DEAR KAG: 20210129 Biden Lost, Bigly

It’s Fight Back Better Friday again! Wolf’s Pub has opened its doors. Today we celebrate! Today we toast the gamer investors who took on the Wall Street part of the SYSTEM and beat the tar out of it. The GameStop Story lit the match that has started another populist fire. If you go to the link, you will see that Wall Street is finally getting why American citizens are so ticked off. From the article:

“Buying GameStop “isn’t about greed,” one user wrote on Reddit, after citing all the recessions “they” caused and the times “they” got bailed out with taxpayers’ dollars. “It’s about taking back what’s ours, what we’ve already paid for.”

Note the quotes around ‘they’?

We laugh.

The populist fire ain’t going out anytime soon.

In honor of our populist investors the pub presents a sweet and tart liqueur called Limoncello as today’s special. Oh, the magic of Limoncello! I first tasted it at an Italian friend’s party. It was late, there were only a few of us left, and we had been laughing and eating for hours. Our host slipped away for a moment and returned with a most intriguing bottle.

Out of the bottle shone liquid sunshine. The bottle was frosty cold, having been stored in the freezer. He gathered a few small glasses and poured a finger or two in each. Then he sat back to watch. Sweetness, light, slight tart, thick and smooth, it was so delicious we held it in our mouths and swirled.

Now Limoncello has a very young history and you can read about it here. It really only came into worldwide prominence in the 1980s, but people will tell you that the Italians have been making homemade Limoncello for their families for generations. Here’s a short video showing how easy it is to make your own.

Distilled spirits, macerated lemon peels, water and sugar. That’s it. Sweet. Tart. Merry-making. Sounds like our gamer investors, no? God bless them and keep them and make His face to shine upon them. And always, Lord, please provide a frosty glass of Limoncello to let them know we love ‘em!


Just the usual, but important, reminder to keep things civil at the pub. These are uncivil times we live in, but we can push back on that which seeks to tear down honest and lively debate. The bouncers are happy to show you the Rules or send you off to the Utree if you’re in the mood to brawl. However, I suggest we settle for a Dammit Doll.

Made for all kinds of occasions (I find the road rage doll to be just the ticket), there is a Dammit Doll for every stressed out and foul mood. Perhaps there will be one soon for Resident Biden. Here’s one for all the hedge fund managers out there. Enjoy!

Now that we have that settled and our glass of Limoncello is in hand, let us talk ghouls.

The ghouls of the NWO SYSTEM, the banksters, the UniParty, those soulless globalist creeps that censor us, lie to us, beggar us with taxes and unfair business practices, that traffick women and children, that want to stick muzzles on our faces and swabs up our arses in order to humiliate us–they are NOT GOING TO DEFEAT US.

The people of the WORLD, let alone the people of the United States are AGAINST TYRANNY. We will always yearn to be free. Liberty is hardwired into the human psyche, thanks be to God. The Cartel SYSTEM is beginning to totter even as they desperately seek to consolidate power and suppress dissent. Every day brings more revelations of the SYSTEM they have in place to keep us enslaved.

The Tower of Babel is shuddering as an invisible finger begins to write upon the wall.


And we know the UniParty knows it, too.

We hold the line. We speak the truth. We never give in. We never give up. No matter what.

“Liz Cheney is the Queen of the UniParty.” April Poley WYGOP Grassroots Organizer

That’s why the revolt against Rep. Liz Cheney is going to reverberate for a long while. Her vote to impeach President Trump was the match that started yet another populist fire against the UniParty. Politico wrote a piece about her that is as nice as can be.

We laugh.

That both wings of the UniParty are circling the wagons around her in an attempt to save their queen just adds more flame to the fire.

Trump Loyalists Want To Punish Liz Cheney. So?

From the article:

“What looks arrogant and even contemptuous in one light looks principled and conscientious in another. Her move raises the question of whether paying a near-term cost — in challenges to her leadership position and vitriol from Trump partisans — can pay a long-term dividend in enhanced national stature.”

Queen Liz is betting on the wrong stock. Get ready to be divested of your position, you vile wench.

Amanda Shae was interviewed by Steve Bannon while at the Wyoming rally against Liz Cheney yesterday. When questioned how people feel about that globalist puppet, she said:

“They don’t feel like she’s a true person from Wyoming…She lives in Virginia…She is bought and paid for by special interests…She is for the establishment. It is the establishment versus the rest of the people. They don’t want her representing their state.”

Amanda Shae

(If video doesn’t work, go here to find Episode 690, Part 3, for the full interview with Amanda.)

“The UniParty is the permanent political class that controls the City.” Steven Bannon

We have our work cut out for us, but we are up for it. The PPC (permanent political class) and the CCP aren’t going to be defeated without a fight. The flame of liberty ignites in a place like Wyoming. It works its way to Wall Street. It lights anew in every little town and county in these United States where patriots are willing to take a stand and fight. We will take back our country.

The Four Rs





“They want you to keep your mouth shut…pay your taxes and send your kids to fight your endless wars.” Steven Bannon

We aren’t going to shut up. We’re sick and tired of bailing out the elite institutions with our tax money, and we’re done with sending our kids to fight in wars that have nothing to do with keeping our citizens safe and prosperous.

They are bleeding us dry. The soul sicknesses of Greed and Lust have consumed the Cabal.

We are chattel to them. That is what Queen Liz Cheney thinks of us. We are to be used to further their goals, and all us serfs can go to hell.

You can see above just how much Resident Biden and his handlers love the people. Well, let us ponder for a moment the goodness and decency of a man like Mike Lindell. The My Pillow businessman has founded the Lindell Recovery Network for those struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. This is where his heart is, and what a great heart he has.


LRN is not a traditional treatment center, which often fail to effect lasting change.  It is about heart restoration. Click over to watch Melissa Huray talk about the LRN on War Room, Episode 690.

If someone you know needs help right now, share the website with them. It’s all free. Healed hearts are valiant hearts.


If you missed John Paul Rice in Wednesday’s thread, here he is again. Watch the video. THIS IS WHAT THEY ARE DOING TO OUR CHILDREN:

Some major points:

* According to UNICEF 40 million people are trafficked each year.

* 5.5 million children are trafficked. Many don’t live past the age of 7 or 8.

* It is a $150 billion a year industry.

* Ghislaine Maxwell, when questioned about all the disadvantaged girls that had been abused by Epstein and others, was reported to have said, “They are trash. They are nothing.”

* Some of these children are actually sacrificed. “They are murdering them for pleasure,” according to Rice. The depraved ghouls are harvesting the organs of children in China.

* There is a pipeline of children that goes straight from Haiti to the Vatican.

* It is not about Right or Left, Democrat or Republican: it is about a “Unified Cabal of Controlled People” who keep the fear going to distract you and keep the trafficking, the depopulation plans, the financial rape of the US populace and other crimes hidden. The MSM PURPOSELY protects and hides these crimes. They KNOW. They KNOW.

THEY WANT THE POWER OF LIFE AND DEATH OVER US. They think of themselves as gods. Who could miss that they brazenly trotted out that EXPOSED PEDOPHILE PERVERT, Hunter Biden, while the Sniffer-in-chief took the oath of office. Revolting. Utterly revolting.

If ever there was a time to stand up and not be quiet, it is now. If they shut one of us down, another of us steps up. Endlessly.




“Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord your God, He it is that goes with you; he will not fail you, nor forsake you.” Deut. 31:6.


Let us prepare to pray as we’ve never prayed before.

Salve Regina chant:

Here’s a little history about WW2. FDR and Churchill met secretly in August 1941 and talked for four days about American support of Great Britain against the Nazis. Churchill carefully picked out hymns to sing during a service on board ship, among which was “Onward Christian Soldiers.”

And here is the hymn. God will hear our fervent prayers and we will see a mighty work done for us, our children, and for the world.

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Another great post, G’ma!!!

Deplorable Patriot


The memories…. It was late, really late, and we were at the bar on the rooftop of the hotel in Rome the night before we went to Assisi, and got the deacon’s wife plastered on the stuff.

Gotta love choir trips.


When you were in Assisi, did you see Portiuncula? I was only 15 when I went there and don’t remember much, but as my understanding grew I wished I had taken more note of it, especially given its relationship to Los Angeles.

Deplorable Patriot

TBH, I don’t remember if we did or not. That was a packed day with Mass in the upper Church. I ended up in the middle of people not in my section and had to sight read their part. We went to both of the big Churches, and had lunch where we were not to drink the wine as we had to sing, but the choir director didn’t say anything about dessert which was Tiramisu loaded with enough Fraangelico we were all buzzed anyway.

And then then there was paying our respects to St. Francis and one of the people on the trip put it this way, “He was down there with three of his homies.”

I haven’t laughed that hard in years.


The Saints stand between humans and angels…..St. Francis fraternizes with both. Could be his celestial homies or his terrestrial homies….


This is not technically a spoiler because there was no plot point hanging off of it….

Los Angeles is sometimes called “City of the Angels” — and, there it is, “The Angels” is “Los Angeles.”

But that’s the lesser part of the City’s true name.

The City grew from “El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora Reina de Los Angeles” — ‘The Town of Our Lady the Queen of the Angels’.

But, then, Father Serra (a Franciscan friar) rolled in to answer the question of “who is Our Lady?”

“El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora, Maria de Porciuncola, Reina de Los Angeles” is the true name of the godless carbuncle in Southern California. I visited Assisi when I was 15 and remember little. Were I there today, I would visit the little corner and pray for the great city that hearkens to it.


So, along the way to getting here, I did a little deeper dive on the Wolf’s Head at the top of the post. It’s from a company called Voronfab — — who are known for making animal sculptures, animal jewelry, etc. It comes from their collection of digital 3D models.

If you owned a 3D printer (I do….) and got the model….you could print it in a variety of substances and sizes.

I’ll probably do that after I move.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Sadie Slays

I gave you all a head’s up on Gamestop while it was still in the double digits. Now I’m giving you a head’s up that the next thing brewing is a run on silver. In very simple terms, the price of silver has been manipulated by JP Morgan for decades. There’s a growing movement in the chan underworld to do to silver what WSB did to $GME and force a squeeze on manipulated silver prices. Some argue we should buy up physical silver. Others are saying buy both physical plus shares of silver ETFs. The silver ETFs being mentioned are $PSLV, $AG, and $SLV.  

I’ll warn people right now that this movement only in the nascent stages and not nearly a surefire thing as $GME. If you want to take a chance and possibly get in super early, or if you simply want to make a political statement, then consider this your head’s up.

From Zero Hedge:

Is The Reddit Rebellion About To Descend On The Precious Metals Market?

From WSB:

The biggest short squeeze in the world $SLV 

From 4chan:

GME…but with silver?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! I’m a fan of the element Ag which has real value, IMO, but most of all, I believe this may be a solid move to force the world out of currency and back to money. It’s ultimate people power.

And, oddly, that transition is mentioned in the Majestic Drops analysis account that Suzy posted about.

That source account (Majestic dropper, not the YouTube analyst) notes a similar “awakening” strategy on firearms – that the highest form of peace strategy / consciousness is to make them harmless by culture, not by government monopoly (Trump referred to this strategy, BTW, in response to Parkland).

So, in essence, we would be applying one M12 strategy to accomplish another M12 goal.

In a way, it’s basically saying “If you don’t correct Earth’s monetary system, we will do so ourselves”.

I like it! 😍


That Majestic 12 vid is something like 110 minutes long….is there a Reader’s Digest version?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not yet, but I’m sure there will be.

My summary would be to steal one of the tweets by the M12 account.

One interpretation of it would be, paraphrased, “First you understand and go through Q, then you understand and go through Majestic, then you understand and go through Jesus.”

Many would say that this Majestic account is just the next LARP, but the problem is that it works too well at explaining what everybody is trying to do, but in many cases doing badly, or fighting while looking like doing, or doing while looking like fighting.

It’s a rather mind-bending account.

Gail Combs

“…It’s a rather mind-bending account.”

BOY is that an understatement!

