completed; some have been terminated. Some of the include the Marburg virus in the trials.


Why am I on SSI when I could live the good life by getting a couple of bats as pets, then getting a grant from NIH?


That’s “Some of them include the Marburg virus in the trials.”


They can TRY, but that wad has been shot. Fool us once, shame on you, NEVER again.


I found this article this morning. In my opinion, this is propaganda from the medical community, designed to scare people back into the arms of the medical establishment. I expect more of these kinds of stories to come:

“A 34-year-old mother of five from Maryland, discovered she only has five weeks to live due to cancer, WUSA9 reported Nov. 11.

Kourtni Smith was diagnosed with stage 4 invasive lobular carcinoma and her condition deteriorated after the cancer spread to her brain, according to WUSA9. Initially diagnosed in 2021 with Stage 3 cancer, her situation reflects the consequences of delayed medical consultation due to fear.”


And what is this unfortunate woman’s “vaccination” staus? There’s no mention of said status. Even if she had hreast cancer prior to being “vaccinated”, if she took the injections, there’s a distinct possibility that any modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” she took may have aggravated her possibly-existing condition.


THAT is the NEXT smoking gun, bank on it. Lets just say that Rex JR does work in the field. Cases are TRIPLING. Cases in long term cancers (Prostate, Colon) are WAY to high in people UNDER 30. There IS a cause, and it IS known. Common denominator? VAXXED.


Thank you for this valuable information. It confirms “certain suspicions” that Yours Truly has had for some time. The damage that the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” does goes all the way down to the mitochondrial level in the “vaccine” recipient’s body. Perhaps prex Jr would be interested in reading the post that Yours Truly put on the board today.


He is not very political, BUT, he is seeing the increase, and I have opened his eyes to vax damage.


Jabbed next door neighbor, 69 years old, good overall health previously and physically fit. Caught COVID at least two times. Had a high PSA reading after an annual wellness exam and blood test this time last year. Never a problem previously. Had a biopsy in February- benign. Goes for scheduled blood test as a follow up last week. Even higher PSA reading. Scheduling another biopsy.

Meanwhile, in less than two years his forgetfulness of names, places and events is increasing steadily while continuing to lose hearing. No prior issues with memory until the past couple of years. He’s a sharp guy. He gets paid to write a weekly investment news letter for a substack blog.

Jabs have killed or is accelerating the decline of an ever increasing number of people. I could given a dozen examples of people we know, but it gets too depressing.

I told him to please stop getting jabbed (he has).


i def understand.. Heading to California tomorrow into the covid brain circus otherwise affectionately known as my daughter’s house.


Not telling you what to do, but please consider packing vitamin C, vitamin D, Zinc, and Quercetin to take while you’re there, in the amounts appropriate for you (and also some Ivermectin, “just in case.”)


GURL…do I have it covered ! I’m armed with pills capsules, caplets, pills !
Thank you though for the reminder, always appreciated. Also, thanks again for the huge effort you put in researching and sharing with us friends.


I believe the jabs ultimate purpose it to EXACERBATE any illness of abnormailty the body it is injected to has. It takes an already bad illness and puts it in hyperdrive. Most likely by replacing the bodies own natural immunity with a substantially weakened one.

It is IMHO no coincidence that there are ONLY 3 viruses in existance with the spike protein.
Aids, Covid 19, and SARS.

ALL propogated under Fauci. I would NOT doubt that the original AIDS was a bio weapon OR is being actively weaponized.


👍 100%




I found this just fascinating! I love history, and any new way of exploring what the Founders meant and were thinking is really cool.

“There’s a perennial debate in gun politics in the United States. The gun control side makes various specious arguments claiming that the Second Amendment protects muskets and not modern arms, that the right to keep and bear arms belongs to a select militia like the National Guard, not We the People, and that “well-regulated” authorizes the de facto destruction of our rights via regulation.

