The above image of vintage pharmacy bottles for medicinal cordials is courtesy of Wikipedia.
Today’s post is one of a series, Health Friday, related to Big Pharma, vaccines, general health, and associated topics. However, the discussion in these posts is not limited to what is presented: it is an Open Thread.
To begin, there are Important Wolf Moon Notifications, with a couple of extra items:
Free speech is practiced here. “Use it or lose it.”
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Civil discussion is practiced here. The excellent and timely Rules of our late, good Wheatie prevail:
One: No food fights.
Two: No running with scissors.
Three: If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
Please follow the added guidelines from our good Wolf Moon. Please do not give the modern-day version of Cato the Elder the opportunity to show “enmity” to the board.
The extra items:
What Yours Truly presents in this series, as in her previous blog posts for this board, is not medical advice — they are opinions and hypotheses based on her over 4 1/2 years (and continuing) of reading about, researching about, and writing about “all things COVID”, Big Pharma, and other health topics. Readers are encouraged to consult a healthcare practitioner regarding health concerns or conditions.
Today’s offering for Health Friday is one of a “slightly different path” — it regards Medicinal Cordials. It is a fascinating history that traces at least as far back to Italy during the 15th and 16th Centuries (the Renaissance period.) At that time, medicinal cordials were created and sold by apothecaries (what would now be called Pharmacists.) The craft spread quickly among western European countries (France, Spain, Germany, and England.) Medicinal cordials were originally used to “release” diseases from the body of the patient; to assist in the “renewal” of the diseased body, mind, and spirit; and, to “renew the natural heat” of the body. There were medicinal cordials that had flecks of gold. crushed pearls, or crushed coral added to them, as these items were thought to “assist” the mechanism of the drink. Medicinal cordials eventually “evolved” along two paths: One, into what became “patent medicines”; and, Two, into what are now called “digestifs” and non-medicinal cordials or liqueurs. A “separate” path of development produced a kind of “medicinal beer.” Some medicinal cordials had no alcoholic content at all; others had varying amounts of alcohol content. Some medicinal cordials were made from flowers and spices; others contained herbs and wood derivatives; still others were made of only from herbs and spices. They were (and, along with their modern-day versions of liqueurs, still are), distinct from “fortified wines”, such as Sherry or Vermouth; and, from certain other types of “alcohol + derived ingredient drinks”, such as Ouzo. There are “modern-day” types of “medicinal cordials” available: for example, https://texasmedicinals.com/, which produces and sells various cordials tinctures and elixirs made of flowers, herbs, and spices.
Certain orders of Roman Catholic monks were also involved in the making and providing of medicinal cordials. The famous cross between a medicinal cordial and a “digestif”, D.O.M. Benedictine, was first created by the Benedictine monks at the Abbey of Fecamp, France, in 1510. A French merchant, Alexandre Le Grand, found the original recipe in 1863 (it had been considered lost), and eventually recreated it as the drink sold today. Please see: https://wineanthology.com/1943-benedictine-dom-liqueur. The current product is no longer strictly a “medicinal cordial”, but is a liqueur. The exact ingredients are a secret, but the mixture is believed to contain hyssop, juniper, aloe, and cinnamon, among others. Please see: www.catalystplanet.com/travel-and-social-action-stories/2022/04/12/5-alcoholic-drinks-made-by-european-monks.
Then, there is Chartreuse, first created by the Carthusian monks of the Grande Chartreuse Monastery near Grenoble, France. A blend of distilled alcohol and 130 other ingredients (herbs and flowers among them), it is also no longer strictly a “medicinal cordial”, but a liqueur. (However, along with D.O.M. Benedictine, Chartreuse is still considered to have medicinal properties.) Chartreuse is available in “yellow” or “green” hues, which are different in their alcohol content. Please see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chartreuse_(liqueur). There is also a version available, Chartreuse Vegetal, that is 138-Proof (www.luekensliquors.com/), search “Chartreuse Vegetal.” There are some websites that claim to have the ingredients of the recipe for Chartreuse; other websites have instructions on how to create a kind of “clone” of the recipe.
The Christian Brothers (originally, the De La Salle Christian Brothers), another Roman Catholic religious order of monks, began to grow and produce wines in the Martinez area of California around 1880. They expanded to include vineyards and wineries in the Napa Valley. They now produce altar wines for use in the Mass, and certain types of Brandy. They do not produce medicinal cordials or liqueurs. Please see: www.montlasallealtarwines.com/forms/MLS_History.pdf.
Drambuie, a whisky-based liqueur made in Scotland, is thought to have been created by “Bonnie Prince Charlie” (Prince Charles Edward Stewart) in 1745. A blend of malt whisky, honey, herbs, and spices, it was used as a medicinal cordial. The modern-day product is a Scottish whisky-based liqueur. Please see: www.thespruceeats.com/drambuie-liqeueur-profile-and-cocktals-760270.
Among other types of liqueurs, there are ones made of mostly flower or flower-herb bases. Some of these were originally used as “medicinal cordials.” Modern-day examples are: Vespetro (Italy); Becherovka Original (Czech Republic); St.-Germain Elder Flower Liqueur (France); and, American Elderberry Cordial (Missouri; no alcohol.)
And, yes, there is a kind of “medicinal beer” — Trappist beer, made by Trappist (Cistercian) monks. There are only a handful of Trappist monasteries that brew authentic Trappist beer or ale; they are governed by the International Trappist Association (ITA.) The recipe, a secret known only to a few of the monks, is thought to include herbs and spices. There is a “light” and a “dark” version of Trappist beer or ale (https://beerconnoisseur.com/articles/almighty-trappist-ale.) It is thought that the brew contains certain spices, such as cinnamon and coriander, in the mixture. For persons interested in making a “home-brew Trappist-style version” of the product, please see: https://beersmith.com/blog/2010/09/01/trappist-dubbel-and-tripel-recipes/.
