Cover image: Anthony Thieme (American, 1888-1954). Oil on Canvas ,”Morning Glow”
Badlands News Brief – January 6, 2025
Reuters Media Caught Red-Handed in Gov’t.-Funded Musk Attacks, But It Gets Even Worse
January 6, 2025: The Real Insurrection Begins
Elon Musk Announces Algorithm Changes on X to Combat ‘Too Much Negativity’
AKA censoring the people.
The Infamous State Funeral
Carter feuded with successor presidents, once had shouting match with Bill Clinton
See, the man was not always a paragon of virtue.
Michael Barr to step down as the Fed’s head of banking supervision to avoid clash with Trump
It’s a start.
Tweets…X-Files, uh, posts, whatever
Tweets are out today.
Meme Zone
Per the boss’s instruction:
I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.
Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
1 John 4:7-10
7Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God, and he who loves is born of God and knows God. 8He who does not love does not know God; for God is love. 9In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. 10In this is love, not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the expiation for our sins.
Mark 6:34-44
34As he went ashore he saw a great throng, and he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things. 35And when it grew late, his disciples came to him and said, “This is a lonely place, and the hour is now late; 36send them away, to go into the country and villages round about and buy themselves something to eat.” 37But he answered them, “You give them something to eat.” And they said to him, “Shall we go and buy two hundred denarii worth of bread, and give it to them to eat?” 38And he said to them, “How many loaves have you? Go and see.” And when they had found out, they said, “Five, and two fish.” 39Then he commanded them all to sit down by companies upon the green grass. 40So they sat down in groups, by hundreds and by fifties. 41And taking the five loaves and the two fish he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and broke the loaves, and gave them to the disciples to set before the people; and he divided the two fish among them all. 42And they all ate and were satisfied. 43And they took up twelve baskets full of broken pieces and of the fish. 44And those who ate the loaves were five thousand men.
Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)
Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Amen brother.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.
We have a real POTUS.
Come on J20 – you can’t get here soon enough.
THIRTEEN days, 11 hours, 46 minutes until our Once And Future President is restored to his Proper and Rightful Office. (And now it’s official!)
Not that I’m counting, mind you.
We’re almost to the FINAL COUNTDOWN! Whoo-hoo!
Hey… that’s less than a fortnight!
These fortnight jokes practically write themselves 😁
Those attorneys are trying to avoid being sanctioned for pursuing a legal action for political purposes.
That’s bad faith and it’s a serious ethical breach.
Lawyers have ethics? That is news to me!
Lawyers. Ethics. Great talking points. 😂 😅 😂
Some do.
AND the Bar seeks to get their licenses removed…
They are trying, but will it work?
How serious of a breach is it?
What’s the penalty?
Double wrist-slap?
Wrist-slap with a spanking?
And a couple demerits?
Or not even any of those?
Our system is a corrupt joke.
Occasionally a strongly worded letter.
Which will be filed, in the can, shitcan.
As I said yesterday, Hubby’s cousin’s Denmark friends & relatives are all for it.
We should invite Iceland to join the US and put them in charge of banking.
And place the prisons on Greenland’s glaciers… or Iceland’s volcanoes.
By Fire or Ice as it were.
Or on Iceland’s glaciers that are on top of volcanoes.
Why buy it, when we can have it for free?
If the government of Denmark is like every other government in Europe, the people of Greenland can’t be too happy with it.
So after a short media blitz, call for a national referendum on leaving Denmark and joining America.
If the People of Greenland decide that’s what they want to do, who is going to stop them?
Canadia is already in a race to beat Greenland to be the 51st state.
It’s Ameriquest Destiny 👍😁
I can see seven or 8 provinces voting to join the USA leaving the Ultra-woke to stew in there moldering cities.
I can’t imagine Greenland being admitted as anything other than a territory. With only 50,000 people in it it’d be ridiculously small, and I can imagine leftists moving there; even 500 of them voting honestly might just sway three electoral votes.
In other Trump family news….
Ivanka Trump
The photo of the perp has been slightly modified by a user with it’s text caption, however the sediment of her post remains the same.
I’d suggest the London Police Chief be extradited to the USA for violating our rules of free speech through the use of intimidation tactics. Then following Democrat protocol we let him sit in jail for 4yrs while we ponder what to charge him with.
Seriously thought this stuff was a joke, but apparently not.
Anyway, seems the Trump clan is back to work… so as Wolf suggested we shouldn’t be surprised when we get a Q Alert! 😮 Not that Wolf established any causation there… 😉 that would strictly be me 😆
Jumble of Pedo connections.
(I am bringing text and pictures here since some can not see AND so they do not get wiped.)
