Spring 2023 is Now a “GO” – Expect Da Woof to be Gone for Weeks at a Time

I have for you all, what is likely both good news and bad news.
The good news is that we are prepared for periods of my extended absence from this place.
The bad news is that there are no more “dry runs” – the time is here.
I waited to deliver this message until the first of March, to make sure that everything was a “go” for my spring plans, and as of now, it’s all a go.
I anticipated needing to take off from here for multiple reasons on multiple occasions, but all of that really depended on certain things happening, and they did, and there will not be any backing out of those things now, so….
For the next four months, I will be checking in here FOR SURE every week or two – at most THREE WEEKS – and I will try to check in more often if I can. However, it is better for various reasons if I don’t check in under some circumstances. Thus, if I’m away for a while, and not checking in, it’s a good thing. It means things are going as expected. If I’m gone for a month, you are officially allowed to worry. Three weeks will be unlikely. The Nervous Nellies can start worrying at 3 weeks.
This is going to go on for March, April, May and June. Possibly July, but probably not. You’re just not going to see much of me for much of the time.
Because of the way notifications work, and the way important things can get buried under newer notifications, the easiest way to contact me (and me alone) is to do a PRIVATE MESSAGE TO WOLF (using underscores instead of spaces) on one of MY posts, such as the Monday Open.

Contacting me is explained in more depth on the Contact Page.
If you want Deplorable Patriot, Bakocarl, SteveInCO, or another author to ALSO see your message (say it’s some kind of emergency, particularly on THEIR thread), then do a PMTW reply on one of THEIR threads. That private message will be seen by BOTH OF US, but not by other authors.
I ask authors to leave any moderated messages (including PMTW) up, and don’t delete them. I’ll deal with them the next time I’m back on the site.

In Case of Disaster
There is a possibility that the site will go down completely – particularly during troubled times like we are currently in. Dementia Joe and KlauSS SSchwab are not making things easy for this site. I can’t go into all the details, but we’ve already had to deal with their crap at several junctures, in part due to “global” concerns, and there could easily be new junctures.

In the event of disaster, there are multiple options.
- The Backup Site: https://theqtree579486807.wordpress.com/
- The U Tree: https://utree.home.blog/
- Marica’s Place: https://marica1776.wordpress.com/
- Pat’s Place: https://craftsstore.art.blog/
- Sylvia’s Place: https://bourbonstreet506745279.wordpress.com/
- Daughn’s Place: https://daughnworks247.wordpress.com/
- The Q Tree on Gab: https://gab.com/groups/4178
You should note, however, that most of these options are on WORDPRESS DOT COM, and are dependent on that site being both UP and allowing our discussion. If wordpress-dot-com is brought down, for any reason foreign or domestic, then ALL of these options except GAB go down with it.
So if you’re looking for another denizen from here, look in all of these places.
For continuity of this site, the backup site is most likely to find new daily threads.
When I next return to the site, I’ll do whatever fixes are needed. Until then, you are allowed to enjoy your vacation elsewhere!

Suggestions (Not Orders) During My Absence
So what can you all do to make things easier?
- Be civil to each other, and even better, KIND
- Be especially civil in REPLYING to each other
- Avoid picking sides in personal disputes
- Yet never refraining from speaking the truth
- Take a breather on another site if things get hot
- Send me a “bat signal” if things are getting out of hand
- Yet try to solve things socially – try to “work things out”
- Remember that this site is for sharing information
- Nobody is required to be “balanced” – YOU provide balance – with a civil tongue
- Bad information is subject to correction, which is encouraged
- Be careful in discussing violence, as we have always stated
- Yet don’t shy away from discussing the need for crimes to be punished, and for good people to stop tolerating criminality in government, and in government-protected criminal groups, organizations, and classes of people.

Other than that, I wish you GODSPEED, Vaya con Dios, and GOD BLESS.
I will see you the next time!

