Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.
This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:
Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:
“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”
“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”
If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:
- Our backup site, The Q Tree 579486807,
- Our old alternative site, The U Tree, where civility is not a requirement
- Our Gab Group, which is located at
- Our various sister sites, listed in the Blogroll in the sidebar
Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.
We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.
Joe Biden didn’t win.
And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Week:
- assumption of a man’s proper name by a woman
- use of a masculine name by a woman as a pseudonym
- the use by a female writer of a male pseudonym
- the first step in girls falling for the transgender social contagion
- what brainwashed schoolgirls do with the help of Democrat teachers
- appropriation of male nomenculture by a mentally ill woman
Wolfmoonian neologism (which may or may not already exist) designed to criticize left-wing political correctness over it’s ridiculous “cultural appropriation” morality. The resemblance to nomenclature is intentional. The obvious meaning is “culture of naming things”.
Enjoy a classic “epic” track from back when we were on CTH, supporting Trump against the Jebusites and Donkey Coms!
Steve’s post on Tides reminded me of this scene in the movie Interstellar. Pay attention to the music.
This guy’s goofy deadpan humor is just fun to watch. He “collects” great bass players around the world in his video channel. Enjoy!

Did you ever wonder why LinkedIn is so horrible, and encourages a weird kind of PC phoniness? This is the guy who founded it, and who runs it.
Keep pushing the Faucists and the Branch Covidians every day on masks, vaccines, and DEATH BY JABS. They’re backing up and giving OUR SIDE the scientific credibility now.
Pay attention here. Democrats are MAOIST. Public schools are now MAOIST. This is not an accident.
Never count on ‘slims to protect you from ‘slims.
OK, I laughed at this. Medical political jokes are a weakness.
Just sayin’!
Until victory, have faith!

And trust the big plan, too!

And as always….


New Schlichter —
No war until Obama and Biden and Blinken answer for setting it up.
Meanwhile in reality under a President who has literally helped the enemy these people want to fight…..
Gotta get those Illegals in some how.
If so, near future. Sabotage on ship. E A S Y to do, from within. 🙃
Once again, Kort has to pretend like he doesn’t know certain things.
Today’s issue of pretending is that the BideNazi administration would, under any circumstances, do anything, at all, ever, that was in the interests of America.
So how can there be any ‘rallying around the flag’ when the puppet ostensibly in charge is a criminal and a traitor, conducting foreign policy, with stolen power, on behalf of enemies of the United States, both foreign and domestic?
Which reminds me of stolen valor.
If it is a terrible thing to wear a uniform and present oneself publicly as a current or former member of the military, while having never served…
How much worse is it to present oneself publicly as the commander in chief of the military, while having never been elected?
The enemy, of course.
Schlichter shows his WAR MONGERING creds
I am sure he is now going to support Nikki over Trump, just watch.
IF this maroon is talking about Red Sea, Houthis…NO.
Fricken idjit. Click baiting away.
(That was the most Schlicter I’ve read in six months or more.) 🙂
Nomenculture, the culture of naming things, is a great word that encompasses the meaning of pseudandry and all misnaming: men as women, women as men, false racism, “compassion,” “love,” “climate change,” “diversity,” etc. If the Left wants to change the perception of something, they just rename it.
It’s no mystery why one of our biggest commies, Chomsky,
wasis a linguist!Dude’s old, but he’s still kickin’ and causing trouble!
He was cunning … ;))
I see what you did there. 😂
Just as Trump predicted.
If one cannot talk respectfully about topics in conservative Christianity in a medium, it’s broken.
The media whored it’s self in 1915 when it sold out to the Banksters and Just after WWII when it sold out to the NAZIs errr CIA.
How the C.I.A. completely took over the mainstream media with OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD
The article goes on to name a lot more names.
I remember a short back page article in the Wall Street journal that said US NGOs were not only funded by the KGB but were RUN by the KGB. I figured it would be front page news so I did not cut it out since we were packing to move. It was in the spring of 1994.
