Dear MAGA: 20250112 Open Topic

This Rejoice & Praise God Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.

It’s also a place to read, post, and discuss news that is worth knowing and sharing. Please post links to any news stories that you use as sources or quote from.

In the QTree, we’re a friendly and civil lot. We encourage free speech and the open exchange and civil discussion of different ideas. Topics aren’t constrained, and sound logic is highly encouraged, all built on a solid foundation of truth and established facts.

We have a policy of mutual respect, shown by civility. Civility encourages discussions, promotes objectivity and rational thought in discourse, and camaraderie in the participants – characteristics we strive toward in our Q Tree community.

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In The Q Tree, we’re compatriots, sitting around the campfire, roasting hot dogs, making s’mores, and discussing, agreeing, and disagreeing about whatever interests us. This board will remain a home for those who seek respectful conversations.

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On this day and every day –

God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.

“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

It’s Revival We Need

We have read of wonderful revivals; history records the prodigies of the Reformation, and the marvellous way in which the gospel was spread during the first two centuries; we pine to see the like again, or to know the reason why it is not so, and with holy boldness it is our desire to come before the Lord and plead with Him, as a man pleadeth with his friend. May God help us so to do in the power of the Holy Ghost.
– Charles Hadden Spurgeon

Revival refers to a spiritual reawakening from a state of dormancy or stagnation in the life of a believer. It encompasses the resurfacing of a love for God, an appreciation of God’s holiness, a passion for His Word and His church, a convicting awareness of personal and corporate sin, a spirit of humility, and a desire for repentance and growth in righteousness. Revival invigorates and sometimes deepens a believer’s faith, opening his or her eyes to the truth in a fresh, new way. It generally involves the connotation of a fresh start with a clean slate, marking a new beginning of a life lived in obedience to God. Revival breaks the charm and power of the world, which blinds the eyes of men, and generates both the will and power to live in the world but not of the world.

In the USA, the first revival, also called the First Great Awakening, produced an upsurge of devotion among Protestants in the 1730s and 1740s, carving a permanent mark on American religion. It resulted from authoritative preaching that deeply moved the church members with a convicting awareness of personal guilt and the awesome nature of salvation through Christ. Breaking away from dry ritual and rote ceremony, the Great Awakening made Christianity intensely personal to the average person, as it should be, by creating a deep emotional need for relationship with Christ.

Revival, in many respects, replicates the believer’s experience when he or she is saved. It is initiated by a prompting of the Holy Spirit, creating an awareness of something missing or wrong in the believer’s life that can only be righted by God. In turn, the Christian must respond from the heart, acknowledging his or her need. Then, in a powerful way, the Holy Spirit draws back the veil the world has cast over the truth, allowing the believers to fully see themselves in comparison to God’s majesty and holiness. Obviously, such comparisons bring great humility, but also great awe of God and His truly amazing grace (Isaiah 6:5). Unlike the original conversion experience that brings about a new relationship to God, however, revival represents a restoration of fellowship with God, the relationship having been retained even though the believer had pulled away for a time.

God, through His Holy Spirit, calls us to revival in a number of situations. Christ’s letters to the seven churches reveal some circumstances that may necessitate revival. In the letter to Ephesus, Christ praised the church for their perseverance and discernment, but He stated that they had forsaken their first love (Revelation 2:4-5). Many times as the excitement of acceptance to Christ grows cold, we lose the zeal that we had at first. We become bogged down in the ritual, going through the motions, but we no longer experience the joy of serving Christ. Revival helps restore that first love and passion for Christ. Revelation 2:10-11 refers to the church at Smyrna, which was suffering intense persecution. The cares and worries of life can beat us down, leaving us emotionally, physically, and spiritually exhausted. Revival can lift us up to new hope and faith.

Revelation 2:14-16 talks about the problem of compromise with the world and incorporating worldly values into our belief systems. Revival helps us to rightly discern what values we should hold. Revelation 2:20-23 discusses the problem of tolerating false teaching in our churches. We need to examine the messages that we hear and compare them to the message of the Bible. Revival helps us to find the truth. Revelation 3:1-6 describes a dead church, a church that goes through the motions outwardly, but there is nothing underneath. Here is a picture of nominal Christianity, outwardly prosperous, busy with the externals of religious activity, but devoid of spiritual life and power. Revival helps to resuscitate spiritual life. In Revelation 3:11, we are further warned against complacency, a life that does not bear fruit. All of these scenarios call for revival.

The evidence of revival is changed lives. Great movements toward righteousness, evangelism, and social justice occur. Believers are once again spending time in prayer and reading and obeying God’s Word. Believers begin to powerfully use their spiritual gifts. There is confession of sin and repentance.

Revive Us Again

We praise Thee, O God!
For the Son of Thy love,
For Jesus Who died,
And is now gone above.

We praise Thee, O God!
For Thy Spirit of light,
Who hath shown us our Savior,
And scattered our night.

All glory and praise
To the Lamb that was slain,
Who hath borne all our sins,
And hath cleansed every stain.

All glory and praise
To the God of all grace,
Who hast brought us, and sought us,
And guided our ways.

Revive us again;
Fill each heart with Thy love;
May each soul be rekindled
With fire from above.

Hallelujah! Thine the glory.
Hallelujah! Amen.
Hallelujah! Thine the glory.
Revive us again.

William P. Mackay 1863

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

EIGHT DAYS, 11 hours, 38 minutes until our Once And Future President is restored to his Rightful Office as President of the Greatest Nation on the Globe.

Not that I’m counting, mind you.


That’s only a week in Beatles’ time 👍


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^^^ Ten as I count them. (Smart Ass here.)

Sticking with The Perfect Ten…until January 20th.

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It’s 10 in base 8, if that helps….


I never thought she was more than about a 4 or a 5.

If ya wanna talk ’bout 10s, think Bacall or Fawcett or Loren. But the crush of my youth was Dyan Cannon. She’s an 11 as far as I’m concerned.


Back in the day, I’d have agreed. Couldn’t get past her hair.

These days, being an old fart, can’t see the hair. The rest of the package, a visual delight.

Googled Dyan. Almost a familiar face, barely recall Dyan Cannon. Seems Dyan is a local from your area.


That she is. Wiki does a fair piece on her. Cary Grant hitched up with her in the 60s.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I agree. Overhyped.

The cornrow hairstyle just looks ridiculous, and she’s anorexic looking. (This was confirmed when I saw the Playboy spread way back when, and could count bones you shouldn’t normally be able to see.)


With so little insulation, you just know she’s going to have cold feet under the covers.




That’s too many people.

That’s Ten is Enough. That’s a whole different show, some spin-off maybe… 😁

Last edited 28 days ago by scott467

Lol. EIGHT kids!


Okay, fair point, I don’t think I ever actually watched the show 😁

But I’m looking at the photo now, and I have to say, none of those people even look like they could be related to each other.

It’s like they just took 10 random white people off the street and said go pretend like you’re a family 😂

I think they tried harder with the casting for the Brady Bunch. All the boys hard dark hair like their Dad, and all the girls had blonde or blondish hair like their Mom.

But this group… I don’t even know what to make of this… when I look at the family photo, it’s like I’m being gaslighted 🤣


It was a cute show back in the day.

It’s called “suspension of disbelief.”


I remember it, that’s why I knew it was a reference to Eight is Enough, and I recognize the father and the youngest boy.

And probably the girl at top left, the guy at top center, and the two on the top right.

I just didn’t know it was a reference to the children, so the number of people (10) threw me off 😁

Valerie Curren

I never saw this show either but appreciate your “gaslight” insights 😉


There may have been a succession of mailmen and milkmen… was only chance that they were all “white”.

Brave and Free

Also 11 days until Ole Chucky and his pals publicly start their quest to destroy anything PDJT attempts to do.

Barb Meier

Let the mockery begin! The Internet is forever in spite of Schumer’s attempt to delete his raw cheeseburger.


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“I’ll never comply with another public health order for the rest of my life. Anyone else?”


I never complied with the last one… 😂 🤣 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m on board!


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Oh man – that would toss their salad, cook their goose, scramble their eggs.

Valerie Curren

I think this would be GREAT! Let’s add in Joe Rogan.


Just to further trigger the WH presstitues.

Perhaps a rough around the edges, Steve Bannon.


Dust off the binder for Kayleigh McEnany.


Speaking of Tens. 😋

Kayleigh was awesome nailing the WH presstitutes.

Right about J6 as I recall, Kayleigh lost her spine. Drank Kool-Ade.

Trump noticed is an understatement.


I think she was primarily reacting as a mother, and not as much as the dragon-slayer she knows how to be. When things got rough, her place was home.


Physically, she’s not imposing….and it was always worrisome seeing her go into that snake pit with bullies and evil liars…..and then I’d see the little cross on the chain around her neck and know she was wearing the Armor of God.

And, of course, when she opened her Binder of Smiting…..

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, when she started flipping through those pages, you KNEW an ass kicking was coming!

I don’t remember who was the press-beater at the time, but the classic was when the press decided to spend a week beating up on Trump for being slow on Covid, and then they played, in the press room, clips of the same POS “people” complaining at the time that Trump was being racist.

Boy were they mad, but had no leg to stand on. It was glorious.

Last edited 28 days ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

By contrast, I never really worried when Sarah was at the podium, ’cause she might’ve just decked ’em…..



Cuppa Covfefe

Call it “Beat The Press”… 🙂


Very good. I might just start a podcast with that name.  😆 

Barb Meier

Someone should.   :pepper:   :banana-mario:   :banana2: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I like it!


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Yeah, but they never had all the “educational” devices like mobile phones, tablets, gaming and such to “help” them keep their minds occupied with more important woke, cancel culture, sexual pervert, etc. issues. We are fortunate to have BLM, ANTIFA, Swifties, and transmania to educate our young people.


Edumacate is the correct word.


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“You can donate directly to these charities democrat money laundering operations.”


The scammer from the District of Criminals is trying to skim off the local scammers.


It’s grift turtles all the way down.

Cuppa Covfefe


Valerie Curren


Gail Combs

They are now ALL run by Globalist SCAMMERS! Even the Salvation Army.


I was really upset with the SA went woke. For years, I had considered them to be a worthwhile institution.


Yup. SA kettles were always getting coins every passing each Christmas season.

Used SA kettles as teaching moments with Grands. They’d each get a buck or two to drop, along with they’d say Merry Christmas.

~Four years ago, that evaporated. Forgot the SA glaring problem, but that ended goodwill from my pockets.

Last edited 28 days ago by kalbokalbs

The problem is not any particular “discussion guide”, so much, as it is that they have the following position amongst their leadership:

Col. Janet Munn, Salvation Army minister and co-director of the organization’s International Social Justice Commission [emph added], led the team that developed the discussion guide. The commission is a “strategic voice to advocate for human dignity and social justice with the world’s poor and oppressed,” the organization said.

Last edited 28 days ago by cthulhu

The problem is that there is only one justice, and it depends on individuality. Social justice has nothing to do with justice, and everything to do with redistributive socialism between groups.

As far as I am concerned, any organization that promotes social justice should lose their tax exemption — whatever they were previously, they are now a political organization.

Gail Combs

You and me both. They were the ONLY people I would give money to. Overseas the Army folk hated the Red Cross and loved SA.

During WWII my father was the Army liaison to the Red Cross. He HATED THEM! (He ended up working for JAG although he was not a lawyer and was enlisted. That was because he was very smart AND a wise-ass.

Seems all the dumbie mines he worked with blew up… In the next battalion he was assigned to, he demanded a written order because he was being ordered to do something that endangered gov’t property — ME!

At that point, given his intelligence test scores were off the charts, they sent him to JAG. Might as well put that smart-assery to work FOR the Army.

Deplorable Patriot

SO sad about the Red Cross. Clara Barton has to be turning in her grave over what it has become.


It’s also sad about the Salvation Army. I was always impressed by the reason they were in destitute parts of town — “we aim to save souls, and will go where the sinners are.”


Until they join those sinners …

Valerie Curren

he was very smart AND a wise-ass.”

Very persistent & useful family traits!!! 😉


Gail Combs
Years ago, when Yours Truly was a conservatory student at Carnegie Mellon University, she had the honor to work for Philip Catelinet. Prof. Catelinet was from England. He was a pianist who became a virtuoso tuba player. After Ralph Vaughn Williams wrote his Tuba Concerto, he asked Philip Catelinet to premiere it.
Prof. Catelinet and his family came to the US in 1956 and he took a position in the Music Department of the then-Carnegie Institute of Technology (now the institution above.) He taught there for decades before retiring and moving back to England. He passed away in 1995.
But, there was another aspect to Prof. Catelinet: He was an enthusiastic and honored member of the Salvation Army. He wrote and arranged music for the organization. He conducted concerts of SA music. He played the organ at SA services. His music was published by the SA.
I think Prof. Catelinet would be alarmed at what’s happened to his beloved SA.

Last edited 28 days ago by PAVACA

Loved the history, PAVACA. Thanks for bringing.

Yes, the communists devote their efforts to the destruction of valued institutions of all types.

In response we need to take stands and back them down if salvageable. If not; learn from it, start new ones and adapt.

Gail Combs

I think the response to SA may actually back them down. The Fabian/Commie/Satanists ALWAYS aim to grab the top slots since they are not interested in actually WORKING.


I dunno, it’s been a couple of years and they seem to think they’re going to BS their way past it.

If they had gone to mass defenestrations, I’d feel better about saving them.


I dunno, it’s been a couple of years and they seem to think they’re going to BS their way past it.

Yup. I used to get emails from them, but I asked to be removed from their list. After a year or more, I’m getting emails again.


Psalm 85, quoted in the banner is a prayer for revival!

You, Lord, showed favor to your land;
    you restored the fortunes of Jacob.

You forgave the iniquity of your people
    and covered all their sins.[b]

You set aside all your wrath
    and turned from your fierce anger.

Restore us again, God our Savior,
    and put away your displeasure toward us.

Will you be angry with us forever?
    Will you prolong your anger through all generations?

Will you not revive us again,
    that your people may rejoice in you?

Show us your unfailing love, Lord,
    and grant us your salvation.

I will listen to what God the Lord says;
    he promises peace to his people, his faithful servants—
    but let them not turn to folly.

Surely his salvation is near those who fear him,
    that his glory may dwell in our land.
Love and faithfulness meet together;
    righteousness and peace kiss each other.
Faithfulness springs forth from the earth,
    and righteousness looks down from heaven.
The Lord will indeed give what is good,
    and our land will yield its harvest.
Righteousness goes before him
    and prepares the way for his steps.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



September 3, 2023
Time for Another Great Awakening
By Jeff Lukens

We live in an age of unbelief.  The foundations of American life are eroding.  America is entering an uncharted, revolutionary time.  We are no longer the America of our founders or even the America that existed twenty years ago.  We are in trouble, and a cataclysm of ominous events may soon overwhelm us.  We need a national spiritual revival.   

Two seminal revival movements were such game-changing events in American history that historians were compelled to call them Great Awakenings.  The First Great Awakening in the mid-1700s created the moral climate for the Declaration of Independence and the founding of a new country, conceived in liberty, that would truly become a light to the nations. 

The Second Great Awakening in the mid-1800s was even more potent and culminated with Abraham Lincoln and the abolition of slavery.  As a result of this movement, the United States has liberated more people economically, politically, and spiritually than any other nation in history.
The problems of America today cannot be solved by politicians or our broken culture.  We need another Great Awakening on a scale and resolve equal to the first two.  There are some hopeful signs this may be happening. 

In February this year, a large and spontaneous worship service ran nonstop for almost two weeks at a small Christian college in Kentucky.  The occasion at Asbury University was so galvanizing that people flew in from around the country, overflowing outside the college’s chapel, to participate in the praying, singing, and discussions.More than 200,000 people converged on the small town.  There was no desire for publicity.  No famous Christian speakers or bands attended.  The only draw was the powerful presence of God.  Many remained in line for hours to pray for just a few minutes because they realized the blessings of God were flowing in the chapel.   

The spiritual cry spread out from Asbury to 37 other colleges, granting many young people the freeing experience of spiritual renewal.  More than 200 teams of students have been sharing testimonies about the revival in churches since then, with hundreds more going out this summer.Massive public baptisms were held this past summer at Pirates Cove in California.  Pastors Mark Francey and Greg Laurie and hundreds of churches in Southern California baptized more than 8,000 people at these events. 

Greg Laurie was active in the original Jesus Movement in the 1970s, and his story was recently told in the movie Jesus Revolution, produced by Angel Studios, which surprised critics and Hollywood alike with large box office receipts.  Angel Studios has also produced the Chosen television series depicting Jesus and the Twelve Disciples, which has become very popular, using only crowdfunding donations to cover production costs. 

Many more events could be mentioned.  While these happenings are hopeful, we are still a long way from a national revival.  These days, many citizens disapprove of expressions of faith in God as the Provider of all human rights.  Many think their rights come from the government.  Sadly, only after a calamity of unspeakable proportions will enough people come to re-examine their attitudes toward faith and founding principles that a broad spiritual renewal can occur. 

In 2001, on the Sunday following 9/11, churches nationwide were suddenly filled as if it were Easter morning.  It seemed people widely felt that America needed repentance before God that He allowed such monstrous evil to visit our land.  But the repentance was not to last.  This tragedy was only a one-day event, and within a few weeks, church attendance started to dwindle, and any thoughts of repentance were forgotten.  Since then, church attendance has reached new lows following the COVID years.

We may be on the path to a combined financial, moral, civil, and geopolitical crisis that could extend for many years.  This is no one-day event.  There are no easy answers to what lies ahead.  People already sense trouble and are starting to pay attention.  We don’t need a transformed nation; we need a restored nation.  And that happens only through a change in individual attitudes and beliefs toward the Divine Providence of God.Believers will receive mockery and rejection when they exercise their faith with authenticity and courage.  Yet the Church is most vibrant and closest to God when under earthly persecution.  That was true in the first century, and it is true today.  Followers of Christ must push past whatever ridicule and opposition awaits us and answer our calling.

There is an old saying that hope is not a strategy.  In our circumstances, however, the world is failing, and hope in Him is all we have left.  We take back the nation by praying, repenting to the Lord, and acknowledging that the Republic will fail without our hearts returning to Him.  We must call upon Divine Providence and plead for mercy. 

We know that God responds to those who cry out to Him.  Only through Him can national revival come, and the blessing it brings becomes possible.  He watches over us today just as He did in generations past.  Keep the faith, be encouraged, and keep praying.  May another Great Awakening arise in this dark and uncertain time.

Jeff Lukens is a West Point graduate, U.S. Army veteran, and conservative activist.  He can be reached at

Deplorable Patriot

This morning it occurred to me that we have turned the concept of living for others on its head and now really only are living for ourselves. The selfishness meter in many walks of life is off the charts. As such, basic manners, common courtesy and not inconveniencing others has gone out the window. So much so, that even at Mass people have no problem doing their own thing and not correcting kids is an issue all over.

Gail Combs

Manners are the lubricant of civilization. That is why they were targeted. First the Commie Satanists CORRUPTED the concept of living for others into “..You have to ALLOW evil to exist and reward laziness….” That was in the 60s. It went down hill from there.


LAST YEAR, we read of the Asbury Revival… and it has been spreading.

Map – where the sparks of revival had ignited in 2023…,-94.9781138,4.78z/data=!4m2!11m1!2s1sg03aBIpgGhx7fCBgRalgLz5xQY

Please pray for the Holy Spirit to open the hearts of people all over the world to the True Gospel and Word and fill them with the Love, Truth, Joy, Peace, Compassion, Mercy, Faith of Jesus Christ!

Valerie Curren



There is an amazing story behind the hymn Revive Us Again:


Please dear Lord, protect our children from the predations of evildoers, false teachers, grotesque role models who would steal and distort their identities, disorient their emotional growth and use them for perverse gratification.

Praise up ministries for parents, dedicated to preventing abuse – like Parent Place in IL – – that teaches parenting skills to those with children who lacked role models themselves…we have generations of poor parenting in our nation…the family has been eroded so greatly.

Please Dear Lord raise up ministries for children, Sunday Schools, Vacation Bible Schools, Christian camps and ministries like the Mailbox Club in GA – My own children loved getting these lessons in the mail!

Strengthen and revive your people and give us a heart for the children to bring the little ones unto YOU!

In the Name of Jesus our Lord and King,


Last edited 28 days ago by GA/FL

The following is a “quick and dirty” summary. Yours Truly will append a “Flash! News” addendum to the body of the Health Friday post of two days ago on the p53 cancer tumor suppressor gene and how SV40 interferes with it.

One: Dr. Kevin McKernan ran the gene sequence from the cancer tumor biopsies and compared them to the gene sequence in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine.” There was a match. He also found traces of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccines” in the cancer tumors.
Two: At least one sequence match was made a year AFTER the patient had been COVID-19 vaxxed.

The article that talks about this:
by Frank Bergman
11 January 2025
There is a video in the article of an interview with COVID researcher John Beaudoin on this situation.

Screenshot from the above article:

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There’s only one way that this can happen, IMO — it’s the SV40 African Green Monkey cancer promoter gene code piece that’s in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccines.” The SV40 promoter interferes with the body’s p53 cancer suppressor protein.

The above has been put into the body of the Health Friday post of two days ago, 10 January, with amplifications. Thank you!

Last edited 28 days ago by PAVACA
Valerie Curren

This is an amazing AND damning find!


How in the accident could the SV40 African Green Monkey cancer promoter gene wind up in the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine?

Last edited 27 days ago by scott467

“McKernan gene-sequenced a cancerous tumor, matching the genetic sequence to Pfizer’s Covid mRNA injection.”


The very next line from the article should be included!

The discovery is being hailed as definitive proof that Covid mRNA “vaccines” cause cancer.”

Last edited 27 days ago by scott467

Had a beer for breakfast. Then had another. (Been there.) 😂😅😂

Always enjoy Johnny Cash.

Cuppa Covfefe

Goes well with RoundTable Pizza for breakfast (left over)… Pepperoni, Black Olives, Italian Sausage, and Green Peppers…

pat frederick

Happy New Year Dear One!!
hope all is well with you!


Amen, Carl.


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Verse of the Day for Sunday, January 12, 2025

“The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry.” 

Psalms 34:15 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!




Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Expectation of rapt revelation
Rebirth revival and restoration
To what is this renewal directed
To the Spirit of God connected

Discord in the churches division
Equity diversity need revision
Never again to be confused
Inclusivity infiltration defused

No longer to accept an agenda
The infallible de fide credenda
Against the Bible the ungodly feign
An ideology of the profane

A youth revival has taken flight
Drawn by the need to be alright
The light of the Spirit glows in their hearts
The excitement is clearly off the charts

No matter what the denomination
Egregious gets no accommodation 
We either align with God’s Holy Word
Or God will strike down the demonic herd

The churches will be judged and rightly so
For defying the natural order and flow
The debauchery of leaders will mean
Investigations and charges to glean

As God is our Judge and Father of all
We must root out the evil make the call
An abhorrent leader deceives his flock
This path to destruction we must defrock

D01: 08/09/2023


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms





“How to Know If You’re Really Saved” | LIVE Service from First Baptist Dallas – 01/12/2025





Another atheist who understands America:

“A prominent atheist writer has an ironic prescription for American democracy.
Despite eschewing God, writer Jonathan Rauch believes the Christian expression in America has embraced secularism and liberalism, to the detriment of not only the American church but of American democracy and society.

The solution, he argues, is for Christians to live out their faith authentically, not blown by the winds of progressivism.

“What really needs to happen to get our country on a better track is for Christianity not to become more secular or more liberal, but to become more like itself, to become more truly Christian,” he said recently in a New York Times interview.”

It’s a good article.


I’m always amused at the multiple methods God uses to get his message through. No medium is too ironic or strange for Him to use.



Yes. The Master Messenger.

Cuppa Covfefe

John 1:1-5:

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.


So beautiful. One of my favorite passages in the whole Bible.

Valerie Curren


pat frederick

January 12, 2025 8:07 am

James Woods’ house survives fire in LA thanks to a good neighbor.

pat frederick

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Gail Combs

Is that heart she is wearing ‘Girl Lover’

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Cuppa Covfefe

Oddly enough, if you flip that side-to-side, you get the Langnese Ice Cream logo. When Unilever bought them in 1998, they changed to logo to the pervy heart design…

Makes one wonder… Langnese was based in Heppenheim, if you were ever up there…

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Disney, its parks and its films, is rife with this paedo-to-the-meadow symbolism…




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Gail Combs

The “Free Market” is dis-information.


That is a very funny toon.


I try to bring good ones here.

pat frederick

gees they’re dressing up as firefighters now…to loot
January 12, 2025 3:22 pm
Los Angeles authorities said they arrested 29 more people overnight in the fire zones, including one burglary suspect who was allegedly dressed as a firefighter.
Of the arrests, 25 people were apprehended in the Eaton fire zone, four in the Palisades fire zone, authorities said.…
— LA Scanner (@LAScanner) January 12, 2025


Find out who gave him the duds and you’ll have a good old-fashioned conspiracy to go along with the other criminal charges.

pat frederick

party city?


Bitch loses her SS detail in <8 days.

Can’t happen soon enough.

Maybe Kakala will work The St😅reets of San Francisco.

pat frederick

do only ex presidents get ss details out of office?




That is my understanding.

  • Ex president and their family. Family can decline protection.
Cuppa Covfefe

Or Oakland, her old haunt(s)…. San Pablo and MacArthur are waiting…

Deplorable Patriot

Does anyone have a favorite tea tree oil for topical application? Thanks.


Hasn’t used any myself, but there seems to be so many uses.
Maybe you can narrow it down based on reviews.


If you can find someone who sells Melaleuca brand tea tree products, they all seem to be high quality. They are some sort of multi-level marketing company. I have a friend who gets me their hand lotion, which prevents my cuticles from cracking all winter.

Deplorable Patriot




Valerie Curren

My hubby had their stuff back in OK 30+ years ago…


My wife uses Young Living for all of her essential oils and cleaning products.


IMO, finding a brand of tea tree oil that is 100% certified pure is good.
Also — my understanding is, do not apply tea tree oil to the skin / body / scalp, etc. in its pure form right from the bottle. It needs to be diluted with a carrier oil first, in a proportion of 1 drop pure tea tree oil to 12 drops of the carrier oil. There are other ways to dilute it, such as 1 drop pure tea tree oil to wound ointment and apply.

Last edited 28 days ago by PAVACA

Olive oil?


Mobil 1?


Monday, January 13. Details at the link below.
Wolf Moon: How and when to see January’s full Moon glow next to MarsThe Wolf Moon will pass in front of the planet Mars, giving viewers of the Moon a chance to see the glowing red planet.
>>> Initially thought this post was going to deliver a TwoFer. This one very interesting, but won’t happen until April 11, 2030.
Europa Clipper, will flyby, Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons.~4 minute video at the at the link above.Ice fishing Not scheduled. Yet. 🤓

Last edited 28 days ago by kalbokalbs
Valerie Curren

Hope Steve sees this & perhaps elaborates 🙂



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Valerie Curren



It was only a matter of time. Trump’s fault LA is burning.

Democrat Sen. Markey: L.A. Fires Are ‘Climate Disaster’ Stoked by Trump, ‘More Death’ Coming


So by now, millions of people should already be lighting up this clown’s Twitter feed and ratio-ing him to oblivion, with roughly 100% mockery.


Skank Hoe Ed Markey: “Trump has been bought for $1 billion by Big Oil.”


You got the receipts, or are you just a nasty old hateful man, lying through your teeth?

Seriously, do you have any evidence at all, or are you just some creep who sleazed his way into a Senator’s seat?

You’re obviously projecting, but why would Trump do what Demorats do?

Unlike sick, hateful people like you, he already has several billion dollars, Ed. He doesn’t need another billion from Big Oil. So what gives?


Ed ‘Tokyo Rose’ Markey: “Just a payoff to kill the IRA and the Green New Deal.”


No idea what “IRA” stands for (Irish Republican Army? Individual Retirement Account?), but maybe you could articulate a single positive thing resulting from “the Green New Deal”?

Maybe you could just explain what the ‘Green New Deal’ even is?

Didn’t think so.


Snake Oil Huckster Ed Markey: “We know what will happen. More fires, more climate disasters, more death.”


Why? What’s the relationship? You ever heard of a non-sequitur? Do you know what that term means, Eddie?

So why don’t you explain how anything Trump COULD do, much less anything he has already done, that could possibly have caused the L.A. fires.

Go ahead, you hateful, nasty old man.


Idiot Eddie Markey: “The LA fires are preview of coming atrocities,” Markey wrote on X on Saturday


You’re a disgusting excuse for a human being. Anyone who would say the kinds of things you say, just to create hate and division, without even a semblance of reality or logic or reason to any of it, is a pathetic POS.

And that’s exactly what you are, Ed.

Last edited 28 days ago by scott467

Yea, I didn’t get past the headline.

Edit. Another D-Rat dipstick. Sharing headline and going no further.

Watch: Actresses Yvette Nicole Brown and Kym Whitley Call L.A. Fire Criticism of Mayor Bass ‘Racist’

Last edited 28 days ago by kalbokalbs
Cuppa Covfefe

I figured they were POCs… SFBs, indeed…..  💩 

Just like the GangGreens over here, they will follow their idiocracy to the death… Unfortunately, it’s causing a lot of innocent deaths right now, despite Markey’s (and Barkey’s) Malarkey…

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The IRA is the disgusting budget-busting inflation-causing spend-o-matic Inflation Reduction Act.


Thank you 👍




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A crazed pitbull ain’t got nuttin’ on you.


It just infuriates me that these are people in positions of power and authority, and they make outlandish, ridiculous, obviously false claims, and nothing happens to them.


Gail Combs and All —
You know that weird, low-lying, thick “fog” thing that was around in Central NC last week (and at other times, too)? Take a look at this:
Yours Truly: Apparently, that weird “fog” was also in Florida. Somebody had samples of it tested. The tests came back showing that the “fog” was filled with a bacteria called Serratia Marcescens Bacteria. This bacteria can cause multiple types of infections and conditions in humans. Examples: Urinary Tract Infection; pneumonia; eye infections; meningitis. The tweet by Erin Elizabeth Health Nut News included in the article has the lab information.
IMO, this is in the chemtrails that are being spread in so many places, including where Yours Truly lives in NW Durham County, NC. Possibly along with other types of bio warfare items.


Not surprised here. Should be.

Thanks for bringing this.

Time permitting, please repost Monday morning, to help ensure wider visibility.

Off to reading Burning Platform article.


Will repost tomorrow. Thank you.



Absolutely, they’d do it for fun, as soon as they got bored from tearing the wings off of flies. They’re psychopaths or genocidal maniacs, or both.

Why We the People don’t ever do anything about it is a bigger mystery than the riddle of the Sphinx.

If chem trails are what people suspect they are (whatever that may be), and what they are doing is harmful, then how are the people behind it not also harming themselves?

I mean, they have to walk around in the same environment we do, and they have to breathe the same air we breathe, and they’re not wearing gas masks.

What are the reasonable possibilities?

They could be taking some kind of antidote preemptively, but you would need to be really sure (and very confident) that your antidote is extremely effective.

In such a scenario, what type of harmful chemical could be sprayed, for which an extremely reliable antidote exists?

Is there anything which falls within these kinds of broad parameters?

Because if there isn’t, and the harm from chem-trails is real, then whoever is doing it is exposing themselves also, and that seems… self destructive.

Same goes for the bacteria fog.

How are ‘they’ avoiding exposure to themselves, from such a widely and broadly distributed contaminant, if it is some kind of contaminant?

Last edited 28 days ago by scott467

Careful – you’re gonna blow up a perfectly good conspiracy theory.

  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_twisted: 




Were you just trying to explain Joe Biden’s most recent vacation to the Caribbean? 🙄😏😆

Anyway, the best this post can be tracked back to is a Lab in Naples Fl?

We are going to have to do better than that.

In the comments we have something of a lead, but if you read through it, it basically says more study is warranted before jumping to conclusions. It also is not specific to the tweet above except that it’s a study of Fog in the Naples area of Florida. Here’s the pdf.

As to the Fog Phenomena, there is too much to be said, likely by design if it is indeed a weapon. Everything with it is hodge podge. From the time line, geographical dispersion, desperate reports, descriptions etc… Theoretically they could of dispersed a cocktail of things through which this one report is only catching a part.

I think we are still up in the air as to what has or has not happened. The reports of new flu’s and the like continue to mount and will serve as great camouflage for anything that might be real.

Personally the only reports that grabbed my attention were not necessarily the ones with chemical smell. Low level ground fog can bring down a lot of things in the atmosphere that are always up there. The ones that caught my attention were the fog reports that lacked moisture. The ones that had flakes that did not melt against windshields and the like. Those were disconcerting. That said though their are industrial parks scattered across the country and unscrupulous owners of companies that often enough may fire up incinerators on week ends and in events like rain storms and fog to burn off their waste to avoid the costs of over regulation.

Meanwhile the chem clouders are certainly out of control as well and it seems like the wild west up in the sky and I thought I read of another state or two that have added prohibitions on chem clouds and cloud seeding above their states which means some bureaucrats and govt types are taking that aspect seriously.


This bacteria is everywhere, especially in a damp environment like Florida. It is what causes that pink or reddish color in bathroom drains, corners, and wet environments.

It is opportunistic, in that it can cause infections in immunocompromised people, or open wounds. But we are probably exposed to it pretty frequently.

I would like to see a chemical analysis of that fog, myself.

Cuppa Covfefe

The US Military did a lot of experiments in the SF Bay Area in the 1950s and 1960s, including using this bacteria. At the time they didn’t know the bacteria were harmful. Although they must have known the radioactive material they dumped into the Bay was…

A comment to that article leads to an interesting article from The Smithsonian:

The bacterium Serratia marcescens lives in soil and water, and is best known for its ability to produce bright red pigment. This flashy trait makes this particular microbe useful in experiments—because it is so bright, it’s easy to see where it is. And in 1950, the U.S. military harnessed that power in a large-scale biowarefare test, writes Rebecca Kreston on her blog “Body Horrors” for Scientific American.


Beginning on September 26, 1950, the crew of a U.S. Navy minesweeper ship spent six days spraying Serratia marcescens into the air about two miles off the northern California coast. The project was called “Operation Sea Spray,” and its aim was to determine the susceptibility of a big city like San Francisco to a bioweapon attack by terrorists.

The military had performed similar tests in other cities across the country over the next two decades, until Richard Nixon halted all germ warfare research in 1969. The San Francisco experiment didn’t become public knowledge until 1976.

Sometimes I wonder if they also tested spraying “crazy” into the Bay… Having said that, there seem to be a disproportionate number of people in the Bay Area (and Kalifornistan, in general) afflicted by cancers and other diseases that wouldn’t be expected in such a mild climate and all of the “health-conscious” people living there…..


In my opinion, be wary.

October 22, 2022

If this interests you and you spend the time on the vid (start at 2:50 in to miss the opening commercial) by Thanksgivings Bo Polny will either be the greatest (self-proclaimed) ‘Biblical Analysist of Time’ (and the only one I am familiar with) or he will be the greatest Christian internet Goat having had made many exact outrageous pinpoint prophetic predictions that did not come to pass.

Bingo. The article contains a list of some of his predictions. Here are a few:

4.There will be at least 4 days of a complete internet lockdown/blackout coming soon

• Did not happen.

7.Massive numbers of people who did not prepare (in all ways) and who have sown evil will be destitute standing in bread lines…reaping what they have sown.

• We have not had bread lines.

8.The dollar will lose international Reserve Currency status

• Has not happened.

11.Million dollar houses will return to their 1971 level of worth…about 50k.

• Nope.

14.Biden will be taken out and Trump will come back…before the end of 2022.

• Did not happen.


The “did not happen” nature of this analysis can be attributed to the fickleness of the forces behind the events assuming they are indeed nefarious. Meanwhile all these are widely warned against in a great variety of media and knowledge being power can add to any fickleness being asserted as part of an unmeasurable herd counter reaction. This would include the Trump coming back thing, but with the enemy preventing it, but surely there has been a fickle effort for such to happen which has finally manifested itself in the Trump come back.

The only comment that can be taken seriously would be the second to the last, and of that it’s clear there are still plenty of forces at work to see that happen, likely on both sides of spectrum and again demonstrating more fecklessness.

My advise would continue to be wary, but not worry. 😉


The “did not happen” nature of this analysis can be attributed to the fickleness of the forces behind the events assuming they are indeed nefarious.

These “prophets” claim to be speaking for God. They claim that the words they “hear” and pass on are from God. God does not make mistakes. He knows everything, no matter how “fickle” current events are. Words from Him would come true.

My advise would continue to be wary, but not worry.

It’s not about worry for me. It’s about “don’t feed me bologna.”

Either the predictions are true, or they are not. Turns out they are not.

Therefore, I judge this person to be a false prophet.

Scripture explicity commands us to beware of false prophets.

Matthew 7:15

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

I take this command very seriously. To me, it means to not have anything to do with such people, who are to be shunned. It means not heeding their words, which come from a false place. That people, having seen this, continue to follow them is inexplicable to me and says something about their priorities.


I am not able to believe any self-proclaimed prophets today, unless they have a track record of being right — and if any had a track record of being right, the whole world would know about them, almost instantly.

“When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.” (Deuteronomy 18:22, KJV)


if any had a track record of being right, the whole world would know about them, almost instantly

Exactly. And since they are so often wrong, they have to tout their “abilities” to make people look over there instead of over here. That’s what con artists do.

Cuppa Covfefe

Like the old “Medicine Shows” back in the late 1800s…


FBI Setting The Narrative For A Sum Of All Fears [FF], Trump’s Plan Is Working, Greenland – Ep. 3545
 January 12, 2025  x22report

The [WEF][DS]agenda in regards to climate change continues to fail. The earth is now cooling down like Trump said. Retailers like Kohls are shutting down stores. Elizabeth Warren doesn’t know how SS works. Biden just set the stage to set up Trump to take the fall for the economy, a big failure. The [DS] operation in CA is to put a strain on the economy, hide the evidence of their pedo network and to funnel money through California. The fires are an operation by the [DS]. The [DS] is now planning a Sum of all Fears [FF] most likely using drones. Trump’s plan is working, Greenland Prime Minister wants to talk to Trump and now Greenland wants to be independent. Canada is next. Art of the deal.

Ep 3545a – FBI Setting The Narrative For A Sum Of All Fears [FF], Trump’s Plan Is Working, Greenland

Ep 3545b – FBI Setting The Narrative For A Sum Of All Fears [FF], Trump’s Plan Is Working, Greenland


Just as a weird side note, for the last three days I’ve been unable to sleep more than three hours at a stretch. Then I get up and do not feel sleepy at all….until another couple of hours pass, at which point I can barely stagger back to bed. I intend to clean/change CPAP filters/adjust CPAP mask/etc. today, but this feels like something more internal.

Anyone have any insights into sudden-onset sporadic insomnia?