It also makes Simon Parkes look less ‘Way out there’

Valerie Curren

Opening the video in a new tab there are many links & this brief timeline

3.78K subscribers
0:00​ Introduction to the video, the series and Majestic 12
4:21​ First Contact (concise recap of previous video) – Roswell, 1947
15:11​ The Secret Space Program going public (Space Force); the Matrix
23:47​ The NWO/Cabal/Satanism
33:28​ The turning point in 2001
40:59​ Majestic 12 on themselves and their ‘friend’
1:00:20​ Great Awakening; money/currency/45
1:08:36​ Positivity in Consciousness and the post OFC world
1:17:18​ Conclusion (summary of the video)

This is a video digging into the old Majestic 12 tweets and summarising several related subjects. I will do digs into their old posts in the down time of when not much is happening in the news, for me to cover. I say this because making constant videos about the news is like squeezing water from stone at times. I’ll check the feedback on this video to see whether my subscribers want to see more videos like this or not. This is the first video in a new series (see playlist below).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


I am right now reading a novel where there is an alien organization on Earth called Majestic 12.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL. Yeah, that’s been around forever. For those who don’t know, Majestic 12 is a long-running organizational meme in the UFO / Conspiracy world. I’ve generally been pretty scoffy on the more outlandish and specific aspects, but I’m coming to the conclusion that there has to be something to it, and a decloaking disclosure op just makes sense now.

“Aliens / God(s) / Other” is a great takeover Maguffin, as it was with the Aztecs. The trouble is, there is way too much that argues that the “big unknown” around which all the crap we are now experiencing is orbiting, is an information black hole that might be called “aliens and intelligence” where the latter includes what we treat by two approaches called science and religion.

I’m just trying to look for understanding, in the middle of several million self-serving LIARS in charge of this planet.

We have bad people who would never tell us the truth, and good people who want to delay it.

Kind of a mess.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Part of the issue of silver is that it’s not a zero sum game, because it’s a mineable, and what we may end up doing is simply forcing silver into radical abundance.

That’s not such a bad thing, either. But it’s also good practice for doing the same to gold, or other metals. We are STILL forcing realism in economic representation.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Black Elk might like this strategy. “The metal that makes men free.” 😉


A lesser buffer is in things like circuit board contacts fitting into slots….when gold is low, that’s thinner than you think, and it’s a lot of work….when gold is high, you have it being cooked off in woks over dung fires in China.


Fools say it’s diff than Gamestop because people own stuff made with it and can sell when high. … If you can get someone else to buy it, which is the twist.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon


@NeonRevolt Not necessarily buying “peak Ag” arguments, but still think it’s a good move for plebes to force a societal move to real value, whether the #CheaterEliters like it or not.

1 like
1 repost


I invested in MAGA silver coin.
The site no longer shows PTrump head!

………so mine is even more precious!

Last edited 3 years ago by yucki
Elizabeth Carter
Elizabeth Carter

I read that Epoch Times has been demonetized by youtube.
They are starting a different channel also.
American Thought Leaders – Youmaker


They’re all fleeing from us in panic when it was only our numbers that made them important in the first place.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Time to break out the tiny violins for some chamber music!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Mozart, String Quartet #17, The Hunt, one of six he dedicated to Joseph Haydn (sounds a lot like someone else’s name).

Unusually for Mozart, who could just compose in his head and then write it out later, he was very meticulous in writing these.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I needed that! 😍

Sadie Slays

comment image


“Nope. Yours?”


So themost exposed population is the elderly and we get this.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good grief – over 65 is where it’s supposed to work best.

mRNA a bust? Who would have known? 🙄

OK, here is the deal. This is BIG TIME SCIENCE.

If Novavax beats these problems, then the fundamental problem is mRNA / genetic vaccines are opening up one or more unexpected problems.

If Novavax has the SAME problems, then the fundamental problem is that the use of 2P and similar spike mutations is not “on target” enough, meaning not sufficiently high of a ratio of safety over effectiveness (S/E) because we’re generating antibodies that are not sufficiently controlled and thereby are attacking infrastructure.

NOW – because the highly controlled synthetic antibodies of Regeneron are NOT having these problems – almost certainly due to SEQUENCE FOCUS, then that means that vaccination to generate antibodies as a stimulated response is a fundamentally weak approach.

Thus, there is a LOT riding on what happens with Novavax. The fact that everybody glommed onto the 2P mutation and similar is a nice conservation / symmetry that is going to make these results plain as day.


It’s not necessarily that it works best for those over 65, it’s that the side-effects over 65 are negligible. Even severe reproductive effects are inconsequential in that age bracket.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Set all that aside. I just checked. There is no evidence of BADNESS – she’s just operating “anti-best-practices” (best practice being use a medicine where it will do the most good – in this case, old people) as a way to move the vaccine to the REAL audience – younger people to be sterilized. She is basing this on the fact that they don’t have data in old people. But that is where you almost don’t need data, if it’s safe and effective at the high end of the known age groups, and there is no upward extrapolation to older recipients.

This is MERKEL SABOTAGE. She’s goal-switching – it’s sleight of hand. She’s DOWN-AGING from the actual target audience. She’s also delaying.

Oh, that woman is so evil.


Bill Gates is so very proud Merkel.


This article header posted yesterday at Kennedy’s Childrens Health Defense:
Cardiothoracic Surgeon Warns FDA, Pfizer on Immunological Danger of COVID Vaccines in Recently Convalescent and Asymptomatic Carriers
Read the alert here:


Merck Scraps COVID Vaccines for Human Immunity! The Still report -3:29minutes

Sylvia Avery

I enjoy your opening posts so much. Right this moment I want nothing more than to try a glass of limoncello!!! What a great rundown on the populist movement as it stands at this moment! We fight on!


Wolf, for some reason I can post with WP.

I adore you all and will continue to press the love click!

Sylvia Avery

 😀  😀  😀  👠 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hey, good to see you! The Gods of WordPress are with you! Just let none of them be before the REALBIGGUY. 😉


I adore you, Wolf!!! Trying to tack!!!!!

❤️ 🙏


basically, they want to kill us all…dehumanize us first…re-educate us…steal everything we own, replace that with things we rent from them (stakeholder capitalism)…poison us, silence us, and suffocate us…


oh…BTW…today is the final day of Davos Agenda Week !🙌

Davos Agenda 2021

Davos World Economic Forum ~ SHAPING THE FUTURE

thru the quackery of Covid & Climate Change

and… tempus fugit !

here’s a link…

hey ! China’s on board ! 🙌



Someone nukes Davos, I’d just laugh so hard…..


in case anyone is wondering where Davos is…
comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Looks like the EYE OF THE BEAST.