City libraries keep copies of back issues of many publications.
Tedious to find but worth it.
I have thought about searching for it but have never had the time.
Excellent!!! Elon gets it!
I am liking Elon more and more.
There we have centuries and centuries of pain, suffering and death summed up quite well by Elon.
Good post, TT. Thanks for bringing.
If The Great Reset includes a One World Gov’t, does that mean the end of war? How does the MIC feel about that?
MIC ==> (Gestapo; secret police) and Kriminalpolizei ( criminal police) as well as surveillance.
Here’s a 2015 Saturday Night Live skit that predicted Trump’s success. It’s a Trump appearance on SNL that I hadn’t seen.
OMG, that’s hilarious!!!
For me, the very BEST thing about Trump is his ability to laugh at himself.
That is the purest sign of his strength of character.
Absolutely true. 😍
$40 million?
What a joke.
We have sent over $75 billion to what may be the most corrupt nation on the planet, and practically all of it has been embezzled, stolen or otherwise siphoned off by the political-class (theirs and ours).
Well, they have to start small and build on that …
👉 nomenculture
old men
I think the source meant that someone stole the $40M that the source was going to steal…. /s
14yrs old, 9th grade. Late post from yesterday, reposting with slight edit. Attention to the lower half.
Was It the Jabs? High School Girls Basketball Player Collapses, Dies During Game
…On Thursday evening, as friends, family, and classmates cheered from the stands, what began as a night of sport and competition took a heartbreaking turn. Amari, known for her passion for the game and vibrant spirit, suddenly collapsed on the court. Despite immediate medical attention and efforts to revive her, she was pronounced dead, leaving the Momence community in mourning. …
In an effort to find a nicer picture of Amari I ran across something really strange with what has been added to this story.
It runs a pro vaxxx news story in the middle of the story. It’s not just your normal pro vaxxx story. This CEO being interviewed is hocking vaccines targeted to individual illnesses/diseases. Kind of like taking vitamins. If you think you need the added protection for this or that, then take their tailored made vaxxx. No limits, just a doctor’s Rx. The company’s name is vaxxinity. As in they will be making infinite types of Vaccines so you can take them into infinity and beyond. Oh the wonders!🙄
Keep them all away!!!
This sounds like the next wave of BULLSHIT they’ll be trying to sell us.
The Gab AI “Ava” – the creative writing bot – isn’t all that great at limericks.
Can you give me a limerick about Lindsey Graham and Nikki Haley?
Of course! Here’s a limerick for you [edited by Wolf to create lines]
There once were two from South Carolina,
Lindsey and Nikki, a dandy pair-a.
With charm and wit,
They made their bid,
For fame and success, they’d share-a.
I hope you enjoy it, and feel free to ask for more limericks or writing assistance in the future!
Give it a break — it’s still a toddler. 😂
Yeah, right! 😉
Even Slow Guy sees what you did there. 🙂
why don’t they just call it Lolita
like Hollywood’s yesteryear version…
Or maybe LolAIta…
from Vladimir Badenov…
(as opposed to Nabokov)…
Brother of Boris?
Could be, but older… Famous writer and translator…
Clara Clayton…
It actually could be a very smart and very subtle dig at them for “sharing a guy” – in which case nice work, AVE-A. 😆
My effort;
From Carolina two Senators came,
Graham and Haley, far too much the same.
For their love of war,
We showed them the door,
‘Cause we were sick of their one claim to fame.
Who did it better, me or AI? You be the judge.
You Clearly!
YW You’re the poet, & now we all know it 😉
As my Dad would say; my big feet show it. Because they are Longfellows.
cute 😉
Both Nikki and Lindsey agree
That war is best, you see
Neocons to the max,
They cover their tracks
With rhetoric that doesn’t fool me!
ok whatever
first thing that came to mind.
LOL! Love it!
If anyone is interested in setting up ssh within their home environment, there is a nice overview at .
One nice thing about doing this “at home” is that you can have access to both sides of the link during setup.
For each of the “servers” [remote computers], I will have a “physical presence” login with password, as is normal. I will then have two other users — one with sudo and one without — who will be the only two allowable ssh logins. They will use 4096 bit RSA keys exclusively. The servers will be harshly firewalled, both incoming and outgoing, including a drop on port 22 — ssh will be moved to a private higher-numbered port [ ].
Fun, fun, fun….
A lot of times, you get involved with ssh when you’re managing a rented remote host — like a website. If you screw that up, you get to call tech support. By practicing with ssh in my home, I only have to go dig the computer out of wherever I put it and get “physical presence”.
Don’t forget to look under the house cushions.
Meanwhile over in Qubes land, I’ve upgraded my laptop to 4.2 (and I am using it to type this post). The desktop is still on 4.1 but I think I will bite the bullet and do a clean install soon. This will of course destroy 4.1 forever, so I have to be careful to back up everything that is static on that system (not much, but it’s critical stuff).
Ye Gods…couch cushions.
Magnificent perfection.
hmmm…kinda eerie…
like holograms.
artificial “perfection”.
the anti (counterfeit) perfection.
images of Beasts, and such.
Similar to jellyfish streamers….
Monterey Bay Aquarium used to have a “jellies” exhibit that was spectacular… wayyyy back when, right when it first opened… not sure if they still have it… they also had a wave machine that Dave Packard designed and built (his daughter Julie managed the Aquarium)…
I am bring this over from yesterday.:
Kyle now has two more up:
Just Human #239: Trump’s Motion To Compel Discovery in Special Counsel Smith’s Docs Case: (Almost 4 hours.) It is the rest of the video I viewed yesterday;
AND the one I am most interested in:
Just Human #240: Smith Responds to Trump’s Motion To Compel Discovery + A Small Win in DC Case
This is the one I watched yesterday:
This is important folks.
My take:
NARA (National Archives) DEMANDED Trump hand over 15 boxes of records. He did so.
One NARA got their hands on those boxes, they GAVE ACCESS TO THE BIDEN WHITE HOUSE and for THREE MONTHS the DOJ and FBI went over those records.
FINALLY a wee bit late,they request via a letter from ACTING (not confirmed) Archivist, Debra Steidel Wall “special Access” to the records for the Biden Admin. Trump DENIED ACCESS citing Exec Privilege. (April 29th?)
However DOJ and FIB had already spent 3 months pawing thru the records so on May 10th 2022, Wall, sends another letter, to President Trump’s attorney declaring that NARA would disclose the records OVER POTUS TRUMP’s OBJECTION.”
“Biden [deferred] to NARA’s determination to overrule POTUS Trump’s invocation of executive privilege after having been advised by an assistant Attorney General to take that position”
Realize to actually override POTUS Trump’s wishes a “Damage Assessment” must be done to provide THE REASON the “Presidential Records Act’ is being over ridden. THAT REASON HAS NEVER BEEN GIVEN.
“…The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees the people’s right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures…
Search Warrant Requirements and The Fourth Amendment
The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states the following:
The Fourth Amendment protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures. This means that many government searches are legal if they meet specific guidelines. As a general rule, courts consider searches reasonable when:
A judge issues a search warrant based on probable cause orCertain situations justify a search without a warrantProbable Cause
Law enforcement officers must establish probable cause before legally searching and seizing property. To establish probable cause, a police officer must show the following:
Someone committed a crime at the place they will search or evidence of a crime exists at that location, andIt is more likely than not that a search will uncover evidence of the crimePolice must request the warrant in good faith. The requesting officer must also base their request on reliable information. Reliable information could include the following:
An officer’s knowledge that someone committed a crimeAn officer learns from a confidential informant that criminal activity occurred[UNQUOTE]
This is a rough transcript.
“NARA & NARA-OIG had been providing DOJ & FIB information related to the 15 boxes since JAN 2022” [When POTUS Trump gave them the boxes they demanded -GC]
“White House Counsel’s Office did not seek POTUS Trump’s permission under the PRA [Presidential Records Act] to grant the FBI access to the 15 boxes until April 2022.”
This from the legal Doc:
April 29,2022 Jay Bratt [REDACTED] (I think that was the first letter -GC)
Debra Steidel Wall, who was at that time NARA’s ACTING Archivist, “Parroted the claim in a May 10,22 letter to President Trump’s attorney declaring that NARA would disclose the records OVER POTUS TRUMP’s OBJECTION.”
“Biden [deferred] to NARA’s determination to overrule POTUS Trump’s invocation of executive privilege after having been advised by an assistant Attorney General to take that position”
From the Legal Doc.
Kyle explains:
NARA contacted DOJ and the Intel Community and said we have a potential spillage and mishandling of records and possible destruction of records. When that happens there is supposed to be a DAMAGE ASSESSMENT, with how much damage could be done to people, to agencies, to the intel community, Nat’l Security. How much harm could come from this spillage of records and destruction of records.
That Assessment has not been provided in discovery to Trump’s team. That assessment is really important because it actually indicates what is the harm POTUS Trump might have done. They have accused Trump of doing all sorts of crazy things with these documents. Early on they accused him of trying to sell them….
I put this out on Gab–TY!
More to come. I take it in dribs and drabs thru the day.
I am 10 minutes in to Just Human #240: Smith Responds to Trump’s Motion To Compel Discovery + A Small Win in DC Case. (1 3/4 hours 🙄)
It is taking time because I am transcribing a lot of what Kyle says. He has been following these court cases closely so I value his opinion.
I greatly appreciate what you find & share for I cannot watch the long videos & also don’t process the info as thoroughly as you do. You help me understand more complex issues, & deeper history, than I’d ever do unprompted. TY!!!
You are very welcome!
I apreciate your taking the info and spreading it.
Doing my part is all. I can’t necessarily dig up the good stuff, or point out what’s crucial, but I can pass the info along, which I do regularly. What You are doing is the vital part!!! 🙂
THIS statement is what they are basing the defamation on?
Guilty of being White.
white privilege 😡
I hope he is pardoned by Trump along with a selected bunch of Jan 6ers. (Some are antifa)
Yes. & that cop, Derek Chauvin?, that didn’t kill George Floyd, who apparently killed himself with drugs 🙄
Yes, him too. He would be a great one to put in charge of the FIB. 😁
Sirius Cybernetics, Genuine People Personalities… (from HHGTTG)…
this skank NEEDS TO GO TO SOMALIA and get the hell out of CONGRESS!!!
ilhan says (in Somali) that she is in congress to make sure the interests of SOMALIA are advanced…she is not there as an AMERICAN
THAT is enough to revoke her citizenship and ship her back to her beloved SOMALIA.
Just think of ALL the illegals, who become citizens and then vote in someone who PROTECTS THE INTEREST OF THE MOTHERLAND instead of the USA. 🙄
This BITCH is the template.
let’s add this bit of info as well…
Federal authorities caught a terrorist at the U.S. southern border and released him into the country, where he roamed freely for nearly a year before being arrested in Minnesota just days ago, according to an internal federal memo exclusively obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.
The unnamed individual, who the memo only identifies as a member of the Somali terror group al-Shabaab, was released shortly after being caught illegally crossing the southern border near San Ysidro, California on March 13, 2023, according to the memo, which the DCNF is not publishing in order to protect the identity of a confidential source. The Terrorist Screening Center “deemed him a ‘mismatch’” after running his name through the terror watchlist, according to the memo, which was sent to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials.
However, on January 18, 2024, the Terrorist Screening Center “made a redetermination” that the individual was “a confirmed member of al-Shabaab” and was involved in the use, manufacture or transport of explosives or firearms, the memo states. Two days later, ICE nabbed the al-Shabaab member in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
They are using NAMES???
Are you F..cking kidding me? How about FACIAL RECOGNITION… Oh yeah that is reserved for MAGA Americans. (I would add /s except it is not.)
Rep. Ilhan ELMI “Omar” is in the United States for two reasons only:
First, to help conquer the United States for ISLAM.
Second, to “expand” the borders of Somalia to “include” the United States.
That translation didn’t write “Minnesota” at least Two times that I heard her say it…hmmm
House Committee on Homeland Security will vote on impeachment articles tomorrow. About time. The only Cabinet official in U.S. history ever to be impeached was William Belknap, the secretary of war under President Ulysses Grant. Belknap’s 1876 impeachment was related to bribery allegations and occurred after he had already resigned.
In a couple of nut shells…
GOOD GRIEF, by the time this Dog & Pony show FINALLY concludes, the 2024 election will have already taken place.
You’ve got it.
Taylor Lorenz just a few days ago was crying in her beer about journalists getting laid-off
I thought she was this witch and it looks like I was correct.
April 19, 2022
Taylor Lorenz slammed as ‘hypocrite’ for ‘doxxing’ ‘Libs of TikTok’ creator
Remember the presentation that Yours Truly made a few days ago regarding the Denver Health medical staff getting injected with an experimental LIVE EBOLA VIRUS “vaccine” that “sheds” at least 31% of the time? More developments:
Yours Truly: First, the Denver Health medical staff article:
This “vaccine” is called ERVEBO. ERVEBO is a live, attenuated, RECOMBINANT “vaccine.” Yours Truly can find NO reports stating if the Denver Health medical staff who were injected with ERVEBO were then isolated or quarantined for the observed 28-day period where “shedding” of this “vaccine” can occur.
Second, the updates:
published 11 November 2023
There is a brand-new, almost $12 Million dollar “bat diseases research facility” being built in Fort Collins, CO (about 65 miles south of Denver) to study bat-zoonotic diseases (diseases that can spread from bats to humans.) This new facility will also study the Ebola virus, the Nipah virus, and other dangerous viruses.
Colorado State University (CSU), the NIH / NIAID, and EcoHealth Alliance are collaborating to build the facility. EcoHealth Alliance received an NIH grant for their part in the collaboration. The NIH / NIAID awarded $6.7 Million of the total amount in October 2021. Construction of the facility is expected to be completed this year.
IMO, it would appear that the NIH / NIAID, CSU, and EcoHealth Alliance are in the process of building a “Wuhan Institute of Virology clone” right here in the United States.
Added to
Under your first comment and Wolfie’s reply.
Gail Combs
Thank you.
$12 million??? That’s barely enough to build a couple of City Halls, let alone a lab.
Agreed, $12 Million does sound like “K-Mart Blue Light Special.” However, it could be that this new facility is planned to be a “small-scale” one. (IMO, to “sneak it in under the radar” in creating a mini-Wuhan Institute of Virology in the United States.)
Well, they could be cutting back on the frills. Such as sterile rooms, secure toxic waste disposal containers, etc.
Rumor has it they will barely meet the standards of the Gosnell clinic, in order to come in under budget.
You’ve got to be kidding!
Taylor Swift tops list of endorsements Biden wants for 2024: Joe’s campaign looking to lock in superstar and her 279 million Instagram followers for re-re-election bid focused on Trump’s threat and abortion rights
Looks like Bye,Dung is looking for 279 Million votes… 😆
Well if it isn’t a pic of a donkey party thinktank meeting.
There was a horrifying pro-abortion FJB ad during one of the NFL games yesterday. A female OB/GYN doc who was a “loving” mother of several kids got pregnant & discovered that the baby she wanted to love & welcome was instead a fetus w/ some “incompatible with life” defect/disease & because of evil Trump & Texas she would be prevented from exercising her “right” to end the horror of a defective pregnancy. It was Revolting 😡
What BULLSCHIFF! If you truly want an abortion you hop on a plane and go to a Pro-Abortion state, ESPECIALLY IN HER FINANCIAL STRATA!
Yep. Killing the “defective” is/was a Nazi specialty–unapologetic Evil!
And what about the GOD-GIVEN RIGHT TO LIFE for the baby?????
DEMONRATS gotta DEMON… their Satanic “Sacrifices” will find them, and take them back to HELL…..
not soon enough 🙁
Considering that Swifties almost live in their smartphones, they better pardon that guy who joked about voting for HRC online.
Because the only way they’ll get most Swifties to vote is if it’s on their phones.
makes millions singing about her bad choices in men…
endorses Joe Biden.
the end is near
after 21 failures, a self aware person would consider THEY themselves are the problem
We don’t know for sure if she is self-aware. But somebody should feed her history into Chat GBT and see what AI ‘thinks’ about it.
Afterwards will ChatGBT be another song about somebody doing her wrong?
You just have to love the hidden commonality; or continuity if you wish.
I hope it goes viral.
Tie me kangaroo down, sport…
Tan me hide when I’m dead, Fred
Tan me hide when I’m dead
So we tanned his hide when he died, Clyde
And that’s it hangin’ on the shed!
Are you talking about Biden? I thought he was already mummified.
he just looks that way.
hunter keeps stealing all the moisturizer…you know… for his photo shoots
That brings back an old old memory.
currently cannot watch videos here. can someone please tell me is this is accurate??
January 29, 2024 10:16 am
Johnny Maga
Omg. E. Jean Carroll is going to use some of the $83M awarded to her to help Biden win reelection
The communist scum planned on this all along. Take obscene amounts of money from Trump & use it to help Biden
Ain’t gonna happen!
FIRST she has to GET the $$$. That is NOT EASY. Also Trump can certainly appeal given all that has come out about this KANGAROO COURT.
oh agree…I just wanted to know if she actually said that
i hope he ties her up in court for years
she sounds like the type who’d like being tied up 😮
People are used to stringing her
upalong…..It’s actually a case of eminent domain by unusual [unauthorized] means. Purpose is to obtain property without proper compensation.
Verse of the Day for Monday, January 29, 2024
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
From the above:
If true, that changes the whole narrative…
Initial reports indicate an attack this morning on the US patrol base of Al-Shaddadi in northeastern Syria. (I have to assume this is near the Deir Ezzor oil fields that the US has been stealing oil from and which ISIS was used to lay siege on for over four years)
Boris Rozhin clarifies that the number of wounded U.S. soldiers at the al-Tanf base in Syria has risen to 34.
Headline news [SRN or Fox – can’t remember] reported that the drone got through air defenses because it was mistaken for a Predator due to return at that time.
Which means: [1] that a sentry screwed up [fell asleep or incompetent for job]; or [2] there is no ‘knock knock’ system in place or the enemy knows the ‘knock knock’ code.
Iran has had one of our drones for years [thanks, jugears].
It was SRN headline news. Did not say Predator; just ‘drone’. My apologies.
I think he is making too much out of his observations. He should have ASKED the guards WHY they are not defending those points. Perhaps nobody NEEDS to be there now.
National File put it up on line this morning. The site crashed and only in the last 30 minutes has it come on line, but when you go there it wants to lead you a 112 page pdf of material from the diary itself, however that is still offline.
Just came back on line.
Still Offline.” title=”Alleged Ashley Biden Diary – Full Release NF-WM Rev2
Correction. Second Url is now functioning. I think I had used the full hyperlink and stuff after the quotations in my first attempt.
Dear San Francisco 49ers,
I know we’ve all been roasting your city for years, but I am offering a 2 week truce
No more jokes about poop on the streets and open air drug markets
No calling out the record levels of homelessness that magically disappeared for 3 days to welcome a Communist dictator
None of that
For 2 weeks, 99% of America will be 49ers fans but in return you MUST defeat the Chiefs
If you don’t, Mr. Pfizer and his girlfriend are going to tour the country as “world champions” helping elect Joe Biden
WW3 will likely follow in a 2nd Biden term and millions will die
The fate of the free world rests upon your shoulders
No pressure
Kinda like Chaos theory using sand piles. Meanwhile someone has been busy eroding our foundations and framework. You know the stuff that would be left standing after a major event and the stuff that would minimize if not prevent a major collapse. Makes that butterfly in Brazil all the more dangerous.
I like the ones with lipstick.
take with a grain of salt, but i have my suspicions this is true
I believe it. Remember the LOWERED THE STANDARDS on the heart test for pilots!
I refused to fly the instant they installed TSA screenings.
Now I have to thank Shrub for doing that for me.
I quit at that point too.
Any independent confirmation of this?
That appears to be a gate and it may well be opened fora reason. Example there were many mexican villages along the border that regularly come to the US during the day to work and return home to mexico at night. Likely one of those?
Of course it’s open for a reason. We’re just trying to find out if anybody thinks it’s a good reason. 😂
If it’s wide open for longer than 10 minutes it sure seems like there would be a trickle or torrent of illegals and their massive litter on the ground but ??
Which kind of implies the events at Shelby Park are optics being run by one side or the other, or conceivably by both sides though I find it hard to think that all these other governors would play along with such nonsense, unless we are playing the optics game back against them because we have superior messaging?
It looks like a wooden fence.
You are correct. It looks like a farm/ranch road.
Sure looks like ‘no trespassing’ signs on the gates.
I may not be seeing right but couldn’t someone go under it , it doesn’t go to the ground
On the left side thru the fence you can see a house.
This is Trump’s border wall.
false bravado or did he grow a spine?
I think there is some political behind the scenes maneuvering. He is much better than McCarthy.
Yes, to both.
It’s like the wife beater that after he blackens his wife’s eye the next day brings flowers?
( but the beatings will continue once we say how pretty the flowers are )
likely closer to the truth. We’ll have to keep an eye on both of these clowns. Lankford was on some show yesterday defending his bill. He’s not finished.
Senator Lankford Defends Controversial Bill Allowing Entry to Illegal Immigrants and Funding Two Wars Thousands of Miles Away Jim Hᴏft Jan. 29, 2024 7:45 am 571 Comments
Meanwhile there was this BS.
whoops… forgot the link.
Is Lankford’s head really that big? Almost looks like its a bad paste job, but he’s the one that posted it. Maybe he was never there?
We certainly are a suspicious group, aren’t we? 😆
suspicious makes us sound quirky.
we are skeptical. that makes us sound…uh…less quirky
Quirky +skepticism= paranoid!
Just because you’re paranoid does not mean they’re not out to get you.
Looks like some of the furniture store ads I get anymore, where they just Photoshop some pictures of models onto their furniture, or into their kitchens, etc. …
Gives a whole new meaning to “pardon me for dropping in”…. 🙂
Also has to add that Johnson is using Lankford’s same talking points in that tweet that you will hear in the video of him defending his monstrosity.
Thing Lankford would have you miss though is that this is just providing a new and improved protective shield for the current invasion. (“See now everyone is coming across legally in an orderly process” is not a solution. The border needs to close.)
have they offered an explanation of how they’ll be able to tally 5000 per day when there’s how many ports or entry?
If there’s 5000 in Tx and 2000 in Az and 4000 in Ca and some up by Canadian border…who gets to come in ?
Is Mexico going to shrug their shoulders about having a logjam of nomads hanging around for days/weeks until it was their turn?
IMHO…they’re gaslighting us. No way a finite number of any size will be held to. The govt is already an inept business model. They’re spinning a fantasy and nobody questions the details
We already have a LAW! ENFORCE IT PERIOD!
Definitly. It’s like moving big turtle shell right up to the border and then hard shelling it so any observation or inquiry bounces right off it with message back that everything is above board and legal. There legalizing the invasion.
This is fun
SICK: Texas Democrat Posts Tweet Seemingly Calling for Bombing American Citizens Who Support Texas Against the Biden Regime Over the Border – Conservatives Respond Cullen Linebarger Jan. 29, 2024 11:00 am 730 Comments
Would his replacement be any better?
There are senators who would be vastly better, but what are the chances one of those better ones would get the job?
yeah, Right! MORE votes stolen from the Marxist Radicals.
That is a really good meme.
h/t Filly!
she finds good ones!
I miss filly!
I’ll let her know
Let the rumors start.
Jan 6th Fedsurrection???
Could be anything, but the only thing we know about is what Ivan Raiklin wants congress to pursue. So this sounds like it could be a clean up operation to get there before congress.
Any idea if anyone in congress has asked for all documents from House Sergeant of Arms be served?
Loudermilk activities?
Wait! Ivan talks about it here as breaking news. receives the news
Sounds like Congress did not heed his prodding on this issue. Still listening but he’s moving on to other things.
not sure how razorback got in there. time stamp is 14:45 News was new to him.
The blasted wordpiss does that to me with times all the time and I have to go back and correct.
Department of just us…
Update: Biden DOJ Serves House Sergeant at Arms with Grand Jury Subpoena – House Democrat Under Investigation For Misusing Govt Money Cristina Laila Jan. 29, 2024 3:00 pm 556 Comments
If we can find out the scope of the subpoena then we’d have a better idea. Right now assuming this AMERICA: FIRST & FOREMOST has the right take.
Some are assuming it’s about Cori Bush.

We’ll know better if this open investigation walls of the Sergeant of Arms office going all the way back prior to J6.
If that is the case it will be sad Congress has failed to take Ivan’s reports seriously enough to act before DOJ. Aburgines Razor type sad.
Yes, very sad that in America, we assume criminality by the Department of Justice.
Another Video by JustHuman (Kyle) about the Trump trials.
Just Human #240: Smith Responds to Trump’s Motion To Compel Discovery + A Small Win in DC Case
This is the first part. It deals with the DC case. The case was scheduled for March 4th.
As you can see the case was designed to have the MAXIMUM IMPACT on the primary elections. HOWEVER the case was appealed by Trump. Jack Smith desperately wants to keep ON SCHEDULE for obvious reasons.
Onto Kyle’s take on the Trump cases.
Again a rough transcript.
Footnote 14 – Nunes Memo
“…Why were NARA, the Special Counsel’s office and the FBI referencing the Nunes Memo just before indicting POTUS?…”
Kyle now thinks they were after the Crossfire Hurricane binder, Iran Plan and another Document when they raided Mar-a-Lago. The crossfire hurricane binder is what he thinks they are referring to as ‘Missing’
“…That is very typical of Trump to have his enemies chase him for something that he wants to be exposed. Such as his Taxes…”
“…There are 9 marked classified Docs at issue but there are 700 pages. Jon Solomon [Just the News] had a copy of the Crossfire hurricane binder [which meant it was DECLASSIFIED -GC] started making copies and then got a call from [Trump] White house to bring it back because DOJ wanted to do ‘privacy act Redactions [Did DURHAM get a copy? GC] I wonder if Jon Solomon gave copies to Trump who took them to Mar-a-Lago.
“…I am also thinking the FBI did not search the SCIF. There is Info that they did not search one area.” Kyle thinks they did not search the SCIF because they did not want the Grand Jury to know there WAS a SCIF. “They left out any mention of any type of secure facility at Mar-a-lago to maintain the perception that Mar-a-lago was not a secure place.
They have made a big deal about the events per year the number of rooms for guest to stay, that it is a commercial business… They wanted the Grand Jury and a jury at trial to think Mar-aLago was a insecure place. Trump tried to get the SCIF {remember it is NEW as of his Presidency] recertified under the Biden Admin DOD. The recertification is the GOV’T saying whether it is up to standards and meets requirements to meet certain levels.
Many businesses and billionaires have SCIFs and secure work environments as a matter of course so they can discuss their multi-million dollar deals or technology since