Ground Reports on Leftist Technical Sabotage

We know they're eventually going to pull the plug. Q told us this already. Now, the rumors are getting close. However, things are getting bad for me already. I want to check with others and get some ground reports. I have never had problems with Gab on my mobile. No longer - I can't … Continue reading Ground Reports on Leftist Technical Sabotage

DEAR WINRED: Please Stop Tim Cook From Screwing Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy

Yeah, when I put it that way, a damn tiny computer bug seems like a lot bigger deal than it appears on my iddy biddy phone, but THAT IS THE BENEFIT of having independent, loud-mouthed, wolf-mannered software developers serving as unannounced GAMMA TESTERS of your product. Hey, I could have put it worse. I could … Continue reading DEAR WINRED: Please Stop Tim Cook From Screwing Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy