2024·11·09 Joe Biden Didn’t Win (And Neither Did Kamala Harris) Daily Thread

What is it that feeds our battle, yet starves our victory?

OK Let’s Have Some Fun

Let’s nominate people from this site for positions in the 47 administration!

E.g., Scott for Press Secretary (assuming they don’t go with Kayleigh again). Imagine the YSM Jurinalists getting the Scott treatment!

Our Turn

We’ve often seen that quote from David Plouffe: “It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again.”

This was of course a declaration of intent to annihilate not just Trump, but rather “his kind.”

You know what? I think we should flip it around. David Plouffe’s kind should be destroyed thoroughly and their kind must not rise again.

What is Plouffe’s kind? I suppose it depends on who’s talking and what they are thinking of in particular. Well, at the moment it’s me talking and I am thinking of the sort of maggot who is attracted to politics not to better his world but rather so that he can wield power over others, or line their pockets with “free” money. Often these people end up as what Ayn Rand called “pull peddlers,” receiving money in exchange for using their connections to do favors.

This type is parasitic. Utterly parasitic. And they should be destroyed thoroughly and not allowed to rise again.

The bad news is we will never eradicate them. Useless turds who can’t do anything productive will always be with us. As will the outright sociopaths.

Of course they find Trump to be their enemy. And of course they find us to be their enemy. If we won’t simply lie down and let our “betters” have their way with us, we’re a problem, we’re something to be got rid of. And of late, we haven’t lain down without a protest, as we are “supposed” to do. Dang uppity Garbage Deplorables! We don’t know our place!!!

The good news is we can provide far fewer niches for these parasites. The niches come into being when something that people formerly did of their own free will is taken over by the government; then every aspect of that activity becomes a political football.

Take for instance education. Since the government runs it, if you don’t like what’s being done, you have to form a political movement and try to work your way around the maggots embedded in the bureaucracy. If education were private, then if you didn’t like what they were doing to your child, you’d take your money and your child elsewhere. And people who didn’t even have school-age children presently would have no voice–and not have to pay money. Making it a government “thing” turned it into a political thing, and the maggots began to swarm.

So we wreck them by seriously cutting government and giving them fewer places to exist. Among all of the other benefits, the body politic would have fewer sociopaths and parasites in it.

People like Plouffe are the same type, but they are the full-on political hacks who set policy, rather than implement it. They’re just as bad if not worse; they help government grow, and steer it into serving its own ends, rather than those of the people it is supposed to be serving.

The Deep State is nothing more than a government that serves its own ends.

And we have had enough of this.

They must be destroyed thoroughly, and their kind must not rise again.

This election wasn’t the end, it was the beginning. There are millions of these malignancies in this country and we’ve just defeated two of them. Keep pushing. Now we can go after them wholesale.

It’s our turn.

Our turn.

Our turn.


You stole the 2020 election. You’ve mocked and ridiculed and put people in prison and broken people’s lives because you said this thing was stolen. This entire phony thing is getting swept out. Biden’s getting swept out. Kamala Harris is getting swept out. MSNBC is getting swept out. The Justice Department is getting swept out. The FBI is getting swept out. You people suck, okay?! And now you’re going to pay the price for trying to destroy this country.

And I’m going to tell you, we’re going to get to the bottom of where the 600,000 votes [are]. You manufactured them to steal this election from President Trump in 2020. And think what this country would be if we hadn’t gone through the last four years of your madness, okay? You don’t deserve any respect, you don’t deserve any empathy, and you don’t deserve any pity.

And if anybody gives it to you, it’s Donald J. Trump, because he’s got a big heart and he’s a good man. A good man that you’re still gonna try to put in prison on the 26th of this month. This is how much you people suck. Okay? You’ve destroyed his business thing. And he came back.

He came back in the greatest show of political courage, I think, in world history. Like, [Roman statesman] Cincinnatus coming back from the plough [returning to politics to rescue the Roman Republic]. He’s the American Cincinnatus. And what he has done is a profile in courage. We’ve had his back. But I got to tell you, he may be empathetic. He may have a kind heart. He may be a good man. But we’re not. Okay? And you deserve, as Natalie Winters says, not retribution, justice. But you deserve what we call rough Roman justice, and we’re prepared to give it to you.

Steve Bannon, on election night



January 6 Tapes?

Paging Speaker Johnson…this is your conscience calling you out on broken promises.

For all your high talk about your Christian moral background…you’re looking less and less like you have any kind of moral background.

If You are a Patriot and Don’t Loathe RINOs…

Let’s talk about RINOs, and why they are the lowest form of life in politics.

Many patriots have been involved with politics, often at the grassroots, for decades. We’ve fought, and fought, and fought and won the occasional illusory small victory.

Yet we can’t seem to win the war, even when we have BIG electoral wins.

I am reminded of something. The original Star Trek had an episode titled Day of the Dove. It was one of the better episodes from the third season, but any fan of the original series will tell you that’s a very low bar. Still, it seems to get some respect; at a time when there were about 700 episodes of Star Trek in its various incarnations out there, it was voted 99th best out of the top 100.

In sum, the plot is that an alien entity has arranged for 39 Enterprise crew, and 39 Klingons, to fight each other endlessly with swords and other muscle-powered weapons. The entity lives off of hostile emotions, you see and it wants a captive food source. (The other 400 or so Enterprise crew are trapped below decks and unable to help.) Each side has its emotions played and amplified by the alien entity; one Enterprise junior officer has false memories implanted of a brother who was killed by Klingons. The brother didn’t even exist.

Even people killed in a sword fight miraculously heal so they can go do it again.

The second best line of the episode is when Kang, the Klingon captain, notes that though they have won quite a number of small victories including capturing Engineering, can’t seem to actually finally defeat the Enterprise crew. He growls, “What power is it that feeds our battle yet starves our victory?*”

Indeed. He may have been the bad guy, but his situation should sound familiar.

We are a majority in this country. We have a powerful political party in our corner. There is endless wrangling.

And yet,

What power is it that feeds our battle yet starves our victory?

In our case, that power is the RINOs in our midst. They specialize in caving when on the verge of victory. Think of Obamacare’s repeal failing…by one Republican vote. Think of the way we can never seem to get spending under control (and now our entire tax revenue goes to pay interest on the debt; anything the government actually does now is with borrowed money).

We have a party…that refuses to do what we want it to do, and that refusal is institutionalized. If you’ve been involved with GOP politics, but haven’t seen this, it’s because you refuse to see it. Or because you are part of the problem yourself. (If so, kindly gargle some red fuming nitric acid to clear the taste of shit out of your mouth, and let those not part of the problem alone so they can read this.)

We fight to elect people, who then take a dive when in office. But it’s not just the politicians in office, it’s the people behind the scenes, the leaders of the national, state and county branches of the party. Their job is to ensure that real patriots never get onto the general election ballot. They’re allowed a few failures…who can then become token conservatives who will somehow never manage to win (Jordan), or can be compromised outright (Lauren Boebert?).

That way it doesn’t actually matter who has a congressional majority. I remember my excitement when the GOP took the Senate in 1980. But all that did was empower a bunch of “moderate” puddles of dog vomit like…well for whatever reason forty years later the most memorable name is Pete Domenici. And a couple of dozen other “moderates” who simply had no interest in doing what grassroots people in their party–those same grassroots people who had worked so hard to elect them–wanted them to do.

Oh, they’ll put up a semblance of a fight…but never win. And they love it when we fight the Dems instead of fighting them. Just like that alien entity, whose motto surely was “Let’s you and him fight. It’ll be delicious!”

If you think about it, your entire political involvement has come to nothing because of these walking malignant tumors.

That should make you good and mad.

The twenty five who blocked Jordan, and the hundred people who took that opportunity to stab Jordan in the back in the secret ballot should make you good and mad.

I’ll close this with another example of RINO backstabbing, an infuriating one close to home.

