This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both: Keep Making America Great).
Yes, it’s Monday…again.
But it’s okay! We’ll get through it.
Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil.
Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.
Our President is fighting for us night and day…please pray for him.
Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition from Roman Senyk Music, titled ‘Heroic Feat’:
Sometimes it’s good to take a moment to appreciate the wonders of Nature and their colorful splendor…such as the way the male of a species will display his colorful plumage to attract a mate:
Wheatie’s Word of the Day:
‘Vitiate’ is a transitive verb which means…to make faulty or defective; impair or spoil. In a legal sense: To impair or make void; to destroy or annul, either completely or partially, the force and effect of an act or instrument.
Pronounced: Vishy-ate.
Used in a sentence:
The Supreme Court ruled in 1878 that “Fraud vitiates every thing…”, so this should apply to the massive fraud that the perfidious Democrats have committed in this election.
Good guess as to who 17 might really be.
He may be on the Q team, but he isn’t Q all by himself. Q has said several times that they are a group.
Yes, it has to be a group. Just thinking he may be one of the major brainiacs behind seventeen.
Agreed, he nor Gen Flynn likely were not part of the initial Q group until Q mentioned he was getting help about 2yrs ago. Then IMO it may be possible.
Interesting first reply to this post.
I noticed that last night.
Yes. Big….
That was a great article. I pray, as it suggests, that the Kraken will kick off a week of arrests. Tik Tok, the annoying phrase over used by Hannity, is past due. Q has been quiet since the 13th (17 days!).
He’ too busy. 🙂
I saw that yesterday and don’t buy it. He may be one of the team, but there’s at least one who is a member of the travelling group with POTUS, and at least two who are actually military. I have suspicions that they aren’t the ringleaders, either.
Speculation on this is useless, IMO, as it is not going to be anyone who we really know, IMO.
Probably. And obviously “ he” iis more thn one person.
wheatie, can’t tell you how much I enjoy your Monday openers…Kick off the week perfectly!
Monday’s always start with smiles…polar bear, raccoon…
kalco…yes, and yes…so nice and comfy.
🥰 {{{{Kalbo}}}}😘
Thanks, Piper.
I’m so glad you like them.
Wheatie Monday!! Great start to the week. Love the dancing woodcock. We have them outback. They push their long beaks into the ground to search for bugs. Fun to watch especially when there’s a group of them walking along ‘beak searching’.
Interesting factoid – our cocker spaniel always sees to know just where to find them. Read that cockers were originally breed for hunting woodcocks.
Thanks, Holley.
I’m so glad you like it!
Cocker spaniels are such sweet dogs.
Beautiful, too.
We had a blonde one, years ago, and I still miss him.
And yeah, I think most of the spaniel breeds were bred for hunting small game.
That polar bear makes me ashamed of myself when I think I can’t take it any more. Lololol
Goodbye blue moon. Come on, December. Don’t be tardy.
I think I’ll get a T-shirt that says “6% of the 220K+ deaths are due to covid-19”.
The rest were caused by something else. But wear your mask so you can live forever.
What really pisses me off is the news reporting on “cases”.
It’s a red flag for “utter BS, and disregard all that follows.” They count all “contact traces” from a COVID “exposure” as “cases” — regardless of whether the original disease was ever definitively identified as COVID; regardless over whether any symptoms were ever shown at each level; regardless of whether anyone “exposed” was ever tested positive or had any symptoms; and regardless of whether any one “contact traced” to any “exposure” ever developed any symptoms or tested positive. Just saying the words “COVID cases” is a fraud….and signals that everything being announced is fraudulent.
It’s going to get very ugly when people realize how much gaslighting has been going on.
Fascist Fear-Fuehrer Fauci needs a fashion boot! 😉
If the majority of the populace ever twig to the amount of Faux-Xi fraud that went into their gaslighting, he’ll be really fortunate if he avoids being intentionally burned alive.
Prison is going to be the safest place for a lot of these folks.
haha…then you must have missed Raniere whining how there are people plotting to kill him in prison!!–you may never speak to me again!!! wah, wah, wah.
he’s got a 120 yr sentence…we really SHOULDN’T be speaking with him again for what he did.
up his A–!
forcefully & frequently
in the ass…as he’s going out the door…
isn’t there a dwarf tossing sport?
he’d qualify…
LMAO! The idea of a flying gnome saying “DO AS YOU’RE TOLD!” – LOOOOOOOOOL
Aussie rules 😆
care to elaborate?
Love the alliteration, Wolf!!! #86Fauxi
Well they SHOULD get ugly …. it’s a crime against humanity what is happening.
Happy polar bear day
One of the many things that weirds me out — but in this case, also delights me — about our last four years is the way VSGPOTUSDJT keeps getting younger.
Mind you, not callow or unlearned — but more comfortable, unweary, and vigorous.
Every other President of recent vintage has rapidly aged in office — more wrinkles and grey hair after four years. If Our President VSGPOTUSDJT could have three more terms, he could probably compete in professional tennis near the end.
I know just what you mean.
He’s amazing.
he thrives on challenge!
So, sniffy, iffy, gropy, dopey Joe…..
Did he REALLY break his ankle, or did he need an excuse to hide the ankle gps tracking bracelet he now has on?
Gotta be one in Fauci’s size of “Gnome 6 2/3”!!!
Pardon me, sir, but I believe you meant to say “Runt #1 1/4”.
Gnomes are actually fun, endearing little fellows who ride rabbits, while the runt is a douche bag whose mount is, of course, an appropriately diseased and hairless rat. \_🤨_/
I’ve had this meme since 2017, and it seems awfully relevant now.
can’t wait for that to be a reality!!
I don’t know how to post Gab communications here. (I don’t even know whaat thata are called.) Here is one from NeonRevolt:
“For those who may not quite understand the significance of DAS BOOT – it’s generally considered by the ‘conspiracy-minded’ as a cover story to hide any sort of ankle-monitor/flight prevention devices: Flashback to John McCain, prior to his ‘cancer death.'”
I hope the pic will post. Of note is that the boot switches feet::
There is also a dog involved in Biden’s case. Communications about dogs have seemed significant.
C’mon man – do you have any proof or is this just another internet fantasy joke like Michelle’s ding-dong?
“WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — President-elect Joe Biden fractured his right foot while playing with one of his dogs…” —
I meant the ‘ankle bracelet’ legend.
Agreed. It was never anything more than fanciful speculation.
I choose Door #2, FG&C!!!
We need to bear down on the Deep State.
Black Bear – Go Get ‘Em!!!
OK – I’m getting this word “vitiate” now. I never looked this word up, and now I see that it’s a strange one.
Basically vitate (verb) = “to corrrupt”. But IN-vitiate (adjective) means “uncorrupted”.
Does that make it inflammable?
It literally means to make faulty or defective. It has nothing to do with corruption per se.
I present some argument in court.
The other side pokes a gigantic hole in it, making it look foolish–e.g., by finding out and demonstrate I misread the law, or had some key fact(s) of the case wrong. They’ve just vitiated my argument.
Invitiate is the opposite, as one would expect, you’ve untrashed the argument.
I think Wheatie included “in-” in the pronunciation by mistake.
By which I mean to say that fraud or corruption might vitiate something, but vitiate itself doesn’t mean fraud or corruption.
I suspect I am looking at the specific legal definition. I get this instead from the same authority, and I am focusing on definition 1.
I like to use corrupt in its most general sense, sometimes, which includes everything from putting iodide into salt, to bribing an official, and I think the general definitions match pretty well here, but when one gets into the legal world, corruption and vitiation seem to take slightly different paths. I find it gratifying, however, that they find parallel usage in the problem of bad elections! 😀
Yep, nothing we’ve said vitiates that. 😀
That is [snort] worthy.
That is exactly how I’ve seen the word used.
But folks. Inebriate is such a more fun word
I also like looking up words in the 1828 Merriam Webster dictionary…the dictionary that was in use before the Left began to change the meaning of every word.
That is a GREAT resource! The “History” page is very cool.
A resource from my homeschooling days. I had a hard copy but don’t know what happened to it. Need it again. 😁
Walmart has them!!! 😀
Wow!! Thank you! does too, I think.
Thanks for that, Grandmaintexas!
That’s a great dictionary!
Very welcome.
I thought you were going to say the one that was in use when you were in school 😀
(ducks flying dictionaries, thesauri, syllabi, and various bookends, etc. )….
Language does go through legit changes, otherwise we’d all sound like we were speaking some weird dialect of German.
Like they do here 😆
Though we obviously kept our “th” sounds (there are two of them) a lot longer than the Germans or Scandinavians did. (They were an original “Germanic Language” feature.)