Starting with the Brian Cates Thread:
Jimmy Savile with 8-10 year old Keir Starmer (He was knighted later)
Dave Hannah
Nancy Mace exposing the 158 Democrats that voted against deporting all illegal immigrants who committed s*x crimes
The actual list:
The UK – USA Pedo connections (aside from Ghislaine Maxwell, and father Robert Maxwell)
Eye of the Storm covers Pedo rings:
At 1:58:06 — Just read it! SIR Jimmy Savile (Raped terminally ill & dead kids) ==> Mark Thompson (BBC director covering for Savile) ==>2012 NYT chief after exposed in the UK ==> 2023 CEO of CNN
At 2:04:22 Shiela Jackson-Lee Pedo ring [No wonder the DemonRats don’t have a problem with illegal pedos. It’s following the UK blue print…)
General Flynn has a tweet on Rape, Rape, Rape…Pakistani rape gangs
Back to comments under Brian Cates:
This guy has a ton of info on the Pedo rings and the dark satanic history.
Nacho Business
Jan 3
14 minute video connecting dots from 1666
I do not know if these will play.×720/EvmEAIGKGk7qdoeW.mp4?tag=14
1 hour Rachel Chandler video (He has a lot of photos too.)×480/o-K8WgZLpGrN_Tng.mp4?tag=14
Yup – more sunlight, please.
I’m copying images I can’t see here by running them through Gab, sorry for any duplication; they are in the order that you shared them 🙂 Just two…
These people are appallingly, Satanically Evil!
Thanks, hope that means they will not get scrubbed.
Me too. Thanks for gathering so many damning details!
AND Elon Musk is busy EXPOSING IT ALL. 😍
Hope he remains one of the good guys, for I don’t forget his Bamophet/Baphomet (I have a mental block on that name) costume & his mother’s alleged Satanism…
IIRC one of the Badlanders said it was a science fiction costume.
I think there is stuff going on behind the scenes we know nothing of. Musk has a part to play in that stuff.
I think this may have had a lot to do with Musk’s current mindset.
23 Jul 2024 Elon Musk: ‘Woke Mind Virus’ Led to Estrangement from ‘Transgender’ Son
Now add in this from Jo Nova’s Site
So much for Christian patience and forgiveness then, eh…….
We are All Sinners, though many of us are also saved by grace. I can’t keep up w/ who has done what but if certain info sticks in my mind that gives an alternate view of someone then the side-eye &/or trust but verify is in play, at least for me. No offence meant though.
Chuckles and f..kles…..
Jimmy Savile was ALWAYS creepy…
Sad to say, a picture of the privileged class (Mandarins) in England.
Dirty old men in smoke-filled rooms fiddling young innocent girls (and often boys)…..
😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡
“There’s no mystery. There’s no suspense. Now, ONLY because they CAN’T HIDE IT ANYMORE, the **proffered cover story** they are offering you is that…
…these rape gangs were allowed to operate for decades because of RACIAL SENSITIVITIES.”
How is that a good cover story?
If TPTB run with that story, then they admit their complicity in every rape that happened.
There’s not enough years left in history for all the time they’ll have to spend in prison.
Only idiot woke lefties would swallow that.
I remember about a decade ago, a higher up in the EU had his own daughter RAPED and MURDERED by a RapeUgee. His response was to ask for donations to the MUSLIM resettlement place where his daughter had worked. It was near where she was stalled and raped.
Sounds like Stockholm Syndrome.
Or Blackmail…
OR Satanic. These monsters have zero problem sacrificing there own children.
Just think of that Dutch Financier…
Some of those high-level meetings start with sacrificing an innocent child.
If they do that, they’ll do ANYTHING!!!!!
Dude was a German libturd idjiot…
Loved his idiotology more than his own daughter…..
Para, just an FYI, That “IvankaNews” X account has NO affiliation with Ivanka Trump (even says so in the profile).
drats 😮
“London’s Metropolitan Police Chief, Mark Rowley has said they will extradite and arrest US citizens over their social media posts if they violate their rules about political speech online.”
Try it.
Hey Rowley?
I would suggest Rowley get his own house in order before going after people on line!!!
Note that Jimmy Savile was NEVER CHARGED. Makes you wonder if SIR Rowley was also ‘groomed’ Makes you wonder if Musk is getting way too close and spooked Rowley.
3 October 2012 5:37 PMWere the police in awe of Jimmy Savile?
Jan 2023 Met chief ‘can’t promise women reporting sexual offence will not meet officer accused of wrongdoing’More than 1,000 Metropolitan Police officers and staff remain in service despite being accused of sexual offences or domestic abuse
Feb 2023 The Met Police officers currently charged with sex offences including child porn and rape
Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley warned that two to three officers would be appearing in court each week
And just in case you were wondering….