Deplorable Patriot

IDK, of all the places I’ve visited, Switzerland was the cleanest, that’s for sure. I really enjoyed my time there even if it involved A LOT of walking at high altitudes.

Valerie Curren

for some reason “warthog faced buffoon” came to mind (Princess Bride) or perhaps more apropos “miserable vomitous mass!”


Was just about to post, Davos, great place to test a a tactical nuke.


some of what I hinted at in above post is described very well in the article/link I am posting below…

about connecting the dots between the Big Tech take-over of society, The “Great Reset” being launched in Davos by the WEF, and current attempts to control free speech..


The Great Reset: The Rise of The Techno-Fascist System Is Now In Your Face



article includes 27 minute video with Patrick Wood, a leading expert and critic of Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 20, Agenda 21, and Technocracy.

also included : How To FIGHT BACK.


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!


A staple of Saturday’s future? 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Stay tuned.


I’ve been thinking about this for the last couple days.

The military has until January 30th (or 31st, being generous) when the ten days of darkness expire, and when Gen. Flynn’s request for 30 day re-enlistment on December 31st (echoing Gen. George Washington’s request) expires.

The military has until then to do something public and visible to everyone, to let us know whose side they are on, ours or the traitors’.

Because if they don’t, we have to hold them accountable.

We did our job.

They better do theirs.

Two more days counting today.

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m done time-tabling anybody. It’s up to us.





There’s a reason.

We didn’t make this timetable, they did.

If they don’t honor it, then they are in dishonor.

More directly, We the People are in limbo, and have been in limbo, for almost 10 days now. This isn’t the Duchy of Grand Fenwick, it’s the united States of America.

Until or unless we know whether the military is for the Constitution and We the People, or against us, WE are in limbo.

Because if the military is FOR us, then we don’t want to get in their way or screw up their plans.

But if they’re AGAINST us, then we need to know that, in order to exit ‘limbo’ and save ourselves.

That can’t happen until we know, one way or the other.

They gave a timetable of January 30/31st.

If they don’t act by the deadline they gave, if they are in dishonor, then we have our target.

We are going to need a target, a deserving scapegoat (we did our job…), someone to unify against, someone to pressure who has the ability to change the outcome.

The military IS that pressure point.

If they don’t act by their own deadline, January 30/31st, it doesn’t matter what their excuse is. If they don’t have any pressure to ACT, then they will find excuses NOT to act forever.

We don’t know if the top brass got scared and took a dump in their shorts, we don’t know if they’re just dragging their bureaucratic feet while the whole PLANET is in limbo, we don’t know if the top brass are IN on the treason, we don’t know if they NEVER INTENDED TO DO SQUAT in the first place.

They sure didn’t do squat for 8 years during the Hussein treasonocracy. Totally AWOL. So when it comes to traitors in government generally and the Oval Office specifically, the military’s track record is CRAP.

And that’s the situation we’re faced with now, except during the Hussein administration they still had the mask on.

Now the mask is off, everybody knows their whole purpose is to destroy America, and it’s a race to see whether they can destroy our Republic before we can stop them.

And we can’t even get in the race until we know whether the military is for us or agin us.

I hope they’re for us.

But we’ve been fed four freakin’ YEARS of hopium and ‘trust the plan’ without ever saying what the plan was, which means trust them, without ever knowing for sure who they are.

We never wore any masks.

The professional political-treason class has dropped their mask.

The military stands between us and them, and so far, they haven’t tipped their hand about whose side they’re going to take.

It’s time.

January 30th.

Ready or not.

And if they’re not, then we finally have someone’s feet to hold to the fire.

We certainly don’t have a representative government whose feet we can hold to the fire, that’s gone, ever since the military allowed our government to be stolen without firing a shot.

If they’re not going to do anything, the amount of shame that can be brought to bear on the military is unprecedented.

Almost as unprecedented as allowing a foreign superpower adversary to take over our country.


Last edited 3 years ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I see the current situation as a two-player chess game, and I don’t think time-pressuring the better side over simple demands is useful.

If the military wants to make us suffer longer for better position on the board, or if they now HAVE TO make us suffer longer for better position on the board, then in either case, I am willing to go along with it. I’m not going to assume that things are NOT one of those two cases.

I think it will come naturally that people will start both TURNING TO the military for hope, and also SHAMING the military about what appears to be collaboration with the Bidenazis.

This is the normal course upon descent into tyrannical, illegitimate, irresponsible, or corrupt civilian government.


“I see the current situation as a two-player chess game, and I don’t think time-pressuring the better side over simple demands is useful.”


I’m sure they want us to see it that way.

As long as we expect nothing of them, they can provide us exactly that.

The longer We the People are frozen, unable to act because the military won’t declare its allegiance to anyone (btw, ‘preciate it…) the longer the traitors who hijacked our country have to consolidate their power.

So we’re right back to the same game we played for the last four years.

How did that work out for us?

How did that Huber report turn out?

How about the Durham indictments?

How about the Weiner laptop, the Hitlery servers, the Hunter Biden laptop?

How about the proof of 4-year long coup attempt?

We were strung along for FOUR YEARS. The payoff was watching our President be driven out of office and the Republic handed over to a Chi-com puppet.

Are we going to have this same discussion four years from now? Just wait a little longer, the 2026 midterms are only two more years away, the military certainly will make their move by then?

It’s sad.

It’s the same problem we had from the 1st day of the Trump administration.

Nobody wanted to put a timetable on success, with the bar for success being so low that arresting ANY of the traitors would have been a boost for morale that couldn’t even be measured.

And we got squat. Zero, zip, zilch, nada, nothing.

They gave us NOTHING.

ZERO justice.

And what did that do?

It emboldened the enemy within, exponentially.

The goal posts were moved every four weeks, for four years straight. Right up to the morning of January 20th.

And then, nothing.

And now we’re at T plus 9 days and counting, open-ended.

