Dear KMAG: 20240923 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:

Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:

“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Week:



  • female animal trainer
  • borrowed French word for a female tamer of animals

Shown in a picture

But who trains the trainers?


I was not aware of this song.

This becomes relevant below.


Must thank Aubergine for this one.

Not sure if she gave me this URL, or if YouTube helped after a different video, but this one is grand.

Is this like a thing in Demmunist politics?

And remember…….

Until victory, have faith!

And trust the big plan, too!

And as always….



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I read that too quickly. The last word seemed to be something similar to tatas.

Valerie Curren



He does have a way with words —


Definitely one of my favorite scenes in cinema, along with:

  • Marty DiBergi: It’s very pretty.
  • Nigel Tufnel: Yeah, I’ve been fooling around with it for a few months.
  • Marty DiBergi: It’s a bit of a departure from what you normally play.
  • Nigel Tufnel: It’s part of a trilogy, a musical trilogy I’m working on in D minor which is the saddest of all keys, I find. People weep instantly when they hear it, and I don’t know why.
  • Marty DiBergi: It’s very nice.
  • Nigel Tufnel: You know, just simple lines intertwining, you know, very much like – I’m really influenced by Mozart and Bach, and it’s sort of in between those, really. It’s like a Mach piece, really. It’s sort of…
Last edited 4 months ago by cthulhu
Deplorable Patriot

This one goes to eleven.

Valerie Curren

Wish I could see what that is but it just shows an empty box w/ the top & left sides dark & the bottom & right sides gray…hmmm


It’s a straight YouSchmoob link. Try refreshing the page.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

that did work 🙂




Schlichter and I always agree on one thing; leftists are short-sighted idiots who just can NOT see where their stupid ideas inevitably lead.

Gail Combs

That is the rank and file Useful Idiots. The upper ranks know good and well the goal is AN IRONCLAD TOTALITARIAN DICTATORSHIP.


The sanpaku video was interesting, and I learned about the three different types. It seems to me that in photos of the people whose schlera is visible both above and below the iris, they are usually opening their eyes wide in animated conversation. I don’t know if they are causing their eyes to look that way because of their passion, or if their eyes are just that way and it is visible when they become animated. But I tend to want to back away from the energy they are putting out.



BREAKING: RFK Jr. just released an emergency message to his millions of supporters to begin mobilizing for Trump

“President Trump and I are going to replace the corrupt industry-captured officials with honest public servants.”



Tsunami coming!

Buckle your seatbelts!

Gail Combs

Brilliantly played by Trump and RFK Jr.

Remember JFK Jr was a very good friend of POTUS Trump. As far as I am concerned he was ‘Removed’ because he was an OBSTACLE in Hitlery’s way to a NY Senate Seat and then the White House.

JFK Jr would have won hands down in the primary and no amount of cheating would mask that.


Worth remembering, taking out JFK Jr, also took out his beautiful wife.

Trump must be stopped. They’ll stop at nothing, to do so.


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Plan F. Which means they have failed. Civil and Global War.

Gail Combs

That is WHY Ukraine and now Israel.

Kissinger in 1969, was convinced that Israel’s nuclear ambitions were justified and made sure they were realized.

 Morton H. Halperin, then Kissinger’s closest aide on the National Security Council staff. “Henry believed that it was good to spread nuclear weapons around the world.

Kissinger also said he kept the Brits better informed than the Americans.

In Sept of 2012, Kissinger ALSO said there would be NO MORE Israel in ten years.

If Hillary had won that would be towards the end of the 16 year plan to destroy the USA. 8 of Obama and 8 of Hillary.


“Henry believed that it was good to spread nuclear weapons around the world.”


Then he’s insane, and instead of being an advisor to anyone, he should have been put in an asylum for the mentally deranged.

Anyone, with even the slightest concept of the nature and character of man, and with even a 1st grade understanding of history (recent or ancient), knows that the more people who have nuclear weapons, the greater the likelihood of either an accident or an intentional nuclear war.

If he didn’t understand that, then he’s just stupid.


Or he’s a liar.

Could be ‘and’ logic involved.

Imagine if, instead of the U.S. and Russia having nukes during the Cuban Missile Crisis [which we barely survived], instead it was [insert any islamic nation here].

None of us would be here today.

All cultures are NOT equal. Some are better, some are worse, and some are so incomprehensibly barbaric and vile that they have no place in a civilized world.

Anyone who tries to pass out nuclear weapons like candy at Halloween is terminally stupid.

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467
Gail Combs

How about JUST PLAIN EVIL! I think he is now residing in Dante’s Ninth Hell.


End Wokeness:

How to be a celebrity:

✅ Go to Diddy’s parties

✅ Fly to Epstein’s Pedo Island

✅ Hang out with Harvey Weinstein

✅ Lecture everyone else on morality


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“…what we can create in terms of opportunity for the American people in making an opportunity economy which really is in short form it’s about what we can do more to invest in the opportunities, the aspirations, the ambitions and the dreams of the American people while addressing the challenges that they face whether it’s the high prices of groceries or the difficulty in being able to acquire home ownership {unintelligible}…”

Barb Meier

“invest in the opportunities” = euphemism for “create and spend more taxpayer $ on ourselves, our cronies, and ammunition”

Valerie Curren

Maybe this lets that tweet show here too


Chris Williamson: “Can you please try and explain to me what you interpret by ‘what can be unburdened by what has been’? What does that mean?”



I just noticed that’s a midyear (1963-1967) Corvette convertible over Weinstein’s right shoulder.

The 1963 Corvette had false grille vents set into depressions on either side of the raised center part of the hood, so it can’t be a ’63.

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For 1964 the false hood grille vents were gone, but the depressions in the hood where the grille vents had been were still there, so it’s not a ’64.

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In 1965 the depressions for the false grille vents were removed. The car in the video is really dusty, but below the midline, where there’s no dust (looking underneath the microphone boom), you can see the real color without dust, and I’m pretty sure that’s Nassau Blue.

1965 and 1966 both had Nassau blue as a color option. It’s my favorite Corvette color, along with Riverside Red (1963-1964) and Rally Red (1965-1967) 😁

1967 had Marina blue as a paint color option, which is very similar, but maybe a shade lighter.

So I’m going to guess that’s a 1965 or 1966 Corvette, and it’s a small block (327 cubic inch V8) because the raised center part of the hood is not flared out to the left and right halfway up the hood, which was needed to make room to close the hood over the air filter on the big block engines (396 cubic inch in 1965, 427 cubic inch in 1966, same hood design for both).

Like this Nassau blue 1966 Corvette big block convertible:

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Last edited 4 months ago by scott467
Gail Combs

Comment under that clip:

@JRawRose15 hours ago

“What can be unburdened by what has been.” –Kamala Harris

“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” –George Orwell

“He who controls the past [history] controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past [history].” –George Orwell

“He who controls the past [what has been] controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past [what has been].” –George Orwell

This is the full video interview. Google/Brave did not want me to find it. I had to use

Last edited 4 months ago by Gail Combs

Hey, let’s start again at Year Zero!

Gail Combs


As I said Suxalotofcox is close to Pol Pot.