Yep. Like this 😀
“I think Wheatie included “in-” in the pronunciation by mistake.”
Yes, I did.
I woke up thinking about it…it’s weird.
It was pinging me in the back of my brain.
Dunno why, but I typed “invitiate” a couple of times when I was doing that section.
I know what that’s like. I can *mostly* touch type, and my hands pretty much go on autopilot but there are a couple of words that will absolutely without fail come out of my hands with the wrong damn spelling, and I have to go back and correct them. Oddly, I can’t remember what the most frustrating example of this is, but I seem to trip over it at least weekly (or maybe “weakly” is more appropriate).
Yep…same here.
My biggest problem is dropping words.
And when I proof read, my brain auto-fills them and I don’t even catch them.
Yeah. You know what’s supposed to be there, so you don’t notice it’s not right.
If you have the luxury of being able to put away what you were writing for a few days, it’s a lot easier to spot those sorts of things (Ha! Like we ever have that luxury!) because it’s no longer fresh in your mind.
I bet both of you speed read, as well. I do and have the same problems…especially my mind “filling in” gaps or automatically correcting.
In my college majors, I had tremendous amounts of reading so learned to speed read. DH, on the other hand, was in medicine and literally had to memorize each word. It took him decades to learn to read for pleasure and it still drives me crazy because he’s such a slow reader and often mouths every word! However, if I’m writing something for “publication” I’ll have him proof it because I can read and “autocorrect” each time.
No, actually, I don’t speed read. But I’m tolerably quick, faster than saying the words.
I think a lot depends on your job…how important necessary to be precise.
Yes, I often scan through text to get the gist of it.
But for better retention or understanding, I’ll go back and read parts at a slower pace.
Reading big blocks of text on a lighted screen is a problem for me, though.
I don’t know why.
But I get lost in it…lose my place…have to look away for a bit.
It’s not the same with blocks of text in a book or magazine.
Just on a lighted screen.
I sometimes just scroll past a big block of text, for that reason.
When text is broken up into three or four lines max, it is a breeze to read.
This is me. 👆
I see that you double space into,paragraphs. I attempt to make short sentences, but often WP just jumbles them together.
Now, I see one must really double space…
I agree…easier to red although takes up much more room.
It’s an old habit of mine, since I learned how to type by sending telexes on a telex machine:
I hit the return key after every sentence.
So when the sentence carries over into the next line…there is open space created after that line.
That’s why it looks like a ‘double space’.
An inveterate typer of invitiate?
By invitiation only? 😀
Info on Sidney Powell & Lin Wood
Gen Flynn approves:
Looking at their clock, it is to come on line at appox 3:30pm Today.
OK – quick announcement. I will put up an article later, but I want to get people started a.s.a.p.
If you’ve ever authored on the old site, you have an Author account on the new site, under your old author credentials, which were imported along with everything else.
I’m asking people to go over and just try to do a fake article as a test. You can entitle it “Author Test – myhandle” if you want, or whatever you want to call it. Just see if your authorship WORKS.
Also, I took a step to make logins easier. I checked two boxes to let “JetPack” handle logins:
We can always turn this back off, but hopefully this will make sign-ins by authors smoother.
Give it a try! I will put up a thread for comments back and forth with me by people testing.
Link? So sorry that I haven’t booked it.
Here ya go:
Thank you. I was trying everything.
Wolf has put up a new thread here, to post questions, etc., as we go:
Thanks for the link! Blessings!!!
Here’s my test post, Wolf…
Hey Wolf, I wrote a couple replies to you on technical stuff for the new site at my test post here, fyi
I don’t know how to see comments in some type of notification setting for the new site so didn’t know if you knew of my replies to you there either…
I saw them. I made a couple of comments for you to attempt to edit them! Try and add your name. See what happens.
[…] A link to my previous statement: […]
Boy, Georgia situation is a cluster duck. Server REMOVED!
No surprise there.
Ron @CodeMonkeyZ is a great account to keep track of. He is doing a great job with the whole Dominion server debacle.
Yes…Ron/CodeMonkeyZ is brilliant when it comes to IT stuff.
It’s interesting that he resigned as the tech-technician for 8kun, right before the election.
It’s like he knew that his skills were going to be needed on this.
Yes. I think he was ‘drafted’.