However, there was a “darker side” to medicinal cordials — those that were used to quiet restless or ill babies and children. These were actually “patent medicines”; two such products were “Godfrey’s Cordial” and “Dalby’s Carminative.” They were used in England and the United States during the 18th and early 19th Centuries. The main ingredient of each of these “cordials” was opium — “Godfrey’s Cordial” had one ounce of opium for each two ounces of the product; “Dalby’s Carminative” contained 1/4 ounce of opium for each two ounces of the product. The number of babies and children who died from taking these products is not known. In addition, there was the original recipe for “Creme de Noyaux”, from Yvelines, France. This “cordial”, made from apricot or peach kernels, or cherry pits, could accumulate trace amounts of hydrogen cyanide (a poison.) The longer this “cordial” was kept in storage, the greater the potential for the hydrogen cyanide to accumulate and collect at the top of the bottle — an unsuspecting imbiber could be badly poisoned upon taking a glass of it. The recipe was re-formulated a few years ago by the Tempus Fugit company to remove all traces of the poison. (This formulation would appear to be the “safest” for Creme de Noyaux.)
There are sources online that can assist interested persons who wish to create cordials or liqueurs at home. One source is here: https://theherbalacademy.com/. Another source (which also has a history of medicinal cordials) is here: https://traditionalroots.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Herbal-Cordials-and-Liqueurs-2_16.pdf, by Glen Nagel, ND (Naturopathic Doctor.) Here is an image of an Alembic Still, used to create home-made cordials or liqueurs (courtesy of Glen Nagel):

Interested persons should note that taking modern-day “versions” of medicinal cordials or liqueurs does not replace consulting a healthcare practitioner regarding health concerns; also, they should also investigate ingredients in home-made “medicinal cordials or liqueurs” to make sure none of them would interact with any prescription drugs, OTC drugs, and/or other herbals that the person is already taking. For example, the Gentian used in this home-made herbal “cordial” can interact with prescription drugs for high blood pressure, as Gentian is may lower blood pressure (www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-716/gentian, click on “Interactions.”)
Cordials glasses are usually small and hold no more than 2 to 4 ounces of the cordial. They are used to serve the drink at room temperature or chilled, and usually without other items mixed in. Some types of cordials glasses are also used to serve liqueurs. An example of vintage cranberry red cordials glasses is below, courtesy of https://rustedlove.com/:

Due to the varying alcohol content of cordials or liqueurs, and to their unique flavors, the modern-day versions of these products are often added to mixed drinks.
Ad Salutem Tuam!
Good Energy, Peace, Respect: PAVACA
If it’s an open thread, shouldn’t that be reflected somewhere in the title?
[just poking you in the ribs 😂 ]
Thank you! Fixed it.
Am still on the WP “learning curve.”
It could be worse. Remember…
Or even:
(scary thought, liquid sodium raining down…)
I think you should tease them and label a thread “closed” just for fun.
Interesting open!
I mentioned this before, but Becherovka can help with coughs when mixed with lemon juice and honey.
Thank you!
Too bad there isn’t a medicinal cordial to help with a broken tooth—Yours Truly goes to the dentist today to have one repaired.
That’s no fun! I hope all goes well.
I don’t suppose laudanum qualifies as a medicinal cordial. It did have some “interesting” ingredients though.
Thank you. I don’t believe laudanum was a medicinal cordial. It was what may be called a “solution” (in pharmaceutical terms) of a drug. For example, paroxetine is also available in solution (liquid) form, in add to their tablet and powder capsule forms.
Interestingly enough, laudanum was heavily used by Princess Helena, one of Queen Victoria’s daughters.
”If you’re not part of the solution, then you’re part of the precipitate” lol
I read that and thought for a moment it was Steve. 🤓
That was a precipitate judgment on your part.
It’ll all come out in the wash.
I am glad I wasn’t drinking when I read that…
That is horrible. I hope they can save the tooth with just a cap.
If they have to pull it make sure the put in bone powder to help the jaw heal correctly. That way you do not end up with a possible ‘dry socket’ and you have the good foundation for a bone implant ‘tooth’
Gail Combs
Thank you. My first thought was to have the tooth either filled or capped. I don’t want it pulled.
It’s only a question of how much you want to spend.
PAVACA, do all you can to save the tooth!
I had 2 molars pulled and it is a royal PAIN. Luckily I still have good teeth on the other side of my jaw.
(We do not have the money for an implant at this time.)
So can rot gut peach brandy. But I quibble …
This is the funniest one I’ve seen yet…😂
I would wear one of those! 😅
Thank you for this.
The dogs understand the import of what POTUS45 is saying!
oh yeah !
Try to eat THIS cat, Haitians! Voodoo won’t save you from this guy.
New moniker – Kamala Crime. Use it anytime a family safe epithet is needed. 🙂
Here’s the bait…
Here’s the bait…
Here’s the bait…
IMO, it was the closing argument PT so eloquently made, reiterating his earlier point of the debate (paraphrasing):
She could do all of that now, if that was her intent, go to DC and the Capitol and make it happen. But she won’t now, and she won’t if you elect her.
Fish, or cut bait, b*tch. Everyone gets that point.
Good heavens.
Pretty down-to-earth, coming from a fairy-winged sillygirl like her.
Springfield Cat woman: “I WATCHED them catch, kill and EAT my cat!”
DNC: ” No, No, you are just hallucinating….”
Marianne walks in worlds I have walked in myself. She is strange, but she knows about things that normies don’t understand.
Voodoo is very real. It is practiced in Haiti, and to some extent in Louisiana in the U.S. Most people don’t understand much about it, but there are things in it that make my hair stand on end.