Year Zero… is an idea put into practice by Pol Pot in Democratic Kampuchea that all culture and traditions within a society must be completely destroyed or discarded and that a new revolutionary culture must replace it starting from scratch. In this sense, all of the history of a nation or a people before Year Zero would be largely deemed irrelevant, because it would ideally be purged and replaced from the ground up….


Hoping to transform the nation into an agrarian utopia, communist leader Pol Pot set out to reconstruct the country into a pre-industrial, classless society by attempting to turn all citizens into rural agricultural workers rather than educated city dwellers, whom Pot and his regime believed to have been corrupted by western, capitalist ideas.[6][5] He declared that the nation would start again at “Year Zero”, and everything that existed before Year Zero was to be eradicated. In other words, this was to be a complete and thorough reset (or even cleansing) of Cambodian society. He isolated his people from the global community; established rural collectives; dismantled the social fabric and infrastructure of Cambodia; and set about the emptying of cities, as well as the abolition of money (thus also destroying banks), private property, families, and religion.[5]

To build the new Cambodian society, the inhabitants of the depopulated cities were sent to labour camps.[7] The people of Phnom Penh, in particular, were forced immediately to “return to the villages” to work….

And the result??

The Khmer Rouge’s takeover was rapidly followed by a series of drastic revolutionary de-industrialization policies which resulted in a death toll that vastly exceeded the toll that resulted from the French Reign of Terror.


Socialism in its different flavors lead to 20th century DEMOCIDE: DEATH BY GOVERNMENT

Dr. R.J. Rummel tabulated the 169,202,000 Murdered by their own government, many under some flavor of “Socialism”

…Just to give perspective on this incredible murder by government, if all these bodies were laid head to toe, with the average height being 5′, then they would circle the earth ten times. Also, this democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century….

After eight-years and almost daily reading and recording of men, women, and children by the tens of millions being tortured or beaten to death, hung, shot, and buried alive, burned or starved to death, stabbed or chopped into pieces, and murdered in all the other ways creative and imaginative human beings can devise, I have never been so happy to conclude a project. I have not found it easy to read time and time again about the horrors innocent people have been forced to suffer. What has kept me at this was the belief, as preliminary research seemed to suggest, that there was a positive solution to all this killing and a clear course of political action and policy to end it. And the results verify this. The problem is Power. The solution is democracy. The course of action is to foster freedom.


4. 61,911,000 Murdered: The Soviet Gulag State

5. 35,236,000 Murdered: The Communist Chinese Ant Hill

6. 20,946,000 Murdered: The Nazi Genocide State

7. 10,214,000 Murdered: The Depraved Nationalist Regime


8. 5,964,000 Murdered: Japan’s Savage Military

👉9. 2,035,000 Murdered: The Khmer Rouge Hell State👈

10. 1,883,000 Murdered: Turkey’s Genocidal Purges

11. 1,670,000 Murdered: The Vietnamese War State

12. 1,585,000 Murdered: Poland’s Ethnic Cleansing

13. 1,503,000 Murdered: The Pakistani Cutthroat State

14. 1,072,000 Murdered: Tito’s Slaughterhouse

In 1975 just before the purge, the population was 6,581,371 so he killed off about 3% or the population.

Last edited 4 months ago by Gail Combs

Two simple concepts that should send a chill up one’s back — “year zero” and “rectification of names.”

Gail Combs

Boy, Brave/Google only gives the touchy-feely ‘definition’ so on to Yandex!

The Wrecking Of Names

Confucius said the most important thing was ‘rectifying names’. What did he mean?

…The collapsnik view of all the major philosophies (except perhaps Buddhism, which is uninterested) is that the material world is shit and going to shit. This is completely antithetical to the modern belief in ‘progress’ and the mythical white histories about an enlightenment and science and ‘discovery’ leading to color TVs and going to the moon and Mars and forever onwards and upwards. In fact the entire category of philosophy is limited to West Asian white dudes who bottled this hubris and everything older (and wiser) is relegated to ‘religions’ and ‘superstition’ and ‘stories’.

In the westernized world we have indeed gotten names wrong in the sense that we have them. Modern passport names are a historical anomaly, an artifact of the individualist age. Confucius talked about roles (lords being good lords, fathers being good fathers) and not about the ‘self-actualization’ of the person in the role, whatever the fuck that is. Buddhism talks about ‘not-self’, making the modern perversion of mindfulness into ‘self-help’ quite the contradiction. Older Asian and Arab cultures are full of referential names (Son Of X, Elder Brother) and in many cases people never use their government names at all. Cause they ain’t right. This globalized culture has gotten names wrong, so it gets rituals wrong, so the common people don’t know what the fuck to do and resort to self-help that doesn’t help….

BOY does that scree ever REEK of ‘COLLECTIVISM’


 ‘self-actualization’ of the person in the role, whatever the fuck that is.

That’s described in “The Destruction of Mankind” also known as “The Book of the Heavenly Cow” where in the king declares himself God’s representation on earth which comes with it the Devine Right to Rule and wipe out all dissenters and their progeny and kin. Same stuff happened in China and world wide. The power went to their heads and if not for them we’d be living in mud pits.


“declares himself God’s representation on earth which comes with it the Devine Right to Rule”

The pope?


You should read Barbra Tuchman’s essay on the Seven Bad Popes. Corrupt as they come in about the same time Machiavelli wrote “Prince”.


The concept behind “rectification of names” is that there is something wrong with the names in the first place.

To go back to Isaiah 5:20 — “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

Or, in more contemporary terms, the current propensity of the news media to describe every deviation from the Official Narrative as disinformation, misinformation, or malinformation.

When the names are rectified, any deviation from the Official Narrative will be ruthlessly stamped out, by force.


You should add this and comment below to the youtube vid. Already left a comment there telling the two to cut to dang chase as this stuff should not be a mystery any longer.


Wait — those were false grille vents?!?


Yep, they were false. Even the vents on the Nassau blue big block convertible above were for appearance only.

The only midyear Corvette that had a real air induction hood was the 1967 big block Corvette, and only if it had the L88 engine option, and there were only 20 of those made for the street, all the rest were sold to racing teams.

Here is the L88 engine, the highest horsepower engine of the time, conservatively (purposely) under rated at 430hp (actual 560+ hp) for insurance reasons and to discourage people from buying it for the street.

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Note that there is no regular air filter mounted over the carburetor, that’s because if you ordered the L88 engine option, it came with a unique hood, and the air filter fit into the underside of the hood, and cold air was forced under the hood from the back, from the air pressure created at the bottom of the windshield, similar to what you see on the 1970 big block Chevy Chevelle and El Caminos, though that induction cowl was mechanical and raised up at the bottom of the windshield when you stood on the gas, whereas the L88 hood air induction was always wide open.

The type of customer who just blindly bought whatever the most powerful Corvette available was, would buy the L71 engine option, rated at 435hp, and which was much more street-friendly than the full racing engine L88.

Here’s a better picture of a restored L88 engine bay:

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Another, direct overhead view:

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And here is the underside of the hood:

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And another, not sure if this is an original or a reproduction, you can see the air intakes at the top, which would be at the base of the windshield when the hood is closed:

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And this is a photo I stumbled across while searching for the underside of the L88 hood, it’s a 1967 coupe in Marina blue, just because I like it so much, and it looks so nice… 😁


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Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

Marina blue is the proper color to occupy the Favorite Color position.



It sure is nice, looks amazing in the evening sun… and it’s an appropriate color for a Sting Ray 👍 😁

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

Notice in the overhead picture that the engine is slightly off center, towards the passenger side:

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That was, in part, to offset the weight of the driver, to better balance the car for racing.

The battery and starter motor is also on the passenger side for the same reason, with the battery as close to the firewall as possible, and as low as possible (mounted to the frame).

However, on cars with air conditioning (not available with the L88 engine, but available with the base 327/300hp and L79 high performance 327/350 and the big block 427/390hp and 427/400hp engines), you had a heavy A6 compressor that was mounted near the front of the engine (to access the pulley system) that was also mounted on the passenger side of the engine.

To offset that weight and rebalance the car, the starter motor stayed where it was on the passenger side, but the battery was relocated to the driver’s side.

You couldn’t remove it the normal way (lifting it up out of the engine bay) because the steering shaft and brake master cylinder and other stuff was in the way, so the battery was accessed through a removable fiberglass panel in the back of the driver’s side wheel well.

So you had to remove the driver’s side front wheel to remove the panel to replace the battery.

In 1968, the battery was relocated to a compartment behind the driver’s seat, to get the weight of the battery closer to the drive wheels, and probably to offset some California mandated component (e.g., the air injection reactor, option K19 in 1967) in the engine bay.

Every detail about these cars was designed with racing in mind, because they were raced all over the world back then (e.g. 24 Hours of LeMans, Watkins Glen, etc.).

Many of the stock paint colors were named after race tracks or racing circuits:

Riverside Red, Daytona Blue, Sebring Silver

Daytona Blue, Riverside Red

Nassau Blue, Glen Green, Milano Maroon, Rally Red, Goodwood Yellow

Rally Red, Nassau Blue, Laguna Blue, Trophy Blue, Mosport Green, Milano Maroon

Rally Red, Marina Blue, Lynndale Blue, Elkhart Blue, Goodwood Green, Marlboro Maroon

Winning races, especially against Ford and Dodge, not to mention against world renowned teams like Ferrari, was important for marketing and selling cars.

The motto was “Win on Sunday, sell on Monday” 😁


Unburdened by logic, reality, evidence, ability, functionality, TRUTH!

Gail Combs

Unburdened by ALL the advances mankind has made so far.

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New improved crescent moon vent. Now unburdened from that which has been.

Note: technically, an outhouse is the place where one unburdens oneself from what has been. Just saying.

Gail Combs

  :wpds_shock:   :wpds_chuckle:   :wpds_envy: 

Valerie Curren



There should be dark blemishes on Oprah’s hands and some flies swirling about that as well.


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Last edited 4 months ago by smiley2

Alternate Slow Guy is too slow; doesn’t get it.


How’d you know?


Perfect! – brilliant use of the word of the day, Smiley!!!!

Valerie Curren



deep state rogue’s gallery…

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Nine of Those “Intelligence Experts” Who Just Endorsed Kamala Signed False Hunter Laptop Disinfo Letter

article link…


names listed.

Last edited 4 months ago by smiley2

That motherfucker is UGLY. He sure don’t need a Halloween mask.  😡 


you sure got that right.

that is one mean lookin so and so.



I think that “problem” is rooted in racist sexual fascination with black male genitalia.

Gail Combs

I think it is the DemonRat GO TO because it almost always is She said He said with ZERO REAL EVIDENCE.

Also they KNOW it will turn off the ‘Good Christian Voter’ who normally votes Republican

Valerie Curren

once you go black, you never go back 😉 😉


Crude but it expresses the fear of lots of soy boyz.

I’m convinced that the level of viciousness Thomas endured to be nominated was due to the fact that his wife Ginny is white.

Valerie Curren

Dems are the actual racists they consistently accuse the repugnants of being  😡 

Barb Meier

I told you I wore my signed Save America hat everyday on the trip and received mostly smiles and great conversation starters.

Except for one.

Only ONE NEGATIVE encounter. 
In Colorado, halfway up Pikes Peak we stopped at the store. 
The manager there was wearing latex gloves and a mask. She was NOT happy in her interaction with me. Didn’t say anything negative. Just didn’t say a word and slammed things around while she rang up my $15 charge for bottles of water (3 bottles bc I stupidly forgot to put any in the car as we ascended to the high elevation. )
In the parking lot, I took this picture and met some lovely people who live in the Springs and had moved from MI. They were convinced CO can go Red. Their POV is that Denver controls the state and people outside of Denver have given up. They said, not this year.

The day before, we were on the Old StageCoach road on a tour. 
We had stopped to take pictures.
A man stopped to make sure we were ok. He commented on my hat. We spoke for 15 minutes. He is a member of the local GOP.

He has hope as well for CO. 

It was a refrain I heard from many interactions. 

People are NOT staying home this time in Blue and Purple States. 
They feel hopeful. 

Hope is SO powerful. 

I truly hope the media keeps telling us that the race is ‘close’ and ‘razor thin’

That will drive up turnout from Trump Supporters all over the country. In Red, Purple, and Blue States.

We want to win:
The House
The Senate 
The Electoral College
The Popular Vote

Gail Combs

But MOST OF ALL WE WANT TO OVER COME THE CHEATING, because we likely already WON that list!

Valerie Curren

we likely already WON that list!” Like 2020  😡 



Kakala ads I hear on Pandora and Pluto TV are straight up lies.

Briefly state Kakala has plans to lower taxes…90% of the ad time is pure lies against Trump. Trump will raise taxes. Raise tax on food. Raise tax on everyday items…Trump Will Raise Taxes across the board.
NE Texas area.
Lots of Trump yard signs and flags, along with a few t-shirts. NOT ONE Kakala anything.

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs
pat frederick

we were on a road trip home to see my mom this past weekend. we traveled to southeastern PA and the radio ads (which i never hear up here in northern PA) were ALL Harris and the exact same ad over and over again. SCOTUS overturned Roe v Wade and Trump is gonna BAN ABORTION NATIONWIDE. how does the misinformation czar of biden’s admin MISS this blatant misinformation campaign lie?

saw mostly Trump signs till we got closer to Mom’s…then we saw some Harris signs. But they were the generic Harris (size of a piece of paper) signs–no big displays. till we saw one that proclaimed: the world has to “save abortion”– vote Harris.


Trump will raise taxes across the board???

Surely you jest.


Nope. Not me. The lying dog breath shit birds that paid for the ad.


Got it now. Sorry.


You know me. Majored in communication(s). Never graduated.


Edit. /s

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs

Should of said Kamala is going to deliberately run out of your SS money by giving it away to people who did not earn it!



Firefox has a built-in translation service that doesn’t send your text off-site — in fact, you don’t have to be online to use it. (Although…..)

The first time you want to translate from X to Y, it downloads a language model to your computer. From then on, it can translate X to Y without further internet access. If you view a page in, say, German, you can have it translated immediately or later and the server only records a page access in the original language.

If, however, you click a link to access a page in French, you will have to download the French-to-whatever module to get it translated the first time.

To enable this, you go into about:config and turn browser.translations.enable to true.

It’s too late to fiddle with it tonight, but it sounds like a good thing. Beats the heck out of having Google look over your shoulder every time you use Google Translate.


Just as a random informational thing, the Fiancee is flying off to Europe on Friday. I expect to tear apart the house on Saturday.

Oh, and I’m having labs pulled on Thursday, so I’ll be on Xanax.

Last edited 4 months ago by cthulhu
Gail Combs

Coothie, why are you bothering? I thought you were going to let the place go to pot so she is uncomfortable enough to want to move.

Spend the time finding a place here in NC!


I’ve got to extract my stuff so that I’ll be ready if the place is collapsed in an earthquake or burns down.


I hear 1-800-PACK-RAT has containers of various sizes.
Even store stuff. Street storage not recommended.   :wpds_wink: 

Smart ass here, heading to the treadmill. Need to walk a few miles.


Yeah, it’d be nice to finish filling PACKRAT #2.


I already know the approximate place in NC, I just need to show up with a checkbook (which I won’t have until this dump is sold).

Gail Combs

AND getting the Fiancee’ s buy in.

pat frederick

none of my business, but can’t you find a nice NGO or illegal family of 30 to take it off your hands?

word on the streets is Haitians are buying things with cash…what you want in NC may not be there if you delay.


Now there you go again with your brilliant insight.

Do you ever feel sorry for us mere mortals? [don’t answer that]


pat frederick

follow me for more money saving tips…LOL


Hope there is no emergent pit stop at (was it) Valley Fair.   :wpds_exclamation:    :wpds_razz: 


This time I’m not trying to walk either direction. Fiancee will drive.


when are you gonna marry her ??


Well, it sure as hell won’t be here.

It needs to be where a marriage means something, unlike the three times her sister has married her wife.

Last edited 4 months ago by cthulhu

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That sure sounds like a story with juicy details.


You should be speed loading the moving van instead.

But, sadly, you perversely tolerate an intolerable situation [living in CA].


Valerie Curren

 👍   👍 

Gail Combs

Vindicating Trump Trailer | In Theatres Next Friday (2 min)

Dinesh, asks that you buy tickets in advance so movie theaters add more venues.
Tickets are available HERE:


Have not been in a theater for at least eight years. Done with them.

I’ll look around for an online pay per view of sorts.

Gail Combs

For me it is 30+ years.

EXCEPT FOR the Ayn Rand movies and the Dinesh movies.

If we want them to change to decent movies for people to watch we have to use the carrot & stick method.


Agree. Checked. Closest to my neck of the woods, ~130 miles, Little Rock.

Gail Combs

Keep checking. As more people buy in advance, more theaters will come on line. We are lucky we have 2 choices within 50 miles.

pat frederick

the last thing we saw in the theater was Runaway Bride. 1999

Valerie Curren

My parents saw the recent Kendrick Brothers offering, forget the name, at a nice MJR theater & they were 2 of the 3 people at that earlier showing–yikes!


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Gail Combs

Been there done that — I hate to think about how much cat I ate when a teen.

My parents favorite Chinese restaurant was shut down for serving CAT!

  :wpds_envy:   :wpds_envy:   :wpds_envy: 

That is way too old but there is this:

A Chinese Restaurant Is Charged With Stealing and Cooking Dozens of Dogs

Hand that report to your DemonRat friends who do not believe that pets are eaten here in the USA!

A restaurant in the famous San Francisco Chinatown was visited this morning by the SFPD and federal agents, after an investigation showed the owners regularly killed dogs they found in the neighborhood and served them to customers.

Agents of both the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) and the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) accompanied the police officers who searched “White Lotus Royal Buffet“, looking for dog meat.

Large quantities of dog meat were found on the site and taken to a forensic lab to be analyzed.

According to the SFPD spokesman the owner of the restaurant, Tengdo Hueng, admitted snatching dogs from the area with his 16-year old son and killing them for meat.

“We Have Found The Remains Of At Least Six Different Dogs, And Three Of Them Correspond To Dogs That Were Reported Stolen Over The Last Two Weeks.” Most of the neighborhood’s telephone poles have been covered with posters of various missing dogs for more than a year. In the neighborhoods of Chinatown stray dogs have been going missing for years, but pet dogs have also begun going missing. On January 27, the day before Chinese New Year, a total of 12 dogs were reported missing.

Over the following few months, more animals vanished, and stories of a “serial dog killer” started to spread.

A mile from the restaurant, more than 150 dogs vanished in 2021, and over 100 did so in the first three months of 2022, according to the Humane Society of New York.

The accused and his kid, according to the authorities, could have murdered hundreds of dogs while hunting them with nets, lassos, and rudimentary spears.

According to the SNPD, the owner of the restaurant has long been slaughtering and cooking stray animals, but as his business grew, he was forced to start stealing dogs right out of their owners’ backyards.

The authorities have only been able to accuse Mr. Hueng of killing 11 animals despite the enormous number of missing animals.

He now faces up to 95 years in prison and a total of 47 criminal accusations…


The ancient Chin dynasty was notoriously like communism today and their surveillance state could easily rival their own as they wanted to know who lodged where as they came to and from the cities. They strangled their economy, commerce, and political thought and as a result eating dogs and cats became a matter of course for them. The alternative was starvation or eat each other. Only more war brought them out of it but alas it was a temporary respite and we’ll likely not be as lucky.

pat frederick

never heard of this man before…but i would vote for him!

Last edited 4 months ago by patfrederick

Perhaps he could run the same ad, with Kamala Harris instead of Briben. (Prevention.)

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs

Hung Cao would be a step up.


Hope Trump has endorsed him.

Brave and Free

Well if he wins hopefully he’s not a DS plant and turns into One Hung Lo.


He’s not.

Gail Combs

WOW what a GREAT AD!!

Here it is so you can see it:


Yeah! Hung Cao for President! After Trump… we have some work to do first.


I predict that action will become quite common as the invasion thugs try to do their thing here in America. They will find out that the legal paper they have is as powerful as a restraining order.

IOW it’s only as powerful as the respect it is given. Citizens have a substantially different view of the invasion than the govt has.

Last edited 4 months ago by pgroup2
Barb Meier

I voted for Hung Cao in the primary. He is wonderful. I wish I could vote for him in the general election, but I will be living in Missouri and have changed my voter registration and address by then.


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One of the more recent I’ve seen was: “Ev’rybody Gangsta, yo, ’til they pager start talkin’ Hebrew….”

You can tell the EPIC pwnage because it just keeps goin’.


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pat frederick

sorry couldn’t get it to post

Last edited 4 months ago by patfrederick
pat frederick

see if this works


but wait…

it gets worse…

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pat frederick

bwhahahahahaahahahahaha…you made my day smiley! THANKS!




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Alternative caption: “Boeing finds out they don’t build pagers.”

pat frederick

h/t Filly

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“There are no good choices here — it’s just degrees of bad going forward,” said Samuel Charap, a senior political scientist at Rand, adding that “accepting Russian conditions that are unacceptable” would be a mistake. Instead, he urged “a combination of deterrence and potential negotiations.”

The article finishes on the grand vision of combating Putin, which is in effect, creating a supranational new totalitarian deep state order to rule over the West permanently, in order to Trump-proof and, in general, future-proof the West’s anti-Russian hostility, so no truly democratic force can emend it later on:

Because Russia is a long-term threat, Hill said, the structures to address that threat must also be long-term or Putin will always claim the advantage. She urged a more consistent response, spanning administrations — creating “a kind of permanent secretariat” with allies to maintain a consistent Russia policy.

Trump, meanwhile, has stirred uncertainty. He has boasted that his rapport with Putin, Xi and Kim would allow him to swiftly sort the world out on American terms. But the deepening ties between Moscow, Beijing and other adversaries complicate the picture.

A “permanent secretariat” to maintain a “consistent” policy in perpetuity. I’ll translate the Newspeak: create a permanent central authority which no “sovereign” nation can question to make sure populist leaders can never revolt against the globalist totalitarian dictatorship and its quest to enslave the planet under one hegemonic rule

To me that sounds like the NWO plan.
I think the person “Hill” may be Fiona Hill, I couldn’t find where the quotes were taken from.


Russia has been forced to be a serious adversary of the US. Our govt has deliberately lied about Russia in order to make it into a bogeyman.

Russia has been a friend of the US far longer than it’s been an adversary.

Our current govt is evil.



pat frederick

Wyoming Treeper
September 23, 2024 8:17 am

Constituent update from Harriet Hageman (R-WY):
I Voted to Secure our Federal Elections from Illegal Voters This past week, the House voted on a continuing resolution (CR) to avoid a government shutdown at the end of the month, keeping the government open through March 28th and pairing that extension of funding with the SAVE Act, an election integrity measure to ensure only American citizens vote in our elections. While I voted yes, the bill unfortunately failed, and the usual powers that be are rewriting a short-term CR through December with a number of unknown spending increase additions known as “anomalies.” 
I have been as clear with House leadership as I have been with you; I will not vote for a CR unless the SAVE Act is included. CRs are bad fiscal policy, excluding Congress from implementing much needed spending reform. This last CR was only made palatable when it included a strategic chance to secure our elections. A short-term CR into December runs the risk of a full-year omnibus, which is even more dangerous than a CR, and undermines the options for the incoming majority that the People elected. Adding new spending in the form of anomalies also run afoul of the very purpose of a CR, which is to continue the previous year’s spending. No matter what the version is, without the SAVE Act, I will oppose any “clean” CR and keep you informed as this process plays out. 

pat frederick
Wyoming Treeper
September 23, 2024 8:18 am

Reply to  Wyoming Treeper

More from Hageman
House Passes Bill to Overturn EV Mandates 
On Friday, I voted in favor of H.J.Res.136, a Congressional Review Act resolution of which I am an original cosponsor, which would nullify the Biden-Harris Environmental Protection Agency’s tailpipe emissions rule that would require approximately two-thirds of all consumer vehicles to be zero emission by 2032. The rule effectively aims to eliminate consumer choice by mandating the manufacturing and sale of electric vehicles and forcing gas powered vehicles out of the U.S. market. 
This rule is yet another example of an out-of-control bureaucracy that seeks to implement a radical environmental agenda which millions of Americans do not support and cannot afford. Thanks to the Biden-Harris administration’s disastrous economic policies, countless Americans are forced to pay astronomical prices to afford groceries and fill up their cars with fuel. This rule will only serve to bankrupt America and force our country into energy poverty. I am proud to say that the resolution passed the House of Representatives, and it is my hope that the Senate quickly considers and passes this necessary legislation.  

Gail Combs

Zero emission by 2032 implements a Pol Pot type country.


Obviously you are burdened by what has been.  😂 

Gail Combs


I have a dozen ponies that are between 25 and 50 years old!


I had never heard that Doors song before either.

This is another Doors song I had not heard, until maybe 10 years ago, from the Doors CD Backstage and Dangerous: The Private Rehearsal (2002).


There were other Doors songs on that same CD that were previously unreleased, but this one (I will Never Be Untrue) sounded the most like it could have been right at home on any of the Doors official release LPs.

Like a long lost Doors song.

It was kind of amazing hearing his voice, which I know very well, singing a song I had never heard before. A good song, one that was good enough to have been on one of their albums.

Makes me wonder what else they still have in the vaults. They have been pretty good about releasing these kinds of things, mostly live recordings, over the years. Mostly on their partner label Rhino / Bright Midnight Records.


I realize that many on our side regard the exploding pagers as primarily a laughing matter, and secondarily as an object of admiration.

Our side has been almost categorically on the side of Israel, regardless of the circumstances.

Ron Unz has a different take on the matter:

No doubt, the all purpose response of name calling, a form of “shut up” with implied threats, is what can be expected to the information he presents.

But it is information he presents, information which can be evaluated and assessed in a rational/reasonable manner.

Unz has the same impression I had of the exploding pagers, that the scheme was a brilliant operation indistinguishable from barbaric terrorism. Unz goes into some depth about the extensive use of assassination and terrorism by the Zionists before the founding of Israel, and by Israel itself. The exploding pagers were not assassination.

Unz is a very cautious and scrupulous man. He provides sources and documentation for his assertions, and he honestly admits to speculation when he is speculating.

It would take a year to read and comprehend the archives at, but the effort is well worth while with respect to an assortment of topics where the official narrative on a given topic turns out to be a series of lies, distortions and brainwashing.

On our side, we have been discovering for years how we have been lied to by our alleged government (run by TPTB) about a variety of topics. We are at the point where nothing is believed if it originates from the “government” or from their media/institutional frontmen.

The distinction has been made here and on other sites between the American people and the “government” who claims to act on our behalf. One of the fascinating aspects in this regard was Tucker’s interview with Putin, who disclosed his understanding that what the American “government” did was not endorsed or supported by a vast segment of the American people.

That distinction is a good one IMO when applied both here and in other countries.

Last edited 4 months ago by Tonawanda
Gail Combs

I am going to add your comment to my up-coming Wednesday article.


From the Pyramid Text of Unas

Utterance 302.


 $462. There is no word against me on earth among men, there is no accusation in the sky among the gods, for I have annulled the word against me, which I destroyed in order to mount the sky.


Utterance 305

$472 Is the heir grown poor, and having a script,

(then) this Unas shall write with the big finger,

He shall not write with the small finger.


circa 2300 BC.


Not new. No reason to believe things are not run the same way.

The strategy is crude but effective. Shut up, or else.

Especially effective when the institutions are devoted to shut up or else.

One of the few questions posed to people on our side is whether how many have their minds closed for whatever reason.

The sacred status of Israel is a mental obstacle on our side, very understandable (if incorrectly) so.

Almost unique in the thinking on our side, which is normally very sensitive to bogus narratives, is the unquestioning acceptance of the Israeli position on any issue.

There are many aspects to the question which lend themselves to hopeful bias.

And our side is particulary vulnerable. We know the false accusations are wicked lies. But we are affected by them.

We savor the circumstance where we can deny that we are haters, and relish the dopamine rush of making the same sort of (sincerely but misguidedly) false accusations made against us.

Last edited 4 months ago by Tonawanda
Gail Combs

Do not miss my Wednesday article….


This coming Wednesday?


I frankly don’t give a damn what anybody thinks of Israel. It has a right to exist and groups that have its destruction as part of their foundation get zero sympathy from me.

If Israel wants to wipe out all of them, I’m okay with it.

If that offends anyone, well I can’t help that.




they successfully took out the means of communication among their mortal enemies prior to a new stage in this war against Hezbollah.

that’s a smart move.

it was a military operation in a time of war.

war is hell.

did you happen to see any of the hellish footage of the horrific ghastly & outrageous tunnels where the Israeli hostages were held…and then murdered ?

