John Bolton Resigns

Well, John Bolton was asked to resign last night and did so this morning. At 10:55am the WH issued a press release stating Bolton would be in the WH presser at 1:30pm. Bolton insists he offered to resign last night after a heated discussion on Afghanistan. Bolton claim the President said, “Let’s talk about it tomorrow.” Yet, at about 11:28am, the President issued this tweet.

Bolton is gone and a new National Security Advisor will take his place.

And then, about 2 hours later, Secs Mnuchin and Pompeo took to the podium to explain details about the new EO the President signed targeting terrorists all over the globe (and wow, are they ever targeting terrorists, “most significant action since we went to war after 9/11”). Wolfie, I’m having a hard time getting the C-Span link to show up properly, can you help, please?

Here is the presser for the ages. Starts at 31 minutes and it is HOT!

We all know the media will spin this story into a 4 day story. The people in this forum are equally if not more qualified to respond and speculate.

What do you guys think?

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Mittens thinks it’s a big loss? That’s all I need to know!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

EXACTLY. That is the most reassuring thing I’ve read yet.
I like Bolton, and I still like Bolton, but I don’t always agree with him. I suspect he was suggesting NON-STARTERS with Trump.
I’m with Rand Paul on this. World war is not a good thing. TRADE is the big weapon, and Trump knows how to use it, too.
I think this should cure ANYBODY who thinks Trump is a neocon of that particular delusion.


Yep. I gotta go with VSGPDJT on this.
Fuck Willard’s opinion.


Your ears. You would hear Very Naughty Words


lol ozzy….. YOU would know them all 🙂

Sylvia Avery

I like John Bolton A LOT. But he was never a great fit with PDJT because they have really different ideas about how to solve international problems.
They rubbed along okay for awhile but this was always going to happen some day, and some day has come. It’s okay, it’s fine, it is by no means the end of the world. Bolton contributed what he could, and now PDJT needs to find someone to help him with his current objectives.
Mitt Romney continues to be a putz. SMH.


Yep. Anything he disagrees with sounds right to methis is very strategic. With Bolton the neocons felt they still had a place at the table. Potus has definitely gone with the new warfare the bcc are doing so successfully in the Middle East and is happening down south against the cartels and hizbollah financiers. Not indiscriminate war, targeting the ones who matter. And gutting the financial networks. I linked an army news article that the us army is rapidly adopting this strategy. Potus has no problem killing bad guys – see the talibans own goal, but wants to capture the enemies country intact. No rebuilding costs. Potus, I suspect, would now run rings around sun tzu

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

World community organizer (REAL VERSION) has a plan!


Bolton’s out the same week we hear the Taliban murdered half a dozen just for “leverage”against Potus. Potus posits “how many more decades” do they want armed conflict? Ironic cause Bolton would have enjoyed the ensuing engagement.
Pdjt’s tone was so emphatic I can’t help thinking that the command in Afghanistan has been green lighted to inflict maximum pain on the Taliban. How will the Taliban like Trump with few ROEs ?!


Oh yes . Trumps game strategy of choice is tit for tat. He offered them a chance to resolve this peacefully. They spat in his face. Unlike obumma Potus won’t tolerate this. They are going to get hurt


I’ve always liked Bolton, but here is something about the Mark Twain mustache that bothered me. I know that’s a one-off, but there it is. 🙂
So much for my ability to add anything cogent to the converstaions. LOL.


So does Ben Shapiro. 🤪

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Get that “Benny Baby” back in the cradle! 😉comment image


There you go!


Better and better


Now if Ann, there is no wall being built, condemns this my cup will overflow


According to theHill
Mitt Romney (R-Utah) defended outgoing national security adviser John Bolton on Tuesday, calling his firing a “huge loss.”
“His view was not always the same as everybody else in the room. That’s why you wanted him there. The fact that he was a contrarian from time to time is an asset not a liability,” Romney told reporters Tuesday after the president tweeted that Bolton had been fired.
“I’m very very unhappy to hear that he’s leaving. It is a huge loss for the administration in my opinion and
for the nation”
Rommey is a LOSER


And POS Romney knows Bolton was a contrarian only from time to time . . . how? What if Bolton was a contrarian 80% of the time . . . and didn’t support ant PTrump views that he didn’t like . . . and talked up opposing views even after PTrump made his decision? Romney’s just like CNN . . . fake news, fake facts and fake assumptions.


Yes sir, he’s fake to the bone. And that look on his face we’ve all seencomment image?

Big T

Let me pause and count the craps I don’t give about what the Flatulent Fop Romney has to say about Bolton – or anything for that matter. I will be gone for quite a while.


I love your description of Romney.

Big T

But his hair is perfect. As a former Taxachusetts resident (they called us Massholes) who was rescued and provided papers and a passport to live in Mississippi, Romney personifies turd.


Big T., love it.


So glad you could get a passport to the genteel, hospitable South!

Big T

Yes ma’am. Bless my heart but y’all are so much nicer and honest and you cook so well. And always fixin’. Last year a friend told me that “After fixin’ the pick-up, I’m fixin’ to make fixin’s for Thanksgiving dinner.”


A very versatile word that fixin’

dreamboat annie

“I saw a werewolf drinking a piña colada at Trader Vic’s”……..


Heh heh.
Big T in da house!


My reaction when I heard the news was…comment image

Plain Jane

Great description of Willard. I think of him as Dapper Dan from the vintage Old Maid card game. I always thought of Dick Lugar as Dapper Dan also, but FOP describes both more adequately. LOL


Whelp that settles it, if Mittens is against the Bolton firing then I am 10000000000% sure Trump was right in doing so.


“But fellow Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, a leading Bolton critic, told CNN that “the chances of war worldwide go greatly down” with his firing.”
Rand Paul pretty much sums up how I feel about Bolton’s departure.


Magic underwear or not…….. I do NOT give a shit about what Dip Schit Mitt says!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, but it has to be productive opposition. Bolton likely did not shine well next to Pompeo, Mnuchin, and others.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sadly, there seems to be no way to get the PLAYER to show up by itself, but the link does show.


Bolton was his nod to conventional neocon thinking but either wasn’t nimble enough to think new thoughts or was just used to flush out opposition


Trump like to compartmentalize his appointments. They all have specific tasks, some are long term, and some are short term. When their task is completed OR not being handled in the way that Trump wants, he REPLACES them with someone that WILL get the job done. See Neilsen, Kristen, and McMaster,HR, and Tillerson, Rex. Even Mattis was replaced because HE thought HE knew better. Bolton will now be a media darling after being compared to a ghoul forever by the same media. All in the hopes that he will say ANYTHING negative on Trump. Trump is a BUSINESSMAN first and a politician second. In the buisiness world you are hired to produce or complete certain goals, when they are achieved, if you are VALUABLE, you are reassigned, if your usefulness was limited to a specialty, you are reassigned, or relieved of duty..IE fired. If the goal is NOT met or bogged down, you are FIRED. There are timelines in place, and there IS a plan. Bolton either did NOT get his goal accomplished in a timely manner, FAILED to complete his goal, of tried to move out of his scope.
Trump has a socioeconomic plan for the world. He is using the MIGHT of the US economy to bring other countries like China, the EU, Iran, NK, and others to the table. Some is for trade, and some is to get them to stop being bad actors. The economic pressure, coupled with the mere THREAT of our military might is MORE than enough to achieve these goals. Some “hawks” only want the US military to CRUSH our enemies, they do not get the diplomacy impact of using our ECONOMIC power, which exceeds even our military might to accomplish the job, quicker and with less or even ZERO bloodshed. Few besides Reagan in the last 50 years have understood this, Trump DOES. Reagan defeated the Soviet union without really firing a shot, and definitely without a protracted bloody or even nuclear war.
Trump has ratcheted up the pressure on China, the EU, NK, IRAN, and even the Palestinians by using the THREAT of military intervention coupled with the REALITY of CRUSHING economic policy. China is all but ready to say Matay, their recent capitulation in Hong Kong is a BIG TELL. Xi BACKED down, and it was DIRECTLY because Trump threatened to WALK AWAY from trade talks if ANY violence occurred there. The MSM will NEVER admit that. Iran is in EXACTLY the same boat as China, their economy is DEVASTATED, and without oil sales, they are doomed. The same goes for Russia, the EU, and even the Palestinians (NK is a proxy of China, so when China taps out, NK WILL follow). Trump uses MONEY to accomplish what a mere gun could not or would not. It is brilliant, because he STILL has the military option in his back pocket, but he needs NEVER use it, the THREAT is enough, allowing the REAL damage to be done ECONOMICALLY. That is EVERY country’s weakness. The reality is Trump and Bolton clahed because they had 2 different approaches. Trump is more subtle (no, really, speak softly ((economy) and carry a BIG stick (US Military). Bolton is a blunt object, similar to Mattis, blow shit up. And, thinking about it, that MAY have actually been his SOLE PURPOSE. The WORLD know’s Bolton’s resume, and his ideology. He is a WAR HAWK. Trump may have USED that to get compliance, all the while using the REAL hammer, the economy. Now, as the economic hammer has done it’s job, there is no NEED for the War Hawk, The diplomats and economic advisers can seal the deal WITHOUT a shooting war.
Lets just see who he picks, I bet it will be 180 degrees opposite of Bolton, and THAT will be the tell that deals ARE coming. Trump is a MASTER negotiator and EXPERT in manipulating his “enemies” RIGHT where HE wants THEM, and they never even know it. The MSM and pundits call Trump a dumb ass and crazy. But it is his GENIUS that makes him crazy like a FOX. Just IMHO, but the EXACT strategy has already worked on Canada, Mexico, NATO, and the EU (economic pressure not so much the military, but he did threaten to pull OUT of NATO unless they paid their share…which they DID.) Mexico and Canada said “uncle” and so did the EU when Trump threatened an auto tariff. Now Trump WILL help the UK and Borris Johnson, in fact I think Trump is advising Johnson to an extent. Trump will wait till Brexit is almost upon them, and then BREAK the EU by announcing a MASSIVE trade deal contingent on the UK leaving the EU. Watch!


I agree that Bolton’s purpose has been served…… He WAS there for a “reason”…. Now, other parts of the plan need done…..
Just don’t go MOOCHIE on us now John!