I refuse to call it Vodou as they do. I will not give the practice any validity or seriousness. Voodoo it is, to me.
I am considering writing about it as a stand-alone post. Should I? It is very disturbing.
Thank you. I’d say, Go for it and write the post.
maybe some warning for those who don’t want to know some parts?
We talk about late-term baby murder here.
We’re sort of used to disgusting things.
Voodoo isn’t just disgusting. It is spiritually disturbing and downright scary.
when I lived in Jamaica (resident artist) for 13+ yrs, I “experienced” some of how it can impact ppl’s lives, if not targeted specifically toward any one individual..
in JA, it’s referred to as Obeah.
driving thru certain small isolated villages, for example, deep into the interior of the island, way off from the tourist beach towns, I was warned by my local driver that the area was known for its practice of voodoo, and we wouldn’t be lingering too long there …sure enough, while entering & driving around, I began to feel a pronounced heaviness within my spirit…a sense of malaise or extreme discomfort…a menacing vibe…without even getting out of the car or speaking to anyone there…I felt like I needed to get outa there asap, and we did, too….really weird…
and it can be “worked” within certain business establishments, as another example, in such a way that ppl feel drawn into the business establishment even though, normally, they’d have absolutely no interest in it or any intention to go there at all.
it’s illegal in JA, and frowned upon by most (educated, Christian) Jamaicans….but some locals still practice it, secretly.
you can def pick up on a very bad negative vibe if you happen to be around them.
that’s one of the reasons Jamaicans are usually very fussy about what they eat, especially from strangers…
…for fear of being hexed by black magic food.
the thing is, you never want to act as though you’re afraid of it…that gives it the power, supposedly…and if you’re Christian, you’re covered by The Blood of Christ (very important)…but, at the same time, it’s best to not expose yrself to it…it’s not something to be even “a little” curious about.
some of it is fake….fake “witch doctors” extorting money off of illiterate uneducated backward ppl, out of fear & paranoia…
but some of it is real.
and it is also very prevalent in the USA, particularly Chicago & New Orleans.
you def do not want ppl who practice any form of black magic into yr home, yr yard, on yr front porch, cleaning yr house, living next door, teaching yr kids, feeding your pets, etc etc.
Very interesting!
That right there is the sort of gem info we get in the Qtree. 🤗
One of my college friends described sensing dark “principalities & powers” as she drove across parts of the US 30+ years ago. She was a missionary kid, American, but raised in Uruguay, iirc.
My husband sensed dark, oppressive forces when driving through New York state a couple years back. The kingdom of darkness cannot overcome the Kingdom of Light but it will push boundaries 🙁
Some things happened to me when I lived the mountains near Santa Cruz, Ca which at that time people claimed was a portal for occult type things. It was so disturbing that I rarely will recount the things that happened. It was real so I never take chances with negative bad or whatever named forces by reading or speaking aloud of their machinations. Each of us have our own limit of what we might think of as dangerous to ‘know’. My limit is to not know any more!
I’m sorry that you experienced these disturbing events & knowledge; may the Lord, cleanse, heal, & restore you body, mind, & soul.
I realize it is evil people using the cover of Christ’s Church to do the dirty. THAT is what makes me so angry.
A criminal who steals because they are left no choice, is an entirely different situation. Or even a straight up crook who is too lazy to work. They I find more ‘honest’
Yes the fleecing the flock types are beyond despicable. The “fallen” faithful, like Robert DuVall;s character in “The Apostle” are much more complex to comprehend & perhaps just a tad easier for we humans to forgive when we get some context…
evil invited in by practitioners
Please do. I’d read it. But if it’s as disturbing as you say, perhaps not as a daily.
Well, I don’t do dailies, so don’t worry about that!
personally…FWIW…I would not do a full post on it…
why ?
because curiosity can be a portal thru which demonic energy can enter.
that’s one reason why exposing children to seemingly “innocent” storybooks, animated features etc that deal with any of that (Harry Potter and others…Disney…) is very risky.
posting informative links, maybe, ok-ish…but, again, why dwell on any of that ?
why risk that malevolent exposure ?
I agree w/ These Truths comment…
I am hesitant. I may not write it. Studying the occult really is dangerous, and requires spiritual protection at all times.
I agree with what others have said. It would be interesting but also disturbing. I will not urge you to write about it and let it be your choice whether you want to go there. On the one hand I don’t want to dwell on such things, but on the other hand it’s good to be aware of what people are doing.
For me it is a simple awareness, that I lack and prolly should have.
Before I learned of the 20,000 Haitians flown in by Briben AND Kakala, along with Springfield, I would have zero interest.
Given Spirit Cooking and Podesta, the Church of Satan popping up of late and my personal encounters with a very nasty self-proclaimed witch…
I think we really need to KNOW what is invading our country.
THIS, is my drive to
wantneeding a better understanding.Over at CTH on page 3 or 4 I think there’s a real life video of a Haitian ( looks like IN Haiti) casually standing on the street killing a small cat and drinking it’s blood.
These things are important to know, seeing is believing, because the DemCom narrative is that these things don’t happen. They’re so dumb that they think importing this or any other group that have a completely different culture that it magically goes away once they step foot in the USA.
Yes…knowing what’s invading by invitation. Plus the invitation includes money, and all the other perks. It’s infuriating.They’re allowed driving privileges probably never having driven a car in their lives. Can’t read the road signs, might as well give licenses to middle school kids ..it’s probably safer.
3rd world Haitians with all of their ingrained fetishes and habits
3rd world El Salvadorans with MS13 ties
3rd world Venezuelans straight out of prison
3rd world Muslims never assimilating
3rd world Sudanese and other Africaners
The list is endless. They. were recruited by OUR own govt, paid for by our govt through NGOS.
It’s no wonder that they had BLM add on the and brown people to their demands. Funny because most of us probably figured it was the Hispanics that have come in and out for decades…looks like “they” were already anticipating their next phase of population replacement.
“OUR cabal owned AND controlled commie coupster govt” fify
seems appropriate for Friday the 13th…curiosity killed the cat.
Lol, I hadn’t thought of that!
Or some Haitians.
Pleas do write that article. We NEED as much info as possible to be used as weapons against the Darkness.
I have used pointers to your article on Fauci’s mass graves in that NY Cemetery.
I think I am going to write something, but not what I was going to write originally.
whatever you feel comfortable sharing.
Yes. When you have the time, write the article.
Having read the other comments, two thoughts.
1 First paragraph, a warning, caution of sorts. Folks may want to skip it all, or simply be aware, there may be a desire to exit the article.
2 If you are comfortable AND have the time, please do write the article.
This is a timely topic, though dark, so handle with wisdom & prayer but absolutely Go For It!!!
Make it so!
you’re on fire today!
As I have been saying, but not nearly so well as this meme! Awesome!
Who is Taylor Swift’s target audience, junior-high girls? I don’t know what the big deal is. But it’s good to hear her be “honest” in this video. 😅
That’s her best record to date. LOL
From the label:
LwC Studios “take It Off” Comedy Matters LwC Records
And even THAT is a TROLL on LWC Studios — a Latino WOKE podcast.
Tweets by LWCstudios
AND Comedy Matters is
LwC Studios already disappeared from Twitter it seems 🙁
i forgot that!
or your goose is cooked !
Ok, you’re killing me! That’s stand-up worthy, right there.
Very interesting PAVACA. In reading along it seems I need a decoder ring for all the different forms of alcohol-based liquids out there…complicated business 🙂
It doesn’t even have to be alcohol-based liquids.
Take green tea and black tea, for instance. Made from the same leaves of the same plant.
Black tea is, for want of a more complicated explanation, partially composted. This makes for a less bitter tea that can deliver serious caffeine.
Green tea can deliver more caffeine and EGCG ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epigallocatechin_gallate ), but can be very bitter to drink.
Learn something new every day, here at QTree.
Thank you. Yours Truly drinks decaf green tea with honey and lemon juice.
i drink mine with just honey.
Hubby buys cases of Arizona green tea with honey which has a nice, light flavor & the bottles are easy to grab & go for work & life 🙂
I would worry that the decaffeination process would remove the goodies we want in our tea. I use Decaf black tea late at night, but it always tastes like the tea bag was already used once!
That is why I looked into the amount of caffeine in the different types of tea. I generally go with white tea if I am drinking it after noon.
I also found adding Magnesium and Melatonin at night helps me sleep well
Mg Citrate = bowel mover
Mg Malate = Pain reducer & energy enhancer
Mg glycinate = muscle relaxer, sleep enhancer, & detoxifier
Mg threonate =brain booster
Mg taurate = Most of above.
Decaffeinated Teas: An Explanation On How Caffeine Is Removed
“…..Now we get into the “meat and potatoes” of this article to discover just how true teas (black, green, yellow, oolong, white) have most of its caffeine removed. It’s rather fascinating and something a scientist could sink their teeth into!
Decaffeination is a process that alters the chemical composition of a true tea. Many raised eyebrows go up about now because of the mention of “chemical.” There are four standard methods to reduce caffeine in true teas.
The site then goes into details.
HMMMMm I thought Caffeine was:
Black tea — the most
White — the least.
That website lists a whole variety of different teas besides those 4.
As long as it’s not human composted. 😝
very interesting, TY 🙂
Valerie Curren
Thank you.
On the other hand, there may be “another approach” — concoct a few gallons of “bathtub gin”, as my maternal grandmother helped to do during Prohibition (according to “family lore.”)
I have a cookbook called “Old Timey Recipes”. it includes recipes for parsnip wine, home brew and moonshine.
pat frederick
Wow, just Wow.
it’s pretty cool. although it’s a soft cover bound book, the recipes are not typed–they all look handwritten. i don’t think there’s a recipe in there that calls for margarine…it’s always butter.
and there’s things i never heard of–corn cob jelly? pickled spinish (that’s the way it’s spelt)
All Yankees think we Southerners talk funny.
Might as well spell funny, too.
We’ve had learn how to home brew stuff on the back burner for post-apocalyptic survival, at least in theory, for a while now 😉 😉
I was meaning that all the different terms probably have Specific Meanings & I find myself wanting to understand the differences. It’s one of my idiosyncrasies where I want to Know what things Mean, for example “html” stands for “hyper text markup language” or RSVP is for “repondez s’il vous plait”, which is French for “respond if it pleases you” which we usually shorten to “please respond”…
Decoctions, elixirs, digestifs, tinctures, mead, ale, etc. it’s all partially Greek to me 🙂
Here’s the first hit on a Yandex search that dives into much of this 🙂
Here’s a helpful (to me) clip from above “aperitif (before dinner) or digestif (after dinner)”
In a quick scan of this link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_alcoholic_drinks they noted a number of Finnish types of alcohol, but not the ones my grandparents used to home brew, iirc, “cherry herring” & kiyafah (I have No idea how it’s spelled as I’ve only heard it spoken not seen the word written, it sounds like Key-ah-fuh to me) 😉
The wiki link has some helpful charts in case one is wanting to sort drinks by their source material. It doesn’t seem to go into the kind of “medicinals” in your opener.
This one has a number of helpful definitions too 🙂
i would be eager to learn more about family/folk lore as in natural remedies. i would like to be prepared in case it is ever prudent again NOT to visit doctors and urgent care centers.
You come from a long line of Freedom Fighters!!!
leftist political organization…with deep funding…
and there’s this…
Haitian Voter Fraud Uncovered In Springfield, Ohio
article link…
Not sure about y’all, but I’m thinking “military assistance in elections” may be necessary.