Those of us who have studied the copious scholarly research on the text and history of the Second Amendment know that those arguments are bunk. We know that the right to keep and bear arms is not dependent on militia service. We know that the right extends to modern arms, much like the First Amendment is applicable to modern forms of communication. We know that “well-regulated” means in proper working order, not choking off that right while pretending to nurture it.

To further support the originalist interpretation of the Second Amendment, there’s insight offered from an uncommon source: the re-translation into English of founding era documents originally translated into German.”


In that era, specific words had SPECIFIC meaning and were WRITTEN and USED as such, “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED” is NOT open to interpretation. It means just what it says.

The founders wrote it JUST the way it was MEANT TO BEW, as with ALL the other Amendments, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution itself, There are SPECIFIC remedies to change the Constitution (amendment) and NONE of them involve a “judge” OR a simple law passed by Congress OR an Executive Order.

There is a REASON the Constitution was made HARD to change. (2/3 of CONGRESS PLUS 3/4 of the STATES)


Agreed! Hi, p-rex!


Hi Aubergine Happy Thanksgiving!


Same to you! I hope you have much to be thankful for. I sure do!


This is a very good refutation of the OBL letter that has been on TikTok. It may come in handy on some lefty at your Thanksgiving table. From the article:

“The problem with Osama’s litany list against America (and, in other letters, the West in its entirety) was that, true or false, none of his accusations were the ultimate reason that al-Qaeda hated the U.S. and Europe. As I have been documenting since 2005, bin Laden and al-Qaeda were notorious for saying one thing to the West (“we attacked you because you attacked us”) and another to Muslims (“we must hate and attack the West because it is infidel”).

This was the entire basis of my 2007 book, The Al Qaeda Reader. I, like today’s TikTok users, knew of bin Laden’s constant accusations, including his “Letter to the Americans.” In 2004, however, I came across a number of Arabic documents that were written by the al-Qaeda leader, as well as his then second, Ayman Zawahiri, while I was working at the Library of Congress.”


One wonders whether the FOOLS that are making Bin Laden’s letter go viral as anti US, realize that the US created Bin Laden and his Mujahadeen to fight the USSR in Afghanistan? Or that it was good ol Dem peacenik Jimmah Carter who did it.

Newsflash, killing innocents to protest killing innocents is WRONG, STUPID, and immoral.

Ever hear 2 wrongs don’t make a right. It is JUST propaganda.

I NEVER thought the US would stoop to Nazi Germany levels, boy was I wrong. But, it IS a former Nazi behind most of it (GS)


I think Nazism and other perverted tendencies are in all human nature. The difference is Christianity and other religions formed ethics that were opposite of demonic tendencies. (Except maybe Muslims.)
The lure is great and weak people are adoptable to go for perversions of communism or Nazism.


Most people are FOLLOWERS. They want to go along with the crowd and are enamored with “charismatic leaders” like Hitler, Napoleon, etc. They find out too late that the “charisma” was just a mask for lust for control (power)


So true. I saw Obama the faker and he reminded me of Hitler how he worked the people.


You might hurt somebody’s feelings with the truth about Jimmy Carter. I will never question the faith of anybody who claims it. That comes at higher pay grade than me. I look at their actions and lives to know how to respond to them. The Word gives clear instructions on what we are to do when we sin. What Carter did with that situation and in many others would require public confession and a request for forgiveness not only from his Maker, but from all Americans.

Still waiting.

He was best buds going back to the Naval Academy with one of the money men behind Clinton, who claimed to be an establishment Republican – Jackson Stephens. The interconnections to Georgia and the devil’s Dem machinery there are really quite interesting to explore.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not really relevant, but More Nukes, Less kooks!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Remember when airports used to be full of cult proselytizers? IIRC my dad saw MNLK on protest signs at Stapleton Airport (the predecessor to DIA).

Jack Smith is a THUG


Good help is hard to find these days.  😂 

Jack Smith is a THUG

yup, his staff blew it again!

Jack Smith is a THUG

good one!






I c wut u did ther.