Have you noticed the change in tone? The Dems are suddenly on the defensive. I think it’s dawning on them that more and more of America – a segment big enough to fully vitiate any Biden claim to the White House – does not respect their phony “win”.
Oh, their world has been rocked. We are seeing the resurrection of the Original American…the kind of citizens who forged this nation and have kept it free for two centuries. True grit. WWG1WGA!
Wolfie, responded to your comment to me earlier, ie. user name and pw. Check it ok? I’ll be back in AM and try to log in – but there’s a question in the comment I wrote you.
If there’s nothing to hide, why is everyone shredding, deleting, scrubbing?…
Maricopa County is trying to quietly scrub/delete the public contract between Maricopa County and Dominion Voting Systems.
Luckily we have archives.…
love that dynamic background music, wheatie..
and the mating birdies are dancing to the beat in perfect sync…true romance ! cool !
…. raccoon kinda vitiates the mood though.
what in the world kind of little birdie is the poor kid at the top who takes one step forward and then 2 steps back ??
I’m so glad you like it, Smiley.
I don’t know what the name of that slow-walking bird is…but I’ve seen other photos of it, and it’s bigger than it looks there.
oh…I know what he is…
he’s the Hungover Birdie…
and his song goes something like …
It’s a woodcock, also known as a timberdoodle. I once had a momma woodcock, and her offspring lined up behind her, do that kind of a walk as they crossed a dirt two-track in front of my vehicle. Very memorable.
They are very fast flyers.
The flights in the spring by male woodcock are also very memorable. It is part of their ritual in attracting a mate. I’ve spent many a late evening watching their unique performance.
This is similar to what I saw of the American Woodcock walk.. In my case there were 6-8 young ones. There is also other videos showing a part of their courting rituals. Very difficult to film in the low light when they take place.
(about 2 minutes)
Thanks, Itswoot!
You are welcome!
They’re so cute!
I wonder why they walk like that.
And it’s interesting that they do that ‘freeze’ thing.
That’s sort of like what opossums do…although ‘possums go full catatonic and fall over, like they’re dead.
Somehow the rhythm of their walk fits with this (now I can’t get the tune out of my head 🙂 ):
I was thinking they were trying to avoid attracting a sandworm.
Or maybe they’re Christopher Walken fans…
thank you, itswoot.
…and it’s not even 5 am yet.
You are welcome!
Also, a woodcock uses its long beak to probe the soil for worms in moist soil, usually in low-lying areas. I’ve come across areas where woodcock have been where there are numerous probing holes that they’ve left behind.
I honestly never expected to get an answer when I asked about the staggering birdie…I am amazed that you just happened along at the right time, with the right answer !
Also, the Dance of the Wild Cucumber is very similar to that of the Woodcock Walk. Probably inspired from that.
the dance of the what ?
are we tripping ?
Not forgetting Larry Boy, the superhero from Veggie Tales 🙂
That album was for many years the biggest selling CD ever. It came out just as people were starting to adopt CDs over vinyl.
Vinyl is making a comeback now, among people who can afford turntables that aren’t crap. (It’s easier to make a cheap CD player that works well than a cheap turntable that does.)
.. The gait brought back good memories of Groucho Marx
Wheatie your funny little bird w/ the very tentative walk reminds me of my special needs son Josiah as a toddler. He had Major Sensory Defensiveness issues (autism spectrum stuff) & he looked about like that walking barefoot on sand or grass. He was pretty unsteady (he had tubes in his ears at 1 1/2 which helped his balance) so he usually fell & he’d just scream & hold up sandy hands & feet craving for the stuff to be brushed off of him. Those were some pretty strange times having a kid have a meltdown depending on the sun, wind, shadows (especially of birds flying), texture of what he touched, or even hearing someone’s phone outside. Thankfully he has come a Very Long Way from those tentative, fearful days! God is so good 🙂
Aww…you’ve gone through so much together.
God Bless you, Valerie.
*hugs* {{{{Valerie}}}}
Well thankfully much/most of the chaos hopefully is in the rear view mirror. Twins hit their quarter-century mark this week & my husband hits his double plus that <3 😉
hope everyone has a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Thanks Pat. We’re celebrating All our guys b-days on Sunday, along w/ having our belated Thanksgiving Turkey, since our daughter’s holiday work would have kept her from the feast.