In my county, the GOP chair is not a RINO. She got elected when the grassroots had had enough of the RINOs. Unfortunately the state organization is full of RINOs, and the ousted county RINOs have been trying to form a new “Republican Party” and get the state GOP to recognize them as the affiliate. I’m honestly amazed it hasn’t happened yet.

In other words those shitstains won’t just leave when they get booted out; they’ll try to destroy what they left behind. It’s an indication that they know we know how important that behind-the-scenes party power is.

So they must be destroyed. That’s the only way they’ll ever stop.

We cannot win until the leeches “on our side” get destroyed.

What power is it that feeds our battle yet starves our victory?*

We know it. What is going to be done about it?

*NOTE: The original line was actually “What power is it that supports our battle yet starves our victory.” I had mis-remembered it as feeds. When I checked it, it sure enough was “supports” and that’s what I originally quoted. On further reflection, though, I realized my memory was actually an improvement over the reality, because feeds is a perfect contrast with starves. I changed it partway through the day this originally posted, but now (since this is a re-run) it gets rendered this way from the start.

If one must do things wrong, one should do them wrong…right.

RINOs an Endangered Species?
If Only!

According to Wikipoo, et. al., the Northern White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum cottoni) is a critically endangered species. Apparently two females live on a wildlife preserve in Sudan, and no males are known to be alive. So basically, this species is dead as soon as the females die of old age. Presently they are watched over by armed guards 24/7.

Biologists have been trying to cross them with the other subspecies, Southern White Rhinoceroses (Rhinoceri?) without success; and some genetic analyses suggest that perhaps they aren’t two subspecies at all, but two distinct species, which would make the whole project a lot more difficult.

I should hope if the American RINO (Parasitus rectum pseudoconservativum) is ever this endangered, there will be heroic efforts not to save the species, but rather to push the remainder off a cliff. Onto punji sticks. With feces smeared on them. Failing that a good bath in red fuming nitric acid will do.

But I’m not done ranting about RINOs.

The RINOs (if they are capable of any introspection whatsoever) probably wonder why they constantly have to deal with “populist” eruptions like the Trump-led MAGA movement. That would be because the so-called populists stand for absolutely nothing except for going along to get along. That allows the Left to drive the culture and politics.

Given the results of our most recent elections, the Left will now push harder, and the RINOs will now turn even squishier than they were before.

I well remember 1989-1990 in my state when the RINO establishment started preaching the message that a conservative simply couldn’t win in Colorado. Never mind the fact that Reagan had won the state TWICE (in 1984 bringing in a veto-proof state house and senate with him) and GHWB had won after (falsely!) assuring everyone that a vote for him was a vote for Reagan’s third term.

This is how the RINOs function. They push, push, push the line that only a “moderate” can get elected. Stomp them when they pull that shit. Tell everyone in ear shot that that’s exactly what the Left wants you to think, and oh-by-the-way-Mister-RINO if you’re in this party selling the same message as the Left…well, whythefuckexactly are you in this party, you lying piece of rancid weasel shit?


It says “Justice” on the picture.

And I’m sure someone will post the standard joke about what the fish thinks about the situation.

But what is it?

Here’s a take, from a different context: It’s about how you do justice, not the justice that must be done to our massively corrupt government and media. You must properly identify the nature of a person, before you can do him justice.

Ayn Rand, On Justice (speaking through her character John Galt, in Atlas Shrugged):

Justice is the recognition of the fact that you cannot fake the character of men as you cannot fake the character of nature, that you must judge all men as conscientiously as you judge inanimate objects, with the same respect for truth, with the same incorruptible vision, by as pure and as rational a process of identification—that every man must be judged for what he is and treated accordingly, that just as you do not pay a higher price for a rusty chunk of scrap than for a piece of shining metal, so you do not value a rotter above a hero—that your moral appraisal is the coin paying men for their virtues or vices, and this payment demands of you as scrupulous an honor as you bring to financial transactions—that to withhold your contempt from men’s vices is an act of moral counterfeiting, and to withhold your admiration from their virtues is an act of moral embezzlement—that to place any other concern higher than justice is to devaluate your moral currency and defraud the good in favor of the evil, since only the good can lose by a default of justice and only the evil can profit—and that the bottom of the pit at the end of that road, the act of moral bankruptcy, is to punish men for their virtues and reward them for their vices, that that is the collapse to full depravity, the Black Mass of the worship of death, the dedication of your consciousness to the destruction of existence.

Ayn Rand identified seven virtues, chief among them rationality. The other six, including justice, she considered subsidiary because they are essentially different aspects and applications of rationality.

—Ayn Rand Lexicon (aynrandlexicon.com)

Justice Must Be Done.

Trump, it is supposed, had some documents.

Biden and company stole the country.

I’m sure enough of this that I put my money where my mouth is.

The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system. (This doesn’t necessarily include deposing Joe and Hoe and putting Trump where he belongs, but it would certainly be a lot easier to fix our broken electoral system with the right people in charge.)

Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2024 or 2026 is pointless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud in the system is not part of the plan, you have no plan.

This will necessarily be piecemeal, state by state, which is why I am encouraged by those states working to change their laws to alleviate the fraud both via computer and via bogus voters. If enough states do that we might end up with a working majority in Congress and that would be something Trump never really had.

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

Spot Prices

Last week:

Gold $2,736.50
Silver $32.51
Platinum $1,002.00
Palladium $1,124.00
Rhodium $4,950.00
FRNSI* 131.378+
Gold:Silver 84.174+

This week, at Friday close:

Gold $2,684.50
Silver $31.35
Platinum $979.00
Palladium $1,014.00
Rhodium $5,025.00
FRNSI* 128.863-
Gold:Silver 85.630-

No whitewashing it, the precious metals took as big a beating as the Democrats did. Gold dropped over $75 on Wednesday and though it partially recovered Thursday, it dropped again on Friday. It’s possible the bull market is over…let’s see what happens next week.

Notably, silver did even worse than gold; the ratio is now 85.6 to 1.

For someone who took a substantial loss in net worth this week, I sure seem to be in a cheerful mood. I wonder why?

*The SteveInCO Federal Reserve Note Suckage Index (FRNSI) is a measure of how much the dollar has inflated. It’s the ratio of the current price of gold, to the number of dollars an ounce of fine gold made up when the dollar was defined as 25.8 grains of 0.900 gold. That worked out to an ounce being $20.67+71/387 of a cent. (Note gold wasn’t worth this much back then, thus much gold was $20.67 71/387ths. It’s a subtle distinction. One ounce of gold wasn’t worth $20.67 back then, it was $20.67.) Once this ratio is computed, 1 is subtracted from it so that the number is zero when the dollar is at its proper value, indicating zero suckage.

The Grand Tour

Meet Gary Flandro (1934- ):

He’s an aerospace engineer, who is currently the professor for the Boling Chair of Excellence at the University of Tennessee Space Institute. He is also the Vice President and Chief Engineer for Gloyer-Taylor Laboratories (GTL).

He has an interesting academic “ancestry”–he studied under Frank E. Marble, who studied under Hans Wolfgangg Liepmann, who studied under Bar, who studied under Emil Hilb, who studied under Karl Louis Ferdinand von Lindemann (who proved in 1882 that pi is a transcendental number), who studied under Felix Christian Klein, who studied under Rudolf Otto Sigismund Lipschitz, who studied under Johann Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet, who studied under Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier (yes, that Fourier), who studied under Joseph-Louis Lagrange (yes, that Lagrange), who studied under Leonhard Euler (yes, that Euler). Academics sometimes like to play “academic genealogy” (as do musicians; some can show that Beethoven or Haydn taught someone who taught someone who…(eventually)…taught them). Every one of these people has a Wikipedia page, with the exception of Bar, many are famous to mathematicians.