Videos already going up for the concert I was at tonight….
This is from closer to where I was sitting —
This was the first song after the intermission.
Danny Carey was AWESOME throughout the concert. He had all the skillz that Bruford had 40 years ago, but better matched to modern production techniques — he didn’t have to fight through what Bruford fought. He was clean, he was tight, and he was totally in command of dynamics……and it looks like he was having fun, even with his little run back up to the kit.
Sounds like yall had a good time!
Glad you had such an enjoyable experience!
You had good seats!
There were no bad ones. The capacity of the venue is only about 2800 people.
Fun on the campaign trail —
Reports had this in Grand Rapids, MI.
There’s that damn truth seeping out again. 😆
IMO this looks like the cover up is receiving the blessings of dick.
Look here squirrel, nothing says it better than when the other party is bashing the government agencies.
DaNang Dick…‘American People Will Be Shocked, Astonished and Appalled’…
^^^ It should do all of that. I, some or most of us know, it was a Failed Federal Hit Job.
Much truth will be hidden behind the Feds favorite Bullshit Bingo Lie.
We won’t get the truth until Trump is in the WH AND orders everything released.
…..and steamrollers the IC silos that try to keep the release from happening.
“Sources and methods” my sore ass.
Oh they’re sources and methods alright. Political sources and methods.
For those participating here, raise your hand if you did not know this within 48 hours of the event.
If you raised your hand, do better. You are a Qtreeper, excellence is required.
In mid-July a former POTUS running for the same office was shot in front of a large audience in attendance with one attendee killed and two others critically wounded on national TV – yet – we are just now getting dribbles from the controlled op establishment media and their controlled op connections in Congress – in mid-September.
About that shooting of President Trump, Chief. We will get right on that. 😂
This file will go in the same vault that contains those of JFK and RFK.
Is she the chick Cheatle was involved with, the one that the posters in her office commemorating their liaison were about? An epic multifaceted DEI fail 😜
PAVACA, great info, and I bet Aubergine 🍑 will like it as well. I have made tinctures, but then been afraid to try them in case I poison myself 🤣. However, DIY herbal healing is a topic in which I’m very interested (lol avoided a dangling preposition).
I am both too tired to do long-form comments and too keyed-up from the concert to do anything focused, but I do think that tinctures and decoctions and infusions should be discussed……tomorrow.
When you start getting into all the fancy things that humans have been doing with herbs, spices, minerals, foods, and medicines for centuries, it is quite amazing — especially as they didn’t know the right terms or underlying processes that they were messing with.
Yesterday’s discussion of malted barley is a prime example — this was being done long before the word or concept of “enzyme” existed.
Bless you for not ending in such a boorish manner. 😂
Lol, careful with the tinctures!
Seriously, I prefer to make one-medicinal-ingredient tinctures and concoctions of all kinds. That way, if you try them and have a reaction, you know what you reacted to.
You can always blend them later into a mixture you know is safe for you.
Science!!! It works – when you do it right!
For sure!
Looks like he was getting to close to the truth. Sounds familiar to what was going on in AZ.
Paging TB for comment.
Not cuz this includes TN. Story dovetails into TBs articles over the years.
Have only cracked a few opening lines, from link Brave and Free provided above.
The Director of the TBI, David Rauch, has been a patriot in the past. Best PD Chief in Knoxville probably ever, before his appointment to clean up and professionalize TBI. That PD was rated top three in the country in his time there and I have several friends who worked for him that still sing his praises. His integrity has never really been questioned by anybody I know about. He would have ordered the raid.
I think the linked story below explains what is probably much closer to the truth. The guy and some officers in the video may have gathered real evidence of what he states, but there is no way they would have the ability, resources and authority to investigate and prosecute it. If TBI is now compromised they will sweep it all under the rug and never make a full report on findings.
The Chicago to New Orleans mafia type criminal operations have been real for decades, perhaps a century or more. They use rural pockets of operatives to assist.
Sort of like moonshiners, is what you’re saying? Little rural pockets, sometimes called hollers?
If TBI is on the level, I’d think they would only need to ask for the information. Not resort to raids on PD and local Police Chief’s home.
Pissing contest between TBI and Millersville PD/Chief? Politics?
That is a huge step the Millersville PD Chief made, going public like this.
Use of mortgages to launder money…
I am bringing this up because Ivan Raiklin and Col Towers JUST BASHED Jackeline Breggor and Rep Liz Harris a month or so ago.
INSTEAD: Rep Liz Harris had a house Ethics Committee hearing march 2023 and was tossed out as Rep. IIRC she WON AGAIN in the follow-up election and they refused to seat her.
KEY POINT: “…In 2006, Us Attorney’s office in IL, ID and IN investigated…”
2024 – Ousted Legislator Liz Harris Redeemed with Election as RNC National Committeewoman for Arizona
BRAVE and Google BURIED breggor LINK
Dr David Clements, former New Mexico Deputy District Attorney said he say the same thing with the Cartels.
EXCLUSIVE: Brannon Howse Interviews Attorney John Thaler On Claim Politicians In U.S. Corrupted By Drug Cartel Money Laundering Scheme And Election Theft | Frank Speech the Home of Free Speech
Not just AZ.
And more:
Jon Harold was given a copy of: Preliminary Findings of Activities Impacting Arizona’s Election Integrity with Specific Focus on 2020 and 2022 General Elections
(Brian Cates was at the AZ hearing BTW)
@ 9:00 Jon shows the Deeds of Trust given Katie Hobbs
Devolution Power Hour #124 Featuring Patrick Gunnels, Just Human ( he delves into court cases) and Burning Bright.