Mark Rowley was ALSO KNIGHTED just like Keir Starmer Prime Minister of the UK.
Starmer’s BIO sure is nice to have friends, like Jimmy Savile, in high places that you have done favors for.
“Mark Rowley was ALSO KNIGHTED just like Keir Starmer Prime Minister of the UK.”
New members of the Knights of the
RoundPeedo Table.Yup!
““London’s Metropolitan Police Chief, Mark Rowley has said they will extradite and arrest US citizens over their social media posts if they violate their rules about political speech online.””
DJT should ask Keery Stermer if he is aware that the London Policy Chef, Markie Rowley, has just declared war on America.
And if so, will he be invading America to take American citizens prisoner with Markie, or is Markie on his own?
Think about this for a minute….
Does that not sound like the USA is STILL A COLONY of the UK?
That we are SUBJECTS of British Law?
Bring it!
They wish.
Yes they do. They have been using us as debt slaves and cannon fodder for over a century. I do not think they have quite realized we are now AWAKE.
Rowley can suck it…..
You are watching regional polarity develop in real time, folks. Just sayin’…again and again.
JMO from my personal crystal ball…
Regardless of whether Greenland or Canada officially become territories or states within the USA, they will be under our umbrella within the region. This will continue the process toward potential future alignment with BRICS+ economically and strategically. It should pretty well finish off the NWO/WEF globalist cabal’s effectiveness for good as it call comes to fruition.
Russia already has territorial borders and nations under their umbrella of a similar size and scope. Adding warm water ports with their taking back historically Russian lands from the nazis provides the security and economic access they desire and need.
China goes south and is now cozy with India. So nations will align with either of those two. Japan remains as our Pacific outpost.
That leaves Africa and South America. My bet is that we eventually end up hitched with much of South America while Russia/China end up hitched in Africa with South Africa the lead dog. The big dogs including us will have outposts in both.
We already have the alignments established in the ME. PDT addressed it as 45. The demise of the clown effect will clean a lot of that up.
That leaves the Euros flogging themselves with nazis and playing pomp and circumstance with their silly “royals”.
The Golden Age as viewed and being orchestrated by the powers that currently be until the Lord says, “It is time.”
Some think that Putin, Xi and Trump have an agreement/plan for taking out the Cabal. I have certainly seen hints of it. Q for starters.
Tend to agree. It is now taking shape and their hand prints are all over it.
Started way back when with BRICS = Brazil, Russia, INDIA, China, South Africa.
Remember the central banks crashed the world economy in 2008. 2008 World Food Crisis
History of BRICS
I should mention the Food Crisis was NOT from “capitalist development” It was from the Cabals newest version of mercantilism.
I am working on an article that deals with this ‘new model’.
Looking forward to reading the latest version of, mercantilism.
Yup, I entered retirement when the debt markets collapsed. Planned implosion using the greed of the street to effect “hope and change” for the cabal.
Let the Great Greenland Psy-Op Begin! 🤣
Thank you, dear De Pat, for bringing us this totally tumultuous Tuesday thread.
How are you feeling?
With her fingers, silly. 😂
It’s going in fits and starts. I’m starting to sleep more, but in bursts. And napping is now part of life. The symptoms are pretty typical for this. I’m afraid it’s going to be a bit before I’m ready for more exercise and the like.
Hang in there…glad the trend is positive at least 🙂
Benny Johnson:
I think Mike Davis is a wee bit peeved.
While I believe Mike Davis, I doubt Merchan will ever be held accountable, PUNISHED for the abuses he has inflicted on Trump.
Why I doubt it. What court has agreed with Trump’s, dozen or so appeals to toss the case, stop the gag order….N O N E.
Courts, Judges AND Lawyers seemingly protect each other from accountability.
But hell, they have taken an Oath, have Ethics to operate within…Pure Charade.
Why so jaded.
As I posted yesterday, the Court system is the weak link and that is why Soros targeted it.
The only remedy is IMPEACHMENT and good luck with that.
There is prosecution.
These judges are not just dirty, they’re filthy.
Start charging them with their crimes, end their pensions and bankrupt them with legal defense fees.
The Left taught us exactly how they want to be treated.
Need to get them into a jurisdiction where the indictments will lead to convictions.
Just look at the Jimmy Savile mess. Chuckles, the Cop Mark Rowley, and Keir Starmer, Director of Public Prosecutions, leading the Crown Prosecution Service from 2008 until 2013.
Nice to have all bases covered.
Plus Dems have their fail up plan of resume enhancement, shameless charlatans 😡
“But hell, they have taken an Oath, have Ethics to operate within…Pure Charade.