That’s cool. But it’s not the reason I chose to mention Flandro.

Flandro is the reason we have closeup pictures of Uranus and Neptune.

In 1964, he came to the realization that we were coming up on a very rare alignment of the outer planets. No, they weren’t going to be in a tidy straight line, but it would be possible to send a spacecraft past Jupiter, get a gravity assist from Jupiter to go to Saturn, then a gravity assist from Saturn to go to Uranus, and so on, on to Neptune and Pluto (still considered a planet back then).

Or, if one sends two spacecraft, get all of that done in less time, by sending one, launched in 1977 to Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, and the other, launched in 1979, to Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. This concept (with one modification) was dubbed the Grand Tour program, and was proposed in 1969. That modification was to send two pairs of spacecraft.

Total cost, $1 billion or so in real money, but cheaper than sending separate spacecraft. The biggest issue was that sending a probe of any useful size past Jupiter without any assistance is difficult; it still is. (All of these fancy Jupiter and Saturn orbiters needed gravitational assists to get there with enough fuel to do an orbital insertion burn and still have enough left over to make small maneuvers for many years.) This way, if you could get to Jupiter, you could automatically get to the other planets.

What’s not to like? The money.

Instead of four spacecraft, we’d send two Mariner-type probes. And we’d blow off Uranus, Neptune and Pluto…well, sort of. Now the project was called Mariner Jupiter-Saturn, which was approved in 1972, for $360 million apiece.

Both probes would visit Jupiter, Saturn, and Titan. (Titan was included because even then it was known to have an atmosphere, which made it unusual for a moon.)

That is what was advertised, to keep cost estimates down. Here’s what actually happened. The first probe was launched on a flight plan called JST: Jupiter Saturn Titan. The second was launched on a flight plan called JSX. JSX would visit Jupiter and Saturn, but if the first mission failed either at Titan or earlier, it could be diverted to visit Titan…and that would be it. If not diverted, however, it would not do a close flyby of Titan, but instead go on to Uranus and Neptune. The reason this wasn’t advertised is that controlling those spacecraft for the additional nine years would be expensive.

These would have been Mariner 11 and Mariner 12. The earlier Mariner probes had largely explored Mars; this would have been a continuation of that legacy. But these spacecraft had a lot of new features, and so in March, 1977 NASA held a competition to rename the project. And so, just months before launch they became Voyager 1 and 2. Voyager 1 would visit Jupiter and Saturn with a close flyby of Titan. Voyager 2 would visit Jupiter and Saturn, then Uranus and Neptune, but could be diverted if Voyager 1 failed either before or during the Titan flyby, since Voyager 2 would reach Saturn nine months after Voyager 1. (There was even an option to divert Voyager 1 away from Titan and send it to Pluto, but Titan was considered the more interesting target after Pioneer 11 saw just how thick its atmosphere was.)

Voyager 2 was launched first, on August 20, 1977, then Voyager 1 on September 5th, on a faster trajectory. It would actually overtake Voyager 2 and reach Jupiter on March 5, 1979 (barely a year and a half after launch!). Voyager 2 flew by on July 9, then both were off to Saturn. Voyager 1 reached Saturn on November 12, 1980 (shortly after the election), and flew by Titan later that day. The Titan encounter actually flung it out of the plane of the ecliptic, meaning Voyager wouldn’t be visiting any more planets. Voyager 2 was not diverted, and reached Saturn on August 26, 1981. And then Uranus on January 24, 1986, and Neptune on August 25, 1989, one day shy of eight years after the Saturn flyby.

So far Voyager 2 is the only spacecraft to ever fly by Uranus and Neptune.

Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are still ticking, believe it or not, and Voyager 1 is now in interstellar space having passed outside of the Sun’s magnetic field. It’s returning data on the almost total vacuum of interstellar space. But, in the next two years (likely next year in fact) their RTG units will have degraded enough that they will no longer be able to power any of the scientific instruments. And ultimately they will be unable to maintain radio contact with Earth sometime in the 2030s; they will be out of range of our receivers.

(The RTGs on the Voyagers are slugs of plutonium oxide; the plutonium is isotope 238 (not the 239 used in bombs) which has an 87.7 year half life. The heat generated is converted to electrical power via thermocouples using the Seebeck effect. When new they generated 160 watts electrical, 2400 watts heat.)

Old Voyagers never die, they just fade away.

Voyager 1 is still moving at 16.9 km/sec relative to the sun; it crosses 3.57 AUs per year…almost the distance between Earth and Jupiter at its closest. Voyager 2 is moving at 15.2 km/sec. Their distances are 162 and 137 AUs, or 24.5 and and 20.5 billion kilometers.

And again, it is thanks to these stalwarts that we have any closeup pictures and data for Uranus and Neptune and their moons. Hubble and JWST can take occasional ganders, but there’s no substitute for being there, however briefly; and for now, this is what we’ve got.


Uranus was spotted by John Flamsteed in 1690 as he created his star catalog. If you’ve ever seen a star with a name something like “61 Cygni” (a number and then a Latin genitive of a constellation name), that’s a Flamsteed designation. There are 84 of his designations that are today considered to have been mistakes; in particular “34 Tauri” was actually the planet Uranus.

Uranus was identified as a planet for the first time by William Herschel in 1781, his first thought was to name it after the King…As it happens, King George III; yes, that asshole. Good taste prevailed; we couldn’t get away from assholes apparently but at least it’s more egalitarian: It’s named after everyone’s asshole.

William Herschel, 15 November 1738 – 25 August 1822

OK, more seriously it’s named after the Greek sky god, Ouranos (Οὐρανός). Ouranos was one of the primordial deities, along with Gaia (Earth), he was the father of the Titans…in particular Kronos (Saturn). Saturn in turn was the father of Zeus (Jupiter). So it’s a neat progression, one generation back every planet out from the Sun. (But with this we’re out of generations; nothing preceded Ouranos.

The usual pronunciation is “YER-in-us” rather than “your anus” but I don’t even care for that one (as it means “full of urine”) and would like to go with OO-rahn-ose which is closer to the Greek pronunciation. Not a battle I’m likely to win.

OK, some basic facts since this bit is a recap of the Hugh Janus post from several months ago.

First a picture, with Blue Marble Earth (with a non-fubared Red Sea) photoshopped in for a size comparison. This is a natural-color image of Uranus taken by Voyager 2:

Well, that’s fascinating. We could probably argue over whether that’s more green than blue, or vice versa. It’s about as detailed as any true color image of Venus. Or Titan. More can be learned from false color images.

Uranus is 19.1 AU from the Sun, on average–about twice as far out as Saturn–and takes 84.02 Earth years to make one orbit around the Sun. It rotates once (relative to the Sun) in 17 hours, 14 minutes. However, here’s the thing: its axis of rotation is tipped 98 degrees from being perpendicular to its orbit (compare to our 23.5 degrees). Since axial tilts cause seasons, and this is almost as extreme as they get, Uranus has extreme seasons; at one point in its orbit almost the entire northern hemisphere has a midnight sun while the southern hemisphere gets no sun at all. And the poles get 42 years of continuous sunlight followed by 42 years of darkness (analogous to our poles getting six months of each). Because of these extreme seasons, Uranus has the lowest minimum temperature of any planet in the Solar System coming in at 49K.

This next graphic is a simulation of what Uranus looks like from Earth (hence just about what it looks like from the Sun) from 1985 to 2030, just a bit over half a Uranian year. The rings are included to provide a reference:

Uranus’s equatorial radius is 25,559 (give or take 4) km, compare to Earth’s 6,378. It has a mass 14.5 times that of Earth.