Jack Smith is a THUG



To the millennials or other dimwits that do PR and social old white lady dying is the same as the next. OOps


Because these people are ALL fake. REAL people release their OWN stuff, not have some interns do it!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well IF he were actually President still, I could see a staffer doing it.

IF he were actually still President.

So your point stands, obviously.

Jack Smith is a THUG

not reading the article–I saw the first few lines–what’s she’s learned from her father (LURCH) and whether she’d ever run for president (she can kiss my ass on that one) and she is “demanding” action on climate change? who the bloody hell do YOU THINK YOU ARE to demand ANYTHING? 
arrogant much?


All of the globos are aging. The safest ( and inclusive $ wise) choice is to pass their program to is their spawn.
Soro’s son has taken the reins. Killary is reluctant to let go but has groomed Chelsea for public entry.
Pelosi’s kids, Hunter Biden have already forged international networks.
Obama has used the it-takes-a-village method by gathering activists to spread the seeds.

The climate and health angle is their universal hook for the lemmings. Establish that and they’re off to further titles


whether she’d ever run for president

I don’t know what her qualifications to be president could be. Being the offspring of a government official doesn’t work (see Carolyn Kennedy, Chelsea Clinton, Hunter Biden, etc.).


This is almost like Royalty where one inherits the position. This so dangerous and what was appealing that US never had that type of passing on power and control to the next generation.


Is not one of Kerry’s father married to an Iranian? This all a web of power hungry imbeciles.

Jack Smith is a THUG

from the stuff i never knew, but now makes sense department…
Those who drive the Wienermobile around to promotional events are known as Hotdoggers. Perhaps the most famous Hotdogger is former U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan, who drove the Wienermobile one summer while in college.


a wiener driving around a BIGGER wiener. FITTING.



Automatons. Carrying out their programmed responses.




Worth a repost!

Last edited 11 months ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Itd be a blast! 😎


Notice the dumb teleprompters eyes….the glimmer of a DIM light flickering LMAO.

Barb Meier

Dad, pass the gravy and the ammo please.



The link I posted has “” in it instead of “,” and the video shows. I hope we will continue to be able to post tweets.

I researched what we are supposed to call “tweets” now, and I think the consensus was “posts.” But it’s awkward to talk about posting posts.


I recant.. THIS is THE MIC DROP..


Lol. Hey you know the man knew exactly the feels to say.


Yes, and he did it unabashedly too.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I think he’s just about got it figured out though he is still holding back.


I love how he says, “Because they ARE 💩!”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Like I said he does seem to be holding back.


I agree. Mr gil likes to preface his responses to the outrage of the day with “If I had total control, I’d solve x problem reeeaaaal quick.”


A man of recliner thought bubble action ! That’s probably exactly how the founding fathers did it, sitting on their hard crunchy sofas reading of the latest Brit tyranny. Baboom…wasn’t real quick but it was solved!




I’ve never heard of ONE. If it were an issue, it would have been all over the news. This is manufactured outrage.


Asking for a friend if the list includes bait and switch hookups. Is there a list so we can say their names..? I’d like birth names and the “new’ names

Jack Smith is a THUG

said the pedophile (biden)


How many of the victims of that lunatic ‘Audrey’ were simply being themselves?

I’ll wait for the answer.


Hear hear


Here’s some audio


News source for Valerie Curren —

Sounds a bit negative, but there may be tactical info that is useful.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That must have hurt.

OK, maybe I’m just hoping it did.


It’s a SCHWIIIING moment

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Oh, it hurt. Maybe like a hatpin to the kidney.

It stings going in but it is likely to kill you.


I hope Loomer haters read it. They can’t really ridicule it cuz it’s all true!


Federal Appeals Court Panel Blasts Judge Chutkan, Signals it will Narrow Trump’s Unconstitutional Gag Order

A federal appeals court on Monday signaled it would partially grant President Trump’s request to remove his gag order in Jack Smith’s bogus election interference case…

The three-judge DC Circuit Court of Appeals panel (2 Obama appointees and 1 Biden appointee) blasted Judge Chutkan’s gag order as they considered striking down or narrowing the order during Monday’s oral arguments.