I agree that Bolton’s purpose has been served…… He WAS there for a “reason”…. Now, other parts of the plan need done…..
Just don’t go MOOCHIE on us now John!
I never had a positive or negative feeling on Bolton.
Now I wait and see how he will behave and conducts himself and that will show what type of a person he is. We will know his soul.
The Mooch showed us who he is and POTUS had the right instinct to distance himself from him.
Bannon showed his true color with the Wolf book he endorsed and allowed into the WH. He is redeeming himself because for ideological reasons because POTUS is the best for conservative principles.
There were others who were the right choice to let them go.
I noticed something, POTUS said he firers Bolton normally POTUS says the people resigned . It is not good to be fired the Mooch is finding this out and so is Bolton and he tries to save his reputation.
I agree with some posters here that Bolton much have done something more than just disagree he mid have helped reached up the idea POTUS is loosing it since Bolton is always right and no other person is in Bolton mind. Tucker made that point in his show.
One can like Bolton but not share his stance on War. Any person who ever has experienced War and its aftermath chooses peace over War.


My gut tells me Mooch stuff is not what it seems…
Either, as Wolf suggested on a thread some days ago, Mooch was kidnapped at a conference and MK’ed,…
…or this is moar games to fool the baddies, like the “Trump hates dopey, inactive Jeff” game, to disguise executive branch FISA, or take the heat off the anti-pedo-ring operations.
In this case, I have no clue what the “TDS Mooch” game is about.


Very nice article prog, I was surprised to hear SoS M. Pompeo refer to the Euphrates River in his press briefing and to say that they would not take their eyes off of it. I am aware of the role that area plays in Christian Scripture for end times events. I think I’ll shave my moustache, i looks too much like Bolton’s signature.


“…SoS M. Pompeo refer to the Euphrates River in his press briefing…”
“I am aware of the role that area plays in Christian Scripture for end times events.”
In ancient times, a section of the Euphrates formed an important part of the border between the Roman Empire and Persia.
During the early 7th century AD, this border turned out to be highly relevant to Constantinople losing the vital southeastern quadrant of the Empire to Persia in the course of the Last Great War of Antiquity.
Constantinople had already lost the western half of the Empire to Germanic invaders in previous centuries, and then most of its urban population to disease from the plagues that started late in the reign of Emperor Justinian.
The overall logic, as well as the exact sequence of events, regarding the end of the Last Great War of Antiquity are now extremely murky, almost certainly because of deliberate attempts to obscure the true history of that era. But the end of that war seems to have coincided with the start of the Saracenic Wars, which in turn led directly to the current cultural geography of the Old World, with European Christian civilization to the north facing off against the slavery, ignorance, and other moral darkness of Islamic culture to the south
From very early Phoenician and Greek times, and even more so from the beginning of the Pax Romanum, until the Last Great War of Antiquity, the higher cultures of the West had been grouped around the Mediterranean, and had been united by it in trade, if not in outlook.
For centuries, the Mediterranean was called by the leading European power, Rome, mare nostrum, “our sea”. It was the interstate highway system of the West. Since the Saracens came it has been, not a highway, but a moat.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WAIT A MINUTE. What if Bolton was being UNDERMINED from within the NSC, by old Rice and McMaster loyalists? Trying to influence Trump by mind-fracking Bolton to lead Trump astray? They would have Bolton’s neocon number and be able to tweak him into damaging Trump.

Big T

Ya gotta have at least one conspiracy somewhere in here Wolfie

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

NSC is a box of SNAKES! AND logic! It was happening! 😉

Big T

You’re suggesting that the NSC has a exclusive on Snake-ness?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re just “the best”. Seriously, Trump’s haters in NSC have been the MOST damaging to Trump from the start. That is where the “Flynn war” emerged (not where FOUGHT, but where it emerged – and I’m starting to see HOW now – using “above top secret” crapola). That was where Bannon was kicked out by machinations. Hell – even K. T. McFarland was booted from it, in an effort to undermine Trump. Even McDupester couldn’t handle the place, and they LOVED HIM.
BOLTON was acceptable to them, and THAT is how Trump got recovery from firing McMaster, which was an extremely difficult but artful move (tricking McMaster’s aides into leaking about Russia).
There is also the huge Israel and Iran component there. Oh, it’s a minefield. And that box of snakes is NOW OPEN.


Earlier to cut their heads off if the box is open.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Get the machete, Myrtle!”




So true, Wolfie. Box of snakes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

VENOMOUS snakes. Career-ending snakes, fighting on ledges with the big sticks of security clearances.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, bad news. Every one of them, each in their own special way. ASSORTED SNAKES!!!

Gail Combs

comment imagecomment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I have mixed feelings. I did not agree with talks with the taliban, especially with no cease fire and other circumstancwes, and did nto agree with inviting them to Camp David, though I suppose that might have helped Trump’s security. I think it might have been good to keep Bolton, even with disagreements. Trump likes to have differing voices in the Admin. Still mulling it over. Curious what others have to say.

Big T

NOT if Bolton has stooped to leaking in order to lobby support for his views. Trump fires on short notice when he discovers leaking – See Rex Tillerless


Speaking of observations…
You, sir, do not post enough.


Be careful what you wish for. He’s a lawyer, prob charges $5000/ hour

Big T

Ah . . . the easy lawyer jab. Why post?


Just a lame joke


Agree, but from what I am hearing, I doubt he’s a leaker. But anyone who is deserves to be out or worse.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Could have been an aide. Aides “do the deniable”, but they are also vulnerable to the BUST.


Dissenting voices during discussions is good, but once a decision is made, you support the decision. If you are creating dysfunction in the ranks by not supporting your boss, you gotta go. If POTUS needs another dissenting voice, he can find one without Bolton’s jamming up the forward movement.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is why I think Trump’s China-loving enemies in NSC would have been smart to push Bolton into instransigence and greater neocon positioning. It’s a beautiful controlled opposition move to open the NSC box during China negotiations. China gets to protest against the dangerous neocon on Hong Kong issues, but takes him out by making him overplay on all fronts, including whatever will really burn Trump. But deep down, Trump wants him out, too. “Win-win”.
The trick now is avoiding whoever CHINA wants to take his place, unless Trump can play that person better than China.
Sabre-rattling with rattlesnakes is not easy.


Arafat was invited to camp david and other blood soaked loons. It’s the optics. You gotta show you tried jaw-jaw before war-war. But Potus has now unleashed a special brand of hell on them. They going to come crawling back on their stumps with a seriously adjusted attitude


Even if you know their is no chance establish a dialog. For laters, when the NEED it


I agree with talking if it’s a legitimate government of a Country, not a group of non-gov fighters. Also, so often, leaders just lie, as Hitler did.


There is no functional govt. those dudes are it ,like it or not, they rule


For me, this is the best argument for a no-deal, Hard Exit.


Keep the sounds in trough vested interests out of it. They don’t want their gravy trail derailed


Talking with an enemy, is OK by me. That includes Taliban.
Mittens going away is NOT a big deal.
Mittens is a putz on the same sub terrain level as McStain…


I bet Noname’s mad about Bolton too.


Mr Bolton has had many years in past admins to advise. President Trump is currently realigning workd economies, alliances, and dependencies. Bolton is not able to see a vision for the future and the tactics have to change due to the shift in the above. He seems hell bent on one view that had always been used, without the kund of progress President Trump is looking for.


Also, I dont think habing a bunch of yes men is good for anyone, dems or reps.

Deplorable Patriot

I agree. Bolton has been the face of GOP politics for a long time.


Bolton has been the face of GOP politics for a long time.
^^^ Yup, absolutely part of the problem for a long time…as with all of the GOP war mongers.

Deplorable Patriot

I mean GOP foreign policy.
I’ve got a dog pestering me.


You call your other half a dog?

Deplorable Patriot

Not having another half, the little black hairy tyrant with four paws, a tail and a bark bigger than him was pestering me. He wanted my lunch.


He is your other half then. And probably easier to get

Deplorable Patriot

Not really. He’s my brother’s dog. And his sister rules the roost.




Easier to get along with

Big T

Bolton was anything but a “yes man”. Trump assembles an array of views and dissenters to get every view. He is not a limp dick needing puffery to sooth his ego like Odrama. At some point, however, the contrarians serve their purpose, especially in foreign policy, once an administrator has staked out its positions and goals


Yep…. Differing views…. differing IDEAS!
MOAR to choose from……
Once the DECISION has been made…..
ALL hands on Deck with the PLAN…..
Or thanks, see ya later 🙂


He seems hell bent on one view that had always been used, without the kund of progress President Trump is looking for.
Some people cannot embrace a shift in policies because other things shifted. One cannot be entrenched in one idea. Bolton was good for a time and now things concept have changed. POTUS is a business man.
Just wondering if Bolton has alignend himself to close to Romney and the never Trumpers? Some never Trumpers are making the move against Trump including the Mooch out of the blue and who knows who else?
We now with elections closing into 2020 we will see the snakes who served in the WH and those who worked against Trump from the outside.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – the times are getting exponentially more interesting. When RINO NeverTrump is praising NeoCon WorkWithTrump, and AlwaysWithTrump goes Nutso TDS, something strange is happening.


Oh yea. Bolton will surface as a never Trumper with lots of air time on CNN…

Big T

No. Bolton is a Fox contributor and he actually has more class I think. He can disagree on foreign policy and not be a NT. If he shows up on CNN he will torch his entire legacy and he knows that.


Did not know Bolton was a Fox contributor. Don’t have cable, dish…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here were my INITIAL speculations from the other thread, before reading anything above…..
My suspicion is any, some or all of several things:
(1) Bolton lost sight of the fundamental truth that Trump is a “peace through strength” player, who WANTS PEACE but will push STRENGTH to the absolute limit. THE WALL is a literal emblem of that thinking.
(2) Trump REALLY IS a Christian, in the sense of Jimmy Carter (whose Christianity was used and manipulated as a Soviet dupe), and he BELIEVES IN PEACE. He CANNOT BE SHAKEN from this thinking – WAR IS A WASTE.
(3) Trump LEARNED WHAT HE NEEDED from Bolton, and was now SEEING PAST Bolton’s playing and positions, making Bolton an increasing liability or at least a non-productive player
(4) Bolton is no longer helping Trump’s vision be achieved, but is simply offering unacceptable alternatives
(5) Trump needs more “military” thinking that what Bolton can offer
(6) Bolton may or may not be “read in” on what Trump needs in a primary national security adviser (WOO-WOO) – OR there may be some disagreement about “off the public table” stuff
(7) Trump reached some point of long-term choice – NEOCON vs. TRUMP FUNDAMENTAL – and Bolton is unable to abandon the neocon position, thus offering his resignation.
(8) The “1000-to-1” ratio (Taliban deaths vs. ours) may be strong play for Trump, but if you don’t USE IT for achieving the Trump goal (peace), then what use is it? A waste of 1001 lives. Bolton may have been unable to offer ways to ultimately work toward Trump’s goals in Afghanistan.