Why so jaded.
Consider the abuses Trump, his family, his supporters, J6ers have endured.”_____________
All true, the system is wholly corrupt.
BUT… when DJT is back in at the top of the government, the leverage becomes his instead of theirs.
There is only force and coercion.
There is no ‘good will’ or ‘good faith’ or ‘honesty’ or ‘ethics’ or any of that sort of nonsense that is just used as a fig-leaf to cover open criminality.
Force and coercion.
And Trump will have access to plenty of both.
AND KNOWLEDGE. With luck he and his buddies have lots and lots of HARD EVIDENCE.
Given the attack on the UK Pedos, I think we are now in the ‘Justice Phase’ (I sure hope so.)
Regarding Handshake-gate:
James Woods:
Nor, I might add, did people on our side.
The left is now saying that the husband should have switched the cane to the other hand!
IMO, he looks a bit confused and possibly with early Alzheimer’s – particularly compared to two previous videos with Biden and Pence, where he had no cane and did shake hands, and spoke to the VP.
clot shot conundrums?
BOOM! That’s it! Old guy has been clot-shot for sure, and he’s suffering the side effects.
The ‘Left’ is already irrelevant, they just don’t know it yet.
It’s been awhile since I was single and on the prowl. But I remember a few women who looked at me like this.
And it was definitely the beginning of an exciting evening.
Love it!
Epic! 😆
Simply outstanding! 😂
Us, too, Nancy! Praise the Lord!
According to this, Jeran brought his current woes within the Flerf community onto himself; he taught them to think like that.
Another side to the story:
You do realize I posted this comedy on Saturday, right?
It’s the most utterly laughable excuse for a rebuttal I have ever seen, and that’s including shit that the Left posts.
Look around a bit, there are plenty of people to tell you what an absolute moron Dubey is being in this video.
And here’s a 24 hour moon, in Antarctica, filmed last winter.
Very cool.
6:40 – 8:02 shows the actual moon never setting.
Not to cause a ruckus. Wondering if any Flat Earther(s) visit QTree these days.
Oh, what the hell, let’s ruckus!
A bit feisty this morning. Cabin fever?
It is going to be below freezing a lot of this week and we are expecting snow on the weekend.🙄 There goes that party…
I’m actually getting better!
By about mid-January, my winter SAD starts to abate, as the days get longer.
I am so sensitive to light and day length that I experienced SAD while living in Hawaii, where the day-length only varies about an hour-and-a-half from summer to winter!
Goes along with being a visual artist, I guess. That’s my explanation. I also see colors almost nobody around me appears to see.
Have you checked if you’re a tetrachromat? You might have four types of light receptors in your retinas as opposed to the usual three…
Then again, you might just be crazy 😆 🙃
(I talk to the trees, but they don’t listen to me… 😀 )…..
SAD… snippy all day? 🙂
i’m always nice to the trees, but they just bark at me
You need to have your dosages checked. 😂
I just read about it, and apparently the only reliable way to test it is genetic testing. But I would bet I am one. I can reproduce colors by blending incredibly accurately. My art teachers have all said it is amazing. And I can remember and match colors, too. Like buying a pillow to match a couch.
SAD. Seasonal Affective Disorder. Although sometimes I AM snippy all day!
My color vision was the best a button company ever tested. I do not have SAD but I have always spent a lot of time outdoors. I hated going on Std time because I lost the daylight after working hours.😡
At least now I do not have to worry about that.
I’m beginning to wonder if there is a way to get San Diego weather without living in San Diego.
That is why we moved from the MA/NH border down to NC. SC is too hot and muggy so this was the best compromise. We get snow about once every five years.
I’m not sure what you were sharing here for all I see is a partial box outline…
A link on YouTube about another explanation of the “Final Experiment”.
Something about a fellow named Mengele 😆
January 6, 2025: The Real Insurrection Begins
Actually the Hoe is correct, our Republic did come under attack and was overthrown by the DemonRats. And yes we will remember it.
I remember where I was on January 6, 2021 alright.
Probably less than a hundred yards from where Congress was assaulting “our democracy” by ratifying a cheat.
They did not actually ratify it. There were less than 50 senators and reps on the floor voting out of the 535 that should have been there. Nasty the Pig banned the rest of them and Mikey Pence went along with her.
The point is she was invoking January 6 as a day where “our democracy came under assault.” She was right about our system being assaulted but misidentified the actual assault.
And Trump supporters IDed Jan 6th as a day when our REPUBLIC was under assault by a very corrupt government. An actual Color Revolution. They even named it the Purple Revolution.