🤔Fake deeds and trusts… pretty sure we’ve been here before. Some nice politican lady, names escape me at the moment for bringing this to the attention of these people before and because those people didn’t feel it was the proper place to deposit said information which were rather huge receipts they got her fired and everything was ignored. Guess were going to do that again then. 😮
Ahhh okay, sees it’s the same stuff. Vid dated Feb 2023.
YUP, I was just showing the repeating pattern.
If they keep trying to bury the info as it pops up in state after state, I find it more and more likely it is TRUE.
That was Rep Liz Harris and they went after her for ‘smearing’ the name of another politician — It is AGAINST the ETHICS of the politicians.
Notice they DID NOT go after the lawyer.
FWIW, we’ve known this for awhile, but at least he brings it up.
Thanks for brining this. The information should be on blast.
From the article.
Lott’s Crime Prevention Research Center found that of
Thank you.
The American Medical Association has an entire DEPARTMENT devoted to “The AMA Center for Health Equity.”
It appears that the AMA considers the Second Amendment to be a “threat to the public health and safety”; and, that this “threat” is connected to something it calls “health equity.”
Here’s just ONE of the AMA Continuing Education courses along this line:
“Embracing Public Safety and Health for Improved Firearm Violence Prevention”
One can either listen to the audio; or, scroll further down the page and click “Read Transcript.”
Thanks. Yea, AMA and quacks in general no friend of 2A
Looked at the article. This one caught my eye.
“Today, death by firearms is the leading cause of death in children in the United States…”
Judgmental here and do a lot of stereotyping.
Couple key words stand out.
Guessing DEI is well entrenched in AMA. Understatement, I assume.
I remember 20+ years ago at general pediatric checkups for my kids the doctor asking questions about firearms in the home & thinking that was none of their business, nor the government’s. I was also denying vaccines to my kids because of my one son’s autism (& the presumed increased risk of injury) & under Heavy Pressure from that pediatrician to change my decisions on that–quite disturbing to experience. Sadly, before Josiah’s transplant, I allowed my other kids to get their “catch-up” vaccines, as recommended by the Pediatric Liver Transplant Team, as they convinced me that this would “protect” Josiah once he had his transplant. Since all my kids were teens then, the youngest just 13, hopefully the more extreme vax damage didn’t occur like what can happen to very young children. I’m still sad that I caved then & don’t know whether the transplant team’s vax counsel was legit or just industry standard vax promotion 😮 😥 😳
Industry standard vax promotion…
Although some vaccines seem to be useful.
Very likely true. Is any medical entity not in the very deep big pharma pockets? 😡
It’s also pretty sick that they can pull up vax records on any kids (anyone?) at any time with some vax registry, at least in Michigan, at least in the 90s they did…hmmm…no HIPPA, no privacy, & any “provider” can pressure you to fill out that vax bingo card 🙁
Here in WA state, this has been the status of the law for over 2 decades. 😥
I meant to say regulations, not law. Same thing, here in the Peoples Democratic Republic of Washington.
Thomas Massie is fast becoming my hero in DC. It has been a long time since an elected official has been unafraid to speak truth openly on multiple subjects. Other than PDT of course. I hope the hillbillies have his back when he is home and there are white hats protecting him in DC.
Massie is a pleasant surprise.
I was just thinking the same. I do not agree 100% (who does) but he has been a very pleasant surprise over the last year or so.
never heard of isource–so this could be fact fiction or satire for all i know…
September 13, 2024 7:38 am
Harris campaign instructs reporters not to ask questions about ‘earrings’ or ‘debate cheating’. [Developing]
SHOCK REPORT Muir And Davis Instructed NOT to mention Trump assassination attempt according to sources. ‘And they were instructed to cut Trump off as soon as he mentioned it,’ said the source
AI analysis of voice patterns during the debate show that Harris was reading and not speaking spontaneously. [Developing]
BUSTED New source claims Kamala was secretly aided by a mini teleprompter disguised as a TV camera. ‘Trump would have never known the difference because it was pointed at her the whole time.’ [Developing
SHOCK REVELATION According to a highly confidential source ABC set up a ‘secret’ teleprompter only Harris could see. ‘It explained why no audience was allowed.
ABC SUBTERFUGE Network positioned bright lights into Trump’s eyes to make him squint and gaze down at the podium in contrast to Kamala’s chin up wide eyed look.
ABC HELPED KAMALA CHEAT According to sources the network coordinated closely with Harris. ‘Kamala was allowed to wear an earpiece and had access to the questions days ahead of the debate.’ [Developing]
iSource News @isource_news
EARRINGS ‘MISSING’ Harris campaign sources say they were ‘most likely destroyed’ as part of ‘normal housekeeping’. ‘The earrings were costume jewelry which routinely gets changed.’ [Developing]
DEBATE EARRINGS DESTROYED Harris campaign sources say earrings Kamala wore during the debate were ‘costume jewelery’ and have been ‘disposed of’ due to ‘hygienic reasons’.
Knives coming out…
BREAKING: Former Clinton Advisor Calls For Internal Investigation Into ABC for Rigging Presidential Debate Against Trump (VIDEO)
I think they are busy trying to ‘polish a turd’
Too many people are aware of the cheating and lying with the Trump Assassination attempt and now with the rigged debate. Therefore they are saying “WHO ME???… Why I am not a nasty, liar, cheat & would be murderer, that’s the OTHER guys.”
Here’s the guy with the whistleblower affidavit forthcoming:
…multiple honest corroborations I have sent almost 33,000 tweets. I have never been Community Noted. Everything I posted predicting something ahead of time via a source has indeed happened. The Few times I posted something from someone else that turned out to be not true, I immediately corrected the record and/or erased the post. On the night of Trump’s assassination attempt, I posted within hours the name of the would be assassin and that the FBI was already saying the Secret Service had made numerous errors. In fact, I had the name Crooks well before most MSM printed it. I said I would release the affidavit that will block out the whistleblower in order to protect him. I could care less about the left saying I am a liar. The left does nothing but lie. There is a reason other nationally known people called for an investigation into ABC yesterday, my understanding is that there are a few people at ABC who are upset with what happened with the debate. Personally, I believe there will be more than 1 whistleblower when this is over.