Uranus has multiple magnetic poles, and this likely has something to do with the fact that it is an “ice giant”

We’ve not dealt with ice giants before; these are gas giants (like Jupiter and Saturn) but with a heavier concentration of the molecules that planetary scientists call “ices” (even when they’re not frozen), water, ammonia, methane, sulfur dioxide, etc; generally hydrogen combined with some fairly small atom. Deep inside the planet all sorts of interesting forms of these compounds appear. In particular, water ice has many different polymorphs (different ways of crystalizing) under great pressure. Some of these even break the water molecules apart leaving oxygen crystallized and the hydrogen ions free to move through the lattice, others under greater pressure trap the hydrogen. It is thought that Uranus (and Neptune) have layers of the conducting ice deep inside and this is where the magnetic fields originate. Since the locations are relatively thin shells, it’s likely that multiple magnetic poles would form.

In some ways Uranus and Neptune resemble what you’d get if you removed the (mostly hydrogen and helium) outer layers from Jupiter and Saturn.

Uranus has rings; these were discovered in 1977. The discoverers were planning to watch Uranus pass in front of a star to hopefully learn something about Uranus’s atmosphere. They were surprised to see the star blink out five times before and afterwards, in symmetric patterns, which is what you’d see if an otherwise invisible ring was dimming the light. Later on they detected four more rings. The rings are made out of very dark objects about the size of a basketball (similar in size to Saturn’s rings’ constituents) and thus they couldn’t be seen directly. They’re named with Greek letters, sometimes numbers, and the names are not in any kind of logical order since they were assigned in discovery order.


Uranus has 28 known moons. The naming scheme is based on characters from Shakepeare and Alexander Pope.

We’ll start with an image taken by JWST; the big ones are bright blue, nine inner moons are also shown.

I learned Uranus had five moons in school, and these “original” five are four medium-sized major moons with one medium-small major moon.

Inner Moons

But we now know of 13 “inner moons” (small, non-round moons that orbit in nice circular orbits, closer than the major moons). That’s the most of any of the four giant planets. Working outward, we have Cordelia and Ophelia, which shepherd the ε (epsilon) ring. Then we have six at very similar distances forming a group: Bianca, Cressida, Desdemona, Juliet, Portia, and Rosalind. Then another close grouping of three: Cupid, Belinda, and Perdita. Finally there are Puck and Mab, Mab is likely the source of the μ (mu) ring.

We have a fuzzy picture with some detail for one of these moons, Puck:

Puck. 162 km across, orbiting at 86,005 km in 0.761 days.

All of these moons are involved with the ring system, which (unsurprisingly) is thought to have resulted from the fragmentation of other inner moons.

Major Moons

Then we come to the major moons; the five we heard about in school if you’re anything remotely my age. They are shown in this montage at the right relative sizes and brightness, in order of distance from Uranus.

They are: Miranda (471.6 km), Ariel (1157.8), Umbriel (1169.4), Titania (1577.8) and Oberon (1522.8). Titania at 1,577.8 km is just a bit bigger than Saturn’s Rhea, and is the largest “medium” moon. Titania and Oberon were discovered by Herschel in 1787, Ariel and Umbriel in 1851 by William Lassell, and Miranda by Gerard Kuiper in 1948. (And you will be seeing the name “Kuiper” a lot in the future.)

At the time Voyager 2 flew by the southern hemisphere of Uranus and each of its moons was oriented to the Sun, and we only got 20-40% coverage in the pictures…and we still don’t know what’s on the other sides of these moons!

These moons are fairly dark, by contrast with the bright moons of Saturn.

Miranda is mostly ice, while the other four seem to have significant rocky content:

The big four seem to all have salt water layers, underlain by hydrated water, and perhaps in the case of Titania and Oberon, dry rocky cores. I get the impression that all of this is somewhat speculative.


Miranda, 471.6 km across, orbiting at 129,858 km in 1.41 days

Miranda is likely the most interesting of these moons, with fault canyons 20 km deep, terraced layers, and a patchwork chaotic surface of different ages and features. (We can tell the different ages from the different amounts of meteor craters.) Look at that picture; it looks like a Frankenmoon. Note that the canyons and mountains are large enough to be obvious bumps and cuts in what ought to be a circular outline. There is some speculation that this moon was broken apart and reassembled at some time in the past.

Of course I cannot think of Miranda without remembering the scene from Red Heat, where Ahnuld plays a Soviet policeman in the US to arrest and bring back Georgian thugs (no, the other Georgia, the one where they really talk funny). After roughing up one suspect and then being told that here in the US there are Miranda rights, warnings, etc…


The highest resolution image of Ariel from Voyager 2 is this one:

Ariel, 1,157,8 km across, orbiting at 190,930 km in 2.52 days.

The broad channels to the lower right stand out, they’re called grabens and may be from liquid welling to the surface…sometime in the distance past.


Conveniently for those wanting to memorize names, Ariel and Umbriel rhyme which might help you remember they’re adjacent to each other in the list.

Umbriel is dark and heavily cratered, and as you can see the photo is a bit blurry. At the very top is the crater Wunda.

Umbriel, 1169.4 km across, orbiting at 263,982 km in 4.14 days


As mentioned before Titania is the largest “medium” sized moon, beating out Rhea by a slim margin. Water ice and a bit of carbon dioxide as dry ice have been detected. Again we have one not-very-high-res picture, and a slightly better one.

Titania, 1576.8 km across, orbiting at 436,282 km in 8.71 days.


Oberon, 1522.8 km across, orbiting at 583,449 km in 13.46 days.

Oberon has a lot of bright patches, these are largely craters with bright rays. The largest of these is Hamlet, almost dead center in the photograph. There is also an 11 km mountain at about 8 o’clock on the limb.

Irregular Moons

There are 10 irregular moons, ones that are lumpy and orbit in inclined or even retrograde orbits with high eccentricity. They are: Francisco, Caliban, Stephano, S/2023 U 1, Trinculo, Sycorax, Margaret, Prospero, Setebos, and Ferdinand. The largest of these irregular moons is Sycorax, a respectably-sized 120-200km. Many of these moons were discovered by the Hubble Space telescope. Caliban, Stephano and S/2023 U 1 all seem to be part of a group, six of the others are retrograde but with very dissimilar orbits, and Margaret is actually prograde at a 60 degree inclination.


We’ve seen a definite pattern so far with giant planets’ moons. There are inner moons, small, irregularly shaped moons that nevertheless are in nice, tidy circular orbits that have almost no inclination relative to the planet’s equator. Then major moons; the trend there seems to be smaller and smaller moons on the whole, the further out you go from the Sun (Jupiter had four large moons and no medium moons, Saturn had one large moon and a bunch of medium and medium-small ones, Uranus has only medium and medium-small ones).

Since all of those moons are in nice circular orbits usually in the plane of the planet’s equator, it’s thought that the original lump of gas, volatiles, and solids that formed the planet also formed the moons. This nebular lump would collapse, spin faster (angular momentum being conserved) and form an accretion disk. The main central mass would become the planet and the rest would form the regular moons (inner and major). This is actually a miniature of the formation of the Solar System itself, where the disk around the proto-Sun would form planets, all in nearly the same orbital plane, all orbiting in the same “prograde” direction.

Outside of those major moons, we go directly to irregular moons, which come in groups suggesting some larger body was broken up. The irregular moons are never big enough to be round, and are called irregular largely because they have very eccentric, inclined orbits; most in fact are retrograde, orbiting the planet “backwards” from the normal counterclockwise as seen from over the north pole. This strongly suggests these objects did not form with the planets as the regular moons did, but rather got captured later.

Saturn is a slightly special case, some small moons are mixed in with the major moons, including four that are Trojans to a couple of the major moons, but this is an addition to the pattern, not a true breaking of it.


Unlike with Saturn I simply wasn’t able to bury you in pictures and information. Again, that’s a consequence of the fact that we’ve sent one spacecraft on a flyby, ever. Whereas at Saturn and Jupiter we’ve been able to park spacecraft there for years, completely map the major moons, get good reads on their masses, and so on.