All 4 of our guys b-days are within 2 weeks in Nov/Dec, one sometimes even happens On Thanksgiving. Then in Feb my daughter & I have our b-days within 2 weeks of each other. If our twins weren’t premies we would have had b-days Each month Nov-Feb!
I’m not autistic, but i HATE the feeling of sand..on my hands, legs, but ESPECIALLY my feet. while others speak lovingly of sand between their toes…it makes me shudder with revulsion.
sounds a bit like a form of “sensory defensiveness” & I’m not autistic either but I’m Always keenly aware if I’ve got something on my hands & don’t like opening car doors due to road dirt (my family loves to give me crap as they open my door to keep me happy)!
it’s weird–it’s only my feet…but I am diabetic and take very good care of them. I just can’t stand to have anyone touch them–and hate to go barefoot…
me too !
hate sand tracked into the house too…
sister? is that you??
A measured article from an police officer who has resigned because of the draconian covid enforcement in Britain. My one criticism is that the author gives the government the benefit of the doubt in assuming it has benign (although potentially dangerous) motives.
Great Awakening, nevertheless…
FTA: “Vulnerable people have been left behind – in March and April, thousands of patients were turfed out of hospitals without a Covid test. Too many died, in extreme pain, with some care homes unable to provide higher doses of pain killers at the end of life. Excess deaths due to dementia are also currently above the five-year average. Many care home residents have not seen their relatives for nine months, and any ‘visits’ have been by video call, or through a window, with masks obscuring communication. At the other end of the lifespan, children’s social and emotional development, health, and education have all been put at risk. The restrictions are having a disproportionate effect on disabled people; increasing anxiety and loneliness, and impeding access to healthcare. Autistic people, and people with learning disabilities, have been largely excluded by the constantly changing government guidance, leaving many confused and isolated.”
Thanks for the link.
Every word is true.
You’ve gotta love red blooded Americans. This even got a smile from Charlie Daniels on high methinks 🙂
Someone already looked up CD’s song!
Here’s another one. This beautiful pep talk is inspiring.
An international team of doctors asking for a retraction of the study that PCR tests can detect the covid. Good work is being done in exposing the scamdemic.
Glad to see that someone reading that from England forwarded it to our rebel Conservative MPs and our main media reporters:
Code Monkey coordinating surveillance it seems
Yes. This kind of citizen activism is going to help kill this color revolution.
Please God, let our VSG and his team kill the infiltrated government part of the dragon soon! I want to see justice come upon our domestic enemies!!
Listening to Trevor Loudon really made the CCP part of this attack plain to see. And it makes my blood boil.
Cold war going hot blooded, Texas style!
monkey maneuvers
Interesting not sure what it actually proves…yet.
This is a must watch when you get an hour. Trevor Loudon exposes the USA Marxist connections to the CCP. He has amazing knowledge of what has been going on in the background. The commies are happily taking credit for Biden’s ‘win’ through their voter registration efforts in poor areas, etc.
I can’t figure out how to watch those rumble videos. No play button or anything I’m used to. Can someone advise?
I have to do a double click on them, Zoe.
One click, then wait a few seconds, then click it again.
Well, thank you, Wheatie2. I use the keyboard, and I can’t tell where to click on a link. I tried it. Bit shute so much easier. I’ll keep messing with it.
Sorry you are having trouble with them, Zoe.
Bottom left corner. Click there and it should highlight where you can see the play function.
Thank you, Grandma, not sure I can find that place with my blindness. I’ll keep trying.
Zoe is blind. Makes certain computer tasks frustrating.
Yes. Sorry I missed that.
Zoe, I click in the middle of the picture (Page) then wait. It takes a while for it to load and start playing.
You may have to click in the middle a second time.
PA state Senator Doug Mastriano was forced to leave an Oval Office meeting after testing positive for the virus. Sen. Mastriano is the man who led the Gettysburg hearing and whose closing speech at the event was retweeted by the President.
My ongoing theory is that “positive tests” are being used as cover by white hats to compartmentalize sensitive military operations. I theorized that back in October that the real reason the President went to Walter Reed was to plan out an election strategy without White House and Deep State spies around. That was back during the Hunter Biden stuff, but in hindsight, it was probably about the upcoming election steal.
I have thought this, too. Using the plannedemic against the enemy. Great tactic.
It’s a cover for something, that’s for sure.
For those continuing to be interested in the goings on in Frankfurt, I found this link on thedonald last night and wanted to forward it.