And we say – NEVER AGAIN!!!!
Certainly our hope, NEVER AGAIN.
That said, I am mindful, those in power got away with murders AND stole an election. Literally a coup.
NONE have been held accountable. Likely NONE will.
Hope Sally Q is comfortable, pain free and doing as well as possible. Staff providing excellent care and support. And you are getting enough rest.
Thanks, dear Kalbo K! She’s holding strong and comfortable with 2 moderate level pills a day.
I’m counting on GOD’s mercy and compassion as she nears the end of her 40 year battle against this disease.
This is the hardest part. We are talking about her will, things she wants to give away, working on donating her brain to research. It’s a bittersweet time.
I spent yesterday writing a timeline and gathering documentation of her progression from diagnosis, through all the researchers, medical clinics and events over the last 40 years. Lots of tears reviewing all that.
in the midst of all this, you and she are still working on helping someone else in the future. very gracious and kind. sending love and prayers for you both!
👃prayers for all of you.
Thank you so much for the update! It’s good to hear that Sally Q is comfortable. I hope Hospice is doing their best for her, you you, and for her father.
My heart goes out to you in many ways. I think you may be going through a little of something called “anticipatory grief.” If this is so, please allow it to happen. Please talk with the Hospice Chaplain plus your own prayers. Please know that we here love you. Hugs to all. ❤
Words are not enough. Simply 🙏 for peace and comfort on this journey.
Prayers up GA/FL for you, Sally Q, and all of your family…
What you do and have done is amazing; GOD makes special parents for special children…
God be with you 🙏 😪 🙏
There’s Aubergine again 😀
…. Naughty Naughty!.
Like many countries, once thought of as relatively Free and Sane, the UK has become a sewer.
Security ties with UK, Canada, New Zealand and Australia need to be shredded. Starting with Five Eyes.
Positive news…
REPORT: UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer May Cut Britain’s Security Ties With U.S. Unless Trump Distances Himself From Elon Musk
Hopefully Trump starts retweeting Elon Musk or reposts his appointment announcement and let Starmer stew. 😁
The last thing Trump will do, is back down or show weakness.
Kissinger’s Public Confession as an Agent of British InfluenceThe following is the prepared text of Henry Kissinger’s May 10, 1982 speech to the Royal Institute of International Affairs, in commemoration of the Bicentenary of the Office of the Foreign Secretary. The speech was entitled, “Reflections on a Partnership: British and American Attitudes To Postwar Foreign Policy.”
THe period between WWI and WWII was when the Military Industrial Complex really got organized. It was done quietly, but they were looking for a way to get into war.
The Cabal/Banksters LOVE war.
Starmer is a Child rapist Cover-up Artist, if not a Pedo himself. See my other post on pedos and Sevile. Sevile GROOMED Starmer!
It’s likely Sevile raped Starmer as a child. This type of trauma often causes emulation in the victim. So yes, it is likely Starmer is a pedophile, even if only in his mind and he never acts on it. But in the position he is in, I’d bet he’s active.
That is what I am thinking.
In that case the UK will come out on the short end. Then again, with what’s floating about on the alt-media over here, Rotherham, Saville, untouchablePakis, and other issues may play a part… seems a lot that’s been swept under the rug is now peeking out the other side…..
When will people figure out that Labour (as in the international workers movement) is as commie RED (like RED China) as a political movement could possibly be…..
SPD over here are similar, but they’ve abandoned all of the workers and ordinary people over here (i.e. the people who actually get things done and are doing the work)…..
Pakistani Proxy Pedophiles is a brilliant hidden truth that needs to be shoved in the face of the pedo-controlled British elite until they go full Hitler/Marx/Roth/Satan/Saville and show the world who they really are.
Prime Pedophile needs an isolation excuse.
Start calling him Keir Savile. Bring their monstrosity down!
“UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer May Cut Britain’s Security Ties With U.S. Unless Trump Distances Himself From Elon Musk”
M’kay then.
Bye, Felecia.
Smith’s appointment was ruled unconstitutional, so writing and releasing a “report” now would seriously hurt the appeal cases of the co defendants.
Could Merrick Garland and his staff, plus other DOJ Officials TBD potentially face criminal investigation for improper access/disclosure of Rule 6(e) materials to Jack Smith after he was DQ’d from the Florida case, and the D.C. case was dismissed?
Violations of Rule 6(e) are…
— Shipwreckedcrew (@shipwreckedcrew) January 7, 2025
Could Merrick Garland and his staff, plus other DOJ Officials TBD potentially face criminal investigation for improper access/disclosure of Rule 6(e) materials to Jack Smith after he was DQ’d from the Florida case, and the D.C. case was dismissed?