One judge said the gag order is unfair to Trump because his prosecution could easily be used to attack him during presidential debates.

“He has to speak ‘Miss Manners’ while everyone else is throwing targets at him?” Judge Patricia Millett, an Obama appointee said, according to Politico. “It would be really hard in a debate, when everyone else is going at you full bore. Your attorneys would have to have scripted little things you can say.”

“It’s not how I want my children to speak,” Millett said, “but that’s really not the question.”

“We certainly want to make sure that the criminal trial process and its integrity and its truth-finding function are protected, but we ought to use a careful scalpel here and not step into really sort of skewing the political arena,” Judge Patricia Millett added.

Another Obama-appointed judge said the gag order is too broad when it banned Trump from speaking about ‘witnesses’ like Bill Barr and Mike Pence.

“I would assume that their testimony would not be affected,” Judge Nina Pillard, an Obama appointee said of Barr and Pence.

It is unclear when the appeals court will make a decision on the gag order.

Free speech…it’s not just for Dems.

Barb Meier

When making this decision, please remember the ammo you give today will be used on OBiden tomorrow.


Charlie Kirk:

The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals has struck a devastating blow against the left’s racket to make election integrity borderline illegal.

For decades, random citizens have been allowed to sue state or local governments to throw out voter ID, signature verification, or other election practices that supposedly constitute “discrimination.” This law has encouraged well-funded groups to sue every government, however minor, that has any election security measures. Many jurisdictions fear passing any laws at all because they don’t want to deal with the legal costs and hassle.

The left has built a massive apparatus led by Marc Elias to outsource all its election lawsuits. Now, the 8th Circuit says this racket is illegal throughout its jurisdiction, which includes the swing states of Iowa and Minnesota.

Marc Elias is fuming. He calls it the most dramatic change to election laws in half a century. His group, Democracy Docket, calls it “catastrophic.”

The tide is shifting. 2024 is not 2020. We can win — and the left is starting to panic.


For decades, random citizens have been allowed to sue…

I guess some people have more “standing” than others.


From a Milei rally:

This is what hope looks like


That kid has only heard stories of how nice his country was..and believed the stories. Looking toward a better future !

Jack Smith is a THUG

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Do those members of Congress have the power to release J6 prisoners?

Jack Smith is a THUG

(bold mine)
Four key witnesses on duty that day were all removed from their positions within days of the alleged “insurrection”? Do the January 6th tapes tell this untold story? Is that why the truth has been kept from the American people for almost three years? Is that why President Trump continues to be accused? Many January 6th prisoners are still in jail living in awful conditions, others are still being surveilled, arrested and questioned for their peaceful attendance. The January 6th tapes are now revealing information that is paramount to these prisoners survival, their families, livelihoods and ultimately their innocence for being released. So why are they still there? Some without due process? It is time to release our J6 prisoners, we have seen the proof! Let’s bring them home to their families for THANKSGIVING.

Who has the power to do that? CONGRESS, namely our House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. James Comer. Mr. Comer has oversight over DC and thus Mayor Muriel Bowser and the DC Dept. of Corrections where the J6 prisoners, or shall we say hostages, are being held. Let us also call upon our new Speaker of the House Rep. Mike Johnson. Please help with this CALL TO ACTION NOW TO BRING THEM HOME FOR THANKSGIVING!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

To amplify:

Under the constitution, Congress is the government of the District of Columbia. It has chosen to delegate to a locally elected government but could theoretically yank that any time it wanted to.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I can imagine if Congress actually dissolves or otherwise interferes with the local government, they won’t be able to show their faces in the District.


If Congress has had the power to do this and it hasn’t even been discussed (that we know of) all this time, that is a story in itself.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Just last week I read that she was consolidating as the alternative to Trump.

Which admittedly would be a bar so low protons cant slide under it.