For what it’s worth.
I have never hear this man, but the poster on .win follows him, so I guess he’ been posting material such as this.
https://www. Parkes
My, wasn’t that remarkably convenient? Why, one would think it was almost planned.
another CEO down?
Hmm…was it another case of knew-too-much-itis?
Zappos is an online shoes & clothing store, based in Las Vegas.
Amazon bought it in 2009.
No clue, I didn’t do any digging just sharing since someone on my twitter “feed” thought it was worth mentioning…
REVEALED : Biden UN, State Department Picks Are Documented Chinese Communist Party Consultants
Biden’s State Dept “Transition Review Team” is comprised of several consultants & lobbyists from Albright-
Stonebridge group (a consulting firm with extensive links to the CCP)…
more on this at the article link, here…
Well, and others on the “team” are tied to GEORGE SOROS:
Open Society Foundation
Brookings Institution
United Nations Foundation (through LORD MALLOCH-BROWN)
So — it can be fairly argued that Biden’s “team” is controlled / linked into, BOTH the Chinese Communist Party AND to George Soros (meaning ALSO the Davos Globalists).
Verse of the Day for Monday, November 30, 2020
“Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.”
Proverbs 16:18 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Monday Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Be My Voice
Happy rainy Monday Duchess!
have a Blessed Day!
Morning, Pat! Raining here, too!!! Hmmm…
Not unhappy – have plenty to do indoors – and of course – there is always laundry – lol
God Bless Your Day, too – HUGS!!!
ha! got mine almost done this morning already…just waiting on the towels to finish drying.
HUGS back to you dear!!
Oh, you are quick on the draw, Pat – I usually do not get started until AFTER Prayers – which could take half the morning – not complaining – mind you – it is a necessity!!!
* Received and Appreciated *
I prefer to pray at night…it calms me and allows me to fall asleep…knowing it’s all in God’s hands…
That is beautiful, Pat!!! God Thoughts = Peaceful Sleep!!!
I pray all the day long – sometimes – I stop what I am doing because God has brought someone to mind who needs prayer – as a child – I prayed at bedtime, too – however – now that I am older – I see things differently – and – am more attuned to the ‘Calling of the Angels’ – know what I mean?
you are an angel Duchess!
Awww…thanks for the compliment, Pat!!!
<3 <3 <3
Very appropriate, Duchess. May the cabal feel the truth of this Scripture in a powerful way today.
Amen goes right there, Texas Grandma!!!
I’m glad to see stories like this.
Open Air Latin Mass Defies The French State
More than one hundred faithful assisted at an open air Mass next to Clermont Cathedral, France, on the Place of the Victory.
A Reason for Hope
more ppl than usual have been asking me about The (Great) Tribulation, lately…
this year, I’m giving copies of The Holy Bible to my unsaved friends.
Hmmm…very interesting, Smiley! Any requests about the Rapture?
not exactly…it’s like the Question they want to ask but, for some reason, don’t ?
it’s almost impossible for me to “witness” without mentioning The Rapture…esp NOW with diabolical agandas such as The Great Reset being thrust upon us, mandatory “vaccines” and other NWO tyrannies..
we are in The Beginning Sorrows…and the Age of Grace is about to give way to the Time of Jacob’s Trouble…
but have to take baby steps sometimes when talking about this to others bc it’s almost too much to take in, all at once…
just point to Scripture, plant the seed…and leave the rest up to the Holy Spirit.
hopefully, they will hear His Voice …and recognize it.
Agree, Smiley – I have heard some say we are in The Beginning Sorrows – and others claim ‘Get Ready’ – the Rapture is at hand.
And yes – I believe all of this has to do with the Great Reset – what they do not realize is – they cannot have the Great Reset without America – and we are not playing.
The people pushing the Rapture are in dire straights – mentally, physically, and emotionally – they look to the Rapture – to end it all – God does not work that way – we cannot demand things of God – all happens in His timing – not ours.