Violations of Rule 6(e) are subject to a criminal penalty.
If Jack Smith still has access to those materials for purposes of writing his “Report” to the AG, has he been provided unauthorized access in violation of the Rule????
The defendants are urging the court to issue an injunction preventing Smith, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and the Department of Justice from finalizing or disseminating the report. They argue that its release would cause “irreparable harm” by violating due process and the rules governing criminal proceedings. A hearing on the matter has been requested to address these concerns fully.
Expect the Report to be ‘Leaked’ to the presstitutes ASAP.
Who Are You?
He came by to ask us “Who are you?”
A question unexplained, out of the blue
He acted superior, smug and smart
He was the lead; we played a bit part
My friend replied, “I’m Alexander James”
“No”, he said, “That’s only what you’re named”
“I asked “Who are you”, so I ask again”
He got some strange looks back at him then
Alex said “I manage sales at J. Crew”
“No”, he said, “That’s only what you do”
“This is quite simple, I asked who you are
I haven’t got answers to that, so far”
Alex replied, “I’m not sure what to say”
“We need to get on, we haven’t all day”
“Well”. He said, “I don’t think you’ve a clue”
“I really don’t care what it is you do”
“I came to find out who you think you are
And we’re not getting close; we’re still afar”
His approach was poor, not nice like a friend
There was no way this would have a good end
“I’m a child of God”, the answer he wants
May not come to mind as our first response
But Children we are, of God’s family
Bought with a price and yet totally free
But where he was headed we all can learn
For who we are is something of concern
And who we think we are is our state of mind
By what we think and do, we are defined
So what in our lives means the very most?
Belonging on earth or part of God’s host?
Do we feel we’re in God’s family?
Do our lives please God to a large degree?
These are questions we should ask every day
While trying to please God in every way
For we are His now and forever more
Walking His sands on His Beautiful Shore
Thank You Carl! 🙂
Very profound!!! 💖
Great classic cars, though I beg to differ on the restoration bit (at least in one case 😆 )… Paging Scott:
Thinking Scott will stick with his Vette, in cool blue.
wait…Scott has a vette… in blue???
he just got waaaaaay more interesting…
(just teasing)
Yeah, he did, didn’t he?
Vettes have always been my favorite.
Mine too 👍😁
I don’t believe you’re just teasing.
I think you’re one of those girls that jumps into any hotrod she sees. 😂
I’m more a Harley chick tbh.
Hubby’s first Christian Rock Band used to play at a local Christian Biker coffee house called New Exodus. That was an interesting group of guys to be sure. One of his later bands played at Victory Biker Church a couple times–fun times!
That same band regularly played at an event called Jam for the Lamb at a church where it turns out our daughter’s FIL plays keys. At the JFTL I attended the pastor came in to the sanctuary for that service on his bike to the tune Born to be Wild playing–so fun!
Great ride.
we’ve taken several tours of the country–New England, Great Lakes, Smokey Mountains.
now that we’re getting older, we’re thinking about having our anniversary edition converted into a three wheeler.
I used to fall asleep on the back of that bike–hubby is an excellent driver.
The fun continues.
i hope so.
I am one of those people you see with their arms outstretched on a bike–loving the air and freedom.
More my speed (30 seconds.) BTW Prince Phillips was very involved in the start of carriage driving sport. He even showed at Yellow Frame Farm in Southern Pines, N.C
Unfortunately they do not have the video I was looking for.
My friend drools over the 3 wheelers. We have a lot of bikers around here.
the last big trip we took, his back seized while he was driving. he yelled to me–get ready to jump off. he managed to steer to the shoulder–I leapt off and he got the kick stand down. we were in the middle of nowhere.
we walked that shoulder for 3/4 of an hour working out the kinks in his back. i’d say probably 5 or so bikers stopped to make sure we were okay and the bike was okay.
so a tryke seems like the next step to eliminate that scenario–it won’t fall over–cuz even together we wouldn’t be able to pull that bad boy upright.
Yikes that sounds intense & scary, glad you were both OK…& the bike.
My favorite 3 wheeler:
Is there a car there????
(asking for the CPL crowd 😆 )…..
Favorite (dream car), is what I should have posted.
It was my Dad’s, he bought it used when I was about 7 years old. He bought a blue 1966 Corvette the year before. Then found the ’67, sold the ’66 and kept the ’67.
Before the 1966 sold, for about a month or so, we had the 1966 and the 1967 Corvettes in the driveway, which I thought was really cool 👍
The garage was only a one car garage, and his first car was in the garage. A 1928 Model ‘A’ Ford that he bought when he was 15 😁
We had a Mercury Breezeway with the back window that would slide down.