As I said many times during the last four years, I didn’t care what the date was, but pick a date, and then stick to it, don’t keep moving the goal posts.

And here we are, with the goal posts mounted on greased sleds for them, and we don’t even know who is on our side, if anyone who has the power to end this farce is on our side, at all.

So how long do we go?

How long do we stay in limbo, knowing with certainty that we are losing critical time while the enemy consolidates power and enacts Executive Orders and unconstitutional laws against us?

How much time do we have to lose, now that all three branches of the government are lost?

There is plenty we can do, but we are paralyzed into inaction, so long as the military’s allegiance remains undeclared.

At what point does their lack of candor speak for itself?

If no time is ever set, then at some point we will have gone down just like our military appears to have done, without a fight.

I don’t know how they sleep at night, or show their faces in the day.

And I don’t want to find out.

The simple fact is that if the military is on our side — as I believe they are — then they would be encouraged to know that even if they crap out, there are plenty of us who aren’t going to accept the chains of our enemies.

If I was in the military, and being held back for whatever reason, I would be proud that my countrymen were getting pissed off enough to take matters into their own hands.

So I’m not worried about the military (active or retired) taking my words the wrong way. Nobody supports our military more than MAGA patriots.

But we have no idea what leadership is doing, if they are doing anything, at all.

Whether they are or they aren’t, we can be sure they’ve made some kind of calculation about how long they can draw this out, without declaring whose side they’re on, before the People decide it’s time to save themselves.

We should make that calculation too.


Scott, in 2019 you said something along the lines of “We should figure out what God wants and do that”

That is the smartest thing that you have ever said. It contains the answer. They took us down with spiritual warfare (there is no other kind, actually – everything a human does comes from the spirits within) – they “infected” our countrymen with communism. Look at that strategy and turn it around on them.

This war is going to be so easy to win, you’re gonna laugh.

That is what God wants you to do. And he has told you how. You just won’t listen until you have no other option.


“This war is going to be so easy to win, you’re gonna laugh.
That is what God wants you to do.”


He wants me to laugh?


And he has told you how. You just won’t listen until you have no other option.”


I have no idea what that means. I would listen if He would just tell me, but in my experience, at least up until now, it doesn’t work that way. Since apparently He told you, how about you tell me?

I can read the manual, but I didn’t see a chapter on beating Marxists into plowshares.

Here am I. If God wants me to save the Republic, this movie is about to get really interesting… but for the rest of you, please make sure your seat is in the upright position and your seat belt is on, because I predict there’s gonna be some turbulence… 👍 😁


“They took us down with spiritual warfare (there is no other kind, actually – everything a human does comes from the spirits within) – they “infected” our countrymen with communism. Look at that strategy and turn it around on them.”


I was going to infect them all with individualism, but it turns out that individualism is much rarer than I thought it was…

I guess there’s always vaxx… 😂 🤣 😂


Philadelphia baby, philadelphia …. Individualism, with God’s twist ….

That is all I’m giving you, for now. Let’s finish waiting for the cavalry, then its our war, and I plan to win it.


We also have had fear used against us highly successfully with no consequences to them.

The ability to use fear against them is closing rapidly. In fact, you can see and hear in their every action and word how they expect the use of fear to be employed against them, and they are trying (again highly successfully) to undermine its use. They expect it to be used because it is the most logical weapon to use.

Their bottom line belief is that we do not have the courage or the acumen. They may be right.

Last edited 3 years ago by Tonawanda

Let me put it this way. If I am having unprecedented thoughts which I would NEVER act upon, there are many who are having those same thoughts with no sense of restraint.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed. SIGH.


The military ain’t going to do squat. The USA is a constitutional republic, by and for the people. The military follow the chain of command – their boss is the CIC, your not so awesome new POTUS. An election was held, it was disputed – all the way to the Supreme Court.

YOU, via your elected POTUS, DJT, got to seat THREE supremes. THREE!!! Finally giving the conservatives the constitutional bulwark against progressive insanity. And they all said that Winnie’s Pooh won.

Get that – the supreme court that YOU picked said that YOU LOST!!!

We cheered those three judges. Not enough winning, we chanted. The military ain’t stupid. You cannot cry fowl now – you got your chance and WE CHOSE POORLY!!!!

This mess is OURS to fix – WE made this bed, and WE gotta fix it.


“The military ain’t going to do squat.”


I am still confident they are, possibly as soon as tomorrow. Think about what has been going on. For nearly 10 days, they have played a game where nobody can be sure what in the world they’re doing.

That is not an easy position to maintain, and it cannot go on indefinitely.


“The USA is a constitutional republic, by and for the people.”


That has always been the rumor.

Whenever I looked closely though, I’ve never been able to reconcile the facts on the ground with the story.


“The military follow the chain of command – their boss is the CIC, your not so awesome new POTUS.”


Unless he’s actually not.

That’s the problem with keeping We the People in the dark. JB knows if it’s all BS, our enemies abroad know if it’s all BS, and the military certainly knows if it’s all BS about to come to an end — but as always, We don’t.

So for better or worse (it’s worse, it’s always worse), we’re on our own. As I said yesterday, I have no idea what we even pay the military for, it’s their job to prevent the country from being taken over by a foreign power, not to figure out how to fix it after the fact.


“An election was held, it was disputed – all the way to the Supreme Court.
YOU, via your elected POTUS, DJT, got to seat THREE supremes. THREE!!!


Yep, and I wasn’t thrilled with any of them. Not a single one is a hard-ass hanging judge. They all have that queasy, touchy-feely PC demeanor. Or what American Thinker referred to as ‘ruling class’ background.

I don’t know why DJT chose them. I want to believe that he knew they were spineless cheese-weasels and would do exactly what they did, and that’s what he wanted them to do, because he wanted things to be exactly as they are right now, as he waits for the right moment to flip the whole world upside down.

But that narrative is getting awfully long in the tooth.


“Finally giving the conservatives the constitutional bulwark against progressive insanity. And they all said that Winnie’s Pooh won.
Get that – the supreme court that YOU picked said that YOU LOST!!!”


Yes, and we don’t know whether they were instructed to go that way, or whether the case was intentionally presented by DJT’s attorneys (according to DJT’s wishes) to get them to reject the case, so we could end up at exactly this position, or not.