Deplorable Patriot

I think your points here are the heart of the matter:
(3) Trump LEARNED WHAT HE NEEDED from Bolton, and was now SEEING PAST Bolton’s playing and positions, making Bolton an increasing liability or at least a non-productive player
(4) Bolton is no longer helping Trump’s vision be achieved, but is simply offering unacceptable alternatives
(5) Trump needs more “military” thinking that what Bolton can offer
(6) Bolton may or may not be “read in” on what Trump needs in a primary national security adviser (WOO-WOO) – OR there may be some disagreement about “off the public table” stuff
DP comment: I said this on the open thread and repeat I wondered how long he was going to last when he was hired. Bolton’s style is just not in the Trump perspective. This was inevitable.

Sylvia Avery

Particularly agree with your last statement. Bolton and Trump was never a match made in heaven. It was a provisional relationship with a shelf life. Expiration date came. That’s all. We all move on.


DJT is a master at being able to flex with any and all circumstances without losing site of the goal. One thing he is firm on is flexibility. Bolton served his purpose, couldn’t adjust, and Trump is moving on to the next step in the end game.


Wolf 8 and all above 🙂


Gail Combs

“…AND the foreign financial institutions who do business with them…..”
DO NOT FORGET EUROPE via IRAN. I am sure President Trump has not.


I thought that was to do with them lending $ to prop up China


Oh they are, aren’t they Daughn? I cannot stand the group shouts to get their questions answered. It is a grating exercise that wastes everyone’s time, and is downright rude. Why don’t they draw straws or rotate – it’s not like one shouter’s question is uniquely important.
Clucking chickens indeed …
Gotta say I LOVE our Band of Merry Wolverines 🇺🇸


Yep….. Wolf has assembled the Best BANNED in the World!


Pompeo, POTUS asked for Bolton’s resignation last night and received this morning. POTUS is entitled to staff he wants. In other words, no comment!! 😉

Sylvia Avery

PHC got hiz 💋 and said to tell you I’m s’posed to spank you, lol…..


HaHa, Get in Line❣️☺️💕

Sylvia Avery


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



In other words fuck you little wiener


Thank YOU again Daughn…..
You only bring the GOOD stuff!


Dead tired……. Pool Deck Prep in 100+ heat is killing me 🙂 Pool Deck pour tomorrow at 6am…
But I just Had to check in as I am behind on “Real News” (which can only be found here now)!
Thanks to Wolf, Flep, Daughtn, Big T, Gail, Michael, Pete and the rest!


You know it!
Looks good though 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

Yep. Suspected that was the case.


Fuck. Now Acosta’s just going think hold my beer

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Brilliant presser and only 13 minutes.


Daughn, oh, brother. That figures.


Former Bushies trying to worm themselves back close to power. Bush people are for War in middle east so why hirer them? Wonder if there are others who are qualified? The problem is there are not many people with the qualifications to fill the Bolton post.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump could nominate Flynn NOW and make heads explode MORE!


That was my immediate first thought, too!
Oooohhh, the justice…

Gail Combs

Quit reading my mind….
Would General Flynn even need to go through Senate confirmation?

Gail Combs

Thanks for checking Daughn. Wouldn’t that be a hoot if President Trump appoints General Flynn!!!
Talk about the ULTIMATE TROLL! 🤣


Is the timing not interesting?
Today Flynn has his case heard in court and Bolton gets released this morning ?
Nothing surprises me any longer. POTUS is a stable genius 🙂


VERY…. Stable Genius!


No confirmation needed?
Fingers crossed.


…and while the President is on the topic, he should bring in Flynn’s lawyer, too, as the new AG.
Hey… one can hope…

Gail Combs

Think of the STINK in DC from all the poopy pants.


You said, “poopy”… hehe.

Gail Combs

I MEANT poopy, as in a run on Depends! They even had to buy out Walmart in Virgina!
The REAL scene in DC….comment image


That Powell is a shark in a nice suit


We certainly do want him. Trump, just do it.

Sylvia Avery

No, that job doesn’t need Senate confirmation, ha, ha, ha!


Well, we can dream. Like that a lot, Daugh;n. She could do it if anyone could.




Reporter, “Is the National Security Team a mess?”
Mnuchin, “Absolutely not. That is the most ridiculous question I’ve ever heard of. Team consists of NS adviser, SedDef, SecState, SecTreasury, CoS, and many others”


So that was Acosta??? It figures!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fake News is a mess!


It was glorious!! 😆 Mnuchin Rocks!! Kansas too!! POTUS done good with those two. And Wilbur and Lighthouser.


But, it went right over Acosta’s head, no doubt. Mental midgets with no sense of embarrassment or shame. Was dear April there with her body guard? (Snort)


It was just soooooo wonderful … I think that was for Sarah too .. 😉


Do you suppose the press wanted the President to ask for permission first, to fire a National Security Advisor?
Yes. They are that arrogant.


Need a pooper scooper after they been inside. Not house trained

Big T

I have a simple two-word answer to the replacement: Pardon Flynn

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – that will kick-start impeachment and destroy the Democrat party!!!!!!!!!!

Gail Combs

🤣 👍


Can you pardon prior to conviction?

Big T

Yes. A pardon is for any and all “crimes” arising out of a nexus of facts whether or not charged. That’s the lawyer answer. The short answer. Yes.