That is very cool!
They made all kinds of interesting cars back then.
My 1969 Corvette had T-tops and a removable rear window, so it was almost like a convertible with all of those removed.
It looked just like this one, except with a tan interior:
This short video shows how the rear window was removed, and how the removed window was stored in a sort of drop-shelf compartment until you were ready to put it back in:
Did it have such a nice hood ornament?
Sometimes it did 👍😂
Other times, it was just hoods 😆
Nice thoughtful engineering. I remember the T tops and always thought they were nice.
Fits right in with Ships (and other LA) Googie Architecture 🙂
It’s not even in primer at the moment. Stripped down to bare fiberglass, for repairs to cracks and chips accumulated over the last 57 years.
It’s a 1967 coupe, L79 engine option (327/350hp), with a Muncie close-ratio 4-spd.
When it’s finished, it will look like this… except with wider tires 😁
And if DJT institutes a national Strategic Bitcoin Reserve, I might buy a red 1965 to go with it 👍 😁
I used to drool over those when I was in high school.
My Dad drove it to work every day. When we went out to dinner, my sister and I sat in the luggage space, hunched over with our heads against the back window. No seat belts… there aren’t even seats back there 😂
Now they’re practically museum pieces.
He stopped driving it in the mid 1980s and bought a 1974 big block Corvette for a daily driver. He intended to restore the 1967 as a retirement project, but things didn’t work out that way, so it sat for a long time.
Talking about seats… I had a Datsun 280ZX back in the day (not the 2×2) and a friend of mine asked me if I could give her and her friend a lift… of course I did, but not thinking about the seating arrangement I turned a corner at “Cuppa Speed” and heard a THUMP from the back of the car….
My friend and her friend were OK, though, and still remained my friends 🙂
You need one of these steering wheels to make sure you control everything OK 😆
(and that you fit in at King Road and 101 in San Jose CA 😆 😆 😆 )
That doesn’t look very much like factory original 😂
Just not the GM factory 😆
under the not so fast category…
January 7, 2025 8:23 am
DO NOT BE FOOLED: Trudeau has not resigned!
At first glance, it looks like Justin Trudeau resigned this morning as prime minister. But that’s not true — here’s why.
At first glance, it looks like Justin Trudeau resigned this morning as prime minister. But if you listen carefully to what he said, he’ll resign only after the Liberal Party elects its new leader. And that could be many months in the future.
To make sure no-one kicks him out, he’s convinced the Governor General to suspend all Parliamentary business. He effectively escapes any scrutiny or accountability, as MPs won’t be able to vote him out on a non-confidence vote.
Trudeau going to hang on to power and all the perks of being prime minister as long as he can.
Even when Parliament comes back on March 24th, he didn’t say he’d resign then. He’s still probably scheming with the NDP to get them to prop him up, as they always do.
In other words, nothing has actually changed, other than Trudeau has managed to avoid taking responsibility, yet again. In his self-serving speech today, he didn’t take any responsibility. He blamed “internal battles” in his own party. He thinks he’s done nothing wrong — ever.
Folks, expect a flurry of activity, moving forward.
Trudeau will be appointing every crony, every pal, every donor to lucrative patronage positions.
He’ll be signing massive sole-source contracts to friends. Passing insane executive orders.
He’ll also likely raid the treasury like never before. And he’ll shred incriminating documents and delete emails like Hillary Clinton on speed.
But there’s something else that’s dangerous: the Liberal Party’s shocking membership rules allow foreign citizens, and teenagers as young as 14, to vote to choose the new leader. That’s how the Chinese Communist Party infiltrated 11 different ridings in the last election.
And I just saw a prominent Hamas supporter, Mohamed Fakih, ordering his troops to sign up to the Liberal Party en masse.
It’s disgusting that foreign activists will be able to pick our prime minister before the rest of us are allowed to exercise our rights as citizens in an election.
The entire country is being put second while Trudeau puts himself and his Liberal cronies first.
So what can we do?
One, put pressure on the Governor General and Trudeau’s lame duck government. The Governor General should never have allowed Trudeau to prorogue Parliament — she needs to realize we’re in a government crisis and the business of the country cannot take a back seat to the private interests of the Liberal Party.
Notably, we’re going to deploy our Rebel News digital billboard truck to Ottawa to send a message to Trudeau — and to the spineless Governor General for obeying him.
More pressure needs to applied to Lil Fidel to go away, PDQ.
they always find a way to hang on, don’t they?
Dingle Barrys…..
Just like MICRON in France.
Criminals only respond to use of force.
January 7, 2025 9:45 am
Thank you, De Pat, for another effort for us!!!
