Speech-Protecting the Red Flags

Let me put the KILL SHOT on these "red flag laws" right up front. Hard to read that graphic. Let's make things just a bit more clear. Now you MAY be saying "BUT WOLF - THAT'S NOT THE SECOND AMENDMENT - THAT'S THE *FIRST* AMENDMENT!" To which I say "EXACTLY." Here is the explanation. It … Continue reading Speech-Protecting the Red Flags

WordPress Back To Censorship

We need to WARN this community of (mostly) Americans, that WordPress is now enforcing PAKISTANI SHARIA LAW on American sites. I kid you not. This, my friends, is why GLOBALISM SUCKS and must be opposed until it is GONE LIKE THE NAZIS. Yes. The wonderful site, Creeping Sharia, that keeps NORMAL PEOPLE (not WordPress PROG … Continue reading WordPress Back To Censorship