I am getting Site can not be reached…
Isource seems to be Russian according to Yandex
Isource, IT company, Moscow, 1st Golutvinsky Lane, 6
IT company Isource, Moscow, photo.
thanks Gail!
Isource | LinkedInru.linkedin.com›company/isource-scm
Использование Isource сокращает сроки закупочных процедур, оптимизирует затраты предприятий, при этом повышая качество системы снабжения…
That’s pretty cool.
Gotta admit. When Haiti was shown, cats came to mind. 😂
Yesterday pgroup2 Reply to Valerie Curren about treaties and specifically WHO.
Only in the eye of those who believe in the US Constitution does this apply. From the point of view of the rest of the world if the president signs a treaty it is good. Even here in the USA they have different types of ‘treaties’
From my old notes during the time of OH!Bummer:
IMPORTANT NEWS on Lima Climate Change Conference
It looks like OBAMA is going to switch names from TREATY to AGREEMENT which only takes a simple Majority. In this way he gets his treaty to shut down the USA fossil fuel energy without the approval of the Republicans.
Obama Pursuing Climate Accord in Lieu of Treaty
IF a president signs a treaty OTHER countries consider it VALID. Therefore it completely depends on WHAT type of enforcement is contained within the treaty itself. For example the World Trade Organization (WTO) has TEETH!!
Think about NATO dragging the USA into a European war WITHOUT Congress declaring war.
Instead of the usual trade treaties for the first time a world organization, WTO, with tough sanction and enforcement powers, was formed. More important, decision making would be secret, with no oversight. The most vital issues of economic life on the planet are decided behind closed doors.
Under WTO rules, countries or Corporations can challenge another’s laws. The case is heard by a tribunal of three trade bureaucrats (corporate lawyers). There is no conflict of interest rules binding them, and the names of the judges are kept secret. There is no rule that the judges of WTO respect any national laws, the three judges meet in secret and all court documents are confidential and cannot be published.
I consider the WTO the trial run for ‘Global Governance’ since it overrides national sovereignty and allows the judges of WTO to overrule national laws. The sneaky part is they link other treaties to the WTO.
What is worse the Supreme Court since the time of FDR betrayed this country.
Treaty Politics and the Rise of Executive Agreements: International Commitments in a System of Shared Powers
This is why Thomas Massie’s amendment was so important. It makes treaties CONSTITUTIONAL.
Some commenter back in 2008 made this observation about what I said above:
My answer:
Let me try to explain it again.
IF a president signs a treaty OTHER countries consider it VALID. Therefore it completely depends on WHAT type of enforcement is contained within the treaty itself. WTO has TEETH!!
2006 – US wins WTO backing in war with Europe over GM food
The bans in EU countries were declared illegal by the World Trade Organization in 2006.
EU may face trade sanctions over WTO biotech case
Eli Lilly files $500M NAFTA suit against Canada over drug patents
That is why I used the World Trade Organization and the FDA ‘Harmonization’ efforts to avoid penalties as examples. .
“…Failure to reach a consistent, harmonized set of laws, regulations and standards within the free trade agreements and the World Trade Organization Agreements can result in considerable economic repercussions…” — OLD DEAD FDA SITE.
There is is just one fly in the soup.
From EastLaw.net
So Senator Burr (NC) BETRAYED Americans with a one liner in the Food [UN]safe Modernization Act. This is the classic method of betrayal that G Edward Griffin pointed out. There is a fierce fight between Demons and Boobs — ALL for show & votes. A decent version is agreed upon Then down the road One Liners are slipped into OTHER bills until the original NASTY GLOBALIST MESS is back in it’s original form.
Nothing in this Act (or an amendment made by this Act) shall be construed in a manner inconsistent with the agreement establishing the World Trade Organization or any other treaty or international agreement to which the United States is a party.
While I appreciate the thoroughness your comment shows, I’m not going to respond to each section.
Rather, I’ll just deal with the one part that has incorrect info, or at least misleading.
Your comment states that there is international law. That is a bullshit shorthand for describing what is usually viewed as common methods of behavior. There is no such thing as international law because there is no one-world-govt.
There are a myriad of agreements between sovereign govts, none of which can be enforced. IOW they have no teeth, nor could they because no one-world-govt.
There is no such thing as forced peace. The closest example is Korea. Despite its usual calm status, randomly reminds everyone that the war never ended.
All of Jugears’ semantics are subject to executive order. It doesn’t matter what any foreign country thinks about an ‘agreement’ – they’re all just written traditions; not laws. Technically, so are treaties. If POTUS decides to ignore one, the only remedy is impeachment and conviction/removal.
“…Your comment states that there is international law. …”
Actually I was quoting an old article by https://www.allacademic.com/
They have an archiving service so you can not find the article via the Wayback.
I am well aware there is no ‘international law’ That is why I emphasized TRADE SANCTIONS. It is the method used to enforce the Cabal’s ‘international law’
Unfortunately for the USA, thanks to the WTO, Gorebull Warming assholes and the Cabal, our manufacturing and mining has been moved OUT of the USA to India, Israel, China and other countries.
THAT is what actually gives WTO teeth against the USA. When you are completely self-sufficient as the USA used to be, you can tell the Cabal to F..K OFF. Unfortunately they have gradually changed that.
It is interesting to watch Russia and ‘Sanctions’ play out on the world stage. 😂
I should add, that what is said by the Constitution and what is TOLD to us as truth, ARE NOT THE SAME.
That was the objective of my comment.