“NEW STUDY — COVID-19 mRNA Injections Dose-Dependently Increase Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Infection by Up to 121%”
by Nicolas Hulscher, MPH
6 January 2025
Yours Truly: This article presents a new study, from Japan, which proves that COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons are more susceptible to COVID-19 infection; and, that the more “vaccine” injections a person takes, the higher this risk goes.
The Japanese paper is here:
“Behavioral and Health Outcomes of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination: A Case-Controlled Study in Japanese Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises”
Eiji Nakatani, et al.
13 December 2024
The term “behavioral” in the study refers to what may be called “prophylactic” behaviors (in other words, washing the hands or not; avoiding crowds or not; wearing masks or not, etc.)
This Japanese study again confirms the two studies by Shrestha, et al., of the Cleveland Institute, which proved that employees of the Institute who took more COVID-19 “vaccine” injections got infected with COVID-19.
The Japanese paper does go through the now-apparently-obligatory boilerplate about how “the COVID-19 vaccines are effective”, etc. — possibly in order to get the paper peer-reviewed and published. However, it does state that the “immunity” conferred from these “vaccines” wanes rather quickly.
Neither the Japanese paper nor the Hulscher article do not address the phenomenon of COVID-19 “vaccine” shedding.
The Hulscher article does not mention the fact that the Japanese government approved the use of the first self-amplifying RNA (saRNA) COVID-19 “vaccine”, KOSTAIVE, which is now being administered in Japan.
So the shots do the opposite of what we were told. I remember seeing so many pundits and talking heads say that if you get jabbed, you won’t get COVID. At the time I thought, How do they know? There’s no way even scientists could have been sure about it at that point. It had not been tested in the population. Now it is being tested and measured, and they were all wrong.
Yup. The “trust the science” people now refuse to report the ACTUAL science.
The media is the enemy of both the people AND science.
Trump plane landing in Greenland. Looks good on Truth Social too 😁
A beautiful sight!
Liz Wheeler
The content of the new House report on the Jan. 6th pipe bomber is shocking.
The FBI tracked phone data & narrowed the suspects down to 186 phone numbers… and then down to 1 phone number… And then the FBI suddenly stopped the case. Just, ended it.
WHY? Who is that one person that they didn’t want to reveal???
The FBI agent in charge (Steven D’Antuano) then told Congress that the phone data from a major telecom company was corrupted. But the telecom company says the data was NOT corrupted. Uhh… The FBI lied? To cover up?
Now the FBI and other agencies are stonewalling Congress over WHY this investigation into what we’re told is the biggest domestic terror attack attempt in recent history just… stopped.
Oh, and the two people who “found” the “pipe bombs” on Jan 6 we’re a “woman carrying a basket of laundry” who is actually a swamp creature who works for an intel-connected org where she works on “disinformation.” LOL. And the other “bomb” was found by a plainclothes fed.
Both “bombs” sat in plain sight undetected for 15+ hours until both were found independently within 15 mins of each other also within 15 mins of the first breach of the Capitol.
And the frame rate of the one video the FBI released of the pipe bomber—which came from the DNC—was 1.2fps which is lower than any security camera on the market by 8x?? Which implies that the video was tampered with? By whom? What’s on the frames that were removed from the publicly released tape??
The implications of this are enormous.
We are closer than we’ve ever been before in totally exposing the totality of what an absolute, evil hoax J6 was.
Don’t lose steam now. Raise your voice. Get this over the finish line. Expose it ALL so everyone can see we aren’t crazy conspiracy theorists, that the Feds actually staged J6 to demonize MAGA after Biden & his ilk rigged the election.
You are the media. Make this famous.
Remember that “FED” includes the CIA, DHS, State Dept. and the ’16 intel agencies’ DemonRats in Congress and their high $$$ donors (Think Aunty Fa & BLM.)
Dan Bongino said last night that he predicted this would happen. As soon as Trump was elected, the FIB would start to put out more information to show they’re not incompetent or not hiding things. But the video they’ve put out has been altered. (I don’t have details at the moment.)
I always thought the FIB was in on the plot, or behind it. But if they investigated, found the bomber, and didn’t want to reveal who it was, it looks as if they might not have planned it. Maybe Pelosi and the DNC planned it.
The phone of the bomber went to a locked govt garage IIRC….
Literally nobody I know believes J6 was anything but a set up. The longer it goes on the less it is believed even by leftists. Fake news loses even more credibility and views every time they beat that drum. As the truth rolls out all of the politicians that lined up on that side are getting roasted, hoping it goes away.
Verse of the Day for Tuesday, January 7, 2025
“Teach me thy way, O LORD, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.”
Psalms 27:11 (KJV)
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit