UK Gov Stats Show COVID Vaccines Don’t Protect Against Death by Delta Scariant

Don't Believe Me? The Links are Right Here. OK, people - I'm being conservative here. There MAY be evidence of immune enhancement in the UK data, but I'm not seeing it. What I am seeing, however, is that - viewed very roughly - deaths from COVID in the UK are now pretty much independent of … Continue reading UK Gov Stats Show COVID Vaccines Don’t Protect Against Death by Delta Scariant

Strategery: Softening Up GCHQ With Edward Snowden

As part of a new, long-term theme like the "VLWC" (Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy) series, I'm going to help people see long-term commie moves with a "Strategery" series. I love stealing this word, because the people in the Bush camp who adopted it as their version of "Deplorables" clearly had little understanding of the long-term strategy … Continue reading Strategery: Softening Up GCHQ With Edward Snowden