Last edited 4 months ago by smiley2

What are the limits of taking out the communication of your enemy if there is necessarily collateral damage? This is a question civilized people and most especially Christians ask.

If the operation is indifferent to innocents, than the operation ought to be examined.

There are many issues related to the treatment of the hostages.

The deliberate slaughter of civilians goes back to WW2, and the sequence of events ought to be discussed. Did the slaughter of innocent Germans precede the slaughter of British?

The issues involved are presently in the realm of shut up. Do not discuss. A closed and fearful mind is the only acceptable mind.

There is an immense amount of brainwashing and propaganda on both sides.

Our consciousness IMO needs to be broadened and deepened. Our minds need to be open.

Barb Meier

Israel is the only nation I know of who warns civilians to evacuate prior to bombing terrorists. The drop fliers to let everyone know.


“What are the limits of taking out the communication of your enemy if there is necessarily collateral damage?

This is a question civilized people and most especially Christians ask.”



Truly, profoundly, I do not understand this.

What business is it of any Christian what the people of any country do, in response to a heinous atrocity like HamISIS committed?

Who are we, or anyone else, to tell the sovereign nation of Israel what they can or cannot do, in response to this atrocity?

Do any of us have authority over them?

There are things that happen in this world, things so hideous and ugly, that the only thing civilized people can do is eradicate the evil.

God eradicated people on multiple occasions in Scripture, and God commanded the Israelites to do it on multiple occasions.

Who is more moral than God?


“If the operation is indifferent to innocents, than the operation ought to be examined.”


If there be any ‘innocents’ (have you seen the young HamISIS children, training to be terrorists?), and the enemy is pretending to use them as shields, what are your options?

A) let the enemy get away with their atrocities, rewarding them and encouraging more of the same in the future

B) do what has to be done

If there is a ‘third way’, what is it?

That has to be a fair question, doesn’t it?

One that demands a credible answer?


“The issues involved are presently in the realm of shut up. Do not discuss. A closed and fearful mind is the only acceptable mind.”


I don’t see that, but I haven’t paid close attention to it either.

I would discuss it. My mind is open. What is the argument for leniency for the barbarians?

The answers can’t just be that the ‘good guys’ have to be so moral that the bad guys get away with their atrocities.

The answers have to be real and credible and timely, otherwise they’re not for real.


“There is an immense amount of brainwashing and propaganda on both sides.”


I don’t pay attention to any of it. I’ve watched almost nothing about it, and read even less.

Because what’s the point?

I saw video footage of October 7th.

HamISIS has not denied their guilt, they did it.

What they did was an atrocity and a crime against humanity, and they’re still doing it, it’s an atrocity still in progress.

The justifiable penalty for such atrocities easily includes death.

Israel has every right to carry out that punishment, and I assumed they would do so. What else was there to consider, that I should read endless stories and consume endless amounts of propaganda?

The relevant facts are not disputed or contested, the guilty parties are known, and the victim is capable of carrying out judgment. What else do I need to know, and how is it any of my business if I happen to disagree with their methods?

The responsibility for any innocents who might be collateral damage during retaliation is with HamISIS.

They initiated the atrocities, and unless they wiped out every living Israeli, they knew there would be righteous and justified retaliation, and they did it anyway.

They put their own ‘innocents’ in jeopardy. They bear responsibility for that, not Israel.

For Israel to do nothing would be nearly as great of an injustice as what HamISIS did.

So what should Israel do, that will bring justice to the guilty, and prevent such an atrocity from ever happening again?

There has to be a credible and timely answer to that question, we can’t just wring our hands and point fingers at Israel and tell them not to respond disproportionately.

The guilty must be brought to justice.

If anyone dislikes the way Israel is doing it, then what’s their better plan?

Everyone should be willing to hear the plan and give audience to the speaker.

What should they do?

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

War is Hell, no doubt.

But even in war distinctions are made. Maybe those dstinctions have no effect, but the reasons they are made reflect a valid way of looking at things.

For instance, innocent persons on the enemy side should not be indifferently killed or maimed, as if their innocence is irrelevant.

War can be conducted ethically, even though we know it will be not.

In our present reality, on our side, Israel can do no wrong.

This is consistent with the historical (and inherently absurd) opinion of total innocence on one side.

There is a pov which says, only one side is right, and one side is wrong.

Like all such “binary” povs, the circumstances (IMO) belie the belief.

Last edited 4 months ago by Tonawanda

“I realize that many on our side regard the exploding pagers as primarily a laughing matter, and secondarily as an object of admiration.”


How can anyone think of it as anything besides justice?

It doesn’t matter who they are or what their beef is. It doesn’t matter if they’re black people from Chicago or white liberals from Martha’s Vineyard or anyone else. If they kidnap and rape and murder hundreds of innocent people, then whatever happens to them, did they not bring it on themselves?

I don’t even know how to begin to think about it any other way, and in all the time that has passed, has anyone even tried to present a rational case why anyone should think about it any other way?

If HamISIS has a public-relations team, they should all be fired. It’s not their fault really, what can they possibly say? Israel oppresses us, so we raped and murdered a thousand innocent people?

It’s like Pdiddly-doo Puff-Piddly Combs, raping women and children, trafficking them for pleasure and profit (and apparently murdering some of them too).

What excuse can possibly justify or rationalize what he is accused of doing?

What sad story is anyone going to tell, to make all the things he has done justifiable, and just let him go?

Likewise, what sad story is HamISIS going to tell, to justify kidnapping, raping and murdering over a thousand innocent people?

I’m willing to hear the argument, if there is one.

I just can’t imagine what it could possibly be, to justify what they did.

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

This is the only post I have ever seen from you which is incoherent. Just meaning I have no idea what you are talking about.

If the question is whether exploding pagers can be understood as anything but justice, comparable to the prosecution of Diddy, than I truly do not understand what you are saying, uniquely unusual.

To my mind, the exploding pagers is barbaric terrorism. That an issue subject to debate.

The diddy thing is not debate, it is emotional manipulation, unique for you.


I agree – it was barbaric terrorism. In response to barbaric terrorism.

An eye for an eye. Old testament law. I’m okay with it.

Also the law under many other social structures.

Only question is who started it.

Wasn’t Israel.


“This is the only post I have ever seen from you which is incoherent.”


I should have lots of them, you’re just not looking hard enough 😁


“Just meaning I have no idea what you are talking about.”


Maybe that’s what I get, for trying to be non-confrontational, and phrase things in a quasi Socratic method sort of way.


“If the question is whether exploding pagers can be understood as anything but justice, comparable to the prosecution of Diddy, than I truly do not understand what you are saying, uniquely unusual.”


Nope, that’s not what I meant.

I was comparing the obscenity of HamISIS to the obscenity of Pdidly, saying that there is nothing either one could possible say (or argue) to justify what they have done.

For HamISIS, it’s like the mob that raped the Levite’s concubine to death in Judges, chapters 19-21.

It was so heinous, it was such an obscene act of violence and inhumanity, the entire tribe of Benjamin was nearly wiped out because of it.


“To my mind, the exploding pagers is barbaric terrorism. That an issue subject to debate.”


To my mind, HamISIS forfeited any and all expectation of lawful warfare when they committed an unprovoked act of war against innocent civilians, murdering over a thousand innocent people, including women and children, and took hundreds of hostages, raping and murdering them, even raping a MALE hostage, these sick islamic homos.

They deserve to have fire and brimstone rain down on their heads and obliterate them from off the face of the earth.

They won’t get that, but that’s what they deserve.

Anyone who hides them or provides aid and comfort earns a ticket to ride into the void with them.


“The diddy thing is not debate, it is emotional manipulation, unique for you.”


Not unique at all, it was a comparison, to demonstrate that just as there can be no excuse or justification for what Pdiddly is accused of doing, neither can there be any defense or justification for what HamISIS did on October 7th.

They perpetrated a heinous, barbaric act of genocide and rape, with careful premeditation and malice aforethought.

If Israel wants to carpet bomb them into oblivion, or pager them to death, that’s their call and they are absolutely within their rights to do it.

No one gets to commit atrocities and crimes against humanity, and then run and hide (with hostages in tow, to continue raping and murdering), while begging the world not to let their victims do anything ‘unfair’ to them.

When you start a war with someone, when you commit atrocities against them — atrocities which are ongoing, still in progress — you don’t get to play the Left’s Alinsky game of holding your victim to standards the perpetrator doesn’t even pretend to hold themselves to.

How did anyone who participated in that atrocity on October 7th not sign their own death warrant on that day?

How is that even controversial?

They haven’t even stopped raping and murdering the hostages, they’re still doing it…

What’s the argument for leniency?

What’s the argument for not giving every last one of them Haman’s sentence?

I haven’t understood from the start, and I haven’t seen one single person even try to explain it.

I have seen lots of people upset about Israel’s retaliation, but where is their comprehension of what was done to over a thousand innocent people, hundreds of whom are still being tortured by these animals?

What would they do if this thing had been done to them?

What is the moral thing to do?

Are the people of Israel just to do nothing?

Would that be moral, or would that be hideously immoral?

What happened in Judges 19-21 was done by perhaps hundreds of people to one woman.

What happened on October 7th was done by thousands of people to at least a thousand people, and they’re still doing it right now, right this very second, while we go back and forth, debating the unfairness to the perpetrators?!?

If it was your daughter being held by these animals, what foreign country has any right to tell you what you can or cannot do to the animals who took her?

Who can dictate to you, what you can or cannot do, to try to rescue her?

And if they murder her, like they have done to so many others, who can tell you what you can or cannot do in retribution?

Who has that right?

These are the kinds of things I don’t understand, and no one even tries to explain them, so I don’t know what the controversy is even about.

Who will say it?

Let us hear the argument, and see if it can withstand scrutiny.

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

Number one; thanks, Wolf, for the reminder of just how gorgeous Jim Morrison really was.

Number two; even in the preview photo for the “sanpaku eyes” video, and the graphic beneath, you can see the difference between the “tragic ones” and the “violent ones.”

Sanpaku eyes come in two kinds: yin (whites seen below the iris), and yang (whites seen above the iris).

Jim Morrison had yin sanpaku. Charles Manson has yang sanpaku.


Oh, wow. I just had a thought.

In the tragic yin sanpaku eyes, you can look in a mirror and cause it in yourself, by dropping your chin. Just like someone sad, humble, or fearful might carry themselves.

Conversely, if you raise you chin in arrogance, or jut it forward like someone aggressive or angry, you will cause the whites of your eyes to show above your irises in yang sanpaku.

Maybe this accounts in some way for the phenomenon.




You might like the picture used for this video. Is that a young Jim Morrison with short hair? I have never seen him with short hair before, but I don’t know why anyone would use that photo if it wasn’t Jim Morrison:


Just looked up ‘young Jim Morrison’ and found his high school yearbook photo, it looks like the same guy as above:

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Found a color version, says 1961:

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Verse of the Day for Monday, September 23, 2024

“God is my strength and power: and he maketh my way perfect.” 

2 Samuel 22:33 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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When confronted with impossible odds
With insurmountable bauds and frauds
We look to contemplation and reason
Inward outward no matter the season

After consideration of every option
The master chosen is the swaption
Of the world we should be but naught
Through daily struggles we get caught

We twist and turn aimlessly all about
Filled with anger anguish dastardly doubt
We are tossed in the storm of no return
For the Peace of the Lord we surely yearn 

What can we do to detach and dispatch
The obvious outrageous moot mismatch
What have we done that we need to undo
What can we do to secure a breakthrough

What did we do at the start that went wrong
Why is it so hard and taking so long
Why do we struggle to figure it out
It all comes back to the matter of doubt

What did Thomas doubt that was unseen
What was he missing that should have been
Why did he hesitate when others believed
What did they have he had not received

We know the story of Thomas the doubter
Unfortunately some have played the flouter
Of little faith were Thomas and Matthew
By His Word we really did not have to

In Proverbs 3 – lies quality advice
The commands are simple and thrice
Trust – Lean Not – and do Acknowledge
The path made straight by pre-knowledge

Does faith precede you in all that you do
Is obedience without further ado
Do you take it up with Him first or last
Is your turmoil present or is it past

Does doubt deter and mesmerize your mind
Do you panic because you fell behind
Are you anxiety-ridden and far off course
Have you considered the unseemly source

When we dare to doubt the Power of God
We fail to trust – acknowledge – give Him laud
We think falsely there is naught He can do
Tho’ the impossible He can make anew

A time when we were too lost and tossed
It appeared the bridge could not be crossed
The mountain was much too high to mount
And problems were too numerous to count

Not so – not anymore – God is in charge
Man cannot solve worldwide turmoil at large
Much too soon the enemy took control
Before too long he’ll be in a blackhole

One man cannot right the wrongs worldwide
He can make changes with God by his side
When there appears to be no other way
The Power of God will – so let us PRAY!

D01: 04/22/2023


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday


Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




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Every time I see a White Butterfly
I think of Wheatie passing by
To say ‘hello’ and check on me
She still cares to stop and see

Every Monday we remember
Her loving heart so warm and tender
Her quickfire wit and mind so sharp
Her watchful attention did not depart

From the beginning of this Q tree
She managed with Wolf it to be
A place to gather to contemplate
The clues and dews to acclimate 

The history and mystery of days gone by
The what when where and even the why
Discerning and concerning what will be
When the future proves past the Q theory

Albeit she knew where to take the flock
To maneuver the convo watch the clock
Little did we know what was concealed
What was under her wings to be revealed

We cannot forget what she gave to us
How she and PHC provided the plus
As these two spirits watch over the blog
We are enriched and ensured and agog

” Monday Monday so good to me
Monday Morning was all I hoped it would be
Oh Monday Morning couldn’t guarantee
That Monday Evening you would still be here with me…”

D01: 09/23/2024


Thank You again! That one is extra special 😁

Gail Combs

Someone wants the land, no doubt for a WIND FARM & or SOLAR FARM. And yes it was DONE BEFORE!!!

My NOTES in reverse order

Warren Buffet ended up with the land after it was used for a solar farm.