As it has been from the beginning, either DJT is a clueless idiot who can’t tie his own shoes, or he is as smart as we think he is.

I’m still sure he’s as smart as we think he is.

But I’m not enjoying the third act of his movie nearly as much since January 20th as I was before January 20th.


“We cheered those three judges. Not enough winning, we chanted.”


Not me. I went along grudgingly, because I didn’t have any other choice.


“The military ain’t stupid.”


Hey now… you don’t know that for sure… 😂🤣😂


“You cannot cry fowl now – you got your chance and WE CHOSE POORLY!!!!”


Absolutely we can and DO cry foul, when the election is stolen, and it wasn’t just stolen by domestic inbred traitors, it was stolen with direct intervention by LOTS of foreign governments, both adversaries and so-called allies alike.

That is WAY beyond any choices we made.

If there was ever a situation that qualified for direct military intervention, this is it, times infinity.

We did our job.

And THEN some.

We came through, BIGLY.

Domestic traitors and foreign adversaries took actions which ONLY the military is equipped (and tasked, frankly) to deal with.

So the ball is in their court.

They just won’t hit it… yet.

The ball is just hanging there in the air, like someone hit pause.


“This mess is OURS to fix – WE made this bed, and WE gotta fix it.”


I think it’s very specifically the military’s mess to fix.

We did everything we were supposed to do, and everything that we could do.

The enemy did everything they could do (and then some), too.

The only party that has NOT done all they could do, is the military.

And about that, I can only say one thing…



I’m giving you the ten days of a darkness, then I’m officially all out of hopium and the Trusty Plan will be consigned to my garbage disposal.

Then we are going to get the world to go where it must go – and I have my own plan ….


i agree with you.
a) if there is no plan, then REALPOTUS is a feckless imposter.
b) if there is a plan, and it was subverted by the cabal, see a) above
c) if there’s a plan, and it needs a few more days to ripen, I’m still in.

I cannot accept a). b leads to a) same result. I am therefore resigned to c.

if none of these things pan out…hell breaks loose.

Deplorable Patriot

Don’t look now, but almost all of the national monument webcams in Washington are out of service.



We are living inside a beast system. I’ve known this most of my life. I know that most of the world lives under that pyramid. i know what it is like to be poor and know that no one really gives a damn higher up the chain. Oh they tell you about all these great programs and such and not a one is there to give hand up just a swift kick in the butt and move on cur. most of us work through our troubles and pray a lot others do not. we have children of the beast and children of God. my Grandma used to tell me I didn’t conform to my parents will like my siblings did that was why I was always in but being a non conformist has served me well through my life, leaving the matrix was not hard once I saw it for what it was, a prison and a lie I didn’t want to be caged in.
I will not conform to the faux president nor his administration and if they come for me so be it I will die knowing that was how it was meant to be. Gods home is much better anyway! peace to all this day.



Deplorable Patriot

With the main street vs. Wall Street drama this week, I’d say mass resistance and action is happening. Just not armed insurrection.


IMO, a SOLID civilian leadership IS a MUST to execute the military option. President, VP, SecDef, SoS…

That would have, to have left happened 20 January, or earlier.

IF it was ever really in the cards, pence folded that hand 6 January.

Military is civilian run. They are not to blame.

Harry Lime

“Military is civilian run. They are not to blame.”

As far as I’m concerned the Military is civilian run until those civilians are illegally installed with massive and direct help from foreign powers. If this stands, then YES, the Military is to blame. And they will never live it down until every single one of the Military leaders are replaced with Patriots.

Sylvia Avery

You just can’t make this stuff up. Peter Strzok’s wife has been promoted to Director of the Division of Enforcement at the SEC

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The whole thing is BS. All corrupt.

Sylvia Avery

They don’t even try to hide the corruption. It’s all so in your face. Like they are rubbing our noses in it to humiliate us.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. “Four masks and an anal swab for you, peons!”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks, but UGH – these folks always lose me at “succession”!!!

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup, their “edumecation” ain’t up to it ……

Deplorable Patriot

If Texas leaves, what about the rest of us?


Communists always support secession movts in their target states. Catalan, Basque, IRA. Good, bad, indifferent – doesn’t matter, let ’em all bleed out.

Sylvia Avery

Nobody’s getting near my fine white ass. That’s what the shovel’s for. 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Sylvia Avery

Good thing!!! Gotta protect YOUR fine white ass, too! No swabs!!! 🤣🤣🤣👍

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Sylvia Avery



“Yup. “Four masks and an anal swab for you, peons!””


Throw in a pear tree, and we can make a Christmas song out of it.


Now I ask , why should they hide there corruption? they have never been punished for it. they have been allowed to run roughshod over the world for hundreds of years. they have no fear of the gallows for treason, no fear of prison for there evil deeds. they are all out in the open with corruption because they believe they are untouchable at this point .So where do we go for justice? where do we go for a redress of this? do we stand and watch as the country burns or do we gather ourselves up for battle? its really up to us and no one has to be us the people who say enough and figure out a way from this. winter of darkness has indeed come. although i think of it as a judgment from the Lord himself, because I dont really know what else it could be.


Is Lisa Page going to be her assistant? Asking for a friend.

Sylvia Avery

*giggle snort*


Definitely not her assistant.

Lisa Page is a mud-wrestling champion.


Peter Strzok’s wife has been promoted to Director of the Division of Enforcement at the SEC


That has to be a disappointment, she was angling for Director of FibDoj Infidelity Surveillance.

She and Lisa Page were supposed to mud-wrestle for it.

I guess Lisa beat her again.

That’s gotta frost her bottom.

Sylvia Avery

Nice, Scott!


OK, I resisted until I saw Lisa Page mentioned below.

Wonder who Strokz’s wench, Meilssa banged to get ahead.

Peter? Nah. Melissa went for a twofer. She got as good as she gave.

It’s the way of the swamp.



It’s All Connected : Thousands Give Robinhood Negative Reviews, Google Then Strikes Back




eat your peas


you had me right up to “eat your peas”
I happen to like peas…LOL
thanks for the laugh smiley!


Why do they not make whole pea soup? Nothing but split pea soup.


many ppl do make whole pea soup, and actually prefer it…

2 possible reasons why we just don’t hear about Whole Pea Soup like we do Split Pea Soup…

👉 dried whole peas are harder to find in many areas, and…

👉 whole pea soup takes longer to cook (have to soak the whole peas).

but it’s creamier than split pea and it thickens nicely after it’s made.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK, grandma! the War Room videos are UP.


the wheel is spinning…
comment image

…but the hamster’s … not.


Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2

Did somebody say boobies?


levels of hell..
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Lemon Drop Martini with Limoncello🍸


only serious non-snark comment I’ve made so far.


The Lemon Party…

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Bring It On Corn Pop



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

[video src="" /]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Biden preparing for Clintonism and fealty to the NWO.

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I’ll bet Robinette didn’t write that…it’s way too eloquent for him.

In April 1992 people were thinking that GHWBush was going to win reelection.
And it looked like AlGore might win the Dem nomination.

That year, the NWO had a candidate on both sides.
A situation that continued…until Trump became the R-nominee.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I had the same thought – no way Biden wrote that – even though it’s not that good, quite honestly.


Probably written by some CFR operative…who was trying really hard to be eloquent.

The title strikes me as a takeoff on the Dr. Strangelove movie, ‘How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb’.

People were declaring that the “Cold War is Over” back then.
It wasn’t…but people were declaring that.

The Dems were using that to cut funding for our military and call it a ‘peace dividend’…which they promptly spent on pet projects.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love the “APPEAL TO HEAVEN” patch!!! 😍

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

On Gab, “L” a.k.a. “SomeBitchIKnow” referred to a “hate speech researcher” as a “nerd”, and another poster said that in Europe, the person would be called a Nazi.

That is where I jumped in.

At the end of this is a very important point.

Wolf Moon

@LuluBowen @SomeBitchIKnow 


Most people in America don’t realize what the Nazi German culture was actually like – how “everyday snitchy Soviet” the Nazi-compliant German culture was, because the American Fake News / Fake Entertainment complex, similar to Nazi propaganda, teaches a myth that spares our Bolsheviks of both the original responsibility for inciting a reaction, AND for many of them having eagerly joined in the socialism (except, of course, the Jews, who could not).

That myth sanctifies leftists at the expense of equally mythical omnipresent jackbooted white males in uniform as the oppressors and enforcers. Far from it. Based on what my mother taught me, American mask Karens everywhere, putting the fear in less-than-compliant neighbors, are the closest thing to the Nazi reality. Fear of being called out for not going along with the stupid over-reaching and ever-changing “orders” was the driver of society. Precious few jackboots are needed under those circumstances, and in fact, knowing how to NAVIGATE the bureaucracy to avoid paper peril was the key to survival.

It was the massive “we must all go along” by incipient Karens who could snitch others to literal DEATH that created the culture of fear – not the boys with Lugers.

I call them Bidenazis for a reason. When open defiance is gone, we are totally screwed. That is why GAB is so important. Your LIVES depend on Gab – I kid you not.

1 comment
1 repost


Been listening to John Batchelor and the author of Black Earth discussing the book, which is about the Hitler ‘final solution’. Amazing how much America 2021 is using the template of the Nazis. I am on a quest to find a copy without using doctor evil.


TPTB are using the Nazi template. Matters not what we think we are.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is an important point. I need you to think about the following, because you may see answers – societal answers.

They’re trying to figure ways around that. That is what the mask stuff is about. Forcing compliance and snitchiness BOTH.

A lot of “trying to figure out how to get stuff past society” went on during the Nazis, actually – something I didn’t realize until more recent readings. They had MANY, MANY discussions of how to handle not just Jews but even more so the Christians, since there were MORE of them.

Even with the Jews, there is something they did to divide and conquer, which was VERY sneaky. People who were “half-Jewish” or less (and the Nazis had complicated ways of determining this – it was all RACIAL) were told they were “OK”. My mother was classified as racially impure on her AMERICAN parentage, which to a large extent was an automatic “look squirrel” away from questions about her European background, as well as a “look squirrel” on her Masonic family, Jewish family, and hidden deformity problems, the latter of which was probably the most serious risk – instant euthanasia.

So the Nazis would be “generous” with enough people that THOSE people would visibly go along with the system. It creates DIVISION, SILENCE, SUSPICION, and SCATTERING rather than UNITY OF CONFRONTATION.

In other cases the Nazis would literally “not see” a classification violation in order to get compliance. THAT is what the Bidenazis are doing with facial recognition on Trump “goodbye” rally attendees. “Ah, I see you’re a domestic extremist, but – a quick interview – no problem – your papers are in order – you’re OK – have a nice day – [unstated: we’re keeping an eye on you].”

They will use it to get people to go quiet about their backing of Trump. It’s SICK, but it works.

This kind of thing prevents SOLIDARITY, like the Danes who ALL wore Stars of David to tell the Nazis they would not comply.

With the Christians, they made sure that they didn’t provoke solid resistance by ALL Christians. They created ways to lull the clergy, mollify concerns of believers, rationalize compliance, etc. It was very piecemeal, but very strongly thought out. It looked like the Nazis did nothing about Christians, but the truth was, they did a LOT, and made sure it was right for every sect and denomination. The Nazis needed Christians to “sheep out”, and they worked very hard to “anesthetize” them.

That is exactly what we’re seeing now, actually, in our various churches.

WE have to watch out for this. The Bidenazis will try to split us. People who get “let off” have to say “no – I’m with the rest. WWG1WGA.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is GOOD NEWS. We have a LOT of strategic options this way! Excellent news.


Some are predicting Biden Faux Administration will:

-put taxes on stock trades.
-bail out hedge funds losses

Here are some hedge fund China connections:

“During the 2008 financial crisis, Ken Griffin’s Citadel Group received $200M of taxpayer funded AIG bailout –

Another hedge fund received $200M bailout was DNC/Clinton Foundation donor Donald Sussman’s Paloma Partner.

Both have deep financial ties to China. Griffin has a HQ in Shanghai. Sussman founded New China Capital, co-founder Paul Wolanski has registered FARA as agent of China.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These people are blankety-blank EVIL.


Sofa king evil.


ahhhhh…a reminder of my youth…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Evil Sofa King? Yeah, I knew that guy!  😉 

The girls would always say “I know he’s terrible and I know he’s just using me, but……. I CAN’T HELP MYSELF HE’S GORGEOUS!”  🙄  LOL!

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, they are parasites, and they need to be bled dry.

Starting here, though, is turnabout is fair play.

They’re being stuck by the people they’ve been sticking for decades.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Wolf Moon

Maintaining Twitter was probably the easiest CEO job in the world, yet Choomer Rasputin managed to tank his autopilot ride by going along with a stupid, crazy and unworkable plot to make people not talk about an obviously stolen election.



ICYMI….and speaking of climates changing and that super great reset…and how they need to get it all done really quick…bcause only 9 years left etc etc etc…

here’s Biten’s new Climate Czar John F’ing Kerry from last November 2020…

explaining how Climate is such an amazing opportunity !

if you can stomach it, watch Czar Kerry here…


Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LIES, LIES, and more LIES – I won’t even watch these GIMPS spout their BULLSHIT.

Their PROGRAMMED bullshit.


it’s all just soo F’ing pathetic…

and the rib kicker : BIDEN DIDN’T WIN.


the guy with the PRIVATE plane? lecturing me on climate…I think not, thanks




Aha … mangling a quote by Gen. William Waste-More-Land. Good job, grandmaintexas.


𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A great reminder that not only did Joe Biden not win, but THIS is how they stole the election, and that people need to go to jail for it.

[video src="" /]


was it Schumer who gaffed it recently calling it an erection…??

fake news maybe ??

conspiracy theory ??

gender confusion ??

wishful thinking ??


or maybe, and stay with me here, he’s used to election sounding like erection because his chinese masters SAY IT THAT WAY…


👉🙌🆙  :wpds_lol: 




Camel Ho Gets It 👀

Fortune Cookie Say..

🙌  :wpds_shock: 




Isn’t this the video that Pres Trump retweeted…that resulted in him being banned from twitter?

I think it is.

JackBoot has been scrubbing this video from Twitter ever since.


Thank you…I thought so.

And you’re right:

𝕵𝖔𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖉𝖎𝖉𝖓’𝖙 𝖜𝖎𝖓.


Got the video link for this?


I have reached the conclusion after 4 years of believing that justice was finally here, no one will be punished in any way. Sorry if it sounds defeatist, its not its called looking reality in the face and understanding the finality of it at this point. could things turn a different way? yes, the question is will they. because I am not seeing it at this point .We have the whole Fing O administration back in power to finish off their 16 year plan against us .lovely, just lovely.


“We haven’t finished yet.”


Biden is heading to Walter Reed today.


his HEALTH check up?
for his mental check up, they’ll have to do a McD’s drive thru run…he’s a few fries short of a happy meal




We all know that.




So they ‘discover’ Biden’s dementia and Kamala is Fake President – who does she choose as her Fake VP? Why Hillrotten, of course.

Last edited 3 years ago by GA/FL

and MISSED by millions!


False data: Minnesota legislators demand audit for inflated coronavirus deaths
Reports from mainstream media show that the pandemic has claimed over 400,000
American lives, but some legislators tell a different story.

On Tuesday, Dec. 29, two Minnesota state representatives revealed that death totals have been inflated in the state. During an interview on “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Republican Reps. Mary Franson and Scott Jensen demanded an audit to clarify the matter.


Speaking of stocks…. Bed Bath and Beyond stock dropped 36% since cancelling My Pillow products.


Speaking of mending fences
A private meeting between the two men at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort signaled a remarkable turnaround in the former president’s stature among elected Republicans In the immediate aftermath of the insurrection Trump inspired, the idea that he would enjoy any sort of kingmaker role in his post-presidency seemed highly unlikely.
But following an initial wave of condemnation, Republicans appear to be warming toward Trump, fully aware that his supporters are poised to punish anyone who displays disloyalty. With that in mind, party leaders are working to keep Trump in the fold as they focus on retaking the House and Senate in 2022.

hell no
shit no
f**k no


bless their hearts…they think THEY’RE keeping Trump in THEIR fold….bwahahahahahaha.
he allows them in his…soon they will realize this.


Very significant – McCarthy came to Trump hat in hand – NOT VICE VERSA!

Trump still has the power, polls.


and is using it within the Republican Party.



Never did it for Tiffany, Ivanka or Baron for that matter but, in the first week….

— I don’t know how to load a pic>

— kid looks metro-sexual and novo-commie wannabe


Creepy lost soul.


They are all into ‘androgyny’ and 56 gender insanity propaganda.



“…there’s a cheekiness and joy she exudes…”

is there no end to the bullshit ??


Nope, why I ignore it all except maybe to wonder why .

Deplorable Patriot

Relatively flat chested size 2. Again.

The rest of us will be back in potato sacks for clothing.

Sylvia Avery

Saw another picture of her with her arm raised. Hairy pits.😒



Sylvia Avery

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Did you read the comments on those two pics?

cuddle bunny love pad
quit being so cute and follow me please

crochety old lady

Empty eyes. She really does not seem to have this “ cheekiness and joy “


on the plus side…there’s our name for her… hairy pits

Sylvia Avery

Apparently she does enjoy the fiber arts. Looks like she crochets….
comment image


does she use body hair to crochet?

Sylvia Avery

Oh dear heaven!!!! 😂😂😂😂


Please OMG you’re gorgeous



she’s schizophrenic…it’s her lesbian half posting that shit…


In many parts of the world women do not shave their armpits.
I never did until I came here also legs.
This is only ugly or offensive until someone tells you it is.
If she does not want to shave it is her right to choose until she has to shave for modeling.
I do not know how old she is but already she looks used up.


Is that anything like learning to code?


Nothing wrong with that UNTIL you start modeling. Then it’s yucky.


She’s like the poster girl for ‘𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚋𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝚏𝚊𝚌𝚎‘.

Yeah, it’s a thing.


wheatie, you are SOOOO bad.


Also looks like she had a second trimester abortion OR she has birthed a child.


Fits right in with lgxyz crowd. SPIT!


Trump kids never needed to be promoted they are self starters
She has many male features but it could be because she is so thin?.