All images except Monday Lisa and the Drew family crest composed by Gabby, the Gab image AI located at https://gab.com/ai

stay well, stay low, stay safe!
<3 <3 <3
Thank you, Pat!!! 😍 Head down and swiveling hard! 😉
I just gotta ask…is this post going to self destruct in like a week?
cuz I know you can do that and dude, that would totally be awesome.
AND stay frosty!
… ❄️❄️❄️🌨️🌨️🌨️❄️❄️❄️ … ⛄️☃️⛄️☃️⛄️☃️
Love those! 🙂
Peace and joy and take care of yourself be safe 💟
Will do! Thank you very much, and God Bless!!! ❤
Good luck brother, may God guide your steps, comfort you in times of need and bless you with discernment.
Watch your 6
God Bless
Thank you, and WILL DO!!! And you, too – God Bless! 🙏
Definitely that time if year for the wolf to take his sabbatical. I think this one is the longest, but hopefully there wont be any major concerns.
Take care, see you when we see you!
Thank you! Yes – this is a bunch of biggies. Looking forward to seeing you all upon my happy return(s)!
God bless and be safe.
Good to hear from you! Will do. Thank you!
Godspeed, Wolf!
(And the images are so well done!)
Thanks! Best wishes & thanks for all you do!
Be safe my friend–Godspeed!
Thanks, Amiga! TTYL!
I guess it wouldn’t be the best time to experiment with html tags…..
well Maybe Steve could help with that 😉
Who knows? God has surprisingly contingencies!!! Cheers & best wishes!
Wolf Moon
Stay safe — both you and yours.
Be well in body, mind, and spirit.
May the Almighty God guide and protect you.
Sending Peace and Good Energy to you this day and always.
Thank you and God Bless!
Happy Trails, Alpha Wolf! God be with you in all ways at all times, leading, guiding, directing, protecting, inspiring, reviving, AND recreating you (& your Beloved) in body, mind, soul, & spirit. God Speed ❤
Thank you, Val! God Bless you and yours!
Thanks Wolf. I hope you can periodically check in just to let us know that you’re doing OK. Blessings!
God will provide. Stay safe and hopefully smiling!
Yes! Smiling!
Numbers 6:24-26
24 The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you;
26 the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace.”’
… 🙂🤚 … God bless you and your loved ones abundantly …
Such drama.
We’ll hold down the fort.
Thank you. Rod and staff are in your hands! Just add wisdom!
Stay healthy AND safe.
Amen! And thanks for the reminder! 😉 😎
Wishing you well today and always.
Thank you! TTYL!!!
Godspeed, Wolf! TY and everyone here for all you do!
Hugs & blessings!
John Rutter – Gaelic Blessing
Deep peace of the running wave to you.
Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
Deep peace of the shining stars to you.
Deep peace of the gentle night to you.
Moon and stars pour their healing light on you.
Deep peace of Christ, of Christ the Light of the World to you.
Deep peace of Christ to you.
Thank you!
Stay safe, Wolf, get some rest, and have some fun. My prayers go with you.
Will do! Thank you!
We will miss your wisdom and advice.
Please have a safe, enjoyable, restful, and fruitful time away.
Au revoir!
We’ll catch you on the flip-flop 🙂
Have fun and be safe.
Will do! TTYL!!!
What they all said!
Know we all love and appreciate you – your warmth, kindness, generosity, tolerance, gentleness, goodness, encouragement.
Come back to us in the fullness of time.
You will be in our thoughts and prayers until then.
Love always.
Thanks! ❤
Best Wolf !
If you need anything, just HOWL !
Thanks, and a good reminder. I do have a special howl. Just in case.
Enjoy life, brother. See if you can steal the Big Guy’s 10% while you are under the radar.
Will do! Stretch goal! 😂
Good luck. We’re all counting on you.
Take care of yourself and God speed.
Stay safe, stay frosty! We’ll miss you, but we’ll be (mostly) good while you’re away.
Mostly good is good! 😂
May God be with you and Mrs. Wolfie 😘 Until we meet again 💖💖💖
Amen! Until then! 🍾
Try not to get in too much trouble 😉😁
See you when you get back 👍
LOL!!! o7
Safe journeys wolf. 🐺❣️
Just remember the contact info for this place, in case we have to come and rescue you.
Will do! Every Plan B has a Plan B! 😅
God bless you, and God bless us all.
Thanks, and Amen!