Warren Buffett Buys The World’s Biggest Solar Plant – SolarFeeds Magazine
January 3, 2013 – SunPower (Nasdaq: SPWR) is getting a strong sales pipeline for its solar panels after selling what will be the largest solar PV plant in the world. Warren Buffet’s utility, MidAmerican Energy, is buying the 579 megawatt (MW) Antelope Valley Solar Project,


In September 2011, the Department of Energy issued a $646 million loan guarantee to finance Antelope Valley Solar Ranch 1, a 242-MW photovoltaic (PV) solar generation project. Constellation Energy, formerly Exelon, owns the plant, which reached full commercial operations in April 2014.


Antelope Valley Solar Ranch features utility-scale deployment of the innovative fault ride through inverters with dynamic voltage regulation. The inverters enable the project to provide more stable and continuous power, increasing the reliability of utility-scale solar power plants. The project also features First Solar’s thin-film cadmium-telluride solar modules. The majority of the modules will be mounted on fixed racks, and approximately 20% of the project will be mounted on single-axis tracking racks.

L.A. County’s Private Property War
by Mars Melnicoff Thursday, Jun 23 2011


Click here to watch our video exclusive, “L.A. County’s War on Desert Rats.”

In Llano, in the middle of the Southern California high desert, a bewhiskered Jacques Dupuis stands in front of what was once his home. His laid-back second wife, Marcelle, her long, silver hair blowing in the breeze, takes a drag on her Marlboro Red as they walk inside and, in thick French Canadian accents, recount the day in 2007 when the government came calling. “That’s the seat I have to offer you,” she tells a visitor, motioning to the exposed, dusty wooden floor planks in what was once a cozy cabin where Jacques spent much of his life, raising his daughter with his first wife.

On Oct. 17, 2007, Marcelle opened the door to a loud knock. Her heart jumped when she found a man backed by two armed county agents in bulletproof vests. She was alone in the cabin, a dot in the vast open space of the Antelope Valley, without a neighbor for more than half a mile. She feared that something had happened to her daughter, who was visiting from Montreal.

click to flip through (6)

“It has a bedroom, bathroom, kitchenette, all that.” Joey Gallo, a disabled vet facing homelessness under county orders, with his friend Lucky.

The men demanded her driver’s license, telling her, “This building is not permitted — everything must go.” Normally sassy, Marcelle handed over her ID — even her green card, just in case. Stepping out, she realized that her 1,000-square-foot cabin was surrounded by men with drawn guns. “You have no right to be here,” one informed her. Baffled and shaking with fear, she called her daughter — please come right away.

As her ordeal wore on, she heard one agent, looking inside their comfortable cabin, say to another: “This one’s a real shame — this is a real nice one.”

A “shame” because the authorities eventually would enact some of the most powerful rules imaginable against rural residents: the order to bring the home up to current codes or dismantle the 26-year-old cabin, leaving only bare ground.

“They wouldn’t let me grandfather in the water tank,” Jacques Dupuis says. “It is so heart-wrenching because there was a way to salvage this, but they wouldn’t work with me. It was, ‘Tear it down. Period.’ ”

In order to clear the title on their land, the Dupuises are spending what would have been peaceful retirement days dismantling every board and nail of their home — by hand — because they can’t afford to hire a crew.

Tough code enforcement has been ramped up in these unincorporated areas of L.A. County, leaving the iconoclasts who chose to live in distant sectors of the Antelope Valley frightened, confused and livid. They point the finger at the Board of Supervisors’ Nuisance Abatement Teams, known as NAT, instituted in 2006 by Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonovich in his sprawling Fifth District. The teams’ mission: “to abate the more difficult code violations and public nuisance conditions on private property.”

L.A. Weekly found in a six-week investigation that county inspectors and armed DA investigators also are pursuing victimless misdemeanors and code violations, with sometimes tragic results. The government can define land on which residents have lived for years as “vacant” if their cabins, homes and mobile homes are on parcels where the land use hasn’t been legally established. Some have been jailed for defying the officials in downtown Los Angeles, while others have lost their savings and belongings trying to meet the county’s “final zoning enforcement orders.” Los Angeles County has left some residents, who appeared to be doing no harm, homeless.

Some top county officials insist that nothing new is unfolding. Michael Noyes, deputy in charge of code enforcement for Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley, says, “We’ve had a unit in the office through the ’70s and ’80s.” But key members of the county NAT team say that “definitely, yes,” a major focus on unincorporated areas was launched in 2006. Cooley declined to comment through his media spokesman.

Click here to watch our video exclusive, “L.A. County’s War on Desert Rats.”

Many residents insist a clearing-out is under way in these 2,200 square miles of arid land an hour north of L.A., a mountain-ringed valley at the western tip of the Mojave Desert named for elegant pronghorn herds that were all but wiped out by an 1884-94 drought. Their anxiety has prompted conspiracy theories about whether the county has its own plans for their land.

The crackdown has the strong backing of Antonovich, whose spokesman, Tony Bell, says of its critics, “I’ve probably ruined your story because you want to say it’s a horrible thing going on. … We have gotten a very, very positive response from the community.”

Not everyone. Oscar Castaneda, pastor of Lancaster’s historic adobe Sanctuary Seventh-day Adventist Church, built in 1934 and featured in Kill Bill, recalls the day he says he was ordered to “freeze” in front of his mobile home on isolated land where his only neighbors are rattlesnakes. Decades ago, Castaneda says the county gave him verbal approval to live there in a mobile home. He told the NAT team, which began photographing his spread: “Listen, I’ve been living over here for 22 years. And nobody has come over here to bother me.”


Call me cynical but someone is going to make BIG MONEY off of this and it ain’t the ranch owners!


Link no bueno.

If someone knows how to access an archive, that would be good.

Gail Combs

Bless you.  😍 

Valerie Curren

This sort of sounds like another aspect of what Trade Bait is writing about in his Fire series. Unconscionable & the little guys have virtually no protection nor recourse  😡 


“This is uncharacteristic of the Forest Service.”

I suspect that is a very naive perspective.

In general, I view the Feds as overbearing assholes, on a good day.

pat frederick

h/t filly
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pat frederick

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pat frederick


Needs to be a case with no plea deal at any stage. Prolly does NOT exist.

Foundation for Kakala success, solely on her back. Well, also her knees punished a bit.






I could see this program working.
Could work with dogs too?

Gail Combs

Best with cats that can stay inside and use litter boxes.

Deplorable Patriot

Dogs, actually, are usually matched with low flight risk prisoners for training. I’ve seen footage on that. Dogs would be more dicey as the pack mentality could well be in play, and if those guys know how to set it off, depending on the breed(s), things could get REALLY messy real fast.

Gail Combs

It looks like we have kittens to donate SOON. Mama cat was back visiting today and was obviously pregers…

The tom kitten just let me pet him for the first time today BTW.


23 September 2024
Yours Truly: This post has an image of the letter that Ryan Routh wrote, in which he offers $150,000 to “anyone” who “finishes the job” of assassinating Donald Trump.


damn they don’t even hide the dirty anymore…and where’s that attempted murder charge?

Gail Combs

Ryan Routh???

He was claiming to only own 2 old trucks. SO WHERE IS THE $150,000 coming from?


Perhaps, “ask ValJar.”

Deplorable Patriot

Tomorrow’s post is in the can. Several opinions on that are in the body of it.


The advance on his book deal.


LIVE WITH JULIE – 09/23/2024




2 Corinthians