But positrons could.  😂 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oddly enough, no.

Electrons (and thus their antiparticle) are smeared out over an area much much bigger than a nucleus thanks to the uncertainty principle.

It’s counter-intiutive but the less massive the particle at those scales the fuzzier it gets.

On the other hand when we do manage to nail down the position, it seems to be a point size…so under those conditions, yeah it’d sneak under the bar.

Last edited 11 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Electron Limbo dancing.


Some headlines~~~
Georgia middle school staff failed to prevent girl’s brutal stabbing in gym class: lawsuit
Lawsuit alleges school resource officer notified administrators of knife threat but they did nothing

gateway Pundit
Supreme Court Rejects Derek Chauvin’s Appeal to Reconsider Conviction in George Floyd Case
Jim Hᴏft Nov. 20, 2023 10:30 am 692 Comments


Munro: DHS Chief Mayorkas Warns Agents Not to Misgender Border Crossers, but Ask Their Preferred Pronouns

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Honestly it’s hard to actually satirize these jokers.

(I am specifically referring to the last item on Mayorkas)

Last edited 11 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The very words he says is proper content for any satire skit. John Cleese could kill it


Mr. Cleese, please pick up any white courtesy phone. Your agent is holding.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

But satire is exaggeration. This would be pure non-fiction.


oooophhhh …I almost had it… you can’t deny that Cleese could make those imbecilic words (non-fic) funny, really funny.
 🤓 = Steve  😜 = Molly

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The campus rag where I went to school was very left wing (of course) and would do an april fool’s issue.

One year about the time Red Dawn came out, they ran their April Fool’s edition with the banner replaced with “The Dawn is Red Comrade”

We just asked where the satire was.


hahhah..they did manage accidentally come up with an unforgettable classic blooper title


Anybody know where to get the actual appeals court ruling staying the gag order in the Trump case?


Sorry, I haven’t seen it linked in any articles, and I haven’t been able to find it.




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  :wpds_arrow:  Depressing AND a Must Watch. <<<.

Video should go viral.


Hope this is reposted early in Tuesday’s posts.

If not, I’ll post it, in the morning.

Fall Of Minneapolis, IS Must Watch. <<<>>> Just as The J6 Lies Must be exposed.


Goodbye Candace: A statement by the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

Six years ago, the David Horowitz Freedom Center invited the then little-known Candace Owens to its annual Restoration Weekend gathering of conservative movers and shakers…

Back then she laid out an ambitious plan to “move the black vote 20 points by 2020”. It’s not clear what happened to that. Instead of liberating the black community, Candace began giving platforms to anti-Israel voices like Andrew Tate, a Muslim convert who said that “ISIS are the real Muslims because ISIS do exactly what the book says.”

The David Horowitz Freedom Center has previously criticized Candace’s promotion of Tate. But because of our history with Candace and our hope that she would pull out of this spiral, we did not make an issue of it.

The atrocities of October 7, the appearance of ignorant mobs in the U.S. chanting “Hitler was right” and supporting the Hamas terrorists, and Candace’s moral equivalence about these neo-Nazis have changed the stakes. We have decided to issue the present statement because of her recent promotion of Hamas’ genocidal lies.

For example, she has falsely compared Israel to the “segregated South.” This is the sort of ignorant ‘Apartheid State” slander that we expect from Black Lives Matter – and the Jew-killers of the Middle East.

When Candace implied that Israel was engaged in “genocide” for defending itself against the atrocities committed by Hamas, that’s the kind of genocidal lie we expect to hear from Hamas.

And when she suggested that to remove the Hamas auxiliary — Students for Justice in Palestine — from campuses would increase antisemitism, that’s what we expect to hear from the New York Times.

It’s not what we at the Freedom Center stand for and it’s not what the patriotic movement we have been helping to build over the last 35 years represents.