There are plenty of other examples of our Constitutional Rights being shat upon by
ourTHEIR government.BTW, I knew you were quoting an article. That’s why I said ‘your article’ rather than ‘you’. 🙂 😍
Dang, that is what I get for speed reading.
Well, with luck we have driven home the point that the Cabal LOVES to use ‘Treaties’ telling us they ‘over-ride’ the Constitution — AND THEY ARE DEAD WRONG!
s/b ‘your comment’
Verse of the Day for Friday, September 13, 2024
“As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.”
John 15:9 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Comfort me, Oh Lord, for I am sorely afflicted;
From Your confidence and light I have drifted;
Surrounded by machines that tests my body;
My brain works sporadically – and shoddy!
I have wandered around in a fog for weeks;
My muscles don’t hold; my voice it squeaks;
My joints are rubbing; my bones are frail;
I know not where I’m going or – to what avail!
Something deep inside – it seizes me tight;
I cannot even sleep all through the night;
I stumble and startle and I get confused;
From life I have retracted – joy is refused!
Comfort me, Oh Lord; I know not what to do;
Of what use I am – in this state – to serve You;
What have I done – oh, where have I failed?
I suspect that will be shown – and unveiled!
I’ve worried my wife, my family, and more;
This is not something I ever done before;
For I was the one to whom many would turn;
And now I am the object of much concern!
You have brought me down into such a state;
A place I would not go – or gravitate;
Helpless and hopeless before You – I am;
A carpenter not happy with this doorjamb!
There is a tumor that grew inside of my head;
Normally, it is something I would surely dread;
Then – in all of the hassle – to discover what;
Came an outpouring of love – a prayer putt!
Encouragement – zeal – I’ve not seen before;
With no knowledge of what might be in store;
In the weeks and months ahead and toward;
What You have in mind to bring forth forward!
Comfort me, Oh Lord, reveal Your hand;
I can take it, Lord; I will understand;
Unafraid am I of what may lie before me;
Help me, Oh Lord, I sincerely implore Thee!
Carry me, Lord, through the maze of trials;
Strengthen me, Lord, through the chorals;
Abide in me, Lord, through thick and thin;
Reside in me, Lord, renew me within!
D01: 07/02/2013
Thank You Duchess! 🙂
Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms
Pray Everyday
Sad to say, and even sadder to come to the realization, but Israel is probably no friend of America and Americans, and never has been. To the contrary, that country has dealt with America ruthlessly.
It is arguable that Israel played a role in an event which has harmed America to this day, the assassination of JFK. Only twenty years or so after the murder did it come to light that JFK was adamently opposed to Israel’s acquisition of nuclear weapons. The damning details can be found for those who look. Suffice it to say, LBJ, himself a ruthless and murderous person, and a personal ally of Israel’s, immediately changed JFK’s policy.
It is also arguable that Israel did 9-11, another history altering event, altered for the far far worse. Here is a long article supporting that contention:
The list goes on, and most definitely involves the bizarre deformation of American politics and domestic policy, both of which are categorically detached from the interests of average Americans.
I used to have the same pov shared by people on our side, that whatever Israel did was understandable and unobjectionable. I no longer have that pov, and now believe that America has suffered grievous trauma inflicted to advance the aims of a false friend.
Is there a nice way to say a negative thing to or about a fellow Qtreeper?
Let me just say your opinion is noted.
My understanding has always been that we here say negative things about topics, not fellow Treepers.
I mis-characterized. I apologize.
Found it interesting that the owner of Porn Hub is a Jewish rabbi.
It came out with the earlier story about the 12 year old boy whose repeated rapes were monetized on Porn Hub.
There’s more of course. Search twitter “owner of porn hub”.
It’s just business, right? /s
BTW, if sex and child trafficking are the offensive items, of what relevance does identifying one of the profiteers as a rabbi have?
Sin is sin, or as it is said in Scripture ‘all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God’. Sure sounds like equality to me.
Probably most of us associate rabbi with a person of influence maybe having a high morals due to their supposed deeper knowledge of scriptures. If it was Catholic priests or evangelical preachers we can be sure that would be noted too.
Since Rabbis, Priests and Preachers are SUPPOSED to be instructing us on how to lead a moral and Godly life, it is seen as twice as nasty when they fall.
For example, having had not one but 3 different preachers steal hundreds to tens of thousands of dollars from me, has left a very bad taste in my mouth when it comes to organized religion.
that’ll do it to most anyone, it aint right, so don’t get up on the pulpit and pray and teach the people sitting in the pews about living right, lying greedy hypocrites
A misconception that allowed unfettered access to children by pedo church leaders while playing Mr Moral Example.
My next article will be covering some of that.
I personally believe that 9/11 was a group effort. Various Israeli individuals, groups, and government agencies were involved – as were many of our own. And many in Saudi Arabia and Europe.
A complicated and messy business. AND I believe I know how the op was sold to many in our government.
So – in the same way that much of the Israeli government is a false friend – so is much of our own government.
The pot is black. The kettle is black. And we are all boiling in them – even the owners.
JFK was a cooperative affair, also. It is not plausible that with JFK, 9-11 and maybe other events that sole responsibility can be assigned to any entity.
In retrosepct, our government has been on the side of evil for decades now, and the American people (me especially included) were completely deluded as to what the reality was.
And what the reality was (and is), was something we did not and could not know with any satisfying degree of precision. About the best we can do is fathom who benefitted from an event, a few specific details about who might have been involved, and how the media fully cooperated in sowing confusion aand lies.
God bless the American people, the Israeli people, and all the peoples of the world who want to live in honesty and trust.
BTW, how do you think the operation was sold to our government?
Gold is nearing $2,600.00
Hopefully Steve will add his 2 cents on that tomorrow 🙂
Soon to be 5 cents, due to inflation.