Ok. Good.


He shouldn’t get a pardon, any charges should be completely withdrawn and he should move for restitution.

A Fortiori

No need. Flynn’s case will be thrown out, and the miscreants who prosecuted him are going to jail.

Big T

Well we will know a whole lot more after court today.


My understanding is that the charge is perjury. Here that means lying when you’ve sworn to tell the truth, like in court, or on a signed document,like a stat dec. is lying to the fbi perjury? If not then his original lawyers are
1 incompetent
2 hostile to their clients interests or
3 it’s a trap that they are in on.
If 1 or 2 surely there are professional ramifications for the lawyers
If 3 then why spear them now and go with Powell.
The irony would be delicious if the original lawyers had to plead that the were hopeless screwups as the lesser of the evils.
Methinks Potus and gen Flynn have cast their net wide and Swamy lawyers are being reeled in


What about disbarment? Is that on the cards or whatever you call it there?

A Fortiori

After Flynn fired Covington and Burling, I remembered that Covington is where Holder landed. The law firm can talk Chinese walls all they want, I ain’t buying it. I’ll go with number 3.


The sheer arrogance and hubris of these people to think that gen Flynn could be such a naive fool to make rookie mistake after rookie mistake and then hire swampy lawyers affiliated with the dems/deep state. It’s the same as they misunderstand and underestimate Potus. And they’re not learning!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

V E R Y _ I N T E R E S T I N G


Was Bolton trying to create a rift between VO and POTUS?
I know there is a push to replace Pence with a woman? The one who was in the UN.
I do not remember her name because I do not like her.
Never create a rift between people who may differ but get along.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. That would have been a real mistake for Bolton, but it fits in with my theory that Bolton was used as a TOOL by anti-Trump NSC forces. I will bet that they MISLED BOLTON on how to deal with Trump and Pence.
A SMART opponent would know that playing Pence against Trump is a non-starter, but can still cause trouble or mistakes, and – considering Bolton expendable – would push him against Pence – JUST LIKE THEY DID WITH EXPENDABLE McCABE ON PENCE TO GET FLYNN.
The game would be to push Bolton on Pence to manipulate Trump into a mistake, or failing that, take out Bolton.


I just heard John Roberts, the WH correspondent, say the VP was with a group who disagreed with Pres. Trump. It went by very fast, but my ears perked up.


Yep! He’s been on Tucker before bashing POTUS. Don’t like him, Bad choice!!


Includes News, Hair, etc., 😂

Deplorable Patriot

What are the odds that all this happens the same day a George Soros oped appears in a cabal “news” outlet praising VSGPDJT for putting the screws to China via Huawei.
Maybe I’m reading too much into it, but something is going on that we aren’t privy to at the moment.


Yeah I did too … creepy weird … shudder .. ugh 😖🤚

Gail Combs

SOOooooo Where are the AWAN Brothers in all this mess.


Just finishing Rosiak’s book, “Obstruction of Justice”. Paul Ryan purposely lets this injustice slide—to protect the Uni-Party! He has to protect his fellow Democrats!
The corruption in DC is overflowing the toilets! Do I smell shit again???!!!


Paul Ryan? Mitt the Dip Shit?
Yep it stinks.


Two very impressive men. Love what they said to Acosta.
Pompeo has lost weight and looked so at ease and masterfully in control of the situation. He is one I would gladly vote for POTUS.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Especially before the Klintoons open up another case of Vanish… 😀


I, too, commented that he’s lost weight…good health move…we want him to be fit for what’s next! I think Newt has also lost some weight…looks the best I’ve seen him in ages.


Matt Gaetz has also lost weight. I didn’t notice it until Hannity played an early clip of him one time. It is noticeable in his face.

Cuppa Covfefe

Probably VSGPDJT has installed “Fast Clocks” like Model Railroaders use 🙂

Big T

And when you say “ages” respecting Newt – you really mean “ages”.



Cuppa Covfefe

He’ll have to change his name to “Oldt” pretty soon 🙂


Imma thinking there’s a new rule in the White House. A la when in Rome do as the romans do. They all drinking Diet Coke now

Sylvia Avery

TY daughn!


Frankly I’m surprised it took this long. The timing of his departure is interesting in how it connects to the cancelled Camp David meeting between President Trump and the Afghanistan officials. I believe that Trump places people in key positions, be it briefly or longer, for specific reasons which we can only guess.

A Fortiori

My first thought too was that this was related to Afghanistan, more specifically that PDJT delegated Afghanistan to Bolton and has decided that the job is not going to get done.
Or maybe it did get done and PDJT fired Bolton in this manner to express his gratitude, knowing that Bolton can make more money on the outside if people think he is on PDJT’s bad side.
I think it will be a while before we know enough to form a solid opinion.


Maybe Q will drop some hints after his long awaited return.

Big T

What’s a Q?

Big T



I don’t know how you found us but did you notice this blog is named The Q Tree? Q has posted 3,570 times since November 2017. They can be found sequentially at along with a lot of other relevant information. But before you jump to the posts, it’s important to understand the background on what (who) Q is here
Welcome to the Great Awakening.


Lol, I should’ve caught that. He’s already an expert on Q.


God bless you. Need a tissue? 😉


Buck Folton.
And his mustache.
The guy never saw a war he didn’t like.