Instead of focusing on the meaningful activism and defense of American values that brought her to our attention, Candace Owens has become obsessed with her own fame, stirring up drama to compensate for a lack of real achievement. Her comments about Israel and her promotion of people like Andrew Tate are part of a pattern. Candace tackles a subject she knows nothing about, never bothers to learn anything about it, and then rides the backlash by playing the victim to generate more fame and money…

I haven’t followed her and do not have an allegiance to any of the internet influencers. There might be some good ones, but in general I don’t trust them to present the truth. Money and fame can corrupt the susceptible.

Last edited 11 months ago by TheseTruths

Candace Owens compares Israel to the segregated South.


I’m with you, too many but we have the advantage of a community of like minded people. With all the snips and blurb shared in here we get a fairly wide spectrum .
I think internet influencers are a somewhat positive way to spread truth but agree on the possible corrupted message at times. Notoriety can go to their heads


I’m not saying they don’t do good or present some good information. I just don’t hang on their every word or feel the need to follow them. “Snips and blurbs” are fine and are enough for me.

Of course, that won’t pay their bills. They have to have a following in order to make money.


In that tweet where she compared Israel to the segregated South, she looked at the situation purely from a “black” perspective without doing any research. She, a black person who has every privilege America can offer, used the prism of race when evaluating a situation that is not related to her race. Then she presented that opinion to the world.

It is a biased and inaccurate way to view things. I had thought her to be different, but she has not set herself apart with that comment.

I’m not sure, but I suspect she has been, and is being, subsidized and makes a good living. She appears to have plenty of money. Nothing wrong with that, but I can’t help but wonder how she got where she is and why I should listen to her. I get tired of some people’s influence that, compared with top podcasters and even journalists, and of course with people at the top levels of government, is at times substandard, is subject to their own biases, and can be shot full of holes. I don’t feel like supporting that. IMO some people here do a better job of in-depth research and fact-presenting.


If someone wants to “influence” me on a topic, they have to be both better informed, and smarter about it than I am.

Since I am privileged to hang out with the smart people here on the Q Tree, I am better informed on most subjects than 99.7% of the population. So I don’t even have to be the smartest person in the room to be un-influence-able by all but a tiny handful of people.



That about sums it up!




“Candace tackles a subject she knows nothing about, never bothers to learn anything about it, and then rides the backlash by playing the victim to generate more fame and money…”

To be honest, Candace has always struck me as a bit of a grifter. She does stir up shit a lot. And she often seems to be blathering about something without much knowledge of the subject.


Hopefully she is being outed now and will do some soul-searching.


Maybe. We can hope.


I wonder if Candace changed her viewpoints after her marriage. If so, that would indicate that her husband has influenced her. Kapernick had that happen to him. He was a fairly decent young man who capitalized on his great fortune in being adopted by caring people. It was very soon after he got involved with his girlfriend that he turned into an ungrateful rich thug.

Candace seems to be in a similar mode.


I was thinking maybe when her kid was born.



Barb Meier

Rush Limbaugh – The influencer on loan from God. Gosh I still miss him.


The ObL letter contains one glaring pile of bullshit – that the 9/11 attacks were part of what we deserved for invading Afghanistan and Iraq.

One minor point – both of those ‘invasions’ happened after 9/11. Afghanistan was in 11/2001 and Iraq was in 2003 [IIRC].

Sorry but that commingling with general dislike of the West renders the entire piece worthless. It is just the rant of someone who won a battle but lost the war.


1990/91 Gulf War to expel Iraq from Kuwait. I believe the US did go into Iraq. but not significantly. I can’t recall details.


Your thinking Gulf War I. They did go into Iraq and stomped all about half the country but then stopped short of defeating Sadam because the Bushies claimed the allied coalition had only signed on for pushing Iraq out of Kuwait and not totally defeating Iraq. Bush was so happy with his alliance thing, that he didn’t push it, wanting to look magnanimous after getting Sadam to agree to terms.



My point was, the post I responded(PG2) ignored the 1990/91 Gulf War. The US entering Iraq.

No big deal. Simply pointing it out. Your post, spot on. Thanks.