So will we ever learn more? There has been some talk of sending orbiters to Uranus, and it was given a high priority during NASA’s last decadal plan, but nothing was done about it. China is talking about sending probes as well. But there’s nothing firm.

Next month, we take up Neptune!

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SteveInCO for NASA!


Scott for Press Secretary

Wolf Moon for FIB Director

Gail Combs

OR CIA director.

Valerie Curren

CIA director Dismantler! FIFY 😉


There ya go.

Valerie Curren



Alex Jones for Press Secretary.

Gail Combs

  :wpds_shock:   :wpds_eek:   :wpds_chuckle:  ….   :wpds_lol: 

Make politics entertaining again!


I like Alex.

he’d be great at it.

and quite entertaining, yes.

Gail Combs

The first three are the press Corpse reaction (And yeah CORPSE since they are the walking dead)


that’s what he said…

comment image



I think right of first refusal should go to Kayleigh McEnany’s binder.




We could put Karl in charge of HHS —



🎉🥳🎊 More winning!


Yes, it’s Our Turn. “The people have spoken,” as they say. And it’s a mandate. I have thought and felt over the past four years that the majority of the country did not agree with Dem policies, and that has been borne out. The majority of the country was cheated in the 2020 election.

I’m glad to know about Gary Flandro, and what a “pedigree” he has! I did not know how big the planet Uranus is.


When it is proven that the Left cheated in 2020, they need to be held accountable for all of the damage that happened on their stolen watch.

Talk about totally justified reparations… how much does it cost to get four years of your life back, time 330 million?

Sue the Left and all of their ‘leaders’ out of existence.

Gail Combs

1000% behind that!


comment image


The government intentionally wasting of all that water (to discourage farming?) when it could be used by the People ought to be a criminal act.

It’s a premeditated ecological crime created by government with malice aforethought.

Gail Combs

But it is FOR the Snail darter or some such fish.🙄


Never actually proved to exist in the Delta. A minor detail.

Gail Combs

IIRC they were not even a native species. The snail darter is native to East Tennessee. 


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Gail Combs

Target can go F…k themselves with a rusty chainsaw!


I don’t think you need to be so kind to them, I don’t believe they deserve it

Gail Combs




Nuff said. No go zone here. No exceptions.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO!!! And here I’ve been pronouncing it “TarZhay” for far too long!


Let me know when they deny perverts access to the ladies rest room.

Then I might care.




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So much in common in this picture.

Can’t stand each other.

Losers, knowing they have lost and will lose to Trump.

Rejected by America.


My sides hurt. I can’t take many more memes like this.  😂 


Who knew, Trump would get so much goodness out of visiting McDonald’s.

(Yea. Trump knew. Truly a genius.)


That one is so perfect, LOL.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump is a VSG. Always remember!


John Basham:


The @FBI Is Ending Their Investigations Of Jan. 6th That Are Still Open!

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From washingtontimes.com

Last edited 25 days ago by TheseTruths
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Something is happening.


It’s like the earth is quaking and plates are moving underneath our feet


James Woods:

All the lunatics are squawking, but this time it’s just pathetic . This was the biggest landslide, the most truly diverse election in modern times. Americans joined hands across the nation, and saved America from the crazies at long last.


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FBI brass ‘stunned’ and ‘shell shocked’ over Trump reelection
[emphasis mine]

The brass on the seventh floor at FBI headquarters in Washington are walking around in a daze and wary of a housecleaning since President-elect Donald Trump won his reelection on Tuesday, according to inside sources.

The Washington Times learned through several anonymous bureau sources that senior executives who run the agency were “stunned” and “shellshocked” by Mr. Trump’s victory over Vice President Kamala Harris.

“You know the fit test? How they let the standards slack on the fit test?” the first FBI source said, referring to the agency’s physical fitness requirements. “Everyone’s going to have a real problem when they’re running for the door.”

…“It’s a countdown for Wray because [people here] don’t think he will stay to get fired after what Trump did to Comey,” the first source said. “Trump will say, Yeah, ’fire his ass. Don’t let him take the plane home,” a reference to Mr. Comey finding out about his termination while flying to California on the bureau’s airplane. 

Mr. Trump appointed Mr. Wray as FBI director in 2017 after firing Mr. Comey. The director’s term is for 10 years, but serving a full term depends on gaining the confidence of the president. 

Others on the 7th floor of the FBI are so concerned about their own jobs that they are likely to flood the Washington, D.C., private security job market, sources say.

According to most of the sources, no one in the FBI at a GS-14 level or higher is safe from losing their job after Mr. Trump is sworn in, and they fully expect the president-elect to “smash the place to pieces when he gets in,” and that it will be a “bloodbath.”

…Mr. Trump’s firing of Mr. Comey in 2017 raised suspicions in the Justice Department that the president was obstructing justice, leading to special counsel Robert Mueller’s long-running and costly probe, which eventually found no evidence that Trump campaign officials conspired with or were connected to Moscow.

A subsequent government watchdog investigation found that FBI officials made numerous errors or omissions in secret warrant applications for surveillance of a Trump campaign aide. 

More recently, The Washington Times exclusively reported about an FBI whistleblower’s protected disclosure to Congress that alleged Mr. Comey launched an off-the-books undercover criminal investigation against Mr. Trump after he began his first campaign in June 2015. The operation was not predicated on any particular case nor had any connection to Russia. 

Mr. Trump also clashed with FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who was fired in 2018 hours before his retirement. Mr. McCabe went on to become a cable news analyst who was highly critical of Mr. Trump.

In August 2022, the FBI executed a search warrant at Mr. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort home in Florida and seized documents, leading to criminal charges against him of mishandling classified materials. That prosecution is now in jeopardy due to Mr. Trump’s reelection…

Additionally, many on the 7th floor of the FBI are concerned about billionaire tech executive Elon Musk, owner of X and Tesla, being brought into the Trump administration as head of a government efficiency commission.

“When he tries to do efficiency at headquarters, the place is going to have five people … if he’s talking about a lot of dead weight,” a second FBI source said.

“Try to find a person that’s actually working,” the source said. “That may be the biggest problem there—that there’s no efficiency. So that’s actually the bigger threat. If you’re going to try to make the government efficient, you would start with the FBI, because if you do politics all the time, you’re probably bloated.”

FBI agents spent much of their time during the Biden administration seeking out, investigating and arresting Jan. 6 defendants, whom Mr. Trump has pledged to pardon at the beginning of his second term.

A third FBI source said some bureau personnel who are tired of the Jan. 6 investigations are amused “at the fact that Trump [likely] pardons everybody involved Jan. 6.”


it’s a revolution. 🇺🇸 

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Last edited 25 days ago by smiley2
Gail Combs

Hopefully the pardons are looked at individually. Although I think any Deep State ‘helpers’ got to slide out without any notice.

Once the Gulag is empty, it is time to fill it with the REAL insurrectionists.


They can start with the murderers of Ashli Babbitt and Rosanne Boyland.

Gail Combs


Not to mention Ivan Raiklin’s list starting with Nasty the Pig’s Ex-Sargent at Arms and the Capitol Police Board


Dismantled and burned to the ground would be just fine.


Business’ looking at government resumes will not hire these hacks.
Productive employees are in high demand.
Laughing. Working for CDOT would be sweet justice or maybe landscape hole diggers.


On the down side, food stamp budget will rise due to them being unemployable.



Give food stamps to Trump Yard Sign unemployeed only.



That’s another agency that should be ended forever, IMHO.

(Referring to FEMA)

Last edited 25 days ago by Aubergine

Maybe McDonald’s will hire them. Although after having Trump work there, their expectations of employees may have gone up!


Learn to code!


Coal miners.

Tatonka Woman

This works.

Supposedly they like to dig into things.


I maintain and always will that the FBI is unconstitutional. It should be shut down entirely.


Disagree. It’s under the ‘take care’ clause.