His mustache always bugged me. There I said it!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

I can just see him battling the Soup Nazi about “drippage”… 🙂
No Poppy Soup for you!!!


OMG yes!!! LOL

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If we had a Secretary of Offense, he’d be perfect! 😉

Sylvia Avery

LOL, I like that about him. He is who he is.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup! He is always refreshing, IMO. But if he’s not helping now, swap in what works.

Sylvia Avery



mitt romney aka mittens is not happy about this SO its all good. 😀


I’m personally quite fond of The ‘Stache, but he is best in roles where he is to project DGAF. I think his time as Ambassador to the UN was just about perfect.
That said, I’m not sure that National Security Advisor was really the right place for him — I mean, when his talent is stepping on all the right people’s feet, who is he supposed to annoy in such a position?
I do hope he finds a good place to land, as he is fun to watch.

Sylvia Avery

I agree with you! He is AWESOME. This was never really a good fit. It worked as long and as well as it could but it’s over now. I love Bolton and enjoy him. I hope he turns up somewhere that I get to see him. He’s really smart, and funny, and I agree with him on a lot. However, there’s no contest between him and PDJT and if he wasn’t serving PDJT the way PDJT wants/needs, time to go. No doubt.
Good to see you cthulhu!❤❤❤


Great to see you, Sylvia!!!
I hope your shovel hasn’t been getting rusty.

Sylvia Avery

LOL–not a chance! Rodney Short is very good about keeping it maintained for me!


He’ll return to Fox as a contributor.

Sylvia Avery

Could be!


Thank for posting this Daughn .. it was great to watch on tv and extra great to watch it again. Pompeo, and Manuchin looked like they were stifling grins .. they may have placed bets on how crazy e media folks would get … I wonder who won …. bwahahahahaha 😂👍

Concerned Virginian

I say:
JOHN BOLTON took one step too far in something. Maybe he thought he could become “Grand Vizier” to POTUS. Maybe he was involved in the “Taliban at Camp David” demarche.
MAYBE — POTUS had what he needed to fire Bolton already — and SMOKED HIM OUT with the “Taliban at Camp David” situation.
AND when POTUS got that last piece in place — he pulled the “trigger” and fires Bolton.
And I betcha that John Bolton NEVER saw it coming. He may have believed that he was “indispensable”.
Except — I think the ONLY things that are INDISPENSIBLE to President Trump are HIS FAMILY and THE CONSTITUTION.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

VERY interesting. That doesn’t sound smart. In fact, I thought that was a very stupid move, and was wondering if TRUMP sent Bolton there as punishment.
If Bolton was playing the “I’ll just take my marbles over HERE” game, that is NOT SMART. Did an “aide” suggest that? SABOTAGE if so. He has to HELP TRUMP, even if disagreeing with him. Disengaging is not helpful. Even just BEING THERE is helpful, as a show of solidarity.

Cuppa Covfefe

Made me think of “Was I Wazir” from Kismet… (song cut from the movie, so only audio, but great lyrics):
(The movie also cut “Rhymes Have I”, another brilliant number…sigh).
(Shades of the wrath of Khan (the mighty Khan) and Borodin)…


Kristolmeth will now announce Bolton as his administration’s new Minister of War in his government in exile in Greenland. Its all coming together folks.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (long, trailing laughter!!!)


POTUS live on OANN speaking to HBCU Conference if interested


OK So look – this is my take.
Bolton is the distraction.
Not necessarily a fully intended distraction but, it’s time for him to go (more on that in a sec) and it’s better that the press chew up this news story now. They’ll try to get at least 2 weeks on it – heck the Dems will try to pull him into their impeachment plans.
Still the Bolton thing is convenient cover.
The real story is the meat of the press conference itself – massive Executive Order to counter tango’s.
* Try first other measures before escalating to kinetic action
* Designate more tango’s and persons as tangos – EVEN IF (or rather – ESPECIALLY IF) they do not have any kinetic attachment to tango action. MEANING: People who run the books by get past the counter tango nets by being “clean” will not be able to escape easily now!
* Priority on action = MORE TOOLS on the table.
* I was thinking, why is Mnuchin and Pompeo giving this briefing? AHA… for the first time since, well, forever, US Treasury is considered THE FRONT LINE in the counter tango effort!!! HUGE HUGE HUGE drops.
Was the meeting at Camp David tied to this? Oh hell yes. Puhlease. It CAN’T NOT be. No double negatives. It is either the thing or it isn’t. It is part of the thing.
But Camp David is not the story. The story is the EO, period. That’s the meat.
The sesame seed bun on the hamberder is Bolton. That’s all the press will see, that’s all the press will cover.
Where’s the BEEF? The EO.
Camp David is just some lettuce and special sauce filler. They could’ve put anything else on b/c it’s not the BEEF.
OK So whoopdy doo that Bolton is upset about this. Of course he is. Why wouldn’t he be? Bolton was the architect (a little too much credit, but let’s roll with it) of the post-9-11 U.S. foreign policy toward tango’s.
Trump just flipped upside-down 18 years of United States foreign policy dating back to W and 9-11!!!!!!!!
And there wasn’t jack diddly SQUAT that Bolton could do about it.
So let’s not miss the EPOCHAL important of what JUST HAPPENED:
Trump just upended decades U.S. counter tango strategy – permanently!


Damn Michael, you making me want a cheeseburger!! 😊 🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔

Gail Combs

I have some hamberger thawing, I think I will make a cheeseburger and thaw out another pkg. 😊 🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. I think I’ll have a Double-Double (or, heck, a 4×4), Animal Style, with peppers on the side, and fries well-done… 🙂 from IN-N-OUT Burger…
(sigh, oh, for a chili-burger from (there WAS nothing finer than the) Doggie Diner)…


Mnuchin and Pompeo were giddy at the press conference, but trying to hide it. They KNOW that what they are doing is working, bigly!



Acosta is looking old and worn out – the bloom is off the rose.

Cuppa Covfefe

Acosta gets a Fudgesicle…


Time for a GIF on “That’s the most ridiculous question I’ve ever heard”!


America is at war every single minute of every single day. Wars are not always fought with weapons of violence. Neocons are like bullies, when they can’t win the argument with reason and intellec they resort to threats of violence and such. The Book of Ecclesiastes says it better that anybody ever has. There is a time…

Deplorable Patriot

Shades of the Foster/Dulles clan methodology on the part of Bolton come out in Senator/Dr. Paul’s comments.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed. I think that putting “NSC-acceptable Bolton” there started out as a tool of Trump, for Trump, but eventually the NSC itself re-organized to push back THROUGH Bolton, grabbing him by influencing his aides, staffers, and NSC contacts.

Deplorable Patriot

I can see this.

Sylvia Avery

me, too…..


psst … Great to see you here ! We miss your comments… not to mention your shovel!

Sylvia Avery

Thanks, pR!


Late to the party ………… small offering ……………
Y’all been archiving off line? I sure hope so…………


Sorry, I have yet to resolve my browsing problems —- ugg
Beer at the Parade RT’d this:
Sun_Q_Tzu @Sun_Q_Tzu
Gear up patriots. Recall the last #qanon post on Bolton? Whitehouse is now clean. It’s go time.

Where We Go One We Go All Marker
3 Apr 2018 – 12:18:17 AM
Drops will go fast.
WH clean SIG.
Everything is planned.
We Fight.
Follow Bolton.
Learn how to archive offline.
The streets will not be safe for them.


Melanie Lauren @Sweetemmilyn
2h2 hours ago
Replying to @Sun_Q_Tzu
What are the odds that #JohnBolton is dismissed today, the 1st day of the LAST PALINDROME WEEK of the century?
9/10/19 = 91019
9/19/19 = 91919
TEN DAYS to be exact. Hmmm😏
Any relation to Qpost 88
‘Ten Days of Darkness’?
#qanon #10daysofdarknesscomment image


phoenixrising37 Thank you 🙂
Love your avatar…


Thank you singingsoul1 , Marica found it for me and I changed it last night. I like it also 😉

Deplorable Patriot

Condi Rice on with Martha MacCallum. [gagging]


my sentiments exactly !
And… remind me again, how long since Condi’s been in gov’t ?
15 years since she was Bush’s National Security Advisor, right? So, why is Martha talking with her?
Rhetorical questions of course

Big T

Remember everyone is in NYC and/or DC for the 9/11 services. Lots of informal gatherings where press cross with former powerfuls like Condi.


True enough…


Speaking of Bolton….he never fails to remind of an old joke.
What is a mustache??
A: It’s a built-in shock absorber for a high-speed cock-sucker.


Btw….John Bolton didn’t resign, he was fired.
POTUS asking for someone’s resignation = You’re fired!comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Agreed. He didn’t resign. He was fired. The questions that flow from that, though, include why did VSGPDJT hire him in the first place when his foreign policy philosophy was obviously counter to the president’s, and why TODAY. What’s going on that we don’t know about?
IMO, this was necessary, yes, but still a planned distraction of some sort.


TOTALLY my sentiments Dep Pat,
I was distressed the day POTUS announced Bolton’s appointment …
Bolton was/is and always will be a Neo-Con……… a war hawk, if you dislike the NC label……..
Q said when Bolton gone, WH will be CLEAN…………….
Stage set, or to be set ?


Dep Pat………….
POTUS tweeted this about Condi
Donald J. Trump

Verified account
19m19 minutes ago
Excellent interview by @CondoleezzaRice on @MarthaMaccallum on @FoxNews. Very interesting and secure perspective on life.
898 replies1,616 retweets6,664 likes

Deplorable Patriot


Deplorable Patriot

Good question.


DP—The day before 9/11 Anniversary?!!! Kinda sucks in my breath….


Tucker did cartwheels 🤸‍♂️ tonight, he’s had it bad for Bolton for awhile now. One of his last reports made me mad, he was very disrespectful, which was totally unnecessary. Of course he played all his highlight bash Bolton reels. He opened and closed with celebrating Bolton’s departure. Juvenile, IMO. AND he brought back McGregor who proceeded to detail how to get out of Afghanistan plan Again, same repeat of last night. Then Mr. McSmarty proceeds to tell POTUS how he needs to sign a treaty with Xi, Moon, and Un and turn everything over to Moon. NOPE! NOPE! NOPE! We don’t want Mr. McFakeHair!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, I’m not a fan of unnecessary gloating. He’s gone. Move on.


Deplorable Patriot



Looking at Bolton he has aged since he joined the WH.
As i often happens people loose sight who was elected who is the President and whom they serve.
This does not make them bad people but very human. Some people handle a position so close to power than others.