Barb Meier

Yes, February 15, 2003 on Iraq. My slideshow of the Marines going into Iraq with Task Force Tarawa based on Marine gunner Gary LaBarge’s individual photo dates.

[video src="" /]

Wikipedia on TFT –

This is a good week for me to watch the slideshow again.


This isn’t even about the COVID vax.
Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Sues Pfiz­er and Tris Phar­ma for Defraud­ing Texas Med­ic­aid and Pro­vid­ing Adul­ter­at­ed Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal Drugs to Children

Pfizer contracted with Tris, a drug manufacturer, to produce a pediatric attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder medication (“ADHD”), Quillivant XR. Pfizer knowingly distributed Quillivant to children on Medicaid despite the drug’s pattern of failing quality control tests due to flawed manufacturing practices. For years, Tris altered the drug’s testing method in violation of federal and state laws to ensure Quillivant passed regulatory hurdles and could continue to be sold.  

Despite knowing about these serious problems, Pfizer misrepresented to the Medicaid program that Quillivant was in compliance with federal and state law, and concealed from Medicaid decision-makers the fact that Quillivant was an adulterated drug. As a result of these misrepresentations and concealments, Pfizer and Tris obtained the benefit of taxpayer-funded Medicaid reimbursement for Quillivant.   

From 2012 to 2018, Pfizer and Tris continually manipulated Quillivant testing to hide poor manufacturing practices and defraud the Texas Medicaid program. During this time, many families complained that the medication failed to work. 

“I am horrified by the dishonesty we uncovered in this investigation,” said Attorney General Paxton. “Pfizer and Tris intentionally concealed and failed to disclose the issues with Quillivant to receive taxpayer funded benefits through Texas Medicaid, defrauding the state and endangering children. Our Civil Medicaid Fraud Division has done an outstanding job holding these pharmaceutical companies accountable.”  

…The lawsuit was initially filed under seal, but the judge has since unsealed the petition at the Attorney General’s request. To read the unsealed petition, click here.


Texas attorney general opens investigation into Media Matters for ‘potential fraudulent activity’

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is opening an investigation into Media Matters for “potential fraudulent activity” after X CEO Elon Musk accused the left-wing media watchdog group of manipulating data on the social media platform. 

After a slew of advertisers, including IBM, Apple, Disney, Lionsgate and Paramount, fled X, formerly known as Twitter, Musk pledged to hit the watchdog group with a “thermonuclear lawsuit.” 

Media Matters published a report on Friday accusing X of placing ads next to “white nationalist hashtags.” However, Musk believes that the group “completely misrepresented the real user experience” in order to mislead advertisers. 

Republican Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey posted on Sunday that his legal team was “looking into” the matter. Now, Paxton is launching an official investigation with his office after being “extremely troubled” by the allegations. 

“We are examining the issue closely to ensure that the public has not been deceived by the schemes of radical left-wing organizations who would like nothing more than to limit freedom by reducing participation in the public square,” said Paxton. 

This is good. Tie them up in lawsuits, put them on the defensive, and hopefully halt some of their influence leading up to the election.


Exactly. They want to harass President Trump with all their ridiculous lawsuits. Turn the tables on them and start going after them for their real crimes. There needs to be a lot more of this.


Confirmed VSG. Check. Physical health normal. Check.

Dem media and operatives scramble in a panic. Oh well…


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hat tip Sync at CTH…absolutely infuriating and sad


I’d like to say I am surprised. I am NOT, surprised.

Back to watching, the Fall Of Minneapolis.


Watching Cold Mountain now and then to Fall of Minneapolis


Cold Mountain, great movie.

One hour in, Fall of Minneapolis, Pure Nightmare. I don’t even know where to start.

Bewildering.>>> Justice Died in every aspect of Floyd farce. <<<Chauvin should be released and awarded Millions.Along with the other three officer WRONGLY convicted.

Remaining stuff deleted.

Last edited 11 months ago by kalbokalbs