Is its design faulty? You betcha!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, I like that! I’m thinking that FDA needs to move in that direction as well. Recommend, publish, etc. Basically, the FDA would be a SOURCE of information, and would NEVER require a FOIA request, because everything would be “information on demand”.


I like that.


Respectfully, I disagree.

The “Take Care” clause covers laws passed by Congress.

This is the FBI:

What are 8 areas the FBI can investigate?

What We Investigate

Public Corruption.
Civil Rights.
Transnational Organized Crime.
White-Collar Crime.
Violent Crime.

A whole bunch of what the FBI is so-called “investigating” should be covered by state law, and state investigation.

Terrorism and cybercrime, sure, we need something. But most of that is foreign. Shouldn’t that fall to the CIA?

I think the FBI has overreached for decades. Shut it down and start over.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The idea that the feds cannot EXCLUDE or SHUT DOWN state activities – I like that. FIB can investigate, but can’t take over investigations. Why? So they never again become dishonest.

Gail Combs


No more closing the investigation and bulldozing the site.


DeSantis kept Feds out of the 2nd assassination attempt investigation.

Which I’ve lost all track of.


The FBI is authorized by Congress.

That has nothing to do with its constitutionality.


Durham report on Day One!


no gloating


It’s been obvious that the DoJ and the FBI were thoroughly politicized — but they were aided and abetted by a crooked judiciary. Besides pardoning the J6, it seems to me that it would be fully justified to review every case decided by said crooked judges to see whether pardons might be warranted there as well. If that means essentially reversing every case and every ruling made during that judge’s entire career, so be it.

Oh, and the FISA judges that signed-off on any nonsense put before them? Their actions need review as well, and their security clearances need to be pulled.

Gail Combs

I will GUARANTEE, if you look closely at those judges and prosecutors you are going to find a lot of dirt.


Speaking of clean and virtuous judges, how about the one that persecuted General Flynn?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Or Roger Stone? My goodness – they FRAMED HIM.


About those judges’ salaries, they should be retroactively adjusted down if dirt is found. Just like with the labor stats that get adjusted every month.


Removed from the bench, so they can do No More Harm.

True accountability.


That requires impeachments and senate trials. It would tie up the Congress too much while we’re trying to repeal/rework defective laws.

Gail Combs

What happens when they are tried and convicted for actual crimes? Can they sit on the bench while in prison?


Cute.  🙂 

Gail Combs

“….This is how the RINOs function. They push, push, push the line that only a “moderate” can get elected. Stomp them when they pull that shit. Tell everyone in ear shot that that’s exactly what the Left wants you to think, and oh-by-the-way-Mister-RINO if you’re in this party selling the same message as the Left…well, whythefuckexactly are you in this party, you lying piece of rancid weasel shit?…”

As explained by this quote from Tragedy and Hope, 1966 by Carroll Quigley, member of Council on Foreign Relations, mentor to Bill Clinton.

“The chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two congressional parties more national and international. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead the two parties should be almost identical, so the that American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy.”

FROM: http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Banks/Tragedy_Hope_excerpt.html

As usual that paragraph has been scrubbed even in the archived versions so here is another link. They really do not want us to catch on to the existance of the Uniparty.



An excellent but lengthy description of America’s Ruling Class in action from Angelo M. Codevilla -2010. May he rest in peace.

…Never has there been so little diversity within America’s upper crust. Always, in America as elsewhere, some people have been wealthier and more powerful than others. But until our own time America’s upper crust was a mixture of people who had gained prominence in a variety of ways….

Today’s ruling class, from Boston to San Diego, was formed by an educational system that exposed them to the same ideas and gave them remarkably uniform guidance, as well as tastes and habits. These amount to a social canon of judgments about good and evil, complete with secular sacred history, sins (against minorities and the environment), and saints. Using the right words and avoiding the wrong ones when referring to such matters — speaking the “in” language — serves as a badge of identity. Regardless of what business or profession they are in, their road up included government channels and government money…

The two classes have less in common culturally, dislike each other more, and embody ways of life more different from one another than did the 19th century’s Northerners and Southerners — nearly all of whom, as Lincoln reminded them, “prayed to the same God.” By contrast, while most Americans pray to the God “who created and doth sustain us,” our ruling class prays to itself as “saviors of the planet” and improvers of humanity. Our classes’ clash is over “whose country” America is…

… while most of the voters who call themselves Democrats say that Democratic officials represent them well, only a fourth of the voters who identify themselves as Republicans tell pollsters that Republican officeholders represent them well. Hence officeholders, Democrats and Republicans, gladden the hearts of some one-third of the electorate — most Democratic voters, plus a few Republicans. This means that Democratic politicians are the ruling class’s prime legitimate representatives and that because Republican politicians are supported by only a fourth of their voters while the rest vote for them reluctantly, most are aspirants for a junior role in the ruling class. In short, the ruling class has a party, the Democrats. But some two-thirds of Americans — a few Democratic voters, most Republican voters, and all independents — lack a vehicle in electoral politics. [This is why the takeover of the Reboobs is so important, and why a 3rd party doesn’t work.]

Sooner or later, well or badly, that majority’s demand for representation will be filled…. [This is why Trump is so popular]

While Europeans are accustomed to being ruled by presumed betters whom they distrust, the American people’s realization of being ruled like Europeans shocked this country into well nigh revolutionary attitudes. But only the realization was new. The ruling class had sunk deep roots in America over decades before 2008….

Its attitude is key to understanding our bipartisan ruling class. Its first tenet is that “we” are the best and brightest while the rest of Americans are retrograde, racist, and dysfunctional [Hillary’s Basket of Deplorables, Bite-me’s garbage] unless properly constrained….

As their number and sense of importance grew, so did their distaste for common Americans. Believing itself “scientific,” this Progressive class sought to explain its differences from its neighbors in “scientific” terms….

<b>Our ruling class’s agenda is power for itself.</b> While it stakes its claim through intellectual-moral pretense, it holds power by one of the oldest and most prosaic of means: patronage and promises thereof. Like left-wing parties always and everywhere, it is a “machine,” that is, based on providing tangible rewards to its members. Such parties often provide rank-and-file activists with modest livelihoods and enhance mightily the upper levels’ wealth. Because this is so, whatever else such parties might accomplish, they must feed the machine by transferring money or jobs or privileges — civic as well as economic — to the party’s clients, directly or indirectly…..

By taxing and parceling out more than a third of what Americans produce, through regulations that reach deep into American life, our ruling class is making itself the arbiter of wealth and poverty. While the economic value of anything depends on sellers and buyers agreeing on that value as civil equals in the absence of force, modern government is about nothing if not tampering with civil equality. By endowing some in society with power to force others to sell cheaper than they would, and forcing others yet to buy at higher prices — even to buy in the first place — modern government makes valuable some things that are not, and devalues others that are. <b>Thus if you are not among the favored guests at the table where officials make detailed lists of who is to receive what at whose expense, you are on the menu</b>….

Laws and regulations nowadays are longer than ever because length is needed to specify how people will be treated unequally….

In sum, our ruling class does not like the rest of America. Most of all does it dislike that so many Americans think America is substantially different from the rest of the world and like it that way. For our ruling class, however, America is a work in progress, just like the rest the world, and they are the engineers….

Boy did Angelo M. Codevilla nail it!


whythefuckexactly are you in this party, you lying piece of rancid weasel lizard shit?

According to Steve, this is the ultimate in rancid.


No relation to Darwin, I assume.   :wpds_wink: 


Totally Darwin. The shit part at least.


I give up. Let the weasels defend themselves.


The Globalists Aren’t Going To Give Up, Warns Security Expert (Infowars video)

video link…


(skip the obnoxious intro at beginning)

he’s making some good points…

all the talk about a smooooth peaceful transition etc is setting the table for the opposite, racial violence being drummed up, creating a crisis, worth a listen,

Last edited 25 days ago by smiley2
Gail Combs

I certainly agree with you. We are entering the most dangerous time as the Deep State Shock Troops are unleashed on us.

Do not forget the MILLIONS of military age male illegals imported from the nastiest prisons and mental institutions in the world and scattered through out the USA.

PULL the goodies from these people as that NYC mayor is doing and you are ASKING for an eruption of violence. ALL without any direct communication.


gonna be a lot of serious pushback on deportation (Pentagon).

Pentagon Officials Are Already Conspiring Against Donald Trump

article link…



Trump’s Plans For Closing The Border

article link…


gonna be a clash there.

I’ve always felt they will use the cartels & “migrant” criminal elements to backlash and gin up a crisis.

Last edited 25 days ago by smiley2

If you’re correct, we might get to see what grassroots militias look like as DJT tells the MAGA horde that it’s their border to protect until he can get the worst of the sludge out of the DHS.

Sort of like temp labor but with a badge. The lack of formal training should scare the crap out of anybody thinking of jumping the border.


it’s the ones who are already here who will be the problem, unleashed.

class warfare
race riots
cartel violence
no stinking badges


Sheriffs deputize the citizens, who are already armed AND pissed off..


I’m of the opinion that every man that has registered for Selective Service is a registered member of the militia, FULL STOP.

Gail Combs

They serve at the pleasure of the President. Obama fired a ton of good military officers. Trump can fire ANY OFFICER PROMOTED BY OBAMA! (And recall retired officers.)

Ivan Raiklin and his buddies ‘have got a little list’ 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good. Osatan’s quislings GONE. I never thought of that.

Some of them may have been good people Ostalin missed – who were keeping an eye on him. But we should know who those people are.



Backhoe operators will soon be working overtime.





We need their cell phones on a bit longer.

  :wpds_arrow:  Cell phone pings tell Feds where they are, so they can be deported.


2000 Mules, ver. 2.0

Last edited 25 days ago by pgroup2
Gail Combs

Ivan Raiklin explains why Ron Johnson should be Senate Majority leader. (He went after the clot shot and even had to use Rumble since U-Boob-Tune censored him.)

~18 minutes to 25 minutes


Ivan also suggests appointing Elon Musk as House Majority leader and then those two appoint NEW Sargent-at-Arms to the Capitol police board ASAP. He reminds us that it is the Capital Police Board who is in actual control of the Jan 6th video footage, NOT Congress so this is important.

With the Twatter DMs between the traitors and this footage, PLUS Elon’s ability to BROADCAST INFO, you can blow the Jan 6th DNC Insurrection wide open in the two weeks BEFORE POTUS Trump is confirmed on Jan 6th.

Last edited 25 days ago by Gail Combs

John Basham




BREAKING: @charliekirk11

Floats The Idea Of VP @JDVance

Becoming The Senate Majority Leader Instead Of NeoCon Open Border War-Mongers @SenJohnThune

Or @JohnCornyn


VP John Adams Served As Senate Majority Leader.


Would Ensure Trump’s America First MAGA Agenda Prevails.


Gail Combs

Vance is already Senate President.


Nitpicking here – Senate President-elect.

Is it time to amend the constitution to shorten the transition time period?

Gail Combs

Yes. There is a lot of nasties done during the lame duck session.


An excellent plan. Congress is in charge but it would have to change a couple of rules in order to get direct control of the video files.

Obviously, Schumer a/k/a ‘King Rodent’ is in the way but he loses his crown on 1/3/25.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Scummer losing his position on 1/3/25 means that any 1/6/21 or 9/11/01 type action is likely to happen before then. IMO.


Currently the three in the running are RINO’s Coryn, and Thune with Thune going so far as to write that President Trump needs to stay out of the decision on who would assume Turtles job. Both are salivating for the position and it’s nasty to behold. Both can go pound sand. The other name that seems to have a chance is Scott who his getting a lot of MAGA support from notables in the MAGA movement. Personally other than seniority I’m not sure what Scott has done. Seems he’s limited MAGA at best which is frankly better than the other two snakes. Ron Johnson makes great sense but it will likely come down to seniority, which of course it shouldn’t. But who ever is picked is going to have deliver and if Johnson can’t deliver as well as Scott then I guess we’ll get Scott. Certainly does not what the two RINOs.

Gail Combs

Again it depends on just what dirt Trump has on each Senator.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good analysis. Mitch thought Scott was too MAGA, but Scott has a strong knowledge of the Mitch world, which could be an asset.

Gail Combs

Thanks for the correction… Not enough sleep last night.


Ivan also suggests appointing Elon Musk as House Majority leader

That would cause a nuclear meltdown of epic proportions.



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This is a fantastic description of why so many voted for Trump.
She is a 23-year-old, who is surrounded by liberals and explain why she voted for.

Send this to your liberal friends as a therapy session and tell them to not only watch the video but read the comments as well. There are a lot of liberals, former- and ex-Dems, who are commenting and actually realizing, for the first, how much the media has indoctrinated them about Trump and the MAGA movement.
It is actually glorious to see that our differences are not really as big as they are made out to be.

From the video Description:
Today’s episode might feel a bit different. I hope you’ll share it with friends on the Left who are questioning your vote or worried about the impact on your friendship. Maybe it’ll even reach people who fear a Trump presidency and wonder why a 23-year-old woman would vote for him. I’m not here to change anyone’s mind—just to bridge the gap and share some of the hope we feel.


Thank you for brining this.

This gal is an absolute gem. Great stream of thought, on overdrive. Excellent speaker.

Speaks quickly and animated. Total logic and factual.

Thoroughly debunks Pravda News manufactured outrage against everything Trump.

And more…


That girl is wicked smart.


This is child prodigy level smart… she’s amazing

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gotta wonder if she was homeschooled!


My kids are watching Brett Cooper a lot. A scary lot.

Valerie Curren

Most excellent!

Brave and Free

TY Steve for a very informative post.


I could do the Department of Education.

The first order of business would be to educate them regarding Cromwell’s message to Parliament:

[Cromwell] commanded the Speaker to leave the Chair, and told them they had sat long enough, unless they had done more good, crying out “You are no longer a Parliament, I say you are no Parliament”. He told Sir Henry Vane he was a Jugler [sic]; Henry Martin and Sir Peter Wentworth, that they were Whoremasters; Thomas Chaloner, he was a Drunkard; and Allen the Goldsmith that he cheated the Publick: Then he bid one of his Soldiers take away that Fool’s Bauble the mace and Thomas Harrison pulled the Speaker of the Chair; and in short Cromwell having turned them all out of the House, lock’d up the Doors and returned to Whitehall.

Last edited 25 days ago by cthulhu

The media is totally ignoring the massive surge of college celebrations following the Trump victory.

Culture shifted and they are trying to hide it.



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Gail Combs

Teens esp LOVE to rebel against the establishment. The D-Rats have become the establishment.

pat frederick

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pat frederick

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pat frederick

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While I loath Maggot and Taco, I am happy they have private laughs at Kakala, hussein, Hakeem, Chuckie, Nanzi…

pat frederick

me too…there are still signs of life there…lol


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I thought it said “SEND NUKES” for a moment!

pat frederick

I’m confused about this part…Bannon thinks only 600,000 votes were manufactured in 2020???

And I’m going to tell you, we’re going to get to the bottom of where the 600,000 votes [are]. You manufactured them to steal this election from President Trump in 2020.


Likely the 600,000 faux votes is a subset, of the ~18 million faux votes.

Likely the mysterious votes, where Maggot took the lead in the dark of night.

On the timeline graph showing total vote count, Maggot’s vote count went on an impossible vertical rise.

pat frederick

that I understand, just not sure where the 600,000 came from–that’s way too low


Same thought line above.

Perhaps following is more clear, or I’m out to lunch. Always a possibility.

Across the battleground states.

Trump was ahead, several hundred thousand votes.

America went to bed, knowing Trump won.

In the dark of night, 600,000 votes were inserted into the count, giving Maggot an impossible vertical rise in accumulated vote count.

  • Erasing trump’s lead of several hundred thousand votes.
  • Giving Maggot a lead in those battleground states of several hundred thousand votes.
  • Essentially 600,000 faux votes.

THIS to me is the biggest puzzle, FRAUD that was 100% ignored by Pravda News, Big Tech, anyone with common sense…including R-Cons, DOJ, FIB, Courts….

pat frederick

OHHHHH…i had forgotten the straight up line in counting represented 600,000 votes…thanks kal!




In a specific state?

The 2020 lie goes something like:

  • Briben 81 million votes to Trump 74 million votes.
pat frederick

Feisty Hayseed
November 9, 2024 12:38 am
Pronounce this guy’s first name. I dare you.
Chinese citizen arrested again, accused of trespassing at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago
A Chinese national was arrested for trespassing at President-elect Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.
Zijie Li, 39, was arrested on Thursday on charges of trespassing after warning. Li had previously been arrested for trying to get into Trump’s home.
Court records obtained by Newsweek show that Li, who lives in California, was taken into custody by the Palm Beach Police Department around 5:15 p.m. on Thursday after he was dropped off at the location by an Uber. Members of the Secret Service, Mar-a-Lago security, and the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office were already stationed at Trump’s home.
Li remained in custody at the Palm Beach County Jail on Friday morning. Circuit Judge Donald Hafele set his bail at $100,000.
Li’s visit to Mar-a-Lago came on the same day as he was released from a mental health detention, according to the Palm Beach Police Department.

pat frederick

Ron B
November 9, 2024 12:56 am
Reply to Feisty Hayseed
It was reported that this is the 5th time this guy has attempted to break into Mar-a-Lago. He is on a student visa. Why hasn’t his visa been revoked and why hasn’t he been deported?


Because he’s fulfilling a desired Blob function for free?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Chinese Ambassador To The FBI.


Obviously, the docs that signed off on his release need their skills reassessed.


To hell with the mental bs. Pure smoke and mirrors.

Immediate deportation, under armed escort is the first action.

  • Bill the Chinee government.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Love the final touch there!

pat frederick

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pat frederick

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Valerie Curren

Reminds me of part of the Dead Man’s Hill trail in Northern Michigan…beautiful!

pat frederick

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Maggot, Kakala AND Mayorkis DEI failure on display.


Now add in.

Leave without pay.Process termination paperwork.Bitch sould be prosecuted.

Last edited 25 days ago by kalbokalbs

Bitch should be SUED into bankruptcy by the homeowners whose houses she ordered passed by.

ALSO, anyone who FOLLOWED her illegal decree should be FIRED, immediately.

Lessons must be taught. We have only FOUR YEARS guaranteed to do so.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen. The Dems need to understand that they need to get the party clean as a whistle.

We’ll handle the Republicans. We have a head start, but there’s more work to be done.


To-may-to, to-mah-to….


Her work history needs to be audited for similar personal behavior on the job.

From the first instance to the present, her salary must be returned to the U.S. Treasury since she didn’t earn it doing govt work. In addition, the same holds true for her pension [if any].

Then she needs to be billed for any medical services paid for by the govt from the date of her first personal use of govt job time.

Then she needs to be given a one way trip via helicopter to western N.C.


Gail Combs

AND she gets SUED by every one of the Trump supporters that was by-passed.


Yup. Bitch has to be held personally responsible.


As I understand things, she would typically be defended by the Department of Justice. One of the big changes at the DoJ needs to be that such actors’ official misconduct will not be defended.


Drop her way up in the Appalachians with nothing but the clothes on her back and let her walk out on her own.

Eye for an eye.


My best guess would be that hillbilly justice would be applied if they did so with FEMA on her clothing.


Could be!


Would be sad.

Last edited 25 days ago by smiley2
Brave and Free

This dovetails with TB2’s comment above. Relieved of her duties to another cake job or fired?


In addition to all the below stuff, we should not assume she did this in a vacuum. We have lots of indicators something fowl was happening up North with FEMA. They need to get her to spill the beans on who else at her level or above was doing this bs. She’s FEMA region 4 and they had control of everything in both Hurricane zones. Turn FEMA Region 4 upside and down and shake vigorously. 😁


Turn FEMA Region 4 upside and down and shake vigorously.

Why limit it to FEMA #4?

Or is that just to show other departments how to do it?


Definitely moving on to others but we have to start somewhere 😁


Problem starts at the head cue ball. Mayorkis and filters on down throughout FEMA regions.

  • DEI. Equity institutionalized weaponized against Americans.

Yes, Kakala said it. Maggot probably said it also.


There can be no “unity” with these people.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It has to be cleaned up. And if they try to 9/11 or 1/6 their way out of it, they clean that up, too – at gunpoint – before going to the firing squad.


Relieved of duties — but probably not relieved of salary.


Really strong opener, Steve. Thank you for all the efforts you put into this.

The federal government operates like a corrupt union. The members are reassigned jobs within the bureaucracy as regimes change. I have followed the “careers” of several I communicated with BIMD. So the parasites have never been rooted out, they just take an office in another building doing something else of no value for us. Many live in northern VA such as Fairfax County as they are paid higher than private industry equivalents now. The line of BS they used BIMD was they needed to raise comp so they could attract more talented people into working for the feds. In reality it was buying votes, influence and more operatives to keep the criminal cabal in control.

The way to end it appears to be well underway. Elon whacking, decentralizing, moving some of the departments that remain to flyover country, House cutting funding and rearranging budget allocations, workplace changes to root out the betas and activist females, etc. Remake the remaining workforce to actually working hard for their pay for the American people. A lot of it is hiring people with a servant attitude.

We need to be watching out for and removing RINO’s in the primaries; while putting immense pressure on those who are already there.

By doing this well, VA goes red. We also make strong inroads into Maryland as many commute into DC from there. That gives a strong base of operations to move on NJ and NY.

Last edited 25 days ago by TradeBait2


I’m assuming DC stays, just becomes less populated by deadbeats and grifters. If it goes into MD, yup, MD stays blue for awhile.

Baltimore can be somewhat neutralized with increased focus on showing the black males how to get off the plantation and anti- corruption efforts from retooled agencies.


Don’t forget Thule!


Screw the Danes; give us Greenland, their derelict colony they can’t manage worth a hill of beans.



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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His Grace is abundant in meekness
His strength is made perfect in weakness
Gladly glory in your infirmities
And do not fear any adversities

When you are torn and worn from battle
Angels will remove the rote rattle 
Lift you up and attend to your sores
The bruises and scars from many wars

When you are dejected defeated and down
Remember God’s mercy will soon abound
He will carry you gently while you heal
The power of His Love you will surely feel

By the Grace of God you are who you are
His Grace imparted on you left no scar
You labored more abundantly than many
More than adequate which was plenty

By Grace you are saved thru Faith it is said
And not of yourself but a gift instead
One of many God bestows upon those
Who obey His commands even en throes

When you are weakened spiritually
Be rest assured of God’s right remedy
Nothing that happens is ever too large
Be still and know that He is in charge

By your side He will always be ready
To raise you right up and keep you steady
By Grace through Faith you belong to Him
A loving gift He confers not on a whim

D01: 08/22/2023

Last edited 25 days ago by para59r
pat frederick

how about Aubergine to head up Immigration? nobody can find out who you really are better than she can?
and how about Gail for National Archives head? she knows documentation!

Gail Combs



I would take it! Lol.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

NARA is completely corrupt. They had a hand in the lawfare against Trump.

Valerie Curren

Kalbo for Chairman of the Joint Chiefs!


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

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Pray Everyday


Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
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