What I find myself doing frequently, Smiley – pointing to Scripture – planting the seed – and leaving the rest to the Holy Spirit – however – many people want answers from you/me – they do not seem to want to find the answers for themselves – and too many of them want to argue interpretation – its frustrating – so I do what you have articulated above – and pray for them.
very hard (for me) to witness to some Catholics…too much angry confrontation, shouting and defensiveness…(no offense to any Catholics here, just saying)..
even worse, to New Agey/Occult/Gaia worshippers….too much scoffing and derision…and lefty guru flower child gobbledegook rainbows and crystals for brain cells and covens and pentagrams and walking with wolves..running with ravens…
there is a LOT of counterfeit in this world…including within the Evangelicals…like the name-it-and-claim-it crowd….and the crislam blasphemy.
anyway…during this time, evil will try to “wear out the saints” (believers) so that we turn from GOD in exhausted despair & frustration…
GOD KNOWS when enough is enough.
“…like a thief in the night…”
more accurately : GOD Knows when the time of the Gentiles has come in…
that’s when The Age of Grace is over…
…and things start to get real dicey real fast, from there.
Agree – my family is diverse – each chooses his/her own belief system – witnessing to them is not necessary – I respect their views and leave it up to God to change minds and hearts, Smiley.
As far as the New Agers are concerned – they are in their own little world – and do not realize how much of it is influenced by ‘that other guy’ – so cannot witness to them – again – leave that up to God.
Yes, God knows – I take comfort in that.
many ppl really do not understand what Salvation…or being Saved actually means….or the significance of that in terms of ETERNITY .
the biggest hurdle when trying to communicate Scripture…and Salvation : human pride.
True…True…True!!! Only God can change minds and hearts, Smiley – We cannot – especially, when everyone thinks his/her belief system is unmistakably the one and only – each church and/or denomination has been infiltrated by the evil one – perhaps – this is the reason so many are confused?
I was
I see
Sounds like she was mistrusting of the DOJ intent. Are we going to be stabbed in the back by the DOJ now too?
It won’t look good if they produce a report a month after the election declaring not enough voter fraud to make a difference when they had all this time to do Hunter’s Lap Top and do something about the Russian Collusion scam.
She’s right to be skeptical given the way this has all gone down.
CIA cybercrime expert — Navid Keshavarz-Nia — files sworn affidavit for Sidney Powell:
‘One of the CIA’s best cyber-crime experts who was recently praised by The New York Times has now declared in a sworn affidavit in the Sidney Powell lawsuit that hundreds of thousands of votes were switched from President Trump to Joe Biden in key battleground states.
‘Navid Keshavarz-Nia, the Times said in September in a glowing report, was regarded by those who worked with him as “always the smartest person in the room.”
‘Navid has an expertise in big-data, architecture, cloud computing, security and blockchain technology, which has been used by the CIA, FBI, NSA, U.S. military counterintelligence, and the Department of Homeland Security.
‘A vice president and senior director of information security for Black Key Solutions LLC, he also has been deployed by corporate financial giants such as Deutsche Bank.
‘Navid’s affidavit was filed with Powell’s complaint late Wednesday in a Georgia court, the Gateway Pundit reported …
‘In an affidavit filed with Powell’s complaint in a Georgia court before midnight Wednesday, Keshavarz-Nia had this bombshell assessment.
‘”I conclude with high confidence that the election 2020 data were altered in all battleground states resulting in a hundreds of thousands of votes that were cast for President Trump to be transferred to Vice President Biden.”’
I read yesterday, they are going to look in to VA too!
This afternoon, Howie Carr mentioned that Virginia was Sidney Powell’s next target.
Sounds like to me that this Keshavarz-Nia guy took Sidney’s & Lin’s advice to save himself. Just sayin’ … 😉
Quite possibly.
There might well be a ‘there’ there.
music legends, Van Morrisoon & Eric Clapton , are jammin together for their anti-lockdown crusade
Bring Back Live Music !
more about it, here…
and article link, here…
sorry !
I knew that, Smiley – 🙂
Isaiah 11:1
“And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots:”
King James Version (KJV)
Hmm…interesting placement of the Cross here:
I’m wondering if some of the Fox crew, the production crew behind the scenes, are against what is going on there now.
So…they did this on purpose.
It reads like “Treason for the Season”…but with plausible deniability, so that the crew could say:
…If they were scolded about it.
sure does look like T-REASON
Thought the same thing when I saw it yesterday
Wow! That is excellent! I’d bet a dollar that was on purpose.
The Cross and the word ‘Reason’ are the same color.
So the eye just naturally combines them.
Also, with the word ‘Reason’ in all caps that way…there is no conflict with a capital letter ‘R’.
Yeah…it was on purpose.